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Nutrition in Cancer Prevention
Nutrition in Cancer Prevention
♦ Because carcinogenesis occurs over years,
  most data linking diet and cancer is
  epidemiological (case control, cohort, or
  cross-sectional studies)
♦ It is estimated that one third of the cancer
  deaths each year in the US can be attributed
  to nutrition and other lifestyle factors (not
  including smoking)
Types of Epidemiologic Studies
of Cancer
 Case Control Studies
 The diets of individuals with cancer are compared with those of
 cancer-free controls matched for age, sex, and other key factors.
 Cohort Studies
  The diets of different groups of subjects are determined before
 cancer onset, and the incidences of developing cancers in each
 group are compared.
 Cross-sectional Studies
 The diets of different groups of subjects are compared, using the
 same measures at a single point in time.
Nutrition in the Etiology of
Cancer– cont’d
 ♦ Complex relationship
 ♦ Dietary carcinogens: naturally occurring
   and added in food preparation and
 ♦ Inhibitors of carcinogenesis: antioxidants,
 ♦ Enhancers of carcinogenesis
 ♦ Latency period between initiation and
Energy Intake, Body Weight,
Obesity, and Physical Activity
 ♦ Energy restriction inhibits cancer and
   extends life span in animals
 ♦ Positive associations between overweight
   and cancers of the breast, endometrium,
   kidney, colon, prostate, and others
 ♦ Overweight increases risk of cancer
   recurrence and decreases survival
 ♦ Physical activity is inversely associated
   with cancer
Nutrition and Cancer Etiology
 ♦ Fat
 ♦ Protein
 ♦ Soy and phytoestrogens
 ♦ Carbohydrates: fiber, sugars, and
   glycemic index
 ♦ Fruits and vegetables
 ♦ Nonnutritive sweeteners
Nutrition and Cancer Etiology–
♦ Alcohol

♦ Coffee and tea

♦ Methods of food preparation and preservation

♦ Cancer chemoprevention

♦ Cancer prevention recommendations: nutrition
  and physical activity
♦ Nutrition and physical activity
  recommendations for cancer survivors
Color Code System of
Vegetables and Fruits
 Color                                Phytochemical                         Vegetables and Fruits
 Red                                  Lycopene                              Tomatoes and tomato
                                                                            products, pink grapefruit,
 Red/purple                           Anthocyanins,                         Berries, grapes, red wine,
                                      polyphenols                           prunes
 Orange                               α-, β-carotene                        Carrots, mangoes,
 Orange/yellow                        β-cryptoxanthin,                      Cantaloupe, peaches,
                                      flavonoids                            oranges, papaya,
 Yellow/green                         Lutein, zeaxanthin                    Spinach, avocado,
                                                                            honeydew, collard and
                                                                            turnip greens
 Green                                Sulforaphanes, indoles                Cabbage, broccoli,
                                                                            Brussels sprouts,
 White/green                          Allyl sulphides                       Leeks, onion, garlic,

Data from Heber D: Vegetables, fruits and phytoestrogens in the prevention of diseases, F Postgrad Med 50:145, 2004.
Guidelines for Cancer Prevention
 1.   Choose a diet rich in a variety of plant-based foods.
 2.   Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits.
 3.   Maintain a healthy weight and be physically active.
 4.   Drink alcohol only in moderation, if at all.
 5.   Select foods low in fat and salt.
 6.   Prepare and store food safely.

