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Psychologist and
(Human Resource Development)
 One of the major sources of
anxiety and stress is our
 Finding a low-stress job is not
 In fact, it may be almost
 Many of us have no idea what kind of job would
suit us, taking into account all the things we
desire in our prospective dream job.
 We often don’t have a clue as to how to go about
finding out all this information about a new job.
 It is difficult to know in advance what kind of job
in what kind of organization will make you happy,
unless you actually start working and
experiencing all the positive and negative sides
of your new job.
 There is the inertia, the pain and the effort of
looking for another job.
 If you enjoy what you do, you are among the very few
lucky ones.
 There are of course many reasons for staying in a
job that you don’t particularly like.
 The salary, the status, the prestige, the benefits, the
perks and the pension…
All these can keep you tied down to a job regardless
of the unhappiness and the stress.
 The alternative solution is to find a job you like or
one that better matches your talents, aptitude, skills,
abilities and interests. It is very difficult task, easier
said than done.
 All important and significant people in my life MUST
treat me considerately, courteously, kindly and fairly
all times (instead of I dislike being treated unfairly by
others or taken advantage of) just as I would wish
to, or else I CAN’T STAND IT.
 If people don’t treat me nicely, they are evil and
SHOULD be severely punished and blamed for their
hideous treatment of me.
 This kind of thinking leads to feelings of
rage and inclination towards violence. Similarly,
people MUST not thwart my goals in life and MUST
not block my progress in any way.
 Things and conditions absolutely MUST be the
way I want them to be and MUST never be too
difficult or frustrating.
 Conditions at my workplace MUST not be too
hard. Otherwise, life is AWFUL, TERRIBLE,
 Similarly, it will be TERRIBLE and AWFUL if I lose
my job (in place of it will be problematic,
inconvenient, to my disadvantage and
troublesome if I lose my job).
 I MUST get whatever I want and whenever I want
it, and I MUST not get what I don’t want.
 It’s AWFUL, TERRIBLE and HORRIBLE if I don’t
get what I want, and I WON’T BE ABLE TO STAND
 These kinds of beliefs lead to low frustration
tolerance, self-pity, anger, depression and to
behaviors such as procrastination, avoidance
and inaction.
We are all acquainted
with stress.
We experience it in
varying kinds every day.
We feel stressed
when the demands
we confront…
Appear to exceed
our capabilities to
cope with them.
One of the major sources of
stress is our work.
Finding a low-stress job is
not easy.
In fact, it may be almost
A more practical and sensible choice therefore
would be to adopt effective strategies to cope
with stress at work and reduce stress…
with office
of not
getting a
The salary, the status, the
prestige, the benefits, the
perks and the pension…
all these can keep you tied
down to a job regardless of the
unhappiness and the stress.
Examples of Anxiety (Self Anxiety)
1) If I fail to convince high profile customer
2) If I fail to deliver set standard of call in
joint work with my senior
3) If I fail to do perfectly in my call every time
4) Not feeling prepared at all for the call
5) Not doing as good as others doing
6) If I am being negatively judged as a non
1) If I go blank during the call or presentation
2) If I become anxious during the call or
3) I am 'feeling' not prepared for call or
4) I am experiencing negative consequences
of failure or of not doing well during the
call or presentation
Examples of Anxiety (Discomfort
 Not given the work as per my caliber
 Repeatedly allocating you work shifts at odd
times. Posted you in difficult market i.e. non
performing area Patna, Guwahati, Satara, Saangli
 Boss deliberately inform you on Friday evening
about important work to be submitted on
Monday, so one has to work from home on
Saturday and Sunday or Asking to come over on
weekends and on official holidays for work
 Not granted and sanctioned holidays
 Not sanctioning bills on time
 Conflicts and non cooperation among team
members thus overload of work
Examples of Anger or Hostility:
 Booking flights and train tickets which are not comfortable
to you in terms of timings or days.
 Indifference, favoritism and politics (Promoted Junior and
incompetent person because he is just good to boss)
 New reportee not so serious about work
 Interdepartmental Conflicts: One of the employee got
insulted by Marketing Head and cornered him for one
 Vendor at the time of order showed qualitative product but
at the time of supply delivered compromised quality and
then I have being questioned
 Abusive boss
Examples of Anger:
Examples of Depression:
• Received Less increment than
• Two people were reporting to you
and now there reporting is taken
away from you
• Loss of Power - Due to Centralization
and formalization of organization you
have lost many of important
powerful responsibilities
 Incompetent colleagues got promotion and despite of me
working hard denied the promotion
 Not calling for important meetings (Neglected)
 Colleague Blasted on me in front of boss and boss was
indifferent and silent
 Falsely being charged even when I have not made
 Fired even when it’s not my mistake
 Despite of working very hard on “Project” boss has
removed you from the almost finished project and given
to somebody else.
 Despite of doing excellent presentation and being
endorsed by attendees still award given to undeserved
Examples of Hurt:
 You have fired somebody and feel
guilty about it
 You have removed subordinate from
the job and feeling guilty
 You have stolen office stationary and
taken home and mother questioned at
home (Shame and guilt)
Examples of Guilt:
 Failed in important task due to my mistake and
that got revealed to everybody
 Cried in front of boss or everybody
 Fired in front of everybody or group
 Laughed on my ideation
 You are being fired from the job/Made a mock of
 Caste revealed
 Poor financial condition revealed
 Fake degree revealed
 You are being arrested
Examples of Shame
Examples of Envy:
• Junior Colleague got promotion and I have not
• Important crème work is given to colleague and
you have given unimportant work
• New resources came in company and my colleague
got most of it
• For foreign trip my colleague is nominated and not
• My boss is taking gifts at his home and giving very
little to me
Other sources
of stress
 Environmental factors
 Economic uncertainty
 Political uncertainty
 Technological uncertainty
 Organizational factors
 Task demands
 Role demands
 Interpersonal demands
 Organizational structure
 Organizational leadership
 Organization's life stage
 Individual factors
 Family problems
 Economic Problems
 Personality
 Administrative policies and strategies
 Downsizing : Anger, Anxiety and Depression
 Competitive pressure: Anxiety
 Merit pay plans: Anxiety
 Rotating work shifts: Anger
 Bureaucratic rules: Anger and Hurt
 Advanced technology: Anger and Anxiety
 Organizational structure and design
 Centralization and formalization : Anger and
 Line-staff conflicts: Anger , Hurt, Envy
 Specialization: Anger and Anxiety
 Role ambiguity and conflict: Frustration, Anger,
Hurt, Anxiety
 No opportunity for promotion: Depression, Hurt
 Restrictive, untrusting culture: Hurt and Anger
Frustration, Anxiety, Fear
 Organizational Processes
 Tight controls : Anger , Fear
 Only downward communication: Fear and
Feeling of resentment
 Little performance feedback: Frustration , Feeling
of indifference
 Centralized decision making : Anger
 Lack of participation in decisions: Hurt, Anger,
 Punitive appraisal system: Anger, Hurt
“People are disturbed
not by a thing, but by
their perception of a
Peak Performance
Performance Optimum
Casual approach Health Issues
भय से भक्ति करे सब,
भय से पूजा होय।
भय पारस है जीव को,
निभभय होय ि कोय॥
भय बबि भाव ि उपजे,
भय बबि होय ि प्रीिी।
जब ह्रदय से भय गया,
मिटी सकल रस रीनि॥
Negative Emotions - HNE
(Choice Opening Emotions)
Negative Emotions – UNE
(Choice Blocking Emotions)
Less Intense More Intense
Situation Thoughts
Baat ki
Baat ka
Flexibility : Acceptance of
Rigidity: Non acceptance of
Tolerable (HFT)
Focus on things which
are not under my control
Focus on things
which are under
my control
Labeling and Mislabeling
Unconditional Acceptance of
Self, Others & Life
 It’s terrible that I may not get promoted
 It’s terrible that my wife no longer love
 It’s terrible that I am not as efficient an
executive as I would like to be
 It’s terrible that the Board of Directors
knows I loused up that stock deal we
almost made
 It’s terrible that the lousy president of our
company doesn’t appreciate me enough!
 It’s terrible that my co-workers keep
behaving stupidly or inefficiently!
 It’s terrible that those idiots on the Board of
Directors think I loused up that big stock
deal when I really didn’t
 It’s terrible that my boss treated me unfairly
 It’s terrible that marriage is such a difficult state
that I can’t possibly live happily with my wife
 It’s terrible that things are so arranged that it’s
impossible for me to be a truly efficient executive
 It’s terrible that the board of directors keep seeing
me as stupid when I am really brilliant!
Risk taking and
Decision Making
Rational and Irrational
I guarantee you that
you will stay
indecisive and
uncreative as long
as you demand
- Windy Dryden
Indecisiveness is
almost always
once dire needs
for approval
- Albert Ellis
Think about one specific
conflict which is going on in
your mind and your
indecisive (Conflict) and
confused about it.
(You don’t have to tell me)
 Pay the price without grumbling about it
 You cannot take choices of others. You can
suggest others or significant others choices but
decision will be theirs'. You can try to influence
decision of significant others what your efforts
does not give guarantee of success. If
significant others are connected to your life
then while paying the price about some of their
choices you are also party to it some extent or
sometime large extent.
Problem –
Sushant is sales manager and
30 people reporting to him.
One of his subordinate who is
delinquent (antisocial) and not
sending reports on time.. he
wanted to fire him but in two
minds.. To be or not to be
Irrational Beliefs Rational Beliefs
“I just can’t hurt him
anyways. I can’t bear
thinking of how hard it
will be on his wife and
family. It is terrible that
I have to decide
whether or not to get
rid off this salesman! I
can’t stand the thought
of his hating me in
case I let him go.
Wouldn’t it be unfortunate if
I had to fire this man? His
wife and family will suffer
by my action and I wouldn’t
like them to suffer for his
delinquencies. He will be
probably hate my guts if I
fire him and I wouldn’t want
him to hate me like that.
Rational and
Irrational Beliefs
Behind Decision
Irrational Beliefs Rational Beliefs
Discomfort anxiety :
I must be certain my
decision is right
Ability to act decisively:
I’d like to be certain that
this decision of mine is
right but I don’t need
such certainty.
Since I don’t control the
world there is no way I
can be certain of the
outcome of any
decisions I may take.
Irrational Beliefs Rational Beliefs
Discomfort anxiety :
“Its terrible not
knowing how many
decision will turn
out to be incorrect”
Can create outcome
with adequate concern:
Its not terrible but a
matter of some concern
to me that the outcome
of my decision cannot
be predicted with
That’s the way life is,
there is no certainty
IB’s Rational Beliefs
anxiety :
I cant stand
this feeling of
Can tolerate uncertainty:
It’s not unbearable that
uncertainty exist in the
world, and there is no
reason why it shouldn’t
exist. What exist, exists.
I may not like it but I can
definitely stand it.
IB’s Rational Beliefs
I must
perform well
and win the
approval of
people in the
Self acceptance:
‘I prefer to do well and
win the approval of
significant people but
there is no reason
why I absolutely must
IB’s Rational Beliefs
Ego anxiety:
If I fail to do well
and win approval
I am an
Flexible Thinking and
If at times I fail to do well
and win the approval that
only proves that I am a
fallible human being. I can
still accept myself in spite
of my failure and learn from
my mistakes to do better in
What is Hostility?
Examples of Hostility:
1) You hate your wife for insisting on eating
in cheaper rather than in finer restaurants.
2) You hate your sister for being addicted to
musical comedies.
3) You bitterly resent the other executives in
your company who are trying to be
president and who want to keep you at the
vice-president level.
• You are insisting that you feel a
certain way about things and
that others therefore should
feel the same way you do.
• But you do not run the
universe and there is no
reason whatever that other
people should go along for
your ride.
 Your hostility consequently does not stem
from their differences with or even opposition
to you.
