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Life comprises living and non-living things. There are millions of living things on 
Earth, consisting of plants and animal species. The species range from simple to 
complex organisms. Before we go any further, let us take a look at Figure 1.1. 
What common characteristics do these living organisms have? 
Figure 1.1: Living organisms 
of Living 
By the end of this topic, you should be able to: 
1. List the seven basic living processes; 
2. Explain the life processes in humans and animals; 
3. Explain the life processes in plants; 
4. Describe the basic needs of humans and animals; and 
5. Describe the basic needs of plants.
This is what we are going to learn in this topic. We will discuss their common 
characteristics and also differences. Due to their characteristics as living 
organisms, they need basic things in order to survive. What are they? LetÊs read 
Living things comprise animals and plants. Although all living things look 
different from each other, they all have seven things in common. These seven 
things are called life processes. You must be wondering, what are the seven basic 
life processes? These seven basic life processes are shown in Figure 1.2. 
Figure 1.2: Seven basic life processes 
Things are only alive if they engage in all the seven processes as shown in Figure 
1.1. When they have the capacity to carry out these seven life processes, they are 
characterised as living organisms. Some non-living things may have one or two 
of these characteristics but living things will have all the seven characteristics. 
List the basic seven life processes in living organisms.
As mentioned previously, living organisms have the capacity to carry out the 
seven life processes as shown in Figure 1.1. Firstly, letÊs take a look at the life 
processes that happen specifically in humans and animals. 
1.2.1 Nutrition 
Animals and human beings are in the animal group. They feed or eat from the 
day they are born until they die. Right after birth, they are fed by their mothers 
with the simplest form of food. Many of them feed on their mothersÊ milk. 
However, as they develop and grow up, they eat different kinds of foods. Some 
animals feed on plants only, some eat meat of other animals and others eat both 
meat and plants. 
Animals that eat only plants, algae and photosynthesising bacteria like fungi, 
belong to the class called herbivores. On the other hand, animals that feed on the 
meat of other animals are called carnivores. Animals that consume both animals 
and plants as their primary food source are in the group called omnivores. 
1.2.2 Movement 
The second characteristic of animals is that they can move. They move from one 
place to another for many reasons, namely in search of living places, food, safety, 
breeding, and escaping from predators. Some of them move just like human 
beings do, because of occupation; finding a place that is safer or suitable for 
living; or other reasons. Animals move in one of various ways. The various types 
of movement are walking, running, leaping, hopping, slithering, burrowing, 
swimming and flying. 
1.2.3 Respiration 
The third characteristic of living things is that they breathe. Human beings and 
animals breathe oxygen into their lungs and then breathe out carbon dioxide 
through a process called breathing. Therefore, breathing refers to the process that 
brings about an exchange of gases between an organism and its environment. 
The oxygen from the lungs is then transported to each cell via the circulatory 
system and then is used to oxidise glucose through the process of respiration in 
every cell.
1.2.4 Excretion 
The fourth characteristic of living things is that they must eliminate the waste 
products of metabolism and other non-useful materials from their bodies. The 
way of removing this waste is called excretion. If this waste is to remain in the 
body, it may be poisonous and harm them. Humans and animals produce liquid 
waste called urine. Both of them also excrete waste when they exhale. Thus, all 
living things have to remove waste from their bodies. 
1.2.5 Growth 
Human beings and animals are small in size when they are newborn. They need 
energy from food and water to develop and grow. With food, they become 
bigger and taller because this energy is used in growth. Living things develop 
and become larger and more complicated as they grow. Look at how small a 
baby elephant is when it was born (Figure 1.3). Then look at its size some years 
later! If you have a younger sibling, can you remember how small he or she was 
at birth? How tall or big he or she is now? What do you know about this 
Figure 1.3: A baby elephant and its mother 
1.2.6 Sensitivity 
The other characteristic of living things is that they are sensitive. They can react 
or respond to the conditions around them through light, touch, pain, heat, cold, 
sound and others. Animals and humans can respond to stimuli as they possess 
sense organs that are made up of nerve cells. Certain microbes curl into tiny balls 
when something touches them. Human beings blink when light shines into their 
eyes. Some people become disturbed if the environment around them is too 
1.2.7 Reproduction 
Living things are capable of multiplying or reproducing themselves. If one 
organism fails to reproduce, the population will decrease and finally become 
extinct. Several factors can affect the existing number of living things. They may 
become fewer, then disappear because their members die due to old age, get 
infected by diseases or involved in accidents, are hunted by others (man or 
animals), get killed in territorial disputes, wars, power struggles and so on. It is a 
fundamental law of biology that living things can only be reproduced by other 
living things to survive. Almost every living organism exists due to the 
reproductive activities of other organisms. 
There are two types of reproduction for living things. They are: 
(a) Asexual 
Asexual reproduction involves no exchange of genetic material between 
organisms. It is a simple replication to produce a new organism. An 
organism reproduced in this way has little or no genetic variation from the 
parent organism. Single celled-animals like Protozoa and Hydra (Figure 1.4 
and 1.5) are examples of animals that reproduce asexually.
Figure 1.4: Protozoa 
Figure 1.5: Hydra 
(b) Sexual 
Sexual reproduction involves two organisms, male and female. Human 
beings make babies, kangaroos produce joeys, and chickens and ducks lay 
eggs. The process involves the combining of genetic materials from the two 
parent organisms during mating. The offspring or babies from the sexual 
reproduction generally will have some of the characteristics of both parents. 
Sexual reproduction from the parent organisms gives rise to reproductive 
cells called gametes. Sexual reproduction ensures that a high degree of 
variation occurs within populations.
Explain living processes in humans and animals. 
1. Name five examples of animals (apart from Protozoa and 
Hydra) that reproduce asexually. 
2. Do research on how a baby in its motherÊs womb excretes its 
waste. Share the information with your classmates. 
3. Look at Figures 1.6 to 1.8. Which animal is a herbivore, carnivore 
and omnivore? 
Figure 1.6: Horse 
Figure 1.7: Lion 
Figure 1.8: Crow 
1. Figures 1.9 to 1.16 show different kinds of animal movement. Can you 
name other examples of animals that move according to this type of 
Figure 1.9: 
People walking 
Activity 1.1 
Figure 1.10: A 
running fox 
Figure 1.11: A 
leaping lemur 
Figure 1.12: A 
Figure 1.13: A 
flying eagle 
Figure 1.14: A 
burrowing owl 
Figure 1.15: A 
slithering snake 
Figure 1.16: A 
swimming tiger 
Plants also carry out the seven life processes but they differ in some aspects when 
compared to animals and humans. Now, let us learn about the life processes in 
1.3.1 Nutrition 
Plants make their own food through the process of photosynthesis. They are able 
to do so because they have chlorophyll that capture sunlight and the energy 
needed to start photosynthesis. The end product of photosynthesis is glucose 
which is then stored as starch. 
1.3.2 Movement 
Unlike animals, only certain parts of the plants move. Plants move slowly, 
usually by growing in one direction, such as towards a source of light. Plant 
movement occurs both above ground, in the form of leaves and shoots, and 
below ground, where roots spread out and move deeper into the earth in order to 
provide stronger support and get a greater supply of nutrients. 
1.3.3 Respiration 
Just as humans and animals breathe, plants use respiration as a means of 
releasing energy, using up nutrients and oxygen and producing water and 
carbon dioxide. Respiration is essentially the opposite of photosynthesis, the 
process by which plants create food and matter. 
1.3.4 Excretion 
Plants have no special organs for the removal of wastes. The waste products of 
respiration and photosynthesis are used as raw materials for each other. Oxygen, 
produced as a by-product of photosynthesis, is used up during respiration and 
carbon dioxide (produced during respiration) is used up during photosynthesis.
Excretion is carried out in the plants in the following ways: 
(a) The gaseous wastes, oxygen, carbon dioxide and water vapour are 
removed through stomata of leaves and lenticels of stems. 
(b) Some waste products collect in the leaves and bark of trees. When the 
leaves and bark are shed, the wastes are eliminated. 
(c) Some waste products are rendered harmless and then stored in the stem as 
solid bodies. Raphides, tannins, resins, gum, rubber and essential oils are 
some such wastes. 
1.3.5 Growth 
Growth in plants occurs chiefly at meristems where rapid mitosis provides new 
cells. In stems, mitosis in the apical meristem (Figure 1.17) of the shoot apex (also 
called the terminal bud) produces cells that enable the stem to grow longer and 
periodically produces cells that will give rise to leaves. The point on the stem 
where leaves develop is called a node. The region between a pair of adjacent 
nodes is called the internode. 
Figure 1.17: Apical meristem 
The internodes in the terminal bud are very short so that the developing leaves 
grow above the apical meristem that produced them and thus protect it. New 
meristems, the lateral buds, develop at the nodes, each just above the point 
where a leaf is attached. When the lateral buds develop, they produce new stem 
tissues, thus branches are formed.
Growth also occurs at the root tip as can be seen in Figure 1.18. The root tip 
consists of a: 
(a) Meristem  a region of rapid mitosis, which produces the new cells for root 
growth; and 
(b) Root cap  a sheath of cells that protects the meristem from abrasion and 
damage as the root tip grows through the soil. 
Figure 1.18: Growth at root tip of plants 
1.3.6 Sensitivity 
Like animals, plants sense changes in their surroundings and respond to them. 
Plants are able to detect and respond to light, gravity, changes in temperature, 
chemicals, and even touch. Unlike animals, plants do not have nerves or muscles, 
so they cannot move very fast. A plant usually responds to change by gradually 
altering its growth rate or its direction of growth. The slow movements that 
plants make towards or away from a stimulus, such as light, are known as 
tropisms. Tropisms are controlled with the help of special chemicals called plant 
growth regulators. Roots push down through soil because of the effect of gravity. 
They may also be drawn towards water, or away from bright light as illustrated 
in Figure 1.19.
Figure 1.19: PlantsÊ sensitivity 
Did you notice that sunflowers face east in the morning but west by the evening? 
This is called phototropism, which means the movement of part of a body 
towards light (Figure 1.20). 
Figure 1.20: Sunflowers respond towards light
1.3.7 Reproduction 
Plants also reproduce in two ways; asexual and sexually. The process of 
reproduction is the same as in animals. Plants growing from tubers or bulbs, 
such as sweet potatoes and onions, are examples of plants that reproduce 
asexually. This can be seen in Figure 1.21. 
Figure 1.21: Asexual reproduction in plants 
Sexual reproduction is the formation of offspring by the fusion of gametes. In 
higher plants, the offspring are packaged in protective seeds, which are long-lived 
and can be dispersed farther away from the parents. In flowering plants 
(angiosperms), the seeds themselves are contained inside the fruit, which may 
protect the developing seeds and aid in their dispersal.
Tick [] the following statements that are true. 
Green leaves have chlorophyll that can capture sunlight, 
the energy needed to start photosynthesis. 
Shoots of plants move away from sunlight while the roots 
move downward. 
3. Plants carry out photosynthesis but not respiration. 
4. Plants take in carbon dioxide as well as oxygen. 
5. Tannin, resin and gum are the waste products of plants. 
6. Growth only happens at the shoot tip and root tip. 
7. Plants respond to sunlight for growth. 
Bulb, tuber and rhizome are examples of asexual 
reproduction in plants. 
9. Flowers enable plants to reproduce sexually. 
10. Plants can also reproduce sexually through spores. 
You have learned the basic life processes of humans, animals and plants. Now, 
letÊs go through the basic needs of humans and animals first. Then, we will go 
through the basic needs of plants. But bear in mind that the basic needs of 
animals and humans are quite similar to plants and differ only in certain things. 
1.4.1 Water 
The most important nutrient for survival is water. Water is the medium in which 
all chemical reactions take place within an animal's body. If an animal loses one-tenth 
of its water for any reason, the results are fatal. Water also functions in 
excretion of wastes, regulating body temperature and transporting food.
Animals get water from streams, lakes, ponds or even puddles. Others drink 
water that collects on leaves after a rainfall. But do you know that some animals 
do not drink water? Instead, they get water from the food that they eat. 
1.4.2 Food 
Animals and humans get their food by eating other animals or plants or both. 
Different classes of food have different functions on the animals. For example, 
protein is needed for building and repairing cells, carbohydrate and fats provide 
energy. Energy is needed for bodily functions such as respiration, movement and 
growth. Food, or lack of it, often affects animals in dramatic ways. Food scarcity 
can trigger great migrations such as the year round movements of caribou and 
the winter migrations of many birds. 
Adaptation enables all animals to get food. Toothed herbivores, for example, 
have large, flat, round teeth that help them grind plant leaves and grasses. Some 
carnivorous animals, such as bears, dogs and the big cats have sharp canines and 
incisors for chewing through meat with ease. The digestive systems of animals 
have proteins known as enzymes that break down food and convert it into 
energy. Some animals eat insects as their food. 
1.4.3 Air 
All animals must breathe in oxygen in order to survive. Land-dwelling species 
receive oxygen from the air, which they inhale directly to their lungs. Marine and 
freshwater species filter oxygen from water by using their gills. Oxygen is much 
needed in respiration that provides energy for animals and humans. It is also 
important in destroying harmful bacteria in an animal's body without sacrificing 
the body's necessary bacteria. 
1.4.4 Temperature 
External temperature is a major factor in the survival of animals. The vertebrate 
groups, amphibians, reptiles and fish are said to be cold-blooded  they take on 
the temperature of their environment. Most have thin skin. On the other hand, 
birds and mammals, which are termed warm-blooded, can regulate their own 
body temperature.  
Let us take a look at an example of the Monarch butterflies (Figure 1.22). They are 
unable to survive the cold winters. In order to escape the cold weather, they will 
migrate to the south.
Figure 1.22: Monarch butterfly 
However, some mammals, such as bears, gophers (Figure 1.23) and bats, 
hibernate during winter and live off their body fat. They can drop their body 
temperature to about 50 degrees Fahrenheit. 
Figure 1.23: Gopher 
1.4.5 Shelter 
Every animal needs a place to live · a place where it can find food, water, 
oxygen and the proper temperature. Shelter provides cover from adverse 
weather, protection from predators and a place to rest and have their young. It is 
also a place to prevent death due to exposure that directly affects the 
reproductive success. Good sites greatly increase the chance of survival for 
young animals. Animals live in various types of shelter as illustrated in 
Figure 1.24.
Figure 1.24: Examples of shelters 
Animals also depend on their physical features to help them obtain food, keep 
safe, build homes, withstand weather and attract mates. These physical features 
are called physical adaptations. Physical adaptations do not develop during an 
animalÊs life but over many generations. The shape of a birdÊs beak, the number 
of fingers, colour of the fur, the thickness or thinness of the fur, the shape of the 
nose or ears are all examples of physical adaptations which help different 
animals to survive. 
You could read more about animal adaptations at: 
(a); and 
1. Explain the basic needs of humans and animals. 
2. Is mating a basic need for an animal? 
List a few animals that eat insects.
Plants are living things that have needs in order to stay alive. Do you know what 
are the basic needs of plants? LetÊs read further in order to know the basic needs 
of plants. 
1.5.1 Sunlight 
Why do you think sunlight is important to plants? Sunlight is very important for 
plants as it supplies the energy required for photosynthesis to take place. 
Photosynthesis depends upon the absorption of light by pigments in the leaves of 
plants. The most important of these is chlorophyll-a. 
Figure 1.25 shows the spectra of sunlight before and after its journey of being 
absorbed by a green leaf. 
Figure 1.25: Spectrum of light being absorbed by plants 
As can be seen in Figure 1.25, when sunlight falls on a green leaf, some of the 
sunlight is absorbed by chlorophyll.
1.5.2 Carbon Dioxide 
Without sufficient quantities of dissolved carbon dioxide, photosynthesis cannot 
take place. Some plants do not need much carbon dioxide (CO2) and some plants 
like Cryptocorynes seemed to worsen with higher levels of CO2. Typical levels of 
CO2 in a non-CO2 injected aquarium are in the range of 13 ppm. Most plants 
will flourish at the levels of 1020 ppm but this requires some types of CO2 
injection. With lower levels of CO2, the plants will not be able to utilise high 
levels of light and nutrients. Figure 1.26 shows how CO2 concentration affects the 
rate of photosynthesis. 
Figure 1.26: The effect of CO2 concentration upon rate of photosynthesis 
1.5.3 Nutrients 
The minerals available in soil is absorbed by roots and transported to other parts 
of the plants along with water in the xylem vessel. Essential plant elements 
include, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen, sulphur, 
calcium, iron, magnesium sodium, chlorine, copper, manganese, cobalt, zinc, 
molybdenum and boron to name the most common. Other minerals are also 
required, but they vary greatly from plant to plant. For example, some algae need 
large amounts of iodine and silicon, while some locoweed species need selenium.
When any of these elements are lacking in the soil and the deficiencies are not 
compensated for by adding fertiliser compounds of compost, the plant will 
demonstrate symptoms characteristic of mineral deficiencies. Most commercial 
fertilisers contain some ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Thus, they 
are able to compensate for a wide variety of insufficiency. 
1.5.4 Water 
All living things need water to stay alive, but plants use much more water than 
animals do. Plants are 90 percent water, compared to animals with as little as 
75 percent water by weight. Plants use water directly when they capture light 
energy from the sun and transform it into useful food molecules. 
Water is also needed to support the stem of plants. Plants need water to maintain 
turgor pressure. Turgor pressure helps to keep the plant erect and is 
accomplished when the plasma membrane pushes against the cell wall. Without 
water, the plantÊs cells will shrink and the stem will wilt. Water is also used to 
cool down a plant through evaporation. Plants absorb water and minerals from 
soil through roots and transport them to cells through xylem. 
1.5.5 Oxygen 
Plants need oxygen for their respiration process. During the day, plants produce 
far more oxygen from photosynthesis than the production of carbon dioxide 
from respiration. During the night, plants actually use the leftover oxygen 
produced from the daylight photosynthesis or take in oxygen from the air 
surrounding the plants to meet their energy needs. 
The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the leaves occurs through pores 
called stomata as can be seen in Figure 1.27(a), while in roots and stems through 
lenticels as can be seen in Figure 1.27(b).
(a) (b) 
Figure 1.27: Stoma (a) and lenticel (b) 
Describe the basic needs of plants. Is soil a basic need for a plant? 
In groups, surf the Internet or other resources to find out experiments 
that you can do to show that plants need oxygen, sunlight and water to 
live. Try the experiments and share your findings with the other 
 Living things can be categorised into humans, plants and animals. 
 Living things undergo seven basic living processes such as nutrition, 
movement, respiration, excretion, growth, sensitivity and reproduction. 
 Plants make their own food through photosynthesis while animals and 
humans have to rely on the plants or other animals for food. 
 Animals and humans move their whole bodies from one place to another 
while only certain parts of the plants move. 
 Both plants and animals undergo cellular respiration in the same way. 
 Both plants and animals experience changes in size and mass when they 
 Both plants and animals reproduce asexually and sexually. 
 Both plants and animals can respond to external stimuli. 
 Both plants and animals excrete their wastes but the waste products of 
animals and plants are different. 
 The basic needs of animals are food, water, air, temperature and shelter. 
 The basic needs of plants are sunlight, water, nutrients, carbon dioxide and 
Basic needs 
Living processes 
Ainslie, K. (1994). Why do my plants need so much water?. Retrieved March 20, 
2012, from 
Allen, J. (2012). Seven life processes of a plant. Retrieved March 20, 2012, from 
Campbell, N. A., Reece, J. B., Mitchell, L. G.,  Taylor, M. R. (2003). Biology 
(4th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Benjamin Cummings. 
Green, N. P., Stout, G. W,  Taylor, D. J. (1993). Biological science (2nd ed.). 
Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. 
Johnson, G. B. (2000). The living world (2nd ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw Hill Higher 
Kindersley, D. (2007). Plant sensitivity. Retrieved March 20, 2012, from 
RCN.(2011). Roots. Retrieved March 20, 2012, from 
Schultz, S. T. (2012). Reproduction in plants. Retrieved March 20, 2012, from
 Cell Structure 
By the end of this topic, you should be able to: 
1. Describe the levels of organisation of life; 
2. Differentiate prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells; 
3. Describe animal cell structures and their functions; 
4. Describe plant cell structures and their functions; and 
5. Explain the movement of substances across the membranes. 
A living thing is called an organism. Life on earth is represented by a great 
variety of organisms. There are single-cell organisms called prokaryotes and 
multicellular organisms called eukaryotes. The general structure of an animal cell 
and a plant cell is quite similar with some differences between them. 
