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Introduction to Hatha Yoga
 Hatha Yoga :
 Flexible combination of specific techniques
To help develop every aspect of individual
• Physical
• Mental
• Emotional
• Spiritual
 Scientific system that integrates various branches of
Bringing about a harmonious development of individual
Regular practice of yoga helps achieve :
 A body of optimum health & strength
 Senses under control
 Well disciplined mind
 Strong will
 Clear calm & balanced mind Alert & sharp
 Heart full of unconditional love&compassion
 Ego – pure as crystal
 Finally –A life filled with supreme joy & peace
 Ashtanga
 Vinyasa
 Iyengar
 Power
 Meaning :
 The word “Hatha” in general layman terms means
‘willful’ or ‘forceful’
Hence Hatha Yoga is very often misunderstood as
yoga which involves tremendous will power &
determition - even forcefully
However more appropriate meaning of hatha yoga
comes from the 2 bija mantras – ‘Ha’ & ‘Tha’
‘Ha’ means ‘sun’ represents ‘Pranic energy’
‘Tha’ means ‘Moon’ represents ‘Mansic energy’
Hatha yoga is the ‘balancing’ of these two energy
systems in the human body
Hatha practises lead from body – mind – spirit
( so basically it is balancing & harmony in ‘Ha’ & ‘Tha’ )
Science of Hatha Yoga
 Compared to Patnajali Yoga :
Hatha Yog – body oriented –starts with Shodana Kriya
Patanjali Yog – mind oriented – starts with Yama /Niyama
 Nevertheless it is wrong to say Hatha Yoga is only body oriented
 Hatha Yoga practices
 Starts with body
 Prepares ground for reaching higher state of consciousness
 Final goal – ‘Unmani Avastha’ – ( no mind state)
or ‘manonmani avastha’ – ( mind- without mind state)
 Features of Hatha yoga Practice :
Starts with Shodhana Kriyas
Move on to……...
– Asanas
– Pranayama
– Mudras / Bandhas
– Meditation
 Shodana Kriya- First body purified – made toxin free) so
that flow of Prana is streamlined
 Then Asan practice – strengthens & makes body disease
 Next Pranayam along with Mudras/Bandhas help in
Kundalini awakening
Finally Meditation leads to state of self – realization
How does it bring about this balance ?
 Basic principle of Hatha Yog – Conservation of energy
 Advocates prohibition of any form of dissipation of energy-
(whether overeating/talkativeness over indulgence in any
Hence its observed that Hatha Yoga adopts middle path eg.
– Neither fasting/overeating
– Neither indulgence/deprivation
– Neither introvertedness/ extrovertedness
– Neither over adherence/utter neglect
 To note – Hatha Yoga practices have their therapeutic
benefits – they are not exclusively meant for therapy
 However ONLY a fit person can easily progress towards
highest goal of life – self realization
Aims & Objectives
 In Indian Tradition –
Hatha Yoga one of the 4 main tradition of ‘Tantra Yoga’
– Ultimate Aim – Self realization/Moksha
– Path(marg) – more physically oriented
– Kundalini awakening through pranayam practices
1. First 2 practices – Shatkarma & Asanas
– Unobstructed pranic flow
– Disease free body – preparatory steps for
2. Pranayanma practice – along with Mudras / Bandhas help in
Kundalini awakening – finally leading to
– higher status of consciousness
In this process –
Hatha Yoga practices balance of energy systems
in body
– Make body healthy
– Make mind emotionally strong/conflict
– Sharp intellect
– Fulfill spiritual aspirations
Kriyas – purification (sodhana)
Asanas – strong body (drdhata), disease free (Arogyam)
Pranayama – Lightness (laghavam)
Mudras/banndhas – Steadiness(Sthairyam)
Meditation – Spiritual liberation
In this way these practices catering to body and mind are
interdependent ……
Form one continuous pattern of Yogic Practice
Finally leads to spiritual freedom from miseries & sufferings of
life (Moksh)
According to puranas – only a human being deserves
to study the science of hatha yoga
 Brahmans, Kshatriyas, Vaisyas, shudras – authority
to practice (this practice bestows peace & pleasure
to the mind)
Yajnavalkya mentions Hatha Yog should be taught only
to the person who –
 Follows the practices as mentioned in Vedas
 is desireless
 Observes Yamas & Niyamas like Regulations
 Keeps himself away from worldly bondages
 Is a scholar
 Conquers anger
 Is truthful
 Maintains righteous behaviour
 Dedicates himself at the feet of his guru
 Caretaker of his parents
 Observes his duties as is required in his ashrama
 Has a virtuous mindset
 Is inquisitive for knowledge
• Asaestapataptanam Samashraymatho hatha :
Asaesyogyuktanamadharkamatho hatha :
HYP 1.10
Meaning : like a house protecting one from the heat
of the sun, Hatahyog protects the practitioner from
the burning heat of the 3 Tapas ( miseries of this
world ).
Similarly – it is the firm ,supporting Tortoise ,for the
those who are constantly devoted to the practice of
Definition of HathaYog in Siddhasiddanthpaddhati
• Hakara keertitah suryasa Thakara chandra uchyate
Surya chandramasauyogad hathayogo nigadyatae
Meaning :
‘Hatha ‘ is the union of two letters- Ha & Tha.
Ha means the Yoga to bring balance between the 2
energies- Sun & Moon or the Ida & Pingala Nadis in
• With this Union , the Kundalini ( Shakti ) which is
in dormant state begins its upward journey –
through the Sushumna Nadi.
• Crossing all the chakras , it moves upwards towards
the Sahasrara.
• Here it unites with Shiv ( pure consciousness ).
• This is the union of Atma with Paramatma.
• With this union , ignorance is eliminated & the
sadhaka glimpses divine enlightenment.
• All sufferings are uprooted
• This state of union is called YOGA
• This is the true sense of Hatha Yoga
Union possible through the practices of………
• Shatkriyas
• Asanas
• Pranayama
• Mudras & Bandhas
• Pratyahara
• Nadanusandha
Four Important Steps / Limbs
1. Asan
2. Kumbak ( Pranayama )
3. Mudra
4. Nadanusandhana
7 Important Limbs
1. Shodana ( Shatkarma )- purification of body
2. Asan – Strength / Firmness of body
3. Mudra – Steadiness of the body
4. Pratyahar – Attaining courage
5. Pranayam – Lightness of body / mind
6. Dhyan – Direct perception of Atma
7. Samadhi – Detachment /isolation
Effect of the 7 Angas described in below shloka .
To attain these conditions first adopt Shatkarma.
Shatkarmana sodhanam cha asanaena bhaved
Mudraya sthiratha chaiva pratyharaena dheerata .
Pranayamallaghavam cha dhyanatpratyaksham
atmanah ,
Samadhina nirliptam chamuktiraeva na samsayah.
Gherand Samhita 1.11
• The System of Hatha Yoga – designed to transform
gross elements of the body so as to receive &
transmit a much subtler & more powerful energy.
• It means – Hatha Yoga systematically prepares –
body-mind- & emotions ,so that there will be no
difficulties when the sadhaka is undergoing higher
states of consciousness.
• Traditionally – Hatha Yoga consisted only of 6 Kriyas
Shatkarmas – Dhauti , Basti, Neti, Nauli, Trataka &
• Later it also came to include Asana , Pranayama ,
Mudra & Bandhas.
• Through all these practices , the consciousness can
be raised without coming to a direct conflict with
the mind.
• Through Hatha Yoga – we can regulate ……..
• Body secretions
• Hormones
• Breath
• Brainwaves &
• Prana…
Thus mind becomes automatically harmonious
• Thus – Hatha Yoga is the ‘ means ‘
Raja Yoga is the ‘ goal ‘
• Hatha Yoga – staircase leading to Raja Yoga.
• Once sadhaka reaches the Raja yoga stage , Hatha
Yoga ceases to be necessary for him.
• Hatha Yoga to be practiced for the sole purpose of
preparing oneself for the highest state of Raja Yoga
– Samadhi.
• THEN – ( ORIGINALLY ) – Kundalini awakening / finally as
per Raja Yog ‘ Samadhi ‘
• NOW – to ….
• Restore health
• Improve health
• Reduce stress
• Prevent aging
• Buildup the body
• Beautify the body
Must remember that HY does fulfill all the above current
BUT...should be kept in mind that this is certainlt NOT the goal
1. Hatha Yoga Pradipika .
2. Gheranda Samhita
3. Hatharatnavali
4. Siva Samhita
5 Chapters 409 shlokas
• Classical Manual on Hatha Yoga.
• Said to be written in the 15th century in Sanskrit by
Swami Swatmarama disciple of Swami Gorakhnath.
• Contains instructions on the practice of …..
* Postures – Asana
* Breathing exercises- Kumbhak/Pranayama
* Purification techniques - Kriyas
* Mudra/Bandhas
* Nada exploration - Nadanusandhana
5 Chapters
Chapter Name Shlokas - 409
1 Asana - 15 67
2 Kumbhak - 8 78
3 Mudra/Bandha - 10 126
4 Nadanusandhan 114
5 Limited Therapy (Yogupachar) 24
• Thus Chaturang Yoga –with four limbs .
• H.Y.P. – records the various practices of Hatha Yoga
• Records the various & many benefits that come
with these practices.
Important features …..
• Hatha Yog & Raja Yoga – not considered as separate
• one – more as physical nature & other as spiritual
• But as an integrated whole- both are
interdependent for the realization of essence of
CHAPTER 1 –ASANAS 67 shlokas
This chapter lists the ------
 Name of Asanas
 Description of Asanas
 Concept of Yogic diet (Mitahara)
 6 factors (obstacles) in path of yoga
 6 factors that facilitate yoga prac.
 The 10 Yamas &10 Niyamas
(PRANAYAMA) 78 shlokas
This chapter deals with----
 8 different types of pranayamas
 Names
 Techniques
 Effects
Also deals in details with the----
 6 Purification Practices
 Names
 Techniques
 Effects
126 shlokas
 10 Types of Mudras and Bandhas
 Names
 Techniques
 Effects
Also deals with-----
 The Kundalini
Practices for its awakening
 Concept
 Various Stages
 Shambhavi Mudra
 Description of Samadhi
 Relationship between Prana & Mind etc..
24 Shlokas
• Pramadi yujyate yastu vatadistasya jayate
• Tadyadoshasya chikitsartham gatirvayornirupyate
HYP 5.1
Ayuktyogabhyas will cause imbalances in the
tridoshas.Such a situation should not arise , hence
different therapies for vayu related diseases has
been prescribed
7 Chapters. 317 shlokas
 Classical &one of the most popular Text Manuals
on Hatha Yog
 written in the 17th century
 written by Gherand Muni
 Unique features -
 Starts with Shatkarma
 Pratyahar before Pranayama
 No concept per se - of Dharana
 Yoga taught by Gherand to Chandrakapali.
7 Chapters
Chapter Name Shlokas Aim… for
1 Shatkarma - 6 51 Purification
2 Asana - 32 45 Strengthening
3 Mudra/Bandha- 25 70 Steadying
4 Pratyahara 7 Calming
5 Pranayama 91 Lightness
6 Dhyana 22 Perception
7 Samadhi 23
 Important text of Hatha Yoga
 Written somewhere between 1625 & 1695 AD
 Written by Srinivasa Yogi
 Includes –
 Lucid Concepti of Yoga
 Reference to Ashtakarmas (as against the regular Shatkarmas)
 Mention of 84 Asanas
 Elaborate description of Mudras
Also contains discussion on the
 Concept of panda ( microcosm) &
 Bhramanda (macrocosm)
This text gives a lot of information otherwise not mentioned
about Yoga
SIVA SAMHITA (Siva’s Anthology)
 Exhaustive text on Hatha Yoga
 Dialogue between Lord Shiva & Parvati
 Author Unknown
 Includes----
 Various Philosophical point of views
 Asanas
 Dhyan
 Different energies in the body
 Importance of Guru
 The Four Paths of Yoga
 Various Methods of Liberation
 Means to overcome obstacles in the path of liberation
SADHAKA TATTWA- Causes of success inpath of yoga
• Utsahat sahasyaddhairyat tatvajnanyach nischayat
• Janasangparityagat shadbhiryog prasidhyati HY1.16
• Meaning : Yoga is successfully accomplished by the
following 6 factors….
• Utsah…Enthusiasm –positive attitude /constant inspiration
• Sahas - Courage --internal one
• Dhairya –perseverance – regular practice
• Tatvajnana -discriminative knowledge
• Nischaya - - determination
• Janasangparityag - staying away from public- social
interactions – negative influences
BADHAKA TATTWA- Causes of failure in path of yoga
अन्याहार : प्रयासश्य प्रजल्पो नियमाग्रह : |
जि संगश्च लौल्यं च पड़नभियोग नििश्यनि || HY .१.२५
Meaning : Yoga becomes ineffective by the following 6 factors
• Atyahar – over eating
• Prayasa - over exertion
• Prajalpa -too much talking
• Niyamagraha - over adherence to rules
• Janasanga - too much public interaction /contact –arouses
negative feelings etc
• Laulya – fickleness – instability /unsteadiness in behavior

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Qci hatha yog jaya

  • 2. Introduction to Hatha Yoga  Hatha Yoga :  Flexible combination of specific techniques To help develop every aspect of individual • Physical • Mental • Emotional • Spiritual  Scientific system that integrates various branches of yoga Bringing about a harmonious development of individual
  • 3. Regular practice of yoga helps achieve :  A body of optimum health & strength  Senses under control  Well disciplined mind  Strong will  Clear calm & balanced mind Alert & sharp intellect  Heart full of unconditional love&compassion  Ego – pure as crystal  Finally –A life filled with supreme joy & peace
  • 4.  TYPES OF HATHA YOGA : CURRENT TIMES  Ashtanga  Vinyasa  Iyengar  Power  Meaning :  The word “Hatha” in general layman terms means ‘willful’ or ‘forceful’ Hence Hatha Yoga is very often misunderstood as yoga which involves tremendous will power & determition - even forcefully
  • 5. However more appropriate meaning of hatha yoga comes from the 2 bija mantras – ‘Ha’ & ‘Tha’ ‘Ha’ means ‘sun’ represents ‘Pranic energy’ ‘Tha’ means ‘Moon’ represents ‘Mansic energy’ Hatha yoga is the ‘balancing’ of these two energy systems in the human body Hatha practises lead from body – mind – spirit ( so basically it is balancing & harmony in ‘Ha’ & ‘Tha’ )
  • 6. Science of Hatha Yoga  Compared to Patnajali Yoga : Hatha Yog – body oriented –starts with Shodana Kriya Patanjali Yog – mind oriented – starts with Yama /Niyama  Nevertheless it is wrong to say Hatha Yoga is only body oriented  Hatha Yoga practices  Starts with body  Prepares ground for reaching higher state of consciousness  Final goal – ‘Unmani Avastha’ – ( no mind state) or ‘manonmani avastha’ – ( mind- without mind state)
  • 7.  Features of Hatha yoga Practice : Starts with Shodhana Kriyas Move on to……... – Asanas – Pranayama – Mudras / Bandhas – Meditation  Shodana Kriya- First body purified – made toxin free) so that flow of Prana is streamlined  Then Asan practice – strengthens & makes body disease free  Next Pranayam along with Mudras/Bandhas help in Kundalini awakening Finally Meditation leads to state of self – realization
  • 8. How does it bring about this balance ?  Basic principle of Hatha Yog – Conservation of energy  Advocates prohibition of any form of dissipation of energy- (whether overeating/talkativeness over indulgence in any form) Hence its observed that Hatha Yoga adopts middle path eg. – Neither fasting/overeating – Neither indulgence/deprivation – Neither introvertedness/ extrovertedness – Neither over adherence/utter neglect  To note – Hatha Yoga practices have their therapeutic benefits – they are not exclusively meant for therapy  However ONLY a fit person can easily progress towards highest goal of life – self realization
  • 9. Aims & Objectives  In Indian Tradition – Hatha Yoga one of the 4 main tradition of ‘Tantra Yoga’ – Ultimate Aim – Self realization/Moksha – Path(marg) – more physically oriented – Kundalini awakening through pranayam practices 1. First 2 practices – Shatkarma & Asanas – Unobstructed pranic flow – Disease free body – preparatory steps for – 2. Pranayanma practice – along with Mudras / Bandhas help in Kundalini awakening – finally leading to – higher status of consciousness
  • 10. In this process – Hatha Yoga practices balance of energy systems in body – Make body healthy – Make mind emotionally strong/conflict free – Sharp intellect – Fulfill spiritual aspirations
  • 11.  SUMMARY : Kriyas – purification (sodhana) Asanas – strong body (drdhata), disease free (Arogyam) Pranayama – Lightness (laghavam) Mudras/banndhas – Steadiness(Sthairyam) Meditation – Spiritual liberation In this way these practices catering to body and mind are interdependent …… Form one continuous pattern of Yogic Practice Finally leads to spiritual freedom from miseries & sufferings of life (Moksh)
  • 12. INTRODUCTION TO HATHA YOGA PARAMPARA HATHA YOG THEORY According to puranas – only a human being deserves to study the science of hatha yoga  Brahmans, Kshatriyas, Vaisyas, shudras – authority to practice (this practice bestows peace & pleasure to the mind)
  • 13. Yajnavalkya mentions Hatha Yog should be taught only to the person who –  Follows the practices as mentioned in Vedas  is desireless  Observes Yamas & Niyamas like Regulations  Keeps himself away from worldly bondages  Is a scholar  Conquers anger  Is truthful  Maintains righteous behaviour  Dedicates himself at the feet of his guru  Caretaker of his parents  Observes his duties as is required in his ashrama  Has a virtuous mindset  Is inquisitive for knowledge
  • 14. • Asaestapataptanam Samashraymatho hatha : Asaesyogyuktanamadharkamatho hatha : HYP 1.10 Meaning : like a house protecting one from the heat of the sun, Hatahyog protects the practitioner from the burning heat of the 3 Tapas ( miseries of this world ). Similarly – it is the firm ,supporting Tortoise ,for the those who are constantly devoted to the practice of Yoga
  • 15. Definition of HathaYog in Siddhasiddanthpaddhati • Hakara keertitah suryasa Thakara chandra uchyate Surya chandramasauyogad hathayogo nigadyatae 1.69 Meaning : ‘Hatha ‘ is the union of two letters- Ha & Tha. Ha means the Yoga to bring balance between the 2 energies- Sun & Moon or the Ida & Pingala Nadis in us
  • 16. • With this Union , the Kundalini ( Shakti ) which is in dormant state begins its upward journey – through the Sushumna Nadi. • Crossing all the chakras , it moves upwards towards the Sahasrara. • Here it unites with Shiv ( pure consciousness ). • This is the union of Atma with Paramatma. • With this union , ignorance is eliminated & the sadhaka glimpses divine enlightenment. • All sufferings are uprooted • This state of union is called YOGA • This is the true sense of Hatha Yoga
  • 17. Union possible through the practices of……… • Shatkriyas • Asanas • Pranayama • Mudras & Bandhas • Pratyahara • Nadanusandha
  • 18. GRANTHAS 1. HATHA YOG PRADIPIKA ( HYP ) CHATURANG YOG Four Important Steps / Limbs 1. Asan 2. Kumbak ( Pranayama ) 3. Mudra 4. Nadanusandhana
  • 19. 2. GHERAND SAMHITA SAPTANG YOG 7 Important Limbs 1. Shodana ( Shatkarma )- purification of body 2. Asan – Strength / Firmness of body 3. Mudra – Steadiness of the body 4. Pratyahar – Attaining courage 5. Pranayam – Lightness of body / mind 6. Dhyan – Direct perception of Atma 7. Samadhi – Detachment /isolation
  • 20. Effect of the 7 Angas described in below shloka . To attain these conditions first adopt Shatkarma. Shatkarmana sodhanam cha asanaena bhaved drdham, Mudraya sthiratha chaiva pratyharaena dheerata . Pranayamallaghavam cha dhyanatpratyaksham atmanah , Samadhina nirliptam chamuktiraeva na samsayah. Gherand Samhita 1.11
  • 21. SYSTEM OF HATHA YOGA- FEATURES • The System of Hatha Yoga – designed to transform gross elements of the body so as to receive & transmit a much subtler & more powerful energy. • It means – Hatha Yoga systematically prepares – body-mind- & emotions ,so that there will be no difficulties when the sadhaka is undergoing higher states of consciousness. …contd…
  • 22. • Traditionally – Hatha Yoga consisted only of 6 Kriyas Shatkarmas – Dhauti , Basti, Neti, Nauli, Trataka & Kapalbhati. • Later it also came to include Asana , Pranayama , Mudra & Bandhas. • Through all these practices , the consciousness can be raised without coming to a direct conflict with the mind.
  • 23. • Through Hatha Yoga – we can regulate …….. • Body secretions • Hormones • Breath • Brainwaves & • Prana… Thus mind becomes automatically harmonious
  • 24. • Thus – Hatha Yoga is the ‘ means ‘ Raja Yoga is the ‘ goal ‘ • Hatha Yoga – staircase leading to Raja Yoga. • Once sadhaka reaches the Raja yoga stage , Hatha Yoga ceases to be necessary for him. • Hatha Yoga to be practiced for the sole purpose of preparing oneself for the highest state of Raja Yoga – Samadhi.
  • 25. THEN & NOW - HATHA YOG PRACTICE • THEN – ( ORIGINALLY ) – Kundalini awakening / finally as per Raja Yog ‘ Samadhi ‘ • NOW – to …. • Restore health • Improve health • Reduce stress • Prevent aging • Buildup the body • Beautify the body Must remember that HY does fulfill all the above current objectives…… BUT...should be kept in mind that this is certainlt NOT the goal
  • 26. INTRODUCTION TO HATHA YOGA TEXTS 4 CLASSICAL & POPULAR TEXTS OF HATHA YOGA 1. Hatha Yoga Pradipika . 2. Gheranda Samhita 3. Hatharatnavali 4. Siva Samhita
  • 27. HATHA YOG PRADIPIKA 5 Chapters 409 shlokas • Classical Manual on Hatha Yoga. • Said to be written in the 15th century in Sanskrit by Swami Swatmarama disciple of Swami Gorakhnath. • Contains instructions on the practice of ….. * Postures – Asana * Breathing exercises- Kumbhak/Pranayama * Purification techniques - Kriyas * Mudra/Bandhas * Nada exploration - Nadanusandhana
  • 28. 5 Chapters Chapter Name Shlokas - 409 1 Asana - 15 67 2 Kumbhak - 8 78 3 Mudra/Bandha - 10 126 4 Nadanusandhan 114 5 Limited Therapy (Yogupachar) 24
  • 29. • Thus Chaturang Yoga –with four limbs . • H.Y.P. – records the various practices of Hatha Yoga • Records the various & many benefits that come with these practices. Important features ….. • Hatha Yog & Raja Yoga – not considered as separate entities. • one – more as physical nature & other as spiritual • But as an integrated whole- both are interdependent for the realization of essence of Yoga
  • 30. CHATURANGA YOGA –MAIN CONTENT CHAPTER 1 –ASANAS 67 shlokas This chapter lists the ------  Name of Asanas  Description of Asanas  Concept of Yogic diet (Mitahara)  6 factors (obstacles) in path of yoga  6 factors that facilitate yoga prac.  The 10 Yamas &10 Niyamas
  • 31. CHAPTER 2 – KUMBHAK (PRANAYAMA) 78 shlokas This chapter deals with----  8 different types of pranayamas  Names  Techniques  Effects Also deals in details with the----  6 Purification Practices  Names  Techniques  Effects
  • 32. CHAPTER 3 – MUDRAS 126 shlokas  10 Types of Mudras and Bandhas  Names  Techniques  Effects Also deals with-----  The Kundalini and Practices for its awakening
  • 33. CHAPTER 4 – NADANUSANDHANA (EXPLORATION INTO NADA 114 Shlokas)  Concept  Various Stages  Shambhavi Mudra  Description of Samadhi  Relationship between Prana & Mind etc..