 It is caused by your refusal to accept those
differences and that opposition and by your
trying to dictate that everything go exactly the
way you want it to go.
 If you would keep your desire but surrender
your dictatorial attitude, you would still have
your own point of view, and you might well
strongly assert yourself to have it fulfilled.
 Anger(Hostility) hijack your logic -
Lack of hostility is particularly
desirable for you, as an executive,
because otherwise your anger will
frequently block your way no matter
how good are your goals and how
intelligently you are trying to pursue
 Expressing Anger or Suppressing
both create problems -
Your hostility against higher-ups boss
or one of the officers of your
company, either you will tend to
communicate this feeling to him,
which won’t be very good for you! or
else you will keep it to yourself, and
perhaps produce an ulcer- which also
won’t be very good!
 This means that you would better accept the fact
that your superiors are not angels and that
instead they are frequently disturbed or peculiar
in various ways; that you can expect them to do
many wrong, stupid things, that no matter what
their errors are, you would best either ignore
them or bring them tactfully to their attention.
 Just the fact that you are efficient and let us
suppose that you are, there is no good reason for
you to demand that everyone else in your
organization, including the higher –ups, be
equally competent and capable.
 And even when, by their foolishness or their
lack of ability, they prevent you from acting
the way you would like to act and from
advancing as much as you would like to
advance, that’s tough!
 But that’s the way of the world, and often
there is nothing reconstructive, particularly in
the short run, that you can do about it.
 This is often even truer for a good many of the
people who work on your level or under you.
It cannot exactly be said that all employees
are incompetent or goofing. Not exactly; but
very largely!
 What is the main point I am making here?
That almost all human beings naturally find
it easy to be lethargic, goofing,
sidetracking, and ineffectual.
 Therefore, if you really want to be an
efficient executive and to avoid becoming
continually angry and upset, you would
better face that reality.
Handling Criticism
Ego Disturbance and
Discomfort Disturbance
Irrational Belief Rational Belief
Ego Disturbance:
I must not be
criticised and
blocked from getting
what I must have.
If I don't get
promoted or salary
rise then I am no
Ego Health:
I would much prefer not to be criticized
but if I am criticized for a poor
performance or because the Chief
Executive thought I could have done
better and the promotion I expected is
blocked and I don’t receive that salary
raise I expected that is too bad.
My performance is being criticized
doesn’t mean that I am no good unless
I myself foolishly think so.
I am fallible human being who on this
occasion has failed to reach a certain
standard and has been criticised .
Now let me see how I can use this
criticism to correct my shortcomings
Irrational Belief Rational Belief
Discomfort Disturbance:
I must not be criticised
and blocked from getting
what I must have.
If I don't get promoted or
salary rise I want, then I
would be deprived and I
cant stand that!
Discomfort Tolerance:
I would much prefer not to be
criticised because I very much
wanted to win that promotion or at
least salary rise but I didn’t . So I
am deprived!
My performance was criticised and
I certainly don’t like that but I can
obviously stand it.
May be now I would better sit
down and figure how to profit from
the criticisms I have received so
that I stand a better chance of
getting what I want in future
Weakness is
Irrational Belief
Rational Belief
Rigid Belief:
I absolutely
should not have
revealed a
weakness by
crying in front of
my boss
Flexible Belief:
I wish that I hadn’t
revealed a weakness
by crying in front of
my boss, but there is
no reason why I
absolutely shouldn’t
have done so
Irrational Belief
Rational Belief
Self Depreciation
If I show a weakness
to my boss by crying
in front of him, then I
am a weak, defective
Unconditional Self
Acceptance Belief:
If I cry in front of my
boss and thus reveal a
weakness to him, this
does not make me a
weak, defective person.
Rather I am a fallible
human being who on
this occasion acted
Respect No Given
Anita had always attached her self-worth
to achievement. As a child she was
taught that she didn’t amount to much
unless she did extremely well at
whatever she was given to do. Anita’s
father never wanted daughter, he was
disappointed when Anita was born. In his
view females are less capable and
should be treated like that.
Anita got promotion on merit. For Anita her
appointment proved that she at last worthy of
respect. In her eyes promotion validated her
self worth. She thought I am somebody and no
longer just a nobody.
 She wished her staff members to address her
by her surname preceded by ‘Ms’.
 In the office John was careful to use what
Anita asked but when they were in off duty in
staff restaurant John and his two colleagues
greeted her as Anita.
What she was Angry about?:
Anita made herself furiously angry,
when John in Particular used her first
Anita also inferred that John and
others are secretly jealous of her
promotion and resented her for it
because she was female.
Irrational Belief
(Unhealthy Anger)
Rational Belief
(Healthy Anger or Annoyance)
Rigid Belief:
I must be
treated with
respect by
on the staff,
bar none!
Flexible Belief:
‘I want to be
treated with
respect by the staff
but they don’t have
to obey my rule.
Irrational Belief
(Unhealthy Anger)
Rational Belief
(Healthy Anger or Annoyance)
‘It’s terrible
that some
members on
the staff don’t
show me the
respect that
they should
Anti awfulising
‘It’s bad but not
terrible when John
and the others don’t
treat me always as I
want them to’
Irrational Belief
(Unhealthy Anger)
Rational Belief
(Healthy Anger or Annoyance)
‘I can’t bear
it when they
show that
they do not
respect me’
Tolerance Belief:
‘I can jolly well
stand their
behaviour although
I might never like it’
Irrational Belief
(Unhealthy Anger)
Rational Belief
(Healthy Anger or Annoyance)
Self Depreciation
And if people
show that they
don’t respect me
that proves that I
am unworthy of
respect and
Unconditional Self
Acceptance Belief:
It’s unfortunate if they
appear to disrespect me
but I can accept myself as a
fallible human being
whether or not these others
respect me and whether or
not I continue to hold my
management position’
Irrational Belief
(Unhealthy Anger)
Rational Belief
(Healthy Anger or Annoyance)
‘They are rotten,
people for treating
me disrespectfully
and for reminding
me of my basic
Unconditional Others
Acceptance Belief:
‘Neither John nor any of
my previous colleagues
are rotten people for not
treating me at all the time
as I want them to. They
are fallible, unrateable
human beings who are
not doing as I desire.
 Anita’s primary problem was not her anger but
her low sense of self-worth.
 Her anger served to protect her from her basic
feeling of worthlessness which she experienced
whenever anyone said or did anything which
reminded her of it.
 Even if she were right about some of her
colleagues being jealous and resentful of her
success, that might merely indicate that they had
a problem, but that there was no reason why
Anita should make it her problem.
 Anita's feeling of damning anger would decrease
her chances of having good and respectful
relationships with her colleagues in the future
 USA: By unconditionally accepting herself as
having intrinsic value to herself regardless of
weather or not she achieved great things in life.
She needed no external symbols to validate
herself as a human with intrinsic value to herself
Subordinate not
sending reports in
Irrational Belief
(Unhealthy Anger)
Rational Belief
(Healthy Anger or Annoyance)
Rigid Belief:
He must send
reports to me on
time. ‘Because his
failure to send me
his reports on
time is frustrating
me which he
should not, must
not do it’
Flexible Belief:
That makes no sense because
you don’t run the universe and it
is foolish to command or dictate
that because you don’t like what
someone is doing, therefore he
or she must do it!
‘I strongly want this man to send
me in his reports regularly on
time but he doesn’t have to’.
Irrational Belief
(Unhealthy Anger)
Rational Belief
(Healthy Anger or Annoyance)
‘I find it awful
to be
Anti awfulising Belief:
‘I definitely don’t like
receiving his reports late
each month. It is
frustrating but it’s not
Frustration is an
inconvenience but not a
horror. Is being frustrated
really that terrible?
Irrational Belief
(Unhealthy Anger)
Rational Belief
(Healthy Anger or Annoyance)
He is not
sending his
reports on
time, its highly
which ‘I can’t
tolerate it!’
Discomfort Tolerance
Oh yes, you can tolerate
being frustrated without
ever liking it.
I obviously can tolerate it
although I’ll never like it’
Irrational Belief
(Unhealthy Anger)
Rational Belief
(Healthy Anger or Annoyance)
Others Depreciation
‘He is a total bastard
for treating me like
Unconditional Others Acceptance
‘People who frustrate you are not
total bastards but they are fallible
human being who have their own
agendas and will often frustrate you
in pursuit of their own goals.’
‘I don’t like this man’s sloppy
behaviour and I wish to hell he would
change it!’
‘This fellow is not a louse, he’s a
fallible human being who’s doing the
wrong thing. If I have him come in and
see what he has to say about it, I can
figure out a way of avoiding these
delays in future’
An Absolutely
Boring Job
Situation: I find my job to be extremely boring. There are a
few interesting moments, but by and large, all day I am
teaching students. It is simply unbearable. It is driving me
Irrational Belief:
 I MUST never feel bored (Using MUST).
 I find it unbearable when I feel bored. I can’t tolerate it. It’s
 My job is extremely boring (OVERGENERALIZATION,
Feeling down, listless & demoralized
 Why SHOULD I never feel bored? Where is that
written on stone?
 What is the evidence that I MUST never feel
 What is the proof that I can’t stand it when I am
 Where is the law or evidence that says that I
always HAVE TO do what I wish to do? Where
is the proof?
 Is there a rule that I MUST have what I want and
wish for? Where is the proof for this?
Rational Thoughts:
 I would prefer a more interesting job, but there
are no grounds for saying that I can’t stand
boredom. In fact I am tolerating it. I have not
died as yet.
 There is no rule of universe that says I MUST
never feel bored or I MUST have what I want or
 To be honest, my job is not totally boring. There
are certain things I like about my job. There are
certain colleagues who are great. Some of the
staff are very fun and pleasant as well. I like the
physical environment in my office. I will also try
to reduce my expectations from my job, so as to
decrease my disappointment. After all, no job
can be perfect.
Rational Thoughts:
 I can find my life rewarding even if I continue to stay
in this job.
 This is because, even though some aspects of my job
are boring, my life outside my job gives me
 I enjoy my friends, my family and my hobbies
(movies, music, reading, cooking, playing tennis).
 I get pleasure from my creative pursuits like acting
and painting.
 These make up for the fulfillment, stimulation and
joy that I don’t get at work.
 There is no rule, law or requirement that says that I
MUST get all the pleasures, excitements, stimulations
and satisfactions of life from my work. That would be
an unrealistic expectation as well.
No Promotion
Yet Again
A. Activating Adverse Event
 Yet once again, I have been passed over for a
B. Irrational Thought(s) I Have About A
• It is awful. Simply terrible
• I can’t stand it. It’s so unfair
• All the time, things go badly for me
C. Consequences of Having Those Thoughts
About A
• Intense, deep frustration
 Where is the evidence that this situation SHOULD
not be happening? Where does it say that?
 Where is it written that if I don’t get things
whenever I want, it’s awful?
 Why MUST I get a promotion?
 Where does it say that it will be disastrous if I
don’t get a promotion? What is the proof?
 Where is the evidence that I can’t stand it?
 On what grounds am I saying that the world
MUST be fair?
E. Effective New Thinking: Substitute Something
Realistic and Rational Instead of B
 Not getting promotion is very disappointing.
I would really have liked to get this promotion,
but not getting promotion and I have to wait for
it, is certainly not terrible.
Things could have been worse. I could have been
out of a job.
 It would be highly preferable to get the promotion
but I don’t HAVE to get a promotion. A preference
is not a necessity.
If I don’t get a promotion It will not be disastrous
It’s not the end of the world.
• I certainly can stand it. The very fact that I am
brooding over this shows that I am standing it
and can stand it.
• Even though I would like it to be so, I cannot
demand that the world be a fair place.
Unfortunately, I do not make the laws and rules
of the world.
 Maybe I can start thinking of looking for another
job or moving to another department or
function, where the chances of career
advancement would
be better?
