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VV Nagar, Arasoor, Sathankulam (TK)
Tisaiyanvillai (Via), Tuticorin-628 656.
Ph: 04637-273312
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 1 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 2 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
VV Nagar, Arasoor, Sathankulam (TK)
Tisaiyanvillai (Via), Tuticorin-628 656.
Ph: 04637-273312
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EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 3 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 4 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
Date Name of the Experiment Page
Marks Signature
1 HDL based design entry and simulation of
Logic Gates and Multiplexer.
2 HDL based design entry and simulation of
Simple counters, State Machines, 8-bit
Adder and 4-bit Multiplier
3 Synthesis P & R and post P & R simulation,
Critical paths and Static timing analysis of
the components simulated in (2).
4 Hardware fusing and testing of each of the
blocks simulated in (2).
5 Design, simulation and layout of a CMOS
6 Design and simulation of a simple 5
transistor differential amplifier.
7 Layout generation and parasitic extraction
of differential amplifier.
8 Synthesis and Standard cell based design
of (2). Identification of critical paths and
power consumption.
9 P & R, power, clock routing and post P & R
simulation of (2).
10 Analysis of results of static timing analysis.
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 5 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
NOT Gate: NAND Gate:
Symbol Truth Table Symbol Truth Table
AND Gate: NOR Gate:
Symbol Truth Table Symbol Truth Table
OR Gate: XNOR Gate:
Symbol Truth Table Symbol Truth Table
XOR Gate:
Symbol Truth Table
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 6 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
Ex. No: 1 Date:
To design and simulate the logic gates and multiplexer using Verilog HDL.
Xilinx 13.4 ISE– A project navigator software tool
Logic Gates
input A,B;
reg Y_XOR,Y_NOT;
assign Y_AND = A & B;
assign Y_OR = A | B;
always @ (A or B)
Y_XOR = A ^ B;
Y_NOT = ~A;
nand N1(Y_NAND,A,B);
nor N2(Y_NOR,A,B);
xnor N3(Y_XNOR,A,B);
module mux(Y,D1,D0,S);
input [2:0] D1,D0;
input S;
output [2:0] Y;
reg [2:0] Y;
always @(D1 or D0 or S)
if (S == 1'b0)
Y = D0;
Y = D1;
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 7 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
Logic Diagram for Multiplexer:
Logic gates
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 8 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
• Double click Xilinx ISE Design Suite 13.4 on the desktop or Go to Start –> All
programs –> Xilinx ISE Design Suite 13.4 –> ISE Design tools.
• Click on File –> New project. A new project wizard will open. Type the name of the
project and select the location. The top-level source type should be selected as HDL.
Click next.
• A new project wizard opens.
Product category :All
Family :Spartan 6
Device :XC6SLX45
Package :CSG324
Speed :-2
Top-level source type :HDL
Synthesis tool :XST(VHDL/Verilog)
Simulator :Isim(VHDL/Verilog)
Preferred language :Verilog
• Click next–>finish–>Right click on the project name shown in hierarchy and select
new source.
• New source wizard open. Select Verilog module and give program name as the file
name and click next and finish.
• Write the program and save it.
• In the process tab click on ‘+’ sign of synthesis and double click on check syntax.
• In the design tab select the simulation.
• Select the verilog module file in hierarchy tab and in process tab click on ‘+’ sign of
Isim simulator and double click on simulate behavioral model. The waveform displays.
• Give the inputs and verify the output through simulation results.
• Save the waveform.
Thus, the logic gates and multiplexer were designed and simulated using xilinx.
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 9 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 10 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
Ex. No: 2 Date:
To design and simulate the logic gates and multiplexer using Verilog HDL.
Xilinx 13.4 ISE– A project navigator software tool
Verilog code:
module upcounter(clk,reset,count);
input clk,reset;
output reg[3:0]count;
wire clk,reset;
always@(posedge clk)
module upcountertb;
// Inputs
reg clk;
reg reset;
// Outputs
wire [3:0] count;
// Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
upcounter uut (
initial begin
$display("timet clk reset count");
$display("%gt %b %b %b",
// Initialize Inputs
#2 reset=0;
#10 reset=1;
#10 reset=0;
#250 $finish;
#10 clk=~clk;
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 11 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 12 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
Verilog code:
module downcounter(clk,reset,count);
input clk,reset;
output reg[3:0]count;
wire clk,reset;
always@(posedge clk)
module downcountertb;
// Inputs
reg clk;
reg reset;
// Outputs
wire [3:0] count;
// Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
upcounter uut (
initial begin
$display("timet clk reset count");
$display("%gt %b %b %b",
// Initialize Inputs
#2 reset=0;
#10 reset=1;
#10 reset=0;
#250 $finish;
#10 clk=~clk;
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 13 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 14 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
Verilog code:
module updowncounter(clk,reset,UD,count);
input clk,reset,UD;
output reg[3:0]count;
wire clk,reset;
always@(posedge clk)
(UD ==1)
module updowncountertb;
// Inputs
reg clk;
reg reset;
reg UD;
// Outputs
wire [3:0] count;
// Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
updowncounter uut (
initial begin
$display("timet clk reset count");
$display("%gt %b %b %b",
// Initialize Inputs
#2 reset=0;
#10 reset=1;
#10 reset=0;
#50 UD=0;
#50 UD=1;
#250 $finish;
#10 clk=~clk;
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 15 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
Moore State Machine
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 16 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
Moore State Machine
Verilog code:
module Moorefsm(input clk,input reset,output
parameter S0=2'b00;
parameter S1=2'b01;
parameter S2=2'b10;
always @(posedge clk,posedge reset)
if(reset)state <=0;
else state<=nextstate;
always @(*)
assign out=(state==S2);
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 17 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
Mealy State Machine
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 18 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
Mealy State Machine
Verilog code:
module MealyFSM(input clk,
input reset,
input a,
output x, y);
reg [2:0] state, nextstate;
parameter S0 = 3'b000;
parameter S1 = 3'b010;
parameter S2 = 3'b011;
parameter S3 = 3'b100;
parameter S4 = 3'b101;
// State Register
always @(posedge clk, posedge reset)
if (reset) state <= S0;
else state <= nextstate;
// Next State Logic
always @ (*)
case (state)
S0: if (a) nextstate = S3;
else nextstate = S1;
S1: if (a) nextstate = S3;
else nextstate = S2;
S2: if (a) nextstate = S3;
else nextstate = S2;
S3: if (a) nextstate = S4;
else nextstate = S1;
S4: if (a) nextstate = S4;
else nextstate = S1;
default: nextstate = S0;
// Output Logic
assign x = (state [1] & ~a) | (state [2]& a);
assign y = (state [1] & state [0] & ~a) |
(state [2] & state [0] & a);
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 19 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
8-bit Adder Block Diagram
1-bit Full adder Logic Diagram:
Eight-Bit Full Adder
In Unsigned decimal representation
In Binary representation
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 20 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
Eight-Bit Full Adder
Verilog code:
Eight-bit Full adder
module fa8bitadder(sum,carry,a,b,cin);
input [7:0] a,b;
input cin;
output [7:0] sum;
output carry;
wire c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7;
fulladder fa0(sum[0],c1,a[0],b[0],cin);
fulladder fa1(sum[1],c2,a[1],b[1],c1);
fulladder fa2(sum[2],c3,a[2],b[2],c2);
fulladder fa3(sum[3],c4,a[3],b[3],c3);
fulladder fa4(sum[4],c5,a[4],b[4],c4);
fulladder fa5(sum[5],c6,a[5],b[5],c5);
fulladder fa6(sum[6],c7,a[6],b[6],c6);
fulladder fa7(sum[7],carry,a[7],b[7],c7);
One-bit Full adder
module fulladder(sum,carry,a,b,cin);
input a,b,cin;
output sum,carry;
assign sum=a^b^cin;
assign carry=((a&b)|(b&cin)|(cin&a));
module fatb;
// Inputs
reg [7:0] a;
reg [7:0] b;
reg cin;
// Outputs
wire [7:0] sum;
wire carry;
// Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
fa8bitadder uut (
initial begin
// Initialize Inputs
#50 a=8'b00000001;b=8'b00000111;
#50 a=8'b01110001;b=8'b01100111;
#50 a=8'b11100001;b=8'b11000100;cin=1'b1;
#50 a=8'b00110001;b=8'b000011000;cin=1'b0;
#50 a=8'b10001001;b=8'b00110001;
#50 a=8'b11101101;b=8'b11111111;
#50 $finish;
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 21 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 22 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
Verilog code:
module multiply4bits(product,inp1,inp2);
output [7:0]product;
input [3:0]inp1;
input [3:0]inp2;
assign product[0]=(inp1[0]&inp2[0]);
wire x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8,x9,x10,x11,x12,
HA HA1(product[1],x1,(inp1[1]&inp2[0]),
FA FA1(x2,x3,inp1[1]&inp2[1],
FA FA2(x4,x5,(inp1[1]&inp2[2]),
HA HA2(x6,x7,(inp1[1]&inp2[3]),x5);
HA HA3(product[2],x15,x2,
FA FA5(x14,x16,x4,(inp1[2]&inp2[1]),x15);
FA FA4(x13,x17,x6,(inp1[2]&inp2[2]),x16);
FA FA3(x9,x8,x7,(inp1[2]&inp2[3]),x17);
HA HA4(product[3],x12,x14,
FA FA8(product[4],x11,x13,
FA FA7(product[5],x10,x9,
FA FA6(product[6],product[7],x8,
module HA(sout,cout,a,b); output sout,cout;
input a,b;
assign sout=a^b; assign cout=(a&b);
module FA(sout,cout,a,b,cin); output
input a,b,cin;
assign sout=(a^b^cin);
assign cout=((a&b)|(a&cin)|(b&cin));
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 23 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 24 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
• Double click Xilinx ISE Design Suite 13.4 on the desktop or Go to Start –> All
programs –> Xilinx ISE Design Suite 13.4 –> ISE Design tools.
• Click on File –> New project. A new project wizard will open. Type the name of the
project and select the location. The top-level source type should be selected as HDL.
Click next.
• A new project wizard opens.
Product category :All
Family :Spartan 6
Device :XC6SLX45
Package :CSG324
Speed :-2
Top-level source type :HDL
Synthesis tool :XST(VHDL/Verilog)
Simulator :Isim(VHDL/Verilog)
Preferred language :Verilog
• Click next–>finish–>Right click on the project name shown in hierarchy and select
new source.
• New source wizard open. Select Verilog module and give program name as the file
name and click next and finish. Write the program and save it.
• In the process tab click on ‘+’ sign of synthesis and double click on check syntax.
• In the hierarchy tab right click on the program and select new source.
• In the opened new source wizard select Verilog test fixture and then give file name and
click next and select the associate source and click next and then finish.
• Write the test bench code save it and select the simulation in design tab.
• Select the test bench file in hierarchy tab and in process tab click on ‘+’ sign of Isim
simulator and double click on simulate behavioral model .The waveform displays.
• Save the waveform.
Thus, the counters, state machines, 8-bit adder and multiplier were designed and
simulated using testbench.
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 25 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 26 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
Ex. No: 3 Date:
To synthesize, place & route and pin assign the logic circuits designed.
Xilinx 13.4 ISE– A project navigator software tool
• Repeat the procedure of the 1st experiment.
• Select the program and double click on the synthesis.
• Click the “+” sign next to Synthesize – XST and double click on RTL Schematic and
Technology Schematic and view them.
• The Register Transfer Level (RTL) schematic view shows gates and elements independent of
the targeted Xilinx® device.
• Technology schematic view shows the design hierarchy in terms of the LUTs and buffers.
• Double click on Design Summary/Reports to see the Synthesis reports.
• In the Device Utilization Summary section, observe the number of Slice Flip Flops that were
used during implementation. To see other reports, scroll to the bottom of the Design
• Double click on the User Constraints file. Now a '.ucf ' file opens automatically in the design
• Click on that file and double click on edit constraints in the process tab and write the pin
• Click the “+” sign next to Implement Design. The Translate, Map, and Place & Route
processes are displayed. Expand those processes as well by clicking on the “+” sign.
• Double click on the Place and Route. A Plan Ahead window opens where the package and
device view of FPGA can be seen. Floor planning can be done here.
• Double click on the XPower analyzer to view the power analysis.
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 27 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
Device utilization summary:
Selected Device : 6slx45csg324-2
Slice Logic Utilization:
Number of Slice LUTs: 20 out of 27288 0%
Number used as Logic: 20 out of 27288 0%
Slice Logic Distribution:
Number of LUT Flip Flop pairs used: 20
Number with an unused Flip Flop: 20 out of 20 100%
Number with an unused LUT: 0 out of 20 0%
Number of fully used LUT-FF pairs: 0 out of 20 0%
Number of unique control sets: 0
IO Utilization:
Number of IOs: 16
Number of bonded IOBs: 16 out of 218 7%
Maximum combinational path delay: 11.425ns
Timing Details:
All values displayed in nanoseconds (ns)
Timing constraint: Default path analysis
Total number of paths / destination ports: 411 / 8
Delay: 11.425ns (Levels of Logic = 7)
Source: inp2<1> (PAD)
Destination: product<7> (PAD)
Data Path: inp2<1> to product<7>
Gate Net
Cell:in->out fanout Delay Delay Logical Name (Net Name)
---------------------------------------- ------------
IBUF:I->O 13 1.328 1.326 inp2_1_IBUF (inp2_1_IBUF)
LUT4:I1->O 3 0.235 0.994 HA1/cout1 (x1)
LUT6:I3->O 4 0.235 1.080 HA3/cout1 (x15)
LUT4:I0->O 2 0.254 0.834 FA5/cout1 (x16)
LUT6:I4->O 3 0.250 1.042 FA3/Mxor_sout_xo<0>1 (x9)
LUT6:I2->O 1 0.254 0.681 FA6/cout1 (product_7_OBUF)
OBUF:I->O 2.912 product_7_OBUF (product<7>)
Total 11.425ns (5.468ns logic, 5.957ns route)
(47.9% logic, 52.1% route)
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 28 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
Cross Clock Domains Report:
Total REAL time to Xst completion: 8.00 secs
Total CPU time to Xst completion: 7.95 secs
Total memory usage is 249264 kilobytes
Number of errors : 0 ( 0 filtered)
Number of warnings : 0 ( 0 filtered)
Number of infos : 1 ( 0 filtered)
All signals are completely routed.
Total REAL time to PAR completion: 48 secs
Total CPU time to PAR completion: 7 secs
Peak Memory Usage: 383 MB
Placer: Placement generated during map.
