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Semantic technologies for the Internet of 
Payam Barnaghi 
Institute for Communication Systems (ICS) 
University of Surrey 
Guildford, United Kingdom 
International “IoT 360″ Summer School 
October 29th – November 1st, 2014 – Rome, Italy
Things, Data, and lots of it 
image courtesy: Smarter Data - I.03_C by Gwen Vanhee
Data in the IoT 
− Data is collected by sensory devices and also crowd 
sensing sources. 
− It is time and location dependent. 
− It can be noisy and the quality can vary. 
− It is often continuous - streaming data. 
− There are other important issues such as: 
− Device/network management 
− Actuation and feedback (command and control) 
− Service and entity descriptions are also important.
“Raw data is both an oxymoron and 
bad data” 
Geoff Bowker, 2005 
Source: Kate Crawford, "Algorithmic Illusions: Hidden Biases of Big Data", Strata 2013.
From data to actionable information 
Actionable information 
Abstractions and perceptions 
Structured data (with semantics) 
Raw sensory data
Heterogeneity, multi-modality and volume are 
among the key issues. 
We need interoperable and machine-interpretable 
Semantics and Data 
− Data with semantic annotations 
− Provenance, quality of information 
− Interpretable formats 
− Links and interconnections 
− Background knowledge, domain information 
− Hypotheses, expert knowledge 
− Adaptable and context-aware solutions 
Interoperable and Semantically described 
Data is the starting point to create an 
efficient set of Actions. 
The goal is often to create actionable 
Wireless Sensor (and Actuator) 
of IoT data 
Core network 
“Web of Things” 
Gateway e.g. Internet 
node Gateway 
Computer services 
- The networks typically run Low Power Devices 
- Consist of one or more sensors, could be different type of sensors (or actuators) 
What we are going to study 
− The sensors (and in general “Things”) are increasingly being 
connected with Web infrastructure. 
− This can be supported by embedded devices that directly support 
IP and web-based connection (e.g. 6LowPAN and CoAp) or devices 
that are connected via gateway components. 
− Broadening the IoT to the concept of “Web of Things” 
− There are already standards such as Sensor Web Enablement 
(SWE) set developed by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) 
that are widely being adopted in industry, government and 
− While such frameworks provide some interoperability, semantic 
technologies are increasingly seen as key enabler for integration 
of IoT data and broader Web information systems.
Data formats 
Observation and measurement data-annotation 
Observation and measurement data 
15, C, 08:15, 51.243057, -0.589444 
Unit of 
How to make the data representations more machine-readable 
and machine-interpretable;
Observation and measurement data 
15, C, 08:15, 51.243057, -0.589444 
What about this? 
Extensible Markup Language (XML) 
− XML is a simple, flexible text format that is used 
for data representation and annotation. 
− XML was originally designed for large-scale 
electronic publishing. 
− XML plays a key role in the exchange of a wide 
variety of data on the Web and elsewhere. 
− It is one of the most widely-used formats for 
sharing structured information. 
XML Document Example 
<?xml version="1.0"?> 
XML Prolog- the XML 
XML documents 
MUST be “well 
Root element
XML Document Example-with 
<?xml version="1.0“ encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> 
<value type=“Decimal”>15</value> 
Well Formed XML Documents 
− A "Well Formed" XML document has correct XML 
− XML documents must have a root element 
− XML elements must have a closing tag 
− XML tags are case sensitive 
− XML elements must be properly nested 
− XML attribute values must be quoted 
Source: W3C Schools, 17
Validating XML Documents 
− A "Valid" XML document is a "Well Formed" XML 
document, which conforms to the structure of the 
document defined in an XML Schema. 
− XML Schema defines the structure and a list of 
defined elements for an XML document. 
XML Schema- example 
<xs:element name=“measurement"> 
<xs:element name=“value" type="xs:decimal"/> 
<xs:element name=“unit" type="xs:string"/> 
<xs:element name=“time" type="xs:time"/> 
<xs:element name=“longitude" type="xs:double"/> 
<xs:element name=“latitude" type="xs:double"/> 
- XML Schema defines the structure and elements 
- An XML document then becomes an instantiation of the document defined 
by the schema;
XML Documents– 
revisiting the example 
<?xml version="1.0"?> 
<?xml version="1.0"?> “But what about this?” 
− Meaning of XML-Documents is intuitively clear 
− due to "semantic" Mark-Up 
− tags are domain-terms 
− But, computers do not have intuition 
− tag-names do not provide semantics for machines. 
− DTDs or XML Schema specify the structure of 
documents, not the meaning of the document 
− XML lacks a semantic model 
− has only a "surface model”, i.e. tree 
Source: Semantic Web, John Davies, BT, 2003.
limitations for semantic markup 
− XML representation makes no commitment on: 
− Domain specific ontological vocabulary 
−Which words shall we use to describe a given set of concepts? 
− Ontological modelling primitives 
−How can we combine these concepts, e.g. “car is a-kind-of 
(subclass-of) vehicle” 
 requires pre-arranged agreement on 
vocabulary and primitives 
 Only feasible for closed collaboration 
 agents in a small & stable community 
 pages on a small & stable intranet 
.. not for sharable Web-resources 
Source: Semantic Web, John Davies, BT, 2003. 22
Semantic Web technologies 
− XML provide a metadata format. 
