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By the end of this topic, you should be able to: 
1. State the meaning of the term „curriculum‰; 
2. Discuss the philosophical considerations in formulating a curriculum; 
3. Discuss the psychological considerations in formulating a curriculum; 
Figure 1.1: How is a curriculum developed? 
4. Discuss the social and economic considerations in formulating a 
of the 
Look at the scenario in Figure 1.1. If you were the teacher how would you answer 
the question posed by the parent? 
What do you understand by the term „curriculum‰? 
Browse the Internet or use reference books to find out what „curriculum‰ 
While doing Activity 1.1, you would have come across many different definitions 
of the term „curriculum‰. The word curriculum is derived from an ancient Latin 
word currere which means „running course‰. Over time the word curriculum 
has come to mean „sequence of courses or learning experiences.‰ Many attempts 
have been made to provide more specific definitions of curriculum. 
The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines curriculum as: 
This view defines curriculum as an organised body of knowledge to be conveyed 
to students. This is a general way of defining curriculum and refers to the subject 
matter, content or syllabus. However, views such as these are narrow and 
simplify the complexity of the curriculum. Curriculum is a broad term and refers 
to more than just courses offered. 
Tanner and Tanner (1995) describe curriculum as a plan or programme of all 
experiences which the learner encounters under the direction of a school. 
Another definition by Taba (1962) is: 
The curriculum usually contains a statement of aims of specific objectives, it 
indicates some selection and organisation of content, it implies certain 
patterns of learning and teaching, whether because the objectives demand 
them or because the content organisation requires them. Finally it includes a 
programme of evaluation of the outcomes. 
Taba (1962) 
„The courses offered by an educational institution‰.
From the above definitions we can conclude that a curriculum has the following 
(a) Learning objectives; 
(b) Content; 
(c) Instructional strategies; 
(d) Learning experiences for the learners; and 
(e) Programme of evaluation. 
Now, if you were a curriculum developer and had to formulate a new science 
curriculum where would you start? How would you decide the learning 
objectives and choose what content is relevant? How would you choose suitable 
instructional strategies and learning experiences to fulfil the curriculum? 
Curriculum developers use different curriculum development models or 
approaches when formulating a curriculum. Their main concern would be what 
should be included in the curriculum (the content) and how to present and 
arrange what is selected (learning experiences). Regardless of the model or 
approach used, curriculum developers need to consider the philosophical, 
psychological, social and economic needs of the society when planning the 
In this topic, you will learn about the philosophical, psychological, social and 
economic considerations in formulating a curriculum. A sound understanding of 
this will reflect on how you think and approach the teaching and learning 
process in your classroom. You will also be able to give informed answers to 
parents if the need arises. 
What is the connection between philosophy and the curriculum? Philosophy 
provides curriculum developers, educators and teachers with a framework of 
values and beliefs related to the goals of education that they can use for planning, 
implementing and evaluating the curriculum in school. Curriculum developers 
need to identify an educational vision or philosophy which will form the basis of 
planning the curriculum. Philosophy helps in answering questions like:
(a) „What are schools for?‰ 
(b) „What subjects are important?‰ 
(c) „How should students learn?‰ 
(d) „What teaching strategies must be used?‰ 
(e) „How should evaluation be carried out?‰ 
Learning in schools in any country is guided by its national goals and philosophy 
which reflect the desires of the nation. In Malaysia there is a written philosophy 
known as The National Philosophy of Education. The National Philosophy of 
Education is shown in Figure 1.2. Read through it carefully and think about how 
it can guide curriculum development. 
The National Education Policy is based on the National Philosophy of Education 
which constitutes the basis for all educational activities and programmes. Thus 
the Malaysian school curriculum is developed in line with the National 
Philosophy of Education. The role of the Malaysian school curriculum is to 
ensure the holistic development of an individualÊs potential, and develop him or 
her, mentally, spiritually, emotionally and physically. The curriculum is to 
develop Malaysian citizens who are balanced and well-rounded individuals, 
trained, skilful and who cherish the national aspiration for unity. 
Figure 1.2: The National Philosophy of Education of Malaysia
The Malaysian science curriculum is also influenced by the National Philosophy 
of Science as shown in Figure 1.3. 
Figure 1.3: National Science Education Philosophy 
Study the Primary Science Curriculum and the National Philosophy of 
Education Malaysia (NPE). Discuss in what ways the content selection 
and teaching strategies of the primary science curriculum are able to fulfil 
the NPE. 
The school curriculum development is also influenced by psychology. 
Psychology deals with how humans learn and behave. It forms a basis for 
understanding the teaching-learning process. Ralph Tyler, a well-known scholar 
in curriculum development proposed in the 1960s that anything that is to be 
taught in the classroom should be subjected to a psychology „screen‰ to establish 
whether they are suitable for the way humans learn. 
The curriculum developed must be based on a sound understanding of child 
growth and development. Psychological considerations such as the mental, 
physical and emotional requirements of the child need to be taken into account 
when planning the curriculum. The school curriculum developers look at the 
childÊs level of development and maturity. Younger children should be given 
what they can handle in terms of depth and quantity.
For example, in science at the primary level, there is more concern with the 
systems and processes that affect the learnerÊs life without giving the principles 
and theories behind them. At higher levels, the physical, chemical and biological 
systems and processes are described in terms of the principles and theories that 
explain them. The level of complexity increases as the mental capacity of the 
learner develops. Learning experiences increase in intensity and complexity with 
increased manipulative skills. Thus the physical condition of the learners also 
influences the selection of subjects and experiences. 
Theories of learning also have to be considered when developing the content of 
the curriculum and how it will be delivered. The curriculum developer has to 
know how pupils learn and take into consideration individual differences when 
designing a curriculum. Learning can be maximised by ensuring that activities 
and experiences are introduced at the most „teachable‰ moment. 
You would remember from your earlier modules that there are many different 
explanations of how humans learn. There are four major psychological schools of 
thought of how learning occurs that have had an impact on curriculum. These 
schools of thought are Behaviourism, Cognitivism, Humanism and 
Constructivism. Study Table 1.1 which shows the four major psychological 
orientations of learning and the main proponents. 
Table 1.1: The Four Major Psychological Orientations 
of Learning and the Main Proponents 
Behaviourism Cognitivism Humanism Constructivism 
Do you recall the main principles of these theories? The principles of these 
learning theories are used as a guide to select the content and strategies of the 
curriculum. A brief description of these theories is as follows. 
(a) Behaviourism 
In behaviourism, the main task of the teacher is to arrange the classroom 
and learning activities so as to enhance connection between a stimulus and 
response. Behaviour that is positively reinforced will be repeated and 
information presented in small amounts can reinforce and shape the 
formation of the behaviour desired.
(b) Cognitivism 
Cognitivism explains how information is received, assimilated, stored and 
recalled in the brain. There should be a step-by-step structured method of 
teaching and learning. Teachers should present easier and simpler 
materials to be followed later by complex and difficult materials. Teachers 
should also teach from whole to part. The learners should develop some 
kind of a frame of reference that will help them relate an aspect of what is 
learned to its other aspects as well as to their previous experiences. What 
has been taught earlier should be related to what is currently being taught. 
Memory can be improved by making meaningful connections between 
what is known and what is new. 
(c) Humanism 
The learner is a person who has feelings, attitudes and emotions, according 
to humanistic theories. Emotions such as self-efficacy, self-assurance, 
intrinsic and extrinsic motivation determine how a pupil approaches 
(d) Constructivism 
In constructivism, learners are not passive recipients of information but are 
active agents engaging in constructing their own knowledge. Pupils should 
not be treated as passive learners but rather as active learners exploring 
and going beyond the information given. They should be provided with 
authentic and challenging projects that encourage them to work with other 
students and teachers. Cooperative, collaborative and group investigation 
methods allow pupils to discuss ideas and misconceptions with their peers 
and teachers. Learning is enhanced when pupils learn how to learn 
Identify which learning theories were used to select the content and 
teaching strategies in the primary science curriculum for one selected 
„Education is a major contributor to the development of our social and 
economic capital. It inspires creativity and fosters innovation; provides our 
youth with the necessary skills to be able to compete in the modern labour 
market; and is a key driver of growth in the economy‰ 
(DatoÊ Sri Mohd Najib bin Tun Haji Abdul Razak 
Malaysian Education Blueprint 2013-2025) 
Read the statement given above. Do you see the importance of education in the 
development of Malaysian social and economic capital? 
1.3.1 Social Considerations in Formulating a 
We must understand that schools are part of society and exist for society. 
Schools, through their execution of the curriculum, can shape and mould a 
society. Therefore curriculum developers need to take into account societal 
considerations when planning the curriculum. If this does not happen, the 
curriculum becomes irrelevant. 
So what do you think society wants from the curriculum? The main societal 
consideration in Malaysia is that the curriculum must promote a sense of 
national pride and identity. In Malaysia, which has a heterogeneous ethnic 
population, the school curriculum is expected to promote a sense of cohesion and 
unity amongst the various ethnic groups. The curriculum must assist the 
individual to understand the process of harmonisation and develop values and 
attitudes such as compassion, understanding, tolerance, sensitivity and 
awareness. The curriculum should also be able to impart social norms, social 
order and morality. 
The design of the curricular materials should be of relevance to the culture of the 
society. For example, would pupils in Malaysia need to learn about the customs 
of the Eskimo people in detail? It would not be relevant to them. On the other 
hand, they would need to learn the beliefs, values and culture of the various 
ethnic groups in Malaysian society to promote understanding and tolerance of 
other cultures in the society that they live in.
A continuous examination of the goals and demands of society which are 
continuously changing is needed to determine what knowledge is most 
worthwhile and which values are relevant. 
1. The concerns of society twenty years ago is different from the 
concerns of society today. Discuss how this has affected the present 
science curriculum. 
2. Social factors are very critical in formulating a curriculum. Identify 
at least two social factors that should be considered when 
formulating a curriculum. 
1.3.2 Economic Considerations in Formulating a 
The national economy is an important consideration when formulating a 
curriculum. Are you wondering how the economy of the country affects the 
The children you teach will one day be employed. Schools need to meet the 
workforce demands of a changing world. The 21st century world is a 
technologically advanced world. Modern careers require skills that are 
technologically complex. There is a demand for skilled and literate workers. 
Successful workers in the modern world must possess both an understanding of 
electronic technology, and the ability to work more cooperatively with others to 
solve problems of a highly intricate nature, are able to communicate their ideas 
The curriculum offered has to provide appropriate education for the students to 
develop the skills, knowledge and attitudes required by the workforce so as to 
sustain the countryÊs progress with a competent labour force. It is therefore 
important that serious consideration is given to economic demands when 
designing the curriculum.
1. Explain what you understand by the term „curriculum‰. 
2. A country has been using the same curriculum for the last 10 
years. Do you think this is a good practice? Why? 
3. How do the philosophical foundations of education influence 
curriculum formulation? 
4. How do the psychological foundations of education influence 
curriculum formulation? 
5. To what extent can the school curriculum equip individuals to 
cope with the challenges and requirements of the 21st century? 
 A curriculum consists of learning objectives, content, instructional strategies, 
learning experiences of the learner and a programme for evaluation of 
 Curriculum developers need to consider the philosophical, psychological, 
social and economic needs of the society when planning the curriculum. 
 Philosophy provides a framework of values and beliefs related to the goals 
of education that can be used for planning, implementing and evaluating the 
curriculum in school. 
 The National Philosophy of Education is the basis for all educational 
activities and programmes in Malaysia. 
 The Malaysian school curriculum is developed in line with the National 
Philosophy of Education. 
 The Malaysian science curriculum is also influenced by the National 
Philosophy of Science.
 The curriculum developed must be based on a sound understanding of 
psychological factors such as child growth, child development and learning 
 Psychological considerations such as the mental, physical and emotional 
requirements of the child need to be taken into account when planning the 
 Schools, through their teaching of the curriculum, can shape and mould a 
 Curriculum developers need to take into account societal considerations 
when planning the curriculum. 
 Consideration must be given to economic demands when designing the 
curriculum so as to develop the skills, knowledge and attitudes required by 
the workforce to sustain the countryÊs progress with a competent labour 
Economic considerations 
National Philosophy of Education 
National Science Education Philosophy 
Philosophical considerations 
Psychological considerations 
Social considerations 
Educational Planning and Research Division, Ministry of Education Malaysia. 
(2008). Education in Malaysia - A journey to excellence. Retrieved from 
Heslep, R. (1997). Philosophical thinking in educational practice . London: 
Greenwood Publishing. 
Ornstein, A. C.  Hunkins, F. (1998). Curriculum foundations, principles and 
theory. USA: Allyn and Bacon.
Psychological Influences in the Curriculum Decision Making Process. Anne 
Syomwene (Ph.D) 1*; Kisilu Kitainge (Ph.D) 2; Marcella Mwaka (PhD) 
3*Moi University, Kenya 2University of Eldoret, Kenya 3Moi University, 
Kenya . Retrieved from ( 
Sharifah, Maimunah Syed Zin  Lewin, K. M. (1991). Curriculum development 
in Malaysia in curriculum development in east Asia. Ed by Marsh, C.  
Morris, P. London: The Falmer Press. 
Taba, H. (1962). Curriculum development: Theory and practice. New York, NY: 
Harcourt, Brace,  World. 
Tanner, D.,  Tanner, L. (1995). Curriculum development: Theory into practice 
(3rd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Merrill. 
Tyler, R. W. (1949). Basic principles of curriculum and instruction. Chicago: 
University of Chicago Press.
 Issues in 
By the end of this topic, you should be able to: 
1. Examine the goals of a science curriculum; 
2. Analyse the content of a science curriculum; 
3. List the relevant methods for teaching science; 
4. Explain the meaning of scientific literacy; 
5. Discuss the meaning of scientific language; and 
6. Discuss some of the contemporay issues of science education. 
Figure 2.1: Planning lessons for Science Year 4
What should Cik Lee do? What documents should she refer to in planning the 
teaching of the subject? Yes, she should study the science curriculum. She should 
refer to the primary science syllabus and curriculum specifications for Year Four. 
Then only should she look at the textbook and other resources to plan the 
The curriculum is a course or path. It is meant to be connected and integrated 
and it should lead to educational attainment. Thus, by understanding the science 
curriculum, Cik Lee would be clear about the aspirations of the curriculum, the 
topics to be taught, and how to assess her pupilsÊ learning. 
In this topic you will be looking at the details of any science curriculum  goals of 
a science curriculum, the contents of the curriculum, how to teach them, the 
language of science, the concept of scientific literacy and the issues pertaining to 
the science curriculum. 
Recall how science was taught when you were in primary school. Take 
time to list down the characteristics of the science lesson. 
Knowing where you want to go will make it easier for you to plan your 
destination. Thus knowing the goals of science education will make it easier for a 
curriculum planner to plan the appropriate curriculum needed. And for you as a 
teacher, knowing the goals will make it easier to plan how to teach and assess the 
teaching and learning of science. 
Let us study a few of the goals of science curriculum in different countries.
According to Illinois Learning Standards (ISBE, 1997), the general and 
subsidiary goals of the science curriculum are as follows: 
Goal 1: Understand and apply the methods of scientific inquiry and 
technological design to investigate questions, solve problems and analyse 
 Explain the principles and practices of scientific research. 
 Apply the steps and methods of scientific inquiry to conduct experiments 
and investigate research questions. 
 Apply the principles and methods of technological design to solve 
 Assess the credibility of scientific claims. 
Goal 2: Understand the facts and unifying concepts of the life, physical and 
earth/space sciences. 
 Apply concepts of systems within the sciences. 
 Apply concepts of form and function within the sciences. 
 Apply concepts of change and constancy within the sciences. 
 Apply concepts of models and explanations within the sciences. 
Goal 3: Understand connections and relationships among science, technology 
and society. 
 Explain the historical development and importance of science and 
 Explain conceptual relationships between science and technology. 
 Describe and analyse relationships among science, technology and 
society in practical situations.
The outcome of school science education programmes should be that pupils 
leaving the school system will have developed the knowledge, skills, 
attitudes and values that will allow them to take an informed position on 
scientific issues and tensions that may be facing them and the society they 
live in at the time. School-leavers should be aware of and have an 
understanding of the scientific process and its values. They should have 
developed an enquiring attitude and the knowledge and skills that will allow 
them to find the answers to their questions. 
There are five overarching integrated aspects of science that those seeking to 
identify goals for science education should consider: scientific literacy, 
attitudes and interests towards the environment, doing science, science as a 
career and communication in science. 
The following goals were developed for all Canadian pupils, regardless of 
gender or cultural background, to have an opportunity to develop scientific 
 Encourage pupils in all grades to develop a critical sense of wonder and 
curiosity about scientific and technological endeavours. 
 Enable pupils to use science and technology to acquire new knowledge 
and solve problems, so that they may improve the quality of their own 
lives and the lives of others. 
 Prepare pupils to critically address science-related societal, economic, 
ethical and environmental issues. 
 Provide pupils with a proficiency in science that creates opportunities for 
them to pursue progressively higher levels of study, prepares them for 
science-related occupations, and engages them in science-related hobbies 
appropriate to their interests and abilities. 
 Develop in pupils of varying aptitudes and interests a knowledge of the 
wide variety of careers related to science, technology and the environment.
If you analysed all the curricula above, the goals underlying science curriculum 
and instruction are the same. The goals can be classified into the following 
categories: scientific knowledge, scientific methods, social issues, personal needs, 
and career awareness. 
(a) Science education should develop a fundamental understanding of natural 
systems: There is a body of knowledge concerning biological, physical, and 
earth systems. For over 200 years, our science education programmes have 
aimed towards informing pupils of these natural systems. This goal has 
been, and will continue to be, of significant importance for science teachers. 
(b) Science education should develop a fundamental understanding of, and 
ability to use the methods of scientific inquiry: This goal will ensure pupils 
will acquire the skills of planning and doing science investigations in 
finding answers to problems. 
(c) Science education should prepare citizens to make responsible decisions 
concerning science-related social issues. Science education exists in society 
and should contribute to the maintenance and aspirations of the culture. 
This goal is especially important when there are social challenges directly 
related to science. 
(d) Science education should contribute to an understanding and fulfilment of 
personal needs, thus contributing to personal developmen. All individuals 
have needs related to their own biological/psychological systems. 
(e) Science education should inform pupils about careers in the sciences: 
Scientific research, development, and application continue through the 
work of individuals within science and technology and through the 
support of those not directly involved in scientific work. 
Study our primary science curriculum. Compare and contrast the aims 
stipulated in the curriculum with the curricula that you have just read.
What content to be taught in the science curriculum at any level is a statement 
about the elements of science we choose to teach selected from a much larger set 
of possibilities. There are many factors that need to be considered before deciding 
the content to be taught. Looking at the goals of science education will certainly 
help us to determine what content should be taught in the curriculum. 
