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Some Impressionistic takes from the book
of Daniel Goleman
“Working with Emotional Intelligence “
by Ramki
About Daniel Goleman
Daniel Goleman received his Ph.D. from
Harvard University, where he teaches. He
heads a Boston consultancy on Emotional
Intelligence. He reported on mind-body
science for The New York Times for many
years and is the author of numerous books,
including the pioneering Emotional
Author Daniel Goleman applies the rules of “Emotional Intelligence" to the
workplace. Being intelligent counts in the world of business, but the
interpersonal smarts referred to as "emotional competencies" count even
Goleman, who wrote the seminal book Emotional Intelligence, underscores his
conclusion with numerous studies and anecdotes, showing that those who
have "people skills" are likelier to succeed. Skills that help teams collaborate
are increasingly important as coalition building emerges as the model for
getting things done.
Goleman includes thorough guidelines for implementing effective "EQ" training
programs. Companies that train managers in “Emotional Competencies" reap
concrete business benefits: increased revenues, more seamless teamwork,
and constant improvement based on analysis & feedback. This document
captures this well-written book on how understanding feelings adds to your
bottom line.
About Emotional Intelligence & I Q
What are Emotions?
Internal conscious states that
we infer in ourselves &
 Emotions are private
 We use operational
definitions because we
cannot actually see
 We infer observable
behavior associated with
 Emotional intelligence is not about being nice all the
time- It is about being honest.
 Emotional intelligence is not about being “touchy-
feely.”- It is about being aware of your feelings, and
those of others.
 Emotional intelligence is not about being emotional-It
is about being smart with your emotions.
What is Emotional Intelligence
Why EI is important ?
 More than 50% of the people lack the motivation to
keep learning & improving
 Four in 10 people cannot work in teams
 70% of all change initiatives fail because of
 People issues
 Inability to lead
 Lack of teamwork
 Unwillingness to take initiative, & inability to deal
with change
 IQ refers to the analytical, mathematical and logical reasoning
capabilities of a person.
 EQ measures his personal skills and power to use to
 EQ can be improved upon and learned, however , IQ is
something you are born with.
 EQ is more relevant to success and happiness in life, IQ
determines whether you have the innate abilities for it.
 IQ decides your individual capacities and intelligence,
 EQ decides whether you are a team player or how well you
will respond to a crisis.
 Given how much emphasis schools & admissions tests put
on it, IQ alone explains surprisingly little of achievement at
work or in life.
 When IQ test scores are correlated with how well people
perform in their careers, the highest estimate of how much
difference IQ accounts for is about 25%
 This mean that IQ alone at best leaves 75% of job success
The Limits of I.Q
What is the difference between IQ & EQ
 IQ ensures your success in school
 EQ ensures your success in life
 Suppose you find out about a problem at your office. You
know the facts and the reason behind the failure. That is your
 When you use these to motivate your employees, that’s your
 If you know the facts, but are unable to empathize with your
employees, berate and de motivate them, you have a low
 When you try to convince someone by facts alone, it shows
your IQ, but when you appeal to his emotions and reason
together with the use of facts, that’s your EQ!
Difference between IQ & EQ
Lets start with the history of EI
1870s Charles Darwin first comments on the term
Emotional Intelligence
1930s Social intelligence first identified by EL Thorndike
1940s Wechser suggests that affective components of
intelligence may be essential to success in life
1950s Psychologist, Abraham Maslow, describes how
people can build emotional intelligence
1970s Howard Gardner’s book, The Shattered Mind,
introduces the concept of multiple intelligences
1980s Psychologists Peter Salovey and John Mayer
publish their landmark article
1990s Daniel Goleman popularizes EI with his best selling
book that advocates EI ahead of IQ
The top 3 EI models in use today are:
Salovey-Mayer Model
Has four emotional branches &
suggests that your motions
make you smarter via:
& identification;
Emotional facilitation of
Emotional understanding; and
The Bar-On Model
Comprises five domains upon
which to assess your emotional-
social traits. These are:
Self awareness and
Self expression;
Social awareness and
Interpersonal relationship;
Emotional management and regulation;
Change management; and
Self motivation.
The Goleman Model
Takes the approach that EQ provides the foundation
for competencies of personal and social skills that lead
to superior performance in the work place.
Goleman contrasts self
As opposed to other.
Then acknowledges the differences
between recognition
and regulation.
Author reveals the skills that distinguish
Star performers in every field- from entry
level positions to middle –level to the top
management positions.
Most important factor is not IQ, advanced
degrees or technical expertise, but the
quality called “ Emotional Intelligence”.
This shows that we all possess the
potential to improve out the EI- at any
stage of our careers, as individuals or as
a team members in an organization
The Big idea
Beyond Expertise
 The rules are fast changing.
 We are being judged by a new yardstick
 Not just by how smart we are, or by our training and expertise
 But also by how we handle ourselves and each other
 This is increasingly applied in choosing who will be hired and not
who will be let go or retained.
 The new rule predict who is most likely to become a star performer
& who is most prone to derailing.
 No matter what field we work in currently , they measure the traits
that are crucial to our marketability for future jobs .
 These rules have little to do with what we were told was important
in school ; academic abilities are largely irrelevant to this standard.
 The new measure takes for grated we have enough intellectual
ability & technical know-how to do our jobs; it focuses instead on
personal qualities, such as initiative & empathy, adaptability &
The New yardstick- 1/2
 Research distils with unprecedented precision which qualities
mark a star performer.
 And it demonstrates which human abilities make up the greater
part of the ingredients for excellence at work- most especially for
 In a time with no guarantee of job security , when the very concept
of a job is being replaced by “ portable skills”, these are prime
qualities that make and keep us employable.
 Talked about loosely for decades under a variety of names from “
character’ and ‘ personality’ to ‘ soft skills’ and ‘ competence’,
there is at last a more precise understanding of these human
talents emotional intelligence.
The New yardstick- 2/2
 First EI does not mean merely “ Being Nice ”
 E.g. : Bluntly confronting someone with an
uncomfortable but consequential truth they have
been avoiding.
 Second, EI does not mean giving free rein to feelings
 It means managing feelings so that they are
expressed appropriately & effectively.
 Enabling people to work together smoothly
toward there common goal.
 Women are not “ smarter” than men when it comes to
EI, nor men superior to women.
 Lastly levels of EI are not fixed genetically nor does it
develop in early childhood.
 Unlike IQ which changes little after our teen
years, EI seems to be largely learned.
 It continues to develop through life & learn from
our experience
Some Misconceptions
 A survey of USA employers reveals that more than half the people who work for
them lack the motivations to keep learning & improving in their job.
 Four in ten are unable to work in teams with fellow employees
 19% of those applying for entry-level jobs have enough self-discipline in their
work habits.
 More and more employers are complaining about the lack of social skills in new
 A national survey of what employers are looking for
 Listening & oral Communication
 Adaptability & creative responses to setbacks & obstacles
 Personal management, Confidence, Motivation to work toward goals, a
sense of wanting to develop one’s career and take pride in
 Group & interpersonal effectiveness, cooperativeness and teamwork,
skills at negotiating disagreement .
 Effectiveness in the organizations, wanting to make a contribution,
leadership potential
What Employers want ?
 EI skills are synergistic with cognitive ones’ top
performers have both .
 The more complex the job, the more EI matters- if only
because a deficiency in these abilities can hinder the
use of whatever technical expertise or intellect a person
may have.
 Out of control emotions can make smart people stupid.
 The aptitudes you need to succeed start with intellectual
horsepower- but people need EC , too, to get full
potential of their talents.
 The reason we don’t get people’s full potential is
Emotional Incompetence
Competencies of the stars
 A combination of common sense plus the
specialized knowledge & skill we pick up in the
course of doing any job.
 Comes from in-the-trenches learning
 It shows up as an insider’s sense of the tricks of a
trade- the real knowledge of how to do a job only
experience brings.
 Be that as it may, expertise is “ threshold
 The abilities that distinguish the outstanding
supervisors in technical fields are not technical , but
rather relate to handling people
Emotional Competence
 Emotional Competence is a learned capability based
on emotional intelligence that results in outstanding
performance at work.
 The great divide in competencies lies between the
mind & heart or , more technically, between cognition
& emotion.
 Some competencies are purely cognitive, such as
analytic, reasoning or technical expertise
 Others combine thought & feeling, these can be
called ‘ Emotional competence .
Emotional Competence
 Our emotional intelligence determines our potential for learning the practical
skills that are based on its five elements:
 Personal Competence
 Self-awareness- Knowing one’s internal states, preferences, resources &
 Motivation- Emotional tendencies that guide or facilitate reaching goals. This
includes achievement drive, commitment, initiative & optimism.