 Life can be enjoyable even if I don’t get salary
increases or promotions. I can reasonably enjoy my
life even if I stay in this job till I retire.
 It will definitely not kill me to be in this job.
There are multiple things that give me gratification
like my hobbies (going to the gym, hiking, playing
the guitar, dancing, basketball), hanging out with my
friends and my other social relations.
These make up for the happiness that I don’t get at
work. There is no decree which says that you have
to get all your contentment and your life’s fulfillment
from your workplace.
 Why am I saying “everything” goes badly with me?
I know I am totally blowing this up out of all
proportion. Of course, some things do go badly with
me from time to time, just as they do with others,
but some things do go well for me as well.
 Result: More accepting of the present situation
and hence less disappointed
 A common dysfunctional belief in this context is
“It is useless, pointless and meaningless doing
anything because I did not get the promotion or
project or job that I badly wanted”.
 This kind of thinking calls for a thorough
analysis, where objective, impartial evidence
which support and do not support this belief are
to be examined.
Assignment Given
to you which you
don’t like
 Marty worked for a large investment bank. He had
been with the bank for many years, had built up a
good reputation and was in charge of an entire
floor of dealers. Now in his late fifties, Marty was
looking forward to early retirement Marty seldom
handled investment assignments himself,
preferring to delegate as much as possible and
make himself available to dispense his advice
and wisdom to anyone whom he thought could
do with it.
 One morning, Marty’s boss came into Marty’s
office and laid a specially coloured folder on
Marty’s desk. I want you to handle this one
yourself, Marty, said the boss. This is a big one
and it’s important. There’s a lot of money
involved and we would better get it right. So
don’t pass it down the line, Marty. And I am sorry
but you are going to have to work extra hours on
this one – late nights and weekends to make sure
you catch the various world stock markets when
they open.
 As soon as the boss had left Marty’s office, Marty
thumped his desk and swore under his breath, it
isn’t fair! Why did this have to happen to me?
Marty’s basic Ib was: Life must go smoothly and
pleasantly for me, especially now when I am
getting ready to retire! From this iB, Marty
concluded the following.
Irrational Belief
(Unhealthy Anger)
Rational Belief
(Healthy Anger or Annoyance)
Rigid Belief:
‘It’s unfair that
I have been
given this
and that
should not
Flexible Belief:
‘I would like things to
tick over smoothly
for me until I retire
but they probably
won’t and they don’t
have to’
Anger at life conditions : Life must be fair
Irrational Belief
(Unhealthy Anger)
Rational Belief
(Healthy Anger or Annoyance)
It’s terrible that
I’m going to
have to work
long unsocial
Anti awfulising Belief:
‘It’s a pain in my neck
that this important job
has come in and will
entail me working
nights and weekends
but it’s hardly awful or
Anger at life conditions : Life must be fair
Irrational Belief
(Unhealthy Anger)
Rational Belief
(Healthy Anger or Annoyance)
Intolerance Belief:
‘I can’t stand
having all this
extra hassle just
when I’m planning
to take things
easy with my
retirement coming
Discomfort Tolerance
‘I can certainly tolerate it
and if I have to delay
slightly my plans to retire,
that’s just too bad. I won’t
like it but I can stand it’
Irrational Belief
(Unhealthy Anger)
Rational Belief
(Healthy Anger or Annoyance)
Life Depreciation
‘The world’s a
rotten place when
things like this
Unconditional Life
Acceptance Belief:
‘Just because I am being
inconvenienced at a time
when I least want it hardly
proves that the world is
rotten place. Lets face it,
the world is a complex
mix of good, bad and
neutral. Tough! That’s the
way it is.’
 In the above example, Marty was not
angry with his boss. He realized that
his boss had no option but to assign
the job to the most experienced
member of his staff. However, just for
argument’s sake, imagine yourself in
Marty’s position and that you really
are angry with your boss for having
given you the special assignment.
 You had better not denounce your
boss for allegedly treating you
unfairly! So, after you have studied
the previous section and agreed that it
is unhelpful to damn others for
frustrating you, let’s offer you an
additional strategy for nipping your
anger in the bud before it can do you
any harm.
Rational and
Irrational Beliefs of
Irrational Beliefs of
Rational Alternatives for
‘I have to keep
working, working all
the time at this
particular business
and be
successful to prove
I am worthwhile!’
‘I prefer to keep working in
this particular business but
I don’t have
to. I want to be successful
and if I am that will be
But if I am not successful
that is unfortunate but I can
accept my self as fallible
human being with worth to
myself whether or not I
achieve outstandingly.’
Irrational Beliefs of
Rational Alternatives
for workaholics
‘It’s awful not to work
because I get bored
then and I can’t stand
being bored’
‘I may get bored for a
time when I’m not
working or unable to
work but being bored
is an inconvenience, I
don't like being idle
and not working is
frustrating, but I can
stand it’
Irrational Beliefs of
Rational Alternatives for
‘I will have to keep
working, working for
the rest of my life and
can never stop and
relax or enjoy myself.’
‘I would like to keep
working for the rest of
my life because I find
it intrinsically
enjoyable, but I don’t
have to do so. There
is no reason why I
can’t allow myself
some relaxation and
enjoy myself in other
suitable ways.’
How to replace
unhelpful thoughts
into helpful
Challenging My Cognitive Distortions - Part 1
Why my subordinate
should perform better
Rational responses as to why my
subordinate may not perform better
Our company
has a culture of
Each of us is
expected to do a
very good job
He (my subordinate) is
probably thinking that he is
doing a fairly adequate job
vis-à-vis his pay
He should be
meticulous and
careful about his
Why should he be more
careful and meticulous?
Challenging My Cognitive Distortions - Part 1
Why my subordinate
should perform better
Rational responses as to why my
subordinate may not perform better
Because I would
have been more
meticulous in his
But I am I and he is he – he is
not me. He has his own value
systems. He is working
according to his standards,
trying to meet his performance
standards, not mine. His frame
of reference and standards are
obviously different from mine.
Once again, he is probably
thinking that he is performing
fairly adequately vis-à-vis his
Challenging My Cognitive Distortions - Part 2
Why my subordinate
should perform better
Rational responses as to why my subordinate
may not perform better
He should do an excellent
Should he?
Am I entitled to get whatever I desire just because I so
desire? If not, then where is this “should” coming
Moreover, are my expectations from him unrealistic?
After all, not everyone does a good job.
If we rate the performance of all our subordinates in
our organization or in my own functional area and
calculate the mean (average), 50% of the subordinates
will be below the mean (average) in performance!
That’s why we have the concepts of mean (average)
and median in the first place!
So why have I such rigid, unrealistic expectations of
good work from him?
Not everyone will perform according to my ideals,
standards and values!
Challenging My Cognitive Distortions – Part 3
Why my subordinate
should perform better
Rational responses as to why my subordinate may not
perform better
He should do an
excellent job
In fact, how can I expect that other people will measure
up to and operate according to my standards?
They will work according to their own standards!
The word “excellent” is highly subjective.
Each of us is a different person with different beliefs and
ideas of what’s good, mediocre and bad with regard to a
job performance.
So on what basis am I saying that he “should” do an
excellent job?
What’s more, my subordinate is not deliberately
performing badly to displease me.
It’s just that that’s how he works.
Besides, I have some subordinates reporting to me who
are very good in their work.
It is unrealistic and perfectionistic (hence unattainable)
on my part to expect that all of my subordinates will be
Philosophy or
thoughts behind
Views vulnerable to unhealthy
Views that help you deal with
unhealthy anger
Anger Annoyance
Views vulnerable
to unhealthy
Views that help you
deal with unhealthy
Its a dog eat
dog world
The world is very
complex and
It can be dog eat
dog, but it can also
be dog look after
Anger Annoyance
Views vulnerable
to unhealthy
Views that help you
deal with unhealthy
People only
selfishly look
themselves and
their own.
People look after
themselves and
their own, but in a
self-caring way as
well as selfishly.
They also look after
others as well
Anger Annoyance
Views vulnerable to
unhealthy anger
Views that help you
deal with unhealthy
People always act
with malicious
There's no such
thing as an
People can act
with malicious
but certainly not
all the time
and accidents do
Anger Annoyance
Views vulnerable
to unhealthy
Views that help you
deal with unhealthy
People are out to
get me, so I need
to get them
before they get
People may be out to
get me, but they also
may be out to help me
and may be friendly.
I don't need to attack
unless there is clear
evidence that they are
out to harm me
Views vulnerable to Anxiety
Views that help you deal with
Anxiety Concern
Views vulnerable
to anxiety
Views that help you
deal with anxiety
The world is
a dangerous
The world is a
place where
danger exists,
but there is
much safety as
Anxiety Concern
Views vulnerable
to anxiety
Views that help you
deal with anxiety
Uncertainty is
And I must get
guarantee that
I am safe in all
Uncertainty can indicate
the presence of threat,
but more often it is also
associated with the
absence of threat.
Risk cannot be zero.
Uncertainty and safety is
most of the time in my
favor and sometime it is
not in my favor.
Anxiety Concern
Views vulnerable to
Views that help you
deal with anxiety
Not being in control
is dangerous.
Either I am in
control or I am out
of control
Not being in control
is unpleasant, but
is rarely dangerous.
Just because I am
not in complete
control, certainly
does not mean that
I am totally out of
Anxiety Concern
Views vulnerable
to anxiety
Views that help you deal
with anxiety
People cannot be
My best stance is to trust
someone unless I have
evidence to the contrary. If I am
let down that is very
unfortunate, but not terrible.
Just because one person has
let me down that does not
mean all people will let me
down. And will break my trust
and won't affect my stance
towards the next person I
Views vulnerable to unhealthy
Views that help you deal with
Depression Sadness
Views vulnerable to
Views that help you
deal with Sadness
I am not ok and
You are ok. I am
totally not ok and
You are totally
I am ok in some
aspects and not
ok in some
aspects , Similarly
you are ok in
some aspects and
not ok in some
Depression Sadness
Views vulnerable
to Depression
Views that help you
deal with Sadness
The world is
a bad place
The world is a
place where
bad, good and
neutral things
Depression Sadness
Views vulnerable
to Depression
Views that help you
deal with Sadness
Life is unfair. Why
this has happened to
me? Why Me only?
Life is unpredictable.
Anything can happen in
this world at any time .
Certain things are in my
favor and certain things
are not in my favor.
Just because one thing
is not in favor it does
not mean entire life is
Depression Sadness
Views vulnerable to
Views that help you
deal with Sadness
Life is ultimately
Life neither has
meaning nor is
I can find and
actively pursue a
number of
meaningful projects
over my life span
Depression Sadness
Views vulnerable
to Depression
Views that help you
deal with Sadness
People will
ultimately reject
me, therefore it is
best not be get
involved with
Some people will
reject me, others will
I can actively involve
myself in
relationships in light
of this fact
Depression Sadness
Views vulnerable
to Depression
Views that help you
deal with Sadness
The world is
made up of
strong and
weak people
The world is
made up of
people who
have both
strengths and
Views vulnerable to unhealthy
Views that help you deal with
Healthy Guilt
Unhealthy Guilt Healthy Guilt
Views vulnerable to
Unhealthy Guilt
Views that help you deal
with Guilt
Other people's
desires are more
important than
my own
My desires are no less
important to me than
others' desires are to
them. I can flexibly and
healthily priorities my
desires in the same way
as others can flexibly
and healthily priorities
Unhealthy Guilt Healthy Guilt
Views vulnerable to
Unhealthy Guilt
Views that help you
deal with Guilt
When I am
involved I have
responsibility for
the hurt feelings
of others
When I am involved,
I have responsibility
for my actions, but
ultimately I am not
responsible for the
feelings of others.
