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Effects of World War I
Chapter 14: Revolution and Nationalism
                   Chapter Objective
Analyze the evolution of conflict between revolutionaries
 and nationalists before, during, and after World War I.

• SECTION 3 Imperial China Collapses
  Summarize the collapse of Imperial China and the
  struggle between the Nationalists and Communists for
  control over China.
• SECTION 4 Nationalism in India and Southwest Asia
  Trace the nationalist movement in India that resulted
  in limited self-rule and describe the independence
  movements in Southwest Asia.
Chapter 15: Years of Crisis
                      Chapter Objective
 Analyze the economic, political, social, and scientific changes
    that brought the world to the brink of a second world war.
• SECTION 1 Postwar Uncertainty
  Identify the scientific, artistic, social, and technological changes
  that took place during the 1920s and the impact they had on
  the world.
• SECTION 2 A Worldwide Depression
  Describe postwar Europe, the Weimar Republic, and the causes
  and effects of the Great Depression.
• SECTION 3 Fascism Rises in Europe
  Trace the rise of fascism in Italy and Germany and describe its
• SECTION 4 Aggressors Invade Nations
  Compare the attempts by fascist nations to gain power with the
  efforts of democratic nations to preserve peace.

 What were the key challenges to the Chinese republic?

 What leaders emerged in the “new” China?

 How did invasion by Japan affect China?

Chinese currency
showing Jiang Jieshi,
the next leader of
Sun Yixian’s                           A family of refugees
Guomindang party.                      flee a conflict
                                       between warlords
                                       in 1926.
Challenges to the Chinese Republic
• When Yuan Shikai tried to make himself emperor, the
  military objected, and opposition divided the nation.

• In the provinces, warlords seized power.

• During the upheaval, foreign powers were able to increase
  their influence over Chinese affairs.

• Student protests set off a cultural and intellectual ferment
  known as the May Fourth Movement.

• Some Chinese turned to the revolutionary ideas of Marx
  and Lenin.
One Strong Leader                                     Jiang Jieshi, Leader of the Guomindang,
The most important point of fascism is absolute                            the Nationalist Party
trust in a sagely able leader. Aside from complete
trust in one person, there is no other leader or
ism. Therefore, with the organization, although
there are cadre, council members, and executives,
there is no conflict among them, there is only the
trust in the one leader. The leader has final
decision in all matters.
—Jiang Jieshi, 1933

                      Mao Zedong, Leader of the Communists

                        Peasant Masses
                        The broad peasant masses have risen to fulfill their historic
                        mission . . . the democratic forces in the rural areas have risen to
                        overthrow the rural feudal power. . . . To overthrow this feudal
                        power is the real objective of the national revolution. What Dr.
                        Sun Yat-sen [Yixian] wanted to do . . . but failed to accomplish, the
                        peasants have accomplished in a few months.
                        —Mao Zedong, 1927

Jiang Jieshi                                   Mao Zedong
                                    Revolutionary of peasant
Took over the Guomindang, or        origins.
Nationalist party, after Sun’s
death.                              Believed the Communists
Led the Guomindang in a series of   should seek support among
“extermination campaigns”           the large peasant masses.
against the Communists.

            Leaders for a New China

    Civil War in
    China, 1925
      – 1935

             Japanese Invasion
In 1931, Japan invaded Manchuria, adding it to the growing
Japanese empire.

In the face of Japanese aggression, Jiang was forced to form a
united front with the Communists against Japan.

In 1937, Japanese troops attacked again, overrunning eastern
China, including Beijing and Guangzhou.

Jiang retreated to the interior and set up his capital at Chongqing.
Japanese troops marched into Nanjing.

After the city’s surrender, the Japanese killed hundreds of
thousands of soldiers and civilians in what came to be known as
the “rape of Nanjing.”

     Section 4 Assessment

Who led a series of extermination marches against the Communists?
       a) Mao Zedong
       b) Jiang Jieshi
       c) Sun Yixian
       d) the Japanese

During the 1930s, Japan invaded and overran all of the following except
        a) Beijing.
        b) Nanjing.
        c) Chongqing.
        d) Manchuria.

    Section 4 Assessment

Who led a series of extermination marches against the Communists?

       a) Mao Zedong
       b) Jiang Jieshi
       c) Sun Yixian
       d) the Japanese

During the 1930s, Japan invaded and overran all of the following
        a) Beijing.
        b) Nanjing.
        c) Chongqing.
        d) Manchuria.
Nationalism and Revolution Around the World (1910–1939)

 India Seeks Self-Rule

 Mohandas Gandhi and the Congress
 party led the drive for independence
 in India.

