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The Heritage of Cultures and
Traditions in a Multicultural Society
– Religious Traditions -
IES Xelmírez I
Santiago de Compostela
Remains of our Prehistory
Laurisilva Forest in the
Canary Islands: relics
of the vegetation type
as it was in the Tertiary
Period Footprints of dinosaurs
found in the north of Spain
 This archaeological site
contains a rich fossil record of
the earliest human beings in
Europe, from nearly 1.500.000
years ago and extending up to
the Common Era.
 They represent an exceptional
reserve of data, the scientific
study of which provides
priceless information about
the way these remote human
ancestors looked like and
Atapuerca (Burgos)
(1,000,000 years ago)
of the old
settlers in
Palaeolithic Cave Art
(35.000-11.000 B.C.)
The cave of Altamira
 The caves are
masterpieces of the
humanity’s earliest
accomplished art.
 They are exceptional
testimonies to a cultural
tradition and
outstanding illustrations
of a significant stage in
human history.
Pre-Roman Spain
When? Who? Where?
Prehistoric Times Iberian peoples East and South of Spain:
Andalucía & the
Mediterranean Coast
2000 B.C. Celtic tribes North of Spain: Galicia,
Asturias and Cantabria
900-650 B.C. Celt Iberians Throughout the Peninsula
1100-700 B.C. Phoenician South-west coast: Cádiz
600 B.C. Greek North-east coast: Catalonia
400-200 B.C. Carthaginian Coming from the north of
Africa, they settled down
in current Cartagena
Megalithic Monuments
 Architectonic formations built with big stones with a funerary purpose.
 They date back to the Neolithic period and the Bronze Age and are
chiefly found in Galicia (Spain), Brittany (France) and Cornwall (England)
Dolmen Axeitos
(A Coruña)
Menhir (Gargantáns, Pontevedra)
The Celts
 Arrived in the year 2000 B.C.
 Came from the north of Europe
 Settled down in the north and west of the Peninsula
 Galicia has been influenced by the Celts
Os Castros - Ancient Fortifications
(4th C B.C. – 6th C A.D.)
 “Os Castros" are fortified
villages located in high
strategic places.
 The fortifications are
vestiges of ancient culture.
 In Galicia there are
hundreds of these fort hills.
Baroña – A Coruña
Santa Tegra - Pontevedra
Viladonga - Lugo
The Iberians
 Arrived around the year 2500 B.C.
 Came from the south
 The name of Iberia is taken from this tribe
It was made of sandstone
It was found with some
rests of colour painting
It dates back to the V
Century B.C.
The Lady of Elche
The Roman Invasion
The Roman times
(200 B.C. – 500 A.C.)
The Legacy of Ancient Rome:
 Engineering: roads, bridges,
aqueducts, baths
 Architecture: amphitheatres
 The Roman Law
 The Latin Language
 The Christian Religion
Ancient Roman arquitecture in Spain
 The Roman Theatre in Mérida  Fábara Roman Sepulchre (Zaragoza)
 The Roman Aqueduct of Segovia  Las Médulas Roman Mines
Ancient Roman arquitecture in Galicia
 The Tower of Hercules (A Coruña)
It is the oldest lighthouse in the world (II C.E.)
 The Roman Walls of Lugo
They are considered to be «the finest surviving
example of late Roman military fortifications».
 The Roman Bridge of Ourense  The Roman Bridge of Lugo
The End of the Western Roman Empire
The Visigoths
(V-VII c.)
 A Germanic people coming from the north of Europe
 After sacking Rome, they establish their kingdom in
the north-east of Spain
 Toledo becomes the capital of their kingdom
Sta Comba de Bande (Ourense)
San Juan de Baños de Cerrato (Palencia)
Sta María de Melque (Toledo)
A-Andalus 711-1492
Muslim Invasion
 It started in 711AD
 The Muslims came from the north of
Africa into the Iberian Peninsula and
stayed here for 7 centuries.
 The highest and most refined European
society in the Middle Ages was developed.
Muslim legacy
The legacy of Muslim Spain:
 To improve our scientific knowledge, they introduced:
 the concept of “zero” in mathematics.
 Algebra, geometry and trigonometry.
 Alchemy, chemistry, medicine and astronomy
 Chess
 Our linguistic knowledge got improved thanks to:
 The recovery of Aristotle's texts translated in the School of Translators.
 The spread of rhymed poetry
 Lots of words in the Spanish language
 Our everyday life by bringing:
 New fruits and vegetables unknown in Europe: silk, cotton, paper, sugar,
orange, lemon, pomegranate.
 The carpet and the power
…and a Magnificent Architecture
The Giralda Tower of
The Alcazar of Seville
The Arab Baths of Mallorca
The Golden Tower of Seville
The Great Mosque of Córdoba
The Alhambra (XII-XV)
The phylosophical thought in the XII c.
 Arab philosopher who recovers
lost texts by Aristotle, translated
from Syrian into Arab.
 His studies of Aristotle will be
translated into Hebrew and Latin
 He will become a reference for
the Aristotelian Philosophers,
included ST. Thomas from Aquino
 Universities
start to be
 AVERROES: Arab philosopher from
philosopher from Córdoba
 Prominent medieval
Spanish, Sephardic
Jewish philosopher
 Author of Guide for the
 It is considered the Spanish greatest epic
 It was finished in 1200
 It recounts the deeds of the Castilian knight
Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar
 A Spanish literary gender cultivated in the XIII
century by clergymen
 Consists of a 4 Alexandrian verses (14 syllables
each) with a regular metre (cuaderna vía).
 Its development is linked to the growing
importance of the Way to Santiago
 Poet and Priest, one of the
relevant figures of the Mester
de Clerecía.
 Author of the Book of Alexandre
Manuscript of
the Song of the Cid
The Way to Santiago de Compostela
 The Camino de Santiago (The Way
of St. James) was the most
important pilgrimage route in
Medieval Europe
 Born under the legend that St.
James was buried in Santiago,
pilgrims started to get there to
visit the shrine of the Apostle.
 Along its way, cities were born
and monasteries, churches and
shelters were built so that
pilgrims could stay during their
 Romanesque style (10th-13th)
emerges in Europe.