They are responsible
Unhealthy Guilt Healthy Guilt
Views vulnerable to
Unhealthy Guilt
Views that help you
deal with Guilt
In the moral
domain, I expect
more of myself
than I do of
In the moral
domain, I can
expect the same
of myself as I can
expect of others
Unhealthy Guilt Healthy Guilt
Views vulnerable to
Unhealthy Guilt
Views that help you deal
with Guilt
It is possible to
always act
It is rarely possible
to always act morally
since if you do the
right thing from one
perspective you may
be doing the wrong
thing from another
Unhealthy Guilt Healthy Guilt
Views vulnerable to
Unhealthy Guilt
Views that help you
deal with Guilt
Saying 'No'
to others is a
sign of
Saying 'No' to
others may be
selfish, but is
more likely to
be a sign of
healthy self-
Views vulnerable to unhealthy
Views that help you deal with
Unhealthy Hurt Healthy Sorrow
Views vulnerable to
Unhealthy Hurt
Views that help you
deal with Sorrow
When I do a lot for
those close to me,
they will fail to
reciprocate and
will abuse my
When I do a lot for
people, most will
reciprocate, but
some won't and
some may even
abuse my
Unhealthy Hurt Healthy Sorrow
Views vulnerable to
Unhealthy Hurt
Views that help you
deal with Sorrow
If I trust those
close to me
they will often
betray me
while I would
not betray
If I trust those
close to me,
most won't
betray me, but
some may well
do so
Unhealthy Hurt Healthy Sorrow
Views vulnerable to
Unhealthy Hurt
Views that help you deal
with Sorrow
others will act
towards me
while I would
not be unfair to
Some significant
others will indeed
act unfairly to me,
but not all will. Can
I really be sure that
I would not act
unfairly to them?
Unhealthy Hurt Healthy Sorrow
Views vulnerable to
Unhealthy Hurt
Views that help you
deal with Sorrow
Those close to me
will often exclude
or neglect me for
no good reason
Those close to me
may sometimes
exclude or neglect
me, but most won't.
When they do, I may
not understand why,
but this does not
mean that they have
done so for no good
to me.
Views vulnerable to unhealthy
Views that help you deal with
Healthy Shame
Unhealthy Shame Healthy Shame
Views vulnerable to
Unhealthy Shame
Views that help you
deal with Shame
There is always the
danger that I will
not achieve my
ideal standards
There is always
this danger, but
these standards
are there to guide
me, not to be
achieved all the
Unhealthy Shame Healthy Shame
Views vulnerable to
Unhealthy Shame
Views that help you
deal with Shame
Social situations are
dangerous because
other people will judge
me negatively if I put a
foot wrong
Social situations can
be dangerous, but
they can also be
gentle. If I put a foot
wrong, people may
judge me negatively,
but they may also
show me
understanding and
Unhealthy Shame Healthy Shame
Views vulnerable to
Unhealthy Shame
Views that help you
deal with Shame
Social situations
are dangerous
because I may be
exposed as
disgusting or
diminished at any
If I fall short of my
ideal or go against
a social custom, I
am revealing my
fallibility and my
humanity. This
makes social
situations far less
Views vulnerable to unhealthy
Views that help you deal with
Healthy Envy
Envy Healthy Envy
Views vulnerable
to Unhealthy Envy
Views that help you
deal with Envy
My worth is
measured by
My worth is
determined by
my aliveness
and not by my
Envy Healthy Envy
Views vulnerable to
Unhealthy Envy
Views that help you
deal with Envy
If others with
whom I am in
have more than
me, then they
are worthier
than me
If others have
more than me
still our worth
as a human
being is equal
Envy Healthy Envy
Views vulnerable
to Unhealthy Envy
Views that help you
deal with Envy
The more I
have, the
happier I will be
For happiness
require two
1) Basic Needs
2) Meaningful
towards life.
Envy Healthy Envy
Views vulnerable
to Unhealthy Envy
Views that help you
deal with Envy
I can be happy
only if I get the
that I want
I can be happy
even if I do not
get the
that I want
Envy Healthy Envy
Views vulnerable to
Unhealthy Envy
Views that help you
deal with Envy
If someone has
what I want, I
really want it
If someone has
what I want, I think
I really want it, but
that level of desire
is coloured by my
feelings of
unhealthy envy
Envy Healthy Envy
Views vulnerable
to Unhealthy Envy
Views that help you
deal with Envy
It’s unfair if
others have what
I don’t have, but
it is fair if I have
what others don’t
If it’s unfair that
others have what I
don’t have, it’s
unfair to others if
they don’t have
what I have
Views vulnerable to unhealthy
Views that help you deal with
Healthy Jealousy
Unhealthy Jealousy Healthy Jealousy
Views vulnerable to
Unhealthy Jealousy
Views that help you
deal with Jealousy
My partners are
Some of my
partners may be
untrustworthy, but
most will probably
be trustworthy
Unhealthy Jealousy Healthy Jealousy
Views vulnerable to
Unhealthy Jealousy
Views that help you
deal with Jealousy
My partners will
ultimately leave me
Some of my
partners may leave
me, but others
won't. However, I
may drive away
people in this last
group through my
jealous behaviour
Unhealthy Jealousy Healthy Jealousy
Views vulnerable to
Unhealthy Jealousy
Views that help you
deal with Jealousy
If I trust someone
they will make a
fool of me.
So I need to always
be on my guard
If I trust someone, it is
possible that the person
may betray my trust,
but it is also possible
that they won't. If they
do, they can't make a
fool out of me — only I
can do this with my
rigid and self-
depreciation beliefs
about their behaviour
Unhealthy Jealousy Healthy Jealousy
Views vulnerable to
Unhealthy Jealousy
Views that help you
deal with Jealousy
Not knowing what
my partner is
feeling, thinking
and doing is very
Not knowing what
my partner is
feeling, thinking
and doing is not
Unhealthy Jealousy Healthy Jealousy
Views vulnerable to
Unhealthy Jealousy
Views that help you
deal with Jealousy
Every attractive
person is my
Some attractive
people may be
my rivals, but
most won't be
Thank you
Think about one specific
conflict which is going on in
your mind and your
indecisive (Conflict) and
confused about it.
(You don’t have to tell me)
 There is no choice without price – Suffering
is the part of life - You cannot please everyone
when you take stand
 Select choice where less suffering or you
have to pay minimum price (Consider short
term and long term and do not demand
guarantee. The risk cannot be zero
 In some choices long term price is not
visible today (Smart Phone Addiction) and
whatever unhealthy choice(Alcohol) you take
today you may have to pay the price after few
 Pay the price without grumbling about it
 You cannot take choices of others. You can
suggest others or significant others choices but
decision will be theirs'. You can try to influence
decision of significant others what your efforts
does not give guarantee of success. If
significant others are connected to your life
then while paying the price about some of their
choices you are also party to it some extent or
sometime large extent.
 Indecisiveness is almost always once dire needs for
 It’s important not to hesitate to get rid off ineffectual
subordinates, no matter he may personally like them,
to solidly disagree with official views if that is his
honest appraisal, to firmly exercise his authority, no
matter how unpopular he may at times he may at
times be for doing so and to refused to be swayed by
sycophants in spite of their charm and unwavering
 He is stuck without necessarily being roughed
 Sushant sales manager 30 people reporting to him
one of his subordinate but could never back up his
own decision to fire one of his delinquent (antisocial)
subordinate . Because “I can’t bear thinking of how
hard it will be on his wife and family”. I know he is
not turning in any of the reports that specifically told
him. Many times to get it in every one day. But he is
not really egg. And I just can’t hurt him anyways.
 Rational Belief: Wouldn’t it be unfortunate if I had to
fire this man? His wife and family will suffer by my
action and I wouldn’t like them to suffer for his
delinquencies . Worst yet, he will be probably hate
my guts if I fire him specially when he is really not
doing so badly at the selling. But only at turning in
the reports . And I wouldn’t want him to hate me like
 Problem - Sushant is sales manager and 30
people reporting to him. One of his subordinate
who is delinquent (antisocial) he wanted to fire
him but in two minds.. To be or not to be
Irrational Beliefs Rational Beliefs
“I just can’t hurt him
anyways. I can’t bear
thinking of how hard it
will be on his wife and
family. It is terrible that
I have to decide
whether or not to get
rid off this salesman! I
can’t stand the thought
of his hating me in
case I let him go.
Wouldn’t it be unfortunate if
I had to fire this man? His
wife and family will suffer
by my action and I wouldn’t
like them to suffer for his
delinquencies. He will be
probably hate my guts if I
fire him and I wouldn’t want
him to hate me like that.
 It is terrible that I have to decide whether or not to
get rid off this salesman! I can’t stand the thought
of his hating me in case I let him go. And suppose
his wife and children suffer and people find out
they are suffering because I fired him. How
terrible that would be to have them think so poorly
of me.
 On the other hand if I keep him on and do not
make him turn those reports that every one else
is turning in, he will be counter manding my
authority and making me look like a fool. How can
I possibly live with that? Oh what a terrible
dilemma I am in ! How will I ever resolve this.
 It’s awful that I am vacillating like this! What a dunce
I am! I should be making up my mind and rigorously
sticking to it; and I am an utter idiot for not doing
 How can he treat me like that, the lousy bastard!
After all I have done for him, too! He should not be
acting that way and should have the decency either
to hand in those god dammed reports or else see that
he is delinquent and apologetically resign!
 Indecisiveness is foolish and needless but its not terrible or
 If my subordinates or associates hate me for being decisive,
that’s difficult to tolerate and tough but I can tolerate it
 I can do foolish acts, but only a magician can turn me into a
 Executives get damned if they do and damned if they don’t
get rid of ineffectual people. Either I accept that fact or join the
foreign legion.
 There are, as far as can be determined scientifically, no
absolute should, ought's or musts in the universe. And if there
were, it would probably be deadly!
 People are fallible because people are people. May be when I
get to heaven I will work with a bunch of angels. But not till
I guarantee you that
you will stay
indecisive and
uncreative as long
as you demand
- Windy Dryden
Indecisiveness is
almost always
once dire needs
for approval
- Albert Ellis
Risk taking and
Decision Making
Rational and Irrational
Irrational Beliefs Rational Beliefs 1
Discomfort anxiety :
I must be certain my
decision is right
Ability to act decisively:
I’d like to be certain that this
decision of mine is right but I
don’t need such certainty.
Since I don’t control the world
there is no way I can be certain
of the outcome of any decisions
I may take.
Discomfort anxiety :
“Its terrible not knowing
how many decision will
turn out to be incorrect”
Can create outcome with
adequate concern:
Its not terrible but a matter of
some concern to me that the
outcome of my decision cannot
be predicted with certainty.’
That’s the way life is, there is no
IB’s Rational Beliefs
Discomfort anxiety :
I cant stand this feeling
of uncertainty
Can tolerate uncertainty:
It’s not unbearable that uncertainty exist
in the world, and there is no reason why
it shouldn’t exist. What exist, exists. I
may not like it but I can definitely stand
I must perform well and
win the approval of
important people in the
Self acceptance:
‘I prefer to do well and win the approval
of significant people but there is no
reason why I absolutely must do’
Ego anxiety:
If I fail to do well and win
approval I am an
inadequate person.
Flexible Thinking and Motivating:
If at times I fail to do well and win the
approval that only proves that I am a
fallible human being. I can still accept
myself in spite of my failure and learn
from my mistakes to do better in future
Psychologist and M.B.A.
(Human Resource Development)
Pharmacist & M.B.A
( Marketing )
M : 9821174633 / 9870001147
E : W:
Soft Skills Training & Counselling

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How To Deal With Work Place Stress By Mr. Nilesh Mandlecha

  • 2.  One of the major sources of anxiety and stress is our work.  Finding a low-stress job is not easy.  In fact, it may be almost impossible.
