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Veganuary Booklet
By Swara Sawirs
Page one / Cover Page
The front cover on the left hand side is my front cover. My front cover is very plain, has very little
detail but you still know what my booklet is about from the image and the title. The Attitude front
cover is the same, it has hardly any writing on but from looking at it, you know Gary Barlow is
being featured which means a quite a few pages will be about him and their will be exclusive
information about him. He is the focal point. We have both used white and black writing and both
of our titles are in white. The aim of my booklet is to show everyone a different way of living, I
made that clear by saying ‘Showing you the truth’. The magazine’s aim is to entertain, they are
using a good looking male to grab the girls attention. Their writing is more central where as my
writing is all either right or left sided. I didn’t want to put any writing in the center of the image
because I didn’t want anything over the food.
Page Two / Info Graphic
On the left hand side is my veganuary info graphic. I used 4 different facts and created images to go
along side the context. I didn’t want to use many facts because it’s only a A5 paper, it would of looked
unprofessional and there would have been too much information on one small piece of paper. The info
graphic on the right hand side is regarding obesity issues. In their info graphic there is over 20 facts,
however they are using a A4 paper. Their info graphic looks a bit too crowded and overfilled with
information. Their used constant colours which were red, white, black and blue, whereas I used more
than just four colours.
Both of our backgrounds are blue and some of our writing is in black. Both info graphics have used very
simple images to go alongside the information on the info graphic. We have both used different font
sizes and different fonts to the title.
Page Three / Info Graphic
On the left hand side is my food replacement info graphic and on the right hand side is
the food we waste info graphic. Both info graphics use illustrated images to represent
the food, they both have a title and both of them have a lot of different colours.
The food we waste info graphic has visible columns and rows, you can clearly see the
dividers. However, with my info graphic, there is a no columns but there are lines
which were used to line up all the words. I believe the little images on the right side of
my infographic are fairly creative but simple. I also think the other infographic uses
very simple images. I think simple are better than well detailed illustrations simply
because it's not a magazine or a newspaper, it's just a booklet.
Info graphic Feedback
I had positive feedback regarding my
info graphic. I had positive feedback
regarding my illustrations and images
you could tell what each image was and
where it went. Another thing that was
good about my info graphic was how
organized and clear the information
was. All the background colours went
together very well and it all completed
each other.
Overall, I had very good feedback about
my info graphic. I believe that I have
done well on creating the infographics.
I'm happy with the techniques I used on
photoshop such as magic wand which
helped me create the illustrations. I
believe the images in the infographic are
creative enough. If I was to go back and
improve it, I would a different colour for
the background and a third different
Page Four, Five & Six / Article
Page Four, Five & Six / Article
My article is on the left hand side and the daily mail's article is on the right
hand side. My article is on paper whereas theirs is on the internet. I have a
background colour and theirs is just simple white. All their writing is in black
and they use very small paragraph and big images. Clearly they are targeting
an audience which just wants gossip and a young audience. The young
audience usually don’t want to read a lot, so they put bigger images and
smaller paragraphs. Whereas, there are only 3 small images on my article and
the rest is just writing. I'm targeting an audience that wants to know the truth
behind veganism and are willing to read as well as look at images.
Both pieces are articles, they are trying to inform the audience of their stories.
Both articles have a headline as well as two different fonts. My article was
created on InDesign whereas theirs would have been created on a different
There isn't much creativity in my article simply because I wanted to just make
sure people knew that veganism is not bad. I used rulers and boxes to make
sure the writing and the pictures lined up together perfectly.
Multi Page Article Feedback
Overall, there was positive feedback
regarding my multi page article. The
information that I put in was great
and helpful, a few people liked the
style of the questions and answers. I
got good comments on the layout,
even though the layout was simple,
it was better like that because of
how much information there was.
I got good feedback on the last
question of the article which was
about veganism and children.
If I was to do the article again, I
think I would add more images as
well as my own illustrations so the
article can match the style of my file
fact and infographics. I would also
make sure that on the last page, at
the end of the third column to fill
that empty bit where the article
Page Seven / Fact File
The one on the left hand side is one of my fact files about things to know about
the vegan lifestyle and the one of the right hand side is a fact file about 29 things
young designers need to know. Both fact files show you the truth behind the two
different subjects. Both fact files use central align text which is great because it
puts the facts right in the middle and you can see it clearly. In the young designers
fact file, they have got 29 in capitals, so straight away you know there is 29 facts.