In this topic, we will be looking at the levels of organisation of life, prokaryotes 
and eukaryotes, the structure of the animal and plant cells, its parts and the 
organelles in them. Lastly we will look at the different methods of movement of 
substances across the cell membranes.
Life on earth started as a unicellular organism. Later, some evolved into 
multicellular organisms. In unicellular (single-celled) organisms, the single cell 
performs all life functions. It functions independently. However, multicellular 
(many celled) organisms have various levels of organisation within them. 
Individual cells may perform specific functions and also work together for the 
good of the entire organism. The cells become dependent on one another. 
Multicellular organisms have the following five levels of organisation ranging 
from the simplest to the most complex. This can be seen in Figure 2.1. 
Figure 2.1: Levels of organisation 
Now, let us take a look at Table 2.1 to learn more about each level. There are also 
examples for each level of organisation.
Table 2.1: Levels of Organisation 
Level Description Example 
Cells  The basic unit of structure and function 
in living things. 
 May serve a specific function within the 
Blood cells, nerve cells, bone 
Tissues  Made up of cells that are similar in 
structure and function which work 
together to perform a specific activity. 
Connective, epithelial, muscle 
and nerve. 
Organs  Made up of tissues that work together 
to perform a specific activity 
Heart, brain, skin. 
Systems  Groups of two or more tissues that 
work together to perform a specific 
function for the organism. 
Circulatory system, nervous 
system, skeletal system. 
Organism  Entire living things that can carry out all 
basic life processes. Meaning, they can 
take in materials, release energy from 
food, release wastes, grow, respond to 
the environment and reproduce. 
 Usually made up of organ systems, but 
an organism may be made up of only 
one cell such as bacteria or protist. 
Bacteria, amoeba, mushroom. 
1. Describe the five levels of organisation in an organism. 
2. Does this sequence represent the levels of organisation from the 
simplest to the most complex?
The levels of organisation also happen in multicellular plants. Can you 
name some examples of cells, tissues, organs and systems in plants? 
Post your answer in the forum. 
We have learned that a cell is the basic unit of life. It is the basic unit of an 
organism and consists of a jelly-like material surrounded by a cell membrane. In 
the cell itself, there are structures or organelles that have different functions for 
the cell. 
According to the organisation of their structures, living cells come in two basic 
types, prokaryotic (also spelt as procaryotic) and eukaryotic (also spelt as 
eucaryotic) cells. These two cells can be seen in Figure 2.2. 
(a) (b) 
Figure 2.2: Prokaryote (a) and eukaryote (b) 
2.2.1 Prokaryotic Cells 
The Greek word ÂkaryoseÊ means ÂkernelÊ, as in a kernel of grain. In biology, this 
root word is used to refer to the nucleus of a cell. ÂProÊ means ÂbeforeÊ, and ÂeuÊ 
means ÂtrueÊ, or ÂgoodÊ. Thus,ÊProkaryoticÊ means Âbefore a nucleusÊ. Bacteria and 
other single or unicellular organisms are in the prokaryotic class.
Prokaryotic cells are smaller and simpler compared to eukaryotic. The cell is 
structurally simple because of its small size. In many single organisms, the 
smaller a cell is, the greater is its surface-to-volume ratio (the surface area of a cell 
compared to its volume). This can be seen in a prokaryotic spherical cell 
of 2 micrometers (m) in diameter. It has a surface-to-volume ratio of 
approximately 3:1, while a spherical cell having a diameter of 20 m has a 
surface-to-volume ratio of around 0.3:1. A large surface-to-volume ratio, as seen 
in smaller prokaryotic cells, means that nutrients can be easily and rapidly 
transferred and sent to any interior part of the cells. 
2.2.2 Eukaryotic Cells 
Eukaryotic, on the other hand, means Âpossessing a true nucleusÂ. Human beings, 
animals, plants, fungi, protozoans and algae cells are all eukaryotic cells. This is a 
big clue on the differences between these two cell types. Prokaryotic cells have no 
nuclei, while eukaryotic cells have true nuclei. 
Eukaryotic cell is much bigger in size compared to the prokaryotic cell. Due to 
the large size, it has a limited surface area when compared to its volume. It 
means that nutrients cannot rapidly diffuse to all interior parts of the cell easily. 
Thus, the eukaryotic organism cells require a variety of specialised internal 
structures or organelles to carry out metabolism, provide energy and transport 
chemicals throughout the cell. However, both Prokaryote and Eukaryote cells 
must carry out the same functions for life processes. 
2.2.3 Prokaryotic versus Eukaryotic Cells 
Both Prokaryote and Eukaryote cells have some similarities and differences. 
Learning these terms will help us understand a cell better by recognising them in 
terms of these elements: 
(a) Structural (cytoskeleton, flagella and cilia); 
(b) Endomembrane (plasma membrane, nucleus, Golgi apparatus, lysosome); 
(c) Energy-producing organelles (mitochondria, chloroplasts); and 
(d) Genetic materials (chromosomes, nucleolus, ribosomes).
Unfortunately, not all elements mentioned are present in all type of cells. It 
means that if one particular element is present in the prokaryotic organism, that 
element may not be found in the eukaryotic cells and vice-versa. Let us examine 
these features of elements of the type of cells in Table 2.2. 
Table 2.2: Prokaryotic versus Eukaryotic Cells 
Prokaryotic Eukaryotic 
Features Bacteria Plant Animal 
Size (diameter) 0.55 m 40 m 15 m 
Cell wall Yes 
(contains peptidoglycan) 
Genetic material A single circular molecule and 
DNA is naked. 
DNA linear, associated with 
histones (proteins), in a 
nucleus, surrounded by a 
nuclear envelope. 
Ribosomes 70S ribosomes (smaller) 80S ribosomes (larger) 
ER, Golgi 
apparatus No Yes 
Mitochondria No 
(respiration occurs on an 
unfolding of the cell 
membrane called the 
Chloroplasts No Yes No 
Explain the differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
Eukaryotic cells are found in two classes of living things. They are animals and 
plants. As indicated in the earlier subtopic, an eukaryotic cell is much bigger in 
size, more complex and requires a variety of specialised internal structures or 
organelles to carry out metabolism, provide energy and transport chemicals 
throughout the cell. In this subtopic, we are going to look at animal cells. 
2.3.1 General Structure of Animal Cells 
Animal cells are eukaryotes or have true nuclei. They are bigger compared to 
prokaryotic cells. This larger size means that there is a lot more space inside the 
cell like your studio apartment. Eukaryotic cell is like a gigantic warehouse. In 
order to make this huge space relatively as efficient as the small space, a lot of 
compartmentalisation and internal specialisation is required. Therefore, the cell 
has many organelles to do specific functions. 
However, the majority of the eukaryotic cells, like in the animal cells, will have 
structures namely: 
(a) Plasma membrane; 
(b) A nucleus; 
(c) Chromosomes; 
(d) Numerous membrane-bound cytoplasm organelles: mitochondria, rough 
endoplasmic reticulum (rer), smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ser); 
(e) Lysosomes; 
(f) Ribosomes; 
(g) Golgi body or apparatus; and 
(h) A Cytoskeleton.
Now, let us have a look at Figure 2.3 which shows a cell of an animal. 
Figure 2.3: A cell of an animal 
Source: Johnson (2000) 
You have just learned the features of animal cells. Now you need to conduct an 
experiment (Activity 2.2) in the Biology laboratory about animal cells taken from 
your body. In doing this, you need to take a sample from your inner cheek and 
examine it very carefully using the right procedures under a light microscope. 
However, before you start the experiment, note that a human cheek cell should 
look like the one in Figure 2.4. 
Figure 2.4: Human cheek cell 
Do the following experiment to observe the appearance of your cheek 
cells under a light microscope. 
Title of Experiment: Examining the structure of human cheek cells under 
a microscope. 
Materials Needed: A light microscope, several glass slides and cover 
slips, forceps, a dropping pipette, 5% iodine methelyne blue solution, 
cotton, a scalpel for scrapping the upper layer of your cheek and some 
prepared slides of stained human cheek cells. 
1. Using a scalpel, scrape your inner cheek and wipe it on a piece of 
glass slide. Spread it wide to get a large area. Apply a small drop of 
iodine methelyne blue solution using a dropping pipette. 
2. Using forceps, cover the cheek sample with the cover slip 
CAUTION: Iodine solution is an irritant poison. Avoid skin/eye 
contact; do not ingest it. Should this happen, flush the spill and 
splash it with water for 15 minutes; rinse your mouth with water 
and call your tutor. 
3. Put the slide under the microscope and examine it starting with the 
low power first and then with the high power. 
4. Sketch a few cells as they appear under the high power. How many 
dimensions do the cells appear to have when viewed under high 
power? Sketch a cell as it would appear if you could see it in three 
5. Identify the features of your cheek cells compared to the animal cells 
that you have learned. 
6. Replace your cheek sample slide with the prepared stained human 
cheek cells. 
7. Examine the cheek cells under the low and then the high power of 
the microscope. Compare the similarities and differences of the 
cheek cells you prepared with the one purchased. Draw several of 
the cells seen from both slides. 
8. Make an analysis of your experiment. 
9. Compare your results with those of your classmates. 
10. Extra journey: Browse the Internet for more information, diagrams, 
pictures and other similar experiments.
2.3.2 Function of Animal Cell Structures 
As you have learned previously, an animal cell contains many structures. These 
structures perform different functions. Let us take a look at the function of each 
of the structures listed in Table 2.3. 
Table 2.3: Function of Animal Cell Structures 
Animal Cell 
Structure Function 
Among the various membranes of the animal cell, the plasmalemma is 
the cell surface membrane (Figure 2.5). It consists of two layers of lipids 
(phospholipid bilayers) sandwiched between two types of protein layers 
molecule. It is semi-permeable and controls the exchange of substances 
between the cell and its environment. 
Figure 2.5: Plasmalemma 
Source: Green, Stout,  Taylor (1993) 
Nucleus The nucleusis the largest cell organelle or structure that is enclosed by an 
envelope of two membranes (Figure 2.6). 
Figure 2.6: Nucleus 
Source: Green, Stout,  Taylor (1993) 
As can be seen in Figure 2.6, this envelope is perforated by nuclear pores. 
It contains chromatin which is the extended form taken by chromosomes 
during interphase. The nucleus contains a nucleolus. In the 
chromosomes, DNA molecule of inheritance of that particular organism 
can be found. DNA is organised into genes that control all activities of 
the cell. During the replication process, nuclear division occurs. 
Ribosomes containing proteins are manufactured by nucleolus.
The extensive system of internal membranes is the endoplasmic 
reticulum (ER) (Figure 2.7). Endoplasmic means Âwithin the cytoplasmÊ, 
while reticulum is a Latin word meaning Âlittle netÊ. 
Figure 2.7: Endoplasmic reticulum 
Source: Green, Stout,  Taylor (1993) 
As can be seen in Figure 2.7, ER is a kind of weaving sacs that creates a 
series of channels and interconnections to form tubes called cisternae. 
On the surface of ER is a place where carbohydrates and lipids 
are manufactured by cells. If ribosomes are found on the surface of 
endoplasmic reticulum it is called rough ER. However, if ribosomes are 
absent, it is called smooth ER. Smooth ER is the site of lipid and steroid 
Ribosomes As mentioned earlier, ribosomes are found on the surface of rough ER 
and freely suspended in cytoplasm ER (Figure 2.8). They are very small 
organelles consisting of a large and small subunit, made of protein 
(polypeptide) and RNA. However, they are slightly smaller ribosomes 
found in mitochondria (and chloroplasts in plants). Their functions are 
the sites of protein synthesis. 
Figure 2.8: Ribosome 
Source: Green, Stout,  Taylor (1993) 
Mitochondria Mitochondria (singular: mitochondrion) are organelles that convert 
energy from chemical form to another. They are the ÂpowerhousesÊ of the 
cell (Figure 2.9). They carry out cellular respiration, where chemical 
energy of foods (like sugars) are converted into molecules called 
adenosine triphosphates (ATP). ATP is the main energy source for 
cellular work.
Figure 2.9: Mitochondria 
As can be seen in Figure 2.9, a mitochondrion is surrounded by an 
envelope consisting of two membranes. The inner membrane is in folded 
form; cristae (singular: crista) which increases the membraneÊs surface 
area, thus enhancing the mitochondrionÊs ability to produce ATP. It 
contains a matrix with ribosomes, that is a circular DNA molecule and 
phosphate granules. The matrix is the site of Krebs cycle enzymes and 
fatty acid oxidation. 
Golgi apparatus was named after the Italian biologist, Camillo Golgi. 
This apparatus is a stack of flattened, membrane-bound sacs 
(Figure 2.10). Stacks may form discrete dictyosomes in plant cells or an 
extensive network as in many animal cells. The Golgi apparatus 
performs several functions in close partnership with the ER. Golgi 
apparatus receives and modifies substances made by the ER. 
Figure 2.10: Golgi apparatus 
Lysosome A lysosome is a simple spherical sac bound by a single membrane 
(Figure 2.11). 
Figure 2.11: Lysosomes 
It contains digestive enzyme (hydrolytic enzyme). The word ÂlysosomeÊ 
in Greek means Âbreakdown bodyÊ. Its main function is related to 
breaking down the enzymes or molecules in the cell. The lysosomal 
compartments store digestive enzyme safely isolated from the rest of the 
cytoplasm. In addition, lysosome also helps to destroy harmful bacteria. 
White blood cells ingest bacteria into vacuoles, the lysosomal enzymes 
emptied into them and then destroy the bacteria cell walls. Thus, 
lysosome serves as recycling centres for damaged organelles. 
Microbodies The other important organelle in animal cells is microbodies. 
(Figure 2.12). 
Figure 2.12: Microbodies 
They possess a single membrane, frequently spherical and typically 
measure from 20 to 60 nanometres in diameter. These contain fine 
granules or crystals. Microbodies contain catalase, an enzyme that 
functions to break down hydrogen peroxide. All are associated with 
oxidation reactions.
Explain the function of these animal cell structures: 
(a) Cell Membrane:________________________________________ 
(b) Nucleus: ______________________________________________ 
(c) Mitochondria: _________________________________________ 
Now, let us take a look at plant cells. Plant cells are similar to animal cells.They 
are eukaryotic and have similar components as animal cells. However, they have 
three major differences that animal cells do not have. The three differences are: 
(a) Plant cell wall is somewhat different from animal cell wall. The cell walls 
reinforce the structures containing cellulose and lignin to make them rigid. 
(b) Plants are autotrophic. They are energetically self supporting by making 
their own foods using light energy from the sun. The light energy and 
chloroplasts (containing chlorophyll and enzymes) are factors in carrying 
out photosynthesis to manufacture foods. 
(c) Plant cells have very large vacuoles. This vacuole is a single membrane 
organelle used for storing organic acids, salts, etc. in the process of making 
foods during photosynthesis. 
2.4.1 General Structure of Plant Cells 
A plant cell is larger in size compared to an animal cell. The cell wall typically 
consists of more or less rigid cell wall and a protoplast (from the word 
ÂprotoplasmÊ). A protoplast consists of cytoplasm and a nucleus. In the 
cytoplasm, there are certain distinct organelles and systems of membranes. In a 
plant cell, there are plasma membrane, nucleus, plastids, mitochondria, 
microbodies, vacuoles, ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and microtubules. 
This can be seen in Figure 2.13.
Figure 2.13: Eukaryotic cell (Plant) 
Source: Johnson (2000) 
2.4.2 Structure of Onion Cell 
After learning the features of animal and plant cells, you should be able to 
discuss their similarities and differences in the structures. Do another experiment 
(Activity 2.3) in the Biology laboratory on plant cells. Bring two bulbs of onions 
from home. Take an example of a plant cell from the onion skin. You need to 
examine these very carefully using the right procedures in the lab. See the 
structures and draw diagrams of the onion cell as you see it using the microscope 
and then compare it with the prepared stained slide. 
Before you begin the experiment, here is the structure of an onion cell and its 
nucleus as shown in Figure 2.14. 
(a) (b) 
Figure 2.14: Onion cell (a) and its nucleus (b) 
Do the following experiment to observe the appearance of onion cells 
under a light microscope. 
Title of Experiment: Examining the structure of onion cells under a 
Materials Needed: A light microscope, several glass slides and cover 
slips, forceps, a dropping pipette, Wright Stain, 5% iodine solution, a 
razor blade, tissue paper and some prepared slides of the onion cell. 
1. Scrape the inner side of the onion skin using a razor blade. This 
membrane is called the epidermis. Using forceps, pull away the 
epidermis from the inner surface. 
CAUTION: Be careful not to wrinkle the membrane. 
2. Put it on a glass slide carefully and apply a droplet of water. Cover 
with the cover slip and place it on the microscope stage. Examine 
the unstained specimen using the low power and draw diagrams of 
the cell structure. 
3. Remove the specimen from the microscope stage. Apply a little 
amount of Wright Stain, then re-examine using the low power. Add 
a drop of iodine to the specimen from the edge of the cover slip. 
Draw the fluid underneath using a scrap of tissue paper. 
4. View the stained onion specimen, first using the low power, then 
the high power. 
5. Look and draw the nucleus, cell wall, vacuole, cytoplasm and other 
structures as seen. 
6. Remove the wet specimen. Now, replace it with the prepared slide 
of the onion cell specimen. View, first using the low power, then 
the high power. 
7. Draw a table, write the similarities and differences you see for both 
wet and prepared slides, in terms of their structures. 
8. Make an analysis of your experiment. 
9. Compare your results with those of your classmates. 
10. Extra journey: Browse the Internet for more information, diagrams, 
pictures and other works of this experiment.
2.4.3 Function of Plant Cell Structures 
As mentioned earlier, cells of higher plants contain all organelle or structures 
found and have similar functions as in the animal cells. However, there are 
exceptions. Certain organelles not found in animals are found in plants of higher 
order. They are the cell wall, organelle called chloroplast and large vacuoles. 
Let us take a look at Table 2.3 which shows the function of each plant cell 
Table 2.3: Function of Plant Cell Structures 
Plant Cell 
Structure Function 
Cell wall Animal cells have plasma membrane. Plant cells have cell walls  thick, 
rigid membranes surrounding the plant cells (Figure 2.15). 
Figure 2.15: Plant cells (cell walls and nuclei are visible) 
These plant cell walls are composed totally or partially of a carbohydrate 
called cellulose that is different from the proteins of prokaryotic cell walls. 
The function of this cell wall is to support and together with the central 
vacuole, create stiffness and turgidity in plant structures (in the leaves).
Plant cells contain a specialised vacuole called the central vacuole or large 
vacuole (Figure 2.16). 
Figure 2.16: Large vacuole 
This is a large, fluid-filled sac structure bounded by a single membrane. 
The vacuole is filled  mostly with water but also some impurities 
including mineral or protein. Thus, the water concentration is always less 
than 100%. When the cell is filled with enough water, osmosis causes the 
central vacuole to swell. This also causes the cell plasma membrane to 
press against the inside of the cell wall and the leafÊs tissues to be stiff or 
Plastids Plastids are organelles found only in plant cells and in higher plants, 
develop from small bodies called proplastids. Proplastids are found in 
meristematic regions. Plastids are family organelles containing: 
(a) Chloroplasts  composed of a double layer of modified membrane-bound 
(protein, chlorophyll, lipid) like mitochondria (Figure 2.17). 
The membrane contains chlorophyll and carotenoid pigments. They 
have a special function, that is, to carry out photosynthesis. Just like 
mitochondria, their inner membrane is very complicated. In fact, it 
is formed into many thylakoid structures that perform similar 
function as performed by the thylakoids in prokaryotic cells.
Figure 2.17: Plant cells with visible chloroplasts (granules) 
(b) Chromoplasts are non-photosynthetic coloured plastids. These 
contain mainly red, orange or yellow pigments (carotenoid). These 
colours are associated with fruits, such as tomato, pepper, and 
carrot roots. 
(c) Leucoplasts are colourless plastids. They lack pigmentation and are 
usually modified for food storage mostly in plant organs like roots, 
seeds and young leaves. 
Chlorophyll Chlorophyll is a green substance pigment in plant cells (Figure 2.18). 