 Cloister of Monastery of Silos
Church of San Martín de Fromista
Monastery of Las
Medieval Routes to
Santiago de Compostela
Pantocrator en San Clemente de Tahull (Lleida)
Collegiate Church
of Santa María de
Sar (Santiago de
Moarves de Ojeda (Palencia)
Monastery of St. Joan de les Abadesses
The first artistic style which was
common to all of Christian Europe
Burgos Cathedral
Church of Sta. María A Nova (Noia-
Period of the great cathedrals, raising
to the sky in search of Divinity
Leon Cathedral
Sta María del Mar
Portico of Glory (Santiago Cathedral)
Alfonso X “The Wise”
The School of Translators of Toledo
 Christian, Muslims and Jewish
work together translating works
from Arab into Latin
 Aristotle's works as well as other
books from Arab authors were
translated in this school.
 Relevant figure of the XIII Century
 King of Castile
 Director of the School Of Translators of
 A great promoter of romance languages,
leading Castilian and Galician
languages to their great splendour.
Alfonso X The Wise
 Cantigas de Santa María
(420 compositions devoted to the
Virgin Mary and written in Galician-
Portuguese language)
Martín Codax (XIII)
 The only trovador from whom
we have a personal songbook.
 Cantigas de Amigo
Ondas do mar de Vigo
Mandad'ey comigo
Mha irmana fremosa treydes
Ay Deus se sab'ora meu amado
Quantas sabedes amar amigo
En o sagrad' e Vigo
Ay ondas que eu vin veer
The Reconquest
 The Christian Kingdoms from the north started
conquering the lands belonging to Al-Andalus.
 It ends with the conquest of the Nasrid Kingdom of
Granada in 1492.
The Catholic King and Queen
 In 1492 the Catholic King and Queen conquered the
Nazrid Kingdom of Granada.
 Roman Catholicism is established as the state religion.
 Within 10 years, most Jews and Muslims are either
forced to convert or are expelled from the country
during the Inquisition
 The Modern State of Spain is created
The arrival in the New World
 Christopher Columbus arrives in the New World
 An era of exploration and sea conquest starts.
Habsburg or Austrian Dinasty
Carlos I of Spain is crowned
emperor of what is called The
Sacred Empire in 1519.
Monastery of El Escorial (Madrid): royal palace, basilica and
pantheon built by Juan de Herrera for Felipe II (1563-1584)
 Man becomes the measure of all things
 Revival of the values of Ancient Greece
and Rome
 A period of military and political splendor
Palace of Carlos I (Granada):
started to be built in 1527
Javalquinto Palace (Baeza)
Santiago Hospital
EL GRECO (1541-1614)
The burial of Count of Orgaz - 1587
 Painter of the late Reinassance
 Painted mostly religious scenes
 A very personal style.
Adoration of the sheperds (1612-13)
(late 16th and 17th centuries)
 A period of political and social turmoil, but…
 A great and prosperous period for architecture, painting and
mainly literature.
Murillo (1617-1682)
José de Ribera
Zurbarán (1598-1664)
And The Great VELÁZQUEZ (1599-1660)
 One of the most important Spanish painters of all times.
 He worked in the Court of King Felipe IV
 He painted portraits and historical and cultural scenes
 He was a model for Impressionists, as well as for Picasso and Dali.
Pope Innocent X
The surrender of Breda
The fable of Arachne (Las Hilanderas)
Felipe IV
Old Woman
frying eggs
 It is considered the most
famous painting by
 It’s worth pointing out his
mastery at representing
the three-dimensional
The Golden Age in Spanish Literature
(XVI & XVII centuries)
Góngora (1561-1627): the main exponent of Culteranism.
Quevedo (1580-1645): representant of Conceptism.
 Dominated by the contrasting styles of these two poets
 They both influenced other writers and the language itself
Ayer se fue, mañana no ha llegado,
Hoy se está yendo sin parar un punto;
Soy un fue, y un seré y un es cansado
“A Pales su viciosa cumbre debe
Lo que a Ceres, y aun mas, su vega llana;
Pues si en la una granos de oro llueve,
Copos nieva en la otra mil de lana.
De cuantos siegan oro, esquilan nieve,
O en pipas guardan la exprimida grana,
Bien sea religión, bien amor sea,
Deidad, aunque sin templo, es Galatea.”
“To Pales are its rugged peaks indebted
For what are fields, and more, to Ceres owing;
If one is with a rain of gold grains wetted,
Wool flakes in scores are on the other snowing.
Or to those who fleece the snow or gold are moving,
They worship, either out of love, or piety,
Without a temple, Galatea’s deity.”
(English Translation by Miroslav John Hanak[10])
From Polifemo and Galatea
Yesterday is gone, tomorrow hasn’t come,
Today is leaving without stopping anywhere:
I am a was, a will be, a tired am
The Golden Century in the Spanish
Literature (XVI & XVII centuries)
DRAMA:  Lope de Vega (1562-1635):
Regarded as one of the best dramatist in Western
Literature, he renewed the Spanish Theatre, defining its
Author of Fuenteovejuna, based on a historical event,
where the villagers killed the major and to the question
of who killed him, they all answered “Fuenteovejuna”.
 Calderón de la Barca (1600-1681):
Author of philosophical-religious dramas and considered
one of the best playwrights of world literature.
Author of Life is a Dream, an allegory of the human
situation and the mystery of life.
El corral de comedias theatre
Calderón de la Barca Lope de Vega
Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616)
 Miguel de Cervantes is considered the greatest writer
of Spanish Literature.
 He was the author of Don Quixote (1605), which is
considered to be the first modern novel.
 In the novel, he parodied classical morality and
In a village of La Mancha, the name of
which I have no desire to call to mind, there
lived not long since one of those gentlemen
that keep a lance in the lance-rack, an old
buckler, a lean hack, and a greyhound for
The War of the Spanish Succession (1700-1714)
 Carlos II dies without heir.
 Spain loses all its territories outside the Iberian Peninsula.
 The Utrecht Treaty gives out all the Spanish possessions to the
European Powers which fight for Carlos’s legacy.
 Felipe V is proclaimed King of Spain, becoming the first king of
the Borbon Dynasty in 1701.
The War of Independence (1808)
 Napoleon occupied Spain and forced King
Carlos IV and his son Fernando VII to abdicate
in favour of his brother José Bonaparte.
 On May 2nd 1808, the inhabitants of Madrid
rebelled against the French government and
the War of Independence started (1808-1814).
The Third of May by
Goya 1814
Francisco de GOYA (1746-1828)
 Painter at the Court of Carlos IV
 His paintings moved from portraits of the Monarchy to
social and political matters, showing the horrors of
the War of Independence
 During the last years of his life, after becoming deaf,
he devoted his life to dark and mournful paintings.
