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Author: Ana Lydia Fernández- Layos
Translated by: Meera Chand
February 2008
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As we have seen in the anterior section (identification) it is very important to carry out an
analysis of gender in all stages of the project, for the following reasons:
 It helps us to ensure that both men and women are participating and benefitting
equally from the actions that are being carried out and from the resources that are being
 To examen the fundamental causes of the inequalties, which allows us to
analyse the best way to move forward through our actions:
a) To guarantee that we do not contribute to the inequalities of gender,
that traditionally imbalance the capabilty to act and move forward for the equal
rights of women
b) To contribute in transforming the attitudes and dicriminatory
practices and to re-balance gender relations
 Increase the efficiency of our actions and promote a better redistribution of
resources, specific support to those groups identifed as more vulnerable and also for an
improvement in social justice
 Promote better sustainability by taking on board the obstacles of equality
Next we will revise how to work with a focus on gender in all stages of the planning :
. Analysis of problems
. Analysis of cause and effects
. Analysis of objectives
. Analysis of alternatives
. Analysis of policies
. Preparation of budgets of gender
. Analysis of access and control of resources generated by the project
. Definition of indicators
. Matriz of planning and formulation
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The integration of a gender perspective in this stage is crucial, now that the type of intervention that is to
be carried out is to be determined by the analysis and identification of the problems.
When beginning a project and starting the planning and formulation processes, an analysis of the
principal problems detected, it is very important that we ask if the said problems affect both the men and
women and if these problems stem from the same causes for both
Therefore, it is necessary to revise, whether the diagnosis has reflected equally the interests and practical
needs and specific strategies of each group, and the vision of men and women regarding the main existing
problems and their causes.
To execute an analysis of problems with a gender perspective, we should take into account who has
identifed the principal problems; broaden the representation of women and their groups in meetings for
the participatory preparation of a problem tree and whether it is necessary to conduct these meetings
separately, for men and women. In this way we can receive equal participation from both men and
women and continue with a clearer and complete, and determine whether the problems identified are a
priority for both sexes and if they affect men and women in the same or different ways. As a result, it is
very important that we identify the main gaps in gender and the existing dynamics of the relationships
between men and women. Its important to remember that we cannot consider the domestic or family unit
as uniform, with the same problems, needs, interests and that they benefit in the same way and equally
from the results of the project, often it is the case that some members benefit at the expense of others.
Regarding this information we should take on board the specific problems derived for the gaps in gender
and the discriminatory behaviours instead of the possible general problems identified.
Next, we should know what are the causes of the problems identified and what we believe may be the
impact and direct effect of our actions for gender relations.
During the identification phrase, if an appropriate analysis was carried out of the gaps in gender and the
existing discriminatory behaviours and their causes. Once this has been completed, the analysis of
problems should systematize the information about the influential factors and their causes, and predict the
impact and effect that the actions designed will have on both sexes and gender relations.
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Our problem tree should respond to the following questions:
What situation should be changed? What problems will this cause?
Who are directly affected by the problem?
Who else could be a representative/participant?
What is the perception of those affected and the principle representative/participant of the
problem? What differences or similiarities exist between them? What are the reasons?
Does the idea of the project correspond with a problem relevant to the affected? Do
differences exist between men and women in relation to the problem identified?
Example: its necessary to verify the effects that the introduction of new technical measures will have on
the lives of the men and women, in respect, for example to the maintanence or creation of the possibilities
of employment and remuneration. This can be predicted, by analysing a change in the conditions of the
profile of activities and if, the participation of the men and women the different arenas is seen as
favorable or restrictive, and if necessary anticipate compensatory modifications
Eg. Formation in management and use of technology
For this, I suggest the following table:
Eg. Inequalities of gender in the
access to credit, one of the
greatest difficulties for women
Immediate causes:
-Family environment
-Market environment
-State environment
Family: Lack of self-
confidence, uncertainty about
finances, social restrictions of
mobility to the urban cities
Banking market: complete
Medium Term
-Family environment
-Market environment
-State environment
Structural Causes:
-Family environment
-Market environment
-State environment
Through the analysis of objectives we will preoceed to describe the situation that will prevail, once the
problems are determined and different solutions and alternatives have been identified and are being taken
on board. All of this should be carried out with a gender perspective and the records and information
disaggregated by sex (male/female).
The general and specific objectives contribute to the long term results of development and assist to
achieve and promote to gender equality, if they are formulated correctly and taking into consideration the
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problems identified (with the focus on gender). In other words, if the practical needs and strategies of
men and women from the target group have been analysed and if it has been clearly stated what are the
benefits derived from the actions for men and women. If the problem tree does not reflect the specific
problems of women or in respect to gender relations, we recommend that the definition of the objectives
of the actions is redefined.