 Self-regulation- Managing one’s internal states, impulses & resources. This
category includes self-control, trustworthiness, Conscientiousness,
Adaptability & Innovation
 Social competence
 Empathy,: Awareness of other’s feelings, needs & concerns: Competencies
include understanding others, developing others, a service orientation,
leveraging diversity & political awareness
 Social skills : Adeptness at inducing desirable responses to others- This
category includes influence, communication, conflict management,
leadership, building bonds, collaborations & co-operation , team capabilities
Emotional Competence
 Our emotional competence, on the other hand, shows how much of
that potential we have translated into on-the-job capabilities.
 For instance, being good at serving customers is an emotional
competence based on empathy.
 Likewise, trustworthiness is a competence based on self-regulation,
or handling impulses and emotions well.
 Both customer service and trustworthiness are competencies that
can make people outstanding in their work.
 Simply being high in emotional intelligence does not guarantee a
person will have learned the emotional competencies that matter for
work; it means only that they have excellent potential to learn them.
The Structure of Emotional Competence
Competence Social
Social Skills
 Emotional
 Accurate
 Self-
 Emotional Self
 Trustworthiness
 Conscientiousness
 Adaptability
 Innovation
 Empathy
 Understanding
 Developing
 Leveraging
 Political
 Organizational
 Service
 Communication
 Influence
 Conflict Mgt.
 Change Catalyst
 Leadership
 Problem solving
 Building
 Collaboration &
 Team Capabilities
Relate to Ourselves Relate to Others
 Achievement
 Commitment
 Initiative
 Optimism
 Happiness
The Leadership Edge
 Emotional competence is particularly central to leadership
 A role whose essence is getting others to do their jobs
more effectively.
 Interpersonal ineptitude in leaders lower everyone’s
 It wastes time
 Creates acrimony
 Corrodes motivation & commitment
 Builds hostility & apathy
 A leader’s strengths or weakness in EC can be measured in
the gain or loss to the organization of the fullest talents of
those they manage
Self- Mastery
The Inner Rudder
 The ability to read subjective currents has primordial roots in evolution.
 The brain areas involved in gut feelings are far more ancient than the thin
layers of the neocortex, the centres for rational thought that enfold the very top
of the brain.
 Hunches start much deeper in the brain.
 They are a function of the emotional centres that ring the brain stem atop the
spinal cord — most particularly an almond-shaped structure called the
amygdala and its connected neural circuitry.
 This web of connectivity, sometimes called the extended amygdala, stretches
up to the brain’s executive centre in the prefrontal lobes, just
 behind the forehead.
 The brain stores different aspects of an experience in different areas — the
source of a memory is encoded in one zone, the sights and sounds and smells
in other areas, and so on.
 The amygdala is the site where the emotions an experience evokes are stored.
 Every experience that we have an emotional reaction to, no matter how subtle,
seems to be encoded in the amygdala.
The Power of Intuition – The first 30 seconds
 Credit managers must sense when a deal might go bad even
if the numbers look fine;
 Executives have to decide whether a new product is
worth the time and money it takes to develop;
 People must make an educated guess about who among
a field of candidates for a job will have the best chemistry
in a working group.
 All such decisions demand the capacity to fold into the
decision-making process our intuitive sense of what is right
and wrong.
 Intuition and gut feeling bespeak the capacity to sense
messages from our internal store of emotional memory – our
own reservoir of wisdom and judgment.
 This ability lies at the heart of self-awareness.
Personal Competence
Self Awareness
(Relate to Ourselves)
Knowing what we are feeling in the moment, and using those preferences to
guide our decision making; having a realistic assessment of our own abilities
& a well-grounded sense of self-confidence
 Emotional Self Awareness
 Accurate Self Assessment
 Self-Confidence
The ability to recognize
& understand one’s
feelings and emotions,
differentiate between
them, know what
caused them and why.
Self Awareness
Practicing Self-awareness
 Awareness of our own emotional states is the
foundation of all the E.I. skills.
 Learn to “tune-in” to your emotions – they can
give you valid information about your responses
to stressful situations.
 Recognize the importance of emotions even in
“technical” fields.
 Reading one’s own emotions and recognizing their impact:
using “gut-sense” to guide decisions.
 People with this competence
 Know which emotions they are feeling & why ?
 Realize the links between their feelings & what they
think, do & say
 Recognize how their feelings affect their performance
 Have a guiding awareness of their values & goals
Emotional Awareness-
 The drive to establish ourselves and make our mark in the world is most
urgent in our twenties and thirties, and into our forties.
 But by our mid-forties and early fifties people typically re-evaluate
their goals, because they often come to the radical realization that
life is limited.
 With this acknowledgement comes a reconsideration of what really
 As the saying goes: “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will
get you there.”
 The less aware we are of what makes us passionate, the more lost
we will be.
 And this drifting can even affect our health;
 People who feel their skills are not being used well on the job, or who
feel their work is repetitive and boring, have a higher risk of heart
disease than those who feel that their best skills are expressed in
their work.
Managing your career
Knowing one’s Inner resources, abilities & limits.
Accurate Self-Assessment
 A candid sense of our personal strengths &
limits, a clear vision of where we need to
improve & the ability to learn from experience
 People with the ability to Self- assess are :
 Aware of their strengths & weaknesses
 Reflective, learning from experience
 Open to candid feedback, new perspectives,
continuous learning & self –development
 Able to show a sense of humour & perspective about
Accurate Self-Assessment
 A Strong sense of one’s Self-worth & capabilities
 People with this competence
 Present themselves with self-assurance, have “
 Can voice views that are unpopular & go out on a
limb for what is right
 Are decisive, able to make sound decisions
despite uncertainties & pressures
Self Control/ Regulation
(Relate to Ourselves)
Handling our emotions so that they facilitate rather than interfere with the task
at hand; being conscientious & delaying gratification to pursue goals;
recovering well from emotional distress
 Emotional Self Control
 Adaptability
 Innovation
Self Regulation/Control
 Means managing impulse as well as distressing feelings
 It depends on the working of the emotional centres in
tandem with the brain’s executive centres in the prefrontal
 These two primal skills- handling impulse & dealing with
upsets – are at the core of five emotional competencies
 Self –Control- Managing disruptive emotions & impulses.
 Trustworthiness- Displaying honesty & integrity
 Conscientiousness- Dependability & responsibility in
fulfilling obligations
 Adaptability- Flexibility in handing change & challenges
 Innovation –being open to novel ideas , approaches &
new information
Self Regulation/Control
Keeping disruptive emotions & impulses in check
 People with this competence
 Manage their impulsive feelings & distressing
emotions well
 Stay composed, positive, and unflappable even in
trying moments
 Think clearly & stay focused under pressure
The Managed Heart
 Emotional self-regulation includes not just damping down distress
or stifling impulse.
 It can also mean intentionally eliciting an emotion, even an
unpleasant one.
 Some bill collectors, some say, prime themselves for calls on
people by getting themselves worked up into an irritable, ill-
tempered state.
 Physicians who have to give bad news to patients or their families
put themselves into a suitably somber, dour mood, as do morticians
meeting with bereaved families.
 But best of all, working up changes in emotional states is
satisfactory if the need for such a change is relative to work we love
to do.
 For a nurse who sees herself as a caring, compassionate person,
taking a few moments to console a patient in distress represents
not a burden but what makes her job more meaningful.
 Flow blossoms when our skills are fully engaged
 The challenges absorbs us so much we lose
ourselves in our work, becoming so totally
concentrated we may feel “out of time”
 In this state, we seem to handle everything
effortlessly, nimbly adapting to shifting demands
 Flow itself is pleasure and the ultimate motivator
Maintaining Integrity & taking responsibility for Personal
People with this competence
 Act Ethically & are above reproach
 Build trust through their reliability & authenticity
 Admit their own mistakes & confront unethical actions in
 Take tough, principled stands even if they are unpopular
 Meet commitments & keep promises
 Hold themselves accountable for meeting their
 Are organized & careful in their work
People with this competence
 Seek out fresh ideas from a wide variety of
 Entertain original solutions to problems
 Generate new ideas
 Take fresh perspectives & risks in their thinking
Being open to novel ideas & approaches , and being flexible
in responding to change
People with this competence
 Smoothly handle multiple demands, shifting
priorities & rapid change .
 Adapt their responses & tactics to fit fluid
 Are flexible in how they see the events
(Relate to Ourselves)
Using our deepest preferences to move & guide us toward our goals, to help
us take initiative & strive to improve, and to preserve in the face of setbacks &
 Achievement drive
 Commitment
 Initiative
 Optimism
 Happiness
Loving what pays off
 People in flow often make the difficult look easy, an external
appearance that mirrors what is happening in their brain.
 Flow poses a neural paradox:
 We can be engaged in an exceptionally demanding task
 Yet our brain is operating with a minimal level of activity or
expenditure of energy.
