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of the patient with

Meshari Alzahrani
Medical Intern – MBBS
AUA Member
Basic Science
Gross Hematuria
Microscopic Hematuria
 Haematuria : blood in the urine.
– gross, or macroscopic, when there is sufficient blood
present to color the urine red or brown.
– microscopic when the urine is visually normal in color
but is found to contain blood on chemical analysis or
microscopic evaluation.
– asymptomatic microhematuria (AMH) is defined as:
3 or greater RBCs / HPF on a properly collected urinary
specimen in the absence of an obvious benign cause.

 HPF : high power field
– Normally between 0 – 3 RBCs are seem per HPF
Gross Haematuria

Urine microscopy showing RBCs
Basic Science
 RBCs may be excreted in the urine by normal
 It is not known precisely how these cells
reach the urinary tract.
 However, the normal excretion rate is :
0.5 to 2 million RBCs/24 hr, or <5 RBCs/hpf on
microscopic examination of a urine
 It is difficult to localize the site of bleeding
by routine examination of the patient with
 However, certain findings may be very
helpful depend on size & shape of RBCs.
For example, casts form in the
lumina of renal tubules.
Therefore, the presence of RBCs
casts localizes the site of bleeding
to the renal parenchyma.




*The reason that make Glomerular RBCs irregular & small cause it pass through
kidney chemicals & nephron that lead to change in shape & size as long as its pass through these jurney
Common cause of Haematuria

Infection of the urine.
Kidney and bladder stones .
Trauma to the urinary tract.
Bladder tumors.
Prostate tumors.
kidney tumors and other kidney diseases.
Blood disorders
Approach to Patient
with blood in urine
History taking
Physical examination
Differential Diagnosis
Investigation, Lab , Radiology
History Taking
 Personal :

Gender ( female, male)
Age ( older, younger)

 Chief Complaint : Blood in Urine +/- Associated symptoms
 Duration : Acute , Chronic .
 History of presenting illness :

Onset : Sudden , Progressive , transient, persistent, recurrent
Pattern: gross vs. microscopic, constant vs.
intermittent, glomerular vs. extraglomerular , painless vs.
 Associated symptoms :
– Fever, back pain, dysuria, urgency, frequency (UTI)
– renal colic or previous nephrolithiasis (renal stone
– weight loss, especially with abdominal pain (RCC)
– weight loss with a significant smoking
history, analgesic abuse, or exposure to industrial
dyes (bladder carcinoma)
– Symptoms of prostatic obstruction in older men
such as hesitancy and dribbling (BPE)
– recent sore throat or skin
infection, edema, hypertension
– recent back, abdominal, or urethral injury or vigorous exercise
– history of heart murmur with recent dental or genitourinary
manipulation (endocarditis)
– or a history of bleeding from other sites, a previous bleeding
disorder, or family history of a bleeding disorder (systemic
– Cyclic hematuria in women that is most prominent during and shortly
after menstruation, suggesting endometriosis of the urinary tract.
– Sterile pyuria with hematuria, which may occur with renal
tuberculosis, analgesic nephropathy and other interstitial diseases
– Loin pain-hematuria syndrome (LPHS): (rare) recurrent episodes of
severe unilateral or bilateral loin (flank) pain that were accompanied
by gross or microscopic hematuria, associated with use of OCPs
 Urine Color, pattern:

What color is your urine?
Are you taking rifampicin? Have you eaten beetroot
Is it pure blood or mixed with urine?
Are there any clots? (lower urinary tract source)
Does it happen all the time when you pass water?
Is it near the beginning, end or during the entire urine
Post operative , recent urological surgery ?

 Family History : A personal or family history of
hematuria with:
– deafness or ocular abnormalities with
hematuria (Alport's syndrome)
– hematuria with progressive chronic renal failure
– (sickle Cell Anemia) lead to papillary necrosis
and hematuria.
 Travel History to or Endemic area of:
– (Schistosoma haematobium) is a common cause
of hematuria in certain endemic areas
Penicillins (esp. methicillin, ampicillin)

 Drug History : should be taken with
special attention to :
–Antibiotic : Rifampin ( orange urine)
–analgesics (papillary necrosis)
–cyclophosphamide (hemorrhagic cystitis) Tolmetin
Mefenamic acid
– anticoagulants,
–drugs known to cause acute interstitial

Drugs Associated with Acute Interstitial Nephritis.
Physical Examination
 Vital signs should be checked with special attention to PB ( HTN with RCC
& glomerulonephritis, ADPKD) and temperature (fever with UTI)
Genital examination :
possible sites of bleeding around the urethral meatus in both sexes
Look for Trauma “ Foley’s Catheter Removal while balloon still inflated”
For male , look for : BPH, prostatic cancer, do PR
For female , look for : GYN/OBS abnormalities (vaginal bleeding)