                     The postwar years from 1919 to 1939 saw a surge of
                     hope around the world. They also brought great
                     turmoil as a desire for democracy and self-
                     determination sparked explosive struggles in many
                     regions. In Africa, Latin America, and Asia, new
                     leaders forged liberation movements that would
                     change the face of the world.
What Sparked the Indian Independence
       Movement After World War I?
• The Amritsar massacre was a turning point for many Indians. It
  convinced them of the evils of British rule. In 1919, in Amritsar,
  India's holy city of the Sikh religion, British and Gurkha troops
  massacre at least 379 unarmed demonstrators meeting at the
  Jallianwala Bagh, a city park. Most of those killed were Indian
  nationalists meeting to protest the British government's forced
  conscription of Indian soldiers and the heavy war tax imposed
  against the Indian people.
• The British had promised India greater self-rule in exchange for
  sending more than a million troops to fight in World War I.
• However, after the war, Britain proposed only a few minor
• In the 1920s, a new leader, Mohandas Gandhi, emerged and
  united all Indians.

Gandhi adopted the weapon of nonviolent
(passive) resistance and embraced Hindu traditions.
During the 1920s and 1930s, Gandhi launched a series of
nonviolent actions against British rule.
•   He called for boycotts of British goods, especially textiles.
• He urged Indians to wear only cotton grown and woven in India.
• He worked to restore pride in India’s traditional industries.
• He inspired Indians to “get rid of helplessness.”
•Satyagraha = Truth Force
•He earned the title of Mahatma = Great Soul
Gandhi’s ideas inspired Indians of all religious and ethnic backgrounds. His
nonviolent protests caught the attention of the British government and the

Gandhi’s theories embraced Hindu traditions. He preached the ancient
doctrine of ahimsa, or nonviolence and reverence for all life. By using the
power of love, he believed, people could convert even the worst wrongdoer
to the right course of action. To fight against injustice, he advocated the use
of nonviolent resistance.
Gandhi’s philosophy reflected Western as well as Indian influences. He
admired Christian teachings about love. He believed in the American
philosopher Henry David Thoreau’s ideas about civil disobedience, the refusal
to obey unjust laws. Gandhi was also influenced by Western ideas of
democracy and nationalism. He urged equal rights for all Indians, women as
well as men. He fought hard to end the harsh treatment of untouchables,
who were members of the lowest caste, or class.
Gandhi Sets an Example
During the 1920s and 1930s, Gandhi launched a series of nonviolent actions
against British rule. He called for Indians to boycott, or refuse to buy, British
goods, especially cotton textiles. He worked to restore pride in India’s
traditional industries, making the spinning wheel a symbol of the nationalist
movement. Gandhi’s campaigns of civil disobedience attracted wide support.

            The Salt March
While natural salt was available in the
sea, Indians were forced by the British
to buy salt sold by the British

To Gandhi, the British salt monopoly
was a symbol of British oppression. To
mobilize mass support, Gandhi set out
to end the British salt monopoly.

During the Salt March, Gandhi picked
up a lump of the forbidden salt and
declared, “With this, I am shaking the
foundations of the British empire.”
The Salt March Gandhi’s march to the sea to collect forbidden
                            salt started out with Gandhi and 78 followers, but gathered
                            strength as it progressed. As he picked up the first lump of salt,
                            he declared, “With this, I am shaking the foundations of the
                            British empire.”

                            How do you think people in other countries would have reacted
                            to British authorities using violence against this group?

Gandhi picking up salt at the coastal village of Dandi in India, April 6, 1930
Since 1885, the Indian National           Breaking the Law
Congress party, called the Congress       On March 12, 1930, Gandhi
party, had pressed for self-rule within   set out with 78 followers on a
the British empire. After Amritsar, it    240-mile march to the sea. As
began to call for full independence.      the tiny band passed through
But party members were mostly             villages, crowds responded to Gandhi’s
middle-class, Western-educated elite      message. By the time they reached the sea, the
who had little in common with the         marchers numbered in the thousands. On April
masses of Indian peasants. In the         6, Gandhi waded into the surf and picked up a
1920s, a new leader named Mohandas        lump of sea salt. He was soon arrested and
Gandhi emerged and united Indians         jailed. Still, Indians followed his lead. Coastal
across class lines.                       villages started collecting salt. Indians sold salt
Gandhi came from a middle-class           on city streets. As Gandhi’s campaign gained
Hindu family. At age 19, he went to       force, tens of thousands of Indians were
England to study law. Then, like many     imprisoned.
Indians, Gandhi went to South Africa.     Steps Toward Freedom
For 20 years, Gandhi fought laws          All around the world, newspapers criticized
that discriminated against Indians in     Britain’s harsh reaction to the protests. Stories
South Africa. In 1914, Gandhi returned    revealed how police brutally clubbed peaceful
to India. Soon, he became the leader      marchers who tried to occupy a government
of the Congress party.                    saltworks. Slowly, Gandhi’s campaign forced
                                          Britain to hand over some power to Indians.
                                          Britain also agreed to meet other demands of
          Satyagraha                      the Congress party.
“The odd thing about assassins,
Dr. King, is that they think they’ve
killed you”

        Section 3 Assessment

Why was the Amritsar massacre a turning point?
       a) It gave the British more power in India.
       b) It convinced many Indians of the evil of British rule.
       c) It resulted in the expulsion of the British from India.
       d) It cemented good relations between Britain and India.

