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      Presented By
 Manshi Makati

                 Taught By ,
                      Asha Madam
   Information Technology is the application of
    Computers towards organizing and efficient
    retrieval/reporting of information.

   Information Technology refers to the creation,
    gathering, processing, storing, protecting,
    presenting and dissemination of information
    using , hardware, software and
    telecommunication technology.

   “IT includes various types of Computers, Software,
     Communications, Facsimile transmissions, &
     Electronic conferencing.” By Henry C. Lucas, Jr

   “IT is the study, design, development, implementation,
     support or management of computer based information
     system particularly software's applications & computer
  Information Technology‟s prime concern is Information.
 MIS is concerned with capture, processing and
  communication of information.
 Computers thus form valuable tool in MIS.
  The word computer comes from the Latin word
  “computa” which means “to calculate”.
 A computer is normally considered as calculating machine
  that can perform arithmetic operation at a very high speed.
 Nowadays computer is used for multiple purposes.
 Definition :
  An electronic device which is capable of performing series
  of arithmetic and logical operations at a very high speed is
  called computer.
   Memory is an area of computer which holds data that is
    waiting to be processed, Storing or output.
 The history of computer is very old, long and
 History of computer in the area of technological
 development is being considered because it is usually the
 technological advancement in computers that brings about
 economic and social advancement.
o   A faster computer brings about faster operation and that in
    turn causes an economic development.
o   This will discuss classes of computers, computer evolution
    and highlight some roles played by individuals in these
o   This emphasizes the need to study history of the computer
    because a proper study and understanding of the evolution of
    computers will undoubtedly help to greatly improve on
    computer technologies.
 In 1930, Analog computer were introduced.
 In 1944, H. Aiken at Hayward University USA, developed
 It was the first digital computer from IBM.
 Which spanned 51 feet in length and 8 feet in height. 500
  meters of wiring were required to connect each component.
 If we consider the Generation 0 of computers till 1944, then
  computer were mainly special purposes. They were usually
  designed to do calculation work.
 After 1944, people concentrated on the development of
  general purpose computers which could be used for
  multiple tasks which are discussed as follow.
   First Generation (1946-59)

   Second Generation(1957-64)

   Third Generation(1965-70)

   Fourth Generation(1970-90)

   Fifth Generation(1990 till date)
     The first general purpose computer of this generation was
      constructed in 1946, at the Moore School of Engineering of
      the University of Pennsylvania, USA by Prof: Presper Eckert
      and John Mauchly.
      The name of that computer was ENIAC.
      Work on ENAIC started in 1943 and the project was
      completed in 1946.
      In this computer system Vacuum tubes were used. These tubes
      were very large in size, due to which the size of computer of
      that generation was large.
   A device to amplify, switch, or modify a signal (by controlling
    the movements of electrons)
    In second generation a new device was discovered, which is
     called transistor.
a)   Transistor is a small electronic device used in computers, radios, televisions, etc
     for controlling an electronic current as it passes along a circuit.
b)   Transistor were prepared by a British Scientist William Shockley. These transistor
     were able to move an electronic charge.
Eg : Lower power consumption, smaller, more reliable, cheaper, much lower heat
    During this generation two programming languages were
     prepared. i.e.
a)   FORTRAN which prepared in 1956 by an American Scientist John Backus.
b)   COBOL which was prepared by an American women Grace Hopper in 1959.
    Computer of second generation are smaller in size then 1st
     generation computer.
   IBM
       IBM7094: For scientific application (1962)
       IBM1401: For business applications (1959)

   In 2nd generation,
   Increase the performance and capacity was found
   Lowered cost
   Speed increase as well
   All this improvement was the result of use of transistor in place of vacuum
   In this generation microelectronics were introduced which
    was the invention of Integrated Circuits (IC‟s).

   The 3rd generation was based on IC technology.
       IC is a small Microchip that contains a large number of electrical
        connections and performs the same function as a larger circuit made
        from separate parts.
 IC was an advance electronic technology, when a large
  number of circuit elements are integrated into a very small
  surface of silicon known as “Chip” then it is called an IC.
 IBM System/360 were the first computers to be built entirely
  with ICs.
 Computer of 3rd generation is smaller in size as compared to
  previous generation computer.
 Maintenance cost was low because the chance of hardware
  failure was minimum in those computers.
 The disadvantage of 3rd generation computer was, a very
  costly technology required for the manufacturing of IC chip.

