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Paragraphs Names the students
paragraph 1 Yessica DanielaCutiva Peña
paragraph 2 Víctor Muñoz
paragraph 3 Johan SebastianArgote
paragraph 4 Yina Paola Enciso
paragraph 5 José Muños
Paragraph 1
• Las próximas décadas verán grandes cambios en la forma en que se suministra y
utiliza la energía. en algunas de las principales naciones productoras de petróleo, el
"pico del petróleo" ya se ha alcanzado, y hay un creciente temor por el calentamiento
global. en consecuencia, muchos países se están centrando en el cambio a una
economía baja en carbono. esta transición conducirá a cambios importantes en el
suministro y el uso de la electricidad. en primer lugar, habrá un aumento en la
demanda general, a medida que los consumidores cambien de petróleo y gas a
electricidad para alimentar sus hogares y vehículos. en segundo lugar, habrá un
aumento en la generación de energía, no solo en términos de cuánto se genera, sino
también cómo se genera, ya que hay una creciente generación de electricidad a partir
de fuentes renovables. para enfrentar estos desafíos, los países están invirtiendo en la
tecnología Smart grid. este sistema apunta a proporcionar a la industria eléctrica una
mejor comprensión de la generación y demanda de energía y utilizar esta
información para crear una red eléctrica más eficiente.
• The translation of the first paragraph was a difficult process, since I did not know
many of the words or expressions, fortunately, thanks to the online dictionary, i
could find a way to make sense of the paragraph. the translation techniques
document written by Gabriela Bosco helped me when choosing a translation
technique that would adapt to my needs during the development of the activity.
using the loan technique, you could finish the translation of the document without
altering its meaning.
• I believe that translation is a job that requires discipline and attention because the
given message should not be modified. performing this exercise allowed me to find
weaknesses in my english language skills, especially in grammar, during the
process I found that I tend to get confused with the structures of sentences and this
can lead me to have problems in the development of learning, fortunately , my
writing skills did not present me many difficulties and that is something for which I
am proud of myself.
The method is the procedure based on
strategies in which the translation
process is facilitated. there are several
types of translation methods, such as:
 Word-for-word translation
 Literal translation
 Faithful translation
 semantic translation
 Adaptation
 Traduccion libre
 idiomatic translation
 communicative translation
Example: A translator must choose a
translation method according to the
document delivered by her boss for the
council meeting.
Translation strategies are the series of steps or
processes that are in favor of the acquisition, storage or
use of information according to jaaskelainen, 1999. the
strategies are also representations or allusions that
must be explained in detail.
Example: A group of researchers wants to know the
correct pronunciation of the native language of an
aboriginal group, to achieve this end, they decide to
practice, listen and repeat constantly.
Tanslation techniques are often defined as translations of
specific texts that contain terminology, phrases and
cultural aspects, which aim to understand and
understand a message from a foreign language to the
language of origin. some translation techniques are:
 Borrowing
 Calque
 Literal translation
 Transposition
 Modulation
 Reformulation or equivalence
 Adaptation
 Compensation
Example: Literal translation, the department of choco in
Colombia, is known as one of the rainiest places on the
planet. el departamento de choco en Colombia, es
conocido como uno de los lugares mas lluvioso en el
Paragraph 2
• La tecnología Smart Grid involucra básicamente la aplicación de un sistema
informático a la red eléctrica. El sistema informático se puede utilizar para
recopilar información sobre la oferta, la demanda y mejorar la capacidad del
ingeniero para administrar el sistema. Con una mejor información sobre la
demanda de electricidad, la red podrá aumentar la cantidad de electricidad
entregada por unidad generada, lo que llevará a posibles reducciones en las
necesidades de combustible y en las emisiones de carbono. Además, el sistema
informático ayudará a reducir los costos operativos y de mantenimiento.
