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from the European Commission
Module 3 – Cultivating an
Apprenticeship Culture in SMEs
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Why cultivating an apprenticeship culture is important
Module 3 – Cultivating an Apprenticeship Culture in SME’s
Learning Objectives
Additional information is provided in this module from outside the EU e.g. Australian apprenticeship information which employers may find relevant
Managing Talent
The value of peer learning and connections
Encouraging Peer Learning and Connections
How learning can transform an SME
Cultivating a Culture of Learning
Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE)
Tools to help SME’s grow and develop an Apprenticeship and Learning Culture in their
Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE)
USWhy cultivating a culture of apprenticeship is important?
Taking on an apprentice can be hugely beneficial for all involved,
however, research suggests that different age groups generally
have differing attitudes and needs in relation to work; depending on their personal circumstances in their formative years and the nature of the economy when they
joined the workforce
• SME apprentice employers are uniquely positioned to provide support and
guidance for apprentices, especially young apprentices for whom the
apprenticeship is their first introduction to the world of work.
• To be an ideal apprentice employer, the SME will be adaptable and have a
willingness to support the apprentice to develop professionally and personally
under their guidance.
Supporting young apprentices in
their career and personal
Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE)
• SME owners should try cultivate a supportive and professional relationship by
taking an interest in the young person and get to know them. This will help the
apprentice feel comfortable at work and will ultimately encourage a productive and
trusting relationship between the employer and the apprentice.
• Open communication from the start is essential. A formal induction is important
with SMEs advising on the background to the SME, the general working
procedures, roles and responsibilities etc. – see Module 5 for resources on
How SME’s can support young
Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE)
• The power of positivity - It has been said that young
people can require more regular positive and constructive
feedback than older people, as well as regular
commentary on their performance. This may be because
they lack previous work experience which they can apply.
Positive reinforcement that they are doing a good job will
help to build self-esteem and make the apprentice feel like
they are a valued part of the company.
Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE)
1 How SME’s can support young apprentices
• The power of positivity – many young people will bring energy,
enthusiasm, a fresh perspective, a dedication to achieve and
technological know-how to the job.
• SME’s should focus on the strengths and the positive attributes that
the young person brings to the job. Positivity breeds positivity so if the
business owner highlights the positive value that the apprentice brings to
the business, it will have a multiplier effect on other employees also.
• Provide a workplace mentor
Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE)
1 How SME’s can support young apprentices
• SME owners need to give clear directions and instructions of
processes and procedures.
• This requires a commitment to a work based learning/on the job
• Involves the business owner or apprentice supervisor working directly
with the apprentice to show them how to do things - do not just leave
them on their own to get on with it.
• Showing apprentices how to do things correctly and working with
them until they perfect processes will empower them.
How SME’s can support young
This promo video from
DFEEST, Australia shows
some of the things that can
go wrong when apprentices
are not supported and
supervised properly.
Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE)
How SME’s can support young
• SME owners need to give constructive feedback - offer
suggestions as to how problems can be rectified and how
processes could be improved to achieve more positive
• Business owners should plan regular meetings/talks with
the apprentice and ask whether there is any difficulties
they need help to overcome.
Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE)
How SME’s can support young
• The authorised apprenticeship trainer, in many cases the
company owner is entitled to train apprentices himself /
• Or he/she can entrust another competent employee
with this task. That employee will become the workplace
mentor and will be assigned the task of training the
apprentice alongside their regular work.
Assigning an Apprentice
Trainer/Supervisor or Workplace
Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE)
• Acts as a role model
• Integrates learning tasks into work activities
• Manages the apprentices training needs and motivation
• Manages health and safety risks while training
• Meets with the training organisation regularly to ensure effective delivery
and assessment practice
• Monitor progress towards completion of the personnel learning plan
Role of an Apprentice
Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE)
• Helps the apprentice or trainee develop
problem solving and general employability
• Promotes independence and self-directed
• Maintains records of progress
• Be familiar with the qualifications for the
Role of an Apprentice
The following key competences are required by the in company trainer/supervisor:-
•The technical qualification for the occupation involved
•Several years of work experience
•The willingness to participate in a train the trainer seminar ad a trainer aptitude
•The willingness to work as trainer in addition to ‘normal’ work
•Personal and social competences: interested in training young people
•Provides regular feedback and encouragement
Assigning an Apprentice
- Key competences
Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE)
The trainer/supervisor will:
•Acquire new skills as a mentor or workplace coach
•Have the satisfaction of passing on their knowledge and skills to others
•Enjoy seeing the apprentice develop their skills
•Develop a workforce of staff who are able to complete delegated tasks
•Build work place relationships and foster a positive work environment
Benefits for the
Skills and Characteristics of
Great Collaborators:
Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE)
The trainer/supervisor will benefit from focusing on developing
their collaboration skills:-
•Team focused. To successfully collaborate, you need to
be a team player and think about “we” rather than “I”. A strong
collaborator is mindful of shared goals and group success.
•Generous. A great collaborator is willing to take the first step
and pitch in, even if they won’t get the spotlight. Generosity is
also an incredibly desirable leadership characteristic.
•Curious. Great collaborators are good at asking the right
questions. They don’t interrogate; they simply follow their
natural curiosity because they want to know more.
