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Changing trends in Ayurvedic practice
Sathya N. Dornala
Swami Vivekanand Ayurvedic Panchakarma Hospital, Delhi - 95
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Minutes of the talk
 Introduction
 Health Seeking Behaviour
 Reasons to opt for Alternative
 Medical Pluralism
 Changing paradigms of Ayurveda
 Padachatushtayam – K.A.P.S study
 Different approaches to Practice
 Categories of Practitioners
 SWOT analysis of current Ayurvedic
 Myths in Contemporary times
 Yukti based Practice
 Ayurvedic Prescription Practices
 Contemporary challenges & Advantages
 Proved areas of Practice
 Legality in Practice
 Policy issues of Practice
 Technology driven Practice
 Ultimate essence of Practice
 India’s greatest achievement – LONGER LIVES
 Immunization & Nutrition
 Successful in Adding years to life (Lifespan) –
but forgot to achieve Life to years (Health span)
in terms of LSD/CNCD – CVD, Cancer, Diabetes, COPD
Year 1947 1960 1980 1990 2000
Avg. LE in
31 42 48 58.5 62 66.9 70.3
Ministry of Health & Family welfare, Govt. of India 2015
India : Health of the Nations states Nov 2017
Health Seeking Behaviour - NSSO
Science of Holistic Living & Art of Natural Healing
National Health Policy 2017
shifting focus from “sick-care” to “wellness”
 Union Cabinet approved NHP on 15.3.2017.
 Broad principles of the policy is centered on Professionalism, Integrity and
Ethics, Equity, Affordability, Universality, Patient Centered & Quality of
Care, Accountability and Pluralism.
 Main objective is to achieve the highest possible level of good health and
well-being, through a preventive and promotive health care orientation in
all developmental policies, and to achieve universal access to good quality
health care services without anyone having to face financial hardship as a
 To reduce premature mortality from CNCD by 25 % by 2025.
Reasons to opt
 Relieve or prevent treatment
side effects
 Reduce side-effects of
prolonged use.
 Enhance tolerance of
conventional therapy
 Promote relaxation
 Reduce stress
 Relieve pain
 Improve Appetite & Sleep
 Enhance quality of life
 Improve immune function
 Alter disease progression
 Prevent recurrence
 Prolong survival
Medical Pluralism
 Pluralisitic Healthcare
 Co-existing Healing systems & Practices
 India is the only country in the world with 8 recognised
healthcare systems
 Allopathy/Ayurveda/Yoga & Naturopathy/ Unani/Siddha &
Changing Paradigms of Ayurveda
 Shuddha Ayurveda / Pure Ayurveda
 Alloveda/Neo-Ayurveda
 Contemporary Ayurveda
 Evidence-Based Ayurveda
 Ayurpathy
 Modern Ayurveda
 Integrative Ayurveda
 Speciality Ayurveda / Prefixed Ayurveda
 OTC Ayurveda / FMCG Ayurveda
 Google Ayurveda / Allopathization of Ayurveda
 SMART Ayurveda / Integrative Medicine
Shuddha Ayurveda
 Ancient Ayurveda
 Vaidya is the supremo of Padachatushtaya
 Treatment is based on ayurvedic concepts either
panchamahabhuta or tridosha etc.,
Pure Ayurveda
 Some of our doctors say that I practice pure Ayurveda
 What is Pure Ayurveda?
 Prescribes Ayurvedic drugs only – Is Pure Ayurveda?
Alloveda / Neo-Ayurveda
 Alloveda is a combination therapy incorporating concepts of modern
medicine and Ayurveda.
 Term ‘Alloveda’ was introduced by a licensee firm in conjunction with
Guglip, a commercial preparation containing the ethyl acetate
soluble fraction of gum Guggulu from Commiphora mukul, used to
reduce blood cholesterol levels.
 It is an approach to re-write the Ayurvedic pharmacology of
contemporary drugs. Ayurvedic pharmacology of allopathic drugs is a
new dimension of healthcare science. (PCM – Tikta ras)
Dr.KK Agarwal HCFI
Contemporary Ayurveda
 It’s a new paradigm for a reconstructed view of
healthcare with synergy between Ayurveda and modern
science and modern society.
 Aesthetic packing and presentation
 Medicine for Hangover – Cap Party Smart
Evidence based Ayurveda
 Evidence-Based Ayurveda suggests that a holistic gestalt and
reductionist mechanisms are mutually complementary.
 It comprises best research evidence, clinical experience, and
patients' preferences.
Levels of Evidence
Modern Ayurveda
 C. P. Khare & Chandra Kant Katiyar
 Understanding the surge of scientific work now being
conducted on this ancient practice.
 Introduced by the eminent scientist, C.K. Katiyar.
 Represents modern Ayurveda, which includes the
application of modern scientific analytical tools for
standardization, modern pharmacological tools for safety
and efficacy evaluation, and application of biotechnology
to elicit the mechanism of action as far as possible.
Integrative Ayurveda
 Integrative Ayurveda is the incorporation of modern
medical technology into Ayurvedic research and
practice, in the interest of a better patient outcome.
 The core idea is that anything and everything
potentially useful for human health should be
explored, and, if proved useful through evidence-
based approaches, considered for inclusion in
 This approach embodies the ethos of “therapeutic
Speciality Ayurveda
 Eyecare – Sreedhareeyam Ayurvedic Eyecare Hospital – 250 bedded hospital
 Mental health – VPSV Hopsital for Mentally ill
 Cancer care – Lavanya
 Ayurvedic Immunity enhancement programme - Swarna Prashana -
Immunization is the process whereby a person is made immune or resistant to an infectious disease,
typically by the administration of a vaccine. (WHO)
Prefixed Ayurveda
 Maharishi Ayurveda
 Sri Sri Ayurveda
 Patanjali Ayurveda
 Jiva Ayurveda
OTC Ayurveda
 OTC products and do not require any prescription at all.