Figure 2.18: Chlorophyll, the green substance 
Chlorophyll and enzymes help plants to carry out photosynthesis to 
manufacture food. During photosynthesis, chlorophyll takes in energy by 
absorbing light energy from sunlight and breaks down water molecules 
into hydrogen and oxygen. The hydrogen then combines with carbon 
dioxide to make sugars or glucose. The oxygen is released back into the 
atmosphere for us.
1. Do all plant cells contain organelles? 
2. Which organelles are found in a plant cell but not in an animal cell? 
3. Explain the functions of the different plant cell structures. 
The plasma membrane is a semi-permeable lipid bilayer found in all cells that 
controls water and certain substances in and out of the cell. Figure 2.19 shows the 
structure of a cell membrane. Scientists describe the organisation of the 
phospholipids and proteins usingthe fluid mosaic model. That model shows that 
the phospholipids are in the shape of head and a tail. The heads like water 
(hydrophilic) and the tails do not like water (hydrophobic). The tails bump up 
against each other and the heads are out facing the watery area surrounding the 
cell. The two layers of cells are called the bilayer. 
Figure 2.19: Structure of a cell membrane 
Do you know why substances moves in and out of the cell? This is to ensure that: 
(a) The nutrients can be easily transported into the cells; 
(b) The gases can be exchanged; 
(c) The metabolic waste from the cell can be got rid of; and
(d) The ph value and ionic concentration of the cell can be maintained 
(Figure 2.20). 
Figure 2.20: Substances in and out of cells 
Substances can be moved in and out through the membrane by different 
methods; diffusion, facilitated diffusion, osmosis and active transport. Let us take 
a look at each method in detail. 
2.5.1 Diffusion 
One method of movement through the membrane is diffusion. Diffusion is the 
movement of molecules from a region of higher concentration to one of lower 
concentration. This movement occurs because the molecules are constantly 
colliding with one another. The net movement of the molecules is to move away 
from the region of high concentration to the region of low concentration. 
Diffusion is a random movement of molecules down the pathway called the 
concentration gradient. Molecules are said to move down the concentration 
gradient because they move from a region of higher concentration to a region of 
lower concentration. A drop of dye placed in a beaker of water illustrates 
diffusion as the dye molecules spread out and colour the water. When diffusion 
between two concentrations is equal, there is no more movement and the system 
is said to have reached diffusion equilibrium.
2.5.2 Facilitated Diffusion 
A second mechanism for movement across the plasma membrane is facilitated 
diffusion. Facilitated diffusion is a type of passive transport that allows 
substances to cross membranes with the assistance of special transport proteins. 
Some molecules and ions such as glucose, sodium ions and chloride ions are 
unable to pass through the lipid bilayer of cell membranes. 
Certain proteins in the membrane assist facilitated diffusion by permitting only 
certain molecules to pass across the membrane. The proteins encourage 
movement in the direction that diffusion would normally take place, from a 
region with a higher concentration of molecules to a region of lower 
Through the use of ion channel proteins and carrier proteins that are embedded 
in the cell membrane these substance can be transported into the cell. Ion channel 
proteins allow specific ions to pass through the protein channel. The ion channels 
are regulated by the cell and are either open or closed to control the passage of 
substances into the cell. Carrier proteins are bound to specific molecules, change 
shape and then deposit the molecules across the membrane. Once the transaction 
is completed the proteins return to their original position. Figure 2.21 illustrates 
facilitated diffusion. 
Figure 2.21: Facilitated diffusion 
2.5.3 Osmosis 
Another method of movement across the membrane is osmosis. Osmosis is the 
movement of water from a region of higher concentration of water to one of 
lower concentration. ItÊs the movement of water from a low concentration of 
solute to a higher concentration of solute. Osmosis often occurs across a
membrane that is semipermeable. A selectively permeable membrane is one that 
allows unrestricted passage of water, but not solute molecules or ions. 
Thus,the direction of the movement of water depends on the types of solution as 
can be seen in Table 2.4. 
Table 2.4: Types of Solution 
Types of 
Solution Description 
Isotonic  ÂIsoÊ means Âthe sameÊ. If the concentration of solute (salt) is equal on 
both sides, the water will move back and forth. It will not have any 
result on the overall amount of water on either side (Figure 2.22). 
Figure 2.22: Isotonic solution 
Hypotonic  The word ÂhypoÊ means ÂlessÊ. In this case, there are less solute (salt) 
molecules outside the cell; since salt sucks, water will move into the cell 
(Figure 2.23). The cell will gain water and grow larger. 
Figure 2.23: Hypotonic solution
 In plant cells, the central vacuoles will fill and the plant becomes stiff 
and rigid, the cell wall keeps the plant from bursting. 
 In animal cells, the cell may be in danger of bursting, organelles 
called contractile vacuoles will pump water out of the cell to prevent 
Hypertonic  The word ÂhyperÊ means ÂmoreÊ. In this case, there are more solute (salt) 
molecules outside the cell, which causes the water to be sucked out 
towards that direction (Figure 2.24). 
Figure 2.24: Hypertonic solution 
 In plant cells, the central vacuole loses water and the cells shrink, 
causing wilting. 
 In animal cells, the cells also shrink. 
 In both cases, the cells may die. 
 This is why it is dangerous to drink sea water. There is a myth that 
drinking sea water will cause you to go insane and people stranded at 
sea will speed up dehydration (and death) by drinking sea water. 
 This is also why „salting fields‰ was a common tactic used during wars, 
it would kill the crops in the field, thus causing food shortages. 
2.5.4 Active Transport 
A fourth method for movement across the membrane is active transport. When 
active transport takes place, a protein moves a certain material across the 
membrane from a region of lower concentration to a region of higher 
concentration. Because this movement is against the concentration gradient, the 
cell must expend energy that is usually derived from a substance called 
adenosine triphosphate or ATP. An example of active transport occurs in human 
nerve cells. Here, sodium ions are constantly transported out of the cell into the 
external fluid bathing it, a region of high concentration of sodium. This transport 
of sodium sets up the nerve cell for the impulse that will occur within it later. 
2.5.5 Endocytosis and Exocytosis 
We have discussed the substances movement into and out of the cell membrane 
through passive or active transport. However, large food particles, whether they 
be grains of sugar or other organisms, cannot simply diffuse across the 
membrane; they are just too big. 
As a cell approaches a food particle, either the food particle pushes into the cell 
membrane forming an indentation, or pseudopodia which is extended from the 
cell around the particle. When the two extensions of the cell membrane meet on 
the other side of the particle, they close and form a vacuole around the food 
inside the cell. This process is called endocytosis. 
Meanwhile, exocytosis is a very similar process. In fact, it is just endocytosis in a 
reverse order. A vacuole within the cell moves toward and fuses with the cell 
membrane. In this manner, the contents of the vacuole are expelled into the 
external environment. This may occur, for example, after a cell has taken in a 
large particle through endocytosis, digested it using the enzymes in the 
lysosome, and then needs to expel the waste products.
Endocytosis and exocytosis are general terms to describe the process by which 
anything is taken into or expelled from the cell through the action of vacuoles. If 
the particles are in the form of solid, then the process is called phagocytosis. If 
the particles are in the form of liquid the process is called pinocytosis. Figure 2.25 
illustrates endocytosis and exocytosis. 
Figure 2.25: Endocytosis and exocytosis 
From the list given, circle the passive transport methods. 
(a) Osmosis 
(b) Diffusion 
(c) Facilitated diffusion
1. Figure 2.26 shows two containers of equal volume. They are 
separated by a membrane that allows free passage of water, 
but totally restricts passage of solute molecules. Solution A has 
3 molecules of the protein albumin (molecular weight 66,000) and 
Solution B contains 15 molecules of glucose (molecular weight 
180). Into which compartment will water flow, or will there be no 
movement of water? Discuss with your classmates. 
Figure 2.26:Two containers of equal volume 
2. Watch the videos and animations in the links given and draw 
diagrams to describe the movement of substances across the 
membrane through the various methods: 
mations/passive3.swf; and 
(b) http://highered.mcgraw-hill. 
3. Active transport is quite difficult to visualise. Surf the Internet to 
find videos or animation that illustrate this method of 
transportation. Watch and understand the active transport 
mechanism. Explain the process to your classmates with the help 
of diagrams.
 There are five levels of organisation in living things. These levels in sequence 
are the cells, tissues, organs, organ systems and organisms. 
 Organisms are composed of functional structures called cells. Cells are 
categorised into two: (i) single or unicellular and (ii) multicellular. 
 Single or unicellular organisms are prokaryotes while multicellulars are 
 Multicellular organisms are plants and animals. 
 Eukaryotic cells, in plants and animals, have similar organelles and functions. 
However, there are differences between plant and animal cells. 
 Substances move across the cell membrane through passive or active 
 Passive transport of substances across membrane include diffusion, 
facilitated diffusion and osmosis. 
 Diffusion is the movement of molecules from a region of higher concentration 
to one of lower concentration 
 Facilitated diffusion is a type of passive transport that allows substances to 
cross membranes with the assistance of special transport proteins. 
 Osmosis is the movement of water from a region of higher concentration of 
water to one of lower concentration 
 Active transport takes place when a protein moves a certain material across 
the membrane from a region of lower concentration to a region of higher 
 Energy is needed in active transport, usually derived from a substance called 
adenosine triphosphate or ATP.
Active transport 
Cell membrane 
Endoplasmic reticulum 
Facilitated diffusion 
Golgi body 
Biology-Online. (2005). Movement of substances across membrane. Retrieved 
March 20, 2012, from 
Campbell, N. A., Reece, J. B., Mitchell, L. G.,  Taylor, M. R. (2003). Biology 
(4th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Benjamin Cummings. 
CikguJes. (2008).What is active transport? Retrieved March 20, 2012, from 
CliffsNotes. (2012). Movement through plasma membrane. Retrieved March 20, 
2012, from 
Fankhauser, D. B. (2011). Cells: the functional units of organisms. Retrieved 
March 20, 2012, from labs/cell_biology/cells_lab/cells.htm 
Green, N. P., Stout, G. W.,  Taylor, D. J. (1993). Biological science (2nd ed.). 
Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. 
Johnson, G. B. (2000). The living world (2nd ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw Hill Higher 
Neumeyer, R. (2003). Protozoa.Retrieved March 20, 2012, from 
Westbroek, G. (2000). Levels of organization. Retrieved March 20, 2012, from 
and Classes 
of Food 
By the end of this topic, you should be able to: 
1. Describe the different types of nutrition; 
2. List the characteristics of the different classes of food; 
3. Explain the concept of a balanced diet; 
4. Define food chains, food webs and energy pyramids; 
5. List the various nutrients needed by plants; 
6. Explain the process of photosynthesis; 
7. Describe food technology, including genetically modified food; and 
8. Explain how to practise a healthy lifestyle. 
All living things need food to survive. Food provides us with energy for all living 
processes such as growth and development and also to maintain optimal health. 
In this topic, you will learn about the different types of nutrition, the classes of 
food, the concept of a balanced diet, food technology and how to practise a 
healthy life style. You will also explore nutrition in plants, the process of 
photosynthesis and the concepts of food chains, food webs and energy pyramids.
What exactly is nutrition? Nutrition is the process by which organisms obtain 
energy from food for growth, maintenance and repair of damaged tissues. 
Nutrients are the useful substances that are present in food. 
We shall first look at the different types of nutrition. There are two main types of 
nutrition as can be seen in Table 3.1. 
Table 3.1: Types of Nutrition 
Autotrophic Nutrition Heterotrophic Nutrition 
 It is a process in which organisms make 
their own food from simple inorganic 
raw materials such as carbon dioxide, 
and water by using light or chemical 
 In photosynthesis, organisms make 
complex organic compounds from 
carbon dioxide and water using light 
energy in the presence of chlorophyll. 
Example: all green plants. 
 In chemosynthesis, organisms make 
complex organic materials from carbon 
dioxide and water using chemical 
energy. Example: certain types of 
 It is a process in which organisms feed 
on complex, ready-made organic foods 
to obtain the nutrients they require. 
 The three main types of heterotrophic 
nutrition are holozoic nutrition, 
saprophytic nutrition and parasitic 
 In holozoic nutrition, organisms feed on 
solid organic material derived from the 
bodies of other organisms. Examples: 
humans and cows. 
 In saprophytic nutrition, organisms 
feed on the dead and decaying matter 
on which they live and grow. Examples: 
fungi and certain bacteria. 
 In parasitic nutrition, organisms feed on 
other living organisms known as hosts. 
Examples: tapeworms and ticks. 
Now, let us take a look at Figure 3.1 which summarises the various types of 
Figure 3.1: Types of nutrition 
3.1.1 Holozoic Nutrition 
Let us take a closer look at holozoic nutrition. Can you recall what holozoic 
nutrition is? Yes. Holozoic organisms feed on solid organic matter which can be 
either plants or animals. Holozoic organisms may be classified according to their 
diet; whether their diet is made up of plants, animals or both. Study Figure 3.2 
which shows how holozoic animals are classified according to what they eat.
Figure 3.2: Classification of animals according to what they eat
1. In your own words, explain the term „nutrition‰ and „nutrients‰. 
2. Explain each of the following types of nutrition. Give one example 
for each type: 
(a) Autotrophic nutrition; 
(b) Heterotropic nutrition; and 
(c) Holozoic nutrition. 
3. Classify the following animals into herbivores, carnivores or 
omnivores: eagles, lions, goats, bears, elephants and chickens. 
4. Discuss how the animals named in Question 3 have adaptations to 
suit their diet. 
The nutrients in food can be divided into seven classes based on their functions 
as shown in Figure 3.3. 
Figure 3.3: Classes of food 
Let us look at each of them in detail.
3.2.1 Carbohydrates 
Carbohydrates are the main source of energy and should be the major part of our 
daily intake. Carbohydrates consist of three elements: 
(a) Carbon; 
(b) Hydrogen; and 
(c) Oxygen. 
There are three main types of carbohydrates based on the number of simple 
sugars in the molecules. This is shown in Table 3.2. 
Table 3.2: Types of Carbohydrates 
Type Number of Simple Sugar Example 
(simple sugars) 
One unit Glucose, fructose, galactose. 
(complex sugars) 
Two units Lactose, maltose, sucrose. 
Polysaccharide Many units Starch, glycogen, cellulose. 
Now, let us learn the terms used in Table 3.1. Sugars are sweet crystalline 
compounds, which can dissolve in water and are found in syrup, honey, sugar 
cane and fruits. Starch is found in rice, bread and potatoes and is the main energy 
storage compound in plants. Glycogen is the main storage compound in animals 
and is stored in the liver and muscle cells. Cellulose is the substance that plant 
cell walls are made up of. Vegetables and fruits are two examples of food 
containing cellulose. All carbohydrates are broken down into simple sugars 
(monosaccharide) by enzymes in the digestive tract. However humans cannot 
digest cellulose like herbivores because humans do not have the enzyme 
cellulose. This means that we cannot get energy from cellulose but it still 
performs a useful function: it forms dietary fibre (roughage). We will learn about 
the importance of fibre later in this topic.
Before we end the discussion about carbohydrates, let us look at Figure 3.4 which 
summarises the main characteristics of carbohydrates. 
Figure 3.4: Characteristics of carbohydrates 
3.2.2 Proteins 
Proteins are complex organic substances which are made up of carbon, 
hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen. Most proteins also contain sulphur and 
phosphorus. Foods that are rich in protein include fish, meat, milk, nuts, cheese, 
and eggs as shown in Figure 3.5. 
Figure 3.5: Sources of protein 
The basic unit of protein is amino acid. There are 20 naturally occurring amino 
acids. These can be divided into two groups: 
(a) Essential Amino Acids 
Essential amino acids are amino acids that cannot be made by the body. We 
must get them from our diet. There are altogether nine essential amino 
acids. They are vital for good health and the absence of just one can have 
severe consequences. 
(b) Non-essential Amino Acids 
Non-essential amino acids are amino acids that can be made by the body. 
These amino acids are formed from other amino acids. There are eleven 
non-essential amino acids. 
Animal proteins such as meat contain all the essential amino acids and are 
considered as a „complete protein‰. Animal proteins are known as first class 
proteins. Plant proteins such as beans are „incomplete proteins‰ in that they do 
not contain every essential amino acid. Plant proteins are known as second class 
proteins. The common sources of all essential amino acids are food from animal 
sources such as eggs and milk while a variety of plant products must be taken 
together to provide all the other necessary proteins. 
Proteins form the main structure of our body. Therefore, we need protein for 
growth of new cells and repairing worn out or damaged body tissues. We also 
need proteins to produce enzymes, hormones and some components of 
antibodies. In addition, proteins can provide energy when needed. Figure 3.6 
summarises the characteristics of proteins. 
Figure 3.6: Characteristics of proteins
3.2.3 Fats 
Fats are a subgroup of the compound known as lipids. Fats are organic 
compounds that contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, but unlike 
carbohydrates, they contain much less oxygen. Fats are insoluble in water. 
Fats are also known as triglycerides. A triglyceride is formed from a molecule of 
glycerol and three molecules of fatty acids. Figure 3.7 shows the structure of fat. 
Figure 3.7: Structure of fat 
Fatty acids are either saturated or unsaturated. Fats containing saturated fatty 
acids are called saturated fats while those containing unsaturated fatty acids are 
called unsaturated fats. Saturated fats are solids at room temperature. Examples 
of saturated fats are animal fats such as butter. An unsaturated fat is usually 
liquid at room temperature and is called oil. Examples of unsaturated fats are 
vegetable oils such as corn oil. Cholesterol which is the major component of the 
plasma membrane is mostly found in saturated fats. 
Fats serve as an efficient source of energy. They also act as a solvent for fat-soluble 
vitamins and other vital substances such as hormones. Fats keep our 
body warm by building a heat insulator under the skin. This may reduce the rate 
of heat loss from the skin during the cold season. The oily secretion from certain 
glands in the skin can reduce the rate of evaporation of water. Fats are also 
important in forming the cell membrane. Figure 3.8 summarises the 
characteristics of fats.
Figure 3.8: Characteristics of fats 
3.2.4 Vitamins 
Vitamins are organic compounds needed by the body in small quantities to 
maintain good health. There are two groups of vitamins: 
(a) Fat Soluble Vitamins 
Fat soluble vitamins such as vitamins A, D, E and K can be stored in body 
(b) Water Soluble Vitamins 
Water soluble vitamins cannot be stored in the body and have to be 
continuously supplied in the daily diet. Vitamins B and C are water soluble 
Figure 3.9 shows the various sources of vitamins. 
Figure 3.9: Various sources of vitamins 
A varied diet of fresh fruits and vegetables is important to obtain most of 
the vitamins that we need. The characteristics of vitamins are summarised in 
Figure 3.10. 
3.2.5 Minerals 
Minerals are inorganic chemical elements that are usually found in the body. 
They are present in the form of ions and are needed in small quantities. They are 
required to regulate body processes, build bones, form blood cells, maintain 
health and avoid diseases.
Minerals are divided into two groups: 
(a) Major Elements 
Some major elements needed in large quantities are potassium, sodium, 
calcium, magnesium, iron, iodine and phosphorus. 
(b) Trace Elements 
Some trace elements needed in small quantities are fluorine and chlorine. 
Figure 3.11 summarises the characteristics of minerals. 
Figure 3.11: Characteristics of minerals 
3.2.6 Fibre 
Dietary fibre (roughage) is made up of the indigestible cellulose walls of plant 
material. Fibre provides bulk to the contents of the large intestine and stimulates 
peristalsis. This leads to defecation and prevents constipation. The presence of 
adequate dietary fibre in the diet helps to prevent heart and intestinal disorders. 
Fibre also absorbs toxic substances in the large intestine and reduces blood 
cholesterol level. Figure 3.12 summarises the characteristics of fibre. 
Figure 3.12: Characteristics of fibre
3.2.7 Water 
Water makes up 70% of our body weight. The main sources of water are fruits, 
vegetables and drinking water. It is a very important compound in our body and 
mainly acts as a solvent in the transport of wastes and food substances; a 
medium for enzymatic reactions; to regulate body temperature; and to maintain 
blood concentration. It is also needed in all metabolic processes. Figure 3.13 
summarises the characteristics of water. 
