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10/16/2018 1
YOGA Theory
– for AYUSH Exam
- Deepak D. Khaire
BADHAK TATTWAS : Causes of Failure
in Path of Yoga as per Hatha Pradipika
Vivekananda Kendra - Kaushalam, Hyderabad 3
• Utsah…Enthusiasm –positive attitude /constant
• Sahas - Courage --internal one
• Dhairya –perseverance – regular practice
• Tatvajnana -discriminative knowledge
• Nischaya - - determination
• Janasangparityag - staying away from public-
social interactions – negative influences
Vivekananda Kendra - Kaushalam, Hyderabad 4
SADHAK TATTWAS : Causes of Success
in Path of Yoga as per Hatha Pradipika
Pancha Koshais the concept in yogic philosophy that there are
five layers, or sheaths, around the human soul. The term comes from the
Sanskrit pancha, meaning “five,” and kosha meaning “sheath.”
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Contents of Hatha Yoga Pradipika
• Shatkarmas – 6 cleansing techniques
• Asanas – body postures
• Pranayama – control of prana / breath
• Mudras – psychic gestures (inducing
mental attitudes)
• Bandhas – Energy locks
Shatkarma – Cleansing
• To remove accumulated toxins in the body.
• Homeostasis – Balance of entire body
and mind, especially the Nervous system
and endocrine system.
• Removing blockages to Nadis.
• Awakening the psychic faculties.
6 Shatkarmas
• Neti – nasal cleansing
• Dhouti – internal cleansing
• Basti – yogic enema
• Nouli – abdominal massage
• Kapalbhati – frontal brain cleansing or
cleansing of lungs
• Trataka – cleansing of eyes
• Pranayama – control & extension of prana
(vital force)
• Emotions, desires create blockages in
nadis, blockages dissipates energy, aim of
pranayama is to clear this blockages.
• 8 types of pranayama in Hatha yoga.
• Preparation - Nadi Shodhan or Anuloma
Viloma or Alternate nostril breathing
(purifying the Pingala & Ida)
Types of Pranayama
• Surya Bhedan – right nostril breath
• Ujjayi – Victorious breath / psychic breath
• Sitkari – Cooling breath
• Shitali – Cooling breath
• Bhramari – Humming bee breath
• Bhastrika – Bellows breath
• Murchha – Swooning or fainting breath
• Plavini – Gulping breath
Mudras & Bandhas
• Mudras – Psychic gestures which induce a
particular state of mind.
• Bandhas – Pranic Energy locks
• Mudras & Bandhas control the pranic energy,
which is awakened with pranayama practice.
• 10 Mudras & 3 Bandhas in Hatha Yoga
• Janaldar Bandha – chin lock
• Moola Bandha – root lock
• Uddiyan Bandha – Abdominal lock
Panch Bhutas
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Pancha Bhoota or Pancha Maha-Bhoota , five
great elements, also five physical elements, is a group of five
basic elements, which, according to Hinduism, is the basis of all
cosmic creation – Akasa, Vayu, Agni, Jala, Prithvi
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Vivekananda Kendra - Kaushalam,
Concept of Ghat &
Ghat Shuddhi
(as per Gherund Samhita)
The Human being (body along
with mind) is compared by Sage
Gherund to a Ghat or Vessel.
This Ghat needs to be tempered
with the fire of Yoga which is akin
to purification of the physiological
structure of the human being in
order to make it capable of
reaching the climax of the Yogic
practice. This process of
purification can be termed as
Ghat Shuddhi. And is effected or
brought about by the practice of
Saptangas of the Saptang Yoga.
Vivekananda Kendra - Kaushalam, Hyderabad 25
Concept of Ghat & Ghat Shuddhi
Vivekananda Kendra - Kaushalam, Hyderabad 26
Concept of Ghat & Ghat Shuddhi
1. Shatkarma for body cleansing,
2. Asana for body strengthening,
3. Mudra for body steadying,
4. Pratyahara for mind calming,
5. Pranayama for inner lightness,
6. Dhyana for inner perception,
7. Samādhi for self liberation and bliss
Saptangas as per Gherund Samhita
16 October 2018 Vivekananda Kendra Kaushalam - Hyderabad 28
Karma Yoga
16 October 2018 Vivekananda Kendra Kaushalam - Hyderabad 29
Law of Karma
16 October 2018 Vivekananda Kendra Kaushalam - Hyderabad 30
Karma Yoga
16 October 2018 Vivekananda Kendra Kaushalam - Hyderabad 31
Karma Yoga
Samadhi Pada
Vrittis (Kinds of thoughts)
1-Praman – knowing correctly
2-Viparyay – knowing incorrectly
3-Vikalp – fantasy or imagination
4-Nidra- deep sleep
5-Smriti- recollection of memory
These must be removed totally from life.
