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Delivering on environmental
Guidelines and Evaluation
      framework for
 an “on-board” approach

 Maya Leroy, AgroParisTech/MRM – CSFD
Laurent Mermet, AgroParisTech/CERSES

             Maya LEROY- UNCCD Scientific Conference- CSFD   avril 2012

   In what field of environmental assessment do we
    stand ?
   Six challenges for the evaluation
   An « on-board » approach illustrated by
    evaluation of an environmental management
    program in the Senegal valley

                  Maya LEROY- UNCCD Scientific Conference- CSFD   av
Environmental evaluation of policies,
           programs and projects

        Assessment do not deal just with facts, but with
         objectives, preferences, and value judgements
        Limits of “integrated approaches to assessment”
         (Scrase & Sheate, 2002)
⇒   Strategic approaches
⇒   concern-focused evaluation (Mermet,
    Billé, Leroy, 2010)
⇒   Focus on the effectiveness of environmental
⇒   during implementation phase

                     Maya LEROY- UNCCD Scientific Conference- CSFD   av
Six challenges for the evaluation

 (1) Goals and commitments : Refusing consensus as a
    sinequanone condition : environmental goals do not receive
    the wide support of all stakeholders

 (2) Policies, programs , projects.. : Start from clear
    environmental commitments before any given program :
    focus evaluation on the environmental problem, not on one
    given program

                  Maya LEROY- UNCCD Scientific Conference- CSFD   av
Six challenges for the evaluation

 (3) Databases and criteria : Aiming at sufficient proof
    rather than an unachievable dataset : exhaustive data is
    often not necessary

 (4) Firmly link environmental commitments to
    ecological criteria : decisive “hard issues” that will
    make an essential difference for the environmental bottom-

                   Maya LEROY- UNCCD Scientific Conference- CSFD   av
Six challenges for the evaluation
(5) Assessing the relevance of programs, goals
   and outcomes to crucial ecosystems issues :
   focus on the few programs that are the most relevant

(6) Embedding management systems and
   evaluation tools into concrete situations : do
   not isolate administrative and technical environmental
   management systems from the political scene and
   environmental commitments

                 Maya LEROY- UNCCD Scientific Conference- CSFD   av
An « on-board » approach
illustrated by evaluation of an environmental
management program in the Senegal valley

A relative evaluation.
It defines the “variations”, that is to say, the trends, and not
    the “state” of the ecosystem, in terms of
- slowing down,
- stabilisation,
- or acceleration of damaging processes .
The programs, projects, plans to be evaluated can therefore
    be positioned within a framework of which the evaluative
    reference points are the major environmental issues

                      Maya LEROY- UNCCD Scientific Conference- CSFD   av
An « on-board » approach
 illustrated by evaluation of an environmental
 management program in the Senegal valley

Three phases:
1. a deconstruction phase , to go beyond the façade of
   bland, apparently consensual environmental management
   that is usually presented to the evaluator,
2. a reconstruction phase , when the evaluator posits clear
   criteria for his analysis and assessment,
3. an assessment phase , when he confronts realities in the
   field to the environmental commitments i.e. the bottom-line
   that the evaluation is based on.

                    Maya LEROY- UNCCD Scientific Conference- CSFD   av
The deconstruction phase:
concrete situations in place of management discourse

                                            Map of the Senegal
                                            River Basin

                Maya LEROY- UNCCD Scientific Conference- CSFD    av
                                            PROCESSUS DOMMAGEABLES

        Barrage anti-sel DIAMA
        0,25 milliard m3 (1,5 IGN)
                                                                            Bakoye + Baoulé (20%)
        0,54 milliard m3 (2,5 IGN)

        A B

                                                                                                         11 milliards m3

                                                                                   Falémé (25%)