Routing: Completed - No errors found.
Number of error messages: 0
Data Sheet report:
All values displayed in nanoseconds (ns)
Pad to Pad
Source Pad |Destination Pad| Delay |
inp1<0> |product<0> | 15.066|
inp1<0> |product<1> | 14.999|
inp1<0> |product<2> | 16.195|
inp1<0> |product<3> | 16.962|
inp1<0> |product<4> | 17.517|
inp1<0> |product<5> | 22.773|
inp1<0> |product<6> | 19.856|
inp1<0> |product<7> | 19.717|
inp1<1> |product<1> | 16.027|
inp1<1> |product<2> | 17.223|
inp1<1> |product<3> | 18.258|
inp1<1> |product<4> | 18.813|
inp1<1> |product<5> | 24.069|
Source Pad |Destination Pad| Delay |
inp2<0> |product<0> | 12.131|
inp2<0> |product<1> | 14.997|
inp2<0> |product<2> | 16.193|
inp2<0> |product<3> | 16.960|
inp2<0> |product<4> | 17.515|
inp2<0> |product<5> | 22.771|
inp2<0> |product<6> | 19.854|
inp2<0> |product<7> | 19.715|
inp2<1> |product<1> | 15.469|
inp2<1> |product<2> | 16.665|
inp2<1> |product<3> | 17.690|
inp2<1> |product<4> | 18.245|
inp2<1> |product<5> | 23.501|
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 29 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
inp1<1> |product<6> | 21.152|
inp1<1> |product<7> | 21.013|
inp1<2> |product<2> | 15.832|
inp1<2> |product<3> | 17.346|
inp1<2> |product<4> | 17.901|
inp1<2> |product<5> | 23.157|
inp1<2> |product<6> | 20.240|
inp1<2> |product<7> | 20.101|
inp1<3> |product<3> | 13.751|
inp1<3> |product<4> | 16.383|
inp1<3> |product<5> | 20.089|
inp1<3> |product<6> | 18.543|
inp1<3> |product<7> | 17.759|
inp2<1> |product<6> | 20.584|
inp2<1> |product<7> | 20.445|
inp2<2> |product<2> | 14.945|
inp2<2> |product<3> | 17.004|
inp2<2> |product<4> | 17.559|
inp2<2> |product<5> | 22.815|
inp2<2> |product<6> | 19.898|
inp2<2> |product<7> | 19.759|
inp2<3> |product<3> | 16.557|
inp2<3> |product<4> | 17.370|
inp2<3> |product<5> | 22.626|
inp2<3> |product<6> | 19.706|
inp2<3> |product<7> | 19.567|
Analysis completed Wed Feb 22 15:10:12 2017
Trace Settings
Peak Memory Usage: 256 MB
NET "inp1<0>" LOC = A10;
NET "inp1<1>" LOC = D14;
NET "inp1<2>" LOC = C14;
NET "inp1<3>" LOC = P15;
NET "inp2<0>" LOC = P12;
NET "inp2<1>" LOC = R5;
NET "inp2<2>" LOC = T5;
NET "inp2<3>" LOC = E4;
NET "product<7>" LOC = N12;
NET "product<6>" LOC = P16;
NET "product<5>" LOC = D4;
NET "product<4>" LOC = M13;
NET "product<3>" LOC = L14;
NET "product<2>" LOC = N14;
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 30 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
NET "product<1>" LOC = M14;
NET "product<0>" LOC = U18;
Device utilization summary:
Selected Device : 6slx45csg324-2
Slice Logic Utilization:
Number of Slice LUTs: 12 out of 27288 0%
Number used as Logic: 12 out of 27288 0%
Slice Logic Distribution:
Number of LUT Flip Flop pairs used: 12
Number with an unused Flip Flop: 12 out of 12 100%
Number with an unused LUT: 0 out of 12 0%
Number of fully used LUT-FF pairs: 0 out of 12 0%
Number of unique control sets: 0
IO Utilization:
Number of IOs: 26
Number of bonded IOBs: 26 out of 218 11%
Timing Details:
All values displayed in nanoseconds (ns)
Timing constraint: Default path analysis
Total number of paths / destination ports: 97 / 9
Delay: 9.703ns (Levels of Logic = 6)
Source: a<1> (PAD)
Destination: sum<7> (PAD)
Data Path: a<1> to sum<7>
Gate Net
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 31 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 32 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
Cell:in->out fanout Delay Delay Logical Name (Net Name)
---------------------------------------- ------------
IBUF:I->O 2 1.328 1.156 a_1_IBUF (a_1_IBUF)
LUT5:I0->O 3 0.254 0.874 fa1/carry1 (c2)
LUT5:I3->O 3 0.250 0.874 fa3/carry1 (c4)
LUT5:I3->O 3 0.250 0.874 fa5/carry1 (c6)
LUT5:I3->O 1 0.250 0.681 fa7/carry1 (carry_OBUF)
OBUF:I->O 2.912 carry_OBUF (carry)
Total 9.703ns (5.244ns logic, 4.459ns route)
(54.0% logic, 46.0% route)
Cross Clock Domains Report:
Total REAL time to Xst completion: 7.00 secs
Total CPU time to Xst completion: 6.96 secs
Total memory usage is 248624 kilobytes
Number of errors : 0 ( 0 filtered)
Number of warnings : 0 ( 0 filtered)
Number of infos : 1 ( 0 filtered)
All signals are completely routed.
Total REAL time to PAR completion: 47 secs
Total CPU time to PAR completion: 6 secs
Peak Memory Usage: 381 MB
Placer: Placement generated during map.
Routing: Completed - No errors found.
Number of error messages: 0
Number of warning messages: 0
Number of info messages: 2
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 33 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 34 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
Data Sheet report:
All values displayed in nanoseconds (ns)
Pad to Pad
Source Pad |Destination Pad| Delay |
a<0> |carry | 21.697|
a<0> |sum<0> | 14.838|
a<0> |sum<1> | 15.375|
a<0> |sum<2> | 15.496|
a<0> |sum<3> | 16.492|
a<0> |sum<4> | 19.085|
a<0> |sum<5> | 19.397|
a<0> |sum<6> | 19.829|
a<0> |sum<7> | 20.471|
a<1> |carry | 21.953|
a<1> |sum<1> | 15.631|
a<1> |sum<2> | 15.752|
a<1> |sum<3> | 16.748|
a<1> |sum<4> | 19.341|
a<1> |sum<5> | 19.653|
a<1> |sum<6> | 20.085|
a<1> |sum<7> | 20.727|
a<2> |carry | 21.228|
a<2> |sum<2> | 15.121|
a<2> |sum<3> | 16.023|
a<2> |sum<4> | 18.616|
a<2> |sum<5> | 18.928|
a<2> |sum<6> | 19.360|
Source Pad |Destination Pad| Delay |
b<0> |sum<4> | 16.621|
b<0> |sum<5> | 16.933|
b<0> |sum<6> | 17.365|
b<0> |sum<7> | 18.007|
b<1> |carry | 20.904|
b<1> |sum<1> | 14.582|
b<1> |sum<2> | 14.703|
b<1> |sum<3> | 15.699|
b<1> |sum<4> | 18.292|
b<1> |sum<5> | 18.604|
b<1> |sum<6> | 19.036|
b<1> |sum<7> | 19.678|
b<2> |carry | 20.257|
b<2> |sum<2> | 14.308|
b<2> |sum<3> | 15.052|
b<2> |sum<4> | 17.645|
b<2> |sum<5> | 17.957|
b<2> |sum<6> | 18.389|
b<2> |sum<7> | 19.031|
b<3> |carry | 20.958|
b<3> |sum<3> | 15.753|
b<3> |sum<4> | 18.346|
b<3> |sum<5> | 18.658|
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 35 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
a<2> |sum<7> | 20.002|
a<3> |carry | 19.298|
a<3> |sum<3> | 14.093|
a<3> |sum<4> | 16.686|
a<3> |sum<5> | 16.998|
a<3> |sum<6> | 17.430|
a<3> |sum<7> | 18.072|
a<4> |carry | 11.450|
a<4> |sum<4> | 8.884|
a<4> |sum<5> | 9.150|
a<4> |sum<6> | 9.582|
a<4> |sum<7> | 10.224|
a<5> |carry | 11.750|
a<5> |sum<5> | 9.450|
a<5> |sum<6> | 9.882|
a<5> |sum<7> | 10.524|
a<6> |carry | 10.998|
a<6> |sum<6> | 9.739|
a<6> |sum<7> | 9.772|
a<7> |carry | 10.505|
a<7> |sum<7> | 9.279|
b<0> |carry | 19.233|
b<0> |sum<0> | 12.730|
b<0> |sum<1> | 12.911|
b<0> |sum<2> | 13.032|
b<0> |sum<3> | 14.028|
b<3> |sum<6> | 19.090|
b<3> |sum<7> | 19.732|
b<4> |carry | 11.500|
b<4> |sum<4> | 9.355|
b<4> |sum<5> | 9.200|
b<4> |sum<6> | 9.632|
b<4> |sum<7> | 10.274|
b<5> |carry | 11.635|
b<5> |sum<5> | 9.335|
b<5> |sum<6> | 9.767|
b<5> |sum<7> | 10.409|
b<6> |carry | 10.583|
b<6> |sum<6> | 8.987|
b<6> |sum<7> | 9.357|
b<7> |carry | 10.356|
b<7> |sum<7> | 9.130|
cin |carry | 21.246|
cin |sum<0> | 14.420|
cin |sum<1> | 14.924|
cin |sum<2> | 15.045|
cin |sum<3> | 16.041|
cin |sum<4> | 18.634|
cin |sum<5> | 18.946|
cin |sum<6> | 19.378|
cin |sum<7> | 20.020|
Analysis completed Fri Mar 03 09:33:49 2017
Peak Memory Usage: 256 MB
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 36 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
As Spartan 6 FPGA has only 8 input switches, we modify the program for 4-bit and dump into the kit.
NET "cin" LOC = F6;
NET "a<0>" LOC = A10;
NET "a<1>" LOC = D14;
NET "a<2>" LOC = C14;
NET "a<3>" LOC = P15;
NET "b<0>" LOC = P12;
NET "b<1>" LOC = R5;
NET "b<2>" LOC = T5;
NET "b<3>" LOC = E4;
NET "sum<0>" LOC = U18;
NET "sum<1>" LOC = M14;
NET "sum<2>" LOC = N14;
NET "sum<3>" LOC = L14;
NET "carry" LOC = M13;
Thus, the circuits in experiment (2) were synthesised, and their P&R , post P&R static
timing reports were generated , critical paths were found.
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 37 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
Figure: iMPACT Welcome Dialog Box
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 38 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
Ex. No: 4 Date:
To generate the configuration files and download the design into the Spartan6 kit.
• Xilinx 13.4 ISE– A project navigator software tool
• Spartan 6 FPGA kit(XC6SLX45 CSG324)
• Power cable
• USB cable
• Repeat the procedure of 3rd experiment.
• Next connect the 5V DC power cable to the power input on the kit.
• Connect the USB cable between the PC and kit.
• Select program in the Sources window.
• Double click on the Implementation to run it and it to see the translate, map and place
and route click on the “+” sign to expand.
• Double click on Xpiower Analyzer to see the power analysis
• In the Processes window, click the “+” sign to expand the Generate Programming File
• Double-click the Configure Device (iMPACT) process.
• iMPACT opens and the Configure Devices dialog box is displayed.
• In the Welcome dialog box, select Boundary-Scan.
• Right Click and select initialize chain.
• Now right click on the device and select Assign New Configuration File and select
the .bit file and click Open.
• Right-click on the device image, and select Program... The Programming
Properties dialog box opens.
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 39 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
Figure: Assign New Configuration File
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 40 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
• Click OK to program the device. When programming is complete, the Program
Succeeded message is displayed.
• Now give the inputs through switches in the FPGA kit and observe the output in the
The designed logic circuits were configured to FPGA device and hardware tested.
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 41 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
This is a table 1 of components for building the
Inverter schematic.
Figure 1
Figure 2
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 42 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
Ex. No: 5 Date:
To design the schematic and layout of a CMOS inverter and simulate it.
CADENCE Virtuoso tool
Creating a New library
1. In the Library Manager, execute File - New – Library. The new library form appears.
2. In the “New Library” form, type “myDesignLib” in the Name section. Note: A technology
file is not required if you are not interested to do the layouts for the design.
3. In the next “Technology File for New library” form, select option Attach to an
existing techfile and click OK.
4. In the “Attach Design Library to Technology File” form, select gpdk180.
Creating a Schematic Cellview
1. In the Library manager, execute File – New – Cellview.
2. Set up the New file form as shown in Figure 1.Do not edit the Library path file.
3. Click OK when done the above settings. A blank schematic window for the Inverter design
Adding Components to schematic
1. In the Inverter schematic window, click the Instance fixed menu icon to display the
Add Instance form or press i.
2. Click on the Browse button. This opens up a Library browser from which you can select
components and the symbol view. You will update the Library Name, Cell Name, and the
property values given in the table 1 as you place each component.
3. After you complete the Add Instance form, move your cursor to the schematic window and
click left to place a component. If you place a component with the wrong parameter values,
use the Edit— Properties— Objects command to change the parameters. Use the Edit—
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 43 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
Figure 3
Figure 4
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 44 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
Move command if you place components in the wrong location. You can rotate components
at the time you place them, or use the Edit— Rotate command after they are placed.
4. After entering components, click Cancel in the Add Instance form or press Esc with your
cursor in the schematic window.
Adding pins to Schematic
1. Click the Pin fixed menu icon in the schematic window.You can also execute
Create — Pin or press p. The Add pin form appears.
2. Type the following in the Add pin form in the exact order leaving space between the pin
Pin Names Direction
vin Input
vout Output
3. Select Cancel from the Add – pin form after placing the pins.
In the schematic window, execute Window— Fit or press the f bindkey.
Adding Wires to a Schematic
1. Click the Wire (narrow) icon or w
key, in the schematic window.
2.Complete the wiring as shown in figure 2 and when done wiring press ESC key in the
schematic window to cancel wiring.
Saving the Design
1. Click the Check and Save icon in the schematic editor window.
2. Observe the CIW output area for any errors.
Symbol Creation
1. In the Inverter schematic window, execute Create — Cellview— From Cellview. With
the Edit Options function active, you can control the appearance of the symbol to generate.
2. Verify that the From View Name field is set to schematic, and the To View Name field
is set to symbol, with the Tool/Data Type set as SchematicSymbol.
