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Mechanical Low Back Pain
                        NUR 3066
 Health Assessment and Promotion in Nursing Practice
        Instructor: Prof. Dawn Hawthorne PhD.

                  Dora Aguilar
                 Isabel Barradas
                 Linda Guevara
                   Luz Luque

         Florida International University

Mechanical Low Back Pain
 Overview, Anatomy and Pathophysiology
  Isabel Barradas

 Causes, Risk Factors, Signs and Symptoms
  Luz Luque

 Impact on Society and Family
  Linda Guevara

 Prevention and Patient Education
  Dora Aguilar

  Worldwide, musculoskeletal conditions are the most
common causes of severe long-term pain and physical
disability (USBJI, 2013) (GBD 2010, 2012).

  Mechanical low back pain (LBP) remains the second most
common symptom-related reason for seeing a physician in
the United States (Hill, 2012).

   In our country, the musculoskeletal conditions are a
leading cause of disability, accounting for more than 130
million patient visits to healthcare providers annually. They
are the No. 1 reason people visit their physician, and affect
nearly one in two Americans over the age of 18
(USBJI, 2013).
Disability in US and Worldwide
                                                       Current estimates of people
                                                       affected Worldwide
                                                       (BJD, 2012)
                                                             •Back pain 632.045 millions
                                                             •Neck pain 32.049 millions
                                                             •OA knee 250.785 millions
                                                             •Other musculoskeletal
                                                             conditions 560.978 millions

  (Brault, 2008)
  Data were collected in June-September 2005 by U.S. Census
  Bureau using the Survey of Income and Program Participation
  (SIPP); CDC and the U.S. Census Bureau analyzed the most recent
  data and released their findings in May 2009.
*For individuals younger than 45 years, mechanical LBP represents the most common
cause of disability and is generally associated with a work-related injury (Hill, 2012).
    *For individuals older than 45 years, mechanical LBP is the third most common cause
of disability, and a careful history and physical examination are vital to evaluation,
treatment, and management (Hill, 2012).

   *At the beginning of the 21st century, 750 national and international organizations
partnered to create the Bone and Joint Decade (2002-2011). More than sixty countries,
including the United States, have established multidisciplinary National Action
Networks to plan activities in these respective countries.

   *The United States Bone and Joint Initiative (USBJI) is the U.S. National Action
Network of the worldwide Bone and Joint Decade, a multi-disciplinary initiative
targeting the care of people with musculoskeletal conditions: bone and joint disorders.
    *Its focus is on improving the quality of life as well as advancing the understanding
and treatment of those conditions through research, prevention and education. (USBJI,
  *The spinal column is the body’s main support structure
which contains the spinal cord.

   *The brain and spinal cord are known as the central nervous
system, while the nerves that connect the spinal cord to the body
are known as the peripheral nervous system.

   *The nerves that carry information from the brain to the
muscles are called motor neurons. The nerves that carry
information from the body back to the brain are called sensory
neurons. Sensory neurons carry information to the brain about
skin temperature, touch, pain and joint position.
(Gokzen, 2003).

*The Spinal Column is formed by 33 bones: the vertebrae ; and divided into 5 regions:
Cervical (7), Thoracic (12), Lumbar (5), Sacral (5), Coccygeal (4). It has also other components
such as: intervertebral dics (shock absorbers), paravertebral muscles (flexors, extensors and
obliques) and ligaments (stabilizers).

   *From the brain , the spinal cord passes down the center of the back and is surrounded
and protected by the bony spinal column. The spinal cord is surrounded by a clear fluid
called cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), which acts as a cushion to protect the delicate nerve tissue
damage by impacts against the inside of the vertebrae.

   *The Spinal Cord consists of millions of nerve fibers that transmit electrical information
to the limbs, trunk and organs of the body, back to and from the brain. The nerves exiting
the spine at the top of the neck, control breathing and arms. The nerves that leave the spinal
cord in the middle and lower back, control the trunk and legs, bladder, bowel and sexual
function. (Hills, 2012).


(Michaud & Hoa, 2009)
     *There are many structures in the lumbar spine that can cause pain ; any
irritation to the nerve roots that exit the spine, joint problems, the discs themselves,
the bones and the muscles.

   *Many lumbar spine conditions are interrelated. For example, joint instability
can lead to disc degeneration, which in turn can put pressure on the nerve roots.

   *The most common cause of lower back pain is muscle strain or other muscle
problems. Strain due to heavy lifting, bending, or other repetitive use can be quite
painful, but muscle strains usually heal within a few days or weeks (Davis,2012).

    *Causes of mechanical low back pain (LBP) generally are attributed to an acute
traumatic event, but they may also include cumulative trauma.
The severity of an acute traumatic event varies widely, from just twisting the back
to being involved in a motor vehicle collision.

