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 Muscles of the head
 Muscles of the neck
 Muscles of the thorax
 Muscle of the abdomen
 Muscle of the pelvis
 Muscle of the shoulder girdle and upper limb
 Muscle of the lower limb
Craniofacial muscles.
Masticatory muscles.
Ocular & Extraocular
Auricular muscles
Laryngeal muscles
 These all muscles are innervated by branches of facial
 These muscle include: The occipitofrontalis muscle
and facial muscles.
 It is a broad muscular layer.
 It has 4 parts : 2 occipital bellies( occipitalis) ,
2 frontal bellies( frontalis).
 All 4 parts are supplied by the facial nerve.
 The muscle raises eyebrows.
 These are subcutaneous muscles.
 They bring about different facial expressions.
 During communication these muscles help to convey
 Temporoparietalis muscle
 Procerus muscle
 Nasalis muscle
 Depressor septi nasi muscle
 Orbicularis oculi muscle
 Corrugator supercilii muscle
 Depressor supercilii muscle
 Auricular muscles (anterior, superior and posterior)
 Orbicularis oris muscle
 Depressor anguli oris muscle
 Risorius
 Zygomaticus major muscle
 Zygomaticus minor muscle
 Levator labii superioris
 Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi muscle
 Depressor labii inferioris muscle
 Levator anguli oris
 Buccinator muscle
 Mentalis
 cipitofrontalis muscle
 They are also called the muscles of
mastication(chewing) .
1. Masseter
2. Temporalis
3. Medial Pterygoid
4. Lateral Pterygoid
 Platysma
 Trapezius
 Sternocleidomastoid
 Digastric
 Styloyoid
 Mylohyoid
 Geniohyoid
 Sternohyoid
 Thyrohyoid
 Omohyoid
 Longus colli
 Rectus capitis anterior
 Rectus capitis lateralis
 Scalenus anterior
 scalenus medius
 Sternothyoid
 Scalenus posterior
 It forms the “key muscle” of the neck.
 It forms the anterior surface of the manubrium part
of sternum .
 The muscle is inserted into the mastoid process of
the temporal bone.
 Nerve supply: The spinal part of the accessory
 Action: Flexes and rotates cervical spine. Protracts
head when acting together . Extends neck when neck
already partially extended .
 Origin: Skin over lower neck and upper lat chest .
 Insertion: Interior border of mandible and skin over
lower face and angle of mouth .
 Nerve supply: Cervical branch of facial nerve.
 Action: It depresses the mandible so express horror,
 These muscles occupy the intercostal spaces and
connect the adjacent ribs.
 They are arranges in 3 layers:
1. External Intercostals
2. Internal Intercostals
3. Innermost Intercostals
 Total number= 11 pairs.
 Action: Fix intercostal spaces during respiration. Aids
forced inspiration by elevating ribs .
 Total number= 11 pairs.
 Action: Fix intercostal spaces during inspiration. Aids
forced inspiration by elevating rib
 Fix intercostal spaces during respiration.
 Action: External intercostal muscle is involved in
inspiration and internal intercostal muscle is involved
in expiration
 Nerve supply: Intercostal nerve supplies here.
 Diaphragm is a large, dome-shaped partition
separating the thoracic cavity from the abdominal
 The fibrous central part of diaphragm is called the
central tendon.
 There are 2 domes: right dome and left dome.
 Right dome is supported by liver.
 Nerve supply: Phrenic nerve and intercostal nerve.
 Action: When diaphragm contracts, it facilitates
inspiration. When it relaxes , facilitates expiration.
External oblique
Internal oblique
Psoas major
Psoas minor
 Movement of trunk.
 Compression of the viscera.
 Protection of viscera.
 In respiration.
Levator ani and ccocygeus.
 They are the largest and most important muscles in
the pelvic floor.
 Posterior to ccocygeus muscle they form the pelvic
 Levator ani is divided into 3 parts:
1) Puborectalis
2) Puboccygeus
3) Ilioccygeus
 Nerve supply: Levator ani is supplied by perineal
branches of S3 & S4.
 Action: The pelvic diaphragm supports the pelvis
viscera. During parturition, the levator ani support the
fetal head.
Muscles attaching the scapula to the trunk.
Muscles attaching the humerus to the scapula.
Muscles attaching the humerus to the chest wall.
Muscles of the arm.
Muscles of the forearm.
Muscles of the hand and fingers
major and
 These muscles lies deep to the trapezius muscle.
