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Prevention Strategies
for Oral Cancer
Aiman A. Ali, DDS, PhD.
Associate professor Oral Pathology
and Medicine
How to prevent the occurrence of a disease?

A disease with simple etiology
 Causal factor
 Dental caries
Traumatic exposure
Chemical irritations
Thermal irritations
Fracture of the crown


Multifactorial disease (dental caries or oral cancer)?
How to prevent the occurrence of a disease?

Etiology of oral cancer
 Smoking
If we want to prevent
 Chronic irritations
the occurrence of
 Chronic diseases
oral cancer we have
 Alcohol
to control all these
factors !!!
 Hereditary
Is it possible?
 Genetic aberrations
 Others such as viruses, diet…etc.
General statistics
 Thirty

percent of all cancer deaths are caused
by tobacco.
 Over 80% of lung cancer deaths are caused
by tobacco.
 The lung cancer death rate for men was 4.9
per 100,000 in 1930 and it has increased to
75.6 per 100,000 in the decade of 1990.
 Ninety-two percent of oral squamous cell
carcinoma are attributable to tobacco usage.
Statistics and incidence

The incidence of lung cancer is highly correlated with smoking.
Statistics and incidence
The tobacco plant
was first brought to
Europe in 1558 by
the Spanish
physician Francisco

Aiman A. Ali, DDS, PhD. 2008
Tobacco and related oral habits
 Smoking

Cigarette (normal, black, light, natural….)
Reverse smoking

 Smokeless

 Passive

Snuff, Tombak and similar products
Chewing the tobacco leaves

Aiman A. Ali, DDS, PhD. 2009
Tobacco and related oral habits
 Smoking

Cigarette (normal, black, light, natural….)
Tobacco and related oral habits

 Smoking

Tobacco and related oral habits
 Smoking

Tobacco and related oral habits
 Smoking

Reverse smoking
Tobacco and related oral habits
 Smoking

Tobacco and related oral habits
 Smokeless

Snuff, Tombak and similar products
Tobacco and related oral habits
 Smokeless

Chewing the tobacco leaves
Tobacco and related oral
 Passive

Smoking any tobacco product,
*%, Males
* WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic, 2008
Smoking any tobacco product, %,
* WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic, 2008

"Chemical analysis shows the tobacco leaf/smoke to contain an
unusual number of constituents.


citric, acetic,
ulmic acids

tobacco acid or malic acid

Acetaldehyde, acrolein, ammonia, carbon monoxide,
formaldehyde, hydrogen cyanide, hydrogen sulfide,
methyl chloride, nitrogen dioxide
And others: Benzopyrene, Tar, Naphthalene, arsenic and others
Hinds JID, The Use of Tobacco (Nashville, Tenn: Cumberland Presbyterian Publishing House, 1882), p 36
Smoking and Health: Report of the Advisory Committee to the Surgeon General of the Public Health Service, PHS Pub 1103, Chapter 6, Table 4, p 60 (1964)

Chemical structure of the
carcinogen benzopyrene diol

Benzopyrene, a major mutagen in tobacco
smoke, in an adduct to DNA*

"Moreover, there is no question that arsenic . . . is definitely an
active carcinogen on human tissue. . . .


the arsenic content of American cigarettes has increased from two
to six times in a period of 25 years.


One popular American brand contains from 41 to 52.5 micrograms
of arsenic, of which one third remains in the butt, one third is in
the ash, and one third goes into the smoke.


About five micrograms of arsenic trioxide is inhaled from each
Alton Ochsner, Smoking and Your Life (New York: Julian Messner Pub, 1954 rev 1964), p 15.

A large sample of native arsenic.

