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CMV-101 | Topic 6 | Part 1
Worldview & Ethical Decision-Making
1. Everyone’s had a slice of pie

2. There’s one slice of pie left

3. But you are still hungry
For you to take the last slice?
What Moral rules
Shape your decision?
What Moral rules
Shape your decision?
What Natural laws
Shape your decision
What Moral rules
Shape your decision?
What Natural laws
Shape your decision
What Government (Civil) laws
Shape your decision
What are Ethics?
Ethics (moral philosophy), the discipline concerned with what
is morally good and bad and morally right and wrong. The
term is also applied to any system or theory of moral values
or principles. “How shall we live?”
What rules govern our ethical choices?
• Moral Law

• Natural Law

• Civil Law
Should I take that slice of pie?
• Moral Law - what is the gracious response

• Natural Law

• Civil Law
Should I take that slice of pie?
• Moral Law - what is the gracious response

• Natural Law - am I diabetic or gluten free

• Civil Law
Should I take that slice of pie?
• Moral Law - what is the gracious response

• Natural Law - am I diabetic or gluten free

• Civil Law - Did I pay for that slice?
Worldview Shapes how we answer these questions
• Moral Law - what is the gracious response

• Natural Law - am I diabetic or gluten free

• Civil Law - Did I pay for that slice?
Worldview Shapes how we answer
• Moral Law - I don’t care about the others!

• Natural Law - we’re all going to die anyway!

• Civil Law - Hah! They’ll never catch me!
Worldview Shapes how we answer
• Moral Law - Bible teaches me to be concerned with

• Natural Law - My body is a Temple of God and I
am responsible to care for it

• Civil Law - God sees my actions and will call me to
account for my actions
How does worldview shape our
ethical choices?
Worldview: People’s Republic of China
• Sons are more valuable than daughters

• The State should plan the growth of society

• Parents answer to the State on family planning
Worldview: Christian Worldview
• Men & women were both created in God’s Image

• Men & women have in
nite value & dignity

• Parents answer to God on their families
Worldview: Supreme Court Decision on Abortion
• Worldview # 1 - Women’s right to their own body

• Worldview # 2 - Protection of unborn children
Worldview: Mandated Vaccinations
• Worldview # 1 - Human’s right to their own body

• Worldview # 2 - Protection of vulnerable to COVID
Worldview: Climate Change
• Worldview # 1 - We are responsible for care of earth

• Worldview # 2 - We are responsible for health of our
Elements of a Worldview
Worldview as a meta narrative
Act 1 - Creation

Act 2 - The Fall

Act 3 - Redemption

Act 4 - Restoration
The Elements of a Worldview
Review from Topic 1
• Ultimate Reality

• Nature of the Universe

• Nature of Human beings

• Nature of Knowledge

• Ethics

• Human Purpose
1. Ultimate Reality
• Is there a personal God?

• Is there an impersonal force?

• Is there nothing beyond physical
Hiles, J. & Faith, A. (2020). Chapter 2: Evaluating wisely. In J. Hiles ed. The beginning of wisdom. Grand Canyon University.
2. Nature of the Universe
• How did the universe come to be?

• Is there an end or goal of history?

• Is the Universe only physical or is there
an invisible spiritual world?
Hiles, J. & Faith, A. (2020). Chapter 2: Evaluating wisely. In J. Hiles ed. The beginning of wisdom. Grand Canyon University.
3. What is Nature of Humans
• Are we only physical bodies

• Do we have a soul or spirit?

• Do we have equal value?

• Were we created with value?
Hiles, J. & Faith, A. (2020). Chapter 2: Evaluating wisely. In J. Hiles ed. The beginning of wisdom. Grand Canyon University.
4. What is Knowledge?
• What are the sources of knowledge

• Is there an absolute “truth”?

• What role do our senses play?

• How can we discover truth?

• Is there a “revelation” or only scienti
Hiles, J. & Faith, A. (2020). Chapter 2: Evaluating wisely. In J. Hiles ed. The beginning of wisdom. Grand Canyon University.
5. Ethics: How do we make
• Are there any absolute principles?

• Were these principles revealed or

• Are these principles derived by human
reasoning alone?
Hiles, J. & Faith, A. (2020). Chapter 2: Evaluating wisely. In J. Hiles ed. The beginning of wisdom. Grand Canyon University.
6. Purpose
• Why are we here?