• During the translation of this text (paragraph 2) first of all I considered, it was an
interesting topic, translating the second paragraph of the text for me, this exercise
was meaningful because I learned new vocabulary I focused in the meaning of the
title because it gives a general idea of the text with some words, the main idea was
to choose the appropriated for the text and I used the synonyms dictionary. I start
translating complete sentences to achieve a good sense to the translation with
coherent and logical phrases and in this way to facilitate the comprehension of the
text, and sometimes I did it word by word although I found several unknown words
so I used an English dictionary to clear my doubts… I think that when we develop
these translation skills, what is really important is to try to express the same idea by
retaining the original meaning of the text, that way making more understandable
any type of information in any language in this specific case English language.
It is the set of strategies and tools that are
used to reach a precise objective, in other
words it is the way of doing something in a
systematic, organized or structured way.This
refers to a technique or set of tasks in order
to achieve a predetermined goal, in some
cases it is also understood as the usual way
of doing something for a person based on
experience, custom and personal
When it comes to the differences, a method
is the way or an application of an approach
to teaching languages
EXAMPLE: the English teacher tries to find
their teaching method so that their students
improve their learning and also every student
learns new vocabulary
- Strategy helps translators to articulate and
potentialize links between prior knowledge and
new knowledge, in the construction and
interpretation of texts and facilitating the mental
schematization of information.
- Strategies opted for by translators to be
transferred in rendering allusions play a crucial
role in recognition and perception of
-A potentially conscious procedure for solving a
problem faced in translating a text, or any
segment of it.
The strategy is the specific steps taken to
implement a method
EXAMPLE: translating a song
-Technique is used for sentences and the smaller units of
-Techniques are used when structural and conceptual
elements of the source language can be transposed into
the target language.
A technique comes from a strategy and it is implemented
to facilitate the process within the classroom with
behavior and activities.
EXAMPLE: If you are a journalist working in a multilingual
society, you may have to work in more than one language.
Whether you gather the information in one language and
write the story in another, or whether you write a story
first in one language and then rewrite in another
language, However, if you have a good command of both
languages and follow a few simple rules, translation
should not be difficult. Different languages also have
different grammar, different word orders, sometimes
even words for which other languages do not have any
EXAMPLE: translated literally. El equipo experimentado
está trabajando para terminar el informe translates into
English asThe experienced team is working to finish the
report ("experienced" and "team" are reversed).
Paragraph 3
• La tecnología Smart Grid también ofrece beneficios al consumidor. Podrán
recopilar información en tiempo real sobre su uso de energía para cada aparato.
La variación de las tarifas a lo largo del día dará a los clientes el incentivo de
usar electrodomésticos en momentos en que la oferta supere ampliamente la
demanda, lo que dará lugar a grandes reducciones en las facturas. Por ejemplo,
pueden usar sus lavadoras por la noche. Los medidores inteligentes también se
pueden conectar a Internet o al sistema telefónico, lo que permite a los clientes
encender o apagar aparatos de forma remota. Además, si las casas están
equipadas con el aparato para generar su propia energía, los dispositivos se
pueden configurar para que funcionen directamente desde la fuente de energía
en el sitio, y cualquier exceso se puede vender a la red.
• I think that translated is a bit difficult but not impossible since there are structures of
the paragraph that I could understand and I translated them without problem but the
difficulty I had is that there were some words that I did not know and it was difficult
for me to translate them then look in the dictionary for its meaning and at the end I
could this makes me understand that I should try harder to translate to improve my
skills and knowledge and practice more but I really liked this exercise of being able to
learn to translate, so I can acquire this skill that later I might need it, apply and after
teaching those who want to learn to translate.
Method Strategy Technique
The method is a procedure that is carried out in a
series of steps to meet a process that has been
established, there are several methods that are
frequently used in education.
For example:The teachers have a method of
being able to offer their class to the students they
use a few steps to proceed in the class.
Another example is that teachers teach different
methods for students to understand, learn and
apply to prepare them better.
The strategy is a way of solution that we can use
to be able to do something that we propose in a
more easy and effective way to fulfill that
proposed objective
For example:
A student wants to study the verbs of the verb
TOBE and only acquired the teaching that the
teacher gave then he wants to prepare himself
better and uses the strategy of being able to
acquire more knowledge like investigating more
thoroughly the verbs, practicing his
pronunciation, etc. and be more prepared.
Second example:Teachers use strategies to teach
in order to improve the education and learning
process of students and for their class to be more
dynamic, participatory and effective.
