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Genius Information Technology Academy
(Computer Software and Hardware Real – Time Training)
#270, 6th
‘B’ Main Road, H.M.T Layout, R T Nagar,
Bangalore 560032.
Contact No. 080 – 40949423
Course Material
Prepared: Mr S.M.Hussain
Genius Information Technology Academy
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Chapter -1:- INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER .....................................................2
Chapter -2:- COMPUTER GENERATION ..............................................................4
Chapter -3:- SOFTWARE...................................................................................11
Chapter -4:- MS DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating system) .................................13
Chapter -5:- HARDWARE CONCEPTS .........................................................17
Chapter -6: - BUSES........................................................................................28
Chapter -7:- MEMORY ...................................................................................36
Chapter 5: - HARD DISK DRIVE ...................................................................45
Chapter -7:- RAID ...........................................................................................52
Chapter -8:- PRINTERS ..................................................................................56
Chapter -9:- ASSEMBLING A PC ..................................................................58
Chapter -10:-BOOT PROCESS .......................................................................66
Chapter -11:-HOW TO INSTALL WINDOWS XP.........................................68
Chapter -12:-TROUBLESHOOT.....................................................................85
Chapter -13:-VIRUS........................................................................................94
Chapter -14:-ABBREVIATION ......................................................................96
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Computer is an electronic device, which accepts data, stores it in the memory, process it and
produce results according to a set of instruction.
Commonly Operating Machine Particularly Used for Trade, Education, and Research
High Speed: A computer is a very fast calculating and data processing device. In few
seconds it solves the million simple arithmetic problems and processes the large amount of
data in fraction of second.
Accuracy: Computer can do all work accurately within shorter period. The accuracy with
which a computer performs calculation or process data is very high.
Storage: Computer can store large amount of data permanently. It has two aspects internal
memory and external memory. The internal memory will not store large amount of data. It is
temporary memory. External memory stores the data permanently. User can recall it as and
when required.
Versatility: Computer is capable of performing more than one different works one by one at
a moment.
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In China people used ABACUS for calculation. It was the first physical calculating device
used for calculation.
founded by John Napier known as Napier‘s bone
In 1642, Blaise Pascal invented the first adding machine called as Mechanical Calculator.
In 1822, Charles Babbage, a professor at Cambridge University, is considered to be the father
of the computer. He invented a machine called ‗differential engine‘
This machine can do the calculation sequentially one at a time. In 1833 Charles Babbage and
Lady Ada Lovelace invented a new machine called ‗analytical engine‘ In 1937, Howard
Aiken and Mark founded the first digital computer.
In 1946, at the University of Pennsylvania John Eckert and John Machauly invented the first
electronic general-purpose computer called ENIAC and then comes the early computers
ENIAC – Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator
EDSAC – Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Computer
EDVAC – Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer
John Von Nueman founded concepts of binary number system for computers and the stored
program concept.
1965 digital equipment‘s invented Mini Computers.
1969 Poor and Pyle prepare a concept of Microprocessor Chip.
1969 Tedd Holf invented the first Intel 4004 microprocessor.
1971 Intel 8008 microprocessor and in 1974 Intel 8080 microprocessor are invented.
1974 Scelbi-8h microprocessor base PC introduced
In 1980 IBM (International Business Machine) invented the first general purpose PC . That is
the beginning era of modern computer.
IBM prepared two PC‘s
PC-XT (Extended Technology)
PC-AT (Advanced Technology)
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Based on the technology, computers are generally classified into first, second, third, fourth
and fifth generations.
First Generation (1940-55)
The first generation computers are started with the use of Vacuum tubes. Vacuum tubes are
delicate device that control electronic signals. The memory capacity and speed are very low
in first generation computer.
They were extremely large and had little reliability. They generated considerable heat. In first
generation punched cards were used to enter data and magnetic drums for data storage.
Machine and Assembly languages were used for computer programming.
UNIVAC- I (universal Automatic Computer) is the first commercially available computer
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Second Generation (1955-65)
After invention of Transistors in 1960s the second generation computers are started with the
use of Transistors instead of Vacuum tubes. Transistors made of Germanium Semiconductor
materials were highly reliable compared to Vacuum tubes. Transistors were smaller and more
reliable devices. devices. The uses of transistors reduce the size, manufacturing and running
cost and improve the reliability and processing power. High level languages were used to
instruct the computer to perform tasks. The languages developed during this time were
Third Generation (1965-75)
After invention of ICs (integrated Circuits) by Manson Benedricks the third generations of
computer are started with the use of ICs. These computers have high speed and more memory
capacity. The ICs consists of diode, transistors and other electronic circuits. Later the
development in computer field invention of microprocessor changes the computer model was
totally changed.
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Fourth Generation (1976 onwards)
The fourth generations of computers are started with the use of Very Large Scale integration
(VLSI). The fourth generation has high speed and more memory capacity and reliability. The
development of LSI technology resulted in the development of the Microprocessor. A
microprocessor contains all the circuits needed to perform arithmetic, logic and control
functions. This led to the development of the Microcomputer.
Fifth Generations
Fifth generations computing devices based on artificial intelligence
Ex: Robot
According to DATA used
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Analog Computers:
Analog is a Greek word, which means establishing similarities between two quantities.
Analog computer is one that measures a physical value such as pressure, temperature etc that
fall along a continuous scale. E.g. In mechanical watch, the variable (time) is represented by
rotating the wheel in the watch.
Digital computers
A digital device requires all the variables of the problem to be expressed in terms of discrete
numbers (digits) and the results are expressed as numeric or numerically coded characters.
E.g.: In digital watch, the time is shown by actual counting of minutes and seconds.
Hybrid Computers
The desirable features of analog and digital computers are sometimes combined to create a
hybrid computer system. In many cases, a hybrid computer is an analog computer controlled
by a digital computer instead of a human.
Digital computers are again classified into special purpose and general-purpose computers. A
special purpose computer is one that is designed to solve a restricted class of problems. Many
of the computers used for military applications are of this type. General-purpose computers
are designed to solve a wide variety of problems. They are widely used in offices, sales
analysis, designing etc.
According to size and speed
According to the size, computers are normally classified into Micro computers, Mini
computers, Mainframe computers and Super computers.
Super computers: Super computers are the fastest computers ever made. These are most
expensive and highest performance machines. These are also known as Maxi computers.
These are used to solve a range of large scale problems which require extensive numeric
computation such as weather prediction, crystal graphic calculation, and design of the wing
of supersonic air craft. E.g.: PARAM Padma, Cray-1 etc.
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Mainframe Computers: (Servers) The main frames are very large in size and they support
hundreds of computers. They handle the very large volume of data. These machines are used
in network as server. The major characteristics of mainframe computers are
They are sensitive to variation in temperature, humidity, dust etc and hence should be kept in
a controlled environment (e.g.; AC rooms)
Special qualified operators and programmers are required for their operations.
They support wide range of peripherals.
They have large data storage capacity.
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Mini Computers: These computers are similar to mainframe having smaller capacity. They
can handle the large amount of data with high speed. And these computers are used as sub-
units to mainframe units.
Micro Computers: These are the smallest computers which consist of a microprocessor chip
as CPU. These computers are the ones seen very commonly in offices. They are small, low
cost systems. Ex: Smart phones
Computer languages are classified into four types
 Machine Languages
 Assembly Languages
 High Level Languages
 Fourth Generation Languages (4GLs)
Computer Language
A language consists of all the verbal or written symbols and expressions that are used to
exchange ideas and information. Two basic types of languages used in computers are Low
Level Language and High Level Language. Low Level language is again divided into
Machine language and Assembly Language.
A computer can understand only one language of 0‘s and 1‘s. This type of numbering system
is called binary systems. The 0‘s and 1‘s are called binary digit or bits. Normally a bit refers
to ‗1‘ (on) while a no bit means a ‗0‘ (off)
Machine Language: The lowest form of computer language is Machine Language. The
machine language is used in the form of binary formats and binary digits. This language is
very difficult understand and it was not user friendly. The only language understood by the
computer is the computer is the Machine language. The programs written in machine
language are machine dependent. I.e., a program that has been developed for a particular
machine can‘t be run on another machine.
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Assembly Language: In this language abbreviations were used for programming instead of
binary digits. To use this language one must know the hardware parts. This is also known as
symbolic language.
High Level Language: Programmer generally uses High Level Languages. High level
language used English word for programming. This made programs easy to understand, easy
to debug and very easy to learn.
Fourth Generation Language:
These languages are software package and written using basic level language. They are very
easy to understand and the programs developed 4GLS are easy to change.
Eg: dBASE, ORACLE, FoxPro etc.
Translators are used to translate an Assembly language or a high level language to its
corresponding machine language.
Assembler: It is a translator program which translates Assembly language to its
corresponding machine language.
Compiler and Interpreters: Compiler and interpreter are both translator programs which
translates High level language to its corresponding Machine language. Compiler converts the
entire program at a time; interpreter converts one line at a time before execution. Compiled
programs are executed faster than interpreted program.
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Chapter -3:- SOFTWARE
Program: A step by step instruction given to the computer to produce the required output is
called program.
Software: A set of program (Set of instruction) given to computer to start the computer as
well as to solve out specific problems is called software. Software directs the operation of the
hardware to produce a desire result.
Types of software
System software & Application software
System Software: System software is that software developed to start the computer as well
as help us to run other application. This software does not solve our problems, but they help
us to run other program on computer. E.g.: Operating system, utility program, translators,
communication software etc.
Application Software: Application software is that software developed to solve out specific
problems, which is also known as ―application packages‖ E.g.: MS Office, dBASE Tally
Adobe photoshop etc.
An operating system is a interface between user and computer, System software that links the
user and the electronic components of the computer. OS is a collection of instructions that
control the overall operation of the computer. It is used to control the computer operations,
store the information about physical hardware layout of the computer. The operating system
is used as a base to run other application software programs. No program will run on PC
without operating system. The OS makes easy for the people to make use of the computer is
turned on.
Different Types of Operating Systems
Single user single task
Ex DOS Disk operating system
Single user Multi task
Ex Windows 95,98, win xp, win 7 win 8
Multi user multi task
Ex Unix, Linux.
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Operating Systems View
File Management
I/O Management
Memory Management
Device Management
Resource Management
CPU Management
Hardware Management
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Chapter -4:- MS DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating system)
1) To create a Dir
Syntax - md - make directory [create directory]
- cd - Open directory [ change directory]
Ex - C:md GITA (press enter)
C:cd GITA (press enter)
2) To create a file
Syntax – Copy con filename
Ex - C:GITA> Copy con students (press enter) and type the text below
I am a student of Bangalore Branch of Computer Centre
(To save ur file press F6 or Cntrl+Z)
3) To come out of GITA directory Cd..
4) To open the GITA directory again press C:cd GITA ( press Enter )
There are two types of commands.
Internal Commands. & External Commands.
Internal Commands:
o Dir Command.
o Copy Command.
o Rename Command.
o Delete Command.
External Commands.
o Attrib
o Mod 4.0
o Mod 8.0
o Edit
o Deltree
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Dir Command:
Dir Command:
To display the list of files and directories.
To display the list of files and directories in page wise.
To display the list of files and directories in width wise.
―L‖ means to display the list of files and directories in small letters.
―B‖ means to display the list of files and directories in bare format (only names
without bits or bytes).
―S‖ means to display the list of files and directories including system files &
―ON‖ means to display the list of files and directories in ascending order.
―O-N‖ means to display the list of files and directories in descending order.
To display only the list of files.
To display only the list of Directories.
C:GITA>dira *.*
To display only the list of files & Directories Which starts from A ( A-Z)
To display only the Extension files.
C:GITA>dir ???
To display the 1, 2 , 3 letter wise only.
To display and change date.
To display and change time.
C:GITA>Echo off
Means to hide the path and drive.
C:GITA>Echo on
Means to unhide the path and drive.
C:GITA>Mode 40
To increase the Font Size.
C:GITA>Mode 80
To decrease the Font Size.
The show the version details.
The change volume drive name
Example: Volume in drive C is MOS
Volume serial no is……..
Volume label…..
C: GITA>Type
To display contents of file.(Impromation)
Clear the screen
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Attrib Command:
To see added Files.
C:GITA>attrib –h
To unhide the files and directories.
C:GITA>attrib +h a*.*
To hide the files and directories which starts from letter A.
C:GITA>attrib -h a*.*
To unhide the files and directories which starts from letter A.
To unhide the files and directories.
C:GITA>attrib +h *.* .Com
To hide the files Which is having Extension(Eg .art)
C:GITA>attrib -h *..Com
To uhide the files Which is having Extension(Eg .art)
C:GITA>attrib +h *.*
To hide all the files at a time.
C:GITA>attrib -h *.*
To unhide all the files which are hidden at a time.
Read only Files
C:GITA>attrib +r Radha
To hide the read only files.
To display the read only files.
C:GITA>attrib -r Radha
To unhide the read only files.
Rename Command
This command is used to change the old name and to produce new name
C:GITA>Ren old new
C:GITA>name.bmp *.jpg
This is used to change a format.
Copy Command
Two types of command.
1. Main Directories to Sub directories.
2. Main Directory to Main Directory.
C: GITA>Copy File Sub
To copy the main directory to sub directory which only one file is copied.
C:GITA> copy a*.* Name
To copy the main directory to sub directory it copies all the files at a time.
Main directory to Main directory.
C:GITA>copy C:name
To copy the main directory to main directory all of them by copying at a time.
To show all the files & Directories, Page wise.
F1 Displays context Sensitive help
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C:GITA>dir delete
C:GITA>file delete
To delete the files
C:GITA> Del m*.*
To delete the files which is from letter ‗m‘
To delete extension file
To delete the extension from .fg
To delete the files in one order
To delete the complete files all at a time
RD = Remove Directory
C:name Cd para
C:nameDel *.*
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Hardware is a term which refers to the physical component of a computer system which is
used for processing data.
The term computer system is used to describe all the components of a computer including
Central Processing Unit. The term peripheral denotes all the type of units that are connected
with the Central Processing unit- which include input, output, secondary storage devices etc.
A computer has 3 main parts INPUT, CPU and OUTPUT
Data and instructions are feeded using input unit. Input unit converts the data into electronic
waves (or converts the data into computer readable form 0&1) and send to CPU for
processing. Most commonly used input devices are keyboard, mouse, scanner, joysticks etc.
The most commonly used output device is VDU (Visual Display Unit). VDU converts
electrical information into visual information in a recognizable form. It consists of cathode
ray tube, which produces a beam of electrons that makes the picture on the screen. Most of
the monitors can displays 25 lines of text with 80 characters in each line. Mostly all VDU
seen today use a Cathode ray tube (CRT). Whereas, there are some monitors which use
Liquid Crystal display (LCD) TFT, LED
0utputInput unit
Primary memory
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Central Processing unit (CPU) is also known as brain of computers. Its main function is to
control and coordinate the functioning of entire computer system. All the major calculations
and comparisons are made inside the CPU. Central processing unit stores all the feeded data
and instruction and result obtained after processing also stored in CPU. Decoding each
instruction and generating control signals to start specified operation is also done by CPU.
The functions of CPU are
To store data as well as instructions.
To control the sequence of operation as per the stored instruction.
To issue commands to all the parts of a computer system.
To carryout data processing and to send results to output.
It consists of three sub-units
Arithmetic Logic Unit
Memory Unit
Control Unit
Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU): solves all the problems and takes the logical decisions. All
the process work done inside the ALU.
Control Unit: Control unit controls the data flow between input and output. It is nervous
system of the computer components. It manages and coordinates the entire computer system
and fetches the instruction from main memory for execution.
Memory Unit: The data and instruction are stored inside the memory unit. It also stores the
result obtained after the processing.
A CPU has two types of memory
Primary memory & Secondary memory
Primary memory is temporary memory these remain until we switch of the system.
There are two types of Primary memory
RAM (Random Access Memory)
ROM (Read only Memory)
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RAM: This memory stores all your data and instruction in it. This memory will remain until
power shutdown. It will not store records permanently. RAM contents can be read and
change whenever required. This memory is volatile, which means that its contents are lost
when the computer switched off. This is also known as read write memory.
RAM also divided into two kinds – Static and Dynamic
Dynamic Ram: Can hold data for a few milli seconds. It constantly refreshed by having its
contents rewritten.
Static Ram: can hold data as long as electric power is present.
CACHE MEMORY: A special very high-speed memory is sometimes used to increase the
speed of processing by making current programs and data available to the CPU at a rapid
rate. It is pronounced as ―cash memory‖ a relatively small section of very fast memory
reserved for the temporary storage of the data or instructions likely to be needed next by the
processor. When processor references a memory address, the cache checks to see if it holds
that address. If it does, the information is passed directly to the processor; if not, a normal
memory access takes place instead. A cache can speed up operations on a computer whose
ram access is slow compared with its processor speed, because cache memory is faster than
normal RAM.
ROM – ROM contains instructions, which are permanently loaded into the memory. It cannot
be changed. ROM is not volatile, so turning off the computer does not effect it. One set of
instructions held on ROM is called ROM-BIOS.
ROM-BIOS: Read only Memory Basic input Output Services. ROM-BIOS provide very
essential support for the whole operation of the computer. ROM is activating when the
computer is switched on and tests the RAM working condition.
ROM consists of three types
PROM Programmable Read Only Memory
EPROM Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
EAROM Electrically alterable Read Only Memory
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Secondary memory is permanent memory. It is also called storage devices. User can store
data, information etc permanently inside the storage device. You can store data and receive it
whenever required. These storage devices are attached to the computer from outside. The
main secondary devices presently used are hard disk, floppies, CD‘s, magnetic tapes etc.
Motherboard is a physical & logical backbone of the entire system. It is a main circuited
board On the Printed Circuit Board, the components are placed & connected with the help of
thin copper tracks. The modern PC boards contain many such tracks to make electrical
connection between different parts of the system.
Motherboard defines the size, shape & connections.
Rear I/O - These are the external ports, for example the USB and other I/O (input/output)
ports). The monitor, keyboard, mouse and speakers (along with other peripherals such as a
printer) will slot in here. Despite appearing as though you are plugging these devices into the
case, you are actually plugging them into this external part of the motherboard.
Motherboard manufacture company‘s
1) Intel 2) AMD 3) Gigabyte 4) Mercury 5)Asus 6)Asrock etc….
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PCI Express Slot
These two blue components are the PCI-Express slots. They have a higher data
transfer/bandwidth rate than PCI slots and this are used by higher-powered hardware parts
such as a graphics card.
CMOS (Battery)
It is technically called as Complementary Metal Oxide Semi-Conductor
It supplies power to the BIOS and it maintains current date and time. When the system is in
shut down state.
The capacity of CMOS Battery is 3V or 3.5V of Power and this is also called as Lithium
Motherboard holds various information about the system's configuration, along with the date
and time. It is important that this data isn't lost even when the computer is switched off, hence
this battery is used which ensures that such data doesn't get lost when the computer is turned
A jumper is a pin on the mother board that is used to provide the configuration information of
hardware. Each jumper contains a pair of pins with a small rectangular shunt often called as a
jumper cap that can be place over both pins to short them together.
