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Laboratory #4:
The Simple Processor
Kyle Villano, Tim Kindervatter and Ian Patel
ELC 363-02
Dr. Jesson
The College of New Jersey
November 12th, 2014
Table of Contents
Introduction..................................................................................................................................... 3
Problem Description ....................................................................................................................... 3
Materials and Procedure.................................................................................................................. 4
Results............................................................................................................................................. 4
Discussion....................................................................................................................................... 6
Conclusion ...................................................................................................................................... 7
Appendix......................................................................................................................................... 9
In this lab we used Xilinx ISE to create a simple processor. This processor needed to
perform a variety of different functions, including not, add, jump, load accumulator and store and
clear accumulator processes, among others. We also needed to split up our code into four distinct
sections that dealt with the datapath, ALU, controller, and the actual processor module itself. In
order to do this, we wrote code in Verilog that would be able to define and implement these
various processes. Once the code was written, we used built-in features of ISE to simulate the
output of the processor and confirm that it indeed functioned in the desired manner. After
completing the design of the modules related to our simple processor, we concluded our work by
instantiating a test bench and using it to run a simulation that showed the actual outputs of the
code, which verified that we had indeed satisfied the original tasks of the lab.
Problem Description
The primary task of this lab experiment was to create a simple processor through the
implementation and simulation of Verilog code. In order to accomplish this task, we needed to
focus our work in four distinct sections: the datapath, the ALU, the control values, and the actual
processor module itself. Tables of information regarding control values and function definitions,
along with an overall data path diagram were given in order to aid us in this task. After writing
our code that accurately represented and defined these modules, we needed to verify our results
through the simulation and analysis of the overall ModelSim waveform. In essence, our task
could only be solved by creating, simulating, verifying, and analyzing Verilog code that acted as
a simple processor.
Materials and Procedure
Materials Used:
1. Study the supplied architecture that uses a minimum CPI Von Newman approach.
2. Study the supplied controller flow diagram.
3. Design and code necessary modules.
4. Perform ModelSim simulation of simple processor code to verify project accuracy.
Once we had all of our code working correctly, we used the ModelSim capabilities of
Xilinx to simulate the simple processor. The waveform of this simulation is shown below in
Figures 1 through 3. The processor started operation at time 100ns and ended at 171ns.
Figure 1: Simulation Waveform
Figure 2: Simulation Waveform
Figure 3: Simulation Waveform
Looking at the PresentState variable, we could see how the processor would move through the
various states to perform the necessary operations. The state of the accumulator (y variable)
could also be observed to see how each instruction would change the result. For instance, at time
105ns the NOT instruction is processed and the contents of the accumulator changes from all
zeros to all ones.
In this lab, we were tasked with building a simple processor. This processor required us
to define the behavior of 4 specific components: Datapath, Control, ALU, and Processor.
The datapath is used to define how the processor handles different instructions. Every
instruction set architecture has a certain format to its instructions that is represented as a binary
string. The datapath must be able to recognize these binary strings and send them to different
portions of the hardware so that they can perform different operations. Some of these
destinations include the processor’s registers, the ALU, and memory, among others.
The control portion is used to set various control values that will be used by the datapath.
By reading the initial instruction, the control module sets all the necessary control bits, so that
the other modules can react accordingly to incoming instructions.
The ALU, which stands for Arithmetic Logic Unit, is used to perform arithmetic
operations, such as addition and subtraction, on incoming values. It can be used to perform
operations such as “add,” which simply adds the values contained in two registers and puts it in a
third register. It can also be used to perform operations such as load word, which adds an
immediate value to the value of a register in order to locate a different register, and then load the
value contained in that register. Many other operations require the use of arithmetic operations as
well, which makes the ALU an integral component of the processor.
The processor module was simply a portion of code that tied all of the other components
together and made sure they functioned properly. With each portion working in tandem, we were
able to input a few select instructions and have to processor implement them accordingly.
The main difficulty with this lab was actually get started and figuring out how all the
modules would work together. We were able to design the ALU module fairly easily, but it took
some time before we understood how the datapath and control modules would fit together. Once
we had that understanding though, we realized how the control module would set all the control
values and that the datapath would use these control values to actually perform most of the
desired operations.
In this lab, we learned how to design very complex Verilog code, and how one can
simulate and verify these results in the Xilinx software. We also learned how to design a simple
processor, and how to effectively code and implement such a program in computer architecture
projects. We also were able to ascertain information regarding various errors that could occur
during the coding process, and how to identify and correct them with the software and various
debugging methods.