    A             B                  C          D              C’              E               F                 G             H
ESTUAIRE        DIAMA      PERIMETRES         DELTA        PERIMETRES     MOYENNE V          LIT           MANANTALI        BASSIN
                            IRRIGUES          HORS          IRRIGUES        HORS           FLUVIAL                          AMONT
                              DELTA         PERIMETRE      MOYENNE V.     PERIMETRE         AVAL                             HAUT
                           ENDIGUEMEN           S                             S           MANANTALI                         FLEUVE
Assèchem-      Blocag       Perte de la     Obstruction     Perte de la   Perte de la      Erosion lit      Inondation     Exploitation
   ent            e             plaine      des voies de       plaine         plaine        mineur                           agricole
               échang       d’inondation      migration    d’inondation   d’inondation                                     intensive et
               es eau       Salinisation/   Salinisation   Obstruction                                                     Etablisseme
n nappe et
               douce/      Alcalinisation      (zones      des voies de                                                         nt
                 eau                         exondées)      migration                                                       incontrôlé
                salée                        Oxydation
                Dvlpt                          (zones
                Hydro-                       inondées)
                                               Maya LEROY- UNCCD Scientific Conference- CSFD                                          av
The reconstruction phase:
    re-defining relevance and effectiveness

   Relevance: A small number of criteria are required with
    high relevance both to environmental commitments and
    ecological issues.

   Effectiveness: A very simple set of relative benchmark
    levels is necessary.

                    Maya LEROY- UNCCD Scientific Conference- CSFD   av
The reconstruction phase: re-defining relevance

     Environmental commitments                          Environmental stakes
                                                     for the Senegal river valley
Preservation of hydro-system functions       1- Release sufficient water from the Manantali
     (Ramsar Convention, CBD, Agenda 21      dam to maintain an artificial flood : to allow for
art.18, Global Water Partnership and World   flooding of the valley.
Water Council)                               2- Limit Dyke building and other unfavourable
                                             construction or alteration : to allow for lateral
                                             and vertical exchanges.
Conservation of wetlands
                                             3- Safeguard and restore wetlands in terms of
   (Ramsar Convention, CBD, UNCCD)
                                             ecological quality as well as surface area.

Conservation of biological diversity and
of threatened wild species                   4- Limit degradation and disappearance of
                                             natural resources : maintain viable populations
    (CBD, Bonn Conv., Berne Conv., World     of species in natural surroundings or re-
Heritage Conv., Algiers Conv., Ramsar,       populate, restore habitats and control pollution.
CITES, Agenda 21 article 15)
                                             5- Favour knowledge, innovations and practices
Wise use of ecosystems and multi-usage
                                             which preserve, maintain, and enhance natural
management at community level
                                             ecologic and hydraulic functioning of wetlands
 (Ramsar Conv., CBD, UNCCD, Agenda 21        ecosystems.
articles 26 )
                             Maya LEROY- UNCCD Scientific Conference- CSFD                        av
And re-defining effectiveness: «  On-board » environmental evaluation framework
                RAPID DEGRADATION                    SLOW DEGRADATION                          STABILISATION                           RESTORATION

ANNUAL FLOOD         Lack of artificial flooding          Weak artificial flood                Regular artificial flood with a   Regular artificial flood of high
                     (flood coming only from              (or more years without                fair duration and volume               amplitude
                        uncontrolled tributaries,           flood than in the natural          230 000 ha flooded (or            330 000 ha flooded (or 110 000
                        high proportion of years            hydrological pattern)               70 000 ha of flood                     of flood recession
                        without flooding)                 150 000 flooded ha (or                recession agriculture)                 agriculture)
                                                            40 000 ha of flood
                                                            recession agriculture)

 LATERAL AND    Acceleration of major dyke                Development of dyke                  Termination of dyke and           Termination of major dyke and
  VERTICAL            building and infrastructure          building and                         river bed works limiting              river bed works and
  EXCHANGES           works and dredging in the            infrastructure works in              lateral and vertical                  restoration of degraded
                      river bed with mitigation of         the river bed with                   exchanges or equivalent               areas
                      impacts (or development              mitigation of impacts                compensation
                      at current rate without
                      reduction of impacts)

 WETLANDS       Infrastructure works in the river    Infrastructure works in the river         No net loss (in surface or        Termination of destructive
                        bed without wetlands                 bed with wetlands                  quality), termination of              practices and restoration
                        protection                           protection, restoration of         destructive practices or              of degraded wetlands
                                                             existing protected                 equivalent restoration
                                                             wetland areas
 BIODIVERSITY        Uncontrolled use with           Maintenance of certain species       Maintenance of biodiversity at         Preservation of functional
                      negative impact on the               in protected areas,                  current levels. No net loss            ecosystems and
                      preservation of fauna and            gradual degradation of                                                      restoration of habitats,
                      flora and disruption of              functional ecosystems                                                       regeneration of species
                      natural ecosystem                                                                                                reproductive potential.