   *Mechanical LBP due to cumulative trauma tends to occur more commonly in
the workplace.                                                                             9
*The lumbar spine position most at risk for producing LBP is forward flexion (bent
forward), rotation (trunk twisted), and attempting to lift a heavy object with out-
stretched hands (Hills,2012)
   *Repetitive, compressive loading of the discs in flexion (e.g., lifting) puts the discs at
risk for an annular tear and internal disc disruption. Likewise, torsion forces on the discs
can produce shear forces that may induce annular tears (Shankar, Scarlett & Abrams,
    *In lumbar flexion, the highest strains are recorded within the interspinous and
supraspinous ligaments, followed by the intracapsular ligaments and the ligamentum
    *In lumbar extension, the anterior longitudinal ligament experiences the highest
   *Lateral bending produces the highest strains in the ligaments contralateral to the
direction of bending.                                                                           10
    *Rotation generates the highest strains in the capsular ligaments (Hills,2012)
*Repeated episodes of injury results in the degeneration of the disc which becomes
stiff and dry causing it to lose its shock absorbing properties, and making it more prone
to new injuries. This process may continue until the disc is collapsed which increases
the mechanical pressure on the bones and joints and may eventually lead to arthritis.
   *Degenerative changes are seen as decreased signal intensity and bulging of the
discs in the lumbar spine. (Shankar, Scarlett & Abram, 2009) (Hill, 2012)

Mechanical Low Back Pain
 Overview, Anatomy and Pathophysiology
  Isabel Barradas Caudle

 Causes, Risk Factors, Signs and Symptoms
  Luz Luque

 Impact on Society and Family
  Linda Guevara

 Prevention and Patient Education
  Dora Aguilar

Mechanical Low Back Pain
 Lower back pain is            50-80% of population of
  referred as pain, muscle       United States will have
  tension or stiffness occur     lower back pain at some
  between the costal             point of their life.
  margin and gluteal folds,
  including or not leg pain.

    (Walker, 2012)

Causes and Risk Factors
   Acute low back pain
                       Chronic low back pain
Duration: less to 6 weeks; sub-            Duration: more than 12 weeks.
acute lasts between 6 to 12 weeks.
• Sudden injury (strain or tears) to the   • Arthritis
muscles and ligaments.                     • Extra wear and tear on the spine
• Compression fractures (osteoporosis)     from work or sport.
• Cancer                                   • Past injuries
• Herniated disk                           • Fractures
• Sciatica
                                           • Past surgery
• Spinal stenosis
• Scoliosis or kyphosis                    • Herniated disk.
• Osteoarthritis                           • Spinal stenosis.
                                           • Scoliosis or kyphosis

(National Institute of Health, 2012)       (National Institute of Health,2011).   14
Causes and Risks Factors
                                             Non-Specific causes
      Specific causes
 Inflammatory. Rheumatoid                   Poor posture when sitting
  arthritis, ankylosing                       and standing, lifting
  spondylitis, and reactive                   ergonomics and unknown
 Mechanical. Osteoarthritis,
  facet joint pain, lumbar
  spondylosis, spondylolisthesis,
  radiculopathy, kyphosis,
  scoliosis, herniated disc, sciatic,
  degenerative disc or joint
  disease and fracture.
 Metabolic. Osteoporosis,
  Paget’s disease and
 Others. Tumors and infections.
                                        (Concannon, & Bridgen, 2011).
Causes and Risks Factors
 Non-specific factors
  increasing the risk of
  developing chronic back
 Overweight
 Smoking
 Pregnancy
 Long-term use of
 Stress
 Depression
 Occupation
                            (Concannon, & Bridgen, 2011)
Signs and Symptoms
History of an event that caused          Pain complaint.
immediate low back pain:                  Quality: sharp, dull,
 Lifting and/or twisting                   burning, intermittent, or
   while holding a heavy                    diffuse.
                                          Onset :sudden or insidious
 Operating a machine that
   vibrates.                              Localization and Radiation
 Prolonged sitting.                      Exacerbating and relieving
 Involvement in a motor                    factors
   vehicle collision                      Associated symptoms
 Falls                                   Intensity.
Past medical history :
                                          24-hour pattern. This
Arthritis, infections, surgery, ca
                                            provides a view of irritating
ncer or degenerative diseases.
                                            and easing factors.
Vocational history.
                                          (Concannon & Bridgen, 2011;
         (Hill, 2012)                     Walker, 2012)                 17
Red Flags
                                       No emergency red flags
 Indicators of probable
  spinal pathology.                           Age of onset younger of 20
Requires immediate referral:                   years or older of 55 years
                                              History of violent trauma
                                              Constant progressive non
 Loss of sphincter tone
                                               mechanical pain
 Urinary or fecal                            Fever
                                              History of malignancy
 Saddle anesthesia                           Infection
 Gait disturbance.                           Neurological disturbance
                                              Night sweats and weight
(Concannon & Bridgen, 2011; Walker, 2012).
Yellow flags
Indicators of possible chronicity of back pain.
 Poor physical fitness
 History of low back pain
 Radiating leg pain
 Total work loss as a result of low back pain in the
  past 12 months
 Disproportionate illness behavior
 Low job satisfaction
 Psychological distress and personal problems.
                  (Concannon & Bridgen, 2011; Walker, 2012)
Physical Examination
 Changes in spinal                           Diagnostic Tests:
  alignment or sagittal
  balance.                                     X ray, CT Scan and MRI.
 Restricted movements of
  the lumbar spine
 Evaluate disturbance of
  patellar and ankle reflexes.
 Assess the strength and
  sensation of myotomes and
  dermatomes to determine
  neural compression.
 Low back pain can cause
  leg symptoms such as pain,
  numbness or tingling, and
  difficulty standing straight.