− It defines the elements but does not provide 
any modelling primitive nor describes the 
meaningful relations between different 
− Using semantic technologies to solve these 
A bit of history 
− “The Semantic Web is an extension of the current web 
in which information is given well-defined meaning, 
better enabling computers and people to work in co-operation.“ 
(Tim Berners-Lee et al, 2001) 
Image source: Miller 2004
Semantics & the IoT 
− The Semantic Sensor (&Actuator) Web is an extension 
of the current Web/Internet in which information is given 
well-defined meaning, better enabling objects, devices 
and people to work in co-operation and to also enable 
autonomous interactions between devices and/or 
Resource Description 
Framework (RDF) 
− A W3C standard 
− Relationships between documents 
− Consisting of triples or sentences: 
− <subject, property, object> 
− <“Sensor”, hasType, “Temperature”> 
− <“Node01”, hasLocation, “Room_BA_01” > 
− RDFS extends RDF with standard “ontology 
− Class, Property 
− Type, subClassOf 
− domain, range 
RDF for semantic annotation 
− RDF provides metadata about resources 
− Object -> Attribute-> Value triples or 
− Object -> Property-> Subject 
− It can be represented in XML 
− The RDF triples form a graph 
RDF Graph 
hasLongitude hasLatitude 
RDF Graph- an instance 
hasLongitude Measurement 
Let’s add a bit more structure 
An instance of our model 
RDF: Basic Ideas 
−Every resource has a URI (Universal Resource 
−A URI can be a URL (a web address) or a some 
other kind of identifier; 
−An identifier does not necessarily enable 
access to a resources 
−We can think of a resources as an object that 
we want to describe it. 
−Places, etc. 
RDF: Basic Ideas 
− Properties 
− Properties are special kind of resources; 
− Properties describe relations between resources. 
− For example: “hasLocation”, “hasType”, “hasID”, 
“sratTime”, “deviceID”,. 
− Properties in RDF are also identified by URIs. 
− This provides a global, unique naming scheme. 
− For example: 
−“hasLocation” can be defined as: 
− URI: 
− SPARQL is a query language for the RDF data. 
−SPARQL provide capabilities to query RDF graph patterns 
along with their conjunctions and disjunctions. 
− The term ontology is originated from philosophy. 
In that context it is used as the name of a 
subfield of philosophy, namely, the study of the 
nature of existence. 
− In the Semantic Web: 
− An ontology is a formal specification of a domain; 
concepts in a domain and relationships between the 
concepts (and some logical restrictions). 
Ontologies and Semantic Web 
− In general, an ontology describes a set of 
concepts in a domain. 
− An ontology consists of a finite list of terms and 
the relationships between the terms. 
− The terms denote important concepts (classes of 
objects) of the domain. 
− For example, in a university setting, staff 
members, students, courses, modules, lecture 
theatres, and schools are some important 
Web Ontology Language (OWL) 
− RDF(S) is useful to describe the concepts and their 
relationships, but does not solve all possible requirements 
− Complex applications may want more possibilities: 
− similarity and/or differences of terms (properties or classes) 
− construct classes, not just name them 
− can a program reason about some terms? e.g.: 
− each «Sensor» resource «A» has at least one «hasLocation» 
− each «Sensor» resource «A» has maximum one ID 
− This lead to the development of Web Ontology Language or 
− OWL provide more concepts to express meaning 
and semantics than XML and RDF(S) 
− OWL provides more constructs for stating logical 
expressions such as: Equality, Property 
Characteristics, Property Restrictions, Restricted 
Cardinality, Class Intersection, Annotation 
Properties, Versioning, etc. 
Source: 38
Ontology engineering 
− An ontology: classes and properties (also referred 
to as schema ontology) 
− Knowledge base: a set of individual instances of 
classes and their relationships 
− Steps for developing an ontology: 
− defining classes in the ontology and arranging the 
classes in a taxonomic (subclass–superclass) hierarchy 
− defining properties and describing allowed values and 
restriction for these properties 
− Adding instances and individuals
Basic rules for designing ontologies 
− There is no one correct way to model a domain; 
there are always possible alternatives. 
− The best solution almost always depends on the 
application that you have in mind and the required 
scope and details. 
− Ontology development is an iterative process. 
− The ontologies provide a sharable and extensible form to 
represent a domain model. 
− Concepts that you choose in an ontology should 
be close to physical or logical objects and 
relationships in your domain of interest (using 
meaningful nouns and verbs).
A simple methodology 
1. Determine the domain and scope of the model that you want to 
design your ontology. 
2. Consider reusing existing concepts/ontologies; this will help to 
increase the interoperability of your ontology. 
3. Enumerate important terms in the ontology; this will determine 
what are the key concepts that need to be defined in an ontology. 
4. Define the classes and the class hierarchy; decide on the classes 
and the parent/child relationships 
5. Define the properties of classes; define the properties that relate 
the classes; 
6. Define features of the properties; if you are going to add 
restriction or other OWL type restrictions/logical expressions. 
7. Define/add instances 
Semantic technologies in the IoT 
− Applying semantic technologies to IoT can 
− Interoperability 
− effective data access and integration 
− resource discovery 
− reasoning and processing of data 
− knowledge extraction (for automated decision making 
and management) 
Data/Service description frameworks 
− There are standards such as Sensor Web Enablement 
(SWE) set developed by the Open Geospatial Consortium 
that are widely being adopted in industry, government and 
− While such frameworks provide some interoperability, 
semantic technologies are increasingly seen as key enabler 
for integration of IoT data and broader Web information 
Revisiting goals of the 
Internet of Things 
− A primary goal of interconnecting devices and 
collecting/processing data from them is to create 
situation awareness and enable applications, 
machines, and human users to better understand 
their surrounding environments. 
− The understanding of a situation, or context, 
potentially enables services and applications to 
make intelligent decisions and to respond to the 
dynamics of their environments. 