 And always remember . . . Do not use tobacco in any form.
 From American Institute for Cancer Research: Simple steps to prevent cancer, Washington, DC, 2000, AICR.
Nutrition in Cancer Prevention
♦ Diets contain both inhibitors and enhancers
  of carcinogenesis
♦ Animal studies also test the effect of food
  and nutrition on cancer and provide
  guidance for epidemiological studies
♦ High intake of total and saturated fat is associated
  with increased risk of breast, colon, lung and
  prostate cancers
♦ High fat diets are associated with obesity, which is
  linked with cancer of the colon, rectum,
  esophagus, gall bladder, breast, endometrium,
  pancreas, and kidney
♦ Animal fat (from meat and dairy) was associated
  with increased risk of breast cancer in the Nurses
  Health study and others
♦ Higher omega-3 vs omega 6 may reduce risk of
  breast cancer
♦ Low fat diet (<20% fat) may reduce risk of
  recurrence of breast cancer
Energy Intake and Physical
♦ Total energy intake is strongly associated
  with breast cancer in postmenopausal
♦ Physical activity may have a protective
♦ Women who spent an average 3.8 hours per
  week in physical activities had lower risk of
  colon, reproductive cancers
Obesity is a Risk Factor for:
♦ Breast cancer   ♦ Gallbladder
 postmenopausal   ♦ Pancreas
                  ♦ Kidney
♦ Colon
                  ♦ Is also a risk
♦ Endometrium       factor for cancer
♦ Esophagus
♦ Difficult to isolate effects of protein, since ↑
  protein diets are ↑ in fat and ↓ in fiber
♦ Low protein diets seem to reduce the risk of
  cancer, while risk is increased by very high
  protein intakes
♦ Increased meat intake is associated with
  increased risk of colon cancer and advanced
  prostate cancer
♦ Observational studies and case control
  studies indicate that fiber-rich diets are
  associated with a protective effect in colon
♦ Higher intakes of vegetables were inversely
  associated with colon cancer risk in one
♦ But high fiber diets also tend to be lower in
  meat, fat, and refined carbohydrates
♦ Two intervention trials evaluating the effect
  of fiber on polyp and adenoma recurrence
  failed to show an effect of high fiber vs low
  fiber diets
♦ Recommendation is to eat high fiber foods
  despite lack of conclusive evidence re
Carbohydrate and Glycemic Index
♦ High glycemic-index diet associated with
  increased risk of cancers including ovarian,
  endometrial, breast, colorectal, pancreas,
  and lung
♦ Limit processed foods and refined sugars
  and emphasize whole grains and low GI
Fruits and Vegetables
♦ Fruits and vegetables found to be associated
  with lower risk in 128 of 156 dietary studies
♦ Increased consumption of fruits and
  vegetables is associated with lower risk of
  cancers of the oral cavity, esophagus,
  stomach, colon, rectum, and bladder
♦ Evidence less strong for hormone-related
  cancers such as breast and prostate cancer
Fruits and Vegetables
People who develop cancer tend to have low intakes
♦ Raw and fresh vegetables
♦ Leafy green vegetables
♦ Lettuce, carrots, raw and fresh fruit
♦ Cruciferous (cabbage family) vegetables
♦ Flavenoids and lignans (soy, grains, vegetables)
  are associated with lower risk of sex hormone-
  related cancers
Fruits and Vegetables
♦ Low in energy, good sources of fiber,
  vitamins, minerals
♦ Good sources of antioxidants (vitamins C,
  E, selenium, phytochemicals such as
  carotenoids, flavonoids, plant sterols, allium
  compounds, indoles, phenols, terpenes
♦ Do not yet know what is the protective
  agent(s) so best to use food sources
Plant based foods may prevent
cancer by
♦ Inhibiting hormone-dependent steps in
  tumor formation and protecting genetic
  material from carcinogenic agents
♦ Suppressing free radical production
♦ Serving as bulking agents to dilute
  carcinogens and decrease gastrointestinal
  transit time
♦ Stimulators of physiologically active and
  anti-cancer enzymes
Mobley C. Nutrition and cancer prevention. In McCallum and Polisena, The Clinical Guide
to Oncology Nutrition. Oncology Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group, 2000.
Cancer Chemoprevention Studies
♦ ß-carotene supplementation in Finnish
  smokers was associated with a 16% higher
  incidence of lung cancer
♦ Heavy alcohol intake seemed to enhance
  negative effects
♦ However, diet studies suggest that high fruit
  and vegetable consumption, particularly
  carotenoids, tomatoes, and tomato-based
  products may reduce risk of lung cancer
Supplementation in Persons at High Risk
for Esophageal-Gastric Cancer in China
♦ Study in area of China with diet low in
  micronutrients and very high risk of
  esophageal and gastric cancer
♦ ß-carotene, vitamin E, and selenium at 5X