 (Concannon & Bridgen, 2011; Walker, 2012)                               20
Types of Employment
 Some types of jobs make the
  employees more vulnerable to
  acute and chronic back pain
 The American Chiropractic
  Association in 1994, determined
  the jobs most at risk for back
    Drivers of heavy trucks and
    Construction workers and
     shingles roofers.
    Landscapers.
    Police officers.
    Peace officers: fireman and
     emergency medical technicians.
    Farmers and delivery drivers.
    Nurses, especially home nurses.   (The Healthy Back Institute, 2011)
Mechanical Low Back Pain
 Overview, Anatomy and Pathophysiology
  Isabel Barradas Caudle

 Causes, Risks Factors, Signs and Symptoms
  Luz Luque

 Impact on Society and Family
  Linda Guevara

 Prevention and Patient Education
  Dora Aguilar

Impact on Society and Family
 Back pain is an underestimated, common, and growing problem that is
  impacting not just the quality of life of the pain sufferer but his/her
  family, society and the nation (Schofield et al, 2012).

 In March 2002, was declared the National Bone and Joint Decade with
  the specific mission: To improve bone and joint health by promoting
  and facilitating research and collaboration among professional
  organizations within all 50 U.S states, by educating and creating
  awareness of the growing musculoskeletal disease that leads to a
  better prevention, diagnosis and treatment (The Burden of
  musculoskeletal diseases in the United States (BMUS,2008).

Impact on Society
During the last decade the cost of spine conditions has increased by 49% (Davis,
Onega, Weeks & Laurie, 2012; BMUS, 2008). Some of the causes are:

 Growing prevalence of back pain due to the aging of the population

    (BMUS, 2008)
•Elevated number of medical visits   •The subsequent increasing number of
and used of advanced diagnostic       prescription medications

• Increased number and cost of spine surgeries performed due to disabling
back pain and an ineffective non-surgical treatment.

(BMUS,2008)                                                                 26
•The resulting sickness leave and work disability outcome an economic impact to the
state due to:
       *Lost income taxation
       *Increased benefits payments
       *Lost gross domestic product

(Ludeke, van Mechelen, et al, 2010; Lipincott &
Wilkins, 2012).

                                                  The amount lost in productivity by disability
                                                  is $10-20 billion each year (Davis, Onega,
                                                  Weeks & Lurie, 2012).
Impact on Family
 The impact of back pain in a family should be seen by considering its effect in
    the sufferer and in the rest of the family members.
Person with pain
    Usually a person with back pain is affected psychosocially, physically and
emotionally, changing his/her quality of life. Some of the changes are:
• Limitations in his/her abilities to perform activities of daily living (ADLs)

•Unpredictable changes of


                                •Physical and emotional dependence


                            (Smith et al, 2001; Schofield et al, 2012)
Family Members
   The impact on the family members is upon almost every aspect of the family life
because in order to give support to the pain sufferer they experiment social and
family roles restructuration. Some of these changes are:

• Addition of responsibilities usually done for the sufferer for maintain the home
stability and income

•   Restructuring relationships and self-identities

• Sometimes anger

•Communication is centered on the illness

•Diminished social activities due to lack of time and

•Isolation from friends and community

                      •Increased medical care expenditure
                      (Lewadonski et al, 2007; Smith et al, 2001; Schofield et al, 2012)
Mechanical Low Back Pain
 Overview, Anatomy and Pathophysiology
  Isabel Barradas Caudle

 Causes, Risks Factors, Signs and Symptoms
  Luz Luque

 Impact on Society and Family
  Linda Guevara

 Prevention and Patient Education
  Dora Aguilar

Prevention and Patient Education
  Prevention of mechanical low back pain (LBP) can be
   achieved using appropriately the biomechanical
   principles when performing heavy manual labor.

