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• describe and explain the roles of water in
living organisms and as an environment for
• describe the ring forms of α-glucose and β-
• describe the formation and breakage of a
glycosidic bond with reference both to
polysaccharides and to disaccharides including
• carry out tests for reducing and non-reducing
sugars (including using colour standards as a
semi-quantitative use of the Benedict’s test);
• describe the molecular structure of
polysaccharides including starch (amylose and
amylopectin), glycogen and cellulose and
relate these structures to their functions in
living organisms;
• carry out the iodine in potassium iodide
solution test for starch;
• describe the molecular structure of a
triglyceride and a phospholipid and relate
these structures to their functions in living
• carry out the emulsion test for lipids
• describe the structure of an amino acid and
the formation and breakage of a peptide
• carry out the biuret test for proteins;
• explain the meaning of the terms primary
structure, secondary structure, tertiary structure
and quaternary structure of proteins and describe
the types of bonding (hydrogen, ionic, disulfide
and hydrophobic interactions) that hold the
molecule in shape;
• describe the molecular structure of haemoglobin
as an example of a globular protein, and of
collagen as an example of a fibrous protein and
relate these structures to their functions (the
importance of iron in the haemoglobin molecule
should be emphasised);
describe and explain the roles of water in living organisms and as an environment for
• Most important biochemical – life would not
exist without it
• Major component of all cells (70 – 95%);
humans 60%
• Provides an environment for water organisms
• Three quarters of the planet is covered in
• The attractive force between the hydrogen
attached to an electronegative atom of one
molecule and an electronegative atom of a
different molecule
• The hydrogen, which has a partial positive
charge tries to find another atom of oxygen or
nitrogen with excess electrons to share and is
attracted to the negative partial charge – this
forms basis for the hydrogen bond
• Because oxygen has two lone pairs, two
different hydrogen bonds can be made to each
• Hydrogen bonding is usually stronger than
normal dipole forces between molecules but
not as strong as normal covalent bonds within
a molecule
• It is strong enough to have many important
ramifications on the properties of water
a closer look at WATER
• Thanks to hydrogen bonding water has
– a relatively high boiling point,
– high specific heat capacity,
– high surface tension and
– high latent heat of vaporisation
– Water is a good solvent due to its polarity
• When an ionic or polar compound enters water, it is
surrounded by water molecules
• The relatively small size of water molecules typically
allows many water molecules to surround one
molecule of solute
• The partially negative dipoles of the water are attracted
to positively charged components of the solute and vice
• Ionic and polar substances (e.g. acids, alcohols, salts)
are easily soluble in water
• Nonpolar substances (e.g. fats, oils) are not soluble.
Their molecules stay together in water because it is
energetically more favourable for the water molecules
to hydrogen bond to each other than to engage in van
der Waals interactions with non polar molecules
• Depending on the relative electronegativities of the
two atoms sharing electrons, there might be partial
transfer of electron density from one atom to another
• When the electronegativities are not equal, electrons
are not shared equally and partial ionic charges develop
Difference between polar and non-polar
• Depending on the relative electronegativities of the
two atoms sharing electrons, there might be partial
transfer of electron density from one atom to another
• When the electronegativities are not equal, electrons
are not shared equally and partial ionic charges develop
– Polar covalent bonds – bonds that are partially ionic
– Nonpolar covalent bonds – bonds with equal sharing of the
bond electrons, arise when the electronegativities of the two
atoms are equal
How water dissolves salt
– Water is the transport medium in blood, in
lymphatic, excretory and digestive systems of
animals, and in vascular tissues of plants