 Liv-52
 Cystone
 Septilin
 BGR – 34
 IME – 9
 Legally speaking it is not approved
FMCG Ayurveda
 Packaged foods, beverages, toiletries, OTC drugs, and
other consumables.
 Day to day usable items such as Toothpaste, Mouthwash,
soaps, shampoos, Tea powders, hair oils etc.,
 Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL)
 ITC Limited
 Patanjali Ayurveda
Google Ayurveda
 Primary physician
Allopathization of Ayurveda
 Calcium supplementation in OA
 Claiming One medicine for DM is not Ayurveda.
 DM management considering Blood sugar as target &
prescribing tikta ras dravyas
Integrative Medicine
SMART Ayurveda / Digital ayurveda
 Smart Mobile
 Smart Banking
 Smart Watch
 Smart Home
 Smart TV
 Smart Home Appliances
 Smart Cities
(Medical Quartet)
Knowledge Attitude Practice Skills
(KAPS) Study
Essentials of Practice
D.R.U.G - Padachatushtaya
D – Doctor
R – Remedy (medicament)
U – Upasthata / nUrse
G – Grief (suffering) - dukha
Bhishak Dravya
Knowledge Excellence in Medical
Abundance (Easily
available and known
to all) (Bahutah)
Knowledge of nursing
Attitude Purity in thinking
Suitability (Seasonal,
Individual and
different clinical
Purity in thought
Extensive practical
experience (Bahusho
drishta karmatah)
Fidelity/Practice with
sincerity towards patient
(Anuragascha bartari)
Skill Dexterity
Excellence in
Skillful in performing
tasks (Daakshyam)
Ingenious expression
of symptoms
Sir William Osler
Father of Modern Medicine
Different approaches of Practice
Ayurvedic Diagnosis
Ayurvedic Treatment
Modern Diagnosis
Ayurvedic Treatment
Ayurvedic Diagnosis
Modern Treatment
Modern Diagnosis
Modern Treatment
Udupa Committee - 1959
Categories of Practitioners (WHO)
1. Monopolists
Practitioners of conventional
modern medicine.
2. Tolerants
Practitioners substituting the
monopolists in their absence.
3. Parallels
Systems attempting to practice their
own science parallel to modern
medicine such as
Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese
medicine and Homeopathy.
4. Integrated
Practice of traditional medicine and
western modern medicine in an
integrated pattern under single
SWOT Analysis
Current Ayurveda Practice
 Rich unbroken source of Knowledge,
Everlasting fundamentals and concepts
 Renewed worldwide interest in AYUSH
 Preventive and Adjunctive role of
Ayurveda in Chronic Non-
Communicable Diseases (CNCD) and
Lifestyle diseases
 Non-availability of Genuine single raw
drugs and compound formulations
 Lack of Awareness about the strengths of
Ayurveda system among the general
public, Allopathic physicians, allied
healthcare professionals, Professionals of
other biological sciences, bureaucrats,
corporates, politicians etc.,
 Limited opportunities for Ayurvedic
doctors in terms of employment (both
in Govt. and private sector) and limited
entry into diversified education fields
 Tradition to TRADE-ition
 Allopathization of Ayurveda
 Quackery in Ayurveda
 Commercial exploitation of Panchakarma
as SPAanchakarma
Common Myths in
Contemporary times
Public perception
 Churna – for digestions and gas problems
 Taila - Pain
Nadi pariksha
 Truly essential ?
 How could it be assessed?
Ayurvedic drugs are free from Side effects
 Is it true?
 Side effects are may be the sequelae of desired effects or may be
due to over dosage or food-drug or drug-drug interactions etc.,
 Side effects may be acute, harmful, beneficial etc.,
 It’s appropriate to claim
“Ayurvedic drugs are with minimal or less side effects”
Dietary restriction with Ayurvedic
 It’s not always
 Most of the times dietary restriction is to enhance the
therapeutic efficacy of the drugs and to minimise the wax
and wane of the diseases and food-drug interactions
 Aharam mahabaishajyam (Kasyapa)
No expiry for Ayurvedic drugs
 Asavarishta
 Bhamas
Can we include Multivitamins in our
 Is it Ayurveda or Allopathy?
 Vit B12 & Vit D deficiency becoming public health problem
 Multivitamins falls under both drugs & foods category.
 Yes we do have the source of those, but they are not in a
readily absorbable form.
 Kamadudha Ras (Mukta pisti, Pravala pisti, Mukta sukti
pisti, Kapardika bhasma, Sankha bhasma,
Svarnagairika, Amrta satva)
Is Investigations are essential?
 Mostly in Urban and Suburban practice
 Diabetes – Polyphagia/Polydipsia/Polyurea
 HsCRP – Systemic Ama
 Urine pH – 6 to 8 (Acid to Alkalinity)
Guzzling water
 Excess Intake of Water
 When u take lot of water, kidneys put out more urine
but not more toxins in the urine (Dr.Stanley Goldfarb, University
of Pennsylvania)
 // atyambu panam ajeernakaram //
 // madhumehi jalam manda machereth //
 // udakam kledananam //
Routine prescription
 As a routine, Triphala churna is advised as laxative in Old
 Ideally it should be Asavarishta, Lehya etc.,
Rasoushadhis are asset of Ayurveda ?