The analysis of objectives should indicate the precise way in which the groups and/or the beneficiary
population will be involved so that they are responsible for acheiving the objectives, all information
should be disaggregated where possible by sex, class, age, profession etc..
In the analysis of alternatives, we will evaluate and select the solutions for the problems identified and the
function of the objectives that we have proposed.
Example: Aspects to take into account at the time of evaluating with a gender perspective, the
results of the organisation of a formative session, a meeting, a workshop...
. Number of men and women attending the sessions
. Social conditions, family support of the men and women participating
. Sex of the person or people facilitating the session? Is it a major influence in the whether more
or less men/women participate?
. Attention during the sessions
. Questions, active participation, appropriacy of the contents of the sessions
. Consistency and continuance of the men and women (only applicable if there are many sessions)
. Logistics that were overcome in order to attend the training: distance, transport, meals, materials,
child care...
. Number of men and women applying their knowledge
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In the analysis of alternatives it is necessary that we consider the following questions in order to
guarantee that through the selected actions we contribute to gender equality:
• How are we going to execute the activities?
Procedures, practices, methodologies?
• Who is going to participate in its execution? How
are the tasks going to be distributed? Does a structure or procedure of communication or
coordination exist? What role will the men and women play?
• Who will benefit from the results of the actions that
are being undertaken?
• What will the impact of the actions be for the men,
women and gender relations?
• How are the actions going to contribute to create
fairer gender relations; in the redistribution of responsibilities, tasks, resources,
opportunities, benefits? And the improvement of the conditions and status of women?
We should also analyse the policies that will govern the execution of the actions. Taking into account
that different policies can be categorised by function or to what degree they are recognised and take on
board gender discrimination:
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(They dont recognise any distinction between the sexes, have a traditional, patriarchal
vision, and as a result perpetuate existing gender relations, spread the exclusion of women
or relegate them to their traditional roles
(All recognise that men as well as women are agents of development and that they are
given different roles and have different levels of participation and as a result they benefit
from the processes of development in unequal ways.)
Have as an objective, to satisfy
the practical needs identified of
men and women, in agreement
with the equal distribution of
resources and responsibilities
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Reason of Intervention Indicators Verification Sources Hypothesis
Do the general objectives refer
explicitly to men and women?
Do the general objectives have
benefits for the women as well as
the men?
Do the general objectives reflect the
strategical needs of gender?
Do the indicators measure the progress of
the general objectives in relation to the
women and men and gender relations?
Are any indicators included that allow the
measurement of the impact of the general
objectives on gender?
Is the available data disaggregated by sex?
Has it been analysed in terms of gender?
What are the external factors
necessary to guarantee the
sustainability of the positive impact
that general objectives have had on
Is the specific objective sufficiently
defined in relation to men and
Do the indicators measure the progress of
the specific objectives in relation to the
women and men and gender relations?
Are any indicators included that allow the
measurement of the impact of the specific
objectives on gender?
Is the available data disaggregated by sex?
Has it been analysed in terms of gender?
What are the external factors
necessary to guarantee the
sustainability of the positive impact
that specific objectives have had on
Results Are the results taken into account
when distributing the benefits - the
roles and responsibilities of gender?
Do the results have benefits for the
women as well as the men?
Do the indicators measure the completion
of the results in relation to the women
and men and gender relations?
Are any indicators included that allow the
measurement of the impact of the results
on gender?
Is the available data disaggregated by sex?
Has it been analysed in terms of gender?
What are the external factors
necessary in order to ensure that the
results of the project benefit the
women and the promotion of better
gender equality?
Activities Do the activities take into account
gender relations when they are
Do men and women participate
fairly as representatives, decision
makers and promoters?
Resources and consumables
Are the contribution of the men and
women visible in the project? Do the
women have access and control of the
project´s resources?
Have the strategies been budgeted for
appropriately, to favour the participation fairly
of men and women and give equal access to
the benefits of the project?
Is it clear what percentage of the total budget
will directly benefit the men and women?
Have the services of specialist staff in gender
been contracted or the execution of awareness
and gender formation activities?
What are the external factors
necessary to ensure well-balanced,
continual participation from the men
and women in the project?
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The way in which funds are generated and distributed, the resources that affect the well-being of the
people and specifically the men and women. The budgets reflect the priorities and commitments of the
financial bodies, the resources available and the distribution through the function of the needs identified.
As a result, it is essential to take into account the priorities, practical needs and strategies of men and
women and if the prepared budgets maintain coherence with the objectives of out actions. In the same
way, the budgets should reflect the aims that are established to achieve gender equality through the form
in which the resources have been distributed and will distribute the benefits that will be generated through
the action.
To carry out a budgetary analysis with a focus on gender it is essential that we have sex-disaggregated
data and that all the qualitative and relevant information about the condition, position and needs of men
and women and the causes and gender discriminatory behaviours. Also we should be conscience that all
the actions have an impact on gender and that it necessary that redirect when it is convenient the
distribution of resources to promote a better equity.