  the RDA was associated with significantly
  lower mortality from all cancers
Calcium and Cancer Risk
♦ Several studies suggest that foods high in
  calcium may reduce the risk for colorectal
  cancer and that calcium supplements may
  reduce the formation of colorectal polyps
♦ However, there is evidence that high
  calcium intake, especially supplements, is
  associated with increased risk of prostate
♦ Bottom line: get calcium through food
Lycopene and Cancer Risk
♦ Lycopene is a red-orange carotenoid found
  in tomatoes and tomato-based foods
♦ Several studies show that consuming
  tomato products reduces the risk of some
  cancers, but unclear whether lycopene is
♦ Absorption of lycopene is enhanced when
  lycopene-containing vegetables are cooked
  and eaten with fat
♦ No evidence that supplements are safe and
  effective in cancer prevention. 2005
   Source: American Cancer Society, accessed
Preserved Meats and Cancer Risk
♦ Some studies link eating large amounts of
  preserved meat to increased risk of
  colorectal and stomach cancers
♦ May or may not be due to nitrites
♦ Nitrites can be converted in the stomach to
  carcinogenic nitrosamines, which may
  increase the risk of stomach cancer
♦ Vegetables and fruit retard the conversion
  of nitrites to nitrosamines
Cooked Meat and Cancer Risk
♦ Frying, broiling, and grilling meats at high
  temperatures creates chemicals that might
  increase cancer risk (cause cancer in
♦ Use techniques such as braising, steaming,
  poaching, stewing and microwaving
Soy and Cancer Risk
♦ Soy contains several phytochemicals
  (phytoestrogens) which have weak estrogen
  activity and appear to protect against hormone-
  dependent cancers in animal studies
♦ No evidence shows soy supplements reduce
  cancer risk
♦ High doses of soy may increase the risk of
  estrogen-responsive cancers, such as breast or
  endometrial cancers in certain women
♦ Breast cancer survivors should consume only
  moderate amounts
♦ Alcohol associated with carcinogenesis in
  cancers of the mouth, pharynx, larynx,
  esophagus, lung, colon, rectum, liver and
  breast (USDHHS, 2000)
♦ Appears to act synergistically with tobacco
♦ Malnutrition associated with alcoholism
  may also be implicated
Coffee and Tea
♦ Coffee has been investigated as a possible
  risk factor for a variety of cancers, but does
  not appear to be associated with increased
♦ Regular drinking of green tea and other
  sources of polyphenols may reduce the risk
  of stomach cancer
♦ Consumption of very hot drinks may
  increase the risk of esophageal cancer
Artificial Sweeteners
♦ Cyclamate banned as food additive in US in
  1969 and saccharine in 1977 after being
  associated with bladder cancer in mice
♦ Under public pressure, saccharine returned
  to the market; it was reviewed and taken off
  the list of potential carcinogens in 2000
♦ Aspartame: no evidence implicating it in
  increased cancer risk
Artifical Sweeteners
Five artificial sweeteners on the market:
♦ Acesulfame-K
♦ Aspartame
♦ Neotame
♦ Saccharine
♦ Sucralose
Hyperinsulinemia and Cancer
♦ Increased body mass index may promote
  hyperinsulinemia and metabolic syndrome
♦ Insulin resistance/hyperinsulinemia, higher
  estrogen levels, and insulin-like growth
  factor I may act synergistically to promote
  tumor growth, particularly mammary
Food Safety and Cancer
♦ Naturally occurring carcinogens (aflatoxins
  in peanuts, safrol in plant oils, tannins in
  grains and grapes, benzopyrene formed by
  smoking meat and fish)
♦ Naturally found in plant foods like celery,
  parsley, figs, mustard, pepper, citrus oils
♦ Pesticides
Food Safety and Cancer
♦ Choose in-season, locally grown produce
♦ Rinse fruits and vegetables and remove outer
  leaves before eating
♦ Use proper food storage to prevent growth of
  fungal carcinogens
♦ Marinate protein foods to decrease cooking time
♦ Use cooking methods to avoid contact of foods
  and food drippings with flames
♦ Use lower cooking temperatures with protein
  Mobley C. Nutrition and cancer prevention. In McCallum and Polisena, The Clinical
  Guide to Oncology Nutrition. Oncology Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group, 2000
AICR Diet and Health Guidelines
for Cancer Prevention
♦ Choose a diet rich in a variety of plant-
  based foods
♦ Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits.
♦ Maintain a healthy weight and be physically
♦ Drink alcohol only in moderation, if at all.
♦ Select foods low in fat and salt.
♦ Prepare and store food safely.
American Cancer Society Guide to
Nutrition and Activity
♦ Eat a variety of healthful foods, with an emphasis on plant
  Eat five or more servings of a variety of vegetables and
  fruits each day.