  • 3.  Many of us have no idea what kind of job would suit us, taking into account all the things we desire in our prospective dream job.  We often don’t have a clue as to how to go about finding out all this information about a new job.  It is difficult to know in advance what kind of job in what kind of organization will make you happy, unless you actually start working and experiencing all the positive and negative sides of your new job.  There is the inertia, the pain and the effort of looking for another job.
  • 4.  If you enjoy what you do, you are among the very few lucky ones.  There are of course many reasons for staying in a job that you don’t particularly like.  The salary, the status, the prestige, the benefits, the perks and the pension… All these can keep you tied down to a job regardless of the unhappiness and the stress.  The alternative solution is to find a job you like or one that better matches your talents, aptitude, skills, abilities and interests. It is very difficult task, easier said than done.
  • 5.  All important and significant people in my life MUST treat me considerately, courteously, kindly and fairly at all times (instead of I dislike being treated unfairly by others or taken advantage of) just as I would wish them to, or else I CAN’T STAND IT.  If people don’t treat me nicely, they are evil and SHOULD be severely punished and blamed for their hideous treatment of me.  This kind of thinking leads to feelings of vengefulness, rage and inclination towards violence. Similarly, other people MUST not thwart my goals in life and MUST not block my progress in any way.
  • 6.  Things and conditions absolutely MUST be the way I want them to be and MUST never be too difficult or frustrating.  Conditions at my workplace MUST not be too hard. Otherwise, life is AWFUL, TERRIBLE, HORRIBLE, CATASTROPHIC and UNBEARABLE, and I CAN’T STAND IT.  Similarly, it will be TERRIBLE and AWFUL if I lose my job (in place of it will be problematic, inconvenient, to my disadvantage and troublesome if I lose my job).
  • 7.  I MUST get whatever I want and whenever I want it, and I MUST not get what I don’t want.  It’s AWFUL, TERRIBLE and HORRIBLE if I don’t get what I want, and I WON’T BE ABLE TO STAND IT.  These kinds of beliefs lead to low frustration tolerance, self-pity, anger, depression and to behaviors such as procrastination, avoidance and inaction.
  • 8. We are all acquainted with stress. We experience it in varying kinds every day.
  • 9. We feel stressed when the demands we confront… Appear to exceed our capabilities to cope with them.
  • 10. One of the major sources of stress is our work. Finding a low-stress job is not easy. In fact, it may be almost impossible. A more practical and sensible choice therefore would be to adopt effective strategies to cope with stress at work and reduce stress…
  • 14.
  • 15.
  • 16. The salary, the status, the prestige, the benefits, the perks and the pension… all these can keep you tied down to a job regardless of the unhappiness and the stress.
  • 17. Examples of Anxiety (Self Anxiety) 1) If I fail to convince high profile customer 2) If I fail to deliver set standard of call in joint work with my senior 3) If I fail to do perfectly in my call every time 4) Not feeling prepared at all for the call 5) Not doing as good as others doing 6) If I am being negatively judged as a non performer
  • 18. 1) If I go blank during the call or presentation 2) If I become anxious during the call or presentation 3) I am 'feeling' not prepared for call or presentation 4) I am experiencing negative consequences of failure or of not doing well during the call or presentation Examples of Anxiety (Discomfort Anxiety)
  • 19.  Not given the work as per my caliber  Repeatedly allocating you work shifts at odd times. Posted you in difficult market i.e. non performing area Patna, Guwahati, Satara, Saangli  Boss deliberately inform you on Friday evening about important work to be submitted on Monday, so one has to work from home on Saturday and Sunday or Asking to come over on weekends and on official holidays for work  Not granted and sanctioned holidays  Not sanctioning bills on time  Conflicts and non cooperation among team members thus overload of work Examples of Anger or Hostility:
  • 20.  Booking flights and train tickets which are not comfortable to you in terms of timings or days.  Indifference, favoritism and politics (Promoted Junior and incompetent person because he is just good to boss)  New reportee not so serious about work  Interdepartmental Conflicts: One of the employee got insulted by Marketing Head and cornered him for one reference  Vendor at the time of order showed qualitative product but at the time of supply delivered compromised quality and then I have being questioned  Abusive boss Examples of Anger:
  • 21. Examples of Depression: • Received Less increment than expected • Two people were reporting to you and now there reporting is taken away from you • Loss of Power - Due to Centralization and formalization of organization you have lost many of important powerful responsibilities
  • 22.  Incompetent colleagues got promotion and despite of me working hard denied the promotion  Not calling for important meetings (Neglected)  Colleague Blasted on me in front of boss and boss was indifferent and silent  Falsely being charged even when I have not made mistake  Fired even when it’s not my mistake  Despite of working very hard on “Project” boss has removed you from the almost finished project and given to somebody else.  Despite of doing excellent presentation and being endorsed by attendees still award given to undeserved person. Examples of Hurt:
  • 23.  You have fired somebody and feel guilty about it  You have removed subordinate from the job and feeling guilty  You have stolen office stationary and taken home and mother questioned at home (Shame and guilt) Examples of Guilt:
  • 24.  Failed in important task due to my mistake and that got revealed to everybody  Cried in front of boss or everybody  Fired in front of everybody or group  Laughed on my ideation  You are being fired from the job/Made a mock of it  Caste revealed  Poor financial condition revealed  Fake degree revealed  You are being arrested Examples of Shame
  • 25. Examples of Envy: • Junior Colleague got promotion and I have not • Important crème work is given to colleague and you have given unimportant work • New resources came in company and my colleague got most of it • For foreign trip my colleague is nominated and not me • My boss is taking gifts at his home and giving very little to me
  • 27.  Environmental factors  Economic uncertainty  Political uncertainty  Technological uncertainty  Organizational factors  Task demands  Role demands  Interpersonal demands  Organizational structure  Organizational leadership  Organization's life stage  Individual factors  Family problems  Economic Problems  Personality
  • 28.  Administrative policies and strategies  Downsizing : Anger, Anxiety and Depression  Competitive pressure: Anxiety  Merit pay plans: Anxiety  Rotating work shifts: Anger  Bureaucratic rules: Anger and Hurt  Advanced technology: Anger and Anxiety
  • 29.  Organizational structure and design  Centralization and formalization : Anger and Anxiety  Line-staff conflicts: Anger , Hurt, Envy  Specialization: Anger and Anxiety  Role ambiguity and conflict: Frustration, Anger, Hurt, Anxiety  No opportunity for promotion: Depression, Hurt  Restrictive, untrusting culture: Hurt and Anger Frustration, Anxiety, Fear
  • 30.  Organizational Processes  Tight controls : Anger , Fear  Only downward communication: Fear and Feeling of resentment  Little performance feedback: Frustration , Feeling of indifference  Centralized decision making : Anger  Lack of participation in decisions: Hurt, Anger, Depression  Punitive appraisal system: Anger, Hurt
  • 31. “People are disturbed not by a thing, but by their perception of a thing.”
  • 32. Peak Performance Stress Performance Optimum Casual approach Health Issues भय से भक्ति करे सब, भय से पूजा होय। भय पारस है जीव को, निभभय होय ि कोय॥ भय बबि भाव ि उपजे, भय बबि होय ि प्रीिी। जब ह्रदय से भय गया, मिटी सकल रस रीनि॥ Poor Performance Poor Performance
  • 33. Emotions Healthy Negative Emotions - HNE (Choice Opening Emotions) Unhealthy Negative Emotions – UNE (Choice Blocking Emotions) Less Intense More Intense Situation Thoughts Baat ki Baat Baat ka Batangad Flexibility : Acceptance of Reality Rigidity: Non acceptance of Reality Tolerable (HFT) Intolerable (LFT) Focus on things which are not under my control Focus on things which are under my control Labeling and Mislabeling Unconditional Acceptance of Self, Others & Life
  • 34.  It’s terrible that I may not get promoted  It’s terrible that my wife no longer love me  It’s terrible that I am not as efficient an executive as I would like to be  It’s terrible that the Board of Directors knows I loused up that stock deal we almost made
  • 35.  It’s terrible that the lousy president of our company doesn’t appreciate me enough!  It’s terrible that my co-workers keep behaving stupidly or inefficiently!  It’s terrible that those idiots on the Board of Directors think I loused up that big stock deal when I really didn’t  It’s terrible that my boss treated me unfairly
  • 36.  It’s terrible that marriage is such a difficult state that I can’t possibly live happily with my wife  It’s terrible that things are so arranged that it’s impossible for me to be a truly efficient executive  It’s terrible that the board of directors keep seeing me as stupid when I am really brilliant!
  • 37. Risk taking and Decision Making Rational and Irrational Beliefs
  • 38. I guarantee you that you will stay indecisive and uncreative as long as you demand guarantee… - Windy Dryden
  • 39. Indecisiveness is almost always once dire needs for approval - Albert Ellis
  • 40. Think about one specific conflict which is going on in your mind and your indecisive (Conflict) and confused about it. (You don’t have to tell me)
  • 41.  Pay the price without grumbling about it  You cannot take choices of others. You can suggest others or significant others choices but decision will be theirs'. You can try to influence decision of significant others what your efforts does not give guarantee of success. If significant others are connected to your life then while paying the price about some of their choices you are also party to it some extent or sometime large extent.
  • 42. Problem – Sushant is sales manager and 30 people reporting to him. One of his subordinate who is delinquent (antisocial) and not sending reports on time.. he wanted to fire him but in two minds.. To be or not to be
  • 43. Irrational Beliefs Rational Beliefs “I just can’t hurt him anyways. I can’t bear thinking of how hard it will be on his wife and family. It is terrible that I have to decide whether or not to get rid off this salesman! I can’t stand the thought of his hating me in case I let him go. Wouldn’t it be unfortunate if I had to fire this man? His wife and family will suffer by my action and I wouldn’t like them to suffer for his delinquencies. He will be probably hate my guts if I fire him and I wouldn’t want him to hate me like that.
  • 45. Irrational Beliefs Rational Beliefs Discomfort anxiety : I must be certain my decision is right Ability to act decisively: I’d like to be certain that this decision of mine is right but I don’t need such certainty. Since I don’t control the world there is no way I can be certain of the outcome of any decisions I may take.
  • 46. Irrational Beliefs Rational Beliefs Discomfort anxiety : “Its terrible not knowing how many decision will turn out to be incorrect” Can create outcome with adequate concern: Its not terrible but a matter of some concern to me that the outcome of my decision cannot be predicted with certainty.’ That’s the way life is, there is no certainty
  • 47. IB’s Rational Beliefs Discomfort anxiety : I cant stand this feeling of uncertainty Can tolerate uncertainty: It’s not unbearable that uncertainty exist in the world, and there is no reason why it shouldn’t exist. What exist, exists. I may not like it but I can definitely stand it.
  • 48. IB’s Rational Beliefs Indecision: I must perform well and win the approval of important people in the organization. Self acceptance: ‘I prefer to do well and win the approval of significant people but there is no reason why I absolutely must do’
  • 49. IB’s Rational Beliefs Ego anxiety: If I fail to do well and win approval I am an inadequate person. Flexible Thinking and Motivating: If at times I fail to do well and win the approval that only proves that I am a fallible human being. I can still accept myself in spite of my failure and learn from my mistakes to do better in future
  • 51. Examples of Hostility: 1) You hate your wife for insisting on eating in cheaper rather than in finer restaurants. 2) You hate your sister for being addicted to musical comedies. 3) You bitterly resent the other executives in your company who are trying to be president and who want to keep you at the vice-president level.
  • 52. • You are insisting that you feel a certain way about things and that others therefore should feel the same way you do. • But you do not run the universe and there is no reason whatever that other people should go along for your ride.
  • 53.  Your hostility consequently does not stem from their differences with or even opposition to you.  It is caused by your refusal to accept those differences and that opposition and by your trying to dictate that everything go exactly the way you want it to go.  If you would keep your desire but surrender your dictatorial attitude, you would still have your own point of view, and you might well strongly assert yourself to have it fulfilled.
