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Hypoxic Ischemic

         Prof. Saad S Al-Ani
     Senior Pediatric Consultant
    Head of Pediatric Department
    Khorfakkan Hospital . Sharjah
 is a term used to indicate the consequences of complete lack of oxygen as a
result of a number of primary causes

        refers to an arterial concentration of oxygen that is less than normal

                   refers to blood flow to cells or organs that is insufficient to
                   maintain their normal function

                        Biagioni E, Mercuri E, Rutherford M, et al: Combined use of electroencephalogram and magnetic resonance

                                               imaging in full-term neonates with acute encephalopathy. Pediatrics 2001;107:461

  05/26/2010                 Khorfakkan Hospital Pediatric Department
Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy

  Is an important cause of permanent
damage to CNS cells that may result in
neonatal death or be manifested later
as cerebral palsy or mental deficiency

             Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics 19th ed.2010 . pages 566 - 568

05/26/2010       Khorfakkan Hospital Pediatric Department
Fifteen to 20% of infants with hypoxic-
ischemic encephalopathy die in the neonatal

    25-30% of survivors are left with permanent
    neurodevelopmental abnormalities (cerebral
    palsy, mental retardation).

             Dixon G, Badawi N, Kurinczuk JJ, et al: Early developmental outcomes after
             newborn encephalopathy. Pediatrics 2002;109:26-33

05/26/2010             Khorfakkan Hospital Pediatric Department
Effects of Asphyxia

  I. Central nervous system                                II.Cardiovascular
   1.Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy                        1.Myocardial ischemia
   2.Infarction                                            2. Poor contractility

   3. Intracranial hemorrhage                              3. Cardiac stun

   4.Seizures                                              4. Tricuspid insufficiency

   5. Cerebral edema                                       5. Hypotension

   6. Hypotonia
   7. Hypertonia
                          Cowan F, Rutherford M, Groenendaal F, et al: Origin and timing of brain
                      lesions in term infants with neonatal encephalopathy. Lancet 2003;361:736-

05/26/2010                 Khorfakkan Hospital Pediatric Department
Effects of Asphyxia

               System Effect

  III. Pulmonary                                        V. Adrenal
   1. Pulmonary hypertension                            Adrenal hemorrhage

   2. Pulmonary hemorrhage
   3. Respiratory distress syndrome
                                                    VI. Gastrointestinal
                                                     1. Perforation
   IV. Renal
                                                     2. Ulceration with hemorrhage
   Acute tubular or cortical
   necrosis                                          3. Necrosis
                          Cowan F, Rutherford M, Groenendaal F, et al: Origin and timing of brain
                      lesions in term infants with neonatal encephalopathy. Lancet 2003;361:736-

05/26/2010                Khorfakkan Hospital Pediatric Department
Effects of Asphyxia
                   System Effect

VII. Metabolic
1. Inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone
2. Hyponatremia
3. Hypoglycemia
                       VIII. Integument
4. Hypocalcemia
                       Subcutaneous fat necrosis
5. Myoglobinuria
                                              IX. Hematology
                                              Disseminated intravascular coagulation

                            Cowan F, Rutherford M, Groenendaal F, et al: Origin and timing of brain
                        lesions in term infants with neonatal encephalopathy. Lancet 2003;361:736-

 05/26/2010                 Khorfakkan Hospital Pediatric Department
       is considered in infants with:
  1.     Fetal acidosis (pH <7.0)
  2.    A 5-min Apgar score of 0-3
  3.    Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy:
               i. Altered tone
               ii. Depressed level of consciousness
               iii. Seizures
  4. Other multiorgan system signs
                           Battin MR, Dezoete A, Gunn TR, et al: Neurodevelopmental outcome of
                             infants treated with head cooling and mild hypothermia after perinatal
                                                                asphyxia. Pediatrics 2001;107:480

05/26/2010                     Khorfakkan Hospital Pediatric Department
Causes Of Fetal Hypoxia

    (1) Inadequate oxygenation of maternal
         as a result of:
              I. Hypoventilation during anesthesia
              II. Cyanotic heart disease
              III. Respiratory failure
              IV. Carbon monoxide poisoning
     (2) low maternal blood pressure
             as a result of the hypotension that may:
        I. Complicate spinal anesthesia
        II. Result from compression of the vena cava and aorta by the gravid

