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100 Practice Questions
School of Medicine
Department of Anatomy
July 2016
Questions MCQS
QN –100.
Damage to whichlobe can produce disruptionstosocial andemotionalbehaviour?
a. The occipital lobe
b. The frontal lobe
c. The temporal lobe
d. The partietal lobe
QN – 99.
Areasof the cortex that do notreceive sensoryinformationdirectly,butviathe primarymotoror
sensorycortices,are called:
a. The limbicsystem
b. The frontal and temporal lobes
c. The subcortex
d. Associationareas
QN – 98.
Areasof the cortex that donot receive sensoryinformationdirectly,butviathe primarymotoror
sensorycortices,are called:
a. The limbicsystem
b.The frontal and temporal lobes
c. The subcortex
QN –97
The auditorycortex appears:
a. To be as hierarchicallyorganisedasthe visual system
b.To playlittle role inthe perceptionof music,butplaysalarge role inthe perceptionof speech
c. To have a role in olfactoryandgustatoryperception
d.Not to be hierarchicallyorganised(asthe visual system)
QN – 96
The regionsof the cortex responsible forthe maintenance of voluntarymovementare:
a. The primaryand secondarymotorareas
b.The basal ganglia
c. The frontal,parietal andoccipital lobes
d.The primarymotorcortex,the premotorarea andthe supplementarymotorarea
NA – 95
Regardingthe medial geniculate body,all are correctEXCEPT:
a. It receivesauditoryinformationfrombothearsbutmainlyfromthe opposite ear.
b. It receivesauditoryinformationfromthe superiorcolliculus.
c. It projectsto the auditoryareain the superiortemporal gyrus.
d. It projectsthroughthe sublenticularpartof the interNA l capsule.
e.A lesioncausesbilateral diminutionof hearing.
NA – 94
Regardingthe thalamicnuclei,all are correctEXCEPT:
a. The anteriornucleusispartof the limbicsystem.
b. The medial nucleusisconnectedwiththe prefrontalcortex (persoNA litycenter).
c. The ventral anteriornucleusisconnectedwiththe motorandpremotorareas.
d. The ventral posteriorlateral nucleusreceivesthe mediallemniscus.
e.The ventral posteriormedial nucleusreceivesthe spi NA l lemniscus.
NA – 93
Regardingthe facial nerve,all are correctEXCEPT:
a. It suppliesall musclesof the secondpharyngeal arch.
b. It exitsfromthe cerebello-pontine angle.
c. Has motor nucleusthatformsthe facial colliculus.
d. Has parasympatheticfibersthatrelayinthe sphenopalatineganglion.
e.Has sensoryfibersthatendinthe nucleussolitarius.
NA – 92
Regardingthe parasympatheticnuclei of the brainstem,all are correctEXCEPT:
a. Fibersfromthe inferiorsalivatorynucleusrelayinthe oticganglion.
b. Fibersfromthe inferiorsalivatorynucleuspassthroughthe deeppetrosal nerve.
c. The Edinger-Westphal nucleusgivesfiberstothe oculomotornerve.
d. Fibersfromthe superiorsalivatorynucleusrelayinthe submandibularganglion.
e.The dorsal motornucleusof the vagus ispresentinthe floorof the 4th ventricle.
NA – 91
Regardingthe parasympatheticnuclei of the brainstem,all are correctEXCEPT:
a. The Edinger-Westphalnucleusislocatedinthe midbrainopposite the inferiorcolliculus.
b. FibersfromEdinger-Westphalnucleusrelayinthe ciliaryganglion.
c. The superiorsalivatorynucleusislocatedinthe pons.
d. The inferiorsalivatorynucleusislocatedinthe medullaoblongata.
e.The dorsal motornucleusof the vagus islocatedinthe medullaoblongata.
NA – 90
Regardingthe parasympatheticnuclei of the brainstem,all are correctEXCEPT:
a. The superiorsalivatorynucleussuppliesthe lacrimal gland.
b. The superiorsalivatorynucleussuppliesthe submandibularsalivarygland.
c. Fibersfromthe superiorsalivatorynucleusrelayinthe sphenopalatineganglion.
d. The inferiorsalivatorynucleussuppliesthe parotidgland.
e.The Edinger-Westphal nucleussuppliesthe dilatorpupillaemuscle.
NA – 89
Nucleussolitariusreceivesall of the followingEXCEPT:
a. Taste sensation fromthe anteriortwothirdsof the tongue viathe chordatympani.
b. Taste sensationfromthe posteriorthirdof the tongue viathe glossopharyngeal nerve.
c. Taste sensationfromthe epiglottisviathe vagusnerve.
d. General sensationfromthe anteriortwothirdsof the tongue viathe lingual nerve.
e.General sensationfromthe viscerasuppliedbythe vagusnerve.
NA – 88
Nucleusambiguoussuppliesall of the followingmusclesEXCEPT:
a. All musclesof the larynx.
b. Stylopharyngeus muscle.
c. Constrictormusclesof the pharynx.
d. Palatoglossusmuscle.
NA – 87
Nucleusambiguousgivesfiberstoall of the followingnervesEXCEPT:
a. Glossopharyngealnerve.
b. Vagusnerve.
c. Spi NA l accessorynerve.
d. Cranial accessorynerve.
e.Recurrentlaryngeal nerve.
NA – 86
Constrictionof the rightpupil whenlightisdirectedatthe lefteye needsall of the followingEXCEPT:
a. Leftopticnerve.
b. Leftpretectal nucleus.
c. Rightoculomotornerve.
d. Rightopticnerve.
e.Right Edinger-Westphalnucleus.
NA – 85
Constrictionof the rightpupil whenlightisdirectedatthe lefteye needsall of the followingEXCEPT:
a. Leftopticnerve.
b. Leftpretectal nucleus.
c. Leftoptic radiation.
d. RightEdinger-Westphal nucleus.
e.Optic chiasma.
NA – 84
A vascularlesionof the primaryvisual area(17) may cause one of the following:
a. Blindness.
b. Bi NA sal hemianopia.
c. Bitemporal hemianopia.
d. Contralateral homonymoushemianopia.
e.Contralateral homonymoushemianopiawithmacularsparing.
NA – 83
A pituitaryadenoma(tumor) maycause one of the following:
a. Blindness.
b. Bi NA sal hemianopia.
c. Bitemporal hemianopia.
d. Contralateral homonymoushemianopia.
e.Contralateral homonymoushemianopiawithmacularsparing.
NA – 82
Bitemporal hemianopiaindicatesalesionin:
a. Opticnerve.
b. Central partof the opticchiasma.
c. Peripheral partof the opticchiasma.
d. Optictract.
e.Optic radiation.
NA – 81
Contralateral homonymoushemianopiaindicatesalesioninall of the followingEXCEPT:
a. Opticchiasma.
b. Optictract.
c. Lateral geniculate body.
d. Opticradiation.
e.Primaryvisual area.
NA – 80
Concerningthe trigemi NA l nuclei,one isCORRECT:
a. The mainsensorynucleusislocatedinthe medullaoblongata.
b. The spi NA l nucleusextendsinthe spi NA l cord till the 6thcervical segment.
c. The mainsensorynucleusconveyspainandtemperature sensationsfromthe face.
d. The mesencephalicnucleusconveysproprioceptive impulsesfromthe musclesof mastication.
e.Theyprojectto the ventral posteriorlateral nucleusof the thalamus.
NA – 81
Contralateral homonymoushemianopiaindicatesalesioninall of the followingEXCEPT:
a. Opticchiasma.
b. Optictract.
c. Lateral geniculate body.
d. Opticradiation.
e.Primaryvisual area.
NA – 80
Concerningthe trigemi NA l nuclei,one isCORRECT:
a. The mainsensorynucleusislocatedinthe medullaoblongata.
b. The spi NA l nucleusextendsinthe spi NA l cord till the 6thcervical segment.
c. The mainsensorynucleusconveyspainandtemperature sensationsfromthe face.
d. The mesencephalicnucleusconveysproprioceptive impulsesfromthe musclesof mastication.
e.Theyprojectto the ventral posteriorlateral nucleusof the thalamus.
NA – 79
The hypoglossal nerve:
a. Carriestaste sensationfromthe posteriorthirdof the tongue.
b. Carriesfibersfromthe2ndand3rd cervical nerves.
c. Emergesbetweenthe olive andthe inferiorcerebellarpeduncle.
d. Suppliesall the musclesof the tongue.
e.Its lesioncausesdeviationof the protrudedtonguetothe same side asthe lesion.