   Cray-1: $8.8 million, 160 million instructions per seconds and
    8 Mbytes of memory
 Improvements to IC technology made it possible to integrate
  more and more transistors in a single chip
 In 1970‟s SSI, MSI, LSI and VLSI circuits were used at the
  place of IC‟s. They are also a single silicon chips.
       SSI (Small Scale Integration): 10-100
       MSI (Medium Scale Integration): 100-1,000
       LSI (Large Scale Integration): 1,000-10,000
       VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration): >10,000
 The important point is that with VLSI it became possible to
  have a full CPU on a single chip, also called a
 The first microprocessor was created by Intel in 1971.
 So 4th generation computers are those which uses LSI
  technology, due to this technology the size of computers
  becomes very small but highly costly technology is required
  for the manufacturing of LSI chips.
 With the advent of microprocessors it became possible to
  build “personal computers”
    1977: Apple II
    1981: IBM PC
   The computers that used today belongs to the fifth generation
    computers which performs parallel processing, multi-tasking
         Voice Recognition
         Artificial Intelligence
         Natural Languages
 A computer simulation is an attempt to model a real-life
  situation on a computer so that it can be studied to see how
  the system works.
 Computers of fifth generation are nearly capable to behave
  like human beings.
 These machine are usually equipped with a large main
 Software and hardware components have become cheaper
 The size of computer in 5th generation has become
  surprisingly small.
 Computing machines can be classified in many ways and these
   classifications depend on their functions and definitions.
 They can be classified by the technology from which they

   were constructed, the uses to which they are put, their capacity
   or size, the era in which they were used, their basic operating
   principle and by the kinds of data they process.
 Following are the main types of Computers :-
 Super computers are used in applications like defence, space
exploration, industrial R&D, manufacturing etc,
The supercomputers are the biggest and fastest machines today and
they are used when billion or even trillions of calculations are
Super computers have capabilities far beyond even the traditional
large-scale systems, their speed ranges from 100 million-instruction-
per-second to well over three billion.
For this reason, supercomputers may need the assistance of a
medium-size general purpose machines (usually called front-end
processor) to handle minor programs or perform slower speed or
smaller volume operation.
 Mainframe computers are used for larger business application.
 They are relatively slower and smaller than super computers, thus
suiting the budget of larger organization.
 They are used in business application were originally designed to
handle the data processing requirements such as payroll, inventory
control & management etc
They are used in complex modeling, or simulation, business
operations, product testing, design and engineering work and in the
development of space technology.
Large computers can serve as server systems where many smaller
computers can be connected to it to form a communication network.
In the 1960s, the growing demand for a smaller stand-alone machine
brought about the manufacture of the minicomputer, to handle tasks that
large computers could not perform economically.
Minicomputer systems provide faster operating speeds and larger
storage capacities than microcomputer systems.
Operating systems developed for minicomputer systems generally
support both multiprogramming and virtual storage.
This means that many programs can be run concurrently.
This type of computer system is very flexible and can be expanded to
meet the needs of users.
Large-scale production of silicon chips began in 1971 and this has
been of great use in the production of microcomputers.
The Microcomputer has the lowest level capacity, the machine has
memories that are generally made of semiconductors fabricated on
silicon chips.
The microcomputer is a digital computer system that is controlled by a
stored program that uses a microprocessor, a programmable read-only
memory (ROM) and a random-access memory (RAM).
Microcomputers have from 4k to 64k storage location and are capable
of handling small, single-business application such as sales analysis,
inventory, billing and payroll.
   The term hardware and software refers to the tangible & Intangible
    aspects of computers.
   The physical parts of the computers are termed as “Hardware”.
    The instructions necessary to make the physical parts perform are
    called “Software”.
Computer hardware refers to the actual, tangible physical parts of
the computers, it can be studied according to its functions it
performs such as :

   Input Device
   Output Device
   Storage Device &
   The Central Processing Unit
    This device is responsible for entering data and commands into the

   As computers developed, other forms of data storage to necessitating
    the input devices such as magnetic tape readers.

   As technology improved better & easier to use input devices such as
    the keyboard, mouse and scanner bar code readers etc

   Today, sophisticated input devices like digital cameras and webcams
    have become available even to home computer users.
   This device are capable of outputting the processed information.