 Dasavidha pariksha/Ashta stana pariksha
 //Na desham na dushyam na kalam
na prakriti…………//
Logic behind the evolution of
Pharmaceutical dosage forms
 Ghrita – Lipid soluble – can only cross barriers like
BBB, Retinal barrier, Placental barrier etc.,
 Taila – Lipid soluble – Mucosal barriers
 Kshira paka – Arjuna & Lasuna, Trinapanchamula
Logic for Selection of Purgatives
( VK)
( P)
Haritaki Aragwada Katuki Trivrth
lavana churna
Icchabhedi ras
Virechana gulika
Eranda tailam
Krimi, Kamala
For Shodana
1 hr before or
after dinner
½ before or
after the lunch
Not at bed
10 am on empty
Logic in selection of
Dhatu / Dhatwagni poshaka
Dhatu Dhatu poshak Dhatwgani poshak
Rasa Mansa ras, Ikshu ras, Soups Vit. B complex
Rakta Iron , Jaggery Vit .C, Vit. B 12, Cu
Mansa Kukkuta, Aja mansa Vit. B complex
Medo Ghee & Butter & Jaggery Vit . A.D.E.K
Asthi Asthisamharaka,
Calcium rich sources
Vit .D
Majja Long bone soups Vit .A
Sukra Testicles of goat, eggs Vit .E, Gold
Ayurveda is medicine with intelligence
Modern medicine is like a bullet
 Chandraprabha vati
 Shiva gulika
Vasti dose fixation
 18 – 70 yrs : 1200 ml (Some authorities take it as 1000 ml)
 In practice we don’t follow this rule
 Then how to fix the Niruha vasti matra?
Ayurvedic Prescription
Good Ayurvedic Prescription Practices
 Rogi pariksha – App/Sleep/Bowels/Urine/MH – Dietary and
Lifestyle - foods and habits
 Roga pariksha – HTN/DM/HypoT
 Nidana (Diagnosis)
 Drug – Administration/Dosage/Timing/Anupana/Duration/Drug
 Nidana parivarjana (Dietary & Lifestyle restriction)
 Pathyaharavihara (Food and Lifestyle modification)
Contemporary Nidana - Atiyoga
Irrational Prescriptions
 Prescribing more than 2 Guggulu formulations in
single prescription
How to Plan ?
 AIDS (Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome)
 Swine flu (Abhinyasa jwara)
 Dengue fever (Pittolbana sannipata jwara)
 Cerebral palsy
J Am Soc Nephrol. 2016 Oct;27(10):3153-3163. Epub 2016 Apr 14.
JAMA Intern Med. 2016 Feb;176(2):238-46. doi: 10.1001/jamainternmed.2015.7193.
J Nephrol. 2016 Oct;29(5):611-6. doi: 10.1007/s40620-016-0309-2. Epub 2016 Apr 12.
Polypill - Monopill
 6-in-1 formulation - Cholesterol lowering drug called statin (say
simvastatin, 40 mg), 3 BP lowering drugs (say a thiazide, a beta blocker
and an ACE inhibitor, each at half the standard dose), Folic acid (0.8 mg)
and Aspirin (75 mg).
 Proposed by Drs. N. J Wald and M. R. Law of the Wolfson Institute of
Preventive Medicine at the University of London - a tablet to be taken
daily by people above the age 55 - to prevent heart attacks and strokes
 Arjuna to (a) decrease the levels of triglycerides and cholesterol, and
recover the levels of HDL, (b) act as an anti-ischemic agent, (c) act as
good as the drug isosorbide mononitrate in chronic stable angina, (d)
relieve myocardial necrosis in rats, (e) modulate platelet aggregation,
(f) act as an effective antioxidant, and (g) contain folic acid .
Possible mechanisms responsible for the radioprotective and chemoprotective effects of Triphala.
Baliga MS. Triphala, Ayurvedic Formulation for Treating and Preventing Cancer:A Review.
Drug Of Choice in Therapeutics
Of Refractory illness
Ashmari/Urinary stones
 Chandraprabha vati
 Gokshuradi guggulu
 Vastyamayanataka ghrita
 Varanadi Ghrita
 Abhayarishta
 Arshakuthara ras
 Guda haritaki
 Kankayana vati
 Jatyadi taila or Kasisadi taila
 Pippalyadi taila (Matravasti)
//Prasanthicha punarvartatein// (Ka.Sa)
 Khadirarishta
 Panchatikta ghrita guggulu
 Kaisora guggulu soaked in 777 oil
 Br.Manjishtadi Quath
 Nalpamaradi taila/Maha marichaydi taila
 Brahmi vati
Grahani/Malabsorption syndrome
 Kutajaghan vati
 Karpura ras
 Bifilac sachets (Lactobacillus)
 Concept of Krimi
 Drugs & Cosmetics Act 1940 & Rules 1945
 The Drugs and Magic Remedies (Objectionable advertisements)
Act 1954
 Pre Conception Pre Natal Diagnostic Testing (PCPNDT) Act
 Indian Forest Act 1927
 Wildlife Act – To collect animal source drugs
 Excise Act to regulate Asavarishta
 FSSAI (Food Safety and Standards Authority of India)
 The Clinical Establishments (Registration & Regulation ) Act 2010
 Good Manufacturing Practice
 Good Laboratory Practice
 Good Agricultural Practice
 Biomedical waste management (BMW) Act
 Healthcare Fire safety
The Indian Forest (Amendment) Bill, 2017
 Exemption of bamboo grown in non-forest areas from
definition of tree, thereby dispensing with the
requirement of felling or transit permit for its economic
 Passed by Parliament on December 20, 2017.
Cross prescription & Cross referrals
 Health is State issue – North Indian states allowed to
prescribe limited number of allopathic drugs by A & U
 Know the strengths and limitations of Your own system
and other contemporary systems may be allopathy or
other ayush systems.
If the advise of a lawyer and Doctors goes wrong in
some way, even than no case under section 420 IPC or
something like that can be registered against him/her.
Professionals like lawyers and doctors cannot guarantee
for the success of the case.