Sensor Markup Language (SensorML) 
The Sensor Model 
Language Encoding 
(SensorML) defines 
models and XML 
encoding to represent the 
geometric, dynamic, and 
characteristics of sensors 
and sensor systems.
Using semantics 
− Find all available resources (which can provide 
data) and data related to “Room A” (which is an 
object in the linked data)? 
− What is “Room A”? What is its location? returns “location” 
− What type of data is available for “Room A” or that “location”? 
(sensor types) 
− Predefined Rules can be applied based on 
available data 
− (TempRoom_A > 80°C) AND (SmokeDetectedRoom_A position==TRUE)  
Semantic modelling 
− Lightweight: experiences show that a lightweight 
ontology model that well balances expressiveness 
and inference complexity is more likely to be 
widely adopted and reused; also large number of 
IoT resources and huge amount of data need 
efficient processing 
− Compatibility: an ontology needs to be consistent 
with those well designed, existing ontologies to 
ensure compatibility wherever possible. 
− Modularity: modular approach to facilitate 
ontology evolution, extension and integration 
with external ontologies. 
Existing models- SSN Ontology 
− W3C Semantic Sensor Network Incubator Group’s 
SSN ontology (mainly for sensors and sensor 
networks, platforms and systems).
- The SSO Ontology Design Pattern developed 
following the principle of minimal ontological 
commitments to make it reusable for a variety of 
application areas. 
-Introduces a minimal set of classes and relations 
centered around the notions of stimuli, sensor, and 
-Defines stimuli as the (only) link to the physical 
SSN Ontology Modules 
Basic Structure
SSN Ontology 
Ontology Link: 
M. Compton et al, "The SSN Ontology of the W3C Semantic Sensor Network Incubator Group", Journal of Web Semantics, 2012.
W3C SSN Ontology 
makes observations 
of this type 
What it 
Where it is 
SSN-XG ontologies 
SSN-XG annotations 
SSN-XG Ontology Scope
What SSN does not model 
− Sensor types and models 
− Networks: communication, topology 
− Representation of data and units of measurement 
− Location, mobility or other dynamic behaviours 
− Control and actuation 
− …. 
Web of Things 
− Integrating the real world data 
into the Web and providing 
Web-based interactions with 
the IoT resources is also often 
discussed under umbrella term 
of “Web of Things” (WoT). 
− WoT data is not only large in 
scale and volume, but also 
continuous, with rich 
spatiotemporal dependency. 
Web of Things 
 Connecting sensor, actuator and other devices to the World 
Wide Web. 
 “Things’ data and capabilities are exposed as web 
 Enables an interoperable usage of IoT resources (e.g. 
sensors, devices, their data and capabilities) by enabling 
web based discovery, access, tasking, and alerting. 
Example: Linked IoT Data 
Internal location 
ontology (local) 
Lined-data location 
The world of IoT and Semantics: 
Challenges and issues
Some good existing models: 
SSN Ontology 
Ontology Link: 
M. Compton et al, "The SSN Ontology of the W3C Semantic Sensor Network Incubator Group", Journal of Web Semantics, 2012.
Semantic Sensor Web 
“The semantic sensor Web enables 
interoperability and advanced analytics 
for situation awareness and other 
advanced applications from 
heterogeneous sensors.” 
(Amit Sheth et al, 2008)
Several ontologies and description models 
We have good models and description 
The problem is that having good 
models and developing ontologies is 
not enough.
Semantic descriptions are intermediary 
solutions, not the end product. 
They should be transparent to the end-user 
and probably to the data producer 
as well.
A WoT/IoT Framework 
annotate data 
annotate data 
And several other 
protocols and solutions…
Publishing Semantic annotations 
− We need a model (ontology) – this is often the easy part 
for a single application. 
− Interoperability between the models is a big issue. 
− Express-ability vs Complexity is a challenge 
− How and where to add the semantics 
− Where to publish and store them 
− Semantic descriptions for data, streams, devices 
(resources) and entities that are represented by the 
devices, and description of the services. 
Simplicity can be very useful…
- Servers provide catalogues of resources to 
- A catalogue is an array of URIs. 
- Each resource in the catalogue is annotated 
with metadata (RDF-like triples). 
67 Source: Toby Jaffey, HyperCat Consortium,
Hyper/CAT model 
68 Source: Toby Jaffey, HyperCat Consortium,
Complex models are (sometimes) good 
for publishing research papers…. 
But they are often difficult to 
implement and use in real world 
What happens afterwards is more important 
− How to index and query the annotated data 
− How to make the publication suitable for constrained 
environments and/or allow them to scale 
− How to query them (considering the fact that here we are 
dealing with live data and often reducing the processing 
time and latency is crucial) 
− Linking to other sources 
The IoT is a dynamic, online and rapidly 
changing world 
Annotation for the (Semantic) Web 
Annotation for the IoT 
Image sources: ABC Australia and
Make your model fairly simple and modular 
SSNO model
Creating common vocabularies and 
taxonomies are also equally important 
e.g. event taxonomies.
We should accept the fact that 
sometimes we do not need (full) 
semantic descriptions. 
Think of the applications and use-cases 
before starting to annotate the data.
Semantic descriptions can be fairly 
static on the Web; 
In the IoT, the meaning of data and 
the annotations can change over 
Static Semantics 
Dynamic Semantics 
<iot:type> temp</iot:type> 
- But this could be also a 
function of time and 
- What would be the 
accuracy 5 seconds after 
the measurement? 