05/26/2010                  Khorfakkan Hospital Pediatric Department
Causes Of Fetal Hypoxia

    (3) Inadequate relaxation of the uterus
         to permit placental filling as a result of uterine tetany caused by the
        administration of excessive oxytocin

    (4) Premature separation of the placenta

                                  Johnson MV: MRI for neonatal encephalopathy in full-term
                                                          infants. Lancet 2003;361:713-4

05/26/2010                Khorfakkan Hospital Pediatric Department
Causes Of Fetal Hypoxia

      (5) Impedance to the circulation of blood
         through the umbilical cord as a result of compression or knotting of
         the cord

      (6) Uterine vessel vasoconstriction                         by cocaine

      (7) placental insufficiency                 from numerous causes
      including toxemia and postmaturity.

                                 Johnson MV: MRI for neonatal encephalopathy in full-term
                                                         infants. Lancet 2003;361:713-4

05/26/2010               Khorfakkan Hospital Pediatric Department
Fetal hypoxia

    Abnormal Doppler velocimetry .
    On an umbilical artery Doppler flow velocity waveform

   The umbilical placental impedance is so high that the diastolic component
   shows flow in a reverse direction. This finding is an indication of severe
   intrauterine hypoxia and intrauterine growth restriction .

                     Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics (on 20 November 2003) 2003 Elsevier

05/26/2010               Khorfakkan Hospital Pediatric Department
Causes of after birth hypoxia

  (1)Anemia severe enough to lower the oxygen content of the blood to
     a critical level, as after severe hemorrhage or hemolytic disease

    (2) Shock       severe enough to interfere with the transport of oxygen to vital
        organs as a result of
             i. Overwhelming infection
             ii. Massive blood loss
             iii. Intracranial or adrenal hemorrhage
                             Crowley P: Prophylactic corticosteroids for preterm birth. Cochrane
                           Database Syst Rev 2002;Issue 1. De Felice C, Toti P, Laurini RN, et
                           al: Early neonatal brain injury in histologic chorioamnionitis. J Pediatr
05/26/2010                 Khorfakkan Hospital Pediatric Department2001;138:101
Causes of after birth hypoxia (cont.)

 (3) Deficit in arterial oxygen saturation
    from failure to breathe adequately postnatally because of
      i. Cerebral defect
      ii. Narcosis
      iii. Injury

(4) Failure of oxygenation of an adequate amount
of blood as a result of severe forms of cyanotic congenital heart disease or
pulmonary disease

                             Crowley P: Prophylactic corticosteroids for preterm birth. Cochrane
                           Database Syst Rev 2002;Issue 1. De Felice C, Toti P, Laurini RN, et
                           al: Early neonatal brain injury in histologic chorioamnionitis. J Pediatr
05/26/2010                 Khorfakkan Hospital Pediatric Department

Within minutes of the onset of total fetal hypoxia :
  2. Hypotension
  3. decreased cardiac output
  4. severe metabolic as well as respiratory acidosis occur

 The initial circulatory response of the fetus
  * is increased shunting through the ductus venosus, ductus
   arteriosus, and foramen ovale
 * with transient maintenance of perfusion of the brain, heart, and
  adrenals in preference to the lungs (because of pulmonary
  vasoconstriction), liver, kidneys, and intestine.
05/26/2010                Khorfakkan Hospital Pediatric Department
Patterns of periodic fetal heart rate (FHR)

        A shows early deceleration occurring during the peak of uterine
        contractions as a result of pressure on the fetal head

                               . Hon EH: An Atlas of Fetal Heart Rate Patterns . New Haven,
                                                                    CT, Harty Press, 1968.)

 05/26/2010               Khorfakkan Hospital Pediatric Department
Patterns of periodic fetal heart rate
(FHR) deceleration (cont . )

              B, Late deceleration caused by uteroplacental

                                 . Hon EH: An Atlas of Fetal Heart Rate Patterns . New Haven,
                                                                      CT, Harty Press, 1968.)

 05/26/2010                 Khorfakkan Hospital Pediatric Department
Patterns of periodic fetal heart rate
(FHR) deceleration (cont.)

       C, Variable deceleration as a result of umbilical cord compression

                               . Hon EH: An Atlas of Fetal Heart Rate Patterns . New Haven,
                                                                    CT, Harty Press, 1968.)