Skills and Characteristics of
Great Collaborators:
Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE)
• Appreciative. The best collaborators express sincere
appreciation for all that team members have contributed.
They’re not shy about expressing this appreciation and
they give credit where credit is due.
• Listens to understand. Great collaborators listen
attentively to what is being said. But more importantly,
they listen to understand.
• Gives and expects trust. More than anything, highly
successful collaborations are built on safety and trust.
Great collaborators help create and maintain that trusting
environment. They give their trust freely and expect to
receive trust in return.
Skills and Characteristics of
Strong Collaborators:
Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE)
• Builds relationships; breaks
down walls. Collaboration is all
about working together. Strong
collaborators see the value in being
usually well connected and work
hard to build and maintain
relationships with others.
• Diplomatic. The best collaborators
are diplomats. They know that
relationships are built on mutual
Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE)
Rate your collaboration
skills using the
Collaboration Quiz in
additional resources
Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE)
By taking on an apprentice, the SME
has the opportunity to cultivate a
culture of learning throughout the
entire organisation.
This section introduces some
practical and transferrable
workplace learning that will benefit
the SME , the apprenticeship and
other employees.
Why Cultivate a
Culture of Learning?
How learning can transform an SME
Be not afraid of
going slowly, be
afraid only of
standing still -
Chinese Proverb.
Benefits of a Culture of
Learning in an SME
Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE)
There are multiple benefits for an SME to cultivate a culture of
learning :-
An enhanced ability to compete in the marketplace, a learning
culture enables and encourages the best information, solutions
and ideas
More effective leadership, because employees who love to
learn inspire others to perform on a much higher level
Improved job retention, because the work that everyone does
becomes more stimulating and engaging
Enhanced operations, because employees want to try out the
newest solutions and ideas
To grow and develop SMEs need
to be open to new approaches
and innovations.
A culture of learning in a company is
a very valuable asset that brings
with it endless business
development opportunities.
For learning cultures to bring value,
they need to be embedded into all
aspects of the SME’s work.
Nurturing a culture of continual
improvement built on appreciation
and respect will help you drive better
results with your team.
SME Business Owner as
Lifelong Learning Practitioners
Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE)
SME business owners are always learning but may not be aware
of the formal description of Lifelong Learning.
Lifelong learning is the "ongoing, voluntary, and self-motivated" pursuit
of knowledge for either personal or professional reasons.
SME business owners can reap excellent benefits from fostering
a learning culture in the organisation which will benefit the
apprentice and all other employees. Employees and apprentices
follow example. Excellent leaders model the kind of learning
behaviour they would like to inspire in others.
• SME’s can empower apprenticeships and employees by creating and enabling to
create their own Personal Learning Plans.
• The Personal Learning Plan is a document between employee and supervisor that
captures the professional and personal learning goals of the employee, aligns them
with organisational needs and priorities, identifies the necessary steps and
resources, and forms a plan to achieve those goals over the coming year(s).
• The plan is a living document that should be reviewed and renewed time over time
based on changing goals as well as those which have been
Tools to nurture a
Culture of Learning –
Personal Learning Plans
Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE)
1. Learning needs – what does the apprentice/ employee most
need to learn about in the weeks/months ahead?
2. Learning activities –what learning activities will meet these
learning needs, what help will you need and how long (time)
will it take?
3. Evidence of learning – How can you demonstrate learning
progress and achievements?
Personal Learning Plans –
There are 3 steps to
Getting Started
• Important that employees take
responsibility for their learning
plans and the direction they
want their learning and career
to go
Personal Learning Plans –
Getting Started
Tools to nurture a
Culture of Learning-
Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE)
We now give insight into two communication techniques that
cultivate an apprenticeship culture..
1) Internal Communications 2) Effective Questioning Techniques
Research shows that people derive
greater satisfaction from their jobs and
perform to a higher standard when they
are engaged in their workplace.
Internal communications recognises
that employees are an SME’s most
valuable resource and are entitled to
quality communications
Good learning starts with questions,
not answers!* Research has found that
by listening effectively, you will get
more information from the people
you manage, you will increase others'
trust in you, you will reduce conflict,
you will better understand how to
motivate others, and you will inspire a
higher level of commitment in the
people you manage.
Communications plays an integral role in the success of
an SME. Invest some time in improving communications
and reap the benefits. The challenge for managers and
supervisors is to find the time and the most effective
methods for communicating information in a timely and
open way to their staff.
1) Internal Communications
Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE)
Internal communications is always two-way continuous interactive
process. Employees feel appreciated and valued when
•they are regularly consulted and listened to
•their suggestions are acted upon
•they are the first to hear important news
Studies have long shown that employees prefer to receive information
from their supervisors in terms of how it will impact their workgroup .
Internal Communications
Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE)
Internal Communications –
Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE)
All-Staff “Big Picture” Meetings
Staff feel part of the solution
Helps to break down silos
It takes time and commitment from
•Prepare talking points in advance
•Use the feedback constructively – if suggestions are made and
agreed to, make sure to take action on same.
•Employees’ questions that cannot be answered at the meeting
should be addressed through e-mail or in future meetings
– but they must be addressed.
Internal Communications –
Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE)
Department/Smaller Work Team Meetings
• It keeps people informed about issues and project
management. Management and staff are all in the loop
on issues and projects, and their information came
directly from the source. It allows for exchange of
perspectives and knowledge.