  WISE USE      Promoting technical and              Gradual disappearance of             Maintenance at current levels          Support and revitalize activities
                     economic activities that             activities based on a                 activities based on a                 based on a sustainable
                     do not rely on ecosystem             sustainable use of                    sustainable use of                    use of ecosystem
                     functions and that require           ecosystem functioning                 ecosystem functioning                 functioning (fisheries,
                     infrastructure works that            (fisheries, non-intensive             (fisheries, non-intensive             non-intensive cattle-
                     hinder such functions                cattle-raising, flood                 cattle-raising, flood                 raising, flood recession
                                                          recession agriculture,                recession agriculture,                agriculture, traditional
                                                    Maya LEROY- UNCCD Scientific Conference- CSFD
                                                          traditional forestry…)                traditional forestry…)                forestry…)
The assessment phase:
appraising programs against the
   environmental bottom-line

        Maya LEROY- UNCCD Scientific Conference- CSFD   av
PASIE: Program for Environnemental Impact Mitigation and Monitoring (1997-2001)
 Six-fold Program               Components                                                        1000 US$
                                                                                                  % of total
 Mitigation of impacts of the   Surveillance de la construction : Éviter les zones sensibles      0 (*)
 power-plant project            (zones humides, boisées, aires protégées), éviter pollution des
                                cours d’eau pendant les travaux,dépolluer si accident,..

 Resettlement and               Expropriation et indemnisation                                    4,010
 compensation                   Recasements et Facilitation                                       (23%)
                                Terre de l’Etat
                                Support technique et administratif
 Optimisation of reservoir      Optimisation de la crue                                           2,525
 management                     Ressources ichtyologiques du fleuve                               (15%)
                                Ecosystème réservoir
                                Etude Coût/bénéfice
                                Appui Chartes de l’eau, Système communication et plan d’alerte
 Health component               Faisabilité et avant projet détaillé, projets pilotes             3,925
                                Réalisation projets pilotes                                       (22%)
                                Etude, fluctuation des réservoirs
                                Plan sanitaire régional
 Monitoring, coordination,      Observatoire de l’environnement/ Base de données                  4,010
 communication                  Comité de pilotage                                                (23%)
                                Groupe consultatif
                                Comités locaux et mécanisme de participation
                                Plan d’action environnemental et Code de l’environnement
                                Coordination Santé et Environnement
                                Cellule limnologique
 Auxiliary actions              Promotion électrification rurale                                  2,950
                                Projet lutte contre la pauvreté génération de revenus             (17%)
                                Promotion développement d’autres sites hydroélectriques
                                Maya LEROY- UNCCD Scientific Conference- CSFD                                  av
« On-board » environmental assessment of the PASIE
                RAPID DEGRADATION                     SLOW DEGRADATION                           STABILISATION                          RESTORATION

ANNUAL FLOOD         Lack of artificial flooding           Weak artificial flood                Regular artificial flood with a   Regular artificial flood of high
                     (flood coming only from               (or more years without flood          fair duration and volume               amplitude
                        uncontrolled tributaries,            than in the natural                230 000 ha flooded (or            330 000 ha flooded (or 110 000
                        high proportion of years             hydrological pattern)               70 000 ha of flood                     of flood recession
                        without flooding)                  150 000 flooded ha (or                recession agriculture)                 agriculture)
                                                             40 000 ha of flood
                                                             recession agriculture)