– Hydrogen bonding restricts the movement of
water molecules – relatively large amount of
energy is needed to raise the temperature of
water – slow environmental change in oceans and
lakes = more stable habitats
– Solid form is less dense then liquid form
– Below 4 degrees the density of water starts to
decrease – ice floats on water and insulates the
water underneath
– Changes in density of water with temperature
causes currents – maintaince of circulation of
nutrients in ocean
– Water molecules have very high cohesion – they
tend to stick together
– High cohesion results in high surface tension at
the surface of water – important for small
organisms such as pond skaters
– It is used as reagent in photosynthesis – hydrogen
is used to provide energy for making glucose,
oxygen is source for the atmosphere
• Most common elements in living organisms:
– Hydrogen
– Carbon – is important because carbon atoms can
join together to form long chains or ring
structures; all organic molecules contain carbon
– Oxygen
– Nitrogen
• Macromolecule – giant molecule;
polysaccharides, proteins and nucleic acids
• Polymers – made of many repeating subunits
that are similar or identical; cellulose and
rubber, polyester, PVC
• Monomers – subunits of polymers that are
joined together; monosaccharides, amino
acids and nucleotides
• Contain C, H and O
• General formula:
• Divided into three groups:
– Monosaccharides
– Disaccharides
– Polysaccharides
• Are sugars – dissolve easily in water to form
sweet solutions
• General formula: (CH2O)n
• Consist of a single sugar molecule; name
always ends with -ose
• Main types:
– Trioses (3C) - glyceraldehyde
– Pentoses (5C) – ribose, deoxiribose
– Hexoses (6C) – glucose, fructose
– Molecular formula: C6H12O6
- Structural formula:
• Ring structures
– Chain of carbon atoms
is long enough to close
up on itself and form a
more stable ring
– Carbon atom 1 joins to
the oxygen on carbon
atom 5
– The ring contains
oxygen and carbon
atom 6 is not part of
the ring
• The hydroxyl group (-OH) on carbon atom 1
may be above or below the plane of the ring
– α-glucose (below)
– β-glucose (above)
• Roles of monosaccharides
– Source of energy in respiration
• Carbon-hydrogen bonds can be broken to release a lot
of energy which is transferred to help make ATP from
ADP and phosphate
– Building blocks for larger molecules
• Glucose is used to make starch, glycogen and cellulose
• Ribose is used to make RNA and ATP
• Deoxyribose is used to make DNA
LO: describe the formation and breakage of a
glycosidic bond with reference both to
polysaccharides and to disaccharides including
• Are sugars
• They are formed by two monosaccharides
joining together
– Maltose (glucose + glucose)
– Sucrose (glucose + fructose) – transport sugar in
plants and the sugar commonly bought in shops
– Lactose (glucose + galactose) – is the sugar found
in milk
Formation of disaccharides
• Condensation
– Two hydroxyle groups line up alongside each other
– One combines with a hydrogen atom from the
other to form a water molecule
– Oxygen bridge is formed between the two
• Hydrolysis
– Reverse of condensation
– Addition of water
– Takes place during digestion of disaccharides and
polysaccharides – they are broken down to
• describe the molecular structure of
polysaccharides including starch (amylose and
amylopectin), glycogen and cellulose and
relate these structures to their functions in
living organisms;
• Polymers whose subunits are monosaccharides
• Are NOT sugars
• Made by joining many monosaccharide
molecules by condensation
• May be several thousand monosaccharide units
long, forming a macromolecule
• Most important:
– starch,
– Glycogen
– cellulose
• Source of glucose
– Glucose is very reactive and soluble, makes the
contents of cell too concentrated = has to be
stored in other form
= polysaccharide which is compact, inert and
- starch in plants
- glycogen in animals
• Amylose + amylopectin
• Amylose
– Condensation between α-glucose molecules
– Long unbranching chain of several thousand 1,4
linked glucose molecules
– The chains are curved and coiled up to helical
• Amylopectin
– made of many 1,4 linked α-glucose molecules
– Chains are shorter than in amylose and branch out
to the sides
– Branches are formed by 1,6 linkages
• Amylase and amylopectin build up into large
starch grains, found in chloroplasts and in
