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CS443 Course
            Introduction To Entrepreneurship
                                 p         p
                   Spring 2009, Modern Science & Arts University

            Chapter One: Introduction To Entrepreneurship

Al-Motaz Bellah Alaa Al-Agamawi

Chapter Source, “chapter one: what business do you want to start” from “entrepreneurship:
starting and operating a small business” book, by Steve Mariotti, 2007, Pearson Education
              Introduction to Entrepreneurship Course   Chapter 1   By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
Difference Between Products and Services

    Products: some thing that exist in nature or is made by human being.
    Service: is work that provide time, skills or experience in exchange for money.

    Products is tangibles, meaning that it can be touched.
    Services is intangibles, meaning that you can not actually touch it.

                Introduction to Entrepreneurship Course   Chapter 1   By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
Definition of Employee

    Some one who earns a living by working for some one else’s business is an employee.
    Employees all have one thing in common…
        They do not own a business.
        They work for other who do.
        They know how much money they can earn.
        The money they earn is limited to Salary, Bonuses and Stock Options.

                 Introduction to Entrepreneurship Course   Chapter 1   By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
Definition of Entrepreneur

  P l start their own business and work for themselves are called E
  People       h i       b i        d      kf h         l            ll d Entrepreneurs.
  An Entrepreneur is someone who recognize an opportunity to start a business that
other people may not have noticed and jump on it.
  Unlike Employees Entrepreneur…
       Own his or her business.
       Own the profit that his/her business earns
       Own the decision of reinvest profits in business or use it to pay him/herself.
   The word Entrepreneur first surfaced in France in Seventeenth century…
       I was used to describe some who undertook a project.
                 d d       ib         h     d       k       j
       After while it came to mean someone who start a new business…
           Who start a new kind of business or
           new or improved way of doing business
               Introduction to Entrepreneurship Course   Chapter 1   By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
Example for Entrepreneur

  Steve Jobs and Stephen Wozniak were barely out of College when
                      p                         y              g
they invented the personal computers in a Garage in Cupertino,
California. Now Apple Sells millions of iPhones, iPods, iBooks and other
innovative Products.
   Bill Gates and his friend Paul Allen were handing out at Harvard
Square newsstand and stopped th l t t issue of P l El t i On
S              t d d t          d the latest i    f Popular Electronics. O
the cover was a picture of a build-it yourself microprocessor kit called
the Altair 8800 “This is our chance ” said Allen to Gates. Gates spent 5
           8800. This         chance,               Gates
weeks writing the Basic program for the machine and in the winter 1975-
the world first microprocessor SW company was born “Microsoft”. (Source “
                     p                   p y                        (
What the Best CEOs Know” by Jeffrey A Krames, McGrawHill Book)
                  Introduction to Entrepreneurship Course   Chapter 1   By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
Free Enterprise

  Free Enterprise is on voluntary exchange.
  Voluntary exchange is a trade between two parties who agree to trade money
for products or services.
  No one is forced to trade, each is excited by the opportunity the trade offers.
  Both parties agree to the exchange because they both benefit.

    We all benefit from living is a free enterprise system because…
       It Discourage entrepreneurs who waste resources by driving them out of
       It Encourage entrepreneurs who use resource efficiently to sa s y customer
            cou age e ep e eu s          o     esou ce e c e y o satisfy cus o e
     needs     by reward them with profit.
               Introduction to Entrepreneurship Course   Chapter 1   By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
What is Small Business?

       S ll Business employees less than 100 and have yearly sales less than 5
       Small B i                 l         l   th          dh     l    l l       th
    Million (this is the US Small business Administration)
       This definition can varies from country to another depending on many
    parameters including market size, demand and other factors.
       Most multimillion dollar companies started as small, entrepreneurial venture. This
    is why Entrepreneurship is often called the engine of economy.
       In the USA which is the most Entrepreneurship country in the world…
            22.4 million non-agriculture small business (according to 2001 Small Business
          14% of fastest growing companies in US started with less than 1,000 USD
        (Inc, October 2002).
           Small Business represent more than 99% of all employers (S ll B i
                                                                   (Small Business
        Administration, December 2000)
                    Introduction to Entrepreneurship Course   Chapter 1   By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
Business and Profit