  • 34. CHAPTER 5 – LIMITED YOGUPACHAR 24 Shlokas AUSHADHKATHANAM NAM PANCHAMOPDESHHA • Pramadi yujyate yastu vatadistasya jayate • Tadyadoshasya chikitsartham gatirvayornirupyate HYP 5.1 MEANING Ayuktyogabhyas will cause imbalances in the tridoshas.Such a situation should not arise , hence different therapies for vayu related diseases has been prescribed
  • 35. GHERAND SAMHITA (GHATASTHA YOG) 7 Chapters. 317 shlokas  Classical &one of the most popular Text Manuals on Hatha Yog  written in the 17th century  written by Gherand Muni  called as SAPTANG YOG/GHATASTHA YOGA  Unique features -  Starts with Shatkarma  Pratyahar before Pranayama  No concept per se - of Dharana  Yoga taught by Gherand to Chandrakapali.
  • 36. 7 Chapters Chapter Name Shlokas Aim… for 1 Shatkarma - 6 51 Purification 2 Asana - 32 45 Strengthening 3 Mudra/Bandha- 25 70 Steadying 4 Pratyahara 7 Calming 5 Pranayama 91 Lightness 6 Dhyana 22 Perception 7 Samadhi 23 Isolation/Self- realization
  • 37. HATHARATANA VALI  Important text of Hatha Yoga  Written somewhere between 1625 & 1695 AD  Written by Srinivasa Yogi  Includes –  Lucid Concepti of Yoga  Reference to Ashtakarmas (as against the regular Shatkarmas)  Mention of 84 Asanas  Elaborate description of Mudras Also contains discussion on the  Concept of panda ( microcosm) &  Bhramanda (macrocosm) This text gives a lot of information otherwise not mentioned about Yoga
  • 38. SIVA SAMHITA (Siva’s Anthology)  Exhaustive text on Hatha Yoga  Dialogue between Lord Shiva & Parvati  Author Unknown  Includes----  Various Philosophical point of views  Asanas  Dhyan  Different energies in the body  Importance of Guru  The Four Paths of Yoga  Various Methods of Liberation  Means to overcome obstacles in the path of liberation
  • 39. SADHAKA TATTWA- Causes of success inpath of yoga • Utsahat sahasyaddhairyat tatvajnanyach nischayat • Janasangparityagat shadbhiryog prasidhyati HY1.16 • Meaning : Yoga is successfully accomplished by the following 6 factors…. • Utsah…Enthusiasm –positive attitude /constant inspiration • Sahas - Courage --internal one • Dhairya –perseverance – regular practice • Tatvajnana -discriminative knowledge • Nischaya - - determination • Janasangparityag - staying away from public- social interactions – negative influences
  • 40. BADHAKA TATTWA- Causes of failure in path of yoga अन्याहार : प्रयासश्य प्रजल्पो नियमाग्रह : | जि संगश्च लौल्यं च पड़नभियोग नििश्यनि || HY .१.२५ Meaning : Yoga becomes ineffective by the following 6 factors • Atyahar – over eating • Prayasa - over exertion • Prajalpa -too much talking • Niyamagraha - over adherence to rules • Janasanga - too much public interaction /contact –arouses negative feelings etc • Laulya – fickleness – instability /unsteadiness in behavior