The content of science for primary school children should be an interplay among 
concepts, scientific reasoning, the nature of science, and doing science. Although 
science concepts are important as a basic foundation of science knowledge, 
children need to begin to build an understanding of basic concepts and how they 
connect and apply to the world in which they live. It could be done through 
hands-on activities where the children are actively exploring and finding out the 
concepts. These first-hand experiences help them to find answers to problems 
themselves by exploring their own environment. 
Scientific skills are the tools that need to be acquired by the children so that they 
could do the activities. Thus, broadly the content should contain a skills section 
and a content section. 
(a) The Skills Section 
The skills section will help children to work scientifically, and in designing 
and making. Children are encouraged to work as scientists as they 
investigate and explore their physical and natural surroundings. The 
curriculum should support children in developing skills of enquiry during 
this investigative work: observing, asking questions, suggesting 
explanations, predicting outcomes, planning investigations or experiments 
to test ideas and drawing conclusions. 
Designing and making are the technological components of the science 
curriculum. This aspect of the curriculum provides children with 
opportunities to apply scientific ideas to everyday situations and problems. 
The children are challenged to explore, plan and make models and 
functional objects in order to solve practical problems. This develops 
children's awareness of the value of technology in their lives. 
(b) The Content Section 
What to include in the content section is debatable. Different countries have 
different ways of organising the basic concepts that should be taught in 
primary science. In the Malaysian Science Curriculum the contents are 
organised around themes. What is important is this content should cover
core concepts, principles, and theories of science that would be continued 
in the secondary school science curriculum. 
We should also remember that not all pupils would end up as scientists as 
their careers. Thus the content should cover just enough concepts so that 
they become ‰scientifically literate‰. Consequently, the science curriculum 
should be oriented more towards developing awareness among the 
learners about the interface of science, technology and society, sensitising 
them, especially to the issues of environment and health, and enabling 
them to acquire practical knowledge and skills to enter the world of work. 
What are the themes used in our primary science curriculum? Discuss 
with your classmates. 
Did you enjoy studying science in school? Who were your science teachers? Do 
you think they enjoyed teaching science? There is no doubt that a teacher who 
outwardly states a dislike for a subject can negatively influence pupilsÊ attitudes 
towards that subject. Similarly, a teacher who demonstrates enthusiasm and 
genuine interest in teaching a subject can be a catalyst for pupil learning. 
Teaching strategies also shape the learning environment. An effective teacher 
would need to select teaching strategies to engage pupils in learning science. 
There are teaching strategies that can be transferred from other subjects to also 
teach science. For example, you could use storytelling or drama, which are very 
useful in learning language, into the teaching of science. There are also strategies 
that are more specific to teaching science. For example, project and 
experimentation are synonymous with science teaching. What strategy that you 
as a teacher decide to employ depends on many factors. These factors include: 
(a) PupilsÊ learning styles; 
(b) PupilsÊ prior knowledge and skills; 
(c) Availability of teaching resources;
(d) TeachersÊ knowledge and skills; and 
(e) SocietyÊs expectations. 
The nature of science should be the most, or at least, a big consideration when 
deciding on the pedagogy when teaching science. 
The main complaint of pupils about science is that it is not sufficiently relevant. 
What is learnt in the science classroom is only used in the classroom and has no 
connection with the real world, although science is in fact the study of the natural 
For activities to be meaningful and engaging they should help the understanding 
of things pupils have encountered directly in their day-to-day experience and 
indirectly through films and television programmes. It should be possible for 
children to make a link between new experiences and previous experiences. 
There can be a dilemma here in relation to whether science activities should be 
taken from real-life events  often complex and with several ideas involved  or 
whether they should be „tidied up‰ to demonstrate certain relationships or 
principles. Some degree of abstraction from real events is generally necessary, 
but it should always be possible for the children to link what is learned to real 
Inquiry-based is the essence of science teaching and learning. It „fits‰ with the 
nature of science. Pupils should be actively engaged in exploring the concepts 
through hands-on activities. Pupils learn effectively when they are actively 
engaged in the discovery process, often working in small groups. They should be 
provided opportunities to have direct experience with common objects, 
materials, and living things in their environment. Good instruction focuses on 
understanding important relationships, processes, mechanisms and applications 
of concepts. 
Teachers act as facilitators. Managing inquiry during a lesson is not the only 
thing that a science teacher must do. Her work starts before the lesson begins. 
She decides the concepts and the skills that should be developed during the 
lesson. Then, throughout the lesson, the teacher should be listening to the 
discussion about the concepts and observing the skills as the pupils are doing 
their work. This information or formative assessment can later be used as 
feedback for the teacher and pupils about learning. Have they understood the 
lesson? Have they mastered the skills? Do the concepts need to be explored 
again? These are some of the questions that the teacher can answer from 
formative assessments.
Would the following scenarios be the elements in the teaching and 
learning of science? 
Scenario Yes? No? 
Children have the opportunity to express their ideas, to listen to 
the ideas of others and to build on their existing ideas when 
faced with new experiences. 
Teachers pose questions that require children to hypothesise, 
predict and suggest answers. 
Teachers engage children in thinking about and discussing how 
to test their predictions and see if their ideas „work‰. 
Children are clear about what they are finding out and what they 
are learning by doing so. 
Children consider the evidence they collect in relation to initial 
ideas and predictions. 
Children reflect and report on how and what they have learned. 
Not all learning in science involves inquiry. There are some things, such as 
conventions, names and the basic skills of using equipment, that are more 
efficiently learned by direct instruction. If you want your pupils to know how to 
use the thermometer, or the measure correctly the length of a room using a metre 
rule, then demonstrating and explaining to them the skills would be more 
appropriate, followed by practice in using the skills.
Which of the following strategies would have high impact for primary 
Strategies High Impact? Low Impact? 
Misconceptions are 
Enthusiasm from 
Uniform on individual 
Usable and practical 
scientific knowledge 
Group work 
Hands-on experiences 
Chalk and talk or 
copying from OHT 
Interactivity with life 
Purposes are clearly 
Excursions for science 
In summary there is no one best method to teach any subject. Although the 
inquiry-based method is considered a very good method to teach science, if 
pupils are not equipped with the knowledge, skills and attitude, then it is not the 
effective method to choose. You, as the teacher, know best what works and what 
does not work with your pupils.
Have a look at Figure 2.2 and see if you can recall anything. 
Figure 2.2: A definition of scientific literacy (Rennie, 2005) 
Source: Skamp: Teaching Primary Science Constructively, pg 3 
We have discussed this concept in detail in Topic 1 of HBSC1103 Teaching and 
Learning of Science. 
By referring to Figure 2.2, can you summarise the definition of scientific 
Yes! Scientific literacy means that a person can ask, find, or determine answers to 
questions derived from curiosity about everyday experiences. It means that a 
person has the ability to describe, explain, and predict natural phenomena. A
literate citizen should be able to evaluate the quality of scientific information on 
the basis of its source and the methods used to generate it. 
As mentioned above, one of the goals of the science is to develop a scientifically 
literate population. Feasey (1996) suggests that most people are scientifically 
illiterate and often hold negative and contradictory viewpoints of science. The 
public think that science belongs to the scientists and is too difficult for them to 
Skamp (2004) mentioned that Feasey and Gott (1996) suggest two elements that 
can provide a foundation for a scientifically literate individual. 
(a) Factual background which relates to the understanding of key ideas and 
facts in science. A sound knowledge and ability to apply such concepts in a 
range of contexts is essential. 
(b) An understanding of evidence that focuses on the individualÊs 
understanding of how and why scientists collect evidence and an ability to 
challenge the reliability and validity of evidence in order to decide on its 
Why do you think we need to be scientifically literate? One of the main reasons is 
that the society we live in depends to an ever-increasing extent on technology 
and scientific knowledge that makes it possible. Decisions we make every day 
have the capacity to affect energy consumption, our personal health, natural 
resources, and the environment  ultimately our well-being and that of our 
community and the world. Individual decisions may not seem to be critical, but 
when they are multiplied by 300 million nationwide, or nearly seven billion 
worldwide, they have the power to change the face of the planet (Scearce, 2007). 
1. Draw your image of a typical scientist and list the characteristics of 
the person that you have drawn. 
2. What work does he or she do?
Teachers often say: „I have explained so many times, yet pupils cannot 
understand!‰ What could the reason be? One of the reasons is because the pupils 
do not understand the scientific language that the teacher is using. What and 
how is scientific language different from everyday language? This section will 
discuss these points. 
2.5.1 Difficulties in Language 
The use of scientific language and terminology enables scientists around the 
world to communicate effectively with each other. However, the use of scientific 
words and phrases is often confusing for non-specialists, let alone non-scientists. 
There are a number of ways language can make understanding science more 
difficult, such as alternative meanings of words, pupilsÊ lack of appropriate 
vocabulary, the specialised vocabulary used by scientists, and English as a 
second language. Pupils may begin to separate school explanations and home 
explanations. Or, pupils may begin to believe they are unable to learn science  it 
is just too difficult to figure out. Still others may reject the scientific explanation 
as too difficult and accept their own, or their community's explanation instead. 
Learners may develop an understanding of the meaning of certain words that is 
different from the scientists' meaning of these words. People outside the scientific 
community and scientists themselves give these same words other meanings 
and/or use them in other contexts, resulting in slight nuances to the original 
meaning. These alternative meanings can make understanding and/or accepting 
the scientist's use of the word or term difficult. Table 2.1 illustrates the different 
meaning of certain terms.
Table 2.1: Examples of the Meaning of Words in 
Scientific Language and Everyday Language 
Concepts Scientific Language Everyday Language 
Living and 
Living and non-living are 
associated with the terms 
alive and dead. 
Describe those and other non-living 
objects as being alive, e.g. a live wire or 
the fire „came to life‰ when we added 
wood, or as having died, e.g. the car or 
battery died. 
Community The interaction of living 
organisms within a bounded 
Within the general culture, communities 
are determined by groups of residents 
who have some common identity. 
Communities in this sense focus on the 
activities, needs and care of human 
Force We talk about force as one 
aspect of a field of influence 
surrounding objects. That is, 
a force field is a complex 
system of pushes and pulls. 
However, the everyday use of the term 
force includes such phrases as, „I was 
forced to go to bed without my dinner‰, 
„Someone forced their way into the 
house‰, „My mom works in the police 
force,‰ and in the movies, „May the 
force be with you.‰ 
The language used by scientists to communicate their work reflects the nature of 
science. Scientific language used by scientists includes: 
(a) Appeals to evidence. E.g., „Based upon the evidence gathered in this 
investigation, ....‰ 
(b) Expressions about the validity and reliability of the evidence. E.g., „The 
design called for the control of ....‰, „A new technology allowed for ....‰, 
„This procedure ....‰, „The skill of the technician was such that we were 
able to ....‰, 
(c) Appeals to prominent scientists. E.g., „Ian Stirling found in his research 
that ....‰ 
(d) Appeals to accepted literature. E.g., „A research study reported in 
Science indicated that ....‰, „Peer reviewed research in Nature suggests 
that ....‰
(e) Expressions of (un)certainty. E.g., „This was an initial study ....‰, „The 
These characteristics are typically found in scientific research papers and ideally 
in science educational materials such as science textbooks. Popular science 
magazines and newspaper articles about science often take liberties with 
scientific language by translating it into more common everyday language. This 
translation often removes important aspects about the nature of science, or 
worse, misrepresents the nature of science. Two common problems with popular 
science articles are a lack of expression of appropriate uncertainty (tending to 
more absolute statements) and confusion between evidence and interpretation. 
Evidence is the ultimate authority in science even though all evidence is 
uncertain to some degree. Expressions such as „facts‰, „exactly‰, „absolutely‰ or 
„we proved ‰ are not appropriate in the context of a scientific investigation. 
Evidence can support or fail to support a prediction and/or hypothesis, but 
cannot „prove‰ either. „Proof‰ is considered too absolute and does not connote 
the uncertainty accompanying all scientific evidence and knowledge. Table 2.2 
shows more examples of the use of scientific language. 
Table 2.2: Some Examples of the Use of Scientific Language 
Expressing the Authority Expressing the Degree of Certainty 
Based on the concept of  The certainty is three significant digits. 
According to the law of  Based upon the limited evidence gathered, 
Using the theory of  Without full control of all variables  
Based on the evidence obtained in this 
The experiment needs to be replicated by 
another group but  
In our judgment,  Careful control of all known variables 
sample size was small but ...‰, 
(f) Appeals to the nature of science. E.g., „Although science requires us to 
be open-minded about this counter-claim,‰, „This is only a correlational 
study and not a cause and effect study so ...‰. 
(g) Appeals to logical reasoning. E.g., „If ..., then ....‰, „If ... and ...., then 
....‰, Logical consistency requires that ....‰
Our interpretation of the evidence is that 
Accepting that all knowledge is uncertain, 
If this concept is valid, then  The accuracy as a per cent difference is  
This accepted concept leads us to believe 
Having a high degree of confidence in the 
evidence, it is appropriate to  
Logical and consistent reasoning suggests 
In this correlational (not cause and effect) 
The main reason pupils find it difficult to understand science is because 
of the difficulty in writing, spelling and reading the terms. Actually, 
scientific vocabulary is a jumble of little words that are linked together to 
have different meanings. Guess the meaning of each of these terms: 
(a) Epidermis; 
(b) Abiotic; 
(c) Endocytosis; 
(d) Anaerobic; and 
(e) Monochrome. 
2.5.2 Sources of Scientific Words 
Scientific words in English may conveniently be divided, from the standpoint of 
their origins, into three groups: 
(a) Those taken from the ordinary English vocabulary; 
(b) Those taken virtually unchanged from another language; and 
(c) Those which have been invented. 
Table 2.3 shows a few examples.
Table 2.3: Examples of Scientific Words and Their Origin 
Sources Examples of Words 
(a) Taken from the ordinary English 
Although the scientist may give 
them precise meanings, they are 
liable to be interpreted more loosely 
(or even differently) by the non-scientist. 
Energy, work, power, salt, base, fruit 
(b) Taken virtually unchanged from 
another language. 
Many of the Greek or Latin terms 
have retained their original meaning 
but in some cases the meanings have 
been restricted and rendered more 
Latin words: axis, fulcrum, larva, radius, 
locus, nimbus, cortex, cerebrum, pelvis, 
Greek words: thorax, stigma, iris, helix 
(c) Those which have been invented. 
Ester for a compound formed by the 
interaction of an alcohol and an organic 
ScientistsÊ names have also been used to 
provide the names of units (e.g. watt, volt, 
gauss, joule) 
Scientists have taken „bits and pieces‰  
roots, prefixes, suffixes  from different 
languages and joined them together to form 
the terms. Thus, when they needed a 
general name for animals such as snails and 
slugs which apparently walk on their 
stomachs, they have taken the Greek roots 
gast(e)ro- (stomach) and -pod (foot) and 
formed the new word gastropod. When he 
wanted a word to describe a speed greater 
than that of sound he took the Latin prefix 
super- (above, beyond) and the Latin root 
son- (sound) and coined the adjective 
2.5.3 How to Teach the Language? 
Introducing new scientific language to pupils can cause considerable confusion, 
particularly when the pupils may have established a different understanding of 
the terms from their everyday use. Careful thought needs to be given to the 
selection of new scientific terms, the choice of language used in definitions and 
the implications of prior understanding based on everyday use. 
In learning the language of science, pupils need to learn not only a specialised 
vocabulary but also how words go together and when to use this way of 
communicating. The challenge is to teach these „rules of the game‰ whilst still 
valuing the ways of using language that the pupils bring to the classroom. The 
role of teachers is to help pupils build bridges between their known and familiar 
ways of using language, and academic ways of using language. 
Below are a few suggestions that you as a teacher can take: 
(a) Practise Using and Build Perceived Usefulness of the Scientific Model or 
Encourage activities which promote pupil experience with the language of 
scientific discourse. Focus on helping pupils to identify scientific terms that 
are new to them or terms where their meanings remain unclear. Encourage 
pupils to practise language patterns that assist them to describe events, 
objects, and processes, to make predictions and to draw conclusions. 
Encourage short verbal reporting by pupils or presentations to their peers 
where particular scientific terms should be used. 
(b) Clarify and Consolidate Ideas for/by Communication to Others 
Work with pupils to develop a chart of useful scientific terms. This could be 
on permanent display in the classroom and pupils could be encouraged to 
make additions as new scientific terms arise or are introduced. Have pupils 
collect or develop a range of images that assist in understanding the 
meanings of the terms or the context in which they are used. Pupils could 
work on developing their own scientific dictionary for use in a particular 
context of study. Scientific definitions could be written in their own words 
or pupils could draw or collect visual images to help improve their 
understanding of the terms encountered. 
(c) Clarify and Consolidate Ideas for/by Communication to Others 
Adopt teaching approaches that allow pupils to practise verbal, visual and 
writing skills. It is important for pupils to have experiences of „doing‰ 
science and also of developing skills to communicate their findings to 
Like it or not, science constitutes a significant part of human life. It impacts on 
how people experience and understand the world and themselves. The rapid 
advances in science and technology, newly established societal and cultural 
norms and values, and changes in the climate and environment, as well as the 
depletion of natural resources all greatly impact the lives of children and youths, 
and hence their ways of learning, viewing the world, experiencing phenomena 
around them and interacting with others. 
Science educators must be aware of all these changes. They need to rethink the 
science curriculum, the pedagogy and assessment in the science classroom today 
as the practice of science education needs to be proactive and relevant to pupils 
and prepare them for life in the present and in the future. 
Contemporary issues facing science education in Malaysia are no different from 
other countries. 
In a report commissioned by UNESCO, Section For Science, Technical And 
Vocational Education in 2008, titled Science Education Policy-Making: Eleven 
Emerging Issues, Fensham listed the following issues concerning science 
education (Table 2.4). 
Table 2.4: Lists of Issues of Relating to Science Education 
Issue A Science in Schooling and its Educational Purposes 
Issue B Access and Equity in Science Education 
Issue C Interest in, and about Science 
Issue D How Technology Relates to Science in Education 
Issue E The Nature of Science and Inquiry 
Issue F Scientific Literacy 
Issue G Quality of Learning in Science 
Issue H The Use of ICT in Science and Technology Education 
Issue I Development of Relevant and Effective Assessment in Science Education 
Issue J Science Education in the Primary or Elementary Years 
Issue K Professional Development of Science Teachers 
Source: UNESCO (2008) 
One of the issues that had and is still faced by science education in our country is 
Issue C  Interest in, and about science. Professor of Mathematics, CK Raju, a 
visiting professor at the Mathematics department in Universiti Sains Malaysia 
(USM), calls for a review of teaching methods for science stream subjects as a 
way to raise pupilsÊ interest, following reports that the percentage of science 
stream pupils had dropped to 29 per cent in 2012 (New Straits Times  19 
February 2012). 
The same issue is also commented by Prof. Datin Dr Azizan Baharuddin, the 
Deputy Director-General of Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia. This 
issue perhaps needs elaboration and continued engagement because in the 
context of the K-economy and MalaysiaÊs developmental policies, science, 
technology and innovation are critical drivers. The current data seems to show 
that our manpower needs in important areas such as engineering, ICT, health 
and agriculture are still far from adequate as our unfulfilled needs range from 30 
percent to 50 percent. (The STAR, February 28, 2012). 