   The need to produce output in more readable form saw the
    development of printers, which could be in words diagrams &

   The need for immediate output which need not be preserved, as well
    as need to be able to monitor the processing led to the development of
    the VDU (Visual Display Unit)

   Monitors of toady are capable of showing high resolution photographs
    & paintings.
   When the data has to be stored for later inputs into another process, it
    can be output to media like magnetic disk tape CD ROMS etc such
    are called “Storage Device.”
   Hard disk that can store larger amounts of data in random order,
    enabling faster access to a particular bit of data that might needed
    without having to read all data on the disk first.

   Central processing unit (CPU) is the process the data into
    information according to the instructions (programs) given either by
    direct input (keyboard, mouse) or from external media such as
    magnetic disk.
    CPU is further divided into (CU) control unit and (ALU)
    arithmetical and logical unit.
Software is the intangible part of computer, it consists of a set of
instructions that tell the what to do.
A set of instruction is called a Program and A set of program is called
Package, and the sum total of the programs and packages used on
computer is called “Software.”

Some of the examples of application software are :
 Payroll Processing Software

 Inventory Control Software

 Accounting Software
A package, in computer terminology, is a set of program that can simply
be installed on a computer and used right away.
Software houses realised that most business needed the same basic set of
program with the slight modifications to suit their specific needs.

     Some common packages are :

   Word Processing packages
   Spreadsheet Packages
   WPP refers to the input, formatting storage and printing to text, it also
    includes used to write letters, memos article report etc
   Most WPP provide features such as Page layout, automatic pagination,
    columnar formatting and storage of documents as files in computer

   Spreadsheet packages offer quick & convenient ways to perform
    calculations using larger number of variables.
   Spreadsheet packages also offers features like automatic generation of
    graph & pie charts printing of individual parts of spreadsheet or entire
    spreadsheet etc who need to work with numbers.
 Database management systems help the user to
  enter, store, retrieve, format and print- cords related to individuals that
  form a part of a specific data base.
Eg : Package may be used to store employee code records.

   Data package have evolved into sophisticated relational database
    management packages, where data from different tables can be
    accessed and combined to create cross- ferenced reports.

   The data entered can be combined into reports for management use.
   Desktop publishing, referred to as DTP, is another powerful package
    developed on PC‟s.

   Desktop publishing tools offer tools to make professional looking
    documents and presentations integrating text and images.

   The concept of WYSIWIG (What You See Is What You Get) makes it
    easy for the user to lay his documents out exactly the way he wants it

   This is a very useful tool in preparing reports, presentations, training
    manuals, etc and such packages are widely used by professionals in
    these fields.
Configuration refers to the rating, capacity and functionally of critical
parts of computers.

Some of the important components in computers configuration are as

A.   The Processor
B.   The RAM or Random Access Memory
C.   The Hard Disk
D.   The Monitor or VDU (visual display unit)
1.    The is the brain of computer and most common processor are Intel
     Processors, the current rage being the Intel Pentium 4
     processor, which of course will soon give way to another.
2.    The faster computer will function, and the smoother will the graphics
     be, clock speed (measured in Megahertz or MHz) is another
     important factor in selection a processor.
1)    RAM is another important factor in configuration of the computer &
     also refers to the working memory of the computer.
2)    The maximum amount that can be stored in the temporary memory of
     the computer while performing calculations, and Moderns programs
     & packages especially use GUI (Graphic User Interface) are
     memory-hungry programs/packages need larger amount RAM
     function properly.
1.    Just like RAM, the larger the hard disk capacity, the better off one is
     in the long run.
2.    Hard disk capacity is now measured in Gigabytes or GB, where
     1GB equals to 1000 megabytes.

1)    While the size or type of monitors may not have direct bearing on
     the processing speed of the computer, it does play an important role
     in the presentation of data.
2)   Computers are used to display graphics or images such as Drawings
     & photograph and has to be compatible with rest of system to provide
     smooth operation.
Data processing refers to the collection, capture, storage & combination
of data into useable results.
In computer system, data is input & information is the output, the
conversation of data into useful information is called Processing.

Data: Data refers to individual elements which by themselves are
incapable of providing a basis for decision making.

Information: Information is the basis on which decision can be made
and information is produced by combining data & formatting the result
into a usable form.
Data processing is essentially of 3 types:

I.     Batch Processing
II.    On-line Processing
III.   On-line Real Time Processing
    Batch production refers to the collection of data different times within
    a period & processing that data in the batch at specified intervals or at
    the end of the time period.