3. Click OK in the Cellview From Cellview form. The Symbol Generation Form appears.
4. Modify the Pin Specifications as shown in Figure 3.
5. Click OK in the Symbol Generation Options form.
6. A new window displays an automatically created Inverter symbol as shown in Figure 4.
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 45 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
Figure 5
Figure 6
Library name Cellview name Properties/Com
myDesignLib Inverter Symbol
analogLib vpulse v1=0, v2=1.8,td=0
tr=tf=1ns, ton=10n,
analogLib vdc, gnd vdc=1.8
Table 2
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 46 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
Editing a Symbol
1. Move the cursor over the automatically generated
symbol, until the green rectangle is highlighted, click left
to select it.
2. Click Delete icon in the symbol window, similarly select the red rectangle and delete that.
3. Execute Create – Shape – polygon, and draw a shape similar to triangle.
4. After creating the triangle press ESC key.
5. Execute Create – Shape – Circle to make a circle at the end of triangle.
6. You can move the pin names according to the location.
7. Execute Create — Selection Box. In the Add Selection Box form, click Automatic. A
new red selection box is automatically added.
8. After creating symbol, click on the save icon in the symbol editor window to save the
symbol(Figure 5).
Creating the Inverter_Test Cellview
In the CIW or Library Manager, execute File— New— Cellview. Set up the New File form
as as shown in Figure 6. Click OK when done. A blank schematic window for the
Inverter_Test design appears.
Building the Inverter_Test Circuit
1. Using the component list and Properties/Comments in this table, build the Inverter_Test
2. Add the above components using Create — Instance or by pressing I.
3. Click the Wire (narrow) icon and wire your schematic.
4. Click Create — Wire Name or press L to name the input (Vin) and output (Vout)
wires as in the below schematic.
4. Click on the Check and Save icon to save the design.
5. The schematic should looks as shown in Figure 7.
6. Leave your Inverter_Test schematic window open for the next section.
Starting the Simulation Environment
1. In the Inverter_Test schematic window, execute Launch – ADE L. The Virtuoso
Analog Design Environment (ADE) simulation window appears.
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 47 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
Figure 7
Figure 8
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 48 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
2. In the simulation window (ADE), execute Setup— Simulator/Directory/Host.
3. In the Choosing Simulator form, set the Simulator field to spectre and click OK.
Choosing Analyses
1. In the Simulation window (ADE), click the Choose - Analyses icon or execute Analyses -
Choose. The Choosing Analysis form appears.
2. As shown in Figure 8 setup for transient analysis
3. To set up for DC Analyses:
a. In the Analyses section, select dc.
b. In the DC Analyses section, turn on Save DC Operating Point.
c. Turn on the Component Parameter.
d. Double click the Select Component, Which takes you to the schematic window.
e. Select input signal vpulse source in the test schematic window.
f. Select DC Voltage― ‖ in the Select Component Parameter form and click OK.
f. In the analysis form type start and stop voltages as 0 to 1.8 respectively.
g. Check the enable button and then click Apply.
4. Click OK in the Choosing Analyses Form.
Setting Design Variables
1. In the Simulation window, click the Edit Variables icon. The Editing Design Variables
form appears.
3. Set the value of the wp variable. With the wp variable highlighted in the Table of Design
Variables, click on the variable name wp and enter the following:
Value(Expr) 2u
Selecting Outputs for Plotting
1. Execute Outputs – To be plotted – Select on Schematic in the simulation window.
2. Follow the prompt at the bottom of the schematic window, Click on output net Vout, input
net Vin of the Inverter. Press ESC with the cursor in the schematic after selecting it.
The simulation window looks as shown in Figure 9.
Running the Simulation
1. Execute Simulation – Netlist and Run in the simulation window to start the Simulation
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 49 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
Figure 9
Figure 10
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 50 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
or the icon, this will create the netlist as well as run the simulation.
2. When simulation finishes, the Transient, DC plots automatically will be popped up along
with log file.
Measuring the Propagation Delay
1. In the waveform window as shown in Figure 10 execute Tools – Calculator.
The calculator window appears.
2. From the functions select delay, this will open the delay data panel.
3. Place the cursor in the text box for Signal1, select the wave button and select the input
waveform from the waveform window.
4. Repeat the same for Signal2, and select the output waveform.
5. Set the Threshold value 1 and Threshold value 2 to 0.9, this directs the calculator to
calculate delay at 50% i.e. at 0.9 volts.
6. Execute OK and observe the expression created in the calculator buffer.
7. Click on Evaluate the buffer icon to perform the calculation, note down the value
returned after execution.
8. Close the calculator window.
Creating Layout View of Inverter
1. From the Inverter schematic window menu execute Launch – Layout XL. A Startup
Option form appears.
2. Select Create New option. This gives a New Cell View Form.
3. Check the Cellname (Inverter), Viewname (layout).
4. Click OK from the New Cellview form. LSW and a blank layout window appear along with
schematic window.
Adding Components to Layout
1. Execute Connectivity – Generate – All from Source or click the icon in the layout
editor window, Generate Layout form appears. Click OK which imports the schematic
components in to the Layout window automatically.
2. Re arrange the components with in PR-Boundary as shown in the Figure 11.
3. To rotate a component, Select the component and execute Edit –Properties. Now select
the degree of rotation from the property edit form.
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 51 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
Connection Contact Type
For Metal1- Poly
For Metal1-
For Metal1-
Nwell Connection
Table 3
Figure 11
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 52 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
4. To Move a component, Select the component and execute Edit -Move command.
Making interconnection
1. Execute Connectivity –Nets – Show/Hide selected Incomplete Nets or click
the icon in the Layout Menu.
2. From the layout window execute Create – Shape – Path/ Create wire or Create –
Shape – Rectangle (for vdd and gnd bar) and select the appropriate Layers from the LSW
window and Vias for making the inter connections
Creating Contacts/Vias
1. Execute Create — Via or select command to place different Contacts, as given in below
table 3.
2. Save your design by selecting File — Save, layout should appear as shown in the Figure 11.
Running a DRC
1. Open the Inverter layout form the CIW or library manger. Press shift – f in the layout
window to display all the levels.
2. Select Assura - Run DRC from layout window. The DRC form appears. Select the
Technology as gpdk180. This automatically loads the rule file.
3. Click OK to start DRC.
4. A Progress form will appears. You can click on the watch log file to see the log file.
5. When DRC finishes, a dialog box appears asking you if you want to view your DRC results,
and then click Yes to view the results of this run.
6. If there any DRC error exists in the design View Layer Window (VLW) and Error
Layer Window (ELW) appears. Also the errors highlight in the design itself.
7. Click View – Summary in the ELW to find the details of errors.
8. You can refer to rule file also for more information, correct all the DRC errors and Re –
run the DRC.
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 53 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
Figure 12
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 54 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
9. If there are no errors in the layout then a dialog box appears with No DRC errors found
written in it, click on close to terminate the DRC run.
Running LVS
1. Select Assura – Run LVS from the layout window. The Assura Run LVS form appears. It
will automatically load both the schematic and layout view of the cell.
2. Change in the form as shown in Figure 12 and click OK.
3. The LVS begins and a Progress form appears.
4. If the schematic and layout matches completely, the form displaying Schematic and Layout
Match appears.
5. If the schematic and layout do not matches, a form informs that the LVS completed
successfully and asks if you want to see the results of this run.
6. Click Yes in the form. LVS debug form appears, and you are directed into LVS debug
7. In the LVS debug form you can find the details of mismatches and you need to correct all
those mismatches and Re – run the LVS till you will be able to match the schematic with
Thus, the schematic and layout of a CMOS inverter was designed and simulated.
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 55 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
Figure 1
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 56 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
Ex. No: 6 Date:
To design the schematic of a differential amplifier and simulate it.
CADENCE Virtuoso tool
• Create a new library.
• Create a schematic cellview.
• Add the components to the schematic by giving the following specifications.
Library name Cell
gpdk180 nmos Model Name = nmos1 (NM0,
NM1) ; W= 3u ; L= 1u
gpdk180 nmos Model Name =nmos1 (NM2,
NM3) ; W= 4.5u ; L= 1u
gpdk180 pmos Model Name =pmos1 (PM0,
• After you complete the Add Instance form, move your cursor to the schematic window
and click left to place a component.
• Type the following in the Add pin form in the exact order leaving space between the pin
Pin Names Direction
Idc,V1,V2 Input
Vout Output
vdd, vss, InputOutput
• Press w and complete the wiring as shown in figure 1 and when done wiring, press ESC
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 57 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
Figure 2
Figure 3
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 58 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
key in the schematic window to cancel wiring.
• Save the schematic disgram.
• In the schematic window, execute Create — Cellview— From Cellview. With the
Edit Options function active, you can control the appearance of the symbol to generate.
• Modify the Pin Specifications.
• Click OK in the Symbol Generation Options form.
• A new window displays an automatically created symbol as shown in Figure 2.
• Save the design.
• Using the component list and Properties/Comments as shown in the table, build the
Diff_amplifier_test schematic as shown in Figure 3.
Library name Cellview name Properties/Comments
myDesignLib Diff_amplifier Symbol
analogLib vsin Define specification as
AC Magnitude= 1;
Amplitude= 5m;
Frequency= 1K
analogLib vdd, vss, gnd Vdd=2.5 ; Vss= -2.5
analogLib Idc Dc current = 30u
• Leave your Diff_amplifier_test schematic window open for the next section.
• In the Diff_amplifier_test schematic window, execute Launch – ADE L. The Analog
Design Environment simulation window appears.
• In the simulation window or ADE, execute Setup— Simulator/Directory/Host.
• In the Choosing Simulator form, set the Simulator field to spectre and click OK.
• In the Simulation window, click the Choose - Analyses icon.
• The Choosing Analysis form appears.
• To setup for transient analysis
a. In the Analysis section select tran
b. Set the stop time as 5m
c. Click at the moderate or Enabled button at the bottom, and then click Apply.
• To set up for DC Analyses:
a. In the Analyses section, select dc.
b. In the DC Analyses section, turn on Save DC Operating Point.
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 59 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
Figure 5
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 60 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
c. Turn on the Component Parameter
d. Double click the Select Component, Which takes you to the schematic
e. Select input signal Vsin for dc analysis.
f. In the analysis form, select start and stop voltages as -5 to 5 respectively.
g. Check the enable button and then click Apply.
• To set up for AC Analyses form is shown in the previous page.
a. In the Analyses section, select ac.
b. In the AC Analyses section, turn on Frequency.
c. In the Sweep Range section select start and stop frequencies as 150 to
d. Select Points per Decade as 20.
e. Check the enable button and then click Apply.
• Click OK in the Choosing Analyses Form.
• Execute Outputs – To be plotted – Select on Schematic in the simulation
• Follow the prompt at the bottom of the schematic window, Click on output net Vo,
input net Vin of the Diff_amplifier. Press ESC with the cursor in the schematic after
selecting node. The simulation window looks as shown in figure 4.
• Execute Simulation – Netlist and Run in the simulation window to start the
simulation, this will create the netlist as well as run the simulation.
• When simulation finishes, the Transient, DC and AC plots automatically will be popped
up along with netlist.
• To Calculate the gain of Differential pair, Configure the Differential pair schematic as
shown in figure 6.
• Now, open the ADE L, from LAUNCH --> ADE L , choose the analysis set the ac
response and run the simulation, from Simulation --> Run.
• Next go to Results -->Direct plot select AC dB20 and output from the schematic and
press escape. The waveform appears as shown in figure 7.
• To Calculate the BW of the Differential pair, open the calculator and select the
bandwidth option, select the waveform of the gain in dB and press Evaluate the buffer,
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 61 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
Figure 6
Figure 7
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 62 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
Figure 8
Figure 9
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 63 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
Figure 10
Figure 11
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 64 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
• the waveform appears as shown in figure 8.
• To Calculate the CMRR of the Differential pair, Configure the Differential pair
schematic to calculate the differential gain as shown 9.
• In the ADE L, plot the ac response with gain in dB. Measure the gain at 100hz and at
100Mhz,note down the value of the gain in dB, as shown in figure 10.
• Configure the Differential pair schematic to calculate the common-mode gain as shown
in figure 11.
• In the ADE L, plot the ac response with gain in dB. Measure the gain at 100hz and at
100Mhz, note down the value of the gain in dB, as shown below
• Calculate the CMRR, add the gains in dB i.e., Ad – (-Ac).
• Save the waveform.
Thus, the schematic of a differential amplifier was designed, simulated and CMRR is
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 65 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
Table 1
Connection Contact Type
For Metal1- Poly
For Metal1- Psubstrate
For Metal1- Nwell
Figure 1
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 66 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
Ex. No: 7 Date:
To generation the Layout and do parasitic extraction for a differential amplifier.
CADENCE Virtuoso tool
Creating a Layout View of Diff_ Amplifier
1. From the Diff_amplifier schematic window menu execute Launch – Layout XL. A
Startup Option form appears.
2. Select Create New option. This gives a New Cell View Form.
3. Check the Cellname (Diff_amplifier), Viewname (layout).
4. Click OK from the New Cellview form.
Adding Components to Layout
1. Execute Connectivity – Generate – All from Source or click the icon in the layout
editor window, Generate Layout form appears. Click OK which imports the schematic
components in to the Layout window automatically.
2. Re arrange the components with in PR-Boundary as shown in the next page.
3. To rotate a component, Select the component and execute Edit –Properties. Now select
the degree of rotation from the property edit form.
4. To Move a component, Select the component and execute Edit -Move command.
Making interconnection
1. Execute Connectivity –Nets – Show/Hide selected Incomplete Nets or click
the icon in the Layout Menu.
2. Move the mouse pointer over the device and click LMB to get the connectivity information,
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 67 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
Figure 2
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 68 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
which shows the guide lines (or flight lines) for the inter connections of the components.
3. From the layout window execute Create – Shape – Path or Create – Shape –
Rectangle (for vdd and gnd bar) and select the appropriate Layers from the LSW window
and Vias for making the inter connections
Creating Contacts/Vias
1. Execute Create — Via to place different Contacts, as given in table 1.
2. Save your design by selecting File — Save to save the layout. The layout appears as shown
in figure 1.
Running a DRC
1. Open the Differential Amplifier layout form the CIW or library manger. Press shift – f in
the layout window to display all the levels.
2. Select Assura - Run DRC from layout window. The DRC form appears. Select the
Technology as gpdk180. This automatically loads the rule file.