NA – 78
Lesioninthe medial lemniscuscauses:
a. Contralateral lossof painandtemperature sensation.
b. Contralateral lossof sense of movement.
c. Ipsilateral lossof discrimi NA tivetouch.
d. Ipsilateral lossof painandtemperaturesensation.
e.Ipsilateral lossof sense of movement
NA – 77
Clarke’snucleustransmitsthe followingsensation:
a. Painand temperature sensation.
b. Sense of movementof the upperlimbtothe cerebellum.
c. Sense of movementof the upperlimbtothe cerebral hemisphere.
d. Sense of movementof the lowerlimbtothe cerebellum.
e.Sense of movementof the lowerlimbtothe cerebral hemisphere.
NA – 76
In lesionsof the leftcuneate tract,one of the followingisINCORRECT:
a. Loss of sense of movementof the leftshoulderjoint.
b. Lossof sense of flexionof the leftindex finger.
c. Loss of sense of movementof the rightelbow joint.
d. Intact sense of extensionof the rightknee joint.
e.Intact sense of painfromthe leftupperlimb.
NA – 75
Lesioninthe gracile tract causesall of the followinginthe ipsilateral sideEXCEPT:
a. Loss of sense of movementof the thumb.
b. Lossof sense of movementof the bigtoe.
c. Loss of discrimi NA tive touchfromthe regionof the umbilicus.
d. Lossof sense of vibrationoverthe medial malleolus.
e.Loss of tactile localizationoverthe frontof the thigh.
NA – 74
In syringomyelia,all are correctEXCEPT:
a. Bilateral lossof painandtemperature inthe affecteddermatomes.
b. Bilateral lossof touchsensationinthe affecteddermatomes.
c. Dilatationof the central ca NA l.
d. Destructionof the crossingfibersof the lateral spinothalamictracts.
e.Destructionof the crossingfibersof the ventral spinothalamictracts.
NA – 74
In syringomyelia,all are correctEXCEPT:
a. Bilateral lossof painandtemperature inthe affecteddermatomes.
b. Bilateral lossof touchsensationinthe affecteddermatomes.
c. Dilatationof the central ca NA l.
d. Destructionof the crossingfibersof the lateral spinothalamictracts.
e.Destructionof the crossingfibersof the ventral spinothalamictracts.
NA – 73
An uppermotorneuronlesioncanoccur inany one of the followingEXCEPT:
a. InterNA l capsule.
b. Pyramidof the medulla.
c. Crus cerebri of the midbrain.
d. Ventral nerve rootof the spi NA l nerve.
e.Corticoispi NA l tract.
NA – 72
A lowermotorneuronlesionisalesioninthe:
a. Anteriorhorncellsof the spi NA l cord.
b. Peripheral nerve.
c. Motor areaof the cerebral hemisphere.
d. All of the above.
e.A and b only.
NA – 71
An uppermotorneuronlesionisalesioninthe:
a. Anteriorhorncellsof the spi NA l cord.
b. Peripheral nerve.
c. Pyramidal andextrapyramidal tracts.
d. All of the above.
e.None of the above.
NA – 70
Regardingthe thalamicradiations,all are correctEXCEPT:
a. The anteriorthalamicradiationconnectsnuclei of the limbicsystemwiththe cerebral cortex.
b. The posteriorthalamicradiationcarriesvisual fiberstoarea17.
c. The inferiorthalamicradiationcarriesauditoryfiberstoarea41 and 42.
d. Lesioninthe posteriorthalamicradiationcausescontralateral homonymoushemianopia.
e.Lesioninthe inferiorthalamicradiationcausescontralateral lossof hearing.
NA – 69
The followingnuclei projecttheiraxonstothe cerebellumEXCEPT:
a. Rednucleus.
b. Accessorycuneate nucleus.
c. Arcuate nucleus.
d. Clarke’snucleus.
NA – 68
a. Dorsal spinocerebellartract.
b. Spino-olivarytract.
c. Ventral spinocerebellartract.
d. All of the above.
e.A and c only.
NA – 67
Typical featuresof lateral medullarysyndrome include all of the followingEXCEPT:
a. Dysphagia.
b. Ataxia.
c. Vertigo.
d. Contralateral lossof painandtemperature sensationfromthe face.
e.Contralateral lossof painandtemperature sensationfromthe body
NA – 66
Typical featuresof medial medullarysyndromeinclude:
a. Ipsilateral lossof discrimiNA tive touchandkinesthesia.
b. Contralateral deviationof the protrudedtongue.
c. Contralateral hemiplegia.
d. All of the above.
e.None of the above.
NA – 65
Regardingthe ventricularsystem,one of the followingisINCORRECT:
a. It containschoroidsplexusthatsecrete the CSF.
b. It representsthe cavityof the neural tube.
c. It containsabout100 ml of CSF.
d. Obstructionof the aqueductof Sylviuscausesdilatationof the lateral andthirdventricles.
e.The lateral ventricleis the cavityof the cerebral hemisphere.
NA – 64
Tract/s whichis/are importantformaintainingthe uprightpostureinclude:
a. Pontine (medial)reticulospiNA l tract.
b. Lateral vestibulospi NA l tract.
c. Medullary(lateral) reticulospi NA l tract.
d. All of the above.
e.A and b only
NA – 63
Signsof lowermotorneuronlesioninclude all of the followingEXCEPT:
a. Atrophyof muscles.
b. Fibrillation.
c. Flaccidity.
d. Clonus.
NA – 62
Signsof uppermotor neuronlesioninclude all of the followingEXCEPT:
a. Spasticity.
b. Hypertonia.
c. Hyperreflexia.
d. Babinski sign.
NA – 61
Accomodation-convergencereflex ismediatedbyall of the followingEXCEPT:
a. Opticnerve andoptic tract.
b. Pretectal nucleus.
c. Edinger-Westphal nucleus.
d. Shortciliarynerves.
e.Area 17.
NA – 60
One of the followingstatementsisINCORRECT:
a. Lesioninthe premotorarea6 causesapraxia.
b. Lesion inarea22 causesreceptive aphasia.
c. Lesioninarea 8 causescontralateral conjugate deviationof botheyes.
d. Irritative lesioninthe uncuscausesolfactoryhalluci NA tion.
e.LesioninBroca’s area inthe domi NA nt hemisphere causesmotoraphasia.
NA – 59
Regardingthe corticospi NA l tract, one of the followingisINCORRECT:
a. It takesoriginfrombothprimarymotor and general sensoryareas.
b. It issuppliedbythe vertebrobasilarsystemthroughoutitscourse.
c. In the brainstemandthe spi NA l cord, the cervical fibersare the mostmedial fibers.
d. Descendsinthe middle 3/5of the crus cerebri.
e.Decussatesinthe lowerpartof the medulla.
NA – 58
Regardingthe cerebral arteries,one of the followingis INCORRECT:
a. Theyare presentinthe subarachnoidspace.
b. Occlusionof the rightanteriorcerebral arterymaycause paralysisof the leftupperlimb.
c. The anteriorcerebral arterycoursesinthe callosal sulcus.
d. The middle cerebral arterycoursesinthe lateral sulcus.
e.The posteriorcerebral arterycoursesinthe calcarine sulcus.
NA – 57
Hemisectioninthe cervical spi NA l cordmay cause one of the following:
a. Contralateral lossof proprioceptionfromthe lowerlimb.
b. Contralateral flaccidweaknessinthe upperlimb.
c. Contralateral flaccidweaknessinthe lowerlimb.
d. Contralateral spinothalamicsensorylossinthe trunkandlowerlimb.
e.Ipsilateral spinothalamicsensorylossinthe upperlimb.
NA – 56
Signsof Horner’ssyndrome include all of the followingEXCEPT:
a. Ptosis.
b. Mydriasis.
c. Anhidrosis.
d. Enophthalmos.
e.Dry skinof the ipsilateral side of the face.
NA – 55
Regardingthe spi NA l nerves,one of the followingisTRUE:
a. C6 spi NA l nerve exitsbelowC6vertebra.
b. T6 spi NA l nerve exitsbelowT6vertebra.
c. The sacral nerve rootsare shorterthan the cervical nerve roots.
d. The ventral nerve rootscontainpreganglionicautonomicfibers.
e.The spi NA l nervesare 31 pairs.