storage organs (potato tubers, seeds of cereals
and legumes)
• Starch is never found in animal cells
• Is like amylopectin – made of 1,4 linked α-
glucose with 1,6 linkages forming branches
• More branched than amylopectin molecules
• Glycogen molecules clump together to form
granules which are visible in liver cells and
muscle cells
• Form energy reserve
• Most abundant organic molecule on the
• In plant cell walls
• Slow rate of breakdown in nature
• Mechanically strong
• Polymer of β-glucose and α-glucose
• In the β-isomer, the OH group on carbon atom 1
projects above the ring
• In order to form glycosidic bond with carbon
atom 4 where the OH group is below the ring,
one glucose molecule must be upside down
relative to the other
– successive glucose units are linked at 180°
 strong molecule as atoms of OH are
attracted to oxygen atoms in the same
cellulose molecule (hydrogen bonds)
• 60 – 70 cellulose molecules become tightly
cross-linked to form bundles = microfibrils
– These are held together in bundles called fibres by
hydrogen bonding
• describe the molecular structure of a
triglyceride and a phospholipid
• relate these structures to their functions in
living organisms;
• Diverse group of chemicals
• Most common are triglycerides = fats (solid)
and oils (liquid)
• Made of three fatty acid molecules with one
glycerol molecule
– Fatty acids have –COOH group attached
– Glycerol is alcohol
• Fatty acids joins to glycerol by a condensation
reaction – fatty acid + glycerol = glyceride
• Insoluble in water; soluble in ether,
chloroform and ethanol – due to the long
hydrocarbon tails of fatty acids
• Non-polar and hydrophobic
• Unsaturated
– Have double bonds between neighbouring carbon
atoms: -C=C-; they do not contain the maximum
possible amount of hydrogen
– Double bonds make lipids melt more easily (most
oils are unsaturated)
– If there’s more than one double bond –
polyunsaturated, if there’s one double bond –
– Plant lipids
• Saturated
– Animal lipids,
– No double bonds
Roles of triglycerides
• Energy reserve – contain many carbon-
hydrogen bonds – higher caloric value than
• It is stored below the dermis of the skin and
around the kidneys
• Insulator against loss of heat
• Whales – buoyancy
• Metabolic source of water – desert kangaroo
rat (never drinks water)
• Each molecule has one end which is soluble in
water – one of the fatty acids is replaced by a
phosphate group which is polar – hydrophilic
• Important function in membranes
Protein Structure & Function
What are proteins?
• Proteins are made up of C, H, O, N and some S
and P
• Proteins are the building blocks of life
• There are millions of different proteins
• Proteins are the most abundant molecules in
• Proteins make up more than 50% of a cell’s
dry mass
What do proteins do?
Proteins perform a wide range of biological functions:
• As enzymes they catalyse reactions.
• Carrier proteins transport molecules across
• Antibodies defend against disease.
• Structural proteins support cells and tissues.
• Hormones transmit information.
• Transport proteins such as haemoglobin carry oxygen.
• Contractile proteins enable muscles to contract.
How do proteins do all this?
Proteins can carry out all these different
functions because each different protein has a
specific molecular shape which enables the
protein to do its job.
It is structure of a protein that allows it to carry
out its function.
So, what goes into a protein?
• Proteins are polymer molecules.
• The monomer molecules making up proteins
are called amino acids.
• There are 20 different naturally occurring
amino acids.
• There are over 100,000 combinations of
amino acids forming known proteins.
What is an amino acid?
All amino acids have the same general structure:
• A carboxyl group (-COOH)
• An amino group (-NH2) attached to a C atom
• A variable group called R
It is the R group that differs from one amino acid
to another
Are all amino acids ‘equal’?
No, of the 20 naturally occurring amino acids 8
are known as ‘essential amino acids’. These 8
cannot be synthesised by the body and must
be obtained from the diet.
The remaining 12 can be synthesised by the
Joining amino acids together
When amino acids join together, they do so by a
condensation reaction.
This means one water molecule is removed,
using the
OH group from the carboxyl group of one
amino acid, and one H from the amino group
of another.