      P fi means that the amount of money coming in business must be greater
      Profit          h h             f            i i b i               tb      t
    than the amount of money required to pay the bills.
      No matter how big or small a business, business must make a profit.
      When starting a business it is good rule to expect to lose money for the first
    period which could various from 3 to 6 months.
      Closing a business is nothing to be ashamed of if you learn from the
    experience. Most successful entrepreneurs open and closed more than one business
    during their lives.
      E t
      Entrepreneur may change business many times over life ti i response t
                          h       b i              ti          lif time in         to
    changing competition and consumer needs.
      Entrepreneur choice is directly affect how much profit the business makes…
           Trade-off: you are giving up one thing for other.
                  Introduction to Entrepreneurship Course   Chapter 1   By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
Cost & Benefit of Becoming & Entrepreneur

    B fi i l d
    Benefit includes…
        Financial reward
    Cost includes…
        Business Failure
        L li
        Financial Insecurity
        Long Hours/Hard word

              Introduction to Entrepreneurship Course   Chapter 1   By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
Desire of Making Money is not only a Good Reason

    Starting a business is an opportunity and like any opportunity it should be
 evaluated by taking a careful look at cost and benefit.
    The desire to make money, alone is not a good enough reason to start business.
    Financial rewards of owning your business may not happened until you put in
 years of hard work.
    Desire to k
    D i t make money may not b enough t k
                                  t be       h to keep you going through the
                                                              i th        h th
 difficulty of early period.
    Most successful companies have been founded by an entrepreneur with a
 powerful and motivated dream.

               Introduction to Entrepreneurship Course   Chapter 1   By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
Henry Ford’s (Entrepreneur of the chapter) Case study

  F dd
  Ford dreamed of a h
               d f horseless carriage that average American can drive.
                             l        i    h            A     i        di
  Ford needed this strong vision to sustain him through years of Business Failure.
  By the time he was almost forty, ford had been trying to get his vision off the
ground for many years.
  Several his attempts to produce and sell cars failed.
  He continued to direct all his effort toward making his vision real and created the
Ford Motor Company.
  By the time he was fifty, Ford was one of the riches and most famous men in the
  After 100 years Ford Motors Company is still a major American Company.
             The dream provides the motivation to Succeed.
                     What vision will sustain you?
               Introduction to Entrepreneurship Course   Chapter 1   By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
Henry Ford’s (Entrepreneur of the chapter) Case study

               Introduction to Entrepreneurship Course   Chapter 1   By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
In Class Activity

   Do you have What it takes?
   Uncalculated quiz, it will not affect your score.
   It is a self evaluation quiz to determine if you have what it takes to be an
   You have ten minutes to complete the quiz.

               Introduction to Entrepreneurship Course   Chapter 1   By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
How do Entrepreneurs find Opportunity?

  An Entrepreneur definition “An Entrepreneur creates value by exploiting an
          p                           p                      y p        g
invention or, more generally an untried technology possibility for producing a new
commodity or producing an old one in anew way, by opening up a new source of
supply of material or a new outlet for products by reorganizing an industry,…”.
                                       products,                     industry
By Joseph Schumpeter, in 1900s.

     Five basic ways the Entrepreneur find opportunities to create a new business…
         Use a new technology to produce a new product.
         Use an existing technology to produce a new product.
                       g         gy p                 p
         Use an existing technology to produce an old product in a new way.
         Find a new source of resources that might enable him/her to produce a product
      more cheaply
         Develop a new market for an existing product.
                Introduction to Entrepreneurship Course   Chapter 1   By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
Internal/External Opportunities

    An Internal Opportunity is one that comes from inside you- from hobby or an
 interest, or even a passion.
    An External Opportunity are circumstances you notice that make you say to
 yourself, “That would make a great business”.
    The best business opportunity often combine both internal and external factor.
 Ideally, a business that you are passionate about fills a huge need in the

               Introduction to Entrepreneurship Course   Chapter 1   By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
Entrepreneurs Creativity

  Peter Drucker pointed that for a business to be entrepreneurial, it should exploit
                p                                      p          ,            p
changes in the world…
      These changes can be technological, like the explosion in computer
    technology that led Bill Gates to start Microsoft
  Drucker defines an Entrepreneur as some one who “always search for change
responds to it and exploits it as an opportunity”
  Entrepreneur recognize opportunity while other people see only problems.
  The Entrepreneur recognize that the problem was actually an opportunity.
Where there are dissatisfied customer, there are definitely an opportunity.
                                      ,                   y     pp        y
      Bill Gates is a problem solver, before he started Microsoft, most SW was
    complicated and confusing to average person. Gates decided to use his
    programming aptitude to create SW that should be User Friendly fun and easy
    for average person.
               Introduction to Entrepreneurship Course   Chapter 1   By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
Train Your Mind to Recognize Business Opportunity