National List of Essential Medicines
(NLEM 2011)
 Essential medicines are those that satisfy the priority
healthcare needs of majority of the population.
 NLEM should be available at affordable costs and with assured
Medicines have been categorized as follows –
A total of 348 medicines (excluding repetitions) are present in
NLEM 2011. In the NLEM 2011, 181 medicines fall under the
category of P, S and T; 106 medicines fall under the category of
S, T while 61 medicines are categorized as T only.
 277 ayurvedic generic medicines
 EDL is a guiding tool for
procurement and stocking of
 It aims at improving the
availability and proper use of
medicines within the healthcare
delivery system.
Item Kinds of formulations No. of drugs
1 Asava Arishta 30
2 Arka kalpana 3
3 Avaleha, Khand, Pak Kalpana 20
4 Kwath Churna / Kashayam 36
5 Guggulu 13
6 Ghirta 15
7 Churna (Multi-ingredient) 22
8 Churna (Single-ingredient) 14
9 Taila 32
10 Lavana & Kshar 7
11 Lepa for local application 5
12 Vati & Gutika 23
13 Varti, Netrabindu, Anjana 2
14 Sattva 1
15 Kupipakva Rasayan 2
16 Parpati 2
17 Pishti Kalpana 4
18 Bhasma 12
19 Mandura 1
20 Rasayoga 29
21 Lauha 4
Pharmaceutical forms as per AFI
1. Asavarishta (Medicated wines)
2. Arka (Distillates)
3. Avaleha and Paka (Medicated jelly)
4. Kwatha churna (Herbal coarse powder)
5. Guggulu (Resinous preparations)
6. Ghrita (Medicated Ghee)
7. Churna (Fine powder of the herbs)
8. Taila (Medicated oils)
9. Dravaka ( Emulsions)
10. Lavana kshara (Neutraline Alkaline
11.Lepa (Medicated pastes)
12. Vati and Gutika (Tablets, Capsules,
Tabsules etc.,)
13.Varti –Netrabindu and Anjana
(Opthalmic medicaments)
14. Sattva (Water extractable solid
15. Kupipakwa rasayana (Highly
evolved formulation)
16. Parpati (Metallic preparations)
17. Pishti (Metallic preparations)
18. Bhasma (Calxes of Metals and
19. Mandura ( Preparations with
Iron as Major and main
20. Rasayoga ( Herbomineral and/or
metallic formulations)
21 Lauha ( Preparations with Iron as Major
and main ingredient)
Current Pharmaceutical Dosage
 Kashayam
 Tailam capsules
 Ghritam capsules
 Granules
 Ready to use Matravasti oils
 Sukumara ghritam
 Sukumara lehyam
 Sukumara
 Sukumarasav
 Eranda sukumaram
Proprietary and Patent Medicines
 Multiple Compound Formulations
Palsinuron Capsules contains :
 Mahavatvidhwans
 Sameerpannag
 Ekangveer ras
 Sootshekhar
 Lajari
 Khurasani Owa
Technology driven Practice
Integrated Clinical Decision Support
 A Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS) is a health
information technology system that is designed to
assist physicians and other health professionals with
clinical decision-making tasks.
 Clinical Decision Support systems link health observations
with health knowledge to influence health choices by
clinicians for improved health care.
Telemedicine in Ayurveda
 Telemedicine is a technology based system by which
an expert can communicate with patients of remote
location with the help of tools of information
 The Jiva TeleMedicine Center, a first-of-its-kind
concept in the world, was established in 1998 as an
integrated center of telephonic health consultation.
Today, Jiva has 150 Ayurvedic doctors and consultants
providing consultations to more than one million
patients across 1200 cities and towns in India.
Ultimate essence of
• PRo ACtive Thinking In Clinical Excellence
• Every act in Practice makes you to either fulfill your professional
duty or to gain friendship or to earn money or to achieve
reputation or to gain experience and so on & never fruitless.
 Dietary Intervention (Ahara -Pathyapathya)
 Exercise (Vihara )
 Treatment (Chikitsa)
Past to Present
 Gurukula to Kulaguru
 Vaidya (Physician) to Doctor
 Physici(st)an : Physis meaning Nature
 Obsolete to Absolute science
 Prachya (Ancient) to Aprachya (Contemporary)
 Swarasa to Sugar coated tablets
 Panchakarma to SPAnchakarma
 Experiential based Practice to Evidence based Practice
 Traditional to Translational
 ‘I do not want my house to be walled in on sides and
my windows to be stuffed. I want the cultures of all
the lands to be blown about my house as freely as
possible’. (MKGandhi)
 Gandhiji implied that our mind should be open and uninhibited.
It should be open to new ideas and new thinking. There should
be no artificial boundaries and walls or borders between
different domains of knowledge as well as the practitioners of
these knowledge systems.
 Ancient science of Ayurveda and contemporary health care
stream can gain from each other for far reaching benefits and
newer directions in healthcare.
Centuries hold Ayurveda is Centuries ahead.

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Changing Trends in Ayurvedic practice

  • 1. Changing trends in Ayurvedic practice Sathya N. Dornala Swami Vivekanand Ayurvedic Panchakarma Hospital, Delhi - 95
  • 2. Copyright & Disclaimer  All material in this presentation particularly ACRONYMS and other unique thought contents may be copied, reproduced, distributed, republished, displayed, posted or transmitted in any form or by any means with proper citation.