Figure 3.13: Characteristics of water 
1. Name the different classes of food. 
2. Discuss the functions of each of the different classes of foods. 
The diseases shown below are due to the lack of a certain vitamin or 
mineral. Research these diseases and suggest the vitamin or mineral that 
is lacking: 
Rickets Night-blindness Anaemia Pellagra Goitre Scurvy Beri beri
The food we consume every day makes up our diet. This includes what we drink 
as well as what we eat. Our diet must include all the seven classes of food 
described in the previous subtopic. A diet which contains all of these substances 
in the right quantities is called a balanced diet. The composition of a balanced 
diet varies from one individual to another according to age, sex, job, size, age, 
climate and state of health. A balanced diet is important mainly to maintain our 
body health and growth, to repair or replace old and damaged cells and provide 
enough energy. 
A balanced diet will be able to meet the daily energy requirements of the body. 
Energy in food is measured in joules (J) or calories (Cal). One calorie equals to 4.2 
joules. The amount of heat energy released when one gram of food is completely 
burnt in the air is known as its calorific value. Each type of food has a different 
calorific value. Therefore, we should choose the correct types of food to ensure 
our bodies get sufficient energy. We can use the food pyramid as a guide for a 
balanced diet as shown in Figure 3.14. 
Let us take a look at the food pyramid based on the Malaysian Dietary 
Guidelines (MDG) 2010 as shown in Figure 3.14. 
Figure 3.14: The food pyramid 
The food pyramid is one way for people to understand how to eat healthily. 
When choosing a healthy diet, simply follow the food pyramid guidelines. Select 
the suggested number of servings from the five basic food groups as shown in 
the previous Figure 3.14. The food pyramid shows you what and how much food 
you should eat to remain healthy. These are the recommendations according to 
the food pyramid: 
(a) Eat adequately: Rice, noodles, breads, cereals, cereal products and tubers 
(48 servings/day); 
(b) Eat plenty: Vegetables (3 servings/day); 
(c) Eat plenty: Fruits (2 servings/day); 
(d) Eat in moderation: Milk and milk products (13 servings/day); and 
(e) Eat in moderation: Fish, poultry, meat and legumes (2 servings of 
poultry/meat/day, 1 serving of fish/day, 1 serving of legumes/day). 
The sixth group (fats, oil, sugar and salt) consists mostly of items that are 
pleasing to the palate, but high in fat and calories. These should be eaten in 
moderation or the intake should be limited. 
Your friend is a champion in bodybuilding sports. Explain to him the 
reasons bodybuilders need more proteins such as eggs and meat in 
their diet. 
The main energy source on earth is the Sun. Solar energy is used by plants to 
make food. Green plants which are autotrophs store solar energy in 
carbohydrates during photosynthesis. Green plants are also known as producers 
as they are capable of producing their own food. Heterotrophs are known as 
consumers as they feed on producers. Herbivores are known as primary 
consumers as they feed on the producer organisms. Carnivores are secondary 
consumers as they eat the primary consumers. What do you think tertiary 
consumers are?
3.4.1 Food Chain 
Producers and consumers play different roles in a community. The linear feeding 
relationship which indicates the transfer of energy from producers to consumers 
is known as a food chain. Study Figure 3.15 which shows a food chain. 
Figure 3.15: A food chain 
As can be seen in Figure 3.15, notice how all organisms are linked in the food 
chain. Each stage of a food chain is called a trophic level. The arrows in the food 
chain represent the flow of energy through the ecosystem. Can you identify the 
herbivore and carnivores in this food chain? Additionally, try to determine the 
primary, secondary and tertiary consumers as well.
3.4.2 Food Web 
In reality, an organism usually feeds on several different types of food. Instead of 
one simple food chain, there are many food chains which share the same 
organism. Many food chains interconnect to form a food web. A food web helps 
to maintain a balanced environment by controlling the number of organisms at 
each level of the food chain. Study Figure 3.16. How many food chains can you 
detect from this food web? 
Figure 3.16: A food web 
3.4.3 Energy Pyramids 
Do you know why there are more herbivores than carnivores in any ecosystem? 
Energy flows in one direction along a food chain. Energy is transferred along the 
food chain from the photosynthetic producers through several levels of 
consumers. The more levels in the food chain, the lesser the energy at the end of 
the chain. For example, when a herbivore eats, only a fraction of the energy (that 
it gets from the plant food) becomes new body mass; the rest of the energy is lost 
as waste or used up by the herbivore to carry out its life processes (e.g., 
movement, digestion, reproduction). Therefore, when the herbivore is eaten by a 
carnivore, it passes only a small amount of total energy (that it has received) to 
the carnivore. Of the energy transferred from the herbivore to the carnivore, 
some energy will be „wasted‰ or „used up‰ by the carnivore.
An energy pyramid is a graphical representation of the energy at each level in a 
food chain. They are called pyramids because of the shape of these graphs. An 
energy pyramid shows maximum energy at the base and steadily diminishing 
amounts at higher levels. This is shown in Figure 3.17. 
Figure 3.17: An energy pyramid 
The energy pyramid shown in Figure 3.17 shows many trees and shrubs 
providing food and energy to giraffes. Note that as we go up, there are fewer 
giraffes than trees and shrubs and even fewer lions than giraffes. In other words, 
a large mass of living things at the base is required to support a few at the top. 
Many herbivores are needed to support a few carnivores. This is why there are 
more herbivores than carnivores. 
Define food chains, food webs and energy pyramids. Give examples for 
Using producers and consumers from a community near where you 
live, draw several interconnecting food chains that form a simple food 
Plants also need nutrients for healthy growth and development. Plants need 
carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, sulphur, magnesium, potassium and 
iron elements in large quantities. For this reason these elements are called major 
elements or macronutrients. In addition to the major elements, certain other 
elements are required as well. These are required in small amounts and known as 
trace elements or micronutrients. Examples of micronutrients are iron, copper, 
manganese, molybdenum and boron. Carbon, hydrogen and oxygen are 
macronutrients that can be easily absorbed from carbon dioxide in the 
atmosphere and water from the soil. Therefore, deficiency in these nutrients 
rarely occurs. The remaining mineral elements are obtained in the form of 
inorganic ions from the soil. Table 3.3 shows some essential nutrients in plants. 
Table 3.3: Essential Nutrients in Plants 
Nutrients Needed by Plants 
Major nutrients from water and CO2 C Carbon 
H Hydrogen 
O Oxygen 
Primary Macronutrients N Nitrogen 
P Phosphorus 
K Potassium 
Secondary Macronutrients Ca Calcium 
Mg Magnesium 
S Sulphur 
Micronutrients Fe Iron 
Cu Copper 
Mn Manganese 
Mo Molybdenum 
B Boron 
Macronutrients and micronutrients are involved in the synthesis of chemical 
substances essential for the healthy growth of plants. They are also required for 
the various metabolic processes which take place in plants. The absence of one or 
more of these nutrients can lead to mineral deficiencies in plants. Table 3.4 shows 
the effects of nutrient deficiencies in plants.
Table 3.4: Effects of Nutrient Deficiencies in Plants 
Type of 
Nutrients Elements Symptoms 
Macronutrients Oxygen Growth retardation 
Nitrogen Chlorosis; leaves turn yellow 
Potassium Occur in mature tissues, growth retardation, 
leaves turn to yellowish brown 
Calcium Occur in young tissues, drying of the tips of root 
and leaf, twisted leaf morphology, retardation of 
root growth and decrease in plant growth rate 
Magnesium Chlorosis in veins mainly in young leaves, 
necrotic at the tip of the leaves, severe deficiency, 
necrosis occurs in the entire leaves 
Phosphorus Old leaves turn to dark green, appearance of dark 
purple pigment (anthocyanin), delayed maturity 
Micronutrients Iron Occur in young tissues 
Manganese Appear in young leaves in the form of white spots 
and interveinal chlorosis 
Zinc Spots of necrosis 
Copper Necrosis of the leaf margin and reduction in the 
concentration of plastocynin pigment 
Molybdenum Chlorosis and retardation of plant growth 
Figure 3.18 shows phosphorus and calcium deficiency in bean plants. 
Figure 3.18: Phosphorus and calcium deficiency in bean plants
1. List all the elements that are needed in large amounts by 
2. Name three elements that will result in the yellowing of leaves 
(chlorosis) in plants if a deficiency of these elements occurs. 
Photosynthesis is derived from two words: ÂphotoÊ which means light, and 
ÂsynthesisÊ which means making. Therefore, photosynthesis means the making of 
food with the help of light. Photosynthesis can be defined as a process carried out 
by green plants to make glucose from carbon dioxide and water in the presence 
of sunlight and chlorophyll. Oxygen is a by-product of photosynthesis. Here is 
the equation for photosynthesis. 
Carbon dioxide + Water Glucose + Oxygen 
3.6.1 Requirements of Photosynthesis 
Photosynthesis requires carbon dioxide, chlorophyll, sunlight and water. Carbon 
dioxide is absorbed from the air through stomata into the chloroplast. 
Chlorophyll is the pigment in chloroplasts which captures sunlight. Sunlight 
provides the energy needed for photosynthesis. Water is absorbed through the 
3.6.2 Importance of Photosynthesis 
Photosynthesis is important because it: 
(a) Provides the Basic Food Source 
Plants use light energy to make their own food. Most organisms depend 
directly or indirectly on plants for food. Plants are producers and are very 
important in providing the basic food source for other life forms on earth.
(b) Maintains the Oxygen Balance 
Animals and plants continuously use up oxygen. Combustion (burning of 
fuels) and daily human activities (e.g. cooking) also uses up oxygen 
through respiration. Through photosynthesis, plants release oxygen into 
the environment and replace the oxygen that has been consumed.  
3.6.3 Experiment to Show that Photosynthesis has 
Taken Place 
How can you determine if photosynthesis has taken place in plants? When the 
process of photosynthesis takes place, glucose is formed as a product. The 
glucose produced during photosynthesis is stored in the plant in the form of 
starch. Iodine reacts with starch to produce a deep dark blue (almost black) 
colour. The presence of starch in leaves shows that photosynthesis has taken 
Carry out the following experiment to determine whether photosynthesis has 
taken place in a plant. 
Experiment to determine if photosynthesis has taken place. 
1. Pluck a leaf from a plant, which has been exposed to sunlight for a few 
2. Immerse the leaf in a beaker of boiling water to kill it. 
3. Place the softened leaf inside a boiling tube containing ethanol. 
4. Place the boiling tube inside a beaker of hot water to remove 
5. Return the leaf to a beaker of hot water to soften leaf and allow 
penetration of iodine. 
6. Place the leaf on a white tile. 
7. Drop iodine solution onto the leaf surface. 
8. Record your observation. 
1. The leaf turns the iodine to dark blue. 
2. This shows the presence of starch in the green leaf. 
3. This proves that photosynthesis has taken place in the green leaf.
1. Define photosynthesis. 
2. Explain the significance of photosynthesis. 
Draw a flow chart to show the relationship between the following: 
water carbohydrates oxygen chlorophyll carbon 
dioxide chloroplast light 
The increase of the world population means there is a need for greater food 
supply. The quality and quantity of food production should also be improved to 
meet the demands of this increasing population. Food technology is a branch 
of food science that deals with the production processes to make foods. 
Development of food technology occurs in two ways: 
(a) Technological Development to Improve Quality and Quantity of Food 
Various methods are employed to improve the quality and quantity of food 
production such as direct seeding for rice, hydroponics and aeroponics, 
breeding of plants and animals, tissue culture, genetic engineering, soil 
management, and biological control. 
(b) Technological Development in Food Processing 
Technology development in food processing includes the activities 
involved in the preparation and preservation of food. This is to ensure that 
the food remains safe for consumption whether eaten immediately or later. 
The main purpose of food processing is to preserve food by overcoming the 
factors that can cause food spoilage. Examples of food processing and 
preservation methods are freezing, pickling, fermentation, dehydration, 
canning, pasteurisation, radiation and sterilisation.
What is genetic engineering? Genetic engineering is a technique that can increase 
the quality and quantity of food production. It is a technique that enables the 
characteristics of an organism to be altered by changing the genetic composition 
of the organism. For example, genes from plants can be inserted into the DNA of 
animal cells and vice versa. The genetically modified organism (GMO) is called a 
transgenic organism. Developments in genetic engineering have enabled 
transgenic crop plants such as wheat, paddy, tomatoes, legumes, soya beans and 
potatoes to be cultivated commercially. These crop plants contain genes from 
other organisms to enhance their growth or nutritional properties. Figure 3.19 
shows an example of how genetically modified plants are created. 
Figure 3.19: Creation of a genetically modified pest resistant plant 
Currently there is a controversy over the use of genetically modified 
(GM) foods. Research this issue and discuss the pros and cons of GM 
It is important to practise good eating habits. Figure 3.20 shows some guidelines 
on how to develop good eating habits. 
Figure 3.20: Guidelines on how to develop good eating habits 
Do you realise that there are many types of diseases related to imbalanced diets? 
Table 3.5 shows the different types of nutrient deficiency diseases in humans. 
Table 3.5: Nutrient Deficiency Diseases in Humans 
Name of 
Deficiency Symptoms 
Kwashiorkor Protein  Dry and scaly skin. 
 Hair loss. 
 Wasting muscles. 
 Loss of appetite and diarrhoea. 
 Easily tired 
 Distended abdomen. 
Oedema Protein  Loose muscles and skin. 
 Some parts of body become swollen. 
Marasmus Energy-producing 
 Very thin. 
 Very weak. 
Anaemia Iron  Shortness of breath and headache. 
 Some parts of body lack oxygen. 
 Chest pain. 
 Lips are pale and cracked. 
Goitre Iodine  Thyroid gland becomes swollen. 
 Swelling will press the surface of trachea and 
 Breathing difficulties. 
Cretinism Iodine  Mental retardation and stunted growth. 
 Rough skin. 
 Tongue becomes swollen. 
Scurvy Vitamin C  Walls of blood vessels break easily. 
 Bruises appear under skin surface. 
 Bleeding and swollen gums. 
 Joints become swollen and painful. 
Beri beri Vitamin B  Diarrhoea. 
 Swelling at ankles and legs. 
 Numbness of legs and hands. 
 Stiffness of muscle. 
 Mental deterioration. 
 Heartbeats become faster. 
Pellagra Vitamin B  Pain in the mouth and tongue. 
 Dry and reddish skin. 
 Slow thinking and memory loss. 
Rickets Vitamin D  Incomplete development of teeth and bones. 
 Soft and pliable bones. 
 Head becomes big. 
Figure 3.21 shows a photo of a child suffering from kwashiorkor. 
Figure 3.21: A child suffering from Kwashiorkor 
1. Define the term balanced diet. 
2. Explain the special food requirements of: 
(a) A child; 
(b) A pregnant woman; and 
(c) A man who does hard physical work. 
3. Give examples of nutrient deficiency diseases in plants and 
 Nutrition is the process by which organisms obtain energy from food for growth, 
maintenance and repair of damaged tissues. 
 There are two main types of nutrition: autotrophic nutrition and heterotrophic 
 Autotrophic nutrition is the process by which organisms make their own 
food from simple inorganic raw materials such as carbon dioxide and water 
by using light or chemical energy. 
 Heterotrophic nutrition is the process by which organisms feed on complex, 
ready-made organic foods to obtain the nutrients they require. 
 Heterotrophic nutrition consists of holozoic nutrition, saprophytic nutrition 
and parasitic nutrition. 
 Holozoic organisms may be classified according to their diets. Herbivores eat 
only plants, carnivores eat only animals and omnivores eat both animals and 
 Food can be divided into seven classes  carbohydrates, proteins, fats, 
vitamins, minerals, fibre and water.
 Carbohydrates provide energy; proteins provide materials for growth and 
repair and fats are a source and storage of energy. 
 Vitamins and minerals are needed in small quantities for optimal health. 
 Fibre is required for the proper functioning of the digestive system. 
 A balanced diet contains all the classes of food in the right quantity and ratio 
according to our bodily needs. 
 A food chain shows the feeding relationships among organisms. 
 The interconnections of many food chains form a food web. 
 An energy pyramid is a graphical representation of the energy at each level in 
a food chain. 
 Plants need both macronutrients and micronutrients for healthy growth and 
 Photosynthesis is a process carried out by green plants to make glucose from 
carbon dioxide and water in the presence of sunlight and chlorophyll. 
 Photosynthesis requires carbon dioxide, chlorophyll, sunlight and water. 
 Photosynthesis provides the basic source of food and also maintains the 
oxygen balance in the atmosphere. 
 Food technology is a branch of food science that deals with the production 
processes to make foods. 
 Development of food technology occurs in two ways: development in food 
production and development in food processing. 
 Genetically modified foods are foods that are derived from genetically 
modified organisms. Genetically modified organisms have had specific 
changes introduced into their DNA by genetic engineering techniques. 
 An imbalanced diet can lead to health problems, mainly deficiency diseases.
Autotrophic nutrition 
Deficiency diseases 
Energy pyramid 
Food chain 
Food technology 
Food web 
Genetically modified foods 
Heterotrophic nutrition 
Holozoic nutrition 
Parasitic nutrition 
Primary consumer 
Saprophytic nutrition 
Secondary consumer 
Trophic level 
MDG. (2010). Executive summary. Retrieved March 20, 2012 from 
nutriWEB. (2011). Latest news. Retrieved March 20, 2012 from 
Reece, J. B., Urry, L. A., Cain, M. L., Wasserman, S. A., Minorsky, P. V.,  
Jackson, R. B. (2010).Campbell biology (9th ed.). San Francisco: Pearson - 
Benjamin Cummings Pub. 
Slim With Yoga. (2011). Nutritious food. Retrieved March 20, 2012 from 
Taylor, D. J., Green, N. P. O.,  Stout, G. W. (2004). Biological science 1: 
Organisms, energy and environment (3rd ed.). R. Soper Editor, New York: 
Cambridge University Press.
By the end of this topic, you should be able to: 
1. Explain the process of physical digestion and chemical digestion; 
2. Describe the structure of the human digestive system; 
3. Explain the process of digestion in humans; 
4. Describe digestion in ruminants; 
5. Describe digestion in rodents; and 
6. Explain how excretion occurs in plants. 
In Topic 3, we looked at the various classes of food that are needed by our body. 
Have you ever wondered about what happens to these foods after we have eaten 
them? The foods that we eat are in quite a different state from the one that can be 
used by the cells in our body. Before the foods can be used, they need to be 
converted into smaller units, so that they can be easily absorbed by our body 
cells. This process is called digestion. 
Basically, digestion is the process of breaking down food from complex 
substances into simpler soluble molecules to be absorbed by the body. Starch, 
protein and fat are large insoluble food molecules. At the end of digestion, starch 
is broken down into glucose, protein is broken down into amino acids and fats 
are broken down into fatty acids and glycerol. Glucose, amino acids, fatty acids 
and glycerol are in the simplest form and are easily absorbed into the body cells. 
But, how does digestion take place?

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  • 1. INTRODUCTION Life comprises living and non-living things. There are millions of living things on Earth, consisting of plants and animal species. The species range from simple to complex organisms. Before we go any further, let us take a look at Figure 1.1. What common characteristics do these living organisms have? Figure 1.1: Living organisms Topic 1 Characteristics of Living Things LEARNING OUTCOMES By the end of this topic, you should be able to: 1. List the seven basic living processes; 2. Explain the life processes in humans and animals; 3. Explain the life processes in plants; 4. Describe the basic needs of humans and animals; and 5. Describe the basic needs of plants.
  • 2. TOPIC 1 CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING THINGS 2 This is what we are going to learn in this topic. We will discuss their common characteristics and also differences. Due to their characteristics as living organisms, they need basic things in order to survive. What are they? LetÊs read more. BASIC LIVING PROCESSES 1.1 Living things comprise animals and plants. Although all living things look different from each other, they all have seven things in common. These seven things are called life processes. You must be wondering, what are the seven basic life processes? These seven basic life processes are shown in Figure 1.2. Figure 1.2: Seven basic life processes Things are only alive if they engage in all the seven processes as shown in Figure 1.1. When they have the capacity to carry out these seven life processes, they are characterised as living organisms. Some non-living things may have one or two of these characteristics but living things will have all the seven characteristics. SELF-CHECK 1.1 List the basic seven life processes in living organisms.