The resulting bond is called a peptide bond.
• Two amino acids joined together form a
• Three amino acids joined together form a
• A polypeptide is made up of many amino acids
joined together.
• When a polypeptide bonds with other
polypeptides it forms a protein containing
thousands of amino acids.
Proteins have 4 structural levels.
Proteins are big, complicated, 3-dimensional
The structure is described in four ‘levels’:
• Primary
• Secondary
• Tertiary
• Quaternary
Primary structure
• The primary structure of a protein is the
sequence of amino acids in the chain.
• The primary structure determines the
eventual shape of the protein, hence its
Secondary structure
• The amino acids in the primary structure of a
protein do not lie flat and straight.
• Hydrogen bonds form between the amino
acids in the chain.
• This makes the protein coil into an a helix or
fold into a b pleated sheet.
• This is the secondary structure.
Tertiary structure
• The coiled or folded chains often coil or fold
• More bonds form due to interactions between
the R-groups of the polypeptide chain.
• This is called the tertiary structure.
• For proteins formed from a single polypeptide
chain this is the final 3D structure of the
Quaternary structure
• Some proteins are made up of several
polypeptide chains held together by bonds.
• The quaternary structure is how these chains
are put together.
• The best known example is haemoglobin,
which is made of four polypeptide chains
bonded together. For proteins such as
haemoglobin, the quaternary structure
determines the final 3D structure.
Protein bonds
The four structural levels in proteins are held together by
different bonds:
• Peptide bonds (primary)
• Hydrogen bonds (secondary and tertiary)
• Ionic bonds (tertiary)
• Disulphide bonds (tertiary)
• Hydrophobic and hydrophilic interactions (tertiary)
• Quaternary structure depends on the tertiary structure
of the individual polypeptides, and so is influenced by
all these bond types.
Types of protein
• There are two different types of protein and they
are different shapes. The shape of a protein
molecule is related to its function.
• Globular proteins – these are round, compact and
easily soluble so they can be transported in fluids.
Examples are haemoglobin and enzymes.
• Fibrous proteins – these are tough and rope-
shaped. They tend to be found in connective
tissues such as tendons. Collagen is an example
of a fibrous protein.
• Haemoglobin is a globular protein.
• It’s structure is curled up so that hydrophilic
side chains face outwards and hydrophobic
side chains face inwards.
• This makes haemoglobin soluble and
therefore good for transport in the blood.
• Collagen is made of three polypeptide chains,
tightly coiled in a strong triple helix.
• The chains are interlinked by strong covalent
• Minerals can bind to the triple helix to
increase its strength.
Bonds in proteins
• Hydrogen bonds
– Form between strongly polar groups (-NH, -CO, -
• Disulfide bonds
– Form between cysteine molecules, strong covalent
bonds, can be broken by reducing agents
– oxidation
• Ionic bonds
– Form between ionised amine NH3
+ groups and
ionised carboxylic acid COO- groups
– can be broken down by pH changes
• Weak hydrophobic interactions
– Occur between non-polar R groups
• Name the two groups found in all amino acid
• Name the bond that joins amino acids
together in proteins.
• Name the four types of bond that determine
the structure of a protein.
• Name the four structural levels of a protein.

