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Deep Transformers without Shortcuts:
Modifying Self-attention for Faithful Signal Propagation
Shohei Taniguchi, Matsuo Lab
Deep Transformers without Shortcuts
• Bobby He, James Martens, Guodong Zhang, Aleksandar Botev, Andrew Brock,
Samuel L Smith, Yee Whye Teh (DeepMind)
• TransformerΛlayer normalization΍skip connectionͳ͠ͰֶशͰ͖ΔΑ͏ʹվྑ
• ICLR 2023 accepted
• എ‫ܠ‬
• ؔ࿈‫ڀݚ‬
• ख๏
• ࣮‫݁ݧ‬Ռ
• ·ͱΊ
• Transformer͸AttentionͱMLPͷ‫܁‬Γฦ͠
• ֤ϞδϡʔϧͰskip connectionͱlayer normalizationΛ
• ͜ΕΒ͕࣮ࡍʹͲ͏͍͏໾ׂΛՌ͍ͨͯ͠Δ͔͸
• ͏·ֶ͘श͢ΔͨΊͷςΫχοΫͱ͍͏Ґஔ෇͚
Normalization-free Network
• MLP΍CNNͰ͸ɼskip connection΍ਖ਼‫ن‬Խ͕ͳͯ͘΋ਂ͍ωοτϫʔΫΛֶश
• ‫ج‬ຊతʹ͸ɼޯ഑ফࣦ/രൃ͕‫͜ى‬Βͳ͍Α͏ʹద੾ʹॏΈͷॳ‫ظ‬ԽΛߦ͑͹
• Dynamic isometryͱ͍͏֓೦͕ಛʹॏཁ
૚ͷMLPΛߟ͑Δͱɼೖྗ͔Βग़ྗ΁ͷϠίϏߦྻ ͸ɼ֤૚ͷॏΈͷߦྻੵ
ͨͩ͠ɼ ͸ Λຬͨ͢ର֯ߦྻ
= ϕ (hl
), hl
= Wl
+ bl
J =
ij = ϕ′

i) δij
• ͜ͷϠίϏߦྻ͕ফࣦ/രൃ͍ͯ͠ͳ͚Ε͹ɼ҆ఆֶͯ͠शͰ͖Δ͸ͣ
• ͷಛҟ஋ͷฏ‫͕ۉ‬1ͷͱ͖ɼ౳ํੑΛຬͨ͢
• ʹ͍ͭͯ͸ɼ‫׆‬ੑԽؔ਺͕‫߃Ͱۙ෇఺ݪ‬౳ؔ਺ͳΒ౳ํతʢtanhͳͲʣ
J =
Dynamic Isometry
• ͞Βʹɼ͢΂ͯͷಛҟ஋͕1ͷͱ͖ɼಈత౳ํੑΛຬͨ͢
• ͜ΕΛຬͨ͢ͷ͸ɼॏΈ͕௚ަߦྻͷͱ͖
J =
ؔ࿈‫ڀݚ‬ [1]
• ௚ަॳ‫ظ‬Խ + tanh͸ଞΑΓ଎͘ऩଋ͢Δ
ؔ࿈‫ڀݚ‬ [2]
• CNN΋ಈత౳ํੑΛຬͨ͢Α͏ʹॳ‫ظ‬Խ͢Ε͹ɼਂ͍ϞσϧΛਖ਼‫ن‬Խͳ͠Ͱ
• ৞ΈࠐΈΧʔωϧͷதԝͷΈΛ௚ަॳ‫ظ‬Խͯ͠ɼ࢒Γ͸͢΂ͯ0Ͱॳ‫ظ‬Խ
• 1x1 convΛ௚ަॳ‫ظ‬Խͯ͠ɼͦͷपΓΛ0ຒΊ͢Δ‫ܗ‬
• ৞ΈࠐΈॲཧશମΛߦྻԋࢉͱ‫ʹ͖ͱͨݟ‬΋௚ަߦྻʹͳΔ
ؔ࿈‫ڀݚ‬ [2]
• MNISTΛ4,000૚ͷCNNͰֶश
• ਖ਼‫ن‬Խ΍skip connection͸ೖΕͳ͍
• ਖ਼‫ن‬෼෍Ͱॳ‫ظ‬Խ͢ΔΑΓ΋ֶश͕଎͘ͳΔ
ؔ࿈‫ڀݚ‬ [2]
• MNISTͱCIFAR-10Ͱ༷ʑͳਂ͞ͷϞσϧΛֶश
• 10,000૚·Ͱ૿΍ͯ͠΋ֶशͰ͖Δ
• ͨͩ͠ɼCIFAR-10Ͱ͸ςετͷਫ਼౓͕ανΔ
ਖ਼‫ن‬Խ΍skip connection͸ֶशͷ҆ఆԽΑΓ΋
ؔ࿈‫ڀݚ‬ [3]
• Skip connectionΛೖΕΔ৔߹Ͱ΋ɼಈత౳ํੑΛຬͨ͢Α͏ʹ
