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Partner Workshop
We’re excited that you’re a part of the GlobalGiving community!
Alexis Nadin
SMART Online Fundraising
GlobalGiving Updates
Cultivating A Fundraising Army
Attracting New GlobalGiving Donors
Retaining Donors
Optimizing Results through Analytics
Client-Consultant Action Planning
Benefiting from Corporate Partnerships
Objectives for Today’s Activity
Help you understand how GlobalGiving fits into your organization’s
overall fundraising strategy
Identify a SMART online fundraising goal for 2015 and challenges to achieving
said goal
Create action steps to achieve your goal
Learn best practices in growing your donor network and retaining existing
Enhance your use of GlobalGiving as the core tool in your online fundraising
Connect you with a local network of non-profit organizations using
the GlobalGiving site and harnessing online fundraising
Break Into Groups & Introduce Yourself
Title and Organization
What is the biggest challenge that you currently face
in terms of online fundraising?
What is one thing that people wouldn’t be able to
guess about you?
GG Feedback Board
Using the sticky notes on the table, throughout the
workshop, post thoughts related to the following:
Have you had a lingering question about GlobalGiving?
Are there specific challenges that you have been facing on
Are there any ideas or opportunities that you want to
SMART Online Fundraising
Making Your Goal Measurable
Dollar amount
Unique donors
Recurring donors
New versus old donors
Donors who make donations as a gifts
Question I
Draft one online fundraising goal that your organization has for the
duration of 2015 that is SMART in nature.
After you have drafted your goal, share with a partner and discuss
to ensure that your goal meets each of the SMART criterion. Revise
Question II
What are the top three challenges that you
foresee in achieving your SMART goal?
Ensure that the descriptions of these challenges are as tangible
as possible.
Make sure that a challenge cited isn’t insurmountable. If it is,
consider whether your goal is realistic and thus SMART after all.
Revise accordingly.
GlobalGiving Updates
Why Did You Join GlobalGiving?
Reach new donors
Build relationships with corporate donors
Take advantage of matching promotions and incentive
Receive tools and resources and participate in trainings
to upgrade online fundraising
Connect with a network of non-profit organizations
Enhance credibility through the due diligence process
Participate in a
Spike in donations
Increase your
project rank
Attract new donors
Engage new donors by sending
personalized thank you notes &
regular reports
Participate in another
Become a Superstar
Drive donation activity on your
project page
Attract a
GlobalGiving Updates
Fundraising Academy
Social Impact Academy
Experimentation with Bonus Days
Town Hall
New website
GG Rewards
New Website
GG Rewards
Partner, Leader, Superstar
GlobalGiving used your feedback to create GG Rewards in order to:
Reward organizations for their engagement and effectiveness
Provide a more flexible way to move from Partner to Superstar
Enhance visualizations to understand your activity
The more points an organization earns, the higher it rises, and the
more likely it is to be recommended to a major donor, featured in a
newsletter, or highlighted in social media.
GG Rewards allows GlobalGiving to reward partners that
are active and engaged on the platform
Report regularly
Drive donations through matching campaigns
Participate in contests
Contribute to the Leadership Council
And more!
Our hypothesis: Organizations that are listening, acting,
and learning are more effective
GG Rewards helps us drive donations to organizations
that are Listening, Acting, and Learning on and off
Earn points by completing a Learning Cycle
Questions III through V
III: What is your current Reward Level?
IV: What are two Engagement actions that you could
take in order to earn points and take steps toward
achieving your SMART online fundraising goal?
V: What are two Effectiveness actions that you could
take in order to earn points and take steps toward
achieving your SMART online fundraising goal?
Short Break
Cultivating A Fundraising Army
Fundraising Captains
Allow you to spread the burden of finding donors
Create “buy-in” opportunities for donors
Strengthen and expand your organization’s donor network
Help donors to feel that they:
Have a powerful impact
Can easily see the results of their donations
Have influence over the direction of your organization
Engaging Fundraising Captains
(& Other Advocates) on GlobalGiving
Fundraiser pages
Year-End Campaign
Bonus Days
• Fundraiser provides
title, summary, and
• Fundraiser sets goal
• Establishes personal
connection between
donor and fundraiser
• Fundraiser can track
donations & progress
towards goal
Marathon or race
Sporting event
Fundraising contest
Disaster relief
When could a
fundraising captain or
advocate build a
fundraiser page?