1. Conduct a survey in your school on the interest in science. 
2. Find out the reasons why pupils like or dislike science. 
3. As a science teacher, list out different ways that you can adopt to 
raise the interest of these pupils. 
4. Choose any of the issues in Table 2.4. Research and find out the 
current status of the issue in our country. 
 Knowing the goals of science education will make it easier for a curriculum 
planner to plan the appropriate curriculum needed. 
 It also makes it easier for a teacher to plan how to teach and assess the 
teaching and learning of science.
 The goals can be classified into the following categories: scientific 
knowledge, scientific methods, social issues, personal needs, and career 
 What content to be taught in the science curriculum at any level is a 
statement about the elements of science we choose to teach selected from a 
much larger set of possibilities. 
 The content of science for primary school children should be interplay 
among concepts, scientific reasoning, the nature of science, and doing 
 The content of science curriculum should contain a skills section and a 
content section. 
 The skills section would help children to work scientifically. This would 
develop skills of enquiry during the investigative work. 
 Designing and making are the technological components of the Science 
 Different countries have different ways of organising the basic concepts that 
should be taught in primary science. 
 The science content should cover just enough concepts so that they become 
„scientifically literate‰ as not all pupils are going to be working as scientists. 
 Inquiry-based method is always associated with science teaching and 
 Managing inquiry during a lesson is not the only thing that a science teacher 
must do. She should first plan the lesson before acting as facilitator during 
the lesson. 
 Formative assessment should also be carried out so that it can be used as 
feedback for the teacher and pupils about learning. 
 Teaching methods used in teaching other subjects are also used in science 
teaching when necessary. 
 Scientific literacy means that a person has the ability to describe, explain, and 
predict natural phenomena.
 The use of scientific language and terminology enables scientists around the 
world to communicate effectively with each other. 
 There are a number of ways language can make understanding science more 
difficult, such as alternative meanings of words, pupils' lack of appropriate 
vocabulary, the specialised vocabulary used by scientists, and English as a 
second language. 
 Learners may develop an understanding of the meaning of certain words 
that is different from the scientists' meaning for these words. 
 The language used by scientists to communicate their work reflects the 
nature of science. 
 Scientific words in English may be divided into three groups: those taken 
from the ordinary English vocabulary; those taken virtually unchanged from 
another language; and those which have been invented. 
Designing and making 
Formative assessment 
Nature of science 
Scientific language 
Scientific literacy 
Scientific reasoning 
Scientific skills 
Aims and goals of science education. Retrieved from 
Carin, A.,  Sund, R. B. (1989). Teaching science through discovery (6th ed.). 
Belmont: Thomson Wadsworth. 
Content of science. Retrieved from 
Critical reflections on Malaysian science curriculum. Retrieved from http:// 
Esler, W.K.,  Esler, M. K. (2001). Teaching elementary science (8th ed.). Belmont: 
Thomson Wadsworth. 
Martin, D. J. (2006). Elementary science methods: A constructivist approach. 
Methods for constructing understanding. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. 
Perspectives on education primary science. Retrieved from http://www. 
Reimagining science  Learning curve  New Straits Times, 19 February 2012. 
Retrieved from 
Science in primary school. Retrieved from 
Scientific language. Retrieved from 
Skamp, K. (2004). Teaching primary science constructively. Southbank, Victoria: 
Wadsworth Publishing Company. 
WhoÊs getting it right and WhoÊs getting it wrong in the debate about science 
literacy? Retrieved from 
of the Science 
By the end of this topic, you should be able to: 
1. Describe the historical development of the science curriculum; 
2. Analyse the strengths and weaknesses of Nature Study, Special 
Project, Man and the Environment, KBSR and KSSR curricula; and 
3. Compare and contrast the Nature Study, Special Project, Man and the 
Environment, KBSR and KSSR curricula. 
The scenario above is a conversation between two parents outside a science 
classroom. You must have heard similar conversations in your school too. Why 
do you think there have been so many changes in the science curriculum? 
Remember what you studied in Topic 1? We discussed philosophical, 
psychological, social and economic considerations when developing a 
curriculum. These factors are not constant. Society is constantly evolving. Social 
and economic factors may change. There might be new psychological theories 
that need to be addressed. Curriculum developers believe that the curriculum 
has to be dynamic and responsive in order to remain current and relevant. 
The Malaysian school science curriculumÊs main aim is national unity and to 
produce a workforce that can contribute to the development of the nation. The 
pattern of changes and development in science education in Malaysia is largely 
based on National Education Policies and current trends in science teaching. 
Study Table 3.1 which shows the different primary science curricula in Malaysia 
and the years they were implemented. 
Table 3.1: Historical Development of Primary Science Curricula in Malaysia 
Science Curriculum Year of Implementation 
Nature Study Before 1965 
Primary Science curriculum 1965-1968 
Primary Science Special Project 1968-1984 
Man and The Environment 
(Kurikulum Baru Sekolah Rendah, KBSR) 
Primary School Science 
(Kurikulum Bersepadu Sekolah Rendah, KBSR) 
Primary School Science (Revised in English) 2003 
KSSR 2011 
In this topic you will learn about the historical development of the primary 
science curriculum in Malaysia. You will be able to compare the past science 
curricula with the present science curriculum and understand the rationale for 
the changes.
Try asking your parents, grandparents or even great grandparents about 
their school days. Do they remember learning science? How did they 
learn science? Read through the science curricula in Malaysia in this topic 
and see if you can identify what curriculum they were using. 
At the end of the 19th century and until the middle of the 20th century, science 
was taught as „Nature Study‰ in primary schools. The Nature Study curriculum 
focused on knowledge of facts and laws of nature based on scientific 
investigation of the natural world. 
Pupils were asked to learn the facts and laws of nature through careful 
observation and classification of nature. However, the curriculum ignored much 
of the natural environment that had an impact on pupilsÊ lives. The teaching 
approach mainly focused on textbooks and rote learning. There was a need to 
teach science that linked together ideas from all fields of science and relate to 
studentsÊ surroundings and everyday experiences. 
The science curriculum was only made uniform and official after 1956 when the 
Razak Report recommended that a single syllabus be implemented in schools. 
The Nature Study curriculum was replaced by the Primary Science curriculum in 
1965. This new curriculum was adapted for local needs from the Nuffield Junior 
Science Project, United Kingdom (1964). The Primary Science curriculum focused 
on mastery of scientific facts. 
Many primary science teachers especially in rural schools had poor educational 
backgrounds and had not received adequate teacher training in science content 
and methodology. They had been trained as general subject teachers and as such 
the teaching of science was textbook-centred focusing on rote learning and 
memorisation. The academic achievement in science of pupils was weak 
especially in the rural areas. Can you see that a change was needed to overcome 
these problems?
In 1968, the Ministry of Education started a project called Primary School Special 
Project. The main aim of this project was to raise the teaching standard of science 
and mathematics in Malaysia. The development of the Special Project was a 
historic event as it was the first large-scale curriculum reform undertaken by the 
Ministry of Education. 
The Primary School Special Project used new teaching approaches but the 
content remained the same as it was assumed that the teachers had mastered the 
content. The focus was to help teachers gain more confidence in using the inquiry 
approach so as to be able to instil an interest and understanding in pupils of the 
world around them. 
In 1971, the Ministry of Education formulated the Primary School Syllabus for 
Science. Its content did not differ much from the previous curriculum, except for 
the aspects of the teaching-learning approach, strategy and methods. The Special 
Project was introduced in schools for Standard 1 in 1970. Services and facilities 
were provided to the teachers as support. Study Figure 3.1 which shows the 
services and facilities given to science teachers under the Special Project. 
Figure 3.1: Support given to science teachers under special project 
The Primary Science Special Project was pupil-centred and activity-oriented. 
Activity centres were set up to spread knowledge and resources to all schools. 
However, there were too many teachers and not enough trainers and this 
weakened the impact of this curriculum. 
1. Analyse the Nature Study Curriculum. What were its strengths? 
What was the rationale for its change? 
2. What were the strengths of the Primary Science Special Project 
Curriculum? What were its weaknesses? 
The Cabinet Committee for Review of Implementation of the Education Policy 
(Jawatankuasa Kabinet Mengkaji Pelaksanaan Dasar Pendidikan) 1979, 
recommended that the primary school curriculum be developed based on three 
areas namely: communication; man and his surroundings; and individual self 
development. Based on this, the Curriculum Development Centre (CDC) 
formulated a new curriculum called the New Primary School Curriculum 
(Kurikulum Baru Sekolah Rendah) (KBSR). KBSR was a completely new 
innovation with changes in content, pedagogy, pupil assessment, evaluation, 
remedial and enrichment activities, and the role of teachers. 
Alam dan Manusia 
Man and His Environment (Alam dan Manusia) was one of the subjects in the 
area of Man and his Surroundings. Unlike the Special Project, Alam dan Manusia 
was only offered in Level One, that is, in Years Four, Five and Six. Alam dan 
Manusia was planned to help students acquire knowledge and understanding of 
man and his environment with emphasis on the Malaysian society and 
environment. Alam dan Manusia was a humanistic curriculum that stressed on 
integration of disciplines, enhancement of thinking skills, inquiry and problem-solving 
skills and inculcation of moral values. It integrated elements that were 
previously taught separately in subjects such as Geography, History, Civics, 
Science and Health Science. This integration aimed not only to reduce the 
number of subjects, but also ensure that students could understand certain topics 
better and as a whole.
The CDC published teacherÊs guides called Buku Panduan Khas Alam dan 
Manusia for Years Four, Five and Six. These teachersÊ guides specified the 
curriculum in detail by listing objectives to be achieved by pupils for each topic. 
It also contained suggested lesson plans and teaching-learning strategies. Dewan 
Bahasa dan Pustaka also published Alam dan Manusia textbooks for each year. 
Did you teach this curriculum or do you have any experience of it? What do you 
think the constraints of this curriculum were? There were physical constraints 
when implementing this curriculum such as large class size and lack of facilities. 
There was also inadequate in-service training and professional support. Due to 
this, teachers lacked competency in integrating subject content and using an 
inquiry approach. Teachers were also stressed and overburdened. 
What were the strengths and weaknesses of the Man and Environment 
(Alam dan Manusia) Curriculum? 
The Kurikulum Baru Sekolah Rendah was revised based on the evaluation 
findings and also the future needs and challenges of the country. Alam dan 
Manusia was replaced by two new subjects, namely the Primary School Science 
Curriculum and Local Studies (Kajian Tempatan) in 1994 with the 
implementation of the Integrated Curriculum for Primary Schools (Kurikulum 
Bersepadu Sekolah Rendah), (KBSR). 
The Integrated Curriculum for Primary Schools was formulated to improve and 
enhance the standard of education in primary schools and to achieve the 
aspirations of the National Philosophy of Education (NPE). The aims of this 
primary school science curriculum were to: 
(a) Provide opportunities for pupils to learn about themselves and the 
environment through everyday experiences and scientific investigations; 
(b) Acquire knowledge and skills in science and technology;
(c) Enable pupils to apply these knowledge and skills based on scientific 
attitudes; and 
(d) Acquire noble values to make decisions and solve problems in everyday 
The curriculum also aimed to provide a strong foundation in science and 
technology to prepare pupils for the learning of science in secondary school. 
(Integrated curriculum for primary schools: Science syllabus, 2003) 
Huraian Sukatan Pelajaran Sains Sekolah Rendah 
The CDC developed the curriculum specifications called Huraian Sukatan 
Pelajaran Sains Sekolah Rendah in 1993. The Huraian Sukatan Pelajaran Sains 
Sekolah Rendah contained general and specific learning objectives and suggested 
learning experiences. Besides this, CDC also published training packages called 
Pukal Latihan Sains Rendah (PuLSaR). These training packages contained 
modules on teaching-learning strategies accompanied by video cassettes. 
Science was taught as both content and a process which included scientific 
knowledge, scientific skills, thinking skills and scientific attitude and values. A 
thematic approach was used. School-based assessment in the form of PEKA 
(Penilaian Kemahiran Amali) was introduced to measure the pupilsÊ mastery of 
science process skills and manipulative skills. The science curriculum 
emphasised constructivism, the inquiry-discovery approach and the use of 
Science Taught in English 
In 2003, the science curriculum was revised and science was introduced as a 
subject in Level One. The medium of instruction was English. Globalisation and 
the need to keep abreast with the advances of science using technology as a 
means to acquire knowledge had convinced the government to change its policy 
of using English in the teaching of these two subjects. The teaching of Science 
using English enables pupils to obtain various sources of information written in 
English either in electronic or print form. This helps to keep them abreast with 
the latest developments in science and technology. Pupils will be able to relate 
their knowledge to the world beyond the school. Teachers were trained to teach 
Science in English and textbooks and courseware were developed. 
However in 2009, this policy was changed and the medium of instruction for 
Science and Mathematics reverted to the Malay language (Bahasa Malaysia).
Answer the following questions based on your understanding of the 
KBSR primary science curriculum. 
(a) What is science education for? 
(b) What kind of pupils and society do we want to produce? 
The Primary School Standard Curriculum, KSSR (Kurikulum Standard Sekolah 
Rendah) was introduced in 2011 as an effort to transform, restructure and 
improve the current curriculum to ensure that students have the relevant 
knowledge, skills and values to face the challenges of the 21st century. You will 
learn more about the KSSR in Topic 6. Here we will look at how science is taught 
in this new curriculum and the differences between the KBSR and KSSR. 
KSSR was formulated based on a statement of standards. The statement of 
standards consists of content standards and learning standards. This is shown in 
Table 3.2 below: 
Table 3.2: KSSR Standards 
Content Standards Learning Standards 
Specific statements on what the students 
must know and can do, within a specific 
period of schooling 
Set criteria or indicators of education 
quality and achievements which can be 
measured for each content standard 
Under KSSR, primary education is divided into two levels similar to KBSR: Level 
One from Years One to Three, and Level Two from Years Four to Six. Level One 
KSSR focuses on the mastery of the 4Ms (Reading, Writing, Counting and 
Reasoning), basic information and technology (ICT) skills, social, emotional, 
spiritual, cognitive, physical development, attitudes and values. Level Two 
focuses on reinforcing and the application of 4Ms, basic ICT skills, social, 
emotional, spiritual, cognitive, physical development, attitudes and values.
In Level One all knowledge disciplines are reorganised for more effective 
curriculum management to form Basic Core Modules, Thematic Core Modules, 
and Elective Modules. Study Table 3.3, the Thematic Core Modules were 
introduced to reduce the number of subjects taken at Level One. These modules 
comprise the themes of the World of Art and World of Science and Technology. 
The World of Science and Technology (Dunia Sains dan Teknologi, DST) contains 
elements of Science, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), and 
Design and Technology (Reka Bentuk  Teknologi, RBT). 
Science is introduced in the Thematic Core Modules to provide basic knowledge 
on the discipline of Science. There are two different standard documents for the 
World of Science and Technology, that is Standard Document for Science 
Curriculum and RBT, and the Standard Document for ICT. The Standard 
Document for Science Curriculum contains the following themes: Life Science, 
Physical Science, Materials Science, Earth and Space Science and Technology and 
Sustainable Living (Kehidupan Lestari) (RBT). 
Table 3.3: Organisation of Subjects in KSSR Level One 
Basic Core Modules Thematic Core Modules Elective Modules 
 Malay Language 
 English Language 
 Chinese Language 
 Tamil Language 
 Physical Education 
 Health Education 
 Islamic Education/ 
Moral Education 
 World of Art 
 World of Science and 
 Arab Language 
 Chinese Language 
 Tamil Language (BTSK) 
 Iban language 
In Level Two KSSR, the curriculum is organised into Core Subjects and Elective 
Subjects. All subjects are carried out in a modular way. Science is introduced as a 
Core Subject at this level. 
The aim of the science curriculum is to inculcate interest and develop creativity 
in pupils through experiences and investigations to master science knowledge, 
scientific skills, thinking skills and scientific attitude and noble values. 
Study Table 3.4 which shows the differences between the KSSR and KBSR.
Table 3.4: The Differences between KSSR and KBSR 
KSSR (2011 - Untill Today) KBSR (1983-2010) 
Curriculum design is based on six areas: 
 Spiritual, Attitude and Values 
 Physical and Aesthetical Development 
 Science and Technology 
Curriculum design is based on three areas: 
 Man and his environment 
 Self-development of the individual 
Curriculum Materials 
 Curriculum Standard documents 
Curriculum Materials 
 Curriculum Specifications 
Design of the Curriculum: 
Design of the Curriculum: 
Organisation of the Curriculum: 
Level I (Years 1, 2 and 3) 
 Basic Core Modules, Thematic Core 
 Modules and Elective Modules 
Level II (Years 4, 5 and 6) 
 Core and Elective Subjects 
Organisation of the Curriculum: 
Level I (Years 1, 2 and 3) 
 Core, compulsory and additional 
Level II (Years 4, 5 and 6) 
 Core , Compulsory and Additional 
Elements of creativity and innovation, 
entrepreneurial, information technology 
and communication 
Elements of analytical and creative 
4M (Reading, Writing, Counting and 
3M (Reading, Writing and Counting) 
Source: Official website of MOE. 
Study Table 3.4. Discuss the improvements in the KSSR curriculum and 
its implications on the teaching of science.
Look at Figure 3.2 which shows the development of the science curricula in 
Malaysia from 1983 until today. 
Figure 3.2: The development of the science curricula in Malaysia 
Each curriculum was formulated based on contemporary contents, current 
learning strategies and the needs of the country. A lot of careful planning went 
into the formulation of these curriculums. However, the success of any 
curriculum not only depends on how well it is planned but also on the 
implementation. You, the teacher, are the one who implements the curriculum. 
As a teacher you must understand the philosophy and foundations of the 
curriculum you are using so you can implement it effectively so that its objectives 
and aims are attained.
1. Compare and contrast the Special Project Science Curriculum, 
Man and The Environment and the Primary School Science 
Curriculum (KBSR) in the following aspects: 
(a) Background of curriculum formulation 
(b) Rationale for curriculum formulation 
(c) What conclusion can you make? 
2. Use a suitable graphic organiser to show the similarities and 
differences between the following science curricula: 
(a) Nature Study 
(b) Special Project Science Curriculum. 
(c) Man and the Environment 
(d) Primary School Science Curriculum (KBSR) 
(e) KSSR 
Discuss the similarities and differences using the following 
(a) Rationale 
(b) Strengths 
(c) Weakenesses 
 The curriculum has to be dynamic and responsive in order to remain current 
and relevant. 
 At the end of the 19th century and until the mid-20th century science was 
taught as „Nature Study‰ in primary schools. 
 The Nature Study curriculum focused on knowledge of facts and laws of 
nature based on scientific investigation of the natural world.
 The Nature Study did not take into account the pupilsÊ natural environment. 