• ௨ৗ͸ ʹ͢Δ͕ɼ Ͱॳ‫ظ‬Խͯ͠ ΋ֶशύϥϝʔλʹ͢Δ
• ॳ‫ظ‬Խ࣌఺Ͱ͸ɼ ͳͷͰɼ໌Β͔ʹಈత౳ํੑΛຬͨ͢
xi+1 = xi + αiF (xi)
αi = 1 αi = 0 αi
xi+1 = xi
ؔ࿈‫ڀݚ‬ [3]
• CIFAR-10Ͱ32૚ͷMLPΛֶश
• ਖ਼‫ن‬Խͳ͠Ͱ΋͔ͳΓֶश͕଎͘ͳΔ
ؔ࿈‫ڀݚ‬ [3]
• CIFAR-10ͰResNetΛֶश
• ֶश͕଎͘ͳΓɼੑೳ΋্͕Δ
ؔ࿈‫ڀݚ‬ [4]
• ReLUͷ৔߹͸ɼ௚ަॏΈͷҰ෦Λ൓సͤ͞Ε͹ಈత౳ํੑΛຬͨͤΔ
• ௚‫ײ‬తʹ͸ɼReLUͰ͸ෛͷ஋ʹͳͬͨೖྗ৴߸͕͢΂ͯ0ʹःஅ͞ΕΔͷͰɼ
ؔ࿈‫ڀݚ‬ [5]
Transformerͷrank collapse
• MLP, skip connection, LayerNormͷͳ͍
• AttentionͷΈͰ͸Transformer͸ֶशͰ͖
Deep Transformers without Shortcuts
• TransformerͰ΋ਖ਼‫ن‬Խ΍skip connectionͳ͠ͰֶशͰ͖Δʁ
• ७ਮʹਖ਼‫ن‬ԽͱskipΛൈ͘ͱޯ഑͕
• ఏҊ๏͸͍ͩͿ཈͑ΒΕ͍ͯΔ
Deep Transformers without Shortcuts
• ຊ࿦จͰ͸ɼGPT‫࢖Ͱܥ‬ΘΕΔΑ͏ͳCausal masked attentionΛର৅ʹ͢Δ
• ະདྷͷ‫ྻܥ‬Λࢀর͠ͳ͍Α͏ʹ ͰϚεΫ͢Δ
Attn(X) = A(X)V(X)
A(X) = softmax
M ∘
− Γ(1 − M)
Mi,j = 1i≥j
Deep Transformers without Shortcuts
• ·ͣ͸ɼMLPͷͳ͍attention-onlyͷϞσϧΛߟ͑Δͱɼ ૚໨ͷಛ௃ྔ͸
• ͱ͓͘ͱɼ ͕௚ަߦྻͷͱ͖
XL = [ALAL−1…A1] X0W, W =
l WO
Σl = XlX⊤
l , Πl = AlAl−1…A1 W
Σl = Πl ⋅ Σ0 ⋅ Π⊤
Deep Transformers without Shortcuts
• ͱ͓͘ͱɼ ͕௚ަߦྻͷͱ͖
• ͕୯Ґߦྻʹ͚ۙΕ͹ɼޯ഑͕҆ఆ͢Δ
ͦΕ͕‫͜ى‬ΔΑ͏ʹ Λઃ‫͍ͨ͠ܭ‬
• ͨͩ͠ɼ ͸ཁૉ͕ඇෛͷԼࡾ֯ߦྻͱ͍͏੍໿෇͖
Σl = XlX⊤
l , Πl = AlAl−1…A1 W
Σl = Πl ⋅ Σ0 ⋅ Π⊤
Deep Transformers without Shortcuts
• ͱ͓͘ͱɼ ͕੒Γཱͭ΋ͱͰ
• ͜Ε͸ίϨεΩʔ෼ղʹ૬౰͢Δ
ଥ౰ͳ Λઃ‫ͯ͠ܭ‬ɼͦͷίϨεΩʔ෼ղ Λ‫ٻ‬ΊΕ͹ɼ৚݅Λຬͨ͢ Λ
Al = LlL−1
l−1 L−1
0 Σ0L−1⊤
0 = IT
Σl = LlL⊤
Σl Ll Al
Deep Transformers without Shortcuts
• ର֯੒෼͕1ͰͦΕҎ֎͕ ͷߦྻ
• Λຬͨͤ͹ɼ৚݅Λຬͨ͢
• ϥϯΫམͪ΋๷͛Δ
Σl (ρl) = (1 − ρl) IT + ρl11⊤
0 ≤ ρ0 ≤ ρ1 ≤ ⋯ ≤ ρL < 1
Deep Transformers without Shortcuts
• ର֯੒෼͕1ͰͦΕҎ֎͸ର֯ઢ͔Βͷ‫Ͱ཭ڑ‬஋͕ఆ·Δߦྻ
• Λຬͨͤ͹ɼ৚݅Λຬͨ͢