3. Click OK to start DRC.
4. A Progress form will appears. You can click on the watch log file to see the log file.
5. When DRC finishes, a dialog box appears asking you if you want to view your DRC results,
and then click Yes to view the results of this run.
6. If there any DRC error exists in the design View Layer Window (VLW) and Error
Layer Window (ELW) appears. Also the errors highlight in the design itself.
7. Click View – Summary in the ELW to find the details of errors.
8. You can refer to rule file also for more information, correct all the DRC errors and Re –
run the DRC.
9. If there are no errors in the layout then a dialog box appears with No DRC errors found
written in it, click on close to terminate the DRC run.
Running LVS
1. Select Assura – Run LVS from the layout window. The Assura Run LVS form appears. It
will automatically load both the schematic and layout view of the cell.
2. Change in the form as shown in Figure 12 and click OK.
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 69 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
Figure 3
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 70 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
3. The LVS begins and a Progress form appears. Verify the specifications in the Run Assura
LVS form shown in figure 2.
4. If the schematic and layout matches completely, the form displaying Schematic and Layout
Match appears.
5. If the schematic and layout do not matches, a form informs that the LVS completed
successfully and asks if you want to see the results of this run.
6. Click Yes in the form. LVS debug form appears, and you are directed into LVS debug
7. In the LVS debug form you can find the details of mismatches and you need to correct all
those mismatches and Re – run the LVS till you will be able to match the schematic with
Running RCX
1. From the layout window execute Assura – Run RCX.
2. Make the changes as shown in figure 3, in the Assura parasitic extraction form. Select
output type under Setup tab of the form.
3. In the Extraction tab of the form shown in figure 4, choose Extraction type, Cap Coupling
Mode and specify the Reference node for extraction.
4. In the Filtering tab of the form, Enter Power Nets as vdd!, vss! and Enter Ground
Nets as gnd!
5. Click OK in the Assura parasitic extraction form when done. The RCX progress form
appears, in the progress form click Watch log file to see the output log file.
6. When RCX completes, a dialog box appears, informs you that Assura RCX run
completed successfully.
7. Open the av_extracted view from the library manager and view the parasitic.
Thus, the layout of a differential amplifier was generated and the parasitic extraction was
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 71 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 72 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
Ex. No: 8 Date:
To Synthesis and design a counter using Standard cell and to identify the critical paths
and power consumption.
CADENCE NCLaunch and Encounter tool
• Create a folder, right click inside the folder and open a blank document and write the
coding for counter and save with the extension .v.
• Right click inside the folder and open a blank document and write the test bench
coding for counter and save with the extension .v.
• Right click and select open terminal in that folder. Now type the following commands.
source /cad/cshrc
nclaunch -new
• Now click on multi-step create cds file save.→ →
• Select don't include any libraries.
• Nclaunch window appears.
• Compile counter.v and counter_test files. Now the files appears under work lib.
• Expand the worklib & elaborate counter.v and counter_test files. Now the files appears
under snapshot.
• Expand the snapshot and select counter_test file and simulate it.
• Two panels design and console are displayed.
• In the design panel, right click on the counter and select add to waveform window.
• Run the simulation.
• To see the full simulation click on = symbol in the waveform window.
• Now create a synthesize.tcl file and write the code to generate the reports for area,
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 73 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
Leakage Dynamic Total
Instance Cells Power(nW) Power(nW)
counter_main 21 1486.946 24081.425
Instance Cells Cell Area Net Area Total
Area Wireload
counter_main 21 238 0 238
<none> (D)
Gate Instances Area Library
CLKINVX1 4 9.083 slow
DFFRX1 1 21.950 slow
INVXL 3 6.812 slow
NAND2BX1 1 4.541 slow
NAND2XL 1 3.028 slow
OR2X1 4 18.166 slow
SDFFRHQX1 7 174.844 slow
total 21 238.423
Type Instances Area Area %
sequential 8 196.794 82.5
inverter 7 15.895 6.7
logic 6 25.735 10.8
total 21 238.423 100.0
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 74 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
• power, timing and number of gates.
• Right click and select open terminal in that folder. Now type the following commands.
source /cad/cshrc
rc -f synthesize.tcl -gui
• In the command window, the reports and the critical path can be seen.
• The netlist file is generated in the folder.
• An encounter window opens automatically. Double click on the counter to see the RTL
• To see the power report, select Report Power Detailed report.→ →
• Right click and select open terminal in that folder. Now type the following commands.
source /cad/cshrc
• Click on File Import design browse and select counter.netlist . Add and make it as→ →
top cell and select auto assign and click on load to select the default.globals file.
• The imported design appears. To see the full view, press F.
• Select Floorplan Specify floorplan and give the following specifications→
core to left = 10 right = 10 top = 10 bottom = 10
• Select Power Power planning add rings . Select VDD and VSS and add them as→ →
• Select Layer Top→ bottom left right
Metal8 Metal8 Metal8 Metal8
channel center→
• Select Power planning add stripes and select VDD and VSS, Layer as M8, No. of sets→
in set pattern as 3.
• Select Route Special Route and select VDD and VSS.→
• Select Place place standard cells.→
Thus, the counter is synthesized, simulated, standard cells were placed, power report
was found and the critical path was identified.
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 75 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 76 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
Ex. No: 9 Date:
To P & R, power, clock routing and post P & R simulation of counter.
CADENCE NCLaunch and Encounter tool
• Create a folder, right click inside the folder and open a blank document and write the
coding for counter and save with the extension .v.
• Now create a synthesize.tcl file and write the code to generate the reports for area,
power, timing and number of gates.
• Right click and select open terminal in that folder. Now type the following commands.
source /cad/cshrc
rc -f synthesize.tcl -gui
• In the command window, the reports and the critical path can be seen.
• The netlist file is generated in the folder.
• An encounter window opens automatically. Double click on the counter to see the RTL
• To see the power report, select Report Power Detailed report.→ →
• Right click and select open terminal in that folder. Now type the following commands.
source /cad/cshrc
• Click on File Import design browse and select counter.netlist . Add and make it as→ →
top cell and select auto assign and click on load to select the default.globals file.
• The imported design appears. To see the full view, press F.
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 77 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 78 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
• Select Floorplan Specify floorplan and give the following specifications→
core to left = 10 right = 10 top = 10 bottom = 10
• Select Power Power planning add rings . Select VDD and VSS and add them as→ →
• Select Layer Top→ bottom left right
Metal8 Metal8 Metal8 Metal8
channel center→
• Select Power planning add stripes and select VDD and VSS, Layer as M8, No. of sets→
in set pattern as 3.
• Select Route Special Route and select VDD and VSS.→
• Select Place place standard cells.→
• Select Clock Synthesis clock tree. Browse and add all the clock signals.→
• Select optimize optimizing design, select post CTS and hold mode.→
• Select route nano route.→
• Now save the design in .gds format.
• Right click and select open terminal in that folder. Now type the following commands.
source /cad/cshrc
• Nclaunch window appears.
• Compile & elaborate counter.v and counter_test files.
• Expand the snapshot and select counter_test file and simulate it.
• In the design panel, right click on the counter and select add to waveform window.
• Run the simulation.
• To see the full simulation click on = symbol in the waveform window.
Thus, P & R, power, clock routing and post P & R simulation of counter was performed.
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 79 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
timeDesign Summary
| Setup mode | all | reg2reg | in2reg | reg2out | in2out | clkgate |
| WNS (ns):| 8.286 | 8.286 | 9.016 | 8.603 | N/A | N/A |
| TNS (ns):| 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | N/A | N/A |
| Violating Paths:| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | N/A | N/A |
| All Paths:| 38 | 22 | 8 | 8 | N/A | N/A |
Density: 0.000%
Total Memory Usage: 479.871094 Mbytes
timeDesign Summary
| Setup mode | all | reg2reg | in2reg | reg2out | in2out | clkgate |
| WNS (ns):| 8.112 | 8.112 | 9.015 | 8.573 | N/A | N/A |
| TNS (ns):| 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | N/A | N/A |
| Violating Paths:| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | N/A | N/A |
| All Paths:| 38 | 22 | 8 | 8 | N/A | N/A |
| | Real | Total |
| DRVs +------------------+------------+------------------|
| | Nr nets(terms) | Worst Vio | Nr nets(terms) |
| max_cap | 0 (0) | 0.000 | 0 (0) |
| max_tran | 0 (0) | 0.000 | 0 (0) |
| max_fanout | 0 (0) | 0 | 0 (0) |
Total Memory Usage: 437.253906 Mbytes
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 80 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
Ex. No: 10 Date:
To analyse the static timing results of counter.
CADENCE Encounter tool
• Right click and select open terminal in that folder. Now type the following commands.
source /cad/cshrc
• Click on File Import design browse and select counter.netlist. Add and make it as→ →
top cell and select auto assign and click on load to select the default.globals file.
• The imported design appears. To see the full view, press F.
• Select Floorplan Specify floorplan and give the following specifications→
core to left = 10 right = 10 top = 10 bottom = 10
• Select Power Power planning add rings . Select VDD and VSS and add them as→ →
• Select Layer Top→ bottom left right
Metal8 Metal8 Metal8 Metal8
channel center→
• Select Power planning add stripes and select VDD and VSS, Layer as M8, No. of sets→
in set pattern as 3.
• Select timing report timing pre-P&R ok. In the command window the timing→ → →
report is displayed.
• Select Route Special Route and select VDD and VSS.→
• Select Place place standard cells.→
• Select timing report timing post P&R . In the command window the timing report→ →
is displayed
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 81 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
| Setup mode | all | reg2reg | in2reg | reg2out | in2out | clkgate |
| WNS (ns):| 8.181 | 8.181 | 9.019 | 8.555 | N/A | N/A |
| TNS (ns):| 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | N/A | N/A |
| Violating Paths:| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | N/A | N/A |
| All Paths:| 38 | 22 | 8 | 8 | N/A | N/A |
Density: 92.248%
Total Real time: 1.0 sec
Total Memory Usage: 486.613281 Mbytes
| Hold mode | all | reg2reg | in2reg | reg2out | in2out | clkgate |
| WNS (ns):| -0.003 | -0.003 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
| TNS (ns):| -0.003 | -0.003 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
| Violating Paths:| 1 | 1 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
| All Paths:| 22 | 22 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Density: 92.248%
Routing Overflow: 0.00% H and 0.00% V
Reported timing to dir timingReports
Total CPU time: 0.14 sec
Total Real time: 0.0 sec
Total Memory Usage: 476.039062 Mbytes
| Hold mode | all | reg2reg | in2reg | reg2out | in2out | clkgate |
| WNS (ns):| 0.001 | 0.001 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
| TNS (ns):| 0.001 | 0.001 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
| Violating Paths:| 0 | 0 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
| All Paths:| 22 | 22 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 82 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
• Select timing report timing pre CTS . In the command window the timing report→ →
is displayed.
• Select Clock Synthesis clock tree. Browse and add all the clock signals.→
• Select timing report timing post CTS setup mode. In the command window the→ → →
timing report is displayed.
• Select timing report timing post CTS hold mode. In the command window the→ → →
timing report is displayed.
• If there are any violations then the results will be negative.
• Select optimize optimizing design, select post CTS and hold mode.→
• Now the results will be positive and there won't be any violations.
• Select route nano route.→
• Now save the design in .gds format.
Thus, the static timing analysis of counter was done.
EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 83 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE

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VLSI lab manual

  • 1. VV COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING VV Nagar, Arasoor, Sathankulam (TK) Tisaiyanvillai (Via), Tuticorin-628 656. Ph: 04637-273312 LAB MANUAL SUBJECT : VLSI DESIGN LABORATORY SUBJECT CODE : EC6612 CLASS/SEM : III/VI EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 1 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 2. EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 2 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 3. VV COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING VV Nagar, Arasoor, Sathankulam (TK) Tisaiyanvillai (Via), Tuticorin-628 656. Ph: 04637-273312 BONAFIDE CERTIFICATE Certified that this is bonafide record of work done by Mr/Ms................................................................................................. of the .................................. Semester in ................................…………………………………………………………………….. Engineering of this college in the ..................................................................................................................… during .........................................… in the partial fulfillment of the requirements of the B.E degree course of the ANNA UNIVERSITY. Staff in charge Head of the Department University Registration No .............................................. University Examination held on .............................................. Internal Examiner External Examiner EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 3 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 4. EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 4 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 5. S. No. Date Name of the Experiment Page No. Marks Signature XILINX AND FPGA BASED EXPERIMENTS 1 HDL based design entry and simulation of Logic Gates and Multiplexer. 2 HDL based design entry and simulation of Simple counters, State Machines, 8-bit Adder and 4-bit Multiplier 3 Synthesis P & R and post P & R simulation, Critical paths and Static timing analysis of the components simulated in (2). 4 Hardware fusing and testing of each of the blocks simulated in (2). CADENCE BASED EXPERIMENTS 5 Design, simulation and layout of a CMOS inverter. 6 Design and simulation of a simple 5 transistor differential amplifier. 7 Layout generation and parasitic extraction of differential amplifier. 8 Synthesis and Standard cell based design of (2). Identification of critical paths and power consumption. 9 P & R, power, clock routing and post P & R simulation of (2). 10 Analysis of results of static timing analysis. EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 5 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 6. NOT Gate: NAND Gate: Symbol Truth Table Symbol Truth Table AND Gate: NOR Gate: Symbol Truth Table Symbol Truth Table OR Gate: XNOR Gate: Symbol Truth Table Symbol Truth Table XOR Gate: Symbol Truth Table EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 6 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 7. Ex. No: 1 Date: HDL BASED DESIGN ENTRY AND SIMULATION OF LOGIC GATES AND MULTIPLEXER AIM: To design and simulate the logic gates and multiplexer using Verilog HDL. SOFTWARE REQUIRED: Xilinx 13.4 ISE– A project navigator software tool PROGRAM: Logic Gates module LOGICGATES(A,B,Y_AND,Y_OR, Y_XOR, Y_XNOR, Y_NAND, Y_NOR, Y_NOT); input A,B; output Y_AND,Y_OR, Y_XOR, Y_XNOR, Y_NAND, Y_NOR, Y_NOT; reg Y_XOR,Y_NOT; assign Y_AND = A & B; assign Y_OR = A | B; always @ (A or B) begin Y_XOR = A ^ B; Y_NOT = ~A; end nand N1(Y_NAND,A,B); nor N2(Y_NOR,A,B); xnor N3(Y_XNOR,A,B); endmodule Multiplexer module mux(Y,D1,D0,S); input [2:0] D1,D0; input S; output [2:0] Y; reg [2:0] Y; always @(D1 or D0 or S) if (S == 1'b0) Y = D0; else Y = D1; endmodule EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 7 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 8. Logic Diagram for Multiplexer: SIMULATION OUTPUT: Logic gates Multiplexer EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 8 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 9. PROCEDURE: • Double click Xilinx ISE Design Suite 13.4 on the desktop or Go to Start –> All programs –> Xilinx ISE Design Suite 13.4 –> ISE Design tools. • Click on File –> New project. A new project wizard will open. Type the name of the project and select the location. The top-level source type should be selected as HDL. Click next. • A new project wizard opens. Product category :All Family :Spartan 6 Device :XC6SLX45 Package :CSG324 Speed :-2 Top-level source type :HDL Synthesis tool :XST(VHDL/Verilog) Simulator :Isim(VHDL/Verilog) Preferred language :Verilog • Click next–>finish–>Right click on the project name shown in hierarchy and select new source. • New source wizard open. Select Verilog module and give program name as the file name and click next and finish. • Write the program and save it. • In the process tab click on ‘+’ sign of synthesis and double click on check syntax. • In the design tab select the simulation. • Select the verilog module file in hierarchy tab and in process tab click on ‘+’ sign of Isim simulator and double click on simulate behavioral model. The waveform displays. • Give the inputs and verify the output through simulation results. • Save the waveform. RESULT: Thus, the logic gates and multiplexer were designed and simulated using xilinx. EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 9 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 10. SIMULATION OUTPUT: Up-Counter EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 10 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 11. Ex. No: 2 Date: HDL BASED DESIGN ENTRY AND SIMULATION OF SIMPLE COUNTERS, STATE MACHINES, 8-BIT ADDER AND 4-BIT MULTIPLIER AIM: To design and simulate the logic gates and multiplexer using Verilog HDL. SOFTWARE REQUIRED: Xilinx 13.4 ISE– A project navigator software tool PROGRAM: Up-Counter Verilog code: module upcounter(clk,reset,count); input clk,reset; output reg[3:0]count; wire clk,reset; always@(posedge clk) begin if(reset) count=4'b0000; else count=count+4'b1; end endmodule Testbench: module upcountertb; // Inputs reg clk; reg reset; // Outputs wire [3:0] count; // Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT) upcounter uut ( .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .count(count) ); initial begin $display("timet clk reset count"); $display("%gt %b %b %b", $time,clk,reset,count); // Initialize Inputs clk=1; #2 reset=0; #10 reset=1; #10 reset=0; #250 $finish; end always begin #10 clk=~clk; end endmodule EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 11 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 12. SIMULATION OUTPUT: Down-Counter EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 12 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 13. Down-Counter Verilog code: module downcounter(clk,reset,count); input clk,reset; output reg[3:0]count; wire clk,reset; always@(posedge clk) begin if(reset) count=4'b0000; else count=count-4'b1; end endmodule Testbench: module downcountertb; // Inputs reg clk; reg reset; // Outputs wire [3:0] count; // Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT) upcounter uut ( .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .count(count) ); initial begin $display("timet clk reset count"); $display("%gt %b %b %b", $time,clk,reset,count); // Initialize Inputs clk=1; #2 reset=0; #10 reset=1; #10 reset=0; #250 $finish; end always begin #10 clk=~clk; end endmodule EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 13 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 14. SIMULATION OUTPUT: Up-Down-Counter EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 14 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 15. Up-Down-Counter Verilog code: module updowncounter(clk,reset,UD,count); input clk,reset,UD; output reg[3:0]count; wire clk,reset; always@(posedge clk) begin if(reset) count=4'b0000; elsif (UD ==1) count=count+4'b1; else count=count-4'b1; end endmodule Testbench: module updowncountertb; // Inputs reg clk; reg reset; reg UD; // Outputs wire [3:0] count; // Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT) updowncounter uut ( .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .count(count) ); initial begin $display("timet clk reset count"); $display("%gt %b %b %b", $time,clk,reset,count); // Initialize Inputs clk=1; #2 reset=0; #10 reset=1; #10 reset=0; #50 UD=0; #50 UD=1; #250 $finish; end always begin #10 clk=~clk; end endmodule EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 15 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 16. DIVIDE-BY-3 COUNTER MOORE FSM: SIMULATION OUTPUT: Moore State Machine EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 16 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 17. Moore State Machine Verilog code: module Moorefsm(input clk,input reset,output out); reg[1:0]state,nextstate; parameter S0=2'b00; parameter S1=2'b01; parameter S2=2'b10; always @(posedge clk,posedge reset) if(reset)state <=0; else state<=nextstate; always @(*) case(state) S0:nextstate<=S1; S1:nextstate<=S2; S2:nextstate<=S0; default:nextstate<=S0; endcase assign out=(state==S2); endmodule EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 17 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 18. MEALY FSM: SIMULATION OUTPUT: Mealy State Machine EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 18 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 19. Mealy State Machine Verilog code: module MealyFSM(input clk, input reset, input a, output x, y); reg [2:0] state, nextstate; parameter S0 = 3'b000; parameter S1 = 3'b010; parameter S2 = 3'b011; parameter S3 = 3'b100; parameter S4 = 3'b101; // State Register always @(posedge clk, posedge reset) if (reset) state <= S0; else state <= nextstate; // Next State Logic always @ (*) case (state) S0: if (a) nextstate = S3; else nextstate = S1; S1: if (a) nextstate = S3; else nextstate = S2; S2: if (a) nextstate = S3; else nextstate = S2; S3: if (a) nextstate = S4; else nextstate = S1; S4: if (a) nextstate = S4; else nextstate = S1; default: nextstate = S0; endcase // Output Logic assign x = (state [1] & ~a) | (state [2]& a); assign y = (state [1] & state [0] & ~a) | (state [2] & state [0] & a); endmodule EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 19 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 20. 8-bit Adder Block Diagram 1-bit Full adder Logic Diagram: SIMULATION OUTPUT: Eight-Bit Full Adder In Unsigned decimal representation In Binary representation EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 20 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 21. Eight-Bit Full Adder Verilog code: Eight-bit Full adder module fa8bitadder(sum,carry,a,b,cin); input [7:0] a,b; input cin; output [7:0] sum; output carry; wire c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7; fulladder fa0(sum[0],c1,a[0],b[0],cin); fulladder fa1(sum[1],c2,a[1],b[1],c1); fulladder fa2(sum[2],c3,a[2],b[2],c2); fulladder fa3(sum[3],c4,a[3],b[3],c3); fulladder fa4(sum[4],c5,a[4],b[4],c4); fulladder fa5(sum[5],c6,a[5],b[5],c5); fulladder fa6(sum[6],c7,a[6],b[6],c6); fulladder fa7(sum[7],carry,a[7],b[7],c7); endmodule One-bit Full adder module fulladder(sum,carry,a,b,cin); input a,b,cin; output sum,carry; assign sum=a^b^cin; assign carry=((a&b)|(b&cin)|(cin&a)); endmodule Testbench: module fatb; // Inputs reg [7:0] a; reg [7:0] b; reg cin; // Outputs wire [7:0] sum; wire carry; // Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT) fa8bitadder uut ( .sum(sum), .carry(carry), .a(a), .b(b), .cin(cin) ); initial begin // Initialize Inputs a=8'b00000001;b=8'b00000111;cin=1'b0; $display("sum=%b,carry=%b",sum,carry); #50 a=8'b00000001;b=8'b00000111; $display("sum=%b,carry=%b",sum,carry); #50 a=8'b01110001;b=8'b01100111; $display("sum=%b,carry=%b",sum,carry); #50 a=8'b11100001;b=8'b11000100;cin=1'b1; $display("sum=%b,carry=%b",sum,carry); #50 a=8'b00110001;b=8'b000011000;cin=1'b0; $display("sum=%b,carry=%b",sum,carry); #50 a=8'b10001001;b=8'b00110001; $display("sum=%b,carry=%b",sum,carry); #50 a=8'b11101101;b=8'b11111111; $display("sum=%b,carry=%b",sum,carry); #50 $finish; end endmodule EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 21 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 22. SIMULATION OUTPUT: Multiplier EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 22 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 23. Multiplier Verilog code: module multiply4bits(product,inp1,inp2); output [7:0]product; input [3:0]inp1; input [3:0]inp2; assign product[0]=(inp1[0]&inp2[0]); wire x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8,x9,x10,x11,x12, x13,x14,x15,x16,x17; HA HA1(product[1],x1,(inp1[1]&inp2[0]), (inp1[0]&inp2[1])); FA FA1(x2,x3,inp1[1]&inp2[1], (inp1[0]&inp2[2]),x1); FA FA2(x4,x5,(inp1[1]&inp2[2]), (inp1[0]&inp2[3]),x3); HA HA2(x6,x7,(inp1[1]&inp2[3]),x5); HA HA3(product[2],x15,x2, (inp1[2]&inp2[0])); FA FA5(x14,x16,x4,(inp1[2]&inp2[1]),x15); FA FA4(x13,x17,x6,(inp1[2]&inp2[2]),x16); FA FA3(x9,x8,x7,(inp1[2]&inp2[3]),x17); HA HA4(product[3],x12,x14, (inp1[3]&inp2[0])); FA FA8(product[4],x11,x13, (inp1[3]&inp2[1]),x12); FA FA7(product[5],x10,x9, (inp1[3]&inp2[2]),x11); FA FA6(product[6],product[7],x8, (inp1[3]&inp2[3]),x10); endmodule module HA(sout,cout,a,b); output sout,cout; input a,b; assign sout=a^b; assign cout=(a&b); endmodule module FA(sout,cout,a,b,cin); output sout,cout; input a,b,cin; assign sout=(a^b^cin); assign cout=((a&b)|(a&cin)|(b&cin)); endmodule EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 23 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 24. EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 24 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 25. PROCEDURE: • Double click Xilinx ISE Design Suite 13.4 on the desktop or Go to Start –> All programs –> Xilinx ISE Design Suite 13.4 –> ISE Design tools. • Click on File –> New project. A new project wizard will open. Type the name of the project and select the location. The top-level source type should be selected as HDL. Click next. • A new project wizard opens. Product category :All Family :Spartan 6 Device :XC6SLX45 Package :CSG324 Speed :-2 Top-level source type :HDL Synthesis tool :XST(VHDL/Verilog) Simulator :Isim(VHDL/Verilog) Preferred language :Verilog • Click next–>finish–>Right click on the project name shown in hierarchy and select new source. • New source wizard open. Select Verilog module and give program name as the file name and click next and finish. Write the program and save it. • In the process tab click on ‘+’ sign of synthesis and double click on check syntax. • In the hierarchy tab right click on the program and select new source. • In the opened new source wizard select Verilog test fixture and then give file name and click next and select the associate source and click next and then finish. • Write the test bench code save it and select the simulation in design tab. • Select the test bench file in hierarchy tab and in process tab click on ‘+’ sign of Isim simulator and double click on simulate behavioral model .The waveform displays. • Save the waveform. RESULT: Thus, the counters, state machines, 8-bit adder and multiplier were designed and simulated using testbench. EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 25 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 27. Ex. No: 3 Date: SYNTHESIS, P&R AND POST P&R SIMULATION AIM: To synthesize, place & route and pin assign the logic circuits designed. SOFTWARE REQUIRED: Xilinx 13.4 ISE– A project navigator software tool PROCEDURE: • Repeat the procedure of the 1st experiment. • Select the program and double click on the synthesis. • Click the “+” sign next to Synthesize – XST and double click on RTL Schematic and Technology Schematic and view them. • The Register Transfer Level (RTL) schematic view shows gates and elements independent of the targeted Xilinx® device. • Technology schematic view shows the design hierarchy in terms of the LUTs and buffers. • Double click on Design Summary/Reports to see the Synthesis reports. • In the Device Utilization Summary section, observe the number of Slice Flip Flops that were used during implementation. To see other reports, scroll to the bottom of the Design Summary. • Double click on the User Constraints file. Now a '.ucf ' file opens automatically in the design tab. • Click on that file and double click on edit constraints in the process tab and write the pin assignments. • Click the “+” sign next to Implement Design. The Translate, Map, and Place & Route processes are displayed. Expand those processes as well by clicking on the “+” sign. • Double click on the Place and Route. A Plan Ahead window opens where the package and device view of FPGA can be seen. Floor planning can be done here. • Double click on the XPower analyzer to view the power analysis. EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 