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Assistant Prof. of Surgery
LCMD, Karachi.
Ventricular system
 Four ventricles in the brain, among which:
1. Two lateral ventricles
2. A 3rd ventricle
3. A 4th ventricle
 One terminal ventricle at the end of the central
canal within the spinal cord
Foramina connecting the
1. Inter-ventricular foramina (of Monro) in each
lateral ventricle connect them with the 3rd
2. Cerebral aqueduct (of Sylvius) connects the
3rd ventricle with 4th ventricle
3. Foramen of Magendie connects the 4th
ventricle with central canal of the spinal cord
4. Foramina of Luschka on each side of the 4th
ventricle connects it to the subarachnoid space
around the brain & spinal cord
Subarachnoid cisterns
 At some areas around the base of brain, arachnoid
mater does not follow the surface of brain, hence forms
some spaces called sub-arachnoid cisterns, which also
contain CSF. These incluse:
1. Cerebello-medullary cistern (cisterna cerebello-
2. Pontine cistern (cisterna pontis)
3. Inter-peduncular cistern (cisterna inter-
Lateral ventricles
 These are two irregular cavities lying within each
cerebral hemisphere
 It is roughly C-shaped & consist of:
1. A central part or body
2. Three horns: anterior, posterior and inferior, each
extending to frontal, occipital & frontal lobes
3. Each lateral ventricle communicates with 3rd
ventricle through inter-ventricular foramen of
Ventricles of brain
Body (central part) of lateral
 Extends from inter-ventricular foramen posteriorly
as far as the posterior end of thalamus
 Here it is continuous with the posterior & inferior
 The body of lateral ventricle has:
1. Roof
2. Floor
3. Medial wall
Roof of body of lateral
 It is formed by
the under
surface of
Floor of body of lateral
 It is formed by the:
1. Caudate nucleus
2. Lateral margin of the thalamus
3. Choroidal fissure is a slit like gap between the
body of fornix and superior surface of thalamus
through which choroid plexus of the ventricle
projects into the body of the ventricle
Medial wall of body of lateral
 It is formed by the septum pellucidum anteriorly
 The roof & the floor come together posteriorly to
meet the medial wall
Anterior horn of lateral
 Lies within frontal lobe of brain
 Continues with body at interventricular foramen
 Anterior horn has:
1. Roof
2. Floor
3. Medial wall
Roof of anterior horn of lateral
 It is formed by the undersurface of the corpus
 Anterior horn is limited anteriorly by the genu of
corpus callosum
Floor of anterior horn of lateral
 Its floor is formed by:
1. Head of caudate nucleus
2. Rostrum of corpus callosum medially having a
small portion
Medial wall of anterior horn of
lateral ventricle
 It formed by the:
1. Septum pellucidum
2. Anterior column of the fornix
Posterior horn of lateral
 Lies into the occipital lobe of brain
 It has:
1. Roof
2. Lateral wall
3. Medial wall
Roof & lateral wall of posterior horn
of lateral ventricle
 Both are formed by the tapetum of the corpus
 Lateral to the tapetum are the optic radiation
Medial wall of posterior horn of
lateral ventricle
 It has two elevations (swellings)
 Superior swelling (also called bulb of the posterior
horn) is formed by the splenial fibers of corpus
callosum which is called forceps major
 Inferior swelling is formed by the calcarine sulcus
and is called calcar avis
Inferior horn of lateral ventricle
 It lies in temporal lobe of brain
 It has
1. roof
2. floor
Roof of Inferior horn of lateral
 It is formed by:
1. Inferior surface of the tapetum of the corpus
callosum and
2. Tail of caudate nucleus
Floor of Inferior horn of lateral
 It is formed by:
1. Collateral eminence laterally
2. Hippocampus medially
Choroid plexus of lateral
 It is composed of highly vascular pia mater in two
layers, lined with ependymal cells
 It is situated between fornix superiorly and
thanlamus inferiorly
 It produces CSF
Tela choroidea of lateral
Third ventricle
 It is a slit-like cleft between two thalami
 Communicates anteriorly with lateral ventricles
through interventricular foramina of Monro
 Communicates posteriorly with 4th ventricle through
the cerebral aqueduct of Sylvius
 Its boundaries are:
1. Anterior wall
2. Posterior wall
3. Lateral wall
4. Superior wall or roof
5. Inferior wall or floor
Anterior wall of 3rd ventricle
 It is formed by:
1. Lamina terminalis
2. Anterior commisure which connects right & left
temporal lobes
Posterior wall of 3rd ventricle
 It is formed by:
1. Cerebral aqueduct below Posterior
commissure above
2. Pineal recess & pineal body above the
3. Habenular commissure above the pineal
Lateral wall of 3rd ventricle
 It is formed by:
1. Thalamus superiorly (both are separated
2. Hypothalamus inferiorly hypothalamic
3. Both lateral walls are joined by interthalamic
Hypothalamic sulcus
Superior wall (Roof) of 3rd
 It is formed by:
1. Corpus callosum &
2. Fornix
3. Below them lies choroid plexus of the 3rd
Inferior wall (floor) of 3rd
 It is formed by:
1. Optic chiasma
2. Tuber cinereum
3. Infundibulum
4. Mammillary bodies
5. Hypophysis attached to infundibulum
6. Tegmentum of the cerebral peduncles
Cerebral aqueduct of Sylvius
 Connects 3rd ventricle with the 4th and conducts
 Surrounded by the central gray
 It is devoid of choroid plexus
Fourth ventricle
 Tent shaped
 Situated:
1. Anterior to the cerebellum
2. Posterior to the pons
3. Posterior to the upper half of the medulla
4. Lined with ependyma
5. Connected above with cerebral aqueduct &
below with central canal of the medulla
oblongata & spinal cord
 It has:
a) Lateral wall (boundaries)
b) Roof
Lateral wall (boundaries) of 4th ventricle
 It is formed by:
1. Superior cerebellar peduncle above
2. Inferior cerebellar peduncle below
Roof (posterior wall) of 4th
 It is tent-shaped & projects into the cerebellum behind
 It communicates with subarachnoid space through 3
 It is formed by:
1. Two superior cerebellar peduncles above which are
connected by superior medullary vellum
2. Two inferior cerebellar peduncles below which are
connected by inferior medullary vellum
 Inferiorly, the roof is pierced by foramen of
 Laterally on each side, it has an opening, the
foramina of Luschka
Floor (Rhomboid fossa) of 4th
 It is diamond-shaped & formed by:
1. Posterior surface of pons &
2. Cranial (upper) half of medulla oblongata
 The floor is divided into symmetrical halves by median
 On each side of this sulcus, there is an elevation, the
medial eminence
 Lateral to the eminence, there is another sulcus, the
sulcus limitans
 Lateral to the sulcus limitans lies vestibular area
 Facial colliculus is a slight swelling at the inferior end
of the medial eminence that is produced by the fibers
from the motor nucleus of the facial nerve looping over
the abducens nucleus
Facial colliculus
Floor (Rhomboid fossa) of 4th ventricle
 Stria medullaris emerge from the median sulcus and
pass laterally on each side over the medial eminence &
the vestibular area and enter the inferior cerebellar
peduncle to reach the cerebellum
 Below the stria medullaris following structures lie in the
floor of the ventricle
1. Hypoglossal triangle: which indicates the position of
underlying hypoglossal nucleus
2. Vagal triangle: beneath which lies the dorsal motor
nucleus of the vagus
3. Area postrema: is a narrow area between the vagal
triangle & the lateral margin of the ventricle
Choroid plexus of 4th ventricle
 It is T-shaped
 Lies in the lower half of the roof of 4th ventricle
 Produces CSF
Central canal of medulla oblongata &
spinal cord
 Opens superiorly into the 4th ventricle
 Ends at conus medullaris as terminal ventricle
 Surrounded by the gray matter called the gray
 It is devoid of choroid plexus
Subarachnoid space
 It is the space between arachnoid & pia maters
 Surround brain & spinal cord upto S3 vertebra,
hence includes cauda equina
 Filled with CSF
 In some situations around the brain, the
arachnoid mater does not follow the surface of
brain, hence leaves some spaces called sub-
arachnoid cisterns. These include:
1. Cerebello-medullary cistern
2. Pontine cistern
3. Interpeduncular cistern
Pyramid of learning
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
 Formed within the ventricles of brain
 Its volume is 150 ml
 It is clear, colorless fluid
 It possesses inorganic salts like blood plasma (e.g.