• ϥϯΫམͪ΋๷͛Δ
(Σl (γl))i,j
= exp (−γl |i − j|)
γ0 ≥ γ1 ≥ ⋯ ≥ γL > 0
Deep Transformers without Shortcuts
• લड़ͷ ͔Β‫ͨͬ࡞ͯ͠ࢉٯ‬ Λɼ ͱ෼ղ
• ͸ਖ਼ͷର֯ߦྻɼ ͸֤ߦͷ࿨͕1ͷԼࡾ֯ߦྻ
• ͱ͓͍ͯɼҎԼͷΑ͏ʹattentionΛ࠶ఆٛ
• ͷॏΈ Λ0Ͱॳ‫ظ‬Խ͢Δ͜ͱͰɼॳ‫ظ‬஋ʹ͓͍ͯ ͕ॴ๬ͷ‫ͳʹܗ‬Δ
Σ A A = DP
B = log(P)
Attn(X) = DP(X)V(X), P(X) = softmax M ∘
+ B
− Γ(1 − M)
• 36૚ͷTransformerΛֶश
• ૉ๿ʹskipΛͳͨ͘͠΋ͷ͸ɼશֶ͘शͰ͖ͳ͍
• ఏҊ๏͸ɼͪΌΜͱֶशͰ͖ͯΔ
• ͨͩ͠ɼskip + LNΛೖΕͨ௨ৗͷ΋ͷΑΓ΋
• 32૚ͷTransformerΛֶश
• ֶश࣌ؒΛ৳͹ͤ͹ɼskip + LN͋Γͷੑೳʹ౸ୡ͢Δ
• ໿5ഒ͘Β͍͕͔͔࣌ؒΔ
• Transformerʹ͓͍ͯ͸ɼskip΍LN͸ֶशͷ
• Skip connectionΛೖΕΔͱఏҊ๏͕ϕʔεϥΠϯͷskip + LNͷ΋ͷʹউͭ
• ΍͸ΓTransformerͰ͸skip connection͕
• MLP΍CNNͰ͸ɼಈత౳ํੑΛຬͨ͢Α͏ʹॳ‫ظ‬ԽΛߦ͑͹ɼਖ਼‫ن‬Խ΍skip
• TransformerͰ΋ɼಉ͡Α͏ʹॳ‫ظ‬ԽΛஸೡʹ΍Ε͹ɼskip΍LNͳ͠ͰֶशͰ
• ͨͩ͠ɼֶश͕͔࣌ؒͳΓ͔͔Δ
• ए‫ׯ‬ແཧ΍Γ‫ײ‬͸൱Ίͳ͍
• ݁‫ظॳہ‬Խ࣌ͷattention͕୯Ґߦྻʹۙ͘ͳΔΑ͏ʹ͢Ε͹ྑ͍ͱ͍͏͜ͱ
• ΋ͬͱγϯϓϧͳํ๏΋͋Γͦ͏ͳ‫͕͢ؾ‬Δ
• ֶश͕஗͘ͳΔ‫ݪ‬Ҽ͕Ͳ͜ʹ͋Δͷ͔͕͋·ΓΘ͔͍ͬͯͳ͍
[1] Pennington, Jeffrey, Samuel Schoenholz, and Surya Ganguli. "Resurrecting the
sigmoid in deep learning through dynamical isometry: theory and practice."
Advances in neural information processing systems 30 (2017).
[2] Xiao, Lechao, et al. "Dynamical isometry and a mean field theory of cnns: How to
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on Machine Learning. PMLR, 2018.
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[4] Burkholz, Rebekka, and Alina Dubatovka. "Initialization of relus for dynamical
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Representations. 2023.

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