♦ Include vegetables and fruits at every meal and for snacks.

♦ Eat a variety of vegetables and fruits.

♦ Limit French fries, snack chips, and other fried vegetable

♦ Choose 100% juice if you drink fruit or vegetable juices.
American Cancer Society Guide to
Nutrition and Activity
♦ Choose whole grains in preference to processed
  (refined) grains and sugars.

♦ Choose whole grain rice, bread, pasta, and cereals.

♦ Limit consumption of refined carbohydrates,
  including pastries, sweetened cereals, soft drinks,
  and sugars.
American Cancer Society Guide to
Nutrition and Activity
♦ Limit consumption of red meats, especially those
  high in fat and processed.

♦ Choose fish, poultry, or beans as an alternative to
  beef, pork, and lamb.

♦ When you eat meat, select lean cuts and smaller

♦ Prepare meat by baking, broiling, or poaching,
  rather than by frying or charbroiling.
American Cancer Society Guide to
Nutrition and Activity
♦ Choose foods that help maintain a healthful weight.

♦ When you eat away from home, choose food low in fat,
  calories, and sugar and avoid large portions.

♦ Eat smaller portions of high-calorie foods. Be aware that
  “low fat” or “fat free” does not mean “low calorie” and
  that low-fat cakes, cookies, and similar foods are often
  high in calories.

♦ Substitute vegetables, fruits, and other low-calorie foods
  for calorie-dense foods such as French fries,
  cheeseburgers, pizza, ice cream, doughnuts, and other
Lifestyle Changes to Reduce Breast
Cancer Risk
♦ Reducing alcohol consumption

♦ Breastfeeding

♦ Avoiding obesity

♦ Being physically active

  Source: American Cancer Society, accessed
Lifestyle Change to Prevent Colon
♦ Increase your physical activity

♦ Eat more vegetables and fruit

♦ Limit intake of red meats

♦ Avoid obesity

♦ Avoid excess alcohol

   Source: American Cancer Society, accessed 2005
Lifestyle Changes to Prevent Oral
and Esophageal Cancers
♦ The best advice to reduce the risk of oral
  and esophageal cancers is to:

♦ Avoid all forms of tobacco

♦ Restrict alcohol consumption

♦ Avoid obesity
Lifestyle Changes to Prevent
Pancreatic Cancer
♦ Avoid tobacco use

♦ Maintain a healthful weight

♦ Remain physically active

♦ Eat five or more servings of vegetables and
  fruits each day
 Source: American Cancer Society, accessed 2005
Lifestyle Changes to Prevent
Prostate Cancer
♦ Limit intake of animal products, especially
  red meat and high-fat dairy products

♦ Eat five or more servings of vegetables and
  fruits each day
Lifestyle Changes to Prevent
Stomach Cancer
♦ Eat at least five servings of vegetables and
  fruits daily.

♦ Stomach cancer rates are falling due to
  reduced infection with h. pylori
At Present, There Are No Nutritional
Risk Factors for
♦ Brain Cancer
♦ Leukemias
♦ Ovarian cancer

  Source: American Cancer Society, accessed
Diet Recommendations for
Cancer Survivors
♦ Cancer survivor may harbor undetected primary or
  disseminated cancer cells
♦ A “cured” cancer pt is at increased risk for other
  primary cancers in the same organ or other organs
♦ General dietary guidelines are also appropriate for
  recovering cancer pts
♦ Dietary regimens should a) avoid stimulating
  growth and spread of remaining tumor cells and b)
  provide maximum prevention against new primary

Nixon DW. Nutrition during cancer recovery. In McCallum and Polisena, The Clinical
Guide to Oncology Nutrition. Chicago, The American Dietetic Association, 2000.
Recommendations for Cancer
♦ Limit total fat intake to 15-20% of total
  calories. Monounsaturated fats are
♦ Aim for 10-12 daily servings of a variety of
  whole vegetables and fruits.
♦ Consume 4-6 servings of whole grains
  daily. Breast cancer pts should eliminate or
  severely restrict alcohol intake
Dietary Recommendations for
Cancer Survivors
♦ Consider a Vitamin E supplement of 200
  IU/day to replace deficit from reduced fat
♦ Standard dose multivit daily (not to exceed
  100% RDA). This does not replace cancer-
  fighting foods
♦ Exercise moderately (30 minute daily walk,
  for example)
♦ Maintain desirable body weight
AICR’s New American Plate
New American Plate