• Do we have a role or duties other than
to ourselves?

• What are the consequences of our
Hiles, J. & Faith, A. (2020). Chapter 2: Evaluating wisely. In J. Hiles ed. The beginning of wisdom. Grand Canyon University.
1. Wrestling with an Ethical Questions
Wresting with Ethical Questions
1. Identify there civil, natural, and moral laws involved in the scenario.

2. Identify the values in con

3. Identify which aspect(s) of Christian Worldview informs the decision.

4. Propose an answer to the question.

5. Explain how your answer comes out of a Christian Worldview.

6. Describe the consequences of your answer, and ways to address them.
Case: China’s Child Per Family
Mao Tse-tung

One-child per family law in 1979
Population Growth
1953 - 1970

+250 million people
Death from Starvation
Estimated 20 million died during the
cultural revolution
One child per family

Many families abandon daughter

In order to keep their son
You are in a house church in China

A family has one daughter

Mother gave birth to a son.

Should she give up her daughter?
Keeping or Giving Up a Daughter?
1. What are the values in con

2. What part of Christian Worldview address this question?

3. What is the solution & why does it come from a Christian Worldview?
Case: The Ivory Billed Woodpecker
Ivory Billed

LAST SEEN:  1987


Eagle River, WI
Population 1,619

Unemployment Rate 80%
Eagle River, WI
Homeless Rate: 20%

Average income $150/month

Covid 19 Deaths in 2020 200

# of residents vaccinated 5
Eagle River, WI
wants to come in, build a lane

And harvest trees.

But it will endanger the habitat of Ivory Billed
The Ivory Billed Woodpecker
1. What are the values in con

2. What part of Christian Worldview address this question?

3. What is the solution & why does it come from a Christian Worldview?

4. What are the bene
ts, consequences,

5. How will you deal with the consequence?
3. The History of Truth
Truth in the Bible
Truth Assumed
You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

(John 8:32 ESV)

“God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in
spirit and truth.”

(John 4:24, ESV)
Truth is dependable
Old Testament “Emunah”

New Testament “Veritas” & “Aletheia”
Truth in the Old Testament
‫ָה‬‫נ‬‫ֱמוּ‬‫א‬ Emunah

Firmness, steadfastness,
delity, faithfulness, trustworthy
Truth in the New Testament
θεια Aletheia

Dependability, uprightness, embodiment of ultimate
knowledge, an actual event or state of reality.
Something outside of ones’s self 

Walking on a dependable bridge that will hold you up
Truth is accessible
It is not in heaven, that you should say, ‘Who will ascend to
heaven for us and bring it to us, that we may hear it and do it?’
Neither is it beyond the sea, that you should say, ‘Who will go
over the sea for us and bring it to us, that we may hear it and
do it?’ But the word is very near you. It is in your mouth and in
your heart, so that you can do it.

(Deut 30:12–14 ESV)
Truth in Premodern World
Knowledge is mediated through rabbis

Torah is read in synagogue in Hebrew
Knowledge is mediated through Priests

Bible is read on Sunday in Latin
Premodern World
• Knowledge was mediated

• Truth was interpreted by chain of tradition

• Truth was determined by religious leaders

• Truth was accessible to a few
Truth in the Modern Er

The Enlightenment
Discovery of Ancient
versions of Bible
Greek New Testament

Hebrew Old Testament
Discovery of
Scientific Laws
Galileo studying planets

Newton studying motion
Universal laws are independent
of people’s opinions
Galileo (1564-1642)
• Universal scienti
c laws govern universe

• Universal economic laws govern society

• Universal civil laws govern nations

The Enlightenment
• Universal moral laws that govern men & women

The Enlightenment
Newton’s Law of gravity

Newton’s Laws of motion
Law of supply & demand
Thou shalt not murder
Declaration of
We hold these truths to be
self-evident, that all men
[and women] were created
Truth in a Postmodern World
Friedrich Nietzsche
Humans create truth by writing stories.
The language, myth, and narratives
they write CREATE truth.
Friedrich Nietzsche
There is no absolute truth
The Madman (Nietzche, 1895)
Max Webber
There are no “facts”

People assign meaning to “facts”
Michel Foucault
Social Critical Theory

Even facts are created.