The technique is similar to the strategy is a way
to be able to acquire better results more easily
on something proposed
For example: A person wants to create a
painting, then he uses the technique to be
creative and to carry out his painting in a simple
way to make it more presentable
Second example:The techniques are shortcuts
to help in improving our knowledge this is seen
in science classes and computer science this in
order to take our skills and ideas in the learning
Paragraph 4
• Con estos cambios surgen una serie de desafíos. La primera implica
• Gestionar la oferta y la demanda. Fuentes de energía renovable, tales como el viento, la onda y la
energía solar son notoriamente impredecibles y nucleares, potencia, que también está configurada
para aumentar a medida que las Naciones cambien a la energía de fuentes alternativas
• Es inflexible. Con el petróleo y el gas, es relativamente fácil de aumentar, el suministro de energía
para que coincida con la creciente demanda durante las horas pico del día o del año. Con fuentes
alternativas, esto es mucho más difícil, y puede conducir a apagones o colapso del sistema. Las
posibles soluciones incluyen investigar nuevas y eficientes formas de almacenar energía y alentara los
consumidores utilizar la electricidad en los tiempos fuera del pico. Un segundo problema es el hecho
de que muchas fuentes de generación de energía renovable se encuentran en áreas remotas, como las
tierras altas de viento y las regiones costeras, donde es actualmente una falta de infraestructura
eléctrica. Las nuevas infraestructuras, por lo tanto, debe construirse. Afortunadamente, con la
tecnología inteligente mejorada, esto se puede hacer de manera más eficiente reduciendo el refuerzo o
costos de construcción.
• When I started reading the paragraph I could know what the entire text was
about, but there were a few words that I didn't see before, and others that I
Knew them by their general meaning, but didn't match with the real meaning I
was trying to finding by myself, and then I decided to write down in my
notebook the unknow words, so then I could look for their meaning on Bing
translator, after I did this, I could connected all the unknown words with the
Real meaning of the paragraph, on my personal opinion it wasn't difficult to
translate or to find the main idea of what was the text about , because there
were few words or expressions, that didn’t match when I was doing on my
mind, the translation of the paragraph, once I finish the translation of the
unknown words, everything made sense, because I found the missing pieces of
the puzzle.
Method is a way something is done
.Example :The recipe that I found in the cookbook
had different ways to cook the potatoes, but I
chose the bake method in the oven.
translation methods relate to whole texts,
translation procedures are used for sentences
and the smaller units of language"
the following methods of translation:
Word-for-word translation: in which the SL
word order is preserved, and the words
translated singly by their most common
meanings, out of context.
A plan of action designed to achieve an overall
aim. Example, "What’s your strategy for setting
goals?", is ok to say but some people might not
know what you mean. Strategy is almost like the
word 'tactic'. Example:
A) What tactics do you use?
B) My teams’ tactics are going around
Strategy is a pattern in actions over time;
for example, a company that regularly markets
very expensive products is using a "high end"
is a high-level plan to achieve one or more goals
under conditions of uncertainty in the sense of the
"art of the general", which included several subsets
of skills including "tactics",
for example: this definition of strategy involves
setting goals, determining actions to achieve the
goals, and mobilizing resources to execute the
Technique is a procedure or skill for
completing a specific task.
For example: If a class room is becoming
distracted a teacher may use the technique to
use a quick physical activity to distract their
distraction and get them all to do the same
thing at the same time.
A technique is a method of doing an
activity, usually a method that involves
practical skills.
For example: tests performed using a new
Technique is skill and ability in an artistic,
sporting, or other practical activity that you
develop through training and practice.
For example:
He went off to the Amsterdam Academy to
improve his technique.