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2 Biochemical molecules

  • 3. LO • describe and explain the roles of water in living organisms and as an environment for organisms; • describe the ring forms of α-glucose and β- glucose • describe the formation and breakage of a glycosidic bond with reference both to polysaccharides and to disaccharides including sucrose;
  • 4. • carry out tests for reducing and non-reducing sugars (including using colour standards as a semi-quantitative use of the Benedict’s test); • describe the molecular structure of polysaccharides including starch (amylose and amylopectin), glycogen and cellulose and relate these structures to their functions in living organisms; • carry out the iodine in potassium iodide solution test for starch;
  • 5. • describe the molecular structure of a triglyceride and a phospholipid and relate these structures to their functions in living organisms; • carry out the emulsion test for lipids • describe the structure of an amino acid and the formation and breakage of a peptide bond; • carry out the biuret test for proteins;
  • 6. • explain the meaning of the terms primary structure, secondary structure, tertiary structure and quaternary structure of proteins and describe the types of bonding (hydrogen, ionic, disulfide and hydrophobic interactions) that hold the molecule in shape; • describe the molecular structure of haemoglobin as an example of a globular protein, and of collagen as an example of a fibrous protein and relate these structures to their functions (the importance of iron in the haemoglobin molecule should be emphasised);
  • 7. WATER describe and explain the roles of water in living organisms and as an environment for organisms • Most important biochemical – life would not exist without it • Major component of all cells (70 – 95%); humans 60% • Provides an environment for water organisms • Three quarters of the planet is covered in water
  • 9. • The attractive force between the hydrogen attached to an electronegative atom of one molecule and an electronegative atom of a different molecule
  • 10. • The hydrogen, which has a partial positive charge tries to find another atom of oxygen or nitrogen with excess electrons to share and is attracted to the negative partial charge – this forms basis for the hydrogen bond • Because oxygen has two lone pairs, two different hydrogen bonds can be made to each oxygen
  • 11. • Hydrogen bonding is usually stronger than normal dipole forces between molecules but not as strong as normal covalent bonds within a molecule • It is strong enough to have many important ramifications on the properties of water
  • 12. a closer look at WATER
  • 13. • Thanks to hydrogen bonding water has – a relatively high boiling point, – high specific heat capacity, – high surface tension and – high latent heat of vaporisation
  • 14. • WATER AS A SOLVENT – Water is a good solvent due to its polarity • When an ionic or polar compound enters water, it is surrounded by water molecules • The relatively small size of water molecules typically allows many water molecules to surround one molecule of solute • The partially negative dipoles of the water are attracted to positively charged components of the solute and vice versa
  • 15. • Ionic and polar substances (e.g. acids, alcohols, salts) are easily soluble in water • Nonpolar substances (e.g. fats, oils) are not soluble. Their molecules stay together in water because it is energetically more favourable for the water molecules to hydrogen bond to each other than to engage in van der Waals interactions with non polar molecules • Depending on the relative electronegativities of the two atoms sharing electrons, there might be partial transfer of electron density from one atom to another • When the electronegativities are not equal, electrons are not shared equally and partial ionic charges develop
  • 16. Difference between polar and non-polar molecules • Depending on the relative electronegativities of the two atoms sharing electrons, there might be partial transfer of electron density from one atom to another • When the electronegativities are not equal, electrons are not shared equally and partial ionic charges develop – Polar covalent bonds – bonds that are partially ionic – Nonpolar covalent bonds – bonds with equal sharing of the bond electrons, arise when the electronegativities of the two atoms are equal
  • 18. • WATER AS A TRANSPORT MEDIUM – Water is the transport medium in blood, in lymphatic, excretory and digestive systems of animals, and in vascular tissues of plants
  • 19. • THERMAL PROPERTIES – Hydrogen bonding restricts the movement of water molecules – relatively large amount of energy is needed to raise the temperature of water – slow environmental change in oceans and lakes = more stable habitats