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Samadhi Pada
Yoga Antaraya (Badhak Tatvas)
 Badhak Tatvas – obstacles in Yoga way. Those
that pull us down off the Yoga path.
1. Vyadhi – Physical/Mental illness. Imbalances of Vata,
Pitta, Kapha
2. Styan – Disinterested in doing right things.
3. Samshay – means doubt. Trust deficit. No faith. A
person with doubts cannot progress in Yoga way.
4. Pramada – Careless, irregular practice.
After abandoning these nine Yoga Antarayas only Samadhi
can be attained
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Samadhi Pada
Yoga Antaraya
5. Alasya – Laziness, Lethargy, excessive Tamoguna.
6. Avirati - Deficiency of Vairagya. No dispassion for worldly
7. Bhranti Darshan – Illussions, false knowledge, incomplete
informations, incorrect sources
8. Alabdhabhumikatva – Not able to attain Samadhi for some
9. Anuvasthitatva – inconsistent in Samadhi.
After abandoning these nine Yoga Antarayas only Samadhi can be attained
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Chitta Bhumis
 What is Chitta?
 What are Chitta Bhumis?
1. Kshipt – Rajaguna more. Restless, energetic, active,
2. Mudha – Tamaguna more. Laziness, stressful, sleepy
3. Vikshipt – Rajaguna & Satvaguna alternatively more.
Unstable/inconsistent state. Impulsive & Intelligent both
4. Ekagra – Satguna more. Concentrated Chitta.
Sampragyat Samadhi.
5. Niruddha – Heightened state of Sampragyat Samadhi.
In Ekagra avastha, one devlops vairagya.
In Niruddha avastha, one develops para-vairagya.
(heightened state of vairagya)
This leads to Asampragyat Samadhi.
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Chitta Bhumis
1. Mudha – Tamaguna more. Laziness, stressful, sleepy
2. Kshipt – Rajaguna more. Restless, energetic, active, impulsive
3. Vikshipt – Rajaguna & Satvaguna alternatively more.
Unstable/inconsistent state. Impulsive & Intelligent both intermittently.
4. Ekagra – Satguna more. Concentrated Chitta. Sampragyat
5. Niruddha – Heightened state of Sampragyat Samadhi.
In Ekagra avastha, one devlops vairagya.
In Niruddha avastha, one develops para-vairagya. (heightened
state of vairagya)
This leads to Asampragyat Samadhi.
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Chitta Prasadana
Methods of Chitta Prasadana – How to make the
Chitta happy.
1. Maitri – friendly with prosperous persons
2. Karuna – compassionate with less fortunate,
unhappy, deprived persons
3. Mudita – happy/contented with noble souls,
honest, religious persons.
4. Upeksha – ignore evil minded, values
deficient, Tamogun affected persons.
This way the Chitta will be in happy state!
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Sadhana Pada
Kriya Yoga
1. Tapas – to bear the extreme dualities (dwando ko sahan
karana) like – good-bad, happy-sad, profit-loss, win-loss,
pleasure-pain, hot-cold, etc. prosperity-poverty, comfort-
hardships. To be even minded in these dualities.
2. Swadhyaya – Study of Self and self. Study of
scriptures – vedas, upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, Yoga
darshana, etc which guides the aspirant in Yoga way and leads
towards Moksha.
3. Ishwarpranidhana – Surrender to God all
actions and fruits. To go in the protection/patronage of God.
Total Surrender. Merge. Dissolve.
When these three are followed, Kriya Yoga is practiced.
One can attain Moksha by practicing Kriya Yoga.
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Sadhana Pada
Panch Kleshas
Kleshas are causes of ones unhappiness and misery. Must be given up to
advance in Yoga way.
1. Avidhya – Ignorance is the mother of all kleshas. To see truth in
untruth & vice-versa, eternal in ephermal & vice-versa, good-bad,
pure-impure, right-wrong.