- Should it be a part of this 
Dynamic annotations for data in the 
process chain 
S. Kolozali et al, A Knowledge-based Approach for Real-Time IoT Data Stream Annotation and Processing", iThings 2014, 2014. 78
Dynamic annotations for provenance data 
S. Kolozali et al, A Knowledge-based Approach for Real-Time IoT Data Stream Annotation and Processing", iThings 2014, 2014. 79
Semantic descriptions can also be 
learned and created automatically.
Extraction of events and semantics from social media 
Tweets from a city 
City Infrastructure 
P. Anantharam, P. Barnaghi, K. Thirunarayan, A. Sheth, "Extracting city events from social streams,“, 2014.
Ontology learning from real world data 
Overall, we need semantic technologies 
in the IoT and these play a key role in 
providing interoperability.
However, we should design and use 
the semantics carefully and 
consider the constraints and 
dynamicity of the IoT environments.
#1: Design for large-scale and provide tools and 
#2: Think of who will use the semantics and how 
when you design your models. 
#3: Provide means to update and change the 
semantic annotations. 
#4: Create tools for validation and interoperability 
#5: Create taxonomies and vocabularies. 
#6: Of course you can always create a better 
model, but try to re-use existing ones as much as 
you can. 
#7: Link your data and descriptions to other 
existing resources. 
#8: Define rules and/or best practices for providing 
the values for each attribute. 
#9: Remember the widely used semantic 
descriptions on the Web are simple ones like 
#10: Semantics are only one part of the solution 
and often not the end-product so the focus of the 
design should be on creating effective methods, 
tools and APIs to handle and process the 
Query methods, machine learning, reasoning and 
data analysis techniques and methods should be 
able to effectively use these semantics. 
Data analytics framework 
systems Interactions Interactions 
Data Data 
Quality and 
Quality and 
Privacy and 
Privacy and 
Open Data Open Data
In summary
IoT data: semantic related issues 
− The current IoT data communications often rely on binary or syntactic data 
models which lack of providing machine interpretable meanings to the 
− Syntactic representation or in some cases XML-based data 
− Often no general agreement on annotating the data 
− requires a pre-agreement between different parties to be able to 
process and interpret the data 
− Limited reasoning based on the content and context data 
− Limited interoperability in data and resource/device description level 
− Data integration and fusion issues
− Structured representation of concepts 
− Machine-interpretable descriptions 
− Reasoning mechanisms 
− Access mechanism to heterogeneous resource descriptions with 
diverse capabilities 
− Automated interactions and horizontal integration with existing 
What are the challenges? 
− The models provide the basic description frameworks, but 
alignment between different models and frameworks are required. 
− Semantics are the starting point, reasoning and interpretation of 
data is required for automated processes. 
− Real interoperability happens when data/services from different 
frameworks and providers can be interchanged and used with 
minimised intervention.
Possible solutions? 
− The semantic Web has faced this problem earlier. 
− Proposed solution: using machine-readable and machine-interpretable 
− Important not: machine-interpretable but not machine-untreatable! 
− Well defined standards and description frameworks: RDF, OWL, SPARQL 
− Variety of open-source, commercial tools for creating/managing/querying 
and accessing semantic data 
− Jena, Sesame, Protégé, … 
− An Ontology defines conceptualisation of a domain. 
− Terms and concepts 
− A common vocabulary 
− Relationships between the concepts 
− There are several existing and emerging ontologies in the IoT domain. 
− HyperCat model 
− W3C SSN ontology 
− And many more 
− Automated annotation methods, dynamic semantics
How to adapt the solutions? 
− Creating ontologies and defining data models are not enough 
− tools to create and annotate data 
− data handling components 
− Complex models and ontologies look good, but 
− design lightweight versions for constrained environments 
− think of practical issues 
− make it as much as possible compatible and/or link it to the other 
existing ontologies 
− Domain knowledge and instances 
− Common terms and vocabularies 
− Location, unit of measurement, type, theme, … 
− Link it to other resource 
− Linked-data 
− URIs and naming 
− In many cases, semantic annotations and semantic processing 
should be intermediary not the end products.
What are the practical steps? 
− Linked data approach is a promising way of integrating data from 
different sources and interlinking semantic descriptions; 
− Alignment between different description models for 
− Using common models (e.g. HyperCat, SSNO) and developing 
applications and services that use these information represented 
based on the models; 
− Ontology learning from real world data; 
− Dynamic and automated annotations; 
− Semantic processing, scalable (distributed) repository, discovery, 
query and analysis support; 
− Tools and support for real-time and streaming (semantically 
annotated) data;
− Design a simple ontology (model) to describe 
operating system and different sensors on a 
smart phone.
− Payam Barnaghi, University of 
Surrey/EU FP7 CityPulse Project 

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Semantic technologies for the Internet of Things

  • 1. 1 Semantic technologies for the Internet of Things Payam Barnaghi Institute for Communication Systems (ICS) University of Surrey Guildford, United Kingdom International “IoT 360″ Summer School October 29th – November 1st, 2014 – Rome, Italy
  • 2. 2 Things, Data, and lots of it image courtesy: Smarter Data - I.03_C by Gwen Vanhee
  • 3. Data in the IoT − Data is collected by sensory devices and also crowd sensing sources. − It is time and location dependent. − It can be noisy and the quality can vary. − It is often continuous - streaming data. − There are other important issues such as: − Device/network management − Actuation and feedback (command and control) − Service and entity descriptions are also important.
  • 4. 4 “Raw data is both an oxymoron and bad data” Geoff Bowker, 2005 Source: Kate Crawford, "Algorithmic Illusions: Hidden Biases of Big Data", Strata 2013.