• Campaigns are
designed to help keep
your donors engaged!
• Deadlines create a
sense of urgency
• Incentives give you a
reason to reach out to
Bonus Days
4 Bonus Days a year
One-day matching campaign
Matching begins at 9 am (Washington, DC time) and lasts
until funds run out or until midnight (DC time)
Matching usually available up to $1,000 per donor per
Usually offer a bonus award for most money raised and
a bonus aware for most individual donors
Year-End Campaign
Great time to achieve your SMART goal!
December 1 – 31
Raise minimum of $3,000 from 30 donors
Bonus awards for the top projects ($ raised)
One award per organization
Awards ranging from $3,000 to $500
Important December Dates
Almost 18% of all online fundraising happens in December
December 1: Giving Tuesday, a daylong effort in the U.S. to
help charities fundraise online during the holiday
shopping season
December 18-24: Week before Christmas, retailers see a
surge in spending
December 29, 30, and 31: Historically biggest fundraising
days of the year!
Identifying Fundraising Captains
When identifying these leaders, consider individuals who:
Care about your organization, the projects that you lead, and/or the issues
that you affect
Will serve as strong brand ambassadors
Can tell (or learn to tell) the story of your organization and project(s) in a
compelling manner
Have large networks
You (or a colleague or board member) will feel comfortable reaching out to
personally with the fundraising captain request.
Question VI
Identify at least five individuals to serve as fundraising
captains in support of your SMART goal. Consider individuals
from the following affiliations:
Board members
Existing donors & supporters
Professional contacts
Friends & family
Community leaders & members
Question VII - VIII
Question VII: What is the average amount of funding raised
per donor for your projects?
Question VIII: Based on your larger SMART goal, what is a
SMART objective that you can set for your fundraising
Group Discussion
Question IX: What actions will you take to engage your
fundraising captains to achieve their SMART objective on
Question X: What tools can you offer your fundraising
captains to ensure that they have maximum resources to
accomplish their SMART objective?
Support for Fundraising Captains
Work together to:
Set a specific fundraising goal
Craft prospect- and donor-appropriate messaging
Create an outreach strategy
Map out prospective donors
Provide outreach templates and FAQs
Send friendly reminders
Harness email and social media (Twitter, Facebook, etc.)
Emphasize why important, why urgent, and why the
donor matters
Be consistent but different!
Show local efforts
Time messages – one month out, one week out, day
Attract New GlobalGiving Donors
Attracting New Donors
Craft a compelling project description
Earn your way toward a low project rank
Create microprojects
Project Page
• Specific, action-
oriented title
• Close-up, high
resolution photos
• Easy to understand,
jargon-free, project
specific summary
• Tangible, realistic
donation options
Or here…
Or here…
Search Ranking Criteria
40% the amount of time since your previous project report
20% the number of donors that your project has attracted
20% the amount of money your project has raised, relative
to other projects
20% how close is the project to being fully funded
Support Ian’s
Nyaka AIDS
• Leaders & Superstars
• Fundraise for an
individual or specific
• $250 - $10,000
• Active on the site for 3
• 1 report, 90 days after
• Tied to an existing
parent project on
• Bump up in
GlobalGiving’s project
Questions XI - XII
Evaluate the existing project that best aligns with your
SMART goal.
Question XI: What three actions can you take to improve
your project page?
Question XII: What is your project rank? What two
actions will you take to improve your rank?
Retaining Donors
According to the
Effectiveness Project
Overall donor retention was
43% from 2013-2014
Repeat donor retention was
New donor retention was only
Group Discussion
Question XIII: List at least five reasons why donors have stopped
giving to your organization in the past and/or reasons why donors
would stop giving to a project. Then, brainstorm at least one
solution for each of the reasons that donors have or would stop
Question XIV: What are three ways that you can increase donor
retention on GlobalGiving?
Each group will share one response to Question XIII and one way
that you can increase retention on GlobalGiving.
Why Donors Stop Giving
No memory of supporting the organization
Not reminded to give again
Didn’t feel connected
Felt other causes are more deserving
Organization wasn’t transparent about how donations
were used
Organization asked for an inappropriate amount
Solutions to Increasing Donor Retention
(& How You Can Do So on GlobalGiving!)