 LATERAL AND    Acceleration of major dyke                 Development of dyke                  Termination of dyke and river     Termination of major dyke and
  VERTICAL            building and infrastructure           building and infrastructure          bed works limiting lateral            river bed works and
  EXCHANGES           works and dredging in the             works in the river bed with          and vertical exchanges or             restoration of degraded
                      river bed with mitigation of          mitigation of impacts                equivalent compensation               areas
                      impacts (or development
                      at current rate without
                      reduction of impacts)

 WETLANDS       Infrastructure works in the river     Infrastructure works in the river         No net loss (in surface or        Termination of destructive
                        bed without wetlands                  bed with wetlands                  quality), termination of              practices and restoration
                        protection                            protection, restoration of         destructive practices or              of degraded wetlands
                                                              existing protected wetland         equivalent restoration
 BIODIVERSITY        Uncontrolled use with            Maintenance of certain species       Maintenance of biodiversity at         Preservation of functional
                      negative impact on the                in protected areas,                  current levels. No net loss            ecosystems and
                      preservation of fauna and             gradual degradation of                                                      restoration of habitats,
                      flora and disruption of               functional ecosystems                                                       regeneration of species
                      natural ecosystem                                                                                                 reproductive potential.

  WISE USE      Promoting technical and               Gradual disappearance of             Maintenance at current levels          Support and revitalize activities
                     economic activities that do           activities based on a                 activities based on a                 based on a sustainable
                     not rely on ecosystem                 sustainable use of                    sustainable use of                    use of ecosystem
                     functions and that require            ecosystem functioning                 ecosystem functioning                 functioning (fisheries,
                     infrastructure works that             (fisheries, non-intensive             (fisheries, non-intensive             non-intensive cattle-
                     hinder such functions                 cattle-raising, flood                 cattle-raising, flood                 raising, flood recession
                                                           recession agriculture,                recession agriculture,                agriculture, traditional
                                                    Maya LEROY- UNCCD Scientific Conference- CSFD
                                                           traditional forestry…)                traditional forestry…)                forestry…)

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Maya LEROY "Delivering on environmental commitments? Guidelines and evaluation framework for an “On-Board” approach"