27 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 28. SYNTHESIS REPORT FOR MULTIPLIER: Device utilization summary: --------------------------- Selected Device : 6slx45csg324-2 Slice Logic Utilization: Number of Slice LUTs: 20 out of 27288 0% Number used as Logic: 20 out of 27288 0% Slice Logic Distribution: Number of LUT Flip Flop pairs used: 20 Number with an unused Flip Flop: 20 out of 20 100% Number with an unused LUT: 0 out of 20 0% Number of fully used LUT-FF pairs: 0 out of 20 0% Number of unique control sets: 0 IO Utilization: Number of IOs: 16 Number of bonded IOBs: 16 out of 218 7% Maximum combinational path delay: 11.425ns Timing Details: --------------- All values displayed in nanoseconds (ns) ======================================================================= == Timing constraint: Default path analysis Total number of paths / destination ports: 411 / 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Delay: 11.425ns (Levels of Logic = 7) Source: inp2<1> (PAD) Destination: product<7> (PAD) Data Path: inp2<1> to product<7> Gate Net Cell:in->out fanout Delay Delay Logical Name (Net Name) ---------------------------------------- ------------ IBUF:I->O 13 1.328 1.326 inp2_1_IBUF (inp2_1_IBUF) LUT4:I1->O 3 0.235 0.994 HA1/cout1 (x1) LUT6:I3->O 4 0.235 1.080 HA3/cout1 (x15) LUT4:I0->O 2 0.254 0.834 FA5/cout1 (x16) LUT6:I4->O 3 0.250 1.042 FA3/Mxor_sout_xo<0>1 (x9) LUT6:I2->O 1 0.254 0.681 FA6/cout1 (product_7_OBUF) OBUF:I->O 2.912 product_7_OBUF (product<7>) ---------------------------------------- Total 11.425ns (5.468ns logic, 5.957ns route) (47.9% logic, 52.1% route) EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 28 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 29. Cross Clock Domains Report: Total REAL time to Xst completion: 8.00 secs Total CPU time to Xst completion: 7.95 secs Total memory usage is 249264 kilobytes Number of errors : 0 ( 0 filtered) Number of warnings : 0 ( 0 filtered) Number of infos : 1 ( 0 filtered) P&R REPORT FOR MULTIPLIER: All signals are completely routed. Total REAL time to PAR completion: 48 secs Total CPU time to PAR completion: 7 secs Peak Memory Usage: 383 MB Placer: Placement generated during map. Routing: Completed - No errors found. Number of error messages: 0 POST P&R REPORT FOR MULTIPLIER: Data Sheet report: ----------------- All values displayed in nanoseconds (ns) Pad to Pad Source Pad |Destination Pad| Delay | ---------------+---------------+---------+ inp1<0> |product<0> | 15.066| inp1<0> |product<1> | 14.999| inp1<0> |product<2> | 16.195| inp1<0> |product<3> | 16.962| inp1<0> |product<4> | 17.517| inp1<0> |product<5> | 22.773| inp1<0> |product<6> | 19.856| inp1<0> |product<7> | 19.717| inp1<1> |product<1> | 16.027| inp1<1> |product<2> | 17.223| inp1<1> |product<3> | 18.258| inp1<1> |product<4> | 18.813| inp1<1> |product<5> | 24.069| Source Pad |Destination Pad| Delay | ---------------+---------------+---------+ inp2<0> |product<0> | 12.131| inp2<0> |product<1> | 14.997| inp2<0> |product<2> | 16.193| inp2<0> |product<3> | 16.960| inp2<0> |product<4> | 17.515| inp2<0> |product<5> | 22.771| inp2<0> |product<6> | 19.854| inp2<0> |product<7> | 19.715| inp2<1> |product<1> | 15.469| inp2<1> |product<2> | 16.665| inp2<1> |product<3> | 17.690| inp2<1> |product<4> | 18.245| inp2<1> |product<5> | 23.501| EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 29 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 30. inp1<1> |product<6> | 21.152| inp1<1> |product<7> | 21.013| inp1<2> |product<2> | 15.832| inp1<2> |product<3> | 17.346| inp1<2> |product<4> | 17.901| inp1<2> |product<5> | 23.157| inp1<2> |product<6> | 20.240| inp1<2> |product<7> | 20.101| inp1<3> |product<3> | 13.751| inp1<3> |product<4> | 16.383| inp1<3> |product<5> | 20.089| inp1<3> |product<6> | 18.543| inp1<3> |product<7> | 17.759| inp2<1> |product<6> | 20.584| inp2<1> |product<7> | 20.445| inp2<2> |product<2> | 14.945| inp2<2> |product<3> | 17.004| inp2<2> |product<4> | 17.559| inp2<2> |product<5> | 22.815| inp2<2> |product<6> | 19.898| inp2<2> |product<7> | 19.759| inp2<3> |product<3> | 16.557| inp2<3> |product<4> | 17.370| inp2<3> |product<5> | 22.626| inp2<3> |product<6> | 19.706| inp2<3> |product<7> | 19.567| Analysis completed Wed Feb 22 15:10:12 2017 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trace Settings Peak Memory Usage: 256 MB PIN ASSIGNMENT FOR MULTIPLIER: NET "inp1<0>" LOC = A10; NET "inp1<1>" LOC = D14; NET "inp1<2>" LOC = C14; NET "inp1<3>" LOC = P15; NET "inp2<0>" LOC = P12; NET "inp2<1>" LOC = R5; NET "inp2<2>" LOC = T5; NET "inp2<3>" LOC = E4; NET "product<7>" LOC = N12; NET "product<6>" LOC = P16; NET "product<5>" LOC = D4; NET "product<4>" LOC = M13; NET "product<3>" LOC = L14; NET "product<2>" LOC = N14; EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 30 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 31. NET "product<1>" LOC = M14; NET "product<0>" LOC = U18; SYNTHESIS REPORT FOR 8-BIT ADDER: Device utilization summary: --------------------------- Selected Device : 6slx45csg324-2 Slice Logic Utilization: Number of Slice LUTs: 12 out of 27288 0% Number used as Logic: 12 out of 27288 0% Slice Logic Distribution: Number of LUT Flip Flop pairs used: 12 Number with an unused Flip Flop: 12 out of 12 100% Number with an unused LUT: 0 out of 12 0% Number of fully used LUT-FF pairs: 0 out of 12 0% Number of unique control sets: 0 IO Utilization: Number of IOs: 26 Number of bonded IOBs: 26 out of 218 11% Timing Details: All values displayed in nanoseconds (ns) Timing constraint: Default path analysis Total number of paths / destination ports: 97 / 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Delay: 9.703ns (Levels of Logic = 6) Source: a<1> (PAD) Destination: sum<7> (PAD) Data Path: a<1> to sum<7> Gate Net EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 31 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 33. Cell:in->out fanout Delay Delay Logical Name (Net Name) ---------------------------------------- ------------ IBUF:I->O 2 1.328 1.156 a_1_IBUF (a_1_IBUF) LUT5:I0->O 3 0.254 0.874 fa1/carry1 (c2) LUT5:I3->O 3 0.250 0.874 fa3/carry1 (c4) LUT5:I3->O 3 0.250 0.874 fa5/carry1 (c6) LUT5:I3->O 1 0.250 0.681 fa7/carry1 (carry_OBUF) OBUF:I->O 2.912 carry_OBUF (carry) ---------------------------------------- Total 9.703ns (5.244ns logic, 4.459ns route) (54.0% logic, 46.0% route) Cross Clock Domains Report: Total REAL time to Xst completion: 7.00 secs Total CPU time to Xst completion: 6.96 secs Total memory usage is 248624 kilobytes Number of errors : 0 ( 0 filtered) Number of warnings : 0 ( 0 filtered) Number of infos : 1 ( 0 filtered) P&R REPORT FOR 8-BIT ADDER: All signals are completely routed. Total REAL time to PAR completion: 47 secs Total CPU time to PAR completion: 6 secs Peak Memory Usage: 381 MB Placer: Placement generated during map. Routing: Completed - No errors found. Number of error messages: 0 Number of warning messages: 0 Number of info messages: 2 EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 33 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 34. TECHNOLOGY SCHEMATIC FOR 8-BIT ADDER: EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 34 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 35. POST P&R REPORT FOR 8-BIT ADDER: Data Sheet report: ----------------- All values displayed in nanoseconds (ns) Pad to Pad ---------------+---------------+---------+ Source Pad |Destination Pad| Delay | ---------------+---------------+---------+ a<0> |carry | 21.697| a<0> |sum<0> | 14.838| a<0> |sum<1> | 15.375| a<0> |sum<2> | 15.496| a<0> |sum<3> | 16.492| a<0> |sum<4> | 19.085| a<0> |sum<5> | 19.397| a<0> |sum<6> | 19.829| a<0> |sum<7> | 20.471| a<1> |carry | 21.953| a<1> |sum<1> | 15.631| a<1> |sum<2> | 15.752| a<1> |sum<3> | 16.748| a<1> |sum<4> | 19.341| a<1> |sum<5> | 19.653| a<1> |sum<6> | 20.085| a<1> |sum<7> | 20.727| a<2> |carry | 21.228| a<2> |sum<2> | 15.121| a<2> |sum<3> | 16.023| a<2> |sum<4> | 18.616| a<2> |sum<5> | 18.928| a<2> |sum<6> | 19.360| ---------------+---------------+---------+ Source Pad |Destination Pad| Delay | ---------------+---------------+---------+ b<0> |sum<4> | 16.621| b<0> |sum<5> | 16.933| b<0> |sum<6> | 17.365| b<0> |sum<7> | 18.007| b<1> |carry | 20.904| b<1> |sum<1> | 14.582| b<1> |sum<2> | 14.703| b<1> |sum<3> | 15.699| b<1> |sum<4> | 18.292| b<1> |sum<5> | 18.604| b<1> |sum<6> | 19.036| b<1> |sum<7> | 19.678| b<2> |carry | 20.257| b<2> |sum<2> | 14.308| b<2> |sum<3> | 15.052| b<2> |sum<4> | 17.645| b<2> |sum<5> | 17.957| b<2> |sum<6> | 18.389| b<2> |sum<7> | 19.031| b<3> |carry | 20.958| b<3> |sum<3> | 15.753| b<3> |sum<4> | 18.346| b<3> |sum<5> | 18.658| EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 35 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 36. a<2> |sum<7> | 20.002| a<3> |carry | 19.298| a<3> |sum<3> | 14.093| a<3> |sum<4> | 16.686| a<3> |sum<5> | 16.998| a<3> |sum<6> | 17.430| a<3> |sum<7> | 18.072| a<4> |carry | 11.450| a<4> |sum<4> | 8.884| a<4> |sum<5> | 9.150| a<4> |sum<6> | 9.582| a<4> |sum<7> | 10.224| a<5> |carry | 11.750| a<5> |sum<5> | 9.450| a<5> |sum<6> | 9.882| a<5> |sum<7> | 10.524| a<6> |carry | 10.998| a<6> |sum<6> | 9.739| a<6> |sum<7> | 9.772| a<7> |carry | 10.505| a<7> |sum<7> | 9.279| b<0> |carry | 19.233| b<0> |sum<0> | 12.730| b<0> |sum<1> | 12.911| b<0> |sum<2> | 13.032| b<0> |sum<3> | 14.028| b<3> |sum<6> | 19.090| b<3> |sum<7> | 19.732| b<4> |carry | 11.500| b<4> |sum<4> | 9.355| b<4> |sum<5> | 9.200| b<4> |sum<6> | 9.632| b<4> |sum<7> | 10.274| b<5> |carry | 11.635| b<5> |sum<5> | 9.335| b<5> |sum<6> | 9.767| b<5> |sum<7> | 10.409| b<6> |carry | 10.583| b<6> |sum<6> | 8.987| b<6> |sum<7> | 9.357| b<7> |carry | 10.356| b<7> |sum<7> | 9.130| cin |carry | 21.246| cin |sum<0> | 14.420| cin |sum<1> | 14.924| cin |sum<2> | 15.045| cin |sum<3> | 16.041| cin |sum<4> | 18.634| cin |sum<5> | 18.946| cin |sum<6> | 19.378| cin |sum<7> | 20.020| Analysis completed Fri Mar 03 09:33:49 2017 Peak Memory Usage: 256 MB EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 36 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 37. PIN ASSIGNMENT FOR 8-BIT ADDER: As Spartan 6 FPGA has only 8 input switches, we modify the program for 4-bit and dump into the kit. NET "cin" LOC = F6; NET "a<0>" LOC = A10; NET "a<1>" LOC = D14; NET "a<2>" LOC = C14; NET "a<3>" LOC = P15; NET "b<0>" LOC = P12; NET "b<1>" LOC = R5; NET "b<2>" LOC = T5; NET "b<3>" LOC = E4; NET "sum<0>" LOC = U18; NET "sum<1>" LOC = M14; NET "sum<2>" LOC = N14; NET "sum<3>" LOC = L14; NET "carry" LOC = M13; RESULT: Thus, the circuits in experiment (2) were synthesised, and their P&R , post P&R static timing reports were generated , critical paths were found. EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 37 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 38. Figure: iMPACT Welcome Dialog Box EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 38 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 39. Ex. No: 4 Date: GENERATION OF CONFIGURATION FILES, IMPLEMENTATION OF LOGIC CIRCUITS IN FPGA DEVICE AIM: To generate the configuration files and download the design into the Spartan6 kit. APPARATUS REQUIRED : • Xilinx 13.4 ISE– A project navigator software tool • Spartan 6 FPGA kit(XC6SLX45 CSG324) • Power cable • USB cable PROCEDURE: • Repeat the procedure of 3rd experiment. • Next connect the 5V DC power cable to the power input on the kit. • Connect the USB cable between the PC and kit. • Select program in the Sources window. • Double click on the Implementation to run it and it to see the translate, map and place and route click on the “+” sign to expand. • Double click on Xpiower Analyzer to see the power analysis • In the Processes window, click the “+” sign to expand the Generate Programming File processes. • Double-click the Configure Device (iMPACT) process. • iMPACT opens and the Configure Devices dialog box is displayed. • In the Welcome dialog box, select Boundary-Scan. • Right Click and select initialize chain. • Now right click on the device and select Assign New Configuration File and select the .bit file and click Open. • Right-click on the device image, and select Program... The Programming Properties dialog box opens. EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 39 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 40. Figure: Assign New Configuration File EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 40 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 41. • Click OK to program the device. When programming is complete, the Program Succeeded message is displayed. • Now give the inputs through switches in the FPGA kit and observe the output in the LEDs. RESULT: The designed logic circuits were configured to FPGA device and hardware tested. EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 41 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 42. This is a table 1 of components for building the Inverter schematic. Figure 1 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM OF INVERTER: Figure 2 EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 42 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 43. Ex. No: 5 Date: DESIGN, SIMULATION AND LAYOUT OF A CMOS INVERTER AIM: To design the schematic and layout of a CMOS inverter and simulate it. SOFTWARE REQUIRED: CADENCE Virtuoso tool PROCEDURE: CREATING THE INVERTER SCHEMATIC Creating a New library 1. In the Library Manager, execute File - New – Library. The new library form appears. 2. In the “New Library” form, type “myDesignLib” in the Name section. Note: A technology file is not required if you are not interested to do the layouts for the design. 3. In the next “Technology File for New library” form, select option Attach to an existing techfile and click OK. 4. In the “Attach Design Library to Technology File” form, select gpdk180. Creating a Schematic Cellview 1. In the Library manager, execute File – New – Cellview. 2. Set up the New file form as shown in Figure 1.Do not edit the Library path file. 3. Click OK when done the above settings. A blank schematic window for the Inverter design appears. Adding Components to schematic 1. In the Inverter schematic window, click the Instance fixed menu icon to display the Add Instance form or press i. 2. Click on the Browse button. This opens up a Library browser from which you can select components and the symbol view. You will update the Library Name, Cell Name, and the property values given in the table 1 as you place each component. 3. After you complete the Add Instance form, move your cursor to the schematic window and click left to place a component. If you place a component with the wrong parameter values, use the Edit— Properties— Objects command to change the parameters. Use the Edit— EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 43 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 44. Figure 3 GENERATED CMOS INVERTER SYMBOL: Figure 4 EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 44 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 45. Move command if you place components in the wrong location. You can rotate components at the time you place them, or use the Edit— Rotate command after they are placed. 4. After entering components, click Cancel in the Add Instance form or press Esc with your cursor in the schematic window. Adding pins to Schematic 1. Click the Pin fixed menu icon in the schematic window.You can also execute Create — Pin or press p. The Add pin form appears. 2. Type the following in the Add pin form in the exact order leaving space between the pin names. Pin Names Direction vin Input vout Output 3. Select Cancel from the Add – pin form after placing the pins. In the schematic window, execute Window— Fit or press the f bindkey. Adding Wires to a Schematic 1. Click the Wire (narrow) icon or w key, in the schematic window. 2.Complete the wiring as shown in figure 2 and when done wiring press ESC key in the schematic window to cancel wiring. Saving the Design 1. Click the Check and Save icon in the schematic editor window. 2. Observe the CIW output area for any errors. Symbol Creation 1. In the Inverter schematic window, execute Create — Cellview— From Cellview. With the Edit Options function active, you can control the appearance of the symbol to generate. 2. Verify that the From View Name field is set to schematic, and the To View Name field is set to symbol, with the Tool/Data Type set as SchematicSymbol. 3. Click OK in the Cellview From Cellview form. The Symbol Generation Form appears. 4. Modify the Pin Specifications as shown in Figure 3. 5. Click OK in the Symbol Generation Options form. 6. A new window displays an automatically created Inverter symbol as shown in Figure 4. EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 45 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 46. MODIFIED CMOS INVERTER SYMBOL: Figure 5 Figure 6 Library name Cellview name Properties/Com ments myDesignLib Inverter Symbol analogLib vpulse v1=0, v2=1.8,td=0 tr=tf=1ns, ton=10n, T=20n analogLib vdc, gnd vdc=1.8 Table 2 EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 46 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 47. Editing a Symbol 1. Move the cursor over the automatically generated symbol, until the green rectangle is highlighted, click left to select it. 2. Click Delete icon in the symbol window, similarly select the red rectangle and delete that. 3. Execute Create – Shape – polygon, and draw a shape similar to triangle. 4. After creating the triangle press ESC key. 5. Execute Create – Shape – Circle to make a circle at the end of triangle. 6. You can move the pin names according to the location. 7. Execute Create — Selection Box. In the Add Selection Box form, click Automatic. A new red selection box is automatically added. 8. After creating symbol, click on the save icon in the symbol editor window to save the symbol(Figure 5). BUILDING THE INVERTER_TEST DESIGN Creating the Inverter_Test Cellview In the CIW or Library Manager, execute File— New— Cellview. Set up the New File form as as shown in Figure 6. Click OK when done. A blank schematic window for the Inverter_Test design appears. Building the Inverter_Test Circuit 1. Using the component list and Properties/Comments in this table, build the Inverter_Test schematic. 2. Add the above components using Create — Instance or by pressing I. 3. Click the Wire (narrow) icon and wire your schematic. 4. Click Create — Wire Name or press L to name the input (Vin) and output (Vout) wires as in the below schematic. 4. Click on the Check and Save icon to save the design. 5. The schematic should looks as shown in Figure 7. 6. Leave your Inverter_Test schematic window open for the next section. Starting the Simulation Environment 1. In the Inverter_Test schematic window, execute Launch – ADE L. The Virtuoso Analog Design Environment (ADE) simulation window appears. EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 47 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 48. Figure 7 Figure 8 EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 48 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 49. 2. In the simulation window (ADE), execute Setup— Simulator/Directory/Host. 3. In the Choosing Simulator form, set the Simulator field to spectre and click OK. ANALOG SIMULATION WITH SPECTRE Choosing Analyses 1. In the Simulation window (ADE), click the Choose - Analyses icon or execute Analyses - Choose. The Choosing Analysis form appears. 2. As shown in Figure 8 setup for transient analysis 3. To set up for DC Analyses: a. In the Analyses section, select dc. b. In the DC Analyses section, turn on Save DC Operating Point. c. Turn on the Component Parameter. d. Double click the Select Component, Which takes you to the schematic window. e. Select input signal vpulse source in the test schematic window. f. Select DC Voltage― ‖ in the Select Component Parameter form and click OK. f. In the analysis form type start and stop voltages as 0 to 1.8 respectively. g. Check the enable button and then click Apply. 4. Click OK in the Choosing Analyses Form. Setting Design Variables 1. In the Simulation window, click the Edit Variables icon. The Editing Design Variables form appears. 3. Set the value of the wp variable. With the wp variable highlighted in the Table of Design Variables, click on the variable name wp and enter the following: Value(Expr) 2u Selecting Outputs for Plotting 1. Execute Outputs – To be plotted – Select on Schematic in the simulation window. 2. Follow the prompt at the bottom of the schematic window, Click on output net Vout, input net Vin of the Inverter. Press ESC with the cursor in the schematic after selecting it. The simulation window looks as shown in Figure 9. Running the Simulation 1. Execute Simulation – Netlist and Run in the simulation window to start the Simulation EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 49 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 50. Figure 9 SIMULATION OUTPUT: Figure 10 EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 50 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 51. or the icon, this will create the netlist as well as run the simulation. 2. When simulation finishes, the Transient, DC plots automatically will be popped up along with log file. Measuring the Propagation Delay 1. In the waveform window as shown in Figure 10 execute Tools – Calculator. The calculator window appears. 2. From the functions select delay, this will open the delay data panel. 3. Place the cursor in the text box for Signal1, select the wave button and select the input waveform from the waveform window. 4. Repeat the same for Signal2, and select the output waveform. 5. Set the Threshold value 1 and Threshold value 2 to 0.9, this directs the calculator to calculate delay at 50% i.e. at 0.9 volts. 6. Execute OK and observe the expression created in the calculator buffer. 7. Click on Evaluate the buffer icon to perform the calculation, note down the value returned after execution. 8. Close the calculator window. Creating Layout View of Inverter 1. From the Inverter schematic window menu execute Launch – Layout XL. A Startup Option form appears. 2. Select Create New option. This gives a New Cell View Form. 3. Check the Cellname (Inverter), Viewname (layout). 4. Click OK from the New Cellview form. LSW and a blank layout window appear along with schematic window. Adding Components to Layout 1. Execute Connectivity – Generate – All from Source or click the icon in the layout editor window, Generate Layout form appears. Click OK which imports the schematic components in to the Layout window automatically. 2. Re arrange the components with in PR-Boundary as shown in the Figure 11. 3. To rotate a component, Select the component and execute Edit –Properties. Now select the degree of rotation from the property edit form. EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 51 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 52. Connection Contact Type For Metal1- Poly Connection Metal1-Poly For Metal1- Psubstrate Connection Metal1-Psub For Metal1- Nwell Connection Metal1-Nwell Table 3 Figure 11 EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 52 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 53. 4. To Move a component, Select the component and execute Edit -Move command. Making interconnection 1. Execute Connectivity –Nets – Show/Hide selected Incomplete Nets or click the icon in the Layout Menu. 2. From the layout window execute Create – Shape – Path/ Create wire or Create – Shape – Rectangle (for vdd and gnd bar) and select the appropriate Layers from the LSW window and Vias for making the inter connections Creating Contacts/Vias 1. Execute Create — Via or select command to place different Contacts, as given in below table 3. 2. Save your design by selecting File — Save, layout should appear as shown in the Figure 11. PHYSICAL VERIFICATION ASSURA DRC Running a DRC 1. Open the Inverter layout form the CIW or library manger. Press shift – f in the layout window to display all the levels. 2. Select Assura - Run DRC from layout window. The DRC form appears. Select the Technology as gpdk180. This automatically loads the rule file. 3. Click OK to start DRC. 4. A Progress form will appears. You can click on the watch log file to see the log file. 5. When DRC finishes, a dialog box appears asking you if you want to view your DRC results, and then click Yes to view the results of this run. 6. If there any DRC error exists in the design View Layer Window (VLW) and Error Layer Window (ELW) appears. Also the errors highlight in the design itself. 7. Click View – Summary in the ELW to find the details of errors. 8. You can refer to rule file also for more information, correct all the DRC errors and Re – run the DRC. EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 53 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 54. Figure 12 EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 54 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 55. 9. If there are no errors in the layout then a dialog box appears with No DRC errors found written in it, click on close to terminate the DRC run. ASSURA LVS Running LVS 1. Select Assura – Run LVS from the layout window. The Assura Run LVS form appears. It will automatically load both the schematic and layout view of the cell. 2. Change in the form as shown in Figure 12 and click OK. 3. The LVS begins and a Progress form appears. 4. If the schematic and layout matches completely, the form displaying Schematic and Layout Match appears. 5. If the schematic and layout do not matches, a form informs that the LVS completed successfully and asks if you want to see the results of this run. 6. Click Yes in the form. LVS debug form appears, and you are directed into LVS debug environment. 7. In the LVS debug form you can find the details of mismatches and you need to correct all those mismatches and Re – run the LVS till you will be able to match the schematic with layout. RESULT: Thus, the schematic and layout of a CMOS inverter was designed and simulated. EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 55 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 57. Ex. No: 6 Date: DESIGN AND SIMULATION OF A SIMPLE 5 TRANSISTOR DIFFERENTIAL AMPLIFIER. AIM: To design the schematic of a differential amplifier and simulate it. SOFTWARE REQUIRED: CADENCE Virtuoso tool PROCEDURE: CREATING THE DIFFERENTIAL AMPLIFIER SCHEMATIC • Create a new library. • Create a schematic cellview. • Add the components to the schematic by giving the following specifications. Library name Cell Name Properties/Comments gpdk180 nmos Model Name = nmos1 (NM0, NM1) ; W= 3u ; L= 1u gpdk180 nmos Model Name =nmos1 (NM2, NM3) ; W= 4.5u ; L= 1u gpdk180 pmos Model Name =pmos1 (PM0, PM1); • After you complete the Add Instance form, move your cursor to the schematic window and click left to place a component. • Type the following in the Add pin form in the exact order leaving space between the pin names. Pin Names Direction Idc,V1,V2 Input Vout Output vdd, vss, InputOutput • Press w and complete the wiring as shown in figure 1 and when done wiring, press ESC EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 57 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 58. DIFFERENTIAL AMPLIFIER SYMBOL Figure 2 Figure 3 EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 58 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 59. key in the schematic window to cancel wiring. • Save the schematic disgram. • In the schematic window, execute Create — Cellview— From Cellview. With the Edit Options function active, you can control the appearance of the symbol to generate. • Modify the Pin Specifications. • Click OK in the Symbol Generation Options form. • A new window displays an automatically created symbol as shown in Figure 2. • Save the design. • Using the component list and Properties/Comments as shown in the table, build the Diff_amplifier_test schematic as shown in Figure 3. Library name Cellview name Properties/Comments myDesignLib Diff_amplifier Symbol analogLib vsin Define specification as AC Magnitude= 1; Amplitude= 5m; Frequency= 1K analogLib vdd, vss, gnd Vdd=2.5 ; Vss= -2.5 analogLib Idc Dc current = 30u • Leave your Diff_amplifier_test schematic window open for the next section. • In the Diff_amplifier_test schematic window, execute Launch – ADE L. The Analog Design Environment simulation window appears. • In the simulation window or ADE, execute Setup— Simulator/Directory/Host. • In the Choosing Simulator form, set the Simulator field to spectre and click OK. • In the Simulation window, click the Choose - Analyses icon. • The Choosing Analysis form appears. • To setup for transient analysis a. In the Analysis section select tran b. Set the stop time as 5m c. Click at the moderate or Enabled button at the bottom, and then click Apply. • To set up for DC Analyses: a. In the Analyses section, select dc. b. In the DC Analyses section, turn on Save DC Operating Point. EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 59 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 60. SIMULATION OUTPUT: Figure 5 EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 60 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 61. c. Turn on the Component Parameter d. Double click the Select Component, Which takes you to the schematic window. e. Select input signal Vsin for dc analysis. f. In the analysis form, select start and stop voltages as -5 to 5 respectively. g. Check the enable button and then click Apply. • To set up for AC Analyses form is shown in the previous page. a. In the Analyses section, select ac. b. In the AC Analyses section, turn on Frequency. c. In the Sweep Range section select start and stop frequencies as 150 to 100M d. Select Points per Decade as 20. e. Check the enable button and then click Apply. • Click OK in the Choosing Analyses Form. • Execute Outputs – To be plotted – Select on Schematic in the simulation window. • Follow the prompt at the bottom of the schematic window, Click on output net Vo, input net Vin of the Diff_amplifier. Press ESC with the cursor in the schematic after selecting node. The simulation window looks as shown in figure 4. • Execute Simulation – Netlist and Run in the simulation window to start the simulation, this will create the netlist as well as run the simulation. • When simulation finishes, the Transient, DC and AC plots automatically will be popped up along with netlist. • To Calculate the gain of Differential pair, Configure the Differential pair schematic as shown in figure 6. • Now, open the ADE L, from LAUNCH --> ADE L , choose the analysis set the ac response and run the simulation, from Simulation --> Run. • Next go to Results -->Direct plot select AC dB20 and output from the schematic and press escape. The waveform appears as shown in figure 7. • To Calculate the BW of the Differential pair, open the calculator and select the bandwidth option, select the waveform of the gain in dB and press Evaluate the buffer, EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 61 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 62. Figure 6 Figure 7 EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 62 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 63. Figure 8 Figure 9 EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 63 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 64. Figure 10 Figure 11 EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 64 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 65. • the waveform appears as shown in figure 8. • To Calculate the CMRR of the Differential pair, Configure the Differential pair schematic to calculate the differential gain as shown 9. • In the ADE L, plot the ac response with gain in dB. Measure the gain at 100hz and at 100Mhz,note down the value of the gain in dB, as shown in figure 10. • Configure the Differential pair schematic to calculate the common-mode gain as shown in figure 11. • In the ADE L, plot the ac response with gain in dB. Measure the gain at 100hz and at 100Mhz, note down the value of the gain in dB, as shown below • Calculate the CMRR, add the gains in dB i.e., Ad – (-Ac). • Save the waveform. RESULT: Thus, the schematic of a differential amplifier was designed, simulated and CMRR is calculated. EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 65 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 66. Table 1 Connection Contact Type For Metal1- Poly Connection Metal1-Poly For Metal1- Psubstrate Connection Metal1-Psub For Metal1- Nwell Connection Metal1-Nwell Figure 1 EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 66 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 67. Ex. No: 7 Date: LAYOUT GENERATION AND PARASITIC EXTRACTION OF DIFFERENTIAL AMPLIFIER. AIM: To generation the Layout and do parasitic extraction for a differential amplifier. SOFTWARE REQUIRED: CADENCE Virtuoso tool PROCEDURE: Creating a Layout View of Diff_ Amplifier 1. From the Diff_amplifier schematic window menu execute Launch – Layout XL. A Startup Option form appears. 2. Select Create New option. This gives a New Cell View Form. 3. Check the Cellname (Diff_amplifier), Viewname (layout). 4. Click OK from the New Cellview form. Adding Components to Layout 1. Execute Connectivity – Generate – All from Source or click the icon in the layout editor window, Generate Layout form appears. Click OK which imports the schematic components in to the Layout window automatically. 2. Re arrange the components with in PR-Boundary as shown in the next page. 3. To rotate a component, Select the component and execute Edit –Properties. Now select the degree of rotation from the property edit form. 4. To Move a component, Select the component and execute Edit -Move command. Making interconnection 1. Execute Connectivity –Nets – Show/Hide selected Incomplete Nets or click the icon in the Layout Menu. 2. Move the mouse pointer over the device and click LMB to get the connectivity information, EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 67 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 68. Figure 2 EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 68 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 69. which shows the guide lines (or flight lines) for the inter connections of the components. 