  • 3. Minutes of the talk  Introduction  Health Seeking Behaviour  Reasons to opt for Alternative approaches  Medical Pluralism  Changing paradigms of Ayurveda  Padachatushtayam – K.A.P.S study  Different approaches to Practice  Categories of Practitioners  SWOT analysis of current Ayurvedic practice  Myths in Contemporary times  Yukti based Practice  Ayurvedic Prescription Practices  Contemporary challenges & Advantages  Proved areas of Practice  Legality in Practice  Policy issues of Practice  Technology driven Practice  Ultimate essence of Practice
  • 4. Introduction  India’s greatest achievement – LONGER LIVES  Immunization & Nutrition  Successful in Adding years to life (Lifespan) – but forgot to achieve Life to years (Health span) in terms of LSD/CNCD – CVD, Cancer, Diabetes, COPD Year 1947 1960 1980 1990 2000 2016 (Men) 2016 (Women) Avg. LE in Years 31 42 48 58.5 62 66.9 70.3 Ministry of Health & Family welfare, Govt. of India 2015 India : Health of the Nations states Nov 2017
  • 5. Health Seeking Behaviour - NSSO Science of Holistic Living & Art of Natural Healing
  • 6. National Health Policy 2017 shifting focus from “sick-care” to “wellness”  Union Cabinet approved NHP on 15.3.2017.  Broad principles of the policy is centered on Professionalism, Integrity and Ethics, Equity, Affordability, Universality, Patient Centered & Quality of Care, Accountability and Pluralism.  Main objective is to achieve the highest possible level of good health and well-being, through a preventive and promotive health care orientation in all developmental policies, and to achieve universal access to good quality health care services without anyone having to face financial hardship as a consequence.  To reduce premature mortality from CNCD by 25 % by 2025.
  • 7. Reasons to opt ALTERNATIVE APPROACHES  Relieve or prevent treatment side effects  Reduce side-effects of prolonged use.  Enhance tolerance of conventional therapy  Promote relaxation  Reduce stress  Relieve pain  Improve Appetite & Sleep  Enhance quality of life  Improve immune function  Alter disease progression  Prevent recurrence  Prolong survival
  • 8. Medical Pluralism  Pluralisitic Healthcare  Co-existing Healing systems & Practices  India is the only country in the world with 8 recognised healthcare systems  Allopathy/Ayurveda/Yoga & Naturopathy/ Unani/Siddha & Sowarigpa/Homoeopathy
  • 9. Changing Paradigms of Ayurveda  Shuddha Ayurveda / Pure Ayurveda  Alloveda/Neo-Ayurveda  Contemporary Ayurveda  Evidence-Based Ayurveda  Ayurpathy  Modern Ayurveda  Integrative Ayurveda  Speciality Ayurveda / Prefixed Ayurveda  OTC Ayurveda / FMCG Ayurveda  Google Ayurveda / Allopathization of Ayurveda  SMART Ayurveda / Integrative Medicine
  • 10. Shuddha Ayurveda  Ancient Ayurveda  Vaidya is the supremo of Padachatushtaya  Treatment is based on ayurvedic concepts either panchamahabhuta or tridosha etc.,
  • 11. Pure Ayurveda  Some of our doctors say that I practice pure Ayurveda  What is Pure Ayurveda?  Prescribes Ayurvedic drugs only – Is Pure Ayurveda?
  • 12. Alloveda / Neo-Ayurveda  Alloveda is a combination therapy incorporating concepts of modern medicine and Ayurveda.  Term ‘Alloveda’ was introduced by a licensee firm in conjunction with Guglip, a commercial preparation containing the ethyl acetate soluble fraction of gum Guggulu from Commiphora mukul, used to reduce blood cholesterol levels.  It is an approach to re-write the Ayurvedic pharmacology of contemporary drugs. Ayurvedic pharmacology of allopathic drugs is a new dimension of healthcare science. (PCM – Tikta ras) Dr.KK Agarwal HCFI
  • 13. Contemporary Ayurveda  It’s a new paradigm for a reconstructed view of healthcare with synergy between Ayurveda and modern science and modern society.  Aesthetic packing and presentation  Medicine for Hangover – Cap Party Smart
  • 14. Evidence based Ayurveda  Evidence-Based Ayurveda suggests that a holistic gestalt and reductionist mechanisms are mutually complementary.  It comprises best research evidence, clinical experience, and patients' preferences.
  • 16. Modern Ayurveda  C. P. Khare & Chandra Kant Katiyar  Understanding the surge of scientific work now being conducted on this ancient practice.
  • 17. Ayurpathy  Introduced by the eminent scientist, C.K. Katiyar.  Represents modern Ayurveda, which includes the application of modern scientific analytical tools for standardization, modern pharmacological tools for safety and efficacy evaluation, and application of biotechnology to elicit the mechanism of action as far as possible.
  • 18. Integrative Ayurveda  Integrative Ayurveda is the incorporation of modern medical technology into Ayurvedic research and practice, in the interest of a better patient outcome.  The core idea is that anything and everything potentially useful for human health should be explored, and, if proved useful through evidence- based approaches, considered for inclusion in mainstream.  This approach embodies the ethos of “therapeutic utility.”