 Origin: R major takes origin from the spinous
processes of T2-T5. R minor takes origin from the C7
and T1.
 Insertion: Both inserted to the medial border of
 Nerve supply: Both rhomboids are supplied by the
dorsal scapular nerve (C5).
 The trapezius is a broad, flat and triangular
 It covers the posterior aspect of the neck and
superior half the trunk.
 Origin: Originates from the skull, Ligamentum
nuchae and the spinous processes of C7-T12.
 Insertion: It is inserted to the clavicle,
acromion and the scapula spine.
 Nerve supply: Spinal part of accessory nerve.
 Action: The upper fibres of the trapezius
elevates the scapula and rotates it during
abduction of the arm.
 It is a broad sheet of muscles and forms the
medial wall of axilla.
Teres major
Teres minor
 Origin: Muscles take origin from the
supraspinatus & Infraspinatus fossae of
 Insertion: They inserted into the greater
tubercule of the humerus.
 Nerve supply: Suprascapulaf nerve
 Action: Medially and laterally rotates the
 It is a powerful. Multipennate muscle.
 It is shaped like the Greek letter delta.
 Origin: From the scapula and clavicle.
 Insertion: Inserted to the deltoid tuberosity
of humerus bone.
 Nerve supply: Axillary nerve.
 Action :Flexion, adduction and medial
rotation of shoulder joint & extension and
lateral rotation of arm.
 Teres major is the thick muscle of the joint.
 Origin: Lateral border of scapula.
 Insertion: Humerus.
 Nerve supply: Scapular nerve.
 Action: adduct the humerus.
 It is a narrow muscle.
 Origin: lateral border of the scapula.
 Insertion: Greater tubercule of humerus.
 Nerve supply: Axillary nerve.
 Action: laterally rotates the arm, stabilizes
 It is a large muscle covers the superficial
muscle in the thorax.
 Origin: from clavicle and sternum.
 Insertion: Inserted to humerus.
 Nerve supply: Medial & lateral pectoral
 Action: Adduction and medial rotation of
shoulder joint.
 It is a small triangular muscle lies underneath
the pectoralis major.
 Origin: origin from the 3rd to 5th ribs.
 Insertion: Coracoid process of scapula.
 Nerve supply: Medial and lateral pectoral
 Action: Protraction of scapula.
 It is a large, wide, fan-shaped muscle.
 Origin: the spinous processes of T6-T12, iliac
 Insertion: Inserted into the humerus.
 Nerve supply: Thoracodorsal nerve
 Action: Extension and medial rotation at the
shoulder joint.
 Biceps brachii
 Brachialis
 Coracobrachialis
 Triceps brachii
 The biceps brachii is a two-headed muscle.
 It has 2 head : long head and short head.
 Origin: Long head originates from the supraglenoid
tubercule of the scapula. Short head originates from
the coronoid process of the scapula.
 Insertion: Both head inserted into the radial
 Nerve supply: The musculocutaneous nerve.
 Action: Supination of forearm and flexion of
the elbow.
 Origin: shaft of the humerus.
 Insertion: coronoid process of ulna
 Nerve supply: Musculocutaneous nerve.
 Action: Flexion of elbow joint.
 Origin: coracoid process of the scapula
 Insertion: Shaft of the humerus.
 Nerve supply: Musculocutaneous nerve.
 Action: It is a weak flexor of shoulder joint.
 It arises by 3 heads: long head, lateral head
and a medial head.
 Origin: Long head arises from the scapula and
lateral , medial head arises from the humerus.
 Insertion: into the olecranon process of ulna.
 Nerve supply: Radial nerve.
 Action: Extension of elbow
 Muscles of the forearm is divided into 2
1) Anterior or flexor compartment.
2) Posterior or extensor compartment.
 Pronator teres
 Flexor carpi radialis
 Palmaris longus
 Flexor carpi ulnaris
 Flexor digitorum
 Flexor digitorum
 Flexor pollicis longus
 Pronator quadratus
1. Branchioradialis
2. Extensor carpi
radialis longus
3. Extensor carpi
radialis brevis
1. Abductor pollicis
2. Extensor pollicis
3. Extensor pollicis
4. Supinator
 Origin: Arises by humeral and ulnar heads.
 Insertion: Shaft of the radius.
 Nerve supply: Median nerve.
 Action: Pronation of forearm.