Communicate with donors at least every 90 days (project
Show donors how their funds help you achieve your mission
(project reports)
Personalize your communication (thank you notes)
Encourage donors to make monthly recurring gifts and/or
donations as a gift or tribute to someone
Know your average gift and ask for the right amount
Create a menu of donor
Assign interactions to each
donor group
Assign dates for each
Designate staff responsible
Donor Appreciation
46% of donors stop giving
because they feel like their
donations are not recognized
Send thank you notes as soon
as possible
Share photos, anecdotes and
impact statistics in project
Donation Manager
Access your donor information in real time!
Gross donation information (not counting fees or add ons)
Send thank you notes directly through the GlobalGiving site
Thank You Note Tips
Send notes as soon after the gift arrives as possible
Acknowledge the donation amount and source
Use the filter to identify repeat donors
Ask questions to keep the donor engaged
Remind the donor of the impact that the gift will have
Be personal and warm in the language that you use
Question XV
Have you sent thank you notes? If so, when was the last
time that you sent a thank you note?
What steps will you take to improve your thank you note
template for the project tied to your SMART goal?
Project Reports
Project reports are required every
three months
Emailed to all project donors & posted
on project page
Project reports (2-3 paragraphs):
Close-up, high-res photos
Beneficiary stories
Progress of your project and
Impact stats, specific to your
Call to action
Rating 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent)
Project Report Ratings
How emotionally compelling is the
Is the report on-topic?
Is it written for the correct target
Is it compelling?
Are there high-quality photos?
Question XVI
What was your last project report rated?
What could you do to improve your rating?
Lunch Break
Optimizing Results through Analytics
Why Focus on the Data?
“There’s never enough time/money/resources to have the impact we’d like!”
With good data, you’ll be able to make the greatest impact
with the resources you DO have!
Use Data to Improve Your Fundraising
Time Frame Slider
Running An Organization
Is Like Driving A Car
You have one tank of fuel and a short time to get to your
Without your GPS, you may drive around and hope you
get there, but you stand a good chance of running out of
fuel or arriving late
With your GPS, you’ve got a clear path to get you where
you need to go as quickly and efficiently as possible!
How Can You Use the Data?
Hypothesis: If I make a change to my project page,
visitors will stay on it longer
1. Make a change to your project page (best to test this when
you’re not running other campaigns)
2. Use the slider to compare the average time on page before and
after you made the change
Let’s Say We Made A Change on
Feb.14Jan 1- Feb 14 Feb 14 – April 1
What Can I Do with This Data?
Hypothesis: If we do an outreach campaign via
Facebook, more people will donate to our project
from Facebook than have in the past.
1. Start reaching out to supporters on Facebook
2. Use the slider to compare your top donation
sources before and after the campaign.
Does the proportion of Facebook donors increase?
Same Time of Year, Different Strategy
No specific holiday season
Facebook-focused year-end-
giving campaign
Project Report Metrics
How did donors find your project pages?
• Sent Count – How many people received a copy of the report?
• Open Count – How many people opened the email?
• Clicked Count – How many people clicked a link in the email?
Report email metrics are captured back through May 2013
What can I do with this data?
Hypothesis: My last report didn’t get a very good
open rate. If I change the tone of my subject line,
more people will open my report.
1. When you send your next report, include a subject
line that gives people a concrete reason to open it.
2. Compare the open rates for each report as a
percentage of how many people received the message
to see if your subject line helped.
Let’s try a better subject line
Open rate nearly doubled with the more exciting subject line!
Future test: Can we increase click rates?
Key Takeaways
Data can help maximize the impact you can have with
the limited time and resources you’ve got.
New Web Analytics page available on your
PE Dashboard can share insights about your donations,
project page traffic, and project reports
Listen, Act, Learn. Repeat!
Questions XVII - XX
Question XVII: How many pageviews have you had since
you joined GlobalGiving?
Question XVIII: How long does the average person spend
on your project pages?
Question XIX: On what day did you receive the most visits?
Client-Consultant Action Planning
Group Activity:
Question XX
Break into groups of 3
Review your SMART goal
What continuing challenges do you foresee associated with
achieving this goal?