2. Asmita – To equate drak shakti and darshan shakti which are
actually different.
3. Raag – Like, prefer, partial.
4. Dvesha – Dislike, avoid, unjust.
5. Abhinivesha– Fear of death, which is certain. Clinging to
These are five kleshas – causes of misery.
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Sadhana Pada
Panch Kleshas
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Sadhana Pada
Ashtang Yoga
“Yama niyama asana pran ayama pratyahara dharan a dhyana Samadhi ayoashtav
angan i’’ (II Sutra 29)
“Restraint, observance, postures, regulation of breath, substitute food for the
mind, ability of the mind to focus, meditation and higher states of
consciousness are eight limbs of yoga.”
1. Yama – Ahimsa, Satya, Asteya, Brahmacharya, Aparigraha
2. Niyama – Shouch, Santosh, Tapas, Swadhyaya, Ishwarpranidhana.
3. Asana
4. Pranayama
5. Pratyahara
6. Dharana
7. Dhyana
8. Samadhi
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Sadhana Pada
Ashtang Yoga
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Ashtang Yoga
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Ashtang Yoga
1. Yama
1. Ahimsa: non-violence, non-harming, non-injury (2.35)
2. Satya: truthfulness, honesty (2.36)
3. Asteya: non-stealing, abstention from theft (2.37)
4. Brahmacharya: walking in awareness of the highest reality,
continence, remembering the divine, practicing the presence of God
5. Aparigraha: non-possessiveness, non-holding through senses,
non-greed, non-grasping, non-indulgence, non-acquisitiveness (2.39)
(Self restraints for Social harmony to be practiced by all,
everywhere – Sarvabhoumik Mahavratas)
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Ashtang Yoga
2. Niyama
1. Shaucha: purity of body and mind (2.40, 2.41)
2. Santosha: contentment (2.42)
3. Tapah: training the senses, austerities, ascesis (2.43)
4. Svadhyaya: self-study, reflection on sacred words
5. Ishvara pranidhana: surrender; (ishvara = creative
source, causal field, God, supreme Guru or teacher;
pranidhana = practicing the presence, dedication,
devotion, surrender of fruits of practice) (2.45)
(Self restraints for Personal Development)
10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 55
In the Srimad-Bhagavatam and the Vishnu Purana it is told that the
nine forms of Bhakti are
1. Sravanam (hearing of God's Lilas and stories),
2. Kirtanam (singing of His glories),
3. Smaranam (remembrance of His name and presence),
4. Padasevanam (service of His feet),
5. Archanam (worship of God),
6. Vandanam (prostration to Lord),
7. Dasyam (cultivating the Bhava of a servant with God),
8. Sakhyam (cultivation of the friend-Bhava) and
9. Atmanivedanam (complete surrender of the self).
A devotee can practice any method of Bhakti which suits him best.
Through that he will attain Divine illumination.
Jnana Yoga
Three Stages of Jnana Yoga Practice
1. Sravanam : Listening or absorbing the
2. Mananam : Reflection or
contemplation involving reasoning and
arriving at intellectual convictions.
3. Nidhidhyasanam : Repeated
meditation on convictions/truths
accepted or implementation of
convictions or attaining to oneness of
reality. 16 October 2018 Vivekananda Kendra - Kaushalam 60
Three Stages of Jnana Yoga
1. Sravanam : Listening or absorbing the
16 October 2018 Vivekananda Kendra - Kaushalam 61
2. Mananam : Reflection or
contemplation involving reasoning and
arriving at intellectual convictions.
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Three Stages of Jnana Yoga
3 Nidhidhyasanam : Repeated
meditation on convictions/truths accepted
or implementation of convictions or
attaining to oneness of reality.
16 October 2018 Vivekananda Kendra - Kaushalam 63
Three Stages of Jnana Yoga
Jnana Yoga
Jnana Yoga is known as the
“treacherous path” and is so deep that it
is commonly the last path
achieved/undertaken. It requires
tremendous strength of will and intellect.16 October 2018 Vivekananda Kendra - Kaushalam 65
Four Stages of Jnana
Sadhana Chathusthaya
1. Viveka – Discrimination between
real & unreal, eternal & ephemeral. The
firm conviction that Brahman alone is
real and the universe of name & form is
unreal. 16 October 2018 Vivekananda Kendra - Kaushalam 66
2. Vairagya – Non-attachment to fruits
of action done either for here or here in
after, which results in the absence of
desire for transitory enjoyments.