Paragraph 5
Aunque la tecnología inteligente aún está en su infancia, los planes piloto para
promover y probarlo ya están en marcha. Los consumidores están probando los
nuevos medidores inteligentes que pueden utilizarse en sus hogares para gestionar
el uso de la electricidad. También hay una serie de demostraciones planeadas para
mostrar cómo la tecnología inteligente podría funcionar prácticamente, y las
pruebas están en marcha para probar la nueva infraestructura eléctrica. Es
probable que la tecnología se agregará en 'capas', comenzando con los métodos de
'ganancia rápida' que proporcionarán ahorros iniciales de carbono, que serán
seguidos por sistemas más avanzados en un futuro. Las ciudades son los
principales candidatos para la inversión en energía inteligente, debido a la alta
densidad de población y alto consumo energético. Es aquí donde. La tecnología
inteligente probablemente sea promovida primero, utilizando una gama de fuentes
de energía sostenibles, soluciones de transporte y una infraestructura para carga
de vehículos eléctricos. La infraestructura ya está cambiando rápido Para el año
2050, los cambios en el suministro de energía tendrán transformamos nuestros
hogares, nuestros caminos y nuestro comportamiento.
• I think that the translation was difficult because i found new words,
some words I don’t know so much English vocabulary but I did my
best effort, this is a good experience for my life in this manner I can
to advance in my career, it is very comfortable to know that we can
do through exercises, personally I like this exercise because it is a
challenge that serve to develop our skills.
Method Strategy Technique
The method it is a procedure made step
to step for example:
The scientific method is an orderly
series of procedures that scientific
research is used to observe the extent of
our knowledge. We can think of the
scientific method as a structure, a
framework formed by coherently
concatenated rules and principles.
Art of projecting and directing military
operations, especially those of war.
The learning strategies, used in
education to develop the class.
Set of procedures or resources that are
used in an art, in a science or in a
certain activity, especially when they
are acquired through their practice and
require skill.Example:
research techniques. It is a technique
that consists in carefully observing the
phenomenon, fact or case, taking
information and recording it for further
analysis. Observation is a fundamental
element of any investigative process;
the researcher relies on it to obtain the
largest number of data.
Biblografic References
• Bosco, G. (n.d.). Translation Techniques. Retrieved from:
• Chapter 3
• Ordudari, M. (july 2007). Translation procedures, strategies, and methods. Translation Journal, 11(3).
Retrieved from:
• MSG Strategic Management - Meaning and Important Concepts retrieved from:
• Naqvi (2016) Difference between strategy, technique, method Retrieved from:
• Collins definition of technique Retrieved from:

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Translation techniques

  • 1.
  • 2. Selected paragraphs Paragraphs Names the students paragraph 1 Yessica DanielaCutiva Peña paragraph 2 Víctor Muñoz paragraph 3 Johan SebastianArgote paragraph 4 Yina Paola Enciso paragraph 5 José Muños
  • 3. Paragraph 1 • Las próximas décadas verán grandes cambios en la forma en que se suministra y utiliza la energía. en algunas de las principales naciones productoras de petróleo, el "pico del petróleo" ya se ha alcanzado, y hay un creciente temor por el calentamiento global. en consecuencia, muchos países se están centrando en el cambio a una economía baja en carbono. esta transición conducirá a cambios importantes en el suministro y el uso de la electricidad. en primer lugar, habrá un aumento en la demanda general, a medida que los consumidores cambien de petróleo y gas a electricidad para alimentar sus hogares y vehículos. en segundo lugar, habrá un aumento en la generación de energía, no solo en términos de cuánto se genera, sino también cómo se genera, ya que hay una creciente generación de electricidad a partir de fuentes renovables. para enfrentar estos desafíos, los países están invirtiendo en la tecnología Smart grid. este sistema apunta a proporcionar a la industria eléctrica una mejor comprensión de la generación y demanda de energía y utilizar esta información para crear una red eléctrica más eficiente.
  • 4. Reflection • The translation of the first paragraph was a difficult process, since I did not know many of the words or expressions, fortunately, thanks to the online dictionary, i could find a way to make sense of the paragraph. the translation techniques document written by Gabriela Bosco helped me when choosing a translation technique that would adapt to my needs during the development of the activity. using the loan technique, you could finish the translation of the document without altering its meaning. • I believe that translation is a job that requires discipline and attention because the given message should not be modified. performing this exercise allowed me to find weaknesses in my english language skills, especially in grammar, during the process I found that I tend to get confused with the structures of sentences and this can lead me to have problems in the development of learning, fortunately , my writing skills did not present me many difficulties and that is something for which I am proud of myself.