  • 3. TOPIC 1 CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING THINGS 3 LIFE PROCESSES IN HUMANS AND ANIMALS 1.2 As mentioned previously, living organisms have the capacity to carry out the seven life processes as shown in Figure 1.1. Firstly, letÊs take a look at the life processes that happen specifically in humans and animals. 1.2.1 Nutrition Animals and human beings are in the animal group. They feed or eat from the day they are born until they die. Right after birth, they are fed by their mothers with the simplest form of food. Many of them feed on their mothersÊ milk. However, as they develop and grow up, they eat different kinds of foods. Some animals feed on plants only, some eat meat of other animals and others eat both meat and plants. Animals that eat only plants, algae and photosynthesising bacteria like fungi, belong to the class called herbivores. On the other hand, animals that feed on the meat of other animals are called carnivores. Animals that consume both animals and plants as their primary food source are in the group called omnivores. 1.2.2 Movement The second characteristic of animals is that they can move. They move from one place to another for many reasons, namely in search of living places, food, safety, breeding, and escaping from predators. Some of them move just like human beings do, because of occupation; finding a place that is safer or suitable for living; or other reasons. Animals move in one of various ways. The various types of movement are walking, running, leaping, hopping, slithering, burrowing, swimming and flying. 1.2.3 Respiration The third characteristic of living things is that they breathe. Human beings and animals breathe oxygen into their lungs and then breathe out carbon dioxide through a process called breathing. Therefore, breathing refers to the process that brings about an exchange of gases between an organism and its environment. The oxygen from the lungs is then transported to each cell via the circulatory system and then is used to oxidise glucose through the process of respiration in every cell.
  • 4. 4 TOPIC 1 CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING THINGS 1.2.4 Excretion The fourth characteristic of living things is that they must eliminate the waste products of metabolism and other non-useful materials from their bodies. The way of removing this waste is called excretion. If this waste is to remain in the body, it may be poisonous and harm them. Humans and animals produce liquid waste called urine. Both of them also excrete waste when they exhale. Thus, all living things have to remove waste from their bodies. 1.2.5 Growth Human beings and animals are small in size when they are newborn. They need energy from food and water to develop and grow. With food, they become bigger and taller because this energy is used in growth. Living things develop and become larger and more complicated as they grow. Look at how small a baby elephant is when it was born (Figure 1.3). Then look at its size some years later! If you have a younger sibling, can you remember how small he or she was at birth? How tall or big he or she is now? What do you know about this phenomenon? Figure 1.3: A baby elephant and its mother Source:
  • 5. TOPIC 1 CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING THINGS 5 1.2.6 Sensitivity The other characteristic of living things is that they are sensitive. They can react or respond to the conditions around them through light, touch, pain, heat, cold, sound and others. Animals and humans can respond to stimuli as they possess sense organs that are made up of nerve cells. Certain microbes curl into tiny balls when something touches them. Human beings blink when light shines into their eyes. Some people become disturbed if the environment around them is too noisy. 1.2.7 Reproduction Living things are capable of multiplying or reproducing themselves. If one organism fails to reproduce, the population will decrease and finally become extinct. Several factors can affect the existing number of living things. They may become fewer, then disappear because their members die due to old age, get infected by diseases or involved in accidents, are hunted by others (man or animals), get killed in territorial disputes, wars, power struggles and so on. It is a fundamental law of biology that living things can only be reproduced by other living things to survive. Almost every living organism exists due to the reproductive activities of other organisms. There are two types of reproduction for living things. They are: (a) Asexual Asexual reproduction involves no exchange of genetic material between organisms. It is a simple replication to produce a new organism. An organism reproduced in this way has little or no genetic variation from the parent organism. Single celled-animals like Protozoa and Hydra (Figure 1.4 and 1.5) are examples of animals that reproduce asexually.
  • 6. 6 TOPIC 1 CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING THINGS Figure 1.4: Protozoa Source: Figure 1.5: Hydra Source: (b) Sexual Sexual reproduction involves two organisms, male and female. Human beings make babies, kangaroos produce joeys, and chickens and ducks lay eggs. The process involves the combining of genetic materials from the two parent organisms during mating. The offspring or babies from the sexual reproduction generally will have some of the characteristics of both parents. Sexual reproduction from the parent organisms gives rise to reproductive cells called gametes. Sexual reproduction ensures that a high degree of variation occurs within populations.
  • 7. TOPIC 1 CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING THINGS 7 SELF-CHECK 1.2 Explain living processes in humans and animals. 1. Name five examples of animals (apart from Protozoa and Hydra) that reproduce asexually. 2. Do research on how a baby in its motherÊs womb excretes its waste. Share the information with your classmates. 3. Look at Figures 1.6 to 1.8. Which animal is a herbivore, carnivore and omnivore? Figure 1.6: Horse Figure 1.7: Lion Figure 1.8: Crow ACTIVITY 1.1
  • 8. TOPIC 1 CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING THINGS 8 1. Figures 1.9 to 1.16 show different kinds of animal movement. Can you name other examples of animals that move according to this type of movement? Figure 1.9: People walking Source: fetrek-slovenia. com Activity 1.1 Figure 1.10: A running fox Source: .com Figure 1.11: A leaping lemur Source: http://www.magm a.nationalgeographi Figure 1.12: A hopping kangaroo Source: Figure 1.13: A flying eagle Source: http://www.h ickerphoto. com Figure 1.14: A burrowing owl Source: http://members. Figure 1.15: A slithering snake Source: http://coolinsights. Figure 1.16: A swimming tiger Source: ACTIVITY 1.2
  • 9. TOPIC 1 CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING THINGS 9 LIFE PROCESSES IN PLANTS 1.3 Plants also carry out the seven life processes but they differ in some aspects when compared to animals and humans. Now, let us learn about the life processes in plants. 1.3.1 Nutrition Plants make their own food through the process of photosynthesis. They are able to do so because they have chlorophyll that capture sunlight and the energy needed to start photosynthesis. The end product of photosynthesis is glucose which is then stored as starch. 1.3.2 Movement Unlike animals, only certain parts of the plants move. Plants move slowly, usually by growing in one direction, such as towards a source of light. Plant movement occurs both above ground, in the form of leaves and shoots, and below ground, where roots spread out and move deeper into the earth in order to provide stronger support and get a greater supply of nutrients. 1.3.3 Respiration Just as humans and animals breathe, plants use respiration as a means of releasing energy, using up nutrients and oxygen and producing water and carbon dioxide. Respiration is essentially the opposite of photosynthesis, the process by which plants create food and matter. 1.3.4 Excretion Plants have no special organs for the removal of wastes. The waste products of respiration and photosynthesis are used as raw materials for each other. Oxygen, produced as a by-product of photosynthesis, is used up during respiration and carbon dioxide (produced during respiration) is used up during photosynthesis.
  • 10. 1 0 TOPIC 1 CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING THINGS Excretion is carried out in the plants in the following ways: (a) The gaseous wastes, oxygen, carbon dioxide and water vapour are removed through stomata of leaves and lenticels of stems. (b) Some waste products collect in the leaves and bark of trees. When the leaves and bark are shed, the wastes are eliminated. (c) Some waste products are rendered harmless and then stored in the stem as solid bodies. Raphides, tannins, resins, gum, rubber and essential oils are some such wastes. 1.3.5 Growth Growth in plants occurs chiefly at meristems where rapid mitosis provides new cells. In stems, mitosis in the apical meristem (Figure 1.17) of the shoot apex (also called the terminal bud) produces cells that enable the stem to grow longer and periodically produces cells that will give rise to leaves. The point on the stem where leaves develop is called a node. The region between a pair of adjacent nodes is called the internode. Figure 1.17: Apical meristem Source: The internodes in the terminal bud are very short so that the developing leaves grow above the apical meristem that produced them and thus protect it. New meristems, the lateral buds, develop at the nodes, each just above the point where a leaf is attached. When the lateral buds develop, they produce new stem tissues, thus branches are formed.
  • 11. TOPIC 1 CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING THINGS 11 Growth also occurs at the root tip as can be seen in Figure 1.18. The root tip consists of a: (a) Meristem a region of rapid mitosis, which produces the new cells for root growth; and (b) Root cap a sheath of cells that protects the meristem from abrasion and damage as the root tip grows through the soil. Figure 1.18: Growth at root tip of plants Source: 1.3.6 Sensitivity Like animals, plants sense changes in their surroundings and respond to them. Plants are able to detect and respond to light, gravity, changes in temperature, chemicals, and even touch. Unlike animals, plants do not have nerves or muscles, so they cannot move very fast. A plant usually responds to change by gradually altering its growth rate or its direction of growth. The slow movements that plants make towards or away from a stimulus, such as light, are known as tropisms. Tropisms are controlled with the help of special chemicals called plant growth regulators. Roots push down through soil because of the effect of gravity. They may also be drawn towards water, or away from bright light as illustrated in Figure 1.19.
  • 12. 1 2 TOPIC 1 CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING THINGS Figure 1.19: PlantsÊ sensitivity Did you notice that sunflowers face east in the morning but west by the evening? This is called phototropism, which means the movement of part of a body towards light (Figure 1.20). Figure 1.20: Sunflowers respond towards light
  • 13. TOPIC 1 CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING THINGS 13 1.3.7 Reproduction Plants also reproduce in two ways; asexual and sexually. The process of reproduction is the same as in animals. Plants growing from tubers or bulbs, such as sweet potatoes and onions, are examples of plants that reproduce asexually. This can be seen in Figure 1.21. Figure 1.21: Asexual reproduction in plants Sexual reproduction is the formation of offspring by the fusion of gametes. In higher plants, the offspring are packaged in protective seeds, which are long-lived and can be dispersed farther away from the parents. In flowering plants (angiosperms), the seeds themselves are contained inside the fruit, which may protect the developing seeds and aid in their dispersal.
  • 14. 1 4 TOPIC 1 CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING THINGS SELF-CHECK 1.3 Tick [] the following statements that are true. Green leaves have chlorophyll that can capture sunlight, the energy needed to start photosynthesis. Shoots of plants move away from sunlight while the roots move downward. 3. Plants carry out photosynthesis but not respiration. 4. Plants take in carbon dioxide as well as oxygen. 5. Tannin, resin and gum are the waste products of plants. 6. Growth only happens at the shoot tip and root tip. 7. Plants respond to sunlight for growth. Bulb, tuber and rhizome are examples of asexual reproduction in plants. 9. Flowers enable plants to reproduce sexually. 10. Plants can also reproduce sexually through spores. BASIC NEEDS OF HUMANS AND ANIMALS 1.4 1. 2. 8. You have learned the basic life processes of humans, animals and plants. Now, letÊs go through the basic needs of humans and animals first. Then, we will go through the basic needs of plants. But bear in mind that the basic needs of animals and humans are quite similar to plants and differ only in certain things. 1.4.1 Water The most important nutrient for survival is water. Water is the medium in which all chemical reactions take place within an animal's body. If an animal loses one-tenth of its water for any reason, the results are fatal. Water also functions in excretion of wastes, regulating body temperature and transporting food.
  • 15. TOPIC 1 CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING THINGS 15 Animals get water from streams, lakes, ponds or even puddles. Others drink water that collects on leaves after a rainfall. But do you know that some animals do not drink water? Instead, they get water from the food that they eat. 1.4.2 Food Animals and humans get their food by eating other animals or plants or both. Different classes of food have different functions on the animals. For example, protein is needed for building and repairing cells, carbohydrate and fats provide energy. Energy is needed for bodily functions such as respiration, movement and growth. Food, or lack of it, often affects animals in dramatic ways. Food scarcity can trigger great migrations such as the year round movements of caribou and the winter migrations of many birds. Adaptation enables all animals to get food. Toothed herbivores, for example, have large, flat, round teeth that help them grind plant leaves and grasses. Some carnivorous animals, such as bears, dogs and the big cats have sharp canines and incisors for chewing through meat with ease. The digestive systems of animals have proteins known as enzymes that break down food and convert it into energy. Some animals eat insects as their food. 1.4.3 Air All animals must breathe in oxygen in order to survive. Land-dwelling species receive oxygen from the air, which they inhale directly to their lungs. Marine and freshwater species filter oxygen from water by using their gills. Oxygen is much needed in respiration that provides energy for animals and humans. It is also important in destroying harmful bacteria in an animal's body without sacrificing the body's necessary bacteria. 1.4.4 Temperature External temperature is a major factor in the survival of animals. The vertebrate groups, amphibians, reptiles and fish are said to be cold-blooded they take on the temperature of their environment. Most have thin skin. On the other hand, birds and mammals, which are termed warm-blooded, can regulate their own body temperature. Let us take a look at an example of the Monarch butterflies (Figure 1.22). They are unable to survive the cold winters. In order to escape the cold weather, they will migrate to the south.
  • 16. 1 6 TOPIC 1 CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING THINGS Figure 1.22: Monarch butterfly Source: However, some mammals, such as bears, gophers (Figure 1.23) and bats, hibernate during winter and live off their body fat. They can drop their body temperature to about 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Figure 1.23: Gopher Source: 1.4.5 Shelter Every animal needs a place to live · a place where it can find food, water, oxygen and the proper temperature. Shelter provides cover from adverse weather, protection from predators and a place to rest and have their young. It is also a place to prevent death due to exposure that directly affects the reproductive success. Good sites greatly increase the chance of survival for young animals. Animals live in various types of shelter as illustrated in Figure 1.24.
  • 17. TOPIC 1 CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING THINGS 17 Figure 1.24: Examples of shelters Source: Animals also depend on their physical features to help them obtain food, keep safe, build homes, withstand weather and attract mates. These physical features are called physical adaptations. Physical adaptations do not develop during an animalÊs life but over many generations. The shape of a birdÊs beak, the number of fingers, colour of the fur, the thickness or thinness of the fur, the shape of the nose or ears are all examples of physical adaptations which help different animals to survive. You could read more about animal adaptations at: (a); and (b) SELF-CHECK 1.4 1. Explain the basic needs of humans and animals. 2. Is mating a basic need for an animal? ACTIVITY 1.3 List a few animals that eat insects.
  • 18. 1 8 TOPIC 1 CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING THINGS 1.5 BASIC NEEDS OF PLANTS Plants are living things that have needs in order to stay alive. Do you know what are the basic needs of plants? LetÊs read further in order to know the basic needs of plants. 1.5.1 Sunlight Why do you think sunlight is important to plants? Sunlight is very important for plants as it supplies the energy required for photosynthesis to take place. Photosynthesis depends upon the absorption of light by pigments in the leaves of plants. The most important of these is chlorophyll-a. Figure 1.25 shows the spectra of sunlight before and after its journey of being absorbed by a green leaf. Figure 1.25: Spectrum of light being absorbed by plants Source: As can be seen in Figure 1.25, when sunlight falls on a green leaf, some of the sunlight is absorbed by chlorophyll.
  • 19. TOPIC 1 CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING THINGS 19 1.5.2 Carbon Dioxide Without sufficient quantities of dissolved carbon dioxide, photosynthesis cannot take place. Some plants do not need much carbon dioxide (CO2) and some plants like Cryptocorynes seemed to worsen with higher levels of CO2. Typical levels of CO2 in a non-CO2 injected aquarium are in the range of 13 ppm. Most plants will flourish at the levels of 1020 ppm but this requires some types of CO2 injection. With lower levels of CO2, the plants will not be able to utilise high levels of light and nutrients. Figure 1.26 shows how CO2 concentration affects the rate of photosynthesis. Figure 1.26: The effect of CO2 concentration upon rate of photosynthesis Source: 1.5.3 Nutrients The minerals available in soil is absorbed by roots and transported to other parts of the plants along with water in the xylem vessel. Essential plant elements include, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen, sulphur, calcium, iron, magnesium sodium, chlorine, copper, manganese, cobalt, zinc, molybdenum and boron to name the most common. Other minerals are also required, but they vary greatly from plant to plant. For example, some algae need large amounts of iodine and silicon, while some locoweed species need selenium.
  • 20. 2 0 TOPIC 1 CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING THINGS When any of these elements are lacking in the soil and the deficiencies are not compensated for by adding fertiliser compounds of compost, the plant will demonstrate symptoms characteristic of mineral deficiencies. Most commercial fertilisers contain some ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Thus, they are able to compensate for a wide variety of insufficiency. 1.5.4 Water All living things need water to stay alive, but plants use much more water than animals do. Plants are 90 percent water, compared to animals with as little as 75 percent water by weight. Plants use water directly when they capture light energy from the sun and transform it into useful food molecules. Water is also needed to support the stem of plants. Plants need water to maintain turgor pressure. Turgor pressure helps to keep the plant erect and is accomplished when the plasma membrane pushes against the cell wall. Without water, the plantÊs cells will shrink and the stem will wilt. Water is also used to cool down a plant through evaporation. Plants absorb water and minerals from soil through roots and transport them to cells through xylem. 1.5.5 Oxygen Plants need oxygen for their respiration process. During the day, plants produce far more oxygen from photosynthesis than the production of carbon dioxide from respiration. During the night, plants actually use the leftover oxygen produced from the daylight photosynthesis or take in oxygen from the air surrounding the plants to meet their energy needs. The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the leaves occurs through pores called stomata as can be seen in Figure 1.27(a), while in roots and stems through lenticels as can be seen in Figure 1.27(b).
  • 21. TOPIC 1 CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING THINGS 21 (a) (b) Figure 1.27: Stoma (a) and lenticel (b) Source: SELF-CHECK 1.5 Describe the basic needs of plants. Is soil a basic need for a plant? ACTIVITY 1.4 In groups, surf the Internet or other resources to find out experiments that you can do to show that plants need oxygen, sunlight and water to live. Try the experiments and share your findings with the other groups.
  • 22. 2 2 TOPIC 1 CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING THINGS Living things can be categorised into humans, plants and animals. Living things undergo seven basic living processes such as nutrition, movement, respiration, excretion, growth, sensitivity and reproduction. Plants make their own food through photosynthesis while animals and humans have to rely on the plants or other animals for food. Animals and humans move their whole bodies from one place to another while only certain parts of the plants move. Both plants and animals undergo cellular respiration in the same way. Both plants and animals experience changes in size and mass when they grow. Both plants and animals reproduce asexually and sexually. Both plants and animals can respond to external stimuli. Both plants and animals excrete their wastes but the waste products of animals and plants are different. The basic needs of animals are food, water, air, temperature and shelter. The basic needs of plants are sunlight, water, nutrients, carbon dioxide and oxygen. Basic needs Excretion Growth Living processes Movement Nutrition Reproduction Respiration Sensitivity
  • 23. TOPIC 1 CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING THINGS 23 Ainslie, K. (1994). Why do my plants need so much water?. Retrieved March 20, 2012, from Allen, J. (2012). Seven life processes of a plant. Retrieved March 20, 2012, from Campbell, N. A., Reece, J. B., Mitchell, L. G., Taylor, M. R. (2003). Biology (4th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Benjamin Cummings. Green, N. P., Stout, G. W, Taylor, D. J. (1993). Biological science (2nd ed.). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. Johnson, G. B. (2000). The living world (2nd ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw Hill Higher Education. Kindersley, D. (2007). Plant sensitivity. Retrieved March 20, 2012, from html RCN.(2011). Roots. Retrieved March 20, 2012, from Schultz, S. T. (2012). Reproduction in plants. Retrieved March 20, 2012, from
  • 24. Topic 2 Cell Structure and Organisation LEARNING OUTCOMES By the end of this topic, you should be able to: 1. Describe the levels of organisation of life; 2. Differentiate prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells; 3. Describe animal cell structures and their functions; 4. Describe plant cell structures and their functions; and 5. Explain the movement of substances across the membranes. INTRODUCTION A living thing is called an organism. Life on earth is represented by a great variety of organisms. There are single-cell organisms called prokaryotes and multicellular organisms called eukaryotes. The general structure of an animal cell and a plant cell is quite similar with some differences between them. In this topic, we will be looking at the levels of organisation of life, prokaryotes and eukaryotes, the structure of the animal and plant cells, its parts and the organelles in them. Lastly we will look at the different methods of movement of substances across the cell membranes.