  Prevention information depends on education and
   raising the awareness levels of individuals at risk for
   developing mechanical LBP.
                         (Hill, 2012)

 Exercise
   Aerobic exercise:
    Maintaining healthy and
    strong muscles.
   Strengthening exercises:
    Abdominal area, back
    and extremities.
   Stretching exercises:
    Flexible joints and

  (Batt & Todd, 2000; Walker, 2012;
  WebMD, 2012).                       34
Weight and Diet
      Healthy Weight: Maintaining
       an appropriate body mass
       index (BMI) between 18.5 and

      Healthy Diet:
         Feel better
         Have more energy
         Lower risk for disease
            Eat calcium, Vitamin
             D, fish, green
             vegetables, soy, to prevent

           (Jarvis, 2011; WebMD, 2011)
Lifting Objects Safely
        Lifting objects safely
           Stop: Be careful when
            picking up the weight.
           Plan: How to lift the
           Lift and move: Cautiously
            and slowly.

          Never twist the trunk or lift
          over the shoulder level when
          lifting a heavy object.

           (Potter et. al., 2013; Walker, 2012)
Workplace Factors
 Five physical workplace factors resulting in low-back injury:
     Leaning and twisting adopting bad positions
     Excessive physical labor.
     Sudden and violent motions.
     Vibration of the entire body
     Motionless postures.

 Work related mechanical LBP in nursing:
   Ask for help
   Use mechanical lift devices

      (Byrns, et. Al, 2010; Potter, 2013)                         37
     Good posture while

       Head erect
       Shoulders and hips aligned.
       Abdomen tucked.
       Knees and ankles lightly
       Feet slightly apart.
       Toes pointing forward.

      (Potter, et. al., 2013)
Sitting Posture
 Good posture while sitting:

     Head erect.
     Ears, shoulders and hips aligned.
     Slightly curve in the lower back.
     Thighs run alongside.
     Both feet on the floor.
     Knees below the hips.
     Keep space between the popliteal
      fossa and the border of the chair.

              (Walker, 2012)               39
Sleeping Positions
 Sleep on one of the sides.
 Use pillow between the
 Sleeping on his or her
  back, use a pillow under
  the knees.

       (Potter, et. al., 2013)

 Low-heeled shoes:

    Heels less than 1 inch
     create a more stable
     posture on the lower

    In contrast: effect of
     high heels on the foot.

              (WebMD, 2011)
Avoid Smoking
 Risk of osteoporosis

 Less nutrition in the
  intervertebral disc.

  (Jarvis, 2012; WebMD, 2011)

Stress Management
 Time
    Deal with it
    Delegate it
    Dump it

 Lifestyle
    Sleep well
    Eat healthy foods
    Be active

 Interacting with others

      (Batt & Todd, 2000; WebMD, 2011)

 American Psychological Association (APA) (2012). Annual Convention.
      Presentation guidelines for speakers. Retrieved from http://

 Batt, M. E.,Todd, C. (2000). Five facts and five concepts for rehabilitation of
        mechanical low back pain. Br J Sports Med 2000;34:261. doi:10.1136/

 Byrns, G., Reeder, G., Jin, G., & Pachis, K. (2010). Risk factors for work-
       related low back pain in registered nurses, and potential obstacles
       in using mechanical lifting devices. Journal of Occupational and
       Environmental Hygiene, 1, 11-21. DOI:10.1080/15459620490249992

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 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (2005). Prevalence
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 Concannon, M., & Bridgen, A. (2011). Lower back pain: a need for
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 Davis, M., Onega, T., Weeks, W., Lurie, J. (2012). Where the United States
       spends its spine. doi: 10.1097/BRS.0b013e3182541f45

 Global Burden Disease 2010 Study (GBD) (2012). Musculoskeletal conditions:
      the second greatest cause of disability. The Lancet (380). Summary.
      Retrieved from

 Gokzen, S. (2003). Spine and back. The well-tempered cellist.
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 Horton, R. (2012). GBD 2010: understanding disease, injury, and risk. The
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 Jarvis, C. (2012). Physical examination & health assessment. 6th ed.). St. Louis,
        MO: Elsevier Saunders.