Aiman A. Ali, DDS, PhD. 2008

Cigarettes and other forms of tobacco are extremely addicting and
nicotine is the drug that causes that addiction


Pharmacologic and behavioral characteristics of nicotine
addiction are similar to those of heroin, cocaine, and

Nicotine molecule

Absorbed by the lungs via inhalational route


Absorbed topically through skin and mucous lining of the


Rapidly distributed after inhalation and reaches the brain in as
little as 10 seconds


Mucosal absorption from smokeless tobacco is slower but more


Swallowed nicotine is not absorbed and eliminated from the

Following absorbtion, the elimination half-life of
nicotine is about 2 hours, thus it can accumulate with
repeated exposures over the course of a day


A typical smoker takes ~10 puffs of a cigarette over
about 5 minutes


Each cigarette delivers about 1 mg of nicotine


Thus, a person who smokes a pack a day (20
cigarettes) gets 200 hits of nicotine to the brain every
day, each one within 10 seconds after a puff
Physiologic and Behavioral
Effects of Nicotine

Increases heart rate


Increases cardiac output


Increases blood pressure


Suppresses appetite


Produces strong sense of pleasure and well-being


Improves task performance


Reduces anxiety
Nicotine Withdrawal

The effects of nicotine gradually diminish over a period of 30
minutes to 2 hours, and result in withdrawal effects

Dysphoria (disagreeable feeling) or depression




Irritability, frustration, anger




Difficulty concentrating




Decreased heart rate


Increased appetite
Effects of smoking and it’s quantity

1. Tobaco poisons are so powerful in miniscule quantities that
even smoking merely one cigarette can be enough to start the
fatal addictive process

2. See the article, "Lower Tar Makes No Difference," for an
example of why this is so.

British Medical Journal, Vol 328, Issue # 7431 (10 January 2004)
Scope of the Problem in the

21% of US citizens use tobacco products (mostly cigarettes)


440,000 deaths each year attributable to tobacco use; #1 cause of
death and disease

Heart Disease






Chronic Respiratory Disease


4,000 children and teens become regular users of tobacco each day


Direct medical care costs estimated to be $50 billion annually; loss of
productivity costs $47 billion


70% of smokers have made at least 1 attempt to quit or want to quit;
48% try to quit each year
Diseases Associated With
Tobacco Use

Cardiovascular Disease: 2-4x risk (coronary heart disease, myocardial
infarction, peripheral vascular disease {10x risk}, stroke {2x risk})


Pulmonary Disease 10x risk (emphysema, chronic bronchitis, asthma,
lung cancer {12-22x risk})


Pregnancy (stillbirth, spontaneous abortion, ↓ fetal growth,
premature birth, LBW, oral clefts)


Cigarette smokers die 13-14 years earlier than non-smokers
Oral Effects of Tobacco Use

Gingival inflammation and recession


Periodontal disease


Implant failure


Dry socket


Smoker’s melanosis


Nicotine stomatitis






Verrucous carcinoma


Squamous cell carcinoma
Oral Effects of Tobacco Use

Tooth staining


Tooth abrasion (chewing tobacco)




Hairy tongue


Diminished taste and smell
Benefits of Quitting

20 Minutes After Quitting: Heart rate drops.


12 hours After Quitting: Carbon monoxide level in blood drops to normal.


2 Weeks to 3 Months After Quitting: Heart attack risk begins to drop.
Lung function begins to improve.


1 to 9 Months After Quitting: Coughing and shortness of breath decrease.


1 Year After Quitting: Risk of coronary heart disease is half that of a nonsmoker’s.


5 Years After Quitting: Stroke risk is reduced to that of a nonsmoker’s.


10 Years After Quitting: Lung cancer death rate is about half that of a nonsmoker’s. Risk of cancers of the mouth, throat, esophagus, bladder,
kidney, and pancreas decreases.


15 Years After Quitting: Risk of coronary heart disease is back to that of a
?What Can We as Dentists Do

“Gold Standard”; the 5 A’s










Ask every patient about their
tobacco use:

Current use?


How long used?


Form of tobacco used?


Quantity used daily?