  • 25. TOPIC 2 CELL STRUCTURE AND ORGANISATION 25 INTRODUCTION TO LIFE AND LEVELS OF ORGANISATION 2.1 Life on earth started as a unicellular organism. Later, some evolved into multicellular organisms. In unicellular (single-celled) organisms, the single cell performs all life functions. It functions independently. However, multicellular (many celled) organisms have various levels of organisation within them. Individual cells may perform specific functions and also work together for the good of the entire organism. The cells become dependent on one another. Multicellular organisms have the following five levels of organisation ranging from the simplest to the most complex. This can be seen in Figure 2.1. Figure 2.1: Levels of organisation Now, let us take a look at Table 2.1 to learn more about each level. There are also examples for each level of organisation.
  • 26. TOPIC 2 CELL STRUCTURE AND ORGANISATION 26 Table 2.1: Levels of Organisation Level Description Example Cells The basic unit of structure and function in living things. May serve a specific function within the organism. Blood cells, nerve cells, bone cells. Tissues Made up of cells that are similar in structure and function which work together to perform a specific activity. Connective, epithelial, muscle and nerve. Organs Made up of tissues that work together to perform a specific activity Heart, brain, skin. Systems Groups of two or more tissues that work together to perform a specific function for the organism. Circulatory system, nervous system, skeletal system. Organism Entire living things that can carry out all basic life processes. Meaning, they can take in materials, release energy from food, release wastes, grow, respond to the environment and reproduce. Usually made up of organ systems, but an organism may be made up of only one cell such as bacteria or protist. Bacteria, amoeba, mushroom. SELF-CHECK 2.1 1. Describe the five levels of organisation in an organism. 2. Does this sequence represent the levels of organisation from the simplest to the most complex?
  • 27. TOPIC 2 CELL STRUCTURE AND ORGANISATION 27 ACTIVITY 2.1 The levels of organisation also happen in multicellular plants. Can you name some examples of cells, tissues, organs and systems in plants? Post your answer in the forum. PROKARYOTIC AND EUKARYOTIC CELLS 2.2 We have learned that a cell is the basic unit of life. It is the basic unit of an organism and consists of a jelly-like material surrounded by a cell membrane. In the cell itself, there are structures or organelles that have different functions for the cell. According to the organisation of their structures, living cells come in two basic types, prokaryotic (also spelt as procaryotic) and eukaryotic (also spelt as eucaryotic) cells. These two cells can be seen in Figure 2.2. (a) (b) Figure 2.2: Prokaryote (a) and eukaryote (b) Source: 2.2.1 Prokaryotic Cells The Greek word ÂkaryoseÊ means ÂkernelÊ, as in a kernel of grain. In biology, this root word is used to refer to the nucleus of a cell. ÂProÊ means ÂbeforeÊ, and ÂeuÊ means ÂtrueÊ, or ÂgoodÊ. Thus,ÊProkaryoticÊ means Âbefore a nucleusÊ. Bacteria and other single or unicellular organisms are in the prokaryotic class.
  • 28. TOPIC 2 CELL STRUCTURE AND ORGANISATION 28 Prokaryotic cells are smaller and simpler compared to eukaryotic. The cell is structurally simple because of its small size. In many single organisms, the smaller a cell is, the greater is its surface-to-volume ratio (the surface area of a cell compared to its volume). This can be seen in a prokaryotic spherical cell of 2 micrometers (m) in diameter. It has a surface-to-volume ratio of approximately 3:1, while a spherical cell having a diameter of 20 m has a surface-to-volume ratio of around 0.3:1. A large surface-to-volume ratio, as seen in smaller prokaryotic cells, means that nutrients can be easily and rapidly transferred and sent to any interior part of the cells. 2.2.2 Eukaryotic Cells Eukaryotic, on the other hand, means Âpossessing a true nucleusÂ. Human beings, animals, plants, fungi, protozoans and algae cells are all eukaryotic cells. This is a big clue on the differences between these two cell types. Prokaryotic cells have no nuclei, while eukaryotic cells have true nuclei. Eukaryotic cell is much bigger in size compared to the prokaryotic cell. Due to the large size, it has a limited surface area when compared to its volume. It means that nutrients cannot rapidly diffuse to all interior parts of the cell easily. Thus, the eukaryotic organism cells require a variety of specialised internal structures or organelles to carry out metabolism, provide energy and transport chemicals throughout the cell. However, both Prokaryote and Eukaryote cells must carry out the same functions for life processes. 2.2.3 Prokaryotic versus Eukaryotic Cells Both Prokaryote and Eukaryote cells have some similarities and differences. Learning these terms will help us understand a cell better by recognising them in terms of these elements: (a) Structural (cytoskeleton, flagella and cilia); (b) Endomembrane (plasma membrane, nucleus, Golgi apparatus, lysosome); (c) Energy-producing organelles (mitochondria, chloroplasts); and (d) Genetic materials (chromosomes, nucleolus, ribosomes).
  • 29. TOPIC 2 CELL STRUCTURE AND ORGANISATION 29 Unfortunately, not all elements mentioned are present in all type of cells. It means that if one particular element is present in the prokaryotic organism, that element may not be found in the eukaryotic cells and vice-versa. Let us examine these features of elements of the type of cells in Table 2.2. Table 2.2: Prokaryotic versus Eukaryotic Cells Prokaryotic Eukaryotic Features Bacteria Plant Animal Size (diameter) 0.55 m 40 m 15 m Cell wall Yes (contains peptidoglycan) Yes (contains cellulose) No Genetic material A single circular molecule and DNA is naked. DNA linear, associated with histones (proteins), in a nucleus, surrounded by a nuclear envelope. Ribosomes 70S ribosomes (smaller) 80S ribosomes (larger) ER, Golgi apparatus No Yes Mitochondria No (respiration occurs on an unfolding of the cell membrane called the mesosome.) Yes Chloroplasts No Yes No Source: SELF-CHECK 2.2 Explain the differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
  • 30. TOPIC 2 CELL STRUCTURE AND ORGANISATION 30 ANIMAL CELLS 2.3 Eukaryotic cells are found in two classes of living things. They are animals and plants. As indicated in the earlier subtopic, an eukaryotic cell is much bigger in size, more complex and requires a variety of specialised internal structures or organelles to carry out metabolism, provide energy and transport chemicals throughout the cell. In this subtopic, we are going to look at animal cells. 2.3.1 General Structure of Animal Cells Animal cells are eukaryotes or have true nuclei. They are bigger compared to prokaryotic cells. This larger size means that there is a lot more space inside the cell like your studio apartment. Eukaryotic cell is like a gigantic warehouse. In order to make this huge space relatively as efficient as the small space, a lot of compartmentalisation and internal specialisation is required. Therefore, the cell has many organelles to do specific functions. However, the majority of the eukaryotic cells, like in the animal cells, will have structures namely: (a) Plasma membrane; (b) A nucleus; (c) Chromosomes; (d) Numerous membrane-bound cytoplasm organelles: mitochondria, rough endoplasmic reticulum (rer), smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ser); (e) Lysosomes; (f) Ribosomes; (g) Golgi body or apparatus; and (h) A Cytoskeleton.
  • 31. TOPIC 2 CELL STRUCTURE AND ORGANISATION 31 Now, let us have a look at Figure 2.3 which shows a cell of an animal. Figure 2.3: A cell of an animal Source: Johnson (2000) You have just learned the features of animal cells. Now you need to conduct an experiment (Activity 2.2) in the Biology laboratory about animal cells taken from your body. In doing this, you need to take a sample from your inner cheek and examine it very carefully using the right procedures under a light microscope. However, before you start the experiment, note that a human cheek cell should look like the one in Figure 2.4. Figure 2.4: Human cheek cell Source:
  • 32. TOPIC 2 CELL STRUCTURE AND ORGANISATION 32 ACTIVITY 2.2 Do the following experiment to observe the appearance of your cheek cells under a light microscope. Title of Experiment: Examining the structure of human cheek cells under a microscope. Materials Needed: A light microscope, several glass slides and cover slips, forceps, a dropping pipette, 5% iodine methelyne blue solution, cotton, a scalpel for scrapping the upper layer of your cheek and some prepared slides of stained human cheek cells. Procedure: 1. Using a scalpel, scrape your inner cheek and wipe it on a piece of glass slide. Spread it wide to get a large area. Apply a small drop of iodine methelyne blue solution using a dropping pipette. 2. Using forceps, cover the cheek sample with the cover slip CAUTION: Iodine solution is an irritant poison. Avoid skin/eye contact; do not ingest it. Should this happen, flush the spill and splash it with water for 15 minutes; rinse your mouth with water and call your tutor. 3. Put the slide under the microscope and examine it starting with the low power first and then with the high power. 4. Sketch a few cells as they appear under the high power. How many dimensions do the cells appear to have when viewed under high power? Sketch a cell as it would appear if you could see it in three dimensions. 5. Identify the features of your cheek cells compared to the animal cells that you have learned. 6. Replace your cheek sample slide with the prepared stained human cheek cells. 7. Examine the cheek cells under the low and then the high power of the microscope. Compare the similarities and differences of the cheek cells you prepared with the one purchased. Draw several of the cells seen from both slides. 8. Make an analysis of your experiment. 9. Compare your results with those of your classmates. 10. Extra journey: Browse the Internet for more information, diagrams, pictures and other similar experiments.
  • 33. TOPIC 2 CELL STRUCTURE AND ORGANISATION 33 2.3.2 Function of Animal Cell Structures As you have learned previously, an animal cell contains many structures. These structures perform different functions. Let us take a look at the function of each of the structures listed in Table 2.3. Table 2.3: Function of Animal Cell Structures Animal Cell Structure Function Cell Membrane Among the various membranes of the animal cell, the plasmalemma is the cell surface membrane (Figure 2.5). It consists of two layers of lipids (phospholipid bilayers) sandwiched between two types of protein layers molecule. It is semi-permeable and controls the exchange of substances between the cell and its environment. Figure 2.5: Plasmalemma Source: Green, Stout, Taylor (1993) Nucleus The nucleusis the largest cell organelle or structure that is enclosed by an envelope of two membranes (Figure 2.6). Figure 2.6: Nucleus Source: Green, Stout, Taylor (1993) As can be seen in Figure 2.6, this envelope is perforated by nuclear pores. It contains chromatin which is the extended form taken by chromosomes during interphase. The nucleus contains a nucleolus. In the chromosomes, DNA molecule of inheritance of that particular organism can be found. DNA is organised into genes that control all activities of the cell. During the replication process, nuclear division occurs. Ribosomes containing proteins are manufactured by nucleolus.
  • 34. TOPIC 2 CELL STRUCTURE AND ORGANISATION 34 Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) The extensive system of internal membranes is the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) (Figure 2.7). Endoplasmic means Âwithin the cytoplasmÊ, while reticulum is a Latin word meaning Âlittle netÊ. Figure 2.7: Endoplasmic reticulum Source: Green, Stout, Taylor (1993) As can be seen in Figure 2.7, ER is a kind of weaving sacs that creates a series of channels and interconnections to form tubes called cisternae. On the surface of ER is a place where carbohydrates and lipids are manufactured by cells. If ribosomes are found on the surface of endoplasmic reticulum it is called rough ER. However, if ribosomes are absent, it is called smooth ER. Smooth ER is the site of lipid and steroid synthesis. Ribosomes As mentioned earlier, ribosomes are found on the surface of rough ER and freely suspended in cytoplasm ER (Figure 2.8). They are very small organelles consisting of a large and small subunit, made of protein (polypeptide) and RNA. However, they are slightly smaller ribosomes found in mitochondria (and chloroplasts in plants). Their functions are the sites of protein synthesis. Figure 2.8: Ribosome Source: Green, Stout, Taylor (1993) Mitochondria Mitochondria (singular: mitochondrion) are organelles that convert energy from chemical form to another. They are the ÂpowerhousesÊ of the cell (Figure 2.9). They carry out cellular respiration, where chemical energy of foods (like sugars) are converted into molecules called adenosine triphosphates (ATP). ATP is the main energy source for cellular work.
  • 35. TOPIC 2 CELL STRUCTURE AND ORGANISATION 35 Figure 2.9: Mitochondria Sources: As can be seen in Figure 2.9, a mitochondrion is surrounded by an envelope consisting of two membranes. The inner membrane is in folded form; cristae (singular: crista) which increases the membraneÊs surface area, thus enhancing the mitochondrionÊs ability to produce ATP. It contains a matrix with ribosomes, that is a circular DNA molecule and phosphate granules. The matrix is the site of Krebs cycle enzymes and fatty acid oxidation. Golgi apparatus Golgi apparatus was named after the Italian biologist, Camillo Golgi. This apparatus is a stack of flattened, membrane-bound sacs (Figure 2.10). Stacks may form discrete dictyosomes in plant cells or an extensive network as in many animal cells. The Golgi apparatus performs several functions in close partnership with the ER. Golgi apparatus receives and modifies substances made by the ER. Figure 2.10: Golgi apparatus Sources:
  • 36. TOPIC 2 CELL STRUCTURE AND ORGANISATION 36 Lysosome A lysosome is a simple spherical sac bound by a single membrane (Figure 2.11). Figure 2.11: Lysosomes Sources: It contains digestive enzyme (hydrolytic enzyme). The word ÂlysosomeÊ in Greek means Âbreakdown bodyÊ. Its main function is related to breaking down the enzymes or molecules in the cell. The lysosomal compartments store digestive enzyme safely isolated from the rest of the cytoplasm. In addition, lysosome also helps to destroy harmful bacteria. White blood cells ingest bacteria into vacuoles, the lysosomal enzymes emptied into them and then destroy the bacteria cell walls. Thus, lysosome serves as recycling centres for damaged organelles. Microbodies The other important organelle in animal cells is microbodies. (Figure 2.12). Figure 2.12: Microbodies Sources: They possess a single membrane, frequently spherical and typically measure from 20 to 60 nanometres in diameter. These contain fine granules or crystals. Microbodies contain catalase, an enzyme that functions to break down hydrogen peroxide. All are associated with oxidation reactions.
  • 37. TOPIC 2 CELL STRUCTURE AND ORGANISATION 37 SELF-CHECK 2.3 Explain the function of these animal cell structures: (a) Cell Membrane:________________________________________ (b) Nucleus: ______________________________________________ (c) Mitochondria: _________________________________________ PLANT CELLS 2.4 Now, let us take a look at plant cells. Plant cells are similar to animal cells.They are eukaryotic and have similar components as animal cells. However, they have three major differences that animal cells do not have. The three differences are: (a) Plant cell wall is somewhat different from animal cell wall. The cell walls reinforce the structures containing cellulose and lignin to make them rigid. (b) Plants are autotrophic. They are energetically self supporting by making their own foods using light energy from the sun. The light energy and chloroplasts (containing chlorophyll and enzymes) are factors in carrying out photosynthesis to manufacture foods. (c) Plant cells have very large vacuoles. This vacuole is a single membrane organelle used for storing organic acids, salts, etc. in the process of making foods during photosynthesis. 2.4.1 General Structure of Plant Cells A plant cell is larger in size compared to an animal cell. The cell wall typically consists of more or less rigid cell wall and a protoplast (from the word ÂprotoplasmÊ). A protoplast consists of cytoplasm and a nucleus. In the cytoplasm, there are certain distinct organelles and systems of membranes. In a plant cell, there are plasma membrane, nucleus, plastids, mitochondria, microbodies, vacuoles, ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and microtubules. This can be seen in Figure 2.13.
  • 38. TOPIC 2 CELL STRUCTURE AND ORGANISATION 38 Figure 2.13: Eukaryotic cell (Plant) Source: Johnson (2000) 2.4.2 Structure of Onion Cell After learning the features of animal and plant cells, you should be able to discuss their similarities and differences in the structures. Do another experiment (Activity 2.3) in the Biology laboratory on plant cells. Bring two bulbs of onions from home. Take an example of a plant cell from the onion skin. You need to examine these very carefully using the right procedures in the lab. See the structures and draw diagrams of the onion cell as you see it using the microscope and then compare it with the prepared stained slide. Before you begin the experiment, here is the structure of an onion cell and its nucleus as shown in Figure 2.14. (a) (b) Figure 2.14: Onion cell (a) and its nucleus (b) Source:
  • 39. TOPIC 2 CELL STRUCTURE AND ORGANISATION 39 ACTIVITY 2.3 Do the following experiment to observe the appearance of onion cells under a light microscope. Title of Experiment: Examining the structure of onion cells under a microscope. Materials Needed: A light microscope, several glass slides and cover slips, forceps, a dropping pipette, Wright Stain, 5% iodine solution, a razor blade, tissue paper and some prepared slides of the onion cell. Procedure: 1. Scrape the inner side of the onion skin using a razor blade. This membrane is called the epidermis. Using forceps, pull away the epidermis from the inner surface. CAUTION: Be careful not to wrinkle the membrane. 2. Put it on a glass slide carefully and apply a droplet of water. Cover with the cover slip and place it on the microscope stage. Examine the unstained specimen using the low power and draw diagrams of the cell structure. 3. Remove the specimen from the microscope stage. Apply a little amount of Wright Stain, then re-examine using the low power. Add a drop of iodine to the specimen from the edge of the cover slip. Draw the fluid underneath using a scrap of tissue paper. 4. View the stained onion specimen, first using the low power, then the high power. 5. Look and draw the nucleus, cell wall, vacuole, cytoplasm and other structures as seen. 6. Remove the wet specimen. Now, replace it with the prepared slide of the onion cell specimen. View, first using the low power, then the high power. 7. Draw a table, write the similarities and differences you see for both wet and prepared slides, in terms of their structures. 8. Make an analysis of your experiment. 9. Compare your results with those of your classmates. 10. Extra journey: Browse the Internet for more information, diagrams, pictures and other works of this experiment.
  • 40. TOPIC 2 CELL STRUCTURE AND ORGANISATION 40 2.4.3 Function of Plant Cell Structures As mentioned earlier, cells of higher plants contain all organelle or structures found and have similar functions as in the animal cells. However, there are exceptions. Certain organelles not found in animals are found in plants of higher order. They are the cell wall, organelle called chloroplast and large vacuoles. Let us take a look at Table 2.3 which shows the function of each plant cell structure. Table 2.3: Function of Plant Cell Structures Plant Cell Structure Function Cell wall Animal cells have plasma membrane. Plant cells have cell walls thick, rigid membranes surrounding the plant cells (Figure 2.15). Figure 2.15: Plant cells (cell walls and nuclei are visible) Source: These plant cell walls are composed totally or partially of a carbohydrate called cellulose that is different from the proteins of prokaryotic cell walls. The function of this cell wall is to support and together with the central vacuole, create stiffness and turgidity in plant structures (in the leaves).
  • 41. TOPIC 2 CELL STRUCTURE AND ORGANISATION 41 Large vacuole Plant cells contain a specialised vacuole called the central vacuole or large vacuole (Figure 2.16). Figure 2.16: Large vacuole Source: This is a large, fluid-filled sac structure bounded by a single membrane. The vacuole is filled mostly with water but also some impurities including mineral or protein. Thus, the water concentration is always less than 100%. When the cell is filled with enough water, osmosis causes the central vacuole to swell. This also causes the cell plasma membrane to press against the inside of the cell wall and the leafÊs tissues to be stiff or turgid. Plastids Plastids are organelles found only in plant cells and in higher plants, develop from small bodies called proplastids. Proplastids are found in meristematic regions. Plastids are family organelles containing: (a) Chloroplasts composed of a double layer of modified membrane-bound (protein, chlorophyll, lipid) like mitochondria (Figure 2.17). The membrane contains chlorophyll and carotenoid pigments. They have a special function, that is, to carry out photosynthesis. Just like mitochondria, their inner membrane is very complicated. In fact, it is formed into many thylakoid structures that perform similar function as performed by the thylakoids in prokaryotic cells.
  • 42. TOPIC 2 CELL STRUCTURE AND ORGANISATION 42 Figure 2.17: Plant cells with visible chloroplasts (granules) Source: (b) Chromoplasts are non-photosynthetic coloured plastids. These contain mainly red, orange or yellow pigments (carotenoid). These colours are associated with fruits, such as tomato, pepper, and carrot roots. (c) Leucoplasts are colourless plastids. They lack pigmentation and are usually modified for food storage mostly in plant organs like roots, seeds and young leaves. Chlorophyll Chlorophyll is a green substance pigment in plant cells (Figure 2.18). Figure 2.18: Chlorophyll, the green substance Source: Chlorophyll and enzymes help plants to carry out photosynthesis to manufacture food. During photosynthesis, chlorophyll takes in energy by absorbing light energy from sunlight and breaks down water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen. The hydrogen then combines with carbon dioxide to make sugars or glucose. The oxygen is released back into the atmosphere for us.