The teaching approach mainly focused on textbooks and rote learning. 
 The Primary School Special Project was started in 1968. The main aim of this 
project was to raise the teaching standard of science and mathematics in 
 The Primary School Special Project used new teaching approaches but the 
content remained the same. 
 Services and facilities were provided to the teachers as support under the 
Special Project. 
 The Primary Science Special Project was pupil-centred and activity-oriented. 
But there were too many teachers and not enough trainers. 
 Man and His Environment was one of the subjects offered in the New 
Primary School Curriculum (Kurikulum Baru Sekolah Rendah) (KBSR). 
 Alam dan Manusia stressed on integration of disciplines, enhancement of 
thinking skills, inquiry and problem-solving skills and inculcation of moral 
 The problems encountered in this curriculum were physical constraints such 
as large class size and lack of facilities. There was also inadequate in-service 
training and professional support. Teachers were also stressed and 
 Primary School Science Curriculum was implemented in 1994 under the 
Integrated Curriculum for Primary Schools (Kurikulum Bersepadu Sekolah 
Rendah), (KBSR). 
 The objectives of this primary school science curriculum were to provide 
opportunities for pupils to learn about themselves and the environment 
through everyday experiences and scientific investigations, to acquire 
knowledge and skills in science and technology and to enable pupils to 
apply these knowledge and skills based on scientific attitudes and noble 
values to make decisions and solve problems in everyday life. 
 In the KSSR, Science is taught under the Thematic Core Modules at Level 
One under the World of Art and World of Science and Technology.
 The World of Science and technology (Dunia Sains dan Teknologi, DST) 
contains elements of Science, Information  Communication Technology 
(ICT), and Design  Technology (Reka Bentuk  Teknologi, RBT). 
 Science is introduced under the Thematic Core Modules to provide basic 
knowledge in the discipline of Science. 
 In Level Two KSSR, Science is introduced as a Core Subject. 
 The aim of the KSSR science curriculum is to inculcate interest and develop 
creativity in pupils through experiences and investigations to master science 
knowledge, scientific skills, thinking skills and scientific attitude and noble 
Kurikulum Baru Sekolah Rendah, 
Kurikulum Bersepadu Sekolah Rendah, 
Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Rendah, 
Man and the Environment 
Nature Study 
Primary Science curriculum 
Primary Science Special Project 
Bahagian Pembangunan Kurikulum. (2012). Kurikulum Standard Sekolah 
Rendah Tahun Tiga. Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia. 
Buku Penerangan Kurikulum Bersepadu Sekolah Rendah, Kementerian Pendidikan 
Malaysia. Retrieved from index.php? 
Ministry of Education Malaysia. Integrated curriculum for primary schools. 
Science syllabus. Retrieved from 
Pusat Pembangunan Kurikulum. (2002). Huraian sukatan pelajaran Sains. 
Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia.
Poh, S. H. (2003). Pedagogy Science 1: Science curriculum. Kuala Lumpur: 
Kumpulan Budiman. 
Razak Report, 1956. Malaysia Fact Book. Retrieved from http://malaysiafact . 
Sharifah Maimunah Syed Zin (1990) Curriculum Innovation: Case Studies Of 
Man and the Environment in the Malaysian Primary School Curriculum 
PhD thesis, University of East Anglia (unpublished). 
Tan, J. N. (1999). The Development and Implementation of the Primary 
School Science Currriculum in Malaysia. Unpublished PhD thesis of the 
University of East Anglia, Norwich, United Kingdom. 
Wong, Francis Hoy Kee,  Yee Hean Gwee (1980). Official Reports on Education: 
Straits Settlements and the Federated Malay States, 1870-1939. Singapore: 
Pan Pacific Book Distributors.
 KBSR Science 
Curriculum I 
By the end of this topic, you should be able to: 
1. State the aims of primary school science; 
2. List the objectives of primary school science; 
3. Describe the scientific skills that are listed in the science curriculum; 
4. Identify thinking skills encompassed in any given scientific skill; 
5. Explain various teaching methods used in science teaching and 
learning; and 
6. Relate between KBSR Science Curriculum with National Philosophy, 
National Science Philosophy and Vision 2020. 
Science is always viewed as a difficult subject, full of abstract concepts that need 
to be remembered. But if we start introducing science as early as possible and 
with the right approach, children will end up being innovative scientists 
contributing to the nation. 
Young children are naturally curious and constantly exploring the world around 
them. Classroom science provides the opportunity for children to extend this 
natural curiosity and building of theories. With the help of teachers, children can 
develop a greater appreciation and understanding of the natural world.
In this topic we will study the KBSR Science Curriculum. We will look at the 
aims, objectives, scientific skills, scientific attitudes and values, the teaching and 
learning strategies that can be used in the science classroom. Lastly, we will 
discuss how the National Philosophy, Science Education Philosophy and Vision 
2020 relate to one another. 
Science is being offered as one subject in primary schools in Malaysia. It has 
undergone a few changes in the last few years. It was first introduced as KBSR 
Science under the Man and His Environment component of the curriculum in 
1994. When it was first introduced, the subject was taught in Years Four, Five and 
Six. Later, the subject was taught starting from Year One to Year Six. Then, in 
2003, the government introduced Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Sains dan 
Matematik Dalam Bahasa Inggeris (PPSMI) (the teaching and learning of science 
and mathematics in English). 
The policy was the result of a Cabinet meeting on July 19, 2002 under the 
administration of the fourth prime minister, Tun Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad. 
According to the Ministry of Education, the policy would run in stages, starting 
with the 2003 school session, pioneered by all students of Year One at primary 
education level, and Form One at the secondary education level. The teaching of 
science in English was then fully implemented in secondary schools in 2007, and 
in primary schools in 2008. Under this policy, the science curriculum itself did 
not change, only the language of instruction. But in 2009 this policy was 
In this subtopic, we will look at the KBSR curriculum specifications. 
4.2.1 Aims and Objectives 
The aims of the primary school science curriculum are to provide opportunities 
for pupils to learn about themselves and the environment through everyday 
experiences and scientific investigations, to acquire knowledge and skills in 
science and technology and to enable pupils to apply these knowledge and skills 
based on scientific attitudes and noble values to make decisions and solve 
problems in everyday life. It is hoped that this curriculum will develop the
potential of individuals in an overall and integrated manner so as to produce 
Malaysian citizens who are scientifically and technologically literate, competent 
in scientific skills, practise good moral values, capable of coping with the changes 
in scientific and technological advances and be able to manage nature with 
wisdom and responsibility for the betterment of mankind. 
Emphasis is given to the mastery of scientific skills needed to study and 
understand the world. Scientific skills refer to process skills and manipulative 
The curriculum also aims to provide a strong foundation in science and 
technology to prepare pupils for the learning of science in secondary school. 
(a) Level One 
The aim of the Primary School Science Curriculum for level one is to 
develop studentsÊ interest in science and to nurture their creativity and 
their curiosity. 
The objectives of the Primary School Science Curriculum for Level One are 
(i) Stimulate pupilsÊ curiosity and develop their interest in the world 
around them; 
(ii) Provide pupils with opportunities to develop science process skills 
and thinking skills; 
(iii) Develop pupilsÊ creativity; 
(iv) Provide pupils with basic science knowledge and concepts; 
(v) Inculcate scientific attitudes and positive values; and 
(vi) Create awareness on the need to love and care for the environment. 
(b) Level Two 
The aims of the Primary School Science Curriculum for level two are to 
produce human beings who are experienced, skilful and morally sound in 
order to form a society with a culture of science and technology and which 
is compassionate, dynamic, and progressive so that people are more 
responsible towards the environment and are more appreciative of natureÊs 
The objectives of the Primary School Science Curriculum for level two are 
(i) Develop thinking skills so as to enhance intellectual ability; 
(ii) Develop scientific skills and attitude through inquiry; 
(iii) Enhance natural interest in their surroundings; 
(iv) Gain knowledge and understanding of scientific facts and concepts to 
assist in understanding themselves and the environment; 
(v) Solve problems and make responsible decisions; 
(vi) Handle the latest contributions and innovations in science and 
(vii) Practise scientific attitudes and noble values in daily lives; 
(viii) Appreciate the contributions of science and technology towards the 
comfort of life; and 
(ix) Appreciate arrangement and order in nature. 
Choose science activities that you have done before. Which objectives 
were included in the activities? 
4.2.2 Scientific Skills 
You have also explored scientific skills in detail in HBSC2203  Tools in Learning 
Science. Thus in this section we will just mention and list them briefly. Science 
emphasises inquiry and problem-solving. In inquiry and problem-solving 
processes, scientific and thinking skills are utilised. Scientific skills are important 
in any scientific investigation such as conducting and carrying out projects. 
Scientific skills encompass science process skills and manipulative skills. 
(a) Science Process Skills 
Science process skills enable students to formulate their questions and find 
the answers systematically. Descriptions of the science process skills are as 
shown in Table 4.1.
Table 4.1: Description of Science Process Skills 
Observing Using the senses of hearing, touch, smell, taste and sight to find 
out about objects or events. 
Classifying Using observations to group objects or events according to 
similarities or differences. 
Measuring and 
Using Numbers 
Making quantitative observations by comparing with a 
conventional or non-conventional standard. 
Making Inferences Using past experiences or previously collected data to draw 
conclusions and come up with explanations of events 
Predicting Making a forecast about what will happen in the future based on 
prior knowledge gained through experiences or collected data. 
Communicating Using words or graphic symbols such as tables, graphs, figures 
or models to describe an action, object or event. 
Using space-time 
Describing changes in parameters with time. Examples of 
parameters are location, direction, shape, size, volume, weight 
and mass. 
Interpreting data Giving rational explanations about an object, events or pattern 
derived from collected data. 
Defining all variables as they are used in an experiment by 
describing what must be done and what should be observed. 
Controlling variables Naming the fixed variables, manipulated variables, and 
responding variables in an investigation. 
Making Hypotheses Making a general statement about the relationship between a 
manipulated variable and a responding variable to explain an 
observation or event. The statement can be tested to determine 
its validity. 
Experimenting Planning and conducting activities including collecting, 
analysing and interpreting data and making conclusions. 
What are the basic skills encompassed in the experimenting skill?
(b) Manipulative Skills 
Manipulative skills in scientific investigation are psychomotor skills that 
enable students to: 
(i) Use and handle science apparatus and substances; 
(ii) Handle specimens correctly and carefully; 
(iii) Draw specimens, apparatus; 
(iv) Clean science apparatus; and 
(v) Store science apparatus. 
4.2.3 Thinking Skills 
Thinking is a mental process that requires an individual to integrate knowledge, 
skills and attitude in an effort to understand the environment. 
One of the objectives of the national education system is to enhance the thinking 
ability of students. This objective can be achieved through a curriculum that 
emphasises thoughtful learning. Teaching and learning that emphasises thinking 
skills is a foundation for thoughtful learning. 
Thoughtful learning is achieved if students are actively involved in the teaching 
and learning process. Activities should be organised to provide opportunities for 
students to apply thinking skills in conceptualisation, problem-solving and 
Thinking skills can be categorised into critical thinking skills and creative 
thinking skills. A person who thinks critically always evaluates an idea in a 
systematic manner before accepting it. A person who thinks creatively has a high 
level of imagination, is able to generate original and innovative ideas, and 
modify ideas and products. 
Thinking strategies are higher order thinking processes that involve various 
steps. Each step involves various critical and creative thinking skills. The ability 
to formulate thinking strategies is the ultimate aim of introducing thinking 
activities in the teaching and learning process.
(a) Critical Thinking Skills 
A brief description of each critical thinking skill is as follows (Table 4.2): 
Table 4.2: Critical Thinking Skills 
Attributing Identifying criteria such as characteristics, features, qualities and 
elements of a concept or an object. 
Comparing and 
Finding similarities and differences based on criteria such as 
characteristics, features, qualities and elements of a concept or 
Grouping and 
Separating and grouping objects or phenomena into categories 
based on certain criteria such as common characteristics or features 
Sequencing Arranging objects and information in order based on the quality or 
quantity of common characteristics or features such as size, time, 
shape or number. 
Prioritising Arranging objects and information in order based on their 
importance or priority 
Analysing Examining information in detail by breaking it down into smaller 
parts to find implicit meaning and relationships. 
Detecting Bias Identifying views or opinions that have the tendency to support or 
oppose something in an unfair or misleading way. 
Evaluating Making judgments on the quality or value of something based on 
valid reasons or evidence. 
Making a statement about the outcome of an investigation that is 
based on a hypothesis. 
(b) Creative Thinking Skills 
A brief description of each creative thinking skill is as follows (Table 4.3):
Table 4.3: Creative Thinking Skills 
Generating Ideas Producing or giving ideas in a discussion. 
Relating Making connections in a certain situation to determine in a certain 
situation to determine a structure or pattern of relationship. 
Using past experiences or previously collected data to draw 
conclusions and come up with explanations of events. 
Predicting Making a forecast about what will happen in the future based on 
prior knowledge gained through experiences or collected data. 
Making a general conclusion about a group based on observations 
made on, or some information from, samples of the group. 
Visualising Recalling or forming mental images about a particular idea, 
concept, situation or vision. 
Synthesising Combining separate elements or parts to form a general picture in 
various forms such as writing, drawing or artefact. 
Making a general statement about the relationship between a 
manipulated variable and a responding variable to explain an 
observation or event. The statement can be tested to determine its 
Understanding a certain abstract or complex concept by relating it 
to a simpler or concrete concept with similar characteristics. 
Inventing Producing something new or adapting something already in 
existence to overcome problems in a systematic manner. 
Refer to the curriculum specifications. What are the thinking skills 
encompassed in: 
(a) Observing? 
(b) Classifying? 
(c) Making inference? 
(d) Measuring and using numbers?
4.2.4 Scientific Attitudes and Noble Values 
Science learning experiences can be used as a means to inculcate scientific 
attitudes and noble values in students. These attitudes and values encompass the 
(a) Having an interest and curiosity in the environment; 
(b) Being honest and accurate in recording and validating data; 
(c) Being diligent and persevering; 
(d) Being responsible about the safety of oneself, others, and the environment; 
(e) Realising that science is a means to understand nature; 
(f) Appreciating and practising clean and healthy living; 
(g) Appreciating the balance of nature; 
(h) Being respectful and well mannered; 
(i) Appreciating the contribution of science and technology; 
(j) Being thankful to God; 
(k) Having analytical and critical thinking skills; 
(l) Being flexible and open-minded; 
(m) Being kind-hearted and caring; 
(n) Being objective; 
(o) Being systematic; 
(p) Being cooperative; 
(q) Being fair and just; 
(r) Daring to try; 
(s) Thinking rationally; and 
(t) Being confident and independent.
The inculcation of scientific attitudes and noble values generally occurs through 
the following stages: 
(a) Stage 1: Being aware of the importance and the need for scientific attitudes 
and noble values. 
(b) Stage 2: Giving emphasis to these attitudes and values. 
(c) Stage 3: Practising and internalising these scientific attitudes and noble 
1. Think of science activities that you can do. 
2. What are suitable attitudes and noble values that can be 
incorporated in those activities? 
4.2.5 Teaching and Learning Strategies 
Teaching and learning strategies in science curriculum emphasise thoughtful 
learning. Thoughtful learning is a process that helps students acquire knowledge 
and master skills that will help them develop their minds to the optimum level. 
Thoughtful learning can occur through various learning approaches such as 
inquiry, constructivism, contextual learning and mastery learning. 
Learning activities should therefore be geared towards activating studentsÊ 
critical and creative thinking skills and not be confined to routine or rote 
learning. Students should be made aware of the thinking skills and thinking 
strategies that they use in their learning. They should be challenged with higher 
order questions and problems and be required to solve problems utilising their 
creativity and critical thinking. The teaching and learning process should enable 
students to acquire knowledge, master skills and develop scientific attitudes and 
noble values in an integrated manner. 
Inquiry-discovery emphasises learning through experiences. Inquiry generally 
means to find information, to question and to investigate a phenomenon that 
occurs in the environment. Discovery is the main characteristic of inquiry. 
Learning through discovery occurs when the main concepts and principles of 
science are investigated and discovered by students themselves. Through
activities such as experiments, students investigate a phenomenon and draw 
conclusions by themselves. Teachers then lead students to understand the science 
concepts though the results of the inquiry. Thinking skills and scientific skills are 
thus developed further during the inquiry process. However, the inquiry 
approach may not be suitable for all teaching and learning situations. Sometimes, 
it may be more appropriate for teachers to present concepts and principles 
directly to students. 
The use of variety of teaching and learning methods can enhance studentsÊ 
interest in science. Science lessons that are not interesting will not motivate 
students to learn and subsequently will affect their performance. The choice of 
teaching methods should be based on the curriculum content, studentsÊ abilities, 
studentsÊ repertoire of intelligences, and the availability of resources and 
infrastructure. Different teaching and learning activities should be planned to 
cater for students with different learning styles and intelligences. 
The following are brief descriptions of some teaching and learning methods. 
(a) Experiment 
An experiment is a method commonly used in science lessons. In 
experiments, students test hypotheses through investigations to discover 
specific science concepts and principles. Conducting an experiment 
involves thinking skills, scientific skills and manipulative skills. 
In the implementation of this curriculum, besides guiding students to carry 
out experiments, where appropriate, teachers should provide students with 
the opportunities to design their own experiments. This involves students 
drawing up plans as to how to conduct experiments, how to measure and 
analyse data and how to present the results of their experiment. 
(b) Discussion 
A discussion is an activity in which students exchange questions and 
opinions based on valid reasons. Discussions can be conducted before, 
during or after an activity. Teachers should play the role of facilitator and 
lead a discussion by asking questions that stimulate thinking and getting 
students to express themselves. 
(c) Simulation 
In simulation, an activity that resembles the actual situation is carried out. 