Created by people in power

In order to control and oppress
Post Modernism
• Absolute truth does not exist

• We give meaning to facts
Critical Social Theory
• Even “facts” do not exist

• Those in power choose create “facts”

• Those in power create stories to tie them together

• Those in power use “facts” & “stories” to oppress
Jean Leon Ferris (1912)
Post-Truth Societ

Reaction to relativism
• Recognition social media distorts truth

• Recognition those in power spin stories

• Desire to “dig-up” the truth.
(Oxford English Dictionary, 2016)
In Search of Truth
WBUR Bosto

(27 Feb 2020)
Some facts ARE objectiv

Objective Truth DOES exist
• Facts do have meaning

• Facts not multiple meanings

• Truth is not relative
Denial (2016) Rachel Weisz
Debra Lipstadt, “Truth is Not Relative”
Some truth compels a
4. How do we access “Truth”
3. How do we access “truth”
a. General Revelation (aka Natural Revelation)

b.Special Revelation

c. Reason
a. General Revelation
The means God has used to reveal himself universally
to humanity through nature, history, science and

(McClendon, 2020, p. 23)
The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork (Psalm 19:1, ESV)
a. General Revelation
a. General Revelation
c knowledge

Government laws

Social principles
b. Special Revelation
No prophecy of Scripture comes from someone’s own
interpretation. For no prophecy was ever produced by
the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were
carried along by the Holy Spirit.

(2 Pet 1:20–21 ESV)
c. Reason
Paul went in, as was his custom, and on three Sabbath
days he reasoned with them from the Scriptures,
explaining and proving that it was necessary for the
Messiah to suffer and to rise from the dead, and
saying, “This Jesus, whom I proclaim to you, is the
Messiah.” And some of them were persuaded

(Acts 17:2–4 ESV)
CMV-101 | Topic 6 | Part 2
Worldview & Ethical Decision-Making
Case: Absence of Moral Authority
and Ethical Decision-Making
Final Account (2021)
Six Actors in a Crime Scene
1. Victim

2. Perpetrator (primary guilt)

3. Collaborator (secondary guilt)

4. Bystander (possible guilt)

5. Witness (choice of guilt or innocence)

6. Rescuer / Resister (innocent)
Johnson, David. (2015). Principles and Techniques of Trauma-centered Psychotherapy. American Psychological Association. p. 119
What were some causes of German collaboration?
Causes of German Collaboration
1. Fear - The consequences for non-compliance

2. Gain - Financial, material, and social gain from removal of Jews

3. Deference to Authority - “I was just obeying orders”

4. Social pressure and rationalization

5. Unconscious bias - bigotry, racism, prejudice
What happens when we draw our
sense of right & wrong instead of
outward to a source outside of ourself?
There is a way that seems right to a perspm but whose end is death.

(Proverbs 14:12, ESV)

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can
understand it?

(Jeremiah17:9 ESV)

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my
ways, declares the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the
earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than
your thoughts.

(Isaiah 55:8–9 ESV)
5. Ethical Systems & Methods
Three views of the source of moral authority
1. Moral Relativism - There is no objective source of moral law

2. Philosophical Ethics - Reason is source of moral law

3. Christian Worldview - Revelation is source for moral law
Boyd, C. & Thorsen, D. (2018) Christian ethics and moral philosophy. Baker Books
Six Systems of Ethics Decision-Making
1. Antinomianism - Believing or acting as if there are no moral laws

2. Situational Ethics - Decisions made based entirely on context

3. Generalism - General principles guide the decision-making with lattitude

4. Unquali
ed Absolutism - Moral absolutes with no exceptions

5. Con
icting Absolutism - Choosing the lesser evil

6. Graded Absolutism - Choosing the higher good
Geisler, Norman. (2010). Christian ethics. Baker Books.
Ethical Dilemma
Thin italics
• The queen is dying. The queen has been married to her brother for 35 years.

• Should the queen send her brother away (divorce) in order to go to heaven?
Hawaii (1966)
6. Ethics & Civil Disobedience
Case: Ethical Decision-Making
In Philadelphia, Mississippi
First Baptist Church
Philadelphia, MS

First Baptist School
Christian Private School

K - 12
George Washington
Carver High School
School for Black students

Country Route 553

Burned to the ground
Mrs. Diane Etheridge
ve other mothers asking if their
children can continue their education
at First Baptist High School.
All schools, public and private shall be segregated
according to race. There shall be separate districts and
separate school facilities according to race. Counties are
empowered to enforce this statue by levying fine,
incurring penalty, imprisonment, or liquidating a school in
violation of the statute.
1930 State Education Code
Sheriff Jed Baker
Pays you a visit
What is the Civil Law?
What is the Civil Law? What is the physical law?
What is the Civil Law? What is the physical law?
What is the Moral Law?
What are the values in conflict?
•Civil Law