• It provides opportunity to ask questions and clarify
• Operational decisions can be made, and tasks may be
• Meetings reinforces the sense of team
There is an impact on
service delivery while
staff attend the
meeting: fewer staff at
Staff meet regularly to discuss internal and external operational issues
facing their department or team.
Internal Communications –
Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE)
Department/Smaller Work Team Meetings
Frequency is variable and should be set by the workgroup.
In some SMEs, daily meetings lasting 5–10 minutes may be appropriate.
In other situations, the team may get together on a weekly or biweekly
The traditional agenda is for the team leader speak first to share
information with staff. Then, a roundtable gives staff a chance to speak to
tasks they are working on, pending issues they see on the horizon, etc.
Colleagues take their cues and adjust their workload accordingly.
Internal Communications –
Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE)
Cross Department Meetings
• It can build understanding of why some
decisions are made: attendees see their
personal role and their department’s role in the
big picture;
• Attendees become acquainted with others in
the department and hear the viewpoints of
colleagues in other sections.
• Attendees express their views and alert senior
management to issues.
• Builds organisational team spirit and fosters
There is an impact on service
delivery while staff attend the
meeting: fewer staff at work.
Allows for exchange information both vertically and horizontally across the
Internal Communications –
Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE)
Vision, Values, and Mission Statements - Display in a prominent place
• Vision and values statements define how an SME sees itself or wants
others to see it.
• A mission statement explains why the SME exists or what it does
Bulletin Board
Simple but effective, a bulletin board is used to post information in a way
that is accessible to most staff members as a source for routine news
and upcoming events.
Suggestion Box
Management and staff suggest how the SME can improve its service,
morale, etc.
Internal Communications –
Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE)
Regular SME publication, to which employees are encouraged to
actively contribute, that can be used to provide general
information to all employees. Content should be feature-oriented,
people-focused, and light. Sample content:
•human interest stories involving employees
•new/departing staff, promotions, transfers
•employee recognition: e.g., long service awards, training
•general announcements
•new policies or procedures
•corporate sports and social events
•health and wellness information
Internal Communications –
Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE)
• Less formal than a meeting
• Staff can “strut their stuff” and share ideas
and concerns with management in a less
formal situation
• It is informal, inexpensive and involves only a
short time commitment.
• It keeps management in touch with front-line
Follow ups are important
to show the real impact of
the walkabout
As the name implies, management tour the workplace to gain first-hand
experience in the operation of their organisation.
2) Benefit from Effective
Questioning Techniques
SME Managers/Supervisors can use effective questioning to
strengthen communications with staff and apprentices by:
•Increasing “wait time” after they pose a question, to allow
apprentices more time to process the question in their minds.
Asking apprentices to elaborate on their answers by asking
•Allow opportunities for apprentices to pose questions amongst
themselves. Providing opportunities that challenge apprentices’
original conceptual understandings.
•Encouraging apprentices to work through their decision making
process, even if it brings frustration and makes them leave their
comfort zone of learning.
Effective Questioning examples….
Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE)
Some phrases for the Apprentice Trainer/Supervisor to use
to introduce feedback and use effective questioning :
•‘You made a good start, and then forgot to ….’
•‘You’ve nearly cracked this.
• I know it’s a tricky one. Try …’
•‘It might help to jot down the instructions next time –‘
•‘Well done, that was clearly explained.’
•‘You’ve done a good job of that … now you need to …’
•‘I wasn’t sure what you meant by …’
Effective Questioning
Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE)
Ask Easy Questions First:
To get apprentices and employees to reveal their problems,
roadblocks, concerns, and feelings, business owners
need them to talk. The more they talk, the more problems they
will reveal. To make it easy for people to talk, business
owners should begin conversations with questions that are
easy to answer and ones that they know their staff will enjoy
answering. Once they feel comfortable talking, the door will
open to ask deeper or more direct questions designed to
trigger self-awareness.
Effective Questioning
Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE)
Be Empathetic - Follow Emotional Cues to Problems:
A lot can be learned from listening to the
words that are often unsaid. Listening deeply with your
eyes, ears, and heart will lead you to emotional cues like
voice inflection, facial expressions, and body language
that indicate that a story point or issue has emotional
significance. When you find these cues, use follow-up
questions to dig deeper. This is where real problems,
wants, and needs will be revealed.
• The SME needs to allow time for the
apprentice or trainee to practise new skills.
• Spaced repetition of new skills and tasks will
build competence.
• Everyone makes mistakes, so expect
mistakes. Point the apprentice or trainee in the
right direction.
Innovation and Learning in the
workplace – it takes time and
• Little process changes can encourage innovation and
deeper learning.
• For example, rather than sitting down for meetings,
SME’s might consider setting up walking meetings.
• Steve Jobs and Aristotle were fond of taking walking
meetings. Not only will SME business owners get work
done, walking can even increase creativity and
Innovation and Learning in the
workplace – SME’s should consider
doing things a little differently
Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE)
Encouraging Peer
Learning and
The value of peer learning and connections
What is Peer Learning ?
Learning with and from each other typically involving collaboration, problem solving and teamwork.
How Peer Learning
works for SMEs …..
Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE)
• Employees work cooperatively rather than competitively
• Involves more skilled employees imparting knowledge to
apprentice learners, leads to a company/practical
experience being passed on
• Uses a team approach to workforce development and
addressing skills gaps
• Stimulates critical thinking and the workforce work
together and clarify ideas through discussion and debate
Benefits of Peer Learning
for SMEs
Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE)
• Develops higher level thinking skills
• Enhances self-management skills
• Creates a stronger social support system
• Encourages alternate apprentice assessment techniques
• Create an environments where employees can practice
building leadership skills.
• Peer learning leads to more satisfaction with the learning experience
• Encourages employee and apprentice responsibility for learning and
skills development
• Promotes innovation in teaching and skills development
• Promotes social and professional relationships - great for team building
• Apprentices master knowledge through practice rather than through
Benefits of Peer Learning for
Apprentices and Employees
Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE)
• Promotes a positive attitude toward the subject matter
• Develops oral communication skills and social interaction skills and
encourages diversity understanding
• Creates an environment of active, involved, exploratory learning
• Promotes higher achievement
• Established employers who have mastered their roles are empowered
to become mentors and instructors
Benefits of Peer Learning for
Apprentices and Employees
Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE)
Pairing Apprentices with
Employee Mentors
Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE)
There are two main types of mentorship:
•Informal mentorship is where the mentoring relationship
develops quite naturally usually out of common interests, goals, and
agreeable personalities.
•A formal mentorship which is one that is mandated by an
outside third party and possibly includes a forced pairing.
In some ways, apprenticeships include both of these types of
mentoring. In most instances, apprentices must have a supervisor,
but they often find themselves involved in informal mentoring also.
Learn more about what it takes to be a good
mentor in Module 2.
Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE)
Managing Talent
Given on average, companies now spend over one-third of their revenues on employee wages and
benefits, managing talent has never been more important.
We review Talent Management and tools to help SME’s grow, develop and manage talent in their companies
Managing Talent
Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE)
SMEs know that they must have the best
talent in order to succeed in the increasingly
competitive economy. Few, if any,
organisations today have an adequate
supply of talent. Gaps exist. Talent is an
increasingly scarce resource, so it must be
managed to the fullest effect.
While much effort is put into hiring and
developing staff - from apprentices to
experienced staff - retaining those staff,
their skills and their talent is both cost
effective and essential.
Managing Talent
Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE)
Many SMEs reduced their workforces in the recent recession
and are now missing that talent as the economy rebounds.
Talent is a rapidly increasing source of value creation ..
•An SME can create a new product and it is easily copied.
Lower your prices and competitors will follow.
•The ability to effectively hire, retain, deploy, and engage
talent—at all levels—is really the only true competitive
advantage of an SME
3 Top Tips for Managing
Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE)
Many in business think that talent is highly sensitive to and
motivated by compensation and that monetary rewards are
key to their management. That is just one element of the
mix. 3 top tips for managing talent:-
1)Treat Them as Individuals - a unique, valuable
2)Provide Opportunity Continuously -the biggest
enemy for talent is blocked opportunity as having to wait for
a opportunity e.g. if blocked from or have to wait too long for
a promotion or opportunity to work on a new project, they will
simply go somewhere else.
3) Praise and recognition - praise has to be
Retaining Apprenticeship
Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE)
• Pay above the minimum wage
• Offer good training, mentoring and support
• Make career progression opportunities clear
Retaining Apprenticeship
Talent – 3 Top Tips!
Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE)
Tools to help SME manage
and develop their talent
Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE)
Several online systems exist that can
help digitise delivery of apprenticeships.
Your Training Contractor can advise if
they already use a digital system like
this to manage the learning-based
element of apprenticeships. One
example of a digital platform for
apprenticeships is Aptem by MWS
Technologies. Aptem is a specially
designed specially designed UK tech
platform designed to transform the
delivery of Apprenticeships in the UK.
Watch explainer video:
Apprenticeship Specific Tool
England, UK
Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE)
Capita Talent Partnerships
have been using Aptem for
managing traineeships. Aptem
has enabled them to scale up
their programme rapidly and
still closely monitor and
maintain quality.
Watch explainer video:
Tools to help SME manage
and develop their talent –
Quick Scan
Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE)
• The SBB in the Netherlands offers a tool to check to what extent you’re ready
to become an apprentice employer
Source: https://erkenningsaanvraag-
Tools to help SME manage and
develop their talent – Networking
Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE)
• Closed Facebook Groups are a great way of encouraging networking
and shared among your employees. Larger SME might just choose to
use the Facebook group for Apprentices. Some examples:
You have now completed Module 3

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Module 3 Cultivating an Apprenticeship Culture in SME's

  • 1. This programme has been funded with support from the European Commission Module 3 – Cultivating an Apprenticeship Culture in SMEs The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."