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Four Stages of Jnana
Sadhana Chathusthaya
Jnana Yoga
Four Stages of Jnana
Sadhana Chathusthaya
3. Shatsampathi – Six attributes as follows:
i. Shama – Calmness – Resting the mind steadfastly on Brahman.
ii. Dama – Self-control – Turning both Jnanendriyas (organs of
senses) and karmendriyas (organs of actions) away from vishayas
(objects of senses).
iii. Uparati – Detachment or self-withdrawal – This consists in the
mind function ceasing to be affected by external world of objects.
iv. Titiksha – Endurance or patience – Developing a state of mind
that allows patient bearing of all afflictions without any grievance or
v. Shraddha – Faith & Sincerity - A firm conviction in the scriptures
and the Guru.
vi. Samadhan – Not losing sight of goal – Constant contact of the16 October 2018 Vivekananda Kendra - Kaushalam 68
Jnana Yoga
Four Stages of Jnana SadhanaChathusthaya
4. Mumukshutva – Yearning for freedom –
The intense desire to free oneself (by realizing the
true nature) from all bondages – from egoism to the
identification with the body – bondages
superimposed by the Avidya or ignorance.
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16 October 2018 Vivekananda Kendra - Kaushalam 70
Jnana Yoga

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Deepak Khaire

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Yoga Theory - for AYUSH EXAM

  • 1. 10/16/2018 1 YOGA Theory – for AYUSH Exam - Deepak D. Khaire
  • 2.
  • 3. BADHAK TATTWAS : Causes of Failure in Path of Yoga as per Hatha Pradipika Vivekananda Kendra - Kaushalam, Hyderabad 3
  • 4. • Utsah…Enthusiasm –positive attitude /constant inspiration • Sahas - Courage --internal one • Dhairya –perseverance – regular practice • Tatvajnana -discriminative knowledge • Nischaya - - determination • Janasangparityag - staying away from public- social interactions – negative influences Vivekananda Kendra - Kaushalam, Hyderabad 4 SADHAK TATTWAS : Causes of Success in Path of Yoga as per Hatha Pradipika
  • 5.
  • 6. Pancha Koshais the concept in yogic philosophy that there are five layers, or sheaths, around the human soul. The term comes from the Sanskrit pancha, meaning “five,” and kosha meaning “sheath.” 10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra - Kaushalam, Hyderabad 6
  • 7. 10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra - Kaushalam, Hyderabad 7
  • 8. 10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra - Kaushalam, Hyderabad 8
  • 9.
  • 10. Contents of Hatha Yoga Pradipika • Shatkarmas – 6 cleansing techniques • Asanas – body postures • Pranayama – control of prana / breath • Mudras – psychic gestures (inducing mental attitudes) • Bandhas – Energy locks
  • 11. Shatkarma – Cleansing tech. • To remove accumulated toxins in the body. • Homeostasis – Balance of entire body and mind, especially the Nervous system and endocrine system. • Removing blockages to Nadis. • Awakening the psychic faculties.
  • 12. 6 Shatkarmas • Neti – nasal cleansing • Dhouti – internal cleansing • Basti – yogic enema • Nouli – abdominal massage • Kapalbhati – frontal brain cleansing or cleansing of lungs • Trataka – cleansing of eyes
  • 13.
  • 14. Pranayama • Pranayama – control & extension of prana (vital force) • Emotions, desires create blockages in nadis, blockages dissipates energy, aim of pranayama is to clear this blockages. • 8 types of pranayama in Hatha yoga. • Preparation - Nadi Shodhan or Anuloma Viloma or Alternate nostril breathing (purifying the Pingala & Ida)
  • 15. Types of Pranayama • Surya Bhedan – right nostril breath • Ujjayi – Victorious breath / psychic breath • Sitkari – Cooling breath • Shitali – Cooling breath • Bhramari – Humming bee breath • Bhastrika – Bellows breath • Murchha – Swooning or fainting breath • Plavini – Gulping breath
  • 16. Mudras & Bandhas • Mudras – Psychic gestures which induce a particular state of mind. • Bandhas – Pranic Energy locks • Mudras & Bandhas control the pranic energy, which is awakened with pranayama practice. • 10 Mudras & 3 Bandhas in Hatha Yoga • Janaldar Bandha – chin lock • Moola Bandha – root lock • Uddiyan Bandha – Abdominal lock
  • 17.