Its essential that we carry out an analysis of allowance expenses that allows us to know what is the
specific amount of expense, managed to measure equity, to balance the position and condition of the
women in relation to the men (measures specifically managed by women), what is the amount spent to
managed to promote better gender equality in relation to the aims that we have created and if the
budgetary breakdown reflects the needs and interests of the men and women.
At the time of carrying out the cost-benefit analysis, incoming and outgoing costs, we should include the
contribution of the women´s social well being and quality of life through the work that they undertake in
all the fields, without leaving out the value of the care work (looking after children/dependents) that they
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The budgets for gender provide us with mechanisms to:
• Determine the real value of resources managed or generated by the women, ensuring
that the deficiencies and possible gender gaps are visible.
• Increase the transparency and justify the accounts in the budgetary process, to give
us concrete information about the expenditure and who is the beneficiary. Collection
and analysis of sex-disaggregated data.
• Through our actions know and understand if we are really supporting the groups, that
are the most disadvantaged or vulnerable. Benefits to be distributed to men, women
and groups in relation to their needs, conditions and positions. Ensuring that the
benefits received by the women are visible to all.
• Ensure that we are not distributing resources in a way that the execution of our
In this stage we will identify the types of resources and benefits that the project will need, those
that we have, those that will be generated and who will enjoy having access and control
(disaggregated by sex, class, age etc..) and we will formulate monitoring indicators that allow us
continually evaluate in general the execution of the actions:
۷ Types of resources: we should have an understanding of what the resources and benefits
could be:
. Quantative or qualitative measures
. Long-term (contribute to the sustainability, the empowerment and the
change in people´s quality of life: through resources, knowledge and capabilities
. Short-term (concludes once consumation has taken place: temporary
access to a service)
۷ Who are the beneficiaries (men, women, different groups of age, ethnicity, socio-
۷ Techiques and methods to use for the monitoring of access, control and maintanence of
the benefits
۷ Information sources:
. Sex-disaggregated data generated by the project
. Case studies
. Monitoring diagnosis
. Participatory evaluations
۷ Effects of the benefits on the lives of the men and women. Some examples:
. Better access and control of the resources of production
. Better task management (productive, domestic)
. Participation with the ability to make decisions in grassroot and local organisations and
projects and programs
۷ Define strategies to improve the analysis of the benefits
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Types of resources and benefits (quantative and qualitative measures)
• Social: self-help networks, information channels, public services…
• Personal: self-esteem, confidence, social dignity, ability to carry out actions,
express their own interests in both public and private environemnts, credibility,
• Economic: work, land, credit, money in cash, equipment, food, transport, child-
care facilities, carry out domestic tasks, social security, health insurance, housing,
health and sanitary services and care...
• Polítics: positions of leadership and mobilization of people in positions of
responsibility, opportunities for communication, access to information, negotiation,
search for consensus...
• Time: availability – hours of day or times of year, spare time, flexible hours...
• Mobility: physical limitations/movements imposed by rules and customs
• Information/Education: formal or informal education, opportunities to exchange
opinions and information
The use of gender equality indicators is essential for the following reasons:
. To make visible the invisible: the indicators will allow us to see the inequalities between men
and women in different environments and levels.
. To obtain a broad and comparative vision the situation and results in other contexts, in relation to
other communities, provinces, states...
. To know and understand the tendencies and evolution, the results of the use of these same
indicators at different times, will allow us to see if the situation of equality has got better or
worse over time.
. To measure the impact of policies, programs and projects: the indicators will allow us to see
whether the actions implemented and other external factors have contributed or not, to a better
Sex-disaggregated indicators: will allow us to measure the level to which we have achieved the
objectives (although these ways may be different for men and women), it is important that we also take
into account other factors that reflect the existing differences between different groups and people.
Thanks to the disegreated indicators we are able to demonstrate the different impacts the actions have had
on men and women and in many cases the women have been excluded from the development processes
and therefore discriminated against.
Gender indicators: variables of analysis that describe the situation and position of the men and women
in context and the relations between the two sexes allows us to measure the evolution that may come
about over time in the promotion of equality. We can measure the situation and position of the women
for example, in relation to that of the men, in relation to another time, to another geographical place etc,
qualitatively as well as quantatively. It is also important to measure and evaluate the perception that the
men and women have of the changes that are being produced.
Next, some criteria to consider in defining the gender indicators:
. Changes in the position and condition of the women (access and
control of resources, information, services, participation)
. Changes in the division of work: economical, paid and care activities
. Access and control of economical and social resources
. Distribution and availability of time
. Autonomy and decision making in different areas of their lives
Ver Anexo 10: Ojos que ven... corazones que sienten: indicadores de equidad. Ana Cecilia Escalante y María del
Rocío Peinador. Serie para la Equidad. Unión Mundial para la naturaleza, Fundación Arias para la paz y el progreso
Humano. San José, 1999.