 The reason seems to be that
 We are bored and apathetic, or frenzied with anxiety, our brain
activity is diffused;
 The brain itself is at a high level of activation, albeit poorly
focused, with brain cells firing in far-flung and irrelevant ways.
 But during flow, the brain appears efficient and precise in its pattern of
 The result is an overall lowering of cortical arousal – even though the
person may be engaged in an extremely challenging task.
Achievement drive
Striving to improve or meet & exceed the standard of
People with this competence
Are results oriented, with a high drive to meet their
objectives and standards
Set challenging goals and take calculated risks
Pursue information to reduce uncertainty and find ways to do
Learn how to improve their performance
Embracing the organization’s or group’s vision & goals
People with this competence
Readily make sacrifices to meet a larger organizations goals
Find a sense of purpose in the larger mission
Use the group’s core values in making decisions & clarifying
Actively seek out opportunities to fulfil the group’s mission
Initiative & Optimism
Displaying Proactivity & Persistence
Twin competencies that mobilize people to seize
opportunities & allow them to take setbacks & obstacles in
People with this competence
Are ready to seize opportunities
Pursue goals beyond what’s required or expected of them
Cut through red tape & bend the rules when necessary to get
the job done.
Mobilize others through unusual , enterprising efforts
 Persist in seeking goals despite obstacles &
 See the setbacks as due to manageable
circumstances rather than a personal flaw
 The ability to look at the brighter side of life and to
maintain a positive attitude even in the face of
 Optimism assumes a measure of hope in one's
approach to life
 The ability to feel satisfied with
your life, to enjoy yourself &
others & to have fun.
 Happiness combines self-
satisfaction, general
contentment & the ability to
enjoy life.
 Happiness is associated with a
general feeling of cheerfulness
& enthusiasm. It is a by-product
and/or barometric indicator of
your overall degree of
emotional intelligence and
emotional functioning
Social Competence
( Relate to others)
 Empathy
 Understanding others
 Developing others
 Leveraging diversity
 Political awareness
 Service Orientation
Understanding others
Sensing others’ Feelings & Perspectives, & taking
an active interest in their concerns
 People with this competence:
 Are attentive to emotional cues and listen well
 Show sensitivity and understand others’ perspectives
 Help out based on understanding other people’s
needs and feelings
The ability to understand what others might be
feeling and thinking. It is the ability to view the
world through another person's eyes.
Empathy begins inside
 As Freud observed, “Mortals can keep no secret. If their lips are silent, they
gossip with their fingertips; betrayal forces its way through every pore.”
 Sensing what others feel without their saying so captures the essence of
 Others rarely tell us in words what they feel; instead they tell us in their
tone of voice, facial expression, or other nonverbal ways.
 The ability to sense these subtle communications builds on more basic
competencies, particularly self-awareness & self-control.
 Without the ability to sense our own feelings – or to keep them
 from swamping us – we will be hopelessly out of touch with the moods of
 Empathy is our social radar. Lacking such sensitivity, people are “off.”
Being emotionally tone deaf leads to social awkwardness, whether from
misconstruing feelings or through a mechanical, out-of-tune bluntness or
indifference that destroys rapport.
 One form this lack of empathy can take is responding to other people as
stereotypes rather than as the unique individuals that they are
Can you say more about that ?
Really ? That’s interesting. Can you be more specific ?
I wasn’t aware of that. Tell me more
I am curious about that.. Let us discuss this in more
Let me see if I understand you correctly… here is what I
heard you say …
How do you feel about that ? What are the some of your
concerns ?
Empathy- Questions
 This is “active” listening.
 A mark of having truly heard
someone else is to respond
appropriately, even if that means
making some change in what
you do
The Art of Listening
 Listening well and deeply
 Means going beyond what
is said by asking questions,
 Restating in one’s own
words what you hear to be
sure you understand.
The Politics of empathy
There is a politics of empathy:
Those with little power are typically expected to sense the
feelings of those who hold power,
Those in power feel less obligation to be sensitive in
In other words, the studied lack of empathy is a way power-
holders can tacitly assert their authority.
But this may hold less true today since more organizations
are becoming more team-oriented and less stiffly
The demands of modern leadership now include competence
at empathy.
The authoritarian style of the past just doesn’t work as
well as it once did.
Developing others
 People with this
 Acknowledge and reward
people’s strengths and
 Offer useful feedback and
identify people’s needs for
future growth
 Mentor, give timely coaching,
and offer assignments that
challenge and foster a person’s
Sensing others’ Development needs & Bolstering Their abilities
Service orientation
Anticipating, Recognizing & meeting Customer’s needs
 People with this competence:
 Understand customers’ needs & match them to services
or products
 Seek ways to increase customers’ satisfaction & loyalty
 Gladly offer appropriate assistance
 Grasp a customers’ perspective, acting as a trusted
Leveraging Diversity
Cultivating Opportunities through different kinds of people
 People with this competence:
 Respect & relate well to people from varied
 Understand diverse worldwide and are sensitive to
group differences
 See diversity as opportunity, creating an environment
where diverse people can thrive
 Challenge bias & intolerance
Political Awareness
 Accurately read key power relationships
 Detect crucial social networks
 Understand the forces that shape views & actions
of clients , customers or competitors
 Accurately read organizational & external realities
Reading Social & Political currents
Social Skills
( Relate to others)
 Communication
 Influence
 Conflict Mgt.
 Change Catalyst
 Leadership
 Problem solving
 Building Relationship
 Collaboration & co-operation
 Team Capabilities
 People with this competence:
 Are effective in give-and-take, registering emotional cues
in attuning their message
 Deal with difficult issues straight forwardly
 Listen well, seek mutual understanding, and welcome
sharing of information fully
 Foster open communication & stay receptive to bad
news as well as good
Listening openly & sending convincing messages
 People with this competence:
 Are skilled at winning people over
 Fine-tune presentations to appeal to the listener
 Use complex strategies like indirect influence to build
consensus & support
 Orchestrate dramatic events to effectively make a point.
Wielding effective tactics for persuasion
Empathy is crucial for wielding influence.
It is difficult to have a positive impact on others
without first sensing how they feel and
understanding their position.
People who are poor at reading emotional cues and
inept at social interactions are very poor at
The first step in influence is building rapport
First Build Rapport
 Influencing another person’s emotional state for better or
worse is perfectly natural; we do it constantly, “catching”
emotions from one another like some kind of social virus.
 This emotional exchange constitutes an invisible
interpersonal economy, part of every human interaction, but
it is usually too subtle to notice.
 The emotional economy is the sum total of the exchanges of
feeling among us. In subtle (or not so subtle) ways, we all
make each other feel a bit better (or a lot worse) as part of
any contact we have
 Every encounter can be weighted along a scale from
emotionally toxic to nourishing.
 While its operation is largely invisible, this economy can
have immense benefits for a business or for the tone of
organizational life.
The Art of Influence
The Art of Influence
 In the world of work, no matter the business at hand,
emotional elements play a crucial role.
 Emotional competence requires being able to pilot
through the emotional undercurrents always at play
rather than being pulled under by them.
 The most effective people in organizations naturally
use their emotional radar to sense how others are
reacting, and they fine-tune their own response to
push the interaction in the best direction.
Emotions are Contagious
 We influence each other’s moods.
 Influencing another person’s emotional state for better or for
worse is perfectly natural;
 We do it constantly, “catching” emotions from one another
like some kind of social virus.
 This emotional exchange constitutes an invisible
interpersonal economy, part of every human interaction, but
it is usually too subtle to notice.
 Emotions as a signalling system needs no words – a fact
evolutionary theorists see as one reason
 Emotions may have played such a crucial role in the
development of the human brain long before words became
a symbolic tool for humans.
Conflict Management
Negotiating & resolving disagreements
 People with this competence:
 Handle difficult people & tense situations with
diplomacy & tact
 Spot potential conflict, bring disagreements into
the open, and help de-escalate
 Encourage debate and open discussion
 Orchestrate win-win solutions
Resolving conflict- Creatively
Here are some classic moves for cooling down conflicts
First calm down, tune in to your feelings & express
Show a willingness to work things out by talking
over the issue rather than escalating it with more
State your point of view in neutral language rather
than in an argumentative tone.
Try to find equitable ways to resolve the dispute,
working together to find a resolution both sides can
The Change catalyst
 Today, Organizations are reshuffling, divesting, merging,
acquiring, flattering hierarchies, going global.
 The acceleration of change through the 1900s has made the
ability to lead it a newly ascendant competence.
 In addition to high levels of self-confidence at such pace,
effective change leaders have high levels of
 Influence
 Commitment
 Motivation
 Optimism
 Instinct for organizational policies to see organizations
through such change
The Change catalyst
Initiating, promoting & Managing Change
 People with this competence:
 Recognize the need for change & remove barriers
 Challenge the status quo to acknowledge the need for
 Champion the change & enlist others in its pursuit
 Model the change expected of others
Inspiring & Guiding individuals & groups
 People with this competence:
 Articulate & arouse enthusiasm for a shared
vision & mission
 Step forward to lead as needed, regardless of
 Guide the performance of others while holding
them accountable.
