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Task 1
Jorge Redondo’s contributions
Paragraph number 2 in its original language:
Smart Grid technology basically involves the application of a computer system to the electricity
network. The computer system can be used to collect information about supply and demand and
improve engineer's ability to manage the system. With better information about electricity demand,
the network will be able to increase the amount of electricity delivered per unit generated, leading to
potential reductions in fuel needs and carbon emissions. Moreover, the computer system will assist
in reducing operational and maintenance costs.
This is the paragrpah into Spanish:
La tecnología de malla básicamente involucra la aplicación sistemática de la conexión de un
computador. El sistema de un computador puede ser usado para recolectar la información mediante
un suministro, en la cual exige y además requiere de las habilidades de un ingeniero para manejar
dicho sistema. Con mejor información de lo que requiere la electricidad, la red podrá incrementar la
cantidad de energía distribuida por unidad generada, llevando así el potencial de reducción en
combustible y emisiones de carbono. Además, el sistema del computador ayudará en reducir costos
de mantenimiento y también operacionales.
Task 2: reflection
In the English language, there are many words I do not know yet, for example, technical words in
the smart energy reading there were many words I could not understand at the beginning, but I had
to do all the possible.
In my case, I have taken as a technique modulation that is to translate my paragraph was consist of
using a phrase that is different in the source and target to convey the same idea.
I used many dictionaries to know some meanings as Cambridge online dictionary, Collins online
dictionary. Translators must use a good technique and depending on the text to translate.
Task 3: chart
Category Definition Example
A method in translation means is applied
in the document in general to be
There are many examples in this case that will allow us to
get a better translation
- Interpretative-communicative.
- Literal translation.
- Free translation.
- Philological translation.
But on the other hand these translations can be used
depending on the text that will be translated.
In some cases, strategies are tools that a
translator uses in case that he/she does
not find an exactly structure equivalence
to translate from the original to the
mother language.
For this case, these could be some good strategies:
- Adaptation.
- Borrowing.
- Modulation.
- Transposition.
A technique translation is used a way to
translate inside a text or document and
depends on the case it will be used as for
example, punctuation elements will allow
the translator to have a good translation.
There are many types and most of them translators do not
use with frequency:
- Literal translation.
- Borrowing.
- Calque
- Modulation
- Transposition
- Restructuration
- Synonymic.
Task 4: feedback
Hello tutor and partners. This message is to give a feedback to all my partners.
Claudia Sumoza
Geiner Guzman
Karen Sofia Picon
You have done a great job in each point. You have developed different points of view about the
translation techniques used in the paragraph and each reflection was clear. Each chart has a
definition about those translation techniques. Thanks for reading.
Student: Geiner Luiz Guzman
Task 1
Although Smart Technology is still in its infancy, pilot schemes to promote and test it are
already underway. Consumers are currently testing the new smart meters which can be used in their
homes to manage electricity use. There are also a number of demonstrations being planned to show
how the smart technology could practically work, and trials are in place to test the new electrical
infrastructure. It is likely that technology will be added in 'layers', starting with 'quick win' methods
which will provide initial carbon savings, to be followed by more advanced systems at a later
date. Cities are prime candidates for investment into smart energy, due to the high population
density and high energy use. It is here where Smart Technology is likely to be promoted first,
utilising a range of sustainable power sources, transport solutions and an infrastructure for charging
electrically powered vehicles. The infrastructure is already changing fast. By the year 2050,
changes in the energy supply will have transformed our homes, our roads and our behaviour.
Aunque la tecnología inteligente aún está en su infancia, los planes piloto para promoverla y
probarla ya están en marcha. Los consumidores actualmente están probando los nuevos medidores
inteligentes que se pueden usar en sus hogares para administrar el uso de la electricidad. También se
está planificando una serie de demostraciones para mostrar cómo la tecnología inteligente podría
funcionar prácticamente, y se están realizando pruebas para probar la nueva infraestructura eléctrica.
Es probable que la tecnología se agregue en "capas", comenzando con los métodos de "ganancia
rápida" que proporcionarán ahorros iniciales de carbono, que serán seguidos por sistemas más
avanzados en una fecha posterior. Las ciudades son los principales candidatos para la inversión en
energía inteligente, debido a la alta densidad de población y al alto uso de energía. Es aquí donde es
probable que primero se promocione la tecnología inteligente, que utiliza una gama de fuentes de
energía sostenibles, soluciones de transporte y una infraestructura para cargar vehículos eléctricos.