Na, K, Cl), glucose (equal to the half of blood) and
traces of protein
 Only few lymphocytes (0 to 3 cells/mm3)
 Normal CSF pressure = 60-150 mm of water in
lateral recumbent position
 CSF pressure is raised by straining, coughing, or
compressing the internal jugular veins in the neck
APPEARANCE Clear & colorless
VOLUME 150 ml
RATE OF PRODUCTION 0.5 ml/minute
PRESSURE (in lat. Recumbent
60-150 ml of water
1. Protein 15-45 mg/100 ml
2. Glucose 50-85 mg/100 ml
3. Chloride 720-750 mg/100 ml
Functions of CSF
1. It bathes the external & internal surfaces of the
brain & spinal cord
2. Serves as cushion between CNS & surrounding
bones, thus protects against mechanical trauma
3. Provides buoyancy
4. Serves as a reservoir to assist in the contents of
the skull e.g. if brain & blood volume increase, CSF
volume decreases
5. Nourishment of nervous tissue
6. Removes the products of neuronal metabolism
Functions of CSF
Cushions & protects the CNS from trauma
Provides mechanical buoyancy & support for the
Serves as a reservoir & assists in the regulation of
the contents of the skull
Nourishes the CNS
Removes the metabolites from the CNS
Serves as a pathway for pineal secretions to reach
the pituitary gland
Formation of CSF
 CSF is formed in:
1. The choroid plexuses of the lateral, 3rd & 4th
ventricles mainly which secrete it actively
2. Ependymal cells in the above ventricles
3. Brain substance through the perivascular space
4. The production of CSF is NOT pressure
regulated. It continues to be produced even if
the re-absorption mechanisms are obstructed
Circulation of CSF
 Lateral ventricles Interventricular
foramina of
Monro Third venticle Cerebral
aqueduct of
Central canal
(foramen of
Sylvius Fourth ventricle
Subarachnoid space
(foramina of
Absorption of CSF
 CSF is mainly absorbed by arachnoid villi that
project into the dural venous sinuses, especially
SSS, by piercing dura mater
 Arachnoid villus is a diverticulum of a
subarachnoid space into the venous sinuses
 Arachnoid villi are grouped and form arachnoid
Arachnoid granulations
Arachnoid granulations
Absorption of CSF
 If venous pressure rises & exceeds the CSF
pressure, compression of the tips of villi closes
the tubules & prevents the reflux of blood into the
subarachnoid space. Thus aracnoid villi serve as
 As the production of CSF is constant, hence the
rate of absorption of it controls the CSF pressure
Clinical notes
1. Papilloedema
2. Hydrocephalus
3. Clinical investigations e.g. CT, MRI,
Encephalogram, Ventriculogram
4. CSF & disease
 Optic disc will show bulging in raised intracranial
pressure e.g. by tumor, because optic nerve
carries the meninges around it into the eye
 An abnormal increase in the volume of CSF
within the skull
 Intracranial pressure will be raised
 Causes may be:
1. Increased formation of CSF
2. Decreased absorption of CSF
3. Blockage of the circulation of CSF
 Two varieties:
1. Non-communication hydrocephalus
2. Communicating hydrocephalus
 The raised CSF pressure will be due to blockage
at some point between its formation at the
choroid plexuses and its exit through the foramina
in the roof of the 4th ventricle
Communicating hydrocephalus
 No obstruction in the outflow of CSF
Intracranial pneumography
 Air or oxygen is introduced through a spinal tap.