What did the British salt monopoly symbolize to Gandhi?

        a)   poor health
        b)   British oppression
        c)   big business
        d)   Indian weakness

                Section 3 Assessment
Why was the Amritsar massacre a turning point?
       a) It gave the British more power in India.
       b) It convinced many Indians of the evil of British rule.
       c) It resulted in the expulsion of the British from India.
       d) It cemented good relations between Britain and India.

What did the British salt monopoly symbolize to Gandhi?

        a)   poor health
        b)   British oppression
        c)   big business
        d)   Indian weakness
Modernization in Turkey and Iran
             TURKEY                              IRAN/PERSIA
(Mustafa Kemal) Atatürk forced through
an ambitious program of radical reforms.   Shah Reza Khan rushed to modernize
His goals were to modernize Turkey along   Iran and make it fully independent. He:
western lines and separate religion from   built factories, roads, and railroads and
government.                                strengthened the army
He:                                        adopted the western alphabet
replaced Islamic law with a                forced Iranians to wear western clothing
European-style law code
                                           set up modern, secular schools.
replaced the Muslim calendar with the
western calendar                           replaced Islamic law with secular law
forced people to wear western dress—no     encouraged women to
more fez                                   take part in public life
opened state schools
encouraged industrial
outlawed polygamy and gave rights to
Atatürk (1881–1938)
“Atatürk” is the name that Mustafa Kemal gave himself when he ordered all
Turkish people to take on surnames, or last names. It means “Father of the Turks.”
In 1920, he led Turkish nationalists in the fight against Greek forces trying to
enforce the Treaty of Sèvres, establishing the borders of the modern Republic of
Turkey. Once in power, he passed many reforms to modernize, Westernize, and
secularize Turkey. Atatürk is still honored throughout Turkey today—his portrait
appears on postage and all currency.
Why is Atatürk considered the “Father of the Turks”?

Atatürk’s Reforms in Turkey
Replaced Islamic law with European model
Replaced Muslim calendar with Western (Christian)
Moved day of rest from Friday to Sunday
Closed religious schools and opened state schools
Forced people to wear Western-style clothes
Replaced Arabic alphabet with Latin alphabet
Gave women the right to vote and to work outside
the home.

 European Mandates and Arab Nationalism
During World War I, Arabs had been promised independence in
exchange for helping the Allies against the Central Powers.

Instead, the Paris Peace Conference had set up mandates —
territories administered by European nations, which outraged the

In 1917, the British issued the Balfour Declaration, which
supported the idea of creating a Jewish homeland in Palestine.
Palestine was already the home to many Arab communities. This
set the stage for conflict between Arab and Jewish nationalists.

Arabs felt betrayed by the West — a feeling that has endured to
this day. During the 1920s and 1930s, their anger erupted in
frequent protests and revolts against western imperialism.
After 1900, the efforts of the Zionist movement, under
pressure from the effects of anti-Semitism in Europe,
increased Jewish emigration to Palestine. Despite great
hardships, Jewish settlers set up factories, built new
towns, and established farming communities. The Jewish
population, which was less than 60,000 in 1919, grew to
about 400,000 in 1936. Meanwhile, the Muslim
population had almost doubled, from about 568,000 in
1919 to about 1 million in 1940.

At first, some Arabs welcomed the money and modern
technical skills that the newcomers brought with them.
But as more Jews moved to Palestine, tensions between
the two groups developed. Jewish organizations tried to
purchase as much land as they could, while Arabs sought
to slow down or stop Jewish immigration. Religious
differences between Jews and Arabs heightened
tensions. Arabs attacked Jewish settlements, hoping to
discourage settlers. The Jewish settlers established their
own military defense force. For the rest of the century,
Arab and Jews fought over the land that Arabs called
Palestine and Jews called Israel.
Betrayal at the Peace Conference
Arabs were outraged by the European-controlled mandates set up at
the Paris Peace Conference. During World War I, Arabs had helped the
Allies against the Central Powers, especially the Ottoman empire. In
return for their help, the Allies led the Arabs to believe that they
would gain independence after the war. Instead, the Allies carved up
the Ottoman lands, giving France mandates in Syria and Lebanon and
Britain mandates in Palestine and Iraq. Later, Trans-Jordan was added
to the British mandate.
Arabs felt betrayed by the West—a feeling that has endured to this
day. During the 1920s and 1930s, their anger erupted in frequent
protests and revolts against Western imperialism. A major center of
turmoil was the British mandate of Palestine. There, Arab nationalists
faced European Zionists, or Jewish nationalists, with dreams of a
homeland of their own.