  • 54.  Anger(Hostility) hijack your logic - Lack of hostility is particularly desirable for you, as an executive, because otherwise your anger will frequently block your way no matter how good are your goals and how intelligently you are trying to pursue them.
  • 55.  Expressing Anger or Suppressing both create problems - Your hostility against higher-ups boss or one of the officers of your company, either you will tend to communicate this feeling to him, which won’t be very good for you! or else you will keep it to yourself, and perhaps produce an ulcer- which also won’t be very good!
  • 56.  This means that you would better accept the fact that your superiors are not angels and that instead they are frequently disturbed or peculiar in various ways; that you can expect them to do many wrong, stupid things, that no matter what their errors are, you would best either ignore them or bring them tactfully to their attention.  Just the fact that you are efficient and let us suppose that you are, there is no good reason for you to demand that everyone else in your organization, including the higher –ups, be equally competent and capable.
  • 57.  And even when, by their foolishness or their lack of ability, they prevent you from acting the way you would like to act and from advancing as much as you would like to advance, that’s tough!  But that’s the way of the world, and often there is nothing reconstructive, particularly in the short run, that you can do about it.  This is often even truer for a good many of the people who work on your level or under you. It cannot exactly be said that all employees are incompetent or goofing. Not exactly; but very largely!
  • 58.  What is the main point I am making here? That almost all human beings naturally find it easy to be lethargic, goofing, sidetracking, and ineffectual.  Therefore, if you really want to be an efficient executive and to avoid becoming continually angry and upset, you would better face that reality.
  • 59. Handling Criticism Ego Disturbance and Discomfort Disturbance
  • 60. Irrational Belief Rational Belief Ego Disturbance: I must not be criticised and blocked from getting what I must have. If I don't get promoted or salary rise then I am no good Ego Health: I would much prefer not to be criticized but if I am criticized for a poor performance or because the Chief Executive thought I could have done better and the promotion I expected is blocked and I don’t receive that salary raise I expected that is too bad. My performance is being criticized doesn’t mean that I am no good unless I myself foolishly think so. I am fallible human being who on this occasion has failed to reach a certain standard and has been criticised . Now let me see how I can use this criticism to correct my shortcomings
  • 61. Irrational Belief Rational Belief Discomfort Disturbance: I must not be criticised and blocked from getting what I must have. If I don't get promoted or salary rise I want, then I would be deprived and I cant stand that! Discomfort Tolerance: I would much prefer not to be criticised because I very much wanted to win that promotion or at least salary rise but I didn’t . So I am deprived! My performance was criticised and I certainly don’t like that but I can obviously stand it. May be now I would better sit down and figure how to profit from the criticisms I have received so that I stand a better chance of getting what I want in future
  • 63. Irrational Belief (Shame) Rational Belief (Disappointment) Rigid Belief: I absolutely should not have revealed a weakness by crying in front of my boss Flexible Belief: I wish that I hadn’t revealed a weakness by crying in front of my boss, but there is no reason why I absolutely shouldn’t have done so
  • 64. Irrational Belief (Shame) Rational Belief (Disappointment) Self Depreciation Belief: If I show a weakness to my boss by crying in front of him, then I am a weak, defective person. Unconditional Self Acceptance Belief: If I cry in front of my boss and thus reveal a weakness to him, this does not make me a weak, defective person. Rather I am a fallible human being who on this occasion acted weakly.
  • 66. History: Anita had always attached her self-worth to achievement. As a child she was taught that she didn’t amount to much unless she did extremely well at whatever she was given to do. Anita’s father never wanted daughter, he was disappointed when Anita was born. In his view females are less capable and should be treated like that.
  • 67. Background: Anita got promotion on merit. For Anita her appointment proved that she at last worthy of respect. In her eyes promotion validated her self worth. She thought I am somebody and no longer just a nobody.  She wished her staff members to address her by her surname preceded by ‘Ms’.  In the office John was careful to use what Anita asked but when they were in off duty in staff restaurant John and his two colleagues greeted her as Anita.
  • 68. What she was Angry about?: Anita made herself furiously angry, when John in Particular used her first name. Anita also inferred that John and others are secretly jealous of her promotion and resented her for it because she was female.
  • 69. Irrational Belief (Unhealthy Anger) Rational Belief (Healthy Anger or Annoyance) Rigid Belief: I must be treated with respect by everybody on the staff, bar none! Flexible Belief: ‘I want to be treated with respect by the staff but they don’t have to obey my rule.
  • 70. Irrational Belief (Unhealthy Anger) Rational Belief (Healthy Anger or Annoyance) Awfulising Belief: ‘It’s terrible that some members on the staff don’t show me the respect that they should Anti awfulising Belief: ‘It’s bad but not terrible when John and the others don’t treat me always as I want them to’
  • 71. Irrational Belief (Unhealthy Anger) Rational Belief (Healthy Anger or Annoyance) Discomfort Intolerance Belief: ‘I can’t bear it when they show that they do not respect me’ Discomfort Tolerance Belief: ‘I can jolly well stand their disrespectful behaviour although I might never like it’
  • 72. Irrational Belief (Unhealthy Anger) Rational Belief (Healthy Anger or Annoyance) Self Depreciation Belief: And if people show that they don’t respect me that proves that I am unworthy of respect and basically worthless Unconditional Self Acceptance Belief: It’s unfortunate if they appear to disrespect me but I can accept myself as a fallible human being whether or not these others respect me and whether or not I continue to hold my management position’
  • 73. Irrational Belief (Unhealthy Anger) Rational Belief (Healthy Anger or Annoyance) Others Depreciation Belief: ‘They are rotten, women-downing people for treating me disrespectfully and for reminding me of my basic worthlessness’ Unconditional Others Acceptance Belief: ‘Neither John nor any of my previous colleagues are rotten people for not treating me at all the time as I want them to. They are fallible, unrateable human beings who are not doing as I desire.
  • 74.  Anita’s primary problem was not her anger but her low sense of self-worth.  Her anger served to protect her from her basic feeling of worthlessness which she experienced whenever anyone said or did anything which reminded her of it.  Even if she were right about some of her colleagues being jealous and resentful of her success, that might merely indicate that they had a problem, but that there was no reason why Anita should make it her problem.
  • 75.  Anita's feeling of damning anger would decrease her chances of having good and respectful relationships with her colleagues in the future  USA: By unconditionally accepting herself as having intrinsic value to herself regardless of weather or not she achieved great things in life. She needed no external symbols to validate herself as a human with intrinsic value to herself
  • 77. Irrational Belief (Unhealthy Anger) Rational Belief (Healthy Anger or Annoyance) Rigid Belief: He must send reports to me on time. ‘Because his failure to send me his reports on time is frustrating me which he should not, must not do it’ Flexible Belief: That makes no sense because you don’t run the universe and it is foolish to command or dictate that because you don’t like what someone is doing, therefore he or she must do it! ‘I strongly want this man to send me in his reports regularly on time but he doesn’t have to’.
  • 78. Irrational Belief (Unhealthy Anger) Rational Belief (Healthy Anger or Annoyance) Awfulising Belief: ‘I find it awful to be frustrated’ Anti awfulising Belief: ‘I definitely don’t like receiving his reports late each month. It is frustrating but it’s not terrible. Frustration is an inconvenience but not a horror. Is being frustrated really that terrible?
  • 79. Irrational Belief (Unhealthy Anger) Rational Belief (Healthy Anger or Annoyance) Discomfort Intolerance Belief: He is not sending his reports on time, its highly frustrating which ‘I can’t tolerate it!’ Discomfort Tolerance Belief: Oh yes, you can tolerate being frustrated without ever liking it. I obviously can tolerate it although I’ll never like it’
  • 80. Irrational Belief (Unhealthy Anger) Rational Belief (Healthy Anger or Annoyance) Others Depreciation Belief: ‘He is a total bastard for treating me like this!’ Unconditional Others Acceptance Belief: ‘People who frustrate you are not total bastards but they are fallible human being who have their own agendas and will often frustrate you in pursuit of their own goals.’ ‘I don’t like this man’s sloppy behaviour and I wish to hell he would change it!’ ‘This fellow is not a louse, he’s a fallible human being who’s doing the wrong thing. If I have him come in and see what he has to say about it, I can figure out a way of avoiding these delays in future’
  • 82. Situation: I find my job to be extremely boring. There are a few interesting moments, but by and large, all day I am teaching students. It is simply unbearable. It is driving me crazy. Irrational Belief:  I MUST never feel bored (Using MUST).  I find it unbearable when I feel bored. I can’t tolerate it. It’s killing me (CATASTROPHIZATION).  My job is extremely boring (OVERGENERALIZATION, MENTAL FILTER, MAGNIFICATION). Consequences: Feeling down, listless & demoralized
  • 83.  Why SHOULD I never feel bored? Where is that written on stone?  What is the evidence that I MUST never feel bored?  What is the proof that I can’t stand it when I am bored?  Where is the law or evidence that says that I always HAVE TO do what I wish to do? Where is the proof?  Is there a rule that I MUST have what I want and wish for? Where is the proof for this?
  • 84. Rational Thoughts:  I would prefer a more interesting job, but there are no grounds for saying that I can’t stand boredom. In fact I am tolerating it. I have not died as yet.  There is no rule of universe that says I MUST never feel bored or I MUST have what I want or wish.  To be honest, my job is not totally boring. There are certain things I like about my job. There are certain colleagues who are great. Some of the staff are very fun and pleasant as well. I like the physical environment in my office. I will also try to reduce my expectations from my job, so as to decrease my disappointment. After all, no job can be perfect.
  • 85. Rational Thoughts:  I can find my life rewarding even if I continue to stay in this job.  This is because, even though some aspects of my job are boring, my life outside my job gives me gratification.  I enjoy my friends, my family and my hobbies (movies, music, reading, cooking, playing tennis).  I get pleasure from my creative pursuits like acting and painting.  These make up for the fulfillment, stimulation and joy that I don’t get at work.  There is no rule, law or requirement that says that I MUST get all the pleasures, excitements, stimulations and satisfactions of life from my work. That would be an unrealistic expectation as well.
  • 87. A. Activating Adverse Event  Yet once again, I have been passed over for a promotion. B. Irrational Thought(s) I Have About A • It is awful. Simply terrible (CATASTROPHIZATION). • I can’t stand it. It’s so unfair (CATASTROPHIZATION) • All the time, things go badly for me (OVERGENERALIZATION) C. Consequences of Having Those Thoughts About A • Intense, deep frustration
  • 88.  Where is the evidence that this situation SHOULD not be happening? Where does it say that?  Where is it written that if I don’t get things whenever I want, it’s awful?  Why MUST I get a promotion?  Where does it say that it will be disastrous if I don’t get a promotion? What is the proof?  Where is the evidence that I can’t stand it?  On what grounds am I saying that the world MUST be fair?
  • 89. E. Effective New Thinking: Substitute Something Realistic and Rational Instead of B  Not getting promotion is very disappointing. I would really have liked to get this promotion, but not getting promotion and I have to wait for it, is certainly not terrible. Things could have been worse. I could have been out of a job.  It would be highly preferable to get the promotion but I don’t HAVE to get a promotion. A preference is not a necessity. If I don’t get a promotion It will not be disastrous and It’s not the end of the world.
  • 90. • I certainly can stand it. The very fact that I am brooding over this shows that I am standing it and can stand it. • Even though I would like it to be so, I cannot demand that the world be a fair place. Unfortunately, I do not make the laws and rules of the world.  Maybe I can start thinking of looking for another job or moving to another department or function, where the chances of career advancement would be better?