  • 19. Speciality Ayurveda  Eyecare – Sreedhareeyam Ayurvedic Eyecare Hospital – 250 bedded hospital  Mental health – VPSV Hopsital for Mentally ill  Cancer care – Lavanya  Ayurvedic Immunity enhancement programme - Swarna Prashana - Karnataka Immunization is the process whereby a person is made immune or resistant to an infectious disease, typically by the administration of a vaccine. (WHO)
  • 20. Prefixed Ayurveda  Maharishi Ayurveda  Sri Sri Ayurveda  Patanjali Ayurveda  Jiva Ayurveda
  • 21. OTC Ayurveda (Over-the-counter)  OTC products and do not require any prescription at all.  Liv-52  Cystone  Septilin  BGR – 34  IME – 9  Legally speaking it is not approved
  • 22. FMCG Ayurveda  Packaged foods, beverages, toiletries, OTC drugs, and other consumables.  Day to day usable items such as Toothpaste, Mouthwash, soaps, shampoos, Tea powders, hair oils etc.,  Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL)  ITC Limited  Patanjali Ayurveda
  • 24. Allopathization of Ayurveda  Calcium supplementation in OA  Claiming One medicine for DM is not Ayurveda.  DM management considering Blood sugar as target & prescribing tikta ras dravyas
  • 26. SMART Ayurveda / Digital ayurveda  Smart Mobile  Smart Banking  Smart Watch  Smart Home  Smart TV  Smart Home Appliances  Smart Cities
  • 27. PADA CHATUSHTAYAM (Medical Quartet) Knowledge Attitude Practice Skills (KAPS) Study
  • 29. D.R.U.G - Padachatushtaya D – Doctor R – Remedy (medicament) U – Upasthata / nUrse G – Grief (suffering) - dukha
  • 30. Bhishak Dravya Upasthata/ Paricharika Rogi Knowledge Excellence in Medical Knowledge (Paryavadhatatwam) Abundance (Easily available and known to all) (Bahutah) Knowledge of nursing (Upacharagnatah) Memory/ Cognition (Smriti) Attitude Purity in thinking (Shoucham) Suitability (Seasonal, Individual and different clinical conditions) (Yogyatwam) Purity in thought process (Shoucham) Obedience (Nirdesakaritwam) Practice/ Performance Extensive practical experience (Bahusho drishta karmatah) Multiple combinations (Anekavidha kalpana) Fidelity/Practice with sincerity towards patient (Anuragascha bartari) Fearlessness (Abhirutwam) Skill Dexterity (Daakshyam) Excellence in potency (Sampannam) Skillful in performing tasks (Daakshyam) Ingenious expression of symptoms (Jnapakatwam)
  • 31. Sir William Osler Father of Modern Medicine
  • 32.
  • 33. Different approaches of Practice 1. Ayurvedic Diagnosis Ayurvedic Treatment 2. Modern Diagnosis Ayurvedic Treatment 3. Ayurvedic Diagnosis Modern Treatment 4. Modern Diagnosis Modern Treatment Udupa Committee - 1959
  • 34. Categories of Practitioners (WHO) 1. Monopolists Practitioners of conventional modern medicine. 2. Tolerants Practitioners substituting the monopolists in their absence. 3. Parallels Systems attempting to practice their own science parallel to modern medicine such as Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese medicine and Homeopathy. 4. Integrated Practice of traditional medicine and western modern medicine in an integrated pattern under single umbrella.
  • 36. STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES  Rich unbroken source of Knowledge, Everlasting fundamentals and concepts  Renewed worldwide interest in AYUSH systems  Preventive and Adjunctive role of Ayurveda in Chronic Non- Communicable Diseases (CNCD) and Lifestyle diseases  Non-availability of Genuine single raw drugs and compound formulations  Lack of Awareness about the strengths of Ayurveda system among the general public, Allopathic physicians, allied healthcare professionals, Professionals of other biological sciences, bureaucrats, corporates, politicians etc., OPPORTUNITIES THREATS  Limited opportunities for Ayurvedic doctors in terms of employment (both in Govt. and private sector) and limited entry into diversified education fields  Tradition to TRADE-ition  Allopathization of Ayurveda  Quackery in Ayurveda  Commercial exploitation of Panchakarma as SPAanchakarma
  • 38. Public perception  Churna – for digestions and gas problems  Taila - Pain
  • 39. Nadi pariksha  Truly essential ?  How could it be assessed?
  • 40. Ayurvedic drugs are free from Side effects  Is it true?  Side effects are may be the sequelae of desired effects or may be due to over dosage or food-drug or drug-drug interactions etc.,  Side effects may be acute, harmful, beneficial etc.,  It’s appropriate to claim “Ayurvedic drugs are with minimal or less side effects”
  • 41. Dietary restriction with Ayurvedic medicines  It’s not always  Most of the times dietary restriction is to enhance the therapeutic efficacy of the drugs and to minimise the wax and wane of the diseases and food-drug interactions  Aharam mahabaishajyam (Kasyapa)
  • 42. No expiry for Ayurvedic drugs  Asavarishta  Bhamas
  • 43. Can we include Multivitamins in our practice?  Is it Ayurveda or Allopathy?  Vit B12 & Vit D deficiency becoming public health problem  Multivitamins falls under both drugs & foods category.  Yes we do have the source of those, but they are not in a readily absorbable form.  Kamadudha Ras (Mukta pisti, Pravala pisti, Mukta sukti pisti, Kapardika bhasma, Sankha bhasma, Svarnagairika, Amrta satva)
  • 44. Is Investigations are essential?  Mostly in Urban and Suburban practice  Diabetes – Polyphagia/Polydipsia/Polyurea  HsCRP – Systemic Ama  Urine pH – 6 to 8 (Acid to Alkalinity)
  • 45. Guzzling water  Excess Intake of Water  When u take lot of water, kidneys put out more urine but not more toxins in the urine (Dr.Stanley Goldfarb, University of Pennsylvania)  // atyambu panam ajeernakaram //  // madhumehi jalam manda machereth //  // udakam kledananam //
  • 46.