 Lead by example.
When to be tough
 To be sure, leadership demands a certain toughness – at
 The art of leadership entails knowing when to be assertive –
for example,
 Confronting someone directly about their performance
lapses – and
 When to be collegial and use less direct ways to guide or
 Leadership demands tough decision making.
 Someone has to tell people what to do and hold them for their
 A common failing of leaders, from supervisors to top
executives, is the failure to be emphatically assertive when
When to be tough
One obstacle to such assertiveness is passivity, as can happen
when someone is more concerned about being liked that with
getting the job done right.
People who are extremely uncomfortable with confrontation or
anger are also often reluctant to take an assertive stance even
when it is called for.
The ability to identify
and define problems as
well as to generate and
implement potentially
effective solutions.
Problem Solving
Survival of the social
 Humans are the primordial team players:
 Our uniquely complex social relationships have been a crucial
survival advantage.
 Our extraordinary sophisticated talent for cooperation
culminates in the modern organization.
 The view of the crucial role of cooperation in evolution is part of a
radical rethinking of just what the famous phase “survival of the
fittest” means.
 One modern legacy of this past is the radar for friendliness and
cooperation most of us have.
 People gravitate to those who show signs of good qualities.
 We also have a strong warning device or system that alerts us to
someone who may be selfish or untrustworthy.
The Art collaboration
John Seely Brown, chief scientist at Xerox Corporation and a
cognitive theorist himself,
Points out that the crucial nature of social coordination is
perhaps nowhere more evident than in today’s scientific
enterprises, where cutting-edge knowledge grows through
orchestrated, collaborative efforts.
The art of “making an impact through people,” Brown says, “is
the ability to pull people together, to attract colleagues to the
work, to create the critical mass for research.
Then, once you’ve done that, there’s the next question: How do
you engage the rest of the corporation?
And then, how do you get the message out and convert the rest
of the world? To communicate is not just a matter of pushing
information at another person.
It’s creating an experience, to engage their gut – and that’s an
emotional skill.”
The Group IQ
 What makes a team perform better than the best person on
it? The question is key.
 Outstanding team performance raises the “group IQ” – the
sum total of the best talents of each member on a team,
contributed to their fullest.
 When teams operate at their best, the results can be more
than simply additive – they can be multiplicative, with the best
talents of one person catalysing the best of another and
another, to produce results far beyond what any one person
might have done.
 The explanation of this aspect of team performance lies in the
member’s relationships – in the chemistry between members.
 People with this competence:
 Cultivate & maintain extensive informal networks
 Seek out relationships that are mutually
 Build rapport & keep others in the loop
 Make & maintain personal friendships among
work associates
Nurturing Instrumental Relationship
Building Bonds
Bring in the Relationship Managers
 Marks & Spencer, the huge British retail chain, gives an unusual
gift to its regular suppliers: a special key card that lets them into
the chain’s head offices anytime.
 Although they still have to make appointments, the key card
makes them feel like members of the Marks & Spencer family.
 This is exactly the point. The key card is part of an intentional
effort of Marks & Spencer to nurture a relationship of trust and
cooperation with its suppliers.
 That effort also includes trips with suppliers to trade shows and to
other countries to visit sources of raw materials.
 The goal: to strengthen mutual understanding, as well as to spot
new possibilities for products they can jointly develop.
 People with this competence:
 Balance a focus on task with attention to
 Collaborate, sharing plans, information and
 Promote a friendly, cooperative climate
 Spot & nurture opportunities for collaborations
Working with others towards shared goals
Collaboration & Cooperation
 People with this competence:
 Model team qualities like respect, helpfulness &
 Draw all members into active & enthusiastic
 Build team identify, esprit de corps &
 Protect the group & its reputation ; share credit
Creating Group Synergy in pursuing collective goals
Team Capabilities
The Emotionally Intelligent organization
 An emotionally intelligent organization needs to come to
terms with any disparities between the values it proclaims
and those it lives.
 Clarity about an organization’s values, spirit and mission
leads to a decisive self-confidence in corporate decision-
 An organizational mission statement serves an emotional
function: articulating the shared sense of goodness that
allows us to feel what we do together is worthwhile.
 Working for a company that measures its success in the
most meaningful ways — not just the bottom line — is itself a
morale and energy raiser
Maximizing the Organization’s Intelligence
An organization’s collective level of emotional
intelligence determines the degree to which that
organization’s intellectual capital is realized – and so
its overall performance.
The art of maximizing intellectual capital lies in
orchestrating the interactions of the people whose
minds hold that knowledge and expertise.
When it comes to technical skills and core
competencies that make a company competitive, the
ability to outperform others depend on the
relationships of the people involved.
The Heart of Performance
 A balance between the human and financial sides of
the company’s agenda.
 Organizational commitment to a basic strategy.
 Initiative to stimulate improvements in performance.
 Open communication & trust-building with all
 Building relationships inside & outside that offer
competitive advantage.
 Collaboration, support and sharing resources.
 Innovation, risk taking and learning together.
 A passion for competition & continual improvement
The New Model of Learning
 Assess the job. Training should focus on the competencies
needed most for excellence in a given job or role.
 Assess the individual. The individual’s profile of strengths
and limitations should be assessed to identify what needs
 Deliver assessments with care. Feedback on a person’s
strengths and weaknesses carries an emotional charge.
 Gauge readiness. People are at differing levels of readiness.
 Motivate. People learn to the degree they are motivated and
making the competence a personal goal for change.
 Make change self-directed. When people direct their learning
program, tailoring it to their needs, circumstances and
motivation, learning is more effective.
 Focus on clear, manageable goals. People need clarity on
what the competence is and the steps
The New Model of Learning
 Prevent relapse. Habits change slowly, and relapses and slips need not
signal defeat.
 Give performance feedback. Ongoing feedback encourages and helps
direct change.
 Encourage practice. Lasting change requires sustained practice both on
and off the job.
 Arrange support. Like-minded people who are also trying to make similar
changes can offer crucial ongoing support.
 Provide models. High-status, highly effective people who embody the
competence can be models who inspire change.
 Encourage. Change will be greater if the organization’s environment
supports the change, values the competence and offers a safe atmosphere
for experimentation.
 Reinforce change. People need recognition — to feel their change efforts
 Evaluate. Establish ways to evaluate the development effort to see if it has
lasting effects
Would you like a summary?
‘To understand & measure the abilities and traits related to
recognizing & regulating emotions in ourselves & in others’
Food for thought.
Is EI a new science or something that’s
always been inherent in psychological
studies and methods?
and empathetic.
They understand &
control their emotions
whilst intuitively grasping how others feel.
But what’s
in it for
Loyal and trusting
increased energy & effectiveness under pressure;
and the ability to create a brighter future.
It’s not too late
EI can be learnt at any age
& generally increases as we get older.
Do you
think globalization has
affected EI?
Has EI spread within Western society simply
because societal and cultural norms have changed?
Some think EI is too vague,
Some think EI is difficult to measure,
and some think
EI is dangerous
when forced
upon employees.
The Bottom Line
 The EI can be learned .
 Individually, we can add these skills to our tool kit for survival at a time when
job stability seems like a quaint oxymoron.
 For businesses of all kinds, the fact that emotional competencies can be
assessed and improved suggests another area in which performance- and so
competitiveness- can be upgraded.
 What’s needed amounts to an EI tune-up for the corporation
Emotional Learning Process
 Step A Self-Assessment
 Explore- Attitudes & Behaviors
 Step B Self-Awareness
 Identify your current skill level
 Step C Self-Knowledge
 Understand the skill using your own description
 Step D Self-Development
 Learn- Use self directed coaching, mentoring to
learn the skill
 Step E Self-Improvement
 Apply & Model- Practice the skill
 As your career advances, interpersonal skills matter more than cognitive
 Luckily, unlike cognitive skills, you can improve your “Emotional Intelligence”.
 To improve your “ Empathy”, the core attribute of emotional skill, learn to
 Emotional awareness is honed during downtime, and yet you must be able to
draw upon it in a pinch, Take time to develop it.
 Understanding your own feelings improves your ability to understand others’
feelings. It sharpens your “ radar”.
 Be aware that in some cases too much empathy is inappropriate.
 “Feedback” is essential when you are trying to change ingrained habits. Keep
track of your progress as you improve your emotional skills .
 Moods are catching, so try to spread a good one. Understand what makes
you feel good or bad.
 Many characteristics that help individuals succeed are also important for
organizations, such as reliability, openness & emotional sensitivity.