Using this newly gained knowledge, we were able to successfully design, code, and
analyze the various modules that we needed to successfully implement a simple processor. We
were also able to run one overarching ModelSim waveform generation that allowed us to see the
entire performance and accuracy of our program. We were also able to understand the function
of the many functions and variables utilized in our modules, but more importantly, we were able
to identify the ways in which we needed to alter these components to fit the necessary tasks for
our overall project.
Overall, the simple processor is an important program to be able to understand and create
in Xilinx. Although considered one of the most difficult tasks we will be assigned as
undergraduates, the knowledge and experiences gained from successfully completing such a task
will prove to be invaluable. This lab is also important in that it helps us understand the higher-
level functions of our complex code as well as the various applications that may be able to utilize
it in order to further our knowledge in this field and help us solve future electrical and computer
engineering projects.
Appendix: Code
ALU Module:
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module alu(y, MD, ALUc, z, c, c);
input [15:0] y; //input 1
input [15:0] MD; //input 2
input [2:0] ALUc; //opcode for ALU
output [15:0] z; //output
output c; //carry in/out
reg [15:0] z;
reg c;
always @ (y or MD or ALUc) begin
case (ALUc)
0: //NOT
z = ~y;
1: //ADC
{c, z} = y + MD;
//JPA doesn't use ALU
3: //INCA
z = y + 1;
4: //STA
z = 0'b000;
5: //LDA
z = MD[15:0];
Datapath Module:
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module Datapath(RD, clk, rstn, enableMD, enableAC, enablePC, enableIR, enableMA,
selectmuxMA, selectmuxPC, selectmuxA, ALUc, WD, A, RWn, PC, MA, y, IR, MD, c);
input clk, rstn;
input [15:0] RD;
input enableAC, enableIR, enableMA, enableMD, enablePC, selectmuxA, selectmuxMA;
input [2:0] ALUc;
input [1:0] selectmuxPC;
input RWn;
output [11:0] A;
output [15:0] y;
output [15:0] IR;
output [11:0] MA;
output [15:0] MD;
output [11:0] PC;
output [15:0] WD;
output c;
reg [11:0] A;
reg [15:0] IR;
reg [11:0] PC;
reg [15:0] y; //Accumulator
reg [11:0] MA;
reg [15:0] MD;
reg [15:0] WD;
reg c; //Corresponding to carry in state 15
wire enableAC, enableIR, enableMA, enableMD, enablePC, selectmuxA, selectmuxMA;
wire [1:0] selectmuxPC;
wire [2:0] ALUc;
wire [15:0] z; //ALU store output
initial begin
A = 0;
y = 0;
c = 0;
PC = 0;
alu ALU(y, MD, ALUc, z, c, c);
always @ (posedge clk or MD or ALUc) begin
if (enableAC == 1)
y = z; //Load y with ALU store output
always @ (posedge clk or negedge rstn) begin
case (RWn)
0 : begin
if (enableAC == 1)
WD = y;
1 : begin
if (enableMD == 1)
MD = RD;
else if (enableIR == 1)
IR = RD;
case (selectmuxMA)
0 : begin
if (enableMA == 1 && enableIR == 1)
MA <= IR[11:0];
1 : begin
if (enableMA == 1 && enableMD == 1)
MA <= MD[11:0];
case (selectmuxPC)
0 : begin
if (enablePC == 1)
PC <= PC + 1;
1 : begin
if (enablePC == 1)
PC <= IR[11:0];
2 : begin
if (enablePC == 1)
PC <= MD[11:0];
always @ (posedge clk or MA or MD or PC) begin
case (selectmuxA)
0 : begin
if (enablePC == 1)
A = PC;
1 : begin
if (enableMA == 1)
A = MA;
Controller Module:
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module Controller(IR, clk, rstn, y, enableMD, enableAC, enablePC, enableIR, enableMA,
ALUc, RWn, selectmuxMA, selectmuxPC, selectmuxA, PresentState);
input [3:0] IR;
input clk;
input rstn;
input [15:0] y; //Accumulator
output enableAC, enableIR, enableMA, enableMD, enablePC, selectmuxA,
selectmuxMA, RWn;
output [1:0] selectmuxPC;
output [2:0] ALUc;
output [4:0] PresentState;
reg c, enableAC, enableIR, enableMA, enableMD, enablePC, selectmuxA,
reg [1:0] selectmuxPC;
reg RWn;
reg [4:0] PresentState, NextState;
parameter S0 = 5'd0, S1 = 5'd1, S2 = 5'd2, S3 = 5'd3,
S4 = 5'd4, S5 = 5'd5, S6 = 5'd6, S7 = 5'd7,