   First step to become an Entrepreneur is to train you mind to…
            p                      p                y
         Recognize opportunity.
         Next step is to let your creativity fly.
   Develop your Entrepreneurial skills by asking your self the following questions:
         What frustrates me the most when I try to buy something?
         What product or service would really make my life better?
         What makes me annoyed for angry?
         What product or service would take away my aggravation?
   Entrepreneurs not only fume about products and services they would love to have
         p                 y              p                      y
in their lives. Imagine by asking yourself questions like…
         What is the one thing you would love to have more than any-thing else?
         What would it look like? Taste Like?
         What would it do?
               Introduction to Entrepreneurship Course   Chapter 1   By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
An Idea isn’t Necessarily an Opportunity

  Not every business idea you may have is an opportunity
  An Opportunity is an idea that is based on what consumers need or want.
  Successful business sells products or services that customers need at a prices they are
willing to pay.

                Introduction to Entrepreneurship Course   Chapter 1   By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
An Idea isn’t Necessarily an Opportunity

   “ An opportunity has the qualities of being attractive durable and timely and is
                                                attractive, durable,
anchored in a product or service which creates or adds value for it buyer or end user”,
by Jeffry Timmons. Timmons defines a business opportunity as an idea, plus the following
four characteristics
f      h          i i
         It is attractive to customers.
         It will work in your business environment.
         It can be executed in the window of opportunity that exists.
         You have the resources and skills to create the business, or you know
     someone who does and who might want to form the business with you.
   Window of opportunity is the amount of time you have to get your business idea
to market.
   For id t b
   F idea to be an opportunity, it must l d t th d l
                               t it      t lead to the development of a product or service
                                                                   t f     d t         i
that is of value to a customer.
                Introduction to Entrepreneurship Course   Chapter 1   By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
Cost/Benefit Analysis

    To turn opportunity into a business you will have to invest both time and money.
 Before making this investment, look carefully at two factors…
        Cost: The money and time you have to invest.
        Benefits: The money you will earn and the knowledge and experience you
     will gain.
   Cost/benefit analysis can be inaccurate, without including opportunity cost…
        Opportunity cost: is the cost of your next best investment.
        Each time you make a decision about what to do with your time, energy and
     money, think about the cost of opportunity that you are giving up.

               Introduction to Entrepreneurship Course   Chapter 1   By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
SWOT- Strengths, Weakness, Opportunity, Threats

                Strength                                             Weakness
     All of the capabilities and positive points
          f h       bili i     d    ii      i                All of the negative that the entrepreneur
     that the entrepreneur has, from experience              faces, such as lake of capital or training or
     to contacts.                                            failure to set up a workable accounting

          Opportunity                                                      Threats
     Any luck break or creativity insight that can            Anything that can jeopardize the existence of
     help the entrepreneur get ahead of the
        p          p       g                                                                      p      ,
                                                              the business to intimidate the entrepreneur,
     competition                                              from competitors to legal issues.

                   Introduction to Entrepreneurship Course   Chapter 1   By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
Opportunity is Situational

    Opportunity is situational, meaning it is depending on situations. You cannot
 generalize about when or where an opportunity might appear.
    Wisdom was that only the biggest telecom companies were going to be in a
 position of exploit in the internet and the opposite has been true, however
 Entrepreneurs have penetrated and indeed dominated the market for Internet
 b d services. AOL Google< N t
             i    AOL, G       l < Netscape and Y h rather than AT&T.
                                               d Yahoo, th th AT&T
    It can take a huge cooperation (think dinosaurs) over six years to develop and
 implement a new business strategy. Entrepreneurs, in contrast, can dart in and out of
 the markets like roadrunners.
    According to a study by the National Science Foundation, 95% of technological
 innovation s ce world Ware II have been developed and exploited by
     o a o since o d a e              a e bee de e oped a d e p o ed
 entrepreneurial companies.
               Introduction to Entrepreneurship Course   Chapter 1   By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
Five Roots of Opportunity in the Marketplace

   There are five roots of opportunity in the market place that entrepreneurs can
        Problems that your business can solve.
        Changes in law, situations or trends.
        Inventions of totally new products or services.
        Competition. If you can find a way to beat the competition on the price,
     location, quality, reputation, reliability or speed, you can create a very
            f lb i         ith       i ti      d t         i
     successful business with an existing product or service.
        Technology Advances. Scientist may invent new technology but
     entrepreneurs figure out how to use and sell it.