La infraestructura ya está cambiando rápidamente. Para el año 2050, los cambios en el suministro de
energía habrán transformado nuestros hogares, nuestras carreteras y nuestro comportamiento.
Task 2: reflection.
There really are complications at the moment of translating a text or a conversation from a foreign
language into the mother tongue, confusions are generated that in turn impede the process of
translating it.
The technique of translation varies within the same text according to each case and depending on the
specific verbal elements that will be translated.
in the implementation of translate paragraph 5: which talks about technological advances has many
complexities, a number of expressions or words that repeat a lot, sometimes upsetting the
understanding of it, as well as decode at times better.
the dictionaries, as mentioned by our compañera Claudia Sumoza, are just tools that give us word-
for-word equivalence between explicit and precise words in both languages, and treat these terms in
an extensive contextual way. Therefore, I consider that the problems consisted in putting in the same
balance the language of origin and the target language, in words, to change from English to Spanish
within the style, punctuation and grammar.
To effectively achieve the punctual translation of said paragraph and avoid mistakes and major
complications use, the translation technique was (transposition) which consists in passing from one
grammatical category to another without altering the meaning of the text. This technique introduces
a change in the grammatical structure.
Ejemplo: He learns quickly ⇒ Es veloz para aprender.
The concept of intelligent technology is basically focused on providing a specific device with a
logical programming that will respond rationally under a stimulus on its sensors. That is to say, a
smart TV consists of a programming that will save energy when its sensors detect that nobody is
using it at that moment, passing the system to a saving mode, or can adjust the resolution and the
size of the screen according to the image input format or maybe also automatically recognize the
data that is entered in it.
with this I managed to consolidate more concepts in my life and managed to interoperate errant
contents in my subconscious.
Task 3: comparative chart
Category Definition Example
The method is defined as a concrete procedure
that is used, according to the object and for the
purposes of the investigation, to promote
coherent results. It is a series of successive
steps that lead to a goal.
A good example considered here is the deductive method. This
consists in many steps. This is seen in researching:
- Observation.
- Hypothesis.
- Deduction.
- Experimentation.
Of the general:
 Forest
To the individuals:
 flora
 wildlife
 geography
 Hydrology.
Strategy is a plan to address an issue. A
strategy is composed of a series of planned
actions that help make decisions and achieve
the best possible results. The strategy is aimed
at achieving an objective following a pattern
of action.
A strategy includes a series of tactics that are
more concrete measures to achieve one or
several objectives.
There are many types of strategies
- Teaching - learning strategies.
- Military strategies.
- Selling strategies.
- Marketing strategies.
- Strategy games.
A strategy includes a series of tactics that are more concrete
measures to achieve one or several objectives.
A technique is a procedure or set of rules,
standards or protocols that aims to obtain a
specific and effective result, whether in the
field of science, technology, art, sports,
education or any other activity.
There are many types of techniques:
- Education techniques.
- Art techniques.
- Engraving techniques.
- Relaxation techniques
- Techniques of the laws.
- Study techniques
- Printing techniques.
It is the set of procedures that are used for a particular art,
science or activity that, in general, are acquired through their
practice and require certain skills or abilities.
As well as, it can be used in the mere integral formation of man
since it can be used in art, education, sports and other activities
that are part of the daily life of the human being.
Task 4: feedback
Good work partner Jorge Redondo
Good work of translation and reflection, because you give clarity to your arguments, besides that as
you mentioned the translation process of said paragraph is something difficult to decode.
but good work.