  • 18. Panch Bhutas 10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra - Kaushalam, Hyderabad 18
  • 19. Pancha Bhoota or Pancha Maha-Bhoota , five great elements, also five physical elements, is a group of five basic elements, which, according to Hinduism, is the basis of all cosmic creation – Akasa, Vayu, Agni, Jala, Prithvi 10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra - Kaushalam, Hyderabad 19
  • 20. 10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra - Kaushalam, Hyderabad 20
  • 21. 10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra - Kaushalam, Hyderabad 21
  • 22. 10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra - Kaushalam, Hyderabad 22
  • 23.
  • 24. Vivekananda Kendra - Kaushalam, Hyderabad 24 Concept of Ghat & Ghat Shuddhi (as per Gherund Samhita)
  • 25. The Human being (body along with mind) is compared by Sage Gherund to a Ghat or Vessel. This Ghat needs to be tempered with the fire of Yoga which is akin to purification of the physiological structure of the human being in order to make it capable of reaching the climax of the Yogic practice. This process of purification can be termed as Ghat Shuddhi. And is effected or brought about by the practice of Saptangas of the Saptang Yoga. Vivekananda Kendra - Kaushalam, Hyderabad 25 Concept of Ghat & Ghat Shuddhi
  • 26. Vivekananda Kendra - Kaushalam, Hyderabad 26 Concept of Ghat & Ghat Shuddhi 1. Shatkarma for body cleansing, 2. Asana for body strengthening, 3. Mudra for body steadying, 4. Pratyahara for mind calming, 5. Pranayama for inner lightness, 6. Dhyana for inner perception, 7. Samādhi for self liberation and bliss Saptangas as per Gherund Samhita
  • 27.
  • 28. 16 October 2018 Vivekananda Kendra Kaushalam - Hyderabad 28 Karma Yoga
  • 29. 16 October 2018 Vivekananda Kendra Kaushalam - Hyderabad 29 Law of Karma
  • 30. 16 October 2018 Vivekananda Kendra Kaushalam - Hyderabad 30 Karma Yoga
  • 31. 16 October 2018 Vivekananda Kendra Kaushalam - Hyderabad 31 Karma Yoga
  • 32.
  • 33. Samadhi Pada Vrittis (Kinds of thoughts) 1-Praman – knowing correctly 2-Viparyay – knowing incorrectly 3-Vikalp – fantasy or imagination 4-Nidra- deep sleep 5-Smriti- recollection of memory These must be removed totally from life. 10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 33
  • 34.
  • 36.
  • 37. Samadhi Pada Yoga Antaraya (Badhak Tatvas)  Badhak Tatvas – obstacles in Yoga way. Those that pull us down off the Yoga path. 1. Vyadhi – Physical/Mental illness. Imbalances of Vata, Pitta, Kapha 2. Styan – Disinterested in doing right things. 3. Samshay – means doubt. Trust deficit. No faith. A person with doubts cannot progress in Yoga way. 4. Pramada – Careless, irregular practice. After abandoning these nine Yoga Antarayas only Samadhi can be attained 10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 37
  • 38. Samadhi Pada Yoga Antaraya 5. Alasya – Laziness, Lethargy, excessive Tamoguna. 6. Avirati - Deficiency of Vairagya. No dispassion for worldly matters/enjoyments. 7. Bhranti Darshan – Illussions, false knowledge, incomplete informations, incorrect sources 8. Alabdhabhumikatva – Not able to attain Samadhi for some reason. 9. Anuvasthitatva – inconsistent in Samadhi. After abandoning these nine Yoga Antarayas only Samadhi can be attained 10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 38
  • 39. Chitta Bhumis  What is Chitta?  What are Chitta Bhumis? 1. Kshipt – Rajaguna more. Restless, energetic, active, impulsive 2. Mudha – Tamaguna more. Laziness, stressful, sleepy 3. Vikshipt – Rajaguna & Satvaguna alternatively more. Unstable/inconsistent state. Impulsive & Intelligent both intermittently. 4. Ekagra – Satguna more. Concentrated Chitta. Sampragyat Samadhi. 5. Niruddha – Heightened state of Sampragyat Samadhi. In Ekagra avastha, one devlops vairagya. In Niruddha avastha, one develops para-vairagya. (heightened state of vairagya) This leads to Asampragyat Samadhi. 10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 39
  • 40. Chitta Bhumis 1. Mudha – Tamaguna more. Laziness, stressful, sleepy 2. Kshipt – Rajaguna more. Restless, energetic, active, impulsive 3. Vikshipt – Rajaguna & Satvaguna alternatively more. Unstable/inconsistent state. Impulsive & Intelligent both intermittently. 4. Ekagra – Satguna more. Concentrated Chitta. Sampragyat Samadhi. 5. Niruddha – Heightened state of Sampragyat Samadhi. In Ekagra avastha, one devlops vairagya. In Niruddha avastha, one develops para-vairagya. (heightened state of vairagya) This leads to Asampragyat Samadhi. 10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 40
  • 41.