The Family of Charles IV, 1801
Etching from The Caprices, 1799
Clothed Maja and Nude Maja, 1802-05
XIX Century
It was a very unstable century
 In 1812, a Constitution is proclaimed in Cadiz.
 It marked the end of absolutism and the beginning of a parliamentary
 In 1815 Fernando VII is restored to the throne.
(XIX century)
The best represantive of the Galician literature
BÉCQUER (1836-1870)
Adiós, ríos; adios, fontes;
adios, regatos pequenos;
adios, vista dos meus ollos:
non sei cando nos veremos.
Volverán las oscuras golondrinas
en tu balcón sus nidos a colgar,
y otra vez con el ala a sus cristales
jugando llamarán.
The crises of 1898:
The Spanish-American War
 From 1811 to 1898 Spanish colonies declared their
 In 1898 Spain loses control of Cuba, Puerto Rico and the
Philipines, which meant the end of an empire.
The Generation of ‘98
 Literary group of Spanish intellectuals and philosophers
 Miguel de Unamuno (1864-1936): philosopher, novelist, poet, playwright
 Ramon Mª del Valle Inclán
(1866-1936): novelist, poet
and playwright, creator of
 Antonio Machado (1875-1939):
poet representant of Modernism
Isaac Albéniz
Manuel de Falla
Enrique Granados
SOROLLA (1893-1923)
Impressionist painter: he captured the
Mediterranean light in a very essential way.
A walk along the
beach (1909)
Boys at the beach (1910)
Antoni GAUDI (1852-1926)
The architect of nature
 Representative of Modernism.
 His buildings are characterized by its
bending and geometrical forms.
 Inspired by nature, his work evolves
between tradition and innovation
The Sacred Family
La Pedrera
Before the Civil War
King Alfonso XIII
The Second Republic
During the
second Republic,
several laws such
as the Divorce
and Women’s
right for voting
were passed
His inability to rule the country led to:
 The Dictatorship of Primo de Rivera
 He was forced out of the country.
Spanish Civil War (1936-1939 )
 It broke out when the Spanish
Army in Morocco, leaded by
Francisco Franco, rose up
against the Republican
Government of Manuel Azaña.
 The right wing or Nationalists
were helped by the fascist
governments of Germany
(Hitler) and Italy (Mussolini).
 It was a fierce and bloody war
which led to a 40 year
Francisco Franco
The Civil War (1936-1939)
 The left or Republicans
were supported by the
Soviet Union and Mexico,
as well as by some
European Democracies.
 The International
Brigades (40.000
volunteers from Europe
and 3.000 from North
America) fought for the
 Among these volunteers,
there were famous
writers such as Ernest
Hemingway and George
The International Brigades
A war between the Nationalists (in favour of the Dictator, and the Republicans.
Pictures of the War
PICASSO The Guernica
 This painting by Picasso represents the bombarding of the town of Guernica
by the German Aircraft in 1937.
 It can be seen at the Reina Sofia Museum in Madrid.
The Generation of 1927
The most popular and influential poet
of the XX century
His poems reflected the sadness
and sorrow of the Civil War.
Poetry does not
want adepts, it
wants lovers.
"Farewell, brothers, comrades, friends: Give my goodbyes to
the sun and the wheat fields".
“Poetry is something that wanders on the streets. That moves, that passes
by . Everything has its own mystery, and poetry is the mystery that all the
things have.
Franco’s Dictatorship
 For 40 years, Spain suffered the hard military
dictatorship, which was sustained with the help of the
army and the church.
 The country sank into a state of represion and lack of
 Use of geometric shapes
 Interlocking planes
 Austere colour range
 A way to express the
 Irrational representation
of dreams
Pablo Picasso
Salvador Dalí
Joan Miro
Pablo Picasso: the most
influential artist of the 20th C
Science and Charity (1897)
 Painter, sculptor, printmaker and ceramicist
 Co-founder of Cubism, inventor of constructed sculpture
and co-inventor of collage
 His works of art belonged to different styles, which he
helped to develop and change.
Les Demoiselles d'Avignon (1907)
First Cubist painting
Life (1903)
Portrait of Dora Maar (1937)
Harlequin (1917) Las Meninas (1937)
Bather sitting by the sea (1930)
Family by the Sea (1922)
representant of Surrealism
 Famous for his artistic manifestations in painting, photography, sculpture
and collaborations in cinema.
 Eccentric in his art and in his life, he painted his dreams in a personal
surrealist way.
The Persistence of Memory (1931)
The great masturbator (1929)
 His work depicted his interest for the subconscious, for the childlike and
for Catalonia.
 Not only a painter, he was also an sculptor and a ceramist.
 Although influenced by Surrealism and Dadaism, Miró developed his own
personal style
Woman and Bird (1982)
The smile of the flamboyant wings (1953)
"the marriage of the film image to the poetic image, creating a new
reality...scandalous and subversive“ Octavio Paz, poet
 Prolific filmmaker who made films of many different styles and
 He made the first Surrealist short-film ever.
El perro andaluz (1929)
First Surrrealist silent short-film
The avant-garde
Combs of the Wind (1976) San Sebastian Bay
(hiperrealism) (expresionism)
Lavabo y espejo 1967
La gran cena española 1985
Spain today: a move to Democracy
 After Franco’s
death, Juan Carlos
de Borbón is named
King of Spain.
 Spain becomes a
 First Free Elections
after 40 years are
held in 1977King Juan Carlos, Queen Sofía and Prince Felipe de Borbón
Autonomous Regions
 The linguistic and
cultural diversity and
variety of Spain is
reflected into the 17
autonomous regions
as stated in the
Spanish Constitution
of 1978
 Galicia, Basque
Country and
Catalonia have their
own official language
apart from Spanish
 Diversity is shown
traditions, food,
folklore, language…
The 80’S:
La Movida (1977-1985)
 The 80’s represented a great change in the life of Spaniards:
 Transition into Democracy after 40 years Dictatorship
 Catching up with cultural and social European life
 Breaking with repression through music, fashion, cinema …
 Expressing, creating, growing, being free
 The movement started in Madrid but it also occurred in other
cities like Vigo in Galicia.
 Born in 1947 in a small town in
the centre of Spain
 He is perhaps the most well-
known Spanish film director in
the world.
 Provocative and stylish, he
depicts peculiar characters who
show his sexual, socio-cultural
and religious obsessions.
 Winner of two Oscars, he has
been also awarded with many
more prizes around the world.