During World War I, the Allies made two conflicting sets of promises. First, they promised
Arabs their own kingdoms in former Ottoman lands, including Palestine. Then, in 1917, the
British attempted to win the support of European Jews by issuing the Balfour Declaration.
In it, the British advocated the idea of setting up “a national home for the Jewish people” in
Palestine. The declaration noted, however, that “nothing shall be done which may
prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine.”
Those communities were Arab. The stage was thus set for conflict between Arab and Jewish
Japanese soldiers
occupying a Chinese
city in 1938
Empire of the Rising Sun

                    The Nationalist Reaction

In 1929, the Great Depression rippled across the Pacific, striking
Japan with devastating force.
• Economic disaster fed the discontent of the leading military
  officials and ultranationalists, or extreme nationalists. They
  condemned politicians for agreeing to western demands to stop
  overseas expansion.

• Japanese nationalists were further outraged by racial policies in
  the United States, Canada, and Australia that shut out Japanese

• As the economic crisis worsened, nationalists demanded
  renewed expansion in search of raw resources.
• In 1931, a group of Japanese army officers provoked an incident
  that would provide an excuse to seize Manchuria from China.

 Liberal Changes of the 1920s
During the 1920s, Japan moved toward greater
• Political parties grew stronger.
• Elected members of the Diet — the Japanese
parliament — exerted their power.
• All adult men won the right to vote.
• Western ideas about women’s rights had brought few
• Japan signed agreement with western powers to limit
the size of its navy.
• The government reduced military spending.

              Serious Problems
   Behind the seeming well-being, Japan faced
   some grave problems.
• The economy grew more slowly in the 1920s than at any time
  since Japan modernized.

• Rural peasants enjoyed none of the prosperity of city dwellers.

• Factory workers earning low wages were attracted to the socialist
  ideas of Marx and Lenin.

• Members of the younger generation were in revolt against

• Tension between the government and the military simmered
  below the surface.
A Combination of the Old and the New
Japan on the Rise in the 1920s
 Hirohito reigned from 1926 to 1989—an
 astonishing 63 years. During those
 decades, Japan experienced remarkable
 successes and appalling tragedies. In
 this section, we will focus on the 1920s
 and 1930s, when the pressures of
 extreme nationalism and economic
 upheaval set Japan on a militaristic and
 expansionist path that would engulf all
 of Asia.
 Although the economy grew throughout the 1920s, it experienced many highs and
 lows. One low point occurred when a devastating earthquake, one of the most
 destructive quakes in history, struck the Tokyo area in 1923. The earthquake and the
 widespread fires it caused resulted in the deaths of over 100,000 people and
 damaged more than 650,000 buildings. As many as 45 percent of surviving workers
 lost their jobs because so many businesses were destroyed. With help from the
 government, the Tokyo area gradually recovered—just as Japan faced a worldwide
 economic crisis.

Empire to
Biography: Hirohito
Traditional Values Revived
Civilian government survived, but the unrest forced the
government to accept military domination in 1937. To please
the ultranationalists, the government cracked down on
socialists and suppressed most democratic freedoms.
It revived ancient warrior values and built a cult around
Emperor Hirohito, whom many believed was descended from
the sun goddess. To spread its nationalist message, the
government used schools to teach students absolute
obedience to the emperor and service to the state.

Hirohito (1901–1989) became emperor of Japan in 1926. As
emperor, according to Japanese tradition, he was the nation’s
supreme authority and a living god—no one could look at his
face or even mention his name. In practice, however, he merely
approved the policies that his ministers formulated.
Hirohito was a private man who preferred marine biology to
power politics. As a result, his role in Japan’s move toward
aggression is unclear. Some historians believe that Hirohito did
not encourage Japanese military leaders. Others assert that he
was actively involved in expansionist policies.
Why was Hirohito given great respect?

   How Did Militarists Use Their Power?

By the early 1930s, ultranationalists were winning popular
support for foreign conquests and a tough stand against
western powers.
Civilian government survived, but by 1937 it had been
forced to accept military domination. To please the
ultranationalists, it:
• cracked down on socialists
• ended most democratic freedoms
• revived ancient warrior values
• built a cult around the emperor
• focused on spreading the nationalist message in schools
• renewed efforts at expansion


Which of the following did Japanese nationalists demand?
              a)     increased rights for workers
              b)     renewed expansion
              c)     the return of Manchuria to China
              d)     increased power for the zaibatsu

By 1934, Japan had added all of the following territory to its
    empire except           a)      Taiwan.
                            b)      Korea.
                            c)      Manchuria.
                            d)      Mongolia.