  • 5. 5 From data to actionable information Wisdom? Knowledge Information Data Actionable information Abstractions and perceptions Structured data (with semantics) Raw sensory data
  • 6. Heterogeneity, multi-modality and volume are among the key issues. We need interoperable and machine-interpretable solutions… 6
  • 7. Semantics and Data − Data with semantic annotations − Provenance, quality of information − Interpretable formats − Links and interconnections − Background knowledge, domain information − Hypotheses, expert knowledge − Adaptable and context-aware solutions 7
  • 8. Interoperable and Semantically described Data is the starting point to create an efficient set of Actions. The goal is often to create actionable information.
  • 9. Wireless Sensor (and Actuator) Networks Inference/ Processing of IoT data Core network “Web of Things” Gateway e.g. Internet Protocols? Data Aggregation/ Fusion Sink node Gateway End-user Interoperable/ Computer services Operating Systems? Services? Protocols? In-node Data Processing Interoperable/ Machine-interpretable representations Interoperable/ Machine-interpretable Representations? - The networks typically run Low Power Devices - Consist of one or more sensors, could be different type of sensors (or actuators) Machine-interpretable representations
  • 10. 10 What we are going to study − The sensors (and in general “Things”) are increasingly being connected with Web infrastructure. − This can be supported by embedded devices that directly support IP and web-based connection (e.g. 6LowPAN and CoAp) or devices that are connected via gateway components. − Broadening the IoT to the concept of “Web of Things” − There are already standards such as Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) set developed by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) that are widely being adopted in industry, government and academia. − While such frameworks provide some interoperability, semantic technologies are increasingly seen as key enabler for integration of IoT data and broader Web information systems.
  • 11. Data formats 11 Observation and measurement data-annotation Tags Location Source:
  • 12. Observation and measurement data 15, C, 08:15, 51.243057, -0.589444 12 value Unit of measurement Time Longitude Latitude How to make the data representations more machine-readable and machine-interpretable;
  • 13. Observation and measurement data 15, C, 08:15, 51.243057, -0.589444 13 <value> <unit> <Time> <Longitude> <Latitude> What about this? <value>15</value> <unit>C</unit> <time>08:15</time> <longitude>51.243057</longitude> <latitude>-0.58944</latitude>
  • 14. Extensible Markup Language (XML) − XML is a simple, flexible text format that is used for data representation and annotation. − XML was originally designed for large-scale electronic publishing. − XML plays a key role in the exchange of a wide variety of data on the Web and elsewhere. − It is one of the most widely-used formats for sharing structured information. 14
  • 15. XML Document Example <?xml version="1.0"?> <measurement> <value>15</value> <unit>C</unit> <time>08:15</time> <longitude>51.243057</longitude> <latitude>-0.58944</latitude> </measurement> 15 XML Prolog- the XML declaration XML elements XML documents MUST be “well formed” Root element
  • 16. XML Document Example-with attributes <?xml version="1.0“ encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <measurement> <value type=“Decimal”>15</value> <unit>C</unit> <time>08:15</time> <longitude>51.243057</longitude> <latitude>-0.58944</latitude> </measurement> 16
  • 17. Well Formed XML Documents − A "Well Formed" XML document has correct XML syntax. − XML documents must have a root element − XML elements must have a closing tag − XML tags are case sensitive − XML elements must be properly nested − XML attribute values must be quoted Source: W3C Schools, 17
  • 18. Validating XML Documents − A "Valid" XML document is a "Well Formed" XML document, which conforms to the structure of the document defined in an XML Schema. − XML Schema defines the structure and a list of defined elements for an XML document. 18
  • 19. XML Schema- example <xs:element name=“measurement"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name=“value" type="xs:decimal"/> <xs:element name=“unit" type="xs:string"/> <xs:element name=“time" type="xs:time"/> <xs:element name=“longitude" type="xs:double"/> <xs:element name=“latitude" type="xs:double"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> 19 - XML Schema defines the structure and elements - An XML document then becomes an instantiation of the document defined by the schema;
  • 20. XML Documents– revisiting the example <?xml version="1.0"?> <measurement> <value>15</value> <unit>C</unit> <time>08:15</time> <longitude>51.243057</longitude> <latitude>-0.58944</latitude> </measurement> 20 <?xml version="1.0"?> “But what about this?” <sensor_data> <reading>15</reading> <u>C</u> <timestamp>08:15</timestamp> <long>51.243057</long> <lat>-0.58944</lat> </sensor_data>
  • 21. 21 XML − Meaning of XML-Documents is intuitively clear − due to "semantic" Mark-Up − tags are domain-terms − But, computers do not have intuition − tag-names do not provide semantics for machines. − DTDs or XML Schema specify the structure of documents, not the meaning of the document contents − XML lacks a semantic model − has only a "surface model”, i.e. tree Source: Semantic Web, John Davies, BT, 2003.