Examples of simulation are role play, games and the use of models. In role 
play, students play out a particular role based on certain pre-determined 
conditions. Games require procedures that need to be followed. Students 
play games in order to learn a particular principle or to understand the
HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum
HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum
HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum
HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum
HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum
HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum
HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum
HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum
HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum
HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum
HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum
HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum
HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum
HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum
HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum
HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum
HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum
HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum
HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum
HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum
HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum
HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum
HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum
HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum
HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum
HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum
HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum
HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum
HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum
HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum
HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum
HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum
HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum
HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum
HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum
HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum
HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum
HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum
HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum
HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum
HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum
HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum
HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum
HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum
HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum
HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum
HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum
HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum
HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum
HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum
HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum
HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum
HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum
HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum
HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum
HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum
HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum
HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum
HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum
HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum
HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum
HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum
HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum
HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum

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HBSC3303 School Science Curriculum

  • 1. Topic 1 LEARNING OUTCOMES By the end of this topic, you should be able to: 1. State the meaning of the term „curriculum‰; 2. Discuss the philosophical considerations in formulating a curriculum; 3. Discuss the psychological considerations in formulating a curriculum; INTRODUCTION Figure 1.1: How is a curriculum developed? and 4. Discuss the social and economic considerations in formulating a curriculum. Formulation of the Curriculum
  • 2. 2 TOPIC 1 FORMULATION OF THE CURRICULUM Look at the scenario in Figure 1.1. If you were the teacher how would you answer the question posed by the parent? ACTIVITY 1.1 What do you understand by the term „curriculum‰? Browse the Internet or use reference books to find out what „curriculum‰ means. While doing Activity 1.1, you would have come across many different definitions of the term „curriculum‰. The word curriculum is derived from an ancient Latin word currere which means „running course‰. Over time the word curriculum has come to mean „sequence of courses or learning experiences.‰ Many attempts have been made to provide more specific definitions of curriculum. The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines curriculum as: This view defines curriculum as an organised body of knowledge to be conveyed to students. This is a general way of defining curriculum and refers to the subject matter, content or syllabus. However, views such as these are narrow and simplify the complexity of the curriculum. Curriculum is a broad term and refers to more than just courses offered. Tanner and Tanner (1995) describe curriculum as a plan or programme of all experiences which the learner encounters under the direction of a school. Another definition by Taba (1962) is: The curriculum usually contains a statement of aims of specific objectives, it indicates some selection and organisation of content, it implies certain patterns of learning and teaching, whether because the objectives demand them or because the content organisation requires them. Finally it includes a programme of evaluation of the outcomes. Taba (1962) „The courses offered by an educational institution‰.
  • 3. TOPIC 1 FORMULATION OF THE CURRICULUM 3 From the above definitions we can conclude that a curriculum has the following elements: (a) Learning objectives; (b) Content; (c) Instructional strategies; (d) Learning experiences for the learners; and (e) Programme of evaluation. Now, if you were a curriculum developer and had to formulate a new science curriculum where would you start? How would you decide the learning objectives and choose what content is relevant? How would you choose suitable instructional strategies and learning experiences to fulfil the curriculum? Curriculum developers use different curriculum development models or approaches when formulating a curriculum. Their main concern would be what should be included in the curriculum (the content) and how to present and arrange what is selected (learning experiences). Regardless of the model or approach used, curriculum developers need to consider the philosophical, psychological, social and economic needs of the society when planning the curriculum. In this topic, you will learn about the philosophical, psychological, social and economic considerations in formulating a curriculum. A sound understanding of this will reflect on how you think and approach the teaching and learning process in your classroom. You will also be able to give informed answers to parents if the need arises. PHILOSOPHICAL CONSIDERATIONS IN FORMULATING A CURRICULUM 1.1 What is the connection between philosophy and the curriculum? Philosophy provides curriculum developers, educators and teachers with a framework of values and beliefs related to the goals of education that they can use for planning, implementing and evaluating the curriculum in school. Curriculum developers need to identify an educational vision or philosophy which will form the basis of planning the curriculum. Philosophy helps in answering questions like:
  • 4. 4 TOPIC 1 FORMULATION OF THE CURRICULUM (a) „What are schools for?‰ (b) „What subjects are important?‰ (c) „How should students learn?‰ (d) „What teaching strategies must be used?‰ (e) „How should evaluation be carried out?‰ Learning in schools in any country is guided by its national goals and philosophy which reflect the desires of the nation. In Malaysia there is a written philosophy known as The National Philosophy of Education. The National Philosophy of Education is shown in Figure 1.2. Read through it carefully and think about how it can guide curriculum development. The National Education Policy is based on the National Philosophy of Education which constitutes the basis for all educational activities and programmes. Thus the Malaysian school curriculum is developed in line with the National Philosophy of Education. The role of the Malaysian school curriculum is to ensure the holistic development of an individualÊs potential, and develop him or her, mentally, spiritually, emotionally and physically. The curriculum is to develop Malaysian citizens who are balanced and well-rounded individuals, trained, skilful and who cherish the national aspiration for unity. Figure 1.2: The National Philosophy of Education of Malaysia
  • 5. TOPIC 1 FORMULATION OF THE CURRICULUM 5 The Malaysian science curriculum is also influenced by the National Philosophy of Science as shown in Figure 1.3. Figure 1.3: National Science Education Philosophy ACTIVITY 1.2 Study the Primary Science Curriculum and the National Philosophy of Education Malaysia (NPE). Discuss in what ways the content selection and teaching strategies of the primary science curriculum are able to fulfil the NPE. PSYCHOLOGICAL CONSIDERATIONS IN FORMULATING A CURRICULUM 1.2 The school curriculum development is also influenced by psychology. Psychology deals with how humans learn and behave. It forms a basis for understanding the teaching-learning process. Ralph Tyler, a well-known scholar in curriculum development proposed in the 1960s that anything that is to be taught in the classroom should be subjected to a psychology „screen‰ to establish whether they are suitable for the way humans learn. The curriculum developed must be based on a sound understanding of child growth and development. Psychological considerations such as the mental, physical and emotional requirements of the child need to be taken into account when planning the curriculum. The school curriculum developers look at the childÊs level of development and maturity. Younger children should be given what they can handle in terms of depth and quantity.
  • 6. 6 TOPIC 1 FORMULATION OF THE CURRICULUM For example, in science at the primary level, there is more concern with the systems and processes that affect the learnerÊs life without giving the principles and theories behind them. At higher levels, the physical, chemical and biological systems and processes are described in terms of the principles and theories that explain them. The level of complexity increases as the mental capacity of the learner develops. Learning experiences increase in intensity and complexity with increased manipulative skills. Thus the physical condition of the learners also influences the selection of subjects and experiences. Theories of learning also have to be considered when developing the content of the curriculum and how it will be delivered. The curriculum developer has to know how pupils learn and take into consideration individual differences when designing a curriculum. Learning can be maximised by ensuring that activities and experiences are introduced at the most „teachable‰ moment. You would remember from your earlier modules that there are many different explanations of how humans learn. There are four major psychological schools of thought of how learning occurs that have had an impact on curriculum. These schools of thought are Behaviourism, Cognitivism, Humanism and Constructivism. Study Table 1.1 which shows the four major psychological orientations of learning and the main proponents. Table 1.1: The Four Major Psychological Orientations of Learning and the Main Proponents Behaviourism Cognitivism Humanism Constructivism Pavlov Thorndike Skinner Piaget Bruner Ausubel Gagne Gardner Maslow Rogers Piaget Vygotsky Do you recall the main principles of these theories? The principles of these learning theories are used as a guide to select the content and strategies of the curriculum. A brief description of these theories is as follows. (a) Behaviourism In behaviourism, the main task of the teacher is to arrange the classroom and learning activities so as to enhance connection between a stimulus and response. Behaviour that is positively reinforced will be repeated and information presented in small amounts can reinforce and shape the formation of the behaviour desired.
  • 7. TOPIC 1 FORMULATION OF THE CURRICULUM 7 (b) Cognitivism Cognitivism explains how information is received, assimilated, stored and recalled in the brain. There should be a step-by-step structured method of teaching and learning. Teachers should present easier and simpler materials to be followed later by complex and difficult materials. Teachers should also teach from whole to part. The learners should develop some kind of a frame of reference that will help them relate an aspect of what is learned to its other aspects as well as to their previous experiences. What has been taught earlier should be related to what is currently being taught. Memory can be improved by making meaningful connections between what is known and what is new. (c) Humanism The learner is a person who has feelings, attitudes and emotions, according to humanistic theories. Emotions such as self-efficacy, self-assurance, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation determine how a pupil approaches learning. (d) Constructivism In constructivism, learners are not passive recipients of information but are active agents engaging in constructing their own knowledge. Pupils should not be treated as passive learners but rather as active learners exploring and going beyond the information given. They should be provided with authentic and challenging projects that encourage them to work with other students and teachers. Cooperative, collaborative and group investigation methods allow pupils to discuss ideas and misconceptions with their peers and teachers. Learning is enhanced when pupils learn how to learn together. ACTIVITY 1.3 Identify which learning theories were used to select the content and teaching strategies in the primary science curriculum for one selected year.
  • 8. 8 TOPIC 1 FORMULATION OF THE CURRICULUM SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC CONSIDERATIONS IN FORMULATING A CURRICULUM 1.3 „Education is a major contributor to the development of our social and economic capital. It inspires creativity and fosters innovation; provides our youth with the necessary skills to be able to compete in the modern labour market; and is a key driver of growth in the economy‰ (DatoÊ Sri Mohd Najib bin Tun Haji Abdul Razak Malaysian Education Blueprint 2013-2025) Read the statement given above. Do you see the importance of education in the development of Malaysian social and economic capital? 1.3.1 Social Considerations in Formulating a Curriculum We must understand that schools are part of society and exist for society. Schools, through their execution of the curriculum, can shape and mould a society. Therefore curriculum developers need to take into account societal considerations when planning the curriculum. If this does not happen, the curriculum becomes irrelevant. So what do you think society wants from the curriculum? The main societal consideration in Malaysia is that the curriculum must promote a sense of national pride and identity. In Malaysia, which has a heterogeneous ethnic population, the school curriculum is expected to promote a sense of cohesion and unity amongst the various ethnic groups. The curriculum must assist the individual to understand the process of harmonisation and develop values and attitudes such as compassion, understanding, tolerance, sensitivity and awareness. The curriculum should also be able to impart social norms, social order and morality. The design of the curricular materials should be of relevance to the culture of the society. For example, would pupils in Malaysia need to learn about the customs of the Eskimo people in detail? It would not be relevant to them. On the other hand, they would need to learn the beliefs, values and culture of the various ethnic groups in Malaysian society to promote understanding and tolerance of other cultures in the society that they live in.
  • 9. TOPIC 1 FORMULATION OF THE CURRICULUM 9 A continuous examination of the goals and demands of society which are continuously changing is needed to determine what knowledge is most worthwhile and which values are relevant. ACTIVITY 1.4 1. The concerns of society twenty years ago is different from the concerns of society today. Discuss how this has affected the present science curriculum. 2. Social factors are very critical in formulating a curriculum. Identify at least two social factors that should be considered when formulating a curriculum. 1.3.2 Economic Considerations in Formulating a Curriculum The national economy is an important consideration when formulating a curriculum. Are you wondering how the economy of the country affects the curriculum? The children you teach will one day be employed. Schools need to meet the workforce demands of a changing world. The 21st century world is a technologically advanced world. Modern careers require skills that are technologically complex. There is a demand for skilled and literate workers. Successful workers in the modern world must possess both an understanding of electronic technology, and the ability to work more cooperatively with others to solve problems of a highly intricate nature, are able to communicate their ideas confidently. The curriculum offered has to provide appropriate education for the students to develop the skills, knowledge and attitudes required by the workforce so as to sustain the countryÊs progress with a competent labour force. It is therefore important that serious consideration is given to economic demands when designing the curriculum.
  • 10. 1 0 TOPIC 1 FORMULATION OF THE CURRICULUM SELF-CHECK 1.1 1. Explain what you understand by the term „curriculum‰. 2. A country has been using the same curriculum for the last 10 years. Do you think this is a good practice? Why? 3. How do the philosophical foundations of education influence curriculum formulation? 4. How do the psychological foundations of education influence curriculum formulation? 5. To what extent can the school curriculum equip individuals to cope with the challenges and requirements of the 21st century? A curriculum consists of learning objectives, content, instructional strategies, learning experiences of the learner and a programme for evaluation of outcomes. Curriculum developers need to consider the philosophical, psychological, social and economic needs of the society when planning the curriculum. Philosophy provides a framework of values and beliefs related to the goals of education that can be used for planning, implementing and evaluating the curriculum in school. The National Philosophy of Education is the basis for all educational activities and programmes in Malaysia. The Malaysian school curriculum is developed in line with the National Philosophy of Education. The Malaysian science curriculum is also influenced by the National Philosophy of Science.
  • 11. TOPIC 1 FORMULATION OF THE CURRICULUM 11 The curriculum developed must be based on a sound understanding of psychological factors such as child growth, child development and learning theories. Psychological considerations such as the mental, physical and emotional requirements of the child need to be taken into account when planning the curriculum. Schools, through their teaching of the curriculum, can shape and mould a society. Curriculum developers need to take into account societal considerations when planning the curriculum. Consideration must be given to economic demands when designing the curriculum so as to develop the skills, knowledge and attitudes required by the workforce to sustain the countryÊs progress with a competent labour force. Curriculum Economic considerations National Philosophy of Education National Science Education Philosophy Philosophical considerations Psychological considerations Social considerations Educational Planning and Research Division, Ministry of Education Malaysia. (2008). Education in Malaysia - A journey to excellence. Retrieved from Heslep, R. (1997). Philosophical thinking in educational practice . London: Greenwood Publishing. Ornstein, A. C. Hunkins, F. (1998). Curriculum foundations, principles and theory. USA: Allyn and Bacon.
  • 12. 1 2 TOPIC 1 FORMULATION OF THE CURRICULUM Psychological Influences in the Curriculum Decision Making Process. Anne Syomwene (Ph.D) 1*; Kisilu Kitainge (Ph.D) 2; Marcella Mwaka (PhD) 3*Moi University, Kenya 2University of Eldoret, Kenya 3Moi University, Kenya . Retrieved from ( article/view/5201/5319) Sharifah, Maimunah Syed Zin Lewin, K. M. (1991). Curriculum development in Malaysia in curriculum development in east Asia. Ed by Marsh, C. Morris, P. London: The Falmer Press. Taba, H. (1962). Curriculum development: Theory and practice. New York, NY: Harcourt, Brace, World. Tanner, D., Tanner, L. (1995). Curriculum development: Theory into practice (3rd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Merrill. Tyler, R. W. (1949). Basic principles of curriculum and instruction. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • 13. Topic 2 Issues in Science Education LEARNING OUTCOMES By the end of this topic, you should be able to: 1. Examine the goals of a science curriculum; 2. Analyse the content of a science curriculum; 3. List the relevant methods for teaching science; 4. Explain the meaning of scientific literacy; 5. Discuss the meaning of scientific language; and 6. Discuss some of the contemporay issues of science education. INTRODUCTION Figure 2.1: Planning lessons for Science Year 4
  • 14. TOPIC 2 ISSUES IN SCIENCE EDUCATION 14 What should Cik Lee do? What documents should she refer to in planning the teaching of the subject? Yes, she should study the science curriculum. She should refer to the primary science syllabus and curriculum specifications for Year Four. Then only should she look at the textbook and other resources to plan the lessons. The curriculum is a course or path. It is meant to be connected and integrated and it should lead to educational attainment. Thus, by understanding the science curriculum, Cik Lee would be clear about the aspirations of the curriculum, the topics to be taught, and how to assess her pupilsÊ learning. In this topic you will be looking at the details of any science curriculum goals of a science curriculum, the contents of the curriculum, how to teach them, the language of science, the concept of scientific literacy and the issues pertaining to the science curriculum. ACTIVITY 2.1 Recall how science was taught when you were in primary school. Take time to list down the characteristics of the science lesson. GOALS OF SCIENCE EDUCATION 2.1 Knowing where you want to go will make it easier for you to plan your destination. Thus knowing the goals of science education will make it easier for a curriculum planner to plan the appropriate curriculum needed. And for you as a teacher, knowing the goals will make it easier to plan how to teach and assess the teaching and learning of science. Let us study a few of the goals of science curriculum in different countries.
  • 15. TOPIC 2 ISSUES IN SCIENCE EDUCATION 15 ILLINOIS LEARNING STANDARDS According to Illinois Learning Standards (ISBE, 1997), the general and subsidiary goals of the science curriculum are as follows: Goal 1: Understand and apply the methods of scientific inquiry and technological design to investigate questions, solve problems and analyse claims. Explain the principles and practices of scientific research. Apply the steps and methods of scientific inquiry to conduct experiments and investigate research questions. Apply the principles and methods of technological design to solve problems. Assess the credibility of scientific claims. Goal 2: Understand the facts and unifying concepts of the life, physical and earth/space sciences. Apply concepts of systems within the sciences. Apply concepts of form and function within the sciences. Apply concepts of change and constancy within the sciences. Apply concepts of models and explanations within the sciences. Goal 3: Understand connections and relationships among science, technology and society. Explain the historical development and importance of science and technology. Explain conceptual relationships between science and technology. Describe and analyse relationships among science, technology and society in practical situations.
  • 16. TOPIC 2 ISSUES IN SCIENCE EDUCATION 16 NEW ZEALAND The outcome of school science education programmes should be that pupils leaving the school system will have developed the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values that will allow them to take an informed position on scientific issues and tensions that may be facing them and the society they live in at the time. School-leavers should be aware of and have an understanding of the scientific process and its values. They should have developed an enquiring attitude and the knowledge and skills that will allow them to find the answers to their questions. There are five overarching integrated aspects of science that those seeking to identify goals for science education should consider: scientific literacy, attitudes and interests towards the environment, doing science, science as a career and communication in science. MANITOBA SCIENCE CURRICULA The following goals were developed for all Canadian pupils, regardless of gender or cultural background, to have an opportunity to develop scientific literacy. Encourage pupils in all grades to develop a critical sense of wonder and curiosity about scientific and technological endeavours. Enable pupils to use science and technology to acquire new knowledge and solve problems, so that they may improve the quality of their own lives and the lives of others. Prepare pupils to critically address science-related societal, economic, ethical and environmental issues. Provide pupils with a proficiency in science that creates opportunities for them to pursue progressively higher levels of study, prepares them for science-related occupations, and engages them in science-related hobbies appropriate to their interests and abilities. Develop in pupils of varying aptitudes and interests a knowledge of the wide variety of careers related to science, technology and the environment.
  • 17. TOPIC 2 ISSUES IN SCIENCE EDUCATION 17 If you analysed all the curricula above, the goals underlying science curriculum and instruction are the same. The goals can be classified into the following categories: scientific knowledge, scientific methods, social issues, personal needs, and career awareness. (a) Science education should develop a fundamental understanding of natural systems: There is a body of knowledge concerning biological, physical, and earth systems. For over 200 years, our science education programmes have aimed towards informing pupils of these natural systems. This goal has been, and will continue to be, of significant importance for science teachers. (b) Science education should develop a fundamental understanding of, and ability to use the methods of scientific inquiry: This goal will ensure pupils will acquire the skills of planning and doing science investigations in finding answers to problems. (c) Science education should prepare citizens to make responsible decisions concerning science-related social issues. Science education exists in society and should contribute to the maintenance and aspirations of the culture. This goal is especially important when there are social challenges directly related to science. (d) Science education should contribute to an understanding and fulfilment of personal needs, thus contributing to personal developmen. All individuals have needs related to their own biological/psychological systems. (e) Science education should inform pupils about careers in the sciences: Scientific research, development, and application continue through the work of individuals within science and technology and through the support of those not directly involved in scientific work. ACTIVITY 2.2 Study our primary science curriculum. Compare and contrast the aims stipulated in the curriculum with the curricula that you have just read.