Are there outstanding questions that you have about online fundraising?
Concerns that remain? Resource limitations?
Take 1 minute to share your goal and challenges with 2 partners.
Then, partners will take 6 minutes to brainstorm and advise on
solutions so that you can accomplish your goal.
Alternatively, consider what challenges you had identified at the start of the day. Then share the
solutions that you had identified with your peer consultants to get their feedback.)
Benefiting from Corporate Partnerships
$3+ million in 2014
98% of Current Partners received portion of funding
Cause Marketing
Gift Cards
Employee Giving
Corporate Referrals
GlobalGiving does not pitch organizations to companies
Make recommendations based on company’s criteria
Regional focus
Thematic focus
Most likely to recommend Superstars, then Leaders
Refer to your dashboard to find your GG Rewards status
Comfortable recommending active & engaged
GlobalGiving does not pitch organizations to companies
Make recommendations based on company’s criteria
Regional focus
Thematic focus
Most likely to recommend Superstars, then Leaders
Refer to your dashboard to find your GG Rewards status
Comfortable recommending active & engaged
Make sure you have a project up if you are responding
• Include your GG strategy
in your overall
fundraising strategy
• Set ambitious, but
realistic goals
• Plan a calendar
• Take advantage of special
events or opportunities
• Use GlobalGiving’s tools
to help you reach your
• Involve your supporters!
• Aim for Superstar-dom
Making the Most
of GlobalGiving
Sign up for a one-on-one consultation
Participate in the Fundraising and/or Social Impact Academy
Read the Tools & Trainings blog
Complete Effectiveness tools
We’re here to help!

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Feb. 19 #3 Succeeding On GlobalGiving
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Feb. 19 #3 Succeeding On GlobalGivingBill Brower

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Current Partner Portland Workshop 2015

  • 1. GlobalGiving Partner Workshop We’re excited that you’re a part of the GlobalGiving community! Alexis Nadin
  • 2. Agenda Introductions SMART Online Fundraising GlobalGiving Updates Cultivating A Fundraising Army Attracting New GlobalGiving Donors Retaining Donors Optimizing Results through Analytics Client-Consultant Action Planning Benefiting from Corporate Partnerships Wrap-Up
  • 3. Objectives for Today’s Activity Help you understand how GlobalGiving fits into your organization’s overall fundraising strategy Identify a SMART online fundraising goal for 2015 and challenges to achieving said goal Create action steps to achieve your goal Learn best practices in growing your donor network and retaining existing donors Enhance your use of GlobalGiving as the core tool in your online fundraising strategy Connect you with a local network of non-profit organizations using the GlobalGiving site and harnessing online fundraising 3
  • 5. Break Into Groups & Introduce Yourself Name Title and Organization What is the biggest challenge that you currently face in terms of online fundraising? What is one thing that people wouldn’t be able to guess about you? 5
  • 6. GG Feedback Board Using the sticky notes on the table, throughout the workshop, post thoughts related to the following: Have you had a lingering question about GlobalGiving? Are there specific challenges that you have been facing on GlobalGiving? Are there any ideas or opportunities that you want to share? 6
  • 9. Making Your Goal Measurable Dollar amount Unique donors Recurring donors New versus old donors Donors who make donations as a gifts 9
  • 10. Question I Draft one online fundraising goal that your organization has for the duration of 2015 that is SMART in nature. Specific Measurable Action-Oriented Realistic Time-Bound After you have drafted your goal, share with a partner and discuss to ensure that your goal meets each of the SMART criterion. Revise accordingly. 10
  • 11. Question II What are the top three challenges that you foresee in achieving your SMART goal? Ensure that the descriptions of these challenges are as tangible as possible. Make sure that a challenge cited isn’t insurmountable. If it is, consider whether your goal is realistic and thus SMART after all. Revise accordingly. 11
  • 13. Why Did You Join GlobalGiving? Reach new donors Build relationships with corporate donors Take advantage of matching promotions and incentive campaigns Receive tools and resources and participate in trainings to upgrade online fundraising Connect with a network of non-profit organizations Enhance credibility through the due diligence process 13
  • 14. Participate in a GlobalGiving campaign Spike in donations Increase your project rank Attract new donors Engage new donors by sending personalized thank you notes & regular reports Participate in another campaign Become a Superstar Drive donation activity on your project page Attract a recurring donor
  • 15. GlobalGiving Updates Fundraising Academy Social Impact Academy Experimentation with Bonus Days Town Hall New website GG Rewards 15
  • 17. 17
  • 18. GG Rewards Partner, Leader, Superstar GlobalGiving used your feedback to create GG Rewards in order to: Reward organizations for their engagement and effectiveness Provide a more flexible way to move from Partner to Superstar Enhance visualizations to understand your activity The more points an organization earns, the higher it rises, and the more likely it is to be recommended to a major donor, featured in a newsletter, or highlighted in social media. 18
  • 19. 19
  • 20.