  • 22. XML: limitations for semantic markup − XML representation makes no commitment on: − Domain specific ontological vocabulary −Which words shall we use to describe a given set of concepts? − Ontological modelling primitives −How can we combine these concepts, e.g. “car is a-kind-of (subclass-of) vehicle”  requires pre-arranged agreement on vocabulary and primitives  Only feasible for closed collaboration  agents in a small & stable community  pages on a small & stable intranet .. not for sharable Web-resources Source: Semantic Web, John Davies, BT, 2003. 22
  • 23. Semantic Web technologies − XML provide a metadata format. − It defines the elements but does not provide any modelling primitive nor describes the meaningful relations between different elements. − Using semantic technologies to solve these issues. 23
  • 24. A bit of history − “The Semantic Web is an extension of the current web in which information is given well-defined meaning, better enabling computers and people to work in co-operation.“ (Tim Berners-Lee et al, 2001) 24 Image source: Miller 2004
  • 25. Semantics & the IoT − The Semantic Sensor (&Actuator) Web is an extension of the current Web/Internet in which information is given well-defined meaning, better enabling objects, devices and people to work in co-operation and to also enable autonomous interactions between devices and/or objects. 25
  • 26. Resource Description Framework (RDF) − A W3C standard − Relationships between documents − Consisting of triples or sentences: − <subject, property, object> − <“Sensor”, hasType, “Temperature”> − <“Node01”, hasLocation, “Room_BA_01” > − RDFS extends RDF with standard “ontology vocabulary”: − Class, Property − Type, subClassOf − domain, range 26
  • 27. RDF for semantic annotation − RDF provides metadata about resources − Object -> Attribute-> Value triples or − Object -> Property-> Subject − It can be represented in XML − The RDF triples form a graph 27
  • 28. RDF Graph 28 xsd:decimal hasValue hasTime hasLongitude hasLatitude Measurement xsd:double xsd:time xsd:double hasUnit xsd:string
  • 29. RDF Graph- an instance 29 15 hasValue hasLongitude Measurement hasLatitude #0001 hasTime -0.589444 08:15 51.243057 C hasUnit
  • 30. RDF/XML <rdf:RDF> <rdf:Description rdf:about=“Measurment#0001"> <hasValue>15</hasValue> <hasUnit>C</hasUnit> <hasTime>08:15</hasTime> <hasLongitude>51.243057</hasLongitude> <hasLatitude>-0.589444</hasLatitude> </rdf:Description> </rdf:RDF> 30
  • 31. Let’s add a bit more structure (complexity?) 31 xsd:decimal Location hasValue hasTime xsd:double xsd:time xsd:double xsd:string hasLongitude hasLatitude hasUnit Measurement hasLocation
  • 32. An instance of our model 32 15 Location #0126 hasValue hasTime 51.243057 08:15 -0.589444 C hasLongitude hasLatitude hasUnit Measurement #0001 hasLocation
  • 33. RDF: Basic Ideas −Resources −Every resource has a URI (Universal Resource Identifier) −A URI can be a URL (a web address) or a some other kind of identifier; −An identifier does not necessarily enable access to a resources −We can think of a resources as an object that we want to describe it. −Car −Person −Places, etc. 33
  • 34. RDF: Basic Ideas − Properties − Properties are special kind of resources; − Properties describe relations between resources. − For example: “hasLocation”, “hasType”, “hasID”, “sratTime”, “deviceID”,. − Properties in RDF are also identified by URIs. − This provides a global, unique naming scheme. − For example: −“hasLocation” can be defined as: − URI: − SPARQL is a query language for the RDF data. −SPARQL provide capabilities to query RDF graph patterns along with their conjunctions and disjunctions. 34
  • 35. Ontologies − The term ontology is originated from philosophy. In that context it is used as the name of a subfield of philosophy, namely, the study of the nature of existence. − In the Semantic Web: − An ontology is a formal specification of a domain; concepts in a domain and relationships between the concepts (and some logical restrictions). 35
  • 36. Ontologies and Semantic Web − In general, an ontology describes a set of concepts in a domain. − An ontology consists of a finite list of terms and the relationships between the terms. − The terms denote important concepts (classes of objects) of the domain. − For example, in a university setting, staff members, students, courses, modules, lecture theatres, and schools are some important concepts. 36
  • 37. Web Ontology Language (OWL) − RDF(S) is useful to describe the concepts and their relationships, but does not solve all possible requirements − Complex applications may want more possibilities: − similarity and/or differences of terms (properties or classes) − construct classes, not just name them − can a program reason about some terms? e.g.: − each «Sensor» resource «A» has at least one «hasLocation» − each «Sensor» resource «A» has maximum one ID − This lead to the development of Web Ontology Language or OWL. 37
  • 38. OWL − OWL provide more concepts to express meaning and semantics than XML and RDF(S) − OWL provides more constructs for stating logical expressions such as: Equality, Property Characteristics, Property Restrictions, Restricted Cardinality, Class Intersection, Annotation Properties, Versioning, etc. Source: 38
  • 39. Ontology engineering − An ontology: classes and properties (also referred to as schema ontology) − Knowledge base: a set of individual instances of classes and their relationships − Steps for developing an ontology: − defining classes in the ontology and arranging the classes in a taxonomic (subclass–superclass) hierarchy − defining properties and describing allowed values and restriction for these properties − Adding instances and individuals
  • 40. Basic rules for designing ontologies − There is no one correct way to model a domain; there are always possible alternatives. − The best solution almost always depends on the application that you have in mind and the required scope and details. − Ontology development is an iterative process. − The ontologies provide a sharable and extensible form to represent a domain model. − Concepts that you choose in an ontology should be close to physical or logical objects and relationships in your domain of interest (using meaningful nouns and verbs).
  • 41. A simple methodology 1. Determine the domain and scope of the model that you want to design your ontology. 2. Consider reusing existing concepts/ontologies; this will help to increase the interoperability of your ontology. 3. Enumerate important terms in the ontology; this will determine what are the key concepts that need to be defined in an ontology. 4. Define the classes and the class hierarchy; decide on the classes and the parent/child relationships 5. Define the properties of classes; define the properties that relate the classes; 6. Define features of the properties; if you are going to add restriction or other OWL type restrictions/logical expressions. 7. Define/add instances 41
  • 42. Semantic technologies in the IoT − Applying semantic technologies to IoT can support: − Interoperability − effective data access and integration − resource discovery − reasoning and processing of data − knowledge extraction (for automated decision making and management) 42
  • 43. 43 Data/Service description frameworks − There are standards such as Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) set developed by the Open Geospatial Consortium that are widely being adopted in industry, government and academia. − While such frameworks provide some interoperability, semantic technologies are increasingly seen as key enabler for integration of IoT data and broader Web information systems.