  • 18. TOPIC 2 ISSUES IN SCIENCE EDUCATION 18 CONTENT OF SCIENCE EDUCATION 2.2 What content to be taught in the science curriculum at any level is a statement about the elements of science we choose to teach selected from a much larger set of possibilities. There are many factors that need to be considered before deciding the content to be taught. Looking at the goals of science education will certainly help us to determine what content should be taught in the curriculum. The content of science for primary school children should be an interplay among concepts, scientific reasoning, the nature of science, and doing science. Although science concepts are important as a basic foundation of science knowledge, children need to begin to build an understanding of basic concepts and how they connect and apply to the world in which they live. It could be done through hands-on activities where the children are actively exploring and finding out the concepts. These first-hand experiences help them to find answers to problems themselves by exploring their own environment. Scientific skills are the tools that need to be acquired by the children so that they could do the activities. Thus, broadly the content should contain a skills section and a content section. (a) The Skills Section The skills section will help children to work scientifically, and in designing and making. Children are encouraged to work as scientists as they investigate and explore their physical and natural surroundings. The curriculum should support children in developing skills of enquiry during this investigative work: observing, asking questions, suggesting explanations, predicting outcomes, planning investigations or experiments to test ideas and drawing conclusions. Designing and making are the technological components of the science curriculum. This aspect of the curriculum provides children with opportunities to apply scientific ideas to everyday situations and problems. The children are challenged to explore, plan and make models and functional objects in order to solve practical problems. This develops children's awareness of the value of technology in their lives. (b) The Content Section What to include in the content section is debatable. Different countries have different ways of organising the basic concepts that should be taught in primary science. In the Malaysian Science Curriculum the contents are organised around themes. What is important is this content should cover
  • 19. TOPIC 2 ISSUES IN SCIENCE EDUCATION 19 core concepts, principles, and theories of science that would be continued in the secondary school science curriculum. We should also remember that not all pupils would end up as scientists as their careers. Thus the content should cover just enough concepts so that they become ‰scientifically literate‰. Consequently, the science curriculum should be oriented more towards developing awareness among the learners about the interface of science, technology and society, sensitising them, especially to the issues of environment and health, and enabling them to acquire practical knowledge and skills to enter the world of work. ACTIVITY 2.3 What are the themes used in our primary science curriculum? Discuss with your classmates. TEACHING OF SCIENCE 2.3 Did you enjoy studying science in school? Who were your science teachers? Do you think they enjoyed teaching science? There is no doubt that a teacher who outwardly states a dislike for a subject can negatively influence pupilsÊ attitudes towards that subject. Similarly, a teacher who demonstrates enthusiasm and genuine interest in teaching a subject can be a catalyst for pupil learning. Teaching strategies also shape the learning environment. An effective teacher would need to select teaching strategies to engage pupils in learning science. There are teaching strategies that can be transferred from other subjects to also teach science. For example, you could use storytelling or drama, which are very useful in learning language, into the teaching of science. There are also strategies that are more specific to teaching science. For example, project and experimentation are synonymous with science teaching. What strategy that you as a teacher decide to employ depends on many factors. These factors include: (a) PupilsÊ learning styles; (b) PupilsÊ prior knowledge and skills; (c) Availability of teaching resources;
  • 20. TOPIC 2 ISSUES IN SCIENCE EDUCATION 20 (d) TeachersÊ knowledge and skills; and (e) SocietyÊs expectations. The nature of science should be the most, or at least, a big consideration when deciding on the pedagogy when teaching science. The main complaint of pupils about science is that it is not sufficiently relevant. What is learnt in the science classroom is only used in the classroom and has no connection with the real world, although science is in fact the study of the natural world. For activities to be meaningful and engaging they should help the understanding of things pupils have encountered directly in their day-to-day experience and indirectly through films and television programmes. It should be possible for children to make a link between new experiences and previous experiences. There can be a dilemma here in relation to whether science activities should be taken from real-life events often complex and with several ideas involved or whether they should be „tidied up‰ to demonstrate certain relationships or principles. Some degree of abstraction from real events is generally necessary, but it should always be possible for the children to link what is learned to real events. Inquiry-based is the essence of science teaching and learning. It „fits‰ with the nature of science. Pupils should be actively engaged in exploring the concepts through hands-on activities. Pupils learn effectively when they are actively engaged in the discovery process, often working in small groups. They should be provided opportunities to have direct experience with common objects, materials, and living things in their environment. Good instruction focuses on understanding important relationships, processes, mechanisms and applications of concepts. Teachers act as facilitators. Managing inquiry during a lesson is not the only thing that a science teacher must do. Her work starts before the lesson begins. She decides the concepts and the skills that should be developed during the lesson. Then, throughout the lesson, the teacher should be listening to the discussion about the concepts and observing the skills as the pupils are doing their work. This information or formative assessment can later be used as feedback for the teacher and pupils about learning. Have they understood the lesson? Have they mastered the skills? Do the concepts need to be explored again? These are some of the questions that the teacher can answer from formative assessments.
  • 21. TOPIC 2 ISSUES IN SCIENCE EDUCATION 21 SELF-CHECK 2.1 Would the following scenarios be the elements in the teaching and learning of science? Scenario Yes? No? Children have the opportunity to express their ideas, to listen to the ideas of others and to build on their existing ideas when faced with new experiences. Teachers pose questions that require children to hypothesise, predict and suggest answers. Teachers engage children in thinking about and discussing how to test their predictions and see if their ideas „work‰. Children are clear about what they are finding out and what they are learning by doing so. Children consider the evidence they collect in relation to initial ideas and predictions. Children reflect and report on how and what they have learned. Not all learning in science involves inquiry. There are some things, such as conventions, names and the basic skills of using equipment, that are more efficiently learned by direct instruction. If you want your pupils to know how to use the thermometer, or the measure correctly the length of a room using a metre rule, then demonstrating and explaining to them the skills would be more appropriate, followed by practice in using the skills.
  • 22. TOPIC 2 ISSUES IN SCIENCE EDUCATION 22 ACTIVITY 2.4 Which of the following strategies would have high impact for primary science? Strategies High Impact? Low Impact? Misconceptions are targeted Enthusiasm from teacher Uniform on individual interests Usable and practical scientific knowledge Group work Hands-on experiences Chalk and talk or copying from OHT Interactivity with life Purposes are clearly articulated Excursions for science understanding In summary there is no one best method to teach any subject. Although the inquiry-based method is considered a very good method to teach science, if pupils are not equipped with the knowledge, skills and attitude, then it is not the effective method to choose. You, as the teacher, know best what works and what does not work with your pupils.
  • 23. TOPIC 2 ISSUES IN SCIENCE EDUCATION 23 SCIENTIFIC LITERACY 2.4 Have a look at Figure 2.2 and see if you can recall anything. Figure 2.2: A definition of scientific literacy (Rennie, 2005) Source: Skamp: Teaching Primary Science Constructively, pg 3 We have discussed this concept in detail in Topic 1 of HBSC1103 Teaching and Learning of Science. SELF-CHECK 2.2 By referring to Figure 2.2, can you summarise the definition of scientific literacy? Yes! Scientific literacy means that a person can ask, find, or determine answers to questions derived from curiosity about everyday experiences. It means that a person has the ability to describe, explain, and predict natural phenomena. A
  • 24. TOPIC 2 ISSUES IN SCIENCE EDUCATION 24 literate citizen should be able to evaluate the quality of scientific information on the basis of its source and the methods used to generate it. As mentioned above, one of the goals of the science is to develop a scientifically literate population. Feasey (1996) suggests that most people are scientifically illiterate and often hold negative and contradictory viewpoints of science. The public think that science belongs to the scientists and is too difficult for them to understand. Skamp (2004) mentioned that Feasey and Gott (1996) suggest two elements that can provide a foundation for a scientifically literate individual. (a) Factual background which relates to the understanding of key ideas and facts in science. A sound knowledge and ability to apply such concepts in a range of contexts is essential. (b) An understanding of evidence that focuses on the individualÊs understanding of how and why scientists collect evidence and an ability to challenge the reliability and validity of evidence in order to decide on its believability. Why do you think we need to be scientifically literate? One of the main reasons is that the society we live in depends to an ever-increasing extent on technology and scientific knowledge that makes it possible. Decisions we make every day have the capacity to affect energy consumption, our personal health, natural resources, and the environment ultimately our well-being and that of our community and the world. Individual decisions may not seem to be critical, but when they are multiplied by 300 million nationwide, or nearly seven billion worldwide, they have the power to change the face of the planet (Scearce, 2007). ACTIVITY 2.5 1. Draw your image of a typical scientist and list the characteristics of the person that you have drawn. 2. What work does he or she do?
  • 25. TOPIC 2 ISSUES IN SCIENCE EDUCATION 25 SCIENTIFIC LANGUAGE 2.5 Teachers often say: „I have explained so many times, yet pupils cannot understand!‰ What could the reason be? One of the reasons is because the pupils do not understand the scientific language that the teacher is using. What and how is scientific language different from everyday language? This section will discuss these points. 2.5.1 Difficulties in Language The use of scientific language and terminology enables scientists around the world to communicate effectively with each other. However, the use of scientific words and phrases is often confusing for non-specialists, let alone non-scientists. There are a number of ways language can make understanding science more difficult, such as alternative meanings of words, pupilsÊ lack of appropriate vocabulary, the specialised vocabulary used by scientists, and English as a second language. Pupils may begin to separate school explanations and home explanations. Or, pupils may begin to believe they are unable to learn science it is just too difficult to figure out. Still others may reject the scientific explanation as too difficult and accept their own, or their community's explanation instead. Learners may develop an understanding of the meaning of certain words that is different from the scientists' meaning of these words. People outside the scientific community and scientists themselves give these same words other meanings and/or use them in other contexts, resulting in slight nuances to the original meaning. These alternative meanings can make understanding and/or accepting the scientist's use of the word or term difficult. Table 2.1 illustrates the different meaning of certain terms.
  • 26. TOPIC 2 ISSUES IN SCIENCE EDUCATION 26 Table 2.1: Examples of the Meaning of Words in Scientific Language and Everyday Language Concepts Scientific Language Everyday Language Living and non-living Living and non-living are associated with the terms alive and dead. Describe those and other non-living objects as being alive, e.g. a live wire or the fire „came to life‰ when we added wood, or as having died, e.g. the car or battery died. Community The interaction of living organisms within a bounded system. Within the general culture, communities are determined by groups of residents who have some common identity. Communities in this sense focus on the activities, needs and care of human beings. Force We talk about force as one aspect of a field of influence surrounding objects. That is, a force field is a complex system of pushes and pulls. However, the everyday use of the term force includes such phrases as, „I was forced to go to bed without my dinner‰, „Someone forced their way into the house‰, „My mom works in the police force,‰ and in the movies, „May the force be with you.‰ The language used by scientists to communicate their work reflects the nature of science. Scientific language used by scientists includes: (a) Appeals to evidence. E.g., „Based upon the evidence gathered in this investigation, ....‰ (b) Expressions about the validity and reliability of the evidence. E.g., „The design called for the control of ....‰, „A new technology allowed for ....‰, „This procedure ....‰, „The skill of the technician was such that we were able to ....‰, (c) Appeals to prominent scientists. E.g., „Ian Stirling found in his research that ....‰ (d) Appeals to accepted literature. E.g., „A research study reported in Science indicated that ....‰, „Peer reviewed research in Nature suggests that ....‰
  • 27. TOPIC 2 ISSUES IN SCIENCE EDUCATION 27 (e) Expressions of (un)certainty. E.g., „This was an initial study ....‰, „The These characteristics are typically found in scientific research papers and ideally in science educational materials such as science textbooks. Popular science magazines and newspaper articles about science often take liberties with scientific language by translating it into more common everyday language. This translation often removes important aspects about the nature of science, or worse, misrepresents the nature of science. Two common problems with popular science articles are a lack of expression of appropriate uncertainty (tending to more absolute statements) and confusion between evidence and interpretation. Evidence is the ultimate authority in science even though all evidence is uncertain to some degree. Expressions such as „facts‰, „exactly‰, „absolutely‰ or „we proved ‰ are not appropriate in the context of a scientific investigation. Evidence can support or fail to support a prediction and/or hypothesis, but cannot „prove‰ either. „Proof‰ is considered too absolute and does not connote the uncertainty accompanying all scientific evidence and knowledge. Table 2.2 shows more examples of the use of scientific language. Table 2.2: Some Examples of the Use of Scientific Language Expressing the Authority Expressing the Degree of Certainty Based on the concept of The certainty is three significant digits. According to the law of Based upon the limited evidence gathered, Using the theory of Without full control of all variables Based on the evidence obtained in this investigation The experiment needs to be replicated by another group but In our judgment, Careful control of all known variables suggests sample size was small but ...‰, (f) Appeals to the nature of science. E.g., „Although science requires us to be open-minded about this counter-claim,‰, „This is only a correlational study and not a cause and effect study so ...‰. (g) Appeals to logical reasoning. E.g., „If ..., then ....‰, „If ... and ...., then ....‰, Logical consistency requires that ....‰
  • 28. TOPIC 2 ISSUES IN SCIENCE EDUCATION 28 Our interpretation of the evidence is that Accepting that all knowledge is uncertain, If this concept is valid, then The accuracy as a per cent difference is This accepted concept leads us to believe that Having a high degree of confidence in the evidence, it is appropriate to Logical and consistent reasoning suggests that In this correlational (not cause and effect) study Source: Languageaspx ACTIVITY 2.6 The main reason pupils find it difficult to understand science is because of the difficulty in writing, spelling and reading the terms. Actually, scientific vocabulary is a jumble of little words that are linked together to have different meanings. Guess the meaning of each of these terms: (a) Epidermis; (b) Abiotic; (c) Endocytosis; (d) Anaerobic; and (e) Monochrome. 2.5.2 Sources of Scientific Words Scientific words in English may conveniently be divided, from the standpoint of their origins, into three groups: (a) Those taken from the ordinary English vocabulary; (b) Those taken virtually unchanged from another language; and (c) Those which have been invented. Table 2.3 shows a few examples.
  • 29. TOPIC 2 ISSUES IN SCIENCE EDUCATION 29 Table 2.3: Examples of Scientific Words and Their Origin Sources Examples of Words (a) Taken from the ordinary English vocabulary. Although the scientist may give them precise meanings, they are liable to be interpreted more loosely (or even differently) by the non-scientist. Energy, work, power, salt, base, fruit (b) Taken virtually unchanged from another language. Many of the Greek or Latin terms have retained their original meaning but in some cases the meanings have been restricted and rendered more precise. Latin words: axis, fulcrum, larva, radius, locus, nimbus, cortex, cerebrum, pelvis, cornea Greek words: thorax, stigma, iris, helix (c) Those which have been invented. Ester for a compound formed by the interaction of an alcohol and an organic acid. ScientistsÊ names have also been used to provide the names of units (e.g. watt, volt, gauss, joule) Scientists have taken „bits and pieces‰ roots, prefixes, suffixes from different languages and joined them together to form the terms. Thus, when they needed a general name for animals such as snails and slugs which apparently walk on their stomachs, they have taken the Greek roots gast(e)ro- (stomach) and -pod (foot) and formed the new word gastropod. When he wanted a word to describe a speed greater than that of sound he took the Latin prefix super- (above, beyond) and the Latin root son- (sound) and coined the adjective supersonic.
  • 30. TOPIC 2 ISSUES IN SCIENCE EDUCATION 30 2.5.3 How to Teach the Language? Introducing new scientific language to pupils can cause considerable confusion, particularly when the pupils may have established a different understanding of the terms from their everyday use. Careful thought needs to be given to the selection of new scientific terms, the choice of language used in definitions and the implications of prior understanding based on everyday use. In learning the language of science, pupils need to learn not only a specialised vocabulary but also how words go together and when to use this way of communicating. The challenge is to teach these „rules of the game‰ whilst still valuing the ways of using language that the pupils bring to the classroom. The role of teachers is to help pupils build bridges between their known and familiar ways of using language, and academic ways of using language. Below are a few suggestions that you as a teacher can take: (a) Practise Using and Build Perceived Usefulness of the Scientific Model or Idea Encourage activities which promote pupil experience with the language of scientific discourse. Focus on helping pupils to identify scientific terms that are new to them or terms where their meanings remain unclear. Encourage pupils to practise language patterns that assist them to describe events, objects, and processes, to make predictions and to draw conclusions. Encourage short verbal reporting by pupils or presentations to their peers where particular scientific terms should be used. (b) Clarify and Consolidate Ideas for/by Communication to Others Work with pupils to develop a chart of useful scientific terms. This could be on permanent display in the classroom and pupils could be encouraged to make additions as new scientific terms arise or are introduced. Have pupils collect or develop a range of images that assist in understanding the meanings of the terms or the context in which they are used. Pupils could work on developing their own scientific dictionary for use in a particular context of study. Scientific definitions could be written in their own words or pupils could draw or collect visual images to help improve their understanding of the terms encountered. (c) Clarify and Consolidate Ideas for/by Communication to Others Adopt teaching approaches that allow pupils to practise verbal, visual and writing skills. It is important for pupils to have experiences of „doing‰ science and also of developing skills to communicate their findings to others.
  • 31. TOPIC 2 ISSUES IN SCIENCE EDUCATION 31 CONTEMPORARY ISSUES Like it or not, science constitutes a significant part of human life. It impacts on how people experience and understand the world and themselves. The rapid advances in science and technology, newly established societal and cultural norms and values, and changes in the climate and environment, as well as the depletion of natural resources all greatly impact the lives of children and youths, and hence their ways of learning, viewing the world, experiencing phenomena around them and interacting with others. Science educators must be aware of all these changes. They need to rethink the science curriculum, the pedagogy and assessment in the science classroom today as the practice of science education needs to be proactive and relevant to pupils and prepare them for life in the present and in the future. Contemporary issues facing science education in Malaysia are no different from other countries. In a report commissioned by UNESCO, Section For Science, Technical And Vocational Education in 2008, titled Science Education Policy-Making: Eleven Emerging Issues, Fensham listed the following issues concerning science education (Table 2.4). Table 2.4: Lists of Issues of Relating to Science Education Issue A Science in Schooling and its Educational Purposes Issue B Access and Equity in Science Education Issue C Interest in, and about Science Issue D How Technology Relates to Science in Education Issue E The Nature of Science and Inquiry Issue F Scientific Literacy Issue G Quality of Learning in Science Issue H The Use of ICT in Science and Technology Education Issue I Development of Relevant and Effective Assessment in Science Education Issue J Science Education in the Primary or Elementary Years Issue K Professional Development of Science Teachers Source: UNESCO (2008) 2.6
  • 32. TOPIC 2 ISSUES IN SCIENCE EDUCATION 32 One of the issues that had and is still faced by science education in our country is Issue C Interest in, and about science. Professor of Mathematics, CK Raju, a visiting professor at the Mathematics department in Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), calls for a review of teaching methods for science stream subjects as a way to raise pupilsÊ interest, following reports that the percentage of science stream pupils had dropped to 29 per cent in 2012 (New Straits Times 19 February 2012). The same issue is also commented by Prof. Datin Dr Azizan Baharuddin, the Deputy Director-General of Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia. This issue perhaps needs elaboration and continued engagement because in the context of the K-economy and MalaysiaÊs developmental policies, science, technology and innovation are critical drivers. The current data seems to show that our manpower needs in important areas such as engineering, ICT, health and agriculture are still far from adequate as our unfulfilled needs range from 30 percent to 50 percent. (The STAR, February 28, 2012). ACTIVITY 2.7 1. Conduct a survey in your school on the interest in science. 2. Find out the reasons why pupils like or dislike science. 3. As a science teacher, list out different ways that you can adopt to raise the interest of these pupils. 4. Choose any of the issues in Table 2.4. Research and find out the current status of the issue in our country. Knowing the goals of science education will make it easier for a curriculum planner to plan the appropriate curriculum needed. It also makes it easier for a teacher to plan how to teach and assess the teaching and learning of science.