 Lewadonski, W., Morris, R., Draucher, C., Risko. J. (2007). Chronic pain and
      family. doi: 10.1080/0161284070522200

 Lippincott, W. & Wilkins (2012). Patient spending for spinal care in
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 Ludeke, L., van Mechelen, W., Knoi, D.,Loisel, P., Anema, J., (2010).
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 Shankar, H., Scarlett, J., Abram, S. (2009). Anatomy and physiology of
      intervertebral disc disease. Techniques in Regional Anesthesia and Pain
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 Schofield, D., Shrestha, R., Percival, R., Passey, M., Callender, E. &
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 Smith, B., Elliott, A., Chambersa, W., Smith, W., Hannaford, P.,
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 The Bone and Joint Decade (BJD)(2012) Musculoskeletal conditions: the
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 The Burden of musculoskeletal diseases in United States (BMUS, 2008).
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 WebMD (2011, May). Back pain health center. Retrieved from



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  • 1. Mechanical Low Back Pain NUR 3066 Health Assessment and Promotion in Nursing Practice Instructor: Prof. Dawn Hawthorne PhD.  Dora Aguilar Isabel Barradas Linda Guevara Luz Luque Florida International University 1
  • 2. Mechanical Low Back Pain (LBP)  Overview, Anatomy and Pathophysiology Isabel Barradas  Causes, Risk Factors, Signs and Symptoms Luz Luque  Impact on Society and Family Linda Guevara  Prevention and Patient Education Dora Aguilar 2
  • 3. Overview  Worldwide, musculoskeletal conditions are the most common causes of severe long-term pain and physical disability (USBJI, 2013) (GBD 2010, 2012). Mechanical low back pain (LBP) remains the second most common symptom-related reason for seeing a physician in the United States (Hill, 2012). In our country, the musculoskeletal conditions are a leading cause of disability, accounting for more than 130 million patient visits to healthcare providers annually. They are the No. 1 reason people visit their physician, and affect nearly one in two Americans over the age of 18 (USBJI, 2013). 3
  • 4. Disability in US and Worldwide  Current estimates of people affected Worldwide (BJD, 2012) •Back pain 632.045 millions •Neck pain 32.049 millions •OA knee 250.785 millions •Other musculoskeletal conditions 560.978 millions (Brault, 2008) Data were collected in June-September 2005 by U.S. Census Bureau using the Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP); CDC and the U.S. Census Bureau analyzed the most recent data and released their findings in May 2009. 4
  • 5. *For individuals younger than 45 years, mechanical LBP represents the most common cause of disability and is generally associated with a work-related injury (Hill, 2012). *For individuals older than 45 years, mechanical LBP is the third most common cause of disability, and a careful history and physical examination are vital to evaluation, treatment, and management (Hill, 2012). *At the beginning of the 21st century, 750 national and international organizations partnered to create the Bone and Joint Decade (2002-2011). More than sixty countries, including the United States, have established multidisciplinary National Action Networks to plan activities in these respective countries. *The United States Bone and Joint Initiative (USBJI) is the U.S. National Action Network of the worldwide Bone and Joint Decade, a multi-disciplinary initiative targeting the care of people with musculoskeletal conditions: bone and joint disorders. *Its focus is on improving the quality of life as well as advancing the understanding and treatment of those conditions through research, prevention and education. (USBJI, 2013). 5
  • 6. Anatomy  *The spinal column is the body’s main support structure which contains the spinal cord. *The brain and spinal cord are known as the central nervous system, while the nerves that connect the spinal cord to the body are known as the peripheral nervous system. *The nerves that carry information from the brain to the muscles are called motor neurons. The nerves that carry information from the body back to the brain are called sensory neurons. Sensory neurons carry information to the brain about skin temperature, touch, pain and joint position. (Gokzen, 2003). 6
  • 7. *The Spinal Column is formed by 33 bones: the vertebrae ; and divided into 5 regions: Cervical (7), Thoracic (12), Lumbar (5), Sacral (5), Coccygeal (4). It has also other components such as: intervertebral dics (shock absorbers), paravertebral muscles (flexors, extensors and obliques) and ligaments (stabilizers). *From the brain , the spinal cord passes down the center of the back and is surrounded and protected by the bony spinal column. The spinal cord is surrounded by a clear fluid called cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), which acts as a cushion to protect the delicate nerve tissue damage by impacts against the inside of the vertebrae. *The Spinal Cord consists of millions of nerve fibers that transmit electrical information to the limbs, trunk and organs of the body, back to and from the brain. The nerves exiting the spine at the top of the neck, control breathing and arms. The nerves that leave the spinal cord in the middle and lower back, control the trunk and legs, bladder, bowel and sexual function. (Hills, 2012). 7