  • 5. METHOD STRATEGY TECHNIQUE The method is the procedure based on strategies in which the translation process is facilitated. there are several types of translation methods, such as:  Word-for-word translation  Literal translation  Faithful translation  semantic translation  Adaptation  Traduccion libre  idiomatic translation  communicative translation Example: A translator must choose a translation method according to the document delivered by her boss for the council meeting. Translation strategies are the series of steps or processes that are in favor of the acquisition, storage or use of information according to jaaskelainen, 1999. the strategies are also representations or allusions that must be explained in detail. Example: A group of researchers wants to know the correct pronunciation of the native language of an aboriginal group, to achieve this end, they decide to practice, listen and repeat constantly. Tanslation techniques are often defined as translations of specific texts that contain terminology, phrases and cultural aspects, which aim to understand and understand a message from a foreign language to the language of origin. some translation techniques are:  Borrowing  Calque  Literal translation  Transposition  Modulation  Reformulation or equivalence  Adaptation  Compensation Example: Literal translation, the department of choco in Colombia, is known as one of the rainiest places on the planet. el departamento de choco en Colombia, es conocido como uno de los lugares mas lluvioso en el planeta.
  • 6. Paragraph 2 • La tecnología Smart Grid involucra básicamente la aplicación de un sistema informático a la red eléctrica. El sistema informático se puede utilizar para recopilar información sobre la oferta, la demanda y mejorar la capacidad del ingeniero para administrar el sistema. Con una mejor información sobre la demanda de electricidad, la red podrá aumentar la cantidad de electricidad entregada por unidad generada, lo que llevará a posibles reducciones en las necesidades de combustible y en las emisiones de carbono. Además, el sistema informático ayudará a reducir los costos operativos y de mantenimiento.
  • 7. REFLECTION • During the translation of this text (paragraph 2) first of all I considered, it was an interesting topic, translating the second paragraph of the text for me, this exercise was meaningful because I learned new vocabulary I focused in the meaning of the title because it gives a general idea of the text with some words, the main idea was to choose the appropriated for the text and I used the synonyms dictionary. I start translating complete sentences to achieve a good sense to the translation with coherent and logical phrases and in this way to facilitate the comprehension of the text, and sometimes I did it word by word although I found several unknown words so I used an English dictionary to clear my doubts… I think that when we develop these translation skills, what is really important is to try to express the same idea by retaining the original meaning of the text, that way making more understandable any type of information in any language in this specific case English language.
  • 8. METHOD STRATEGY TECHNIQUE It is the set of strategies and tools that are used to reach a precise objective, in other words it is the way of doing something in a systematic, organized or structured way.This refers to a technique or set of tasks in order to achieve a predetermined goal, in some cases it is also understood as the usual way of doing something for a person based on experience, custom and personal preferences. When it comes to the differences, a method is the way or an application of an approach to teaching languages EXAMPLE: the English teacher tries to find their teaching method so that their students improve their learning and also every student learns new vocabulary - Strategy helps translators to articulate and potentialize links between prior knowledge and new knowledge, in the construction and interpretation of texts and facilitating the mental schematization of information. - Strategies opted for by translators to be transferred in rendering allusions play a crucial role in recognition and perception of connotations. -A potentially conscious procedure for solving a problem faced in translating a text, or any segment of it. The strategy is the specific steps taken to implement a method EXAMPLE: translating a song -Technique is used for sentences and the smaller units of language. -Techniques are used when structural and conceptual elements of the source language can be transposed into the target language. A technique comes from a strategy and it is implemented to facilitate the process within the classroom with behavior and activities. EXAMPLE: If you are a journalist working in a multilingual society, you may have to work in more than one language. Whether you gather the information in one language and write the story in another, or whether you write a story first in one language and then rewrite in another language, However, if you have a good command of both languages and follow a few simple rules, translation should not be difficult. Different languages also have different grammar, different word orders, sometimes even words for which other languages do not have any equivalents EXAMPLE: translated literally. El equipo experimentado está trabajando para terminar el informe translates into English asThe experienced team is working to finish the report ("experienced" and "team" are reversed).