NA – 54
The crus cerebri of the midbraincontainsall of the followingfibers(tracts) EXCEPT:
a. Frontopontine fibers.
b. Non-frontopontine fibers.
c. Corticospi NA l tract.
d. Corticobulbartract.
e.Medial lemniscus.
NA – 53
A lesioninthe followingcranial nerve causesdysphagiaandhoarsenessof voice:
a. Vagusnerve.
b. Glossopharyngeal nerve.
c. Hypoglossal nerve.
d. Facial nerve.
e.Spi NA l accessorynerve.
NA – 52
The superiorcerebellarpeduncle containsone of the followingtracts:
a. Dorsal spinocerebellartract.
b. Ventral spinocerebellartract.
c. Olivocerebellartract.
d. Cuneocerebellartract.
NA – 51
The followingtractmediatespainandtemperature sensationsfromthe body:
a. Gracile tract.
b. Ventral spinothalamictract.
c. Lateral spinothalamictract.
d. Ventral spinocerebellartract.
e.Dorsal spinocerebellartract.
NA – 50
The tract mediatingunconsciousproprioceptinfromthe upperlimbtothe cerebellumis:
a. Gracile tract.
b. Dorsal spinocerebellartract.
c. Ventral spinocerebellartract.
d. Cuneocerebellartract.
e.Lateral spinothalamictract.
NA – 53
A lesioninthe followingcranial nerve causesdysphagiaandhoarsenessof voice:
a. Vagusnerve.
b. Glossopharyngeal nerve.
c. Hypoglossal nerve.
d. Facial nerve.
e.Spi NA l accessorynerve.
NA – 52
The superiorcerebellarpeduncle containsone of the followingtracts:
a. Dorsal spinocerebellartract.
b. Ventral spinocerebellartract.
c. Olivocerebellartract.
d. Cuneocerebellartract.
NA – 51
The followingtractmediatespainand temperature sensationsfromthe body:
a. Gracile tract.
b. Ventral spinothalamictract.
c. Lateral spinothalamictract.
d. Ventral spinocerebellartract.
e.Dorsal spinocerebellartract.
NA – 50
The tract mediatingunconsciousproprioceptinfromthe upperlimbtothe cerebellumis:
a. Gracile tract.
b. Dorsal spinocerebellartract.
c. Ventral spinocerebellartract.
d. Cuneocerebellartract.
e.Lateral spinothalamictract.
NA – 49
Regardingthe spi NA l cord,all are correct EXCEPT:
a. The spi NA l cord isthe continuationof the medullaoblongata.
b. The spi NA l cord endsat the level of L3in the adult.
c. In the adult,the dura materendsat the level of S2vertebra.
d. The ventral 2/3 are suppliedbythe anteriorspi NA l artery.
e.The conusmedullarisisfixedtothe coccyx bythe filumtermi NA le
NA – 48
Regardingthe anteriorlimbof the interNA l capsule,all the statementsare correctEXCEPT:
a. Liesbetweenheadof the caudate nucleusandthe lentiformnucleus.
b. Containsthe anteriorthalamicradiation.
c. Containsfibersfromthe anteriorthalamicnucleustothe cingulate gyrus.
d. Containsnonfrontopontine fibers.
e.Suppliedbybranchesof the anteriorcerebral andmiddle cerebralarteries.
NA – 47
The commissural fibersof the braininclude all of the followingEXCEPT:
a. Corpuscallosum.
b. Cingulum.
c. Anteriorcommissure.
d. Posteriorcommissure.
e.Hippocampal commissure.
NA – 46
The inferiorcerebellarpedunclecontainsall of the followingEXCEPT:
a. Dorsal spinocerebellartract.
b. Ventral spinocerebellartract.
c. Vestibulocerebellartract.
d. Olivocerebellartract.
NA -45
One of the followingarteriesisnotpart of the circulusarteriosus:
a. Anteriorcerebral artery.
b. Middle cerebral artery.
c. Posteriorcerebral artery.
d. Anteriorcommunicatingartery.
e.Posteriorcommunicating artery.
NA – 44
RegardingCorpuscallosumall of the followingare correctEXCEPT:
a. It connectssimilarcortical areasof the two hemispheres.
b. It issuppliedbythe anteriorcerebral artery.
c. It is formedof associationfibers.
d. It transmitsinformationbetweenthe 2hemispheres.
e.The posteriorendiscalledthe splenium.
NA – 43
Associationfibersinclude all of the followingEXCEPT:
a. Corpuscallosum.
b. Superiorlongitudi NA l fasciculus.
c. Inferiorlongitudi NA l fasciculus.
d. Cingulum.
e.Fasciculusunci NA tus.
NA -42
Language areas are locatedinall of the followingEXCEPT:
a. Supramargi NA l gyrus.
b. Angulargyrus.
c. Superiortemporal gyrus.
d. Middle frontal gyrus.
e.Inferiorfrontal gyrus.
NA – 41
Nuclei of the limbicsysteminclude all of the followingEXCEPT:
a. Hippocampus.
b. Amygdaloidnucleus.
c. Mamillarybody.
d. Caudate nucleus.
NA – 40
Regardingthe ventricularsystem,one of the followingisINCORRECT:
a. The ependymalliningcontributestothe formationandcirculationof the CSF.
b. It representsthe cavityof the neural tube.
c. It containsabout30 ml of CSF.
d. Obstructionof the aqueductof Sylviuscausesdilatationof all the ventricles.
e.Communicateswithsubarachnoidspace throughforami NA of Luschkaand Megendie.
NA – 39
. In the midbrain:
a. The twosuperiorcolliculi are connected bythe anteriorcommissure.
b. The inferiorbrachiumconnectsthe inferiorcolliculuswiththe lateral geniculate body.
c. The substantianigracontainsnerve cellsthatsecrete noradre NA line.
d. The posteriorpart(tectum) containsvisual andauditoryreflex centers.
e.The trochlearnerve exitsfromthe interpeduncularfossamedial tothe cruscerebri.
NA – 38
All of the followingare correctEXCEPT:
a. Areapostremaisthe vomitingcenter.
b. The tubercinereum of the interpeduncularfossaispartof the hypothalamus.
c. The striamedullarisof the 4thventricle are arcuatocerebellarfibers.
d. The stria medullaristhalami ispartof the limbicsystemandthe epithalamus.
e.Foramenof Megendie of the 4thventricle ispresentinthe superiormedullaryvelum.
NA – 37
The epithalamus:
a. Is part of the diencephalon.
b. Containsaglandthat secretesmelatonin.
c. Containsa nucleusthatispart of the limbicsystem.
d. All of the above are correct.
e.a andb onlyare correct.
NA – 36
The medial medullarysyndrome isdue toocclusionof the:
a. Anteriorcerebral artery.
b. Middle cerebral artery.
c. Posteriorcerebral artery.
d. Anteriorspi NA l artery.
e.Posteriorspi NA l artery.
NA – 35
The lateral medullarysyndromeisusuallydue toocclusionof the:
a. Anteriorspi NA l artery.
b. Posteriorspi NA l artery.
c. Anteriorinferiorcerebellarartery.
d. Posteriorinferiorcerebellarartery.
e.Posteriorcerebral artery.
NA – 34
Regardingthe cortical areasof the cerebral cortex,one isINCORRECT:
a. All the motorareas are presentinthe frontal lobe.
b. Broca’s areais suppliedbthe middlecerebral artery.
c. The primaryvisual area(area17) issuppliedbythe posteriorcerebral artery.
d. The prefrontal cortex (frontal pole) containsthe persoNA litycenter.
e.The auditoryassociationarea(area22) liesinthe middle temporalgyrus.
NA – 33
The midbrain containsall of the followingEXCEPT:
a. Crus cerebri.
b. Substantianigra.
c. Third ventricle.
d. Oculomotornerve nuclei.
e.Trochlearnerve nucleus.
NA – 32
The epithalamusisformedof all of the followingEXCEPT:
a. Pineal gland.
b. Habenularnucleus.
c. Anteriorcommissure.
d. Posteriorcommisure.
e.Stria medullaristhalami.