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CPU (the 'processor' - the 'brains' of the computer, i.e. where instructions are carried out and
calculations are performed) is put into this socket. The CPU gives off a large amount of heat,
and as a result a heat sink is installed over it (the four holes in all four corners of the CPU
socket helps with the installation of certain heat sink‘s/CPU coolers).
The processor CPU is the central processing unit, so critical component of any computer
system that reads and executes each instruction of the program, then one of the elements to be
evaluated well when you buy a new personal computer or notebook. There are two big brand
of processors name is AMD and INTEL processors.
The choice of the processor that best suits your needs depends on the 'computer use by the
user' s, so there are low-end processors for a purpose which is limited to Internet browsing,
powerful processors for video games, for heavy graphics programs, etc. ..
But the real battle in the microprocessor market is between AMD and Intel processors, a
rivalry that has lasted for years with constant comparisons between processing features,
speed, price differences and market share.
AMD have three types of processer
High-end: consists of the AMD Phenom II X6 6-core and high-performance, AMD Phenom
X4 quad-core II ideal for multimedia applications and advanced X2 and Phenom for good
overall performance
Mid-range: AMD Phenom II X3 are AMD, AMD Turion AMD Turion Ultra II and II, all
with excellent quality / price and ideal for any multimedia PC.
Base range : AMD Sempron, AMD Athlon and AMD Athlon X2 Neo Neo, often used in
desktop PCs and laptops very cheap and suitable for basic computing needs like web
browsing, basic office functions and e-mail.
Often integrated with ATI graphics, these processors also offer an acceptable use of
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Even Intel can be classified into three ranges, high-end, medium and low.
The top of the range consists of 3 processors' last series, the i3 Intel Core, Intel Core and
Intel Core i7 i5. The Core i7 and Core i5 and 64-bit with Hyper-Threading Technology and
Turbo Boost, which delivers higher overall performance and control aspects such as energy
consumption, the processor temperature, etc. ..
Mid-range of Intel processors are Intel Core 2 Duo and Intel Pentium Dual Core, the first has
two processing cores that enhance the gaming and multimedia use, while the second has a
Core micro-architecture and provides a good efficiency processing.
Low based on Intel processors are the Intel Centrino, Intel Centrino Duo and Intel Atom.
Both are popular Centrino processor for notebook PCs, while Intel Atom processor is
economical for desktop PC, designed to consume less power but with power rather limited,
making it ideal for a basic use of computers.
1 Power consumption Less More
2 Price High Economic
3 Cooling It has better cooling
It heats up faster
4 Performance Speed is more in
normal application
Speed is more in graphical
5 Video and multimedia Performance slow Performance fast
Chipset - The chipset connects all the components on a motherboard and allows them to
share data. "If the CPU is the brain of your PC then the chipset is the nervous system".
USB Cable Slots - Many computer cases come with USB ports in the front. These are not
part of the motherboard and so they need to be inserted into the motherboard - hence these
Front I/O - Computer cases also come with various LEDs (lights showing hard-drive
activity, for example) along with reset and power buttons. These also need to be connected to
the motherboard, hence these cable slots.
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Chipset - North Bridge (with heat sink)
It is the most important chip on the motherboard.
It handles the communication between memories, AGP, CPU &
South Bridge.
It is near to the microprocessor.
North Bridge
The Motherboards chipset can be described as what sets it apart from other boards in its
category. Different chipsets contain different features and components. A chipset is a number
of integrated circuits built onto the board to provide specific functions e.g. one part of the
chipset may be an onboard component such as a modem or sound chip. Other parts may be
used to control the CPU functions. Most chipsets are designed to work with only one "class"
of CPU although now many older chipsets support more than one type of CPU such as socket
7 which supports the Pentium, Cyrix 686, Cyrix MII, AMD K6 and K6-2. There are certain
restrictions though to what type of processor a chipset can handle because of the logic that the
CPU uses to access the memory and its cache etc. Since these chips are working harder with
each generation, motherboard manufacturers have started to put heat sinks and active coolers
(fans) on the main parts of the chipset to disperse some of the heat
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ATX Power connector
This power connector is used to supply the power to the mother board. Further it
classified in two types.
1. AT (Advance Technology) Power Connector Now a days we are not using
2. ATX(Advance Technology Extended) Power Connector
AT power connector is identified with 6+6 =12 pins. These were also called as P8 and P9
ATX power connector is identified with 20 OR 24 pins
The standard ATX power connector, the cable for this will be coming from the PSU, a clip is
normally provided to make sure you get them in the correct order. As a tip, don't try to push
too hard if its stuck, check to see that it is in the correct way, I have seen plenty of power
connectors where the pins have pushed out some of the connectors, these can be difficult to
get back into place, so its best to be careful.
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CPU (Central Processing Unit) socket
All the CPU "sockets look very similar, however they are different in the way they have
different amount of pins and in different layouts. There are currently two major CPU socket
types PGA and LGA. PGA or Pin Grad Array uses a system of pins on the CPU and holes on
the socket to line up and hold a CPU in place. The introduction of the ZIF (Zero Insertion
Force) socket for PGA types allowed the CPU's to be lined up without any pressure on the
CPU until a level is pulled down. LGA or Land Grid Array uses a system of gold plated
copper pads that make contact with the motherboard. It is very important to read your
motherboard manual to discover what types of CPU's you motherboard supports as most
motherboards are aimed at a specific type of CPU.
The memory slots are the slots where we can insert the RAM sticks.
Two types of RAM slots
SIMM (Single Inline Memory Module)
It is white in color and small in size
It contains only one side pins
It contains a single notch
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DIMM (Double Inline Memory Module) slots
It‘s come with different color
Is having both double notch it is used to insert to the SDRAM and single notch used to DDR
DIMM's are by far and away the most used memory types in today's computers. They vary in
speeds and standards however and they need to match up to what your motherboard has been
designed to take. The four standards of DIMM's being used at the moment are SDR (Single
Data Rate), DDR (Double Data Rate), DDR2 and DDR3. The speeds of memory can vary
between 66Mhz to 1600Mhz.
Chipset - South Bridge
It is a chip which handles all the operation of Devices that are not controlled by North Bridge.
It is always far away from the micro-processor
Socket and near to the Expansion slots.
When we talk about chipsets you mainly only ever
hear about the North Bridge. Even those into PC
technology have a hard time naming the south
bridges without looking them up. Names like
Nforce 2 and KT600 are North bridges. The South Bridge does an important job as well. It
handles things like the PCI bus, onboard Network and sound chips as well as the IDE and S-
ATA buses.
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Chapter -6: - BUSES
Bus is a connection between two components to transmit signal between them. There are
three types of buses.
They are as follows.
This is used to send data from one place to another.
This is used to send data from one particular location to read or write the data.
This is used to send control and timing signals between various parts of the computer.
Serial ATA Connector
Serial ATA or more commonly seen as S-ATA is a new way of connecting your Hard Drives
to your PC. S-ATA drives have the capability of being faster than the IDE counterparts and
also have smaller thinner cables which help with the airflow of the system. S-ATA hard disks
are fast becoming the norm for hard drive technology. Current motherboards feature both
IDE and S-ATA connectors to facilitate all types of storage hardware.
USB 2.0 header
As well as having USB ports on the rear of the motherboard, motherboard manufacturers
often add a couple of USB headers so you can connect optional cables for extra USB ports.
These cables are often supplied and you only need to add them on if you need the extra
connectivity. USB 2.0 replaced USB 1.1 as a much faster solution. It is backwards
compatible meaning all USB 1.1 devices will work in these new USB 2.0 ports.
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ISA Slots:
It is big in size and black in color.
The data transfer speed of this slot is 8 MHz, and
The Bus width is 16 bit.
It occupies more space on the Mother Board
We can insert different cards like Sound, NIC
Card, Modem, TV Tuner card, VGA …etc. now a days we are not using
ISA (Industry Standard Architecture)
PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect) slot
It is small in size and white in color.
The data transfer speed of this slot is33MHz Or 66 MHz and the bus width is 32 Or 64 bit
we can add these cards in less space on the Mother Board we can insert different cards like
Sound, NIC card, Modem, TV Tuner card, VGA ..etc
The PCI bus (not PCI express) is now an older technology and although the PCI slots are still
available, they have decreased in number and are being replaced by the PCI Express 1x slots.
Its unlikely that you will get a motherboard without a PCI slot at the moment due to the fact
that a lot of components still use the standard PCI slot. It would be awkward to upgrade to a
system without PCI slots as it may mean upgrading more components than you would like to,
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AGP Slots: Accelerated Graphic Port
It is small in size and Brown or Orange in color
The data transfer speed of this slot is 32 Or 64 bits
We can insert Graphic or display card in it.
They was different types of display cards like.
MDA-----Monochrome Display Array or Adaptor
CGA-------Color Graphical Array or Adaptor
VGA-------Video Graphical Array or Adaptor
SVGA------Super Video Graphical Array or Adaptor
CNR Slots:
A. This slots are newer slots which were using now a Days for network purpose
CNR (Communication Network Raiser)
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Floppy Drive Connector
It‘s having 36 pins
More simple than the IDE connector you only have to remember to get the red line to pin 1 of
the connector and the red line to pin 1 on the floppy drive, This port is only to be used with
floppy drives. You may not have a floppy controller on your motherboard as its slowly being
phased out as more people are using writable CD's and DVDs to transfer data, to store data
and to use as boot up discs.
IDE connector
It‘s having 40 pins
The connector to which you will insert an IDE cable (supplied with motherboard) IDE cables
connect devices such as hard disks, CD Drives and DVD Drives. The current 4 standards of
IDE devices are ATA 33/66/100 and 133. the numbers specify the amount of data in Mb/s in
a max burst situation. In reality there is not much chance of getting a sustain data rate of this
magnitude. Both the connectors and devices are backwards compatible with each other,
however they will only run at the slowest rated speed between them. All IDE cables will
come with a red line down one side, this red line is to show which way it should be plugged
in. The red line should always connect to pin one of the IDE port. Checking your
motherboard documentation should show you which end is pin one. In some cases it will be
written on the board itself.
 The Blue connector should be connected to the system board
 The Black connector should be connected to the master device
 The Grey Connector should be connected to the slave device
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BIOS (Basic Input Output System) Chip
The BIOS holds the most important data for your machine, if configured incorrectly it could
cause your computer not to boot correctly or not at all. The BIOS also informs the PC what
the motherboard supports in terms off CPU etc. This is why when a new CPU is introduced
that physically fits into a slot or socket you may need a BIOS update to support it. The main
reason for this is that different CPU's use different logics and methods and so the BIOS has to
understand certain instructions from the CPU to recognize it.
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Chapter -7:- MEMORY
In a general way Memory is one of the functions of the brain. That enables as to store and
remember the post events and our thoughts on it. Similarly in computer term memory refers
to a chip that stores data and retrieved (show) the information store data whenever we need it.
Then the processor retrieved the store information for processing the data.
There are two types of memory
1. Primary Memory
2. Secondary Memory
Primary Memory: This memory is the main memory. It is directory accepted by the Micro
Processor. So it is a primary memory, without this memory computer can‘t run. This memory
is again divided into 2 types.
 Volatile Memory
 Non-Volatile Memory
Volatile Memory: Volatile memory is the memory which losses the data (Instruction) as
soon as the system is turned OFF. This type of memory is called as Volatile memory. It stores
the data temporarily.
RAM also divided into two kinds – Static and Dynamic
Dynamic Ram: Can hold data for a few mille seconds. It constantly refreshed by having its
contents rewritten.
Static Ram: can hold data as long as electric power is present.
Non-Volatile: It is the memory which does not loss the data even after the system is turn
OFF. This type of memory is called as Non-Volatile memory. It stores the data for
Secondary Memory: Secondary memory is indirectly accepted by the Micro Processor
through ROM, HDD…etc. this memory is use to store the data (Information) Permanently.
Ex: HDD, CD, and DVD….etc. the system will work with secondary memory.
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RAM(Random access memory):-
 It is a volatile memory which losses the data as soon as the system is turned OFF. This type
of memory is called as volatile memory, it stores data temporarily.
 It is the place when the operating system is going to load during the time of switch ON or
 It is very fast but can also very expensive.
 the system run very fast.
RAM is two types. They are
1. Dynamic RAM (DRAM)
2. Static RAM (SRAM)
Dynamic RAM:
 it stands for Dynamic Random Access Memory
 It is made up of transistors and capacitors.
 It must be constantly refreshed
 The speed is slow
 The density is high
 The cost is low
Now a days we are using DDR1, DDR2, DDR3, DDR4
2. SRAM: Static RAM
 It stands for static dynamic Random Access memory
 It is made up of Transistors
 It does not need the periodic refresh rate like DRAM
 It‘s speed is high
 It‘s density is Low
 It‘s cost is high
ROM (Read Only Memory)
 It is Non-Volatile memory. It means it store the information permanently.
 The term Read Only Memory means that store information can not be change the
information is store permanently during the time of manufacturing.
 It store 8bit spare sheets (64bits) in the form of rows and columns.
 ROM is a chip that holds a software program called BIOS in it. It is also called devices as
 BIOS (Basic Input Output System): It is program which contains all the information of Input
and Output devices.
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ROM BIOS Technologies
1. PROM (Programmable Read Only Memory)
2. EP ROM (Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory)
3. EEP ROM (Electrically Erasable Read Only Memory)
4. Flash ROM
PROM (Programmable Read Only Memory): A PROM is a chip on which data can be
written only once. Once a program has been written onto a PROM, if remains there forever.
Unlike RAM, PROM
EP ROM (Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory): It is one type of Non-Volatile
chip. In this type of memory we can erase the information by exposing the chip to ―Ultra-
Volatile Rays‖. It is used in 80486 technologies
EEP ROM (Electrical Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory): In this we can erase
the data by applying electrical charges. Such memory is uses for the data which are uses to
read frequently but attend or change occasionally.
Flash ROM: It is similar to EEP ROM. The principle difference is that EEP ROM requires
data to written or erased one Byte at a time. Where as Flash Rom allows data to be written or
erased in Blocks. This makes Flash memory Faster
CACHE MEMORY: Cache memory is a very small amount of very high speed memory
used in between the main memory (RAM) and the processor.
The information frequently required by the processor is kept in the cache memory by the
cache controller. This improves the speed of the computer operation.
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Memory Units
1. 1 or 0 ------ 1 Bit
2. 4 Bits ------- 1 Nibble
3. 8 Bits ------- 1 Byte
4. 1024 Bytes ------- 1Kilo Bytes
5. 1024 Kilo Bytes ------- 1024 Mega Bytes
6. 1024 Mega Bytes ------- 1Giga Bytes
7. 1024 Giga Bytes ------- 1Tera Bytes
8. 1024 Tetra Bytes ------- 1 Peta Bytes
9. 1024 Peta Bytes -------- 1 Exa Bytes
10. 1024 Exa Bytes -------- 1Zeta Bytes
11. 1024 Zeta Bytes --------- 1Yotta Bytes
Conversion numbers are of two types, they were.
1. Binary to Decimal
2. Decimal to Binary
1. Binary to Decimal conversion:
EX: (11110000)2
1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
= 1*128+1*64+1*32+1*16+0*8+0*4+0*2+0*1
= 128+64+32+16+0+0+0+0
= 240
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2. Decimal to Binary conversation
EX: (192)10
= 11000000
NOTE: if the answer is less than 8 numbers at that time we need to add 0’s to the left hand
side of that answer.
Difference between RAM and ROM
1. RAM is used as main computer memory. 1. ROM us used for storing Micro Processor
and controllers instructions that allows special
operation to be perform by the machine.
2. RAM is Volatile memory. 2. ROM is Non-Volatile memory.
3. Users and system both can uses. 3. Only system can use.
4. Data and programs can be store in RAM. 4. ROM doesn‘t allow to store data in it can
be written by the manufacturer
5. Power instruction destroys the data. 5. Power instruction doesn‘t destroy the data.
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RAM manufacture companies
1) Transcend 2) Infineon 3) Dynet etc…
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1 Acronym Double Data Rate RAM Synchronised Data RAM
2 Data strobes Single sided Double sided
3 Voltage required 2.5 volts 3.3 volts
4 Speed 200 MHz, 333 MHz, 400
66 MHz, 100 MHz, 133
5 Released year 2000 1993
6 Modules 184 pins 168 or (30 to 70) pins
7 Notches One Two
DR2 and DDR3 are improvements on the same technology and further increase the number of
data transfers per clock cycle. DDR2 RAM provides 4 data transfers per cycle, while DDR3
increases the number to 8. Assuming a base clock speed of 100Mhz, DDR RAM will provide
1600 MB/s of Bandwidth, DDR2 provides 3200 MB/s, and DDR3 provides 6400 MB/s
However, purchasing DDR2 or DDR3 RAM isn‘t usually a matter of preference. DDR2 and
DDR3 RAM are not compatible. If your motherboard uses DDR2, you cannot upgrade to
DDR3 without upgrading your motherboard. This means that if you currently own a
computer with DDR2 RAM and you want to upgrade to a brand new processor and
motherboard you have to throw your your perfectly good DDR2 RAM and buy new DDR3
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Chapter 5: - HARD DISK DRIVE
The physical medium that stores data in it and it all so secondary memory
Hard Disc Drives or Hard Drives are one of the crucial components for the functioning of a
computer. It is basically a non-volatile storage device storing digitally encoded data on fast
revolving platters with magnetic surfaces. It is integrated into the motherboards and all the
data can be lost if the hard disc crashes
HDD manufactures companies
1. Seagate 2.Wistren Digital (WD) 3.Transcend 4.SAMSUNG 5.Hitachi
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Physical components of a HDD:
Rotating platter (made of magnetic coated glass/aluminum)
Spindle & motor
R/W head & actuator
Controller (power, communication, positioning, optimization)
1 Acronym Integrated
Solid State
2 Performance /
1000 rpm 7200 rpm 10,000 /
15,000 rpm
no moving
3 Capacity / Disk 160 GB 3 TB 900 TB 256 TB
4 Cost Low cost Low cost High cost Very high
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HDD vs SSD comparison
Features Solid State Drive Hard Disk Drive
Startup Fast Slow
Performance High Low
Power consumption Low High
R/W cycles Limited Unlimited
Cost High Low
Comparison between IDE and SATA Hard disks
Sl NO parameter IDE SATA
1 Acronym Integrated Drive Electronics
PATA: Parallel Advanced
Technology Attachment
Serial Advanced Technology
2 Year developed 1986 2003
3 Hot plugging
(add or remove
while computer
is running)
IDE interface does not support
hot plugging
SATA interface supports hot
4 speed Data transfers at the rate of 133
Data transfers at the rate of
150 MB/sec to 64 GB/ sec
5 Data cable Ribbon like, wide can be up to
18 inches long
narrow, can be up to 39
inches long
6 Jumpers in a computer system, it‘s
possible to have more than one
hard disk drive, to connect
multiple IDE drivers, you need
to chain the ribbon cables from
one to next. the computer system
has no idea which is the main
drive from which to load the o.s
SATA drives don‘t use
jumpers, each drive connects
directly to the motherboard,
to set the primary drive, you
can access the settings from
the computer bios(special
software that runs when you
start the computer).