  • 44. Revisiting goals of the Internet of Things − A primary goal of interconnecting devices and collecting/processing data from them is to create situation awareness and enable applications, machines, and human users to better understand their surrounding environments. − The understanding of a situation, or context, potentially enables services and applications to make intelligent decisions and to respond to the dynamics of their environments. 44
  • 45. 45 Sensor Markup Language (SensorML) Source: The Sensor Model Language Encoding (SensorML) defines models and XML encoding to represent the geometric, dynamic, and observational characteristics of sensors and sensor systems.
  • 46. Using semantics − Find all available resources (which can provide data) and data related to “Room A” (which is an object in the linked data)? − What is “Room A”? What is its location? returns “location” data − What type of data is available for “Room A” or that “location”? (sensor types) − Predefined Rules can be applied based on available data − (TempRoom_A > 80°C) AND (SmokeDetectedRoom_A position==TRUE)  FireEventRoom_A 46
  • 47. Semantic modelling − Lightweight: experiences show that a lightweight ontology model that well balances expressiveness and inference complexity is more likely to be widely adopted and reused; also large number of IoT resources and huge amount of data need efficient processing − Compatibility: an ontology needs to be consistent with those well designed, existing ontologies to ensure compatibility wherever possible. − Modularity: modular approach to facilitate ontology evolution, extension and integration with external ontologies. 47
  • 48. Existing models- SSN Ontology − W3C Semantic Sensor Network Incubator Group’s SSN ontology (mainly for sensors and sensor networks, platforms and systems).
  • 49. Stimulus-Sensor-Observation - The SSO Ontology Design Pattern developed following the principle of minimal ontological commitments to make it reusable for a variety of application areas. -Introduces a minimal set of classes and relations centered around the notions of stimuli, sensor, and observations. -Defines stimuli as the (only) link to the physical environment. 49
  • 52. 52 SSN Ontology Ontology Link: M. Compton et al, "The SSN Ontology of the W3C Semantic Sensor Network Incubator Group", Journal of Web Semantics, 2012.
  • 53. 53 53 W3C SSN Ontology makes observations of this type What it measures Where it is units SSN-XG ontologies SSN-XG annotations SSN-XG Ontology Scope
  • 54. What SSN does not model − Sensor types and models − Networks: communication, topology − Representation of data and units of measurement − Location, mobility or other dynamic behaviours − Control and actuation − …. 54
  • 55. Web of Things − Integrating the real world data into the Web and providing Web-based interactions with the IoT resources is also often discussed under umbrella term of “Web of Things” (WoT). − WoT data is not only large in scale and volume, but also continuous, with rich spatiotemporal dependency. 55
  • 56. Web of Things  Connecting sensor, actuator and other devices to the World Wide Web.  “Things’ data and capabilities are exposed as web data/services.  Enables an interoperable usage of IoT resources (e.g. sensors, devices, their data and capabilities) by enabling web based discovery, access, tasking, and alerting. 56
  • 57. 57 Example: Linked IoT Data Internal location ontology (local) Lined-data location (external)
  • 58. 58 The world of IoT and Semantics: Challenges and issues
  • 59. 59 Some good existing models: SSN Ontology Ontology Link: M. Compton et al, "The SSN Ontology of the W3C Semantic Sensor Network Incubator Group", Journal of Web Semantics, 2012.
  • 60. Semantic Sensor Web 60 “The semantic sensor Web enables interoperability and advanced analytics for situation awareness and other advanced applications from heterogeneous sensors.” (Amit Sheth et al, 2008)
  • 61. Several ontologies and description models 61
  • 62. 62 We have good models and description frameworks; The problem is that having good models and developing ontologies is not enough.
  • 63. 63 Semantic descriptions are intermediary solutions, not the end product. They should be transparent to the end-user and probably to the data producer as well.
  • 64. A WoT/IoT Framework WSN WSN WSN WSN WSN Network-enabled Devices Semantically annotate data 64 Gateway CoAP HTTP CoAP CoAP HTTP 6LowPAN Semantically annotate data http://mynet1/snodeA23/readTemp? WSN MQTT MQTT Gateway And several other protocols and solutions…
  • 65. Publishing Semantic annotations − We need a model (ontology) – this is often the easy part for a single application. − Interoperability between the models is a big issue. − Express-ability vs Complexity is a challenge − How and where to add the semantics − Where to publish and store them − Semantic descriptions for data, streams, devices (resources) and entities that are represented by the devices, and description of the services. 65
  • 66. 66 Simplicity can be very useful…
  • 67. Hyper/CAT - Servers provide catalogues of resources to clients. - A catalogue is an array of URIs. - Each resource in the catalogue is annotated with metadata (RDF-like triples). 67 Source: Toby Jaffey, HyperCat Consortium,
  • 68. Hyper/CAT model 68 Source: Toby Jaffey, HyperCat Consortium,
  • 69. 69 Complex models are (sometimes) good for publishing research papers…. But they are often difficult to implement and use in real world products.
  • 70. What happens afterwards is more important − How to index and query the annotated data − How to make the publication suitable for constrained environments and/or allow them to scale − How to query them (considering the fact that here we are dealing with live data and often reducing the processing time and latency is crucial) − Linking to other sources 70
  • 71. The IoT is a dynamic, online and rapidly changing world 71 isPartOf Annotation for the (Semantic) Web Annotation for the IoT Image sources: ABC Australia and
  • 72. Make your model fairly simple and modular 72 SSNO model
  • 73. 73 Creating common vocabularies and taxonomies are also equally important e.g. event taxonomies.
