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Why is
Behavioural EQ
EI & Leadership EI Competence
Workshop 1: Self-
7 ways to boost
your leadership
Build trust and
Closing games
EI Competence Workshop 1
: Self-awareness
EQ and Business Scenario
At the end of this course students will
be able to
have high self awareness
have high emotional literacy
feel and understand the emotions of others
strike balance between Emotion and reason
take responsibility of your own emotions
Business/ Dept.
Introduce yourself!
Write down 3 facts about
One must be a lie
Present yourself to the others
Others have to spot the lie
6. Pass out completed index cards & read your new
card out loud & then try to guess who wrote it.
7. The person that was guessed will say "yes" or
"no" depending on if it was their card or not.
8. Who wrote the note card can briefly explain their
9. Only gets one guess. Everyone can reveal which
card was theirs.
1. Pass out an index card & don”t do
anything with them until given
2. Write down an interesting thing they
have done. Don’t share your answers
with anyone.
4. Examples: "I ate bugs before", "I once
drank a gallon of milk", "I lived in seven
different states". Something that not
everyone would already know about
5. Pass your index card to me.
Whodunit allows participants to learn
interesting facts about each other
Individual Exercise (15 mins)
There are 4 flipcharts around the room
1. What are you leaving behind to be here today?
2. What do you want to take away from today?
3. What are you offering to the group today?
4. How would we like to work together today?
Visit each in turn & add your comments
15 minutes
Ground rule games
Listen to others
Don’t put other people down
Respect Confidentiality & Trust
Show Respect
Don’t Interrupt others
Try to accept others views
Classroom Procedures and General
The Bathrooms are where
The Break Refreshments include:
The Room for Lunch is where
Lunch menu
A vegetarian option is offered
Cell phones on off
Please don’t email or text during
peopla/relational side
Technical/financial side
 Have unrealistic goals and blind ambition
 Highly concerned about public Image
 Unable to tolerate failure
 Tendency to blame others for their own mistakes
 Working hard in a compulsive manner
 Has high self awareness
 Has high emotional literacy
 Ability to feel and understand the emotions of others
 Able to strike a balance between Emotion and reason
 Takes responsibility of their own emotions
Persons with High EI
Persons with Low EI
Adapted from: The Cannon Emotional Competence Model
Kate Cannon, Author
Self Awareness
 Emotional Self-
 Self-Regard
 Reality Testing
Coping Skills
 Impulse Control
 Stress Tolerance
 Problem Solving
 Flexibility
 Optimism
 Interpersonal
 Independence
Interpersonal Skills
 Empathy
 Social Responsibility
 Assertiveness
Personal &
 Self-Actualization
 Happiness
is related to
and results
The Foundation
Frances Clendenen – beBetter Networks, Inc.
How does EQ differ from IQ?
Focus: developing an
understanding of and an
ability to manage emotions
Focus: developing one’s
cognitive abilities; more
academically oriented
Can be enhanced
throughout one’s life
Generally thought to be largely
established at birth and cannot
be enhanced
Recently understood to be an
important predictor of one’s
potential for success
Has been traditionally used to
predict potential for one’s
Fosters understanding and
management of own emotions
Allows development of needed
knowledge base
Promotes positive relationships
Enables development of
technical skills and abilities
Increases self-motivation and drive Enables conceptual thinking
What is the connection?
EI Training Programme
Workshop 1 Self-awareness
Workshop 2 Emotion
Workshop 3 Relationship
At the end of the workshop, you will be able to:
 define emotional intelligence
 be aware of the different models of emotional intelligence.
 describe the relationship between EI and job performance
 use emotions to achieve your objectives
Research shows:
It distinguishes between star and average performers.
It applies across cultures and occupations.
Good managers are adept at controlling emotions, accepting feedback and adjusting behavior.
Manager Emotional Intelligence predicts employee engagement and performance.
Stocks of companies whose employees have high self-awareness outperform those whose employees have low self-
It can be learned and developed!
Why is Behavioural EQ
Brain Systems
Our brains have 2 “operating systems.”
1. One is fast and looks for quick and easy
solutions. It is often irrational. It is often
wrong. This
is our default operating system.
2. The other is logical, slow, effortful, and
What brought you here today?
What led you to participate in today’s seminar?
Why is EQ of interest to you?
What emotions have you
experienced in the past 24 hours?