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• Quantative Indicator:
Increase the participation of the women: indicators: more women assist and attend community meetings
• Qualitative Indicator:
Improve the quality of participation of the women in the organisations: more women make decision, hold roles of
responsibility .
. Social and political participation
. Social value
. Self-esteem, self-dependency
. Family negotiation and partnerships
• Investments • Control of resources
• Employment • Mobility
• Education • Information
• Tecnology • Organization
• Property
• Legal, social, culural,
economical, sexual and reproductive
• Credit • Leadership
• Basic services (health, water, electricity) • Decision-making
• Self-esteem
Of particular importance and the Empowerment Indicators, that allow us to measure the way in
which men and women make their own decisions, define themselves, control their resources and
benefits in all environments, participate in distinct processes, organise themselves etc…
It is important to carry out a plan with a gender perspective :
۷ Employing methodologies that encourage and allow the active participation of the target
group (men and women)
۷ Basing the plan on the results of the real analysis
۷ Organising the sessions, taking into account the needs of the target group (location, times
۷ Adapting the planning methods for the illiterate population
۷ Ensuring that all the people participating have the same opportunities to express their
point of view
Once the matriz of planning has been undertaken, it is important that we analysis the different areas, to
ensure that we are satisfied with the integration of a gender perspective in all stages2
۷ The general objectives respond to the strategical needs of gender and
explicit show what is going to be the contribution to improve the situation and condition
of the women
۷ The specific objectives are defined in relation to men and women.
. Guía Práctica para la integración de la equidad entre mujeres y hombres en los proyectos de la cooperación
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۷ Results and activities have been defined to ensure active participation
of the women in the project and ensuring that their practival needs are taking into
۷ The indicators are sex-disaggregated to measure the results and
acheivement of the objectives in relation to men and women.
۷ Indicators of gender have been identified to evaluate to what extent
the objectives have contribute to promote gender equality.
۷ The external factors of gender that have been identified as an
important part of the hypothesis that affects the project, differentiating the different
effects for men and women.
۷ If men and women are guaranteed in an equal way, access and control
of the resources and benefits of the project.
۷ Prior conditions have identified factors that could affect the
developement in terms of gender, eg. Awareness of people involved
۷ Prepared budgets for gender
۷ Have the inputs of the project contributed both for the men as well as
the women, valued in an equal way.
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Annex 8.
• March, Candida, Smyth Ines y Maitrayee Mukhopadhyay, A Guide to
Gender-Analysis Frameworks, Oxfam, 2003.
• Sojo, Diana; Sierra, Beatriz y López, Irene. Salud y Género: Guía Práctica
para profesionales de la cooperación, Médicos del Mundo, 2002.
. También se han utilizado las fuentes que se reflejaron en el apartado de Identificación.
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Annex 9.
. Escalante, Ana Cecilia y María del Rocío Peinador, Ojos que ven...
corazones que sienten: Indicadores de Equidad, Unión Mundial para la
Naturaleza, Fundación Arias para la Paz y el Progreso Humano, Serie
Hacia la Equidad, 1999.
. CEPAL (Comisión Económica para América Latina)
. PNUD (Género y Desarrollo)
. Womenwatch
. Women’s indicators and statistics (WINSTAT)
. Briefings on Development and Gender (BRIDGE)
Budgets for gender:
. Bellamy, Kate. Presupuestos de género: documento de información
para la red informal de expertos en presupuestos de género del
Consejo de Europa. 20 p. Traducción del documento en inglés, editado
en Londres por The Women’s Budget Group en 2002.