  • 43. TOPIC 2 CELL STRUCTURE AND ORGANISATION 43 SELF-CHECK 2.4 1. Do all plant cells contain organelles? 2. Which organelles are found in a plant cell but not in an animal cell? Why? 3. Explain the functions of the different plant cell structures. MOVEMENT OF SUBSTANCES ACROSS THE MEMBRANE 2.5 The plasma membrane is a semi-permeable lipid bilayer found in all cells that controls water and certain substances in and out of the cell. Figure 2.19 shows the structure of a cell membrane. Scientists describe the organisation of the phospholipids and proteins usingthe fluid mosaic model. That model shows that the phospholipids are in the shape of head and a tail. The heads like water (hydrophilic) and the tails do not like water (hydrophobic). The tails bump up against each other and the heads are out facing the watery area surrounding the cell. The two layers of cells are called the bilayer. Figure 2.19: Structure of a cell membrane Source: Do you know why substances moves in and out of the cell? This is to ensure that: (a) The nutrients can be easily transported into the cells; (b) The gases can be exchanged; (c) The metabolic waste from the cell can be got rid of; and
  • 44. TOPIC 2 CELL STRUCTURE AND ORGANISATION 44 (d) The ph value and ionic concentration of the cell can be maintained (Figure 2.20). Figure 2.20: Substances in and out of cells Source: Substances can be moved in and out through the membrane by different methods; diffusion, facilitated diffusion, osmosis and active transport. Let us take a look at each method in detail. 2.5.1 Diffusion One method of movement through the membrane is diffusion. Diffusion is the movement of molecules from a region of higher concentration to one of lower concentration. This movement occurs because the molecules are constantly colliding with one another. The net movement of the molecules is to move away from the region of high concentration to the region of low concentration. Diffusion is a random movement of molecules down the pathway called the concentration gradient. Molecules are said to move down the concentration gradient because they move from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration. A drop of dye placed in a beaker of water illustrates diffusion as the dye molecules spread out and colour the water. When diffusion between two concentrations is equal, there is no more movement and the system is said to have reached diffusion equilibrium.
  • 45. TOPIC 2 CELL STRUCTURE AND ORGANISATION 45 2.5.2 Facilitated Diffusion A second mechanism for movement across the plasma membrane is facilitated diffusion. Facilitated diffusion is a type of passive transport that allows substances to cross membranes with the assistance of special transport proteins. Some molecules and ions such as glucose, sodium ions and chloride ions are unable to pass through the lipid bilayer of cell membranes. Certain proteins in the membrane assist facilitated diffusion by permitting only certain molecules to pass across the membrane. The proteins encourage movement in the direction that diffusion would normally take place, from a region with a higher concentration of molecules to a region of lower concentration. Through the use of ion channel proteins and carrier proteins that are embedded in the cell membrane these substance can be transported into the cell. Ion channel proteins allow specific ions to pass through the protein channel. The ion channels are regulated by the cell and are either open or closed to control the passage of substances into the cell. Carrier proteins are bound to specific molecules, change shape and then deposit the molecules across the membrane. Once the transaction is completed the proteins return to their original position. Figure 2.21 illustrates facilitated diffusion. Figure 2.21: Facilitated diffusion Source: 2.5.3 Osmosis Another method of movement across the membrane is osmosis. Osmosis is the movement of water from a region of higher concentration of water to one of lower concentration. ItÊs the movement of water from a low concentration of solute to a higher concentration of solute. Osmosis often occurs across a
  • 46. TOPIC 2 CELL STRUCTURE AND ORGANISATION 46 membrane that is semipermeable. A selectively permeable membrane is one that allows unrestricted passage of water, but not solute molecules or ions. Thus,the direction of the movement of water depends on the types of solution as can be seen in Table 2.4. Table 2.4: Types of Solution Types of Solution Description Isotonic ÂIsoÊ means Âthe sameÊ. If the concentration of solute (salt) is equal on both sides, the water will move back and forth. It will not have any result on the overall amount of water on either side (Figure 2.22). Figure 2.22: Isotonic solution Hypotonic The word ÂhypoÊ means ÂlessÊ. In this case, there are less solute (salt) molecules outside the cell; since salt sucks, water will move into the cell (Figure 2.23). The cell will gain water and grow larger. Figure 2.23: Hypotonic solution
  • 47. TOPIC 2 CELL STRUCTURE AND ORGANISATION 47 In plant cells, the central vacuoles will fill and the plant becomes stiff and rigid, the cell wall keeps the plant from bursting. In animal cells, the cell may be in danger of bursting, organelles called contractile vacuoles will pump water out of the cell to prevent this. Hypertonic The word ÂhyperÊ means ÂmoreÊ. In this case, there are more solute (salt) molecules outside the cell, which causes the water to be sucked out towards that direction (Figure 2.24). Figure 2.24: Hypertonic solution In plant cells, the central vacuole loses water and the cells shrink, causing wilting. In animal cells, the cells also shrink. In both cases, the cells may die. This is why it is dangerous to drink sea water. There is a myth that drinking sea water will cause you to go insane and people stranded at sea will speed up dehydration (and death) by drinking sea water. This is also why „salting fields‰ was a common tactic used during wars, it would kill the crops in the field, thus causing food shortages. Source:
  • 48. TOPIC 2 CELL STRUCTURE AND ORGANISATION 48 2.5.4 Active Transport A fourth method for movement across the membrane is active transport. When active transport takes place, a protein moves a certain material across the membrane from a region of lower concentration to a region of higher concentration. Because this movement is against the concentration gradient, the cell must expend energy that is usually derived from a substance called adenosine triphosphate or ATP. An example of active transport occurs in human nerve cells. Here, sodium ions are constantly transported out of the cell into the external fluid bathing it, a region of high concentration of sodium. This transport of sodium sets up the nerve cell for the impulse that will occur within it later. 2.5.5 Endocytosis and Exocytosis We have discussed the substances movement into and out of the cell membrane through passive or active transport. However, large food particles, whether they be grains of sugar or other organisms, cannot simply diffuse across the membrane; they are just too big. As a cell approaches a food particle, either the food particle pushes into the cell membrane forming an indentation, or pseudopodia which is extended from the cell around the particle. When the two extensions of the cell membrane meet on the other side of the particle, they close and form a vacuole around the food inside the cell. This process is called endocytosis. Meanwhile, exocytosis is a very similar process. In fact, it is just endocytosis in a reverse order. A vacuole within the cell moves toward and fuses with the cell membrane. In this manner, the contents of the vacuole are expelled into the external environment. This may occur, for example, after a cell has taken in a large particle through endocytosis, digested it using the enzymes in the lysosome, and then needs to expel the waste products.
  • 49. TOPIC 2 CELL STRUCTURE AND ORGANISATION 49 Endocytosis and exocytosis are general terms to describe the process by which anything is taken into or expelled from the cell through the action of vacuoles. If the particles are in the form of solid, then the process is called phagocytosis. If the particles are in the form of liquid the process is called pinocytosis. Figure 2.25 illustrates endocytosis and exocytosis. Figure 2.25: Endocytosis and exocytosis Source: SELF-CHECK 2.5 From the list given, circle the passive transport methods. (a) Osmosis (b) Diffusion (c) Facilitated diffusion
  • 50. TOPIC 2 CELL STRUCTURE AND ORGANISATION 50 ACTIVITY 2.4 1. Figure 2.26 shows two containers of equal volume. They are separated by a membrane that allows free passage of water, but totally restricts passage of solute molecules. Solution A has 3 molecules of the protein albumin (molecular weight 66,000) and Solution B contains 15 molecules of glucose (molecular weight 180). Into which compartment will water flow, or will there be no movement of water? Discuss with your classmates. Figure 2.26:Two containers of equal volume 2. Watch the videos and animations in the links given and draw diagrams to describe the movement of substances across the membrane through the various methods: (a) mations/passive3.swf; and (b) http://highered.mcgraw-hill. com/sites/dl/free/0072464631/291136/facDiffusion.s wf. 3. Active transport is quite difficult to visualise. Surf the Internet to find videos or animation that illustrate this method of transportation. Watch and understand the active transport mechanism. Explain the process to your classmates with the help of diagrams.
  • 51. TOPIC 2 CELL STRUCTURE AND ORGANISATION 51 There are five levels of organisation in living things. These levels in sequence are the cells, tissues, organs, organ systems and organisms. Organisms are composed of functional structures called cells. Cells are categorised into two: (i) single or unicellular and (ii) multicellular. Single or unicellular organisms are prokaryotes while multicellulars are eukaryotes. Multicellular organisms are plants and animals. Eukaryotic cells, in plants and animals, have similar organelles and functions. However, there are differences between plant and animal cells. Substances move across the cell membrane through passive or active transport. Passive transport of substances across membrane include diffusion, facilitated diffusion and osmosis. Diffusion is the movement of molecules from a region of higher concentration to one of lower concentration Facilitated diffusion is a type of passive transport that allows substances to cross membranes with the assistance of special transport proteins. Osmosis is the movement of water from a region of higher concentration of water to one of lower concentration Active transport takes place when a protein moves a certain material across the membrane from a region of lower concentration to a region of higher concentration. Energy is needed in active transport, usually derived from a substance called adenosine triphosphate or ATP.
  • 52. TOPIC 2 CELL STRUCTURE AND ORGANISATION 52 Active transport Cell membrane Diffusion Endoplasmic reticulum Eukaryo Facilitated diffusion Golgi body Mitochondria Multicellular Nucleus Osmosis Proka Ribosomes Unicellular Biology-Online. (2005). Movement of substances across membrane. Retrieved March 20, 2012, from molecules.htm. Campbell, N. A., Reece, J. B., Mitchell, L. G., Taylor, M. R. (2003). Biology (4th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Benjamin Cummings. CikguJes. (2008).What is active transport? Retrieved March 20, 2012, from CliffsNotes. (2012). Movement through plasma membrane. Retrieved March 20, 2012, from Plasma-Membrane.topicArticleId-8741,articleId-8588.html. Fankhauser, D. B. (2011). Cells: the functional units of organisms. Retrieved March 20, 2012, from labs/cell_biology/cells_lab/cells.htm Green, N. P., Stout, G. W., Taylor, D. J. (1993). Biological science (2nd ed.). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. Johnson, G. B. (2000). The living world (2nd ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw Hill Higher Education.
  • 53. TOPIC 2 CELL STRUCTURE AND ORGANISATION 53 Neumeyer, R. (2003). Protozoa.Retrieved March 20, 2012, from Westbroek, G. (2000). Levels of organization. Retrieved March 20, 2012, from org.htm.
  • 54. Topic 3 Nutrition and Classes of Food LEARNING OUTCOMES By the end of this topic, you should be able to: 1. Describe the different types of nutrition; 2. List the characteristics of the different classes of food; 3. Explain the concept of a balanced diet; 4. Define food chains, food webs and energy pyramids; 5. List the various nutrients needed by plants; 6. Explain the process of photosynthesis; 7. Describe food technology, including genetically modified food; and 8. Explain how to practise a healthy lifestyle. INTRODUCTION All living things need food to survive. Food provides us with energy for all living processes such as growth and development and also to maintain optimal health. In this topic, you will learn about the different types of nutrition, the classes of food, the concept of a balanced diet, food technology and how to practise a healthy life style. You will also explore nutrition in plants, the process of photosynthesis and the concepts of food chains, food webs and energy pyramids.
  • 55. TOPIC 3 NUTRITION AND CLASSES OF FOOD 55 TYPES OF NUTRITION What exactly is nutrition? Nutrition is the process by which organisms obtain energy from food for growth, maintenance and repair of damaged tissues. Nutrients are the useful substances that are present in food. We shall first look at the different types of nutrition. There are two main types of nutrition as can be seen in Table 3.1. Table 3.1: Types of Nutrition Autotrophic Nutrition Heterotrophic Nutrition It is a process in which organisms make their own food from simple inorganic raw materials such as carbon dioxide, and water by using light or chemical energy. In photosynthesis, organisms make complex organic compounds from carbon dioxide and water using light energy in the presence of chlorophyll. Example: all green plants. In chemosynthesis, organisms make complex organic materials from carbon dioxide and water using chemical energy. Example: certain types of bacteria. It is a process in which organisms feed on complex, ready-made organic foods to obtain the nutrients they require. The three main types of heterotrophic nutrition are holozoic nutrition, saprophytic nutrition and parasitic nutrition. In holozoic nutrition, organisms feed on solid organic material derived from the bodies of other organisms. Examples: humans and cows. In saprophytic nutrition, organisms feed on the dead and decaying matter on which they live and grow. Examples: fungi and certain bacteria. In parasitic nutrition, organisms feed on other living organisms known as hosts. Examples: tapeworms and ticks. 3.1
  • 56. 5 6 TOPIC 3 NUTRITION AND CLASSES OF FOOD Now, let us take a look at Figure 3.1 which summarises the various types of nutrition. Figure 3.1: Types of nutrition 3.1.1 Holozoic Nutrition Let us take a closer look at holozoic nutrition. Can you recall what holozoic nutrition is? Yes. Holozoic organisms feed on solid organic matter which can be either plants or animals. Holozoic organisms may be classified according to their diet; whether their diet is made up of plants, animals or both. Study Figure 3.2 which shows how holozoic animals are classified according to what they eat.
  • 57. TOPIC 3 NUTRITION AND CLASSES OF FOOD 57 Figure 3.2: Classification of animals according to what they eat
  • 58. 5 8 TOPIC 3 NUTRITION AND CLASSES OF FOOD SELF-CHECK 3.1 1. In your own words, explain the term „nutrition‰ and „nutrients‰. 2. Explain each of the following types of nutrition. Give one example for each type: (a) Autotrophic nutrition; (b) Heterotropic nutrition; and (c) Holozoic nutrition. 3. Classify the following animals into herbivores, carnivores or omnivores: eagles, lions, goats, bears, elephants and chickens. 4. Discuss how the animals named in Question 3 have adaptations to suit their diet. CLASSES OF FOOD 3.2 The nutrients in food can be divided into seven classes based on their functions as shown in Figure 3.3. Figure 3.3: Classes of food Let us look at each of them in detail.
  • 59. TOPIC 3 NUTRITION AND CLASSES OF FOOD 59 3.2.1 Carbohydrates Carbohydrates are the main source of energy and should be the major part of our daily intake. Carbohydrates consist of three elements: (a) Carbon; (b) Hydrogen; and (c) Oxygen. There are three main types of carbohydrates based on the number of simple sugars in the molecules. This is shown in Table 3.2. Table 3.2: Types of Carbohydrates Type Number of Simple Sugar Example Monosaccharide (simple sugars) One unit Glucose, fructose, galactose. Disaccharide (complex sugars) Two units Lactose, maltose, sucrose. Polysaccharide Many units Starch, glycogen, cellulose. Now, let us learn the terms used in Table 3.1. Sugars are sweet crystalline compounds, which can dissolve in water and are found in syrup, honey, sugar cane and fruits. Starch is found in rice, bread and potatoes and is the main energy storage compound in plants. Glycogen is the main storage compound in animals and is stored in the liver and muscle cells. Cellulose is the substance that plant cell walls are made up of. Vegetables and fruits are two examples of food containing cellulose. All carbohydrates are broken down into simple sugars (monosaccharide) by enzymes in the digestive tract. However humans cannot digest cellulose like herbivores because humans do not have the enzyme cellulose. This means that we cannot get energy from cellulose but it still performs a useful function: it forms dietary fibre (roughage). We will learn about the importance of fibre later in this topic.
  • 60. 6 0 TOPIC 3 NUTRITION AND CLASSES OF FOOD Before we end the discussion about carbohydrates, let us look at Figure 3.4 which summarises the main characteristics of carbohydrates. Figure 3.4: Characteristics of carbohydrates 3.2.2 Proteins Proteins are complex organic substances which are made up of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen. Most proteins also contain sulphur and phosphorus. Foods that are rich in protein include fish, meat, milk, nuts, cheese, and eggs as shown in Figure 3.5. Figure 3.5: Sources of protein Source:
  • 61. TOPIC 3 NUTRITION AND CLASSES OF FOOD 61 The basic unit of protein is amino acid. There are 20 naturally occurring amino acids. These can be divided into two groups: (a) Essential Amino Acids Essential amino acids are amino acids that cannot be made by the body. We must get them from our diet. There are altogether nine essential amino acids. They are vital for good health and the absence of just one can have severe consequences. (b) Non-essential Amino Acids Non-essential amino acids are amino acids that can be made by the body. These amino acids are formed from other amino acids. There are eleven non-essential amino acids. Animal proteins such as meat contain all the essential amino acids and are considered as a „complete protein‰. Animal proteins are known as first class proteins. Plant proteins such as beans are „incomplete proteins‰ in that they do not contain every essential amino acid. Plant proteins are known as second class proteins. The common sources of all essential amino acids are food from animal sources such as eggs and milk while a variety of plant products must be taken together to provide all the other necessary proteins. Proteins form the main structure of our body. Therefore, we need protein for growth of new cells and repairing worn out or damaged body tissues. We also need proteins to produce enzymes, hormones and some components of antibodies. In addition, proteins can provide energy when needed. Figure 3.6 summarises the characteristics of proteins. Figure 3.6: Characteristics of proteins
  • 62. 6 2 TOPIC 3 NUTRITION AND CLASSES OF FOOD 3.2.3 Fats Fats are a subgroup of the compound known as lipids. Fats are organic compounds that contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, but unlike carbohydrates, they contain much less oxygen. Fats are insoluble in water. Fats are also known as triglycerides. A triglyceride is formed from a molecule of glycerol and three molecules of fatty acids. Figure 3.7 shows the structure of fat. Figure 3.7: Structure of fat Fatty acids are either saturated or unsaturated. Fats containing saturated fatty acids are called saturated fats while those containing unsaturated fatty acids are called unsaturated fats. Saturated fats are solids at room temperature. Examples of saturated fats are animal fats such as butter. An unsaturated fat is usually liquid at room temperature and is called oil. Examples of unsaturated fats are vegetable oils such as corn oil. Cholesterol which is the major component of the plasma membrane is mostly found in saturated fats. Fats serve as an efficient source of energy. They also act as a solvent for fat-soluble vitamins and other vital substances such as hormones. Fats keep our body warm by building a heat insulator under the skin. This may reduce the rate of heat loss from the skin during the cold season. The oily secretion from certain glands in the skin can reduce the rate of evaporation of water. Fats are also important in forming the cell membrane. Figure 3.8 summarises the characteristics of fats.
  • 63. TOPIC 3 NUTRITION AND CLASSES OF FOOD 63 Figure 3.8: Characteristics of fats 3.2.4 Vitamins Vitamins are organic compounds needed by the body in small quantities to maintain good health. There are two groups of vitamins: (a) Fat Soluble Vitamins Fat soluble vitamins such as vitamins A, D, E and K can be stored in body fat. (b) Water Soluble Vitamins Water soluble vitamins cannot be stored in the body and have to be continuously supplied in the daily diet. Vitamins B and C are water soluble vitamins.
  • 64. 6 4 TOPIC 3 NUTRITION AND CLASSES OF FOOD Figure 3.9 shows the various sources of vitamins. Figure 3.9: Various sources of vitamins Source: A varied diet of fresh fruits and vegetables is important to obtain most of the vitamins that we need. The characteristics of vitamins are summarised in Figure 3.10. Figure3.10:Characteristicsofvitamins 3.2.5 Minerals Minerals are inorganic chemical elements that are usually found in the body. They are present in the form of ions and are needed in small quantities. They are required to regulate body processes, build bones, form blood cells, maintain health and avoid diseases.