 05/26/2010               Khorfakkan Hospital Pediatric Department
Clinical Manifestations
  Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy in Term
    Signs:   Stage 1        Stage 2
    Stage 3

    I. Level of consciousness
       Hyperalert , Lethargic          Stuporous                             coma

    II. Muscle tone
              Normal                 Hypotonic                           Flaccid

    III. Posture
              Normal                   Flexion                       Decerebrate

                                Biagioni E, Mercuri E, Rutherford M, et al: Combined use of
                        electroencephalogram and magnetic resonance imaging in full-term
                             neonates with acute encephalopathy. Pediatrics 2001;107:461
05/26/2010              Khorfakkan Hospital Pediatric Department
Clinical Manifestations
  Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy in Term
  Infants (cont.)
  Signs:            Stage 1                             Stage 2
  Stage 3

    IV. Tendon reflexes
             Clonus ,Hyperactive           Hyperactive                          Absent

    V. Myoclonus
                   Present                     Present                             Absent

   VI. Moro reflex
              Strong                      Weak                               Absent

                                  Biagioni E, Mercuri E, Rutherford M, et al: Combined use of
                          electroencephalogram and magnetic resonance imaging in full-term
                               neonates with acute encephalopathy. Pediatrics 2001;107:461
05/26/2010                   Khorfakkan Hospital Pediatric Department
Clinical Manifestations
  Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy in Term
  Infants (cont.)
  Signs:          Stage 1                          Stage 2
  Stage 3

    VII. Pupils
             Mydriasis               Miosis Unequal                 Poor light reflex

    VIII. Seizures
                  None                      Common                       Decerebration

   IX. Electroencephalographic
                  Normal            Low voltage changing                Burst
                                to seizure activity Rutherford M, etto isoelectric of
                                Biagioni E, Mercuri E,               al: Combined use
                         electroencephalogram and magnetic resonance imaging in full-term
                              neonates with acute encephalopathy. Pediatrics 2001;107:461
05/26/2010               Khorfakkan Hospital Pediatric Department
Clinical Manifestations
  Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy in Term
  Infants (cont.)
  Signs:          Stage 1                           Stage 2
  Stage 3
    X. Duration
             <24 hr      if progresses; otherwise,                     Days to weeks
                      may remain normal24 hr to 14 days

    XI. Outcome
             Good                Variable                     Death, severe deficits

                                  Biagioni E, Mercuri E, Rutherford M, et al: Combined use of
                          electroencephalogram and magnetic resonance imaging in full-term
                               neonates with acute encephalopathy. Pediatrics 2001;107:461

05/26/2010               Khorfakkan Hospital Pediatric Department
 Therapy is supportive and directed at the organ system

   Careful attention to :
   •   Ventilatory status and adequate oxygenation
   •   Blood volume,
   • Hemodynamic status
   • Acid-base balance
   • Possible infection
       is important
                                          Dixon G, Badawi N, Kurinczuk JJ, et al: Early
                                 developmental outcomes after newborn encephalopathy.
                                                            Pediatrics 2002;109:26-33.

05/26/2010                Khorfakkan Hospital Pediatric Department
Treatment           (cont.)

   No established effective treatment is available for the brain tissue injury,
    although many drugs (phenobarbital, allopurinol, calcium channel blockers)
   and procedures (total body or local cranial hypothermia) are under study

    Aggressive treatment of seizures is critical and may necessitate
    continuous electroencephalographic monitoring.

                                          Dixon G, Badawi N, Kurinczuk JJ, et al: Early
                                 developmental outcomes after newborn encephalopathy.
                                                            Pediatrics 2002;109:26-33.

05/26/2010               Khorfakkan Hospital Pediatric Department
Treatment          (cont.)

    Seizure activity may be severe and refractory to the usual
    doses of anticonvulsants

    Phenobarbital, the drug of choice, is given with an intravenous loading
    dose (20 mg/kg); additional doses of 10 mg/kg (up to 40-50 mg/kg total) may
    be needed.

    Phenobarbital levels should be monitored 24 hr after the loading dose
    and maintenance therapy (5 mg/kg/24 hr) are begun

    Phenytoin (20 mg/kg loading dose) or lorazepam (0.1 mg/kg) may
    be needed for refractory seizures.