  • 2. Why cultivating an apprenticeship culture is important Introduction Module 3 – Cultivating an Apprenticeship Culture in SME’s Learning Objectives Additional information is provided in this module from outside the EU e.g. Australian apprenticeship information which employers may find relevant 1 Managing Talent 2 The value of peer learning and connections Encouraging Peer Learning and Connections 3 How learning can transform an SME Cultivating a Culture of Learning 4 Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE) Tools to help SME’s grow and develop an Apprenticeship and Learning Culture in their companies
  • 3. Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE) Introduction USWhy cultivating a culture of apprenticeship is important? Taking on an apprentice can be hugely beneficial for all involved, however, research suggests that different age groups generally have differing attitudes and needs in relation to work; depending on their personal circumstances in their formative years and the nature of the economy when they joined the workforce 1
  • 4. • SME apprentice employers are uniquely positioned to provide support and guidance for apprentices, especially young apprentices for whom the apprenticeship is their first introduction to the world of work. • To be an ideal apprentice employer, the SME will be adaptable and have a willingness to support the apprentice to develop professionally and personally under their guidance. Supporting young apprentices in their career and personal development Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE) Source: 1
  • 5. • SME owners should try cultivate a supportive and professional relationship by taking an interest in the young person and get to know them. This will help the apprentice feel comfortable at work and will ultimately encourage a productive and trusting relationship between the employer and the apprentice. • Open communication from the start is essential. A formal induction is important with SMEs advising on the background to the SME, the general working procedures, roles and responsibilities etc. – see Module 5 for resources on induction How SME’s can support young apprentices Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE) Source: 1
  • 6. • The power of positivity - It has been said that young people can require more regular positive and constructive feedback than older people, as well as regular commentary on their performance. This may be because they lack previous work experience which they can apply. Positive reinforcement that they are doing a good job will help to build self-esteem and make the apprentice feel like they are a valued part of the company. Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE) Source: 1 How SME’s can support young apprentices
  • 7. • The power of positivity – many young people will bring energy, enthusiasm, a fresh perspective, a dedication to achieve and technological know-how to the job. • SME’s should focus on the strengths and the positive attributes that the young person brings to the job. Positivity breeds positivity so if the business owner highlights the positive value that the apprentice brings to the business, it will have a multiplier effect on other employees also. • Provide a workplace mentor Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE) Source: 1 How SME’s can support young apprentices
  • 8. • SME owners need to give clear directions and instructions of processes and procedures. • This requires a commitment to a work based learning/on the job training • Involves the business owner or apprentice supervisor working directly with the apprentice to show them how to do things - do not just leave them on their own to get on with it. • Showing apprentices how to do things correctly and working with them until they perfect processes will empower them. Source: 1 How SME’s can support young apprentices
  • 9. This promo video from DFEEST, Australia shows some of the things that can go wrong when apprentices are not supported and supervised properly. Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE) Source: 1 Watch How SME’s can support young apprentices
  • 10. • SME owners need to give constructive feedback - offer suggestions as to how problems can be rectified and how processes could be improved to achieve more positive outcomes. • Business owners should plan regular meetings/talks with the apprentice and ask whether there is any difficulties they need help to overcome. Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE) 1 How SME’s can support young apprentices
  • 11. • The authorised apprenticeship trainer, in many cases the company owner is entitled to train apprentices himself / herself. • Or he/she can entrust another competent employee with this task. That employee will become the workplace mentor and will be assigned the task of training the apprentice alongside their regular work. Assigning an Apprentice Trainer/Supervisor or Workplace Mentor Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE) 1
  • 12. • Acts as a role model • Integrates learning tasks into work activities • Manages the apprentices training needs and motivation • Manages health and safety risks while training • Meets with the training organisation regularly to ensure effective delivery and assessment practice • Monitor progress towards completion of the personnel learning plan Role of an Apprentice Trainer/Supervisor Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE) 1 Source:
  • 13. • Helps the apprentice or trainee develop problem solving and general employability skills • Promotes independence and self-directed learning • Maintains records of progress • Be familiar with the qualifications for the industry Role of an Apprentice Trainer/Supervisor Source: 1
  • 14. The following key competences are required by the in company trainer/supervisor:- •The technical qualification for the occupation involved •Several years of work experience •The willingness to participate in a train the trainer seminar ad a trainer aptitude examination •The willingness to work as trainer in addition to ‘normal’ work •Personal and social competences: interested in training young people •Provides regular feedback and encouragement Assigning an Apprentice Trainer/Supervisor - Key competences Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE) 1
  • 15. The trainer/supervisor will: •Acquire new skills as a mentor or workplace coach •Have the satisfaction of passing on their knowledge and skills to others •Enjoy seeing the apprentice develop their skills •Develop a workforce of staff who are able to complete delegated tasks •Build work place relationships and foster a positive work environment Benefits for the Trainer/Supervisor Source: 1
  • 16. Skills and Characteristics of Great Collaborators: Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE) The trainer/supervisor will benefit from focusing on developing their collaboration skills:- •Team focused. To successfully collaborate, you need to be a team player and think about “we” rather than “I”. A strong collaborator is mindful of shared goals and group success. •Generous. A great collaborator is willing to take the first step and pitch in, even if they won’t get the spotlight. Generosity is also an incredibly desirable leadership characteristic. •Curious. Great collaborators are good at asking the right questions. They don’t interrogate; they simply follow their natural curiosity because they want to know more. 1
  • 17. Skills and Characteristics of Great Collaborators: Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE) • Appreciative. The best collaborators express sincere appreciation for all that team members have contributed. They’re not shy about expressing this appreciation and they give credit where credit is due. • Listens to understand. Great collaborators listen attentively to what is being said. But more importantly, they listen to understand. • Gives and expects trust. More than anything, highly successful collaborations are built on safety and trust. Great collaborators help create and maintain that trusting environment. They give their trust freely and expect to receive trust in return. 1
  • 18. Skills and Characteristics of Strong Collaborators: Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE) • Builds relationships; breaks down walls. Collaboration is all about working together. Strong collaborators see the value in being usually well connected and work hard to build and maintain relationships with others. • Diplomatic. The best collaborators are diplomats. They know that relationships are built on mutual respect. 1
  • 19. EXERCISE - RATE YOUR COLLABORATION SKILLS Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE) Rate your collaboration skills using the Collaboration Quiz in additional resources 1
  • 20. Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE) By taking on an apprentice, the SME has the opportunity to cultivate a culture of learning throughout the entire organisation. This section introduces some practical and transferrable workplace learning that will benefit the SME , the apprenticeship and other employees. Why Cultivate a Culture of Learning? US How learning can transform an SME 2 T Be not afraid of going slowly, be afraid only of standing still - Chinese Proverb.