    The data is processed immediately upon the occurrence of the
    transaction is called on-line processing.
    Most companies use a combination of Online and Batch processing,
    depending on their requirements.

     C. Online Real Time Processing
    Information required to be processed immediately, that result too have
    to be produced at the end of the transaction is called online real time
I.    Transaction Processing refers to the different kinds like cash
      payments, reimbursement to employees, financial transaction etc
II.   Transaction Processing is one of the most common forms of
      processing in the business organization

I.    This form of processing refers the setting up of smaller processing
      units throughout the organization, which are linked through
      networking to each other through central computer called Server.
II.   Distributed processing also has its unique set of
      problems, which, may allow different departments to apply their own
      parameters o report formats, programs used validation exercises etc.
 No matter how sophisticated a computer, it can be as accurate as the
     data that fed in Garbage In Garbage Out or (GIGO) is basic concept
     that needs to be absorbed by every user, manager and system
                       Some of the Input Errors:

1.    Transposition Error: In this type of error, two digits in a number may
      be „transposed‟
2.     Transcription Error: It refers to where a number or letter is misread
      by the operator.
3.     Random Error: In this type of error, the number entered is completed
 Input errors can be controlled by several means, depending the nature
  of data, this is called Validation.
 Validation checks can be built into the input program, so that common

  errors are minimized or eliminated completed.
The second type of error that may in occur in system is a Processor error
 A processor error occurs when the output of one process is passed on
  to another process as input.
 Processor controls are used to ensure that all of the relevant output is
  indeed passed on to the next process.
 If the system accepts such erroneous data, validation checks have to be
  put in to prevent input of such erroneous data.
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Information technology final chap 2