Inspection :
Rash, ecchymoses, or petechiae (coagulopathy)
Lens abnormalities and hearing loss (Alport's syndrome)
Edema , sore throat , (glomerulonephritis)
Palpation: renal colic flank pain radiate to groin (stone) , costovertebral
angle tenderness , abdominal tenderness, and abdominal masses (RCC)
Auscultation : Cardiac murmurs (endocarditis)
Alport syndrome :
Hereditary nephritis characterized
by glomerulonephritis , end stage kidney disease,
and hearing loss. Alport syndrome can also affect
the eyes (lenticonus).
The presence of blood in the urine (hematuria) is
almost always found in this condition.
Differential Diagnosis of Hematuria
 Acquired glomerular and tubulointerstitial renal
– Primary

Secondary to systemic disease (pericarditis)

 Hereditary renal disease
– Alport's syndrome

Polycystic kidney disease

 Infection (Mycobacteria and Schistosoma)
 Papillary necrosis
– Sickle hemoglobin

Analgesic abuse
Differential Diagnosis of Hematuria
 Trauma
 Calculi
 Neoplasia
– Primary

Metastatic (uncommon)

 Coagulopathy
– Congenital

Investigation : Lab
 RFT : Serum Creatinine
 Urinalysis with microscopic exam
– Inadequate sample (contaminated with vaginal contents)
• Squamous epithelial cells >5/hpf

– Signs of renal disease
• Glomerular disease
– Urine brown (Coca-Cola color)
– Microscopy
» RBCs casts
» Dysmorphic RBCs
– Proteinuria

• Extraglomerular disease
– Clots of blood
 Voided urine cytology:
– No longer recommended for routine Hematuria evaluation
• Cystoscopy has higher Test Sensitivity than either urine cytology or Bladder
Cancer detection markers

– Protocol
• Obtain three serial fresh specimens
• Evaluate for transitional cell cancer

– Bladder Cancer detection markers (no evidence for benefit over standard
cytology or cystoscopy)

Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH)
Nuclear matrix protein 22 Test
Bladder tumor antigen stat test
Urinary Bladder cancer antigen

 Nephropathy or Glomerulonephritis evaluation:

Urine Protein to Creatinine Ratio
Antinuclear Antibody
ASO Titer
Serum complement (C3, C4, C50) : ↓
 Prostate:
• Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA)
 Coagulation Factors:
• INR , prothrombin time (PT)
• Partial Thromboplastin Time (PTT)
 Miscellaneous tests:
• Collect 24 hour Urine Calcium, Urine Uric Acid
 Urinalysis of "Three Glass Test" :
• Glass 1: Initiation of urine stream
– Hematuria in Glass 1 only suggests Urethral source
• Glass 2: Midstream urine
– Hematuria in all glasses suggests Bladder or renal
• Glass 3: Termination of urine stream
– Hematuria in Glass 3 only suggests Prostate source
Investigation : Radiology
• Helical CT Urogram (preferred)
American Journal of Roentgenology. 2010
• Renal US
– Defines anatomy
– Signs of glomerular disease , hydronephrosis, and renal cysts
– CT Urogram is usually preferred over US

• Intravenous Pyelogram
– Suspected Nephrolithiasis

• Cystoscopy
– Extraglomerular source of Hematuria

• MRI Urography
– Indicated where CT Urogram is contraindicated (e.g.
Pregnancy, Children)
– Identifies urothelial cancer, Nephrolithiasis and renal tumors






General Approach
– Consider non-urinary source (e.g. vagina, Rectum)
– Gross Hematuria should be thoroughly evaluated including
urologic intervention
– Confirm adequate sample
• Microscopic Hematuria
• Squamous epithelial cells >5/hpf suggests vaginal contaminant
• Urine Dipstick alone is inadequate due to high false positive rate
– False positives occur with Hemoglobinuria, Myoglobinuria and alkalotic
urine (pH >9)
– False negatives occur with Vitamin C Supplementation

– Indications for Urologic intervention regardless of protocols
• Gross Hematuria
• Anticoagulant use with AMH
• Old Age with Painless Hematuria






Gross hematuria
 Gross hematuria is suspected because of the
presence of red or brown urine.
 The color change does not necessarily reflect the
degree of blood loss, since as little as 1 mL of blood
per liter of urine can induce a visible color change.
 Gross hematuria with passage of clots almost always
indicates a lower urinary tract source.
 The initial step in the evaluation of patients with red
urine is centrifugation of the specimen to see if the
red or brown color is in the urine sediment or the
urine supernatant.
Approach to the patient with red or brown urine
Causes of Asymptomatic
Gross Hematuria by Incidence