Which of the following did Japanese nationalists demand?
                a) increased rights for workers
                b) renewed expansion
                c) the return of Manchuria to China
                d) increased power for the zaibatsu

By 1934, Japan had added all of the following territory to its
     empire except
       a) Taiwan.
       b) Korea.
       c) Manchuria.
       d) Mongolia.

 Postwar Issues in Europe
Postwar Europe faced grave problems:
• Returning veterans needed jobs.
• War-ravaged lands needed to be rebuilt.
• Many nations owed huge debts because they
  had borrowed heavily to pay for the war.
• Economic problems fed social unrest and made
  radical ideas more popular.
• The peace settlements dissatisfied many
  Europeans, especially in Germany and Eastern
• Europe lacked strong leaders just when they
  were most needed.
The Great Depression

   Long-Term Causes                            Immediate Causes
Worldwide interrelationship of governments    New York stock market crash
and economies                                 Farmers unable to repay loans
Huge war debts                                Banks demand repayment of loans
American loans to Europe                      American loans to other countries dry up
Widespread use of credit                      Without capital, businesses and factories fail
Overproduction of goods
Industrial wages rise as farm earnings fall

  Immediate Effects                            Long-Term Effects
 Vast unemployment and misery                  Rise of fascism and Nazism
 Protective tariffs imposed                    Governments experiment with social
 Loss of faith in capitalism and democracy     programs
 Authoritarian leaders emerge                  People blame scapegoats
                                               World War II begins
  Britain and France in the Postwar Era

     BRITAIN                                FRANCE
The Great Depression intensified      The French economy recovered
existing economic problems.           fairly quickly.

Britain set up a coalition            Many political parties competed
                                      for power and France was ruled by
government made up of leaders
                                      a series of coalition governments.
from all three major parties.
                                      France created the Maginot Line
The government provided some          to secure its borders against
unemployment benefits.                Germany.
British leaders wanted to relax the   The government strengthened the
Versailles treaty’s harsh treatment   military and sought alliances with
of Germany.                           other countries, including the
                                      Soviet Union.

     The United States in the Postwar Era
The country emerged from World War I in excellent shape.

The United States stayed out of the League of Nations.
  However, the nation took a leading role in international
  diplomacy during the 1920s.
During a “Red Scare” in 1919 and 1920, police rounded up
  suspected foreign-born radicals and expelled a number of
  them from the United States.
Congress passed laws limiting immigration from Europe.
The 1929 stock market crash shattered American prosperity.

President Franklin Roosevelt introduced the New Deal, a
   massive package of economic and social programs, to help
   combat the Great Depression.

  A Culture in

• How did new views revolutionize modern science and

• What artistic and literary trends emerged in the 1920s?

• How did western society change after World War I?
New Views of the Universe

New ideas and scientific discoveries challenged long-held ideas about the nature
of the world.

    RADIOACTIVITY                  RELATIVITY                  PSYCHOLOGY
Enrico Fermi was an Italian                                 Sigmund Freud
Nobel Prize winning           Albert Einstein advanced      suggested that the
physicist who is known as     his theories of relativity:   subconscious mind
the Father of Nuclear         Measurements of space         drives much human
Energy. He immigrated         and time are not              behavior.
to the US and was             absolute.                     Freud pioneered
the first to produce
                                                            psychoanalysis, a
A nuclear reactor,
                                                            method of studying how
produced the first
                                                            the mind works and
controlled nuclear chain
                                                            treating mental
reaction, which is fission.
Without him, the atomic
bomb would not have been
made in US.
                             Artistic and Literary Trends

         ART                   ARCHITECTURE                   LITERATURE
In the early 1900s, many      Architects rejected          Writers exposed the grim horrors
                              classical traditions and     of modern warfare.
western artists rejected
                                                           To many postwar writers, the war
traditional styles.           developed new styles to
                                                           symbolized the breakdown of
                              match an industrial,         western civilization.
Instead of trying to
                              urbanized world.             Some writers experimented with
reproduce the real world,
                              The Bauhaus school           stream of consciousness,
they explored other                                        which reveals the
                              blended science and
dimensions of color, line,                                 character’s
                              technology with design.       innermost thought processes
and shape.
                              Frank Lloyd Wright’s work
Cubism, abstract art, and
                              reflected the belief that
surrealism were some of
                              the function of a building
the styles that developed.
                              should determine its
                  A Changing Society
   After World War I, many people yearned to return to life as it had been before
   1914. But rapid social changes would make it hard to turn back the clock.