Looking at their fact file, I should of put as my title ’10 Things to know about a
vegan lifestyle’ because then the readers would of known straight away how many
facts there is.
Page Eight & Nine / Fact File
The top one is my fact file and the
bottom one is a facts about ants. I prefer
my fact file to the ants one. Simply
because I think mine looks neat where as
the ants one looks like it’s used the
wrong colours and font. I used rulers to
make sure all my writing lined up. I
organized my page using rows and rulers,
so in each row there was two facts. I
used left and right align text but never
used central align text because it didn’t
look very neat. I used gaussian blur to
blur out the fruit in the background.
Both facts files use different colours and
they both use black font.
The ant file has a red and black ants
going to the hole, the text is surrounded
by ants which suggests that they used
central align text.
Fact File Feedback
Overall, I got positive feedback
regarding my fact file. I got good
feedback regarding my facts, which
means I have done well at
researching veganism facts. I also
got good feedback regarding my
background, the background helps
my text stand out which is great
because that’s exactly what I was
aiming for.
If I was to go back and re-do my fact
file, I would use a different font for
the facts. So the first row would
have a different font to the second
row but it would still have the same
font as the third row. So the first
and third row would have the same
font then the second and fourth
row would have the same font.
Page Ten / Recipe
The recipe on the left hand side is my recipe and the one on the right hand side is a recipe
off the BBC food website. The recipes are different, so the seaweed has a longer method
and ingredient list so therefor it takes up to two pages. Both recipes include a ingredient
column and a method column. They also both have a picture at the top of the recipe which
shows roughly what the food should look like once you’re done. Both recipes used different
box for each piece of ingredient. My recipe is for a booklet whereas BBC’s recipe is on their
website. I like my recipe because I believe it looks professional enough to be displayed in a
booklet or online. I like the colours and fonts I have used. I used central align text for the
ingredients and I use right align text for the methods.
Food Recipe Feedback
I only got one comment regarding my recipe which is displayed on this page. This
individual liked the idea, however, they thought I should have a more simple recipe
which will appeal to more people and will be cheap for those who are just turning
into vegans.
I agree with this individual, the recipe I used is slightly expensive and not everyone
will find it appealing. If I was to go back and choose a new recipe, I would do deep
research into the best and the cheapest recipe. I would also change the
background colour because I think it’s too dark compared to the rest of my booklet.
Throughout the whole booklet, I used pastel colours apart from the recipe page.
Page Eleven / Sign Up
The top one is my sign up page and the bottom
up is Google Mail’s sign up page online. Their
sign up area is very small and will probably take
the same amount as mine to fill in.
Their sign up page is very plain, there are only
three colours which is grey, black and blue. I
used three colours as well but mine are bright
colours and I have a background colour. I’m
trying to catch the viewers attention to sign up
that’s why I used green.
In Google Mail’s page, they used left align text.
In my page, I used central align text in the circles
then used left align text for the details.
I tried to be creative by using colours and
shapes. I also used the V sign in a heart to
represent Veganuary.
Page Eleven / Sign Up
I only got one comment regarding my sign up page. Which was to change the font
for the title of the page which said ‘Sign up here’. Personally, I like the font, it
seems casual and it’s not in your face. You don’t want to scare new people who
are trying to turn into vegans by using big dark bold letters. It will look like it’s too
much and as if you are trying to push them to sign up.
The only thing I would change about the sign up page is the colours. I would
change the pink circle to maybe yellow so it goes with the green circle better.
Page Twelve / Back Cover
My booklet back cover is the one on the
top. The one on the bottom is a books
back cover. My back cover is very plain
whereas, the books back cover has so
much detail on. I used the veganuary sign
as well as putting on there a contact
number, an email address and a website.
Everything is lined up, rulers were used to
make sure that everything lined up. So
the white image at the bottom left corner
will line up with the writing on the
bottom right corner.
I feel like my back cover looks neat and
tidy. Whereas the books back cover is too
messy and there is just too much writing.