  • 1. Delivering on environmental commitments? Guidelines and Evaluation framework for an “on-board” approach  Maya Leroy, AgroParisTech/MRM – CSFD Laurent Mermet, AgroParisTech/CERSES Maya LEROY- UNCCD Scientific Conference- CSFD avril 2012
  • 2. Plan  In what field of environmental assessment do we stand ?  Six challenges for the evaluation  An « on-board » approach illustrated by evaluation of an environmental management program in the Senegal valley Maya LEROY- UNCCD Scientific Conference- CSFD av
  • 3. Environmental evaluation of policies, programs and projects  Assessment do not deal just with facts, but with objectives, preferences, and value judgements  Limits of “integrated approaches to assessment” (Scrase & Sheate, 2002) ⇒ Strategic approaches ⇒ concern-focused evaluation (Mermet, Billé, Leroy, 2010) ⇒ Focus on the effectiveness of environmental actions ⇒ during implementation phase Maya LEROY- UNCCD Scientific Conference- CSFD av
  • 4. Six challenges for the evaluation (1) Goals and commitments : Refusing consensus as a sinequanone condition : environmental goals do not receive the wide support of all stakeholders (2) Policies, programs , projects.. : Start from clear environmental commitments before any given program : focus evaluation on the environmental problem, not on one given program Maya LEROY- UNCCD Scientific Conference- CSFD av
  • 5. Six challenges for the evaluation (3) Databases and criteria : Aiming at sufficient proof rather than an unachievable dataset : exhaustive data is often not necessary (4) Firmly link environmental commitments to ecological criteria : decisive “hard issues” that will make an essential difference for the environmental bottom- line Maya LEROY- UNCCD Scientific Conference- CSFD av
  • 6. Six challenges for the evaluation (5) Assessing the relevance of programs, goals and outcomes to crucial ecosystems issues : focus on the few programs that are the most relevant (6) Embedding management systems and evaluation tools into concrete situations : do not isolate administrative and technical environmental management systems from the political scene and environmental commitments Maya LEROY- UNCCD Scientific Conference- CSFD av
  • 7. An « on-board » approach illustrated by evaluation of an environmental management program in the Senegal valley A relative evaluation. It defines the “variations”, that is to say, the trends, and not the “state” of the ecosystem, in terms of - slowing down, - stabilisation, - or acceleration of damaging processes . The programs, projects, plans to be evaluated can therefore be positioned within a framework of which the evaluative reference points are the major environmental issues Maya LEROY- UNCCD Scientific Conference- CSFD av
  • 8. An « on-board » approach illustrated by evaluation of an environmental management program in the Senegal valley Three phases: 1. a deconstruction phase , to go beyond the façade of bland, apparently consensual environmental management that is usually presented to the evaluator, 2. a reconstruction phase , when the evaluator posits clear criteria for his analysis and assessment, 3. an assessment phase , when he confronts realities in the field to the environmental commitments i.e. the bottom-line that the evaluation is based on. Maya LEROY- UNCCD Scientific Conference- CSFD av
  • 9. The deconstruction phase: concrete situations in place of management discourse Map of the Senegal River Basin Maya LEROY- UNCCD Scientific Conference- CSFD av
  • 10. SCHEMA DU FLEUVE SENEGAL PROCESSUS DOMMAGEABLES Barrage anti-sel DIAMA 0,25 milliard m3 (1,5 IGN) Bakoye + Baoulé (20%) 0,54 milliard m3 (2,5 IGN) A B Réservoir MANANTALI 11 milliards m3 Falémé (25%) A B C D C’ E F G H ESTUAIRE DIAMA PERIMETRES DELTA PERIMETRES MOYENNE V LIT MANANTALI BASSIN IRRIGUES HORS IRRIGUES HORS FLUVIAL AMONT DELTA PERIMETRE MOYENNE V. PERIMETRE AVAL HAUT ENDIGUEMEN S S MANANTALI FLEUVE T Assèchem- Blocag Perte de la Obstruction Perte de la Perte de la Erosion lit Inondation Exploitation ent e plaine des voies de plaine plaine mineur agricole échang d’inondation migration d’inondation d’inondation intensive et Salinisatio es eau Salinisation/ Salinisation Obstruction Etablisseme n nappe et douce/ Alcalinisation (zones des voies de nt sol eau exondées) migration incontrôlé salée Oxydation Dvlpt (zones Hydro- inondées) phytes Maya LEROY- UNCCD Scientific Conference- CSFD av
  • 11. The reconstruction phase: re-defining relevance and effectiveness  Relevance: A small number of criteria are required with high relevance both to environmental commitments and ecological issues.  Effectiveness: A very simple set of relative benchmark levels is necessary. Maya LEROY- UNCCD Scientific Conference- CSFD av
  • 12. The reconstruction phase: re-defining relevance Environmental commitments Environmental stakes for the Senegal river valley Preservation of hydro-system functions 1- Release sufficient water from the Manantali (Ramsar Convention, CBD, Agenda 21 dam to maintain an artificial flood : to allow for art.18, Global Water Partnership and World flooding of the valley. Water Council) 2- Limit Dyke building and other unfavourable construction or alteration : to allow for lateral and vertical exchanges. Conservation of wetlands 3- Safeguard and restore wetlands in terms of (Ramsar Convention, CBD, UNCCD) ecological quality as well as surface area. Conservation of biological diversity and of threatened wild species 4- Limit degradation and disappearance of natural resources : maintain viable populations (CBD, Bonn Conv., Berne Conv., World of species in natural surroundings or re- Heritage Conv., Algiers Conv., Ramsar, populate, restore habitats and control pollution. CITES, Agenda 21 article 15) 5- Favour knowledge, innovations and practices Wise use of ecosystems and multi-usage which preserve, maintain, and enhance natural management at community level ecologic and hydraulic functioning of wetlands (Ramsar Conv., CBD, UNCCD, Agenda 21 ecosystems. articles 26 ) Maya LEROY- UNCCD Scientific Conference- CSFD av