S8 = 5'd8, S9 = 5'd9, S10 = 5'd10,
S11 = 5'd11, S12 = 5'd12, S13 = 5'd13,
S14 = 5'd14, S15 = 5'd15, S16 = 5'd16;
assign ALUc = IR[3:1];
always @ (posedge clk or negedge rstn) begin
if (rstn == 1'b0)
PresentState = S0;
PresentState = NextState;
always @(PresentState) begin
enableAC = 0;
enableMD = 0;
enablePC = 0;
enableIR = 0;
enableMA = 0;
selectmuxMA = 0;
selectmuxPC = 2'b00;
selectmuxA = 0;
RWn = 0; //Reset enables for every state
S0: begin
// enableAC = 0;
// enableMD = 0;
RWn = 1;
enablePC = 1;
enableIR = 1;
// enableMA = 0;
// selectmuxMA = 0;
selectmuxPC = 2'b11;
// selectmuxA = 0;
// IR[15:0] <= M[PC];
NextState = S1;
S1: begin
// enableAC = 0;
// enableMD = 0;
enablePC = 1;
// enableIR = 0;
// enableMA = 0;
// selectmuxMA = 0;
selectmuxPC = 2'b00;
// selectmuxA = 0;
// PC[11:0] <= PC[11:0] + 1; //Handled by Datapath
if (IR[3:1] == 3'b000) begin
NextState = S2;
else if (IR[3:1] == 3'b011) begin
NextState = S3;
else if (IR[3:1] == 3'b010) begin
if (y > 0) begin
if (IR[0] == 1'b1) begin
NextState = S4;
else begin
NextState = S7;
else begin
enablePC = 1;
selectmuxPC = 2'b11;
NextState = S0;
NextState = S8;
S2: begin
enableAC = 1;
// enableIR = 0;
// enableMA = 0;
// enableMD = 0;
enablePC = 1;
selectmuxPC = 2'b11;
// y <= ~y; //AC
NextState = S0;
S3: begin
enableAC = 1;
// enableIR = 0;
// enableMA = 0;
// enableMD = 0;
enablePC = 1;
selectmuxPC = 2'b11;
// y <= y+1; //AC
NextState = S0;
S4: begin
// enableAC = 0;
enableIR = 1;
enableMA = 1;
// enableMD = 0;
// enablePC = 0;
selectmuxA = 1;
// MA[11:0] <= IR[11:0];
NextState = S5;
S5: begin
// enableAC = 0;
// enableIR = 0;
enableMA = 1;
enableMD = 1;
// enablePC = 0;
selectmuxA = 1;
RWn = 1;
// MD[15:0] <= M[MA];
NextState = S6;
S6: begin
// enableAC = 0;
// enableIR = 0;
// enableMA = 0;
enableMD = 1;
enablePC = 1;
selectmuxPC = 2'b10;
// PC[11:0] <= MD[15:0];
NextState = S0;
S7: begin
// enableAC = 0;
enableIR = 1;
// enableMA = 0;
// enableMD = 0;
enablePC = 1;
selectmuxPC = 2'b01;
// PC[11:0] <= IR[11:0];
NextState = S0;
S8: begin
// enableAC = 0;
enableIR = 1;
enableMA = 1;
// enableMD = 0;
// enablePC = 0;
selectmuxMA = 0;
// MA[11:0] <= IR[11:0];
if (IR[3:1] == 3'b100 && IR[0] == 1)
NextState = S9; //STA & AM
else if (IR[3:1] == 3'b100 && IR[0] == 0)
NextState = S11; //STA & ~AM
NextState = S12;
S9: begin
// enableAC = 0;
// enableIR = 0;
enableMA = 1;
enableMD = 1;
// enablePC = 0;
selectmuxA = 1;
RWn = 1;
// MD[15:0] <= M[MA];
NextState = S10;
S10: begin
// enableAC = 0;
// enableIR = 0;
enableMA = 1;
enableMD = 1;
// enablePC = 0;
selectmuxMA = 1;
// MA[11:0] <= MD[15:0];
NextState = S11;
S11: begin
enableAC = 1;
// enableIR = 0;
enableMA = 1;
// enableMD = 0;
enablePC = 1;
selectmuxPC = 2'b11;
// M[MA] <= y;
// y <= 0'b000;
NextState = S0;
S12: begin
// enableAC = 0;
// enableIR = 0;
enableMA = 1;
enableMD = 1;
// enablePC = 0;
selectmuxA = 1;
RWn = 1;
// MD[15:0] <= M[MA];
if (IR[0] == 1)
NextState = S13; //AM
else begin
if (IR[3:1] == 3'b001)
NextState = S15; //ADC
NextState = S16;
S13: begin
// enableAC = 0;
// enableIR = 0;
enableMA = 1;
enableMD = 1;
// enablePC = 0;
selectmuxMA = 1;
// MA <= MD;
NextState = S14;
S14: begin
// enableAC = 0;
// enableIR = 0;
enableMA = 1;
enableMD = 1;
// enablePC = 0;
selectmuxA = 1;
RWn = 1;
// MD <= M[MA];
if (IR[3:1] == 3'b001)
NextState = S15; //ADC
NextState = S16;
S15: begin
enableAC = 1;
// enableIR = 0;
// enableMA = 0;
enableMD = 1;
// enablePC = 0;
// y <= y+MD[15:0]+C;
NextState = S0;
S16: begin
enableAC = 1;
// enableIR = 0;
// enableMA = 0;
enableMD = 1;
enablePC = 1;
selectmuxPC = 2'b11;
// y <= MD[15:0];
NextState = S0;
Processor Module:
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module processor(RD, clk, rstn, WD, A, IR, MD, y, PC, MA, PresentState, enableIR, enableMD,
enableAC, enablePC, enableMA, selectmuxMA, selectmuxPC, selectmuxA, ALUc, c);
input clk;
input rstn;
input [15:0] RD;
output [11:0] A;
output [15:0] IR;
output [11:0] PC;
output [11:0] MA;