I did a survey regarding my booklet.
In this question I asked ‘Have you
learn something new about
veganism from my booklet?’ and I
got 3 responds which were all a yes.
Which proves that I did good
research and I put in the right
At first, I thought I didn’t do enough
research and I believed there was so
much more in veganism that needs
to be covered, however I couldn't’t
fit much more information in my
So therefor, I am happy with the
amount of research I have and I am
happy with the responds I got from
this question.
I did a survey regarding my booklet.
In this question I asked ‘Did you like
the layout of my booklet? If so, what
was you favorite page?’. I got 3
responds, one of them said the front
and back over, one of them said page
seven which is one of the fact files
and the last one said page two which
is my info graphic.
All those four pages are some of the
main pages in this booklet. So
therefore, I feel like I have done good
with designing the booklet.
I am happy with the responds to this
question and I’m glad people enjoyed
the look of my booklet.
I did a survey regarding my
booklet. In this question I asked
‘Do you like the different variety
of fonts that have been used?’. I
got three responds which were
all a yes.
I was unsure on the fonts I was
using, however, it seems like it’s
turned out quite well.
In my double paged fact file, I
would of used a different font to
make sure the words had a good
amount of space between them.
The font I used was BEBAS which
is very bold and big. I should of
used Bodoni X.
Booklet Improvement
I did a survey regarding my booklet. There are two
different questions on this page, one asks ‘what
could be improved?’ and I got 3 responds saying
how I should of just picked one colour to go on all
the pages background. I did think of that, however I
wanted the booklet to be more colorful. Another
answer was to change the background for my info
graphic, which I partly agree with. I was going to
change the info graphic’s background colour,
however it went nicely along side the page next to
it. The last answer said that I should have more
detailed images which I don’t agree with. I wanted
my illustrations and drawings to be simple.
The other question asked ‘What other helpful
information could I add to the booklet?’. I got two
answers saying nothing, which is good because it
shows I have covered a lot of the main areas of
veganism. The other answer said to create a page
with a contact line/email which will be able to help
those people who are unsure on what to do. This
would have been a good idea, I wouldn’t of done a
whole page for it but I could of put it on the back
Time Management
I believe I have managed my time very well. Whenever I felt like
I was running out of time for a certain task, I either tried my best
to get it done on time by pushing myself harder and harder or I
left it and started a new task then went back to it once I had
time. I believe I had enough time to do my research about
veganism, as well as doing my secondary and primary research.
I think what I struggled with was the production of the
veganuary booklet. I didn’t think I had enough time to finish it,
however I got it finished on time.
If I was to go back, I would change a few things in my booklet,
however, I wouldn’t change the amount of time I had. I believe I
did well managing the time I had for this project.
Planning of the Booklet
Planning for what topics to be put into the booklet was a bit tricky. I wasn’t sure how to do it.
So I decided to do a mind map. Creating a mind map gave me the time to be able to research
topics for the booklet as well as noting it down. It made everything so much clearer because
everything was divided up. There was a fact file section, an art style section, a info graphic
section, a vegan topics section and a multipage spread vegan topics. In each section, there
was more information regarding that section. It helped me know what I needed to research
and how to plan and prepare the booklet. I had a rough idea of what techniques will be used
and what creative abilities will have to be used.
Planning And Preparation
I looked at existing info graphics, I picked the
ones I liked the most and put them in my idea
generation PowerPoint. By looking at existing
info graphics, I got see certain things which I
liked and things that I didn’t like as much. I
started to look at different info graphics styles
and compare them to each other. I then went
onto create my first ever info graphic which is
the one on the top right hand side. For my first
info graphic, I created a ‘cut down’ info
graphic. I showed the audience what they
need to do to burn the food they ate from
some of the fast food restaurants.
By creating a mock up info graphic, it showed
what I will find easy to create and what I will
find difficult to create. So I knew where to start
and where to end. It also gave me a rough idea
of what I want my final info graphic to look like
which is great because I knew exactly what I
was aiming for.
Planning And Preparation
I wanted to create a mock up front
cover before creating my final one. It
took me a few attempts but I got
there in the end. This front cover was
a front cover creating for a magazine.