  • 1. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Presented By Manshi Makati Taught By , Asha Madam
  • 2. INTRODUCTION TO INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY  Information Technology is the application of Computers towards organizing and efficient retrieval/reporting of information.  Information Technology refers to the creation, gathering, processing, storing, protecting, presenting and dissemination of information using , hardware, software and telecommunication technology.
  • 3. WHAT IS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (IT) ANYWAYS ?  As defined by “INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (ITAA)”  “IT includes various types of Computers, Software, Communications, Facsimile transmissions, & Electronic conferencing.” By Henry C. Lucas, Jr  “IT is the study, design, development, implementation, support or management of computer based information system particularly software's applications & computer hardware.”
  • 4. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY  Information Technology‟s prime concern is Information.  MIS is concerned with capture, processing and communication of information.  Computers thus form valuable tool in MIS.
  • 6. UNDERSTANDING OF COMPUTERS  The word computer comes from the Latin word “computa” which means “to calculate”.  A computer is normally considered as calculating machine that can perform arithmetic operation at a very high speed.  Nowadays computer is used for multiple purposes.  Definition : An electronic device which is capable of performing series of arithmetic and logical operations at a very high speed is called computer.  Memory is an area of computer which holds data that is waiting to be processed, Storing or output.
  • 8. HISTORY OF COMPUTERS  The history of computer is very old, long and fascinating.  History of computer in the area of technological development is being considered because it is usually the technological advancement in computers that brings about economic and social advancement.
  • 9. HISTORY OF COMPUTERS (CONTD) o A faster computer brings about faster operation and that in turn causes an economic development. o This will discuss classes of computers, computer evolution and highlight some roles played by individuals in these developments. o This emphasizes the need to study history of the computer because a proper study and understanding of the evolution of computers will undoubtedly help to greatly improve on computer technologies.
  • 10. COMPUTER GENERATION  In 1930, Analog computer were introduced.  In 1944, H. Aiken at Hayward University USA, developed Mark-1.  It was the first digital computer from IBM.  Which spanned 51 feet in length and 8 feet in height. 500 meters of wiring were required to connect each component.  If we consider the Generation 0 of computers till 1944, then computer were mainly special purposes. They were usually designed to do calculation work.  After 1944, people concentrated on the development of general purpose computers which could be used for multiple tasks which are discussed as follow.
  • 11. COMPUTER GENERATION SYSTEM  First Generation (1946-59)  Second Generation(1957-64)  Third Generation(1965-70)  Fourth Generation(1970-90)  Fifth Generation(1990 till date)
  • 12. FIRST GENERATION  The first general purpose computer of this generation was constructed in 1946, at the Moore School of Engineering of the University of Pennsylvania, USA by Prof: Presper Eckert and John Mauchly.  The name of that computer was ENIAC.  Work on ENAIC started in 1943 and the project was completed in 1946.  In this computer system Vacuum tubes were used. These tubes were very large in size, due to which the size of computer of that generation was large.  A device to amplify, switch, or modify a signal (by controlling the movements of electrons)
  • 13. SECOND GENERATION  In second generation a new device was discovered, which is called transistor. a) Transistor is a small electronic device used in computers, radios, televisions, etc for controlling an electronic current as it passes along a circuit. b) Transistor were prepared by a British Scientist William Shockley. These transistor were able to move an electronic charge. Eg : Lower power consumption, smaller, more reliable, cheaper, much lower heat dissipation  During this generation two programming languages were prepared. i.e. a) FORTRAN which prepared in 1956 by an American Scientist John Backus. b) COBOL which was prepared by an American women Grace Hopper in 1959.  Computer of second generation are smaller in size then 1st generation computer.
  • 14. SECOND GENERATION (CONTD)  IBM  IBM7094: For scientific application (1962)  IBM1401: For business applications (1959)  In 2nd generation,  Increase the performance and capacity was found  Lowered cost  Speed increase as well  All this improvement was the result of use of transistor in place of vacuum tubes.
  • 15. THIRD GENERATION  In this generation microelectronics were introduced which was the invention of Integrated Circuits (IC‟s).  The 3rd generation was based on IC technology.  IC is a small Microchip that contains a large number of electrical connections and performs the same function as a larger circuit made from separate parts.  IC was an advance electronic technology, when a large number of circuit elements are integrated into a very small surface of silicon known as “Chip” then it is called an IC.  IBM System/360 were the first computers to be built entirely with ICs.
  • 16. THIRD GENERATION (CONTD)  Computer of 3rd generation is smaller in size as compared to previous generation computer.  Maintenance cost was low because the chance of hardware failure was minimum in those computers.  The disadvantage of 3rd generation computer was, a very costly technology required for the manufacturing of IC chip.  Cray-1: $8.8 million, 160 million instructions per seconds and 8 Mbytes of memory
  • 17. FORTH GENERATION  Improvements to IC technology made it possible to integrate more and more transistors in a single chip  In 1970‟s SSI, MSI, LSI and VLSI circuits were used at the place of IC‟s. They are also a single silicon chips.  SSI (Small Scale Integration): 10-100  MSI (Medium Scale Integration): 100-1,000  LSI (Large Scale Integration): 1,000-10,000  VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration): >10,000  The important point is that with VLSI it became possible to have a full CPU on a single chip, also called a microprocessor.  The first microprocessor was created by Intel in 1971.