                              New technologies helped
                              create a mass culture shared by
                              millions in the world’s
                              developed countries.
     Affordable cars gave middle-                The war changed social values and
     class people greater mobility.              the class system itself.

                            Rebellious young people rejected
                            the moral values of the Victorian
                            age and chased excitement.

Labor-saving devices freed women from          Radios brought news, music, and sports
many time-consuming household chores.          into homes throughout the western
Women pursued careers in many arenas.          world.
Salvador Dali

              Section 2 Assessment
What scientist experimented with radioactivity?
                  a) Albert Einstein
                  b) Sigmund Freud
                  c) Salvador Dali
                  d) Enrico Fermi

To many postwar writers, the war symbolized
        a) the inner strength of mankind.
        b) the breakdown of civilization.
        c) the power and strength of nations and individuals.
        d) hard work and dedication.

              Section 2 Assessment
What scientist experimented with radioactivity?
                  a)      Albert Einstein
                  b)      Sigmund Freud
                  c)      Salvador Dali
                  d)      Enrico Fermi

To many postwar writers, the war symbolized
        a) the inner strength of mankind.
           b) the breakdown of civilization.
        c) the power and strength of nations and individuals.
        d) hard work and dedication.

Hitler and the Rise of Nazi Germany

       • What problems did the Weimar
         Republic face?

       • How did Hitler come to power?

       • What political, social, economic, and
         cultural policies did Hitler pursue?

       • How did Hitler take action against
         German Jews?
Hitler fought in the German army in World War I.
In 1919, he joined a small group of right-wing
Within a year, he was the leader of the National
Socialist German Workers, or Nazi, party.
                                                         Hitler’s Rise
In 1923, he made a failed attempt to seize power in       to Power
Munich. He was imprisoned for treason.
In prison, Hitler wrote Mein Kampf (“My Struggle”). It
would later become the basic book of Nazi goals and
Nazi membership grew to almost a million.
In 1933, Hitler was made chancellor of Germany.
Within a year, Hitler was master of Germany. He made
Germany a one-party state and purged his own party.

                The Third Reich
 Hitler repudiated, or rejected, the     Hitler launched a large public works
 hated Treaty of Versailles.             program.
 Hitler organized a system of terror,
 repression, and totalitarian rule.      Hitler began to rearm Germany, in
                                         violation of the Versailles treaty.

       SOCIAL POLICIES                     CULTURAL POLICIES
The Nazis indoctrinated young           School courses and textbooks were
people with their ideology.             written to reflect Nazi racial views.
                                        The Nazis sought to purge, or purify,
Hitler spread his message of racism.    German culture.
The Nazis sought to limit women’s
                                        Hitler sought to replace religion with
                                        his racial creed.
     Hitler’s Campaign Against the Jews
Hitler set out to drive Jews from Germany.
In 1935, the Nuremberg Laws placed severe restrictions on Jews.
Many German Jews fled Germany and sought refuge in other
The Secret police or Gestapo ferreted out “enemies of the State”.
In 1938, Nazi-led mobs attacked Jewish communities all over
Germany in what came to be called Kristallnacht, or the “Night of
Broken Glass.”
Hitler sent tens of thousands of Jews to concentration camps,
detention centers for civilians considered enemies of the state.
Hitler planned the “final solution”—the extermination of all Jews.

               Section 4 Assessment
What was Hitler’s policy on religion?
    a) He tolerated all religions except Judaism.
    b) He sought to replace it with his racial creed.
    c) He believed religious piety strengthened the German nation.
    d) He banned all religions except Judaism.

The Nuremberg laws
     a) called for Hitler to assume absolute power in Germany.
     b) authorized Hitler to rearm Germany.
     c) forced Germany to pay war reparations.
     d) placed severe restrictions on Jews.

               Section 4 Assessment
What was Hitler’s policy on religion?
    a) He tolerated all religions except Judaism.
    b) He sought to replace it with his racial creed.
    c) He believed religious piety strengthened the German nation.
    d) He banned all religions except Judaism.

The Nuremberg laws
     a) called for Hitler to assume absolute power in Germany.
     b) authorized Hitler to rearm Germany.
     c) forced Germany to pay war reparations.
     d) placed severe restrictions on Jews.
Hitler/Soviet Pact
Revolution in Russia

  Two Revolutions in Russia

• Why did revolution occur in Russia in March 1917?

• Why did Lenin and the Bolsheviks launch the November

• How did the Communists defeat their opponents in
  Russia’s civil war?
               The Communist State
                   Under Lenin
The Communists produced a new constitution that:
• set up an elected legislature, later called the Supreme Soviet
• gave all citizens over 18 the right to vote
• placed all political power, resources, and means of production in the
  hands of the workers and peasants

The new government united much of the old Russian
  empire in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR),
  or Soviet Union.