  • 21. Engagement GG Rewards allows GlobalGiving to reward partners that are active and engaged on the platform Report regularly Drive donations through matching campaigns Participate in contests Contribute to the Leadership Council And more! 21
  • 22. 22
  • 23. Effectiveness Our hypothesis: Organizations that are listening, acting, and learning are more effective GG Rewards helps us drive donations to organizations that are Listening, Acting, and Learning on and off GlobalGiving Earn points by completing a Learning Cycle 23
  • 24. 24
  • 25. 25
  • 26. Questions III through V III: What is your current Reward Level? IV: What are two Engagement actions that you could take in order to earn points and take steps toward achieving your SMART online fundraising goal? V: What are two Effectiveness actions that you could take in order to earn points and take steps toward achieving your SMART online fundraising goal? 26
  • 29. Fundraising Captains Allow you to spread the burden of finding donors Create “buy-in” opportunities for donors Strengthen and expand your organization’s donor network Help donors to feel that they: Have a powerful impact Can easily see the results of their donations Have influence over the direction of your organization
  • 30. Engaging Fundraising Captains (& Other Advocates) on GlobalGiving Fundraiser pages Year-End Campaign Bonus Days 30
  • 31. Fundraiser Page • Fundraiser provides title, summary, and photo • Fundraiser sets goal • Establishes personal connection between donor and fundraiser • Fundraiser can track donations & progress towards goal
  • 32. Birthday Wedding Marathon or race Sporting event Fundraising contest Tribute Disaster relief When could a fundraising captain or advocate build a fundraiser page?
  • 33.
  • 34.
  • 35. 35
  • 36. Campaigns • Campaigns are designed to help keep your donors engaged! • Deadlines create a sense of urgency • Incentives give you a reason to reach out to donors
  • 37. 37
  • 38.
  • 39. Bonus Days 4 Bonus Days a year One-day matching campaign Matching begins at 9 am (Washington, DC time) and lasts until funds run out or until midnight (DC time) Matching usually available up to $1,000 per donor per organization Usually offer a bonus award for most money raised and a bonus aware for most individual donors 39
  • 40. Year-End Campaign Great time to achieve your SMART goal! December 1 – 31 Opt-in Raise minimum of $3,000 from 30 donors Bonus awards for the top projects ($ raised) One award per organization Awards ranging from $3,000 to $500 40
  • 41. Important December Dates Almost 18% of all online fundraising happens in December December 1: Giving Tuesday, a daylong effort in the U.S. to help charities fundraise online during the holiday shopping season December 18-24: Week before Christmas, retailers see a surge in spending December 29, 30, and 31: Historically biggest fundraising days of the year! 41
  • 42. Identifying Fundraising Captains When identifying these leaders, consider individuals who: Care about your organization, the projects that you lead, and/or the issues that you affect Will serve as strong brand ambassadors Can tell (or learn to tell) the story of your organization and project(s) in a compelling manner Have large networks You (or a colleague or board member) will feel comfortable reaching out to personally with the fundraising captain request. 42
  • 43. Question VI Identify at least five individuals to serve as fundraising captains in support of your SMART goal. Consider individuals from the following affiliations: Staff Board members Volunteers Existing donors & supporters Beneficiaries Professional contacts Friends & family Community leaders & members 43
  • 44. Question VII - VIII Question VII: What is the average amount of funding raised per donor for your projects? Question VIII: Based on your larger SMART goal, what is a SMART objective that you can set for your fundraising captains? 44
  • 45. Group Discussion Question IX: What actions will you take to engage your fundraising captains to achieve their SMART objective on GlobalGiving? Question X: What tools can you offer your fundraising captains to ensure that they have maximum resources to accomplish their SMART objective? 45
  • 46. Support for Fundraising Captains Work together to: Set a specific fundraising goal Craft prospect- and donor-appropriate messaging Create an outreach strategy Map out prospective donors Provide outreach templates and FAQs Send friendly reminders 46
  • 47. Messaging Harness email and social media (Twitter, Facebook, etc.) Emphasize why important, why urgent, and why the donor matters Be consistent but different! Show local efforts Time messages – one month out, one week out, day before 47
  • 49. Attracting New Donors Craft a compelling project description Earn your way toward a low project rank Create microprojects 49
  • 50. Attractive Project Page • Specific, action- oriented title • Close-up, high resolution photos • Easy to understand, jargon-free, project specific summary • Tangible, realistic donation options
  • 51.