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Planning and formulation with a focus on gender

  • 3. PLANNING AND FORMULATION OF ACTIONS WITH A GENDER PERSPECTIVE INTRODUCTION PLANNING & FORMULATION WITH A A GENDER PERSPECTIVE : As we have seen in the anterior section (identification) it is very important to carry out an analysis of gender in all stages of the project, for the following reasons:  It helps us to ensure that both men and women are participating and benefitting equally from the actions that are being carried out and from the resources that are being generated  To examen the fundamental causes of the inequalties, which allows us to analyse the best way to move forward through our actions: a) To guarantee that we do not contribute to the inequalities of gender, that traditionally imbalance the capabilty to act and move forward for the equal rights of women b) To contribute in transforming the attitudes and dicriminatory practices and to re-balance gender relations  Increase the efficiency of our actions and promote a better redistribution of resources, specific support to those groups identifed as more vulnerable and also for an improvement in social justice  Promote better sustainability by taking on board the obstacles of equality development Next we will revise how to work with a focus on gender in all stages of the planning : . Analysis of problems . Analysis of cause and effects . Analysis of objectives . Analysis of alternatives . Analysis of policies . Preparation of budgets of gender . Analysis of access and control of resources generated by the project . Definition of indicators . Matriz of planning and formulation Page 3 of 16
  • 4. PLANNING AND FORMULATION OF ACTIONS WITH A GENDER PERSPECTIVE • ANALYSIS OF PROBLEMS: The integration of a gender perspective in this stage is crucial, now that the type of intervention that is to be carried out is to be determined by the analysis and identification of the problems. When beginning a project and starting the planning and formulation processes, an analysis of the principal problems detected, it is very important that we ask if the said problems affect both the men and women and if these problems stem from the same causes for both Therefore, it is necessary to revise, whether the diagnosis has reflected equally the interests and practical needs and specific strategies of each group, and the vision of men and women regarding the main existing problems and their causes. To execute an analysis of problems with a gender perspective, we should take into account who has identifed the principal problems; broaden the representation of women and their groups in meetings for the participatory preparation of a problem tree and whether it is necessary to conduct these meetings separately, for men and women. In this way we can receive equal participation from both men and women and continue with a clearer and complete, and determine whether the problems identified are a priority for both sexes and if they affect men and women in the same or different ways. As a result, it is very important that we identify the main gaps in gender and the existing dynamics of the relationships between men and women. Its important to remember that we cannot consider the domestic or family unit as uniform, with the same problems, needs, interests and that they benefit in the same way and equally from the results of the project, often it is the case that some members benefit at the expense of others. Regarding this information we should take on board the specific problems derived for the gaps in gender and the discriminatory behaviours instead of the possible general problems identified. • ANALYSIS OF CAUSES AND EFFECTS: Next, we should know what are the causes of the problems identified and what we believe may be the impact and direct effect of our actions for gender relations. During the identification phrase, if an appropriate analysis was carried out of the gaps in gender and the existing discriminatory behaviours and their causes. Once this has been completed, the analysis of problems should systematize the information about the influential factors and their causes, and predict the impact and effect that the actions designed will have on both sexes and gender relations. Page 4 of 16 Our problem tree should respond to the following questions: What situation should be changed? What problems will this cause? Who are directly affected by the problem? Who else could be a representative/participant? What is the perception of those affected and the principle representative/participant of the problem? What differences or similiarities exist between them? What are the reasons? Does the idea of the project correspond with a problem relevant to the affected? Do differences exist between men and women in relation to the problem identified?
  • 5. PLANNING AND FORMULATION OF ACTIONS WITH A GENDER PERSPECTIVE Example: its necessary to verify the effects that the introduction of new technical measures will have on the lives of the men and women, in respect, for example to the maintanence or creation of the possibilities of employment and remuneration. This can be predicted, by analysing a change in the conditions of the profile of activities and if, the participation of the men and women the different arenas is seen as favorable or restrictive, and if necessary anticipate compensatory modifications Eg. Formation in management and use of technology For this, I suggest the following table: EFFECTS GAPS IN GENDER IMMEDIATE MEDIUM TERM LONG TERM IDENTIFIED PROBLEM 1 Eg. Inequalities of gender in the access to credit, one of the greatest difficulties for women Immediate causes: -Family environment -Community environment -Market environment -State environment Family: Lack of self- confidence, uncertainty about finances, social restrictions of mobility to the urban cities Banking market: complete procedures Medium Term Causes: -Family environment -Community environment -Market environment -State environment Structural Causes: -Family environment -Community environment -Market environment -State environment IDENTIFIED PROBLEM 2 ETC. • ANALYSIS OF THE OBJECTIVES: Through the analysis of objectives we will preoceed to describe the situation that will prevail, once the problems are determined and different solutions and alternatives have been identified and are being taken on board. All of this should be carried out with a gender perspective and the records and information disaggregated by sex (male/female). The general and specific objectives contribute to the long term results of development and assist to achieve and promote to gender equality, if they are formulated correctly and taking into consideration the Page 5 of 16
  • 6. PLANNING AND FORMULATION OF ACTIONS WITH A GENDER PERSPECTIVE problems identified (with the focus on gender). In other words, if the practical needs and strategies of men and women from the target group have been analysed and if it has been clearly stated what are the benefits derived from the actions for men and women. If the problem tree does not reflect the specific problems of women or in respect to gender relations, we recommend that the definition of the objectives of the actions is redefined. The analysis of objectives should indicate the precise way in which the groups and/or the beneficiary population will be involved so that they are responsible for acheiving the objectives, all information should be disaggregated where possible by sex, class, age, profession etc.. • ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVES – POTENTIAL ACTIVITIES In the analysis of alternatives, we will evaluate and select the solutions for the problems identified and the function of the objectives that we have proposed. Example: Aspects to take into account at the time of evaluating with a gender perspective, the results of the organisation of a formative session, a meeting, a workshop... . Number of men and women attending the sessions . Social conditions, family support of the men and women participating . Sex of the person or people facilitating the session? Is it a major influence in the whether more or less men/women participate? . Attention during the sessions . Questions, active participation, appropriacy of the contents of the sessions . Consistency and continuance of the men and women (only applicable if there are many sessions) . Logistics that were overcome in order to attend the training: distance, transport, meals, materials, child care... . Number of men and women applying their knowledge Page 6 of 16 In the analysis of alternatives it is necessary that we consider the following questions in order to guarantee that through the selected actions we contribute to gender equality: • How are we going to execute the activities? Procedures, practices, methodologies? • Who is going to participate in its execution? How are the tasks going to be distributed? Does a structure or procedure of communication or coordination exist? What role will the men and women play? • Who will benefit from the results of the actions that are being undertaken? • What will the impact of the actions be for the men, women and gender relations? • How are the actions going to contribute to create fairer gender relations; in the redistribution of responsibilities, tasks, resources, opportunities, benefits? And the improvement of the conditions and status of women?