NA – 31
Regardingthe CSF,one of the followingisINCORRECT:
a. The mainvolume ispresentinthe ventriclesof the brain.
b. The choroidplexusisthe mainsite of production.
c. The arachnoidvilli andgranulationsare the mainsite of absorption(drai NA ge).
d. It reachesthe subarachnoidspace throughthe 3 forami NA of the fourthventricle.
e.It protectsthe brain andspi NA l cord.
NA – 30
Thiscortical areais presentinthe frontal lobe of the cerebral hemisphere:
a. Gustatory(taste) area(area 43).
b. Primaryauditoryarea(areas41 and 42).
c. Primaryvisual area(area17).
d. Broca’s area(motorspeecharea).
e.Somatosensoryassociationarea(area5 and 7).
NA – 29
One of the followingcortical areasof the brainis presentinthe parietal lobe:
a. Primarymotorarea (area 4).
b. Primaryauditoryarea(area41, 42).
c. Motor eye fieldarea(area8).
d. Primaryvisual area(area17).
e.General sensoryarea(area3, 1, 2)
NA – 28
The anteriorcerebral arterysuppliesall of the followingEXCEPT:
a. Upper one inchof the parietal lobe.
b. Medial surface of the frontal lobe.
c. Anteriorlimbof the interNA l capsule.
d. Anteriorpartof the corpusstriatum.
e.0ccipital lobe.
NA – 27
One of the followingisnotpresentinthe interpeduncularfossa:
a. Tubercinereum.
b. Infundibulumof the pituitarygland.
c. Mamillarybodies.
d. Posteriorperforatedsubstance.
NA – 26
In the midbrain,one of the followingisINCORRECT:
a. The substantianigracontainsnerve cellsthatsecrete dopamine.
b. The superiorcolliculiare visual reflexcenters.
c. The inferiorcolliculiare auditoryreflex centers.
d. The inferiorbrachiumconnectsthe inferiorcolliculuswiththe lateral geniculate body.
e.The aqueductof Sylvius connectsthe thirdventricle withthe fourthventricle.
NA – 25
The hypoglossal nerve exitsfromthe:
a. Anteriormedianfissure.
b. Preolivaryfissure.
c. Postolivaryfissure.
d. Horizontal fissure.
e.Cerebellopontine angle.
NA – 24
The facial colliculusisformedbythe:
a. Facial nerve only.
b. Facial nucleusonly.
c. Facial and vagus.
d. Facial nerve andabducentnucleus.
e.Facial and trigemi NA l.
NA – 23
The medullacontainsall the following featuresEXCEPT:
a. Hypoglossal trigone.
b. Clava.
c. Areapostrema.
d. Facial colliculus.
e.Pyramidal decussation
NA – 22
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
NA – 21
The medullais suppliedbyall of the followingEXCEPT:
a. Anteriorspi NA l artery.
b. Posteriorspi NA l artery.
c. Anteriorinferiorcerebellarartery.
d. Posteriorinferiorcerebellarartery.
e.Branchesfrom the vertebral artery.
NA – 20
The rhombencephalonismade upof the:
a. Cerebrumandcerebellum.
b. Cerebrum,cerebellumandpons.
c. Cerebellumandthalamus.
d. Spi NA l cord, medullaandcerebellum.
NA – 19
The superiorcerebellarpeduncle connectsthe cerebellumwiththe:
a. Restiformbody.
b. Inferiorolive.
c. Medulla.
d. Midbrain.
NA – 18
The cerebellumisseparatedfromthe cerebral hemisphere bythe:
a. Falx cerebri.
b. Falx cerebelli.
c. Tentoriumcerebelli.
d. Galeaaponeurotica.
NA – 17
The primaryfissure of the cerebellumseparatesthe:
a. Superiorsurface fromthe inferiorsurface.
b. Anteriorlobe fromthe posteriorlobe.
c. Posteriorlobe from the flocculonodularlobe.
d. Paleocerebellumfromthe neocerebellum.
e.None of the above.
NA – 16
The floorof the 4th ventricle isformedbythe:
a. Superiormedullaryvelum.
b. Inferiormedullaryvelum.
c. Cerebellum.
d. Back of the medulla.
e.None of the above.
NA – 15
The brainstemisformedof:
a. Medullaoblongata.
b. Midbrain.
c. Pons.
d. All of the above.
e.None of the above.
NA – 14
One of the followingisabranch of the vertebral artery:
a. Anteriorcerebral artery.
b. Anteriorinferiorcerebellarartery(AICA).
c. Posteriorinferiorcerebellarartery(PICA).
d. Superiorcerebellarartery.
e.Posteriorcerebral artery.
NA – 13
Regardingthe cerebellararteries,one of the followingisINCORRECT:
a. The superiorcerebellararterysuppliesthe superiorcerebellarpeduncle.
b. The anteriorinferiorcerebellararterysuppliesthe middle cerebellarpeduncle.
c. The posteriorinferiorcerebellararterysuppliesthe inferior cerebellarpeduncle.
d. The anteriorinferiorcerebellararteryisa branchof the vertebral artery.
e.The posteriorinferiorcerebellararterymaygive the posteriorspi NA l artery.
NA – 12
One of the followingarteriesisabranch of the basilarartery:
a. Anteriorinferiorcerebellarartery.
b. Posteriorinferiorcerebellarartery.
c. Anteriorspi NA l artery.
d. Posteriorspi NA l artery.
e.Radiculararteriestothe cervical partof the spi NA l cord.
NA – 11
The central ca NA l of the spi NA l cord opensoutintothe:
a. Subarachnoidspace.
b. Lumbar cistern.
c. Sacral hiatus.
d. Thirdventricle.
e.Fourth ventricle.
NA – 10
Regardingthe cerebellum, one of the followingisINCORRECT:
a. It developsfromthe metencephalon.
b. The medullarycentercontains4deepcerebellarnucleioneachside.
c. The paleocerebellumisformedof the lateral zone of the cerebellarhemisphere.
d. The neocerebellumisconnectedwiththe cerebralcortex.
e.The flocculonodularlobe isconnectedwiththe vestibularsystem.
NA – 09
The fourthventricle isthe cavityof the:
a. Telencephalon.
b. Diencephalon.
c. Mesencephalon.
d. Rhombencephalon.
e.None of the above.
NA – 08
The lateral ventricle isthe cavityof the:
a. Telencephalon.
b. Diencephalon.
c. Mesencephalon.
d. Rhombencephalon.
e.None of the above.
NA – 07
The subdural space:
a. Containsthe cerebrospi NA l fluid.
b. Dilatesinsome areasto form the subarachnoidcisterns.
c. Subdural hemorrhage isusuallydue torupture of superficial cerebral veins.
d. All of the above are correct.
e.A and B onlyare correct.
NA – 06
The subarachnoidspace:
a. Containsthe cerebrospi NA l fluid.
b. Dilatesinsome areasto formthe subarachnoidcisterns.
c. Subarachnoidhemorrhage isusuallydue torupture of superficial cerebral veins.
d. All of the above are correct.
e.A and B onlyare correct.
NA – 05
Regardingthe cerebellararteries,one of the followingisINCORRECT:
a. The superiorcerebellararterysuppliesthe superiorcerebellarpeduncle.
b. The anteriorinferiorcerebellararterysuppliesthe middle cerebellarpeduncle.
c. The posteriorinferiorcerebellararterysuppliesthe inferiorcerebellarpeduncle.
d. The anteriorinferiorcerebellararterysuppliesthe choroidplexusof the 3rd ventricle.
e.The posteriorinferiorcerebellararterysuppliesthe choroidplexusof the 4th ventricle.
NA – 04
These cranial nerve nuclei are presentinthe floorof the 4thventricle EXCEPT:
a. Abducentnucleus.
b. Facial nucleusinthe facial colliculus.
c. Dorsal motornucleusof the vagus.
d. Hypoglossal nucleus.
NA – 03
Regardingthe meningealspaces:
a. Extradural hemorrhage isusuallyarterial.
b. Subdural hemorrhage isusuallyvenous.
c. Subarachnoidhemorrhage isusuallyarterial.
d. All are correct.
e.a andb onlyare correct
NA – 02
The lateral ventricle communicateswiththe 3rdventricle through:
a. Aqueductof Sylvius.
b. Foramenof Magendie.
c. Foramenof Monro.
d. Foramenof Luschka.
e.Central ca NA l.
NA – 01
The 3rd ventricle isthe cavityof the:
a. Metencephalon.
b. Myelencephalon.
c. Mesencephalon.
d. Telencephalon.