  • 9. Paragraph 3 • La tecnología Smart Grid también ofrece beneficios al consumidor. Podrán recopilar información en tiempo real sobre su uso de energía para cada aparato. La variación de las tarifas a lo largo del día dará a los clientes el incentivo de usar electrodomésticos en momentos en que la oferta supere ampliamente la demanda, lo que dará lugar a grandes reducciones en las facturas. Por ejemplo, pueden usar sus lavadoras por la noche. Los medidores inteligentes también se pueden conectar a Internet o al sistema telefónico, lo que permite a los clientes encender o apagar aparatos de forma remota. Además, si las casas están equipadas con el aparato para generar su propia energía, los dispositivos se pueden configurar para que funcionen directamente desde la fuente de energía en el sitio, y cualquier exceso se puede vender a la red.
  • 10. REFLECTION • I think that translated is a bit difficult but not impossible since there are structures of the paragraph that I could understand and I translated them without problem but the difficulty I had is that there were some words that I did not know and it was difficult for me to translate them then look in the dictionary for its meaning and at the end I could this makes me understand that I should try harder to translate to improve my skills and knowledge and practice more but I really liked this exercise of being able to learn to translate, so I can acquire this skill that later I might need it, apply and after teaching those who want to learn to translate.
  • 11. Method Strategy Technique The method is a procedure that is carried out in a series of steps to meet a process that has been established, there are several methods that are frequently used in education. For example:The teachers have a method of being able to offer their class to the students they use a few steps to proceed in the class. Another example is that teachers teach different methods for students to understand, learn and apply to prepare them better. The strategy is a way of solution that we can use to be able to do something that we propose in a more easy and effective way to fulfill that proposed objective For example: A student wants to study the verbs of the verb TOBE and only acquired the teaching that the teacher gave then he wants to prepare himself better and uses the strategy of being able to acquire more knowledge like investigating more thoroughly the verbs, practicing his pronunciation, etc. and be more prepared. Second example:Teachers use strategies to teach in order to improve the education and learning process of students and for their class to be more dynamic, participatory and effective. The technique is similar to the strategy is a way to be able to acquire better results more easily on something proposed For example: A person wants to create a painting, then he uses the technique to be creative and to carry out his painting in a simple way to make it more presentable Second example:The techniques are shortcuts to help in improving our knowledge this is seen in science classes and computer science this in order to take our skills and ideas in the learning
  • 12. Paragraph 4 • Con estos cambios surgen una serie de desafíos. La primera implica • Gestionar la oferta y la demanda. Fuentes de energía renovable, tales como el viento, la onda y la energía solar son notoriamente impredecibles y nucleares, potencia, que también está configurada para aumentar a medida que las Naciones cambien a la energía de fuentes alternativas • Es inflexible. Con el petróleo y el gas, es relativamente fácil de aumentar, el suministro de energía para que coincida con la creciente demanda durante las horas pico del día o del año. Con fuentes alternativas, esto es mucho más difícil, y puede conducir a apagones o colapso del sistema. Las posibles soluciones incluyen investigar nuevas y eficientes formas de almacenar energía y alentara los consumidores utilizar la electricidad en los tiempos fuera del pico. Un segundo problema es el hecho de que muchas fuentes de generación de energía renovable se encuentran en áreas remotas, como las tierras altas de viento y las regiones costeras, donde es actualmente una falta de infraestructura eléctrica. Las nuevas infraestructuras, por lo tanto, debe construirse. Afortunadamente, con la tecnología inteligente mejorada, esto se puede hacer de manera más eficiente reduciendo el refuerzo o costos de construcción.
  • 13. Reflection • When I started reading the paragraph I could know what the entire text was about, but there were a few words that I didn't see before, and others that I Knew them by their general meaning, but didn't match with the real meaning I was trying to finding by myself, and then I decided to write down in my notebook the unknow words, so then I could look for their meaning on Bing translator, after I did this, I could connected all the unknown words with the Real meaning of the paragraph, on my personal opinion it wasn't difficult to translate or to find the main idea of what was the text about , because there were few words or expressions, that didn’t match when I was doing on my mind, the translation of the paragraph, once I finish the translation of the unknown words, everything made sense, because I found the missing pieces of the puzzle.