  • 42. Chitta Prasadana Methods of Chitta Prasadana – How to make the Chitta happy. 1. Maitri – friendly with prosperous persons 2. Karuna – compassionate with less fortunate, unhappy, deprived persons 3. Mudita – happy/contented with noble souls, honest, religious persons. 4. Upeksha – ignore evil minded, values deficient, Tamogun affected persons. This way the Chitta will be in happy state! 10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 42
  • 43.
  • 44. Sadhana Pada Kriya Yoga 1. Tapas – to bear the extreme dualities (dwando ko sahan karana) like – good-bad, happy-sad, profit-loss, win-loss, pleasure-pain, hot-cold, etc. prosperity-poverty, comfort- hardships. To be even minded in these dualities. 2. Swadhyaya – Study of Self and self. Study of scriptures – vedas, upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, Yoga darshana, etc which guides the aspirant in Yoga way and leads towards Moksha. 3. Ishwarpranidhana – Surrender to God all actions and fruits. To go in the protection/patronage of God. Total Surrender. Merge. Dissolve. When these three are followed, Kriya Yoga is practiced. One can attain Moksha by practicing Kriya Yoga. 10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 44
  • 45.
  • 46.
  • 47. Sadhana Pada Panch Kleshas Kleshas are causes of ones unhappiness and misery. Must be given up to advance in Yoga way. 1. Avidhya – Ignorance is the mother of all kleshas. To see truth in untruth & vice-versa, eternal in ephermal & vice-versa, good-bad, pure-impure, right-wrong. 2. Asmita – To equate drak shakti and darshan shakti which are actually different. 3. Raag – Like, prefer, partial. 4. Dvesha – Dislike, avoid, unjust. 5. Abhinivesha– Fear of death, which is certain. Clinging to life. These are five kleshas – causes of misery. 10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 47
  • 48. Sadhana Pada Panch Kleshas 10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 48
  • 49.
  • 50. Sadhana Pada Ashtang Yoga “Yama niyama asana pran ayama pratyahara dharan a dhyana Samadhi ayoashtav angan i’’ (II Sutra 29) “Restraint, observance, postures, regulation of breath, substitute food for the mind, ability of the mind to focus, meditation and higher states of consciousness are eight limbs of yoga.” 1. Yama – Ahimsa, Satya, Asteya, Brahmacharya, Aparigraha 2. Niyama – Shouch, Santosh, Tapas, Swadhyaya, Ishwarpranidhana. 3. Asana 4. Pranayama 5. Pratyahara 6. Dharana 7. Dhyana 8. Samadhi 10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 50
  • 51. Sadhana Pada Ashtang Yoga 10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 51
  • 53.
  • 54. Ashtang Yoga 1. Yama 1. Ahimsa: non-violence, non-harming, non-injury (2.35) 2. Satya: truthfulness, honesty (2.36) 3. Asteya: non-stealing, abstention from theft (2.37) 4. Brahmacharya: walking in awareness of the highest reality, continence, remembering the divine, practicing the presence of God (2.38) 5. Aparigraha: non-possessiveness, non-holding through senses, non-greed, non-grasping, non-indulgence, non-acquisitiveness (2.39) (Self restraints for Social harmony to be practiced by all, everywhere – Sarvabhoumik Mahavratas) 10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 54
  • 55. Ashtang Yoga 2. Niyama 1. Shaucha: purity of body and mind (2.40, 2.41) 2. Santosha: contentment (2.42) 3. Tapah: training the senses, austerities, ascesis (2.43) 4. Svadhyaya: self-study, reflection on sacred words (2.44) 5. Ishvara pranidhana: surrender; (ishvara = creative source, causal field, God, supreme Guru or teacher; pranidhana = practicing the presence, dedication, devotion, surrender of fruits of practice) (2.45) (Self restraints for Personal Development) 10/16/2018 Vivekananda Kendra 55
  • 56.