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Nutrition in Cancer Prevention

  • 1. Nutrition in Cancer Prevention
  • 2. Nutrition in Cancer Prevention ♦ Because carcinogenesis occurs over years, most data linking diet and cancer is epidemiological (case control, cohort, or cross-sectional studies) ♦ It is estimated that one third of the cancer deaths each year in the US can be attributed to nutrition and other lifestyle factors (not including smoking)
  • 3. Types of Epidemiologic Studies of Cancer Case Control Studies The diets of individuals with cancer are compared with those of cancer-free controls matched for age, sex, and other key factors. Cohort Studies The diets of different groups of subjects are determined before cancer onset, and the incidences of developing cancers in each group are compared. Cross-sectional Studies The diets of different groups of subjects are compared, using the same measures at a single point in time.
  • 4. Nutrition in the Etiology of Cancer– cont’d ♦ Complex relationship ♦ Dietary carcinogens: naturally occurring and added in food preparation and preservation ♦ Inhibitors of carcinogenesis: antioxidants, phytochemicals ♦ Enhancers of carcinogenesis ♦ Latency period between initiation and promotion
  • 5. Energy Intake, Body Weight, Obesity, and Physical Activity ♦ Energy restriction inhibits cancer and extends life span in animals ♦ Positive associations between overweight and cancers of the breast, endometrium, kidney, colon, prostate, and others ♦ Overweight increases risk of cancer recurrence and decreases survival ♦ Physical activity is inversely associated with cancer
  • 6. Nutrition and Cancer Etiology ♦ Fat ♦ Protein ♦ Soy and phytoestrogens ♦ Carbohydrates: fiber, sugars, and glycemic index ♦ Fruits and vegetables ♦ Nonnutritive sweeteners
  • 7. Nutrition and Cancer Etiology– cont’d ♦ Alcohol ♦ Coffee and tea ♦ Methods of food preparation and preservation ♦ Cancer chemoprevention ♦ Cancer prevention recommendations: nutrition and physical activity ♦ Nutrition and physical activity recommendations for cancer survivors
  • 8. Color Code System of Vegetables and Fruits Color Phytochemical Vegetables and Fruits Red Lycopene Tomatoes and tomato products, pink grapefruit, watermelon Red/purple Anthocyanins, Berries, grapes, red wine, polyphenols prunes Orange α-, β-carotene Carrots, mangoes, pumpkin Orange/yellow β-cryptoxanthin, Cantaloupe, peaches, flavonoids oranges, papaya, nectarines Yellow/green Lutein, zeaxanthin Spinach, avocado, honeydew, collard and turnip greens Green Sulforaphanes, indoles Cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower White/green Allyl sulphides Leeks, onion, garlic, chives Data from Heber D: Vegetables, fruits and phytoestrogens in the prevention of diseases, F Postgrad Med 50:145, 2004.
  • 9. Guidelines for Cancer Prevention 1. Choose a diet rich in a variety of plant-based foods. 2. Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits. 3. Maintain a healthy weight and be physically active. 4. Drink alcohol only in moderation, if at all. 5. Select foods low in fat and salt. 6. Prepare and store food safely. And always remember . . . Do not use tobacco in any form. From American Institute for Cancer Research: Simple steps to prevent cancer, Washington, DC, 2000, AICR.
  • 10. Nutrition in Cancer Prevention ♦ Diets contain both inhibitors and enhancers of carcinogenesis ♦ Animal studies also test the effect of food and nutrition on cancer and provide guidance for epidemiological studies
  • 11. Fat ♦ High intake of total and saturated fat is associated with increased risk of breast, colon, lung and prostate cancers ♦ High fat diets are associated with obesity, which is linked with cancer of the colon, rectum, esophagus, gall bladder, breast, endometrium, pancreas, and kidney ♦ Animal fat (from meat and dairy) was associated with increased risk of breast cancer in the Nurses Health study and others ♦ Higher omega-3 vs omega 6 may reduce risk of breast cancer ♦ Low fat diet (<20% fat) may reduce risk of recurrence of breast cancer