               Introduction to Entrepreneurship Course   Chapter 1   By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
What/Why a Business Plan?

   A business plan is a document thoroughly explains a business idea and how it will be
               p                         g y p
carried out. The plan should include:
        All cost and a marketing plan.
        An explain how the business will be financed
        An estimate of what the earnings are expected to be.
   The number 1 reason to write a business plan is to organize your thoughts before
starting a business.
   Bankers and other potential investors, will refuse to see an entrepreneur who doesn’t
have a business plan.
   A well-written BP will show investors that you have carefully though through what
you intend to do.
   Business Plan will save you time and money because before you start you will figure
out many required details.
               Introduction to Entrepreneurship Course   Chapter 1   By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
Seven Rules for Building Successful Business

     Recognize an Opportunity.
     Evaluate it with Critical Thinking.
     Build a Team.
     Gather Resources.
     Decide Ownership.
     Create Wealth.

                 Introduction to Entrepreneurship Course   Chapter 1   By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
Chapter Assignment…

   From the text Book, Application Exercise, Page 30.
   Describe three business opportunities, each in half A4 maximum.
   Use Checklist (in text book page 30), to evaluate the three business opportunities.
   Chose the best business opportunity and write a SWOT.
   Write a cost/benefit analysis to analysis the cost and benefits to start this

            Assignment Deadline: Newt Week lecture.
            A          D dl      N    W kl

               Introduction to Entrepreneurship Course   Chapter 1   By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
Bonus Activity…

   Go to…

     Chose one of the 25 most powerful people in Business and in one A4 page…
         Describe his journey in one paragraph using your own words.
         List the most important milestones which made his in the list, from your own point of view.
         Describe why he was your choice in one paragraph.
         Use the internet and get more details about the person you chose and write it in a
       maximum of 10 lines using your own wording.

              By doing this activity you will take bonus (same weight of assignment)
                                     Else you will not loose score
                               Activity Deadline: Newt Week lecture.
                  Introduction to Entrepreneurship Course   Chapter 1   By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
Extra Resources for Entrepreneur of the Chapter…

     For Henry Ford you can visit:


               //                       /

                 Introduction to Entrepreneurship Course   Chapter 1   By: Motaz Al-Agamawi

           thank you…
     Introduction to Entrepreneurship Course   Chapter 1   By: Motaz Al-Agamawi

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Essential of Technology Entrep & Innovation- Chapter one introduction to entrepreneurship