  • 14. Method STRATEGY TECHNIQUE Method is a way something is done .Example :The recipe that I found in the cookbook had different ways to cook the potatoes, but I chose the bake method in the oven. translation methods relate to whole texts, translation procedures are used for sentences and the smaller units of language" the following methods of translation: Word-for-word translation: in which the SL word order is preserved, and the words translated singly by their most common meanings, out of context. A plan of action designed to achieve an overall aim. Example, "What’s your strategy for setting goals?", is ok to say but some people might not know what you mean. Strategy is almost like the word 'tactic'. Example: A) What tactics do you use? B) My teams’ tactics are going around Strategy is a pattern in actions over time; for example, a company that regularly markets very expensive products is using a "high end" strategy. is a high-level plan to achieve one or more goals under conditions of uncertainty in the sense of the "art of the general", which included several subsets of skills including "tactics", for example: this definition of strategy involves setting goals, determining actions to achieve the goals, and mobilizing resources to execute the actions Technique is a procedure or skill for completing a specific task. For example: If a class room is becoming distracted a teacher may use the technique to use a quick physical activity to distract their distraction and get them all to do the same thing at the same time. A technique is a method of doing an activity, usually a method that involves practical skills. For example: tests performed using a new technique. Technique is skill and ability in an artistic, sporting, or other practical activity that you develop through training and practice. For example: He went off to the Amsterdam Academy to improve his technique.
  • 15. Paragraph 5 Aunque la tecnología inteligente aún está en su infancia, los planes piloto para promover y probarlo ya están en marcha. Los consumidores están probando los nuevos medidores inteligentes que pueden utilizarse en sus hogares para gestionar el uso de la electricidad. También hay una serie de demostraciones planeadas para mostrar cómo la tecnología inteligente podría funcionar prácticamente, y las pruebas están en marcha para probar la nueva infraestructura eléctrica. Es probable que la tecnología se agregará en 'capas', comenzando con los métodos de 'ganancia rápida' que proporcionarán ahorros iniciales de carbono, que serán seguidos por sistemas más avanzados en un futuro. Las ciudades son los principales candidatos para la inversión en energía inteligente, debido a la alta densidad de población y alto consumo energético. Es aquí donde. La tecnología inteligente probablemente sea promovida primero, utilizando una gama de fuentes de energía sostenibles, soluciones de transporte y una infraestructura para carga de vehículos eléctricos. La infraestructura ya está cambiando rápido Para el año 2050, los cambios en el suministro de energía tendrán transformamos nuestros hogares, nuestros caminos y nuestro comportamiento.
  • 16. Reflection • I think that the translation was difficult because i found new words, some words I don’t know so much English vocabulary but I did my best effort, this is a good experience for my life in this manner I can to advance in my career, it is very comfortable to know that we can do through exercises, personally I like this exercise because it is a challenge that serve to develop our skills.
  • 17. Method Strategy Technique The method it is a procedure made step to step for example: The scientific method is an orderly series of procedures that scientific research is used to observe the extent of our knowledge. We can think of the scientific method as a structure, a framework formed by coherently concatenated rules and principles. Art of projecting and directing military operations, especially those of war. Example: The learning strategies, used in education to develop the class. Set of procedures or resources that are used in an art, in a science or in a certain activity, especially when they are acquired through their practice and require skill.Example: research techniques. It is a technique that consists in carefully observing the phenomenon, fact or case, taking information and recording it for further analysis. Observation is a fundamental element of any investigative process; the researcher relies on it to obtain the largest number of data.
  • 18. Biblografic References • Bosco, G. (n.d.). Translation Techniques. Retrieved from: techniques • Chapter 3 • Ordudari, M. (july 2007). Translation procedures, strategies, and methods. Translation Journal, 11(3). Retrieved from: • MSG Strategic Management - Meaning and Important Concepts retrieved from: • Naqvi (2016) Difference between strategy, technique, method Retrieved from: • Collins definition of technique Retrieved from: