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Imagine a world where water is
   in such short supply, and so
unpredictable, that it determines
    the pattern of life. Not just
     across the landscape, or
 through the cycle of a year, but
across a decade, a century or a
Caina, Maslog, Rustia
Deserts are difficult places for people because
of their dryness, their unpredictable
ecology, and also because they are patchy
environments — where food, water, and plants
are often concentrated in small pockets.

True deserts are ecosystems with sparse or no
vegetation due to low, infrequent and largely
unpredictable rainfall and often high
evaporation. Many deserts have high average
temperatures during the day and cool nights
due to no, or little, cloud.
What is a desert?
Land where evaporation exceeds rainfall
Dryness - a combination of low rainfall and
 high water loss from evaporation, surface
 run-off and seepage deep into the soil.
Low rainfall, high evaporation and a wide
 daily range in temperature (hot by day-cool
 by night due to low humidity)
Deserts occupy about 26 percent
 of the continental area
Occur in two distinct belts
 between 15 degrees and 35
 degrees latitude in both the
 Northern and Southern
 Hemispheres – Tropic of Cancer
 and Tropic of Capricorn
Why are deserts dry?
To understand why deserts are dry you
 need to consider the water cycle.
On earth, water follows a path called the
 water cycle. The sun’s energy heats water
 making it evaporate from the land and sea.
As the water vapor rises it cools and forms
 clouds. Wind may blow the clouds over
 land and as the clouds are blown upward
 over hills and mountains the water droplets
 cool and fall as rain.
Low humidity allows up to 90% of
 solar radiation to penetrate the
 atmosphere and heat the ground. At
 night, the desert yields the
 accumulated heat back to the
Rain, when it falls, is often heavy and
 unable to soak into the dry
 earth, rushes off in torrents to basins
Average Rain Fall
500mm  arid-like conditions if
 the temperature and evaporation
 rates are high
250-350mm  semi-arid/semi-
<250mm  arid
<100mm  true deserts
<70mm  extreme deserts
How are deserts formed?
 Movement of air masses
  High pressure area alters the
   course of rain, deflects
   rainstorms preventing moisture
   from reaching certain areas
  Winds blowing over cold waters
   become cold  carry little
   moisture & produce little rain
How are deserts formed?
Mountain ranges
  Forms rain shadow
   A rain shadow is an area of dry land that lies on the
    leeward (or downwind) side of a mountain. Winds carry air
    masses up and over the mountain range and as the air is
    driven upward over the mountain, falling temperatures
    cause the air to lose much of its moisture as precipitation.
    Upon reaching the leeward side of the mountain, the dry
    air descends and picks up any available moisture from the
    landscape below. The resulting profile of precipitation
    across the mountain is such that rainfall and moist air
    prevails on the windward side of a mountain range while
    arid, moisture-poor air prevails on the leeward side of the
    mountain range.
  The Gobi Desert lies in the rain shadow of the
  The Atacama Desert lies in the rain shadow of the
  The Patagonia region lies in the rain shadow of the
  Death Valley lies in the rain shadow of the Pacific Coast
   Ranges of California and the Sierra Nevada Mountains.
  The city of Spokane in the state of Washington lies in
   the rain shadow of the Cascade Mountain Range
   (Spokane receives little rainfall). Seattle, Washington
   lies on the windward side of the Cascades (it receives
   generous amounts of rainfall).
Types of Deserts

 Deserts come in all shapes and sizes
  and there are lots of different ways of
  looking at them – location, climate,
  ground cover and main types of plants
 We usually think of deserts as being
  hot but this is not always the case.
  There are also cold, coastal and
  semiarid deserts.
Hot Deserts
located near the equator. Day
 temperatures can reach more than
 38ºC but the nights are usually very
generally have no cloud cover 
 allows them to heat up and cool down
 very quickly.
Great Sandy Desert / Simpson Desert
Cold Deserts
are found further from the equator and are
usually in the centre of continents. They are
often high in mountainous areas. In
winter, these deserts can be covered with
snow and ice. The Patagonian Desert in
Argentina, South Antarctica is also an
extreme example of a cold desert.
Coastal deserts
are found on the west coast of
continents. They have warm summers
and cool winters and are often called
cool deserts.
Coastal deserts by the sea
Water does not evaporate from a cold
ocean as quickly as it does when the
water is warm. Air blown onto the coast
from a cold ocean contains no moisture
to fall as rain. During the day, water
evaporates from the land further helping
to make a desert. At night the land cools
and some of the moisture in the air
above the land condenses to form fog.
Semiarid deserts
receive between 250mm and 350mm of
rain. The summers are long and dry
with moderate temperatures between
20°C and 30°C. Any rain usually falls in
the winter months. Over one-third of
Australia is semiarid desert.
 •Desert Plants are exposed to extreme temperatures and
 drought conditions.

 • Plants must cope with extensive water loss.

          How do you think plants grow in a place
          that is very, very dry?
Hot and dry desert
 oSome plants have no leaves or small seasonal leaves
 that only grow after it rains.

    -The lack of leaves helps reduce water loss during
    photosynthesis. Leafless plants conduct photosynthesis in
    their green stems.

                 Cactus                     Garden Asparagus
Some plants, called succulents, store water in their
stems or leaves;

                              The storage of water often
                              gives succulent plants a
                              more swollen or fleshy
                              appearance than other

Long root systems spread out wide or go deep into the
ground to absorb water;

                         The roots collect water after
                         rain. Stored in the pleated
                         expandable stem, the water
                         keeps the saguaro alive until
                         the next rain.

 Plant drought-evaders flower only in the presence of

                              They persist as seeds during
                              drought periods, ready to
                              sprout, flower, and produce
                              seeds when moisture and
                              temperature are favorable.

          Morman tea
Semi arid desert
 Spines to discourage animals from eating plants for

                                Since   many    desert
                                plants store water in
                                their  spongy   tissue,
                                animals will eat them
                                for the moisture. The
                                thorns keep them safe
                                from    many   animal

       Prickly pear cactus
Leaves with hair help shade the plant, reducing water

                              The most striking feature is the
                              long,      white     hairs     it
                              possesses, which serve to
                              protect it from the sun.

        Old Man Cactus
Waxy coating on stems and leaves help reduce water loss.

                                  -The waxy surface of
                                  the aloe plant acts like
                                  a plastic
                                  wrapper, keeping
                                  precious water inside.

                                  -Glossy leaves reflect
                                  the sun's
                                  rays, reducing leaf
                                  temperatures and
                                  evaporation rates.
Coastal desert
 oplants with thick and fleshy leaves or stems can take
 in large quantities of water when it is available and
 store it for future use.

 oSome plants have extensive root systems close to
 the surface where they can take advantage of any rain
Buckwheat bush   Saltbush
Cold desert

o The plants are widely scattered.

o Plant heights vary between 15 cm and 122 cm.

o The main plants are deciduous, most having
  spiny leaves.
       In spite of their aridity, desert ecosystems support
a surprising diversity of animal life, including a wide
assortment of
beetles, ants, locusts, lizards, snakes, birds, and
 The mammals are notably herbivores
  - They consume a wide range of species, plant

                            They feed on succulents when
                            available and then switch to
                            woody browse during the dry

     Desert Bighorn sheep
Desert carnivores, are opportunistic feeders;
most of them have mixed diets that include
leaves and fruits

Small herbivores—the desert
rodents, particularly the ants tend to be
granivores, feeding largely on seeds

Omnivory seems to be the rule in desert
Hot and dry desert
oThe animals include small nocturnal (active at night)

oThe animals stay inactive in protected hideaways
during the hot day and come out to forage at
dusk, dawn or at night, when the desert is cooler.
Animals make burrows to escape the heat

                          -Kangaroo       rats     dig
                          burrows      to      protect
                          themselves from predators
                          and heat.

                          -Kangaroo      Rats     are
                          nocturnal (avoiding     the
                          heat during the day).

       Kangaroo rat
Semi arid desert

 oDuring the day, insects move around twigs to
 stay on the shady side;

 ojack rabbits follow
 the moving shadow of
 a cactus or shrub.
large ears, long legs, Pale-colored fur and

                         Large ears:

                         -are densely lined with
                         shallow blood
                         vessels, allowing air to cool
                         their blood as it circulates.

Coastal desert

Aestivation         -during hot dry spells, the spade-
                     foot toad (Scaphiopus sp.) covers
                     itself with a substance to stay
                     moist and then enters an
                     underground burrow, where it
                     can survive for many months
                     until heavy rains signal it to
                     -After mating and laying eggs in
                     temporary pools, the toads
                     return to their burrows and
                     resume estivation until the next
    Spadefoot toad   heavy rains.
Other adaptations:

                          Long legs :
                            Some small creatures, such as
                            beetles and lizards, reduce the
                           amount of heat they absorb from
                             the desert surface by having
                            long legs to keep them high up
                                 and to disperse heat.

Pale-colored Fur and Feathers:
      - help others to keep cool by reflecting
some desert animals have concentrated the
body's fat in one place, such as a hump or tail

                           -This animal has the ability to
                           store large amounts of water
                           for a long time, and because of
                           that, it is able to survive in the
                           dry and harsh desert.

                           -These      animals       have
                           transparent    eyelids   which
                           enable them to keep sand out of
                           their eyes.

Tolerate Hyperthermia

                       Some animals can survive body
                       temperatures that would be
                       dangerous to humans
                       (e.g.,       this       antelope
                       squirrel      tolerates    body
                       temperatures over 104 degrees

   Antelope squirrel
Where do animals in the desert get
 their water from?

Since water is so scarce, most desert
animals get their water from the food they

•succulent plants,
•seeds, or
•the blood and body tissues of their prey.
How do desert animals prevent
   water from leaving their bodies?

-Desert animals prevent water leaving their bodies in a
number of different ways. Some, like kangaroo rats and
lizards, live in burrows which do not get too hot or too cold
and have more humid (damp) air inside.

-Other animals have bodies designed to save water.
Scorpions and wolf spiders have a thick outer
covering which reduces moisture loss. The kidneys of desert
animals concentrate urine, so that they excrete less water.
• Rainfall
• One of the most distinct abiotic factors in a desert is the
  amount of rain that falls per year. Typically, deserts receive
  less than 20 inches of rain per year. This means that animals
  and plants looking to survive in the desert must be able to live
  with little water for extended periods of time. For example,
  cacti have evolved to store water in their stems to help them
  through dry spells.
Deserts typically go through huge fluctuations in
temperature during a 24-hour period. Because there is
little moisture, deserts lack the insulating protection of
both humidity and cloud cover. A desert that is hot during
the day may drop to well below zero degrees at night, once
the heat of the sun has left. Organisms that cannot adapt
well to rapid temperature fluctuations have trouble
surviving in the desert.
• Soil
• The type of soil in an ecosystem determines what plants
  can grow, which in turn defines which animals can
  survive. Desert soil types can vary greatly, but most have
  excellent drainage. This means that the soil is loose
  instead of compacted. When rain does fall in the
  desert, it seeps quickly into the soil. Rapid drainage can
  have the side effect of washing nutrients out of the soil.
• Light
• Because deserts typically don't have many shade-giving
  plants, almost all of their surface area is given full
  exposure to direct sunlight during the day. Extreme light
  exposure limits the types of plants that can grow in the
  desert, and makes it difficult for many animals to see.
  Imagine being surrounded by light-colored soil on a very
  bright day. It might be blinding. This may be one reason
  that so many animals in the desert are nocturnal.
Human Impact on deserts
• Deserts are being destroyed by development. Some build industries and
  factories in the deserts. Many people also think the deserts sunny weather
  is a perfect reason to build a home there.
• As populations in desert cities rise, so does the demand for water.
• Many desert streams, rivers, and lakes once used by animals have been
  drained for industries, people, and farms.
• Another simple activity is Off roading.

• Their vehicles leave tracks on the soil, which will scar the land for decades.
• These tracks also kill off vegetation, when vegetation is harmed, so are the
• Animals that hide in the sand can also be harmed. The sand viper, which
  hides so well in the soil, can become an accidental victim of off roading
• Animal and plant collectors have also devastated the desert. People who
  collect rare species of cacti have completely wiped out entire populations.
• Chuckwalla lizards have also been targeted to be sold in the pet trade.
  Their numbers have also been reduced dramatically.
• Mining - not only do the mining operations themselves disturb the desert
  habitat and plants and animals that live there, the roads built to get
  needed equipment into the mines also destroy the desert. Uranium
  mining creates a host of radioactive hazard.
• Ranching - overgrazing is one of the major threats to the desert habitat.
  Mismanagement and overuse of land is putting severe pressure on desert
  habitat areas.
• Farming - as the population on our planet continues to increase at an
  alarming rate,the demand for more agricultural products, needed to feed
  these billions of people, will also increase. With modern technology, it is
  becoming increasingly easier to turn dry, arid desert habitat into
  productive farmland.
• Deserts are being used as dump sites for nuclear waste and as nuclear
  testing grounds. Recently, a site was opened in the desert of New mexico
  to be used for the storage of nuclear waste.

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  • 1. Imagine a world where water is in such short supply, and so unpredictable, that it determines the pattern of life. Not just across the landscape, or through the cycle of a year, but across a decade, a century or a millennium.
  • 3. Deserts are difficult places for people because of their dryness, their unpredictable ecology, and also because they are patchy environments — where food, water, and plants are often concentrated in small pockets. True deserts are ecosystems with sparse or no vegetation due to low, infrequent and largely unpredictable rainfall and often high evaporation. Many deserts have high average temperatures during the day and cool nights due to no, or little, cloud.
  • 4. What is a desert? Land where evaporation exceeds rainfall Dryness - a combination of low rainfall and high water loss from evaporation, surface run-off and seepage deep into the soil. Low rainfall, high evaporation and a wide daily range in temperature (hot by day-cool by night due to low humidity)
  • 5. Deserts occupy about 26 percent of the continental area Occur in two distinct belts between 15 degrees and 35 degrees latitude in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres – Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn
  • 6.
  • 7. Why are deserts dry? To understand why deserts are dry you need to consider the water cycle. On earth, water follows a path called the water cycle. The sun’s energy heats water making it evaporate from the land and sea. As the water vapor rises it cools and forms clouds. Wind may blow the clouds over land and as the clouds are blown upward over hills and mountains the water droplets cool and fall as rain.
  • 8. Low humidity allows up to 90% of solar radiation to penetrate the atmosphere and heat the ground. At night, the desert yields the accumulated heat back to the atmosphere Rain, when it falls, is often heavy and unable to soak into the dry earth, rushes off in torrents to basins below
  • 9. Average Rain Fall 500mm  arid-like conditions if the temperature and evaporation rates are high 250-350mm  semi-arid/semi- desert <250mm  arid <100mm  true deserts <70mm  extreme deserts
  • 10. How are deserts formed? Movement of air masses High pressure area alters the course of rain, deflects rainstorms preventing moisture from reaching certain areas Winds blowing over cold waters become cold  carry little moisture & produce little rain
  • 11. How are deserts formed? Mountain ranges  Forms rain shadow  A rain shadow is an area of dry land that lies on the leeward (or downwind) side of a mountain. Winds carry air masses up and over the mountain range and as the air is driven upward over the mountain, falling temperatures cause the air to lose much of its moisture as precipitation. Upon reaching the leeward side of the mountain, the dry air descends and picks up any available moisture from the landscape below. The resulting profile of precipitation across the mountain is such that rainfall and moist air prevails on the windward side of a mountain range while arid, moisture-poor air prevails on the leeward side of the mountain range.
  • 12.
  • 13.
  • 14. Examples:  The Gobi Desert lies in the rain shadow of the Himalayas.  The Atacama Desert lies in the rain shadow of the Andes.  The Patagonia region lies in the rain shadow of the Andes.  Death Valley lies in the rain shadow of the Pacific Coast Ranges of California and the Sierra Nevada Mountains.  The city of Spokane in the state of Washington lies in the rain shadow of the Cascade Mountain Range (Spokane receives little rainfall). Seattle, Washington lies on the windward side of the Cascades (it receives generous amounts of rainfall).
  • 15. Types of Deserts Deserts come in all shapes and sizes and there are lots of different ways of looking at them – location, climate, ground cover and main types of plants We usually think of deserts as being hot but this is not always the case. There are also cold, coastal and semiarid deserts.
  • 16. Hot Deserts located near the equator. Day temperatures can reach more than 38ºC but the nights are usually very cold. generally have no cloud cover  allows them to heat up and cool down very quickly. Great Sandy Desert / Simpson Desert
  • 17.
  • 18. Cold Deserts are found further from the equator and are usually in the centre of continents. They are often high in mountainous areas. In winter, these deserts can be covered with snow and ice. The Patagonian Desert in Argentina, South Antarctica is also an extreme example of a cold desert.
  • 19.
  • 20. Coastal deserts are found on the west coast of continents. They have warm summers and cool winters and are often called cool deserts.