I found that finding the right image
for a front cover is fairly hard,
because you need it to fit perfectly
and you need a focal point. I finally
found the perfect image then after
that everything else was fairly easy. I
had to find a nice font and match the
colours with the front cover’s
From creating this mock up, I knew
my strengths and weaknesses
straight away.
Planning And Preparation
The bottom image is a mock up of a multi page article which was about the Kardashians. It was
the first time I ever used InDesign and I got to see what it was like to use it for an article. For the
first attempt, I thoughts I did pretty well. However, I got to see how hard it is to place
everything, it’s not complicated, it’s just trying to get the right look and placing the columns and
the images in the right places. I got to use some new techniques such as the pull quote and
resizing the first letter of the first word of the article. It was great, I got to see how newspaper
and magazines create their work.
This gave me a heads up, I had a rough idea of how I wanted my final article to look. I knew it
wasn’t going to be easy but I knew what I had to do.
This was another method I used to help me plan for my final multi
page article. I wanted it to be a question and an answer article. So I
went to research into the most asked question regarding veganism
and picked the top 5. Then I researched the answers. I got to see
and learn so many new things about veganism. Then I pulled out
the quotes that caught my eye and put them under the right
I put all this in a PowerPoint, as I was writing my article, I kept going
back on the information I gathered and checking I'm on track. This
took up 5 different pages in my idea generation PowerPoint.
To help me plan and prepare my fact file. I went and researched so many
different facts about veganism. I looked into the medically proved facts,
percentages and the bad and good side of it.
All the facts I found got put into my idea generation PowerPoint. It took up
around 4 pages. The image on the bottom is an example of some of the facts I
Finding these facts before designing my fact file gave me a head start because it
meant that I knew what I was designing and I had a rough idea of the facts I was
going to use and the facts that weren't as much use to me. I had a rough idea in
my head of what my fact file should look like once it was finished.
Once I gathered enough information to my article, I went to do a first
draft where I wrote everything that I researched the first time. Once I
was happy with the information that’s in the first draft, I went onto to
do my second draft. That’s where I went onto do more research and
then add in little pieces of information.
This helped because I got to see the difference between how I first
started and how the article actually ended up. I believe I gathered
enough information to interest the reader. Interesting the reader is
important I have to make sure the reader doesn’t get bored or fed up
of what they are reading.

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Task 6 evalution

  • 2. Page one / Cover Page The front cover on the left hand side is my front cover. My front cover is very plain, has very little detail but you still know what my booklet is about from the image and the title. The Attitude front cover is the same, it has hardly any writing on but from looking at it, you know Gary Barlow is being featured which means a quite a few pages will be about him and their will be exclusive information about him. He is the focal point. We have both used white and black writing and both of our titles are in white. The aim of my booklet is to show everyone a different way of living, I made that clear by saying ‘Showing you the truth’. The magazine’s aim is to entertain, they are using a good looking male to grab the girls attention. Their writing is more central where as my writing is all either right or left sided. I didn’t want to put any writing in the center of the image because I didn’t want anything over the food.
  • 3. Page Two / Info Graphic On the left hand side is my veganuary info graphic. I used 4 different facts and created images to go along side the context. I didn’t want to use many facts because it’s only a A5 paper, it would of looked unprofessional and there would have been too much information on one small piece of paper. The info graphic on the right hand side is regarding obesity issues. In their info graphic there is over 20 facts, however they are using a A4 paper. Their info graphic looks a bit too crowded and overfilled with information. Their used constant colours which were red, white, black and blue, whereas I used more than just four colours. Both of our backgrounds are blue and some of our writing is in black. Both info graphics have used very simple images to go alongside the information on the info graphic. We have both used different font sizes and different fonts to the title.
  • 4. Page Three / Info Graphic On the left hand side is my food replacement info graphic and on the right hand side is the food we waste info graphic. Both info graphics use illustrated images to represent the food, they both have a title and both of them have a lot of different colours. The food we waste info graphic has visible columns and rows, you can clearly see the dividers. However, with my info graphic, there is a no columns but there are lines which were used to line up all the words. I believe the little images on the right side of my infographic are fairly creative but simple. I also think the other infographic uses very simple images. I think simple are better than well detailed illustrations simply because it's not a magazine or a newspaper, it's just a booklet.