Lenin adopted the New Economic Policy, or NEP.
• It allowed some capitalist ventures.
• The state kept control of banks, foreign trade, and large industries.
  Small businesses were allowed to reopen for private profit.

    From Lenin to Stalin

• How did the Communist state develop under Lenin?
• What were the effects of Stalin’s five-year plans?
• How did Soviet foreign policy affect relations with
  the western powers?
In this propaganda image, children surround a         On the occasion of Stalin’s
gentle Stalin.                                        sixtieth birthday, the
                                                      Communist party newspaper,
                                                      Pravda, or “Truth,” printed
                                                      this praise of Stalin:
                                                      “There is no similar name on
                                                      the planet like the name of
                                                      Stalin. It shines like a bright
                                                      torch of freedom, it flies like
                                                      a battle standard for millions
                                                      of laborers around the world.
                                                      . . . Stalin is today’s Lenin!
                                                      Stalin is the brain and heart
                                                      of the party! Stalin is the
                                                      banner of millions of people
                                                      in their fight for a better life.”

Far from helping people fight for a better life, Stalin’s ruthless policies brought
suffering and death to millions of Soviets.
Food as a Weapon
                                            In 1932, when peasants failed to meet
                                            unrealistic crop quotas, Stalin retaliated by
                                            seizing all of their grain to sell on the market,
                                            leaving millions to starve. Below, a woman and
                                            her son search for food during the famine.

Describe the effects of Stalin’s ruthless policies on the production of oats, wheat, &

           Stalin’s Five-Year Plans

Once in power, Stalin set out to make the Soviet Union a modern industrial power.
He put into place several “five-year plans” aimed at building heavy industry,
improving transportation, and increasing farm output.

                 • Stalin brought all economic activity under
                   government control. The Soviet Union developed
                   a command economy, in which government
                   officials made all basic economic decisions.
                 • Stalin also brought agriculture under government
                   control. He forced peasants to give up their land
                   and live on either state-owned farms or
                   collectives, large farms owned and operated by
                   peasants as a group.
                 • Overall, standards of living remained poor. Wages
                   were low, and consumer goods were scarce.

              The Great Purge

Stalin harbored obsessive fears that rival party leaders were
plotting against him. In 1934, he launched the Great Purge.

• At least four million people were purged during the Stalin years.

• The purges increased Stalin’s power.

• The victims of the purges included most of the nation’s military
  leadership. This loss of military leadership would weigh heavily
  on Stalin in 1941, when Germany invaded the Soviet Union.
Leon Trotsky was a close friend of Lenin and shared idealistic ideas
  about the Communist state. He can be seen with Lenin in both photos.

But Trotsky was deported in1929 and declared “an enemy of the State”, as a threat to Stalin’s
power, so Stalin had Trotsky airbrushed out of the pix.

                                                                                     will be
                                                                                     for real!
The Case of the

Stalin’s enemies just seem to
Nikolai Yezhov, chief of the
Soviet secret police knew
where too many bodies were
buried, so he is made to

Soviet Foreign Policy

 Between 1917 and 1939, the Soviet Union pursued two very different
 goals in foreign policy.
 As Communists, both Lenin and Stalin wanted to bring about the
 worldwide revolution that Marx had predicted.
 • Lenin formed the Communist International, or Comintern, which aided
 revolutionary groups around the world.
 As Russians, they wanted to guarantee their nation’s security by
 winning the support of other countries.
 •The Soviet Union sought to join the League of Nations.
 The Comintern’s propaganda against capitalism made western
 powers highly suspicious of the Soviet Union.

           A Totalitarian State

Stalin turned the Soviet Union into a totalitarian state. In
this form of government, a one-party dictatorship
attempts to regulate every aspect of the lives of its
• To ensure obedience, Stalin used secret police (the
KGB), censorship, violent purges, and terror.
• The party bombarded the public with relentless
• The Communists replaced religion with their own

Changes in Soviet Society, Comrade!
  The Communists transformed Russian life.
  • They created a society where a few elite groups
    emerged as a new ruling class.

  • The state provided free education, free medical
    care, day care for children, inexpensive housing, and
    public recreation. But quality of everything was
    poor and the average person had no choices.
  • Women were granted equality under the law.
  • There was no place for the Church
    in the regime.
The Party Versus the Church
To weaken the power of the Russian
Orthodox Church, the party seized
church property and converted churches
into offices and museums. Here, Red
Army soldiers carry off religious relics
from a Russian church.

How might the policy of destroying
churches in such a public way have
backfired on the party?