Thenar muscles
Hypothenar muscles
Lumbrical muscles
Palmar and dorsal interossei
1. Abductor pollicis brevis.
2. Flexor pollicis brevis
3. Opponens pollicis.
1. Opponens Digiti Minimi
2. Abductor Digiti Minimi
3. Flexor Digiti Minimi
 These are four lumbricals in the hand, each
associated with a finger.
 There are 4 palmar interossei and 4 dorsal
interossei .
 Palmaris brevis
 Adductor pollicis
Muscles of
the gluteal
Muscles of
the thigh
Muscles of
the leg
Muscles of
the foot
 The gluteal or buttock region is an anatomical area
located posteriorly to the pelvic girdle.
 The muscles in this region move the lower limb at
the hip joint.
 The muscles of gluteal region is divided in 2 groups :
1. Superficial muscles.
2. Deep muscles.
 The superficial muscles in the gluteal region
consist of the three glutei and the tensor
fascia lata.
 They mainly act to abduct and extend the
lower limb at the hip joint.
1. Gluteus maximus.
2. Gluteus medius.
3. Gluteus minimus.
4. Tensor fasciae latae
 The gluteal muscles form the fleshy part of
 The gluteus maximus is the largest and most
superficial muscle of gluteal region.
 The posterior one third of gluteus mediusis is
covered by gluteus maximus.
 Gluteus minimus lies beneath the medius.
 Origin: From the ilium and sacrum.
 Insertion: Inserted into the femur.
 Nerve supply: Superior and inferior gluteal
 Action: Extension of hip joint and they are
powerful abductors and lateral rotators of the
hip joint.
 The deep gluteal muscles are a set of smaller
muscles, located underneath the gluteus
 Their action is to laterally rotate the lower
Obturator Internus.
The Gemelli – Superior and Inferior.
Quadratus Femoris.
 Muscles of the thigh are divided into 3
A. Extensor or anterior compartment.
B. Adductor medial compartment.
C. Flexor or posterior compartment.
 Quadriceps femoris.
 Sartorius.
 These muscles are supplied by femoral nerve.
 The Quadriceps femoris consists of 4 muscles:
I. The Rectus femoris.
II. Vastus medialis
III. Vastus lateralis
IV. Vastus intermedius
 Origin: Rectus femoris arises from the ilium
and rest of the arises from the shaft of the
 Insertion: Into Tibial tuberosity.
 Nerve supply: Femoral nerve.
 Action: Extension of the knee.
 Sartorius is the longest muscle in the body.
 It is a long, narrow and ribbon like msucle.
 Origin: Anterior superior iliac spine.
 Insertion: Inserted to the tibia.
 Nerve supply: Femoral nerve.
 Action: Adduction and lateral rotation of
thigh & Flexion of knee joint.
A. Adductor longus
B. Adductor brevis
C. Adductor magnus
D. Pectineus
E. Gracilis
F. Obturator externus
 These all muscles are supplied by the
Obturator nerve.
 The muscles of this compartment are
collectively known as “ Hamstrings” muscle.
 Muscles of this compartment are:
1. Semitendinosus
2. Semimembranosus
3. Biceps femoris
4. Ischial head of adductor magnus.
 Nerve supply: Supplied by Sciatic nerve.
 Muscles of the leg are divided into 3
1) Muscles of the anterior compartment
2) Muscles of the lateral compartment
3) Muscles of the posterior( flexor)
 Nerve supply: Deep peroneal nerve.
 Action: These are the dorsiflexors of the foot.
 Muscles under these compartment are:
1. Tibialis anterior
2. Extensor hallucis longus
3. Extensor digitorum longus
4. Peroneus tertius.
 Nerve supply: Supplied by peroneal nerve.
 Action: They are evertors of the foot( Turns
foot outward.
 Muscles under this compartment are:
1. The peroneus longus
2. The peroneus brevis
 Gastronemius
 Plantaris
 Soleus
 Popliteus
 Flexor hallucis
 Flexor digitorum
 Tibialis anterior
 It is a large, muscle lies superficial to the
 Origin: Lateral and medial condyle of femur.
 Insertion: Calcaneus or heel bone.
 Nerve supply: Tibial nerve.
 Action: Flex the leg at the knee joint.
 Soleus means sole shaped or shaped like a
 This msucle lies deep to the Gastronemius.
 Origin: head and shaft of the fibula and tibia.
 Insertion: into the posterior surface of
 Nerve supply: Tibial nerve.