If former user, how long


Ask if they have considered
quitting or are interested in


Ask about previous attempts to
quit and reasons for failure

Urge the tobacco user to quit, but don’t badger or shame them


Relate their tobacco use with their oral condition (periodontal
disease, lesions, halitosis, taste complaints)


Emphasize the benefits of quitting


Tell your patient that you will help them if they want to quit

Asses readiness to quit


be professional, gently persistent, and supportive

Ask directly: “Are you interested in quitting?”

If so, move on to the assist phase


If not, drop the subject, but continue to provide
motivational intervention at every opportunity


Be alert for “teaching moments”

Provide self-help materials

“You Can Quit Smoking”


“Benefits of Quitting”


Refer patient to a counseling source (telephone help line)


Coordinate a smoking cessation program for the patient


Provide NRPs or medications for the patient if desired

Refer patient to a smoking cessation program
Outcome of the 5 A’s

Not good!


Most dentists and physicians are unaware of the initiative


Reasons cited for not engaging in the activity:

Takes too much time


Lack of training


Lack of reimbursement


Lack of knowledge about available referral sources


Lack of patient education materials
Difficulty Quitting

The more cigarettes smoked, or the more smokeless tobacco
used, the harder it is to quit


The longer a person has used tobacco products, the harder it is
to quit


The more tobacco usage is incorporated into daily activities, the
harder it is to quit
Nicotine Replacement Products

Nicotine patch (Nicoderm; Nicotrol: OTC)


Nicotine gum (Nicorette; OTC)


Nicotine lozenge (Commit; OTC)


Nicotine inhaler (Nicotrol; Rx)


Nicotine nasal spray (Nicotrol NS; Rx)
Use of Nicotine Replacement Products

Smokers need to maintain a blood level of nicotine around 15-18
ng/ml in order to prevent withdrawal symptoms


A single cigarette increases blood level of nicotine to 35-40


After about 25-30 minutes, the blood level falls back to 15-18


NRPs aim to provide a steady blood level of around 17 ng/ml in
order to prevent withdrawal symptoms


The patient then progressively learns to accept smaller and
smaller blood nicotine levels and then ultimately zero
NRT: Nicotine Transdermal Patch
((Available OTC

Nicoderm CQ; Generic; 3 strengths (21mg, 14mg, 7mg)


Nicotrol; 1 strength (15mg)



Nicoderm CQ or generic
 1-21mg

patch/day for 6 weeks, then

 1-14mg

patch/day for 2 weeks, then

 1-7

mg patch/day for 2 weeks

 1-15mg

patch/day for no more than 16 hours

per day for 8 weeks
NRT: Nicotine Polacrilex (Gum)
((Available OTC

Nicorette; 2 strengths (2mg and 4mg)


Chewed briefly, then “parked” for 30 minutes; good control;
clock regulated better than prn



use 4mg gum up to 24 pieces per day; 2 weeks at 12/day,
then 1 week at 10/day, then 1 week at 9/day, etc.
NRT: Nicotine Lozenge
((Available OTC

Commit; 2 strengths (2mg and 4mg)


Parked between cheek and gum; periodically moistened by
placing on tongue and wetting with saliva


Provides 25% higher blood levels than gum


Absorption results in blood level of 86% of dose, but swallowing
results in only 2% of dose



Use 12 - 4gm lozenges per day, 1 about every 80 minutes;
maximum 20 pieces/day
NRT: Nicotine Nasal Spray
*Prescription only

Nicotrol NS


Rapidly absorbed; produces good nicotine blood levels; good


Good choice for very dependent user



8-40 doses/day for 3-6 months


A dose is 1 puff/nostril (6ng/ml)

doses/hour for 2 weeks, then


doses/hour for 4 weeks, then


dose/hour for 4 weeks
NRT: Nicotine Inhaler
*Prescription only

Nicotrol inhaler (cartridges)