output [15:0] MD;
output [15:0] WD;
output [15:0] y;
output enableAC;
output enableIR;
output enableMA;
output enableMD;
output enablePC;
output [2:0] ALUc;
output selectmuxA;
output selectmuxMA;
output [1:0] selectmuxPC;
output [4:0] PresentState;
output c;
wire [15:0] IR;
wire [11:0] PC;
wire [11:0] MA;
wire [15:0] MD;
wire [11:0] A;
wire [15:0] y;
wire clk;
wire rstn;
wire [2:0] ALUc;
wire enableAC;
wire enableIR;
wire enableMA;
wire enableMD;
wire enablePC;
wire RWn;
wire selectmuxA;
wire selectmuxMA;
wire [1:0] selectmuxPC;
Datapath datapath(RD, clk, rstn, enableMD, enableAC, enablePC, enableIR, enableMA,
selectmuxMA, selectmuxPC, selectmuxA, ALUc, WD, A, RWn, PC, MA, y, IR, MD, c);
Controller controller(IR[15:12], clk, rstn, y, enableMD, enableAC, enablePC, enableIR,
enableMA, ALUc, RWn, selectmuxMA, selectmuxPC, selectmuxA, PresentState);
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module Testbench;
reg [15:0] RD;
reg clk;
reg rstn;
wire [15:0] IR;
wire [11:0] PC;
wire [11:0] MA;
wire [15:0] MD;
wire [15:0] WD;
wire [11:0] A;
wire [15:0] y;
wire enableAC;
wire enableIR;
wire enableMA;
wire enableMD;
wire enablePC;
wire [2:0] ALUc;
wire c;
wire selectmuxA;
wire selectmuxMA;
wire [1:0] selectmuxPC;
wire [4:0] PresentState;
reg [15:0] M[4096:0]; //4096 is 2^12
// Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
processor uut (
initial begin
// Initialize Inputs
clk = 0;
rstn = 0;
//Memory to set every opcode and addressing
M[0] <= 16'b0000000000000000;
M[1] <= 16'b0010000000000100;
M[2] <= 16'b0011000000001010;
M[3] <= 16'b0110000000000000;
M[4] <= 16'b0100000000000111;
M[5] <= 16'b0101000000001011;
M[6] <= 16'b1000000000000000;
M[7] <= 16'b1001000000001011;
M[8] <= 16'b1010000000000010;
M[9] <= 16'b1011000000001010;
M[10] <= 16'b0000000000001000;
M[11] <= 16'b0000000000001010;
// Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish
// Add stimulus here
rstn = 1;
RD <= M[A];
always @(clk) #1 clk <= ~clk; //Create clock
always @ (posedge clk or negedge rstn or A) begin
RD <= M[A];
always @ (WD) begin
if (WD == 0 && enableAC == 1)
M[A] <= WD;

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EELE 5331 Digital ASIC DesignLab ManualDr. Yushi Zhou.docx

Lab 4 final report

  • 1. Laboratory #4: The Simple Processor Kyle Villano, Tim Kindervatter and Ian Patel ELC 363-02 Dr. Jesson The College of New Jersey November 12th, 2014
  • 2. Table of Contents Introduction..................................................................................................................................... 3 Problem Description ....................................................................................................................... 3 Materials and Procedure.................................................................................................................. 4 Results............................................................................................................................................. 4 Discussion....................................................................................................................................... 6 Conclusion ...................................................................................................................................... 7 Appendix......................................................................................................................................... 9 Introduction