•Physical Law

•Moral Law
What components of Christian Worldview inform your choice?
1. ______________

2. ______________

3. ______________
Civil Disobedience
Refusal to obey governmental demands or commands
especially as a nonviolent and usually collective means of
forcing concessions from the government
Civil disobedience is the intentional act of disobeying a civil law or
authority because of a conviction that one has a higher responsibility.
For a believer, those "higher responsibilities" are found in the Bible and
nowhere else. The aim of Christian civil disobedience is to follow God
despite the rule of an ungodly authority. When obeying man's law
would put us in direct disobedience to the clear command of God,
then—and only then—is civil disobedience warranted.
Civil Disobedience
When does Scripture admonish us to obey civil law?
Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is
no authority except from God, and those that exist have been
instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists
what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment.

Romans 13:1-2, ESV
Civil Disobedience
When does Scripture admonish us to disobey civil law?
[The authorities] called Peter & John, and charged them not to speak
or teach at all in the name of Jesus. But Peter and John answered
them, “Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you rather than
to God, you must judge,

(Acts 4:18–19 ESV)
What does Christian Worldview say about Civil Disobedience
1. Bible commands us to to obey governments and civil laws (Romans 13:1-2)

2. Christians should resist laws that are evil or compel one to do evil.

3. When Christian disobeys evil laws, they should accept consequences. 

4. Christians should work non-violently to change evil laws 

5. Christians should work non-violently to install good leaders

6. Christians are commanded to pray for their leaders (1 Tim 2:1-2)
Foundation of Ethical Decisions
Identify your basis for making Ethical Deicions