  • 7. PLANNING AND FORMULATION OF ACTIONS WITH A GENDER PERSPECTIVE • ANALYSIS OF POLICIES: We should also analyse the policies that will govern the execution of the actions. Taking into account that different policies can be categorised by function or to what degree they are recognised and take on board gender discrimination: Page 7 of 16 POLICIES THAT ARE BLIND TO THE FOCUS ON GENDER (They dont recognise any distinction between the sexes, have a traditional, patriarchal vision, and as a result perpetuate existing gender relations, spread the exclusion of women or relegate them to their traditional roles RETHINKING THE PREJUDICES AND SUPPOSITIONS RETHINKING THE PRACTICES GENDER POLICIES (All recognise that men as well as women are agents of development and that they are given different roles and have different levels of participation and as a result they benefit from the processes of development in unequal ways.) GENDER NEUTRAL POLICIES GENDER SPECIFIC POLICIES Have as an objective, to satisfy the practical needs identified of men and women, in agreement with the equal distribution of resources and responsibilities
  • 9. PLANNING AND FORMULATION OF ACTIONS WITH A GENDER PERSPECTIVE • GENDER ANALYSIS OF THE MATRIZ OF PLANNING Reason of Intervention Indicators Verification Sources Hypothesis General Objective Do the general objectives refer explicitly to men and women? Do the general objectives have benefits for the women as well as the men? Do the general objectives reflect the strategical needs of gender? Do the indicators measure the progress of the general objectives in relation to the women and men and gender relations? Are any indicators included that allow the measurement of the impact of the general objectives on gender? Is the available data disaggregated by sex? Has it been analysed in terms of gender? What are the external factors necessary to guarantee the sustainability of the positive impact that general objectives have had on gender? Specífic Objective Is the specific objective sufficiently defined in relation to men and women? Do the indicators measure the progress of the specific objectives in relation to the women and men and gender relations? Are any indicators included that allow the measurement of the impact of the specific objectives on gender? Is the available data disaggregated by sex? Has it been analysed in terms of gender? What are the external factors necessary to guarantee the sustainability of the positive impact that specific objectives have had on gender? Results Are the results taken into account when distributing the benefits - the roles and responsibilities of gender? Do the results have benefits for the women as well as the men? Do the indicators measure the completion of the results in relation to the women and men and gender relations? Are any indicators included that allow the measurement of the impact of the results on gender? Is the available data disaggregated by sex? Has it been analysed in terms of gender? What are the external factors necessary in order to ensure that the results of the project benefit the women and the promotion of better gender equality? Activities Do the activities take into account gender relations when they are planned? Do men and women participate fairly as representatives, decision makers and promoters? Resources and consumables Are the contribution of the men and women visible in the project? Do the women have access and control of the project´s resources? Budget Have the strategies been budgeted for appropriately, to favour the participation fairly of men and women and give equal access to the benefits of the project? Is it clear what percentage of the total budget will directly benefit the men and women? Have the services of specialist staff in gender been contracted or the execution of awareness and gender formation activities? What are the external factors necessary to ensure well-balanced, continual participation from the men and women in the project? Page 9 of 16
  • 10. PLANNING AND FORMULATION OF ACTIONS WITH A GENDER PERSPECTIVE • BUDGETS WITH A FOCUS ON GENDER: The way in which funds are generated and distributed, the resources that affect the well-being of the people and specifically the men and women. The budgets reflect the priorities and commitments of the financial bodies, the resources available and the distribution through the function of the needs identified. As a result, it is essential to take into account the priorities, practical needs and strategies of men and women and if the prepared budgets maintain coherence with the objectives of out actions. In the same way, the budgets should reflect the aims that are established to achieve gender equality through the form in which the resources have been distributed and will distribute the benefits that will be generated through the action. To carry out a budgetary analysis with a focus on gender it is essential that we have sex-disaggregated data and that all the qualitative and relevant information about the condition, position and needs of men and women and the causes and gender discriminatory behaviours. Also we should be conscience that all the actions have an impact on gender and that it necessary that redirect when it is convenient the distribution of resources to promote a better equity. Its essential that we carry out an analysis of allowance expenses that allows us to know what is the specific amount of expense, managed to measure equity, to balance the position and condition of the women in relation to the men (measures specifically managed by women), what is the amount spent to managed to promote better gender equality in relation to the aims that we have created and if the budgetary breakdown reflects the needs and interests of the men and women. At the time of carrying out the cost-benefit analysis, incoming and outgoing costs, we should include the contribution of the women´s social well being and quality of life through the work that they undertake in all the fields, without leaving out the value of the care work (looking after children/dependents) that they do. Page 10 of 16 The budgets for gender provide us with mechanisms to: • Determine the real value of resources managed or generated by the women, ensuring that the deficiencies and possible gender gaps are visible. • Increase the transparency and justify the accounts in the budgetary process, to give us concrete information about the expenditure and who is the beneficiary. Collection and analysis of sex-disaggregated data. • Through our actions know and understand if we are really supporting the groups, that are the most disadvantaged or vulnerable. Benefits to be distributed to men, women and groups in relation to their needs, conditions and positions. Ensuring that the benefits received by the women are visible to all. • Ensure that we are not distributing resources in a way that the execution of our