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SATA Data cable IDE to SATA Power
SATA to USB Convertor IDE to USB convertor
External Hard disk
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SATA Connector SATA Port in Mother Board
IDE Connector IDE and SATA Connector in one Mother
IDE to USB Converter
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Performance: 1000 RPM
Up to 160GB Capacity /
Low Cost
File Servers
Server for Small
Performance: 7200 RPM
Up to 3TB Capacity / disk
Low Cost
File Servers
Server for Small
10 000RPM / 15 000 RPM
Up to 900GB Capacity /
(1TB 7200RPM with
High Cost (except
High performance
(Nearline for long
term storage of
reference Data)
High cost
Performance, fast seek
times and no moving parts
Up to 256GB Capacity per
Very high Cost
High performance
Energy saving
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Chapter -7:- RAID
Redundant Array of Independent/Inexpensive Disks:-
RAID (Redundant Array of Independent/Inexpensive Disks) is a way of using multiple hard
drives together for data storage. A RAID system with multiple hard drives appears as a single
drive to the operating system. Depending on the RAID level, the benefits provided by RAID
are one or more of the following: better throughput, fault-tolerance or capacity when
compared to a single hard drive.
1. RAID level 0 (or RAID 0) is known as striping, where data is striped across multiple hard
drives. RAID 0 provides the most advanced throughput and capacity, but offers no fault-
2. RAID level 1 (RAID 1) is known as mirroring, which stores the exact same data within at
least two hard drives, this method shows excellent fault-tolerance and reliability, but delivers
less capacity efficiency.
3. RAID level 0+1 and RAID 1+0 are striping and mirroring, providing good fault-tolerance
and throughput all at the same time.
4. RAID level 5 utilizes data block striping with distributed parity data blocks across all the
array disks. RAID 5 provides excellent read performance but relatively poor write
performance, and RAID 5 is able to recover the whole array when one of its array disks fails.
But the failure of a second disk results in data loss.
5. RAID level 6 is an extension of RAID 5 - it adds an additional parity block for extra fault-
tolerance. RAID 6 is able to recover the array when two disks fail.
There are other RAID levels available too, such as RAID level 3 and RAID level 4, which are
not widely used at the current time.
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It is main component of the CPU. It is used to convert the AC (alternating current)
into DC (direct current).There are two types of SMPS. They are
It is having 12 pin connector p8 and p9. It supports 220 volts.
(Now days we are not using )
It is having 20 or 24 pins. It supports from 230 v to 440 volts.
After converting AC into DC, it produces 3 types of voltages.
1 +12V Processor power supply Black and yellow / white
2 +5V Disk drives(HDD,FDD,DVD) Red / green
3 +3V Ic, electronic components Blue / gray
SMPS manufacture companies
1)Microtech 2)Frontech 3)Mercuery 4) Circle
Electronic components SMPS Power connector
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COMPTER FAN : is any fan inside , or attached to a , computer case used for active
cooling , and may refer to fans that draw cooler air into the case from the outside , expel
warm air from inside , or move air across a heat sink to cool a particular component.
HEAT SINK: is a passive heat exchanger component that cools a device by dissipating heat
in to the surrounding air. In computers heat sink are used to cool central processing units or
graphic processors.
Keyboard is an input device used to feed data into the computer.
There are different types of keyboard, they are Types of key
1) Normal keyboard (102 to 104 keys) 1) Alphabetic keys A to Z
2) PS/2 keyboard (personal system) (104 to 108 keys) 2) Numerical key 0 to 9
3) Multimedia keyboard (108 to 120 keys) 3) Function keys F1 to F12
4) USB keyboard (104 to 120 keys) 4) Cursor control keys Arrow keys
5) Wireless Keyboard (120 keys) 5) Special keys
(Ctrl,Alt,Caps lock Tab,Enter ..etc)
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Mouse is an input device. Manually Operating User Search Equipment.
There are different types of mouse. They are Normal mouse / Track ball mouse
1) Optical mouse
2) PS/2 mouse Keyboard and mouse manufacture company’s
3) USB mouse 1)Logitech 2)Genius 3)Techcom … etc
4) Wireless mouse
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Chapter -8:- PRINTERS
These are secondary output devices used to take hard copy of information. Printers are
classified into – Impact printers and Non-impact printers.
Impact Printers
Dot matrix printers
Impact printers are printing like a typewriter. In this printer pressing a type face against an
inked ribbon, which makes the mark on the paper, prints the characters. The most common
impact printer used is the dot matrix printer. Dot matrix printers can print on paper 80
columns or 132 characters in width. The speed of printing is measured in character per
second (CPS).
Non- impact printers
Non-impact printers use electrical, thermal or optical methods to transfer characters. A
typical example of non-impact printers is LASER printers. An image of whole page of print
is represented as series of minute dots. It makes used of laser beam. The speed of printing is
measured in Pages per minute (PPM)
Inkjet printers
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Laser printers
A plotter is an output device used to produce hard copies of graphs and designs. Plotters are
basically two types – drum and flatbed
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Chapter -9:- ASSEMBLING A PC
When buying a new PC, everyone is faced with the choice
between a branded and an assembled one. Those who don‘t
want to go through the daunting task of shopping for
components and assembling the PC themselves, often choose
an easy way out by opting for a branded PC. There are very
few adventurous ones who upgrade or build their own PC.
There are more drawbacks than advantages in buying a
branded pre-built or a customized PC. No doubt that you
won‘t have to worry about maintenance. However, you‘ll be
stranded if the company technician doesn‘t turn up on time. Also, you cannot tinker with the
hardware or resort to your tech-savvy friends or some technician in case of emergencies.
Finally, service and upgrades are heavy on the pocket. With an assembled PC, the biggest
advantage is that you can pick the components of your choice to suit your budget and
requirements. Unlike branded PCs, you have the freedom to troubleshoot problems and
upgrade hardware yourself as and when you like—and that too without paying any service
So how about assembling your own PC? Sounds interesting, doesn‘t it? Even if you‘re a first
timer, you‘ll still be able to assemble a PC unerringly by reading this lucid step-by-step
guide. This guide can not only be used to build a new PC but also be referred to if you are
planning to upgrade a few components such as the processor, memory or graphics card. With
regards to choosing the components,
Peripheral components
Just like you need certain components to prepare a dish, you need the following components
to build a PC—processor, motherboard, memory (RAM) modules, graphics card, optical
drive, PC case, power supply unit, monitor, speakers, mouse, and keyboard. Also, note that
you need a graphics card only if your motherboard doesn‘t have integrated graphics or if
you‘re a gamer. Likewise, you need a power supply unit only if your PC case doesn‘t come
fitted with one. Most entry-level PC cases come fitted with a power supply unit. However,
such power supply units are only suitable for entry-level PCs. Therefore we would suggest
you invest in a good power supply unit if you want to build a powerful PC. Lastly, you also
need a screwdriver and some cable ties.
Preparing for take-off:-
On unpacking the PC case, you will come across a packet that
contains screws and mounting nuts. Empty the contents in a
small tray. If the bundled power supply unit didn‘t come fitted to
the PC case, keep it aside. To begin with, unpack the
motherboard to find a back plate. This plate is meant for
covering the rear panel of the motherboard except the essential
ports and connectors so that dust doesn‘t creep into the case. The back plate should fit into
the slot provided on the rear panel of the case. If you find that the slot is sealed by a metal
plate, then you need to extract it using a pair of pliers. While you are fitting the back plate,
you must ensure that the openings correspond to the ports and connectors on the
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motherboard‘s rear panel. This is very important because none of the essential ports and
connectors should be blocked by the back plate.
Installing the motherboard
In order to fit the motherboard into the case, you
first have to fit mounting nuts in the holes
provided on the case‘s motherboard panel. While
you are placing the motherboard on the
motherboard panel aligned to the back plate you
just fitted, note the spots where you need to fit
mounting nuts. You can locate these easily by
looking through the screw holes that are provided
on the motherboard. After fastening the mounting
nuts with a pair of pliers, fit the motherboard into
the case using screws that match the screw threading on top of the mounting nuts—note that
using wrong screws may result in the screws jamming into the mounting nut. Completely
tightening the screws might result in unwanted stress by the graphics card or other add-on
cards. Therefore, do not tighten the screws completely. Also, ensure that the screws are used
in the right places.
Install the processor
Depending on which processor you have
purchased, follow the relevant step: INTEL
PROCESSORS: You have to release the
lever of the CPU socket and then lift the
socket cover that opens up from the opposite
side. You will find a golden triangle on one
of the top corners of the processor. Align the
triangle with a similar golden triangle on the
CPU socket and then fit the processor into
the socket. Now, close the socket cover and
fasten it with the lever. Note that you will
find the lever is offering some resistance
AMD PROCESSORS: With AMD processors, you have to release the lever of the CPU
socket. You will find a golden triangle on one of the top corners of the processor. Align the
triangle with a similar golden triangle on the CPU socket and then fit the processor into the
socket. The processor should gently slide into the socket. Push down the lever into its place.
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Install the CPU cooler or Heat sink with
If you have purchased an AMD processor,
fitting the CPU cooler will be a cakewalk for
you. You simply have to place it on the
processor with the lever towards the center
of the motherboard. Then fit the clips and
carefully push the lever down. Finally, you
have to connect the fan connector to the
CPU fan header on the motherboard.
Fitting an Intel CPU cooler is a tricky affair.
Place the CPU cooler on the processor with
the fasteners on the corners aligned to the
holes surrounding the CPU socket. Push
down each fastener while holding the CPU cooler in place. You should hear a click when the
fasteners clamp to the motherboard. After ensuring that the fasteners are in place, connect the
fan to the motherboard‘s CPU fan header. The CPU fan header is usually labeled and placed
quite close to the CPU socket.
Install the optical drive
To install an optical drive, you will have to
first remove the 5.25-inch bay cover where
you wish to fit the optical drive from the
front of the PC case. There is chance that you
will find a metal plate behind the bay cover.
You will have to remove that cover also.
Now, insert the optical drive from the front
and push it back until the front panel of the
drive is in level with the front surface of the
case. Fasten the drive with screws from both
sides to keep it stable. You can follow the
same steps to fit an additional optical drive
or a floppy drive or a 3.5-inch internal card reader. Note that 3.5-inch drives, such as the
floppy drive fit in the exposed 3.5-inch bays. To finish the installation, you have to connect
the drives to the motherboard with the bundled IDE and floppy drive cables. If you have two
optical drives fit them in alternate bays in order to ensure proper air circulation within the
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Install the hard drive
You have to be careful while handling hard
drives because they are delicate and could be
easily damaged. Therefore, make sure that
they don‘t receive any shocks during
installation. To ensure its safety, hold the
hard drive with the circuitry facing down and
gently slide it into the lowermost concealed
3.5-inch bay. Note that you don‘t open a
cover and push the hard disk inside, but you
fix it inside the case itself. Hard drives are
delicate, so ensure that you don‘t jerk it too
hard while sliding it into the bay. Fasten it
with screws on both the sides to prevent
imbalance and hold it firmly in place. Note
that screws used for fastening hard drives and optical drives are different—screws meant for
hard drives are thicker than those meant for optical drives and floppy drives. Now connect
one end of the SATA/IDE cable to a port behind the drive and the other end to the
SATA/IDE port on the motherboard
Install the memory
Because most motherboards (Intel and AMD-
based) support DDR2 memory, there‘s only
one way to install memory modules. If you
closely observe the side on which contacts
are present, you will notice a cut that divides
that side into two different lengths. The
memory slot is designed accordingly. Hence,
memory modules fit into the slots only in one
direction. To install the memory module, first
release the plastic levers, align the memory
module to the slot, and push it down gently
until the levers click and lock the module. If
you have two similar memory modules, install them in similar-colored slots so that they run
in dual-channel. Some motherboards (especially the ones by MSI) support dual-channel in
odd-colored slots—refer to the motherboard‘s manual for confirmation. Installing memory
modules shouldn‘t be a tough task as the method is quite straightforward.
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Install the add-on cards
There are plenty of add-on cards available in
the market for extending the versatility of the
PC. These add-on cards include graphics
cards, LAN cards, sound cards, TV tuner
cards, Wi-Fi PCI cards and so on. If you
have any of these cards, install them now.
First, break open the slot cover on the rear
panel of the case covering the slot that will
be occupied by the card. Next, slide the card
into the appropriate slot by gently rocking it
back and forth so as to ease it into the slot.
After fitting the card into the slot, fasten it
with a screw to hold it in place. After you
have fitted all the cards, tighten all the screws holding the motherboard which were left loose
(While fitting the motherboard, screws was not tightened completely. If you are in doubt,
refer to step three where fitting the motherboard is explained).
Front panel header and front USB headers
For the power and reset buttons, internal
beeper, and the power and hard drive activity
lights to function, you will need to connect
the respective connectors within the case to
the front panel header on the motherboard.
To connect the labeled connectors to the right
pins, you will have to refer to the page in the
motherboard manual which explains the
layout of the pins in the front panel header. In
similar fashion, you will have to refer to the
motherboard manual also to locate the front
USB headers and connect the front USB
connector or wires. If your PC case has audio jacks on the front panel, you can enable it by
connecting its wires to the front panel audio header on the motherboard. WARNING: Don‘t
try out any connection without referring to the motherboard manual. Read the manual
carefully as you could damage the motherboard beyond repair due to wrong connections.
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Install the PSU and plug in the power
If the power supply didn‘t come installed
within the case or you‘ve purchased it
separately, install it in the bay at the top rear
corner of the case. When done, connect the
power connectors in the following order—
20/24-pin main, 4/8-pin 12 v, graphics card,
optical drive, floppy disk drive, hard drive,
and case fans. Plugging in the power
connectors should not be a problem as they
fit only in one direction. When done, tie up
all the excess and loosely hanging power
cables with cable ties. This will facilitate air circulation within the case and prevent excessive
heat building up within the case. Proper air circulation and cooling of PC components is very
important because overheating can potentially damage critical components such as the
processor, memory, and the graphics cards. That completes the main assembly. Now, close
the case and get ready for action!
Connect the rest
Now all that remains is connecting
the outer peripherals. Depending
on the interface of the keyboard
and mouse (PS/2 or USB), plug
them into the relevant ports on the
motherboard‘s rear panel. Connect
the monitor‘s video cable to the D-
sub/DVI port on the graphics card
or motherboard (in the case of
integrated graphics). Connect the
speakers/headset and the
microphone to the audio jacks on
the rear panel of the motherboard
or the sound card. Finally, connect
the power cables to the power
supply unit, monitor, and other peripherals such as the printer. Power up the machine, install
the operating system, device drivers, and the desired applications.
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Hardware Components Overview
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Chapter -10: BOOT PROCESS
The process used to startup a system each time when it is powered on is called
as boot process. (Or)
Bringing itself to the opera table mode without the user interface when we
powered on the system is called as boot process (Or)
The method of loading bootable files from secondary memory to primary
memory with out a user interaction is called as boot process
At the time of boot process it verifies the system hardware configurations test and then gets
its operating system loaded into memory. The boot process is performed under the guidance
of the BIOS. The BIOS contains the instructions needed to verify test and start the PC. The
boot process happens in two ways; they are
Cold Boot Process & Warm Boot Process
Cold Boot Process: the boot sequence which starts the PC from a ―powered off‖ condition to
―powered on‖ condition is called as cold boot process. It happens when the computer starts
from the completely power off condition. In this process the post sequence happen.
Warm Boot Process: A warm boot process happens when a PC is already working by
pressing ―Ctrl+Alt+Del‖ key combination at a time. In this process the post sequence doesn‘t
Bootable file of different operating system
DOS, Windows
Windows 2000, NT Windows XP Windows
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Startup Process of the computer :-
Power initialization
BIOS Startup
Display adapter Check
System Check
Plug n play devices
Summary Display
Searches for Boot device
Locate MBR
Start loading OS
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This procedure demonstrates how to install Windows XP Professional. is more user friendly
operating system,
Windows Xp have two editions windows Xp Home windows Xp Professional Pro also
service pack 2&3
The best way install Windows XP is to do a clean install. It is not difficult to perform a clean
installation. Before you perform the installation I recommend that you check Windows XP
Compatibility List to ensure that your hardware is supported by XP. If your hardware is not
on the compatibility list you can check your hardware manufactures website to download the
drivers for Windows XP. Save all the necessary drivers in the CD before you start the
All versions of Windows XP CD are bootable. In order to boot from CD/DVD-ROM you
need to set the boot sequence. Look for the boot sequence under your BIOS setup and make
sure that the first boot device is set to CD/DVD-ROM. You can then perform the following
steps to install Windows XP:
Step 1 - Start your PC and place your Windows XP CD in your CD/DVD-ROM drive. Your
PC should automatically detect the CD and you will get a message saying "Press any key to
boot from CD". Soon as computer starts booting from the CD your will get the following
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Step 2 - At this stage it will ask you to press F6 if you want to install a third party Raid or
SCSI driver. If you are using a an IDE Hard Drive then you do not need to press F6. If you
are using a SCSI or SATA Hard drive then you must press F6 otherwise Windows will not
detect your Hard Drive during the installation. Please make sure you have the Raid drivers on
a floppy disk. Normally the drivers are supplied on a CD which you can copy to a floppy disk
ready to be installed. If you are not sure how to do this then please read your motherboard
manuals for more information.
Step 3 - Press S to specify that you want to install additional device.
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Step 4 - You will be asked to insert the floppy disk with the Raid or SCSI drivers. Press enter
after you have inserted the disk.
Step 5 - You will see a list of Raid drivers for your HDD. Select the correct driver for your
device and press enter.
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Step 6 - You will then get a Windows XP Professional Setup screen. You have the option to
do a new Windows install, Repair previous install or quit. Since we are doing a new install
we just press Enter to continue.
Step 7 - You will be presented with the End User Licensing Agreement. Press F8 to accept
and continue
Step 8 - This step is very important. Here we will create the partition where Windows will be
installed. If you have a brand new unformatted drive you will get a screen similar to below.
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In our case the drive size is 8190MB. We can choose to install Windows in this drive without
creating a partition, hence use the entire size of the drive. If you wish to do this you can just
press enter and Windows will automatically partition and format the drive as one large drive.
However for this demonstration I will create two partition. The first partition will be 6000MB
(C: drive) and second partition would be 2180MB (E: drive). By creating two partition we
can have one which stores Windows and Applications and the other which stores our data. So
in the future if anything goes wrong with our Windows install such as virus or spyware we
can re-install Windows on C: drive and our data on E: drive will not be touched. Please note
you can choose whatever size partition your like. For example if you have 500GB hard drive
you can have two partition of 250GB each. Or we can create more as your requirements
Press C to create a partition.