  • 21. Benefits of a Culture of Learning in an SME Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE) There are multiple benefits for an SME to cultivate a culture of learning :- An enhanced ability to compete in the marketplace, a learning culture enables and encourages the best information, solutions and ideas More effective leadership, because employees who love to learn inspire others to perform on a much higher level Improved job retention, because the work that everyone does becomes more stimulating and engaging Enhanced operations, because employees want to try out the newest solutions and ideas 2
  • 22. To grow and develop SMEs need to be open to new approaches and innovations. RESOURCE – DOWNLOAD GUIDE FOR TRAINING IN SMES A culture of learning in a company is a very valuable asset that brings with it endless business development opportunities. For learning cultures to bring value, they need to be embedded into all aspects of the SME’s work. Nurturing a culture of continual improvement built on appreciation and respect will help you drive better results with your team. 2
  • 23. SME Business Owner as Lifelong Learning Practitioners Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE) SME business owners are always learning but may not be aware of the formal description of Lifelong Learning. Lifelong learning is the "ongoing, voluntary, and self-motivated" pursuit of knowledge for either personal or professional reasons. SME business owners can reap excellent benefits from fostering a learning culture in the organisation which will benefit the apprentice and all other employees. Employees and apprentices follow example. Excellent leaders model the kind of learning behaviour they would like to inspire in others. 2
  • 24. • SME’s can empower apprenticeships and employees by creating and enabling to create their own Personal Learning Plans. • The Personal Learning Plan is a document between employee and supervisor that captures the professional and personal learning goals of the employee, aligns them with organisational needs and priorities, identifies the necessary steps and resources, and forms a plan to achieve those goals over the coming year(s). • The plan is a living document that should be reviewed and renewed time over time based on changing goals as well as those which have been reached. Tools to nurture a Culture of Learning – Personal Learning Plans Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE) 2
  • 25. 1. Learning needs – what does the apprentice/ employee most need to learn about in the weeks/months ahead? 2. Learning activities –what learning activities will meet these learning needs, what help will you need and how long (time) will it take? 3. Evidence of learning – How can you demonstrate learning progress and achievements? Personal Learning Plans – There are 3 steps to Getting Started Source: 2
  • 26. • Important that employees take responsibility for their learning plans and the direction they want their learning and career to go Personal Learning Plans – Getting Started Source: 2 RESOURCE – DOWNLOAD LEARNING PLAN TEMPLATE
  • 27. Tools to nurture a Culture of Learning- communications Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE) Source: We now give insight into two communication techniques that cultivate an apprenticeship culture.. 2 1) Internal Communications 2) Effective Questioning Techniques Research shows that people derive greater satisfaction from their jobs and perform to a higher standard when they are engaged in their workplace. Internal communications recognises that employees are an SME’s most valuable resource and are entitled to quality communications Good learning starts with questions, not answers!* Research has found that by listening effectively, you will get more information from the people you manage, you will increase others' trust in you, you will reduce conflict, you will better understand how to motivate others, and you will inspire a higher level of commitment in the people you manage.
  • 28. Communications plays an integral role in the success of an SME. Invest some time in improving communications and reap the benefits. The challenge for managers and supervisors is to find the time and the most effective methods for communicating information in a timely and open way to their staff. 1) Internal Communications Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE) 2
  • 29. Internal communications is always two-way continuous interactive process. Employees feel appreciated and valued when •they are regularly consulted and listened to •their suggestions are acted upon •they are the first to hear important news Studies have long shown that employees prefer to receive information from their supervisors in terms of how it will impact their workgroup . Internal Communications Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE) 2
  • 30. Internal Communications – FORMAL FACE-TO-FACE COMMUNICATIONS Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE) 2 All-Staff “Big Picture” Meetings PROS CONS Staff feel part of the solution Helps to break down silos It takes time and commitment from management TIPS •Prepare talking points in advance •Use the feedback constructively – if suggestions are made and agreed to, make sure to take action on same. •Employees’ questions that cannot be answered at the meeting should be addressed through e-mail or in future meetings – but they must be addressed.