 Action: Planter flexion of the ankle joint.
 It is a flat triangular muscle forms the floor of
the popliteal fossa.
 Origin: Lateral condyle of the femur.
 Insertion: Posterior surface of tibia.
 Nerve supply: Tibial nerve.
 Action: Flexion of the knee joint.
Extrinsic muscles Intrinsic muscles
 The extrinsic muscles
arise from the anterior,
posterior and
lateral compartments
of the leg.
 The intrinsic muscles
are located within the
foot and are responsible
for the fine motor
actions of the foot, for
example movement of
individual digits.
 Intrinsic muscles of the foot can be divided
into 2 region.
 Muscles situated in the dorsum of the foot.
Intrinsic muscles located in the sole of the
 Extensor digitorum brevis.
 Extensor hallucis brevis.
 Both muscles are innervated by the deep
fibular nerve.
 There are 10 intrinsic muscles located in the
sole of the foot.
 The muscles of the plantar aspect are
described in four layers (superficial to deep).
 The first layer of muscles is the most
superficial to the sole.
 There are three msucle in this layer.
1. Abductor Hallucis.
2. Flexor Digitorum Brevis
3. Abductor Digiti Minimi
 The second layer contains two muscles:
1. Quadratus Plantae.
2. 4 Lumbricals muscle.
 The third layer contains three muscles.
1. Flexor Hallucis Brevis.
2. Adductor Hallucis
3. Flexor Digiti Minimi Brevis
 It has 7 intrinsic muscles.
 It has r dorsal interossei & 3 planter
Muscles of human body
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Muscles of human body

  • 2.
  • 3.  Muscles of the head  Muscles of the neck  Muscles of the thorax  Muscle of the abdomen  Muscle of the pelvis  Muscle of the shoulder girdle and upper limb  Muscle of the lower limb
  • 6. Ocular & Extraocular muscles Auricular muscles Lingual Palatal Pharyngeal Laryngeal muscles
  • 7.  These all muscles are innervated by branches of facial nerve.  These muscle include: The occipitofrontalis muscle and facial muscles.
  • 8.  It is a broad muscular layer.  It has 4 parts : 2 occipital bellies( occipitalis) , 2 frontal bellies( frontalis).  All 4 parts are supplied by the facial nerve.  The muscle raises eyebrows.
  • 9.
  • 10.  These are subcutaneous muscles.  They bring about different facial expressions.  During communication these muscles help to convey mood.
  • 11.  Temporoparietalis muscle  Procerus muscle  Nasalis muscle  Depressor septi nasi muscle  Orbicularis oculi muscle  Corrugator supercilii muscle  Depressor supercilii muscle  Auricular muscles (anterior, superior and posterior)  Orbicularis oris muscle
  • 12.  Depressor anguli oris muscle  Risorius  Zygomaticus major muscle  Zygomaticus minor muscle  Levator labii superioris  Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi muscle  Depressor labii inferioris muscle  Levator anguli oris  Buccinator muscle  Mentalis  cipitofrontalis muscle
  • 13.
  • 14.
  • 15.  They are also called the muscles of mastication(chewing) . 1. Masseter 2. Temporalis 3. Medial Pterygoid 4. Lateral Pterygoid
  • 16.
  • 18.  Platysma  Trapezius  Sternocleidomastoid  Digastric  Styloyoid  Mylohyoid  Geniohyoid  Sternohyoid
  • 19.  Thyrohyoid  Omohyoid  Longus colli  Rectus capitis anterior  Rectus capitis lateralis  Scalenus anterior  scalenus medius  Sternothyoid  Scalenus posterior
  • 20.  It forms the “key muscle” of the neck.  It forms the anterior surface of the manubrium part of sternum .  The muscle is inserted into the mastoid process of the temporal bone.  Nerve supply: The spinal part of the accessory nerve.
  • 21.  Action: Flexes and rotates cervical spine. Protracts head when acting together . Extends neck when neck already partially extended .
  • 22.  Origin: Skin over lower neck and upper lat chest .  Insertion: Interior border of mandible and skin over lower face and angle of mouth .  Nerve supply: Cervical branch of facial nerve.  Action: It depresses the mandible so express horror, sadness.
  • 23.
  • 26.  These muscles occupy the intercostal spaces and connect the adjacent ribs.  They are arranges in 3 layers: 1. External Intercostals 2. Internal Intercostals 3. Innermost Intercostals
  • 27.  Total number= 11 pairs.  Action: Fix intercostal spaces during respiration. Aids forced inspiration by elevating ribs .