  • 12. Energy Intake and Physical Activity ♦ Total energy intake is strongly associated with breast cancer in postmenopausal women ♦ Physical activity may have a protective effect ♦ Women who spent an average 3.8 hours per week in physical activities had lower risk of colon, reproductive cancers
  • 13. Obesity is a Risk Factor for: ♦ Breast cancer ♦ Gallbladder (among postmenopausal ♦ Pancreas women) ♦ Kidney ♦ Colon ♦ Is also a risk ♦ Endometrium factor for cancer recurrence ♦ Esophagus
  • 14. Protein ♦ Difficult to isolate effects of protein, since ↑ protein diets are ↑ in fat and ↓ in fiber ♦ Low protein diets seem to reduce the risk of cancer, while risk is increased by very high protein intakes ♦ Increased meat intake is associated with increased risk of colon cancer and advanced prostate cancer
  • 15. Fiber ♦ Observational studies and case control studies indicate that fiber-rich diets are associated with a protective effect in colon cancer ♦ Higher intakes of vegetables were inversely associated with colon cancer risk in one study ♦ But high fiber diets also tend to be lower in meat, fat, and refined carbohydrates
  • 16. Fiber ♦ Two intervention trials evaluating the effect of fiber on polyp and adenoma recurrence failed to show an effect of high fiber vs low fiber diets ♦ Recommendation is to eat high fiber foods despite lack of conclusive evidence re cancer
  • 17. Carbohydrate and Glycemic Index ♦ High glycemic-index diet associated with increased risk of cancers including ovarian, endometrial, breast, colorectal, pancreas, and lung ♦ Limit processed foods and refined sugars and emphasize whole grains and low GI foods
  • 18. Fruits and Vegetables ♦ Fruits and vegetables found to be associated with lower risk in 128 of 156 dietary studies ♦ Increased consumption of fruits and vegetables is associated with lower risk of cancers of the oral cavity, esophagus, stomach, colon, rectum, and bladder ♦ Evidence less strong for hormone-related cancers such as breast and prostate cancer
  • 19. Fruits and Vegetables People who develop cancer tend to have low intakes of ♦ Raw and fresh vegetables ♦ Leafy green vegetables ♦ Lettuce, carrots, raw and fresh fruit ♦ Cruciferous (cabbage family) vegetables ♦ Flavenoids and lignans (soy, grains, vegetables) are associated with lower risk of sex hormone- related cancers
  • 20. Fruits and Vegetables ♦ Low in energy, good sources of fiber, vitamins, minerals ♦ Good sources of antioxidants (vitamins C, E, selenium, phytochemicals such as carotenoids, flavonoids, plant sterols, allium compounds, indoles, phenols, terpenes ♦ Do not yet know what is the protective agent(s) so best to use food sources
  • 21. Plant based foods may prevent cancer by ♦ Inhibiting hormone-dependent steps in tumor formation and protecting genetic material from carcinogenic agents ♦ Suppressing free radical production ♦ Serving as bulking agents to dilute carcinogens and decrease gastrointestinal transit time ♦ Stimulators of physiologically active and anti-cancer enzymes Mobley C. Nutrition and cancer prevention. In McCallum and Polisena, The Clinical Guide to Oncology Nutrition. Oncology Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group, 2000.
  • 22. Cancer Chemoprevention Studies ♦ ß-carotene supplementation in Finnish smokers was associated with a 16% higher incidence of lung cancer ♦ Heavy alcohol intake seemed to enhance negative effects ♦ However, diet studies suggest that high fruit and vegetable consumption, particularly carotenoids, tomatoes, and tomato-based products may reduce risk of lung cancer
  • 23. Supplementation in Persons at High Risk for Esophageal-Gastric Cancer in China ♦ Study in area of China with diet low in micronutrients and very high risk of esophageal and gastric cancer ♦ ß-carotene, vitamin E, and selenium at 5X the RDA was associated with significantly lower mortality from all cancers
  • 24. Calcium and Cancer Risk ♦ Several studies suggest that foods high in calcium may reduce the risk for colorectal cancer and that calcium supplements may reduce the formation of colorectal polyps ♦ However, there is evidence that high calcium intake, especially supplements, is associated with increased risk of prostate cancer ♦ Bottom line: get calcium through food sources