  • 65. TOPIC 3 NUTRITION AND CLASSES OF FOOD 65 Minerals are divided into two groups: (a) Major Elements Some major elements needed in large quantities are potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, iodine and phosphorus. (b) Trace Elements Some trace elements needed in small quantities are fluorine and chlorine. Figure 3.11 summarises the characteristics of minerals. Figure 3.11: Characteristics of minerals 3.2.6 Fibre Dietary fibre (roughage) is made up of the indigestible cellulose walls of plant material. Fibre provides bulk to the contents of the large intestine and stimulates peristalsis. This leads to defecation and prevents constipation. The presence of adequate dietary fibre in the diet helps to prevent heart and intestinal disorders. Fibre also absorbs toxic substances in the large intestine and reduces blood cholesterol level. Figure 3.12 summarises the characteristics of fibre. Figure 3.12: Characteristics of fibre
  • 66. TOPIC 3 NUTRITION AND CLASSES OF FOOD 66 3.2.7 Water Water makes up 70% of our body weight. The main sources of water are fruits, vegetables and drinking water. It is a very important compound in our body and mainly acts as a solvent in the transport of wastes and food substances; a medium for enzymatic reactions; to regulate body temperature; and to maintain blood concentration. It is also needed in all metabolic processes. Figure 3.13 summarises the characteristics of water. Figure 3.13: Characteristics of water SELF-CHECK 3.2 1. Name the different classes of food. 2. Discuss the functions of each of the different classes of foods. ACTIVITY 3.1 The diseases shown below are due to the lack of a certain vitamin or mineral. Research these diseases and suggest the vitamin or mineral that is lacking: Rickets Night-blindness Anaemia Pellagra Goitre Scurvy Beri beri
  • 67. TOPIC 3 NUTRITION AND CLASSES OF FOOD 67 BALANCED DIET The food we consume every day makes up our diet. This includes what we drink as well as what we eat. Our diet must include all the seven classes of food described in the previous subtopic. A diet which contains all of these substances in the right quantities is called a balanced diet. The composition of a balanced diet varies from one individual to another according to age, sex, job, size, age, climate and state of health. A balanced diet is important mainly to maintain our body health and growth, to repair or replace old and damaged cells and provide enough energy. A balanced diet will be able to meet the daily energy requirements of the body. Energy in food is measured in joules (J) or calories (Cal). One calorie equals to 4.2 joules. The amount of heat energy released when one gram of food is completely burnt in the air is known as its calorific value. Each type of food has a different calorific value. Therefore, we should choose the correct types of food to ensure our bodies get sufficient energy. We can use the food pyramid as a guide for a balanced diet as shown in Figure 3.14. Let us take a look at the food pyramid based on the Malaysian Dietary Guidelines (MDG) 2010 as shown in Figure 3.14. Figure 3.14: The food pyramid 3.3
  • 68. 6 8 TOPIC 3 NUTRITION AND CLASSES OF FOOD The food pyramid is one way for people to understand how to eat healthily. When choosing a healthy diet, simply follow the food pyramid guidelines. Select the suggested number of servings from the five basic food groups as shown in the previous Figure 3.14. The food pyramid shows you what and how much food you should eat to remain healthy. These are the recommendations according to the food pyramid: (a) Eat adequately: Rice, noodles, breads, cereals, cereal products and tubers (48 servings/day); (b) Eat plenty: Vegetables (3 servings/day); (c) Eat plenty: Fruits (2 servings/day); (d) Eat in moderation: Milk and milk products (13 servings/day); and (e) Eat in moderation: Fish, poultry, meat and legumes (2 servings of poultry/meat/day, 1 serving of fish/day, 1 serving of legumes/day). The sixth group (fats, oil, sugar and salt) consists mostly of items that are pleasing to the palate, but high in fat and calories. These should be eaten in moderation or the intake should be limited. ACTIVITY 3.2 Your friend is a champion in bodybuilding sports. Explain to him the reasons bodybuilders need more proteins such as eggs and meat in their diet. FOOD CHAINS, FOOD WEBS AND ENERGY PYRAMIDS 3.4 The main energy source on earth is the Sun. Solar energy is used by plants to make food. Green plants which are autotrophs store solar energy in carbohydrates during photosynthesis. Green plants are also known as producers as they are capable of producing their own food. Heterotrophs are known as consumers as they feed on producers. Herbivores are known as primary consumers as they feed on the producer organisms. Carnivores are secondary consumers as they eat the primary consumers. What do you think tertiary consumers are?
  • 69. TOPIC 3 NUTRITION AND CLASSES OF FOOD 69 3.4.1 Food Chain Producers and consumers play different roles in a community. The linear feeding relationship which indicates the transfer of energy from producers to consumers is known as a food chain. Study Figure 3.15 which shows a food chain. Figure 3.15: A food chain Source: As can be seen in Figure 3.15, notice how all organisms are linked in the food chain. Each stage of a food chain is called a trophic level. The arrows in the food chain represent the flow of energy through the ecosystem. Can you identify the herbivore and carnivores in this food chain? Additionally, try to determine the primary, secondary and tertiary consumers as well.
  • 70. 7 0 TOPIC 3 NUTRITION AND CLASSES OF FOOD 3.4.2 Food Web In reality, an organism usually feeds on several different types of food. Instead of one simple food chain, there are many food chains which share the same organism. Many food chains interconnect to form a food web. A food web helps to maintain a balanced environment by controlling the number of organisms at each level of the food chain. Study Figure 3.16. How many food chains can you detect from this food web? Figure 3.16: A food web Source: 3.4.3 Energy Pyramids Do you know why there are more herbivores than carnivores in any ecosystem? Energy flows in one direction along a food chain. Energy is transferred along the food chain from the photosynthetic producers through several levels of consumers. The more levels in the food chain, the lesser the energy at the end of the chain. For example, when a herbivore eats, only a fraction of the energy (that it gets from the plant food) becomes new body mass; the rest of the energy is lost as waste or used up by the herbivore to carry out its life processes (e.g., movement, digestion, reproduction). Therefore, when the herbivore is eaten by a carnivore, it passes only a small amount of total energy (that it has received) to the carnivore. Of the energy transferred from the herbivore to the carnivore, some energy will be „wasted‰ or „used up‰ by the carnivore.
  • 71. TOPIC 3 NUTRITION AND CLASSES OF FOOD 71 An energy pyramid is a graphical representation of the energy at each level in a food chain. They are called pyramids because of the shape of these graphs. An energy pyramid shows maximum energy at the base and steadily diminishing amounts at higher levels. This is shown in Figure 3.17. Figure 3.17: An energy pyramid Source: The energy pyramid shown in Figure 3.17 shows many trees and shrubs providing food and energy to giraffes. Note that as we go up, there are fewer giraffes than trees and shrubs and even fewer lions than giraffes. In other words, a large mass of living things at the base is required to support a few at the top. Many herbivores are needed to support a few carnivores. This is why there are more herbivores than carnivores. SELF-CHECK 3.3 Define food chains, food webs and energy pyramids. Give examples for each. ACTIVITY 3.3 Using producers and consumers from a community near where you live, draw several interconnecting food chains that form a simple food web.
  • 72. 7 2 TOPIC 3 NUTRITION AND CLASSES OF FOOD NUTRIENTS IN PLANTS 3.5 Plants also need nutrients for healthy growth and development. Plants need carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, sulphur, magnesium, potassium and iron elements in large quantities. For this reason these elements are called major elements or macronutrients. In addition to the major elements, certain other elements are required as well. These are required in small amounts and known as trace elements or micronutrients. Examples of micronutrients are iron, copper, manganese, molybdenum and boron. Carbon, hydrogen and oxygen are macronutrients that can be easily absorbed from carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and water from the soil. Therefore, deficiency in these nutrients rarely occurs. The remaining mineral elements are obtained in the form of inorganic ions from the soil. Table 3.3 shows some essential nutrients in plants. Table 3.3: Essential Nutrients in Plants Nutrients Needed by Plants Major nutrients from water and CO2 C Carbon H Hydrogen O Oxygen Primary Macronutrients N Nitrogen P Phosphorus K Potassium Secondary Macronutrients Ca Calcium Mg Magnesium S Sulphur Micronutrients Fe Iron Cu Copper Mn Manganese Mo Molybdenum B Boron Macronutrients and micronutrients are involved in the synthesis of chemical substances essential for the healthy growth of plants. They are also required for the various metabolic processes which take place in plants. The absence of one or more of these nutrients can lead to mineral deficiencies in plants. Table 3.4 shows the effects of nutrient deficiencies in plants.
  • 73. TOPIC 3 NUTRITION AND CLASSES OF FOOD 73 Table 3.4: Effects of Nutrient Deficiencies in Plants Type of Nutrients Elements Symptoms Macronutrients Oxygen Growth retardation Nitrogen Chlorosis; leaves turn yellow Potassium Occur in mature tissues, growth retardation, leaves turn to yellowish brown Calcium Occur in young tissues, drying of the tips of root and leaf, twisted leaf morphology, retardation of root growth and decrease in plant growth rate Magnesium Chlorosis in veins mainly in young leaves, necrotic at the tip of the leaves, severe deficiency, necrosis occurs in the entire leaves Phosphorus Old leaves turn to dark green, appearance of dark purple pigment (anthocyanin), delayed maturity Micronutrients Iron Occur in young tissues Manganese Appear in young leaves in the form of white spots and interveinal chlorosis Zinc Spots of necrosis Copper Necrosis of the leaf margin and reduction in the concentration of plastocynin pigment Molybdenum Chlorosis and retardation of plant growth Figure 3.18 shows phosphorus and calcium deficiency in bean plants. Figure 3.18: Phosphorus and calcium deficiency in bean plants
  • 74. 7 4 TOPIC 3 NUTRITION AND CLASSES OF FOOD SELF-CHECK 3.4 1. List all the elements that are needed in large amounts by plants. 2. Name three elements that will result in the yellowing of leaves (chlorosis) in plants if a deficiency of these elements occurs. PHOTOSYNTHESIS 3.6 Photosynthesis is derived from two words: ÂphotoÊ which means light, and ÂsynthesisÊ which means making. Therefore, photosynthesis means the making of food with the help of light. Photosynthesis can be defined as a process carried out by green plants to make glucose from carbon dioxide and water in the presence of sunlight and chlorophyll. Oxygen is a by-product of photosynthesis. Here is the equation for photosynthesis. Sunlight Carbon dioxide + Water Glucose + Oxygen Chlorophyll 3.6.1 Requirements of Photosynthesis Photosynthesis requires carbon dioxide, chlorophyll, sunlight and water. Carbon dioxide is absorbed from the air through stomata into the chloroplast. Chlorophyll is the pigment in chloroplasts which captures sunlight. Sunlight provides the energy needed for photosynthesis. Water is absorbed through the roots. 3.6.2 Importance of Photosynthesis Photosynthesis is important because it: (a) Provides the Basic Food Source Plants use light energy to make their own food. Most organisms depend directly or indirectly on plants for food. Plants are producers and are very important in providing the basic food source for other life forms on earth.
  • 75. TOPIC 3 NUTRITION AND CLASSES OF FOOD 75 (b) Maintains the Oxygen Balance Animals and plants continuously use up oxygen. Combustion (burning of fuels) and daily human activities (e.g. cooking) also uses up oxygen through respiration. Through photosynthesis, plants release oxygen into the environment and replace the oxygen that has been consumed. 3.6.3 Experiment to Show that Photosynthesis has Taken Place How can you determine if photosynthesis has taken place in plants? When the process of photosynthesis takes place, glucose is formed as a product. The glucose produced during photosynthesis is stored in the plant in the form of starch. Iodine reacts with starch to produce a deep dark blue (almost black) colour. The presence of starch in leaves shows that photosynthesis has taken place. Carry out the following experiment to determine whether photosynthesis has taken place in a plant. Title: Experiment to determine if photosynthesis has taken place. Procedure: 1. Pluck a leaf from a plant, which has been exposed to sunlight for a few hours. 2. Immerse the leaf in a beaker of boiling water to kill it. 3. Place the softened leaf inside a boiling tube containing ethanol. 4. Place the boiling tube inside a beaker of hot water to remove chlorophyll. 5. Return the leaf to a beaker of hot water to soften leaf and allow penetration of iodine. 6. Place the leaf on a white tile. 7. Drop iodine solution onto the leaf surface. 8. Record your observation. Observation: 1. The leaf turns the iodine to dark blue. 2. This shows the presence of starch in the green leaf. 3. This proves that photosynthesis has taken place in the green leaf.
  • 76. 7 6 TOPIC 3 NUTRITION AND CLASSES OF FOOD SELF-CHECK 3.5 1. Define photosynthesis. 2. Explain the significance of photosynthesis. ACTIVITY 3.4 Draw a flow chart to show the relationship between the following: water carbohydrates oxygen chlorophyll carbon FOOD TECHNOLOGY 3.7 dioxide chloroplast light The increase of the world population means there is a need for greater food supply. The quality and quantity of food production should also be improved to meet the demands of this increasing population. Food technology is a branch of food science that deals with the production processes to make foods. Development of food technology occurs in two ways: (a) Technological Development to Improve Quality and Quantity of Food Production Various methods are employed to improve the quality and quantity of food production such as direct seeding for rice, hydroponics and aeroponics, breeding of plants and animals, tissue culture, genetic engineering, soil management, and biological control. (b) Technological Development in Food Processing Technology development in food processing includes the activities involved in the preparation and preservation of food. This is to ensure that the food remains safe for consumption whether eaten immediately or later. The main purpose of food processing is to preserve food by overcoming the factors that can cause food spoilage. Examples of food processing and preservation methods are freezing, pickling, fermentation, dehydration, canning, pasteurisation, radiation and sterilisation.
  • 77. TOPIC 3 NUTRITION AND CLASSES OF FOOD 77 What is genetic engineering? Genetic engineering is a technique that can increase the quality and quantity of food production. It is a technique that enables the characteristics of an organism to be altered by changing the genetic composition of the organism. For example, genes from plants can be inserted into the DNA of animal cells and vice versa. The genetically modified organism (GMO) is called a transgenic organism. Developments in genetic engineering have enabled transgenic crop plants such as wheat, paddy, tomatoes, legumes, soya beans and potatoes to be cultivated commercially. These crop plants contain genes from other organisms to enhance their growth or nutritional properties. Figure 3.19 shows an example of how genetically modified plants are created. Figure 3.19: Creation of a genetically modified pest resistant plant Source: ACTIVITY 3.5 Currently there is a controversy over the use of genetically modified (GM) foods. Research this issue and discuss the pros and cons of GM foods.
  • 78. 7 8 TOPIC 3 NUTRITION AND CLASSES OF FOOD DEVELOPING GOOD EATING HABITS It is important to practise good eating habits. Figure 3.20 shows some guidelines on how to develop good eating habits. Figure 3.20: Guidelines on how to develop good eating habits Do you realise that there are many types of diseases related to imbalanced diets? Table 3.5 shows the different types of nutrient deficiency diseases in humans. Table 3.5: Nutrient Deficiency Diseases in Humans Name of Diseases Nutrient Deficiency Symptoms Kwashiorkor Protein Dry and scaly skin. Hair loss. Wasting muscles. Loss of appetite and diarrhoea. Easily tired Distended abdomen. Oedema Protein Loose muscles and skin. Some parts of body become swollen. Marasmus Energy-producing food Very thin. Very weak. Starvation. Anaemia Iron Shortness of breath and headache. Some parts of body lack oxygen. Chest pain. Lips are pale and cracked. 3.8
  • 79. TOPIC 3 NUTRITION AND CLASSES OF FOOD 79 Goitre Iodine Thyroid gland becomes swollen. Swelling will press the surface of trachea and oesophagus. Breathing difficulties. Cretinism Iodine Mental retardation and stunted growth. Rough skin. Tongue becomes swollen. Scurvy Vitamin C Walls of blood vessels break easily. Bruises appear under skin surface. Bleeding and swollen gums. Joints become swollen and painful. Beri beri Vitamin B Diarrhoea. Swelling at ankles and legs. Numbness of legs and hands. Stiffness of muscle. Mental deterioration. Heartbeats become faster. Pellagra Vitamin B Pain in the mouth and tongue. Dry and reddish skin. Diarrhoea. Slow thinking and memory loss. Rickets Vitamin D Incomplete development of teeth and bones. Soft and pliable bones. Head becomes big. Figure 3.21 shows a photo of a child suffering from kwashiorkor. Figure 3.21: A child suffering from Kwashiorkor Source:
  • 80. 8 0 TOPIC 3 NUTRITION AND CLASSES OF FOOD SELF-CHECK 3.6 1. Define the term balanced diet. 2. Explain the special food requirements of: (a) A child; (b) A pregnant woman; and (c) A man who does hard physical work. 3. Give examples of nutrient deficiency diseases in plants and humans. Nutrition is the process by which organisms obtain energy from food for growth, maintenance and repair of damaged tissues. There are two main types of nutrition: autotrophic nutrition and heterotrophic nutrition. Autotrophic nutrition is the process by which organisms make their own food from simple inorganic raw materials such as carbon dioxide and water by using light or chemical energy. Heterotrophic nutrition is the process by which organisms feed on complex, ready-made organic foods to obtain the nutrients they require. Heterotrophic nutrition consists of holozoic nutrition, saprophytic nutrition and parasitic nutrition. Holozoic organisms may be classified according to their diets. Herbivores eat only plants, carnivores eat only animals and omnivores eat both animals and plants. Food can be divided into seven classes carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, fibre and water.
  • 81. TOPIC 3 NUTRITION AND CLASSES OF FOOD 81 Carbohydrates provide energy; proteins provide materials for growth and repair and fats are a source and storage of energy. Vitamins and minerals are needed in small quantities for optimal health. Fibre is required for the proper functioning of the digestive system. A balanced diet contains all the classes of food in the right quantity and ratio according to our bodily needs. A food chain shows the feeding relationships among organisms. The interconnections of many food chains form a food web. An energy pyramid is a graphical representation of the energy at each level in a food chain. Plants need both macronutrients and micronutrients for healthy growth and development. Photosynthesis is a process carried out by green plants to make glucose from carbon dioxide and water in the presence of sunlight and chlorophyll. Photosynthesis requires carbon dioxide, chlorophyll, sunlight and water. Photosynthesis provides the basic source of food and also maintains the oxygen balance in the atmosphere. Food technology is a branch of food science that deals with the production processes to make foods. Development of food technology occurs in two ways: development in food production and development in food processing. Genetically modified foods are foods that are derived from genetically modified organisms. Genetically modified organisms have had specific changes introduced into their DNA by genetic engineering techniques. An imbalanced diet can lead to health problems, mainly deficiency diseases.
  • 82. 8 2 TOPIC 3 NUTRITION AND CLASSES OF FOOD Autotrophic nutrition Carbohydrates Carnivore Chemosynthesis Deficiency diseases Energy pyramid Fats Fibre Food chain Food technology Food web Genetically modified foods Herbivore Heterotrophic nutrition Holozoic nutrition Macronutrients Micronutrients Minerals Nutrition Omnivore Parasitic nutrition Photosynthesis Primary consumer Producer Proteins Saprophytic nutrition Secondary consumer Trophic level Vitamins Water MDG. (2010). Executive summary. Retrieved March 20, 2012 from nutriWEB. (2011). Latest news. Retrieved March 20, 2012 from Reece, J. B., Urry, L. A., Cain, M. L., Wasserman, S. A., Minorsky, P. V., Jackson, R. B. (2010).Campbell biology (9th ed.). San Francisco: Pearson - Benjamin Cummings Pub. Slim With Yoga. (2011). Nutritious food. Retrieved March 20, 2012 from Taylor, D. J., Green, N. P. O., Stout, G. W. (2004). Biological science 1: Organisms, energy and environment (3rd ed.). R. Soper Editor, New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • 83. Topic 4 Digestive System LEARNING OUTCOMES By the end of this topic, you should be able to: 1. Explain the process of physical digestion and chemical digestion; 2. Describe the structure of the human digestive system; 3. Explain the process of digestion in humans; 4. Describe digestion in ruminants; 5. Describe digestion in rodents; and 6. Explain how excretion occurs in plants. INTRODUCTION In Topic 3, we looked at the various classes of food that are needed by our body. Have you ever wondered about what happens to these foods after we have eaten them? The foods that we eat are in quite a different state from the one that can be used by the cells in our body. Before the foods can be used, they need to be converted into smaller units, so that they can be easily absorbed by our body cells. This process is called digestion. Basically, digestion is the process of breaking down food from complex substances into simpler soluble molecules to be absorbed by the body. Starch, protein and fat are large insoluble food molecules. At the end of digestion, starch is broken down into glucose, protein is broken down into amino acids and fats are broken down into fatty acids and glycerol. Glucose, amino acids, fatty acids and glycerol are in the simplest form and are easily absorbed into the body cells. But, how does digestion take place?