  • 91.  Life can be enjoyable even if I don’t get salary increases or promotions. I can reasonably enjoy my life even if I stay in this job till I retire.  It will definitely not kill me to be in this job. There are multiple things that give me gratification like my hobbies (going to the gym, hiking, playing the guitar, dancing, basketball), hanging out with my friends and my other social relations. These make up for the happiness that I don’t get at work. There is no decree which says that you have to get all your contentment and your life’s fulfillment from your workplace.  Why am I saying “everything” goes badly with me? I know I am totally blowing this up out of all proportion. Of course, some things do go badly with me from time to time, just as they do with others, but some things do go well for me as well.
  • 92.  Result: More accepting of the present situation and hence less disappointed  A common dysfunctional belief in this context is “It is useless, pointless and meaningless doing anything because I did not get the promotion or project or job that I badly wanted”.  This kind of thinking calls for a thorough analysis, where objective, impartial evidence which support and do not support this belief are to be examined.
  • 93. Assignment Given to you which you don’t like
  • 94.  Marty worked for a large investment bank. He had been with the bank for many years, had built up a good reputation and was in charge of an entire floor of dealers. Now in his late fifties, Marty was looking forward to early retirement Marty seldom handled investment assignments himself, preferring to delegate as much as possible and make himself available to dispense his advice and wisdom to anyone whom he thought could do with it.
  • 95.  One morning, Marty’s boss came into Marty’s office and laid a specially coloured folder on Marty’s desk. I want you to handle this one yourself, Marty, said the boss. This is a big one and it’s important. There’s a lot of money involved and we would better get it right. So don’t pass it down the line, Marty. And I am sorry but you are going to have to work extra hours on this one – late nights and weekends to make sure you catch the various world stock markets when they open.
  • 96.  As soon as the boss had left Marty’s office, Marty thumped his desk and swore under his breath, it isn’t fair! Why did this have to happen to me? Marty’s basic Ib was: Life must go smoothly and pleasantly for me, especially now when I am getting ready to retire! From this iB, Marty concluded the following.
  • 97. Irrational Belief (Unhealthy Anger) Rational Belief (Healthy Anger or Annoyance) Rigid Belief: ‘It’s unfair that I have been given this assignment and that should not happen’ Flexible Belief: ‘I would like things to tick over smoothly for me until I retire but they probably won’t and they don’t have to’ Anger at life conditions : Life must be fair
  • 98. Irrational Belief (Unhealthy Anger) Rational Belief (Healthy Anger or Annoyance) Awfulising Belief: It’s terrible that I’m going to have to work long unsocial hours!’ Anti awfulising Belief: ‘It’s a pain in my neck that this important job has come in and will entail me working nights and weekends but it’s hardly awful or terrible!’ Anger at life conditions : Life must be fair
  • 99. Irrational Belief (Unhealthy Anger) Rational Belief (Healthy Anger or Annoyance) Discomfort Intolerance Belief: ‘I can’t stand having all this extra hassle just when I’m planning to take things easy with my retirement coming up!’ Discomfort Tolerance Belief: ‘I can certainly tolerate it and if I have to delay slightly my plans to retire, that’s just too bad. I won’t like it but I can stand it’
  • 100. Irrational Belief (Unhealthy Anger) Rational Belief (Healthy Anger or Annoyance) Life Depreciation Belief: ‘The world’s a rotten place when things like this happen!’ Unconditional Life Acceptance Belief: ‘Just because I am being inconvenienced at a time when I least want it hardly proves that the world is rotten place. Lets face it, the world is a complex mix of good, bad and neutral. Tough! That’s the way it is.’
  • 101.  In the above example, Marty was not angry with his boss. He realized that his boss had no option but to assign the job to the most experienced member of his staff. However, just for argument’s sake, imagine yourself in Marty’s position and that you really are angry with your boss for having given you the special assignment.
  • 102.  You had better not denounce your boss for allegedly treating you unfairly! So, after you have studied the previous section and agreed that it is unhelpful to damn others for frustrating you, let’s offer you an additional strategy for nipping your anger in the bud before it can do you any harm.
  • 104. Irrational Beliefs of workaholics Rational Alternatives for workaholics ‘I have to keep working, working all the time at this particular business and be outstandingly successful to prove I am worthwhile!’ ‘I prefer to keep working in this particular business but I don’t have to. I want to be successful and if I am that will be rewarding. But if I am not successful that is unfortunate but I can accept my self as fallible human being with worth to myself whether or not I achieve outstandingly.’
  • 105. Irrational Beliefs of workaholics Rational Alternatives for workaholics ‘It’s awful not to work because I get bored then and I can’t stand being bored’ ‘I may get bored for a time when I’m not working or unable to work but being bored is an inconvenience, I don't like being idle and not working is frustrating, but I can stand it’
  • 106. Irrational Beliefs of workaholics Rational Alternatives for workaholics ‘I will have to keep working, working for the rest of my life and can never stop and relax or enjoy myself.’ ‘I would like to keep working for the rest of my life because I find it intrinsically enjoyable, but I don’t have to do so. There is no reason why I can’t allow myself some relaxation and enjoy myself in other suitable ways.’
  • 107. How to replace unhelpful thoughts into helpful thoughts
  • 108. Challenging My Cognitive Distortions - Part 1 Why my subordinate should perform better Rational responses as to why my subordinate may not perform better Our company has a culture of excellence. Each of us is expected to do a very good job He (my subordinate) is probably thinking that he is doing a fairly adequate job vis-à-vis his pay He should be more meticulous and careful about his work Why should he be more careful and meticulous?
  • 109. Challenging My Cognitive Distortions - Part 1 Why my subordinate should perform better Rational responses as to why my subordinate may not perform better Because I would have been more meticulous in his place But I am I and he is he – he is not me. He has his own value systems. He is working according to his standards, trying to meet his performance standards, not mine. His frame of reference and standards are obviously different from mine. Once again, he is probably thinking that he is performing fairly adequately vis-à-vis his pay
  • 110. Challenging My Cognitive Distortions - Part 2 Why my subordinate should perform better Rational responses as to why my subordinate may not perform better He should do an excellent job Should he? Am I entitled to get whatever I desire just because I so desire? If not, then where is this “should” coming from? Moreover, are my expectations from him unrealistic? After all, not everyone does a good job. If we rate the performance of all our subordinates in our organization or in my own functional area and calculate the mean (average), 50% of the subordinates will be below the mean (average) in performance! That’s why we have the concepts of mean (average) and median in the first place! So why have I such rigid, unrealistic expectations of good work from him? Not everyone will perform according to my ideals, standards and values!
  • 111. Challenging My Cognitive Distortions – Part 3 Why my subordinate should perform better Rational responses as to why my subordinate may not perform better He should do an excellent job In fact, how can I expect that other people will measure up to and operate according to my standards? They will work according to their own standards! The word “excellent” is highly subjective. Each of us is a different person with different beliefs and ideas of what’s good, mediocre and bad with regard to a job performance. So on what basis am I saying that he “should” do an excellent job? What’s more, my subordinate is not deliberately performing badly to displease me. It’s just that that’s how he works. Besides, I have some subordinates reporting to me who are very good in their work. It is unrealistic and perfectionistic (hence unattainable) on my part to expect that all of my subordinates will be first-rate.
  • 112.
  • 114. Views vulnerable to unhealthy anger and Views that help you deal with unhealthy anger
  • 115. Anger Annoyance Views vulnerable to unhealthy anger Views that help you deal with unhealthy anger Its a dog eat dog world The world is very complex and varied. It can be dog eat dog, but it can also be dog look after dog!
  • 116. Anger Annoyance Views vulnerable to unhealthy anger Views that help you deal with unhealthy anger People only selfishly look after themselves and their own. People look after themselves and their own, but in a self-caring way as well as selfishly. They also look after others as well
  • 117. Anger Annoyance Views vulnerable to unhealthy anger Views that help you deal with unhealthy anger People always act with malicious intent. There's no such thing as an accident. People can act with malicious intent but certainly not all the time and accidents do happen.
  • 118. Anger Annoyance Views vulnerable to unhealthy anger Views that help you deal with unhealthy anger People are out to get me, so I need to get them before they get me. People may be out to get me, but they also may be out to help me and may be friendly. I don't need to attack unless there is clear evidence that they are out to harm me
  • 119. Views vulnerable to Anxiety and Views that help you deal with Anxiety
  • 120. Anxiety Concern Views vulnerable to anxiety Views that help you deal with anxiety The world is a dangerous place The world is a place where danger exists, but there is much safety as well
  • 121. Anxiety Concern Views vulnerable to anxiety Views that help you deal with anxiety Uncertainty is dangerous. And I must get guarantee that I am safe in all probabilities. Uncertainty can indicate the presence of threat, but more often it is also associated with the absence of threat. Risk cannot be zero. Uncertainty and safety is most of the time in my favor and sometime it is not in my favor.
  • 122. Anxiety Concern Views vulnerable to anxiety Views that help you deal with anxiety Not being in control is dangerous. Either I am in control or I am out of control Not being in control is unpleasant, but is rarely dangerous. Just because I am not in complete control, certainly does not mean that I am totally out of control
  • 123. Anxiety Concern Views vulnerable to anxiety Views that help you deal with anxiety People cannot be trusted My best stance is to trust someone unless I have evidence to the contrary. If I am let down that is very unfortunate, but not terrible. Just because one person has let me down that does not mean all people will let me down. And will break my trust and won't affect my stance towards the next person I meet.
  • 124. Views vulnerable to unhealthy Depression and Views that help you deal with Sadness
  • 125. Depression Sadness Views vulnerable to Depression Views that help you deal with Sadness I am not ok and You are ok. I am totally not ok and You are totally ok. I am ok in some aspects and not ok in some aspects , Similarly you are ok in some aspects and not ok in some aspects
  • 126. Depression Sadness Views vulnerable to Depression Views that help you deal with Sadness The world is a bad place The world is a place where bad, good and neutral things happen
  • 127. Depression Sadness Views vulnerable to Depression Views that help you deal with Sadness Life is unfair. Why this has happened to me? Why Me only? Life is unpredictable. Anything can happen in this world at any time . Certain things are in my favor and certain things are not in my favor. Just because one thing is not in favor it does not mean entire life is
  • 128. Depression Sadness Views vulnerable to Depression Views that help you deal with Sadness Life is ultimately meaningless Life neither has meaning nor is meaningless. I can find and actively pursue a number of meaningful projects over my life span
  • 129. Depression Sadness Views vulnerable to Depression Views that help you deal with Sadness People will ultimately reject me, therefore it is best not be get involved with them Some people will reject me, others will not. I can actively involve myself in relationships in light of this fact
  • 130. Depression Sadness Views vulnerable to Depression Views that help you deal with Sadness The world is made up of strong and weak people The world is made up of people who have both strengths and weaknesses
  • 131. Views vulnerable to unhealthy Guilt and Views that help you deal with Healthy Guilt
  • 132. Unhealthy Guilt Healthy Guilt Views vulnerable to Unhealthy Guilt Views that help you deal with Guilt Other people's desires are more important than my own My desires are no less important to me than others' desires are to them. I can flexibly and healthily priorities my desires in the same way as others can flexibly and healthily priorities theirs
  • 133. Unhealthy Guilt Healthy Guilt Views vulnerable to Unhealthy Guilt Views that help you deal with Guilt When I am involved I have responsibility for the hurt feelings of others When I am involved, I have responsibility for my actions, but ultimately I am not responsible for the feelings of others. They are responsible
  • 134. Unhealthy Guilt Healthy Guilt Views vulnerable to Unhealthy Guilt Views that help you deal with Guilt In the moral domain, I expect more of myself than I do of others In the moral domain, I can expect the same of myself as I can expect of others
  • 135. Unhealthy Guilt Healthy Guilt Views vulnerable to Unhealthy Guilt Views that help you deal with Guilt It is possible to always act morally It is rarely possible to always act morally since if you do the right thing from one perspective you may be doing the wrong thing from another perspective
  • 136. Unhealthy Guilt Healthy Guilt Views vulnerable to Unhealthy Guilt Views that help you deal with Guilt Saying 'No' to others is a sign of selfishness Saying 'No' to others may be selfish, but is more likely to be a sign of healthy self-
  • 137. Views vulnerable to unhealthy Hurt and Views that help you deal with Sorrow
  • 138. Unhealthy Hurt Healthy Sorrow Views vulnerable to Unhealthy Hurt Views that help you deal with Sorrow When I do a lot for those close to me, they will fail to reciprocate and will abuse my generosity When I do a lot for people, most will reciprocate, but some won't and some may even abuse my generosity
  • 139. Unhealthy Hurt Healthy Sorrow Views vulnerable to Unhealthy Hurt Views that help you deal with Sorrow If I trust those close to me they will often betray me while I would not betray them If I trust those close to me, most won't betray me, but some may well do so
  • 140. Unhealthy Hurt Healthy Sorrow Views vulnerable to Unhealthy Hurt Views that help you deal with Sorrow Significant others will act unfairly towards me while I would not be unfair to them Some significant others will indeed act unfairly to me, but not all will. Can I really be sure that I would not act unfairly to them?