  • 28.  Total number= 11 pairs.  Action: Fix intercostal spaces during inspiration. Aids forced inspiration by elevating rib
  • 29.  Fix intercostal spaces during respiration.
  • 30.  Action: External intercostal muscle is involved in inspiration and internal intercostal muscle is involved in expiration  Nerve supply: Intercostal nerve supplies here.
  • 31.  Diaphragm is a large, dome-shaped partition separating the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity.  The fibrous central part of diaphragm is called the central tendon.  There are 2 domes: right dome and left dome.  Right dome is supported by liver.
  • 32.  Nerve supply: Phrenic nerve and intercostal nerve.  Action: When diaphragm contracts, it facilitates inspiration. When it relaxes , facilitates expiration.
  • 35.
  • 37.
  • 38.  Movement of trunk.  Compression of the viscera.  Protection of viscera.  In respiration.
  • 40. Levator ani and ccocygeus. Piriformis
  • 41.  They are the largest and most important muscles in the pelvic floor.  Posterior to ccocygeus muscle they form the pelvic floor.  Levator ani is divided into 3 parts: 1) Puborectalis 2) Puboccygeus 3) Ilioccygeus
  • 42.  Nerve supply: Levator ani is supplied by perineal branches of S3 & S4.  Action: The pelvic diaphragm supports the pelvis viscera. During parturition, the levator ani support the fetal head.
  • 43.
  • 45. Muscles attaching the scapula to the trunk. Muscles attaching the humerus to the scapula. Muscles attaching the humerus to the chest wall. Muscles of the arm. Muscles of the forearm. Muscles of the hand and fingers
  • 47.  These muscles lies deep to the trapezius muscle.  Origin: R major takes origin from the spinous processes of T2-T5. R minor takes origin from the C7 and T1.  Insertion: Both inserted to the medial border of scapula.  Nerve supply: Both rhomboids are supplied by the dorsal scapular nerve (C5).
  • 48.
  • 49.  The trapezius is a broad, flat and triangular muscle.  It covers the posterior aspect of the neck and superior half the trunk.  Origin: Originates from the skull, Ligamentum nuchae and the spinous processes of C7-T12.  Insertion: It is inserted to the clavicle, acromion and the scapula spine.
  • 50.  Nerve supply: Spinal part of accessory nerve.  Action: The upper fibres of the trapezius elevates the scapula and rotates it during abduction of the arm.
  • 51.
  • 52.  It is a broad sheet of muscles and forms the medial wall of axilla.
  • 54.  Origin: Muscles take origin from the supraspinatus & Infraspinatus fossae of scapula.  Insertion: They inserted into the greater tubercule of the humerus.  Nerve supply: Suprascapulaf nerve  Action: Medially and laterally rotates the arm.
  • 55.
  • 56.  It is a powerful. Multipennate muscle.  It is shaped like the Greek letter delta.  Origin: From the scapula and clavicle.  Insertion: Inserted to the deltoid tuberosity of humerus bone.  Nerve supply: Axillary nerve.  Action :Flexion, adduction and medial rotation of shoulder joint & extension and lateral rotation of arm.
  • 57.
  • 58.  Teres major is the thick muscle of the joint.  Origin: Lateral border of scapula.  Insertion: Humerus.  Nerve supply: Scapular nerve.  Action: adduct the humerus.
  • 59.
  • 60.  It is a narrow muscle.  Origin: lateral border of the scapula.  Insertion: Greater tubercule of humerus.  Nerve supply: Axillary nerve.  Action: laterally rotates the arm, stabilizes humerus.
  • 61.
  • 63.  It is a large muscle covers the superficial muscle in the thorax.  Origin: from clavicle and sternum.  Insertion: Inserted to humerus.  Nerve supply: Medial & lateral pectoral nerve.  Action: Adduction and medial rotation of shoulder joint.
  • 64.  It is a small triangular muscle lies underneath the pectoralis major.  Origin: origin from the 3rd to 5th ribs.  Insertion: Coracoid process of scapula.  Nerve supply: Medial and lateral pectoral nerves.  Action: Protraction of scapula.
  • 65.  It is a large, wide, fan-shaped muscle.  Origin: the spinous processes of T6-T12, iliac crest.  Insertion: Inserted into the humerus.  Nerve supply: Thoracodorsal nerve  Action: Extension and medial rotation at the shoulder joint.