  • 25. Lycopene and Cancer Risk ♦ Lycopene is a red-orange carotenoid found in tomatoes and tomato-based foods ♦ Several studies show that consuming tomato products reduces the risk of some cancers, but unclear whether lycopene is responsible ♦ Absorption of lycopene is enhanced when lycopene-containing vegetables are cooked and eaten with fat ♦ No evidence that supplements are safe and effective in cancer prevention. 2005 Source: American Cancer Society, accessed
  • 26. Preserved Meats and Cancer Risk ♦ Some studies link eating large amounts of preserved meat to increased risk of colorectal and stomach cancers ♦ May or may not be due to nitrites ♦ Nitrites can be converted in the stomach to carcinogenic nitrosamines, which may increase the risk of stomach cancer ♦ Vegetables and fruit retard the conversion of nitrites to nitrosamines
  • 27. Cooked Meat and Cancer Risk ♦ Frying, broiling, and grilling meats at high temperatures creates chemicals that might increase cancer risk (cause cancer in animals) ♦ Use techniques such as braising, steaming, poaching, stewing and microwaving
  • 28. Soy and Cancer Risk ♦ Soy contains several phytochemicals (phytoestrogens) which have weak estrogen activity and appear to protect against hormone- dependent cancers in animal studies ♦ No evidence shows soy supplements reduce cancer risk ♦ High doses of soy may increase the risk of estrogen-responsive cancers, such as breast or endometrial cancers in certain women ♦ Breast cancer survivors should consume only moderate amounts
  • 29. Alcohol ♦ Alcohol associated with carcinogenesis in cancers of the mouth, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, lung, colon, rectum, liver and breast (USDHHS, 2000) ♦ Appears to act synergistically with tobacco ♦ Malnutrition associated with alcoholism may also be implicated
  • 30. Coffee and Tea ♦ Coffee has been investigated as a possible risk factor for a variety of cancers, but does not appear to be associated with increased cancer ♦ Regular drinking of green tea and other sources of polyphenols may reduce the risk of stomach cancer ♦ Consumption of very hot drinks may increase the risk of esophageal cancer
  • 31. Artificial Sweeteners ♦ Cyclamate banned as food additive in US in 1969 and saccharine in 1977 after being associated with bladder cancer in mice ♦ Under public pressure, saccharine returned to the market; it was reviewed and taken off the list of potential carcinogens in 2000 ♦ Aspartame: no evidence implicating it in increased cancer risk
  • 32. Artifical Sweeteners Five artificial sweeteners on the market: ♦ Acesulfame-K ♦ Aspartame ♦ Neotame ♦ Saccharine ♦ Sucralose
  • 33. Hyperinsulinemia and Cancer ♦ Increased body mass index may promote hyperinsulinemia and metabolic syndrome ♦ Insulin resistance/hyperinsulinemia, higher estrogen levels, and insulin-like growth factor I may act synergistically to promote tumor growth, particularly mammary tumors.
  • 34. Food Safety and Cancer ♦ Naturally occurring carcinogens (aflatoxins in peanuts, safrol in plant oils, tannins in grains and grapes, benzopyrene formed by smoking meat and fish) ♦ Naturally found in plant foods like celery, parsley, figs, mustard, pepper, citrus oils ♦ Pesticides
  • 35. Food Safety and Cancer ♦ Choose in-season, locally grown produce ♦ Rinse fruits and vegetables and remove outer leaves before eating ♦ Use proper food storage to prevent growth of fungal carcinogens ♦ Marinate protein foods to decrease cooking time ♦ Use cooking methods to avoid contact of foods and food drippings with flames ♦ Use lower cooking temperatures with protein foods Mobley C. Nutrition and cancer prevention. In McCallum and Polisena, The Clinical Guide to Oncology Nutrition. Oncology Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group, 2000
  • 36. AICR Diet and Health Guidelines for Cancer Prevention ♦ Choose a diet rich in a variety of plant- based foods ♦ Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits. ♦ Maintain a healthy weight and be physically active. ♦ Drink alcohol only in moderation, if at all. ♦ Select foods low in fat and salt. ♦ Prepare and store food safely.