  • 53. 53
  • 54. Search Ranking Criteria 40% the amount of time since your previous project report 20% the number of donors that your project has attracted 20% the amount of money your project has raised, relative to other projects 20% how close is the project to being fully funded 54
  • 55. Support Ian’s Education Nyaka AIDS Project • Leaders & Superstars • Fundraise for an individual or specific activity • $250 - $10,000 • Active on the site for 3 months • 1 report, 90 days after funded • Tied to an existing parent project on GlobalGiving. • Bump up in GlobalGiving’s project ranking! Microprojects
  • 56. Questions XI - XII Evaluate the existing project that best aligns with your SMART goal. Question XI: What three actions can you take to improve your project page? Question XII: What is your project rank? What two actions will you take to improve your rank? 56
  • 58. According to the Fundraising Effectiveness Project Overall donor retention was 43% from 2013-2014 Repeat donor retention was 64% New donor retention was only 23% 58
  • 59. Group Discussion Question XIII: List at least five reasons why donors have stopped giving to your organization in the past and/or reasons why donors would stop giving to a project. Then, brainstorm at least one solution for each of the reasons that donors have or would stop giving. Question XIV: What are three ways that you can increase donor retention on GlobalGiving? Each group will share one response to Question XIII and one way that you can increase retention on GlobalGiving. 59
  • 60. Why Donors Stop Giving 60 No memory of supporting the organization Not reminded to give again Didn’t feel connected Felt other causes are more deserving Organization wasn’t transparent about how donations were used Organization asked for an inappropriate amount
  • 61. Solutions to Increasing Donor Retention (& How You Can Do So on GlobalGiving!) 61 Communicate with donors at least every 90 days (project reports) Show donors how their funds help you achieve your mission (project reports) Personalize your communication (thank you notes) Encourage donors to make monthly recurring gifts and/or donations as a gift or tribute to someone Know your average gift and ask for the right amount
  • 62.
  • 63.
  • 64.
  • 65.
  • 66. Stewardship Touches Create a menu of donor interactions Assign interactions to each donor group Assign dates for each interaction Designate staff responsible 66
  • 67. Donor Appreciation 46% of donors stop giving because they feel like their donations are not recognized Send thank you notes as soon as possible Share photos, anecdotes and impact statistics in project reports 67
  • 68. 68
  • 69. Donation Manager Access your donor information in real time! Gross donation information (not counting fees or add ons) Send thank you notes directly through the GlobalGiving site
  • 70.
  • 71. Thank You Note Tips Send notes as soon after the gift arrives as possible Acknowledge the donation amount and source Use the filter to identify repeat donors Ask questions to keep the donor engaged Remind the donor of the impact that the gift will have Be personal and warm in the language that you use 71
  • 72. Question XV Have you sent thank you notes? If so, when was the last time that you sent a thank you note? What steps will you take to improve your thank you note template for the project tied to your SMART goal? 72
  • 73. Project Reports Project reports are required every three months Emailed to all project donors & posted on project page Project reports (2-3 paragraphs): Close-up, high-res photos Beneficiary stories Progress of your project and accomplishments Impact stats, specific to your project Call to action Rating 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent) 73
  • 74. 74
  • 75. Project Report Ratings How emotionally compelling is the report/update? Is the report on-topic? Is it written for the correct target audience? Is it compelling? Are there high-quality photos? 75
  • 76. Question XVI What was your last project report rated? What could you do to improve your rating? 76
  • 79. Why Focus on the Data? “There’s never enough time/money/resources to have the impact we’d like!” BUT With good data, you’ll be able to make the greatest impact with the resources you DO have!