  • 21. Coastal deserts by the sea Water does not evaporate from a cold ocean as quickly as it does when the water is warm. Air blown onto the coast from a cold ocean contains no moisture to fall as rain. During the day, water evaporates from the land further helping to make a desert. At night the land cools and some of the moisture in the air above the land condenses to form fog.
  • 22.
  • 23. Semiarid deserts receive between 250mm and 350mm of rain. The summers are long and dry with moderate temperatures between 20°C and 30°C. Any rain usually falls in the winter months. Over one-third of Australia is semiarid desert.
  • 24.
  • 26. Plants •Desert Plants are exposed to extreme temperatures and drought conditions. • Plants must cope with extensive water loss. How do you think plants grow in a place that is very, very dry?
  • 27. Hot and dry desert oSome plants have no leaves or small seasonal leaves that only grow after it rains. -The lack of leaves helps reduce water loss during photosynthesis. Leafless plants conduct photosynthesis in their green stems. Cactus Garden Asparagus
  • 28. Some plants, called succulents, store water in their stems or leaves; The storage of water often gives succulent plants a more swollen or fleshy appearance than other plants Salicornia
  • 29. Long root systems spread out wide or go deep into the ground to absorb water; The roots collect water after rain. Stored in the pleated expandable stem, the water keeps the saguaro alive until the next rain. Saguaro
  • 30.  Plant drought-evaders flower only in the presence of moisture They persist as seeds during drought periods, ready to sprout, flower, and produce seeds when moisture and temperature are favorable. Morman tea
  • 31. Semi arid desert Spines to discourage animals from eating plants for water; Since many desert plants store water in their spongy tissue, animals will eat them for the moisture. The thorns keep them safe from many animal predators. Prickly pear cactus
  • 32. Leaves with hair help shade the plant, reducing water loss The most striking feature is the long, white hairs it possesses, which serve to protect it from the sun. Old Man Cactus
  • 33. Waxy coating on stems and leaves help reduce water loss. -The waxy surface of the aloe plant acts like a plastic wrapper, keeping precious water inside. -Glossy leaves reflect the sun's rays, reducing leaf temperatures and evaporation rates. Aloe
  • 34. Coastal desert oplants with thick and fleshy leaves or stems can take in large quantities of water when it is available and store it for future use. oSome plants have extensive root systems close to the surface where they can take advantage of any rain showers.
  • 35. Buckwheat bush Saltbush
  • 36. Cold desert o The plants are widely scattered. o Plant heights vary between 15 cm and 122 cm. o The main plants are deciduous, most having spiny leaves.
  • 37. Animals In spite of their aridity, desert ecosystems support a surprising diversity of animal life, including a wide assortment of beetles, ants, locusts, lizards, snakes, birds, and mammals.
  • 38.  The mammals are notably herbivores - They consume a wide range of species, plant types They feed on succulents when available and then switch to woody browse during the dry periods Desert Bighorn sheep
  • 39. Desert carnivores, are opportunistic feeders; most of them have mixed diets that include leaves and fruits Small herbivores—the desert rodents, particularly the ants tend to be granivores, feeding largely on seeds Omnivory seems to be the rule in desert ecosystems
  • 40. Hot and dry desert oThe animals include small nocturnal (active at night) carnivores. oThe animals stay inactive in protected hideaways during the hot day and come out to forage at dusk, dawn or at night, when the desert is cooler.
  • 41. Animals make burrows to escape the heat -Kangaroo rats dig burrows to protect themselves from predators and heat. -Kangaroo Rats are nocturnal (avoiding the heat during the day). Kangaroo rat
  • 42. Semi arid desert oDuring the day, insects move around twigs to stay on the shady side; ojack rabbits follow the moving shadow of a cactus or shrub.
  • 43. large ears, long legs, Pale-colored fur and feathers Large ears: -are densely lined with shallow blood vessels, allowing air to cool their blood as it circulates. Jackrabbit
  • 44. Coastal desert Aestivation -during hot dry spells, the spade- foot toad (Scaphiopus sp.) covers itself with a substance to stay moist and then enters an underground burrow, where it can survive for many months until heavy rains signal it to wake. -After mating and laying eggs in temporary pools, the toads return to their burrows and resume estivation until the next Spadefoot toad heavy rains.
  • 45. Other adaptations: Long legs : Some small creatures, such as beetles and lizards, reduce the amount of heat they absorb from the desert surface by having long legs to keep them high up and to disperse heat. Pale-colored Fur and Feathers: - help others to keep cool by reflecting sunlight.