  • 13. And re-defining effectiveness: «  On-board » environmental evaluation framework RAPID DEGRADATION SLOW DEGRADATION STABILISATION RESTORATION ANNUAL FLOOD Lack of artificial flooding Weak artificial flood Regular artificial flood with a Regular artificial flood of high (flood coming only from (or more years without fair duration and volume amplitude uncontrolled tributaries, flood than in the natural 230 000 ha flooded (or 330 000 ha flooded (or 110 000 high proportion of years hydrological pattern) 70 000 ha of flood of flood recession without flooding) 150 000 flooded ha (or recession agriculture) agriculture) 40 000 ha of flood recession agriculture) LATERAL AND Acceleration of major dyke Development of dyke Termination of dyke and Termination of major dyke and VERTICAL building and infrastructure building and river bed works limiting river bed works and EXCHANGES works and dredging in the infrastructure works in lateral and vertical restoration of degraded river bed with mitigation of the river bed with exchanges or equivalent areas impacts (or development mitigation of impacts compensation at current rate without reduction of impacts) WETLANDS Infrastructure works in the river Infrastructure works in the river No net loss (in surface or Termination of destructive bed without wetlands bed with wetlands quality), termination of practices and restoration protection protection, restoration of destructive practices or of degraded wetlands existing protected equivalent restoration wetland areas BIODIVERSITY Uncontrolled use with Maintenance of certain species Maintenance of biodiversity at Preservation of functional negative impact on the in protected areas, current levels. No net loss ecosystems and preservation of fauna and gradual degradation of restoration of habitats, flora and disruption of functional ecosystems regeneration of species natural ecosystem reproductive potential. functions WISE USE Promoting technical and Gradual disappearance of Maintenance at current levels Support and revitalize activities economic activities that activities based on a activities based on a based on a sustainable do not rely on ecosystem sustainable use of sustainable use of use of ecosystem functions and that require ecosystem functioning ecosystem functioning functioning (fisheries, infrastructure works that (fisheries, non-intensive (fisheries, non-intensive non-intensive cattle- hinder such functions cattle-raising, flood cattle-raising, flood raising, flood recession recession agriculture, recession agriculture, agriculture, traditional Maya LEROY- UNCCD Scientific Conference- CSFD traditional forestry…) traditional forestry…) forestry…) av
  • 14. The assessment phase: appraising programs against the environmental bottom-line Maya LEROY- UNCCD Scientific Conference- CSFD av
  • 15. PASIE: Program for Environnemental Impact Mitigation and Monitoring (1997-2001) Six-fold Program Components 1000 US$ % of total cost Mitigation of impacts of the Surveillance de la construction : Éviter les zones sensibles 0 (*) power-plant project (zones humides, boisées, aires protégées), éviter pollution des cours d’eau pendant les travaux,dépolluer si accident,.. Resettlement and Expropriation et indemnisation 4,010 compensation Recasements et Facilitation (23%) Terre de l’Etat Support technique et administratif Optimisation of reservoir Optimisation de la crue 2,525 management Ressources ichtyologiques du fleuve (15%) Ecosystème réservoir Etude Coût/bénéfice Appui Chartes de l’eau, Système communication et plan d’alerte Health component Faisabilité et avant projet détaillé, projets pilotes 3,925 Réalisation projets pilotes (22%) Etude, fluctuation des réservoirs Plan sanitaire régional Monitoring, coordination, Observatoire de l’environnement/ Base de données 4,010 communication Comité de pilotage (23%) Groupe consultatif Comités locaux et mécanisme de participation Plan d’action environnemental et Code de l’environnement Coordination Santé et Environnement Cellule limnologique Auxiliary actions Promotion électrification rurale 2,950 Projet lutte contre la pauvreté génération de revenus (17%) Promotion développement d’autres sites hydroélectriques Maya LEROY- UNCCD Scientific Conference- CSFD av
  • 16. « On-board » environmental assessment of the PASIE RAPID DEGRADATION SLOW DEGRADATION STABILISATION RESTORATION ANNUAL FLOOD Lack of artificial flooding Weak artificial flood Regular artificial flood with a Regular artificial flood of high (flood coming only from (or more years without flood fair duration and volume amplitude uncontrolled tributaries, than in the natural 230 000 ha flooded (or 330 000 ha flooded (or 110 000 high proportion of years hydrological pattern) 70 000 ha of flood of flood recession without flooding) 150 000 flooded ha (or recession agriculture) agriculture) 40 000 ha of flood recession agriculture) LATERAL AND Acceleration of major dyke Development of dyke Termination of dyke and river Termination of major dyke and VERTICAL building and infrastructure building and infrastructure bed works limiting lateral river bed works and EXCHANGES works and dredging in the works in the river bed with and vertical exchanges or restoration of degraded river bed with mitigation of mitigation of impacts equivalent compensation areas impacts (or development at current rate without reduction of impacts) WETLANDS Infrastructure works in the river Infrastructure works in the river No net loss (in surface or Termination of destructive bed without wetlands bed with wetlands quality), termination of practices and restoration protection protection, restoration of destructive practices or of degraded wetlands existing protected wetland equivalent restoration areas BIODIVERSITY Uncontrolled use with Maintenance of certain species Maintenance of biodiversity at Preservation of functional negative impact on the in protected areas, current levels. No net loss ecosystems and preservation of fauna and gradual degradation of restoration of habitats, flora and disruption of functional ecosystems regeneration of species natural ecosystem reproductive potential. functions WISE USE Promoting technical and Gradual disappearance of Maintenance at current levels Support and revitalize activities economic activities that do activities based on a activities based on a based on a sustainable not rely on ecosystem sustainable use of sustainable use of use of ecosystem functions and that require ecosystem functioning ecosystem functioning functioning (fisheries, infrastructure works that (fisheries, non-intensive (fisheries, non-intensive non-intensive cattle- hinder such functions cattle-raising, flood cattle-raising, flood raising, flood recession recession agriculture, recession agriculture, agriculture, traditional Maya LEROY- UNCCD Scientific Conference- CSFD traditional forestry…) traditional forestry…) forestry…) av