Acute Cystitis (23%)
Bladder Cancer (17%)
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (12%)
Nephrolithiasis (10%)
Benign essential Hematuria (10%)
Prostatitis (9%)
Renal cancer (6%)
Pyelonephritis (4%)
Prostate Cancer (3%)
Urethral stricture (2%)
Acute renal failure — Gross hematuria
• occurring in patients with underlying
glomerular disease has been associated with
the development of transient acute renal
• Renal biopsy shows distension of many renal
tubules by intratubular red cells and tubular
cell injury consistent with acute tubular
Microscopic Hematuria
– Urinary tract source
• Urethra or Bladder
• Prostate
• Ureter or Kidney
– Non-Urinary tract source
• Vagina
• Anus or Rectum
(non-Hematuria related Red Urine)


 Pyridium
 Phenytoin
 Pyridium
 Red diaper syndrome
 Phenolphthalein Laxatives
 Foods (Beets, Blackberries, Rhubarb)
Step 1:Initial evaluation of isolated Hematuria
 Indications:
– Urine RBC 3/HPF or more OR
– Urine RBC < 3/HPF on 2 samples
• Incidental Microscopic Hematuria followed with 3
urine samples at 6 week intervals
• No further evaluation if Hematuria found only on one
of 4 samples






 Protocol
– Evaluate and treat for secondary cause

Urinary treat infection
Exercise Hematuria (march Hematuria, e.g. distance runners)
Genitourinary infection (STD)
Recent urologic procedure
Hematologic causes (consider coagulopathy)

– Repeat Urinalysis with microscopy at 6 weeks following
• Negative: No further evaluation required unless symptomatic
• Positive: Go to Step 2






Step 2: Evaluate for Renal cause
 Indications:
– Nephropathy (IgA Nephropathy, Alport Syndrome, Benign
familial Hematuria)

• Proteinuria (1+ or greater on dipstick)
• Serum Creatinine elevated
• Dysmorphic RBCs or RBCs casts
– Suggests glomerular cause
– No dysmorphic cells suggests interstitial cause

 Protocol :
– (if indicated above, otherwise continue to step 3)
• Serum Creatinine with calculated GFR (obtain regardless of
urine sediment)
• Urine Protein to Creatinine Ratio
• Nephrology Consultation






Step 3: Evaluate for urologic malignancy
with imaging
– CT Urogram (preferred) , OR
– Alternative imaging modality
• Indications

Low risk of urologic malignancy
Contrast Media Allergy
Poor Renal Function
Radiation contraindication (e.g. pregnancy )

• Modalities (less optimal)


MR Urography or MRI Abdomen and Pelvis
Renal US
Non-contrast CT Abdomen and Pelvis (Stone protocol)
Retrograde pyelogram





The most common risk factors for
urinary tract malignancy in AMH patients
 Age >35 years
 Smoking history in which the risk correlates with the extent of
 Occupational exposure to chemicals or dyes (benzenes or
aromatic amines), such as printers, painters, chemical plant
 History of gross hematuria
 History of chronic cystitis or irritative voiding symptoms
 History of pelvic irradiation
 History of exposure to cyclophosphamide
 History of a chronic indwelling foreign body
 History of analgesic abuse, which is also associated with an
increased incidence of carcinoma of the kidney
The American Urological Association (AUA)
Transitional cell carcinoma (TCC)
B: (CT)
C: CT urography
Step 4: Urologic Evaluation
– Protocol
• Urology Consultation
• Cystoscopy: urethra , prostate & bladder
• Consider urine cytology (3 first morning voids)

– Positive findings on cystoscopy, imaging or labs
• Management per urology

– Negative evaluation
• Go to step 5






Step 5: Surveillance following negative
Hematuria evaluation
– Repeat Urinalysis annually for 2 years following
initial evaluation
– Positive Urinalysis on either of the 2 rechecks
• Repeat Urinalysis, imaging and cystoscopy within 3-5 years

– Negative Urinalysis on both of the rechecks
• No further testing required unless symptomatic
• Risk of future urologic malignancy <1%






Diagnosis, Evaluation, and
Follow-up of (AMH) in Adult
AUA guideline
A systematic review of the
literature using the
MEDLINE database
(search dates January 1980
– November 2011)
 Asymptomatic microhematuria (AMH) is
defined as: 3 or greater RBCs / HPF
on a properly collected urinary specimen in the
absence of an obvious benign cause.

 A positive dipstick does not define
AMH, and evaluation should be based solely
on findings from microscopic examination
of urinary sediment and not on a dipstick
 A positive dipstick reading merits
microscopic examination to confirm or
refute the diagnosis of AMH.
Expert Opinion
 The assessment of the AMH patient
should include a:
– careful history
– physical examination
– laboratory examination

to rule out benign causes of AMH such as
infection, menstruation, vigorous exercise, medical
renal disease, viral illness, trauma, or recent
urological procedures.