Before you are in emotional or threatening situations

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CMV-101 Ethics

  • 1. CMV-101 | Topic 6 | Part 1 Worldview & Ethical Decision-Making
  • 2. 1. Everyone’s had a slice of pie 2. There’s one slice of pie left 3. But you are still hungry
  • 3. Is it RIGHT For you to take the last slice?
  • 4. What Moral rules Shape your decision?
  • 5. What Moral rules Shape your decision? What Natural laws Shape your decision
  • 6. What Moral rules Shape your decision? What Natural laws Shape your decision What Government (Civil) laws Shape your decision
  • 7. What are Ethics? Ethics (moral philosophy), the discipline concerned with what is morally good and bad and morally right and wrong. The term is also applied to any system or theory of moral values or principles. “How shall we live?”
  • 8. What rules govern our ethical choices? • Moral Law • Natural Law • Civil Law
  • 9. Should I take that slice of pie? • Moral Law - what is the gracious response • Natural Law • Civil Law
  • 10. Should I take that slice of pie? • Moral Law - what is the gracious response • Natural Law - am I diabetic or gluten free • Civil Law
  • 11. Should I take that slice of pie? • Moral Law - what is the gracious response • Natural Law - am I diabetic or gluten free • Civil Law - Did I pay for that slice?
  • 12. Worldview Shapes how we answer these questions • Moral Law - what is the gracious response • Natural Law - am I diabetic or gluten free • Civil Law - Did I pay for that slice?
  • 13. Worldview Shapes how we answer • Moral Law - I don’t care about the others! • Natural Law - we’re all going to die anyway! • Civil Law - Hah! They’ll never catch me!
  • 14. Worldview Shapes how we answer • Moral Law - Bible teaches me to be concerned with others • Natural Law - My body is a Temple of God and I am responsible to care for it • Civil Law - God sees my actions and will call me to account for my actions
  • 15. How does worldview shape our ethical choices?
  • 16. Worldview: People’s Republic of China • Sons are more valuable than daughters • The State should plan the growth of society • Parents answer to the State on family planning
  • 17. Worldview: Christian Worldview • Men & women were both created in God’s Image • Men & women have in fi nite value & dignity • Parents answer to God on their families
  • 18. Worldview: Supreme Court Decision on Abortion • Worldview # 1 - Women’s right to their own body • Worldview # 2 - Protection of unborn children
  • 19. Worldview: Mandated Vaccinations • Worldview # 1 - Human’s right to their own body • Worldview # 2 - Protection of vulnerable to COVID
  • 20. Worldview: Climate Change • Worldview # 1 - We are responsible for care of earth • Worldview # 2 - We are responsible for health of our economy
  • 21.
  • 22. Elements of a Worldview
  • 23. Worldview as a meta narrative Act 1 - Creation Act 2 - The Fall Act 3 - Redemption Act 4 - Restoration
  • 24. The Elements of a Worldview Review from Topic 1 • Ultimate Reality • Nature of the Universe • Nature of Human beings • Nature of Knowledge • Ethics • Human Purpose
  • 25. 1. Ultimate Reality • Is there a personal God? • Is there an impersonal force? • Is there nothing beyond physical world? Hiles, J. & Faith, A. (2020). Chapter 2: Evaluating wisely. In J. Hiles ed. The beginning of wisdom. Grand Canyon University.
  • 26. 2. Nature of the Universe • How did the universe come to be? • Is there an end or goal of history? • Is the Universe only physical or is there an invisible spiritual world? Hiles, J. & Faith, A. (2020). Chapter 2: Evaluating wisely. In J. Hiles ed. The beginning of wisdom. Grand Canyon University.
  • 27. 3. What is Nature of Humans • Are we only physical bodies • Do we have a soul or spirit? • Do we have equal value? • Were we created with value? Hiles, J. & Faith, A. (2020). Chapter 2: Evaluating wisely. In J. Hiles ed. The beginning of wisdom. Grand Canyon University.
  • 28. 4. What is Knowledge? • What are the sources of knowledge • Is there an absolute “truth”? • What role do our senses play? • How can we discover truth? • Is there a “revelation” or only scienti fi c discover? Hiles, J. & Faith, A. (2020). Chapter 2: Evaluating wisely. In J. Hiles ed. The beginning of wisdom. Grand Canyon University.
  • 29. 5. Ethics: How do we make decisions? • Are there any absolute principles? • Were these principles revealed or • Are these principles derived by human reasoning alone? Hiles, J. & Faith, A. (2020). Chapter 2: Evaluating wisely. In J. Hiles ed. The beginning of wisdom. Grand Canyon University.
  • 30. 6. Purpose • Why are we here? • Do we have a role or duties other than to ourselves? • What are the consequences of our decisions? Hiles, J. & Faith, A. (2020). Chapter 2: Evaluating wisely. In J. Hiles ed. The beginning of wisdom. Grand Canyon University.
  • 31. 1. Wrestling with an Ethical Questions
  • 32. Wresting with Ethical Questions 1. Identify there civil, natural, and moral laws involved in the scenario. 2. Identify the values in con fl ict. 3. Identify which aspect(s) of Christian Worldview informs the decision. 4. Propose an answer to the question. 5. Explain how your answer comes out of a Christian Worldview. 6. Describe the consequences of your answer, and ways to address them.
  • 33. Case: China’s Child Per Family
  • 34. China Mao Tse-tung One-child per family law in 1979