Similar to smoking; rapid absorption


Generally not able to achieve optimum blood nicotine levels; not
the best choice for very dependent users; very
ineffective; expensive



6-16 cartridges/day for up to 6 months
Non-NRT Pharmacotherapeutic Agents

FDA Approved for smoking cessation


Bupropion (Zyban)
Varenicline (Chantix)

Non-FDA approved

Nortriptyline (Pamelor)
 tricyclic



Clonidine (Catapres)
 α-2

adrenergic agonist; antihypertensive
Bupropion SR (Zyban)
*Prescription only

Zyban; an antidepressant (Wellbutrin) but in a sustained release


As effective as nicotine patches when used alone


1 year quit rate about 10-15%


May be additional benefit when used in combination with other



150mg tablets


Start 1-2 weeks before quit date


Take a 150mg tablet QD for 3 days, then BID thereafter;
continue for 7-12 weeks; may need to continue for up to 6
Varenicline (Chantix)
*Prescription only

Chantix; a unique medication that partially activates nicotine
receptors to reduce the severity of craving for cigarettes and
withdrawal symptoms


Doubles the likelihood of quitting over bupropion and
quadruples it over placebo


1 year quit rate with varenicline alone is 22%



0.5 and 1.0 mg tablets


Start 1 week prior to quit date


0.5 mg daily for 3 days, then 0.5 mg twice a day for 4 days,
then 1.0 mg twice daily for 12 weeks
oral cancer
oral cancer
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oral cancer