Clinical Principle
 Once benign causes have been ruled
out, the presence of AMH should prompt a
urologic evaluation
Recommendation (Evidence Strength Grade C)

 At the initial evaluation, an estimate of
renal function should be obtained (may
include calculated eGRF, creatinine, and BUN)
because intrinsic renal disease may have
implications for renal related risk during the
evaluation and management of patients
with AMH.

Clinical Principle

 The presence of dysmorphic
RBs, proteinuria, cellular casts, and/or renal
insufficiency, or any other clinical indicator
suspicious for renal parenchymal disease
warrants concurrent nephrologic workup
but does not preclude the need for urologic
Recommendation (Evidence Strength Grade C)

 Microhematuria that occurs in patients who
are taking anti-coagulants requires urologic
evaluation and nephrologic evaluation
regardless of the type or level of anticoagulation therapy.

Recommendation (Evidence Strength Grade C)

 For the urologic evaluation of asymptomatic
microhematuria, a cystoscopy should be
performed on all patients aged 35 years and
Recommendation (Evidence Strength Grade C)

 In patients younger than age 35
years, cystoscopy may be performed at the
physician's discretion.
Option (Evidence Strength Grade C)

 Regardless of age, A cystoscopy should be
performed on all patients who present with
risk factors for urinary tract malignancies
(e.g., irritative voiding symptoms, current or past tobacco
use, chemical exposures)

Clinical Principle

 The initial evaluation for AMH should include a
radiologic evaluation:
• Multi-phasic computed tomography (CT)
• Urography (without and with intravenous (IV) contrast)

including sufficient phases to evaluate the renal
parenchyma to rule out a renal mass and an
excretory phase to evaluate the urothelium of
the upper tracts, is the imaging procedure of
choice because it has the highest sensitivity and
specificity for imaging the upper tracts.


Recommendation (Evidence Strength Grade C)
 For patients with relative or absolute
contraindications that preclude use of multiphasic CT (such as renal
insufficiency, contrast allergy, pregnancy):
magnetic resonance urography (MRU) (without/with
IV contrast) is an acceptable alternative imaging

Option (Evidence Strength Grade C)

 For patients with relative or absolute
contraindications that preclude use of
multiphase CT (such as renal
insufficiency, contrast allergy, pregnancy)
where collecting system detail is deemed
(MRI) with retrograde pyelograms (RPGs)
provides alternative evaluation of the entire
upper tracts
Expert Opinion

 For patients with relative or absolute
contraindications that preclude use of
multiphase CT (such as renal
insufficiency, contrast allergy) and MRI
(presence of metal in the body) where
collecting system detail is deemed imperative:
 combining non-contrast CT or renal ultrasound
(US) with retrograde pyelograms (RPGs)
provides alternative evaluation of the entire
upper tracts.


Expert Opinion
 The use of urine cytology and urine markers
(NMP22, BTA-stat, and UroVysion FISH):

is NOT recommended as a part of the routine
evaluation of the AMH patient.
Recommendation (Evidence Strength Grade C)

 In patients with persistent microhematuria
following a negative work up or those with
other risk factors for carcinoma in situ (e.g.,
irritative voiding symptoms, current or past tobacco use,
chemical exposures):

cytology may be useful.
Option (Evidence Strength Grade C)

 Blue light cystoscopy :
should not be used in the evaluation of
patients with SMH.
(Evidence Strength Grade C)

 If a patient with a history of persistent AMH
has 2 consecutive negative annual
urinalyses (one per year for two years from the time of
initial evaluation or beyond):

then No further urinalyses for the purpose of
evaluation of AMH are necessary.


Expert Opinion
 For persistent AMH after negative urologic
work up:
Yearly urinalyses should be conducted.
Recommendation (Evidence Strength Grade C)

 For persistent or recurrent AMH after initial
negative urologic work-up:
Repeat evaluation within 3-5 years should be
Expert Opinion

• smith’s General Urology , edi17
• Etiology and evaluation of hematuria in
adults : Up To Date 2014


Meshari Alqoopisi

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Evaluation of the patient with hematuria.