Compare situations in which you
react to those in which you respond
What emotions do you experience most
often and how do you express them? 15
Self-awareness & developing a positive sense of
Emotional management / Impulse control
Relationship-building / Empathy / Social Skills
Taking responsibility for one’s actions
What is Emotional Intelligence?
What is the connection?16
Forces that shape us on our
Forces that Shape Us:
Degree of Personal
Genetics None
Experiences Some
Actions, including our
Source: Adapted from Lazar (2006a)
Coaching and its Focus
Coaching is “an informed dialogue whose
purpose is the facilitation of new skills,
possibilities, and insights in the interest of
individual learning and organizational
Coaching may focus on:
Fundamental beliefs, values and purposes
Overall business performance
A Personal Model for Learning &
Development – Where to Focus?
Small, Incremental Change/Improvement
Large, Discontinuous Change/Improvement
Sources: Adapted from Hargrove (1995, p. 28); Sieler (2003)
Coaching distinctions
Non-judgmental listening is the key.
There’s value when another person is a stand for you to be your
There’s leverage when one can distinguish experience from
Coaching unconceals our blind spots and makes choice
Moods are contagious. Noticing them is essential.
Being able to shift them is a precondition for personal power.
Humor (especially not taking oneself too seriously) lightens the
mood and enables learning.
Where Coaching Fits with
Types of Root Causes
TYPES OF CAUSES: Absence of or insufficient
Skill/Knowledge Motivation
Incentives or improper
Additional or
Process, output or
outcome feedback or
Simplify work
Job aids
Role or goal
Reward Change process
Punishment Change policy
Coaching Coaching
Change work
Mentoring Task variation
Removal of
Source: Adapted from Lazar (1991)
Coaching Challenges Can Occur at 3 Levels
1. Individual performer
2. Department/Unit/Program
3. Organization-wide
Where coaching contributes
If Role is Then Coaching can be used to
• Increase self-awareness, self-management &
others-related awareness S/K
• Develop interpersonal & communications S/K
• Sustain learning of technical and functional S/K.
Above plus
• Development of effective management
Above plus
• Effective project management practices.
Above plus
• Increase ability to manage and lead change
• Shift old habits—then develop new habits & S/K
• Provide reflection and thought partnership.
Source: Lazar (2006c)
An opinion about
the value of coaching
“Coaching is the single most
important part of expanding others’
capabilities… (Coaching) is the
difference between giving orders and
teaching people how to get things
done. Good leaders regard every
encounter as an opportunity to
Goleman’s competencies model
1. emotional awareness
2. accurate self assessment
3. self-confidence
The inability to notice our true feelings leaves us at
their mercy.
People with greater certainty about their feelings
are better pilots of their lives
Have a surer sense about how they feel about
personal decisions.
With self-awareness, person has 50-50 chance
(49%) of demonstrating self-management; without it,
person has virtually no chance (4%).
With self-awareness, person has 38% chance of
having social awareness; without it, person has 83%
chance of lacking social awareness.
The power of Self-Awareness
 Emotional self-awareness
 Accurate self-assessment
 Self-confidence
Social Awareness
 Empathy
 Organisational awareness
 Service
 Self-control
 Transparency
 Adaptability
 Achievement
 Initiative
 Optimism
 Influence
 Inspirational leadership
 Developing others
 Change catalyst
 Conflict management
 Teamwork and collaboration
Self Others
Positive impact
on others
© 2000 Hay Group. All rights reserved.
3. Anticipates impact of actions or words
4. Develops behind the scenes support
3. Uses indirect influence
2. Anticipates impact of actions or words
1. Engages audience
Example of Scaled Competency
Competency levels increase by degree
of difficulty.
© 2000, HayGroup. Reprinted with permission.
Understand emotions
Recognizes what events are likely to trigger different
Knows that emotions can combine to form complex
blends of feelings
Realizes that emotions can progress over time and
transition from one to another
Provides a rich emotional vocabulary for greater
precision in describing feelings and blends of feelings
What does “use emotion”
Manage emotions
A. Immediately confront the colleague saying
that you did the research?
B. After the meeting, take the colleague aside
& tell him/her that in the future you would
appreciate credit for the work you did.
C. Nothing. It’s best not to embarrass
colleagues in public.
D. After the colleague speaks, publicly thank
him/her for referencing your work &
provide additional details about the work.
Research findings:
Significant relationship between managing
emotions ability and burnout and mental
Teams with higher scores for managing
emotions received higher performance
You are in a meeting when a colleague takes credit
for the work you have done. What do you do?