Step 8 - Windows will show the total size of the hard drive and ask you how much you want
to allocate for the partition you are about to create. I will choose 6000MB. You will then get
the screen below. Notice it shows C: Partition 1 followed by the size 6000 MB. This indicates
the partition has been created. We still have an unpartitioned space of 2189MB. Next
highlight the unpartitioned space by pressing down the arrow key. Then press C to create
another partition. You will see the total space available for the new partition. Just choose all
the space left over, in our case 2180MB.
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Step 9 - Now you will see both partition listed. Partition 1 (C: Drive) 6000MB and Partition 2
(E: Drive) 2180MB. You will also have 8MB of unpartitioned space. Don't worry about that.
Just leave it how its is. Windows normally has some unpartitioned space. You might wonder
what happened to D: drive. Windows has automatically allocated D: drive to CD/DVD-ROM.
Select Partition 1 (C: Drive) and press Enter.
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Step 10 - Choose format the partition using NTFS file system.This is the recommended file
system. If the hard drive has been formatted before then you can choose quick NTFS format.
We chose NTFS because it offers many security features, supports larger drive size, and
bigger size files.
Windows will now start formatting drive C: and start copying setup files as shown on the two
images below :
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Step 11 - After the setup has completed copying the files the computer will restart. Leave the
XP CD in the drive but this time DO NOT press any key when the message "Press any key to
boot from CD" is displayed. In few seconds setup will continue. Windows XP Setup wizard
will guide you through the setup process of gathering information about your computer.
Step 12 - Choose your region and language.
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Step 13 - Type in your name and organization.
Step 14. Enter your product key.
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Step 15 - Name the computer, and enter an Administrator password. Don't forget to write
down your Administrator password.
Step 16 - Enter the correct date, time and choose your time zone.
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Step 17 - For the network setting choose typical and press next.
Step 18 - Choose workgroup or domain name. If you are not a member of a domain then
leave the default settings and press next. Windows will restart again and adjust the display.
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Step 19 - Finally Windows will start and present you with a Welcome screen. Click next to
Step 20 - Choose 'help protect my PC by turning on automatic updates now' and press next.
You don‘t have internet select not right now option
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Step 21 - Will this computer connect to the internet directly, or through a network? If you are
connected to a router or LAN then choose: 'Yes, this computer will connect through a local
area network or home network'. If you have dial up modem choose: 'No, this computer will
connect directly to the internet'. Then click Next.
Step 22 - Ready to activate Windows? Choose yes if you wish to active Windows over the
internet now. Choose no if you want to activate Windows at a later stage.
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Step 23 - Add users that will sign on to this computer and click next.
Step 24 - You will get a Thank you screen to confirm setup is complete. Click finish.
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Step 25. Log in, to your PC for the first time.
Step 26 - You now need to check the device manager to confirm that all the drivers has been
loaded or if there are any conflicts. From the start menu select Start -> Settings -> Control
Panel. Click on the System icon and then from the System Properties window select
the Hardware tab, then click on Device Manager.
If there are any yellow exclamation mark "!" next to any of the listed device, it means that no
drivers or incorrect drivers has been loaded for that device. In our case we have a Video
Controller (VGA card) which has no drivers installed.
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Your hardware should come with manufacturer supplied drivers. You need to install these
drivers using the automatic setup program provided by the manufacturer or you need to
manually install these drivers. If you do not have the drivers, check the manufacturers
website to download them.
To install a driver manually use the following procedure:
(a) From the device manager double click on the device containing the exclamation mark.
(b) This would open a device properties window.
(c) Click on the Driver tab.
(d) Click Update Driver button. The Wizard for updating device driver pops up as shown
You now get two options. The first option provides an automatic search for the required
driver. The second option allows you to specify the location of the driver. If you don't know
the location of the driver choose the automatic search which would find the required driver
from the manufacturer supplied CD disk. Windows would install the required driver and may
ask you to restart the system for the changes to take affect. Use this procedure to install
drivers for all the devices that contain an exclamation mark. Windows is completely setup
when there are no more exclamation marks in the device manager.
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POST Beep Codes:
You may get listen these error beep codes when yorur POST face any problems in a system
No beep : power supply fail (or) speaker problem
1 short Beep : Normal POST / system is OK
2 Short Beep : POST Error (or) Memory Failure, Review
screen for error code
2 Long Beeps : Keyboard
Non-stop Beeps : Mother board
Non-stop continues short Beep : usually keyboard
1 long Beep 1 short Beeps : Mother Board
1 Long Beep 2 Shot Beeps : Video
1 Long Beep 3 Short Beeps : Video (or) Memory
One Beep Blank or Incorrect display: Video display circuitry
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How to troubleshoot Hard Disk Drive.
 Check the BIOS and see if the hard disk drive is being detected.
 Reset the BIOS (Re-boot and tap the F2 Key, Press F9 (Default Settings), Press F10 (Save
and Exit)
 Check for CD/DVDROM disk in disk drive and remove and reboot. This would be a message
 Check for error message - SMART FAILURE - HDD Controller Diagnostics
 Check error messages in Event Viewer. Start / Settings / Control Panel / Administrative Tools
/ Computer Management (or Event Viewer)
 Diagnostics - SCANDISK / CHKDSK
 Defragment your hard drive
 For Notebooks - reseat the hard drive and also try a hard reset
 For Desktops - check the IDE or SATA SCSI wiring to the hard drive
 Check for noises - grinding noise => new hard drive required
 Data Recovery for Notebooks - use to SATA connector and attach to another computer and
employ the other computer's operating system to view the damaged hard drive as another
drive letter. Copy data onto good drive. Replace bad drive and then restore data onto good
hard drive.
 Data Recovery for Desktops - connects the hard drive to another computer and employ the
other computer's operating system to view the damaged hard drive as another drive letter.
Copy data onto good drive. Replace bad drive and then restore data onto good hard drive.
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How to troubleshoot Modem.
Check the telephone cable connectors and cable. It should be 10 feet or less and contain a
correct RJ11 cable connector.
 Check to ensure that you are plugged into the correct modem jack. An RJ45 will not fit into
an RJ11 but an RJ11 (6 pin) will fit into an RJ45 (8 pin) receptacle. It will be a loose fit. the
RJ45 is for your network interface card. RJ11 is your modem (telephone).
 Check to ensure that the wall phone jack is functioning. Plug a phone into the same wall jack
and ensure that you get a dial tone on your phone.
 Check for error messages => wrong username or password then contact your ISP for the
correct account settings. Check to ensure that your ISP did not disconnect you for violations
or failure to pay your bill.
 Check error messages in Event Viewer. Start / Settings / Control Panel / Administrative Tools
/ Computer Management (or Event Viewer)
 Digital Lines - NEVER plug your modem into a digital line without a CORRECT filter. This
will fry your modem.
 Mobile Services - PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) Palm Pilots use COM9 - watch for
 Connect to a different test server to determine if you having problems with your ISP.
 Reset the BIOS (Re-boot and tap the F2 Key, Press F9 (Default Settings), Press F10 (Save
and Exit)
 Uninstall and replace the drivers using Device Manager under Administrator Privileges -
right click on My Computer / Properties / Hardware / Device Manager - expand Modem line
item. Right click on the items below and select uninstall drive on the pop-up menu. Re-boot
the system and Plug and Play will automatically detect the Modem device and re-install the
drivers for you.
 Reseat the modem.
 For Notebooks - perform a hard reset.
 Disable "Wait for Dial Tone". If you have Voice Mail then this will cause the modem to be
unable to detect a dial tone.
 Reduce your port speed on your modem settings.
 Use HyperTerminal or another tool to test the modem.
 Perform Modem Diagnostics test.
 Check the initialization strings.
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 Perform an MSCONFIG if your computer has it.
 Shut down all other applications to avoid conflicts. Remove all other hardware devices.
 Turn the date back to the January 1, 2000 or an earlier date. There are known Y2K issues and
driver bomb errors related to dates. If this solves the problem then get a new driver from the
modem manufacturer or your oem manufacturer.
 Perform a recovery. Ensure that you backup your data prior to doing a recovery.
How to troubleshoot a PC Network Interface Card.
 Check the cable connectors and cable. It should be 343 feet or less and contain a correct RJ45
(8 Pin) cable connector.
 Check to ensure that you are plugged into the correct NIC jack. An RJ45 will not fit into an
RJ11 but an RJ11 (6 pin) will fit into an RJ45 (8 pin) receptacle. It will be a loose fit. the
RJ45 is for your network interface card. RJ11 is your modem (telephone).
 Are the link lights on?
 Recycle the modem hub/router. If you are running a cable modem or a DSL then you will
have a separate hub or router. Disconnect the power for at least 20 seconds and then restart.
 Check the link lights on the router. Are they on?
 Check the cable types. A Crossover is for computer to computer and will NOT work with
your cable modem. You cable must be a straight RJ45 type cable. It should state the cable
type on the cable sleeve. Check for crimps in the cable and/or try a different cable.
 Check for error messages => wrong username or password then contact your ISP for the
correct account settings. Check to ensure that your ISP did not disconnect you for violations
or failure to pay your bill.
 Check error messages in Event Viewer. Start / Settings / Control Panel / Administrative Tools
/ Computer Management (or Event Viewer)
 PING - this will test to ensure that your TCP/IP software is working correctly. If it
is not then re-install the TCP/IP software.
 PING n.n.n.n - where n.n.n.n is taken from IPCONFIG Windows assigns default IP
addresses starting with 192.168.n.n (for private networks). This will test to ensure that your
NIC card is working correctly. If it is not then reseat the NIC card. If problem persists and
you cannot PING across the NIC card then the card is bad - send in for service.
 Perform an IPCONIG /RELEASE and then a IPCONFIG /RENEW in DOS to release the
current IP settings and then re-assign the IP settings.
 Perform a TRACERT to see if it will hop across the NIC.
 Perform a ROUTE PRINT and view the IP Settings. There should be 7 entries.
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 Will your browser work with IP addresses but not with DNS names? If you cannot type in and get it to work but you can type in a known IP address (the IP for If the IP address works but the DNS does not
work the re-install WinSocks (the DNS lookup software).
 Reset the BIOS (Re-boot and tap the F2 Key, Press F9 (Default Settings), Press F10 (Save
and Exit)
 Uninstall and replace the drivers using Device Manager under Administrator Privileges -
right click on My Computer / Properties / Hardware / Device Manager - expand Network
Interface Card line item. Right click on the items below and select uninstall drive on the pop-
up menu. Re-boot the system and Plug and Play will automatically detect the Network
Interface Card device and re-install the drivers for you.
 Reseat the Network Interface Card. If your computer beeps (POST codes - Power On Self
Test) then one of your cards is not seated correctly.
 For Notebooks - perform a hard reset.
 Perform Diagnostics test.
 Perform an MSCONFIG if your computer has it.
 Shut down all other applications to avoid conflicts. Remove all other hardware devices.
 Perform a recovery. Ensure that you backup your data prior to doing a recovery.
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Troubleshooting the CD Rom / DVD Drive
 Will it boot from a recovery CD? If so then the drive is working and it is a Windows software
problem (usually drivers).
 Reset the BIOS (Re-boot and tap the F2 Key, Press F9 (Default Settings), Press F10 (Save
and Exit)
 Uninstall and replace the drivers using Device Manager under Administrator Privileges -
right click on My Computer / Properties / Hardware / Device Manager - expand CD
Rom/DVD line item. Right click on the items below and select uninstall drive on the pop-up
menu. Re-boot the system and Plug and Play will automatically detect the CD Rom drive and
re-install the drivers for you.
 Try a different media - some brands will just not work correctly with a given CD Rom drive.
Watch out for compatibility problems with CDs.
 Check for noises - ticking noise => check CD ensure that it is not cracked. Check to ensure
that the CD is mounted correctly on the spindle. Ensure the drive has enough time to spin up.
 Access Light - is light on?
 Is the CD Clean?
 Check error messages in Event Viewer. Start / Settings / Control Panel / Administrative Tools
/ Computer Management (or Event Viewer)
 For DVD - trying to write to DVD but it is READ ONLY?
 Perform Diagnostics Test. This methodology varies from manufacturer to manufacturer.
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How to troubleshoot a Motherboard.
 If your system keeps crashing after a recovery then it is probably the motherboard.
 Operating System will not load? Reseat RAM - if DIMMS (dual inline memory modules)
then remove them all and replace and test individually. Did you install after market RAM? Is
it compatible? Is it sequenced correctly - must be in pairs? Is it the correct amount of RAM?
 POST Codes (Power On Self Test) - Computer Beeps at start up - Reseat the PCI cards. For
notebooks then reseat the mini-PCI bus. Reseat the RAM.
 Perform Diagnostics test.
 If the problem persists then send in for service.
 CPU Heat - check to ensure that there is proper ventilation and the fan is working.
Diagnostics will test the fan for you. For notebook heat issues - use SPEEDSTEP (Intel) to
the lower the cycle speed (megahertz). Enable Battery Optimized Performance. Was your
CPU replaced? Was the thermal barrier replaced correctly. The CPU must be sealed correctly
with a thermal barrier (adhesive between CPU and motherboard) or it could cause heat
 Conflicts in system devices - check the IRQ (Interrupt Requests 0-15) in the BIOS and reset
the BIOS.
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How to troubleshoot PC USB.
 Check the connections.
 Installation - Always install the software for your USB device FIRST. Then plug in the USB
device and allow Plug and Play to install the drivers.
 Check error messages in Event Viewer. Start / Settings / Control Panel / Administrative Tools
/ Computer Management (or Event Viewer)
 Check the power consumption - Use Device Manager. Use a powered hub if you have
multiple devices (e.g. printers, scanners). The USB total consumption should be about 500
milliamps for a desktop and 250-300 milliamps for notebooks.
 Turns off and locks up? Check the USB Version. USB V2.0 is backwards compatible with
V1.1 but V1.1 will NOT work with V2.0 USB devices. Windows XP requires Service Pack 1
for USB V2.0.
 Reset the BIOS (Re-boot and tap the F2 Key, Press F9 (Default Settings), Press F10 (Save
and Exit). Some BIOS versionos have the default (F9 equivalent on the EXIT menu).
 Uninstall and replace the drivers using Device Manager under Administrator Privileges -
right click on My Computer / Properties / Hardware / Device Manager - expand USB line
item. Right click on the items below and select uninstall drive on the pop-up menu. Re-boot
the system and Plug and Play will automatically detect the USB device and re-install the
drivers for you.
 Uninstall the software - Add/Remove Programs/USB Product. Always install the software
first before plugging the USB device in for the first time.
 Perform an MSCONFIG if your computer has it.
 Shut down all other applications to avoid conflicts. Remove all other hardware devices.
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How to troubleshoot and/or improve performance using MSCONFIG
MS Config - how to use the System Configuration Utility
Is your computer really slow? Do you think you have spyware or adware or a virus? If so
then you have come to the right place. Follow these instructions and your computer will be
cleaned up and running like the day you bought it.
Spyware programs, viruses, adware, key loggers and other malicious programs must be
started in order to work. Programs can be started as a service automatically or as a scheduled
task or at startup using the registry. We will take a look at all of these possibilities but
concentrate on MSCONFIG / Startup as that is the most likely place for the malicious
In order to start up as a service a program must be registered as a service. It can be disabled
or manual or automatic. See Control Panel/Administrative Tools/Services. Go through each
of the services that are set to automatic and ensure that they are not malicious. Be careful here
as some services are essential for your operating system. Do not disable any services unless
you know what you are doing.
Example of How To Register a Service
Scheduled Tasks
Scheduled Tasks can be viewed by Start / Settings / Control Panel / Scheduled Tasks
MS Config Registry Entries
Most malicious software will be placed in one of the registry entries to start when you log on.
These can be easily removed using MSCONFIG. Check each entry in the Startup tab of
MSCONFIG and ensure that you require it for your computer. Remember, everything that
runs at startup will slow your computer down significantly. There are only a few required
programs for startup. You can always run the programs manually through a desktop icon or
your start menu.
In order to use the registry, a program just creates an entry in the Local Machine entry:
OR in the Current User entry:
Name: Synchronization Manager
Type: REG_SZ
DATA: mobsync.exe /logon
The enabled (checked) items can be present in any of the following registry entries:
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[HKCUSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWindows]
In the right window pane, the value named Run (REG_SZ Run can be set to launch an
application at startup e.g. "notepad.exe") This is not present by default, unless you've added
the value manually.
Expand the "Location" column in the Startup tab to determine the exact location of the
The disabled (unchecked) entries are present in any of the following locations:
[HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftShared ToolsMSConfigstartupreg]
Get MSConfig.exe
Using System Configuration
 From your start menu use the run command to invoke MSCONFIG. Start / Run and then type
MSCONFIG and hit OK.
 Click on the Startup tab at the top
 Before you disable any program you should do research on it to determine if you require the
program. Just go onto Google or some other search engine and type in MSCONFIG followed
by the name of the program. Check the descriptions of the programs to determine if you can
safely remove it.
 Everything with a check is enabled and is running at startup. To disable each program just
uncheck it with left mouse click. After you are finished then hit Apply and then OK and then
restart your computer.
 The only startup items that are required are:
o ScanRegistry
o TaskMonitor
o SystemTray
o LoadPowerProfile
o Antivirus software
 After the computer restarts, you will receive a message about the changes. Just check the DO
NOT SHOW box at the bottom.
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Computer Hardware A+ - GITAcademy
Computer Hardware A+ - GITAcademy
Computer Hardware A+ - GITAcademy
Computer Hardware A+ - GITAcademy
Computer Hardware A+ - GITAcademy
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Computer Hardware A+ - GITAcademy

  • 1. Genius Information Technology Academy (Computer Software and Hardware Real – Time Training) #270, 6th ‘B’ Main Road, H.M.T Layout, R T Nagar, Bangalore 560032. Contact No. 080 – 40949423 G.I.T.A HARWARE A+ Course Material Prepared: Mr S.M.Hussain
  • 2. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 1 INDEX Chapter No. TOPIC PAGE NO Chapter -1:- INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER .....................................................2 Chapter -2:- COMPUTER GENERATION ..............................................................4 Chapter -3:- SOFTWARE...................................................................................11 Chapter -4:- MS DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating system) .................................13 Chapter -5:- HARDWARE CONCEPTS .........................................................17 Chapter -6: - BUSES........................................................................................28 Chapter -7:- MEMORY ...................................................................................36 Chapter 5: - HARD DISK DRIVE ...................................................................45 Chapter -7:- RAID ...........................................................................................52 Chapter -8:- PRINTERS ..................................................................................56 Chapter -9:- ASSEMBLING A PC ..................................................................58 Chapter -10:-BOOT PROCESS .......................................................................66 Chapter -11:-HOW TO INSTALL WINDOWS XP.........................................68 Chapter -12:-TROUBLESHOOT.....................................................................85 Chapter -13:-VIRUS........................................................................................94 Chapter -14:-ABBREVIATION ......................................................................96
  • 3. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 2 Chapter -1:- INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER Computer is an electronic device, which accepts data, stores it in the memory, process it and produce results according to a set of instruction. Commonly Operating Machine Particularly Used for Trade, Education, and Research CHARACTERISTICS OF COMUTERS High Speed: A computer is a very fast calculating and data processing device. In few seconds it solves the million simple arithmetic problems and processes the large amount of data in fraction of second. Accuracy: Computer can do all work accurately within shorter period. The accuracy with which a computer performs calculation or process data is very high. Storage: Computer can store large amount of data permanently. It has two aspects internal memory and external memory. The internal memory will not store large amount of data. It is temporary memory. External memory stores the data permanently. User can recall it as and when required. Versatility: Computer is capable of performing more than one different works one by one at a moment.