 “Emotionally Intelligent” organizations value the bottom line contribution of
employees who practice “ Soft people skills”
Take- Away
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Working with Emotional Intelligence

  • 1. Some Impressionistic takes from the book of Daniel Goleman “Working with Emotional Intelligence “ by Ramki
  • 2. About Daniel Goleman Daniel Goleman received his Ph.D. from Harvard University, where he teaches. He heads a Boston consultancy on Emotional Intelligence. He reported on mind-body science for The New York Times for many years and is the author of numerous books, including the pioneering Emotional Intelligence.
  • 3. Author Daniel Goleman applies the rules of “Emotional Intelligence" to the workplace. Being intelligent counts in the world of business, but the interpersonal smarts referred to as "emotional competencies" count even more. Goleman, who wrote the seminal book Emotional Intelligence, underscores his conclusion with numerous studies and anecdotes, showing that those who have "people skills" are likelier to succeed. Skills that help teams collaborate are increasingly important as coalition building emerges as the model for getting things done. Goleman includes thorough guidelines for implementing effective "EQ" training programs. Companies that train managers in “Emotional Competencies" reap concrete business benefits: increased revenues, more seamless teamwork, and constant improvement based on analysis & feedback. This document captures this well-written book on how understanding feelings adds to your bottom line. Prelude
  • 5.
  • 6. What are Emotions? Internal conscious states that we infer in ourselves & others.  Emotions are private experiences.  We use operational definitions because we cannot actually see feelings.  We infer observable behavior associated with emotion.
  • 7.  Emotional intelligence is not about being nice all the time- It is about being honest.  Emotional intelligence is not about being “touchy- feely.”- It is about being aware of your feelings, and those of others.  Emotional intelligence is not about being emotional-It is about being smart with your emotions. What is Emotional Intelligence
  • 8. Why EI is important ?  More than 50% of the people lack the motivation to keep learning & improving  Four in 10 people cannot work in teams  70% of all change initiatives fail because of  People issues  Inability to lead  Lack of teamwork  Unwillingness to take initiative, & inability to deal with change
  • 9.  IQ refers to the analytical, mathematical and logical reasoning capabilities of a person.  EQ measures his personal skills and power to use to emotions.  EQ can be improved upon and learned, however , IQ is something you are born with.  EQ is more relevant to success and happiness in life, IQ determines whether you have the innate abilities for it.  IQ decides your individual capacities and intelligence,  EQ decides whether you are a team player or how well you will respond to a crisis. EQ - IQ
  • 10.  Given how much emphasis schools & admissions tests put on it, IQ alone explains surprisingly little of achievement at work or in life.  When IQ test scores are correlated with how well people perform in their careers, the highest estimate of how much difference IQ accounts for is about 25%  This mean that IQ alone at best leaves 75% of job success unexplained The Limits of I.Q
  • 11. What is the difference between IQ & EQ  IQ ensures your success in school  EQ ensures your success in life  Suppose you find out about a problem at your office. You know the facts and the reason behind the failure. That is your IQ  When you use these to motivate your employees, that’s your EQ.  If you know the facts, but are unable to empathize with your employees, berate and de motivate them, you have a low EQ.  When you try to convince someone by facts alone, it shows your IQ, but when you appeal to his emotions and reason together with the use of facts, that’s your EQ!
  • 13. Lets start with the history of EI
  • 14. 1870s Charles Darwin first comments on the term Emotional Intelligence 1930s Social intelligence first identified by EL Thorndike 1940s Wechser suggests that affective components of intelligence may be essential to success in life 1950s Psychologist, Abraham Maslow, describes how people can build emotional intelligence 1970s Howard Gardner’s book, The Shattered Mind, introduces the concept of multiple intelligences 1980s Psychologists Peter Salovey and John Mayer publish their landmark article 1990s Daniel Goleman popularizes EI with his best selling book that advocates EI ahead of IQ
  • 15. The top 3 EI models in use today are:
  • 16. Salovey-Mayer Model Has four emotional branches & suggests that your motions make you smarter via:
  • 21. The Bar-On Model Comprises five domains upon which to assess your emotional- social traits. These are:
  • 22. Self awareness and Self expression;
  • 27. The Goleman Model Takes the approach that EQ provides the foundation for competencies of personal and social skills that lead to superior performance in the work place.
  • 29. As opposed to other.
  • 30. Then acknowledges the differences between recognition
  • 32. Author reveals the skills that distinguish Star performers in every field- from entry level positions to middle –level to the top management positions. Most important factor is not IQ, advanced degrees or technical expertise, but the quality called “ Emotional Intelligence”. This shows that we all possess the potential to improve out the EI- at any stage of our careers, as individuals or as a team members in an organization The Big idea
  • 34.  The rules are fast changing.  We are being judged by a new yardstick  Not just by how smart we are, or by our training and expertise  But also by how we handle ourselves and each other  This is increasingly applied in choosing who will be hired and not who will be let go or retained.  The new rule predict who is most likely to become a star performer & who is most prone to derailing.  No matter what field we work in currently , they measure the traits that are crucial to our marketability for future jobs .  These rules have little to do with what we were told was important in school ; academic abilities are largely irrelevant to this standard.  The new measure takes for grated we have enough intellectual ability & technical know-how to do our jobs; it focuses instead on personal qualities, such as initiative & empathy, adaptability & persuasiveness. The New yardstick- 1/2
  • 35.  Research distils with unprecedented precision which qualities mark a star performer.  And it demonstrates which human abilities make up the greater part of the ingredients for excellence at work- most especially for leadership  In a time with no guarantee of job security , when the very concept of a job is being replaced by “ portable skills”, these are prime qualities that make and keep us employable.  Talked about loosely for decades under a variety of names from “ character’ and ‘ personality’ to ‘ soft skills’ and ‘ competence’, there is at last a more precise understanding of these human talents emotional intelligence. The New yardstick- 2/2
  • 36.  First EI does not mean merely “ Being Nice ”  E.g. : Bluntly confronting someone with an uncomfortable but consequential truth they have been avoiding.  Second, EI does not mean giving free rein to feelings  It means managing feelings so that they are expressed appropriately & effectively.  Enabling people to work together smoothly toward there common goal.  Women are not “ smarter” than men when it comes to EI, nor men superior to women.  Lastly levels of EI are not fixed genetically nor does it develop in early childhood.  Unlike IQ which changes little after our teen years, EI seems to be largely learned.  It continues to develop through life & learn from our experience Some Misconceptions
  • 37.  A survey of USA employers reveals that more than half the people who work for them lack the motivations to keep learning & improving in their job.  Four in ten are unable to work in teams with fellow employees  19% of those applying for entry-level jobs have enough self-discipline in their work habits.  More and more employers are complaining about the lack of social skills in new hires  A national survey of what employers are looking for  Listening & oral Communication  Adaptability & creative responses to setbacks & obstacles  Personal management, Confidence, Motivation to work toward goals, a sense of wanting to develop one’s career and take pride in accomplishments.  Group & interpersonal effectiveness, cooperativeness and teamwork, skills at negotiating disagreement .  Effectiveness in the organizations, wanting to make a contribution, leadership potential What Employers want ?
  • 38.  EI skills are synergistic with cognitive ones’ top performers have both .  The more complex the job, the more EI matters- if only because a deficiency in these abilities can hinder the use of whatever technical expertise or intellect a person may have.  Out of control emotions can make smart people stupid.  The aptitudes you need to succeed start with intellectual horsepower- but people need EC , too, to get full potential of their talents.  The reason we don’t get people’s full potential is Emotional Incompetence Competencies of the stars
  • 39. Expertise  A combination of common sense plus the specialized knowledge & skill we pick up in the course of doing any job.  Comes from in-the-trenches learning  It shows up as an insider’s sense of the tricks of a trade- the real knowledge of how to do a job only experience brings.  Be that as it may, expertise is “ threshold requirement”.  The abilities that distinguish the outstanding supervisors in technical fields are not technical , but rather relate to handling people
  • 40. Emotional Competence  Emotional Competence is a learned capability based on emotional intelligence that results in outstanding performance at work.  The great divide in competencies lies between the mind & heart or , more technically, between cognition & emotion.  Some competencies are purely cognitive, such as analytic, reasoning or technical expertise  Others combine thought & feeling, these can be called ‘ Emotional competence .