  • 80. 80
  • 81. Use Data to Improve Your Fundraising 81 Time Frame Slider Number of Donations Web Analytics Charts
  • 83. Running An Organization Is Like Driving A Car You have one tank of fuel and a short time to get to your destination Without your GPS, you may drive around and hope you get there, but you stand a good chance of running out of fuel or arriving late With your GPS, you’ve got a clear path to get you where you need to go as quickly and efficiently as possible!
  • 84. How Can You Use the Data? Hypothesis: If I make a change to my project page, visitors will stay on it longer Steps: 1. Make a change to your project page (best to test this when you’re not running other campaigns) 2. Use the slider to compare the average time on page before and after you made the change 84
  • 85. Let’s Say We Made A Change on Feb.14Jan 1- Feb 14 Feb 14 – April 1
  • 86. What Can I Do with This Data? Hypothesis: If we do an outreach campaign via Facebook, more people will donate to our project from Facebook than have in the past. Steps: 1. Start reaching out to supporters on Facebook 2. Use the slider to compare your top donation sources before and after the campaign. Does the proportion of Facebook donors increase?
  • 87. Same Time of Year, Different Strategy No specific holiday season strategy Facebook-focused year-end- giving campaign
  • 88. Project Report Metrics How did donors find your project pages? • Sent Count – How many people received a copy of the report? • Open Count – How many people opened the email? • Clicked Count – How many people clicked a link in the email? Report email metrics are captured back through May 2013
  • 89. What can I do with this data? Hypothesis: My last report didn’t get a very good open rate. If I change the tone of my subject line, more people will open my report. Steps: 1. When you send your next report, include a subject line that gives people a concrete reason to open it. 2. Compare the open rates for each report as a percentage of how many people received the message to see if your subject line helped.
  • 90. Let’s try a better subject line Open rate nearly doubled with the more exciting subject line! Future test: Can we increase click rates?
  • 91. Key Takeaways Data can help maximize the impact you can have with the limited time and resources you’ve got. New Web Analytics page available on your PE Dashboard can share insights about your donations, project page traffic, and project reports Listen, Act, Learn. Repeat!
  • 92. Questions XVII - XX Question XVII: How many pageviews have you had since you joined GlobalGiving? Question XVIII: How long does the average person spend on your project pages? Question XIX: On what day did you receive the most visits? Donations?
  • 94. Group Activity: Question XX Break into groups of 3 Review your SMART goal What continuing challenges do you foresee associated with achieving this goal? Are there outstanding questions that you have about online fundraising? Concerns that remain? Resource limitations? Take 1 minute to share your goal and challenges with 2 partners. Then, partners will take 6 minutes to brainstorm and advise on solutions so that you can accomplish your goal. Alternatively, consider what challenges you had identified at the start of the day. Then share the solutions that you had identified with your peer consultants to get their feedback.)
  • 96. $3+ million in 2014 98% of Current Partners received portion of funding
  • 101. Corporate Referrals GlobalGiving does not pitch organizations to companies Make recommendations based on company’s criteria Regional focus Thematic focus Most likely to recommend Superstars, then Leaders Refer to your dashboard to find your GG Rewards status Comfortable recommending active & engaged organizations
  • 102. Disaster GlobalGiving does not pitch organizations to companies Make recommendations based on company’s criteria Regional focus Thematic focus Most likely to recommend Superstars, then Leaders Refer to your dashboard to find your GG Rewards status Comfortable recommending active & engaged organizations Make sure you have a project up if you are responding
  • 103.
  • 105. • Include your GG strategy in your overall fundraising strategy • Set ambitious, but realistic goals • Plan a calendar • Take advantage of special events or opportunities • Use GlobalGiving’s tools to help you reach your goals • Involve your supporters! • Aim for Superstar-dom Making the Most of GlobalGiving
  • 106. Sign up for a one-on-one consultation Participate in the Fundraising and/or Social Impact Academy Read the Tools & Trainings blog Complete Effectiveness tools We’re here to help!