  • 1.
  • 2. Evaluation of the patient with Hematuria Meshari Alzahrani Medical Intern – MBBS AUA Member 29/1/2014
  • 4. Terminology  Haematuria : blood in the urine. – gross, or macroscopic, when there is sufficient blood present to color the urine red or brown. – microscopic when the urine is visually normal in color but is found to contain blood on chemical analysis or microscopic evaluation. – asymptomatic microhematuria (AMH) is defined as: 3 or greater RBCs / HPF on a properly collected urinary specimen in the absence of an obvious benign cause.  HPF : high power field – Normally between 0 – 3 RBCs are seem per HPF
  • 6. Basic Science  RBCs may be excreted in the urine by normal persons.  It is not known precisely how these cells reach the urinary tract.  However, the normal excretion rate is : 0.5 to 2 million RBCs/24 hr, or <5 RBCs/hpf on microscopic examination of a urine specimen.
  • 7.  It is difficult to localize the site of bleeding by routine examination of the patient with hematuria.  However, certain findings may be very helpful depend on size & shape of RBCs. For example, casts form in the lumina of renal tubules. Therefore, the presence of RBCs casts localizes the site of bleeding to the renal parenchyma.
  • 8. Hematuria Size Shape Source Glomerular* Irregular Small Nephron Non-glomerular Uniform Larger Peripheral *The reason that make Glomerular RBCs irregular & small cause it pass through kidney chemicals & nephron that lead to change in shape & size as long as its pass through these jurney
  • 9. Common cause of Haematuria        Infection of the urine. Kidney and bladder stones . Trauma to the urinary tract. Bladder tumors. Prostate tumors. kidney tumors and other kidney diseases. Blood disorders
  • 10. Approach to Patient with blood in urine History taking Physical examination Differential Diagnosis Investigation, Lab , Radiology
  • 11. History Taking  Personal : – – Gender ( female, male) Age ( older, younger)  Chief Complaint : Blood in Urine +/- Associated symptoms  Duration : Acute , Chronic .  History of presenting illness : – – Onset : Sudden , Progressive , transient, persistent, recurrent Pattern: gross vs. microscopic, constant vs. intermittent, glomerular vs. extraglomerular , painless vs. painful
  • 12.  Associated symptoms : – Fever, back pain, dysuria, urgency, frequency (UTI) – renal colic or previous nephrolithiasis (renal stone disease) – weight loss, especially with abdominal pain (RCC) – weight loss with a significant smoking history, analgesic abuse, or exposure to industrial dyes (bladder carcinoma) – Symptoms of prostatic obstruction in older men such as hesitancy and dribbling (BPE) – recent sore throat or skin infection, edema, hypertension (glomerulonephritis)
  • 13. – recent back, abdominal, or urethral injury or vigorous exercise (trauma) – history of heart murmur with recent dental or genitourinary manipulation (endocarditis) – or a history of bleeding from other sites, a previous bleeding disorder, or family history of a bleeding disorder (systemic coagulopathy). – Cyclic hematuria in women that is most prominent during and shortly after menstruation, suggesting endometriosis of the urinary tract. – Sterile pyuria with hematuria, which may occur with renal tuberculosis, analgesic nephropathy and other interstitial diseases – Loin pain-hematuria syndrome (LPHS): (rare) recurrent episodes of severe unilateral or bilateral loin (flank) pain that were accompanied by gross or microscopic hematuria, associated with use of OCPs
  • 14.  Urine Color, pattern: – – – – – – – What color is your urine? Are you taking rifampicin? Have you eaten beetroot (Beeturia)? Is it pure blood or mixed with urine? Are there any clots? (lower urinary tract source) Does it happen all the time when you pass water? Is it near the beginning, end or during the entire urine stream? Post operative , recent urological surgery ?
  • 16.  Family History : A personal or family history of hematuria with: – deafness or ocular abnormalities with hematuria (Alport's syndrome) – hematuria with progressive chronic renal failure (ADPKD) – (sickle Cell Anemia) lead to papillary necrosis and hematuria.  Travel History to or Endemic area of: – (Schistosoma haematobium) is a common cause of hematuria in certain endemic areas
  • 17. Antibiotics Penicillins (esp. methicillin, ampicillin) Cephalosporins Sulfonamides Rifampin  Drug History : should be taken with Isoniazid NSIDs special attention to : Indomethacin –Antibiotic : Rifampin ( orange urine) Phenylbutazone Fenoprofen –analgesics (papillary necrosis) Naproxen –cyclophosphamide (hemorrhagic cystitis) Tolmetin Mefenamic acid – anticoagulants, Diuretics –drugs known to cause acute interstitial Thiazides Furosemide nephritis Triamterene Miscellaneous Phenytoin Cimetidine Allopurinol Azathioprine Drugs Associated with Acute Interstitial Nephritis.