Radiograph of skull is then made
Intracranial pneumography
 Air or oxygen is introduced into the lateral
ventricle through a needle inserted through a hole
in the skull (or through a suture in a young child)
 Then radiograph of the skull is made
 Only ventricles are visualized
Encephalogram (ventriculogram)
CSF & disease
1. An increase in CSF pressure: may be due to
meningitis, brain edema, brain tumor, cerebral
abscess, hematoma
2. Gross appearance of CSF:
 Cloudy = excessive PMN leukocytes or excessive
3. Increase in WBCs = meningitis, encephalitis
4. Increased protein = T.B meningitis, poliomyelitis
5. Increased gamma globulin = multiple sclerosis
6. Blood in CSF = puncture of a vertebral vein or
subarachnoid hemorrhage
7. Xanthochromia (yellow color) = presence of
oxyhemoglobin in the fluid some hours after
Tumors of the 4th ventricle
 May invade the cerebellum, hence s/s of
cerebellar deficiency
 May compress the nuclear centers situated
beneath the floor of 4th ventricle i.e. hypoglossal,
vagus. Therefore, s/s of movements of tongue,
swallowing, respiration, heart rate, blood pressure
The end

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Ventricular system of brain & the CSF

  • 2. Ventricular system  Four ventricles in the brain, among which: 1. Two lateral ventricles 2. A 3rd ventricle 3. A 4th ventricle  One terminal ventricle at the end of the central canal within the spinal cord
  • 3.
  • 4. Foramina connecting the ventricles 1. Inter-ventricular foramina (of Monro) in each lateral ventricle connect them with the 3rd ventricle 2. Cerebral aqueduct (of Sylvius) connects the 3rd ventricle with 4th ventricle 3. Foramen of Magendie connects the 4th ventricle with central canal of the spinal cord 4. Foramina of Luschka on each side of the 4th ventricle connects it to the subarachnoid space around the brain & spinal cord
  • 5.
  • 6. Subarachnoid cisterns  At some areas around the base of brain, arachnoid mater does not follow the surface of brain, hence forms some spaces called sub-arachnoid cisterns, which also contain CSF. These incluse: 1. Cerebello-medullary cistern (cisterna cerebello- medullaris) 2. Pontine cistern (cisterna pontis) 3. Inter-peduncular cistern (cisterna inter- peduncularis)
  • 7. Lateral ventricles  These are two irregular cavities lying within each cerebral hemisphere  It is roughly C-shaped & consist of: 1. A central part or body 2. Three horns: anterior, posterior and inferior, each extending to frontal, occipital & frontal lobes respectively 3. Each lateral ventricle communicates with 3rd ventricle through inter-ventricular foramen of Monro
  • 9. Body (central part) of lateral ventricle  Extends from inter-ventricular foramen posteriorly as far as the posterior end of thalamus  Here it is continuous with the posterior & inferior horns  The body of lateral ventricle has: 1. Roof 2. Floor 3. Medial wall
  • 10. Roof of body of lateral ventricle  It is formed by the under surface of corpus callosum
  • 11.
  • 12. Floor of body of lateral ventricle  It is formed by the: 1. Caudate nucleus 2. Lateral margin of the thalamus 3. Choroidal fissure is a slit like gap between the body of fornix and superior surface of thalamus through which choroid plexus of the ventricle projects into the body of the ventricle
  • 13.