  • 74. 74 We should accept the fact that sometimes we do not need (full) semantic descriptions. Think of the applications and use-cases before starting to annotate the data.
  • 75. 75 Semantic descriptions can be fairly static on the Web; In the IoT, the meaning of data and the annotations can change over time/space…
  • 77. Dynamic Semantics <iot:measurement> <iot:type> temp</iot:type> <iot:unit>Celsius</iot:unit> <time>12:30:23UTC</time> <iot:accuracy>80%</iot:accuracy> <loc:long>51.2365<loc:lat> <loc:lat>0.5703</loc:lat> </iot:measurment> - But this could be also a function of time and location; - What would be the accuracy 5 seconds after the measurement? - Should it be a part of this model? 77
  • 78. Dynamic annotations for data in the process chain S. Kolozali et al, A Knowledge-based Approach for Real-Time IoT Data Stream Annotation and Processing", iThings 2014, 2014. 78
  • 79. Dynamic annotations for provenance data S. Kolozali et al, A Knowledge-based Approach for Real-Time IoT Data Stream Annotation and Processing", iThings 2014, 2014. 79
  • 80. 80 Semantic descriptions can also be learned and created automatically.
  • 81. Extraction of events and semantics from social media 81 Tweets from a city City Infrastructure P. Anantharam, P. Barnaghi, K. Thirunarayan, A. Sheth, "Extracting city events from social streams,“, 2014.
  • 82. Ontology learning from real world data 82
  • 83. Overall, we need semantic technologies in the IoT and these play a key role in providing interoperability.
  • 84. However, we should design and use the semantics carefully and consider the constraints and dynamicity of the IoT environments.
  • 85. #1: Design for large-scale and provide tools and APIs. #2: Think of who will use the semantics and how when you design your models. #3: Provide means to update and change the semantic annotations. 85
  • 86. #4: Create tools for validation and interoperability testing. #5: Create taxonomies and vocabularies. #6: Of course you can always create a better model, but try to re-use existing ones as much as you can. 86
  • 87. #7: Link your data and descriptions to other existing resources. #8: Define rules and/or best practices for providing the values for each attribute. #9: Remember the widely used semantic descriptions on the Web are simple ones like FOAF. 87
  • 88. #10: Semantics are only one part of the solution and often not the end-product so the focus of the design should be on creating effective methods, tools and APIs to handle and process the semantics. Query methods, machine learning, reasoning and data analysis techniques and methods should be able to effectively use these semantics. 88
  • 89. Data analytics framework Ambient Intelligence Social systems Interactions Interactions 89 Data Data Data: Domain Knowledge Domain Knowledge Social systems Open Interfaces Open Interfaces Ambient Intelligence Quality and Quality and Trust Trust Privacy and Security Privacy and Security Open Data Open Data
  • 91. IoT data: semantic related issues − The current IoT data communications often rely on binary or syntactic data models which lack of providing machine interpretable meanings to the data. − Syntactic representation or in some cases XML-based data − Often no general agreement on annotating the data − requires a pre-agreement between different parties to be able to process and interpret the data − Limited reasoning based on the content and context data − Limited interoperability in data and resource/device description level − Data integration and fusion issues
  • 92. Requirements − Structured representation of concepts − Machine-interpretable descriptions − Reasoning mechanisms − Access mechanism to heterogeneous resource descriptions with diverse capabilities − Automated interactions and horizontal integration with existing applications
  • 93. What are the challenges? − The models provide the basic description frameworks, but alignment between different models and frameworks are required. − Semantics are the starting point, reasoning and interpretation of data is required for automated processes. − Real interoperability happens when data/services from different frameworks and providers can be interchanged and used with minimised intervention.
  • 94. Possible solutions? − The semantic Web has faced this problem earlier. − Proposed solution: using machine-readable and machine-interpretable meta-data − Important not: machine-interpretable but not machine-untreatable! − Well defined standards and description frameworks: RDF, OWL, SPARQL − Variety of open-source, commercial tools for creating/managing/querying and accessing semantic data − Jena, Sesame, Protégé, … − An Ontology defines conceptualisation of a domain. − Terms and concepts − A common vocabulary − Relationships between the concepts − There are several existing and emerging ontologies in the IoT domain. − HyperCat model − W3C SSN ontology − And many more − Automated annotation methods, dynamic semantics
  • 95. How to adapt the solutions? − Creating ontologies and defining data models are not enough − tools to create and annotate data − data handling components − Complex models and ontologies look good, but − design lightweight versions for constrained environments − think of practical issues − make it as much as possible compatible and/or link it to the other existing ontologies − Domain knowledge and instances − Common terms and vocabularies − Location, unit of measurement, type, theme, … − Link it to other resource − Linked-data − URIs and naming − In many cases, semantic annotations and semantic processing should be intermediary not the end products.
  • 96. What are the practical steps? − Linked data approach is a promising way of integrating data from different sources and interlinking semantic descriptions; − Alignment between different description models for Services/Resources/Entities; − Using common models (e.g. HyperCat, SSNO) and developing applications and services that use these information represented based on the models; − Ontology learning from real world data; − Dynamic and automated annotations; − Semantic processing, scalable (distributed) repository, discovery, query and analysis support; − Tools and support for real-time and streaming (semantically annotated) data;
  • 97. Quiz − Design a simple ontology (model) to describe operating system and different sensors on a smart phone.
  • 98. Q&A − Payam Barnaghi, University of Surrey/EU FP7 CityPulse Project @pbarnaghi