  • 46. some desert animals have concentrated the body's fat in one place, such as a hump or tail -This animal has the ability to store large amounts of water for a long time, and because of that, it is able to survive in the dry and harsh desert. -These animals have transparent eyelids which enable them to keep sand out of their eyes. Camel
  • 47. Tolerate Hyperthermia Some animals can survive body temperatures that would be dangerous to humans (e.g., this antelope squirrel tolerates body temperatures over 104 degrees Farenheit). Antelope squirrel
  • 48. Where do animals in the desert get their water from? Since water is so scarce, most desert animals get their water from the food they eat: •succulent plants, •seeds, or •the blood and body tissues of their prey.
  • 49. How do desert animals prevent water from leaving their bodies? -Desert animals prevent water leaving their bodies in a number of different ways. Some, like kangaroo rats and lizards, live in burrows which do not get too hot or too cold and have more humid (damp) air inside. -Other animals have bodies designed to save water. Scorpions and wolf spiders have a thick outer covering which reduces moisture loss. The kidneys of desert animals concentrate urine, so that they excrete less water.
  • 50. Abiotic • Rainfall • One of the most distinct abiotic factors in a desert is the amount of rain that falls per year. Typically, deserts receive less than 20 inches of rain per year. This means that animals and plants looking to survive in the desert must be able to live with little water for extended periods of time. For example, cacti have evolved to store water in their stems to help them through dry spells.
  • 51. •Temperature Deserts typically go through huge fluctuations in temperature during a 24-hour period. Because there is little moisture, deserts lack the insulating protection of both humidity and cloud cover. A desert that is hot during the day may drop to well below zero degrees at night, once the heat of the sun has left. Organisms that cannot adapt well to rapid temperature fluctuations have trouble surviving in the desert.
  • 52. • Soil • The type of soil in an ecosystem determines what plants can grow, which in turn defines which animals can survive. Desert soil types can vary greatly, but most have excellent drainage. This means that the soil is loose instead of compacted. When rain does fall in the desert, it seeps quickly into the soil. Rapid drainage can have the side effect of washing nutrients out of the soil.
  • 53. • Light • Because deserts typically don't have many shade-giving plants, almost all of their surface area is given full exposure to direct sunlight during the day. Extreme light exposure limits the types of plants that can grow in the desert, and makes it difficult for many animals to see. Imagine being surrounded by light-colored soil on a very bright day. It might be blinding. This may be one reason that so many animals in the desert are nocturnal.
  • 54. Human Impact on deserts • Deserts are being destroyed by development. Some build industries and factories in the deserts. Many people also think the deserts sunny weather is a perfect reason to build a home there. • As populations in desert cities rise, so does the demand for water. • Many desert streams, rivers, and lakes once used by animals have been drained for industries, people, and farms.
  • 55. • Another simple activity is Off roading. • Their vehicles leave tracks on the soil, which will scar the land for decades. • These tracks also kill off vegetation, when vegetation is harmed, so are the animals.
  • 56. • Animals that hide in the sand can also be harmed. The sand viper, which hides so well in the soil, can become an accidental victim of off roading mayhem.
  • 57. • Animal and plant collectors have also devastated the desert. People who collect rare species of cacti have completely wiped out entire populations. • Chuckwalla lizards have also been targeted to be sold in the pet trade. Their numbers have also been reduced dramatically.
  • 58. • Mining - not only do the mining operations themselves disturb the desert habitat and plants and animals that live there, the roads built to get needed equipment into the mines also destroy the desert. Uranium mining creates a host of radioactive hazard.
  • 59. • Ranching - overgrazing is one of the major threats to the desert habitat. Mismanagement and overuse of land is putting severe pressure on desert habitat areas. • Farming - as the population on our planet continues to increase at an alarming rate,the demand for more agricultural products, needed to feed these billions of people, will also increase. With modern technology, it is becoming increasingly easier to turn dry, arid desert habitat into productive farmland.
  • 60. • Deserts are being used as dump sites for nuclear waste and as nuclear testing grounds. Recently, a site was opened in the desert of New mexico to be used for the storage of nuclear waste.