  • 1. CS443 Course Introduction To Entrepreneurship p p Spring 2009, Modern Science & Arts University Chapter One: Introduction To Entrepreneurship Instructor: Al-Motaz Bellah Alaa Al-Agamawi Chapter Source, “chapter one: what business do you want to start” from “entrepreneurship: starting and operating a small business” book, by Steve Mariotti, 2007, Pearson Education Inc. Introduction to Entrepreneurship Course Chapter 1 By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
  • 2. Difference Between Products and Services 2 Products: some thing that exist in nature or is made by human being. Service: is work that provide time, skills or experience in exchange for money. Products is tangibles, meaning that it can be touched. Services is intangibles, meaning that you can not actually touch it. Introduction to Entrepreneurship Course Chapter 1 By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
  • 3. Definition of Employee 3 Some one who earns a living by working for some one else’s business is an employee. Employees all have one thing in common… They do not own a business. They work for other who do. They know how much money they can earn. The money they earn is limited to Salary, Bonuses and Stock Options. Introduction to Entrepreneurship Course Chapter 1 By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
  • 4. Definition of Entrepreneur 4 P l start their own business and work for themselves are called E People h i b i d kf h l ll d Entrepreneurs. An Entrepreneur is someone who recognize an opportunity to start a business that other people may not have noticed and jump on it. Unlike Employees Entrepreneur… Own his or her business. Own the profit that his/her business earns earns. Own the decision of reinvest profits in business or use it to pay him/herself. The word Entrepreneur first surfaced in France in Seventeenth century… It I was used to describe some who undertook a project. d d ib h d k j After while it came to mean someone who start a new business… Who start a new kind of business or new or improved way of doing business Introduction to Entrepreneurship Course Chapter 1 By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
  • 5. Example for Entrepreneur 5 Steve Jobs and Stephen Wozniak were barely out of College when p y g they invented the personal computers in a Garage in Cupertino, California. Now Apple Sells millions of iPhones, iPods, iBooks and other innovative Products. Bill Gates and his friend Paul Allen were handing out at Harvard Square newsstand and stopped th l t t issue of P l El t i On S t d d t d the latest i f Popular Electronics. O the cover was a picture of a build-it yourself microprocessor kit called the Altair 8800 “This is our chance ” said Allen to Gates. Gates spent 5 8800. This chance, Gates weeks writing the Basic program for the machine and in the winter 1975- the world first microprocessor SW company was born “Microsoft”. (Source “ p p y ( What the Best CEOs Know” by Jeffrey A Krames, McGrawHill Book) Introduction to Entrepreneurship Course Chapter 1 By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
  • 6. Free Enterprise 6 Free Enterprise is on voluntary exchange. Voluntary exchange is a trade between two parties who agree to trade money for products or services. No one is forced to trade, each is excited by the opportunity the trade offers. Both parties agree to the exchange because they both benefit. We all benefit from living is a free enterprise system because… It Discourage entrepreneurs who waste resources by driving them out of business. It Encourage entrepreneurs who use resource efficiently to sa s y customer cou age e ep e eu s o esou ce e c e y o satisfy cus o e needs by reward them with profit. Introduction to Entrepreneurship Course Chapter 1 By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
  • 7. What is Small Business? 7 S ll Business employees less than 100 and have yearly sales less than 5 Small B i l l th dh l l l th Million (this is the US Small business Administration) This definition can varies from country to another depending on many parameters including market size, demand and other factors. Most multimillion dollar companies started as small, entrepreneurial venture. This is why Entrepreneurship is often called the engine of economy. In the USA which is the most Entrepreneurship country in the world… 22.4 million non-agriculture small business (according to 2001 Small Business Administration) 14% of fastest growing companies in US started with less than 1,000 USD (Inc, October 2002). Small Business represent more than 99% of all employers (S ll B i (Small Business Administration, December 2000) Introduction to Entrepreneurship Course Chapter 1 By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
  • 8. Business and Profit 8 P fi means that the amount of money coming in business must be greater Profit h h f i i b i tb t than the amount of money required to pay the bills. No matter how big or small a business, business must make a profit. When starting a business it is good rule to expect to lose money for the first period which could various from 3 to 6 months. Closing a business is nothing to be ashamed of if you learn from the experience. Most successful entrepreneurs open and closed more than one business during their lives. E t Entrepreneur may change business many times over life ti i response t h b i ti lif time in to changing competition and consumer needs. Entrepreneur choice is directly affect how much profit the business makes… Trade-off: you are giving up one thing for other. Introduction to Entrepreneurship Course Chapter 1 By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
  • 9. Cost & Benefit of Becoming & Entrepreneur 9 B fi i l d Benefit includes… Independence Satisfaction Financial reward Self-Esteem Cost includes… Business Failure Obstacles L li Loneliness Financial Insecurity Long Hours/Hard word Introduction to Entrepreneurship Course Chapter 1 By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