  • 31. Internal Communications – FORMAL FACE-TO-FACE COMMUNICATIONS Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE) 2 Department/Smaller Work Team Meetings PROS CONS • It keeps people informed about issues and project management. Management and staff are all in the loop on issues and projects, and their information came directly from the source. It allows for exchange of perspectives and knowledge. • It provides opportunity to ask questions and clarify understanding • Operational decisions can be made, and tasks may be assigned. • Meetings reinforces the sense of team There is an impact on service delivery while staff attend the meeting: fewer staff at work. Staff meet regularly to discuss internal and external operational issues facing their department or team.
  • 32. Internal Communications – FORMAL FACE-TO-FACE COMMUNICATIONS Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE) 2 Department/Smaller Work Team Meetings Frequency is variable and should be set by the workgroup. In some SMEs, daily meetings lasting 5–10 minutes may be appropriate. In other situations, the team may get together on a weekly or biweekly basis. The traditional agenda is for the team leader speak first to share information with staff. Then, a roundtable gives staff a chance to speak to tasks they are working on, pending issues they see on the horizon, etc. Colleagues take their cues and adjust their workload accordingly.
  • 33. Internal Communications – FORMAL FACE-TO-FACE COMMUNICATIONS Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE) 2 Cross Department Meetings PROS CONS • It can build understanding of why some decisions are made: attendees see their personal role and their department’s role in the big picture; • Attendees become acquainted with others in the department and hear the viewpoints of colleagues in other sections. • Attendees express their views and alert senior management to issues. • Builds organisational team spirit and fosters morale. There is an impact on service delivery while staff attend the meeting: fewer staff at work. Allows for exchange information both vertically and horizontally across the SME
  • 34. Internal Communications – OTHER COMMUNICATIONS Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE) 2 Vision, Values, and Mission Statements - Display in a prominent place • Vision and values statements define how an SME sees itself or wants others to see it. • A mission statement explains why the SME exists or what it does Bulletin Board Simple but effective, a bulletin board is used to post information in a way that is accessible to most staff members as a source for routine news and upcoming events. Suggestion Box Management and staff suggest how the SME can improve its service, morale, etc.
  • 35. Internal Communications – OTHER COMMUNICATIONS Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE) 2 Newsletters Regular SME publication, to which employees are encouraged to actively contribute, that can be used to provide general information to all employees. Content should be feature-oriented, people-focused, and light. Sample content: •human interest stories involving employees •new/departing staff, promotions, transfers •employee recognition: e.g., long service awards, training •general announcements •new policies or procedures •corporate sports and social events •health and wellness information
  • 36. Internal Communications – FORMAL FACE-TO-FACE COMMUNICATIONS Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE) 2 Walkabouts PROS CONS • Less formal than a meeting • Staff can “strut their stuff” and share ideas and concerns with management in a less formal situation • It is informal, inexpensive and involves only a short time commitment. • It keeps management in touch with front-line staff. Follow ups are important to show the real impact of the walkabout As the name implies, management tour the workplace to gain first-hand experience in the operation of their organisation.
  • 37. 2) Benefit from Effective Questioning Techniques Source: SME Managers/Supervisors can use effective questioning to strengthen communications with staff and apprentices by: •Increasing “wait time” after they pose a question, to allow apprentices more time to process the question in their minds. Asking apprentices to elaborate on their answers by asking “why?”. •Allow opportunities for apprentices to pose questions amongst themselves. Providing opportunities that challenge apprentices’ original conceptual understandings. •Encouraging apprentices to work through their decision making process, even if it brings frustration and makes them leave their comfort zone of learning. 2
  • 38. Effective Questioning examples…. Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE) Source: Support-Pack.pdf Some phrases for the Apprentice Trainer/Supervisor to use to introduce feedback and use effective questioning : •‘You made a good start, and then forgot to ….’ •‘You’ve nearly cracked this. • I know it’s a tricky one. Try …’ •‘It might help to jot down the instructions next time –‘ •‘Well done, that was clearly explained.’ •‘You’ve done a good job of that … now you need to …’ •‘I wasn’t sure what you meant by …’ 2
  • 39. Effective Questioning Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE) Source: skills/communications-in-the-workplace.aspx Ask Easy Questions First: To get apprentices and employees to reveal their problems, roadblocks, concerns, and feelings, business owners need them to talk. The more they talk, the more problems they will reveal. To make it easy for people to talk, business owners should begin conversations with questions that are easy to answer and ones that they know their staff will enjoy answering. Once they feel comfortable talking, the door will open to ask deeper or more direct questions designed to trigger self-awareness. 2
  • 40. Effective Questioning Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE) Source: skills/communications-in-the-workplace.aspx Be Empathetic - Follow Emotional Cues to Problems: A lot can be learned from listening to the words that are often unsaid. Listening deeply with your eyes, ears, and heart will lead you to emotional cues like voice inflection, facial expressions, and body language that indicate that a story point or issue has emotional significance. When you find these cues, use follow-up questions to dig deeper. This is where real problems, wants, and needs will be revealed. 2
  • 41. • The SME needs to allow time for the apprentice or trainee to practise new skills. • Spaced repetition of new skills and tasks will build competence. • Everyone makes mistakes, so expect mistakes. Point the apprentice or trainee in the right direction. Innovation and Learning in the workplace – it takes time and patience! 2