  • 18. FORTH GENERATION (CONTD)  So 4th generation computers are those which uses LSI technology, due to this technology the size of computers becomes very small but highly costly technology is required for the manufacturing of LSI chips.  With the advent of microprocessors it became possible to build “personal computers”  1977: Apple II  1981: IBM PC
  • 19. FIFTH GENERATION  The computers that used today belongs to the fifth generation computers which performs parallel processing, multi-tasking simultaneously. Voice Recognition Artificial Intelligence Natural Languages Simulation  A computer simulation is an attempt to model a real-life situation on a computer so that it can be studied to see how the system works.  Computers of fifth generation are nearly capable to behave like human beings.  These machine are usually equipped with a large main memory.  Software and hardware components have become cheaper  The size of computer in 5th generation has become surprisingly small.
  • 20. CLASSIFICATION OF COMPUTERS  Computing machines can be classified in many ways and these classifications depend on their functions and definitions.  They can be classified by the technology from which they were constructed, the uses to which they are put, their capacity or size, the era in which they were used, their basic operating principle and by the kinds of data they process.  Following are the main types of Computers :-
  • 21. 1. SUPER COMPUTERS Super computers are used in applications like defence, space exploration, industrial R&D, manufacturing etc, The supercomputers are the biggest and fastest machines today and they are used when billion or even trillions of calculations are required. Super computers have capabilities far beyond even the traditional large-scale systems, their speed ranges from 100 million-instruction- per-second to well over three billion. For this reason, supercomputers may need the assistance of a medium-size general purpose machines (usually called front-end processor) to handle minor programs or perform slower speed or smaller volume operation.
  • 22. 2. MAINFRAME COMPUTERS Mainframe computers are used for larger business application. They are relatively slower and smaller than super computers, thus suiting the budget of larger organization. They are used in business application were originally designed to handle the data processing requirements such as payroll, inventory control & management etc They are used in complex modeling, or simulation, business operations, product testing, design and engineering work and in the development of space technology. Large computers can serve as server systems where many smaller computers can be connected to it to form a communication network.
  • 23. 3. MINI COMPUTERS In the 1960s, the growing demand for a smaller stand-alone machine brought about the manufacture of the minicomputer, to handle tasks that large computers could not perform economically. Minicomputer systems provide faster operating speeds and larger storage capacities than microcomputer systems. Operating systems developed for minicomputer systems generally support both multiprogramming and virtual storage. This means that many programs can be run concurrently. This type of computer system is very flexible and can be expanded to meet the needs of users.
  • 24. 4. MIRCO COMPUTERS Large-scale production of silicon chips began in 1971 and this has been of great use in the production of microcomputers. The Microcomputer has the lowest level capacity, the machine has memories that are generally made of semiconductors fabricated on silicon chips. The microcomputer is a digital computer system that is controlled by a stored program that uses a microprocessor, a programmable read-only memory (ROM) and a random-access memory (RAM). Microcomputers have from 4k to 64k storage location and are capable of handling small, single-business application such as sales analysis, inventory, billing and payroll.
  • 25. HARDWARE & SOFTWARE  The term hardware and software refers to the tangible & Intangible aspects of computers.  The physical parts of the computers are termed as “Hardware”.  The instructions necessary to make the physical parts perform are called “Software”.
  • 26. HARDWARE Computer hardware refers to the actual, tangible physical parts of the computers, it can be studied according to its functions it performs such as :  Input Device  Output Device  Storage Device &  The Central Processing Unit
  • 27. INPUT DEVICE  This device is responsible for entering data and commands into the computer.  As computers developed, other forms of data storage to necessitating the input devices such as magnetic tape readers.  As technology improved better & easier to use input devices such as the keyboard, mouse and scanner bar code readers etc  Today, sophisticated input devices like digital cameras and webcams have become available even to home computer users.
  • 28. OUTPUT DEVICE  This device are capable of outputting the processed information.  The need to produce output in more readable form saw the development of printers, which could be in words diagrams & pictures.  The need for immediate output which need not be preserved, as well as need to be able to monitor the processing led to the development of the VDU (Visual Display Unit)  Monitors of toady are capable of showing high resolution photographs & paintings.
  • 29. STORAGE DEVICE & CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT  When the data has to be stored for later inputs into another process, it can be output to media like magnetic disk tape CD ROMS etc such are called “Storage Device.”  Hard disk that can store larger amounts of data in random order, enabling faster access to a particular bit of data that might needed without having to read all data on the disk first.  Central processing unit (CPU) is the process the data into information according to the instructions (programs) given either by direct input (keyboard, mouse) or from external media such as magnetic disk.  CPU is further divided into (CU) control unit and (ALU) arithmetical and logical unit.
  • 30. SOFTWARE Software is the intangible part of computer, it consists of a set of instructions that tell the what to do. A set of instruction is called a Program and A set of program is called Package, and the sum total of the programs and packages used on computer is called “Software.” Some of the examples of application software are :  Payroll Processing Software  Inventory Control Software  Accounting Software
  • 31. PACKAGES A package, in computer terminology, is a set of program that can simply be installed on a computer and used right away. Software houses realised that most business needed the same basic set of program with the slight modifications to suit their specific needs. Some common packages are :  Word Processing packages  Spreadsheet Packages