  • 18. Physical Examination  Vital signs should be checked with special attention to PB ( HTN with RCC & glomerulonephritis, ADPKD) and temperature (fever with UTI) Genital examination : possible sites of bleeding around the urethral meatus in both sexes Look for Trauma “ Foley’s Catheter Removal while balloon still inflated” For male , look for : BPH, prostatic cancer, do PR For female , look for : GYN/OBS abnormalities (vaginal bleeding) Inspection : Rash, ecchymoses, or petechiae (coagulopathy) Lens abnormalities and hearing loss (Alport's syndrome) Edema , sore throat , (glomerulonephritis) Palpation: renal colic flank pain radiate to groin (stone) , costovertebral angle tenderness , abdominal tenderness, and abdominal masses (RCC) Auscultation : Cardiac murmurs (endocarditis)
  • 19. Alport syndrome : Hereditary nephritis characterized by glomerulonephritis , end stage kidney disease, and hearing loss. Alport syndrome can also affect the eyes (lenticonus). The presence of blood in the urine (hematuria) is almost always found in this condition.
  • 20. Differential Diagnosis of Hematuria  Acquired glomerular and tubulointerstitial renal disease – Primary – Secondary to systemic disease (pericarditis)  Hereditary renal disease – Alport's syndrome – Polycystic kidney disease  Infection (Mycobacteria and Schistosoma)  Papillary necrosis – Sickle hemoglobin – Analgesic abuse
  • 21. Differential Diagnosis of Hematuria  Trauma  Calculi  Neoplasia – Primary – Metastatic (uncommon)  Coagulopathy – Congenital – Acquired
  • 22. Investigation : Lab  RFT : Serum Creatinine  Urinalysis with microscopic exam – Inadequate sample (contaminated with vaginal contents) • Squamous epithelial cells >5/hpf – Signs of renal disease • Glomerular disease – Urine brown (Coca-Cola color) – Microscopy » RBCs casts » Dysmorphic RBCs – Proteinuria • Extraglomerular disease – Clots of blood
  • 23.  Voided urine cytology: – No longer recommended for routine Hematuria evaluation • Cystoscopy has higher Test Sensitivity than either urine cytology or Bladder Cancer detection markers – Protocol • Obtain three serial fresh specimens • Evaluate for transitional cell cancer – Bladder Cancer detection markers (no evidence for benefit over standard cytology or cystoscopy) • • • • Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) Nuclear matrix protein 22 Test Bladder tumor antigen stat test Urinary Bladder cancer antigen  Nephropathy or Glomerulonephritis evaluation: • • • • Urine Protein to Creatinine Ratio Antinuclear Antibody ASO Titer Serum complement (C3, C4, C50) : ↓
  • 24.  Prostate: • Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA)  Coagulation Factors: • INR , prothrombin time (PT) • Partial Thromboplastin Time (PTT)  Miscellaneous tests: • Collect 24 hour Urine Calcium, Urine Uric Acid  Urinalysis of "Three Glass Test" : • Glass 1: Initiation of urine stream – Hematuria in Glass 1 only suggests Urethral source • Glass 2: Midstream urine – Hematuria in all glasses suggests Bladder or renal • Glass 3: Termination of urine stream – Hematuria in Glass 3 only suggests Prostate source
  • 25. Investigation : Radiology • Helical CT Urogram (preferred) American Journal of Roentgenology. 2010 • Renal US – Defines anatomy – Signs of glomerular disease , hydronephrosis, and renal cysts – CT Urogram is usually preferred over US • Intravenous Pyelogram – Suspected Nephrolithiasis • Cystoscopy – Extraglomerular source of Hematuria • MRI Urography – Indicated where CT Urogram is contraindicated (e.g. Pregnancy, Children) – Identifies urothelial cancer, Nephrolithiasis and renal tumors
  • 27. General Approach – Consider non-urinary source (e.g. vagina, Rectum) – Gross Hematuria should be thoroughly evaluated including urologic intervention – Confirm adequate sample • Microscopic Hematuria • Squamous epithelial cells >5/hpf suggests vaginal contaminant • Urine Dipstick alone is inadequate due to high false positive rate – False positives occur with Hemoglobinuria, Myoglobinuria and alkalotic urine (pH >9) – False negatives occur with Vitamin C Supplementation – Indications for Urologic intervention regardless of protocols • Gross Hematuria • Anticoagulant use with AMH • Old Age with Painless Hematuria General 1 2 3 4 5
  • 28. Gross hematuria  Gross hematuria is suspected because of the presence of red or brown urine.  The color change does not necessarily reflect the degree of blood loss, since as little as 1 mL of blood per liter of urine can induce a visible color change.  Gross hematuria with passage of clots almost always indicates a lower urinary tract source.  The initial step in the evaluation of patients with red urine is centrifugation of the specimen to see if the red or brown color is in the urine sediment or the urine supernatant.