  • 141. Unhealthy Hurt Healthy Sorrow Views vulnerable to Unhealthy Hurt Views that help you deal with Sorrow Those close to me will often exclude or neglect me for no good reason Those close to me may sometimes exclude or neglect me, but most won't. When they do, I may not understand why, but this does not mean that they have done so for no good to me.
  • 142. Views vulnerable to unhealthy Shame and Views that help you deal with Healthy Shame
  • 143. Unhealthy Shame Healthy Shame Views vulnerable to Unhealthy Shame Views that help you deal with Shame There is always the danger that I will not achieve my ideal standards There is always this danger, but these standards are there to guide me, not to be achieved all the time
  • 144. Unhealthy Shame Healthy Shame Views vulnerable to Unhealthy Shame Views that help you deal with Shame Social situations are dangerous because other people will judge me negatively if I put a foot wrong Social situations can be dangerous, but they can also be gentle. If I put a foot wrong, people may judge me negatively, but they may also show me understanding and compassion
  • 145. Unhealthy Shame Healthy Shame Views vulnerable to Unhealthy Shame Views that help you deal with Shame Social situations are dangerous because I may be exposed as defective, disgusting or diminished at any moment If I fall short of my ideal or go against a social custom, I am revealing my fallibility and my humanity. This makes social situations far less dangerous
  • 146. Views vulnerable to unhealthy Envy and Views that help you deal with Healthy Envy
  • 147. Envy Healthy Envy Views vulnerable to Unhealthy Envy Views that help you deal with Envy My worth is measured by my possessions My worth is determined by my aliveness and not by my possessions
  • 148. Envy Healthy Envy Views vulnerable to Unhealthy Envy Views that help you deal with Envy If others with whom I am in competition have more than me, then they are worthier than me If others have more than me still our worth as a human being is equal
  • 149. Envy Healthy Envy Views vulnerable to Unhealthy Envy Views that help you deal with Envy The more I have, the happier I will be For happiness require two things 1) Basic Needs 2) Meaningful Philosophy towards life.
  • 150. Envy Healthy Envy Views vulnerable to Unhealthy Envy Views that help you deal with Envy I can be happy only if I get the possessions that I want I can be happy even if I do not get the possessions that I want
  • 151. Envy Healthy Envy Views vulnerable to Unhealthy Envy Views that help you deal with Envy If someone has what I want, I really want it If someone has what I want, I think I really want it, but that level of desire is coloured by my feelings of unhealthy envy
  • 152. Envy Healthy Envy Views vulnerable to Unhealthy Envy Views that help you deal with Envy It’s unfair if others have what I don’t have, but it is fair if I have what others don’t have If it’s unfair that others have what I don’t have, it’s unfair to others if they don’t have what I have
  • 153. Views vulnerable to unhealthy Jealousy and Views that help you deal with Healthy Jealousy
  • 154. Unhealthy Jealousy Healthy Jealousy Views vulnerable to Unhealthy Jealousy Views that help you deal with Jealousy My partners are ultimately untrustworthy Some of my partners may be untrustworthy, but most will probably be trustworthy
  • 155. Unhealthy Jealousy Healthy Jealousy Views vulnerable to Unhealthy Jealousy Views that help you deal with Jealousy My partners will ultimately leave me Some of my partners may leave me, but others won't. However, I may drive away people in this last group through my jealous behaviour
  • 156. Unhealthy Jealousy Healthy Jealousy Views vulnerable to Unhealthy Jealousy Views that help you deal with Jealousy If I trust someone they will make a fool of me. So I need to always be on my guard If I trust someone, it is possible that the person may betray my trust, but it is also possible that they won't. If they do, they can't make a fool out of me — only I can do this with my rigid and self- depreciation beliefs about their behaviour
  • 157. Unhealthy Jealousy Healthy Jealousy Views vulnerable to Unhealthy Jealousy Views that help you deal with Jealousy Not knowing what my partner is feeling, thinking and doing is very dangerous Not knowing what my partner is feeling, thinking and doing is not inherently dangerous
  • 158. Unhealthy Jealousy Healthy Jealousy Views vulnerable to Unhealthy Jealousy Views that help you deal with Jealousy Every attractive person is my rival Some attractive people may be my rivals, but most won't be
  • 160. Think about one specific conflict which is going on in your mind and your indecisive (Conflict) and confused about it. (You don’t have to tell me)
  • 161.  There is no choice without price – Suffering is the part of life - You cannot please everyone when you take stand  Select choice where less suffering or you have to pay minimum price (Consider short term and long term and do not demand guarantee. The risk cannot be zero  In some choices long term price is not visible today (Smart Phone Addiction) and whatever unhealthy choice(Alcohol) you take today you may have to pay the price after few years
  • 162.  Pay the price without grumbling about it  You cannot take choices of others. You can suggest others or significant others choices but decision will be theirs'. You can try to influence decision of significant others what your efforts does not give guarantee of success. If significant others are connected to your life then while paying the price about some of their choices you are also party to it some extent or sometime large extent.
  • 163.
  • 164.  Indecisiveness is almost always once dire needs for approval  It’s important not to hesitate to get rid off ineffectual subordinates, no matter he may personally like them, to solidly disagree with official views if that is his honest appraisal, to firmly exercise his authority, no matter how unpopular he may at times he may at times be for doing so and to refused to be swayed by sycophants in spite of their charm and unwavering support  He is stuck without necessarily being roughed
  • 165.  Sushant sales manager 30 people reporting to him one of his subordinate but could never back up his own decision to fire one of his delinquent (antisocial) subordinate . Because “I can’t bear thinking of how hard it will be on his wife and family”. I know he is not turning in any of the reports that specifically told him. Many times to get it in every one day. But he is not really egg. And I just can’t hurt him anyways.  Rational Belief: Wouldn’t it be unfortunate if I had to fire this man? His wife and family will suffer by my action and I wouldn’t like them to suffer for his delinquencies . Worst yet, he will be probably hate my guts if I fire him specially when he is really not doing so badly at the selling. But only at turning in the reports . And I wouldn’t want him to hate me like that.
  • 166.  Problem - Sushant is sales manager and 30 people reporting to him. One of his subordinate who is delinquent (antisocial) he wanted to fire him but in two minds.. To be or not to be
  • 167. Irrational Beliefs Rational Beliefs “I just can’t hurt him anyways. I can’t bear thinking of how hard it will be on his wife and family. It is terrible that I have to decide whether or not to get rid off this salesman! I can’t stand the thought of his hating me in case I let him go. Wouldn’t it be unfortunate if I had to fire this man? His wife and family will suffer by my action and I wouldn’t like them to suffer for his delinquencies. He will be probably hate my guts if I fire him and I wouldn’t want him to hate me like that.
  • 168.  It is terrible that I have to decide whether or not to get rid off this salesman! I can’t stand the thought of his hating me in case I let him go. And suppose his wife and children suffer and people find out they are suffering because I fired him. How terrible that would be to have them think so poorly of me.  On the other hand if I keep him on and do not make him turn those reports that every one else is turning in, he will be counter manding my authority and making me look like a fool. How can I possibly live with that? Oh what a terrible dilemma I am in ! How will I ever resolve this.
  • 169.  It’s awful that I am vacillating like this! What a dunce I am! I should be making up my mind and rigorously sticking to it; and I am an utter idiot for not doing so!.  How can he treat me like that, the lousy bastard! After all I have done for him, too! He should not be acting that way and should have the decency either to hand in those god dammed reports or else see that he is delinquent and apologetically resign!
  • 170.  Indecisiveness is foolish and needless but its not terrible or catastrophic  If my subordinates or associates hate me for being decisive, that’s difficult to tolerate and tough but I can tolerate it  I can do foolish acts, but only a magician can turn me into a fool  Executives get damned if they do and damned if they don’t get rid of ineffectual people. Either I accept that fact or join the foreign legion.  There are, as far as can be determined scientifically, no absolute should, ought's or musts in the universe. And if there were, it would probably be deadly!  People are fallible because people are people. May be when I get to heaven I will work with a bunch of angels. But not till then.
  • 171. I guarantee you that you will stay indecisive and uncreative as long as you demand guarantee… - Windy Dryden
  • 172. Indecisiveness is almost always once dire needs for approval - Albert Ellis
  • 173. Risk taking and Decision Making Rational and Irrational Beliefs
  • 174. Irrational Beliefs Rational Beliefs 1 Discomfort anxiety : I must be certain my decision is right Ability to act decisively: I’d like to be certain that this decision of mine is right but I don’t need such certainty. Since I don’t control the world there is no way I can be certain of the outcome of any decisions I may take. Discomfort anxiety : “Its terrible not knowing how many decision will turn out to be incorrect” Can create outcome with adequate concern: Its not terrible but a matter of some concern to me that the outcome of my decision cannot be predicted with certainty.’ That’s the way life is, there is no certainty
  • 175. IB’s Rational Beliefs Discomfort anxiety : I cant stand this feeling of uncertainty Can tolerate uncertainty: It’s not unbearable that uncertainty exist in the world, and there is no reason why it shouldn’t exist. What exist, exists. I may not like it but I can definitely stand it. Indecision: I must perform well and win the approval of important people in the organization. Self acceptance: ‘I prefer to do well and win the approval of significant people but there is no reason why I absolutely must do’ Ego anxiety: If I fail to do well and win approval I am an inadequate person. Flexible Thinking and Motivating: If at times I fail to do well and win the approval that only proves that I am a fallible human being. I can still accept myself in spite of my failure and learn from my mistakes to do better in future
  • 176. Psychologist and M.B.A. (Human Resource Development) Pharmacist & M.B.A ( Marketing )
  • 177. M : 9821174633 / 9870001147 E : W: Soft Skills Training & Counselling

Editor's Notes

  1. Sad
  2. Bhay se bhakti kare sab, Bhay se Pooja hoey Bhay Paras hai Jeev ko, Nirbhay hoey na koey.. Bhay bin Bhaav na Upje, Bhay bin hoey na Preeti Jab Hriday se Bhay Gaya, Miti sakal ras riti….
  3. Connect LFT , Need for approval , Terribalizing and rigid belief (Demand for certainty) to indecisiveness
  4. Connect LFT , Need for approval , Terribalizing and rigid belief (Demand for certainty) to indecisiveness
  5. Connect LFT , Need for approval , Terribalizing and rigid belief (Demand for certainty) to indecisiveness
  6. Connect LFT , Need for approval , Terribalizing and rigid belief (Demand for certainty) to indecisiveness
  7. Connect LFT , Need for approval , Terribalizing and rigid belief (Demand for certainty) to indecisiveness