  • 10. Desire of Making Money is not only a Good Reason 10 Starting a business is an opportunity and like any opportunity it should be evaluated by taking a careful look at cost and benefit. The desire to make money, alone is not a good enough reason to start business. Financial rewards of owning your business may not happened until you put in years of hard work. Desire to k D i t make money may not b enough t k t be h to keep you going through the i th h th difficulty of early period. Most successful companies have been founded by an entrepreneur with a powerful and motivated dream. Introduction to Entrepreneurship Course Chapter 1 By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
  • 11. Henry Ford’s (Entrepreneur of the chapter) Case study 11 F dd Ford dreamed of a h d f horseless carriage that average American can drive. l i h A i di Ford needed this strong vision to sustain him through years of Business Failure. By the time he was almost forty, ford had been trying to get his vision off the ground for many years. Several his attempts to produce and sell cars failed. He continued to direct all his effort toward making his vision real and created the Ford Motor Company. By the time he was fifty, Ford was one of the riches and most famous men in the ld world. After 100 years Ford Motors Company is still a major American Company. The dream provides the motivation to Succeed. p What vision will sustain you? Introduction to Entrepreneurship Course Chapter 1 By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
  • 12. Henry Ford’s (Entrepreneur of the chapter) Case study 12 Introduction to Entrepreneurship Course Chapter 1 By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
  • 13. In Class Activity 13 Do you have What it takes? Uncalculated quiz, it will not affect your score. It is a self evaluation quiz to determine if you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur. You have ten minutes to complete the quiz. Introduction to Entrepreneurship Course Chapter 1 By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
  • 14. How do Entrepreneurs find Opportunity? 14 An Entrepreneur definition “An Entrepreneur creates value by exploiting an p p y p g invention or, more generally an untried technology possibility for producing a new commodity or producing an old one in anew way, by opening up a new source of supply of material or a new outlet for products by reorganizing an industry,…”. products, industry By Joseph Schumpeter, in 1900s. Five basic ways the Entrepreneur find opportunities to create a new business… Use a new technology to produce a new product. Use an existing technology to produce a new product. g gy p p Use an existing technology to produce an old product in a new way. Find a new source of resources that might enable him/her to produce a product more cheaply cheaply. Develop a new market for an existing product. Introduction to Entrepreneurship Course Chapter 1 By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
  • 15. Internal/External Opportunities 15 An Internal Opportunity is one that comes from inside you- from hobby or an interest, or even a passion. An External Opportunity are circumstances you notice that make you say to yourself, “That would make a great business”. The best business opportunity often combine both internal and external factor. Ideally, a business that you are passionate about fills a huge need in the marketplace. Introduction to Entrepreneurship Course Chapter 1 By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
  • 16. Entrepreneurs Creativity 16 Peter Drucker pointed that for a business to be entrepreneurial, it should exploit p p , p changes in the world… These changes can be technological, like the explosion in computer Microsoft,… technology that led Bill Gates to start Microsoft Drucker defines an Entrepreneur as some one who “always search for change responds to it and exploits it as an opportunity” Entrepreneur recognize opportunity while other people see only problems. The Entrepreneur recognize that the problem was actually an opportunity. Where there are dissatisfied customer, there are definitely an opportunity. , y pp y Bill Gates is a problem solver, before he started Microsoft, most SW was complicated and confusing to average person. Gates decided to use his programming aptitude to create SW that should be User Friendly fun and easy Friendly-fun for average person. Introduction to Entrepreneurship Course Chapter 1 By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
  • 17. Train Your Mind to Recognize Business Opportunity 17 First step to become an Entrepreneur is to train you mind to… p p y Recognize opportunity. Next step is to let your creativity fly. Develop your Entrepreneurial skills by asking your self the following questions: What frustrates me the most when I try to buy something? What product or service would really make my life better? What makes me annoyed for angry? What product or service would take away my aggravation? Entrepreneurs not only fume about products and services they would love to have p y p y in their lives. Imagine by asking yourself questions like… What is the one thing you would love to have more than any-thing else? What would it look like? Taste Like? What would it do? Introduction to Entrepreneurship Course Chapter 1 By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
  • 18. An Idea isn’t Necessarily an Opportunity 18 Not every business idea you may have is an opportunity opportunity. An Opportunity is an idea that is based on what consumers need or want. Successful business sells products or services that customers need at a prices they are willing to pay. illi Introduction to Entrepreneurship Course Chapter 1 By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
  • 19. An Idea isn’t Necessarily an Opportunity 19 “ An opportunity has the qualities of being attractive durable and timely and is attractive, durable, anchored in a product or service which creates or adds value for it buyer or end user”, by Jeffry Timmons. Timmons defines a business opportunity as an idea, plus the following four characteristics f h i i It is attractive to customers. It will work in your business environment. It can be executed in the window of opportunity that exists. You have the resources and skills to create the business, or you know someone who does and who might want to form the business with you. Window of opportunity is the amount of time you have to get your business idea to market. For id t b F idea to be an opportunity, it must l d t th d l t it t lead to the development of a product or service t f d t i that is of value to a customer. Introduction to Entrepreneurship Course Chapter 1 By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