Suppose you are brilliant in a particular domain of study.
Or suppose you happen to have a great idea for a project (or both).
What kinds of emotional and cognitive intelligence are needed to see the project
through to completion?
Illustrative Example of EQ and
“All I Need to Know I
Learned in Kindergarten”27
5 groups
Pick one of the following elements of
1. Self-Awareness
2. Self-Regulation
3. Motivation
4. Empathy
5. Social Skills
Write one example of each
EI Competence Workshop 1
EI vs. IQ
 An intelligence quotient or IQ is a score derived fro
one of several different standardized tests attemptin
to measure intelligence.
 First used in 1918 by American Army recruits.
 Reasons of high IQ
– Better nutrition
– More children completing more schooling
– Computer games and puzzles
– Smaller family size
 More IQ results in lower EI in children
– More emotionally disturbed than the last
– More lonely and depress
– More angry and unruly
– More nervous and prone to worry
– More impulsive and aggressive
1. How the brain works
2. Identification of emotions
3. Emotional triggers
4. Positive self-regard
5. Application of personal awareness
Cerebral Cortex:
Complex Thought
Limbic System: Emotions
Hippocampus: emotions &
Amygdala: emotional control &
fear control
Hypothalamus: regulates fear &
Emotional Hijacking
Withstanding the Hijack
In order to think rationally and respond
rather than react emotionally, we need to
allow the information to reach the rest of
the brain.
We can do this by becoming aware of our
emotional triggers and learning to take a
moment before reacting.
These skills are key components of
Emotional Intelligence.
We feel before we think; everything that
we sense has already been filtered
through our emotional brain.
When danger is sensed, we react
emotionally first before the information
has reached any part of the cerebral
cortex that allows us to process and think
When what we sense reminds us of a past
threat, we react with the same intense
emotions; we may not even be aware of
the memory that has been triggered.
Coping with Emotions
We typically deal with emotions one of four ways:
1) exaggerating the emotion so that we are overwhelmed by them and lose control;
2) accepting the emotion and not try to regain control;
3) substituting the emotion with something more comfortable like distractions; or
4) managing the emotion through self-awareness.
7 basic emotions
Which emotions do you feel most
often ?
% of the day why?
Blood rushes to our hands so we can fight.
It can be an expression of frustration, stress,
anxiety, loss, confusion, embarrassment,
jealousy, rejection, threat, etc.
It is one of the most dangerous emotions
because it is energizing, and the more often we
are angry, the less arousal we need to stay in
this state. Anger builds momentum.
Blood rushes to our arms and legs so we can
run or fight.
It immobilizes us and forces us into fright, flight
or freeze.
It is connected to worry, anxiety, stress,
nervousness, panic, paranoia, and phobias.
It is sometimes expressed as anger.
Metabolism slows, giving us time to mourn.
It comes from not getting what you want or a fear of what
might happen.
When sad, many people try to isolate themselves, but this
cuts us off from resources to get over the sadness.
It is connected to depression, shame, disappointment,
regret, guilt, embarrassment, and insecurity.
1. Control Behaviour by
Understanding Emotions
2. Mentally rehearse
situations that set off emotional triggers
3. Force your brain into action
by solving a problem
4. Engage in healthy escapism
5. The send button is not your
6. Walk away from tense
7. Speak clearly and with decorum
in emotionally charged situations
Recognizing emotions is hard
People don’t understand the impact of emotions on
We overestimate that our feelings are known by
Emotions are contagious – for good or bad
By changing behavior, we influence our attitudes and
beliefs through neural rewiring
“Ah Ha” Concepts
Genetic disposition or opportunity
for development?
Research clearly shows it can be
Need for practice and
reinforcement vs. EQ vaccination
EQ can be developed, but only with
a sincere desire to do so
Can Be Developed48
Personal and Organizational
Stephen Covey
(Emotional Bank Account)
Seek First to Understand
Keeping Promises
Honesty, Openness
Kindnesses, Courtesies
Win-Win or No Deal Thinking
Clarifying Expectations
Loyalty to the Absent
Receiving Feedback and
Giving “I” Messages
Seek First To Be Understood
Breaking Promises
Smooth Manipulation
Unkindnesses, Discourtesies
Win-Lose or Lose-Win Thinking
Violating Expectations
Disloyalty, Duplicity
Pride, Conceit, Arrogance
Not Receiving Feedback and
Giving “You” Messages
Competency Specific Behaviours to Change Specific Activities to Improve
Developing your emotional competencies
Emotional Contagion and Team
The affect (emotional behaviour) of the leaders plays a major role in team performance. You can see this clearly in the way
“everyone just knows” when boss is having a bad day.