Student: Karen sofia picon
Task 1
With these changes comes a range of challenges. The first involves managing the supply and
demand. Sources of renewable energy, such as wind, wave and solar, are notoriously unpredictable,
and nuclear power, which is also set to increase as nations switch to alternative energy sources, is
inflexible. With oil and gas, it is relatively simple to increase the supply of energy to match the
increasing demand during peak times of the day or year. With alternative sources, this is far more
difficult, and may lead to blackouts or system collapse. Potential solutions include investigating
new and efficient ways to store energy and encouraging consumers to use electricity at off-peak
times.A second problem is the fact that many renewable power generation sources are located
in remote areas, such as windy uplands and coastal regions, where there is currently a lack of
electrical infrastructure. New infrastructures therefore must be built. Thankfully, with improved
smart technology, this can be done more efficiently by reducing the reinforcement or construction
Estos cambios vienen acompañados de ciertos desafíos. El primer desafío involucra el manejo de los
suministros y la demanda. Las fuentes de energía renovable, tales como, el viento, las olas y la
energía solar, son notablemente impredecibles, además del poder nuclear, que también está
establecido para incrementar a medida que las naciones se cambian a fuentes de energía alternativas,
de manera que es inflexible. En cuanto al aceite y el gas, es relativamente sencillo incrementar el
suministro de energía para igualar la creciente demanda durante los momentos cumbres del día o del
año. Con fuentes alternativas, es mucho más difícil, ya que puede ocasionar apagones o colapsos de
Hay posibles soluciones, tales como investigar nuevas y eficientes maneras de almacenar energía y
animar a los consumidores a usar la electricidad en momentos no pico. Un segundo problema es el
hecho de que muchas fuentes de generación de poder renovable están situadas en áreas remotas,
tales como en tierras altas donde hace mucho viento, o regiones costeras, donde usualmente hay
falta de infraestructuras eléctricas. Nuevas infraestructuras por lo tanto deben ser construidas.
Afortunadamente, gracias a la mejorada tecnología inteligente, esto puede ser realizado de una
forma más eficiente mediante la reducción de refuerzos o costos de construcción.
Task 2: reflection
I did not face much problems because I have acquired experience in translating, but an obstacle I
faced was when I ran into the phrase “ peak times”, at first I made research of the Word PEAK, that
means in spanish: cima and cumbre, I was like: “ it does not make any sense if we say
MOMENTOS CIMA, or MOMENTOS CUMBRE”, but, the second option started to look more
with logic to me, so, I finally made research of the complete phrase, and I could find the translation
“ HORA PICO” , then, I associated that translation with the one I made (momentos cumbre) and at
the end that had sense for me.
And the last obstacle was with the Word off-peak, so, again with Word peak! Because I never
worked with that Word, or used it, I barely Heard it or read it, so I made research of the Word and
translated means HORAS NO PICO.
So, in conclusión, my obstacles were related with the Word PEAK, I did not know how to give
sense to that Word with another Word, but thanks to this exercise now I have more knowledge and
more experience with this Word.
PD: At the end of the translation I was like: “ but, PICO, CIMA, and CUMBRE means the same!
What a dumb I am! (hahaha) what happen, is that we are so used to say HORA PICO to express for
example the moments where the traffic is full, that I for a moment was not aware that PICO, CIMA
and CUMBRE are the same, so In conclusion I used the literal translation technique.
Task 3: comparative chart.
Overall plan for
accomplishing something, in
this case to translate a whole
Plans for solving concrete
problems, in this case for
solving concrete translation
Specific activities that are made
to reach an objective.
In this case, to make the duty of
translate texts easier to the
Let’s put a food example, that
we are going to make a
chicken rice, and make
research of the recipe, that
recipe is the method.
Strategies in the making of
this recipe includes the ways
that the chef will get in order
to make easier and more
delicious the recipe, for
example, boil the chicken
with garlic, onion, and carrot,
so, the chicken gets tasty and
more delicious.
Techique would be, then, the
different ways people have for
cook a chicken rice, for
example, some people use the
technique of first boil the
chicken alone, and cook the rice
alone too, then, mix them all
with the vegetables, the other
technique is cook the chicken
with the rice inmediately all
together, and that creates a
different texture and flavor.
So, the ingredients are the same,
but, the technique is different.
Task 4: feedback
Claudia feedback
The translation of my mate Claudia was accurate, and I dare to say that the translation does not
include mistakes, I could see that you endeavored in translate the text in a simple manner, and that’s
the point of a translation, not to translate every single Word, but translate ideas to the target
language in a way that is easy to understand, in a way that the reader does not even know that is a
translated text; So congrats!
Dear mate Geiner, You did a great job too! But I think that in the part where the text states
“Although Smart Technology is still in its infancy” the Word infancy could be translated not
literally, I don’t know, to me, it sounds weird to use INFANCIA when we talk about technology, I’d
better use STARTS.