  • 20. Cost/Benefit Analysis 20 To turn opportunity into a business you will have to invest both time and money. Before making this investment, look carefully at two factors… Cost: The money and time you have to invest. Benefits: The money you will earn and the knowledge and experience you will gain. Cost/benefit analysis can be inaccurate, without including opportunity cost… Opportunity cost: is the cost of your next best investment. Each time you make a decision about what to do with your time, energy and money, think about the cost of opportunity that you are giving up. Introduction to Entrepreneurship Course Chapter 1 By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
  • 21. SWOT- Strengths, Weakness, Opportunity, Threats 21 Strength Weakness All of the capabilities and positive points f h bili i d ii i All of the negative that the entrepreneur that the entrepreneur has, from experience faces, such as lake of capital or training or to contacts. failure to set up a workable accounting system. Opportunity Threats Any luck break or creativity insight that can Anything that can jeopardize the existence of help the entrepreneur get ahead of the p p g p , the business to intimidate the entrepreneur, competition from competitors to legal issues. Introduction to Entrepreneurship Course Chapter 1 By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
  • 22. Opportunity is Situational 22 Opportunity is situational, meaning it is depending on situations. You cannot generalize about when or where an opportunity might appear. Wisdom was that only the biggest telecom companies were going to be in a position of exploit in the internet and the opposite has been true, however Entrepreneurs have penetrated and indeed dominated the market for Internet based b d services. AOL Google< N t i AOL, G l < Netscape and Y h rather than AT&T. d Yahoo, th th AT&T It can take a huge cooperation (think dinosaurs) over six years to develop and implement a new business strategy. Entrepreneurs, in contrast, can dart in and out of the markets like roadrunners. According to a study by the National Science Foundation, 95% of technological innovation s ce world Ware II have been developed and exploited by o a o since o d a e a e bee de e oped a d e p o ed entrepreneurial companies. Introduction to Entrepreneurship Course Chapter 1 By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
  • 23. Five Roots of Opportunity in the Marketplace 23 There are five roots of opportunity in the market place that entrepreneurs can exploit: Problems that your business can solve. Changes in law, situations or trends. Inventions of totally new products or services. Competition. If you can find a way to beat the competition on the price, location, quality, reputation, reliability or speed, you can create a very f lb i ith i ti d t i successful business with an existing product or service. Technology Advances. Scientist may invent new technology but entrepreneurs figure out how to use and sell it. Introduction to Entrepreneurship Course Chapter 1 By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
  • 24. What/Why a Business Plan? 24 A business plan is a document thoroughly explains a business idea and how it will be p g y p carried out. The plan should include: All cost and a marketing plan. financed. An explain how the business will be financed An estimate of what the earnings are expected to be. The number 1 reason to write a business plan is to organize your thoughts before starting a business. Bankers and other potential investors, will refuse to see an entrepreneur who doesn’t have a business plan. p A well-written BP will show investors that you have carefully though through what you intend to do. Business Plan will save you time and money because before you start you will figure money, out many required details. Introduction to Entrepreneurship Course Chapter 1 By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
  • 25. Seven Rules for Building Successful Business 25 Recognize an Opportunity. Evaluate it with Critical Thinking. Build a Team. Write. Gather Resources. Decide Ownership. Create Wealth. Introduction to Entrepreneurship Course Chapter 1 By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
  • 26. Chapter Assignment… 26 From the text Book, Application Exercise, Page 30. Describe three business opportunities, each in half A4 maximum. Use Checklist (in text book page 30), to evaluate the three business opportunities. Chose the best business opportunity and write a SWOT. Write a cost/benefit analysis to analysis the cost and benefits to start this business. Assignment Deadline: Newt Week lecture. A D dl N W kl Introduction to Entrepreneurship Course Chapter 1 By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
  • 27. Bonus Activity… 27 Go to… Chose one of the 25 most powerful people in Business and in one A4 page… Describe his journey in one paragraph using your own words. List the most important milestones which made his in the list, from your own point of view. Describe why he was your choice in one paragraph. Use the internet and get more details about the person you chose and write it in a maximum of 10 lines using your own wording. By doing this activity you will take bonus (same weight of assignment) Else you will not loose score Activity Deadline: Newt Week lecture. Introduction to Entrepreneurship Course Chapter 1 By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
  • 28. Extra Resources for Entrepreneur of the Chapter… 28 For Henry Ford you can visit: // // / Introduction to Entrepreneurship Course Chapter 1 By: Motaz Al-Agamawi
  • 29. 29 thank you… Introduction to Entrepreneurship Course Chapter 1 By: Motaz Al-Agamawi