The way feelings spread from one person to another is called “emotional contagion.”
Emotional Contagion
Higher EQ
Effect Mood of Group Leader
Much Better
Right Mood for
Engage and
EQ and Development Programs
A study of 30 retired National Football League players shows that the benefits of emotional intelligence go far beyond financial performance. In
fact, over 60% in the variation of these “life success” factors is predicted by emotional intelligence. Keeping that in mind many organizations
started various programs.
Management training, Performance reviews
Sales Hiring
Human Capital Strategy & Leadership Development
Stress Management Training
Training and Team
Leadership Development in
Each participant is handed pieces of paper
Each paper has the name of other participants
Each participant has to write “ I am glad I met XXX because…….”
The pieces of paper are distributed to the appropriate people & read when they get home
Why is
Behavioural EQ
EI & Leadership EI Competence
Workshop 1: Self-
7 ways to boost
your leadership
Build trust and
Closing games
3 things you have learnt today
2 things you are not sure about
1 way you can link what you have done today to your work place
Wrap up
Write Down
Learn Unlearn Relearn Evaluation
Please rate the following aspects of the course
excellent good not good poor
1. Organisation & domestics
2. Content
3. Notes
4. Presentation
5. Overall enjoyment
Other topics of interest
Course Date Name

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E iworkshop130 dec-15

  • 1. Why is Behavioural EQ Important? EI & Leadership EI Competence Workshop 1: Self- awareness 7 ways to boost your leadership EQ Build trust and demonstrate trustworthiness Closing games EI Competence Workshop 1 : Self-awareness
  • 2. EQ and Business Scenario At the end of this course students will be able to have high self awareness have high emotional literacy feel and understand the emotions of others strike balance between Emotion and reason take responsibility of your own emotions
  • 3. Name Business/ Dept. Role Introduce yourself! Write down 3 facts about yourself One must be a lie Present yourself to the others Others have to spot the lie
  • 4. 6. Pass out completed index cards & read your new card out loud & then try to guess who wrote it. 7. The person that was guessed will say "yes" or "no" depending on if it was their card or not. 8. Who wrote the note card can briefly explain their story 9. Only gets one guess. Everyone can reveal which card was theirs. 1. Pass out an index card & don”t do anything with them until given instructions. 2. Write down an interesting thing they have done. Don’t share your answers with anyone. 4. Examples: "I ate bugs before", "I once drank a gallon of milk", "I lived in seven different states". Something that not everyone would already know about them. 5. Pass your index card to me. Whodunit allows participants to learn interesting facts about each other
  • 5. Icebreaker Individual Exercise (15 mins) There are 4 flipcharts around the room 1. What are you leaving behind to be here today? 2. What do you want to take away from today? 3. What are you offering to the group today? 4. How would we like to work together today? Visit each in turn & add your comments 15 minutes End
  • 6. Ground rule games Listen to others Don’t put other people down Respect Confidentiality & Trust Show Respect Don’t Interrupt others Try to accept others views Classroom Procedures and General Information The Bathrooms are where The Break Refreshments include: The Room for Lunch is where Lunch menu A vegetarian option is offered Cell phones on off Please don’t email or text during course
  • 7. 76% 24% Percentage peopla/relational side Technical/financial side  Have unrealistic goals and blind ambition  Highly concerned about public Image  Unable to tolerate failure  Tendency to blame others for their own mistakes  Working hard in a compulsive manner  Has high self awareness  Has high emotional literacy  Ability to feel and understand the emotions of others  Able to strike a balance between Emotion and reason  Takes responsibility of their own emotions 7 Persons with High EI Persons with Low EI
  • 8. Adapted from: The Cannon Emotional Competence Model Kate Cannon, Author Self Awareness  Emotional Self- Awareness  Self-Regard  Reality Testing Coping Skills  Impulse Control  Stress Tolerance  Problem Solving  Flexibility  Optimism Effective Relationships  Interpersonal Relationships  Independence Interpersonal Skills  Empathy  Social Responsibility  Assertiveness Personal & Interpersonal Effectiveness  Self-Actualization  Happiness plus is related to which predicts and results in The Foundation Frances Clendenen – beBetter Networks, Inc. 8