  • 35. Population Growth 1953 - 1970 +250 million people
  • 36. Death from Starvation Estimated 20 million died during the cultural revolution
  • 37. One child per family 1979 Many families abandon daughter In order to keep their son
  • 38. Question You are in a house church in China A family has one daughter Mother gave birth to a son. Should she give up her daughter?
  • 39. Keeping or Giving Up a Daughter? 1. What are the values in con fl ict? 2. What part of Christian Worldview address this question? 3. What is the solution & why does it come from a Christian Worldview?
  • 40. Case: The Ivory Billed Woodpecker
  • 42. Eagle River, WI Population 1,619 Unemployment Rate 80%
  • 43. Eagle River, WI Homeless Rate: 20% Average income $150/month Covid 19 Deaths in 2020 200 # of residents vaccinated 5
  • 44. Eagle River, WI wants to come in, build a lane And harvest trees. But it will endanger the habitat of Ivory Billed Woodpecker
  • 45. The Ivory Billed Woodpecker 1. What are the values in con fl ict? 2. What part of Christian Worldview address this question? 3. What is the solution & why does it come from a Christian Worldview? 4. What are the bene fi ts, consequences, 5. How will you deal with the consequence?
  • 46. 3. The History of Truth
  • 47. Truth in the Bible
  • 48. Truth Assumed You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:32 ESV) “God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.” (John 4:24, ESV)
  • 50. Old Testament “Emunah” New Testament “Veritas” & “Aletheia”
  • 51. Truth in the Old Testament ‫ָה‬‫נ‬‫ֱמוּ‬‫א‬ Emunah Firmness, steadfastness, fi delity, faithfulness, trustworthy
  • 52. Truth in the New Testament ἀ λ ή θεια Aletheia Dependability, uprightness, embodiment of ultimate knowledge, an actual event or state of reality.
  • 53. Meaning Something outside of ones’s self Walking on a dependable bridge that will hold you up
  • 55. It is not in heaven, that you should say, ‘Who will ascend to heaven for us and bring it to us, that we may hear it and do it?’ Neither is it beyond the sea, that you should say, ‘Who will go over the sea for us and bring it to us, that we may hear it and do it?’ But the word is very near you. It is in your mouth and in your heart, so that you can do it. (Deut 30:12–14 ESV)
  • 57. Judaism Knowledge is mediated through rabbis Torah is read in synagogue in Hebrew
  • 58. Christianity Knowledge is mediated through Priests Bible is read on Sunday in Latin
  • 59. Premodern World • Knowledge was mediated • Truth was interpreted by chain of tradition • Truth was determined by religious leaders • Truth was accessible to a few
  • 60. Truth in the Modern Er a The Enlightenment
  • 61. Discovery of Ancient versions of Bible Greek New Testament Hebrew Old Testament
  • 62. Discovery of Scientific Laws Galileo studying planets Newton studying motion
  • 63. Universal laws are independent of people’s opinions
  • 65. • Universal scienti fi c laws govern universe • Universal economic laws govern society • Universal civil laws govern nations Modernism The Enlightenment
  • 66. • Universal moral laws that govern men & women Modernism The Enlightenment
  • 67. Newton’s Law of gravity Newton’s Laws of motion
  • 68. Law of supply & demand
  • 69. Thou shalt not murder
  • 70. Declaration of Independence We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men [and women] were created equal.
  • 71. Truth in a Postmodern World
  • 72. Friedrich Nietzsche Humans create truth by writing stories. The language, myth, and narratives they write CREATE truth.
  • 73. Friedrich Nietzsche There is no absolute truth
  • 75. Max Webber There are no “facts” People assign meaning to “facts” 1864-1920
  • 76. Michel Foucault Social Critical Theory Even facts are created. Created by people in power In order to control and oppress 1926-1984
  • 77. Post Modernism • Absolute truth does not exist • We give meaning to facts
  • 78. Critical Social Theory • Even “facts” do not exist • Those in power choose create “facts” • Those in power create stories to tie them together • Those in power use “facts” & “stories” to oppress
  • 81. Push-Back • Recognition social media distorts truth • Recognition those in power spin stories • Desire to “dig-up” the truth.
  • 83. In Search of Truth WBUR Bosto n (27 Feb 2020)
  • 84. Some facts ARE objectiv e Objective Truth DOES exist
  • 85. • Facts do have meaning • Facts not multiple meanings • Truth is not relative
  • 87. Debra Lipstadt, “Truth is Not Relative”
  • 88. Some truth compels a response
  • 89.
  • 90. 4. How do we access “Truth”
  • 91. 3. How do we access “truth” a. General Revelation (aka Natural Revelation) b.Special Revelation c. Reason
  • 92. a. General Revelation The means God has used to reveal himself universally to humanity through nature, history, science and reasoning. (McClendon, 2020, p. 23)
  • 93. The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork (Psalm 19:1, ESV) a. General Revelation
  • 94. a. General Revelation Scienti fi c knowledge Government laws Social principles
  • 95. b. Special Revelation No prophecy of Scripture comes from someone’s own interpretation. For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit. (2 Pet 1:20–21 ESV)