  • 4. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 3 HISTORY OF COMPUTER In China people used ABACUS for calculation. It was the first physical calculating device used for calculation. founded by John Napier known as Napier‘s bone In 1642, Blaise Pascal invented the first adding machine called as Mechanical Calculator. In 1822, Charles Babbage, a professor at Cambridge University, is considered to be the father of the computer. He invented a machine called ‗differential engine‘ This machine can do the calculation sequentially one at a time. In 1833 Charles Babbage and Lady Ada Lovelace invented a new machine called ‗analytical engine‘ In 1937, Howard Aiken and Mark founded the first digital computer. In 1946, at the University of Pennsylvania John Eckert and John Machauly invented the first electronic general-purpose computer called ENIAC and then comes the early computers EDSAC and EDVAC. ENIAC – Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator EDSAC – Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Computer EDVAC – Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer John Von Nueman founded concepts of binary number system for computers and the stored program concept. 1965 digital equipment‘s invented Mini Computers. 1969 Poor and Pyle prepare a concept of Microprocessor Chip. 1969 Tedd Holf invented the first Intel 4004 microprocessor. 1971 Intel 8008 microprocessor and in 1974 Intel 8080 microprocessor are invented. 1974 Scelbi-8h microprocessor base PC introduced In 1980 IBM (International Business Machine) invented the first general purpose PC . That is the beginning era of modern computer. IBM prepared two PC‘s PC-XT (Extended Technology) PC-AT (Advanced Technology)
  • 5. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 4 Chapter -2:- COMPUTER GENERATION Based on the technology, computers are generally classified into first, second, third, fourth and fifth generations. First Generation (1940-55) The first generation computers are started with the use of Vacuum tubes. Vacuum tubes are delicate device that control electronic signals. The memory capacity and speed are very low in first generation computer. They were extremely large and had little reliability. They generated considerable heat. In first generation punched cards were used to enter data and magnetic drums for data storage. Machine and Assembly languages were used for computer programming. UNIVAC- I (universal Automatic Computer) is the first commercially available computer
  • 6. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 5 Second Generation (1955-65) After invention of Transistors in 1960s the second generation computers are started with the use of Transistors instead of Vacuum tubes. Transistors made of Germanium Semiconductor materials were highly reliable compared to Vacuum tubes. Transistors were smaller and more reliable devices. devices. The uses of transistors reduce the size, manufacturing and running cost and improve the reliability and processing power. High level languages were used to instruct the computer to perform tasks. The languages developed during this time were FORTRAN, COBOL, and ALGOL etc. Third Generation (1965-75) After invention of ICs (integrated Circuits) by Manson Benedricks the third generations of computer are started with the use of ICs. These computers have high speed and more memory capacity. The ICs consists of diode, transistors and other electronic circuits. Later the development in computer field invention of microprocessor changes the computer model was totally changed.
  • 7. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 6 Fourth Generation (1976 onwards) The fourth generations of computers are started with the use of Very Large Scale integration (VLSI). The fourth generation has high speed and more memory capacity and reliability. The development of LSI technology resulted in the development of the Microprocessor. A microprocessor contains all the circuits needed to perform arithmetic, logic and control functions. This led to the development of the Microcomputer. Fifth Generations Fifth generations computing devices based on artificial intelligence Ex: Robot CLASSIFICATION OF COMPUTERS According to DATA used
  • 8. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 7 Analog Computers: Analog is a Greek word, which means establishing similarities between two quantities. Analog computer is one that measures a physical value such as pressure, temperature etc that fall along a continuous scale. E.g. In mechanical watch, the variable (time) is represented by rotating the wheel in the watch. Digital computers A digital device requires all the variables of the problem to be expressed in terms of discrete numbers (digits) and the results are expressed as numeric or numerically coded characters. E.g.: In digital watch, the time is shown by actual counting of minutes and seconds. Hybrid Computers The desirable features of analog and digital computers are sometimes combined to create a hybrid computer system. In many cases, a hybrid computer is an analog computer controlled by a digital computer instead of a human. Digital computers are again classified into special purpose and general-purpose computers. A special purpose computer is one that is designed to solve a restricted class of problems. Many of the computers used for military applications are of this type. General-purpose computers are designed to solve a wide variety of problems. They are widely used in offices, sales analysis, designing etc. CLASSIFICATION OF COMPUTERS According to size and speed According to the size, computers are normally classified into Micro computers, Mini computers, Mainframe computers and Super computers. Super computers: Super computers are the fastest computers ever made. These are most expensive and highest performance machines. These are also known as Maxi computers. These are used to solve a range of large scale problems which require extensive numeric computation such as weather prediction, crystal graphic calculation, and design of the wing of supersonic air craft. E.g.: PARAM Padma, Cray-1 etc.
  • 9. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 8 Mainframe Computers: (Servers) The main frames are very large in size and they support hundreds of computers. They handle the very large volume of data. These machines are used in network as server. The major characteristics of mainframe computers are They are sensitive to variation in temperature, humidity, dust etc and hence should be kept in a controlled environment (e.g.; AC rooms) Special qualified operators and programmers are required for their operations. They support wide range of peripherals. They have large data storage capacity.
  • 10. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 9 Mini Computers: These computers are similar to mainframe having smaller capacity. They can handle the large amount of data with high speed. And these computers are used as sub- units to mainframe units. Micro Computers: These are the smallest computers which consist of a microprocessor chip as CPU. These computers are the ones seen very commonly in offices. They are small, low cost systems. Ex: Smart phones COMPUTER LANGUAGES Computer languages are classified into four types  Machine Languages  Assembly Languages  High Level Languages  Fourth Generation Languages (4GLs) Computer Language A language consists of all the verbal or written symbols and expressions that are used to exchange ideas and information. Two basic types of languages used in computers are Low Level Language and High Level Language. Low Level language is again divided into Machine language and Assembly Language. A computer can understand only one language of 0‘s and 1‘s. This type of numbering system is called binary systems. The 0‘s and 1‘s are called binary digit or bits. Normally a bit refers to ‗1‘ (on) while a no bit means a ‗0‘ (off) Machine Language: The lowest form of computer language is Machine Language. The machine language is used in the form of binary formats and binary digits. This language is very difficult understand and it was not user friendly. The only language understood by the computer is the computer is the Machine language. The programs written in machine language are machine dependent. I.e., a program that has been developed for a particular machine can‘t be run on another machine.
  • 11. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 10 Assembly Language: In this language abbreviations were used for programming instead of binary digits. To use this language one must know the hardware parts. This is also known as symbolic language. High Level Language: Programmer generally uses High Level Languages. High level language used English word for programming. This made programs easy to understand, easy to debug and very easy to learn. Eg: BASIC, PASCAL, FORTRAN etc. Fourth Generation Language: These languages are software package and written using basic level language. They are very easy to understand and the programs developed 4GLS are easy to change. Eg: dBASE, ORACLE, FoxPro etc. Translators Translators are used to translate an Assembly language or a high level language to its corresponding machine language. Assembler: It is a translator program which translates Assembly language to its corresponding machine language. Compiler and Interpreters: Compiler and interpreter are both translator programs which translates High level language to its corresponding Machine language. Compiler converts the entire program at a time; interpreter converts one line at a time before execution. Compiled programs are executed faster than interpreted program.
  • 12. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 11 Chapter -3:- SOFTWARE Program: A step by step instruction given to the computer to produce the required output is called program. Software: A set of program (Set of instruction) given to computer to start the computer as well as to solve out specific problems is called software. Software directs the operation of the hardware to produce a desire result. Types of software System software & Application software System Software: System software is that software developed to start the computer as well as help us to run other application. This software does not solve our problems, but they help us to run other program on computer. E.g.: Operating system, utility program, translators, communication software etc. Application Software: Application software is that software developed to solve out specific problems, which is also known as ―application packages‖ E.g.: MS Office, dBASE Tally Adobe photoshop etc. OPERATING SYSTEM (OS) An operating system is a interface between user and computer, System software that links the user and the electronic components of the computer. OS is a collection of instructions that control the overall operation of the computer. It is used to control the computer operations, store the information about physical hardware layout of the computer. The operating system is used as a base to run other application software programs. No program will run on PC without operating system. The OS makes easy for the people to make use of the computer is turned on. Different Types of Operating Systems Single user single task Ex DOS Disk operating system Single user Multi task Ex Windows 95,98, win xp, win 7 win 8 Multi user multi task Ex Unix, Linux.
  • 13. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 12 Operating Systems View OPERATING SYSTEMS SERVICES /FUNCTIONS File Management I/O Management Memory Management Device Management Resource Management CPU Management Hardware Management • OPERATING DETAILED OPERATING LINUX OPERATING • SYSTEM DESIGN
  • 14. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 13 Chapter -4:- MS DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating system) Commands 1) To create a Dir Syntax - md - make directory [create directory] - cd - Open directory [ change directory] Ex - C:md GITA (press enter) C:cd GITA (press enter) C:GITA 2) To create a file Syntax – Copy con filename Ex - C:GITA> Copy con students (press enter) and type the text below I am a student of Bangalore Branch of Computer Centre (To save ur file press F6 or Cntrl+Z) 3) To come out of GITA directory Cd.. 4) To open the GITA directory again press C:cd GITA ( press Enter ) Commands: There are two types of commands. Internal Commands. & External Commands. Internal Commands: o Dir Command. o Copy Command. o Rename Command. o Delete Command. External Commands. o Attrib o Mod 4.0 o Mod 8.0 o Edit o Deltree
  • 15. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 14 Dir Command: Dir Command: C:GITA>dir To display the list of files and directories. C:GITA>dir/p To display the list of files and directories in page wise. C:GITA>dir/w To display the list of files and directories in width wise. C:GITA>dir/l ―L‖ means to display the list of files and directories in small letters. C:GITA>dir/b ―B‖ means to display the list of files and directories in bare format (only names without bits or bytes). C:GITA>dir/s ―S‖ means to display the list of files and directories including system files & directories. C:GITA>dir/ON ―ON‖ means to display the list of files and directories in ascending order. C:GITA>dir/O-N ―O-N‖ means to display the list of files and directories in descending order. C:GITA>dir/aa To display only the list of files. C:GITA>dir/ad To display only the list of Directories. C:GITA>dira *.* To display only the list of files & Directories Which starts from A ( A-Z) C:GITA>dir*.Con To display only the Extension files. C:GITA>dir ??? To display the 1, 2 , 3 letter wise only. C:GITA>date To display and change date. C:GITA>time To display and change time. C:GITA>Echo off Means to hide the path and drive. C:GITA>Echo on Means to unhide the path and drive. C:GITA>Mode 40 To increase the Font Size. C:GITA>Mode 80 To decrease the Font Size. C:GITA>ver The show the version details. C:GITA>label The change volume drive name Example: Volume in drive C is MOS Volume serial no is…….. Volume label….. C: GITA>Type To display contents of file.(Impromation) C:Cls Clear the screen
  • 16. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 15 Attrib Command: C:GITA>dir/ah To see added Files. C:GITA>attrib –h To unhide the files and directories. C:GITA>attrib +h a*.* To hide the files and directories which starts from letter A. C:GITA>attrib -h a*.* To unhide the files and directories which starts from letter A. C:GITA>Dir/h To unhide the files and directories. C:GITA>attrib +h *.* .Com To hide the files Which is having Extension(Eg .art) C:GITA>attrib -h *..Com To uhide the files Which is having Extension(Eg .art) C:GITA>attrib +h *.* To hide all the files at a time. C:GITA>attrib -h *.* To unhide all the files which are hidden at a time. Read only Files C:GITA>attrib +r Radha To hide the read only files. C:GITA>dirar To display the read only files. C:GITA>attrib -r Radha To unhide the read only files. Rename Command This command is used to change the old name and to produce new name C:GITA>Ren old new C:GITA>name.bmp *.jpg This is used to change a format. Copy Command Two types of command. 1. Main Directories to Sub directories. 2. Main Directory to Main Directory. C: GITA>Copy File Sub To copy the main directory to sub directory which only one file is copied. C:GITA> copy a*.* Name To copy the main directory to sub directory it copies all the files at a time. Main directory to Main directory. C:GITA>copy C:name To copy the main directory to main directory all of them by copying at a time. C:GITA>dirah To show all the files & Directories, Page wise. OTHER COMMANDS F1 Displays context Sensitive help
  • 17. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 16 DELETE COMMAND C:GITA>dir delete C:GITA>file delete To delete the files C:GITA> Del m*.* To delete the files which is from letter ‗m‘ To delete extension file C:GITA>del*.fg To delete the extension from .fg C:GITA>*.*/p To delete the files in one order C:GITA>*.* To delete the complete files all at a time REMOVE DIRECTORY RD = Remove Directory C:GITA>CD C:GITA>rd GITA C:cd GITA C:GITA>dir C:name C:name Cd para C:namepara*.* C:nameDel *.* C:GITACd… C:rd GITA
  • 18. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 17 Chapter -5:- HARDWARE CONCEPTS Hardware is a term which refers to the physical component of a computer system which is used for processing data. The term computer system is used to describe all the components of a computer including Central Processing Unit. The term peripheral denotes all the type of units that are connected with the Central Processing unit- which include input, output, secondary storage devices etc. A computer has 3 main parts INPUT, CPU and OUTPUT INPUT UNIT Data and instructions are feeded using input unit. Input unit converts the data into electronic waves (or converts the data into computer readable form 0&1) and send to CPU for processing. Most commonly used input devices are keyboard, mouse, scanner, joysticks etc. OUTPUT DEVICE The most commonly used output device is VDU (Visual Display Unit). VDU converts electrical information into visual information in a recognizable form. It consists of cathode ray tube, which produces a beam of electrons that makes the picture on the screen. Most of the monitors can displays 25 lines of text with 80 characters in each line. Mostly all VDU seen today use a Cathode ray tube (CRT). Whereas, there are some monitors which use Liquid Crystal display (LCD) TFT, LED A L U C U Secondary memory 0utputInput unit Primary memory
  • 19. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 18 CPU Central Processing unit (CPU) is also known as brain of computers. Its main function is to control and coordinate the functioning of entire computer system. All the major calculations and comparisons are made inside the CPU. Central processing unit stores all the feeded data and instruction and result obtained after processing also stored in CPU. Decoding each instruction and generating control signals to start specified operation is also done by CPU. The functions of CPU are To store data as well as instructions. To control the sequence of operation as per the stored instruction. To issue commands to all the parts of a computer system. To carryout data processing and to send results to output. It consists of three sub-units Arithmetic Logic Unit Memory Unit Control Unit Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU): solves all the problems and takes the logical decisions. All the process work done inside the ALU. Control Unit: Control unit controls the data flow between input and output. It is nervous system of the computer components. It manages and coordinates the entire computer system and fetches the instruction from main memory for execution. Memory Unit: The data and instruction are stored inside the memory unit. It also stores the result obtained after the processing. A CPU has two types of memory Primary memory & Secondary memory Primary memory is temporary memory these remain until we switch of the system. There are two types of Primary memory RAM (Random Access Memory) ROM (Read only Memory)
  • 20. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 19 RAM: This memory stores all your data and instruction in it. This memory will remain until power shutdown. It will not store records permanently. RAM contents can be read and change whenever required. This memory is volatile, which means that its contents are lost when the computer switched off. This is also known as read write memory. RAM also divided into two kinds – Static and Dynamic Dynamic Ram: Can hold data for a few milli seconds. It constantly refreshed by having its contents rewritten. Static Ram: can hold data as long as electric power is present. CACHE MEMORY: A special very high-speed memory is sometimes used to increase the speed of processing by making current programs and data available to the CPU at a rapid rate. It is pronounced as ―cash memory‖ a relatively small section of very fast memory reserved for the temporary storage of the data or instructions likely to be needed next by the processor. When processor references a memory address, the cache checks to see if it holds that address. If it does, the information is passed directly to the processor; if not, a normal memory access takes place instead. A cache can speed up operations on a computer whose ram access is slow compared with its processor speed, because cache memory is faster than normal RAM. ROM – ROM contains instructions, which are permanently loaded into the memory. It cannot be changed. ROM is not volatile, so turning off the computer does not effect it. One set of instructions held on ROM is called ROM-BIOS. ROM-BIOS: Read only Memory Basic input Output Services. ROM-BIOS provide very essential support for the whole operation of the computer. ROM is activating when the computer is switched on and tests the RAM working condition. ROM consists of three types PROM Programmable Read Only Memory EPROM Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory EAROM Electrically alterable Read Only Memory
  • 21. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 20 SECONDARY MEMORY Secondary memory is permanent memory. It is also called storage devices. User can store data, information etc permanently inside the storage device. You can store data and receive it whenever required. These storage devices are attached to the computer from outside. The main secondary devices presently used are hard disk, floppies, CD‘s, magnetic tapes etc. MOTHER BOARD Motherboard is a physical & logical backbone of the entire system. It is a main circuited board On the Printed Circuit Board, the components are placed & connected with the help of thin copper tracks. The modern PC boards contain many such tracks to make electrical connection between different parts of the system. Motherboard defines the size, shape & connections. Rear I/O - These are the external ports, for example the USB and other I/O (input/output) ports). The monitor, keyboard, mouse and speakers (along with other peripherals such as a printer) will slot in here. Despite appearing as though you are plugging these devices into the case, you are actually plugging them into this external part of the motherboard. Motherboard manufacture company‘s 1) Intel 2) AMD 3) Gigabyte 4) Mercury 5)Asus 6)Asrock etc….
  • 22. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 21 PCI Express Slot These two blue components are the PCI-Express slots. They have a higher data transfer/bandwidth rate than PCI slots and this are used by higher-powered hardware parts such as a graphics card. CMOS (Battery) It is technically called as Complementary Metal Oxide Semi-Conductor It supplies power to the BIOS and it maintains current date and time. When the system is in shut down state. The capacity of CMOS Battery is 3V or 3.5V of Power and this is also called as Lithium Battery Motherboard holds various information about the system's configuration, along with the date and time. It is important that this data isn't lost even when the computer is switched off, hence this battery is used which ensures that such data doesn't get lost when the computer is turned off. Jumpers: A jumper is a pin on the mother board that is used to provide the configuration information of hardware. Each jumper contains a pair of pins with a small rectangular shunt often called as a jumper cap that can be place over both pins to short them together.