  • 33. TOPIC 2 ISSUES IN SCIENCE EDUCATION 33 The goals can be classified into the following categories: scientific knowledge, scientific methods, social issues, personal needs, and career awareness. What content to be taught in the science curriculum at any level is a statement about the elements of science we choose to teach selected from a much larger set of possibilities. The content of science for primary school children should be interplay among concepts, scientific reasoning, the nature of science, and doing science. The content of science curriculum should contain a skills section and a content section. The skills section would help children to work scientifically. This would develop skills of enquiry during the investigative work. Designing and making are the technological components of the Science Curriculum. Different countries have different ways of organising the basic concepts that should be taught in primary science. The science content should cover just enough concepts so that they become „scientifically literate‰ as not all pupils are going to be working as scientists. Inquiry-based method is always associated with science teaching and learning. Managing inquiry during a lesson is not the only thing that a science teacher must do. She should first plan the lesson before acting as facilitator during the lesson. Formative assessment should also be carried out so that it can be used as feedback for the teacher and pupils about learning. Teaching methods used in teaching other subjects are also used in science teaching when necessary. Scientific literacy means that a person has the ability to describe, explain, and predict natural phenomena.
  • 34. TOPIC 2 ISSUES IN SCIENCE EDUCATION 34 The use of scientific language and terminology enables scientists around the world to communicate effectively with each other. There are a number of ways language can make understanding science more difficult, such as alternative meanings of words, pupils' lack of appropriate vocabulary, the specialised vocabulary used by scientists, and English as a second language. Learners may develop an understanding of the meaning of certain words that is different from the scientists' meaning for these words. The language used by scientists to communicate their work reflects the nature of science. Scientific words in English may be divided into three groups: those taken from the ordinary English vocabulary; those taken virtually unchanged from another language; and those which have been invented. Designing and making Formative assessment Inquiry-based Nature of science Scientific language Scientific literacy Scientific reasoning Scientific skills Aims and goals of science education. Retrieved from nzcurriculum/whats_happening/index_e.php Carin, A., Sund, R. B. (1989). Teaching science through discovery (6th ed.). Belmont: Thomson Wadsworth. Content of science. Retrieved from Primary_School_Curriculum/Social_Environmental_and_Scientific_Educat ion_SESE_/Science/
  • 35. TOPIC 2 ISSUES IN SCIENCE EDUCATION 35 Critical reflections on Malaysian science curriculum. Retrieved from http:// 5Csubtheme1%5CKAM.pdf Esler, W.K., Esler, M. K. (2001). Teaching elementary science (8th ed.). Belmont: Thomson Wadsworth. Martin, D. J. (2006). Elementary science methods: A constructivist approach. Methods for constructing understanding. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Perspectives on education primary science. Retrieved from http://www. web_document/wtd042076.pdf Reimagining science Learning curve New Straits Times, 19 February 2012. Retrieved from reimagining-science-1.48634#xzz2jAaHEwtA. Science in primary school. Retrieved from resources/publications-reports-articles/literature-reviews/Literature- Review381 Scientific language. Retrieved from en/ScienceReasoningText/ScientificLanguage.aspx Skamp, K. (2004). Teaching primary science constructively. Southbank, Victoria: Wadsworth Publishing Company. WhoÊs getting it right and WhoÊs getting it wrong in the debate about science literacy? Retrieved from whos_getting_it_right_and_whos_getting_it_wrong_in_the_debate_about_ science/
  • 36. Topic 3 Historical Development of the Science Curriculum LEARNING OUTCOMES By the end of this topic, you should be able to: 1. Describe the historical development of the science curriculum; 2. Analyse the strengths and weaknesses of Nature Study, Special Project, Man and the Environment, KBSR and KSSR curricula; and 3. Compare and contrast the Nature Study, Special Project, Man and the Environment, KBSR and KSSR curricula. INTRODUCTION
  • 37. TOPIC 3 HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE SCIENCE CURRICULUM 37 The scenario above is a conversation between two parents outside a science classroom. You must have heard similar conversations in your school too. Why do you think there have been so many changes in the science curriculum? Remember what you studied in Topic 1? We discussed philosophical, psychological, social and economic considerations when developing a curriculum. These factors are not constant. Society is constantly evolving. Social and economic factors may change. There might be new psychological theories that need to be addressed. Curriculum developers believe that the curriculum has to be dynamic and responsive in order to remain current and relevant. The Malaysian school science curriculumÊs main aim is national unity and to produce a workforce that can contribute to the development of the nation. The pattern of changes and development in science education in Malaysia is largely based on National Education Policies and current trends in science teaching. Study Table 3.1 which shows the different primary science curricula in Malaysia and the years they were implemented. Table 3.1: Historical Development of Primary Science Curricula in Malaysia Science Curriculum Year of Implementation Nature Study Before 1965 Primary Science curriculum 1965-1968 Primary Science Special Project 1968-1984 Man and The Environment 1985-1993 (Kurikulum Baru Sekolah Rendah, KBSR) Primary School Science (Kurikulum Bersepadu Sekolah Rendah, KBSR) 1994-2010 Primary School Science (Revised in English) 2003 KSSR 2011 In this topic you will learn about the historical development of the primary science curriculum in Malaysia. You will be able to compare the past science curricula with the present science curriculum and understand the rationale for the changes.
  • 38. TOPIC 3 HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE SCIENCE CURRICULUM 38 ACTIVITY 3.1 Try asking your parents, grandparents or even great grandparents about their school days. Do they remember learning science? How did they learn science? Read through the science curricula in Malaysia in this topic and see if you can identify what curriculum they were using. NATURE STUDY 3.1 At the end of the 19th century and until the middle of the 20th century, science was taught as „Nature Study‰ in primary schools. The Nature Study curriculum focused on knowledge of facts and laws of nature based on scientific investigation of the natural world. Pupils were asked to learn the facts and laws of nature through careful observation and classification of nature. However, the curriculum ignored much of the natural environment that had an impact on pupilsÊ lives. The teaching approach mainly focused on textbooks and rote learning. There was a need to teach science that linked together ideas from all fields of science and relate to studentsÊ surroundings and everyday experiences. The science curriculum was only made uniform and official after 1956 when the Razak Report recommended that a single syllabus be implemented in schools. The Nature Study curriculum was replaced by the Primary Science curriculum in 1965. This new curriculum was adapted for local needs from the Nuffield Junior Science Project, United Kingdom (1964). The Primary Science curriculum focused on mastery of scientific facts. Many primary science teachers especially in rural schools had poor educational backgrounds and had not received adequate teacher training in science content and methodology. They had been trained as general subject teachers and as such the teaching of science was textbook-centred focusing on rote learning and memorisation. The academic achievement in science of pupils was weak especially in the rural areas. Can you see that a change was needed to overcome these problems?
  • 39. TOPIC 3 HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE SCIENCE CURRICULUM 39 SPECIAL PROJECT (PROJEK KHAS) In 1968, the Ministry of Education started a project called Primary School Special Project. The main aim of this project was to raise the teaching standard of science and mathematics in Malaysia. The development of the Special Project was a historic event as it was the first large-scale curriculum reform undertaken by the Ministry of Education. The Primary School Special Project used new teaching approaches but the content remained the same as it was assumed that the teachers had mastered the content. The focus was to help teachers gain more confidence in using the inquiry approach so as to be able to instil an interest and understanding in pupils of the world around them. In 1971, the Ministry of Education formulated the Primary School Syllabus for Science. Its content did not differ much from the previous curriculum, except for the aspects of the teaching-learning approach, strategy and methods. The Special Project was introduced in schools for Standard 1 in 1970. Services and facilities were provided to the teachers as support. Study Figure 3.1 which shows the services and facilities given to science teachers under the Special Project. Figure 3.1: Support given to science teachers under special project 3.2
  • 40. TOPIC 3 HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE SCIENCE CURRICULUM 40 The Primary Science Special Project was pupil-centred and activity-oriented. Activity centres were set up to spread knowledge and resources to all schools. However, there were too many teachers and not enough trainers and this weakened the impact of this curriculum. ACTIVITY 3.2 1. Analyse the Nature Study Curriculum. What were its strengths? What was the rationale for its change? 2. What were the strengths of the Primary Science Special Project Curriculum? What were its weaknesses? MAN AND THE ENVIRONMENT 3.3 The Cabinet Committee for Review of Implementation of the Education Policy (Jawatankuasa Kabinet Mengkaji Pelaksanaan Dasar Pendidikan) 1979, recommended that the primary school curriculum be developed based on three areas namely: communication; man and his surroundings; and individual self development. Based on this, the Curriculum Development Centre (CDC) formulated a new curriculum called the New Primary School Curriculum (Kurikulum Baru Sekolah Rendah) (KBSR). KBSR was a completely new innovation with changes in content, pedagogy, pupil assessment, evaluation, remedial and enrichment activities, and the role of teachers. Alam dan Manusia Man and His Environment (Alam dan Manusia) was one of the subjects in the area of Man and his Surroundings. Unlike the Special Project, Alam dan Manusia was only offered in Level One, that is, in Years Four, Five and Six. Alam dan Manusia was planned to help students acquire knowledge and understanding of man and his environment with emphasis on the Malaysian society and environment. Alam dan Manusia was a humanistic curriculum that stressed on integration of disciplines, enhancement of thinking skills, inquiry and problem-solving skills and inculcation of moral values. It integrated elements that were previously taught separately in subjects such as Geography, History, Civics, Science and Health Science. This integration aimed not only to reduce the number of subjects, but also ensure that students could understand certain topics better and as a whole.
  • 41. TOPIC 3 HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE SCIENCE CURRICULUM 41 The CDC published teacherÊs guides called Buku Panduan Khas Alam dan Manusia for Years Four, Five and Six. These teachersÊ guides specified the curriculum in detail by listing objectives to be achieved by pupils for each topic. It also contained suggested lesson plans and teaching-learning strategies. Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka also published Alam dan Manusia textbooks for each year. Did you teach this curriculum or do you have any experience of it? What do you think the constraints of this curriculum were? There were physical constraints when implementing this curriculum such as large class size and lack of facilities. There was also inadequate in-service training and professional support. Due to this, teachers lacked competency in integrating subject content and using an inquiry approach. Teachers were also stressed and overburdened. ACTIVITY 3.3 What were the strengths and weaknesses of the Man and Environment (Alam dan Manusia) Curriculum? KBSR (INTEGRATED CURRICULUM FOR PRIMARY SCHOOL) (KURIKULUM BERSEPADU SEKOLAH RENDAH) 3.4 The Kurikulum Baru Sekolah Rendah was revised based on the evaluation findings and also the future needs and challenges of the country. Alam dan Manusia was replaced by two new subjects, namely the Primary School Science Curriculum and Local Studies (Kajian Tempatan) in 1994 with the implementation of the Integrated Curriculum for Primary Schools (Kurikulum Bersepadu Sekolah Rendah), (KBSR). The Integrated Curriculum for Primary Schools was formulated to improve and enhance the standard of education in primary schools and to achieve the aspirations of the National Philosophy of Education (NPE). The aims of this primary school science curriculum were to: (a) Provide opportunities for pupils to learn about themselves and the environment through everyday experiences and scientific investigations; (b) Acquire knowledge and skills in science and technology;
  • 42. TOPIC 3 HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE SCIENCE CURRICULUM 42 (c) Enable pupils to apply these knowledge and skills based on scientific attitudes; and (d) Acquire noble values to make decisions and solve problems in everyday life. The curriculum also aimed to provide a strong foundation in science and technology to prepare pupils for the learning of science in secondary school. (Integrated curriculum for primary schools: Science syllabus, 2003) Huraian Sukatan Pelajaran Sains Sekolah Rendah The CDC developed the curriculum specifications called Huraian Sukatan Pelajaran Sains Sekolah Rendah in 1993. The Huraian Sukatan Pelajaran Sains Sekolah Rendah contained general and specific learning objectives and suggested learning experiences. Besides this, CDC also published training packages called Pukal Latihan Sains Rendah (PuLSaR). These training packages contained modules on teaching-learning strategies accompanied by video cassettes. Science was taught as both content and a process which included scientific knowledge, scientific skills, thinking skills and scientific attitude and values. A thematic approach was used. School-based assessment in the form of PEKA (Penilaian Kemahiran Amali) was introduced to measure the pupilsÊ mastery of science process skills and manipulative skills. The science curriculum emphasised constructivism, the inquiry-discovery approach and the use of technology. Science Taught in English In 2003, the science curriculum was revised and science was introduced as a subject in Level One. The medium of instruction was English. Globalisation and the need to keep abreast with the advances of science using technology as a means to acquire knowledge had convinced the government to change its policy of using English in the teaching of these two subjects. The teaching of Science using English enables pupils to obtain various sources of information written in English either in electronic or print form. This helps to keep them abreast with the latest developments in science and technology. Pupils will be able to relate their knowledge to the world beyond the school. Teachers were trained to teach Science in English and textbooks and courseware were developed. However in 2009, this policy was changed and the medium of instruction for Science and Mathematics reverted to the Malay language (Bahasa Malaysia).
  • 43. TOPIC 3 HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE SCIENCE CURRICULUM 43 ACTIVITY 3.4 Answer the following questions based on your understanding of the KBSR primary science curriculum. (a) What is science education for? (b) What kind of pupils and society do we want to produce? KURIKULUM STANDARD SEKOLAH RENDAH (KSSR) 3.5 The Primary School Standard Curriculum, KSSR (Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Rendah) was introduced in 2011 as an effort to transform, restructure and improve the current curriculum to ensure that students have the relevant knowledge, skills and values to face the challenges of the 21st century. You will learn more about the KSSR in Topic 6. Here we will look at how science is taught in this new curriculum and the differences between the KBSR and KSSR. KSSR was formulated based on a statement of standards. The statement of standards consists of content standards and learning standards. This is shown in Table 3.2 below: Table 3.2: KSSR Standards Content Standards Learning Standards Specific statements on what the students must know and can do, within a specific period of schooling Set criteria or indicators of education quality and achievements which can be measured for each content standard Under KSSR, primary education is divided into two levels similar to KBSR: Level One from Years One to Three, and Level Two from Years Four to Six. Level One KSSR focuses on the mastery of the 4Ms (Reading, Writing, Counting and Reasoning), basic information and technology (ICT) skills, social, emotional, spiritual, cognitive, physical development, attitudes and values. Level Two focuses on reinforcing and the application of 4Ms, basic ICT skills, social, emotional, spiritual, cognitive, physical development, attitudes and values.
  • 44. TOPIC 3 HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE SCIENCE CURRICULUM 44 In Level One all knowledge disciplines are reorganised for more effective curriculum management to form Basic Core Modules, Thematic Core Modules, and Elective Modules. Study Table 3.3, the Thematic Core Modules were introduced to reduce the number of subjects taken at Level One. These modules comprise the themes of the World of Art and World of Science and Technology. The World of Science and Technology (Dunia Sains dan Teknologi, DST) contains elements of Science, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), and Design and Technology (Reka Bentuk Teknologi, RBT). Science is introduced in the Thematic Core Modules to provide basic knowledge on the discipline of Science. There are two different standard documents for the World of Science and Technology, that is Standard Document for Science Curriculum and RBT, and the Standard Document for ICT. The Standard Document for Science Curriculum contains the following themes: Life Science, Physical Science, Materials Science, Earth and Space Science and Technology and Sustainable Living (Kehidupan Lestari) (RBT). Table 3.3: Organisation of Subjects in KSSR Level One Basic Core Modules Thematic Core Modules Elective Modules Malay Language English Language Chinese Language Tamil Language Mathematics Physical Education Health Education Islamic Education/ Moral Education World of Art World of Science and Technology Arab Language Chinese Language (BCSK) Tamil Language (BTSK) Iban language Kadazandusun Language In Level Two KSSR, the curriculum is organised into Core Subjects and Elective Subjects. All subjects are carried out in a modular way. Science is introduced as a Core Subject at this level. The aim of the science curriculum is to inculcate interest and develop creativity in pupils through experiences and investigations to master science knowledge, scientific skills, thinking skills and scientific attitude and noble values. Study Table 3.4 which shows the differences between the KSSR and KBSR.
  • 45. TOPIC 3 HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE SCIENCE CURRICULUM 45 Table 3.4: The Differences between KSSR and KBSR KSSR (2011 - Untill Today) KBSR (1983-2010) Curriculum design is based on six areas: Communication Spiritual, Attitude and Values Humanitarian Physical and Aesthetical Development Science and Technology Curriculum design is based on three areas: Communication Man and his environment Self-development of the individual Curriculum Materials Curriculum Standard documents Curriculum Materials Syllabus Curriculum Specifications Design of the Curriculum: Modular Design of the Curriculum: Linear Organisation of the Curriculum: Level I (Years 1, 2 and 3) Basic Core Modules, Thematic Core Modules and Elective Modules Level II (Years 4, 5 and 6) Core and Elective Subjects Organisation of the Curriculum: Level I (Years 1, 2 and 3) Core, compulsory and additional subjects Level II (Years 4, 5 and 6) Core , Compulsory and Additional subjects Elements of creativity and innovation, entrepreneurial, information technology and communication Elements of analytical and creative thinking skills Focus: 4M (Reading, Writing, Counting and Reasoning) Focus: 3M (Reading, Writing and Counting) Source: Official website of MOE. id=146cat=30keyword=page=1 ACTIVITY 3.5 Study Table 3.4. Discuss the improvements in the KSSR curriculum and its implications on the teaching of science.
  • 46. TOPIC 3 HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE SCIENCE CURRICULUM 46 Look at Figure 3.2 which shows the development of the science curricula in Malaysia from 1983 until today. Figure 3.2: The development of the science curricula in Malaysia Each curriculum was formulated based on contemporary contents, current learning strategies and the needs of the country. A lot of careful planning went into the formulation of these curriculums. However, the success of any curriculum not only depends on how well it is planned but also on the implementation. You, the teacher, are the one who implements the curriculum. As a teacher you must understand the philosophy and foundations of the curriculum you are using so you can implement it effectively so that its objectives and aims are attained.