  • 96. c. Reason Paul went in, as was his custom, and on three Sabbath days he reasoned with them from the Scriptures, explaining and proving that it was necessary for the Messiah to suffer and to rise from the dead, and saying, “This Jesus, whom I proclaim to you, is the Messiah.” And some of them were persuaded (Acts 17:2–4 ESV)
  • 97. CMV-101 | Topic 6 | Part 2 Worldview & Ethical Decision-Making
  • 98. Case: Absence of Moral Authority and Ethical Decision-Making
  • 100. Six Actors in a Crime Scene 1. Victim 2. Perpetrator (primary guilt) 3. Collaborator (secondary guilt) 4. Bystander (possible guilt) 5. Witness (choice of guilt or innocence) 6. Rescuer / Resister (innocent) Johnson, David. (2015). Principles and Techniques of Trauma-centered Psychotherapy. American Psychological Association. p. 119
  • 101. What were some causes of German collaboration?
  • 102. Causes of German Collaboration 1. Fear - The consequences for non-compliance 2. Gain - Financial, material, and social gain from removal of Jews 3. Deference to Authority - “I was just obeying orders” 4. Social pressure and rationalization 5. Unconscious bias - bigotry, racism, prejudice
  • 103. What happens when we draw our sense of right & wrong instead of outward to a source outside of ourself?
  • 104. There is a way that seems right to a perspm but whose end is death. (Proverbs 14:12, ESV) The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it? (Jeremiah17:9 ESV) For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. (Isaiah 55:8–9 ESV)
  • 105. 5. Ethical Systems & Methods
  • 106. Three views of the source of moral authority 1. Moral Relativism - There is no objective source of moral law 2. Philosophical Ethics - Reason is source of moral law 3. Christian Worldview - Revelation is source for moral law Boyd, C. & Thorsen, D. (2018) Christian ethics and moral philosophy. Baker Books
  • 107. Six Systems of Ethics Decision-Making 1. Antinomianism - Believing or acting as if there are no moral laws 2. Situational Ethics - Decisions made based entirely on context 3. Generalism - General principles guide the decision-making with lattitude 4. Unquali fi ed Absolutism - Moral absolutes with no exceptions 5. Con fl icting Absolutism - Choosing the lesser evil 6. Graded Absolutism - Choosing the higher good Geisler, Norman. (2010). Christian ethics. Baker Books.
  • 108. Ethical Dilemma Thin italics • The queen is dying. The queen has been married to her brother for 35 years. • Should the queen send her brother away (divorce) in order to go to heaven?
  • 110. 6. Ethics & Civil Disobedience
  • 111. Case: Ethical Decision-Making In Philadelphia, Mississippi
  • 113. First Baptist School Christian Private School K - 12
  • 114. George Washington Carver High School School for Black students Country Route 553 Burned to the ground
  • 115. Mrs. Diane Etheridge With fi ve other mothers asking if their children can continue their education at First Baptist High School.
  • 116. All schools, public and private shall be segregated according to race. There shall be separate districts and separate school facilities according to race. Counties are empowered to enforce this statue by levying fine, incurring penalty, imprisonment, or liquidating a school in violation of the statute. 1930 State Education Code
  • 117. Sheriff Jed Baker Pays you a visit
  • 118. What is the Civil Law?
  • 119. What is the Civil Law? What is the physical law?
  • 120. What is the Civil Law? What is the physical law? What is the Moral Law?
  • 121. What are the values in conflict? •Civil Law •Physical Law •Moral Law
  • 122. What components of Christian Worldview inform your choice? 1. ______________ 2. ______________ 3. ______________
  • 123. Civil Disobedience Refusal to obey governmental demands or commands especially as a nonviolent and usually collective means of forcing concessions from the government
  • 124. Civil disobedience is the intentional act of disobeying a civil law or authority because of a conviction that one has a higher responsibility. For a believer, those "higher responsibilities" are found in the Bible and nowhere else. The aim of Christian civil disobedience is to follow God despite the rule of an ungodly authority. When obeying man's law would put us in direct disobedience to the clear command of God, then—and only then—is civil disobedience warranted.
  • 125. Civil Disobedience When does Scripture admonish us to obey civil law?
  • 126. Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment. Romans 13:1-2, ESV
  • 127. Civil Disobedience When does Scripture admonish us to disobey civil law?
  • 128. [The authorities] called Peter & John, and charged them not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus. But Peter and John answered them, “Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you rather than to God, you must judge, (Acts 4:18–19 ESV)
  • 129. What does Christian Worldview say about Civil Disobedience 1. Bible commands us to to obey governments and civil laws (Romans 13:1-2) 2. Christians should resist laws that are evil or compel one to do evil. 3. When Christian disobeys evil laws, they should accept consequences. 4. Christians should work non-violently to change evil laws 5. Christians should work non-violently to install good leaders 6. Christians are commanded to pray for their leaders (1 Tim 2:1-2)
  • 130. Foundation of Ethical Decisions Identify your basis for making Ethical Deicions Before you are in emotional or threatening situations