  • 20. • DENSITY AND FREEZING PROPERTIES – Solid form is less dense then liquid form – Below 4 degrees the density of water starts to decrease – ice floats on water and insulates the water underneath – Changes in density of water with temperature causes currents – maintaince of circulation of nutrients in ocean
  • 21. • HIGH SURFACE TENSION AND COHESION – Water molecules have very high cohesion – they tend to stick together – High cohesion results in high surface tension at the surface of water – important for small organisms such as pond skaters
  • 22. • WATER AS A REAGENT – It is used as reagent in photosynthesis – hydrogen is used to provide energy for making glucose, oxygen is source for the atmosphere
  • 24. THE BUILDING BLOCKS OF LIFE • Most common elements in living organisms: – Hydrogen – Carbon – is important because carbon atoms can join together to form long chains or ring structures; all organic molecules contain carbon – Oxygen – Nitrogen
  • 25. MONOMERS, POLYMERS AND MACROMOLECULES • Macromolecule – giant molecule; polysaccharides, proteins and nucleic acids • Polymers – made of many repeating subunits that are similar or identical; cellulose and rubber, polyester, PVC • Monomers – subunits of polymers that are joined together; monosaccharides, amino acids and nucleotides
  • 26. CARBOHYDRATES • Contain C, H and O • General formula: • Divided into three groups: – Monosaccharides – Disaccharides – Polysaccharides
  • 27. MONOSACCHARIDES • Are sugars – dissolve easily in water to form sweet solutions • General formula: (CH2O)n • Consist of a single sugar molecule; name always ends with -ose • Main types: – Trioses (3C) - glyceraldehyde – Pentoses (5C) – ribose, deoxiribose – Hexoses (6C) – glucose, fructose
  • 28. GLUCOSE – Molecular formula: C6H12O6 - Structural formula:
  • 29. • Ring structures – Chain of carbon atoms is long enough to close up on itself and form a more stable ring structure – Carbon atom 1 joins to the oxygen on carbon atom 5 – The ring contains oxygen and carbon atom 6 is not part of the ring
  • 30. • The hydroxyl group (-OH) on carbon atom 1 may be above or below the plane of the ring – α-glucose (below) – β-glucose (above)
  • 31.
  • 32. • Roles of monosaccharides – Source of energy in respiration • Carbon-hydrogen bonds can be broken to release a lot of energy which is transferred to help make ATP from ADP and phosphate – Building blocks for larger molecules • Glucose is used to make starch, glycogen and cellulose • Ribose is used to make RNA and ATP • Deoxyribose is used to make DNA
  • 33. DISACHCARIDES LO: describe the formation and breakage of a glycosidic bond with reference both to polysaccharides and to disaccharides including sucrose;
  • 34. Disaccharides • Are sugars • They are formed by two monosaccharides joining together – Maltose (glucose + glucose) – Sucrose (glucose + fructose) – transport sugar in plants and the sugar commonly bought in shops – Lactose (glucose + galactose) – is the sugar found in milk
  • 35. Formation of disaccharides • Condensation – Two hydroxyle groups line up alongside each other – One combines with a hydrogen atom from the other to form a water molecule – Oxygen bridge is formed between the two molecules = GLYCOSIDIC BOND
  • 36.
  • 37.
  • 38. • Hydrolysis – Reverse of condensation – Addition of water – Takes place during digestion of disaccharides and polysaccharides – they are broken down to monosaccharides
  • 39.
  • 40.
  • 41. POLYSACCHARIDES LO: • describe the molecular structure of polysaccharides including starch (amylose and amylopectin), glycogen and cellulose and relate these structures to their functions in living organisms;
  • 42. POLYSACCHARIDES • Polymers whose subunits are monosaccharides • Are NOT sugars • Made by joining many monosaccharide molecules by condensation • May be several thousand monosaccharide units long, forming a macromolecule • Most important: – starch, – Glycogen – cellulose
  • 43. • Source of glucose – Glucose is very reactive and soluble, makes the contents of cell too concentrated = has to be stored in other form = polysaccharide which is compact, inert and insoluble - starch in plants - glycogen in animals
  • 44. STARCH • Amylose + amylopectin • Amylose – Condensation between α-glucose molecules – Long unbranching chain of several thousand 1,4 linked glucose molecules – The chains are curved and coiled up to helical structures
  • 45.
  • 46. • Amylopectin – made of many 1,4 linked α-glucose molecules – Chains are shorter than in amylose and branch out to the sides – Branches are formed by 1,6 linkages
  • 47.
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  • 49.