Hi mate Jorge! You did a great Job! But, I think that in the first phrase you avoided certain words or
changed the meaning, for example, in the part where states “ computer system “ you wrote
“aplicación sistematica”, I do not know much about computers and stuff, but I think that the
meaning changes a lot,so that’s the point I observed, but generally was ok
- Bosco, G. (n.d.). Translation Techniques. Retrieved from
- Ordudari, M. (july 2007). Translation procedures, strategies, and methods. Translation
Journal, 11(3). Retrieved from

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Final product translation_techniques_group17

  • 2. Task 1 Jorge Redondo’s contributions Paragraph number 2 in its original language: Smart Grid technology basically involves the application of a computer system to the electricity network. The computer system can be used to collect information about supply and demand and improve engineer's ability to manage the system. With better information about electricity demand, the network will be able to increase the amount of electricity delivered per unit generated, leading to potential reductions in fuel needs and carbon emissions. Moreover, the computer system will assist in reducing operational and maintenance costs. This is the paragrpah into Spanish: La tecnología de malla básicamente involucra la aplicación sistemática de la conexión de un computador. El sistema de un computador puede ser usado para recolectar la información mediante un suministro, en la cual exige y además requiere de las habilidades de un ingeniero para manejar dicho sistema. Con mejor información de lo que requiere la electricidad, la red podrá incrementar la cantidad de energía distribuida por unidad generada, llevando así el potencial de reducción en combustible y emisiones de carbono. Además, el sistema del computador ayudará en reducir costos de mantenimiento y también operacionales.
  • 3. Task 2: reflection In the English language, there are many words I do not know yet, for example, technical words in the smart energy reading there were many words I could not understand at the beginning, but I had to do all the possible. In my case, I have taken as a technique modulation that is to translate my paragraph was consist of using a phrase that is different in the source and target to convey the same idea. I used many dictionaries to know some meanings as Cambridge online dictionary, Collins online dictionary. Translators must use a good technique and depending on the text to translate.
  • 4. Task 3: chart Category Definition Example Method A method in translation means is applied in the document in general to be translated. There are many examples in this case that will allow us to get a better translation - Interpretative-communicative. - Literal translation. - Free translation. - Philological translation. But on the other hand these translations can be used depending on the text that will be translated. Strategy In some cases, strategies are tools that a translator uses in case that he/she does not find an exactly structure equivalence to translate from the original to the mother language. For this case, these could be some good strategies: - Adaptation. - Borrowing. - Modulation. - Transposition. Technique A technique translation is used a way to translate inside a text or document and depends on the case it will be used as for example, punctuation elements will allow the translator to have a good translation. There are many types and most of them translators do not use with frequency: - Literal translation. - Borrowing. - Calque - Modulation - Transposition - Restructuration - Synonymic.
  • 5. Task 4: feedback Hello tutor and partners. This message is to give a feedback to all my partners. Claudia Sumoza Geiner Guzman Karen Sofia Picon You have done a great job in each point. You have developed different points of view about the translation techniques used in the paragraph and each reflection was clear. Each chart has a definition about those translation techniques. Thanks for reading.
  • 6. Student: Geiner Luiz Guzman Task 1 PARAGRAPH 5: Although Smart Technology is still in its infancy, pilot schemes to promote and test it are already underway. Consumers are currently testing the new smart meters which can be used in their homes to manage electricity use. There are also a number of demonstrations being planned to show how the smart technology could practically work, and trials are in place to test the new electrical infrastructure. It is likely that technology will be added in 'layers', starting with 'quick win' methods which will provide initial carbon savings, to be followed by more advanced systems at a later date. Cities are prime candidates for investment into smart energy, due to the high population density and high energy use. It is here where Smart Technology is likely to be promoted first, utilising a range of sustainable power sources, transport solutions and an infrastructure for charging electrically powered vehicles. The infrastructure is already changing fast. By the year 2050, changes in the energy supply will have transformed our homes, our roads and our behaviour. SPANISH TRANSLATION: Aunque la tecnología inteligente aún está en su infancia, los planes piloto para promoverla y probarla ya están en marcha. Los consumidores actualmente están probando los nuevos medidores inteligentes que se pueden usar en sus hogares para administrar el uso de la electricidad. También se está planificando una serie de demostraciones para mostrar cómo la tecnología inteligente podría funcionar prácticamente, y se están realizando pruebas para probar la nueva infraestructura eléctrica. Es probable que la tecnología se agregue en "capas", comenzando con los métodos de "ganancia
  • 7. rápida" que proporcionarán ahorros iniciales de carbono, que serán seguidos por sistemas más avanzados en una fecha posterior. Las ciudades son los principales candidatos para la inversión en energía inteligente, debido a la alta densidad de población y al alto uso de energía. Es aquí donde es probable que primero se promocione la tecnología inteligente, que utiliza una gama de fuentes de energía sostenibles, soluciones de transporte y una infraestructura para cargar vehículos eléctricos. La infraestructura ya está cambiando rápidamente. Para el año 2050, los cambios en el suministro de energía habrán transformado nuestros hogares, nuestras carreteras y nuestro comportamiento.