  • 57. BHAKTI YOGA In the Srimad-Bhagavatam and the Vishnu Purana it is told that the nine forms of Bhakti are 1. Sravanam (hearing of God's Lilas and stories), 2. Kirtanam (singing of His glories), 3. Smaranam (remembrance of His name and presence), 4. Padasevanam (service of His feet), 5. Archanam (worship of God), 6. Vandanam (prostration to Lord), 7. Dasyam (cultivating the Bhava of a servant with God), 8. Sakhyam (cultivation of the friend-Bhava) and 9. Atmanivedanam (complete surrender of the self). A devotee can practice any method of Bhakti which suits him best. Through that he will attain Divine illumination.
  • 58.
  • 59.
  • 60. Jnana Yoga Three Stages of Jnana Yoga Practice 1. Sravanam : Listening or absorbing the instructions. 2. Mananam : Reflection or contemplation involving reasoning and arriving at intellectual convictions. 3. Nidhidhyasanam : Repeated meditation on convictions/truths accepted or implementation of convictions or attaining to oneness of reality. 16 October 2018 Vivekananda Kendra - Kaushalam 60
  • 61. Three Stages of Jnana Yoga Practice 1. Sravanam : Listening or absorbing the instructions. 16 October 2018 Vivekananda Kendra - Kaushalam 61
  • 62. 2. Mananam : Reflection or contemplation involving reasoning and arriving at intellectual convictions. 16 October 2018 Vivekananda Kendra - Kaushalam 62 Three Stages of Jnana Yoga Practice
  • 63. 3 Nidhidhyasanam : Repeated meditation on convictions/truths accepted or implementation of convictions or attaining to oneness of reality. 16 October 2018 Vivekananda Kendra - Kaushalam 63 Three Stages of Jnana Yoga Practice
  • 64.
  • 65. Jnana Yoga Jnana Yoga is known as the “treacherous path” and is so deep that it is commonly the last path achieved/undertaken. It requires tremendous strength of will and intellect.16 October 2018 Vivekananda Kendra - Kaushalam 65
  • 66. Four Stages of Jnana Sadhana Chathusthaya 1. Viveka – Discrimination between real & unreal, eternal & ephemeral. The firm conviction that Brahman alone is real and the universe of name & form is unreal. 16 October 2018 Vivekananda Kendra - Kaushalam 66
  • 67. 2. Vairagya – Non-attachment to fruits of action done either for here or here in after, which results in the absence of desire for transitory enjoyments. 16 October 2018 Vivekananda Kendra - Kaushalam 67 Four Stages of Jnana Sadhana Chathusthaya
  • 68. Jnana Yoga Four Stages of Jnana Sadhana Chathusthaya 3. Shatsampathi – Six attributes as follows: i. Shama – Calmness – Resting the mind steadfastly on Brahman. ii. Dama – Self-control – Turning both Jnanendriyas (organs of senses) and karmendriyas (organs of actions) away from vishayas (objects of senses). iii. Uparati – Detachment or self-withdrawal – This consists in the mind function ceasing to be affected by external world of objects. iv. Titiksha – Endurance or patience – Developing a state of mind that allows patient bearing of all afflictions without any grievance or complaint. v. Shraddha – Faith & Sincerity - A firm conviction in the scriptures and the Guru. vi. Samadhan – Not losing sight of goal – Constant contact of the16 October 2018 Vivekananda Kendra - Kaushalam 68
  • 69. Jnana Yoga Four Stages of Jnana SadhanaChathusthaya 4. Mumukshutva – Yearning for freedom – The intense desire to free oneself (by realizing the true nature) from all bondages – from egoism to the identification with the body – bondages superimposed by the Avidya or ignorance. 16 October 2018 Vivekananda Kendra - Kaushalam 69
  • 70. 16 October 2018 Vivekananda Kendra - Kaushalam 70 Jnana Yoga