  • 8. Anatomy  (Michaud & Hoa, 2009) 8
  • 9. Pathophysiology  *There are many structures in the lumbar spine that can cause pain ; any irritation to the nerve roots that exit the spine, joint problems, the discs themselves, the bones and the muscles. *Many lumbar spine conditions are interrelated. For example, joint instability can lead to disc degeneration, which in turn can put pressure on the nerve roots. *The most common cause of lower back pain is muscle strain or other muscle problems. Strain due to heavy lifting, bending, or other repetitive use can be quite painful, but muscle strains usually heal within a few days or weeks (Davis,2012). *Causes of mechanical low back pain (LBP) generally are attributed to an acute traumatic event, but they may also include cumulative trauma. The severity of an acute traumatic event varies widely, from just twisting the back to being involved in a motor vehicle collision. *Mechanical LBP due to cumulative trauma tends to occur more commonly in the workplace. 9
  • 10. *The lumbar spine position most at risk for producing LBP is forward flexion (bent forward), rotation (trunk twisted), and attempting to lift a heavy object with out- stretched hands (Hills,2012) *Repetitive, compressive loading of the discs in flexion (e.g., lifting) puts the discs at risk for an annular tear and internal disc disruption. Likewise, torsion forces on the discs can produce shear forces that may induce annular tears (Shankar, Scarlett & Abrams, 2009). *In lumbar flexion, the highest strains are recorded within the interspinous and supraspinous ligaments, followed by the intracapsular ligaments and the ligamentum flavum. *In lumbar extension, the anterior longitudinal ligament experiences the highest strain. *Lateral bending produces the highest strains in the ligaments contralateral to the direction of bending. 10 *Rotation generates the highest strains in the capsular ligaments (Hills,2012)
  • 11. *Repeated episodes of injury results in the degeneration of the disc which becomes stiff and dry causing it to lose its shock absorbing properties, and making it more prone to new injuries. This process may continue until the disc is collapsed which increases the mechanical pressure on the bones and joints and may eventually lead to arthritis. *Degenerative changes are seen as decreased signal intensity and bulging of the discs in the lumbar spine. (Shankar, Scarlett & Abram, 2009) (Hill, 2012) 11
  • 12. Mechanical Low Back Pain (LBP)  Overview, Anatomy and Pathophysiology Isabel Barradas Caudle  Causes, Risk Factors, Signs and Symptoms Luz Luque  Impact on Society and Family Linda Guevara  Prevention and Patient Education Dora Aguilar 12
  • 13. Mechanical Low Back Pain   Lower back pain is  50-80% of population of referred as pain, muscle United States will have tension or stiffness occur lower back pain at some between the costal point of their life. margin and gluteal folds, including or not leg pain. (Walker, 2012) 13
  • 14. Causes and Risk Factors Acute low back pain Chronic low back pain Duration: less to 6 weeks; sub- Duration: more than 12 weeks. acute lasts between 6 to 12 weeks. Causes Causes • Sudden injury (strain or tears) to the • Arthritis muscles and ligaments. • Extra wear and tear on the spine • Compression fractures (osteoporosis) from work or sport. • Cancer • Past injuries • Herniated disk • Fractures • Sciatica • Past surgery • Spinal stenosis • Scoliosis or kyphosis • Herniated disk. • Osteoarthritis • Spinal stenosis. • Scoliosis or kyphosis (National Institute of Health, 2012) (National Institute of Health,2011). 14
  • 15. Causes and Risks Factors  Non-Specific causes Specific causes  Inflammatory. Rheumatoid  Poor posture when sitting arthritis, ankylosing and standing, lifting spondylitis, and reactive ergonomics and unknown arthritis. causes.  Mechanical. Osteoarthritis, facet joint pain, lumbar spondylosis, spondylolisthesis, radiculopathy, kyphosis, scoliosis, herniated disc, sciatic, degenerative disc or joint disease and fracture.  Metabolic. Osteoporosis, Paget’s disease and osteomalacia.  Others. Tumors and infections. 15 (Concannon, & Bridgen, 2011).
  • 16. Causes and Risks Factors   Non-specific factors increasing the risk of developing chronic back pain:  Overweight  Smoking  Pregnancy  Long-term use of medication  Stress  Depression  Occupation 16 (Concannon, & Bridgen, 2011)