  • 47. TOPIC 3 HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE SCIENCE CURRICULUM 47 SELF-CHECK 3.1 1. Compare and contrast the Special Project Science Curriculum, Man and The Environment and the Primary School Science Curriculum (KBSR) in the following aspects: (a) Background of curriculum formulation (b) Rationale for curriculum formulation (c) What conclusion can you make? 2. Use a suitable graphic organiser to show the similarities and differences between the following science curricula: (a) Nature Study (b) Special Project Science Curriculum. (c) Man and the Environment (d) Primary School Science Curriculum (KBSR) (e) KSSR Discuss the similarities and differences using the following aspects: (a) Rationale (b) Strengths (c) Weakenesses The curriculum has to be dynamic and responsive in order to remain current and relevant. At the end of the 19th century and until the mid-20th century science was taught as „Nature Study‰ in primary schools. The Nature Study curriculum focused on knowledge of facts and laws of nature based on scientific investigation of the natural world.
  • 48. TOPIC 3 HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE SCIENCE CURRICULUM 48 The Nature Study did not take into account the pupilsÊ natural environment. The teaching approach mainly focused on textbooks and rote learning. The Primary School Special Project was started in 1968. The main aim of this project was to raise the teaching standard of science and mathematics in Malaysia. The Primary School Special Project used new teaching approaches but the content remained the same. Services and facilities were provided to the teachers as support under the Special Project. The Primary Science Special Project was pupil-centred and activity-oriented. But there were too many teachers and not enough trainers. Man and His Environment was one of the subjects offered in the New Primary School Curriculum (Kurikulum Baru Sekolah Rendah) (KBSR). Alam dan Manusia stressed on integration of disciplines, enhancement of thinking skills, inquiry and problem-solving skills and inculcation of moral values. The problems encountered in this curriculum were physical constraints such as large class size and lack of facilities. There was also inadequate in-service training and professional support. Teachers were also stressed and overburdened. Primary School Science Curriculum was implemented in 1994 under the Integrated Curriculum for Primary Schools (Kurikulum Bersepadu Sekolah Rendah), (KBSR). The objectives of this primary school science curriculum were to provide opportunities for pupils to learn about themselves and the environment through everyday experiences and scientific investigations, to acquire knowledge and skills in science and technology and to enable pupils to apply these knowledge and skills based on scientific attitudes and noble values to make decisions and solve problems in everyday life. In the KSSR, Science is taught under the Thematic Core Modules at Level One under the World of Art and World of Science and Technology.
  • 49. TOPIC 3 HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE SCIENCE CURRICULUM 49 The World of Science and technology (Dunia Sains dan Teknologi, DST) contains elements of Science, Information Communication Technology (ICT), and Design Technology (Reka Bentuk Teknologi, RBT). Science is introduced under the Thematic Core Modules to provide basic knowledge in the discipline of Science. In Level Two KSSR, Science is introduced as a Core Subject. The aim of the KSSR science curriculum is to inculcate interest and develop creativity in pupils through experiences and investigations to master science knowledge, scientific skills, thinking skills and scientific attitude and noble values. Kurikulum Baru Sekolah Rendah, (KBSR) Kurikulum Bersepadu Sekolah Rendah, (KBSR) Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Rendah, (KSSR) Man and the Environment Nature Study Primary Science curriculum Primary Science Special Project Bahagian Pembangunan Kurikulum. (2012). Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Rendah Tahun Tiga. Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia. Buku Penerangan Kurikulum Bersepadu Sekolah Rendah, Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia. Retrieved from index.php? option=com_contentview=articleid=313Itemid=482lang=en. . Ministry of Education Malaysia. Integrated curriculum for primary schools. Science syllabus. Retrieved from hsp/sains/kbsr/sp_science_primary_school.pdf. Pusat Pembangunan Kurikulum. (2002). Huraian sukatan pelajaran Sains. Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia.
  • 50. TOPIC 3 HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE SCIENCE CURRICULUM 50 Poh, S. H. (2003). Pedagogy Science 1: Science curriculum. Kuala Lumpur: Kumpulan Budiman. Razak Report, 1956. Malaysia Fact Book. Retrieved from http://malaysiafact . Sharifah Maimunah Syed Zin (1990) Curriculum Innovation: Case Studies Of Man and the Environment in the Malaysian Primary School Curriculum PhD thesis, University of East Anglia (unpublished). Tan, J. N. (1999). The Development and Implementation of the Primary School Science Currriculum in Malaysia. Unpublished PhD thesis of the University of East Anglia, Norwich, United Kingdom. Wong, Francis Hoy Kee, Yee Hean Gwee (1980). Official Reports on Education: Straits Settlements and the Federated Malay States, 1870-1939. Singapore: Pan Pacific Book Distributors.
  • 51. Topic 4 KBSR Science Curriculum I LEARNING OUTCOMES By the end of this topic, you should be able to: 1. State the aims of primary school science; 2. List the objectives of primary school science; 3. Describe the scientific skills that are listed in the science curriculum; 4. Identify thinking skills encompassed in any given scientific skill; 5. Explain various teaching methods used in science teaching and learning; and 6. Relate between KBSR Science Curriculum with National Philosophy, National Science Philosophy and Vision 2020. INTRODUCTION Science is always viewed as a difficult subject, full of abstract concepts that need to be remembered. But if we start introducing science as early as possible and with the right approach, children will end up being innovative scientists contributing to the nation. Young children are naturally curious and constantly exploring the world around them. Classroom science provides the opportunity for children to extend this natural curiosity and building of theories. With the help of teachers, children can develop a greater appreciation and understanding of the natural world.
  • 52. 5 2 TOPIC 4 KBSR SCIENCE CURRICULUM I In this topic we will study the KBSR Science Curriculum. We will look at the aims, objectives, scientific skills, scientific attitudes and values, the teaching and learning strategies that can be used in the science classroom. Lastly, we will discuss how the National Philosophy, Science Education Philosophy and Vision 2020 relate to one another. KBSR SCIENCE CURRICULUM 4.1 Science is being offered as one subject in primary schools in Malaysia. It has undergone a few changes in the last few years. It was first introduced as KBSR Science under the Man and His Environment component of the curriculum in 1994. When it was first introduced, the subject was taught in Years Four, Five and Six. Later, the subject was taught starting from Year One to Year Six. Then, in 2003, the government introduced Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Sains dan Matematik Dalam Bahasa Inggeris (PPSMI) (the teaching and learning of science and mathematics in English). The policy was the result of a Cabinet meeting on July 19, 2002 under the administration of the fourth prime minister, Tun Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad. According to the Ministry of Education, the policy would run in stages, starting with the 2003 school session, pioneered by all students of Year One at primary education level, and Form One at the secondary education level. The teaching of science in English was then fully implemented in secondary schools in 2007, and in primary schools in 2008. Under this policy, the science curriculum itself did not change, only the language of instruction. But in 2009 this policy was discontinued. CURRICULUM SPECIFICATIONS OF KBSR SCIENCE SYLLABUS 4.2 In this subtopic, we will look at the KBSR curriculum specifications. 4.2.1 Aims and Objectives The aims of the primary school science curriculum are to provide opportunities for pupils to learn about themselves and the environment through everyday experiences and scientific investigations, to acquire knowledge and skills in science and technology and to enable pupils to apply these knowledge and skills based on scientific attitudes and noble values to make decisions and solve problems in everyday life. It is hoped that this curriculum will develop the
  • 53. TOPIC 4 KBSR SCIENCE CURRICULUM I 53 potential of individuals in an overall and integrated manner so as to produce Malaysian citizens who are scientifically and technologically literate, competent in scientific skills, practise good moral values, capable of coping with the changes in scientific and technological advances and be able to manage nature with wisdom and responsibility for the betterment of mankind. Emphasis is given to the mastery of scientific skills needed to study and understand the world. Scientific skills refer to process skills and manipulative skills. The curriculum also aims to provide a strong foundation in science and technology to prepare pupils for the learning of science in secondary school. (a) Level One The aim of the Primary School Science Curriculum for level one is to develop studentsÊ interest in science and to nurture their creativity and their curiosity. The objectives of the Primary School Science Curriculum for Level One are to: (i) Stimulate pupilsÊ curiosity and develop their interest in the world around them; (ii) Provide pupils with opportunities to develop science process skills and thinking skills; (iii) Develop pupilsÊ creativity; (iv) Provide pupils with basic science knowledge and concepts; (v) Inculcate scientific attitudes and positive values; and (vi) Create awareness on the need to love and care for the environment. (b) Level Two The aims of the Primary School Science Curriculum for level two are to produce human beings who are experienced, skilful and morally sound in order to form a society with a culture of science and technology and which is compassionate, dynamic, and progressive so that people are more responsible towards the environment and are more appreciative of natureÊs creations.
  • 54. 5 4 TOPIC 4 KBSR SCIENCE CURRICULUM I The objectives of the Primary School Science Curriculum for level two are to: (i) Develop thinking skills so as to enhance intellectual ability; (ii) Develop scientific skills and attitude through inquiry; (iii) Enhance natural interest in their surroundings; (iv) Gain knowledge and understanding of scientific facts and concepts to assist in understanding themselves and the environment; (v) Solve problems and make responsible decisions; (vi) Handle the latest contributions and innovations in science and technology; (vii) Practise scientific attitudes and noble values in daily lives; (viii) Appreciate the contributions of science and technology towards the comfort of life; and (ix) Appreciate arrangement and order in nature. ACTIVITY 4.1 Choose science activities that you have done before. Which objectives were included in the activities? 4.2.2 Scientific Skills You have also explored scientific skills in detail in HBSC2203 Tools in Learning Science. Thus in this section we will just mention and list them briefly. Science emphasises inquiry and problem-solving. In inquiry and problem-solving processes, scientific and thinking skills are utilised. Scientific skills are important in any scientific investigation such as conducting and carrying out projects. Scientific skills encompass science process skills and manipulative skills. (a) Science Process Skills Science process skills enable students to formulate their questions and find the answers systematically. Descriptions of the science process skills are as shown in Table 4.1.
  • 55. TOPIC 4 KBSR SCIENCE CURRICULUM I 55 Table 4.1: Description of Science Process Skills Observing Using the senses of hearing, touch, smell, taste and sight to find out about objects or events. Classifying Using observations to group objects or events according to similarities or differences. Measuring and Using Numbers Making quantitative observations by comparing with a conventional or non-conventional standard. Making Inferences Using past experiences or previously collected data to draw conclusions and come up with explanations of events Predicting Making a forecast about what will happen in the future based on prior knowledge gained through experiences or collected data. Communicating Using words or graphic symbols such as tables, graphs, figures or models to describe an action, object or event. Using space-time relationship Describing changes in parameters with time. Examples of parameters are location, direction, shape, size, volume, weight and mass. Interpreting data Giving rational explanations about an object, events or pattern derived from collected data. Defining operationally Defining all variables as they are used in an experiment by describing what must be done and what should be observed. Controlling variables Naming the fixed variables, manipulated variables, and responding variables in an investigation. Making Hypotheses Making a general statement about the relationship between a manipulated variable and a responding variable to explain an observation or event. The statement can be tested to determine its validity. Experimenting Planning and conducting activities including collecting, analysing and interpreting data and making conclusions. SELF-CHECK 4.1 What are the basic skills encompassed in the experimenting skill?
  • 56. 5 6 TOPIC 4 KBSR SCIENCE CURRICULUM I (b) Manipulative Skills Manipulative skills in scientific investigation are psychomotor skills that enable students to: (i) Use and handle science apparatus and substances; (ii) Handle specimens correctly and carefully; (iii) Draw specimens, apparatus; (iv) Clean science apparatus; and (v) Store science apparatus. 4.2.3 Thinking Skills Thinking is a mental process that requires an individual to integrate knowledge, skills and attitude in an effort to understand the environment. One of the objectives of the national education system is to enhance the thinking ability of students. This objective can be achieved through a curriculum that emphasises thoughtful learning. Teaching and learning that emphasises thinking skills is a foundation for thoughtful learning. Thoughtful learning is achieved if students are actively involved in the teaching and learning process. Activities should be organised to provide opportunities for students to apply thinking skills in conceptualisation, problem-solving and decision-making. Thinking skills can be categorised into critical thinking skills and creative thinking skills. A person who thinks critically always evaluates an idea in a systematic manner before accepting it. A person who thinks creatively has a high level of imagination, is able to generate original and innovative ideas, and modify ideas and products. Thinking strategies are higher order thinking processes that involve various steps. Each step involves various critical and creative thinking skills. The ability to formulate thinking strategies is the ultimate aim of introducing thinking activities in the teaching and learning process.
  • 57. TOPIC 4 KBSR SCIENCE CURRICULUM I 57 (a) Critical Thinking Skills A brief description of each critical thinking skill is as follows (Table 4.2): Table 4.2: Critical Thinking Skills Attributing Identifying criteria such as characteristics, features, qualities and elements of a concept or an object. Comparing and Contrasting Finding similarities and differences based on criteria such as characteristics, features, qualities and elements of a concept or event. Grouping and Classifying Separating and grouping objects or phenomena into categories based on certain criteria such as common characteristics or features Sequencing Arranging objects and information in order based on the quality or quantity of common characteristics or features such as size, time, shape or number. Prioritising Arranging objects and information in order based on their importance or priority Analysing Examining information in detail by breaking it down into smaller parts to find implicit meaning and relationships. Detecting Bias Identifying views or opinions that have the tendency to support or oppose something in an unfair or misleading way. Evaluating Making judgments on the quality or value of something based on valid reasons or evidence. Making Conclusions Making a statement about the outcome of an investigation that is based on a hypothesis. (b) Creative Thinking Skills A brief description of each creative thinking skill is as follows (Table 4.3):
  • 58. 5 8 TOPIC 4 KBSR SCIENCE CURRICULUM I Table 4.3: Creative Thinking Skills Generating Ideas Producing or giving ideas in a discussion. Relating Making connections in a certain situation to determine in a certain situation to determine a structure or pattern of relationship. Making Inferences Using past experiences or previously collected data to draw conclusions and come up with explanations of events. Predicting Making a forecast about what will happen in the future based on prior knowledge gained through experiences or collected data. Making Generalisations Making a general conclusion about a group based on observations made on, or some information from, samples of the group. Visualising Recalling or forming mental images about a particular idea, concept, situation or vision. Synthesising Combining separate elements or parts to form a general picture in various forms such as writing, drawing or artefact. Making Hypotheses Making a general statement about the relationship between a manipulated variable and a responding variable to explain an observation or event. The statement can be tested to determine its validity. Making Analogies Understanding a certain abstract or complex concept by relating it to a simpler or concrete concept with similar characteristics. Inventing Producing something new or adapting something already in existence to overcome problems in a systematic manner. ACTIVITY 4.2 Refer to the curriculum specifications. What are the thinking skills encompassed in: (a) Observing? (b) Classifying? (c) Making inference? (d) Measuring and using numbers?
  • 59. TOPIC 4 KBSR SCIENCE CURRICULUM I 59 4.2.4 Scientific Attitudes and Noble Values Science learning experiences can be used as a means to inculcate scientific attitudes and noble values in students. These attitudes and values encompass the following: (a) Having an interest and curiosity in the environment; (b) Being honest and accurate in recording and validating data; (c) Being diligent and persevering; (d) Being responsible about the safety of oneself, others, and the environment; (e) Realising that science is a means to understand nature; (f) Appreciating and practising clean and healthy living; (g) Appreciating the balance of nature; (h) Being respectful and well mannered; (i) Appreciating the contribution of science and technology; (j) Being thankful to God; (k) Having analytical and critical thinking skills; (l) Being flexible and open-minded; (m) Being kind-hearted and caring; (n) Being objective; (o) Being systematic; (p) Being cooperative; (q) Being fair and just; (r) Daring to try; (s) Thinking rationally; and (t) Being confident and independent.
  • 60. 6 0 TOPIC 4 KBSR SCIENCE CURRICULUM I The inculcation of scientific attitudes and noble values generally occurs through the following stages: (a) Stage 1: Being aware of the importance and the need for scientific attitudes and noble values. (b) Stage 2: Giving emphasis to these attitudes and values. (c) Stage 3: Practising and internalising these scientific attitudes and noble values. ACTIVITY 4.3 1. Think of science activities that you can do. 2. What are suitable attitudes and noble values that can be incorporated in those activities? 4.2.5 Teaching and Learning Strategies Teaching and learning strategies in science curriculum emphasise thoughtful learning. Thoughtful learning is a process that helps students acquire knowledge and master skills that will help them develop their minds to the optimum level. Thoughtful learning can occur through various learning approaches such as inquiry, constructivism, contextual learning and mastery learning. Learning activities should therefore be geared towards activating studentsÊ critical and creative thinking skills and not be confined to routine or rote learning. Students should be made aware of the thinking skills and thinking strategies that they use in their learning. They should be challenged with higher order questions and problems and be required to solve problems utilising their creativity and critical thinking. The teaching and learning process should enable students to acquire knowledge, master skills and develop scientific attitudes and noble values in an integrated manner. Inquiry-discovery emphasises learning through experiences. Inquiry generally means to find information, to question and to investigate a phenomenon that occurs in the environment. Discovery is the main characteristic of inquiry. Learning through discovery occurs when the main concepts and principles of science are investigated and discovered by students themselves. Through
  • 61. TOPIC 4 KBSR SCIENCE CURRICULUM I 61 activities such as experiments, students investigate a phenomenon and draw conclusions by themselves. Teachers then lead students to understand the science concepts though the results of the inquiry. Thinking skills and scientific skills are thus developed further during the inquiry process. However, the inquiry approach may not be suitable for all teaching and learning situations. Sometimes, it may be more appropriate for teachers to present concepts and principles directly to students. The use of variety of teaching and learning methods can enhance studentsÊ interest in science. Science lessons that are not interesting will not motivate students to learn and subsequently will affect their performance. The choice of teaching methods should be based on the curriculum content, studentsÊ abilities, studentsÊ repertoire of intelligences, and the availability of resources and infrastructure. Different teaching and learning activities should be planned to cater for students with different learning styles and intelligences. The following are brief descriptions of some teaching and learning methods. (a) Experiment An experiment is a method commonly used in science lessons. In experiments, students test hypotheses through investigations to discover specific science concepts and principles. Conducting an experiment involves thinking skills, scientific skills and manipulative skills. In the implementation of this curriculum, besides guiding students to carry out experiments, where appropriate, teachers should provide students with the opportunities to design their own experiments. This involves students drawing up plans as to how to conduct experiments, how to measure and analyse data and how to present the results of their experiment. (b) Discussion A discussion is an activity in which students exchange questions and opinions based on valid reasons. Discussions can be conducted before, during or after an activity. Teachers should play the role of facilitator and lead a discussion by asking questions that stimulate thinking and getting students to express themselves. (c) Simulation In simulation, an activity that resembles the actual situation is carried out. Examples of simulation are role play, games and the use of models. In role play, students play out a particular role based on certain pre-determined conditions. Games require procedures that need to be followed. Students play games in order to learn a particular principle or to understand the