  • 47. Routine prescription  As a routine, Triphala churna is advised as laxative in Old age  Ideally it should be Asavarishta, Lehya etc.,
  • 48. Rasoushadhis are asset of Ayurveda ?  Dasavidha pariksha/Ashta stana pariksha  //Na desham na dushyam na kalam na prakriti…………//
  • 50. Logic behind the evolution of Pharmaceutical dosage forms  Ghrita – Lipid soluble – can only cross barriers like BBB, Retinal barrier, Placental barrier etc.,  Taila – Lipid soluble – Mucosal barriers  Kshira paka – Arjuna & Lasuna, Trinapanchamula
  • 51. Logic for Selection of Purgatives Anulomana (V) Sramsana (K) Bhedana ( VK) Rechana ( P) Haritaki Aragwada Katuki Trivrth Vaishwanara churna Panchasama churna Bhaskara lavana churna Avipattikara churna Icchabhedi ras (Danti) Aswakanchuki ras Virechana gulika Abhayadi modaka Eranda tailam Vibandha Arsas Amlapitta Ajirna Krimi, Kamala Udara For Shodana purpose 1 hr before or after dinner ½ before or after the lunch Not at bed time 10 am on empty stomach
  • 52. Logic in selection of Dhatu / Dhatwagni poshaka Dhatu Dhatu poshak Dhatwgani poshak Rasa Mansa ras, Ikshu ras, Soups Vit. B complex Rakta Iron , Jaggery Vit .C, Vit. B 12, Cu Mansa Kukkuta, Aja mansa Vit. B complex Medo Ghee & Butter & Jaggery Vit . A.D.E.K Asthi Asthisamharaka, Calcium rich sources Vit .D Majja Long bone soups Vit .A Sukra Testicles of goat, eggs Vit .E, Gold
  • 53. Ayurveda is medicine with intelligence Modern medicine is like a bullet  Chandraprabha vati (Bahumutra/Mutrakrichra)  Shiva gulika (Atisthoulya/Atikarshya)
  • 54. Vasti dose fixation  18 – 70 yrs : 1200 ml (Some authorities take it as 1000 ml)  In practice we don’t follow this rule  Then how to fix the Niruha vasti matra?
  • 56. Good Ayurvedic Prescription Practices (GAPP)  Rogi pariksha – App/Sleep/Bowels/Urine/MH – Dietary and Lifestyle - foods and habits  Roga pariksha – HTN/DM/HypoT  Nidana (Diagnosis)  Drug – Administration/Dosage/Timing/Anupana/Duration/Drug Interactions  Nidana parivarjana (Dietary & Lifestyle restriction)  Pathyaharavihara (Food and Lifestyle modification)
  • 58.
  • 60.
  • 61. Guggulu  Prescribing more than 2 Guggulu formulations in single prescription
  • 62. How to Plan ?  AIDS (Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome)  Swine flu (Abhinyasa jwara)  Dengue fever (Pittolbana sannipata jwara)  Cerebral palsy
  • 64.
  • 65. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2016 Oct;27(10):3153-3163. Epub 2016 Apr 14. JAMA Intern Med. 2016 Feb;176(2):238-46. doi: 10.1001/jamainternmed.2015.7193. J Nephrol. 2016 Oct;29(5):611-6. doi: 10.1007/s40620-016-0309-2. Epub 2016 Apr 12.
  • 66.
  • 67. Polypill - Monopill  6-in-1 formulation - Cholesterol lowering drug called statin (say simvastatin, 40 mg), 3 BP lowering drugs (say a thiazide, a beta blocker and an ACE inhibitor, each at half the standard dose), Folic acid (0.8 mg) and Aspirin (75 mg).  Proposed by Drs. N. J Wald and M. R. Law of the Wolfson Institute of Preventive Medicine at the University of London - a tablet to be taken daily by people above the age 55 - to prevent heart attacks and strokes  Arjuna to (a) decrease the levels of triglycerides and cholesterol, and recover the levels of HDL, (b) act as an anti-ischemic agent, (c) act as good as the drug isosorbide mononitrate in chronic stable angina, (d) relieve myocardial necrosis in rats, (e) modulate platelet aggregation, (f) act as an effective antioxidant, and (g) contain folic acid .
  • 68. Possible mechanisms responsible for the radioprotective and chemoprotective effects of Triphala. Baliga MS. Triphala, Ayurvedic Formulation for Treating and Preventing Cancer:A Review. THE JOURNAL OF ALTERNATIVE AND COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE Volume 16, Number 12, 2010, pp. 1301–1308
  • 69.
  • 70. PROVED AREAS OF PRACTICE D.O.C.T.O.R Drug Of Choice in Therapeutics Of Refractory illness
  • 71. Ashmari/Urinary stones  Chandraprabha vati  Gokshuradi guggulu  Vastyamayanataka ghrita  Varanadi Ghrita
  • 72. Arshas/Piles  Abhayarishta  Arshakuthara ras  Guda haritaki  Kankayana vati  Jatyadi taila or Kasisadi taila  Pippalyadi taila (Matravasti)
  • 73. Psoriasis //Prasanthicha punarvartatein// (Ka.Sa)  Khadirarishta  Panchatikta ghrita guggulu  Kaisora guggulu soaked in 777 oil  Br.Manjishtadi Quath  Nalpamaradi taila/Maha marichaydi taila  Brahmi vati
  • 74. Grahani/Malabsorption syndrome  Kutajaghan vati  Karpura ras  Bifilac sachets (Lactobacillus)  Concept of Krimi
  • 76.  Drugs & Cosmetics Act 1940 & Rules 1945  The Drugs and Magic Remedies (Objectionable advertisements) Act 1954  Pre Conception Pre Natal Diagnostic Testing (PCPNDT) Act  Indian Forest Act 1927  Wildlife Act – To collect animal source drugs  Excise Act to regulate Asavarishta  FSSAI (Food Safety and Standards Authority of India)
  • 77.  The Clinical Establishments (Registration & Regulation ) Act 2010  Good Manufacturing Practice  Good Laboratory Practice  Good Agricultural Practice  Biomedical waste management (BMW) Act  Healthcare Fire safety  NABH
  • 78. The Indian Forest (Amendment) Bill, 2017  Exemption of bamboo grown in non-forest areas from definition of tree, thereby dispensing with the requirement of felling or transit permit for its economic use,"  Passed by Parliament on December 20, 2017.
