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Patanjali Yoga
- Deepak D.Khaire
10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 1
Patanjali Yoga Darshan
 What is Yoga Darshan?
 Who Composed it?
10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 2
Knowledge Source
10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 3
10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 4
Patanjali Yoga Darshan
 According to Bhartiya Darshan, Nine
philosophies have been recognized.
Six Astik Darshanas,
Three Nastik Darshana
 In Six Astik Darshanas, Yoga Darshan
has a prominent place.
 Composed by Maharshi Patanjali
10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 5
Maharshi Patanjali
10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 6
योगेन चित्तस्य पदेन वािा मलं शरीरस्य ि वैद्यके न I
योपाकरोत्तं प्रवरं मुनीनां पदञ्जललं प्राञ्जललरानोोस्स्म ll
I bow down to the greatest sage Patanjali, who has
helped us purify our minds through the system of
Yoga, speech through the Mahabhashya and body
through the system of Ayurveda.
Patanjali Yoga Sutras
I. Samadhi Pada – 51 sutras
II. Sadhana Pada – 55 sutras
III. Vibhuti Pada – 55 sutras
IV. Kaivalya Pada – 34 sutras
Total = 195 sutras
10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 7
I. Samadhi Pada
 Goal is fixed
 What is the Goal of Yoga?
 Definition of Yoga – “Yoga Chittavritti
 1st Sutra – “Atha Yoga Anushasanam”
 Different types of Samadhis
 Sahayak & Badhak Tatvas
 What means to adopt to reach the Goal?
10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 8
II. Sadhana Pada
 Maharshi Patanjali has given many Yoga
Practices (Sadhanas) like –
 Kriya Yoga
 Abhyas-Vairagya
 Ashtang Yoga
 Ishwar Pranidhana
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III. Vibhuti Pada
 On the way to the ultimate goal, the
aspirants get many powers due to
practices, austerities. These are
Vibhuties or Siddhis.
 Explanation of these siddhis
 Types of siddhis
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IV. Kaivalya Pada
 Kaivalya means attaining Moksha
 Which Samadhi aspirants must attain?
 Samadhi types
10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 11
I. Samadhi Pada
 Yoga definition
 Types of Samadhis
 Vrittis
 Abhyas-Vairagya
 Yoga Antaraya
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I. Samadhi Pada
 Yoga definition –
Yoga Chitta Vritti Nirodhah
means Yoga is total cessation of
modifications of Mind (Chitta)
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Samadhi Pada
Types of Samadhis –
1. Sampragyat Samadhi
2. Asampragyat Samadhi
Types of Sampragyat Samadhi –
3. Vitark -
4. Vichara -
5. Ananda -
6. Asmita -
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Difference between Samprajnata and
Asamprajnata Samadhi
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In meditation there are two different states depending upon the
consciousness of the yogi. That samadhi where the
consciousness of the yogi retains his sense of I'ness, that is, his
nature, personality, etc. remains is called
as samprajnata samadhi.
In it there remains analysis, deliberation, sense of the outer
world, along with feeling of happiness. So the Patnatjali yoga
sutra defines as thus:
vitarkavicārānandāsmitārūpānugamātsaṃprajñātaḥ [PYS - 1.17]
- Cognitive meditation is accompanied by reasoning,
discrimination, bliss and the sense of 'I am.'
But other than it where the personal I'ness doesn't remain, that
is, the individuality is lost and the mind is free of analysis,
reflection, sense of the world, etc. is called
as asamprajnata samadhi:
Samadhi Pada
Types of Samadhis –
10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 16
Samadhi Pada
Vrittis (Kinds of thoughts)
1-Praman – knowing correctly
2-Viparyay – knowing incorrectly
3-Vikalp – fantasy or imagination
4-Nidra- deep sleep
5-Smriti- recollection of memory
These must be removed totally from life.
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Samadhi Pada
 How to do Chitta Vritti nirodhah – stop modifications
of Chitta?
 Methods/Techniques/Practices
 By Abhyas-Vairagya, these vrittis can be stopped.
 Abhyas – continues efforts to attain a thing/state.
Practices of Chitta, Speech and Acts to attain
 Vairagya- Vairagya is born out of Vivek
(discrimination between Satya & Asatya.
 Vairagya is to hold Satya and leave Asatya.
 Dispassion towards worldy, ephermal, temporary
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10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 19
Samadhi Pada
Yoga Antaraya (Badhak Tatvas)
 Badhak Tatvas – obstacles in Yoga way. Those that pull
us down off the Yoga path.
1. Vyadhi – Physical/Mental illness. Imbalances of Vata,
Pitta, Kapha
2. Styan – Disinterested in doing right things.
3. Samshay – means doubt. Trust deficit. No faith. A person
with doubts cannot progress in Yoga way.
4. Pramada – Careless, irregular practice.
After abandoning these nine Yoga Antarayas only Samadhi
can be attained
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Samadhi Pada
Yoga Antaraya
5. Alasya – Laziness, Lethargy, excessive Tamoguna.
6. Avirati - Deficiency of Vairagya. No dispassion for worldly
7. Bhranti Darshan – Illussions, false knowledge, incomplete
informations, incorrect sources
8. Alabdhabhumikatva – Not able to attain Samadhi for some
9. Anuvasthitatva – inconsistent in Samadhi.
After abandoning these nine Yoga Antarayas only Samadhi can be attained
10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 21
Chitta Bhumis
 What is Chitta?
 What are Chitta Bhumis?
1. Kshipt – Rajaguna more. Restless, energetic, active,
2. Mudha – Tamaguna more. Laziness, stressful, sleepy
3. Vikshipt – Rajaguna & Satvaguna alternatively more.
Unstable/inconsistent state. Impulsive & Intelligent both
4. Ekagra – Satguna more. Concentrated Chitta.
Sampragyat Samadhi.
5. Niruddha – Heightened state of Sampragyat Samadhi.
In Ekagra avastha, one devlops vairagya.
In Niruddha avastha, one develops para-vairagya.
(heightened state of vairagya)
This leads to Asampragyat Samadhi.
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10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 24
Chitta Bhumis
 What is Chitta?
 What are Chitta Bhumis?
1. Kshipt – Rajaguna more. Restless, energetic, active,
2. Mudha – Tamaguna more. Laziness, stressful, sleepy
3. Vikshipt – Rajaguna & Satvaguna alternatively more.
Unstable/inconsistent state. Impulsive & Intelligent both
4. Ekagra – Satguna more. Concentrated Chitta.
Sampragyat Samadhi.
5. Niruddha – Heightened state of Sampragyat Samadhi.
In Ekagra avastha, one devlops vairagya.
In Niruddha avastha, one develops para-vairagya.
(heightened state of vairagya)
This leads to Asampragyat Samadhi.
10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 25
Chitta Bhumis
 What is Chitta?
 What are Chitta Bhumis?
1. Kshipt – Rajaguna more. Restless, energetic, active,
2. Mudha – Tamaguna more. Laziness, stressful, sleepy
3. Vikshipt – Rajaguna & Satvaguna alternatively more.
Unstable/inconsistent state. Impulsive & Intelligent both
4. Ekagra – Satguna more. Concentrated Chitta.
Sampragyat Samadhi.
5. Niruddha – Heightened state of Sampragyat Samadhi.
In Ekagra avastha, one devlops vairagya.
In Niruddha avastha, one develops para-vairagya.
(heightened state of vairagya)
This leads to Asampragyat Samadhi.
10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 26
Chitta Prasadana
Methods of Chitta Prasadana – How to make
the Chitta happy.
1. Maitri – friendly with prosperous persons
2. Karuna – compassionate with unfortunate,
unhappy, deprived persons
3. Mudita – happy/contented with noble
souls, honest, religious persons.
4. Upeksha – ignore evil minded, values
deficient, Tamogun affected persons.
This way the Chitta will be in happy state!
10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 27
Sadhana Pada
Means/Practices/Sadhanas to advance in
Yoga way, towards Moksha.
 Maharshi Patanjali has given many Yoga
Practices (Sadhanas) like –
 Kriya Yoga
 Abhyas Vairagya
 Ashtang Yoga
 Ishwar Pranidhana
10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 28
Sadhana Pada
Kriya Yoga
1. Tapas – to bear the extreme dualities (dwando ko sahan
karana) like – good-bad, happy-sad, profit-loss, win-loss,
pleasure-pain, hot-cold, etc. prosperity-poverty, comfort-
hardships. To be even minded in these dualities.
2. Swadhyaya – Study of Self and self. Study of scriptures
– vedas, upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, Yoga darshana, etc
which guides the aspirant in Yoga way and leads towards
3. Ishwarpranidhana – Surrender to God all actions
and fruits. To go in the protection/patronage of God. Total
Surrender. Merge. Dissolve.
When these three are followed, Kriya Yoga is practiced.
One can attain Moksha by practicing Kriya Yoga.
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Sadhana Pada
Panch Kleshas
Kleshas are causes of ones unhappiness and misery. Must be given up to
advance in Yoga way.
1. Avidhya – Ignorance is the mother of all kleshas. To see truth in
untruth & vice-versa, eternal in ephermal & vice-versa, good-bad,
pure-impure, right-wrong.
2. Asmita – To equate drak shakti and darshan shakti which are
actually different.
3. Raag – Like, prefer, partial.
4. Dvesha – Dislike, avoid, unjust.
5. Abhinivesha– Fear of death, which is certain. Clinging to
These are five kleshas – causes of misery.
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Sadhana Pada
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Sadhana Pada
Panch Kleshas
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Sadhana Pada
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Ashtang Yoga
“Yama niyama asana pran ayama pratyahara dharan a dhyana Samadhi ayoashtav
angan i’’ (II Sutra 29)
“Restraint, observance, postures, regulation of breath, substitute food for the
mind, ability of the mind to focus, meditation and higher states of
consciousness are eight limbs of yoga.”
1. Yama – Ahimsa, Satya, Asteya, Brahmacharya, Aparigraha
2. Niyama – Shouch, Santosh, Tapas, Swadhyaya, Ishwarpranidhana.
3. Asana
4. Pranayama
5. Pratyahara
6. Dharana
7. Dhyana
8. Samadhi
Sadhana Pada
Ashtang Yoga
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Ashtang Yoga
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Ashtang Yoga
1. Yama
1. Ahimsa: non-violence, non-harming, non-injury (2.35)
2. Satya: truthfulness, honesty (2.36)
3. Asteya: non-stealing, abstention from theft (2.37)
4. Brahmacharya: walking in awareness of the highest reality,
continence, remembering the divine, practicing the presence of God
5. Aparigraha: non-possessiveness, non-holding through senses,
non-greed, non-grasping, non-indulgence, non-acquisitiveness (2.39)
(Self restraints for Social harmony to be practiced by all,
everywhere – Sarvabhoumik Mahavratas)
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Ashtang Yoga
2. Niyama
1. Shaucha: purity of body and mind (2.40, 2.41)
2. Santosha: contentment (2.42)
3. Tapah: training the senses, austerities, ascesis (2.43)
4. Svadhyaya: self-study, reflection on sacred words
5. Ishvara pranidhana: surrender; (ishvara = creative
source, causal field, God, supreme Guru or teacher;
pranidhana = practicing the presence, dedication,
devotion, surrender of fruits of practice) (2.45)
(Self restraints for Personal Development)
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Ashtang Yoga
3. Asana
“Sthirasukhamasanam’’ (II Sūtra 46)
1. - “That posture which is steady and
comfortable is āsana.”
“Prayatnashaithilyanantasamapattibhyām’’ (II
Sūtra 47)
2. - “Letting go of the effort and uniting with
the infinite.”
“Tato dwandanabhighataha’’ (II Sūtra 48)
3. - “Then, all the duality in you is rooted
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Ashtang Yoga
4. Pranayama
“Tasminsati shwasaprashwasayorgativicchedaha pranayamaha’’ (II Sutra 49)
“In that state of being in asana or posture, breaking the movement of
inspiratory or expiratory breath is regulation of breath.”
“Bahyabhyantarastambhavruttirdeshakalasankhyabhihi paridrashto
dirghasukshmaha’’ (II Sutra 50)
“Internal and external breath and total restraint of breath is regulated
by place, time and number and thus the breath becomes long and
“Bahyabhyantaravishayakshepi chaturthaha’’ (II Sutra 51)
“The fourth type of pranayama happens when the regions or spheres of
internal and external breaths have been gone beyond of.”
(Breath Control)
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Ashtang Yoga
5. Pratyahara
“sva vishaya asamprayoge chittasya svarupe
anukarah iva indriyanam pratyaharah” (II Sutra
When the mental organs of senses and actions
(indriyas) cease to be engaged with the
corresponding objects in their mental realm, and
assimilate or turn back into the mind-field from
which they arose, this is called pratyahara.
(Sense withdrawal)
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Ashtang Yoga
6. Dharana
“deshah bandhah chittasya dharana” (II Sutra 1)
Concentration (dharana) is the process of
holding or fixing the attention of mind onto one
object or place, and is the sixth of the eight
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Ashtang Yoga
7. Dhyana
“tatra pratyaya ekatanata dhyanam” (III Sutra 2)
The repeated continuation, or uninterrupted
stream of that one point of focus is called
absorption in meditation (dhyana), and is the
seventh of the eight steps.
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Ashtang Yoga
8. Samadhi
“tad eva artha matra nirbhasam svarupa
shunyam iva samadhih” (III Sutra 3)
When only the essence of that object, place, or
point shines forth in the mind, as if devoid even
of its own form, that state of deep absorption is
called deep concentration or samadhi, which is
the eighth rung.
10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 43
Ashtang Yoga
(Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi)
Dharana (concentration), dhyana (meditation), and
samadhi are the final three rungs of Yoga, and are
collectively known as samyama.
Stages of attention: It is attention itself, which is
progressively moving inward through these few
10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 44
“tad jayat prajna lokah” (III Sutra 5)
Through the mastery of that three-part process of samyama,
the light of knowledge, transcendental insight, or higher
consciousness (prajna) dawns, illumines, flashes, or is
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10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 46
10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 47

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Patanjali Yoga Sutras - for AYSUH YOGA EXAMINATION

  • 1. Patanjali Yoga Darshan - For AYUSH YOGA EXAM - Deepak D.Khaire 10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 1
  • 2. Patanjali Yoga Darshan  What is Yoga Darshan?  Who Composed it? 10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 2
  • 5. Patanjali Yoga Darshan  According to Bhartiya Darshan, Nine philosophies have been recognized. Six Astik Darshanas, Three Nastik Darshana  In Six Astik Darshanas, Yoga Darshan has a prominent place.  Composed by Maharshi Patanjali 10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 5
  • 6. Maharshi Patanjali 10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 6 योगेन चित्तस्य पदेन वािा मलं शरीरस्य ि वैद्यके न I योपाकरोत्तं प्रवरं मुनीनां पदञ्जललं प्राञ्जललरानोोस्स्म ll I bow down to the greatest sage Patanjali, who has helped us purify our minds through the system of Yoga, speech through the Mahabhashya and body through the system of Ayurveda.
  • 7. Patanjali Yoga Sutras I. Samadhi Pada – 51 sutras II. Sadhana Pada – 55 sutras III. Vibhuti Pada – 55 sutras IV. Kaivalya Pada – 34 sutras Total = 195 sutras 10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 7
  • 8. I. Samadhi Pada  Goal is fixed  What is the Goal of Yoga?  Definition of Yoga – “Yoga Chittavritti Nirodhah”  1st Sutra – “Atha Yoga Anushasanam”  Different types of Samadhis  Sahayak & Badhak Tatvas  What means to adopt to reach the Goal? 10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 8
  • 9. II. Sadhana Pada  Maharshi Patanjali has given many Yoga Practices (Sadhanas) like –  Kriya Yoga  Abhyas-Vairagya  Ashtang Yoga  Ishwar Pranidhana 10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 9
  • 10. III. Vibhuti Pada  On the way to the ultimate goal, the aspirants get many powers due to practices, austerities. These are Vibhuties or Siddhis.  Explanation of these siddhis  Types of siddhis 10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 10
  • 11. IV. Kaivalya Pada  Kaivalya means attaining Moksha (Oneness)  Which Samadhi aspirants must attain?  Samadhi types 10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 11
  • 12. I. Samadhi Pada  Yoga definition  Types of Samadhis  Vrittis  Abhyas-Vairagya  Yoga Antaraya 10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 12
  • 13. I. Samadhi Pada  Yoga definition – Yoga Chitta Vritti Nirodhah means Yoga is total cessation of modifications of Mind (Chitta) 10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 13
  • 14. Samadhi Pada Types of Samadhis – 1. Sampragyat Samadhi 2. Asampragyat Samadhi Types of Sampragyat Samadhi – 3. Vitark - 4. Vichara - 5. Ananda - 6. Asmita - 10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 14
  • 15. Difference between Samprajnata and Asamprajnata Samadhi 10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 15 In meditation there are two different states depending upon the consciousness of the yogi. That samadhi where the consciousness of the yogi retains his sense of I'ness, that is, his nature, personality, etc. remains is called as samprajnata samadhi. In it there remains analysis, deliberation, sense of the outer world, along with feeling of happiness. So the Patnatjali yoga sutra defines as thus: vitarkavicārānandāsmitārūpānugamātsaṃprajñātaḥ [PYS - 1.17] - Cognitive meditation is accompanied by reasoning, discrimination, bliss and the sense of 'I am.' But other than it where the personal I'ness doesn't remain, that is, the individuality is lost and the mind is free of analysis, reflection, sense of the world, etc. is called as asamprajnata samadhi:
  • 16. Samadhi Pada Types of Samadhis – 10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 16
  • 17. Samadhi Pada Vrittis (Kinds of thoughts) 1-Praman – knowing correctly 2-Viparyay – knowing incorrectly 3-Vikalp – fantasy or imagination 4-Nidra- deep sleep 5-Smriti- recollection of memory These must be removed totally from life. 10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 17
  • 18. Samadhi Pada Abhyas-Vairagya  How to do Chitta Vritti nirodhah – stop modifications of Chitta?  Methods/Techniques/Practices  By Abhyas-Vairagya, these vrittis can be stopped.  Abhyas – continues efforts to attain a thing/state. Practices of Chitta, Speech and Acts to attain siddhis/powers.  Vairagya- Vairagya is born out of Vivek (discrimination between Satya & Asatya.  Vairagya is to hold Satya and leave Asatya.  Dispassion towards worldy, ephermal, temporary enjoyments. 10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 18
  • 20. Samadhi Pada Yoga Antaraya (Badhak Tatvas)  Badhak Tatvas – obstacles in Yoga way. Those that pull us down off the Yoga path. 1. Vyadhi – Physical/Mental illness. Imbalances of Vata, Pitta, Kapha 2. Styan – Disinterested in doing right things. 3. Samshay – means doubt. Trust deficit. No faith. A person with doubts cannot progress in Yoga way. 4. Pramada – Careless, irregular practice. After abandoning these nine Yoga Antarayas only Samadhi can be attained 10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 20
  • 21. Samadhi Pada Yoga Antaraya 5. Alasya – Laziness, Lethargy, excessive Tamoguna. 6. Avirati - Deficiency of Vairagya. No dispassion for worldly matters/enjoyments. 7. Bhranti Darshan – Illussions, false knowledge, incomplete informations, incorrect sources 8. Alabdhabhumikatva – Not able to attain Samadhi for some reason. 9. Anuvasthitatva – inconsistent in Samadhi. After abandoning these nine Yoga Antarayas only Samadhi can be attained 10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 21
  • 22. Chitta Bhumis  What is Chitta?  What are Chitta Bhumis? 1. Kshipt – Rajaguna more. Restless, energetic, active, impulsive 2. Mudha – Tamaguna more. Laziness, stressful, sleepy 3. Vikshipt – Rajaguna & Satvaguna alternatively more. Unstable/inconsistent state. Impulsive & Intelligent both intermittently. 4. Ekagra – Satguna more. Concentrated Chitta. Sampragyat Samadhi. 5. Niruddha – Heightened state of Sampragyat Samadhi. In Ekagra avastha, one devlops vairagya. In Niruddha avastha, one develops para-vairagya. (heightened state of vairagya) This leads to Asampragyat Samadhi. 10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 22
  • 25. Chitta Bhumis  What is Chitta?  What are Chitta Bhumis? 1. Kshipt – Rajaguna more. Restless, energetic, active, impulsive 2. Mudha – Tamaguna more. Laziness, stressful, sleepy 3. Vikshipt – Rajaguna & Satvaguna alternatively more. Unstable/inconsistent state. Impulsive & Intelligent both intermittently. 4. Ekagra – Satguna more. Concentrated Chitta. Sampragyat Samadhi. 5. Niruddha – Heightened state of Sampragyat Samadhi. In Ekagra avastha, one devlops vairagya. In Niruddha avastha, one develops para-vairagya. (heightened state of vairagya) This leads to Asampragyat Samadhi. 10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 25
  • 26. Chitta Bhumis  What is Chitta?  What are Chitta Bhumis? 1. Kshipt – Rajaguna more. Restless, energetic, active, impulsive 2. Mudha – Tamaguna more. Laziness, stressful, sleepy 3. Vikshipt – Rajaguna & Satvaguna alternatively more. Unstable/inconsistent state. Impulsive & Intelligent both intermittently. 4. Ekagra – Satguna more. Concentrated Chitta. Sampragyat Samadhi. 5. Niruddha – Heightened state of Sampragyat Samadhi. In Ekagra avastha, one devlops vairagya. In Niruddha avastha, one develops para-vairagya. (heightened state of vairagya) This leads to Asampragyat Samadhi. 10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 26
  • 27. Chitta Prasadana Methods of Chitta Prasadana – How to make the Chitta happy. 1. Maitri – friendly with prosperous persons 2. Karuna – compassionate with unfortunate, unhappy, deprived persons 3. Mudita – happy/contented with noble souls, honest, religious persons. 4. Upeksha – ignore evil minded, values deficient, Tamogun affected persons. This way the Chitta will be in happy state! 10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 27
  • 28. Sadhana Pada Means/Practices/Sadhanas to advance in Yoga way, towards Moksha.  Maharshi Patanjali has given many Yoga Practices (Sadhanas) like –  Kriya Yoga  Abhyas Vairagya  Ashtang Yoga  Ishwar Pranidhana 10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 28
  • 29. Sadhana Pada Kriya Yoga 1. Tapas – to bear the extreme dualities (dwando ko sahan karana) like – good-bad, happy-sad, profit-loss, win-loss, pleasure-pain, hot-cold, etc. prosperity-poverty, comfort- hardships. To be even minded in these dualities. 2. Swadhyaya – Study of Self and self. Study of scriptures – vedas, upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, Yoga darshana, etc which guides the aspirant in Yoga way and leads towards Moksha. 3. Ishwarpranidhana – Surrender to God all actions and fruits. To go in the protection/patronage of God. Total Surrender. Merge. Dissolve. When these three are followed, Kriya Yoga is practiced. One can attain Moksha by practicing Kriya Yoga. 10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 29
  • 30. Sadhana Pada Panch Kleshas Kleshas are causes of ones unhappiness and misery. Must be given up to advance in Yoga way. 1. Avidhya – Ignorance is the mother of all kleshas. To see truth in untruth & vice-versa, eternal in ephermal & vice-versa, good-bad, pure-impure, right-wrong. 2. Asmita – To equate drak shakti and darshan shakti which are actually different. 3. Raag – Like, prefer, partial. 4. Dvesha – Dislike, avoid, unjust. 5. Abhinivesha– Fear of death, which is certain. Clinging to life. These are five kleshas – causes of misery. 10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 30
  • 32. Sadhana Pada Panch Kleshas 10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 32
  • 33. Sadhana Pada 10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 33 Ashtang Yoga “Yama niyama asana pran ayama pratyahara dharan a dhyana Samadhi ayoashtav angan i’’ (II Sutra 29) “Restraint, observance, postures, regulation of breath, substitute food for the mind, ability of the mind to focus, meditation and higher states of consciousness are eight limbs of yoga.” 1. Yama – Ahimsa, Satya, Asteya, Brahmacharya, Aparigraha 2. Niyama – Shouch, Santosh, Tapas, Swadhyaya, Ishwarpranidhana. 3. Asana 4. Pranayama 5. Pratyahara 6. Dharana 7. Dhyana 8. Samadhi
  • 34. Sadhana Pada Ashtang Yoga 10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 34
  • 36. Ashtang Yoga 1. Yama 1. Ahimsa: non-violence, non-harming, non-injury (2.35) 2. Satya: truthfulness, honesty (2.36) 3. Asteya: non-stealing, abstention from theft (2.37) 4. Brahmacharya: walking in awareness of the highest reality, continence, remembering the divine, practicing the presence of God (2.38) 5. Aparigraha: non-possessiveness, non-holding through senses, non-greed, non-grasping, non-indulgence, non-acquisitiveness (2.39) (Self restraints for Social harmony to be practiced by all, everywhere – Sarvabhoumik Mahavratas) 10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 36
  • 37. Ashtang Yoga 2. Niyama 1. Shaucha: purity of body and mind (2.40, 2.41) 2. Santosha: contentment (2.42) 3. Tapah: training the senses, austerities, ascesis (2.43) 4. Svadhyaya: self-study, reflection on sacred words (2.44) 5. Ishvara pranidhana: surrender; (ishvara = creative source, causal field, God, supreme Guru or teacher; pranidhana = practicing the presence, dedication, devotion, surrender of fruits of practice) (2.45) (Self restraints for Personal Development) 10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 37
  • 38. Ashtang Yoga 3. Asana “Sthirasukhamasanam’’ (II Sūtra 46) 1. - “That posture which is steady and comfortable is āsana.” “Prayatnashaithilyanantasamapattibhyām’’ (II Sūtra 47) 2. - “Letting go of the effort and uniting with the infinite.” “Tato dwandanabhighataha’’ (II Sūtra 48) 3. - “Then, all the duality in you is rooted 10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 38
  • 39. Ashtang Yoga 4. Pranayama “Tasminsati shwasaprashwasayorgativicchedaha pranayamaha’’ (II Sutra 49) “In that state of being in asana or posture, breaking the movement of inspiratory or expiratory breath is regulation of breath.” “Bahyabhyantarastambhavruttirdeshakalasankhyabhihi paridrashto dirghasukshmaha’’ (II Sutra 50) “Internal and external breath and total restraint of breath is regulated by place, time and number and thus the breath becomes long and subtle.” “Bahyabhyantaravishayakshepi chaturthaha’’ (II Sutra 51) “The fourth type of pranayama happens when the regions or spheres of internal and external breaths have been gone beyond of.” (Breath Control) 10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 39
  • 40. Ashtang Yoga 5. Pratyahara “sva vishaya asamprayoge chittasya svarupe anukarah iva indriyanam pratyaharah” (II Sutra 54) When the mental organs of senses and actions (indriyas) cease to be engaged with the corresponding objects in their mental realm, and assimilate or turn back into the mind-field from which they arose, this is called pratyahara. (Sense withdrawal) 10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 40
  • 41. Ashtang Yoga 6. Dharana “deshah bandhah chittasya dharana” (II Sutra 1) Concentration (dharana) is the process of holding or fixing the attention of mind onto one object or place, and is the sixth of the eight rungs. (Concentration) 10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 41
  • 42. Ashtang Yoga 7. Dhyana “tatra pratyaya ekatanata dhyanam” (III Sutra 2) The repeated continuation, or uninterrupted stream of that one point of focus is called absorption in meditation (dhyana), and is the seventh of the eight steps. (Meditation) 10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 42
  • 43. Ashtang Yoga 8. Samadhi “tad eva artha matra nirbhasam svarupa shunyam iva samadhih” (III Sutra 3) When only the essence of that object, place, or point shines forth in the mind, as if devoid even of its own form, that state of deep absorption is called deep concentration or samadhi, which is the eighth rung. (Absorption) 10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 43
  • 44. Ashtang Yoga (Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi) Dharana (concentration), dhyana (meditation), and samadhi are the final three rungs of Yoga, and are collectively known as samyama. Stages of attention: It is attention itself, which is progressively moving inward through these few stages: 10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 44 “tad jayat prajna lokah” (III Sutra 5) Through the mastery of that three-part process of samyama, the light of knowledge, transcendental insight, or higher consciousness (prajna) dawns, illumines, flashes, or is visible.
  • 47. Om TAT SAT 10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 47