  • 29. Approach to the patient with red or brown urine
  • 30. Causes of Asymptomatic Gross Hematuria by Incidence • • • • • • • • • • Acute Cystitis (23%) Bladder Cancer (17%) Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (12%) Nephrolithiasis (10%) Benign essential Hematuria (10%) Prostatitis (9%) Renal cancer (6%) Pyelonephritis (4%) Prostate Cancer (3%) Urethral stricture (2%)
  • 31. Acute renal failure — Gross hematuria • occurring in patients with underlying glomerular disease has been associated with the development of transient acute renal failure. • Renal biopsy shows distension of many renal tubules by intratubular red cells and tubular cell injury consistent with acute tubular necrosis
  • 32. Microscopic Hematuria – Urinary tract source • Urethra or Bladder • Prostate • Ureter or Kidney – Non-Urinary tract source • Vagina • Anus or Rectum
  • 33. Pseudohematuria (non-Hematuria related Red Urine)       Rifampin Myoglobinuria Hemoglobinuria Bilirubinuria Phenothiazines Porphyria  Pyridium  Phenytoin  Pyridium  Red diaper syndrome  Phenolphthalein Laxatives  Foods (Beets, Blackberries, Rhubarb)
  • 34. Step 1:Initial evaluation of isolated Hematuria  Indications: – Urine RBC 3/HPF or more OR – Urine RBC < 3/HPF on 2 samples • Incidental Microscopic Hematuria followed with 3 urine samples at 6 week intervals • No further evaluation if Hematuria found only on one of 4 samples General 1 2 3 4 5
  • 35.  Protocol – Evaluate and treat for secondary cause • • • • • • • Urinary treat infection Exercise Hematuria (march Hematuria, e.g. distance runners) Menses Genitourinary infection (STD) Recent urologic procedure Trauma Hematologic causes (consider coagulopathy) – Repeat Urinalysis with microscopy at 6 weeks following treatment • Negative: No further evaluation required unless symptomatic • Positive: Go to Step 2 General 1 2 3 4 5
  • 36. Step 2: Evaluate for Renal cause  Indications: – Nephropathy (IgA Nephropathy, Alport Syndrome, Benign familial Hematuria) • Proteinuria (1+ or greater on dipstick) • Serum Creatinine elevated • Dysmorphic RBCs or RBCs casts – Suggests glomerular cause – No dysmorphic cells suggests interstitial cause  Protocol : – (if indicated above, otherwise continue to step 3) • Serum Creatinine with calculated GFR (obtain regardless of urine sediment) • Urine Protein to Creatinine Ratio • Nephrology Consultation General 1 2 3 4 5
  • 37. Step 3: Evaluate for urologic malignancy with imaging – CT Urogram (preferred) , OR – Alternative imaging modality • Indications – – – – Low risk of urologic malignancy Contrast Media Allergy Poor Renal Function Radiation contraindication (e.g. pregnancy ) • Modalities (less optimal) – – – – General MR Urography or MRI Abdomen and Pelvis Renal US Non-contrast CT Abdomen and Pelvis (Stone protocol) Retrograde pyelogram 1 2 3 4 5
  • 38. The most common risk factors for urinary tract malignancy in AMH patients  Age >35 years  Smoking history in which the risk correlates with the extent of exposure  Occupational exposure to chemicals or dyes (benzenes or aromatic amines), such as printers, painters, chemical plant workers  History of gross hematuria  History of chronic cystitis or irritative voiding symptoms  History of pelvic irradiation  History of exposure to cyclophosphamide  History of a chronic indwelling foreign body  History of analgesic abuse, which is also associated with an increased incidence of carcinoma of the kidney The American Urological Association (AUA)
  • 40. A : IVP B: (CT) C: CT urography
  • 41. Step 4: Urologic Evaluation – Protocol • Urology Consultation • Cystoscopy: urethra , prostate & bladder • Consider urine cytology (3 first morning voids) – Positive findings on cystoscopy, imaging or labs • Management per urology – Negative evaluation • Go to step 5 General 1 2 3 4 5
  • 42. Step 5: Surveillance following negative Hematuria evaluation – Repeat Urinalysis annually for 2 years following initial evaluation – Positive Urinalysis on either of the 2 rechecks • Repeat Urinalysis, imaging and cystoscopy within 3-5 years – Negative Urinalysis on both of the rechecks • No further testing required unless symptomatic • Risk of future urologic malignancy <1% General 1 2 3 4 5
  • 43. Diagnosis, Evaluation, and Follow-up of (AMH) in Adult AUA guideline
  • 44. A systematic review of the literature using the MEDLINE database (search dates January 1980 – November 2011)
  • 45.  Asymptomatic microhematuria (AMH) is defined as: 3 or greater RBCs / HPF on a properly collected urinary specimen in the absence of an obvious benign cause. 1
  • 46.  A positive dipstick does not define AMH, and evaluation should be based solely on findings from microscopic examination of urinary sediment and not on a dipstick reading.  A positive dipstick reading merits microscopic examination to confirm or refute the diagnosis of AMH. Expert Opinion