  • 23. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 22 Processor CPU (the 'processor' - the 'brains' of the computer, i.e. where instructions are carried out and calculations are performed) is put into this socket. The CPU gives off a large amount of heat, and as a result a heat sink is installed over it (the four holes in all four corners of the CPU socket helps with the installation of certain heat sink‘s/CPU coolers). The processor CPU is the central processing unit, so critical component of any computer system that reads and executes each instruction of the program, then one of the elements to be evaluated well when you buy a new personal computer or notebook. There are two big brand of processors name is AMD and INTEL processors. The choice of the processor that best suits your needs depends on the 'computer use by the user' s, so there are low-end processors for a purpose which is limited to Internet browsing, powerful processors for video games, for heavy graphics programs, etc. .. But the real battle in the microprocessor market is between AMD and Intel processors, a rivalry that has lasted for years with constant comparisons between processing features, speed, price differences and market share. AMD have three types of processer High-end: consists of the AMD Phenom II X6 6-core and high-performance, AMD Phenom X4 quad-core II ideal for multimedia applications and advanced X2 and Phenom for good overall performance Mid-range: AMD Phenom II X3 are AMD, AMD Turion AMD Turion Ultra II and II, all with excellent quality / price and ideal for any multimedia PC. Base range : AMD Sempron, AMD Athlon and AMD Athlon X2 Neo Neo, often used in desktop PCs and laptops very cheap and suitable for basic computing needs like web browsing, basic office functions and e-mail. Often integrated with ATI graphics, these processors also offer an acceptable use of multimedia.
  • 24. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 23 Intel Even Intel can be classified into three ranges, high-end, medium and low. The top of the range consists of 3 processors' last series, the i3 Intel Core, Intel Core and Intel Core i7 i5. The Core i7 and Core i5 and 64-bit with Hyper-Threading Technology and Turbo Boost, which delivers higher overall performance and control aspects such as energy consumption, the processor temperature, etc. .. Mid-range of Intel processors are Intel Core 2 Duo and Intel Pentium Dual Core, the first has two processing cores that enhance the gaming and multimedia use, while the second has a Core micro-architecture and provides a good efficiency processing. Low based on Intel processors are the Intel Centrino, Intel Centrino Duo and Intel Atom. Both are popular Centrino processor for notebook PCs, while Intel Atom processor is economical for desktop PC, designed to consume less power but with power rather limited, making it ideal for a basic use of computers. DIFFRENCE BETWEEN INTEL & AMD MICROPROCESSORS SL.NO PARAMETER INTEL AMD(ADVANCED MICRO DEVICES) 1 Power consumption Less More 2 Price High Economic 3 Cooling It has better cooling system It heats up faster 4 Performance Speed is more in normal application Speed is more in graphical application 5 Video and multimedia Performance slow Performance fast Chipset - The chipset connects all the components on a motherboard and allows them to share data. "If the CPU is the brain of your PC then the chipset is the nervous system". USB Cable Slots - Many computer cases come with USB ports in the front. These are not part of the motherboard and so they need to be inserted into the motherboard - hence these slots. Front I/O - Computer cases also come with various LEDs (lights showing hard-drive activity, for example) along with reset and power buttons. These also need to be connected to the motherboard, hence these cable slots.
  • 25. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 24 Chipset - North Bridge (with heat sink) It is the most important chip on the motherboard. It handles the communication between memories, AGP, CPU & South Bridge. It is near to the microprocessor. North Bridge The Motherboards chipset can be described as what sets it apart from other boards in its category. Different chipsets contain different features and components. A chipset is a number of integrated circuits built onto the board to provide specific functions e.g. one part of the chipset may be an onboard component such as a modem or sound chip. Other parts may be used to control the CPU functions. Most chipsets are designed to work with only one "class" of CPU although now many older chipsets support more than one type of CPU such as socket 7 which supports the Pentium, Cyrix 686, Cyrix MII, AMD K6 and K6-2. There are certain restrictions though to what type of processor a chipset can handle because of the logic that the CPU uses to access the memory and its cache etc. Since these chips are working harder with each generation, motherboard manufacturers have started to put heat sinks and active coolers (fans) on the main parts of the chipset to disperse some of the heat
  • 26. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 25 ATX Power connector This power connector is used to supply the power to the mother board. Further it classified in two types. 1. AT (Advance Technology) Power Connector Now a days we are not using 2. ATX(Advance Technology Extended) Power Connector AT power connector is identified with 6+6 =12 pins. These were also called as P8 and P9 Connectors. ATX power connector is identified with 20 OR 24 pins The standard ATX power connector, the cable for this will be coming from the PSU, a clip is normally provided to make sure you get them in the correct order. As a tip, don't try to push too hard if its stuck, check to see that it is in the correct way, I have seen plenty of power connectors where the pins have pushed out some of the connectors, these can be difficult to get back into place, so its best to be careful.
  • 27. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 26 CPU (Central Processing Unit) socket All the CPU "sockets look very similar, however they are different in the way they have different amount of pins and in different layouts. There are currently two major CPU socket types PGA and LGA. PGA or Pin Grad Array uses a system of pins on the CPU and holes on the socket to line up and hold a CPU in place. The introduction of the ZIF (Zero Insertion Force) socket for PGA types allowed the CPU's to be lined up without any pressure on the CPU until a level is pulled down. LGA or Land Grid Array uses a system of gold plated copper pads that make contact with the motherboard. It is very important to read your motherboard manual to discover what types of CPU's you motherboard supports as most motherboards are aimed at a specific type of CPU. MEMORY SLOTS The memory slots are the slots where we can insert the RAM sticks. Two types of RAM slots SIMM (Single Inline Memory Module) It is white in color and small in size It contains only one side pins It contains a single notch
  • 28. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 27 DIMM (Double Inline Memory Module) slots It‘s come with different color Is having both double notch it is used to insert to the SDRAM and single notch used to DDR RAM DIMM's are by far and away the most used memory types in today's computers. They vary in speeds and standards however and they need to match up to what your motherboard has been designed to take. The four standards of DIMM's being used at the moment are SDR (Single Data Rate), DDR (Double Data Rate), DDR2 and DDR3. The speeds of memory can vary between 66Mhz to 1600Mhz. Chipset - South Bridge It is a chip which handles all the operation of Devices that are not controlled by North Bridge. It is always far away from the micro-processor Socket and near to the Expansion slots. When we talk about chipsets you mainly only ever hear about the North Bridge. Even those into PC technology have a hard time naming the south bridges without looking them up. Names like Nforce 2 and KT600 are North bridges. The South Bridge does an important job as well. It handles things like the PCI bus, onboard Network and sound chips as well as the IDE and S- ATA buses.
  • 29. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 28 Chapter -6: - BUSES Bus is a connection between two components to transmit signal between them. There are three types of buses. They are as follows. 1) DATA BUS This is used to send data from one place to another. 2) ADDRESS BUS This is used to send data from one particular location to read or write the data. 3) CONTROL BUS This is used to send control and timing signals between various parts of the computer. Serial ATA Connector Serial ATA or more commonly seen as S-ATA is a new way of connecting your Hard Drives to your PC. S-ATA drives have the capability of being faster than the IDE counterparts and also have smaller thinner cables which help with the airflow of the system. S-ATA hard disks are fast becoming the norm for hard drive technology. Current motherboards feature both IDE and S-ATA connectors to facilitate all types of storage hardware. USB 2.0 header As well as having USB ports on the rear of the motherboard, motherboard manufacturers often add a couple of USB headers so you can connect optional cables for extra USB ports. These cables are often supplied and you only need to add them on if you need the extra connectivity. USB 2.0 replaced USB 1.1 as a much faster solution. It is backwards compatible meaning all USB 1.1 devices will work in these new USB 2.0 ports.
  • 30. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 29 ISA Slots: It is big in size and black in color. The data transfer speed of this slot is 8 MHz, and The Bus width is 16 bit. It occupies more space on the Mother Board We can insert different cards like Sound, NIC Card, Modem, TV Tuner card, VGA …etc. now a days we are not using ISA (Industry Standard Architecture) PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect) slot It is small in size and white in color. The data transfer speed of this slot is33MHz Or 66 MHz and the bus width is 32 Or 64 bit we can add these cards in less space on the Mother Board we can insert different cards like Sound, NIC card, Modem, TV Tuner card, VGA ..etc The PCI bus (not PCI express) is now an older technology and although the PCI slots are still available, they have decreased in number and are being replaced by the PCI Express 1x slots. Its unlikely that you will get a motherboard without a PCI slot at the moment due to the fact that a lot of components still use the standard PCI slot. It would be awkward to upgrade to a system without PCI slots as it may mean upgrading more components than you would like to,
  • 31. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 30 AGP Slots: Accelerated Graphic Port It is small in size and Brown or Orange in color The data transfer speed of this slot is 32 Or 64 bits We can insert Graphic or display card in it. They was different types of display cards like. MDA-----Monochrome Display Array or Adaptor CGA-------Color Graphical Array or Adaptor VGA-------Video Graphical Array or Adaptor SVGA------Super Video Graphical Array or Adaptor CNR Slots: A. This slots are newer slots which were using now a Days for network purpose CNR (Communication Network Raiser)
  • 32. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 31 Floppy Drive Connector It‘s having 36 pins More simple than the IDE connector you only have to remember to get the red line to pin 1 of the connector and the red line to pin 1 on the floppy drive, This port is only to be used with floppy drives. You may not have a floppy controller on your motherboard as its slowly being phased out as more people are using writable CD's and DVDs to transfer data, to store data and to use as boot up discs. IDE connector It‘s having 40 pins The connector to which you will insert an IDE cable (supplied with motherboard) IDE cables connect devices such as hard disks, CD Drives and DVD Drives. The current 4 standards of IDE devices are ATA 33/66/100 and 133. the numbers specify the amount of data in Mb/s in a max burst situation. In reality there is not much chance of getting a sustain data rate of this magnitude. Both the connectors and devices are backwards compatible with each other, however they will only run at the slowest rated speed between them. All IDE cables will come with a red line down one side, this red line is to show which way it should be plugged in. The red line should always connect to pin one of the IDE port. Checking your motherboard documentation should show you which end is pin one. In some cases it will be written on the board itself.  The Blue connector should be connected to the system board  The Black connector should be connected to the master device  The Grey Connector should be connected to the slave device
  • 33. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 32 BIOS (Basic Input Output System) Chip The BIOS holds the most important data for your machine, if configured incorrectly it could cause your computer not to boot correctly or not at all. The BIOS also informs the PC what the motherboard supports in terms off CPU etc. This is why when a new CPU is introduced that physically fits into a slot or socket you may need a BIOS update to support it. The main reason for this is that different CPU's use different logics and methods and so the BIOS has to understand certain instructions from the CPU to recognize it.
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  • 37. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 36 Chapter -7:- MEMORY RAM In a general way Memory is one of the functions of the brain. That enables as to store and remember the post events and our thoughts on it. Similarly in computer term memory refers to a chip that stores data and retrieved (show) the information store data whenever we need it. Then the processor retrieved the store information for processing the data. There are two types of memory 1. Primary Memory 2. Secondary Memory Primary Memory: This memory is the main memory. It is directory accepted by the Micro Processor. So it is a primary memory, without this memory computer can‘t run. This memory is again divided into 2 types.  Volatile Memory  Non-Volatile Memory Volatile Memory: Volatile memory is the memory which losses the data (Instruction) as soon as the system is turned OFF. This type of memory is called as Volatile memory. It stores the data temporarily. Ex: RAM RAM also divided into two kinds – Static and Dynamic Dynamic Ram: Can hold data for a few mille seconds. It constantly refreshed by having its contents rewritten. Static Ram: can hold data as long as electric power is present. Non-Volatile: It is the memory which does not loss the data even after the system is turn OFF. This type of memory is called as Non-Volatile memory. It stores the data for permanently Ex: ROM Secondary Memory: Secondary memory is indirectly accepted by the Micro Processor through ROM, HDD…etc. this memory is use to store the data (Information) Permanently. Ex: HDD, CD, and DVD….etc. the system will work with secondary memory.
  • 38. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 37 RAM(Random access memory):-  It is a volatile memory which losses the data as soon as the system is turned OFF. This type of memory is called as volatile memory, it stores data temporarily.  It is the place when the operating system is going to load during the time of switch ON or rebooting  It is very fast but can also very expensive.  the system run very fast. RAM is two types. They are 1. Dynamic RAM (DRAM) 2. Static RAM (SRAM) Dynamic RAM:  it stands for Dynamic Random Access Memory  It is made up of transistors and capacitors.  It must be constantly refreshed  The speed is slow  The density is high  The cost is low Now a days we are using DDR1, DDR2, DDR3, DDR4 2. SRAM: Static RAM  It stands for static dynamic Random Access memory  It is made up of Transistors  It does not need the periodic refresh rate like DRAM  It‘s speed is high  It‘s density is Low  It‘s cost is high ROM (Read Only Memory)  It is Non-Volatile memory. It means it store the information permanently.  The term Read Only Memory means that store information can not be change the information is store permanently during the time of manufacturing.  It store 8bit spare sheets (64bits) in the form of rows and columns.  ROM is a chip that holds a software program called BIOS in it. It is also called devices as ROM BIOS.  BIOS (Basic Input Output System): It is program which contains all the information of Input and Output devices.
  • 39. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 38 ROM BIOS Technologies 1. PROM (Programmable Read Only Memory) 2. EP ROM (Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory) 3. EEP ROM (Electrically Erasable Read Only Memory) 4. Flash ROM PROM (Programmable Read Only Memory): A PROM is a chip on which data can be written only once. Once a program has been written onto a PROM, if remains there forever. Unlike RAM, PROM EP ROM (Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory): It is one type of Non-Volatile chip. In this type of memory we can erase the information by exposing the chip to ―Ultra- Volatile Rays‖. It is used in 80486 technologies EEP ROM (Electrical Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory): In this we can erase the data by applying electrical charges. Such memory is uses for the data which are uses to read frequently but attend or change occasionally. Flash ROM: It is similar to EEP ROM. The principle difference is that EEP ROM requires data to written or erased one Byte at a time. Where as Flash Rom allows data to be written or erased in Blocks. This makes Flash memory Faster CACHE MEMORY: Cache memory is a very small amount of very high speed memory used in between the main memory (RAM) and the processor. The information frequently required by the processor is kept in the cache memory by the cache controller. This improves the speed of the computer operation.
  • 40. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 39 Memory Units 1. 1 or 0 ------ 1 Bit 2. 4 Bits ------- 1 Nibble 3. 8 Bits ------- 1 Byte 4. 1024 Bytes ------- 1Kilo Bytes 5. 1024 Kilo Bytes ------- 1024 Mega Bytes 6. 1024 Mega Bytes ------- 1Giga Bytes 7. 1024 Giga Bytes ------- 1Tera Bytes 8. 1024 Tetra Bytes ------- 1 Peta Bytes 9. 1024 Peta Bytes -------- 1 Exa Bytes 10. 1024 Exa Bytes -------- 1Zeta Bytes 11. 1024 Zeta Bytes --------- 1Yotta Bytes Conversion numbers are of two types, they were. 1. Binary to Decimal 2. Decimal to Binary 1. Binary to Decimal conversion: EX: (11110000)2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 = 1*128+1*64+1*32+1*16+0*8+0*4+0*2+0*1 = 128+64+32+16+0+0+0+0 = 240
  • 41. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 40 2. Decimal to Binary conversation EX: (192)10 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 192 96-0 48-0 24-0 12-0 6-0 3-0 1-1 = 11000000 NOTE: if the answer is less than 8 numbers at that time we need to add 0’s to the left hand side of that answer. Difference between RAM and ROM RAM ROM 1. RAM is used as main computer memory. 1. ROM us used for storing Micro Processor and controllers instructions that allows special operation to be perform by the machine. 2. RAM is Volatile memory. 2. ROM is Non-Volatile memory. 3. Users and system both can uses. 3. Only system can use. 4. Data and programs can be store in RAM. 4. ROM doesn‘t allow to store data in it can be written by the manufacturer 5. Power instruction destroys the data. 5. Power instruction doesn‘t destroy the data.
  • 42. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 41 RAM manufacture companies 1) Transcend 2) Infineon 3) Dynet etc…
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  • 44. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 43 COMPARISION BETWEEN DDR RAM AND SD RAM SL.NO PARAMETER DDR RAM SD RAM 1 Acronym Double Data Rate RAM Synchronised Data RAM 2 Data strobes Single sided Double sided 3 Voltage required 2.5 volts 3.3 volts 4 Speed 200 MHz, 333 MHz, 400 MHz 66 MHz, 100 MHz, 133 MHz 5 Released year 2000 1993 6 Modules 184 pins 168 or (30 to 70) pins 7 Notches One Two DR2 and DDR3 are improvements on the same technology and further increase the number of data transfers per clock cycle. DDR2 RAM provides 4 data transfers per cycle, while DDR3 increases the number to 8. Assuming a base clock speed of 100Mhz, DDR RAM will provide 1600 MB/s of Bandwidth, DDR2 provides 3200 MB/s, and DDR3 provides 6400 MB/s However, purchasing DDR2 or DDR3 RAM isn‘t usually a matter of preference. DDR2 and DDR3 RAM are not compatible. If your motherboard uses DDR2, you cannot upgrade to DDR3 without upgrading your motherboard. This means that if you currently own a computer with DDR2 RAM and you want to upgrade to a brand new processor and motherboard you have to throw your your perfectly good DDR2 RAM and buy new DDR3 RAM.
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  • 46. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 45 Chapter 5: - HARD DISK DRIVE The physical medium that stores data in it and it all so secondary memory Hard Disc Drives or Hard Drives are one of the crucial components for the functioning of a computer. It is basically a non-volatile storage device storing digitally encoded data on fast revolving platters with magnetic surfaces. It is integrated into the motherboards and all the data can be lost if the hard disc crashes HDD manufactures companies 1. Seagate 2.Wistren Digital (WD) 3.Transcend 4.SAMSUNG 5.Hitachi
  • 47. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 46 Physical components of a HDD: Rotating platter (made of magnetic coated glass/aluminum) Spindle & motor R/W head & actuator Controller (power, communication, positioning, optimization) Interface –IDE or PATA SCSI & SATA SAS FC COMPARISION BETWEEN DIFFERENT TYPES OF HARD DISKS SL.NO PARAMETER IDE SATA SCSI SSD 1 Acronym Integrated Drive Electronics Serial Advanced Technology Attachment Small Computer System Interface Solid State Device 2 Performance / speed 1000 rpm 7200 rpm 10,000 / 15,000 rpm no moving parts 3 Capacity / Disk 160 GB 3 TB 900 TB 256 TB 4 Cost Low cost Low cost High cost Very high cost
  • 48. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 47 HDD vs SSD comparison Features Solid State Drive Hard Disk Drive Startup Fast Slow Performance High Low Power consumption Low High R/W cycles Limited Unlimited Cost High Low Comparison between IDE and SATA Hard disks Sl NO parameter IDE SATA 1 Acronym Integrated Drive Electronics PATA: Parallel Advanced Technology Attachment Serial Advanced Technology Attachment 2 Year developed 1986 2003 3 Hot plugging (add or remove component while computer is running) IDE interface does not support hot plugging SATA interface supports hot plugging 4 speed Data transfers at the rate of 133 MB/sec Data transfers at the rate of 150 MB/sec to 64 GB/ sec 5 Data cable Ribbon like, wide can be up to 18 inches long narrow, can be up to 39 inches long 6 Jumpers in a computer system, it‘s possible to have more than one hard disk drive, to connect multiple IDE drivers, you need to chain the ribbon cables from one to next. the computer system has no idea which is the main drive from which to load the o.s SATA drives don‘t use jumpers, each drive connects directly to the motherboard, to set the primary drive, you can access the settings from the computer bios(special software that runs when you start the computer).