                                           Dixon G, Badawi N, Kurinczuk JJ, et al: Early
                                  developmental outcomes after newborn encephalopathy.
                                                             Pediatrics 2002;109:26-33.
05/26/2010              Khorfakkan Hospital Pediatric Department
    The outcome of hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy ranges from
    complete recovery to death

     The prognosis depending on :
      1.Whether the metabolic and cardiopulmonary complications
          (hypoxia, hypoglycemia, shock) can be treated
      2. Infant's gestational age
         (outcome is poorest if the infant is preterm)
      3. Severity of the encephalopathy

                Battin MR, Dezoete A, Gunn TR, et al: Neurodevelopmental outcome of infants
                       treated with head cooling and mild hypothermia after perinatal asphyxia.
                                                                    Pediatrics 2001;107:480.

05/26/2010                 Khorfakkan Hospital Pediatric Department
Prognosis          (Cont.)

     Severe encephalopathy characterized by :

         1.Flaccid coma


         3.Absence oculocephalic reflexes

         4. Refractory seizures

        Is associated with a poor prognosis

               Battin MR, Dezoete A, Gunn TR, et al: Neurodevelopmental outcome of infants
                      treated with head cooling and mild hypothermia after perinatal asphyxia.
                                                                   Pediatrics 2001;107:480.

05/26/2010                Khorfakkan Hospital Pediatric Department
Prognosis          (Cont.)

    1. A low Apgar score at 20 min
     2. Absence of spontaneous respirations at 20 min of age
     3. Persistence of abnormal neurologic signs at 2 wk of age
    predict death or severe cognitive and motor deficits

               Battin MR, Dezoete A, Gunn TR, et al: Neurodevelopmental outcome of infants
                      treated with head cooling and mild hypothermia after perinatal asphyxia.
                                                                   Pediatrics 2001;107:480.

05/26/2010                Khorfakkan Hospital Pediatric Department
Prognosis            (Cont.)

Brain death
 after neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy is diagnosed by:
 1. Clinical findings of coma unresponsive to pain, auditory, or visual stimulation
 2. Apnea with Pco2 rising from 40 to over 60 mm Hg
 3. Absent brainstem reflexes
   (pupil, oculocephalic, oculovestibular, corneal, gag, sucking)

                 Battin MR, Dezoete A, Gunn TR, et al: Neurodevelopmental outcome of infants
                        treated with head cooling and mild hypothermia after perinatal asphyxia.
                                                                     Pediatrics 2001;107:480.

05/26/2010                  Khorfakkan Hospital Pediatric Department
Thank you

05/26/2010      Khorfakkan Hospital Pediatric Department

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hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy

  • 1. Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy Prof. Saad S Al-Ani Senior Pediatric Consultant Head of Pediatric Department Khorfakkan Hospital . Sharjah
  • 2. Definitions Anoxia is a term used to indicate the consequences of complete lack of oxygen as a result of a number of primary causes Hypoxia refers to an arterial concentration of oxygen that is less than normal Ischemia refers to blood flow to cells or organs that is insufficient to maintain their normal function Biagioni E, Mercuri E, Rutherford M, et al: Combined use of electroencephalogram and magnetic resonance imaging in full-term neonates with acute encephalopathy. Pediatrics 2001;107:461 05/26/2010 Khorfakkan Hospital Pediatric Department 2
  • 3. Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy Is an important cause of permanent damage to CNS cells that may result in neonatal death or be manifested later as cerebral palsy or mental deficiency Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics 19th ed.2010 . pages 566 - 568 05/26/2010 Khorfakkan Hospital Pediatric Department 3
  • 4. Fifteen to 20% of infants with hypoxic- ischemic encephalopathy die in the neonatal period 25-30% of survivors are left with permanent neurodevelopmental abnormalities (cerebral palsy, mental retardation). Dixon G, Badawi N, Kurinczuk JJ, et al: Early developmental outcomes after newborn encephalopathy. Pediatrics 2002;109:26-33 05/26/2010 Khorfakkan Hospital Pediatric Department 4
  • 5. Effects of Asphyxia System Effect I. Central nervous system II.Cardiovascular 1.Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy 1.Myocardial ischemia 2.Infarction 2. Poor contractility 3. Intracranial hemorrhage 3. Cardiac stun 4.Seizures 4. Tricuspid insufficiency 5. Cerebral edema 5. Hypotension 6. Hypotonia 7. Hypertonia Cowan F, Rutherford M, Groenendaal F, et al: Origin and timing of brain lesions in term infants with neonatal encephalopathy. Lancet 2003;361:736- 42. 05/26/2010 Khorfakkan Hospital Pediatric Department 5
  • 6. Effects of Asphyxia System Effect (cont.) III. Pulmonary V. Adrenal 1. Pulmonary hypertension Adrenal hemorrhage 2. Pulmonary hemorrhage 3. Respiratory distress syndrome VI. Gastrointestinal 1. Perforation IV. Renal 2. Ulceration with hemorrhage Acute tubular or cortical necrosis 3. Necrosis Cowan F, Rutherford M, Groenendaal F, et al: Origin and timing of brain lesions in term infants with neonatal encephalopathy. Lancet 2003;361:736- 42. 05/26/2010 Khorfakkan Hospital Pediatric Department 6
  • 7. Effects of Asphyxia System Effect (cont.) VII. Metabolic 1. Inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone 2. Hyponatremia 3. Hypoglycemia VIII. Integument 4. Hypocalcemia Subcutaneous fat necrosis 5. Myoglobinuria IX. Hematology Disseminated intravascular coagulation Cowan F, Rutherford M, Groenendaal F, et al: Origin and timing of brain lesions in term infants with neonatal encephalopathy. Lancet 2003;361:736- 42. 05/26/2010 Khorfakkan Hospital Pediatric Department 7
  • 8. Asphyxia is considered in infants with: 1. Fetal acidosis (pH <7.0) 2. A 5-min Apgar score of 0-3 3. Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy: i. Altered tone ii. Depressed level of consciousness iii. Seizures And 4. Other multiorgan system signs Battin MR, Dezoete A, Gunn TR, et al: Neurodevelopmental outcome of infants treated with head cooling and mild hypothermia after perinatal asphyxia. Pediatrics 2001;107:480 05/26/2010 Khorfakkan Hospital Pediatric Department 8
  • 9. Causes Of Fetal Hypoxia (1) Inadequate oxygenation of maternal blood as a result of: I. Hypoventilation during anesthesia II. Cyanotic heart disease III. Respiratory failure IV. Carbon monoxide poisoning (2) low maternal blood pressure as a result of the hypotension that may: I. Complicate spinal anesthesia II. Result from compression of the vena cava and aorta by the gravid uterus 05/26/2010 Khorfakkan Hospital Pediatric Department 9
  • 10. Causes Of Fetal Hypoxia (cont.) (3) Inadequate relaxation of the uterus to permit placental filling as a result of uterine tetany caused by the administration of excessive oxytocin (4) Premature separation of the placenta Johnson MV: MRI for neonatal encephalopathy in full-term infants. Lancet 2003;361:713-4 05/26/2010 Khorfakkan Hospital Pediatric Department 10
  • 11. Causes Of Fetal Hypoxia (cont.) (5) Impedance to the circulation of blood through the umbilical cord as a result of compression or knotting of the cord (6) Uterine vessel vasoconstriction by cocaine (7) placental insufficiency from numerous causes including toxemia and postmaturity. Johnson MV: MRI for neonatal encephalopathy in full-term infants. Lancet 2003;361:713-4 05/26/2010 Khorfakkan Hospital Pediatric Department 11