  • 17. Signs and Symptoms  History of an event that caused Pain complaint. immediate low back pain:  Quality: sharp, dull,  Lifting and/or twisting burning, intermittent, or while holding a heavy diffuse. object.  Onset :sudden or insidious  Operating a machine that vibrates.  Localization and Radiation  Prolonged sitting.  Exacerbating and relieving  Involvement in a motor factors vehicle collision  Associated symptoms  Falls  Intensity. Past medical history :  24-hour pattern. This Arthritis, infections, surgery, ca provides a view of irritating ncer or degenerative diseases. and easing factors. Vocational history. (Concannon & Bridgen, 2011; (Hill, 2012) Walker, 2012) 17
  • 18. Red Flags No emergency red flags  Indicators of probable spinal pathology.  Age of onset younger of 20 Requires immediate referral: years or older of 55 years  History of violent trauma  Constant progressive non  Loss of sphincter tone mechanical pain  Urinary or fecal  Fever incontinence  History of malignancy  Saddle anesthesia  Infection  Gait disturbance.  Neurological disturbance  Night sweats and weight loss. (Concannon & Bridgen, 2011; Walker, 2012). 18
  • 19. Yellow flags  Indicators of possible chronicity of back pain.  Poor physical fitness  History of low back pain  Radiating leg pain  Total work loss as a result of low back pain in the past 12 months  Disproportionate illness behavior  Low job satisfaction  Psychological distress and personal problems. (Concannon & Bridgen, 2011; Walker, 2012) 19
  • 20. Physical Examination   Changes in spinal  Diagnostic Tests: alignment or sagittal balance. X ray, CT Scan and MRI.  Restricted movements of the lumbar spine  Evaluate disturbance of patellar and ankle reflexes.  Assess the strength and sensation of myotomes and dermatomes to determine neural compression.  Low back pain can cause leg symptoms such as pain, numbness or tingling, and difficulty standing straight. (Concannon & Bridgen, 2011; Walker, 2012) 20
  • 21. Types of Employment  Some types of jobs make the  employees more vulnerable to acute and chronic back pain  The American Chiropractic Association in 1994, determined the jobs most at risk for back pain.  Drivers of heavy trucks and tractor-trailers.  Construction workers and shingles roofers.  Landscapers.  Police officers.  Peace officers: fireman and emergency medical technicians.  Farmers and delivery drivers.  Nurses, especially home nurses. (The Healthy Back Institute, 2011) 21
  • 22. Mechanical Low Back Pain (LBP)  Overview, Anatomy and Pathophysiology Isabel Barradas Caudle  Causes, Risks Factors, Signs and Symptoms Luz Luque  Impact on Society and Family Linda Guevara  Prevention and Patient Education Dora Aguilar 22
  • 23. Impact on Society and Family   Back pain is an underestimated, common, and growing problem that is impacting not just the quality of life of the pain sufferer but his/her family, society and the nation (Schofield et al, 2012).  In March 2002, was declared the National Bone and Joint Decade with the specific mission: To improve bone and joint health by promoting and facilitating research and collaboration among professional organizations within all 50 U.S states, by educating and creating awareness of the growing musculoskeletal disease that leads to a better prevention, diagnosis and treatment (The Burden of musculoskeletal diseases in the United States (BMUS,2008). 23
  • 24. Impact on Society  During the last decade the cost of spine conditions has increased by 49% (Davis, Onega, Weeks & Laurie, 2012; BMUS, 2008). Some of the causes are:  Growing prevalence of back pain due to the aging of the population (BMUS, 2008) 24
  • 25. •Elevated number of medical visits •The subsequent increasing number of and used of advanced diagnostic prescription medications technologies (BMUS,2008) 25
  • 26. • Increased number and cost of spine surgeries performed due to disabling back pain and an ineffective non-surgical treatment. (BMUS,2008) 26
  • 27. •The resulting sickness leave and work disability outcome an economic impact to the state due to: *Lost income taxation *Increased benefits payments *Lost gross domestic product (Ludeke, van Mechelen, et al, 2010; Lipincott & Wilkins, 2012). The amount lost in productivity by disability is $10-20 billion each year (Davis, Onega, 27 Weeks & Lurie, 2012).
  • 28. Impact on Family   The impact of back pain in a family should be seen by considering its effect in the sufferer and in the rest of the family members. Person with pain Usually a person with back pain is affected psychosocially, physically and emotionally, changing his/her quality of life. Some of the changes are: • Limitations in his/her abilities to perform activities of daily living (ADLs) 28
  • 29. •Unpredictable changes of mood •Depression •Physical and emotional dependence •Isolation 29 (Smith et al, 2001; Schofield et al, 2012)
  • 30. Family Members The impact on the family members is upon almost every aspect of the family life because in order to give support to the pain sufferer they experiment social and family roles restructuration. Some of these changes are: • Addition of responsibilities usually done for the sufferer for maintain the home stability and income • Restructuring relationships and self-identities • Sometimes anger 30