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100 neuroanatomy practice questions

  • 1. 100 Practice Questions Neuroanatomy School of Medicine Department of Anatomy July 2016 Questions MCQS
  • 2. QN –100. Damage to whichlobe can produce disruptionstosocial andemotionalbehaviour? a. The occipital lobe b. The frontal lobe c. The temporal lobe d. The partietal lobe QN – 99. Areasof the cortex that do notreceive sensoryinformationdirectly,butviathe primarymotoror sensorycortices,are called: a. The limbicsystem b. The frontal and temporal lobes c. The subcortex d. Associationareas QN – 98. Areasof the cortex that donot receive sensoryinformationdirectly,butviathe primarymotoror sensorycortices,are called: a. The limbicsystem
  • 3. b.The frontal and temporal lobes c. The subcortex d.Associationareas QN –97 The auditorycortex appears: a. To be as hierarchicallyorganisedasthe visual system b.To playlittle role inthe perceptionof music,butplaysalarge role inthe perceptionof speech c. To have a role in olfactoryandgustatoryperception d.Not to be hierarchicallyorganised(asthe visual system) QN – 96 The regionsof the cortex responsible forthe maintenance of voluntarymovementare: a. The primaryand secondarymotorareas b.The basal ganglia c. The frontal,parietal andoccipital lobes d.The primarymotorcortex,the premotorarea andthe supplementarymotorarea
  • 4. NA – 95 Regardingthe medial geniculate body,all are correctEXCEPT: a. It receivesauditoryinformationfrombothearsbutmainlyfromthe opposite ear. b. It receivesauditoryinformationfromthe superiorcolliculus. c. It projectsto the auditoryareain the superiortemporal gyrus. d. It projectsthroughthe sublenticularpartof the interNA l capsule. e.A lesioncausesbilateral diminutionof hearing. NA – 94 Regardingthe thalamicnuclei,all are correctEXCEPT: a. The anteriornucleusispartof the limbicsystem. b. The medial nucleusisconnectedwiththe prefrontalcortex (persoNA litycenter).
  • 5. c. The ventral anteriornucleusisconnectedwiththe motorandpremotorareas. d. The ventral posteriorlateral nucleusreceivesthe mediallemniscus. e.The ventral posteriormedial nucleusreceivesthe spi NA l lemniscus. NA – 93 Regardingthe facial nerve,all are correctEXCEPT: a. It suppliesall musclesof the secondpharyngeal arch. b. It exitsfromthe cerebello-pontine angle. c. Has motor nucleusthatformsthe facial colliculus. d. Has parasympatheticfibersthatrelayinthe sphenopalatineganglion. e.Has sensoryfibersthatendinthe nucleussolitarius. NA – 92
  • 6. Regardingthe parasympatheticnuclei of the brainstem,all are correctEXCEPT: a. Fibersfromthe inferiorsalivatorynucleusrelayinthe oticganglion. b. Fibersfromthe inferiorsalivatorynucleuspassthroughthe deeppetrosal nerve. c. The Edinger-Westphal nucleusgivesfiberstothe oculomotornerve. d. Fibersfromthe superiorsalivatorynucleusrelayinthe submandibularganglion. e.The dorsal motornucleusof the vagus ispresentinthe floorof the 4th ventricle. NA – 91 Regardingthe parasympatheticnuclei of the brainstem,all are correctEXCEPT: a. The Edinger-Westphalnucleusislocatedinthe midbrainopposite the inferiorcolliculus. b. FibersfromEdinger-Westphalnucleusrelayinthe ciliaryganglion. c. The superiorsalivatorynucleusislocatedinthe pons. d. The inferiorsalivatorynucleusislocatedinthe medullaoblongata.
  • 7. e.The dorsal motornucleusof the vagus islocatedinthe medullaoblongata. NA – 90 Regardingthe parasympatheticnuclei of the brainstem,all are correctEXCEPT: a. The superiorsalivatorynucleussuppliesthe lacrimal gland. b. The superiorsalivatorynucleussuppliesthe submandibularsalivarygland. c. Fibersfromthe superiorsalivatorynucleusrelayinthe sphenopalatineganglion. d. The inferiorsalivatorynucleussuppliesthe parotidgland. e.The Edinger-Westphal nucleussuppliesthe dilatorpupillaemuscle. NA – 89 Nucleussolitariusreceivesall of the followingEXCEPT: a. Taste sensation fromthe anteriortwothirdsof the tongue viathe chordatympani.
  • 8. b. Taste sensationfromthe posteriorthirdof the tongue viathe glossopharyngeal nerve. c. Taste sensationfromthe epiglottisviathe vagusnerve. d. General sensationfromthe anteriortwothirdsof the tongue viathe lingual nerve. e.General sensationfromthe viscerasuppliedbythe vagusnerve. NA – 88 Nucleusambiguoussuppliesall of the followingmusclesEXCEPT: a. All musclesof the larynx. b. Stylopharyngeus muscle. c. Constrictormusclesof the pharynx. d. Palatoglossusmuscle. e.Tensorpalati.
  • 9. NA – 87 Nucleusambiguousgivesfiberstoall of the followingnervesEXCEPT: a. Glossopharyngealnerve. b. Vagusnerve. c. Spi NA l accessorynerve. d. Cranial accessorynerve. e.Recurrentlaryngeal nerve. NA – 86 Constrictionof the rightpupil whenlightisdirectedatthe lefteye needsall of the followingEXCEPT: a. Leftopticnerve. b. Leftpretectal nucleus. c. Rightoculomotornerve.
  • 10. d. Rightopticnerve. e.Right Edinger-Westphalnucleus. NA – 85 Constrictionof the rightpupil whenlightisdirectedatthe lefteye needsall of the followingEXCEPT: a. Leftopticnerve. b. Leftpretectal nucleus. c. Leftoptic radiation. d. RightEdinger-Westphal nucleus. e.Optic chiasma. NA – 84
  • 11. A vascularlesionof the primaryvisual area(17) may cause one of the following: a. Blindness. b. Bi NA sal hemianopia. c. Bitemporal hemianopia. d. Contralateral homonymoushemianopia. e.Contralateral homonymoushemianopiawithmacularsparing. NA – 83 A pituitaryadenoma(tumor) maycause one of the following: a. Blindness. b. Bi NA sal hemianopia. c. Bitemporal hemianopia. d. Contralateral homonymoushemianopia. e.Contralateral homonymoushemianopiawithmacularsparing.
  • 12. NA – 82 Bitemporal hemianopiaindicatesalesionin: a. Opticnerve. b. Central partof the opticchiasma. c. Peripheral partof the opticchiasma. d. Optictract. e.Optic radiation. NA – 81 Contralateral homonymoushemianopiaindicatesalesioninall of the followingEXCEPT:
  • 13. a. Opticchiasma. b. Optictract. c. Lateral geniculate body. d. Opticradiation. e.Primaryvisual area. NA – 80 Concerningthe trigemi NA l nuclei,one isCORRECT: a. The mainsensorynucleusislocatedinthe medullaoblongata. b. The spi NA l nucleusextendsinthe spi NA l cord till the 6thcervical segment. c. The mainsensorynucleusconveyspainandtemperature sensationsfromthe face. d. The mesencephalicnucleusconveysproprioceptive impulsesfromthe musclesof mastication. e.Theyprojectto the ventral posteriorlateral nucleusof the thalamus.
  • 14. NA – 81 Contralateral homonymoushemianopiaindicatesalesioninall of the followingEXCEPT: a. Opticchiasma. b. Optictract. c. Lateral geniculate body. d. Opticradiation. e.Primaryvisual area. NA – 80 Concerningthe trigemi NA l nuclei,one isCORRECT: a. The mainsensorynucleusislocatedinthe medullaoblongata. b. The spi NA l nucleusextendsinthe spi NA l cord till the 6thcervical segment.