On the way to Europe
 1986: Spain enters the
European Union
 1999: Spain adopts the
Euro as its official
monetary unit.
 2010: Spain becomes
president of the
European Union
Our Literature Today
Spanish Cinema Today: our best filmmakers
Alex de La Iglesia: The day of the Beast
J.A. Ballona:
The impossible
Rodrigo Cortés:
Alejandro Amenabar:
The Others
Isabel Coixet:
Paris, je t’aime
Agustín Diaz Yanes:
Jaume Balagueró: REC
Fernando Trueba:
Belle Epoque
Julio Medem:
Lucy and Sex
Iciar Bollain:
I give you my eyes
F. León de Aranoa:
Mondays in the Sun
José Luís Cuerda:
David Trueba:
Soldiers of Salamina
Juán C. Fresnadillo:
28 weeks later
Jaime Rosales:
José Luís Garci:
The best Stars of Spanish Cinema
Maribel Verdú Javier Bardem
Eduardo Noriega
Fele Martínez
Luís Tosar
Verónica Echegui
Ariadna Gil
Leonor Watling
Pilar López de Ayala
Elena Anaya
Penélope Cruz
Paz Vega
1904 - Nobel Prize for Literature - José Echegaray, playwright.
1906 - Nobel Prize for Medicine - Santiago Ramón y Cajal, researcher and doctor.
1922 – Nobel Prize for Literature – Jacinto Benavente, playwright.
1959 - Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine - Severo Ochoa, researcher and scientist.
1956 - Nobel Prize for Literature – Juan Ramón Jimenez, poet.
1977 – Nobel Prize for Literature – Vicente Aleixandre, poet.
1989 – Nobel Prize for Literature – Camilo José Cela, novelist.
Music and Folklore
 Flamenco is the fusion of vocal music
(CANTE), the art of dancing (BAILE) and
guitar playing (TOQUE).
 A musical expression from Andalucía (south
of Spain) which has been integrating
features from the different cultures which
have been settled there.
 It is a symbol of identity for the Gypsies.
Diego el Cigala
Vicente Amigo
Cristina Hoyos
Raimundo Amador
Paco de Lucía
Joaquín Cortés
Sara Baras
Estrella Morente
Enrique Morente Camarón de la Isla
Music and Folklore - Galicia
 Milladoiro
 Mercedes Peón
 Amancio Prada
 Berrogueto
 Abe Rábade Trio
Carlos Núñez
Spanish Music
Spanish Athletes
Nadal, tennis player
Eva Mengual,
synchronized swimmer.
Alberto Contador, cyclist
Ricky Rubio, Pau and Mark Gassol,
José Calderón and Rudy
Fernández, basketball players,
now playing at the NBA (USA)
Fernando Alonso, Formula I pilot.
José Calderón, basketball
player, now playing at the NBA
La Roja, Spanish football team
Dani Pedrosa, Marc
Márquez and Jorge
Lorenzo, GP
motorcycle racers
Religious Traditions in Spain
of the Holy
Week in
Virgen de la
the oldest in
The Virgen is
known as “la
(the dark-
Virgen del Rocío
pilgrimage, one of
the most popular
pilgrimages in the
Religious Celebrations in Galicia
The Virgin of the Miracles
from Amil
 Celebrated every
September 8th since
17th C. in Moaña.
 Based on the belief
that the Virgin helped
a thirsty man who
wasn’t able to walk by
putting a spring of
water next to him.
 People put bank notes
on the dress of the
Holy Week in
 For over 170 years, people
decorate the streets of this
town with carpets made with
petals from fresh flowers.
Corpus Christy Procession
in Ponteareas
 One of the oldest
traditions in Galicia, it
dates back to the XIII c.
 These processions
commemorate the
passion, death and
resurrection of Jesus
Religious Celebrations in Galicia
The Virgin of the Boat
 Celebrated every September in Muxía since XIV c.
 According to the legend, the Virgin appeared to
St. Jacques in a boat surrounded by angels.
 Traditionally, people go under the stone of the
kidneys and step on the moving stone to put it
into motion.
St Andrews of
 A place full of
traditions and
legends, filled with
 Traditionally people
drink from the
fountain and throw a
piece of bread into it
A San Andrés de Teixido vai
de morto o que non foi de
(To St. Andrews of Teixido
goes dead that who didn’t
go alive)
The Procession of the
 Dating back to the XV C., it is celebrated on the 3rd
Sunday of September.
 All those people who have been close to death, offer
to go behind the shroud and coffin in a procession.
Some curiosities about
Spanish customs
We usually divide the day into 2 parts:
• Morning: 8:00 – 14:00
• Lunch time: 14:00 – 16:00
• Afternoon: 16:00 – 20:00
So, it is common to find shops closed at lunch time. Banks and
administrative premises are closed to the public after 14:00 pm
Our meals consist of:
• A light, frugal breakfast (coffee or chocolate with milk and biscuits
or toast) between 7 and 8 am.
• Lunch: the heaviest meal of the day, it is usually had between
14:00 and 15:00 pm
• Dinner is usually light and it is eaten between 21:00 and 22:00 pm.
After a heavy lunch we usually have a siesta (a short nap to refresh
and start afternoon life again)
Some of the Best Cooks and
restaurants in the World
(Juan Mari & Elena)
(Ferrán Adriá)
El Celler de CAN ROCA
(Joan, Josep & Jordi)
Carme Ruscalleda
(Pedro Subijana)
Our Gastronomy
As varied and diverse as its history, its culture, its peoples, so it is our gastronomy
Galician Dishes
World-known fashion firms from Spain
Spanish Culture
throughout its
The heritage of cultures and
traditions in a multicultural
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  • 4. Remains of our Prehistory  TERTIARY PERIOD  JURASSIC TIMES Laurisilva Forest in the Canary Islands: relics of the vegetation type as it was in the Tertiary Period Footprints of dinosaurs found in the north of Spain
  • 5. UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE CENTRE  This archaeological site contains a rich fossil record of the earliest human beings in Europe, from nearly 1.500.000 years ago and extending up to the Common Era.  They represent an exceptional reserve of data, the scientific study of which provides priceless information about the way these remote human ancestors looked like and lived. Atapuerca (Burgos) (1,000,000 years ago) Recreation of the old settlers in Atapuerca
  • 6. Palaeolithic Cave Art (35.000-11.000 B.C.) The cave of Altamira  The caves are masterpieces of the humanity’s earliest accomplished art.  They are exceptional testimonies to a cultural tradition and outstanding illustrations of a significant stage in human history.