  • 49. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 48 SATA Data cable IDE to SATA Power converter SATA to USB Convertor IDE to USB convertor External Hard disk IDE and SATA HDDs
  • 50. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 49 SATA Connector SATA Port in Mother Board IDE Connector IDE and SATA Connector in one Mother Board IDE to USB Converter
  • 51. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 50
  • 52. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 51 Performance: 1000 RPM Up to 160GB Capacity / disk Low Cost File Servers Server for Small Office Application Servers Performance: 7200 RPM Up to 3TB Capacity / disk Low Cost File Servers Server for Small Office Application Servers Performance 10 000RPM / 15 000 RPM Up to 900GB Capacity / disk (1TB 7200RPM with Nearline) High Cost (except Nearline) Application Servers High performance requirements (Nearline for long term storage of reference Data) High cost Performance, fast seek times and no moving parts Up to 256GB Capacity per ‘disk’ Very high Cost Application Servers High performance requirements Energy saving requirements
  • 53. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 52 Chapter -7:- RAID Redundant Array of Independent/Inexpensive Disks:- RAID (Redundant Array of Independent/Inexpensive Disks) is a way of using multiple hard drives together for data storage. A RAID system with multiple hard drives appears as a single drive to the operating system. Depending on the RAID level, the benefits provided by RAID are one or more of the following: better throughput, fault-tolerance or capacity when compared to a single hard drive. 1. RAID level 0 (or RAID 0) is known as striping, where data is striped across multiple hard drives. RAID 0 provides the most advanced throughput and capacity, but offers no fault- tolerance. 2. RAID level 1 (RAID 1) is known as mirroring, which stores the exact same data within at least two hard drives, this method shows excellent fault-tolerance and reliability, but delivers less capacity efficiency. 3. RAID level 0+1 and RAID 1+0 are striping and mirroring, providing good fault-tolerance and throughput all at the same time. 4. RAID level 5 utilizes data block striping with distributed parity data blocks across all the array disks. RAID 5 provides excellent read performance but relatively poor write performance, and RAID 5 is able to recover the whole array when one of its array disks fails. But the failure of a second disk results in data loss. 5. RAID level 6 is an extension of RAID 5 - it adds an additional parity block for extra fault- tolerance. RAID 6 is able to recover the array when two disks fail. There are other RAID levels available too, such as RAID level 3 and RAID level 4, which are not widely used at the current time.
  • 54. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 53 SMPS (SWITCH MODE POWER SUPPLY) or PSU Power supply unit It is main component of the CPU. It is used to convert the AC (alternating current) into DC (direct current).There are two types of SMPS. They are 1) AT : ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY It is having 12 pin connector p8 and p9. It supports 220 volts. (Now days we are not using ) 2) ATX: ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY EXTENDED It is having 20 or 24 pins. It supports from 230 v to 440 volts. After converting AC into DC, it produces 3 types of voltages. SL.NO VOLTAGE DEVICE WIRE COLOR 1 +12V Processor power supply Black and yellow / white 2 +5V Disk drives(HDD,FDD,DVD) Red / green 3 +3V Ic, electronic components Blue / gray SMPS manufacture companies 1)Microtech 2)Frontech 3)Mercuery 4) Circle Electronic components SMPS Power connector
  • 55. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 54 COMPTER FAN : is any fan inside , or attached to a , computer case used for active cooling , and may refer to fans that draw cooler air into the case from the outside , expel warm air from inside , or move air across a heat sink to cool a particular component. HEAT SINK: is a passive heat exchanger component that cools a device by dissipating heat in to the surrounding air. In computers heat sink are used to cool central processing units or graphic processors. KEYBOARD Keyboard is an input device used to feed data into the computer. There are different types of keyboard, they are Types of key 1) Normal keyboard (102 to 104 keys) 1) Alphabetic keys A to Z 2) PS/2 keyboard (personal system) (104 to 108 keys) 2) Numerical key 0 to 9 3) Multimedia keyboard (108 to 120 keys) 3) Function keys F1 to F12 4) USB keyboard (104 to 120 keys) 4) Cursor control keys Arrow keys 5) Wireless Keyboard (120 keys) 5) Special keys (Ctrl,Alt,Caps lock Tab,Enter ..etc)
  • 56. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 55 MOUSE Mouse is an input device. Manually Operating User Search Equipment. There are different types of mouse. They are Normal mouse / Track ball mouse 1) Optical mouse 2) PS/2 mouse Keyboard and mouse manufacture company’s 3) USB mouse 1)Logitech 2)Genius 3)Techcom … etc 4) Wireless mouse
  • 57. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 56 Chapter -8:- PRINTERS These are secondary output devices used to take hard copy of information. Printers are classified into – Impact printers and Non-impact printers. Impact Printers Dot matrix printers Impact printers are printing like a typewriter. In this printer pressing a type face against an inked ribbon, which makes the mark on the paper, prints the characters. The most common impact printer used is the dot matrix printer. Dot matrix printers can print on paper 80 columns or 132 characters in width. The speed of printing is measured in character per second (CPS). Non- impact printers Non-impact printers use electrical, thermal or optical methods to transfer characters. A typical example of non-impact printers is LASER printers. An image of whole page of print is represented as series of minute dots. It makes used of laser beam. The speed of printing is measured in Pages per minute (PPM) Inkjet printers
  • 58. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 57 Laser printers PLOTTERS A plotter is an output device used to produce hard copies of graphs and designs. Plotters are basically two types – drum and flatbed
  • 59. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 58 Chapter -9:- ASSEMBLING A PC When buying a new PC, everyone is faced with the choice between a branded and an assembled one. Those who don‘t want to go through the daunting task of shopping for components and assembling the PC themselves, often choose an easy way out by opting for a branded PC. There are very few adventurous ones who upgrade or build their own PC. There are more drawbacks than advantages in buying a branded pre-built or a customized PC. No doubt that you won‘t have to worry about maintenance. However, you‘ll be stranded if the company technician doesn‘t turn up on time. Also, you cannot tinker with the hardware or resort to your tech-savvy friends or some technician in case of emergencies. Finally, service and upgrades are heavy on the pocket. With an assembled PC, the biggest advantage is that you can pick the components of your choice to suit your budget and requirements. Unlike branded PCs, you have the freedom to troubleshoot problems and upgrade hardware yourself as and when you like—and that too without paying any service fee. So how about assembling your own PC? Sounds interesting, doesn‘t it? Even if you‘re a first timer, you‘ll still be able to assemble a PC unerringly by reading this lucid step-by-step guide. This guide can not only be used to build a new PC but also be referred to if you are planning to upgrade a few components such as the processor, memory or graphics card. With regards to choosing the components, Peripheral components Just like you need certain components to prepare a dish, you need the following components to build a PC—processor, motherboard, memory (RAM) modules, graphics card, optical drive, PC case, power supply unit, monitor, speakers, mouse, and keyboard. Also, note that you need a graphics card only if your motherboard doesn‘t have integrated graphics or if you‘re a gamer. Likewise, you need a power supply unit only if your PC case doesn‘t come fitted with one. Most entry-level PC cases come fitted with a power supply unit. However, such power supply units are only suitable for entry-level PCs. Therefore we would suggest you invest in a good power supply unit if you want to build a powerful PC. Lastly, you also need a screwdriver and some cable ties. Preparing for take-off:- On unpacking the PC case, you will come across a packet that contains screws and mounting nuts. Empty the contents in a small tray. If the bundled power supply unit didn‘t come fitted to the PC case, keep it aside. To begin with, unpack the motherboard to find a back plate. This plate is meant for covering the rear panel of the motherboard except the essential ports and connectors so that dust doesn‘t creep into the case. The back plate should fit into the slot provided on the rear panel of the case. If you find that the slot is sealed by a metal plate, then you need to extract it using a pair of pliers. While you are fitting the back plate, you must ensure that the openings correspond to the ports and connectors on the
  • 60. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 59 motherboard‘s rear panel. This is very important because none of the essential ports and connectors should be blocked by the back plate. Installing the motherboard In order to fit the motherboard into the case, you first have to fit mounting nuts in the holes provided on the case‘s motherboard panel. While you are placing the motherboard on the motherboard panel aligned to the back plate you just fitted, note the spots where you need to fit mounting nuts. You can locate these easily by looking through the screw holes that are provided on the motherboard. After fastening the mounting nuts with a pair of pliers, fit the motherboard into the case using screws that match the screw threading on top of the mounting nuts—note that using wrong screws may result in the screws jamming into the mounting nut. Completely tightening the screws might result in unwanted stress by the graphics card or other add-on cards. Therefore, do not tighten the screws completely. Also, ensure that the screws are used in the right places. Install the processor Depending on which processor you have purchased, follow the relevant step: INTEL PROCESSORS: You have to release the lever of the CPU socket and then lift the socket cover that opens up from the opposite side. You will find a golden triangle on one of the top corners of the processor. Align the triangle with a similar golden triangle on the CPU socket and then fit the processor into the socket. Now, close the socket cover and fasten it with the lever. Note that you will find the lever is offering some resistance now. AMD PROCESSORS: With AMD processors, you have to release the lever of the CPU socket. You will find a golden triangle on one of the top corners of the processor. Align the triangle with a similar golden triangle on the CPU socket and then fit the processor into the socket. The processor should gently slide into the socket. Push down the lever into its place.
  • 61. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 60 Install the CPU cooler or Heat sink with fan If you have purchased an AMD processor, fitting the CPU cooler will be a cakewalk for you. You simply have to place it on the processor with the lever towards the center of the motherboard. Then fit the clips and carefully push the lever down. Finally, you have to connect the fan connector to the CPU fan header on the motherboard. Fitting an Intel CPU cooler is a tricky affair. Place the CPU cooler on the processor with the fasteners on the corners aligned to the holes surrounding the CPU socket. Push down each fastener while holding the CPU cooler in place. You should hear a click when the fasteners clamp to the motherboard. After ensuring that the fasteners are in place, connect the fan to the motherboard‘s CPU fan header. The CPU fan header is usually labeled and placed quite close to the CPU socket. Install the optical drive To install an optical drive, you will have to first remove the 5.25-inch bay cover where you wish to fit the optical drive from the front of the PC case. There is chance that you will find a metal plate behind the bay cover. You will have to remove that cover also. Now, insert the optical drive from the front and push it back until the front panel of the drive is in level with the front surface of the case. Fasten the drive with screws from both sides to keep it stable. You can follow the same steps to fit an additional optical drive or a floppy drive or a 3.5-inch internal card reader. Note that 3.5-inch drives, such as the floppy drive fit in the exposed 3.5-inch bays. To finish the installation, you have to connect the drives to the motherboard with the bundled IDE and floppy drive cables. If you have two optical drives fit them in alternate bays in order to ensure proper air circulation within the case.
  • 62. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 61 Install the hard drive You have to be careful while handling hard drives because they are delicate and could be easily damaged. Therefore, make sure that they don‘t receive any shocks during installation. To ensure its safety, hold the hard drive with the circuitry facing down and gently slide it into the lowermost concealed 3.5-inch bay. Note that you don‘t open a cover and push the hard disk inside, but you fix it inside the case itself. Hard drives are delicate, so ensure that you don‘t jerk it too hard while sliding it into the bay. Fasten it with screws on both the sides to prevent imbalance and hold it firmly in place. Note that screws used for fastening hard drives and optical drives are different—screws meant for hard drives are thicker than those meant for optical drives and floppy drives. Now connect one end of the SATA/IDE cable to a port behind the drive and the other end to the SATA/IDE port on the motherboard Install the memory Because most motherboards (Intel and AMD- based) support DDR2 memory, there‘s only one way to install memory modules. If you closely observe the side on which contacts are present, you will notice a cut that divides that side into two different lengths. The memory slot is designed accordingly. Hence, memory modules fit into the slots only in one direction. To install the memory module, first release the plastic levers, align the memory module to the slot, and push it down gently until the levers click and lock the module. If you have two similar memory modules, install them in similar-colored slots so that they run in dual-channel. Some motherboards (especially the ones by MSI) support dual-channel in odd-colored slots—refer to the motherboard‘s manual for confirmation. Installing memory modules shouldn‘t be a tough task as the method is quite straightforward.
  • 63. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 62 Install the add-on cards There are plenty of add-on cards available in the market for extending the versatility of the PC. These add-on cards include graphics cards, LAN cards, sound cards, TV tuner cards, Wi-Fi PCI cards and so on. If you have any of these cards, install them now. First, break open the slot cover on the rear panel of the case covering the slot that will be occupied by the card. Next, slide the card into the appropriate slot by gently rocking it back and forth so as to ease it into the slot. After fitting the card into the slot, fasten it with a screw to hold it in place. After you have fitted all the cards, tighten all the screws holding the motherboard which were left loose (While fitting the motherboard, screws was not tightened completely. If you are in doubt, refer to step three where fitting the motherboard is explained). Front panel header and front USB headers For the power and reset buttons, internal beeper, and the power and hard drive activity lights to function, you will need to connect the respective connectors within the case to the front panel header on the motherboard. To connect the labeled connectors to the right pins, you will have to refer to the page in the motherboard manual which explains the layout of the pins in the front panel header. In similar fashion, you will have to refer to the motherboard manual also to locate the front USB headers and connect the front USB connector or wires. If your PC case has audio jacks on the front panel, you can enable it by connecting its wires to the front panel audio header on the motherboard. WARNING: Don‘t try out any connection without referring to the motherboard manual. Read the manual carefully as you could damage the motherboard beyond repair due to wrong connections.
  • 64. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 63 Install the PSU and plug in the power connectors If the power supply didn‘t come installed within the case or you‘ve purchased it separately, install it in the bay at the top rear corner of the case. When done, connect the power connectors in the following order— 20/24-pin main, 4/8-pin 12 v, graphics card, optical drive, floppy disk drive, hard drive, and case fans. Plugging in the power connectors should not be a problem as they fit only in one direction. When done, tie up all the excess and loosely hanging power cables with cable ties. This will facilitate air circulation within the case and prevent excessive heat building up within the case. Proper air circulation and cooling of PC components is very important because overheating can potentially damage critical components such as the processor, memory, and the graphics cards. That completes the main assembly. Now, close the case and get ready for action! Connect the rest Now all that remains is connecting the outer peripherals. Depending on the interface of the keyboard and mouse (PS/2 or USB), plug them into the relevant ports on the motherboard‘s rear panel. Connect the monitor‘s video cable to the D- sub/DVI port on the graphics card or motherboard (in the case of integrated graphics). Connect the speakers/headset and the microphone to the audio jacks on the rear panel of the motherboard or the sound card. Finally, connect the power cables to the power supply unit, monitor, and other peripherals such as the printer. Power up the machine, install the operating system, device drivers, and the desired applications.
  • 65. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 64
  • 66. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 65 Hardware Components Overview
  • 67. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 66 Chapter -10: BOOT PROCESS The process used to startup a system each time when it is powered on is called as boot process. (Or) Bringing itself to the opera table mode without the user interface when we powered on the system is called as boot process (Or) The method of loading bootable files from secondary memory to primary memory with out a user interaction is called as boot process At the time of boot process it verifies the system hardware configurations test and then gets its operating system loaded into memory. The boot process is performed under the guidance of the BIOS. The BIOS contains the instructions needed to verify test and start the PC. The boot process happens in two ways; they are Cold Boot Process & Warm Boot Process Cold Boot Process: the boot sequence which starts the PC from a ―powered off‖ condition to ―powered on‖ condition is called as cold boot process. It happens when the computer starts from the completely power off condition. In this process the post sequence happen. Warm Boot Process: A warm boot process happens when a PC is already working by pressing ―Ctrl+Alt+Del‖ key combination at a time. In this process the post sequence doesn‘t happen. Bootable file of different operating system DOS, Windows 95,98,ME Windows 2000, NT Windows XP Windows Vista/7/8 MS-DOS.sys IO.SYS BOOT.INI NTLDR BOOT.INI NOS KERNAL NT BOOT.SYS NT DETECT NTLDR BOOT.INI NTOS KERNAL NTBOOT.SYS NTBOOT.SEC NTDETECT BOOTMGR BCD(Boot Configuration Data) WINLOAD.EXE NTOSKRNL.EXE WIN.COM HAL.DLL
  • 68. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 67 Startup Process of the computer :- Power initialization BIOS Startup POST Display adapter Check System Check Plug n play devices Summary Display Searches for Boot device Locate MBR Start loading OS
  • 69. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 68 Chapter -11: HOW TO INSTALL WINDOWS XP This procedure demonstrates how to install Windows XP Professional. is more user friendly operating system, Windows Xp have two editions windows Xp Home windows Xp Professional Pro also service pack 2&3 The best way install Windows XP is to do a clean install. It is not difficult to perform a clean installation. Before you perform the installation I recommend that you check Windows XP Compatibility List to ensure that your hardware is supported by XP. If your hardware is not on the compatibility list you can check your hardware manufactures website to download the drivers for Windows XP. Save all the necessary drivers in the CD before you start the installation. All versions of Windows XP CD are bootable. In order to boot from CD/DVD-ROM you need to set the boot sequence. Look for the boot sequence under your BIOS setup and make sure that the first boot device is set to CD/DVD-ROM. You can then perform the following steps to install Windows XP: Step 1 - Start your PC and place your Windows XP CD in your CD/DVD-ROM drive. Your PC should automatically detect the CD and you will get a message saying "Press any key to boot from CD". Soon as computer starts booting from the CD your will get the following screen:
  • 70. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 69 Step 2 - At this stage it will ask you to press F6 if you want to install a third party Raid or SCSI driver. If you are using a an IDE Hard Drive then you do not need to press F6. If you are using a SCSI or SATA Hard drive then you must press F6 otherwise Windows will not detect your Hard Drive during the installation. Please make sure you have the Raid drivers on a floppy disk. Normally the drivers are supplied on a CD which you can copy to a floppy disk ready to be installed. If you are not sure how to do this then please read your motherboard manuals for more information. Step 3 - Press S to specify that you want to install additional device.