  • 15. c. The mainsensorynucleusconveyspainandtemperature sensationsfromthe face. d. The mesencephalicnucleusconveysproprioceptive impulsesfromthe musclesof mastication. e.Theyprojectto the ventral posteriorlateral nucleusof the thalamus. NA – 79 The hypoglossal nerve: a. Carriestaste sensationfromthe posteriorthirdof the tongue. b. Carriesfibersfromthe2ndand3rd cervical nerves. c. Emergesbetweenthe olive andthe inferiorcerebellarpeduncle. d. Suppliesall the musclesof the tongue. e.Its lesioncausesdeviationof the protrudedtonguetothe same side asthe lesion. NA – 78
  • 16. Lesioninthe medial lemniscuscauses: a. Contralateral lossof painandtemperature sensation. b. Contralateral lossof sense of movement. c. Ipsilateral lossof discrimi NA tivetouch. d. Ipsilateral lossof painandtemperaturesensation. e.Ipsilateral lossof sense of movement NA – 77 Clarke’snucleustransmitsthe followingsensation: a. Painand temperature sensation. b. Sense of movementof the upperlimbtothe cerebellum. c. Sense of movementof the upperlimbtothe cerebral hemisphere. d. Sense of movementof the lowerlimbtothe cerebellum.
  • 17. e.Sense of movementof the lowerlimbtothe cerebral hemisphere. NA – 76 In lesionsof the leftcuneate tract,one of the followingisINCORRECT: a. Loss of sense of movementof the leftshoulderjoint. b. Lossof sense of flexionof the leftindex finger. c. Loss of sense of movementof the rightelbow joint. d. Intact sense of extensionof the rightknee joint. e.Intact sense of painfromthe leftupperlimb. NA – 75 Lesioninthe gracile tract causesall of the followinginthe ipsilateral sideEXCEPT: a. Loss of sense of movementof the thumb.
  • 18. b. Lossof sense of movementof the bigtoe. c. Loss of discrimi NA tive touchfromthe regionof the umbilicus. d. Lossof sense of vibrationoverthe medial malleolus. e.Loss of tactile localizationoverthe frontof the thigh. NA – 74 In syringomyelia,all are correctEXCEPT: a. Bilateral lossof painandtemperature inthe affecteddermatomes. b. Bilateral lossof touchsensationinthe affecteddermatomes. c. Dilatationof the central ca NA l. d. Destructionof the crossingfibersof the lateral spinothalamictracts. e.Destructionof the crossingfibersof the ventral spinothalamictracts.
  • 19. NA – 74 In syringomyelia,all are correctEXCEPT: a. Bilateral lossof painandtemperature inthe affecteddermatomes. b. Bilateral lossof touchsensationinthe affecteddermatomes. c. Dilatationof the central ca NA l. d. Destructionof the crossingfibersof the lateral spinothalamictracts. e.Destructionof the crossingfibersof the ventral spinothalamictracts. NA – 73 An uppermotorneuronlesioncanoccur inany one of the followingEXCEPT: a. InterNA l capsule.
  • 20. b. Pyramidof the medulla. c. Crus cerebri of the midbrain. d. Ventral nerve rootof the spi NA l nerve. e.Corticoispi NA l tract. NA – 72 A lowermotorneuronlesionisalesioninthe: a. Anteriorhorncellsof the spi NA l cord. b. Peripheral nerve. c. Motor areaof the cerebral hemisphere. d. All of the above. e.A and b only.
  • 21. NA – 71 An uppermotorneuronlesionisalesioninthe: a. Anteriorhorncellsof the spi NA l cord. b. Peripheral nerve. c. Pyramidal andextrapyramidal tracts. d. All of the above. e.None of the above. NA – 70 Regardingthe thalamicradiations,all are correctEXCEPT: a. The anteriorthalamicradiationconnectsnuclei of the limbicsystemwiththe cerebral cortex. b. The posteriorthalamicradiationcarriesvisual fiberstoarea17. c. The inferiorthalamicradiationcarriesauditoryfiberstoarea41 and 42.
  • 22. d. Lesioninthe posteriorthalamicradiationcausescontralateral homonymoushemianopia. e.Lesioninthe inferiorthalamicradiationcausescontralateral lossof hearing. NA – 69 The followingnuclei projecttheiraxonstothe cerebellumEXCEPT: a. Rednucleus. b. Accessorycuneate nucleus. c. Arcuate nucleus. d. Clarke’snucleus. e.Inferiorolivarynucleus. NA – 68 Unconsciousproprioceptionismediatedthrough:
  • 23. a. Dorsal spinocerebellartract. b. Spino-olivarytract. c. Ventral spinocerebellartract. d. All of the above. e.A and c only. NA – 67 Typical featuresof lateral medullarysyndrome include all of the followingEXCEPT: a. Dysphagia. b. Ataxia. c. Vertigo. d. Contralateral lossof painandtemperature sensationfromthe face. e.Contralateral lossof painandtemperature sensationfromthe body
  • 24. NA – 66 Typical featuresof medial medullarysyndromeinclude: a. Ipsilateral lossof discrimiNA tive touchandkinesthesia. b. Contralateral deviationof the protrudedtongue. c. Contralateral hemiplegia. d. All of the above. e.None of the above. NA – 65 Regardingthe ventricularsystem,one of the followingisINCORRECT: a. It containschoroidsplexusthatsecrete the CSF.
  • 25. b. It representsthe cavityof the neural tube. c. It containsabout100 ml of CSF. d. Obstructionof the aqueductof Sylviuscausesdilatationof the lateral andthirdventricles. e.The lateral ventricleis the cavityof the cerebral hemisphere. NA – 64 Tract/s whichis/are importantformaintainingthe uprightpostureinclude: a. Pontine (medial)reticulospiNA l tract. b. Lateral vestibulospi NA l tract. c. Medullary(lateral) reticulospi NA l tract. d. All of the above. e.A and b only
  • 26. NA – 63 Signsof lowermotorneuronlesioninclude all of the followingEXCEPT: a. Atrophyof muscles. b. Fibrillation. c. Flaccidity. d. Clonus. e.Hypotonia NA – 62 Signsof uppermotor neuronlesioninclude all of the followingEXCEPT: a. Spasticity. b. Hypertonia. c. Hyperreflexia.
  • 27. d. Babinski sign. e.Fasciculations. NA – 61 Accomodation-convergencereflex ismediatedbyall of the followingEXCEPT: a. Opticnerve andoptic tract. b. Pretectal nucleus. c. Edinger-Westphal nucleus. d. Shortciliarynerves. e.Area 17. NA – 60
  • 28. One of the followingstatementsisINCORRECT: a. Lesioninthe premotorarea6 causesapraxia. b. Lesion inarea22 causesreceptive aphasia. c. Lesioninarea 8 causescontralateral conjugate deviationof botheyes. d. Irritative lesioninthe uncuscausesolfactoryhalluci NA tion. e.LesioninBroca’s area inthe domi NA nt hemisphere causesmotoraphasia. NA – 59 Regardingthe corticospi NA l tract, one of the followingisINCORRECT: a. It takesoriginfrombothprimarymotor and general sensoryareas. b. It issuppliedbythe vertebrobasilarsystemthroughoutitscourse. c. In the brainstemandthe spi NA l cord, the cervical fibersare the mostmedial fibers. d. Descendsinthe middle 3/5of the crus cerebri.
  • 29. e.Decussatesinthe lowerpartof the medulla. NA – 58 Regardingthe cerebral arteries,one of the followingis INCORRECT: a. Theyare presentinthe subarachnoidspace. b. Occlusionof the rightanteriorcerebral arterymaycause paralysisof the leftupperlimb. c. The anteriorcerebral arterycoursesinthe callosal sulcus. d. The middle cerebral arterycoursesinthe lateral sulcus. e.The posteriorcerebral arterycoursesinthe calcarine sulcus. NA – 57 Hemisectioninthe cervical spi NA l cordmay cause one of the following:
  • 30. a. Contralateral lossof proprioceptionfromthe lowerlimb. b. Contralateral flaccidweaknessinthe upperlimb. c. Contralateral flaccidweaknessinthe lowerlimb. d. Contralateral spinothalamicsensorylossinthe trunkandlowerlimb. e.Ipsilateral spinothalamicsensorylossinthe upperlimb. NA – 56 Signsof Horner’ssyndrome include all of the followingEXCEPT: a. Ptosis. b. Mydriasis. c. Anhidrosis. d. Enophthalmos. e.Dry skinof the ipsilateral side of the face.
  • 31. NA – 55 Regardingthe spi NA l nerves,one of the followingisTRUE: a. C6 spi NA l nerve exitsbelowC6vertebra. b. T6 spi NA l nerve exitsbelowT6vertebra. c. The sacral nerve rootsare shorterthan the cervical nerve roots. d. The ventral nerve rootscontainpreganglionicautonomicfibers. e.The spi NA l nervesare 31 pairs. NA – 54 The crus cerebri of the midbraincontainsall of the followingfibers(tracts) EXCEPT: a. Frontopontine fibers. b. Non-frontopontine fibers.