  • 5. Info graphic Feedback I had positive feedback regarding my info graphic. I had positive feedback regarding my illustrations and images you could tell what each image was and where it went. Another thing that was good about my info graphic was how organized and clear the information was. All the background colours went together very well and it all completed each other. Overall, I had very good feedback about my info graphic. I believe that I have done well on creating the infographics. I'm happy with the techniques I used on photoshop such as magic wand which helped me create the illustrations. I believe the images in the infographic are creative enough. If I was to go back and improve it, I would a different colour for the background and a third different font.
  • 6. Page Four, Five & Six / Article
  • 7. Page Four, Five & Six / Article My article is on the left hand side and the daily mail's article is on the right hand side. My article is on paper whereas theirs is on the internet. I have a background colour and theirs is just simple white. All their writing is in black and they use very small paragraph and big images. Clearly they are targeting an audience which just wants gossip and a young audience. The young audience usually don’t want to read a lot, so they put bigger images and smaller paragraphs. Whereas, there are only 3 small images on my article and the rest is just writing. I'm targeting an audience that wants to know the truth behind veganism and are willing to read as well as look at images. Both pieces are articles, they are trying to inform the audience of their stories. Both articles have a headline as well as two different fonts. My article was created on InDesign whereas theirs would have been created on a different software. There isn't much creativity in my article simply because I wanted to just make sure people knew that veganism is not bad. I used rulers and boxes to make sure the writing and the pictures lined up together perfectly.
  • 8. Multi Page Article Feedback Overall, there was positive feedback regarding my multi page article. The information that I put in was great and helpful, a few people liked the style of the questions and answers. I got good comments on the layout, even though the layout was simple, it was better like that because of how much information there was. I got good feedback on the last question of the article which was about veganism and children. If I was to do the article again, I think I would add more images as well as my own illustrations so the article can match the style of my file fact and infographics. I would also make sure that on the last page, at the end of the third column to fill that empty bit where the article finishes.
  • 9. Page Seven / Fact File The one on the left hand side is one of my fact files about things to know about the vegan lifestyle and the one of the right hand side is a fact file about 29 things young designers need to know. Both fact files show you the truth behind the two different subjects. Both fact files use central align text which is great because it puts the facts right in the middle and you can see it clearly. In the young designers fact file, they have got 29 in capitals, so straight away you know there is 29 facts. Looking at their fact file, I should of put as my title ’10 Things to know about a vegan lifestyle’ because then the readers would of known straight away how many facts there is.
  • 10. Page Eight & Nine / Fact File The top one is my fact file and the bottom one is a facts about ants. I prefer my fact file to the ants one. Simply because I think mine looks neat where as the ants one looks like it’s used the wrong colours and font. I used rulers to make sure all my writing lined up. I organized my page using rows and rulers, so in each row there was two facts. I used left and right align text but never used central align text because it didn’t look very neat. I used gaussian blur to blur out the fruit in the background. Both facts files use different colours and they both use black font. The ant file has a red and black ants going to the hole, the text is surrounded by ants which suggests that they used central align text.
  • 11. Fact File Feedback Overall, I got positive feedback regarding my fact file. I got good feedback regarding my facts, which means I have done well at researching veganism facts. I also got good feedback regarding my background, the background helps my text stand out which is great because that’s exactly what I was aiming for. If I was to go back and re-do my fact file, I would use a different font for the facts. So the first row would have a different font to the second row but it would still have the same font as the third row. So the first and third row would have the same font then the second and fourth row would have the same font.
  • 12. Page Ten / Recipe The recipe on the left hand side is my recipe and the one on the right hand side is a recipe off the BBC food website. The recipes are different, so the seaweed has a longer method and ingredient list so therefor it takes up to two pages. Both recipes include a ingredient column and a method column. They also both have a picture at the top of the recipe which shows roughly what the food should look like once you’re done. Both recipes used different box for each piece of ingredient. My recipe is for a booklet whereas BBC’s recipe is on their website. I like my recipe because I believe it looks professional enough to be displayed in a booklet or online. I like the colours and fonts I have used. I used central align text for the ingredients and I use right align text for the methods.