  • 1. Prevention Strategies for Oral Cancer Aiman A. Ali, DDS, PhD. Associate professor Oral Pathology and Medicine
  • 2. How to prevent the occurrence of a disease? A disease with simple etiology  Causal factor  Dental caries Traumatic exposure Chemical irritations Thermal irritations Fracture of the crown Disease Pulpitis Multifactorial disease (dental caries or oral cancer)?
  • 3. How to prevent the occurrence of a disease? Etiology of oral cancer  Smoking If we want to prevent  Chronic irritations the occurrence of  Chronic diseases oral cancer we have  Alcohol to control all these factors !!!  Hereditary Is it possible?  Genetic aberrations  Others such as viruses, diet…etc.
  • 4. General statistics  Thirty percent of all cancer deaths are caused by tobacco.  Over 80% of lung cancer deaths are caused by tobacco.  The lung cancer death rate for men was 4.9 per 100,000 in 1930 and it has increased to 75.6 per 100,000 in the decade of 1990.  Ninety-two percent of oral squamous cell carcinoma are attributable to tobacco usage.
  • 5. Statistics and incidence The incidence of lung cancer is highly correlated with smoking.
  • 7. The tobacco plant was first brought to Europe in 1558 by the Spanish physician Francisco Fernandes Aiman A. Ali, DDS, PhD. 2008
  • 8. Tobacco and related oral habits  Smoking      Cigarette (normal, black, light, natural….) Pipe Water-pipe Reverse smoking Cigar  Smokeless    Passive Snuff, Tombak and similar products Chewing the tobacco leaves smoking Aiman A. Ali, DDS, PhD. 2009
  • 9. Tobacco and related oral habits  Smoking  Cigarette (normal, black, light, natural….)
  • 10. Tobacco and related oral habits  Smoking  Pipe
  • 11. Tobacco and related oral habits  Smoking  Water-pipe
  • 12. Tobacco and related oral habits  Smoking  Reverse smoking
  • 13. Tobacco and related oral habits  Smoking  Cigar
  • 14. Tobacco and related oral habits  Smokeless  Snuff, Tombak and similar products
  • 15. Tobacco and related oral habits  Smokeless  Chewing the tobacco leaves
  • 16. Tobacco and related oral habits  Passive smoking
  • 17. Smoking any tobacco product, *%, Males * WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic, 2008
  • 18. Smoking any tobacco product, %, Females * WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic, 2008
  • 19. Constituents  "Chemical analysis shows the tobacco leaf/smoke to contain an unusual number of constituents. Nicotine, Nitric, phosphoric, pictic, nicotianine, hydrochloric, citric, acetic, ulmic acids tobacco acid or malic acid sulphuric, oxalic, Acetaldehyde, acrolein, ammonia, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, hydrogen cyanide, hydrogen sulfide, methyl chloride, nitrogen dioxide And others: Benzopyrene, Tar, Naphthalene, arsenic and others Hinds JID, The Use of Tobacco (Nashville, Tenn: Cumberland Presbyterian Publishing House, 1882), p 36 Smoking and Health: Report of the Advisory Committee to the Surgeon General of the Public Health Service, PHS Pub 1103, Chapter 6, Table 4, p 60 (1964)
  • 20. Constituents Chemical structure of the carcinogen benzopyrene diol epoxide Benzopyrene, a major mutagen in tobacco smoke, in an adduct to DNA* * PDB 1JDG
  • 21. Constituents  "Moreover, there is no question that arsenic . . . is definitely an active carcinogen on human tissue. . . .  the arsenic content of American cigarettes has increased from two to six times in a period of 25 years.  One popular American brand contains from 41 to 52.5 micrograms of arsenic, of which one third remains in the butt, one third is in the ash, and one third goes into the smoke.  About five micrograms of arsenic trioxide is inhaled from each cigarette. Alton Ochsner, Smoking and Your Life (New York: Julian Messner Pub, 1954 rev 1964), p 15. A large sample of native arsenic. Aiman A. Ali, DDS, PhD. 2008
  • 22. Constituents  Cigarettes and other forms of tobacco are extremely addicting and nicotine is the drug that causes that addiction  Pharmacologic and behavioral characteristics of nicotine addiction are similar to those of heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine Nicotine molecule
  • 23. Nicotine  Absorbed by the lungs via inhalational route  Absorbed topically through skin and mucous lining of the mouth  Rapidly distributed after inhalation and reaches the brain in as little as 10 seconds  Mucosal absorption from smokeless tobacco is slower but more sustained  Swallowed nicotine is not absorbed and eliminated from the body