  • 31. •Communication is centered on the illness •Diminished social activities due to lack of time and finances •Isolation from friends and community •Increased medical care expenditure 31 (Lewadonski et al, 2007; Smith et al, 2001; Schofield et al, 2012)
  • 32. Mechanical Low Back Pain (LBP)  Overview, Anatomy and Pathophysiology Isabel Barradas Caudle  Causes, Risks Factors, Signs and Symptoms Luz Luque  Impact on Society and Family Linda Guevara  Prevention and Patient Education Dora Aguilar 32
  • 33. Prevention and Patient Education   Prevention of mechanical low back pain (LBP) can be achieved using appropriately the biomechanical principles when performing heavy manual labor.  Prevention information depends on education and raising the awareness levels of individuals at risk for developing mechanical LBP. (Hill, 2012) 33
  • 34. Exercise   Exercise  Aerobic exercise: Maintaining healthy and strong muscles.  Strengthening exercises: Abdominal area, back and extremities.  Stretching exercises: Flexible joints and ligaments. (Batt & Todd, 2000; Walker, 2012; WebMD, 2012). 34
  • 35. Weight and Diet   Healthy Weight: Maintaining an appropriate body mass index (BMI) between 18.5 and 25.  Healthy Diet:  Feel better  Have more energy  Lower risk for disease  Eat calcium, Vitamin D, fish, green vegetables, soy, to prevent osteoporosis. 35 (Jarvis, 2011; WebMD, 2011)
  • 36. Lifting Objects Safely   Lifting objects safely  Stop: Be careful when picking up the weight.  Plan: How to lift the weight.  Lift and move: Cautiously and slowly. Never twist the trunk or lift over the shoulder level when lifting a heavy object. (Potter et. al., 2013; Walker, 2012) 36
  • 37. Workplace Factors   Five physical workplace factors resulting in low-back injury:  Leaning and twisting adopting bad positions  Excessive physical labor.  Sudden and violent motions.  Vibration of the entire body  Motionless postures.  Work related mechanical LBP in nursing:  Ask for help  Use mechanical lift devices (Byrns, et. Al, 2010; Potter, 2013) 37
  • 38. Posture   Good posture while standing:  Head erect  Shoulders and hips aligned.  Abdomen tucked.  Knees and ankles lightly flexed.  Feet slightly apart.  Toes pointing forward. (Potter, et. al., 2013) 38
  • 39. Sitting Posture   Good posture while sitting:  Head erect.  Ears, shoulders and hips aligned.  Slightly curve in the lower back.  Thighs run alongside.  Both feet on the floor.  Knees below the hips.  Keep space between the popliteal fossa and the border of the chair. (Walker, 2012) 39
  • 40. Sleeping Positions   Sleep on one of the sides.  Use pillow between the knees.  Sleeping on his or her back, use a pillow under the knees. (Potter, et. al., 2013) 40
  • 41. Shoes   Low-heeled shoes:  Heels less than 1 inch create a more stable posture on the lower back.  In contrast: effect of high heels on the foot. (WebMD, 2011) 41
  • 42. Avoid Smoking   Risk of osteoporosis  Less nutrition in the intervertebral disc. (Jarvis, 2012; WebMD, 2011) 42
  • 43. Stress Management   Time  Deal with it  Delegate it  Dump it  Lifestyle  Sleep well  Eat healthy foods  Be active  Interacting with others (Batt & Todd, 2000; WebMD, 2011) 43
  • 44. References  44
  • 45. References   American Psychological Association (APA) (2012). Annual Convention. Presentation guidelines for speakers. Retrieved from http://  Batt, M. E.,Todd, C. (2000). Five facts and five concepts for rehabilitation of mechanical low back pain. Br J Sports Med 2000;34:261. doi:10.1136/ bjsm.34.4.261  Byrns, G., Reeder, G., Jin, G., & Pachis, K. (2010). Risk factors for work- related low back pain in registered nurses, and potential obstacles in using mechanical lifting devices. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 1, 11-21. DOI:10.1080/15459620490249992  Bone and Joint Initiative USA (USBJI) (2013). The burden of musculoskeletal diseases in United States. Retrieved from: http:// 0091126&jsessionid=f03071b8dbd7ac5c7e5933287e196b4d4764 45
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  • 49.   Lippincott, W. & Wilkins (2012). Patient spending for spinal care in U.S. has nearly doubled over past decade. ScienceDaily. Retrieved from 120905110857.htm  Ludeke, L., van Mechelen, W., Knoi, D.,Loisel, P., Anema, J., (2010). Randomised controlled trial of integrated care to reduce disability from chronic low back pain in working and private life. British medical journal. Retrieved from http://  Michaud,A., and Hoa,D. (2009). IMAIOS. E-anatomy. Anatomy of the spine. Retrieved from Spine/Spinal-cord-diagrams 49
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  • 52.   The Healthy Back Institute. (2011). The 12 worst jobs for low back pain. Retrieved from forbackpain.html? utm_nooverride=1&ref=07-09-09-HBI-Enews- 12Jobs-BackPain-Cust  U.S. Census Bureau (2005). Survey of income and program participation. Retrieved from DisabilityCauses/chart.html  Walker, J. (2012). Back pain: pathogenesis, diagnosis and management. Nursing Standard, 27, 49-56. Retrieved from fviewer?vid=3&sid=5ec61691-6878-46a3-b3a.  WebMD (2011, May). Back pain health center. Retrieved from prevention 52
  • 53. THANK YOU  53