  • 11. PLANNING AND FORMULATION OF ACTIONS WITH A GENDER PERSPECTIVE • ANALYSIS OF ACCESS AND CONTROL OF THE RESOURCES AND BENEFITS THAT THE PROJECT GENERATES: In this stage we will identify the types of resources and benefits that the project will need, those that we have, those that will be generated and who will enjoy having access and control (disaggregated by sex, class, age etc..) and we will formulate monitoring indicators that allow us continually evaluate in general the execution of the actions: ۷ Types of resources: we should have an understanding of what the resources and benefits could be: . Quantative or qualitative measures . Long-term (contribute to the sustainability, the empowerment and the change in people´s quality of life: through resources, knowledge and capabilities . Short-term (concludes once consumation has taken place: temporary access to a service) ۷ Who are the beneficiaries (men, women, different groups of age, ethnicity, socio- economical..) ۷ Techiques and methods to use for the monitoring of access, control and maintanence of the benefits ۷ Information sources: . Sex-disaggregated data generated by the project . Case studies . Monitoring diagnosis . Participatory evaluations ۷ Effects of the benefits on the lives of the men and women. Some examples: . Better access and control of the resources of production . Better task management (productive, domestic) . Participation with the ability to make decisions in grassroot and local organisations and projects and programs ۷ Define strategies to improve the analysis of the benefits Page 11 of 16 Types of resources and benefits (quantative and qualitative measures) • Social: self-help networks, information channels, public services… • Personal: self-esteem, confidence, social dignity, ability to carry out actions, express their own interests in both public and private environemnts, credibility, leadership... • Economic: work, land, credit, money in cash, equipment, food, transport, child- care facilities, carry out domestic tasks, social security, health insurance, housing, health and sanitary services and care... • Polítics: positions of leadership and mobilization of people in positions of responsibility, opportunities for communication, access to information, negotiation, search for consensus... • Time: availability – hours of day or times of year, spare time, flexible hours... • Mobility: physical limitations/movements imposed by rules and customs • Information/Education: formal or informal education, opportunities to exchange opinions and information
  • 12. PLANNING AND FORMULATION OF ACTIONS WITH A GENDER PERSPECTIVE • DEFINITION OF MONITORING, EVALUATION WITH A FOCUS ON GENDER1 . The use of gender equality indicators is essential for the following reasons: . To make visible the invisible: the indicators will allow us to see the inequalities between men and women in different environments and levels. . To obtain a broad and comparative vision the situation and results in other contexts, in relation to other communities, provinces, states... . To know and understand the tendencies and evolution, the results of the use of these same indicators at different times, will allow us to see if the situation of equality has got better or worse over time. . To measure the impact of policies, programs and projects: the indicators will allow us to see whether the actions implemented and other external factors have contributed or not, to a better equality. Sex-disaggregated indicators: will allow us to measure the level to which we have achieved the objectives (although these ways may be different for men and women), it is important that we also take into account other factors that reflect the existing differences between different groups and people. Thanks to the disegreated indicators we are able to demonstrate the different impacts the actions have had on men and women and in many cases the women have been excluded from the development processes and therefore discriminated against. Gender indicators: variables of analysis that describe the situation and position of the men and women in context and the relations between the two sexes allows us to measure the evolution that may come about over time in the promotion of equality. We can measure the situation and position of the women for example, in relation to that of the men, in relation to another time, to another geographical place etc, qualitatively as well as quantatively. It is also important to measure and evaluate the perception that the men and women have of the changes that are being produced. Next, some criteria to consider in defining the gender indicators: . Changes in the position and condition of the women (access and control of resources, information, services, participation) . Changes in the division of work: economical, paid and care activities . Access and control of economical and social resources . Distribution and availability of time . Autonomy and decision making in different areas of their lives 1 Ver Anexo 10: Ojos que ven... corazones que sienten: indicadores de equidad. Ana Cecilia Escalante y María del Rocío Peinador. Serie para la Equidad. Unión Mundial para la naturaleza, Fundación Arias para la paz y el progreso Humano. San José, 1999. Page 12 of 16 Example: • Quantative Indicator: Increase the participation of the women: indicators: more women assist and attend community meetings • Qualitative Indicator: Improve the quality of participation of the women in the organisations: more women make decision, hold roles of responsibility .