  • 14. Medial wall of body of lateral ventricle  It is formed by the septum pellucidum anteriorly  The roof & the floor come together posteriorly to meet the medial wall
  • 15. Anterior horn of lateral ventricle  Lies within frontal lobe of brain  Continues with body at interventricular foramen  Anterior horn has: 1. Roof 2. Floor 3. Medial wall
  • 16. Roof of anterior horn of lateral ventricle  It is formed by the undersurface of the corpus callosum  Anterior horn is limited anteriorly by the genu of corpus callosum
  • 17. Floor of anterior horn of lateral ventricle  Its floor is formed by: 1. Head of caudate nucleus 2. Rostrum of corpus callosum medially having a small portion
  • 18. Medial wall of anterior horn of lateral ventricle  It formed by the: 1. Septum pellucidum 2. Anterior column of the fornix
  • 20. Posterior horn of lateral ventricle  Lies into the occipital lobe of brain  It has: 1. Roof 2. Lateral wall 3. Medial wall
  • 21. Roof & lateral wall of posterior horn of lateral ventricle  Both are formed by the tapetum of the corpus callosum  Lateral to the tapetum are the optic radiation
  • 22. Medial wall of posterior horn of lateral ventricle  It has two elevations (swellings)  Superior swelling (also called bulb of the posterior horn) is formed by the splenial fibers of corpus callosum which is called forceps major  Inferior swelling is formed by the calcarine sulcus and is called calcar avis
  • 23. Inferior horn of lateral ventricle  It lies in temporal lobe of brain  It has 1. roof 2. floor
  • 24. Roof of Inferior horn of lateral ventricle  It is formed by: 1. Inferior surface of the tapetum of the corpus callosum and 2. Tail of caudate nucleus
  • 25. Floor of Inferior horn of lateral ventricle  It is formed by: 1. Collateral eminence laterally 2. Hippocampus medially
  • 26. Choroid plexus of lateral ventricle  It is composed of highly vascular pia mater in two layers, lined with ependymal cells  It is situated between fornix superiorly and thanlamus inferiorly  It produces CSF
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  • 28. Tela choroidea of lateral ventricles
  • 29.
  • 30. Third ventricle  It is a slit-like cleft between two thalami  Communicates anteriorly with lateral ventricles through interventricular foramina of Monro  Communicates posteriorly with 4th ventricle through the cerebral aqueduct of Sylvius  Its boundaries are: 1. Anterior wall 2. Posterior wall 3. Lateral wall 4. Superior wall or roof 5. Inferior wall or floor
  • 31. Anterior wall of 3rd ventricle  It is formed by: 1. Lamina terminalis 2. Anterior commisure which connects right & left temporal lobes
  • 32. Posterior wall of 3rd ventricle  It is formed by: 1. Cerebral aqueduct below Posterior commissure above 2. Pineal recess & pineal body above the commissure 3. Habenular commissure above the pineal recess
  • 33. Lateral wall of 3rd ventricle  It is formed by: 1. Thalamus superiorly (both are separated by 2. Hypothalamus inferiorly hypothalamic sulcus) 3. Both lateral walls are joined by interthalamic connections
  • 35. Superior wall (Roof) of 3rd ventricle  It is formed by: 1. Corpus callosum & 2. Fornix 3. Below them lies choroid plexus of the 3rd ventricle
  • 36. Inferior wall (floor) of 3rd ventricle  It is formed by: 1. Optic chiasma 2. Tuber cinereum 3. Infundibulum 4. Mammillary bodies 5. Hypophysis attached to infundibulum 6. Tegmentum of the cerebral peduncles
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  • 41. Cerebral aqueduct of Sylvius  Connects 3rd ventricle with the 4th and conducts CSF  Surrounded by the central gray  It is devoid of choroid plexus
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  • 43.
  • 44. Fourth ventricle  Tent shaped  Situated: 1. Anterior to the cerebellum 2. Posterior to the pons 3. Posterior to the upper half of the medulla oblongata 4. Lined with ependyma 5. Connected above with cerebral aqueduct & below with central canal of the medulla oblongata & spinal cord  It has: a) Lateral wall (boundaries) b) Roof
  • 45.