  • 41. Emotional Competence  Our emotional intelligence determines our potential for learning the practical skills that are based on its five elements:  Personal Competence  Self-awareness- Knowing one’s internal states, preferences, resources & intuitions  Motivation- Emotional tendencies that guide or facilitate reaching goals. This includes achievement drive, commitment, initiative & optimism.  Self-regulation- Managing one’s internal states, impulses & resources. This category includes self-control, trustworthiness, Conscientiousness, Adaptability & Innovation  Social competence  Empathy,: Awareness of other’s feelings, needs & concerns: Competencies include understanding others, developing others, a service orientation, leveraging diversity & political awareness  Social skills : Adeptness at inducing desirable responses to others- This category includes influence, communication, conflict management, leadership, building bonds, collaborations & co-operation , team capabilities
  • 42. Emotional Competence  Our emotional competence, on the other hand, shows how much of that potential we have translated into on-the-job capabilities.  For instance, being good at serving customers is an emotional competence based on empathy.  Likewise, trustworthiness is a competence based on self-regulation, or handling impulses and emotions well.  Both customer service and trustworthiness are competencies that can make people outstanding in their work.  Simply being high in emotional intelligence does not guarantee a person will have learned the emotional competencies that matter for work; it means only that they have excellent potential to learn them.
  • 43. The Structure of Emotional Competence Personal Competence Emotional Competence Social Competence Self Awareness Self Regulation Social Awareness Social Skills  Emotional Self Awareness  Accurate Self Assessment  Self- Confidence  Emotional Self Control  Trustworthiness  Conscientiousness  Adaptability  Innovation  Empathy  Understanding others  Developing others  Leveraging diversity  Political awareness  Organizational awareness  Service Orientation  Communication  Influence  Conflict Mgt.  Change Catalyst  Leadership  Problem solving  Building Relationship  Collaboration & co-operation  Team Capabilities Relate to Ourselves Relate to Others Motivation  Achievement drive  Commitment  Initiative  Optimism  Happiness
  • 44. The Leadership Edge  Emotional competence is particularly central to leadership  A role whose essence is getting others to do their jobs more effectively.  Interpersonal ineptitude in leaders lower everyone’s performance  It wastes time  Creates acrimony  Corrodes motivation & commitment  Builds hostility & apathy  A leader’s strengths or weakness in EC can be measured in the gain or loss to the organization of the fullest talents of those they manage
  • 46. The Inner Rudder  The ability to read subjective currents has primordial roots in evolution.  The brain areas involved in gut feelings are far more ancient than the thin layers of the neocortex, the centres for rational thought that enfold the very top of the brain.  Hunches start much deeper in the brain.  They are a function of the emotional centres that ring the brain stem atop the spinal cord — most particularly an almond-shaped structure called the amygdala and its connected neural circuitry.  This web of connectivity, sometimes called the extended amygdala, stretches up to the brain’s executive centre in the prefrontal lobes, just  behind the forehead.  The brain stores different aspects of an experience in different areas — the source of a memory is encoded in one zone, the sights and sounds and smells in other areas, and so on.  The amygdala is the site where the emotions an experience evokes are stored.  Every experience that we have an emotional reaction to, no matter how subtle, seems to be encoded in the amygdala.
  • 47. The Power of Intuition – The first 30 seconds  Credit managers must sense when a deal might go bad even if the numbers look fine;  Executives have to decide whether a new product is worth the time and money it takes to develop;  People must make an educated guess about who among a field of candidates for a job will have the best chemistry in a working group.  All such decisions demand the capacity to fold into the decision-making process our intuitive sense of what is right and wrong.  Intuition and gut feeling bespeak the capacity to sense messages from our internal store of emotional memory – our own reservoir of wisdom and judgment.  This ability lies at the heart of self-awareness.
  • 49. Self Awareness (Relate to Ourselves) Knowing what we are feeling in the moment, and using those preferences to guide our decision making; having a realistic assessment of our own abilities & a well-grounded sense of self-confidence  Emotional Self Awareness  Accurate Self Assessment  Self-Confidence
  • 50. The ability to recognize & understand one’s feelings and emotions, differentiate between them, know what caused them and why. Self Awareness
  • 51.
  • 52. Practicing Self-awareness  Awareness of our own emotional states is the foundation of all the E.I. skills.  Learn to “tune-in” to your emotions – they can give you valid information about your responses to stressful situations.  Recognize the importance of emotions even in “technical” fields.
  • 53.  Reading one’s own emotions and recognizing their impact: using “gut-sense” to guide decisions.  People with this competence  Know which emotions they are feeling & why ?  Realize the links between their feelings & what they think, do & say  Recognize how their feelings affect their performance  Have a guiding awareness of their values & goals Emotional Awareness-
  • 54.  The drive to establish ourselves and make our mark in the world is most urgent in our twenties and thirties, and into our forties.  But by our mid-forties and early fifties people typically re-evaluate their goals, because they often come to the radical realization that life is limited.  With this acknowledgement comes a reconsideration of what really matters.  As the saying goes: “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there.”  The less aware we are of what makes us passionate, the more lost we will be.  And this drifting can even affect our health;  People who feel their skills are not being used well on the job, or who feel their work is repetitive and boring, have a higher risk of heart disease than those who feel that their best skills are expressed in their work. Managing your career
  • 55. Knowing one’s Inner resources, abilities & limits. Accurate Self-Assessment
  • 56.  A candid sense of our personal strengths & limits, a clear vision of where we need to improve & the ability to learn from experience  People with the ability to Self- assess are :  Aware of their strengths & weaknesses  Reflective, learning from experience  Open to candid feedback, new perspectives, continuous learning & self –development  Able to show a sense of humour & perspective about themselves Accurate Self-Assessment
  • 57.  A Strong sense of one’s Self-worth & capabilities  People with this competence  Present themselves with self-assurance, have “ Presence”  Can voice views that are unpopular & go out on a limb for what is right  Are decisive, able to make sound decisions despite uncertainties & pressures Self-Confidence
  • 58. Self Control/ Regulation (Relate to Ourselves) Handling our emotions so that they facilitate rather than interfere with the task at hand; being conscientious & delaying gratification to pursue goals; recovering well from emotional distress  Emotional Self Control  Adaptability  Innovation
  • 59. Self Regulation/Control  Means managing impulse as well as distressing feelings  It depends on the working of the emotional centres in tandem with the brain’s executive centres in the prefrontal areas.  These two primal skills- handling impulse & dealing with upsets – are at the core of five emotional competencies  Self –Control- Managing disruptive emotions & impulses.  Trustworthiness- Displaying honesty & integrity  Conscientiousness- Dependability & responsibility in fulfilling obligations  Adaptability- Flexibility in handing change & challenges  Innovation –being open to novel ideas , approaches & new information
  • 60. Self Regulation/Control Keeping disruptive emotions & impulses in check  People with this competence  Manage their impulsive feelings & distressing emotions well  Stay composed, positive, and unflappable even in trying moments  Think clearly & stay focused under pressure
  • 61. The Managed Heart  Emotional self-regulation includes not just damping down distress or stifling impulse.  It can also mean intentionally eliciting an emotion, even an unpleasant one.  Some bill collectors, some say, prime themselves for calls on people by getting themselves worked up into an irritable, ill- tempered state.  Physicians who have to give bad news to patients or their families put themselves into a suitably somber, dour mood, as do morticians meeting with bereaved families.  But best of all, working up changes in emotional states is satisfactory if the need for such a change is relative to work we love to do.  For a nurse who sees herself as a caring, compassionate person, taking a few moments to console a patient in distress represents not a burden but what makes her job more meaningful.
  • 62. Flow  Flow blossoms when our skills are fully engaged  The challenges absorbs us so much we lose ourselves in our work, becoming so totally concentrated we may feel “out of time”  In this state, we seem to handle everything effortlessly, nimbly adapting to shifting demands  Flow itself is pleasure and the ultimate motivator
  • 63. Trustworthiness Maintaining Integrity & taking responsibility for Personal Performance People with this competence  Act Ethically & are above reproach  Build trust through their reliability & authenticity  Admit their own mistakes & confront unethical actions in others  Take tough, principled stands even if they are unpopular
  • 64. Conscientiousness  Meet commitments & keep promises  Hold themselves accountable for meeting their objectives  Are organized & careful in their work
  • 65. Innovation People with this competence  Seek out fresh ideas from a wide variety of sources.  Entertain original solutions to problems  Generate new ideas  Take fresh perspectives & risks in their thinking Being open to novel ideas & approaches , and being flexible in responding to change
  • 66. People with this competence  Smoothly handle multiple demands, shifting priorities & rapid change .  Adapt their responses & tactics to fit fluid circumstances  Are flexible in how they see the events Adaptability
  • 67. Motivation (Relate to Ourselves) Using our deepest preferences to move & guide us toward our goals, to help us take initiative & strive to improve, and to preserve in the face of setbacks & frustrations  Achievement drive  Commitment  Initiative  Optimism  Happiness
  • 68. Loving what pays off  People in flow often make the difficult look easy, an external appearance that mirrors what is happening in their brain.  Flow poses a neural paradox:  We can be engaged in an exceptionally demanding task  Yet our brain is operating with a minimal level of activity or expenditure of energy.  The reason seems to be that  We are bored and apathetic, or frenzied with anxiety, our brain activity is diffused;  The brain itself is at a high level of activation, albeit poorly focused, with brain cells firing in far-flung and irrelevant ways.  But during flow, the brain appears efficient and precise in its pattern of firing.  The result is an overall lowering of cortical arousal – even though the person may be engaged in an extremely challenging task.