  • 32. WORD PROCESSING PACKAGES AND SPREAD SHEET PACKAGES  WPP refers to the input, formatting storage and printing to text, it also includes used to write letters, memos article report etc  Most WPP provide features such as Page layout, automatic pagination, columnar formatting and storage of documents as files in computer system.  Spreadsheet packages offer quick & convenient ways to perform calculations using larger number of variables.  Spreadsheet packages also offers features like automatic generation of graph & pie charts printing of individual parts of spreadsheet or entire spreadsheet etc who need to work with numbers.
  • 33. DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM  Database management systems help the user to enter, store, retrieve, format and print- cords related to individuals that form a part of a specific data base. Eg : Package may be used to store employee code records.  Data package have evolved into sophisticated relational database management packages, where data from different tables can be accessed and combined to create cross- ferenced reports.  The data entered can be combined into reports for management use.
  • 34. DESKTOP PUBLISHING  Desktop publishing, referred to as DTP, is another powerful package developed on PC‟s.  Desktop publishing tools offer tools to make professional looking documents and presentations integrating text and images.  The concept of WYSIWIG (What You See Is What You Get) makes it easy for the user to lay his documents out exactly the way he wants it printed.  This is a very useful tool in preparing reports, presentations, training manuals, etc and such packages are widely used by professionals in these fields.
  • 35. COMPUTER SYSTEM CONFIGURATION Configuration refers to the rating, capacity and functionally of critical parts of computers. Some of the important components in computers configuration are as follow: A. The Processor B. The RAM or Random Access Memory C. The Hard Disk D. The Monitor or VDU (visual display unit)
  • 36. A. THE PROCESSOR B. THE RAM RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY 1. The is the brain of computer and most common processor are Intel Processors, the current rage being the Intel Pentium 4 processor, which of course will soon give way to another. 2. The faster computer will function, and the smoother will the graphics be, clock speed (measured in Megahertz or MHz) is another important factor in selection a processor. 1) RAM is another important factor in configuration of the computer & also refers to the working memory of the computer. 2) The maximum amount that can be stored in the temporary memory of the computer while performing calculations, and Moderns programs & packages especially use GUI (Graphic User Interface) are memory-hungry programs/packages need larger amount RAM function properly.
  • 37. C. THE HARD DISK D. THE MONITOR OR VDU (VISUAL DISPLAY UNIT) 1. Just like RAM, the larger the hard disk capacity, the better off one is in the long run. 2. Hard disk capacity is now measured in Gigabytes or GB, where 1GB equals to 1000 megabytes. 1) While the size or type of monitors may not have direct bearing on the processing speed of the computer, it does play an important role in the presentation of data. 2) Computers are used to display graphics or images such as Drawings & photograph and has to be compatible with rest of system to provide smooth operation.
  • 38. DATA PROCESSING Data processing refers to the collection, capture, storage & combination of data into useable results. In computer system, data is input & information is the output, the conversation of data into useful information is called Processing. Data: Data refers to individual elements which by themselves are incapable of providing a basis for decision making. Information: Information is the basis on which decision can be made and information is produced by combining data & formatting the result into a usable form.
  • 39. TYPES OF DATA PROCESSING Data processing is essentially of 3 types: I. Batch Processing II. On-line Processing III. On-line Real Time Processing
  • 40. A. BATCH PRODUCTION  Batch production refers to the collection of data different times within a period & processing that data in the batch at specified intervals or at the end of the time period. B. ON-LINE PRODUCTION  The data is processed immediately upon the occurrence of the transaction is called on-line processing.  Most companies use a combination of Online and Batch processing, depending on their requirements. C. Online Real Time Processing  Information required to be processed immediately, that result too have to be produced at the end of the transaction is called online real time processing.
  • 41. TRANSACTION PROCESSING I. Transaction Processing refers to the different kinds like cash payments, reimbursement to employees, financial transaction etc II. Transaction Processing is one of the most common forms of processing in the business organization DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING I. This form of processing refers the setting up of smaller processing units throughout the organization, which are linked through networking to each other through central computer called Server. II. Distributed processing also has its unique set of problems, which, may allow different departments to apply their own parameters o report formats, programs used validation exercises etc.
  • 42. VALIDATION AND CONTROLS  No matter how sophisticated a computer, it can be as accurate as the data that fed in Garbage In Garbage Out or (GIGO) is basic concept that needs to be absorbed by every user, manager and system professionals. Some of the Input Errors: 1. Transposition Error: In this type of error, two digits in a number may be „transposed‟ 2. Transcription Error: It refers to where a number or letter is misread by the operator. 3. Random Error: In this type of error, the number entered is completed erroneous.
  • 43. CONTOLLING INPUT ERRORS  Input errors can be controlled by several means, depending the nature of data, this is called Validation.  Validation checks can be built into the input program, so that common errors are minimized or eliminated completed. The second type of error that may in occur in system is a Processor error  A processor error occurs when the output of one process is passed on to another process as input.  Processor controls are used to ensure that all of the relevant output is indeed passed on to the next process.  If the system accepts such erroneous data, validation checks have to be put in to prevent input of such erroneous data.