  • 79. Cross prescription & Cross referrals  Health is State issue – North Indian states allowed to prescribe limited number of allopathic drugs by A & U doctors  Know the strengths and limitations of Your own system and other contemporary systems may be allopathy or other ayush systems.
  • 80. NO FIR AGAINST AN ADVOCATE OR A DOCTOR - SC If the advise of a lawyer and Doctors goes wrong in some way, even than no case under section 420 IPC or something like that can be registered against him/her. Professionals like lawyers and doctors cannot guarantee for the success of the case.
  • 81.
  • 82.
  • 84. National List of Essential Medicines (NLEM 2011)  Essential medicines are those that satisfy the priority healthcare needs of majority of the population.  NLEM should be available at affordable costs and with assured quality. Medicines have been categorized as follows – A total of 348 medicines (excluding repetitions) are present in NLEM 2011. In the NLEM 2011, 181 medicines fall under the category of P, S and T; 106 medicines fall under the category of S, T while 61 medicines are categorized as T only.
  • 85.  277 ayurvedic generic medicines  EDL is a guiding tool for procurement and stocking of medicines.  It aims at improving the availability and proper use of medicines within the healthcare delivery system. Item Kinds of formulations No. of drugs 1 Asava Arishta 30 2 Arka kalpana 3 3 Avaleha, Khand, Pak Kalpana 20 4 Kwath Churna / Kashayam 36 5 Guggulu 13 6 Ghirta 15 7 Churna (Multi-ingredient) 22 8 Churna (Single-ingredient) 14 9 Taila 32 10 Lavana & Kshar 7 11 Lepa for local application 5 12 Vati & Gutika 23 13 Varti, Netrabindu, Anjana 2 14 Sattva 1 15 Kupipakva Rasayan 2 16 Parpati 2 17 Pishti Kalpana 4 18 Bhasma 12 19 Mandura 1 20 Rasayoga 29 21 Lauha 4 TOTAL 277
  • 86. Pharmaceutical forms as per AFI 1. Asavarishta (Medicated wines) 2. Arka (Distillates) 3. Avaleha and Paka (Medicated jelly) 4. Kwatha churna (Herbal coarse powder) 5. Guggulu (Resinous preparations) 6. Ghrita (Medicated Ghee) 7. Churna (Fine powder of the herbs) 8. Taila (Medicated oils) 9. Dravaka ( Emulsions) 10. Lavana kshara (Neutraline Alkaline substances) 11.Lepa (Medicated pastes) 12. Vati and Gutika (Tablets, Capsules, Tabsules etc.,) 13.Varti –Netrabindu and Anjana (Opthalmic medicaments) 14. Sattva (Water extractable solid substance) 15. Kupipakwa rasayana (Highly evolved formulation) 16. Parpati (Metallic preparations) 17. Pishti (Metallic preparations) 18. Bhasma (Calxes of Metals and Minerals) 19. Mandura ( Preparations with Iron as Major and main ingredient) 20. Rasayoga ( Herbomineral and/or metallic formulations) 21 Lauha ( Preparations with Iron as Major and main ingredient)
  • 87. Current Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms  Kashayam Tablets/Capsules/Tabsules  Tailam capsules  Ghritam capsules  Granules  Ready to use Matravasti oils  Sukumara ghritam  Sukumara lehyam  Sukumara kashayam  Sukumarasav  Eranda sukumaram
  • 88. Proprietary and Patent Medicines  Multiple Compound Formulations Palsinuron Capsules contains :  Mahavatvidhwans  Sameerpannag  Ekangveer ras  Sootshekhar  Lajari  Khurasani Owa
  • 89.
  • 91. Integrated Clinical Decision Support System  A Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS) is a health information technology system that is designed to assist physicians and other health professionals with clinical decision-making tasks.  Clinical Decision Support systems link health observations with health knowledge to influence health choices by clinicians for improved health care.
  • 92. Telemedicine in Ayurveda  Telemedicine is a technology based system by which an expert can communicate with patients of remote location with the help of tools of information technology.  The Jiva TeleMedicine Center, a first-of-its-kind concept in the world, was established in 1998 as an integrated center of telephonic health consultation. Today, Jiva has 150 Ayurvedic doctors and consultants providing consultations to more than one million patients across 1200 cities and towns in India.
  • 93. Ultimate essence of PR.AC.T.I.C.E • PRo ACtive Thinking In Clinical Excellence • Every act in Practice makes you to either fulfill your professional duty or to gain friendship or to earn money or to achieve reputation or to gain experience and so on & never fruitless.
  • 94.
  • 95. Di.E.T  Dietary Intervention (Ahara -Pathyapathya)  Exercise (Vihara )  Treatment (Chikitsa)
  • 96. Past to Present  Gurukula to Kulaguru  Vaidya (Physician) to Doctor  Physici(st)an : Physis meaning Nature  Obsolete to Absolute science  Prachya (Ancient) to Aprachya (Contemporary)  Swarasa to Sugar coated tablets  Panchakarma to SPAnchakarma  Experiential based Practice to Evidence based Practice  Traditional to Translational
  • 97. Conclusion  ‘I do not want my house to be walled in on sides and my windows to be stuffed. I want the cultures of all the lands to be blown about my house as freely as possible’. (MKGandhi)  Gandhiji implied that our mind should be open and uninhibited. It should be open to new ideas and new thinking. There should be no artificial boundaries and walls or borders between different domains of knowledge as well as the practitioners of these knowledge systems.  Ancient science of Ayurveda and contemporary health care stream can gain from each other for far reaching benefits and newer directions in healthcare.
  • 98. Centuries hold Ayurveda is Centuries ahead.