Editor's Notes

  1. (analyser l’ensemble des politiques, programme, projets qui impactent au regard d’un pb environmental (impacts qui peuvent être non intentionnels)
  2. Attention : La phase de déconstruction (1) est bien une déconstruction des « critères d’évaluation » : Déterminer les échelles d’analyse de la situation (multi-échelle), comprendre les processus dommageable à l’écosystème étudié, et donc comprendre le socio-écosystème : Elle se fait à partir d’un diagnostic « lourd » et l’analyse concrète du terrain (pas en 3) (the realities of the fields in termes of damages) et pas à partir d’un discours managérial. La phase de « reconstruction » : c’est une phase de « reconstruction des critères évaluatifs : Elle part des engagements sur les critères environnementaux (ils peuvent être multiples : biodiv, chgt clim, etc.) et donc multi-échelle, mais ce sont eux qui sont au centre de l’analyse, et s’ils sont contreoversé, ces controverses doivent être mises au jour. (3) La phase d’évaluation : c’est la phase d’évaluation des « dispositifs de gestion » : C’est l’analyse de ce que fait le programma( projet, politique, instrument mis en œuvre) au regard des critères normatifs, dans sa situation concrète d’action (et pas « en principe).
  3. The Senegal river Manantali reservoir is located upstream in Mali, on the Bafing, the main tributary of the Senegal River, which contributes 50% of the flow. It has the capacity to store 11 billion m 3 of the strongly seasonal rainfall on the Fouta Djalon mountains in Guinea. The water is subsequently released in the dry season to serve three main goals: the development of irrigated agriculture on hundreds of thousands of hectares of former floodplain, the production of electricity, and river navigation. In the river’s estuary, the Diama dam blocks salt water from flowing up the river, making it possible to use water for irrigation and urban supply, but causes the disappearance of what remains of the floodplains and mangroves of the former estuary, and restricts the movement of numerous aquatic species.