  • 13. Food Recipe Feedback I only got one comment regarding my recipe which is displayed on this page. This individual liked the idea, however, they thought I should have a more simple recipe which will appeal to more people and will be cheap for those who are just turning into vegans. I agree with this individual, the recipe I used is slightly expensive and not everyone will find it appealing. If I was to go back and choose a new recipe, I would do deep research into the best and the cheapest recipe. I would also change the background colour because I think it’s too dark compared to the rest of my booklet. Throughout the whole booklet, I used pastel colours apart from the recipe page.
  • 14. Page Eleven / Sign Up The top one is my sign up page and the bottom up is Google Mail’s sign up page online. Their sign up area is very small and will probably take the same amount as mine to fill in. Their sign up page is very plain, there are only three colours which is grey, black and blue. I used three colours as well but mine are bright colours and I have a background colour. I’m trying to catch the viewers attention to sign up that’s why I used green. In Google Mail’s page, they used left align text. In my page, I used central align text in the circles then used left align text for the details. I tried to be creative by using colours and shapes. I also used the V sign in a heart to represent Veganuary.
  • 15. Page Eleven / Sign Up I only got one comment regarding my sign up page. Which was to change the font for the title of the page which said ‘Sign up here’. Personally, I like the font, it seems casual and it’s not in your face. You don’t want to scare new people who are trying to turn into vegans by using big dark bold letters. It will look like it’s too much and as if you are trying to push them to sign up. The only thing I would change about the sign up page is the colours. I would change the pink circle to maybe yellow so it goes with the green circle better.
  • 16. Page Twelve / Back Cover My booklet back cover is the one on the top. The one on the bottom is a books back cover. My back cover is very plain whereas, the books back cover has so much detail on. I used the veganuary sign as well as putting on there a contact number, an email address and a website. Everything is lined up, rulers were used to make sure that everything lined up. So the white image at the bottom left corner will line up with the writing on the bottom right corner. I feel like my back cover looks neat and tidy. Whereas the books back cover is too messy and there is just too much writing.
  • 17. Booklet I did a survey regarding my booklet. In this question I asked ‘Have you learn something new about veganism from my booklet?’ and I got 3 responds which were all a yes. Which proves that I did good research and I put in the right information. At first, I thought I didn’t do enough research and I believed there was so much more in veganism that needs to be covered, however I couldn't’t fit much more information in my booklet. So therefor, I am happy with the amount of research I have and I am happy with the responds I got from this question.
  • 18. Booklet I did a survey regarding my booklet. In this question I asked ‘Did you like the layout of my booklet? If so, what was you favorite page?’. I got 3 responds, one of them said the front and back over, one of them said page seven which is one of the fact files and the last one said page two which is my info graphic. All those four pages are some of the main pages in this booklet. So therefore, I feel like I have done good with designing the booklet. I am happy with the responds to this question and I’m glad people enjoyed the look of my booklet.
  • 19. Booklet I did a survey regarding my booklet. In this question I asked ‘Do you like the different variety of fonts that have been used?’. I got three responds which were all a yes. I was unsure on the fonts I was using, however, it seems like it’s turned out quite well. In my double paged fact file, I would of used a different font to make sure the words had a good amount of space between them. The font I used was BEBAS which is very bold and big. I should of used Bodoni X.
  • 20. Booklet Improvement I did a survey regarding my booklet. There are two different questions on this page, one asks ‘what could be improved?’ and I got 3 responds saying how I should of just picked one colour to go on all the pages background. I did think of that, however I wanted the booklet to be more colorful. Another answer was to change the background for my info graphic, which I partly agree with. I was going to change the info graphic’s background colour, however it went nicely along side the page next to it. The last answer said that I should have more detailed images which I don’t agree with. I wanted my illustrations and drawings to be simple. The other question asked ‘What other helpful information could I add to the booklet?’. I got two answers saying nothing, which is good because it shows I have covered a lot of the main areas of veganism. The other answer said to create a page with a contact line/email which will be able to help those people who are unsure on what to do. This would have been a good idea, I wouldn’t of done a whole page for it but I could of put it on the back cover.