  • 32. c. Corticospi NA l tract. d. Corticobulbartract. e.Medial lemniscus. NA – 53 A lesioninthe followingcranial nerve causesdysphagiaandhoarsenessof voice: a. Vagusnerve. b. Glossopharyngeal nerve. c. Hypoglossal nerve. d. Facial nerve. e.Spi NA l accessorynerve.
  • 33. NA – 52 The superiorcerebellarpeduncle containsone of the followingtracts: a. Dorsal spinocerebellartract. b. Ventral spinocerebellartract. c. Olivocerebellartract. d. Cuneocerebellartract. e.Pontocerebellartract. NA – 51 The followingtractmediatespainandtemperature sensationsfromthe body: a. Gracile tract. b. Ventral spinothalamictract. c. Lateral spinothalamictract.
  • 34. d. Ventral spinocerebellartract. e.Dorsal spinocerebellartract. NA – 50 The tract mediatingunconsciousproprioceptinfromthe upperlimbtothe cerebellumis: a. Gracile tract. b. Dorsal spinocerebellartract. c. Ventral spinocerebellartract. d. Cuneocerebellartract. e.Lateral spinothalamictract. NA – 53
  • 35. A lesioninthe followingcranial nerve causesdysphagiaandhoarsenessof voice: a. Vagusnerve. b. Glossopharyngeal nerve. c. Hypoglossal nerve. d. Facial nerve. e.Spi NA l accessorynerve. NA – 52 The superiorcerebellarpeduncle containsone of the followingtracts: a. Dorsal spinocerebellartract. b. Ventral spinocerebellartract. c. Olivocerebellartract. d. Cuneocerebellartract.
  • 36. e.Pontocerebellartract. NA – 51 The followingtractmediatespainand temperature sensationsfromthe body: a. Gracile tract. b. Ventral spinothalamictract. c. Lateral spinothalamictract. d. Ventral spinocerebellartract. e.Dorsal spinocerebellartract. NA – 50 The tract mediatingunconsciousproprioceptinfromthe upperlimbtothe cerebellumis: a. Gracile tract.
  • 37. b. Dorsal spinocerebellartract. c. Ventral spinocerebellartract. d. Cuneocerebellartract. e.Lateral spinothalamictract. NA – 49 Regardingthe spi NA l cord,all are correct EXCEPT: a. The spi NA l cord isthe continuationof the medullaoblongata. b. The spi NA l cord endsat the level of L3in the adult. c. In the adult,the dura materendsat the level of S2vertebra. d. The ventral 2/3 are suppliedbythe anteriorspi NA l artery. e.The conusmedullarisisfixedtothe coccyx bythe filumtermi NA le
  • 38. NA – 48 Regardingthe anteriorlimbof the interNA l capsule,all the statementsare correctEXCEPT: a. Liesbetweenheadof the caudate nucleusandthe lentiformnucleus. b. Containsthe anteriorthalamicradiation. c. Containsfibersfromthe anteriorthalamicnucleustothe cingulate gyrus. d. Containsnonfrontopontine fibers. e.Suppliedbybranchesof the anteriorcerebral andmiddle cerebralarteries. NA – 47 The commissural fibersof the braininclude all of the followingEXCEPT: a. Corpuscallosum. b. Cingulum. c. Anteriorcommissure.
  • 39. d. Posteriorcommissure. e.Hippocampal commissure. NA – 46 The inferiorcerebellarpedunclecontainsall of the followingEXCEPT: a. Dorsal spinocerebellartract. b. Ventral spinocerebellartract. c. Vestibulocerebellartract. d. Olivocerebellartract. e.Cuneocerebellartract. NA -45
  • 40. One of the followingarteriesisnotpart of the circulusarteriosus: a. Anteriorcerebral artery. b. Middle cerebral artery. c. Posteriorcerebral artery. d. Anteriorcommunicatingartery. e.Posteriorcommunicating artery. NA – 44 RegardingCorpuscallosumall of the followingare correctEXCEPT: a. It connectssimilarcortical areasof the two hemispheres. b. It issuppliedbythe anteriorcerebral artery. c. It is formedof associationfibers. d. It transmitsinformationbetweenthe 2hemispheres.
  • 41. e.The posteriorendiscalledthe splenium. NA – 43 Associationfibersinclude all of the followingEXCEPT: a. Corpuscallosum. b. Superiorlongitudi NA l fasciculus. c. Inferiorlongitudi NA l fasciculus. d. Cingulum. e.Fasciculusunci NA tus. NA -42 Language areas are locatedinall of the followingEXCEPT: a. Supramargi NA l gyrus.
  • 42. b. Angulargyrus. c. Superiortemporal gyrus. d. Middle frontal gyrus. e.Inferiorfrontal gyrus. NA – 41 Nuclei of the limbicsysteminclude all of the followingEXCEPT: a. Hippocampus. b. Amygdaloidnucleus. c. Mamillarybody. d. Caudate nucleus. e.Anteriorthalamicnucleus.
  • 43. NA – 40 Regardingthe ventricularsystem,one of the followingisINCORRECT: a. The ependymalliningcontributestothe formationandcirculationof the CSF. b. It representsthe cavityof the neural tube. c. It containsabout30 ml of CSF. d. Obstructionof the aqueductof Sylviuscausesdilatationof all the ventricles. e.Communicateswithsubarachnoidspace throughforami NA of Luschkaand Megendie. NA – 39 . In the midbrain: a. The twosuperiorcolliculi are connected bythe anteriorcommissure. b. The inferiorbrachiumconnectsthe inferiorcolliculuswiththe lateral geniculate body.
  • 44. c. The substantianigracontainsnerve cellsthatsecrete noradre NA line. d. The posteriorpart(tectum) containsvisual andauditoryreflex centers. e.The trochlearnerve exitsfromthe interpeduncularfossamedial tothe cruscerebri. NA – 38 All of the followingare correctEXCEPT: a. Areapostremaisthe vomitingcenter. b. The tubercinereum of the interpeduncularfossaispartof the hypothalamus. c. The striamedullarisof the 4thventricle are arcuatocerebellarfibers. d. The stria medullaristhalami ispartof the limbicsystemandthe epithalamus. e.Foramenof Megendie of the 4thventricle ispresentinthe superiormedullaryvelum. NA – 37
  • 45. The epithalamus: a. Is part of the diencephalon. b. Containsaglandthat secretesmelatonin. c. Containsa nucleusthatispart of the limbicsystem. d. All of the above are correct. e.a andb onlyare correct. NA – 36 The medial medullarysyndrome isdue toocclusionof the: a. Anteriorcerebral artery. b. Middle cerebral artery. c. Posteriorcerebral artery. d. Anteriorspi NA l artery.
  • 46. e.Posteriorspi NA l artery. NA – 35 The lateral medullarysyndromeisusuallydue toocclusionof the: a. Anteriorspi NA l artery. b. Posteriorspi NA l artery. c. Anteriorinferiorcerebellarartery. d. Posteriorinferiorcerebellarartery. e.Posteriorcerebral artery. NA – 34 Regardingthe cortical areasof the cerebral cortex,one isINCORRECT:
  • 47. a. All the motorareas are presentinthe frontal lobe. b. Broca’s areais suppliedbthe middlecerebral artery. c. The primaryvisual area(area17) issuppliedbythe posteriorcerebral artery. d. The prefrontal cortex (frontal pole) containsthe persoNA litycenter. e.The auditoryassociationarea(area22) liesinthe middle temporalgyrus. NA – 33 The midbrain containsall of the followingEXCEPT: a. Crus cerebri. b. Substantianigra. c. Third ventricle. d. Oculomotornerve nuclei. e.Trochlearnerve nucleus.
  • 48. NA – 32 The epithalamusisformedof all of the followingEXCEPT: a. Pineal gland. b. Habenularnucleus. c. Anteriorcommissure. d. Posteriorcommisure. e.Stria medullaristhalami. NA – 31 Regardingthe CSF,one of the followingisINCORRECT: a. The mainvolume ispresentinthe ventriclesof the brain.