  • 69. Achievement drive Striving to improve or meet & exceed the standard of excellence People with this competence Are results oriented, with a high drive to meet their objectives and standards Set challenging goals and take calculated risks Pursue information to reduce uncertainty and find ways to do better Learn how to improve their performance
  • 70. Embracing the organization’s or group’s vision & goals People with this competence Readily make sacrifices to meet a larger organizations goals Find a sense of purpose in the larger mission Use the group’s core values in making decisions & clarifying choices Actively seek out opportunities to fulfil the group’s mission Commitment
  • 71. Initiative & Optimism Displaying Proactivity & Persistence Twin competencies that mobilize people to seize opportunities & allow them to take setbacks & obstacles in stride. People with this competence Are ready to seize opportunities Pursue goals beyond what’s required or expected of them Cut through red tape & bend the rules when necessary to get the job done. Mobilize others through unusual , enterprising efforts
  • 72.  Persist in seeking goals despite obstacles & setbacks  See the setbacks as due to manageable circumstances rather than a personal flaw  The ability to look at the brighter side of life and to maintain a positive attitude even in the face of adversity.  Optimism assumes a measure of hope in one's approach to life Optimism
  • 73.  The ability to feel satisfied with your life, to enjoy yourself & others & to have fun.  Happiness combines self- satisfaction, general contentment & the ability to enjoy life.  Happiness is associated with a general feeling of cheerfulness & enthusiasm. It is a by-product and/or barometric indicator of your overall degree of emotional intelligence and emotional functioning Happiness
  • 74. Social Competence ( Relate to others)  Empathy  Understanding others  Developing others  Leveraging diversity  Political awareness  Service Orientation
  • 75. Understanding others Sensing others’ Feelings & Perspectives, & taking an active interest in their concerns  People with this competence:  Are attentive to emotional cues and listen well  Show sensitivity and understand others’ perspectives  Help out based on understanding other people’s needs and feelings
  • 76. The ability to understand what others might be feeling and thinking. It is the ability to view the world through another person's eyes. Empathy
  • 77. Empathy begins inside  As Freud observed, “Mortals can keep no secret. If their lips are silent, they gossip with their fingertips; betrayal forces its way through every pore.”  Sensing what others feel without their saying so captures the essence of empathy.  Others rarely tell us in words what they feel; instead they tell us in their tone of voice, facial expression, or other nonverbal ways.  The ability to sense these subtle communications builds on more basic competencies, particularly self-awareness & self-control.  Without the ability to sense our own feelings – or to keep them  from swamping us – we will be hopelessly out of touch with the moods of others.  Empathy is our social radar. Lacking such sensitivity, people are “off.” Being emotionally tone deaf leads to social awkwardness, whether from misconstruing feelings or through a mechanical, out-of-tune bluntness or indifference that destroys rapport.  One form this lack of empathy can take is responding to other people as stereotypes rather than as the unique individuals that they are
  • 78. Can you say more about that ? Really ? That’s interesting. Can you be more specific ? I wasn’t aware of that. Tell me more I am curious about that.. Let us discuss this in more depth Let me see if I understand you correctly… here is what I heard you say … How do you feel about that ? What are the some of your concerns ? Empathy- Questions
  • 79.  This is “active” listening.  A mark of having truly heard someone else is to respond appropriately, even if that means making some change in what you do The Art of Listening  Listening well and deeply  Means going beyond what is said by asking questions,  Restating in one’s own words what you hear to be sure you understand.
  • 80. The Politics of empathy There is a politics of empathy: Those with little power are typically expected to sense the feelings of those who hold power, Those in power feel less obligation to be sensitive in return. In other words, the studied lack of empathy is a way power- holders can tacitly assert their authority. But this may hold less true today since more organizations are becoming more team-oriented and less stiffly hierarchical. The demands of modern leadership now include competence at empathy. The authoritarian style of the past just doesn’t work as well as it once did.
  • 81. Developing others  People with this competence:  Acknowledge and reward people’s strengths and accomplishments  Offer useful feedback and identify people’s needs for future growth  Mentor, give timely coaching, and offer assignments that challenge and foster a person’s skills Sensing others’ Development needs & Bolstering Their abilities
  • 82. Service orientation Anticipating, Recognizing & meeting Customer’s needs  People with this competence:  Understand customers’ needs & match them to services or products  Seek ways to increase customers’ satisfaction & loyalty  Gladly offer appropriate assistance  Grasp a customers’ perspective, acting as a trusted advisor
  • 83. Leveraging Diversity Cultivating Opportunities through different kinds of people  People with this competence:  Respect & relate well to people from varied backgrounds  Understand diverse worldwide and are sensitive to group differences  See diversity as opportunity, creating an environment where diverse people can thrive  Challenge bias & intolerance
  • 84. Political Awareness  Accurately read key power relationships  Detect crucial social networks  Understand the forces that shape views & actions of clients , customers or competitors  Accurately read organizational & external realities Reading Social & Political currents
  • 85. Social Skills ( Relate to others)  Communication  Influence  Conflict Mgt.  Change Catalyst  Leadership  Problem solving  Building Relationship  Collaboration & co-operation  Team Capabilities
  • 86. Communication  People with this competence:  Are effective in give-and-take, registering emotional cues in attuning their message  Deal with difficult issues straight forwardly  Listen well, seek mutual understanding, and welcome sharing of information fully  Foster open communication & stay receptive to bad news as well as good Listening openly & sending convincing messages
  • 87.  People with this competence:  Are skilled at winning people over  Fine-tune presentations to appeal to the listener  Use complex strategies like indirect influence to build consensus & support  Orchestrate dramatic events to effectively make a point. Wielding effective tactics for persuasion Influence
  • 88. Empathy is crucial for wielding influence. It is difficult to have a positive impact on others without first sensing how they feel and understanding their position. People who are poor at reading emotional cues and inept at social interactions are very poor at influence. The first step in influence is building rapport First Build Rapport
  • 89.  Influencing another person’s emotional state for better or worse is perfectly natural; we do it constantly, “catching” emotions from one another like some kind of social virus.  This emotional exchange constitutes an invisible interpersonal economy, part of every human interaction, but it is usually too subtle to notice.  The emotional economy is the sum total of the exchanges of feeling among us. In subtle (or not so subtle) ways, we all make each other feel a bit better (or a lot worse) as part of any contact we have  Every encounter can be weighted along a scale from emotionally toxic to nourishing.  While its operation is largely invisible, this economy can have immense benefits for a business or for the tone of organizational life. The Art of Influence
  • 90. The Art of Influence  In the world of work, no matter the business at hand, emotional elements play a crucial role.  Emotional competence requires being able to pilot through the emotional undercurrents always at play rather than being pulled under by them.  The most effective people in organizations naturally use their emotional radar to sense how others are reacting, and they fine-tune their own response to push the interaction in the best direction.
  • 91. Emotions are Contagious  We influence each other’s moods.  Influencing another person’s emotional state for better or for worse is perfectly natural;  We do it constantly, “catching” emotions from one another like some kind of social virus.  This emotional exchange constitutes an invisible interpersonal economy, part of every human interaction, but it is usually too subtle to notice.  Emotions as a signalling system needs no words – a fact evolutionary theorists see as one reason  Emotions may have played such a crucial role in the development of the human brain long before words became a symbolic tool for humans.
  • 92. Conflict Management Negotiating & resolving disagreements  People with this competence:  Handle difficult people & tense situations with diplomacy & tact  Spot potential conflict, bring disagreements into the open, and help de-escalate  Encourage debate and open discussion  Orchestrate win-win solutions
  • 93. Resolving conflict- Creatively Here are some classic moves for cooling down conflicts First calm down, tune in to your feelings & express them Show a willingness to work things out by talking over the issue rather than escalating it with more aggression State your point of view in neutral language rather than in an argumentative tone. Try to find equitable ways to resolve the dispute, working together to find a resolution both sides can embrace.
  • 94. The Change catalyst  Today, Organizations are reshuffling, divesting, merging, acquiring, flattering hierarchies, going global.  The acceleration of change through the 1900s has made the ability to lead it a newly ascendant competence.  In addition to high levels of self-confidence at such pace, effective change leaders have high levels of  Influence  Commitment  Motivation  Optimism  Instinct for organizational policies to see organizations through such change
  • 95. The Change catalyst Initiating, promoting & Managing Change  People with this competence:  Recognize the need for change & remove barriers  Challenge the status quo to acknowledge the need for change  Champion the change & enlist others in its pursuit  Model the change expected of others
  • 96. Leadership Inspiring & Guiding individuals & groups  People with this competence:  Articulate & arouse enthusiasm for a shared vision & mission  Step forward to lead as needed, regardless of position  Guide the performance of others while holding them accountable.  Lead by example.