  • 71. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 70 Step 4 - You will be asked to insert the floppy disk with the Raid or SCSI drivers. Press enter after you have inserted the disk. Step 5 - You will see a list of Raid drivers for your HDD. Select the correct driver for your device and press enter.
  • 72. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 71 Step 6 - You will then get a Windows XP Professional Setup screen. You have the option to do a new Windows install, Repair previous install or quit. Since we are doing a new install we just press Enter to continue. Step 7 - You will be presented with the End User Licensing Agreement. Press F8 to accept and continue Step 8 - This step is very important. Here we will create the partition where Windows will be installed. If you have a brand new unformatted drive you will get a screen similar to below.
  • 73. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 72 In our case the drive size is 8190MB. We can choose to install Windows in this drive without creating a partition, hence use the entire size of the drive. If you wish to do this you can just press enter and Windows will automatically partition and format the drive as one large drive. However for this demonstration I will create two partition. The first partition will be 6000MB (C: drive) and second partition would be 2180MB (E: drive). By creating two partition we can have one which stores Windows and Applications and the other which stores our data. So in the future if anything goes wrong with our Windows install such as virus or spyware we can re-install Windows on C: drive and our data on E: drive will not be touched. Please note you can choose whatever size partition your like. For example if you have 500GB hard drive you can have two partition of 250GB each. Or we can create more as your requirements Press C to create a partition. Step 8 - Windows will show the total size of the hard drive and ask you how much you want to allocate for the partition you are about to create. I will choose 6000MB. You will then get the screen below. Notice it shows C: Partition 1 followed by the size 6000 MB. This indicates the partition has been created. We still have an unpartitioned space of 2189MB. Next highlight the unpartitioned space by pressing down the arrow key. Then press C to create another partition. You will see the total space available for the new partition. Just choose all the space left over, in our case 2180MB.
  • 74. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 73 Step 9 - Now you will see both partition listed. Partition 1 (C: Drive) 6000MB and Partition 2 (E: Drive) 2180MB. You will also have 8MB of unpartitioned space. Don't worry about that. Just leave it how its is. Windows normally has some unpartitioned space. You might wonder what happened to D: drive. Windows has automatically allocated D: drive to CD/DVD-ROM. Select Partition 1 (C: Drive) and press Enter.
  • 75. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 74 Step 10 - Choose format the partition using NTFS file system.This is the recommended file system. If the hard drive has been formatted before then you can choose quick NTFS format. We chose NTFS because it offers many security features, supports larger drive size, and bigger size files. Windows will now start formatting drive C: and start copying setup files as shown on the two images below :
  • 76. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 75 Step 11 - After the setup has completed copying the files the computer will restart. Leave the XP CD in the drive but this time DO NOT press any key when the message "Press any key to boot from CD" is displayed. In few seconds setup will continue. Windows XP Setup wizard will guide you through the setup process of gathering information about your computer. Step 12 - Choose your region and language.
  • 77. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 76 Step 13 - Type in your name and organization. Step 14. Enter your product key.
  • 78. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 77 Step 15 - Name the computer, and enter an Administrator password. Don't forget to write down your Administrator password. Step 16 - Enter the correct date, time and choose your time zone.
  • 79. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 78 Step 17 - For the network setting choose typical and press next. Step 18 - Choose workgroup or domain name. If you are not a member of a domain then leave the default settings and press next. Windows will restart again and adjust the display.
  • 80. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 79 Step 19 - Finally Windows will start and present you with a Welcome screen. Click next to continue. Step 20 - Choose 'help protect my PC by turning on automatic updates now' and press next. You don‘t have internet select not right now option
  • 81. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 80 Step 21 - Will this computer connect to the internet directly, or through a network? If you are connected to a router or LAN then choose: 'Yes, this computer will connect through a local area network or home network'. If you have dial up modem choose: 'No, this computer will connect directly to the internet'. Then click Next. Step 22 - Ready to activate Windows? Choose yes if you wish to active Windows over the internet now. Choose no if you want to activate Windows at a later stage.
  • 82. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 81 Step 23 - Add users that will sign on to this computer and click next. Step 24 - You will get a Thank you screen to confirm setup is complete. Click finish.
  • 83. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 82 Step 25. Log in, to your PC for the first time. Step 26 - You now need to check the device manager to confirm that all the drivers has been loaded or if there are any conflicts. From the start menu select Start -> Settings -> Control Panel. Click on the System icon and then from the System Properties window select the Hardware tab, then click on Device Manager. If there are any yellow exclamation mark "!" next to any of the listed device, it means that no drivers or incorrect drivers has been loaded for that device. In our case we have a Video Controller (VGA card) which has no drivers installed.
  • 84. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 83 Your hardware should come with manufacturer supplied drivers. You need to install these drivers using the automatic setup program provided by the manufacturer or you need to manually install these drivers. If you do not have the drivers, check the manufacturers website to download them. To install a driver manually use the following procedure: (a) From the device manager double click on the device containing the exclamation mark. (b) This would open a device properties window. (c) Click on the Driver tab. (d) Click Update Driver button. The Wizard for updating device driver pops up as shown below: You now get two options. The first option provides an automatic search for the required driver. The second option allows you to specify the location of the driver. If you don't know the location of the driver choose the automatic search which would find the required driver from the manufacturer supplied CD disk. Windows would install the required driver and may ask you to restart the system for the changes to take affect. Use this procedure to install drivers for all the devices that contain an exclamation mark. Windows is completely setup when there are no more exclamation marks in the device manager.
  • 85. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 84 POST Beep Codes: You may get listen these error beep codes when yorur POST face any problems in a system Errors: No beep : power supply fail (or) speaker problem 1 short Beep : Normal POST / system is OK 2 Short Beep : POST Error (or) Memory Failure, Review screen for error code 2 Long Beeps : Keyboard Non-stop Beeps : Mother board Non-stop continues short Beep : usually keyboard 1 long Beep 1 short Beeps : Mother Board 1 Long Beep 2 Shot Beeps : Video 1 Long Beep 3 Short Beeps : Video (or) Memory One Beep Blank or Incorrect display: Video display circuitry
  • 86. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 85 Chapter -12 TROUBLESHOOT How to troubleshoot Hard Disk Drive.  Check the BIOS and see if the hard disk drive is being detected.  Reset the BIOS (Re-boot and tap the F2 Key, Press F9 (Default Settings), Press F10 (Save and Exit)  Check for CD/DVDROM disk in disk drive and remove and reboot. This would be a message stating "NON-SYSTEM DISK FOUND".  Check for error message - SMART FAILURE - HDD Controller Diagnostics  Check error messages in Event Viewer. Start / Settings / Control Panel / Administrative Tools / Computer Management (or Event Viewer)  Diagnostics - SCANDISK / CHKDSK  Defragment your hard drive  For Notebooks - reseat the hard drive and also try a hard reset  For Desktops - check the IDE or SATA SCSI wiring to the hard drive  Check for noises - grinding noise => new hard drive required  Data Recovery for Notebooks - use to SATA connector and attach to another computer and employ the other computer's operating system to view the damaged hard drive as another drive letter. Copy data onto good drive. Replace bad drive and then restore data onto good hard drive.  Data Recovery for Desktops - connects the hard drive to another computer and employ the other computer's operating system to view the damaged hard drive as another drive letter. Copy data onto good drive. Replace bad drive and then restore data onto good hard drive.
  • 87. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 86 How to troubleshoot Modem. Check the telephone cable connectors and cable. It should be 10 feet or less and contain a correct RJ11 cable connector.  Check to ensure that you are plugged into the correct modem jack. An RJ45 will not fit into an RJ11 but an RJ11 (6 pin) will fit into an RJ45 (8 pin) receptacle. It will be a loose fit. the RJ45 is for your network interface card. RJ11 is your modem (telephone).  Check to ensure that the wall phone jack is functioning. Plug a phone into the same wall jack and ensure that you get a dial tone on your phone.  Check for error messages => wrong username or password then contact your ISP for the correct account settings. Check to ensure that your ISP did not disconnect you for violations or failure to pay your bill.  Check error messages in Event Viewer. Start / Settings / Control Panel / Administrative Tools / Computer Management (or Event Viewer)  Digital Lines - NEVER plug your modem into a digital line without a CORRECT filter. This will fry your modem.  Mobile Services - PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) Palm Pilots use COM9 - watch for conflicts.  Connect to a different test server to determine if you having problems with your ISP.  Reset the BIOS (Re-boot and tap the F2 Key, Press F9 (Default Settings), Press F10 (Save and Exit)  Uninstall and replace the drivers using Device Manager under Administrator Privileges - right click on My Computer / Properties / Hardware / Device Manager - expand Modem line item. Right click on the items below and select uninstall drive on the pop-up menu. Re-boot the system and Plug and Play will automatically detect the Modem device and re-install the drivers for you.  Reseat the modem.  For Notebooks - perform a hard reset.  Disable "Wait for Dial Tone". If you have Voice Mail then this will cause the modem to be unable to detect a dial tone.  Reduce your port speed on your modem settings.  Use HyperTerminal or another tool to test the modem.  Perform Modem Diagnostics test.  Check the initialization strings.
  • 88. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 87  Perform an MSCONFIG if your computer has it.  Shut down all other applications to avoid conflicts. Remove all other hardware devices.  Turn the date back to the January 1, 2000 or an earlier date. There are known Y2K issues and driver bomb errors related to dates. If this solves the problem then get a new driver from the modem manufacturer or your oem manufacturer.  Perform a recovery. Ensure that you backup your data prior to doing a recovery. How to troubleshoot a PC Network Interface Card.  Check the cable connectors and cable. It should be 343 feet or less and contain a correct RJ45 (8 Pin) cable connector.  Check to ensure that you are plugged into the correct NIC jack. An RJ45 will not fit into an RJ11 but an RJ11 (6 pin) will fit into an RJ45 (8 pin) receptacle. It will be a loose fit. the RJ45 is for your network interface card. RJ11 is your modem (telephone).  Are the link lights on?  Recycle the modem hub/router. If you are running a cable modem or a DSL then you will have a separate hub or router. Disconnect the power for at least 20 seconds and then restart.  Check the link lights on the router. Are they on?  Check the cable types. A Crossover is for computer to computer and will NOT work with your cable modem. You cable must be a straight RJ45 type cable. It should state the cable type on the cable sleeve. Check for crimps in the cable and/or try a different cable.  Check for error messages => wrong username or password then contact your ISP for the correct account settings. Check to ensure that your ISP did not disconnect you for violations or failure to pay your bill.  Check error messages in Event Viewer. Start / Settings / Control Panel / Administrative Tools / Computer Management (or Event Viewer)  PING - this will test to ensure that your TCP/IP software is working correctly. If it is not then re-install the TCP/IP software.  PING n.n.n.n - where n.n.n.n is taken from IPCONFIG Windows assigns default IP addresses starting with 192.168.n.n (for private networks). This will test to ensure that your NIC card is working correctly. If it is not then reseat the NIC card. If problem persists and you cannot PING across the NIC card then the card is bad - send in for service.  Perform an IPCONIG /RELEASE and then a IPCONFIG /RENEW in DOS to release the current IP settings and then re-assign the IP settings.  Perform a TRACERT to see if it will hop across the NIC.  Perform a ROUTE PRINT and view the IP Settings. There should be 7 entries.
  • 89. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 88  Will your browser work with IP addresses but not with DNS names? If you cannot type in and get it to work but you can type in a known IP address (the IP for If the IP address works but the DNS does not work the re-install WinSocks (the DNS lookup software).  Reset the BIOS (Re-boot and tap the F2 Key, Press F9 (Default Settings), Press F10 (Save and Exit)  Uninstall and replace the drivers using Device Manager under Administrator Privileges - right click on My Computer / Properties / Hardware / Device Manager - expand Network Interface Card line item. Right click on the items below and select uninstall drive on the pop- up menu. Re-boot the system and Plug and Play will automatically detect the Network Interface Card device and re-install the drivers for you.  Reseat the Network Interface Card. If your computer beeps (POST codes - Power On Self Test) then one of your cards is not seated correctly.  For Notebooks - perform a hard reset.  Perform Diagnostics test.  Perform an MSCONFIG if your computer has it.  Shut down all other applications to avoid conflicts. Remove all other hardware devices.  Perform a recovery. Ensure that you backup your data prior to doing a recovery.
  • 90. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 89 Troubleshooting the CD Rom / DVD Drive  Will it boot from a recovery CD? If so then the drive is working and it is a Windows software problem (usually drivers).  Reset the BIOS (Re-boot and tap the F2 Key, Press F9 (Default Settings), Press F10 (Save and Exit)  Uninstall and replace the drivers using Device Manager under Administrator Privileges - right click on My Computer / Properties / Hardware / Device Manager - expand CD Rom/DVD line item. Right click on the items below and select uninstall drive on the pop-up menu. Re-boot the system and Plug and Play will automatically detect the CD Rom drive and re-install the drivers for you.  Try a different media - some brands will just not work correctly with a given CD Rom drive. Watch out for compatibility problems with CDs.  Check for noises - ticking noise => check CD ensure that it is not cracked. Check to ensure that the CD is mounted correctly on the spindle. Ensure the drive has enough time to spin up.  Access Light - is light on?  Is the CD Clean?  Check error messages in Event Viewer. Start / Settings / Control Panel / Administrative Tools / Computer Management (or Event Viewer)  For DVD - trying to write to DVD but it is READ ONLY?  Perform Diagnostics Test. This methodology varies from manufacturer to manufacturer.
  • 91. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 90 How to troubleshoot a Motherboard.  If your system keeps crashing after a recovery then it is probably the motherboard.  Operating System will not load? Reseat RAM - if DIMMS (dual inline memory modules) then remove them all and replace and test individually. Did you install after market RAM? Is it compatible? Is it sequenced correctly - must be in pairs? Is it the correct amount of RAM?  POST Codes (Power On Self Test) - Computer Beeps at start up - Reseat the PCI cards. For notebooks then reseat the mini-PCI bus. Reseat the RAM.  Perform Diagnostics test.  If the problem persists then send in for service.  CPU Heat - check to ensure that there is proper ventilation and the fan is working. Diagnostics will test the fan for you. For notebook heat issues - use SPEEDSTEP (Intel) to the lower the cycle speed (megahertz). Enable Battery Optimized Performance. Was your CPU replaced? Was the thermal barrier replaced correctly. The CPU must be sealed correctly with a thermal barrier (adhesive between CPU and motherboard) or it could cause heat problems.  Conflicts in system devices - check the IRQ (Interrupt Requests 0-15) in the BIOS and reset the BIOS.
  • 92. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 91 How to troubleshoot PC USB.  Check the connections.  Installation - Always install the software for your USB device FIRST. Then plug in the USB device and allow Plug and Play to install the drivers.  Check error messages in Event Viewer. Start / Settings / Control Panel / Administrative Tools / Computer Management (or Event Viewer)  Check the power consumption - Use Device Manager. Use a powered hub if you have multiple devices (e.g. printers, scanners). The USB total consumption should be about 500 milliamps for a desktop and 250-300 milliamps for notebooks.  Turns off and locks up? Check the USB Version. USB V2.0 is backwards compatible with V1.1 but V1.1 will NOT work with V2.0 USB devices. Windows XP requires Service Pack 1 for USB V2.0.  Reset the BIOS (Re-boot and tap the F2 Key, Press F9 (Default Settings), Press F10 (Save and Exit). Some BIOS versionos have the default (F9 equivalent on the EXIT menu).  Uninstall and replace the drivers using Device Manager under Administrator Privileges - right click on My Computer / Properties / Hardware / Device Manager - expand USB line item. Right click on the items below and select uninstall drive on the pop-up menu. Re-boot the system and Plug and Play will automatically detect the USB device and re-install the drivers for you.  Uninstall the software - Add/Remove Programs/USB Product. Always install the software first before plugging the USB device in for the first time.  Perform an MSCONFIG if your computer has it.  Shut down all other applications to avoid conflicts. Remove all other hardware devices.
  • 93. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 92 How to troubleshoot and/or improve performance using MSCONFIG MS Config - how to use the System Configuration Utility Is your computer really slow? Do you think you have spyware or adware or a virus? If so then you have come to the right place. Follow these instructions and your computer will be cleaned up and running like the day you bought it. Spyware programs, viruses, adware, key loggers and other malicious programs must be started in order to work. Programs can be started as a service automatically or as a scheduled task or at startup using the registry. We will take a look at all of these possibilities but concentrate on MSCONFIG / Startup as that is the most likely place for the malicious program. Services In order to start up as a service a program must be registered as a service. It can be disabled or manual or automatic. See Control Panel/Administrative Tools/Services. Go through each of the services that are set to automatic and ensure that they are not malicious. Be careful here as some services are essential for your operating system. Do not disable any services unless you know what you are doing. Example of How To Register a Service Scheduled Tasks Scheduled Tasks can be viewed by Start / Settings / Control Panel / Scheduled Tasks MS Config Registry Entries Most malicious software will be placed in one of the registry entries to start when you log on. These can be easily removed using MSCONFIG. Check each entry in the Startup tab of MSCONFIG and ensure that you require it for your computer. Remember, everything that runs at startup will slow your computer down significantly. There are only a few required programs for startup. You can always run the programs manually through a desktop icon or your start menu. In order to use the registry, a program just creates an entry in the Local Machine entry: [HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun] OR in the Current User entry: [HKCUSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun] Name: Synchronization Manager Type: REG_SZ DATA: mobsync.exe /logon The enabled (checked) items can be present in any of the following registry entries: [HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun] [HKCUSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun] -and-
  • 94. Genius Information Technology Academy Copyright of G.I.T.A. Page 93 [HKCUSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWindows] In the right window pane, the value named Run (REG_SZ Run can be set to launch an application at startup e.g. "notepad.exe") This is not present by default, unless you've added the value manually. Expand the "Location" column in the Startup tab to determine the exact location of the command. The disabled (unchecked) entries are present in any of the following locations: [HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftShared ToolsMSConfigstartupreg] [HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftSharedToolsMSConfigstartupfolder] Get MSConfig.exe Using System Configuration MSCONFIG  From your start menu use the run command to invoke MSCONFIG. Start / Run and then type MSCONFIG and hit OK.  Click on the Startup tab at the top  Before you disable any program you should do research on it to determine if you require the program. Just go onto Google or some other search engine and type in MSCONFIG followed by the name of the program. Check the descriptions of the programs to determine if you can safely remove it.  Everything with a check is enabled and is running at startup. To disable each program just uncheck it with left mouse click. After you are finished then hit Apply and then OK and then restart your computer.  The only startup items that are required are: o ScanRegistry o TaskMonitor o SystemTray o LoadPowerProfile o Antivirus software  After the computer restarts, you will receive a message about the changes. Just check the DO NOT SHOW box at the bottom.