  • 49. b. The choroidplexusisthe mainsite of production. c. The arachnoidvilli andgranulationsare the mainsite of absorption(drai NA ge). d. It reachesthe subarachnoidspace throughthe 3 forami NA of the fourthventricle. e.It protectsthe brain andspi NA l cord. NA – 30 Thiscortical areais presentinthe frontal lobe of the cerebral hemisphere: a. Gustatory(taste) area(area 43). b. Primaryauditoryarea(areas41 and 42). c. Primaryvisual area(area17). d. Broca’s area(motorspeecharea). e.Somatosensoryassociationarea(area5 and 7).
  • 50. NA – 29 One of the followingcortical areasof the brainis presentinthe parietal lobe: a. Primarymotorarea (area 4). b. Primaryauditoryarea(area41, 42). c. Motor eye fieldarea(area8). d. Primaryvisual area(area17). e.General sensoryarea(area3, 1, 2) NA – 28 The anteriorcerebral arterysuppliesall of the followingEXCEPT: a. Upper one inchof the parietal lobe. b. Medial surface of the frontal lobe. c. Anteriorlimbof the interNA l capsule.
  • 51. d. Anteriorpartof the corpusstriatum. e.0ccipital lobe. NA – 27 One of the followingisnotpresentinthe interpeduncularfossa: a. Tubercinereum. b. Infundibulumof the pituitarygland. c. Mamillarybodies. d. Posteriorperforatedsubstance. e.Trochlearnerve. NA – 26 In the midbrain,one of the followingisINCORRECT:
  • 52. a. The substantianigracontainsnerve cellsthatsecrete dopamine. b. The superiorcolliculiare visual reflexcenters. c. The inferiorcolliculiare auditoryreflex centers. d. The inferiorbrachiumconnectsthe inferiorcolliculuswiththe lateral geniculate body. e.The aqueductof Sylvius connectsthe thirdventricle withthe fourthventricle. NA – 25 The hypoglossal nerve exitsfromthe: a. Anteriormedianfissure. b. Preolivaryfissure. c. Postolivaryfissure. d. Horizontal fissure. e.Cerebellopontine angle.
  • 53. NA – 24 The facial colliculusisformedbythe: a. Facial nerve only. b. Facial nucleusonly. c. Facial and vagus. d. Facial nerve andabducentnucleus. e.Facial and trigemi NA l. NA – 23 The medullacontainsall the following featuresEXCEPT: a. Hypoglossal trigone.
  • 54. b. Clava. c. Areapostrema. d. Facial colliculus. e.Pyramidal decussation NA – 22 Multi-polarneuronsusuallycontain………axons: a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 e.5
  • 55. NA – 21 The medullais suppliedbyall of the followingEXCEPT: a. Anteriorspi NA l artery. b. Posteriorspi NA l artery. c. Anteriorinferiorcerebellarartery. d. Posteriorinferiorcerebellarartery. e.Branchesfrom the vertebral artery. NA – 20 The rhombencephalonismade upof the: a. Cerebrumandcerebellum. b. Cerebrum,cerebellumandpons. c. Cerebellumandthalamus.
  • 56. d. Spi NA l cord, medullaandcerebellum. e.Medulla,ponsandcerebellum. NA – 19 The superiorcerebellarpeduncle connectsthe cerebellumwiththe: a. Restiformbody. b. Inferiorolive. c. Medulla. d. Midbrain. e.Pons. NA – 18
  • 57. The cerebellumisseparatedfromthe cerebral hemisphere bythe: a. Falx cerebri. b. Falx cerebelli. c. Tentoriumcerebelli. d. Galeaaponeurotica. e.fourthventricle. NA – 17 The primaryfissure of the cerebellumseparatesthe: a. Superiorsurface fromthe inferiorsurface. b. Anteriorlobe fromthe posteriorlobe. c. Posteriorlobe from the flocculonodularlobe. d. Paleocerebellumfromthe neocerebellum.
  • 58. e.None of the above. NA – 16 The floorof the 4th ventricle isformedbythe: a. Superiormedullaryvelum. b. Inferiormedullaryvelum. c. Cerebellum. d. Back of the medulla. e.None of the above. NA – 15 The brainstemisformedof: a. Medullaoblongata.
  • 59. b. Midbrain. c. Pons. d. All of the above. e.None of the above. NA – 14 One of the followingisabranch of the vertebral artery: a. Anteriorcerebral artery. b. Anteriorinferiorcerebellarartery(AICA). c. Posteriorinferiorcerebellarartery(PICA). d. Superiorcerebellarartery. e.Posteriorcerebral artery.
  • 60. NA – 13 Regardingthe cerebellararteries,one of the followingisINCORRECT: a. The superiorcerebellararterysuppliesthe superiorcerebellarpeduncle. b. The anteriorinferiorcerebellararterysuppliesthe middle cerebellarpeduncle. c. The posteriorinferiorcerebellararterysuppliesthe inferior cerebellarpeduncle. d. The anteriorinferiorcerebellararteryisa branchof the vertebral artery. e.The posteriorinferiorcerebellararterymaygive the posteriorspi NA l artery. NA – 12 One of the followingarteriesisabranch of the basilarartery: a. Anteriorinferiorcerebellarartery. b. Posteriorinferiorcerebellarartery.
  • 61. c. Anteriorspi NA l artery. d. Posteriorspi NA l artery. e.Radiculararteriestothe cervical partof the spi NA l cord. NA – 11 The central ca NA l of the spi NA l cord opensoutintothe: a. Subarachnoidspace. b. Lumbar cistern. c. Sacral hiatus. d. Thirdventricle. e.Fourth ventricle.
  • 62. NA – 10 Regardingthe cerebellum, one of the followingisINCORRECT: a. It developsfromthe metencephalon. b. The medullarycentercontains4deepcerebellarnucleioneachside. c. The paleocerebellumisformedof the lateral zone of the cerebellarhemisphere. d. The neocerebellumisconnectedwiththe cerebralcortex. e.The flocculonodularlobe isconnectedwiththe vestibularsystem. NA – 09 The fourthventricle isthe cavityof the: a. Telencephalon. b. Diencephalon. c. Mesencephalon.
  • 63. d. Rhombencephalon. e.None of the above. NA – 08 The lateral ventricle isthe cavityof the: a. Telencephalon. b. Diencephalon. c. Mesencephalon. d. Rhombencephalon. e.None of the above. NA – 07
  • 64. The subdural space: a. Containsthe cerebrospi NA l fluid. b. Dilatesinsome areasto form the subarachnoidcisterns. c. Subdural hemorrhage isusuallydue torupture of superficial cerebral veins. d. All of the above are correct. e.A and B onlyare correct. NA – 06 The subarachnoidspace: a. Containsthe cerebrospi NA l fluid. b. Dilatesinsome areasto formthe subarachnoidcisterns. c. Subarachnoidhemorrhage isusuallydue torupture of superficial cerebral veins. d. All of the above are correct. e.A and B onlyare correct.
  • 65. NA – 05 Regardingthe cerebellararteries,one of the followingisINCORRECT: a. The superiorcerebellararterysuppliesthe superiorcerebellarpeduncle. b. The anteriorinferiorcerebellararterysuppliesthe middle cerebellarpeduncle. c. The posteriorinferiorcerebellararterysuppliesthe inferiorcerebellarpeduncle. d. The anteriorinferiorcerebellararterysuppliesthe choroidplexusof the 3rd ventricle. e.The posteriorinferiorcerebellararterysuppliesthe choroidplexusof the 4th ventricle. NA – 04 These cranial nerve nuclei are presentinthe floorof the 4thventricle EXCEPT:
  • 66. a. Abducentnucleus. b. Facial nucleusinthe facial colliculus. c. Dorsal motornucleusof the vagus. d. Hypoglossal nucleus. e.Vestibularnuclei. NA – 03 Regardingthe meningealspaces: a. Extradural hemorrhage isusuallyarterial. b. Subdural hemorrhage isusuallyvenous. c. Subarachnoidhemorrhage isusuallyarterial. d. All are correct. e.a andb onlyare correct
  • 67. NA – 02 The lateral ventricle communicateswiththe 3rdventricle through: a. Aqueductof Sylvius. b. Foramenof Magendie. c. Foramenof Monro. d. Foramenof Luschka. e.Central ca NA l. NA – 01 The 3rd ventricle isthe cavityof the: a. Metencephalon. b. Myelencephalon.