  • 8. Task 2: reflection. There really are complications at the moment of translating a text or a conversation from a foreign language into the mother tongue, confusions are generated that in turn impede the process of translating it. The technique of translation varies within the same text according to each case and depending on the specific verbal elements that will be translated. in the implementation of translate paragraph 5: which talks about technological advances has many complexities, a number of expressions or words that repeat a lot, sometimes upsetting the understanding of it, as well as decode at times better. the dictionaries, as mentioned by our compañera Claudia Sumoza, are just tools that give us word- for-word equivalence between explicit and precise words in both languages, and treat these terms in an extensive contextual way. Therefore, I consider that the problems consisted in putting in the same balance the language of origin and the target language, in words, to change from English to Spanish within the style, punctuation and grammar. To effectively achieve the punctual translation of said paragraph and avoid mistakes and major complications use, the translation technique was (transposition) which consists in passing from one grammatical category to another without altering the meaning of the text. This technique introduces a change in the grammatical structure. Ejemplo: He learns quickly ⇒ Es veloz para aprender.
  • 9. The concept of intelligent technology is basically focused on providing a specific device with a logical programming that will respond rationally under a stimulus on its sensors. That is to say, a smart TV consists of a programming that will save energy when its sensors detect that nobody is using it at that moment, passing the system to a saving mode, or can adjust the resolution and the size of the screen according to the image input format or maybe also automatically recognize the data that is entered in it. with this I managed to consolidate more concepts in my life and managed to interoperate errant contents in my subconscious.
  • 10. Task 3: comparative chart Category Definition Example Method The method is defined as a concrete procedure that is used, according to the object and for the purposes of the investigation, to promote coherent results. It is a series of successive steps that lead to a goal. A good example considered here is the deductive method. This consists in many steps. This is seen in researching: - Observation. - Hypothesis. - Deduction. - Experimentation. Of the general: Example:  Forest To the individuals: Example:  flora  wildlife  geography  Hydrology. Strategy Strategy is a plan to address an issue. A strategy is composed of a series of planned actions that help make decisions and achieve the best possible results. The strategy is aimed at achieving an objective following a pattern of action. A strategy includes a series of tactics that are more concrete measures to achieve one or several objectives. There are many types of strategies - Teaching - learning strategies. - Military strategies. - Selling strategies. - Marketing strategies. - Strategy games. A strategy includes a series of tactics that are more concrete measures to achieve one or several objectives. Technique A technique is a procedure or set of rules, standards or protocols that aims to obtain a specific and effective result, whether in the field of science, technology, art, sports, education or any other activity. There are many types of techniques: - Education techniques. - Art techniques. - Engraving techniques. - Relaxation techniques - Techniques of the laws. - Study techniques - Printing techniques. It is the set of procedures that are used for a particular art, science or activity that, in general, are acquired through their practice and require certain skills or abilities. As well as, it can be used in the mere integral formation of man since it can be used in art, education, sports and other activities that are part of the daily life of the human being.
  • 11. Task 4: feedback Good work partner Jorge Redondo regards Good work of translation and reflection, because you give clarity to your arguments, besides that as you mentioned the translation process of said paragraph is something difficult to decode. but good work.
  • 12. Student: Karen sofia picon Task 1 PARAGRAPH 4. With these changes comes a range of challenges. The first involves managing the supply and demand. Sources of renewable energy, such as wind, wave and solar, are notoriously unpredictable, and nuclear power, which is also set to increase as nations switch to alternative energy sources, is inflexible. With oil and gas, it is relatively simple to increase the supply of energy to match the increasing demand during peak times of the day or year. With alternative sources, this is far more difficult, and may lead to blackouts or system collapse. Potential solutions include investigating new and efficient ways to store energy and encouraging consumers to use electricity at off-peak times.A second problem is the fact that many renewable power generation sources are located in remote areas, such as windy uplands and coastal regions, where there is currently a lack of electrical infrastructure. New infrastructures therefore must be built. Thankfully, with improved smart technology, this can be done more efficiently by reducing the reinforcement or construction costs. Estos cambios vienen acompañados de ciertos desafíos. El primer desafío involucra el manejo de los suministros y la demanda. Las fuentes de energía renovable, tales como, el viento, las olas y la energía solar, son notablemente impredecibles, además del poder nuclear, que también está establecido para incrementar a medida que las naciones se cambian a fuentes de energía alternativas, de manera que es inflexible. En cuanto al aceite y el gas, es relativamente sencillo incrementar el suministro de energía para igualar la creciente demanda durante los momentos cumbres del día o del año. Con fuentes alternativas, es mucho más difícil, ya que puede ocasionar apagones o colapsos de sistema.