  • 3. In this lab we used Xilinx ISE to create a simple processor. This processor needed to perform a variety of different functions, including not, add, jump, load accumulator and store and clear accumulator processes, among others. We also needed to split up our code into four distinct sections that dealt with the datapath, ALU, controller, and the actual processor module itself. In order to do this, we wrote code in Verilog that would be able to define and implement these various processes. Once the code was written, we used built-in features of ISE to simulate the output of the processor and confirm that it indeed functioned in the desired manner. After completing the design of the modules related to our simple processor, we concluded our work by instantiating a test bench and using it to run a simulation that showed the actual outputs of the code, which verified that we had indeed satisfied the original tasks of the lab. Problem Description The primary task of this lab experiment was to create a simple processor through the implementation and simulation of Verilog code. In order to accomplish this task, we needed to focus our work in four distinct sections: the datapath, the ALU, the control values, and the actual processor module itself. Tables of information regarding control values and function definitions, along with an overall data path diagram were given in order to aid us in this task. After writing our code that accurately represented and defined these modules, we needed to verify our results through the simulation and analysis of the overall ModelSim waveform. In essence, our task could only be solved by creating, simulating, verifying, and analyzing Verilog code that acted as a simple processor. Materials and Procedure
  • 4. Materials Used: o XILINX ISE 14.2 Procedure: 1. Study the supplied architecture that uses a minimum CPI Von Newman approach. 2. Study the supplied controller flow diagram. 3. Design and code necessary modules. 4. Perform ModelSim simulation of simple processor code to verify project accuracy. Results Once we had all of our code working correctly, we used the ModelSim capabilities of Xilinx to simulate the simple processor. The waveform of this simulation is shown below in Figures 1 through 3. The processor started operation at time 100ns and ended at 171ns. Figure 1: Simulation Waveform
  • 5. Figure 2: Simulation Waveform Figure 3: Simulation Waveform Looking at the PresentState variable, we could see how the processor would move through the various states to perform the necessary operations. The state of the accumulator (y variable) could also be observed to see how each instruction would change the result. For instance, at time 105ns the NOT instruction is processed and the contents of the accumulator changes from all zeros to all ones.
  • 6. Discussion In this lab, we were tasked with building a simple processor. This processor required us to define the behavior of 4 specific components: Datapath, Control, ALU, and Processor. The datapath is used to define how the processor handles different instructions. Every instruction set architecture has a certain format to its instructions that is represented as a binary string. The datapath must be able to recognize these binary strings and send them to different portions of the hardware so that they can perform different operations. Some of these destinations include the processor’s registers, the ALU, and memory, among others. The control portion is used to set various control values that will be used by the datapath. By reading the initial instruction, the control module sets all the necessary control bits, so that the other modules can react accordingly to incoming instructions. The ALU, which stands for Arithmetic Logic Unit, is used to perform arithmetic operations, such as addition and subtraction, on incoming values. It can be used to perform operations such as “add,” which simply adds the values contained in two registers and puts it in a third register. It can also be used to perform operations such as load word, which adds an immediate value to the value of a register in order to locate a different register, and then load the value contained in that register. Many other operations require the use of arithmetic operations as well, which makes the ALU an integral component of the processor. The processor module was simply a portion of code that tied all of the other components together and made sure they functioned properly. With each portion working in tandem, we were able to input a few select instructions and have to processor implement them accordingly. The main difficulty with this lab was actually get started and figuring out how all the modules would work together. We were able to design the ALU module fairly easily, but it took
  • 7. some time before we understood how the datapath and control modules would fit together. Once we had that understanding though, we realized how the control module would set all the control values and that the datapath would use these control values to actually perform most of the desired operations. Conclusion In this lab, we learned how to design very complex Verilog code, and how one can simulate and verify these results in the Xilinx software. We also learned how to design a simple processor, and how to effectively code and implement such a program in computer architecture projects. We also were able to ascertain information regarding various errors that could occur during the coding process, and how to identify and correct them with the software and various debugging methods. Using this newly gained knowledge, we were able to successfully design, code, and analyze the various modules that we needed to successfully implement a simple processor. We were also able to run one overarching ModelSim waveform generation that allowed us to see the entire performance and accuracy of our program. We were also able to understand the function of the many functions and variables utilized in our modules, but more importantly, we were able to identify the ways in which we needed to alter these components to fit the necessary tasks for our overall project. Overall, the simple processor is an important program to be able to understand and create in Xilinx. Although considered one of the most difficult tasks we will be assigned as undergraduates, the knowledge and experiences gained from successfully completing such a task will prove to be invaluable. This lab is also important in that it helps us understand the higher-
  • 8. level functions of our complex code as well as the various applications that may be able to utilize it in order to further our knowledge in this field and help us solve future electrical and computer engineering projects. Appendix: Code ALU Module: `timescale 1ns / 1ps module alu(y, MD, ALUc, z, c, c); input [15:0] y; //input 1 input [15:0] MD; //input 2 input [2:0] ALUc; //opcode for ALU
  • 9. output [15:0] z; //output output c; //carry in/out reg [15:0] z; reg c; always @ (y or MD or ALUc) begin case (ALUc) 0: //NOT z = ~y; 1: //ADC {c, z} = y + MD; //JPA doesn't use ALU 3: //INCA z = y + 1; 4: //STA z = 0'b000; 5: //LDA z = MD[15:0]; endcase end endmodule
  • 10. Datapath Module: `timescale 1ns / 1ps module Datapath(RD, clk, rstn, enableMD, enableAC, enablePC, enableIR, enableMA, selectmuxMA, selectmuxPC, selectmuxA, ALUc, WD, A, RWn, PC, MA, y, IR, MD, c); input clk, rstn; input [15:0] RD; input enableAC, enableIR, enableMA, enableMD, enablePC, selectmuxA, selectmuxMA; input [2:0] ALUc; input [1:0] selectmuxPC; input RWn; output [11:0] A; output [15:0] y; output [15:0] IR; output [11:0] MA; output [15:0] MD; output [11:0] PC; output [15:0] WD; output c; reg [11:0] A; reg [15:0] IR; reg [11:0] PC; reg [15:0] y; //Accumulator reg [11:0] MA; reg [15:0] MD; reg [15:0] WD; reg c; //Corresponding to carry in state 15 wire enableAC, enableIR, enableMA, enableMD, enablePC, selectmuxA, selectmuxMA; wire [1:0] selectmuxPC; wire [2:0] ALUc; wire [15:0] z; //ALU store output initial begin A = 0; y = 0; c = 0; PC = 0; end alu ALU(y, MD, ALUc, z, c, c); always @ (posedge clk or MD or ALUc) begin
  • 11. if (enableAC == 1) y = z; //Load y with ALU store output end always @ (posedge clk or negedge rstn) begin case (RWn) 0 : begin if (enableAC == 1) WD = y; end 1 : begin if (enableMD == 1) MD = RD; else if (enableIR == 1) IR = RD; end endcase case (selectmuxMA) 0 : begin if (enableMA == 1 && enableIR == 1) MA <= IR[11:0]; end 1 : begin if (enableMA == 1 && enableMD == 1) MA <= MD[11:0]; end endcase case (selectmuxPC) 0 : begin if (enablePC == 1) PC <= PC + 1; end 1 : begin if (enablePC == 1) PC <= IR[11:0]; end 2 : begin if (enablePC == 1) PC <= MD[11:0]; end endcase end always @ (posedge clk or MA or MD or PC) begin
  • 12. case (selectmuxA) 0 : begin if (enablePC == 1) A = PC; end 1 : begin if (enableMA == 1) A = MA; end endcase end endmodule
  • 13. Controller Module: `timescale 1ns / 1ps module Controller(IR, clk, rstn, y, enableMD, enableAC, enablePC, enableIR, enableMA, ALUc, RWn, selectmuxMA, selectmuxPC, selectmuxA, PresentState); input [3:0] IR; input clk; input rstn; input [15:0] y; //Accumulator output enableAC, enableIR, enableMA, enableMD, enablePC, selectmuxA, selectmuxMA, RWn; output [1:0] selectmuxPC; output [2:0] ALUc; output [4:0] PresentState; reg c, enableAC, enableIR, enableMA, enableMD, enablePC, selectmuxA, selectmuxMA; reg [1:0] selectmuxPC; reg RWn; reg [4:0] PresentState, NextState; parameter S0 = 5'd0, S1 = 5'd1, S2 = 5'd2, S3 = 5'd3, S4 = 5'd4, S5 = 5'd5, S6 = 5'd6, S7 = 5'd7, S8 = 5'd8, S9 = 5'd9, S10 = 5'd10, S11 = 5'd11, S12 = 5'd12, S13 = 5'd13, S14 = 5'd14, S15 = 5'd15, S16 = 5'd16; assign ALUc = IR[3:1]; always @ (posedge clk or negedge rstn) begin if (rstn == 1'b0) PresentState = S0; else PresentState = NextState; end always @(PresentState) begin enableAC = 0; enableMD = 0; enablePC = 0; enableIR = 0; enableMA = 0; selectmuxMA = 0; selectmuxPC = 2'b00; selectmuxA = 0;
  • 14. RWn = 0; //Reset enables for every state case(PresentState) S0: begin // enableAC = 0; // enableMD = 0; RWn = 1; enablePC = 1; enableIR = 1; // enableMA = 0; // selectmuxMA = 0; selectmuxPC = 2'b11; // selectmuxA = 0; // IR[15:0] <= M[PC]; NextState = S1; end S1: begin // enableAC = 0; // enableMD = 0; enablePC = 1; // enableIR = 0; // enableMA = 0; // selectmuxMA = 0; selectmuxPC = 2'b00; // selectmuxA = 0; // PC[11:0] <= PC[11:0] + 1; //Handled by Datapath if (IR[3:1] == 3'b000) begin NextState = S2; end else if (IR[3:1] == 3'b011) begin NextState = S3; end else if (IR[3:1] == 3'b010) begin if (y > 0) begin if (IR[0] == 1'b1) begin NextState = S4; end else begin NextState = S7; end end else begin enablePC = 1; selectmuxPC = 2'b11; NextState = S0;
  • 15. end end else NextState = S8; end S2: begin enableAC = 1; // enableIR = 0; // enableMA = 0; // enableMD = 0; enablePC = 1; selectmuxPC = 2'b11; // y <= ~y; //AC NextState = S0; end S3: begin enableAC = 1; // enableIR = 0; // enableMA = 0; // enableMD = 0; enablePC = 1; selectmuxPC = 2'b11; // y <= y+1; //AC NextState = S0; end S4: begin // enableAC = 0; enableIR = 1; enableMA = 1; // enableMD = 0; // enablePC = 0; selectmuxA = 1; // MA[11:0] <= IR[11:0]; NextState = S5; end S5: begin // enableAC = 0; // enableIR = 0; enableMA = 1; enableMD = 1; // enablePC = 0; selectmuxA = 1;
  • 16. RWn = 1; // MD[15:0] <= M[MA]; NextState = S6; end S6: begin // enableAC = 0; // enableIR = 0; // enableMA = 0; enableMD = 1; enablePC = 1; selectmuxPC = 2'b10; // PC[11:0] <= MD[15:0]; NextState = S0; end S7: begin // enableAC = 0; enableIR = 1; // enableMA = 0; // enableMD = 0; enablePC = 1; selectmuxPC = 2'b01; // PC[11:0] <= IR[11:0]; NextState = S0; end S8: begin // enableAC = 0; enableIR = 1; enableMA = 1; // enableMD = 0; // enablePC = 0; selectmuxMA = 0; // MA[11:0] <= IR[11:0]; if (IR[3:1] == 3'b100 && IR[0] == 1) NextState = S9; //STA & AM else if (IR[3:1] == 3'b100 && IR[0] == 0) NextState = S11; //STA & ~AM else NextState = S12; end S9: begin // enableAC = 0; // enableIR = 0;
  • 17. enableMA = 1; enableMD = 1; // enablePC = 0; selectmuxA = 1; RWn = 1; // MD[15:0] <= M[MA]; NextState = S10; end S10: begin // enableAC = 0; // enableIR = 0; enableMA = 1; enableMD = 1; // enablePC = 0; selectmuxMA = 1; // MA[11:0] <= MD[15:0]; NextState = S11; end S11: begin enableAC = 1; // enableIR = 0; enableMA = 1; // enableMD = 0; enablePC = 1; selectmuxPC = 2'b11; // M[MA] <= y; // y <= 0'b000; NextState = S0; end S12: begin // enableAC = 0; // enableIR = 0; enableMA = 1; enableMD = 1; // enablePC = 0; selectmuxA = 1; RWn = 1; // MD[15:0] <= M[MA]; if (IR[0] == 1) NextState = S13; //AM else begin if (IR[3:1] == 3'b001) NextState = S15; //ADC
  • 18. else NextState = S16; end end S13: begin // enableAC = 0; // enableIR = 0; enableMA = 1; enableMD = 1; // enablePC = 0; selectmuxMA = 1; // MA <= MD; NextState = S14; end S14: begin // enableAC = 0; // enableIR = 0; enableMA = 1; enableMD = 1; // enablePC = 0; selectmuxA = 1; RWn = 1; // MD <= M[MA]; if (IR[3:1] == 3'b001) NextState = S15; //ADC else NextState = S16; end S15: begin enableAC = 1; // enableIR = 0; // enableMA = 0; enableMD = 1; // enablePC = 0; // y <= y+MD[15:0]+C; NextState = S0; end S16: begin enableAC = 1; // enableIR = 0; // enableMA = 0; enableMD = 1;
  • 19. enablePC = 1; selectmuxPC = 2'b11; // y <= MD[15:0]; NextState = S0; end endcase end endmodule
  • 20. Processor Module: `timescale 1ns / 1ps module processor(RD, clk, rstn, WD, A, IR, MD, y, PC, MA, PresentState, enableIR, enableMD, enableAC, enablePC, enableMA, selectmuxMA, selectmuxPC, selectmuxA, ALUc, c); input clk; input rstn; input [15:0] RD; output [11:0] A; output [15:0] IR; output [11:0] PC; output [11:0] MA; output [15:0] MD; output [15:0] WD; output [15:0] y; output enableAC; output enableIR; output enableMA; output enableMD; output enablePC; output [2:0] ALUc; output selectmuxA; output selectmuxMA; output [1:0] selectmuxPC; output [4:0] PresentState; output c; wire [15:0] IR; wire [11:0] PC; wire [11:0] MA; wire [15:0] MD; wire [11:0] A; wire [15:0] y; wire clk; wire rstn; wire [2:0] ALUc; wire enableAC; wire enableIR; wire enableMA; wire enableMD; wire enablePC; wire RWn; wire selectmuxA; wire selectmuxMA;
  • 21. wire [1:0] selectmuxPC; Datapath datapath(RD, clk, rstn, enableMD, enableAC, enablePC, enableIR, enableMA, selectmuxMA, selectmuxPC, selectmuxA, ALUc, WD, A, RWn, PC, MA, y, IR, MD, c); Controller controller(IR[15:12], clk, rstn, y, enableMD, enableAC, enablePC, enableIR, enableMA, ALUc, RWn, selectmuxMA, selectmuxPC, selectmuxA, PresentState); endmodule
  • 22. Testbench: `timescale 1ns / 1ps module Testbench; reg [15:0] RD; reg clk; reg rstn; wire [15:0] IR; wire [11:0] PC; wire [11:0] MA; wire [15:0] MD; wire [15:0] WD; wire [11:0] A; wire [15:0] y; wire enableAC; wire enableIR; wire enableMA; wire enableMD; wire enablePC; wire [2:0] ALUc; wire c; wire selectmuxA; wire selectmuxMA; wire [1:0] selectmuxPC; wire [4:0] PresentState; reg [15:0] M[4096:0]; //4096 is 2^12 // Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT) processor uut ( .RD(RD), .clk(clk), .rstn(rstn), .WD(WD), .A(A), .IR(IR), .MD(MD), .y(y), .PC(PC), .MA(MA), .PresentState(PresentState), .enableIR(enableIR), .enableMD(enableMD), .enableAC(enableAC),
  • 23. .enablePC(enablePC), .enableMA(enableMA), .selectmuxMA(selectmuxMA), .selectmuxPC(selectmuxPC), .selectmuxA(selectmuxA), .ALUc(ALUc), .c(c) ); initial begin // Initialize Inputs clk = 0; rstn = 0; //Memory to set every opcode and addressing M[0] <= 16'b0000000000000000; M[1] <= 16'b0010000000000100; M[2] <= 16'b0011000000001010; M[3] <= 16'b0110000000000000; M[4] <= 16'b0100000000000111; M[5] <= 16'b0101000000001011; M[6] <= 16'b1000000000000000; M[7] <= 16'b1001000000001011; M[8] <= 16'b1010000000000010; M[9] <= 16'b1011000000001010; M[10] <= 16'b0000000000001000; M[11] <= 16'b0000000000001010; // Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish #100; // Add stimulus here rstn = 1; RD <= M[A]; end always @(clk) #1 clk <= ~clk; //Create clock always @ (posedge clk or negedge rstn or A) begin RD <= M[A]; end always @ (WD) begin if (WD == 0 && enableAC == 1) M[A] <= WD; end