  • 12. Fetal hypoxia Abnormal Doppler velocimetry . On an umbilical artery Doppler flow velocity waveform The umbilical placental impedance is so high that the diastolic component shows flow in a reverse direction. This finding is an indication of severe intrauterine hypoxia and intrauterine growth restriction . Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics (on 20 November 2003) 2003 Elsevier 05/26/2010 Khorfakkan Hospital Pediatric Department 12
  • 13. Causes of after birth hypoxia (1)Anemia severe enough to lower the oxygen content of the blood to a critical level, as after severe hemorrhage or hemolytic disease (2) Shock severe enough to interfere with the transport of oxygen to vital organs as a result of i. Overwhelming infection ii. Massive blood loss iii. Intracranial or adrenal hemorrhage Crowley P: Prophylactic corticosteroids for preterm birth. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2002;Issue 1. De Felice C, Toti P, Laurini RN, et al: Early neonatal brain injury in histologic chorioamnionitis. J Pediatr 05/26/2010 Khorfakkan Hospital Pediatric Department2001;138:101 13
  • 14. Causes of after birth hypoxia (cont.) (3) Deficit in arterial oxygen saturation from failure to breathe adequately postnatally because of i. Cerebral defect ii. Narcosis iii. Injury (4) Failure of oxygenation of an adequate amount of blood as a result of severe forms of cyanotic congenital heart disease or pulmonary disease Crowley P: Prophylactic corticosteroids for preterm birth. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2002;Issue 1. De Felice C, Toti P, Laurini RN, et al: Early neonatal brain injury in histologic chorioamnionitis. J Pediatr 2001;138:101 05/26/2010 Khorfakkan Hospital Pediatric Department 14
  • 15. Pathophysiology Within minutes of the onset of total fetal hypoxia : 1.Bradycardia 2. Hypotension 3. decreased cardiac output 4. severe metabolic as well as respiratory acidosis occur The initial circulatory response of the fetus * is increased shunting through the ductus venosus, ductus arteriosus, and foramen ovale * with transient maintenance of perfusion of the brain, heart, and adrenals in preference to the lungs (because of pulmonary vasoconstriction), liver, kidneys, and intestine. 05/26/2010 Khorfakkan Hospital Pediatric Department 15
  • 16. Patterns of periodic fetal heart rate (FHR) deceleration A shows early deceleration occurring during the peak of uterine contractions as a result of pressure on the fetal head . Hon EH: An Atlas of Fetal Heart Rate Patterns . New Haven, CT, Harty Press, 1968.) 05/26/2010 Khorfakkan Hospital Pediatric Department 16
  • 17. Patterns of periodic fetal heart rate (FHR) deceleration (cont . ) B, Late deceleration caused by uteroplacental insufficiency . Hon EH: An Atlas of Fetal Heart Rate Patterns . New Haven, CT, Harty Press, 1968.) 05/26/2010 Khorfakkan Hospital Pediatric Department 17
  • 18. Patterns of periodic fetal heart rate (FHR) deceleration (cont.) C, Variable deceleration as a result of umbilical cord compression . Hon EH: An Atlas of Fetal Heart Rate Patterns . New Haven, CT, Harty Press, 1968.) 05/26/2010 Khorfakkan Hospital Pediatric Department 18
  • 19. Clinical Manifestations Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy in Term Infants Signs: Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 I. Level of consciousness Hyperalert , Lethargic Stuporous coma II. Muscle tone Normal Hypotonic Flaccid III. Posture Normal Flexion Decerebrate Biagioni E, Mercuri E, Rutherford M, et al: Combined use of electroencephalogram and magnetic resonance imaging in full-term neonates with acute encephalopathy. Pediatrics 2001;107:461 05/26/2010 Khorfakkan Hospital Pediatric Department 19
  • 20. Clinical Manifestations Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy in Term Infants (cont.) Signs: Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 IV. Tendon reflexes Clonus ,Hyperactive Hyperactive Absent V. Myoclonus Present Present Absent VI. Moro reflex Strong Weak Absent Biagioni E, Mercuri E, Rutherford M, et al: Combined use of electroencephalogram and magnetic resonance imaging in full-term neonates with acute encephalopathy. Pediatrics 2001;107:461 05/26/2010 Khorfakkan Hospital Pediatric Department 20