  • 37. American Cancer Society Guide to Nutrition and Activity ♦ Eat a variety of healthful foods, with an emphasis on plant sources. Eat five or more servings of a variety of vegetables and fruits each day. ♦ Include vegetables and fruits at every meal and for snacks. ♦ Eat a variety of vegetables and fruits. ♦ Limit French fries, snack chips, and other fried vegetable products. ♦ Choose 100% juice if you drink fruit or vegetable juices.
  • 38. American Cancer Society Guide to Nutrition and Activity ♦ Choose whole grains in preference to processed (refined) grains and sugars. ♦ Choose whole grain rice, bread, pasta, and cereals. ♦ Limit consumption of refined carbohydrates, including pastries, sweetened cereals, soft drinks, and sugars.
  • 39. American Cancer Society Guide to Nutrition and Activity ♦ Limit consumption of red meats, especially those high in fat and processed. ♦ Choose fish, poultry, or beans as an alternative to beef, pork, and lamb. ♦ When you eat meat, select lean cuts and smaller portions. ♦ Prepare meat by baking, broiling, or poaching, rather than by frying or charbroiling.
  • 40. American Cancer Society Guide to Nutrition and Activity ♦ Choose foods that help maintain a healthful weight. ♦ When you eat away from home, choose food low in fat, calories, and sugar and avoid large portions. ♦ Eat smaller portions of high-calorie foods. Be aware that “low fat” or “fat free” does not mean “low calorie” and that low-fat cakes, cookies, and similar foods are often high in calories. ♦ Substitute vegetables, fruits, and other low-calorie foods for calorie-dense foods such as French fries, cheeseburgers, pizza, ice cream, doughnuts, and other sweets.
  • 41. Lifestyle Changes to Reduce Breast Cancer Risk ♦ Reducing alcohol consumption ♦ Breastfeeding ♦ Avoiding obesity ♦ Being physically active Source: American Cancer Society, accessed 2005
  • 42. Lifestyle Change to Prevent Colon Cancer ♦ Increase your physical activity ♦ Eat more vegetables and fruit ♦ Limit intake of red meats ♦ Avoid obesity ♦ Avoid excess alcohol Source: American Cancer Society, accessed 2005
  • 43. Lifestyle Changes to Prevent Oral and Esophageal Cancers ♦ The best advice to reduce the risk of oral and esophageal cancers is to: ♦ Avoid all forms of tobacco ♦ Restrict alcohol consumption ♦ Avoid obesity
  • 44. Lifestyle Changes to Prevent Pancreatic Cancer ♦ Avoid tobacco use ♦ Maintain a healthful weight ♦ Remain physically active ♦ Eat five or more servings of vegetables and fruits each day Source: American Cancer Society, accessed 2005
  • 45. Lifestyle Changes to Prevent Prostate Cancer ♦ Limit intake of animal products, especially red meat and high-fat dairy products ♦ Eat five or more servings of vegetables and fruits each day
  • 46. Lifestyle Changes to Prevent Stomach Cancer ♦ Eat at least five servings of vegetables and fruits daily. ♦ Stomach cancer rates are falling due to reduced infection with h. pylori
  • 47. At Present, There Are No Nutritional Risk Factors for ♦ Brain Cancer ♦ Leukemias ♦ Ovarian cancer Source: American Cancer Society, accessed 2005
  • 48. Diet Recommendations for Cancer Survivors ♦ Cancer survivor may harbor undetected primary or disseminated cancer cells ♦ A “cured” cancer pt is at increased risk for other primary cancers in the same organ or other organs ♦ General dietary guidelines are also appropriate for recovering cancer pts ♦ Dietary regimens should a) avoid stimulating growth and spread of remaining tumor cells and b) provide maximum prevention against new primary tumors Nixon DW. Nutrition during cancer recovery. In McCallum and Polisena, The Clinical Guide to Oncology Nutrition. Chicago, The American Dietetic Association, 2000.
  • 49. Recommendations for Cancer Survivors ♦ Limit total fat intake to 15-20% of total calories. Monounsaturated fats are preferred. ♦ Aim for 10-12 daily servings of a variety of whole vegetables and fruits. ♦ Consume 4-6 servings of whole grains daily. Breast cancer pts should eliminate or severely restrict alcohol intake
  • 50. Dietary Recommendations for Cancer Survivors ♦ Consider a Vitamin E supplement of 200 IU/day to replace deficit from reduced fat intake ♦ Standard dose multivit daily (not to exceed 100% RDA). This does not replace cancer- fighting foods ♦ Exercise moderately (30 minute daily walk, for example) ♦ Maintain desirable body weight