  • 47.  The assessment of the AMH patient should include a: – careful history – physical examination – laboratory examination to rule out benign causes of AMH such as infection, menstruation, vigorous exercise, medical renal disease, viral illness, trauma, or recent urological procedures. 2 Clinical Principle
  • 48.  Once benign causes have been ruled out, the presence of AMH should prompt a urologic evaluation Recommendation (Evidence Strength Grade C) 3
  • 49.  At the initial evaluation, an estimate of renal function should be obtained (may include calculated eGRF, creatinine, and BUN) because intrinsic renal disease may have implications for renal related risk during the evaluation and management of patients with AMH. Clinical Principle 4
  • 50.  The presence of dysmorphic RBs, proteinuria, cellular casts, and/or renal insufficiency, or any other clinical indicator suspicious for renal parenchymal disease warrants concurrent nephrologic workup but does not preclude the need for urologic evaluation. Recommendation (Evidence Strength Grade C) 5
  • 51.  Microhematuria that occurs in patients who are taking anti-coagulants requires urologic evaluation and nephrologic evaluation regardless of the type or level of anticoagulation therapy. Recommendation (Evidence Strength Grade C) 6
  • 52.  For the urologic evaluation of asymptomatic microhematuria, a cystoscopy should be performed on all patients aged 35 years and older. Recommendation (Evidence Strength Grade C) 7
  • 53.  In patients younger than age 35 years, cystoscopy may be performed at the physician's discretion. Option (Evidence Strength Grade C) 8
  • 54.  Regardless of age, A cystoscopy should be performed on all patients who present with risk factors for urinary tract malignancies (e.g., irritative voiding symptoms, current or past tobacco use, chemical exposures) Clinical Principle 9
  • 55.  The initial evaluation for AMH should include a radiologic evaluation: • Multi-phasic computed tomography (CT) • Urography (without and with intravenous (IV) contrast) including sufficient phases to evaluate the renal parenchyma to rule out a renal mass and an excretory phase to evaluate the urothelium of the upper tracts, is the imaging procedure of choice because it has the highest sensitivity and specificity for imaging the upper tracts. 10 Recommendation (Evidence Strength Grade C)
  • 56.  For patients with relative or absolute contraindications that preclude use of multiphasic CT (such as renal insufficiency, contrast allergy, pregnancy): magnetic resonance urography (MRU) (without/with IV contrast) is an acceptable alternative imaging approach Option (Evidence Strength Grade C) 11
  • 57.  For patients with relative or absolute contraindications that preclude use of multiphase CT (such as renal insufficiency, contrast allergy, pregnancy) where collecting system detail is deemed imperative: (MRI) with retrograde pyelograms (RPGs) provides alternative evaluation of the entire upper tracts Expert Opinion 12
  • 58.  For patients with relative or absolute contraindications that preclude use of multiphase CT (such as renal insufficiency, contrast allergy) and MRI (presence of metal in the body) where collecting system detail is deemed imperative:  combining non-contrast CT or renal ultrasound (US) with retrograde pyelograms (RPGs) provides alternative evaluation of the entire upper tracts. 13 Expert Opinion
  • 59.  The use of urine cytology and urine markers (NMP22, BTA-stat, and UroVysion FISH): is NOT recommended as a part of the routine evaluation of the AMH patient. Recommendation (Evidence Strength Grade C) 14
  • 60.  In patients with persistent microhematuria following a negative work up or those with other risk factors for carcinoma in situ (e.g., irritative voiding symptoms, current or past tobacco use, chemical exposures): cytology may be useful. Option (Evidence Strength Grade C) 15
  • 61.  Blue light cystoscopy : should not be used in the evaluation of patients with SMH. (Evidence Strength Grade C) 16
  • 62.  If a patient with a history of persistent AMH has 2 consecutive negative annual urinalyses (one per year for two years from the time of initial evaluation or beyond): then No further urinalyses for the purpose of evaluation of AMH are necessary. 17 Expert Opinion
  • 63.  For persistent AMH after negative urologic work up: Yearly urinalyses should be conducted. Recommendation (Evidence Strength Grade C) 18
  • 64.  For persistent or recurrent AMH after initial negative urologic work-up: Repeat evaluation within 3-5 years should be considered. Expert Opinion 19
  • 65.
  • 66. References • AUA atic-microhematuria.cfm#9 • • • smith’s General Urology , edi17 • Etiology and evaluation of hematuria in adults : Up To Date 2014