  • 50. • Amylase and amylopectin build up into large starch grains, found in chloroplasts and in storage organs (potato tubers, seeds of cereals and legumes) • Starch is never found in animal cells
  • 51.
  • 52. GLYCOGEN • Is like amylopectin – made of 1,4 linked α- glucose with 1,6 linkages forming branches • More branched than amylopectin molecules • Glycogen molecules clump together to form granules which are visible in liver cells and muscle cells • Form energy reserve
  • 53.
  • 54.
  • 55. CELLULOSE • Most abundant organic molecule on the planet • In plant cell walls • Slow rate of breakdown in nature • Mechanically strong • Polymer of β-glucose and α-glucose
  • 56.
  • 57.
  • 58. • In the β-isomer, the OH group on carbon atom 1 projects above the ring • In order to form glycosidic bond with carbon atom 4 where the OH group is below the ring, one glucose molecule must be upside down relative to the other – successive glucose units are linked at 180°  strong molecule as atoms of OH are attracted to oxygen atoms in the same cellulose molecule (hydrogen bonds)
  • 59. • 60 – 70 cellulose molecules become tightly cross-linked to form bundles = microfibrils – These are held together in bundles called fibres by hydrogen bonding
  • 60. LIPIDS • describe the molecular structure of a triglyceride and a phospholipid • relate these structures to their functions in living organisms;
  • 61. LIPIDS • Diverse group of chemicals • Most common are triglycerides = fats (solid) and oils (liquid)
  • 62. TRIGLYCERIDES • Made of three fatty acid molecules with one glycerol molecule – Fatty acids have –COOH group attached – Glycerol is alcohol • Fatty acids joins to glycerol by a condensation reaction – fatty acid + glycerol = glyceride
  • 63.
  • 64. • Insoluble in water; soluble in ether, chloroform and ethanol – due to the long hydrocarbon tails of fatty acids • Non-polar and hydrophobic
  • 65. SATURATED AND UNSATURATED FATTY ACIDS AND LIPIDS • Unsaturated – Have double bonds between neighbouring carbon atoms: -C=C-; they do not contain the maximum possible amount of hydrogen – Double bonds make lipids melt more easily (most oils are unsaturated) – If there’s more than one double bond – polyunsaturated, if there’s one double bond – monounsaturated – Plant lipids
  • 66. • Saturated – Animal lipids, – No double bonds
  • 67.
  • 68. Roles of triglycerides • Energy reserve – contain many carbon- hydrogen bonds – higher caloric value than carbohydrates • It is stored below the dermis of the skin and around the kidneys • Insulator against loss of heat • Whales – buoyancy • Metabolic source of water – desert kangaroo rat (never drinks water)
  • 69.
  • 70. PHOSPHOLIPIDS • Each molecule has one end which is soluble in water – one of the fatty acids is replaced by a phosphate group which is polar – hydrophilic • Important function in membranes
  • 71.
  • 73. What are proteins? • Proteins are made up of C, H, O, N and some S and P • Proteins are the building blocks of life • There are millions of different proteins • Proteins are the most abundant molecules in cells • Proteins make up more than 50% of a cell’s dry mass
  • 74. What do proteins do? Proteins perform a wide range of biological functions: • As enzymes they catalyse reactions. • Carrier proteins transport molecules across membranes. • Antibodies defend against disease. • Structural proteins support cells and tissues. • Hormones transmit information. • Transport proteins such as haemoglobin carry oxygen. • Contractile proteins enable muscles to contract.
  • 75. How do proteins do all this? Proteins can carry out all these different functions because each different protein has a specific molecular shape which enables the protein to do its job. It is structure of a protein that allows it to carry out its function.
  • 76. So, what goes into a protein? • Proteins are polymer molecules. • The monomer molecules making up proteins are called amino acids. • There are 20 different naturally occurring amino acids. • There are over 100,000 combinations of amino acids forming known proteins.