  • 7. Pre-Roman Spain When? Who? Where? Prehistoric Times Iberian peoples East and South of Spain: Andalucía & the Mediterranean Coast 2000 B.C. Celtic tribes North of Spain: Galicia, Asturias and Cantabria 900-650 B.C. Celt Iberians Throughout the Peninsula 1100-700 B.C. Phoenician South-west coast: Cádiz 600 B.C. Greek North-east coast: Catalonia 400-200 B.C. Carthaginian Coming from the north of Africa, they settled down in current Cartagena
  • 8. Megalithic Monuments  Architectonic formations built with big stones with a funerary purpose.  They date back to the Neolithic period and the Bronze Age and are chiefly found in Galicia (Spain), Brittany (France) and Cornwall (England) Dolmen Axeitos (A Coruña) Menhir (Gargantáns, Pontevedra)
  • 9. The Celts  Arrived in the year 2000 B.C.  Came from the north of Europe  Settled down in the north and west of the Peninsula  Galicia has been influenced by the Celts
  • 10. Os Castros - Ancient Fortifications (4th C B.C. – 6th C A.D.)  “Os Castros" are fortified villages located in high strategic places.  The fortifications are vestiges of ancient culture.  In Galicia there are hundreds of these fort hills. Baroña – A Coruña CASTROS (FORTHILL CONSTRUCTIONS) Santa Tegra - Pontevedra Viladonga - Lugo
  • 11. The Iberians  Arrived around the year 2500 B.C.  Came from the south  The name of Iberia is taken from this tribe It was made of sandstone It was found with some rests of colour painting It dates back to the V Century B.C. The Lady of Elche
  • 13. The Roman times (200 B.C. – 500 A.C.) The Legacy of Ancient Rome:  Engineering: roads, bridges, aqueducts, baths  Architecture: amphitheatres  The Roman Law  The Latin Language  The Christian Religion
  • 14. Ancient Roman arquitecture in Spain  The Roman Theatre in Mérida  Fábara Roman Sepulchre (Zaragoza)  The Roman Aqueduct of Segovia  Las Médulas Roman Mines
  • 15. Ancient Roman arquitecture in Galicia  The Tower of Hercules (A Coruña) It is the oldest lighthouse in the world (II C.E.)  The Roman Walls of Lugo They are considered to be «the finest surviving example of late Roman military fortifications».  The Roman Bridge of Ourense  The Roman Bridge of Lugo
  • 16. The End of the Western Roman Empire
  • 18. The Visigoths (V-VII c.)  A Germanic people coming from the north of Europe  After sacking Rome, they establish their kingdom in the north-east of Spain  Toledo becomes the capital of their kingdom Sta Comba de Bande (Ourense) San Juan de Baños de Cerrato (Palencia) Sta María de Melque (Toledo)
  • 19. A-Andalus 711-1492 Muslim Invasion  It started in 711AD  The Muslims came from the north of Africa into the Iberian Peninsula and stayed here for 7 centuries.  The highest and most refined European society in the Middle Ages was developed.
  • 20. Muslim legacy (711-1492) The legacy of Muslim Spain:  To improve our scientific knowledge, they introduced:  the concept of “zero” in mathematics.  Algebra, geometry and trigonometry.  Alchemy, chemistry, medicine and astronomy  Chess  Our linguistic knowledge got improved thanks to:  The recovery of Aristotle's texts translated in the School of Translators.  The spread of rhymed poetry  Lots of words in the Spanish language  Our everyday life by bringing:  New fruits and vegetables unknown in Europe: silk, cotton, paper, sugar, orange, lemon, pomegranate.  The carpet and the power
  • 21. …and a Magnificent Architecture  The Giralda Tower of Seville The Alcazar of Seville The Arab Baths of Mallorca The Golden Tower of Seville The Great Mosque of Córdoba
  • 23. The phylosophical thought in the XII c.  Arab philosopher who recovers lost texts by Aristotle, translated from Syrian into Arab.  His studies of Aristotle will be translated into Hebrew and Latin  He will become a reference for the Aristotelian Philosophers, included ST. Thomas from Aquino  Universities start to be born: Salamanca, Bologna, Paris Oxford  AVERROES: Arab philosopher from Córdoba  MAIMONIDES: Jewish philosopher from Córdoba  Prominent medieval Spanish, Sephardic Jewish philosopher  Author of Guide for the Perplexed
  • 24. LITERATURE IN THE XII-XIII centuries  CANTAR DE MÍO CID (SONG OF THE CID)  It is considered the Spanish greatest epic poem  It was finished in 1200  It recounts the deeds of the Castilian knight Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar  MESTER DE CLERECÍA (CLERGY’S WORK)  A Spanish literary gender cultivated in the XIII century by clergymen  Consists of a 4 Alexandrian verses (14 syllables each) with a regular metre (cuaderna vía).  Its development is linked to the growing importance of the Way to Santiago  GONZALO DE BERCEO  Poet and Priest, one of the relevant figures of the Mester de Clerecía.  Author of the Book of Alexandre Manuscript of the Song of the Cid
  • 25. The Way to Santiago de Compostela  The Camino de Santiago (The Way of St. James) was the most important pilgrimage route in Medieval Europe  Born under the legend that St. James was buried in Santiago, pilgrims started to get there to visit the shrine of the Apostle.  Along its way, cities were born and monasteries, churches and shelters were built so that pilgrims could stay during their journey.  Romanesque style (10th-13th) emerges in Europe.  Cloister of Monastery of Silos Church of San Martín de Fromista Monastery of Las Huelgas
  • 27. ROMANESQUE STYLE (X-XIII) Pantocrator en San Clemente de Tahull (Lleida) Collegiate Church of Santa María de Sar (Santiago de Compostela) Moarves de Ojeda (Palencia) Monastery of St. Joan de les Abadesses (Gerona) The first artistic style which was common to all of Christian Europe
  • 28. GOTHIC STYLE (XIII-XV) Burgos Cathedral Church of Sta. María A Nova (Noia- Galicia) Period of the great cathedrals, raising to the sky in search of Divinity Leon Cathedral Sta María del Mar Barcelona Portico of Glory (Santiago Cathedral)
  • 29. Alfonso X “The Wise” The School of Translators of Toledo  Christian, Muslims and Jewish work together translating works from Arab into Latin  Aristotle's works as well as other books from Arab authors were translated in this school.  Relevant figure of the XIII Century  King of Castile  Director of the School Of Translators of Toledo  A great promoter of romance languages, leading Castilian and Galician languages to their great splendour.