  • 66. ANTERIOR COMPARTMENT POSTERIOR COMPARTMENT  Biceps brachii  Brachialis  Coracobrachialis  Triceps brachii
  • 67.  The biceps brachii is a two-headed muscle.  It has 2 head : long head and short head.  Origin: Long head originates from the supraglenoid tubercule of the scapula. Short head originates from the coronoid process of the scapula.  Insertion: Both head inserted into the radial tuberosity.
  • 68.  Nerve supply: The musculocutaneous nerve.  Action: Supination of forearm and flexion of the elbow.
  • 69.  Origin: shaft of the humerus.  Insertion: coronoid process of ulna  Nerve supply: Musculocutaneous nerve.  Action: Flexion of elbow joint.
  • 70.  Origin: coracoid process of the scapula  Insertion: Shaft of the humerus.  Nerve supply: Musculocutaneous nerve.  Action: It is a weak flexor of shoulder joint.
  • 71.  It arises by 3 heads: long head, lateral head and a medial head.  Origin: Long head arises from the scapula and lateral , medial head arises from the humerus.  Insertion: into the olecranon process of ulna.  Nerve supply: Radial nerve.
  • 73.
  • 74.  Muscles of the forearm is divided into 2 compartment. 1) Anterior or flexor compartment. 2) Posterior or extensor compartment.
  • 75. SUPERFICIAL MUSCLES DEEP MUSCLES  Pronator teres  Flexor carpi radialis  Palmaris longus  Flexor carpi ulnaris  Flexor digitorum superficialis  Flexor digitorum profundus  Flexor pollicis longus  Pronator quadratus
  • 76. SUPERFICIAL EXTENSOR MUSCLES DEEP EXTENSOR MUSCLES 1. Branchioradialis 2. Extensor carpi radialis longus 3. Extensor carpi radialis brevis 1. Abductor pollicis longus 2. Extensor pollicis brevis 3. Extensor pollicis longus 4. Supinator
  • 77.  Origin: Arises by humeral and ulnar heads.  Insertion: Shaft of the radius.  Nerve supply: Median nerve.  Action: Pronation of forearm.
  • 78. Thenar muscles Hypothenar muscles Lumbrical muscles Palmar and dorsal interossei
  • 79. 1. Abductor pollicis brevis. 2. Flexor pollicis brevis 3. Opponens pollicis.
  • 80.
  • 81. 1. Opponens Digiti Minimi 2. Abductor Digiti Minimi 3. Flexor Digiti Minimi
  • 82.
  • 83.  These are four lumbricals in the hand, each associated with a finger.
  • 84.  There are 4 palmar interossei and 4 dorsal interossei .
  • 85.  Palmaris brevis  Adductor pollicis
  • 86.
  • 87. Muscles of the gluteal region Muscles of the thigh Muscles of the leg Muscles of the foot
  • 88.  The gluteal or buttock region is an anatomical area located posteriorly to the pelvic girdle.  The muscles in this region move the lower limb at the hip joint.  The muscles of gluteal region is divided in 2 groups : 1. Superficial muscles. 2. Deep muscles.
  • 89.  The superficial muscles in the gluteal region consist of the three glutei and the tensor fascia lata.  They mainly act to abduct and extend the lower limb at the hip joint.
  • 90. 1. Gluteus maximus. 2. Gluteus medius. 3. Gluteus minimus. 4. Tensor fasciae latae
  • 91.
  • 92.  The gluteal muscles form the fleshy part of buttocks.  The gluteus maximus is the largest and most superficial muscle of gluteal region.  The posterior one third of gluteus mediusis is covered by gluteus maximus.  Gluteus minimus lies beneath the medius.
  • 93.  Origin: From the ilium and sacrum.  Insertion: Inserted into the femur.  Nerve supply: Superior and inferior gluteal nerve.  Action: Extension of hip joint and they are powerful abductors and lateral rotators of the hip joint.
  • 94.  The deep gluteal muscles are a set of smaller muscles, located underneath the gluteus minimus.  Their action is to laterally rotate the lower limb.
  • 95. Piriformis. Obturator Internus. The Gemelli – Superior and Inferior. Quadratus Femoris.
  • 96.
  • 97.  Muscles of the thigh are divided into 3 groups: A. Extensor or anterior compartment. B. Adductor medial compartment. C. Flexor or posterior compartment.