  • 42. • Little process changes can encourage innovation and deeper learning. • For example, rather than sitting down for meetings, SME’s might consider setting up walking meetings. • Steve Jobs and Aristotle were fond of taking walking meetings. Not only will SME business owners get work done, walking can even increase creativity and productivity! Innovation and Learning in the workplace – SME’s should consider doing things a little differently 2
  • 43. Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE) Encouraging Peer Learning and Connections US The value of peer learning and connections What is Peer Learning ? Learning with and from each other typically involving collaboration, problem solving and teamwork. 3
  • 44. How Peer Learning works for SMEs ….. Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE) • Employees work cooperatively rather than competitively • Involves more skilled employees imparting knowledge to apprentice learners, leads to a company/practical experience being passed on • Uses a team approach to workforce development and addressing skills gaps • Stimulates critical thinking and the workforce work together and clarify ideas through discussion and debate 3
  • 45. Benefits of Peer Learning for SMEs Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE) • Develops higher level thinking skills • Enhances self-management skills • Creates a stronger social support system • Encourages alternate apprentice assessment techniques • Create an environments where employees can practice building leadership skills. 3
  • 46. • Peer learning leads to more satisfaction with the learning experience • Encourages employee and apprentice responsibility for learning and skills development • Promotes innovation in teaching and skills development • Promotes social and professional relationships - great for team building • Apprentices master knowledge through practice rather than through theory Benefits of Peer Learning for Apprentices and Employees Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE) 3
  • 47. • Promotes a positive attitude toward the subject matter • Develops oral communication skills and social interaction skills and encourages diversity understanding • Creates an environment of active, involved, exploratory learning • Promotes higher achievement • Established employers who have mastered their roles are empowered to become mentors and instructors Benefits of Peer Learning for Apprentices and Employees Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE) 3
  • 48. Pairing Apprentices with Employee Mentors Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE) There are two main types of mentorship: •Informal mentorship is where the mentoring relationship develops quite naturally usually out of common interests, goals, and agreeable personalities. •A formal mentorship which is one that is mandated by an outside third party and possibly includes a forced pairing. In some ways, apprenticeships include both of these types of mentoring. In most instances, apprentices must have a supervisor, but they often find themselves involved in informal mentoring also. Learn more about what it takes to be a good mentor in Module 2. 3
  • 49. Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE) Managing Talent Given on average, companies now spend over one-third of their revenues on employee wages and benefits, managing talent has never been more important. We review Talent Management and tools to help SME’s grow, develop and manage talent in their companies 4
  • 50. Managing Talent Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE) 4 SMEs know that they must have the best talent in order to succeed in the increasingly competitive economy. Few, if any, organisations today have an adequate supply of talent. Gaps exist. Talent is an increasingly scarce resource, so it must be managed to the fullest effect. While much effort is put into hiring and developing staff - from apprentices to experienced staff - retaining those staff, their skills and their talent is both cost effective and essential.
  • 51. Managing Talent Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE) 4 Many SMEs reduced their workforces in the recent recession and are now missing that talent as the economy rebounds. Talent is a rapidly increasing source of value creation .. •An SME can create a new product and it is easily copied. Lower your prices and competitors will follow. •The ability to effectively hire, retain, deploy, and engage talent—at all levels—is really the only true competitive advantage of an SME
  • 52. 3 Top Tips for Managing Talent Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE) 4 Many in business think that talent is highly sensitive to and motivated by compensation and that monetary rewards are key to their management. That is just one element of the mix. 3 top tips for managing talent:- 1)Treat Them as Individuals - a unique, valuable individual. 2)Provide Opportunity Continuously -the biggest enemy for talent is blocked opportunity as having to wait for a opportunity e.g. if blocked from or have to wait too long for a promotion or opportunity to work on a new project, they will simply go somewhere else. 3) Praise and recognition - praise has to be individualized.
  • 54. • Pay above the minimum wage • Offer good training, mentoring and support • Make career progression opportunities clear Retaining Apprenticeship Talent – 3 Top Tips! Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE) 4
  • 55. Tools to help SME manage and develop their talent Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE) 4 Several online systems exist that can help digitise delivery of apprenticeships. Your Training Contractor can advise if they already use a digital system like this to manage the learning-based element of apprenticeships. One example of a digital platform for apprenticeships is Aptem by MWS Technologies. Aptem is a specially designed specially designed UK tech platform designed to transform the delivery of Apprenticeships in the UK. Watch explainer video: hips
  • 56. Apprenticeship Specific Tool England, UK Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE) 4 Capita Talent Partnerships have been using Aptem for managing traineeships. Aptem has enabled them to scale up their programme rapidly and still closely monitor and maintain quality. Watch explainer video: http://www.mwstechnology.c om/apprenticeships/case- study-apprenticeships/
  • 57. Tools to help SME manage and develop their talent – Quick Scan Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE) 4 • The SBB in the Netherlands offers a tool to check to what extent you’re ready to become an apprentice employer Source: https://erkenningsaanvraag-
  • 58. Tools to help SME manage and develop their talent – Networking Tools Apprenticeship Alliances (RAISE) 4 • Closed Facebook Groups are a great way of encouraging networking and shared among your employees. Larger SME might just choose to use the Facebook group for Apprentices. Some examples: 142340943/ 893161439808/
  • 59. You have now completed Module 3

Editor's Notes

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