  • 9. How does EQ differ from IQ? EQ IQ Focus: developing an understanding of and an ability to manage emotions Focus: developing one’s cognitive abilities; more academically oriented Can be enhanced throughout one’s life Generally thought to be largely established at birth and cannot be enhanced Recently understood to be an important predictor of one’s potential for success Has been traditionally used to predict potential for one’s success Fosters understanding and management of own emotions Allows development of needed knowledge base Promotes positive relationships Enables development of technical skills and abilities Increases self-motivation and drive Enables conceptual thinking 9
  • 10. What is the connection? EI Training Programme Workshop 1 Self-awareness Workshop 2 Emotion Management Workshop 3 Relationship Building 10
  • 11. 12 At the end of the workshop, you will be able to:  define emotional intelligence  be aware of the different models of emotional intelligence.  describe the relationship between EI and job performance  use emotions to achieve your objectives
  • 12. 13 Research shows: It distinguishes between star and average performers. It applies across cultures and occupations. Good managers are adept at controlling emotions, accepting feedback and adjusting behavior. Manager Emotional Intelligence predicts employee engagement and performance. Stocks of companies whose employees have high self-awareness outperform those whose employees have low self- awareness. It can be learned and developed! Why is Behavioural EQ Important?
  • 13. 14 Brain Systems Our brains have 2 “operating systems.” 1. One is fast and looks for quick and easy solutions. It is often irrational. It is often wrong. This is our default operating system. 2. The other is logical, slow, effortful, and cautious. What brought you here today? What led you to participate in today’s seminar? Why is EQ of interest to you?
  • 14. What emotions have you experienced in the past 24 hours? Compare situations in which you react to those in which you respond What emotions do you experience most often and how do you express them? 15
  • 15. Self-awareness & developing a positive sense of self-worth Problem-solving Emotional management / Impulse control Decision-making Relationship-building / Empathy / Social Skills Taking responsibility for one’s actions What is Emotional Intelligence? What is the connection?16
  • 16. 18
  • 17. Forces that shape us on our journey Forces that Shape Us: Our Degree of Personal Control Genetics None Experiences Some Actions, including our -Beliefs -Interpretations -Choices -Moods -Behaviours All Source: Adapted from Lazar (2006a) Coaching and its Focus Coaching is “an informed dialogue whose purpose is the facilitation of new skills, possibilities, and insights in the interest of individual learning and organizational advancement.” Coaching may focus on: Behaviour Decision-making Fundamental beliefs, values and purposes Overall business performance 19
  • 18. A Personal Model for Learning & Development – Where to Focus? Actions Results (including Errors) Observer Small, Incremental Change/Improvement Large, Discontinuous Change/Improvement Identity and Context Sources: Adapted from Hargrove (1995, p. 28); Sieler (2003) Coaching distinctions Non-judgmental listening is the key. There’s value when another person is a stand for you to be your word. There’s leverage when one can distinguish experience from explanation. Coaching unconceals our blind spots and makes choice possible. Moods are contagious. Noticing them is essential. Being able to shift them is a precondition for personal power. Humor (especially not taking oneself too seriously) lightens the mood and enables learning. 20
  • 19. Where Coaching Fits with Types of Root Causes TYPES OF CAUSES: Absence of or insufficient C L A S S E S O F S O L U T I O N S Skill/Knowledge Motivation Incentives or improper incentives Environmental support Training Additional or fewer responsibilities Process, output or outcome feedback or evaluation Simplify work Job aids Role or goal clarification Reward Change process Modeling Motivational feedback Praise Improve tools/equipment Documentation Values clarification Punishment Change policy Coaching Coaching Contingency management Change work conditions Mentoring Task variation Removal of reinforcement Replace performer Source: Adapted from Lazar (1991) Coaching Challenges Can Occur at 3 Levels 1. Individual performer 2. Department/Unit/Program 3. Organization-wide 21
  • 20. Where coaching contributes If Role is Then Coaching can be used to Supervisor • Increase self-awareness, self-management & others-related awareness S/K • Develop interpersonal & communications S/K • Sustain learning of technical and functional S/K. Managers Above plus • Development of effective management practices. Directors; Project Mgrs. Above plus • Effective project management practices. C-level; Vice Presidents; General Managers Above plus • Increase ability to manage and lead change • Shift old habits—then develop new habits & S/K • Provide reflection and thought partnership. Source: Lazar (2006c) An opinion about the value of coaching “Coaching is the single most important part of expanding others’ capabilities… (Coaching) is the difference between giving orders and teaching people how to get things done. Good leaders regard every encounter as an opportunity to coach.” 22