  • 77. What is an amino acid? All amino acids have the same general structure: • A carboxyl group (-COOH) • An amino group (-NH2) attached to a C atom • A variable group called R It is the R group that differs from one amino acid to another
  • 78.
  • 79. Are all amino acids ‘equal’? No, of the 20 naturally occurring amino acids 8 are known as ‘essential amino acids’. These 8 cannot be synthesised by the body and must be obtained from the diet. The remaining 12 can be synthesised by the body.
  • 80. Joining amino acids together When amino acids join together, they do so by a condensation reaction. This means one water molecule is removed, using the OH group from the carboxyl group of one amino acid, and one H from the amino group of another. The resulting bond is called a peptide bond.
  • 81.
  • 82. Peptides • Two amino acids joined together form a dipeptide. • Three amino acids joined together form a tripeptide. • A polypeptide is made up of many amino acids joined together. • When a polypeptide bonds with other polypeptides it forms a protein containing thousands of amino acids.
  • 83. Proteins have 4 structural levels. Proteins are big, complicated, 3-dimensional molecules. The structure is described in four ‘levels’: • Primary • Secondary • Tertiary • Quaternary
  • 84. Primary structure • The primary structure of a protein is the sequence of amino acids in the chain. • The primary structure determines the eventual shape of the protein, hence its function.
  • 85. Secondary structure • The amino acids in the primary structure of a protein do not lie flat and straight. • Hydrogen bonds form between the amino acids in the chain. • This makes the protein coil into an a helix or fold into a b pleated sheet. • This is the secondary structure.
  • 86.
  • 87. Tertiary structure • The coiled or folded chains often coil or fold further. • More bonds form due to interactions between the R-groups of the polypeptide chain. • This is called the tertiary structure. • For proteins formed from a single polypeptide chain this is the final 3D structure of the protein.
  • 88. Quaternary structure • Some proteins are made up of several polypeptide chains held together by bonds. • The quaternary structure is how these chains are put together. • The best known example is haemoglobin, which is made of four polypeptide chains bonded together. For proteins such as haemoglobin, the quaternary structure determines the final 3D structure.
  • 90. Protein bonds The four structural levels in proteins are held together by different bonds: • Peptide bonds (primary) • Hydrogen bonds (secondary and tertiary) • Ionic bonds (tertiary) • Disulphide bonds (tertiary) • Hydrophobic and hydrophilic interactions (tertiary) • Quaternary structure depends on the tertiary structure of the individual polypeptides, and so is influenced by all these bond types.
  • 91. Types of protein • There are two different types of protein and they are different shapes. The shape of a protein molecule is related to its function. • Globular proteins – these are round, compact and easily soluble so they can be transported in fluids. Examples are haemoglobin and enzymes. • Fibrous proteins – these are tough and rope- shaped. They tend to be found in connective tissues such as tendons. Collagen is an example of a fibrous protein.
  • 92. Haemoglobin • Haemoglobin is a globular protein. • It’s structure is curled up so that hydrophilic side chains face outwards and hydrophobic side chains face inwards. • This makes haemoglobin soluble and therefore good for transport in the blood.
  • 93. Collagen • Collagen is made of three polypeptide chains, tightly coiled in a strong triple helix. • The chains are interlinked by strong covalent bonds. • Minerals can bind to the triple helix to increase its strength.
  • 94. Bonds in proteins • Hydrogen bonds – Form between strongly polar groups (-NH, -CO, - OH) • Disulfide bonds – Form between cysteine molecules, strong covalent bonds, can be broken by reducing agents – oxidation
  • 95. • Ionic bonds – Form between ionised amine NH3 + groups and ionised carboxylic acid COO- groups – can be broken down by pH changes • Weak hydrophobic interactions – Occur between non-polar R groups
  • 96. Plenary • Name the two groups found in all amino acid molecules. • Name the bond that joins amino acids together in proteins. • Name the four types of bond that determine the structure of a protein. • Name the four structural levels of a protein.

Editor's Notes

  1. 1 – glycogen 2 - nucleus