  • 46. Lateral wall (boundaries) of 4th ventricle  It is formed by: 1. Superior cerebellar peduncle above 2. Inferior cerebellar peduncle below
  • 47. Roof (posterior wall) of 4th ventricle  It is tent-shaped & projects into the cerebellum behind  It communicates with subarachnoid space through 3 foramina  It is formed by: 1. Two superior cerebellar peduncles above which are connected by superior medullary vellum 2. Two inferior cerebellar peduncles below which are connected by inferior medullary vellum  Inferiorly, the roof is pierced by foramen of Magendie  Laterally on each side, it has an opening, the foramina of Luschka
  • 48.
  • 49. Floor (Rhomboid fossa) of 4th ventricle  It is diamond-shaped & formed by: 1. Posterior surface of pons & 2. Cranial (upper) half of medulla oblongata  The floor is divided into symmetrical halves by median sulcus  On each side of this sulcus, there is an elevation, the medial eminence  Lateral to the eminence, there is another sulcus, the sulcus limitans  Lateral to the sulcus limitans lies vestibular area  Facial colliculus is a slight swelling at the inferior end of the medial eminence that is produced by the fibers from the motor nucleus of the facial nerve looping over the abducens nucleus
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  • 55. Floor (Rhomboid fossa) of 4th ventricle  Stria medullaris emerge from the median sulcus and pass laterally on each side over the medial eminence & the vestibular area and enter the inferior cerebellar peduncle to reach the cerebellum  Below the stria medullaris following structures lie in the floor of the ventricle 1. Hypoglossal triangle: which indicates the position of underlying hypoglossal nucleus 2. Vagal triangle: beneath which lies the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus 3. Area postrema: is a narrow area between the vagal triangle & the lateral margin of the ventricle
  • 56.
  • 57. Choroid plexus of 4th ventricle  It is T-shaped  Lies in the lower half of the roof of 4th ventricle  Produces CSF
  • 58.
  • 59. Central canal of medulla oblongata & spinal cord  Opens superiorly into the 4th ventricle  Ends at conus medullaris as terminal ventricle  Surrounded by the gray matter called the gray commissure  It is devoid of choroid plexus
  • 60.
  • 61. Subarachnoid space  It is the space between arachnoid & pia maters  Surround brain & spinal cord upto S3 vertebra, hence includes cauda equina  Filled with CSF  In some situations around the brain, the arachnoid mater does not follow the surface of brain, hence leaves some spaces called sub- arachnoid cisterns. These include: 1. Cerebello-medullary cistern 2. Pontine cistern 3. Interpeduncular cistern
  • 63. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)  Formed within the ventricles of brain  Its volume is 150 ml  It is clear, colorless fluid  It possesses inorganic salts like blood plasma (e.g. Na, K, Cl), glucose (equal to the half of blood) and traces of protein  Only few lymphocytes (0 to 3 cells/mm3)  Normal CSF pressure = 60-150 mm of water in lateral recumbent position  CSF pressure is raised by straining, coughing, or compressing the internal jugular veins in the neck
  • 64. PHYSICAL & CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF CSF APPEARANCE Clear & colorless VOLUME 150 ml RATE OF PRODUCTION 0.5 ml/minute PRESSURE (in lat. Recumbent position) 60-150 ml of water COMPOSITION 1. Protein 15-45 mg/100 ml 2. Glucose 50-85 mg/100 ml 3. Chloride 720-750 mg/100 ml NO. OF CELLS 0-3
  • 65. Functions of CSF 1. It bathes the external & internal surfaces of the brain & spinal cord 2. Serves as cushion between CNS & surrounding bones, thus protects against mechanical trauma 3. Provides buoyancy 4. Serves as a reservoir to assist in the contents of the skull e.g. if brain & blood volume increase, CSF volume decreases 5. Nourishment of nervous tissue 6. Removes the products of neuronal metabolism