  • 30. CANTIGAS Alfonso X The Wise  Cantigas de Santa María (420 compositions devoted to the Virgin Mary and written in Galician- Portuguese language) Martín Codax (XIII)  The only trovador from whom we have a personal songbook.  Cantigas de Amigo Ondas do mar de Vigo Mandad'ey comigo Mha irmana fremosa treydes comygo Ay Deus se sab'ora meu amado Quantas sabedes amar amigo En o sagrad' e Vigo Ay ondas que eu vin veer
  • 31. The Reconquest (IX-XV)  The Christian Kingdoms from the north started conquering the lands belonging to Al-Andalus.  It ends with the conquest of the Nasrid Kingdom of Granada in 1492.
  • 32. The Catholic King and Queen  In 1492 the Catholic King and Queen conquered the Nazrid Kingdom of Granada.  Roman Catholicism is established as the state religion.  Within 10 years, most Jews and Muslims are either forced to convert or are expelled from the country during the Inquisition  The Modern State of Spain is created
  • 33. The arrival in the New World 1492  Christopher Columbus arrives in the New World  An era of exploration and sea conquest starts.
  • 35. Habsburg or Austrian Dinasty (1516-1700) Carlos I of Spain is crowned emperor of what is called The Sacred Empire in 1519.
  • 36. THE REINASSANCE (XVI-XVII c.) Monastery of El Escorial (Madrid): royal palace, basilica and pantheon built by Juan de Herrera for Felipe II (1563-1584)  Man becomes the measure of all things  Revival of the values of Ancient Greece and Rome  A period of military and political splendor Palace of Carlos I (Granada): started to be built in 1527 Javalquinto Palace (Baeza) Santiago Hospital (Úbeda)
  • 37. EL GRECO (1541-1614) The burial of Count of Orgaz - 1587  Painter of the late Reinassance  Painted mostly religious scenes  A very personal style. Adoration of the sheperds (1612-13)
  • 38. BAROQUE & THE SPANISH GOLDEN AGE (late 16th and 17th centuries)  A period of political and social turmoil, but…  A great and prosperous period for architecture, painting and mainly literature.  PAINTERS: Murillo (1617-1682) José de Ribera (1591-1652) Zurbarán (1598-1664)
  • 39. And The Great VELÁZQUEZ (1599-1660)  One of the most important Spanish painters of all times.  He worked in the Court of King Felipe IV  He painted portraits and historical and cultural scenes  He was a model for Impressionists, as well as for Picasso and Dali. Pope Innocent X The surrender of Breda The fable of Arachne (Las Hilanderas) Felipe IV Old Woman frying eggs The Rokeby Venus
  • 40. LAS MENINAS (1656)  It is considered the most famous painting by Velázquez  It’s worth pointing out his mastery at representing the three-dimensional space
  • 41. The Golden Age in Spanish Literature (XVI & XVII centuries) POETRY : Góngora (1561-1627): the main exponent of Culteranism. Quevedo (1580-1645): representant of Conceptism.  Dominated by the contrasting styles of these two poets  They both influenced other writers and the language itself Ayer se fue, mañana no ha llegado, Hoy se está yendo sin parar un punto; Soy un fue, y un seré y un es cansado “A Pales su viciosa cumbre debe Lo que a Ceres, y aun mas, su vega llana; Pues si en la una granos de oro llueve, Copos nieva en la otra mil de lana. De cuantos siegan oro, esquilan nieve, O en pipas guardan la exprimida grana, Bien sea religión, bien amor sea, Deidad, aunque sin templo, es Galatea.” “To Pales are its rugged peaks indebted For what are fields, and more, to Ceres owing; If one is with a rain of gold grains wetted, Wool flakes in scores are on the other snowing. Or to those who fleece the snow or gold are moving, They worship, either out of love, or piety, Without a temple, Galatea’s deity.” (English Translation by Miroslav John Hanak[10]) From Polifemo and Galatea Yesterday is gone, tomorrow hasn’t come, Today is leaving without stopping anywhere: I am a was, a will be, a tired am
  • 42. The Golden Century in the Spanish Literature (XVI & XVII centuries) DRAMA:  Lope de Vega (1562-1635): Regarded as one of the best dramatist in Western Literature, he renewed the Spanish Theatre, defining its characteristics. Author of Fuenteovejuna, based on a historical event, where the villagers killed the major and to the question of who killed him, they all answered “Fuenteovejuna”.  Calderón de la Barca (1600-1681): Author of philosophical-religious dramas and considered one of the best playwrights of world literature. Author of Life is a Dream, an allegory of the human situation and the mystery of life. El corral de comedias theatre Calderón de la Barca Lope de Vega
  • 43. Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616)  Miguel de Cervantes is considered the greatest writer of Spanish Literature.  He was the author of Don Quixote (1605), which is considered to be the first modern novel.  In the novel, he parodied classical morality and chivalry. In a village of La Mancha, the name of which I have no desire to call to mind, there lived not long since one of those gentlemen that keep a lance in the lance-rack, an old buckler, a lean hack, and a greyhound for coursing.
  • 44. The War of the Spanish Succession (1700-1714) THE BORBON DYNASTY  Carlos II dies without heir.  Spain loses all its territories outside the Iberian Peninsula.  The Utrecht Treaty gives out all the Spanish possessions to the European Powers which fight for Carlos’s legacy.  Felipe V is proclaimed King of Spain, becoming the first king of the Borbon Dynasty in 1701.
  • 45. The War of Independence (1808)  Napoleon occupied Spain and forced King Carlos IV and his son Fernando VII to abdicate in favour of his brother José Bonaparte.  On May 2nd 1808, the inhabitants of Madrid rebelled against the French government and the War of Independence started (1808-1814). The Third of May by Goya 1814
  • 46. Francisco de GOYA (1746-1828)  Painter at the Court of Carlos IV  His paintings moved from portraits of the Monarchy to social and political matters, showing the horrors of the War of Independence  During the last years of his life, after becoming deaf, he devoted his life to dark and mournful paintings. The Family of Charles IV, 1801 Etching from The Caprices, 1799 Clothed Maja and Nude Maja, 1802-05
  • 48. XIX Century It was a very unstable century  In 1812, a Constitution is proclaimed in Cadiz.  It marked the end of absolutism and the beginning of a parliamentary government.  In 1815 Fernando VII is restored to the throne.