3. From the layout window execute Create – Shape – Path or Create – Shape – Rectangle (for vdd and gnd bar) and select the appropriate Layers from the LSW window and Vias for making the inter connections Creating Contacts/Vias 1. Execute Create — Via to place different Contacts, as given in table 1. 2. Save your design by selecting File — Save to save the layout. The layout appears as shown in figure 1. PHYSICAL VERIFICATION ASSURA DRC Running a DRC 1. Open the Differential Amplifier layout form the CIW or library manger. Press shift – f in the layout window to display all the levels. 2. Select Assura - Run DRC from layout window. The DRC form appears. Select the Technology as gpdk180. This automatically loads the rule file. 3. Click OK to start DRC. 4. A Progress form will appears. You can click on the watch log file to see the log file. 5. When DRC finishes, a dialog box appears asking you if you want to view your DRC results, and then click Yes to view the results of this run. 6. If there any DRC error exists in the design View Layer Window (VLW) and Error Layer Window (ELW) appears. Also the errors highlight in the design itself. 7. Click View – Summary in the ELW to find the details of errors. 8. You can refer to rule file also for more information, correct all the DRC errors and Re – run the DRC. 9. If there are no errors in the layout then a dialog box appears with No DRC errors found written in it, click on close to terminate the DRC run. ASSURA LVS Running LVS 1. Select Assura – Run LVS from the layout window. The Assura Run LVS form appears. It will automatically load both the schematic and layout view of the cell. 2. Change in the form as shown in Figure 12 and click OK. EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 69 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 70. Figure 3 EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 70 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 71. 3. The LVS begins and a Progress form appears. Verify the specifications in the Run Assura LVS form shown in figure 2. 4. If the schematic and layout matches completely, the form displaying Schematic and Layout Match appears. 5. If the schematic and layout do not matches, a form informs that the LVS completed successfully and asks if you want to see the results of this run. 6. Click Yes in the form. LVS debug form appears, and you are directed into LVS debug environment. 7. In the LVS debug form you can find the details of mismatches and you need to correct all those mismatches and Re – run the LVS till you will be able to match the schematic with layout. ASSURA RCX Running RCX 1. From the layout window execute Assura – Run RCX. 2. Make the changes as shown in figure 3, in the Assura parasitic extraction form. Select output type under Setup tab of the form. 3. In the Extraction tab of the form shown in figure 4, choose Extraction type, Cap Coupling Mode and specify the Reference node for extraction. 4. In the Filtering tab of the form, Enter Power Nets as vdd!, vss! and Enter Ground Nets as gnd! 5. Click OK in the Assura parasitic extraction form when done. The RCX progress form appears, in the progress form click Watch log file to see the output log file. 6. When RCX completes, a dialog box appears, informs you that Assura RCX run completed successfully. 7. Open the av_extracted view from the library manager and view the parasitic. RESULT: Thus, the layout of a differential amplifier was generated and the parasitic extraction was done. EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 71 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 72. SIMULATION OUTPUT: RTL SCHEMATIC: EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 72 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 73. Ex. No: 8 Date: SYNTHESIS AND STANDARD CELL BASED DESIGN OF COUNTER AIM: To Synthesis and design a counter using Standard cell and to identify the critical paths and power consumption. SOFTWARE REQUIRED: CADENCE NCLaunch and Encounter tool PROCEDURE: • Create a folder, right click inside the folder and open a blank document and write the coding for counter and save with the extension .v. • Right click inside the folder and open a blank document and write the test bench coding for counter and save with the extension .v. • Right click and select open terminal in that folder. Now type the following commands. csh source /cad/cshrc nclaunch -new • Now click on multi-step create cds file save.→ → • Select don't include any libraries. • Nclaunch window appears. • Compile counter.v and counter_test files. Now the files appears under work lib. • Expand the worklib & elaborate counter.v and counter_test files. Now the files appears under snapshot. • Expand the snapshot and select counter_test file and simulate it. • Two panels design and console are displayed. • In the design panel, right click on the counter and select add to waveform window. • Run the simulation. • To see the full simulation click on = symbol in the waveform window. • Now create a synthesize.tcl file and write the code to generate the reports for area, EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 73 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 74. POWER REPORT: Leakage Dynamic Total Instance Cells Power(nW) Power(nW) Power(nW) ------------------------------------------------- counter_main 21 1486.946 24081.425 25568.371 AREA REPORT: Instance Cells Cell Area Net Area Total Area Wireload ------------------------------------------------------------- ------ counter_main 21 238 0 238 <none> (D) GATE REPORT: Gate Instances Area Library -------------------------------------- CLKINVX1 4 9.083 slow DFFRX1 1 21.950 slow INVXL 3 6.812 slow NAND2BX1 1 4.541 slow NAND2XL 1 3.028 slow OR2X1 4 18.166 slow SDFFRHQX1 7 174.844 slow -------------------------------------- total 21 238.423 Type Instances Area Area % ------------------------------------ sequential 8 196.794 82.5 inverter 7 15.895 6.7 logic 6 25.735 10.8 ------------------------------------ total 21 238.423 100.0 STANDARD CELLS PLACEMENT: EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 74 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 75. • power, timing and number of gates. • Right click and select open terminal in that folder. Now type the following commands. csh source /cad/cshrc rc -f synthesize.tcl -gui • In the command window, the reports and the critical path can be seen. • The netlist file is generated in the folder. • An encounter window opens automatically. Double click on the counter to see the RTL schematic. • To see the power report, select Report Power Detailed report.→ → • Right click and select open terminal in that folder. Now type the following commands. csh source /cad/cshrc encounter • Click on File Import design browse and select counter.netlist . Add and make it as→ → top cell and select auto assign and click on load to select the default.globals file. • The imported design appears. To see the full view, press F. • Select Floorplan Specify floorplan and give the following specifications→ core to left = 10 right = 10 top = 10 bottom = 10 • Select Power Power planning add rings . Select VDD and VSS and add them as→ → rings. • Select Layer Top→ bottom left right Metal8 Metal8 Metal8 Metal8 channel center→ • Select Power planning add stripes and select VDD and VSS, Layer as M8, No. of sets→ in set pattern as 3. • Select Route Special Route and select VDD and VSS.→ • Select Place place standard cells.→ RESULT: Thus, the counter is synthesized, simulated, standard cells were placed, power report was found and the critical path was identified. EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 75 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 77. Ex. No: 9 Date: P & R, POWER, CLOCK ROUTING AND POST P & R SIMULATION OF COUNTER AIM: To P & R, power, clock routing and post P & R simulation of counter. SOFTWARE REQUIRED: CADENCE NCLaunch and Encounter tool PROCEDURE: • Create a folder, right click inside the folder and open a blank document and write the coding for counter and save with the extension .v. • Now create a synthesize.tcl file and write the code to generate the reports for area, power, timing and number of gates. • Right click and select open terminal in that folder. Now type the following commands. csh source /cad/cshrc rc -f synthesize.tcl -gui • In the command window, the reports and the critical path can be seen. • The netlist file is generated in the folder. • An encounter window opens automatically. Double click on the counter to see the RTL schematic. • To see the power report, select Report Power Detailed report.→ → • Right click and select open terminal in that folder. Now type the following commands. csh source /cad/cshrc encounter • Click on File Import design browse and select counter.netlist . Add and make it as→ → top cell and select auto assign and click on load to select the default.globals file. • The imported design appears. To see the full view, press F. • EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 77 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 79. • Select Floorplan Specify floorplan and give the following specifications→ core to left = 10 right = 10 top = 10 bottom = 10 • Select Power Power planning add rings . Select VDD and VSS and add them as→ → rings. • Select Layer Top→ bottom left right Metal8 Metal8 Metal8 Metal8 channel center→ ok • Select Power planning add stripes and select VDD and VSS, Layer as M8, No. of sets→ in set pattern as 3. • Select Route Special Route and select VDD and VSS.→ • Select Place place standard cells.→ • Select Clock Synthesis clock tree. Browse and add all the clock signals.→ • Select optimize optimizing design, select post CTS and hold mode.→ • Select route nano route.→ • Now save the design in .gds format. • Right click and select open terminal in that folder. Now type the following commands. csh source /cad/cshrc nclaunch • Nclaunch window appears. • Compile & elaborate counter.v and counter_test files. • Expand the snapshot and select counter_test file and simulate it. • In the design panel, right click on the counter and select add to waveform window. • Run the simulation. • To see the full simulation click on = symbol in the waveform window. RESULT: Thus, P & R, power, clock routing and post P & R simulation of counter was performed. EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 79 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 80. TIMING REPORT: PRE P&R TIMING: ------------------------------------------------------------ timeDesign Summary ------------------------------------------------------------ +--------------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ | Setup mode | all | reg2reg | in2reg | reg2out | in2out | clkgate | +--------------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ | WNS (ns):| 8.286 | 8.286 | 9.016 | 8.603 | N/A | N/A | | TNS (ns):| 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | N/A | N/A | | Violating Paths:| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | N/A | N/A | | All Paths:| 38 | 22 | 8 | 8 | N/A | N/A | +--------------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ Density: 0.000% Total Memory Usage: 479.871094 Mbytes PRE P&R TIMING: ------------------------------------------------------------ timeDesign Summary ------------------------------------------------------------ +--------------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ | Setup mode | all | reg2reg | in2reg | reg2out | in2out | clkgate | +--------------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ | WNS (ns):| 8.112 | 8.112 | 9.015 | 8.573 | N/A | N/A | | TNS (ns):| 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | N/A | N/A | | Violating Paths:| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | N/A | N/A | | All Paths:| 38 | 22 | 8 | 8 | N/A | N/A | +--------------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ +----------------+-------------------------------+------------------+ | | Real | Total | | DRVs +------------------+------------+------------------| | | Nr nets(terms) | Worst Vio | Nr nets(terms) | +----------------+------------------+------------+------------------+ | max_cap | 0 (0) | 0.000 | 0 (0) | | max_tran | 0 (0) | 0.000 | 0 (0) | | max_fanout | 0 (0) | 0 | 0 (0) | +----------------+------------------+------------+------------------+ Density:87.017% Total Memory Usage: 437.253906 Mbytes EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 80 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 81. Ex. No: 10 Date: STATIC TIMING ANALYSIS OF COUNTER AIM: To analyse the static timing results of counter. SOFTWARE REQUIRED: CADENCE Encounter tool PROCEDURE: • Right click and select open terminal in that folder. Now type the following commands. csh source /cad/cshrc encounter • Click on File Import design browse and select counter.netlist. Add and make it as→ → top cell and select auto assign and click on load to select the default.globals file. • The imported design appears. To see the full view, press F. • Select Floorplan Specify floorplan and give the following specifications→ core to left = 10 right = 10 top = 10 bottom = 10 • Select Power Power planning add rings . Select VDD and VSS and add them as→ → rings. • Select Layer Top→ bottom left right Metal8 Metal8 Metal8 Metal8 channel center→ • Select Power planning add stripes and select VDD and VSS, Layer as M8, No. of sets→ in set pattern as 3. • Select timing report timing pre-P&R ok. In the command window the timing→ → → report is displayed. • Select Route Special Route and select VDD and VSS.→ • Select Place place standard cells.→ • Select timing report timing post P&R . In the command window the timing report→ → is displayed EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 81 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 82. POST CTS FOR SETUP - ANALYSIS: +--------------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ | Setup mode | all | reg2reg | in2reg | reg2out | in2out | clkgate | +--------------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ | WNS (ns):| 8.181 | 8.181 | 9.019 | 8.555 | N/A | N/A | | TNS (ns):| 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | N/A | N/A | | Violating Paths:| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | N/A | N/A | | All Paths:| 38 | 22 | 8 | 8 | N/A | N/A | +--------------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ Density: 92.248% Total Real time: 1.0 sec Total Memory Usage: 486.613281 Mbytes POST CTS FOR HOLD – ANALYSIS WITH VIOLATIONS: +--------------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ | Hold mode | all | reg2reg | in2reg | reg2out | in2out | clkgate | +--------------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ | WNS (ns):| -0.003 | -0.003 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | | TNS (ns):| -0.003 | -0.003 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | | Violating Paths:| 1 | 1 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | | All Paths:| 22 | 22 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | +--------------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ Density: 92.248% Routing Overflow: 0.00% H and 0.00% V ------------------------------------------------------------ Reported timing to dir timingReports Total CPU time: 0.14 sec Total Real time: 0.0 sec Total Memory Usage: 476.039062 Mbytes POST CTS FOR HOLD – ANALYSIS WITHOUT VIOLATIONS: +--------------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ | Hold mode | all | reg2reg | in2reg | reg2out | in2out | clkgate | +--------------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ | WNS (ns):| 0.001 | 0.001 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | | TNS (ns):| 0.001 | 0.001 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | | Violating Paths:| 0 | 0 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | | All Paths:| 22 | 22 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | +--------------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 82 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE
  • 83. • Select timing report timing pre CTS . In the command window the timing report→ → is displayed. • Select Clock Synthesis clock tree. Browse and add all the clock signals.→ • Select timing report timing post CTS setup mode. In the command window the→ → → timing report is displayed. • Select timing report timing post CTS hold mode. In the command window the→ → → timing report is displayed. • If there are any violations then the results will be negative. • Select optimize optimizing design, select post CTS and hold mode.→ • Now the results will be positive and there won't be any violations. • Select route nano route.→ • Now save the design in .gds format. RESULT: Thus, the static timing analysis of counter was done. EC6612 VLSI Lab Manual 83 Komala Vani Challa, AP/ECE, VVCOE