  • 13. Hay posibles soluciones, tales como investigar nuevas y eficientes maneras de almacenar energía y animar a los consumidores a usar la electricidad en momentos no pico. Un segundo problema es el hecho de que muchas fuentes de generación de poder renovable están situadas en áreas remotas, tales como en tierras altas donde hace mucho viento, o regiones costeras, donde usualmente hay falta de infraestructuras eléctricas. Nuevas infraestructuras por lo tanto deben ser construidas. Afortunadamente, gracias a la mejorada tecnología inteligente, esto puede ser realizado de una forma más eficiente mediante la reducción de refuerzos o costos de construcción.
  • 14. Task 2: reflection I did not face much problems because I have acquired experience in translating, but an obstacle I faced was when I ran into the phrase “ peak times”, at first I made research of the Word PEAK, that means in spanish: cima and cumbre, I was like: “ it does not make any sense if we say MOMENTOS CIMA, or MOMENTOS CUMBRE”, but, the second option started to look more with logic to me, so, I finally made research of the complete phrase, and I could find the translation “ HORA PICO” , then, I associated that translation with the one I made (momentos cumbre) and at the end that had sense for me. And the last obstacle was with the Word off-peak, so, again with Word peak! Because I never worked with that Word, or used it, I barely Heard it or read it, so I made research of the Word and translated means HORAS NO PICO. So, in conclusión, my obstacles were related with the Word PEAK, I did not know how to give sense to that Word with another Word, but thanks to this exercise now I have more knowledge and more experience with this Word. PD: At the end of the translation I was like: “ but, PICO, CIMA, and CUMBRE means the same! What a dumb I am! (hahaha) what happen, is that we are so used to say HORA PICO to express for example the moments where the traffic is full, that I for a moment was not aware that PICO, CIMA and CUMBRE are the same, so In conclusion I used the literal translation technique.
  • 15. Task 3: comparative chart. METHOD STRATEGY TECHNIQUE Overall plan for accomplishing something, in this case to translate a whole text. Plans for solving concrete problems, in this case for solving concrete translation problems. Specific activities that are made to reach an objective. In this case, to make the duty of translate texts easier to the translator. Let’s put a food example, that we are going to make a chicken rice, and make research of the recipe, that recipe is the method. Strategies in the making of this recipe includes the ways that the chef will get in order to make easier and more delicious the recipe, for example, boil the chicken with garlic, onion, and carrot, so, the chicken gets tasty and more delicious. Techique would be, then, the different ways people have for cook a chicken rice, for example, some people use the technique of first boil the chicken alone, and cook the rice alone too, then, mix them all with the vegetables, the other technique is cook the chicken with the rice inmediately all together, and that creates a different texture and flavor. So, the ingredients are the same, but, the technique is different.
  • 16. Task 4: feedback Claudia feedback The translation of my mate Claudia was accurate, and I dare to say that the translation does not include mistakes, I could see that you endeavored in translate the text in a simple manner, and that’s the point of a translation, not to translate every single Word, but translate ideas to the target language in a way that is easy to understand, in a way that the reader does not even know that is a translated text; So congrats! GEINER FEEDBACK Dear mate Geiner, You did a great job too! But I think that in the part where the text states “Although Smart Technology is still in its infancy” the Word infancy could be translated not literally, I don’t know, to me, it sounds weird to use INFANCIA when we talk about technology, I’d better use STARTS. JORGE FEEDBACK Hi mate Jorge! You did a great Job! But, I think that in the first phrase you avoided certain words or changed the meaning, for example, in the part where states “ computer system “ you wrote “aplicación sistematica”, I do not know much about computers and stuff, but I think that the meaning changes a lot,so that’s the point I observed, but generally was ok
  • 17. References - Bosco, G. (n.d.). Translation Techniques. Retrieved from - Ordudari, M. (july 2007). Translation procedures, strategies, and methods. Translation Journal, 11(3). Retrieved from