  • 66. Functions of CSF 1. Cushions & protects the CNS from trauma 2. Provides mechanical buoyancy & support for the brain 3. Serves as a reservoir & assists in the regulation of the contents of the skull 4. Nourishes the CNS 5. Removes the metabolites from the CNS 6. Serves as a pathway for pineal secretions to reach the pituitary gland
  • 67. Formation of CSF  CSF is formed in: 1. The choroid plexuses of the lateral, 3rd & 4th ventricles mainly which secrete it actively 2. Ependymal cells in the above ventricles 3. Brain substance through the perivascular space 4. The production of CSF is NOT pressure regulated. It continues to be produced even if the re-absorption mechanisms are obstructed
  • 68. Circulation of CSF  Lateral ventricles Interventricular foramina of Monro Third venticle Cerebral aqueduct of Central canal (foramen of Magendie) Sylvius Fourth ventricle Subarachnoid space (foramina of
  • 69. Absorption of CSF  CSF is mainly absorbed by arachnoid villi that project into the dural venous sinuses, especially SSS, by piercing dura mater  Arachnoid villus is a diverticulum of a subarachnoid space into the venous sinuses  Arachnoid villi are grouped and form arachnoid granulations
  • 72.
  • 73. Absorption of CSF  If venous pressure rises & exceeds the CSF pressure, compression of the tips of villi closes the tubules & prevents the reflux of blood into the subarachnoid space. Thus aracnoid villi serve as valves  As the production of CSF is constant, hence the rate of absorption of it controls the CSF pressure
  • 74. Clinical notes 1. Papilloedema 2. Hydrocephalus 3. Clinical investigations e.g. CT, MRI, Encephalogram, Ventriculogram 4. CSF & disease
  • 75. Papilloedema  Optic disc will show bulging in raised intracranial pressure e.g. by tumor, because optic nerve carries the meninges around it into the eye
  • 76. Hydrocephalus  An abnormal increase in the volume of CSF within the skull  Intracranial pressure will be raised  Causes may be: 1. Increased formation of CSF 2. Decreased absorption of CSF 3. Blockage of the circulation of CSF  Two varieties: 1. Non-communication hydrocephalus 2. Communicating hydrocephalus
  • 77. Non-communicating hydrocephalus  The raised CSF pressure will be due to blockage at some point between its formation at the choroid plexuses and its exit through the foramina in the roof of the 4th ventricle
  • 78. Communicating hydrocephalus  No obstruction in the outflow of CSF
  • 79. Intracranial pneumography (Encephalogram)  Air or oxygen is introduced through a spinal tap. Radiograph of skull is then made
  • 80. Intracranial pneumography (Ventriculogram)  Air or oxygen is introduced into the lateral ventricle through a needle inserted through a hole in the skull (or through a suture in a young child)  Then radiograph of the skull is made  Only ventricles are visualized
  • 82. CSF & disease 1. An increase in CSF pressure: may be due to meningitis, brain edema, brain tumor, cerebral abscess, hematoma 2. Gross appearance of CSF:  Cloudy = excessive PMN leukocytes or excessive protein 3. Increase in WBCs = meningitis, encephalitis (bacterial/viral) 4. Increased protein = T.B meningitis, poliomyelitis 5. Increased gamma globulin = multiple sclerosis 6. Blood in CSF = puncture of a vertebral vein or subarachnoid hemorrhage 7. Xanthochromia (yellow color) = presence of oxyhemoglobin in the fluid some hours after
  • 83. Tumors of the 4th ventricle (Ependymomas)  May invade the cerebellum, hence s/s of cerebellar deficiency  May compress the nuclear centers situated beneath the floor of 4th ventricle i.e. hypoglossal, vagus. Therefore, s/s of movements of tongue, swallowing, respiration, heart rate, blood pressure etc.