  • 21. Clinical Manifestations Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy in Term Infants (cont.) Signs: Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 VII. Pupils Mydriasis Miosis Unequal Poor light reflex VIII. Seizures None Common Decerebration IX. Electroencephalographic Normal Low voltage changing Burst suppression to seizure activity Rutherford M, etto isoelectric of Biagioni E, Mercuri E, al: Combined use electroencephalogram and magnetic resonance imaging in full-term neonates with acute encephalopathy. Pediatrics 2001;107:461 05/26/2010 Khorfakkan Hospital Pediatric Department 21
  • 22. Clinical Manifestations Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy in Term Infants (cont.) Signs: Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 X. Duration <24 hr if progresses; otherwise, Days to weeks may remain normal24 hr to 14 days XI. Outcome Good Variable Death, severe deficits Biagioni E, Mercuri E, Rutherford M, et al: Combined use of electroencephalogram and magnetic resonance imaging in full-term neonates with acute encephalopathy. Pediatrics 2001;107:461 05/26/2010 Khorfakkan Hospital Pediatric Department 22
  • 23. Treatment Therapy is supportive and directed at the organ system manifestations Careful attention to : • Ventilatory status and adequate oxygenation • Blood volume, • Hemodynamic status • Acid-base balance • Possible infection is important Dixon G, Badawi N, Kurinczuk JJ, et al: Early developmental outcomes after newborn encephalopathy. Pediatrics 2002;109:26-33. 05/26/2010 Khorfakkan Hospital Pediatric Department 23
  • 24. Treatment (cont.) No established effective treatment is available for the brain tissue injury, although many drugs (phenobarbital, allopurinol, calcium channel blockers) and procedures (total body or local cranial hypothermia) are under study Aggressive treatment of seizures is critical and may necessitate continuous electroencephalographic monitoring. Dixon G, Badawi N, Kurinczuk JJ, et al: Early developmental outcomes after newborn encephalopathy. Pediatrics 2002;109:26-33. 05/26/2010 Khorfakkan Hospital Pediatric Department 24
  • 25. Treatment (cont.) Seizure activity may be severe and refractory to the usual doses of anticonvulsants Phenobarbital, the drug of choice, is given with an intravenous loading dose (20 mg/kg); additional doses of 10 mg/kg (up to 40-50 mg/kg total) may be needed. Phenobarbital levels should be monitored 24 hr after the loading dose and maintenance therapy (5 mg/kg/24 hr) are begun Phenytoin (20 mg/kg loading dose) or lorazepam (0.1 mg/kg) may be needed for refractory seizures. Dixon G, Badawi N, Kurinczuk JJ, et al: Early developmental outcomes after newborn encephalopathy. Pediatrics 2002;109:26-33. 05/26/2010 Khorfakkan Hospital Pediatric Department 25
  • 26. Prognosis The outcome of hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy ranges from complete recovery to death The prognosis depending on : 1.Whether the metabolic and cardiopulmonary complications (hypoxia, hypoglycemia, shock) can be treated 2. Infant's gestational age (outcome is poorest if the infant is preterm) 3. Severity of the encephalopathy Battin MR, Dezoete A, Gunn TR, et al: Neurodevelopmental outcome of infants treated with head cooling and mild hypothermia after perinatal asphyxia. Pediatrics 2001;107:480. 05/26/2010 Khorfakkan Hospital Pediatric Department 26
  • 27. Prognosis (Cont.) Severe encephalopathy characterized by : 1.Flaccid coma 2.Apnea 3.Absence oculocephalic reflexes 4. Refractory seizures Is associated with a poor prognosis Battin MR, Dezoete A, Gunn TR, et al: Neurodevelopmental outcome of infants treated with head cooling and mild hypothermia after perinatal asphyxia. Pediatrics 2001;107:480. 05/26/2010 Khorfakkan Hospital Pediatric Department 27
  • 28. Prognosis (Cont.) 1. A low Apgar score at 20 min 2. Absence of spontaneous respirations at 20 min of age 3. Persistence of abnormal neurologic signs at 2 wk of age predict death or severe cognitive and motor deficits Battin MR, Dezoete A, Gunn TR, et al: Neurodevelopmental outcome of infants treated with head cooling and mild hypothermia after perinatal asphyxia. Pediatrics 2001;107:480. 05/26/2010 Khorfakkan Hospital Pediatric Department 28
  • 29. Prognosis (Cont.) Brain death after neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy is diagnosed by: 1. Clinical findings of coma unresponsive to pain, auditory, or visual stimulation 2. Apnea with Pco2 rising from 40 to over 60 mm Hg 3. Absent brainstem reflexes (pupil, oculocephalic, oculovestibular, corneal, gag, sucking) Battin MR, Dezoete A, Gunn TR, et al: Neurodevelopmental outcome of infants treated with head cooling and mild hypothermia after perinatal asphyxia. Pediatrics 2001;107:480. 05/26/2010 Khorfakkan Hospital Pediatric Department 29
  • 30. Thank you 05/26/2010 Khorfakkan Hospital Pediatric Department 30