  • 97. When to be tough  To be sure, leadership demands a certain toughness – at times.  The art of leadership entails knowing when to be assertive – for example,  Confronting someone directly about their performance lapses – and  When to be collegial and use less direct ways to guide or influence.  Leadership demands tough decision making.  Someone has to tell people what to do and hold them for their obligations.  A common failing of leaders, from supervisors to top executives, is the failure to be emphatically assertive when necessary.
  • 98. When to be tough One obstacle to such assertiveness is passivity, as can happen when someone is more concerned about being liked that with getting the job done right. People who are extremely uncomfortable with confrontation or anger are also often reluctant to take an assertive stance even when it is called for.
  • 99. The ability to identify and define problems as well as to generate and implement potentially effective solutions. Problem Solving
  • 100. Survival of the social  Humans are the primordial team players:  Our uniquely complex social relationships have been a crucial survival advantage.  Our extraordinary sophisticated talent for cooperation culminates in the modern organization.  The view of the crucial role of cooperation in evolution is part of a radical rethinking of just what the famous phase “survival of the fittest” means.  One modern legacy of this past is the radar for friendliness and cooperation most of us have.  People gravitate to those who show signs of good qualities.  We also have a strong warning device or system that alerts us to someone who may be selfish or untrustworthy.
  • 101. The Art collaboration John Seely Brown, chief scientist at Xerox Corporation and a cognitive theorist himself, Points out that the crucial nature of social coordination is perhaps nowhere more evident than in today’s scientific enterprises, where cutting-edge knowledge grows through orchestrated, collaborative efforts. The art of “making an impact through people,” Brown says, “is the ability to pull people together, to attract colleagues to the work, to create the critical mass for research. Then, once you’ve done that, there’s the next question: How do you engage the rest of the corporation? And then, how do you get the message out and convert the rest of the world? To communicate is not just a matter of pushing information at another person. It’s creating an experience, to engage their gut – and that’s an emotional skill.”
  • 102. The Group IQ  What makes a team perform better than the best person on it? The question is key.  Outstanding team performance raises the “group IQ” – the sum total of the best talents of each member on a team, contributed to their fullest.  When teams operate at their best, the results can be more than simply additive – they can be multiplicative, with the best talents of one person catalysing the best of another and another, to produce results far beyond what any one person might have done.  The explanation of this aspect of team performance lies in the member’s relationships – in the chemistry between members.
  • 103.  People with this competence:  Cultivate & maintain extensive informal networks  Seek out relationships that are mutually beneficial.  Build rapport & keep others in the loop  Make & maintain personal friendships among work associates Nurturing Instrumental Relationship Building Bonds
  • 104. Bring in the Relationship Managers  Marks & Spencer, the huge British retail chain, gives an unusual gift to its regular suppliers: a special key card that lets them into the chain’s head offices anytime.  Although they still have to make appointments, the key card makes them feel like members of the Marks & Spencer family.  This is exactly the point. The key card is part of an intentional effort of Marks & Spencer to nurture a relationship of trust and cooperation with its suppliers.  That effort also includes trips with suppliers to trade shows and to other countries to visit sources of raw materials.  The goal: to strengthen mutual understanding, as well as to spot new possibilities for products they can jointly develop.
  • 105.  People with this competence:  Balance a focus on task with attention to relationships  Collaborate, sharing plans, information and resources  Promote a friendly, cooperative climate  Spot & nurture opportunities for collaborations Working with others towards shared goals Collaboration & Cooperation
  • 106.  People with this competence:  Model team qualities like respect, helpfulness & cooperation.  Draw all members into active & enthusiastic participation.  Build team identify, esprit de corps & commitment.  Protect the group & its reputation ; share credit Creating Group Synergy in pursuing collective goals Team Capabilities
  • 107. The Emotionally Intelligent organization  An emotionally intelligent organization needs to come to terms with any disparities between the values it proclaims and those it lives.  Clarity about an organization’s values, spirit and mission leads to a decisive self-confidence in corporate decision- making.  An organizational mission statement serves an emotional function: articulating the shared sense of goodness that allows us to feel what we do together is worthwhile.  Working for a company that measures its success in the most meaningful ways — not just the bottom line — is itself a morale and energy raiser
  • 108. Maximizing the Organization’s Intelligence An organization’s collective level of emotional intelligence determines the degree to which that organization’s intellectual capital is realized – and so its overall performance. The art of maximizing intellectual capital lies in orchestrating the interactions of the people whose minds hold that knowledge and expertise. When it comes to technical skills and core competencies that make a company competitive, the ability to outperform others depend on the relationships of the people involved.
  • 109. The Heart of Performance  A balance between the human and financial sides of the company’s agenda.  Organizational commitment to a basic strategy.  Initiative to stimulate improvements in performance.  Open communication & trust-building with all stakeholders.  Building relationships inside & outside that offer competitive advantage.  Collaboration, support and sharing resources.  Innovation, risk taking and learning together.  A passion for competition & continual improvement
  • 110. The New Model of Learning  Assess the job. Training should focus on the competencies needed most for excellence in a given job or role.  Assess the individual. The individual’s profile of strengths and limitations should be assessed to identify what needs improving.  Deliver assessments with care. Feedback on a person’s strengths and weaknesses carries an emotional charge.  Gauge readiness. People are at differing levels of readiness.  Motivate. People learn to the degree they are motivated and making the competence a personal goal for change.  Make change self-directed. When people direct their learning program, tailoring it to their needs, circumstances and motivation, learning is more effective.  Focus on clear, manageable goals. People need clarity on what the competence is and the steps
  • 111. The New Model of Learning  Prevent relapse. Habits change slowly, and relapses and slips need not signal defeat.  Give performance feedback. Ongoing feedback encourages and helps direct change.  Encourage practice. Lasting change requires sustained practice both on and off the job.  Arrange support. Like-minded people who are also trying to make similar changes can offer crucial ongoing support.  Provide models. High-status, highly effective people who embody the competence can be models who inspire change.  Encourage. Change will be greater if the organization’s environment supports the change, values the competence and offers a safe atmosphere for experimentation.  Reinforce change. People need recognition — to feel their change efforts matter.  Evaluate. Establish ways to evaluate the development effort to see if it has lasting effects
  • 112. Would you like a summary?
  • 113. ‘To understand & measure the abilities and traits related to recognizing & regulating emotions in ourselves & in others’
  • 115. Is EI a new science or something that’s always been inherent in psychological studies and methods?
  • 118. They understand & control their emotions
  • 119. whilst intuitively grasping how others feel.
  • 120. But what’s in it for you?
  • 122. increased energy & effectiveness under pressure;
  • 123. and the ability to create a brighter future.
  • 124. It’s not too late
  • 125. EI can be learnt at any age
  • 126. & generally increases as we get older.
  • 127.
  • 128. Do you think globalization has affected EI?
  • 129. Has EI spread within Western society simply because societal and cultural norms have changed?
  • 130.
  • 131. Some think EI is too vague,
  • 132. Some think EI is difficult to measure,
  • 133. and some think EI is dangerous when forced upon employees.
  • 134.
  • 135. The Bottom Line  The EI can be learned .  Individually, we can add these skills to our tool kit for survival at a time when job stability seems like a quaint oxymoron.  For businesses of all kinds, the fact that emotional competencies can be assessed and improved suggests another area in which performance- and so competitiveness- can be upgraded.  What’s needed amounts to an EI tune-up for the corporation
  • 136. Emotional Learning Process  Step A Self-Assessment  Explore- Attitudes & Behaviors  Step B Self-Awareness  Identify your current skill level  Step C Self-Knowledge  Understand the skill using your own description  Step D Self-Development  Learn- Use self directed coaching, mentoring to learn the skill  Step E Self-Improvement  Apply & Model- Practice the skill
  • 137.  As your career advances, interpersonal skills matter more than cognitive skills.  Luckily, unlike cognitive skills, you can improve your “Emotional Intelligence”.  To improve your “ Empathy”, the core attribute of emotional skill, learn to listen.  Emotional awareness is honed during downtime, and yet you must be able to draw upon it in a pinch, Take time to develop it.  Understanding your own feelings improves your ability to understand others’ feelings. It sharpens your “ radar”.  Be aware that in some cases too much empathy is inappropriate.  “Feedback” is essential when you are trying to change ingrained habits. Keep track of your progress as you improve your emotional skills .  Moods are catching, so try to spread a good one. Understand what makes you feel good or bad.  Many characteristics that help individuals succeed are also important for organizations, such as reliability, openness & emotional sensitivity.  “Emotionally Intelligent” organizations value the bottom line contribution of employees who practice “ Soft people skills” Take- Away
  • 138. Mail your comments to