  • 98.  Quadriceps femoris.  Sartorius.  These muscles are supplied by femoral nerve.
  • 99.  The Quadriceps femoris consists of 4 muscles: I. The Rectus femoris. II. Vastus medialis III. Vastus lateralis IV. Vastus intermedius  Origin: Rectus femoris arises from the ilium and rest of the arises from the shaft of the femur.
  • 100.  Insertion: Into Tibial tuberosity.  Nerve supply: Femoral nerve.  Action: Extension of the knee.
  • 101.
  • 102.
  • 103.  Sartorius is the longest muscle in the body.  It is a long, narrow and ribbon like msucle.  Origin: Anterior superior iliac spine.  Insertion: Inserted to the tibia.  Nerve supply: Femoral nerve.  Action: Adduction and lateral rotation of thigh & Flexion of knee joint.
  • 104. A. Adductor longus B. Adductor brevis C. Adductor magnus D. Pectineus E. Gracilis F. Obturator externus  These all muscles are supplied by the Obturator nerve.
  • 105.  The muscles of this compartment are collectively known as “ Hamstrings” muscle.  Muscles of this compartment are: 1. Semitendinosus 2. Semimembranosus 3. Biceps femoris 4. Ischial head of adductor magnus.  Nerve supply: Supplied by Sciatic nerve.
  • 106.  Muscles of the leg are divided into 3 compartment: 1) Muscles of the anterior compartment 2) Muscles of the lateral compartment 3) Muscles of the posterior( flexor) compartment
  • 107.  Nerve supply: Deep peroneal nerve.  Action: These are the dorsiflexors of the foot.  Muscles under these compartment are: 1. Tibialis anterior 2. Extensor hallucis longus 3. Extensor digitorum longus 4. Peroneus tertius.
  • 108.  Nerve supply: Supplied by peroneal nerve.  Action: They are evertors of the foot( Turns foot outward.  Muscles under this compartment are: 1. The peroneus longus 2. The peroneus brevis
  • 109. SUPERFICIAL MUSCLES DEEP MUSCLES  Gastronemius  Plantaris  Soleus  Popliteus  Flexor hallucis longus  Flexor digitorum longus  Tibialis anterior
  • 110.  It is a large, muscle lies superficial to the soleus.  Origin: Lateral and medial condyle of femur.  Insertion: Calcaneus or heel bone.  Nerve supply: Tibial nerve.  Action: Flex the leg at the knee joint.
  • 111.
  • 112.  Soleus means sole shaped or shaped like a fish.  This msucle lies deep to the Gastronemius.  Origin: head and shaft of the fibula and tibia.  Insertion: into the posterior surface of calcaneus.  Nerve supply: Tibial nerve.  Action: Planter flexion of the ankle joint.
  • 113.
  • 114.
  • 115.  It is a flat triangular muscle forms the floor of the popliteal fossa.  Origin: Lateral condyle of the femur.  Insertion: Posterior surface of tibia.  Nerve supply: Tibial nerve.  Action: Flexion of the knee joint.
  • 116.
  • 117. Extrinsic muscles Intrinsic muscles  The extrinsic muscles arise from the anterior, posterior and lateral compartments of the leg.  The intrinsic muscles are located within the foot and are responsible for the fine motor actions of the foot, for example movement of individual digits.
  • 118.  Intrinsic muscles of the foot can be divided into 2 region.  Muscles situated in the dorsum of the foot. Intrinsic muscles located in the sole of the foot.
  • 119.  Extensor digitorum brevis.  Extensor hallucis brevis.  Both muscles are innervated by the deep fibular nerve.
  • 120.
  • 121.  There are 10 intrinsic muscles located in the sole of the foot.  The muscles of the plantar aspect are described in four layers (superficial to deep).
  • 122.  The first layer of muscles is the most superficial to the sole.  There are three msucle in this layer. 1. Abductor Hallucis. 2. Flexor Digitorum Brevis 3. Abductor Digiti Minimi
  • 123.
  • 124.  The second layer contains two muscles: 1. Quadratus Plantae. 2. 4 Lumbricals muscle.
  • 125.
  • 126.  The third layer contains three muscles. 1. Flexor Hallucis Brevis. 2. Adductor Hallucis 3. Flexor Digiti Minimi Brevis
  • 127.
  • 128.  It has 7 intrinsic muscles.  It has r dorsal interossei & 3 planter interossei.