  • 21. Goleman’s competencies model 23 1. emotional awareness 2. accurate self assessment 3. self-confidence The inability to notice our true feelings leaves us at their mercy. People with greater certainty about their feelings are better pilots of their lives Have a surer sense about how they feel about personal decisions. With self-awareness, person has 50-50 chance (49%) of demonstrating self-management; without it, person has virtually no chance (4%). With self-awareness, person has 38% chance of having social awareness; without it, person has 83% chance of lacking social awareness. The power of Self-Awareness Self-Awareness  Emotional self-awareness  Accurate self-assessment  Self-confidence Social Awareness  Empathy  Organisational awareness  Service Self- Management  Self-control  Transparency  Adaptability  Achievement  Initiative  Optimism Relationship Management  Influence  Inspirational leadership  Developing others  Change catalyst  Conflict management  Teamwork and collaboration Self Others RecognitionRegulation Positive impact on others © 2000 Hay Group. All rights reserved. Motivation
  • 22. 3. Anticipates impact of actions or words 4. Develops behind the scenes support Target Level 3. Uses indirect influence 2. Anticipates impact of actions or words 1. Engages audience Influence DegreeofDifficulty Example of Scaled Competency Competency levels increase by degree of difficulty. © 2000, HayGroup. Reprinted with permission. 24
  • 23. Understand emotions Recognizes what events are likely to trigger different emotions Knows that emotions can combine to form complex blends of feelings Realizes that emotions can progress over time and transition from one to another Provides a rich emotional vocabulary for greater precision in describing feelings and blends of feelings What does “use emotion” 25
  • 24. 26 Manage emotions A. Immediately confront the colleague saying that you did the research? B. After the meeting, take the colleague aside & tell him/her that in the future you would appreciate credit for the work you did. C. Nothing. It’s best not to embarrass colleagues in public. D. After the colleague speaks, publicly thank him/her for referencing your work & provide additional details about the work. Research findings: Significant relationship between managing emotions ability and burnout and mental health Teams with higher scores for managing emotions received higher performance rankings You are in a meeting when a colleague takes credit for the work you have done. What do you do?
  • 25. Suppose you are brilliant in a particular domain of study. Or suppose you happen to have a great idea for a project (or both). What kinds of emotional and cognitive intelligence are needed to see the project through to completion? Illustrative Example of EQ and IQ “All I Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten”27
  • 26. 29
  • 27. 30 5 groups Pick one of the following elements of EI 1. Self-Awareness 2. Self-Regulation 3. Motivation 4. Empathy 5. Social Skills Write one example of each competence EI Competence Workshop 1 EI vs. IQ  An intelligence quotient or IQ is a score derived fro one of several different standardized tests attemptin to measure intelligence.  First used in 1918 by American Army recruits.  Reasons of high IQ – Better nutrition – More children completing more schooling – Computer games and puzzles – Smaller family size  More IQ results in lower EI in children – More emotionally disturbed than the last – More lonely and depress – More angry and unruly – More nervous and prone to worry – More impulsive and aggressive
  • 28. 1. How the brain works 2. Identification of emotions 3. Emotional triggers 4. Positive self-regard 5. Application of personal awareness 31
  • 29. Cerebral Cortex: Complex Thought Limbic System: Emotions Hippocampus: emotions & memory Amygdala: emotional control & fear control Hypothalamus: regulates fear & aggression 32
  • 30. 33 Emotional Hijacking Withstanding the Hijack In order to think rationally and respond rather than react emotionally, we need to allow the information to reach the rest of the brain. We can do this by becoming aware of our emotional triggers and learning to take a moment before reacting. These skills are key components of Emotional Intelligence. We feel before we think; everything that we sense has already been filtered through our emotional brain. When danger is sensed, we react emotionally first before the information has reached any part of the cerebral cortex that allows us to process and think rationally When what we sense reminds us of a past threat, we react with the same intense emotions; we may not even be aware of the memory that has been triggered.