  • 24. Nicotine  Following absorbtion, the elimination half-life of nicotine is about 2 hours, thus it can accumulate with repeated exposures over the course of a day  A typical smoker takes ~10 puffs of a cigarette over about 5 minutes  Each cigarette delivers about 1 mg of nicotine  Thus, a person who smokes a pack a day (20 cigarettes) gets 200 hits of nicotine to the brain every day, each one within 10 seconds after a puff
  • 25. Physiologic and Behavioral Effects of Nicotine  Increases heart rate  Increases cardiac output  Increases blood pressure  Suppresses appetite  Produces strong sense of pleasure and well-being  Improves task performance  Reduces anxiety
  • 26. Nicotine Withdrawal  The effects of nicotine gradually diminish over a period of 30 minutes to 2 hours, and result in withdrawal effects  Dysphoria (disagreeable feeling) or depression  Insomnia  Irritability, frustration, anger  Anxiety  Difficulty concentrating  Restlessness  Decreased heart rate  Increased appetite
  • 27. Effects of smoking and it’s quantity 1. Tobaco poisons are so powerful in miniscule quantities that even smoking merely one cigarette can be enough to start the fatal addictive process 2. See the article, "Lower Tar Makes No Difference," for an example of why this is so. 3. British Medical Journal, Vol 328, Issue # 7431 (10 January 2004)
  • 28. Scope of the Problem in the USA  21% of US citizens use tobacco products (mostly cigarettes)  440,000 deaths each year attributable to tobacco use; #1 cause of death and disease  Heart Disease  Cancer  Stroke  Chronic Respiratory Disease  4,000 children and teens become regular users of tobacco each day  Direct medical care costs estimated to be $50 billion annually; loss of productivity costs $47 billion  70% of smokers have made at least 1 attempt to quit or want to quit; 48% try to quit each year
  • 29. Diseases Associated With Tobacco Use  Cardiovascular Disease: 2-4x risk (coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, peripheral vascular disease {10x risk}, stroke {2x risk})  Pulmonary Disease 10x risk (emphysema, chronic bronchitis, asthma, lung cancer {12-22x risk})  Pregnancy (stillbirth, spontaneous abortion, ↓ fetal growth, premature birth, LBW, oral clefts)  Cigarette smokers die 13-14 years earlier than non-smokers
  • 30. Oral Effects of Tobacco Use  Gingival inflammation and recession  Periodontal disease  Implant failure  Dry socket  Smoker’s melanosis  Nicotine stomatitis  Leukoplakia  Erythroplakia  Verrucous carcinoma  Squamous cell carcinoma
  • 31. Oral Effects of Tobacco Use
  • 32.  Tooth staining  Tooth abrasion (chewing tobacco)  Halitosis  Hairy tongue  Diminished taste and smell
  • 33. Benefits of Quitting  20 Minutes After Quitting: Heart rate drops.  12 hours After Quitting: Carbon monoxide level in blood drops to normal.  2 Weeks to 3 Months After Quitting: Heart attack risk begins to drop. Lung function begins to improve.  1 to 9 Months After Quitting: Coughing and shortness of breath decrease.  1 Year After Quitting: Risk of coronary heart disease is half that of a nonsmoker’s.  5 Years After Quitting: Stroke risk is reduced to that of a nonsmoker’s.  10 Years After Quitting: Lung cancer death rate is about half that of a nonsmoker’s. Risk of cancers of the mouth, throat, esophagus, bladder, kidney, and pancreas decreases.  15 Years After Quitting: Risk of coronary heart disease is back to that of a nonsmoker’s.
  • 34. ?What Can We as Dentists Do  “Gold Standard”; the 5 A’s  Ask  Advise  Assess  Assist  Arrange
  • 35. ASK  Ask every patient about their tobacco use:  Current use?  How long used?  Form of tobacco used?  Quantity used daily?  If former user, how long quit?  Ask if they have considered quitting or are interested in quitting  Ask about previous attempts to quit and reasons for failure
  • 36. ADVISE  Urge the tobacco user to quit, but don’t badger or shame them  Relate their tobacco use with their oral condition (periodontal disease, lesions, halitosis, taste complaints)  Emphasize the benefits of quitting  Tell your patient that you will help them if they want to quit
  • 37. ASSESS  Asses readiness to quit   be professional, gently persistent, and supportive Ask directly: “Are you interested in quitting?”  If so, move on to the assist phase  If not, drop the subject, but continue to provide motivational intervention at every opportunity  Be alert for “teaching moments”