  • 13. PLANNING AND FORMULATION OF ACTIONS WITH A GENDER PERSPECTIVE . Social and political participation . Social value . Self-esteem, self-dependency . Family negotiation and partnerships CONDITION INDICATORS POSITION INDICATORS • Investments • Control of resources • Employment • Mobility • Education • Information • Tecnology • Organization • Property • Legal, social, culural, economical, sexual and reproductive rights • Credit • Leadership • Basic services (health, water, electricity) • Decision-making • Self-esteem Of particular importance and the Empowerment Indicators, that allow us to measure the way in which men and women make their own decisions, define themselves, control their resources and benefits in all environments, participate in distinct processes, organise themselves etc… • MATRIZ OF PLANNING: It is important to carry out a plan with a gender perspective : ۷ Employing methodologies that encourage and allow the active participation of the target group (men and women) ۷ Basing the plan on the results of the real analysis ۷ Organising the sessions, taking into account the needs of the target group (location, times etc) ۷ Adapting the planning methods for the illiterate population ۷ Ensuring that all the people participating have the same opportunities to express their point of view Once the matriz of planning has been undertaken, it is important that we analysis the different areas, to ensure that we are satisfied with the integration of a gender perspective in all stages2 : ۷ The general objectives respond to the strategical needs of gender and explicit show what is going to be the contribution to improve the situation and condition of the women ۷ The specific objectives are defined in relation to men and women. 2 . Guía Práctica para la integración de la equidad entre mujeres y hombres en los proyectos de la cooperación española. Page 13 of 16
  • 14. PLANNING AND FORMULATION OF ACTIONS WITH A GENDER PERSPECTIVE ۷ Results and activities have been defined to ensure active participation of the women in the project and ensuring that their practival needs are taking into consideration. ۷ The indicators are sex-disaggregated to measure the results and acheivement of the objectives in relation to men and women. ۷ Indicators of gender have been identified to evaluate to what extent the objectives have contribute to promote gender equality. ۷ The external factors of gender that have been identified as an important part of the hypothesis that affects the project, differentiating the different effects for men and women. ۷ If men and women are guaranteed in an equal way, access and control of the resources and benefits of the project. ۷ Prior conditions have identified factors that could affect the developement in terms of gender, eg. Awareness of people involved ۷ Prepared budgets for gender ۷ Have the inputs of the project contributed both for the men as well as the women, valued in an equal way. Page 14 of 16
  • 15. PLANNING AND FORMULATION OF ACTIONS WITH A GENDER PERSPECTIVE Annex 8. • + SOURCES3 : • March, Candida, Smyth Ines y Maitrayee Mukhopadhyay, A Guide to Gender-Analysis Frameworks, Oxfam, 2003. • Sojo, Diana; Sierra, Beatriz y López, Irene. Salud y Género: Guía Práctica para profesionales de la cooperación, Médicos del Mundo, 2002. 3 . También se han utilizado las fuentes que se reflejaron en el apartado de Identificación. Page 15 of 16
  • 16. PLANNING AND FORMULATION OF ACTIONS WITH A GENDER PERSPECTIVE Annex 9. • + RECOMMENDED BIBLIOGRAPHY: Indicators: . Escalante, Ana Cecilia y María del Rocío Peinador, Ojos que ven... corazones que sienten: Indicadores de Equidad, Unión Mundial para la Naturaleza, Fundación Arias para la Paz y el Progreso Humano, Serie Hacia la Equidad, 1999. . CEPAL (Comisión Económica para América Latina) . PNUD (Género y Desarrollo) . Womenwatch . Women’s indicators and statistics (WINSTAT) . Briefings on Development and Gender (BRIDGE) Budgets for gender: . . Bellamy, Kate. Presupuestos de género: documento de información para la red informal de expertos en presupuestos de género del Consejo de Europa. 20 p. Traducción del documento en inglés, editado en Londres por The Women’s Budget Group en 2002. ntacion/Bellamy.pdf Page 16 of 16