  • 31. 34 Coping with Emotions We typically deal with emotions one of four ways: 1) exaggerating the emotion so that we are overwhelmed by them and lose control; 2) accepting the emotion and not try to regain control; 3) substituting the emotion with something more comfortable like distractions; or 4) managing the emotion through self-awareness. 7 basic emotions
  • 32. Which emotions do you feel most often ? % of the day why? Anger Happiness Fear Disgust Surprise Love Sadness 35
  • 33. Anger Blood rushes to our hands so we can fight. It can be an expression of frustration, stress, anxiety, loss, confusion, embarrassment, jealousy, rejection, threat, etc. It is one of the most dangerous emotions because it is energizing, and the more often we are angry, the less arousal we need to stay in this state. Anger builds momentum. 36
  • 34. Fear Blood rushes to our arms and legs so we can run or fight. It immobilizes us and forces us into fright, flight or freeze. It is connected to worry, anxiety, stress, nervousness, panic, paranoia, and phobias. It is sometimes expressed as anger. 37
  • 35. Sadness Metabolism slows, giving us time to mourn. It comes from not getting what you want or a fear of what might happen. When sad, many people try to isolate themselves, but this cuts us off from resources to get over the sadness. It is connected to depression, shame, disappointment, regret, guilt, embarrassment, and insecurity. 38
  • 36. 40
  • 37. 41 1. Control Behaviour by Understanding Emotions
  • 38. 42 2. Mentally rehearse situations that set off emotional triggers
  • 39. 43 3. Force your brain into action by solving a problem
  • 40. 44 4. Engage in healthy escapism
  • 41. 45 5. The send button is not your friend
  • 42. 46 6. Walk away from tense situations
  • 43. 47 7. Speak clearly and with decorum in emotionally charged situations
  • 44. Recognizing emotions is hard People don’t understand the impact of emotions on others We overestimate that our feelings are known by others Emotions are contagious – for good or bad By changing behavior, we influence our attitudes and beliefs through neural rewiring “Ah Ha” Concepts Genetic disposition or opportunity for development? Research clearly shows it can be learned Need for practice and reinforcement vs. EQ vaccination EQ can be developed, but only with a sincere desire to do so Can Be Developed48
  • 45. 50
  • 47. (Emotional Bank Account) Seek First to Understand Keeping Promises Honesty, Openness Kindnesses, Courtesies Win-Win or No Deal Thinking Clarifying Expectations Loyalty to the Absent Apologies Receiving Feedback and Giving “I” Messages Seek First To Be Understood Breaking Promises Smooth Manipulation Unkindnesses, Discourtesies Win-Lose or Lose-Win Thinking Violating Expectations Disloyalty, Duplicity Pride, Conceit, Arrogance Not Receiving Feedback and Giving “You” Messages DEPOSITS WITHDRAWALS 52
  • 48. Competency Specific Behaviours to Change Specific Activities to Improve Developing your emotional competencies 53
  • 49. Emotional Contagion and Team Performance The affect (emotional behaviour) of the leaders plays a major role in team performance. You can see this clearly in the way “everyone just knows” when boss is having a bad day. The way feelings spread from one person to another is called “emotional contagion.” Emotional Contagion Higher EQ Leaders Effect Mood of Group Leader Much Better Decisions Right Mood for Job Engage and Influence effectively 54
  • 50. EQ and Development Programs A study of 30 retired National Football League players shows that the benefits of emotional intelligence go far beyond financial performance. In fact, over 60% in the variation of these “life success” factors is predicted by emotional intelligence. Keeping that in mind many organizations started various programs. Management training, Performance reviews Leadership Development Sales Hiring Human Capital Strategy & Leadership Development Stress Management Training Leadership Development Leadership Training and Team Development Leadership Development in Express 55
  • 51. Each participant is handed pieces of paper Each paper has the name of other participants Each participant has to write “ I am glad I met XXX because…….” The pieces of paper are distributed to the appropriate people & read when they get home 57 Why is Behavioural EQ Important? EI & Leadership EI Competence Workshop 1: Self- awareness 7 ways to boost your leadership EQ Build trust and demonstrate trustworthiness Closing games
  • 52. 3 things you have learnt today 2 things you are not sure about 1 way you can link what you have done today to your work place 58 Wrap up Write Down
  • 53. Learn Unlearn Relearn Evaluation 59 Please rate the following aspects of the course excellent good not good poor 1. Organisation & domestics 2. Content 3. Notes 4. Presentation 5. Overall enjoyment Other topics of interest Course Date Name