  • 38. ASSIST/ARRANGE  Provide self-help materials  “You Can Quit Smoking”  “Benefits of Quitting”  Refer patient to a counseling source (telephone help line)  Coordinate a smoking cessation program for the patient   Provide NRPs or medications for the patient if desired Refer patient to a smoking cessation program
  • 39. Outcome of the 5 A’s  Not good!  Most dentists and physicians are unaware of the initiative  Reasons cited for not engaging in the activity:  Takes too much time  Lack of training  Lack of reimbursement  Lack of knowledge about available referral sources  Lack of patient education materials
  • 40. Difficulty Quitting  The more cigarettes smoked, or the more smokeless tobacco used, the harder it is to quit  The longer a person has used tobacco products, the harder it is to quit  The more tobacco usage is incorporated into daily activities, the harder it is to quit
  • 41. Nicotine Replacement Products  Nicotine patch (Nicoderm; Nicotrol: OTC)  Nicotine gum (Nicorette; OTC)  Nicotine lozenge (Commit; OTC)  Nicotine inhaler (Nicotrol; Rx)  Nicotine nasal spray (Nicotrol NS; Rx)
  • 42. Use of Nicotine Replacement Products  Smokers need to maintain a blood level of nicotine around 15-18 ng/ml in order to prevent withdrawal symptoms  A single cigarette increases blood level of nicotine to 35-40 ng/ml  After about 25-30 minutes, the blood level falls back to 15-18 ng/ml  NRPs aim to provide a steady blood level of around 17 ng/ml in order to prevent withdrawal symptoms  The patient then progressively learns to accept smaller and smaller blood nicotine levels and then ultimately zero
  • 43. NRT: Nicotine Transdermal Patch ((Available OTC  Nicoderm CQ; Generic; 3 strengths (21mg, 14mg, 7mg)  Nicotrol; 1 strength (15mg)  Dosages:  Nicoderm CQ or generic  1-21mg patch/day for 6 weeks, then  1-14mg patch/day for 2 weeks, then  1-7  mg patch/day for 2 weeks Nicotrol  1-15mg  patch/day for no more than 16 hours per day for 8 weeks
  • 44. NRT: Nicotine Polacrilex (Gum) ((Available OTC  Nicorette; 2 strengths (2mg and 4mg)  Chewed briefly, then “parked” for 30 minutes; good control; clock regulated better than prn  Dosage:  use 4mg gum up to 24 pieces per day; 2 weeks at 12/day, then 1 week at 10/day, then 1 week at 9/day, etc.
  • 45. NRT: Nicotine Lozenge ((Available OTC  Commit; 2 strengths (2mg and 4mg)  Parked between cheek and gum; periodically moistened by placing on tongue and wetting with saliva  Provides 25% higher blood levels than gum  Absorption results in blood level of 86% of dose, but swallowing results in only 2% of dose  Dosage:  Use 12 - 4gm lozenges per day, 1 about every 80 minutes; maximum 20 pieces/day
  • 46. NRT: Nicotine Nasal Spray *Prescription only  Nicotrol NS  Rapidly absorbed; produces good nicotine blood levels; good control  Good choice for very dependent user  Dosage:  8-40 doses/day for 3-6 months  A dose is 1 puff/nostril (6ng/ml) 3 doses/hour for 2 weeks, then 2 doses/hour for 4 weeks, then 1 dose/hour for 4 weeks
  • 47. NRT: Nicotine Inhaler *Prescription only  Nicotrol inhaler (cartridges)  Similar to smoking; rapid absorption  Generally not able to achieve optimum blood nicotine levels; not the best choice for very dependent users; very ineffective; expensive   Dosage:  6-16 cartridges/day for up to 6 months
  • 48. Non-NRT Pharmacotherapeutic Agents  FDA Approved for smoking cessation    Bupropion (Zyban) Varenicline (Chantix) Non-FDA approved  Nortriptyline (Pamelor)  tricyclic  antidepressant Clonidine (Catapres)  α-2 adrenergic agonist; antihypertensive
  • 49. Bupropion SR (Zyban) *Prescription only  Zyban; an antidepressant (Wellbutrin) but in a sustained release form  As effective as nicotine patches when used alone  1 year quit rate about 10-15%  May be additional benefit when used in combination with other NRT  Dosage:  150mg tablets  Start 1-2 weeks before quit date  Take a 150mg tablet QD for 3 days, then BID thereafter; continue for 7-12 weeks; may need to continue for up to 6 months
  • 50. Varenicline (Chantix) *Prescription only  Chantix; a unique medication that partially activates nicotine receptors to reduce the severity of craving for cigarettes and withdrawal symptoms  Doubles the likelihood of quitting over bupropion and quadruples it over placebo  1 year quit rate with varenicline alone is 22%  Dosage:  0.5 and 1.0 mg tablets  Start 1 week prior to quit date  0.5 mg daily for 3 days, then 0.5 mg twice a day for 4 days, then 1.0 mg twice daily for 12 weeks