  • 49. Romanticism (XIX century) ROSALÍA DE CASTRO (1837-1885) The best represantive of the Galician literature GUSTAVO ADOLFO BÉCQUER (1836-1870) Adiós, ríos; adios, fontes; adios, regatos pequenos; adios, vista dos meus ollos: non sei cando nos veremos. Volverán las oscuras golondrinas en tu balcón sus nidos a colgar, y otra vez con el ala a sus cristales jugando llamarán.
  • 50. The crises of 1898: The Spanish-American War  From 1811 to 1898 Spanish colonies declared their independence.  In 1898 Spain loses control of Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philipines, which meant the end of an empire.
  • 51. The Generation of ‘98  Literary group of Spanish intellectuals and philosophers  Miguel de Unamuno (1864-1936): philosopher, novelist, poet, playwright  Ramon Mª del Valle Inclán (1866-1936): novelist, poet and playwright, creator of Esperpento.  Antonio Machado (1875-1939): poet representant of Modernism
  • 53. SOROLLA (1893-1923) Impressionist painter: he captured the Mediterranean light in a very essential way. A walk along the beach (1909) Boys at the beach (1910)
  • 54. Antoni GAUDI (1852-1926) The architect of nature  Representative of Modernism.  His buildings are characterized by its bending and geometrical forms.  Inspired by nature, his work evolves between tradition and innovation The Sacred Family La Pedrera
  • 55. Before the Civil War King Alfonso XIII (1900-1931) The Second Republic (1931-1936) During the second Republic, several laws such as the Divorce and Women’s right for voting were passed His inability to rule the country led to:  The Dictatorship of Primo de Rivera  He was forced out of the country.
  • 56. Spanish Civil War (1936-1939 )  It broke out when the Spanish Army in Morocco, leaded by Francisco Franco, rose up against the Republican Government of Manuel Azaña.  The right wing or Nationalists were helped by the fascist governments of Germany (Hitler) and Italy (Mussolini).  It was a fierce and bloody war which led to a 40 year dictatorship. Francisco Franco
  • 57. The Civil War (1936-1939)  The left or Republicans were supported by the Soviet Union and Mexico, as well as by some European Democracies.  The International Brigades (40.000 volunteers from Europe and 3.000 from North America) fought for the Republicans.  Among these volunteers, there were famous writers such as Ernest Hemingway and George Orwell. The International Brigades A war between the Nationalists (in favour of the Dictator, and the Republicans.
  • 59. PICASSO The Guernica  This painting by Picasso represents the bombarding of the town of Guernica by the German Aircraft in 1937.  It can be seen at the Reina Sofia Museum in Madrid.
  • 60. The Generation of 1927 Federico García Lorca The most popular and influential poet of the XX century Miguel Hernández (1910-1942) His poems reflected the sadness and sorrow of the Civil War. Poetry does not want adepts, it wants lovers. "Farewell, brothers, comrades, friends: Give my goodbyes to the sun and the wheat fields". “Poetry is something that wanders on the streets. That moves, that passes by . Everything has its own mystery, and poetry is the mystery that all the things have.
  • 61. Franco’s Dictatorship (1939-1975)  For 40 years, Spain suffered the hard military dictatorship, which was sustained with the help of the army and the church.  The country sank into a state of represion and lack of freedom.
  • 62. SPANISH MAIN CONTRIBUTION TO ART IN THE 20TH CENTURY CUBISM  Use of geometric shapes  Interlocking planes  Austere colour range SURREALISM  A way to express the subconscious  Irrational representation of dreams Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) Salvador Dalí (1904-1989) Joan Miro (1893-1983)
  • 63. Pablo Picasso: the most influential artist of the 20th C Science and Charity (1897)  Painter, sculptor, printmaker and ceramicist  Co-founder of Cubism, inventor of constructed sculpture and co-inventor of collage  His works of art belonged to different styles, which he helped to develop and change. Les Demoiselles d'Avignon (1907) First Cubist painting 1881-1973 Life (1903)
  • 64. Portrait of Dora Maar (1937) Harlequin (1917) Las Meninas (1937) Bather sitting by the sea (1930) Family by the Sea (1922)
  • 65. SALVADOR DALÍ: the main representant of Surrealism  Famous for his artistic manifestations in painting, photography, sculpture and collaborations in cinema.  Eccentric in his art and in his life, he painted his dreams in a personal surrealist way. The Persistence of Memory (1931) 1904-1989 The great masturbator (1929)
  • 66. JOAN MIRÓ  His work depicted his interest for the subconscious, for the childlike and for Catalonia.  Not only a painter, he was also an sculptor and a ceramist.  Although influenced by Surrealism and Dadaism, Miró developed his own personal style Woman and Bird (1982) 1893-1983 The smile of the flamboyant wings (1953)
  • 67. LUÍS BUÑUEL: "the marriage of the film image to the poetic image, creating a new reality...scandalous and subversive“ Octavio Paz, poet  Prolific filmmaker who made films of many different styles and genres  He made the first Surrealist short-film ever. El perro andaluz (1929) First Surrrealist silent short-film 1900-1983
  • 69. CHILLIDA AND THE LANDSCAPE Combs of the Wind (1976) San Sebastian Bay
  • 70. ANTONIO LÓPEZ MIQUEL BARCELÓ (hiperrealism) (expresionism) Lavabo y espejo 1967 La gran cena española 1985
  • 72. Spain today: a move to Democracy (1975-2014)  After Franco’s death, Juan Carlos de Borbón is named King of Spain.  Spain becomes a constitutional monarchy  First Free Elections after 40 years are held in 1977King Juan Carlos, Queen Sofía and Prince Felipe de Borbón
  • 73. Autonomous Regions  The linguistic and cultural diversity and variety of Spain is reflected into the 17 autonomous regions as stated in the Spanish Constitution of 1978  Galicia, Basque Country and Catalonia have their own official language apart from Spanish  Diversity is shown throughout traditions, food, folklore, language…
  • 74. The 80’S: La Movida (1977-1985)  The 80’s represented a great change in the life of Spaniards:  Transition into Democracy after 40 years Dictatorship  Catching up with cultural and social European life  Breaking with repression through music, fashion, cinema …  Expressing, creating, growing, being free  The movement started in Madrid but it also occurred in other cities like Vigo in Galicia.
  • 75.