  • 21. Time Management I believe I have managed my time very well. Whenever I felt like I was running out of time for a certain task, I either tried my best to get it done on time by pushing myself harder and harder or I left it and started a new task then went back to it once I had time. I believe I had enough time to do my research about veganism, as well as doing my secondary and primary research. I think what I struggled with was the production of the veganuary booklet. I didn’t think I had enough time to finish it, however I got it finished on time. If I was to go back, I would change a few things in my booklet, however, I wouldn’t change the amount of time I had. I believe I did well managing the time I had for this project.
  • 22. Planning of the Booklet Planning for what topics to be put into the booklet was a bit tricky. I wasn’t sure how to do it. So I decided to do a mind map. Creating a mind map gave me the time to be able to research topics for the booklet as well as noting it down. It made everything so much clearer because everything was divided up. There was a fact file section, an art style section, a info graphic section, a vegan topics section and a multipage spread vegan topics. In each section, there was more information regarding that section. It helped me know what I needed to research and how to plan and prepare the booklet. I had a rough idea of what techniques will be used and what creative abilities will have to be used.
  • 23. Planning And Preparation I looked at existing info graphics, I picked the ones I liked the most and put them in my idea generation PowerPoint. By looking at existing info graphics, I got see certain things which I liked and things that I didn’t like as much. I started to look at different info graphics styles and compare them to each other. I then went onto create my first ever info graphic which is the one on the top right hand side. For my first info graphic, I created a ‘cut down’ info graphic. I showed the audience what they need to do to burn the food they ate from some of the fast food restaurants. By creating a mock up info graphic, it showed what I will find easy to create and what I will find difficult to create. So I knew where to start and where to end. It also gave me a rough idea of what I want my final info graphic to look like which is great because I knew exactly what I was aiming for.
  • 24. Planning And Preparation I wanted to create a mock up front cover before creating my final one. It took me a few attempts but I got there in the end. This front cover was a front cover creating for a magazine. I found that finding the right image for a front cover is fairly hard, because you need it to fit perfectly and you need a focal point. I finally found the perfect image then after that everything else was fairly easy. I had to find a nice font and match the colours with the front cover’s picture. From creating this mock up, I knew my strengths and weaknesses straight away.
  • 25. Planning And Preparation The bottom image is a mock up of a multi page article which was about the Kardashians. It was the first time I ever used InDesign and I got to see what it was like to use it for an article. For the first attempt, I thoughts I did pretty well. However, I got to see how hard it is to place everything, it’s not complicated, it’s just trying to get the right look and placing the columns and the images in the right places. I got to use some new techniques such as the pull quote and resizing the first letter of the first word of the article. It was great, I got to see how newspaper and magazines create their work. This gave me a heads up, I had a rough idea of how I wanted my final article to look. I knew it wasn’t going to be easy but I knew what I had to do.
  • 26. Research This was another method I used to help me plan for my final multi page article. I wanted it to be a question and an answer article. So I went to research into the most asked question regarding veganism and picked the top 5. Then I researched the answers. I got to see and learn so many new things about veganism. Then I pulled out the quotes that caught my eye and put them under the right question. I put all this in a PowerPoint, as I was writing my article, I kept going back on the information I gathered and checking I'm on track. This took up 5 different pages in my idea generation PowerPoint.
  • 27. Research To help me plan and prepare my fact file. I went and researched so many different facts about veganism. I looked into the medically proved facts, percentages and the bad and good side of it. All the facts I found got put into my idea generation PowerPoint. It took up around 4 pages. The image on the bottom is an example of some of the facts I found. Finding these facts before designing my fact file gave me a head start because it meant that I knew what I was designing and I had a rough idea of the facts I was going to use and the facts that weren't as much use to me. I had a rough idea in my head of what my fact file should look like once it was finished.
  • 28. Drafts Once I gathered enough information to my article, I went to do a first draft where I wrote everything that I researched the first time. Once I was happy with the information that’s in the first draft, I went onto to do my second draft. That’s where I went onto do more research and then add in little pieces of information. This helped because I got to see the difference between how I first started and how the article actually ended up. I believe I gathered enough information to interest the reader. Interesting the reader is important I have to make sure the reader doesn’t get bored or fed up of what they are reading.