  • 76. PEDRO ALMODOVAR  Born in 1947 in a small town in the centre of Spain  He is perhaps the most well- known Spanish film director in the world.  Provocative and stylish, he depicts peculiar characters who show his sexual, socio-cultural and religious obsessions.  Winner of two Oscars, he has been also awarded with many more prizes around the world.
  • 77. On the way to Europe  1986: Spain enters the European Union  1999: Spain adopts the Euro as its official monetary unit.  2010: Spain becomes president of the European Union
  • 79. Spanish Cinema Today: our best filmmakers Alex de La Iglesia: The day of the Beast J.A. Ballona: The impossible Rodrigo Cortés: Buried Alejandro Amenabar: The Others Isabel Coixet: Paris, je t’aime Agustín Diaz Yanes: Alatriste Jaume Balagueró: REC Fernando Trueba: Belle Epoque Julio Medem: Lucy and Sex Iciar Bollain: I give you my eyes F. León de Aranoa: Mondays in the Sun José Luís Cuerda: Butterfly David Trueba: Soldiers of Salamina Juán C. Fresnadillo: 28 weeks later Jaime Rosales: Solitude José Luís Garci: Grandfather
  • 80. The best Stars of Spanish Cinema Maribel Verdú Javier Bardem Antonio Banderas Eduardo Noriega Fele Martínez Luís Tosar Verónica Echegui Marta Etura Ariadna Gil Leonor Watling Pilar López de Ayala Elena Anaya Penélope Cruz Paz Vega
  • 81. Spanish NOBEL PRIZES 1904 - Nobel Prize for Literature - José Echegaray, playwright. 1906 - Nobel Prize for Medicine - Santiago Ramón y Cajal, researcher and doctor. 1922 – Nobel Prize for Literature – Jacinto Benavente, playwright. 1959 - Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine - Severo Ochoa, researcher and scientist. 1956 - Nobel Prize for Literature – Juan Ramón Jimenez, poet. 1977 – Nobel Prize for Literature – Vicente Aleixandre, poet. 1989 – Nobel Prize for Literature – Camilo José Cela, novelist.
  • 82. Music and Folklore FLAMENCO GUITARISTS SINGERS DANCERS  Flamenco is the fusion of vocal music (CANTE), the art of dancing (BAILE) and guitar playing (TOQUE).  A musical expression from Andalucía (south of Spain) which has been integrating features from the different cultures which have been settled there.  It is a symbol of identity for the Gypsies. Diego el Cigala Vicente Amigo Cristina Hoyos Raimundo Amador Paco de Lucía Joaquín Cortés Sara Baras Estrella Morente Enrique Morente Camarón de la Isla
  • 83. Music and Folklore - Galicia  Milladoiro  Mercedes Peón  Amancio Prada  Berrogueto  Abe Rábade Trio Carlos Núñez
  • 85. Spanish Athletes Nadal, tennis player Eva Mengual, synchronized swimmer. Alberto Contador, cyclist Ricky Rubio, Pau and Mark Gassol, José Calderón and Rudy Fernández, basketball players, now playing at the NBA (USA) Fernando Alonso, Formula I pilot. José Calderón, basketball player, now playing at the NBA (USA) La Roja, Spanish football team Dani Pedrosa, Marc Márquez and Jorge Lorenzo, GP motorcycle racers
  • 86. Religious Traditions in Spain Celebration of the Holy Week in Seville Virgen de la Cabeza Pilgrimage, considered the oldest in Spain. The Virgen is known as “la Morenita” (the dark- skinned) Virgen del Rocío pilgrimage, one of the most popular pilgrimages in the world.
  • 87. Religious Celebrations in Galicia The Virgin of the Miracles from Amil  Celebrated every September 8th since 17th C. in Moaña.  Based on the belief that the Virgin helped a thirsty man who wasn’t able to walk by putting a spring of water next to him.  People put bank notes on the dress of the Virgin. Holy Week in Viveiro  For over 170 years, people decorate the streets of this town with carpets made with petals from fresh flowers. Corpus Christy Procession in Ponteareas  One of the oldest traditions in Galicia, it dates back to the XIII c.  These processions commemorate the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
  • 88. Religious Celebrations in Galicia The Virgin of the Boat  Celebrated every September in Muxía since XIV c.  According to the legend, the Virgin appeared to St. Jacques in a boat surrounded by angels.  Traditionally, people go under the stone of the kidneys and step on the moving stone to put it into motion. St Andrews of Teixido  A place full of traditions and legends, filled with mystery  Traditionally people drink from the fountain and throw a piece of bread into it A San Andrés de Teixido vai de morto o que non foi de vivo (To St. Andrews of Teixido goes dead that who didn’t go alive) The Procession of the Shrouds  Dating back to the XV C., it is celebrated on the 3rd Sunday of September.  All those people who have been close to death, offer to go behind the shroud and coffin in a procession.
  • 89. Some curiosities about Spanish customs TIMES & TIMETABLES: We usually divide the day into 2 parts: • Morning: 8:00 – 14:00 • Lunch time: 14:00 – 16:00 • Afternoon: 16:00 – 20:00 So, it is common to find shops closed at lunch time. Banks and administrative premises are closed to the public after 14:00 pm Our meals consist of: • A light, frugal breakfast (coffee or chocolate with milk and biscuits or toast) between 7 and 8 am. • Lunch: the heaviest meal of the day, it is usually had between 14:00 and 15:00 pm • Dinner is usually light and it is eaten between 21:00 and 22:00 pm. After a heavy lunch we usually have a siesta (a short nap to refresh and start afternoon life again)
  • 90. Some of the Best Cooks and restaurants in the World ARZAK (Juan Mari & Elena) EL BULLI (Ferrán Adriá) El Celler de CAN ROCA (Joan, Josep & Jordi) SAN PAU Carme Ruscalleda AKELARRE (Pedro Subijana) BERASATEGUI (Martín)
  • 91. Our Gastronomy As varied and diverse as its history, its culture, its peoples, so it is our gastronomy
  • 94. Spanish Culture throughout its History COMENIUS PROJECT The heritage of cultures and traditions in a multicultural society – religious traditions. IES ARCEBISPO XELMÍREZ I SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA GALICIA-SPAIN
  • 95. SPECIAL THANKS TO THE TEACHERS WHO HAVE COLLABORATED IN THE MAKING OFF OF THIS PPT  Berta Mata  Carmen Argibay  Carmen Sande  Clara Pino  Fernando Prieto  Loli Sans  Mª Jesús Mascareñas  Natalia Val  Roberto R. Carballada  Teresa Abalde