Atheism—the belief that there is no God
became an official State policy.

                  State Control and the Arts
Stalin forced artists and writers to conform to a style called socialist
realism. Its goal was to boost socialism by showing Soviet life in a
positive light. Lots of statues of himself were evident.

Government controlled what books were published, what music was
heard, and which works of art were displayed. Censorship and
propaganda were rampant and the State controlled all news,
information, and media.

Writers, artists, and composers faced government persecution. They
were killed or sent to Siberia, or imprisoned in a gulag.
Few people were allowed to emigrate and fewer people were
allowed in.

   Section 3 Assessment

Stalin used all of the following to create a totalitarian state
     except                    a)      secret police.
                               b)      propaganda.
                               c)      religion.
                               d)      censorship.

In Soviet society, women were
          a) considered second-class citizens.
          b) stripped of all past freedoms.
          c) granted equality under the law.
          d) only allowed to hold certain jobs.

   Section 3 Assessment

Stalin used all of the following to create a totalitarian state
     except                    a)      secret police.
                               b)      propaganda.
                               c)      religion.
                               d)      censorship.

In Soviet society, women were
          a) considered second-class citizens.
          b) stripped of all past freedoms.
          c) granted equality under the law.
          d) only allowed to hold certain jobs.
The Second Italo–Abyssinian War/Second Italo-Ethiopian
  War was a brief colonial war that started in October 1935 and ended in May
   1936. The war was fought between the armed forces of the Kingdom of Italy
   (Regno d'Italia) and the armed forces of the Ethiopian Empire (also known as
   Abyssinia). The war resulted in the military occupation of Ethiopia and its
   annexation into the newly created colony of Italian East Africa (AOI). However,
   Ethiopia never capitulated or surrendered.

Politically, the war is best remembered for exposing the inherent weakness of the
   League of Nations. The Abyssinia Crisis in 1934 is often seen as a clear example
   of the ineffectiveness of the League. Both Italy and Ethiopia were member
   nations and yet the League was unable to control Italy or to protect Ethiopia
   when Italy clearly violated the League's own Article X. The war is also
   remembered for the illegal use of mustard gas and phosgene by the Italian armed
The positive outcome of the war for the Italians coincided with the zenith of the
   international popularity of dictator Benito Mussolini's Fascist regime, in a phase
   called "the age of consensus" during which foreign leaders, including Winston
   Churchill, praised him for his achievements, it must not be ignored that during
   the fascist period slavery was abolished in Ethiopia.
On 3 October 1935, Italian soldiers commanded by General
                              Emilio De Bono invaded Ethiopia from Eritrea and started the
                              Second Italo-Abyssinian War. The war lasted seven months
                              before Haile Selassie I went into exile and the Italians declared
                              victory. The invasion was condemned by the League of Nations,
                              Italy was named as the aggressor, and some sanctions were
                              imposed. However, not much was ever done to end hostilities. In
                              May 1936, Ethiopia became part of Italian East Africa and
                              remained as part of the colony until World War II.
                              In 1941, the Ethiopian Empire was liberated by a combination of
                              Ethiopian partisans and British and Commonwealth forces. The
                              major offensives launched against the Italian colonial forces
                              came from the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan and from British East
                              Africa. Haile Selassie re-entered Addis Ababa five years to the
                              day from when he was forced into exile.
                              After World War II, Eritrea was incorporated into the Ethiopian
                              Empire. Eritrea remained a part of Ethiopia even after the
                              dissolution of the monarchy. In 1993, Eritrea won its
                              independence from Ethiopia.

International Fascism:
The Italian Empire in 1939.
Haile Selassie, Ras Tafari
• In 1936, with the Italian conquest of Ethiopia,
  Mussolini proclaimed Victor Emmanuel III to be
  the Emperor of Ethiopia - a title considered
  illegitimate by parts of the international
  community, and lasted only five years.
• Haile Selassie returned to power with the British
  conquest of the Italian East Africa during WWII.
• In January 1942 he was officially reinstated to
  power in Ethiopia by the British government.

The Spanish Civil War
Although the Spanish Civil War was a local
struggle, it drew other European powers
into the fighting.
• Hitler and Mussolini sent arms and
forces to help Franco. Dress rehearsal!
• Volunteers from Germany, Italy, the
Soviet Union, and the western
democracies joined the International
Brigade and fought alongside the
Loyalists against fascism.

By 1939, Franco had triumphed.
Once in power, he created a fascist
dictatorship like those of Hitler and
Mussolini, but remained “neutral” during
The Abraham Lincoln Brigade
The Abraham Lincoln         "No man ever entered
Brigade were a group of     the earth more
volunteers who went to      honorably than those
Spain to fight in the       who died in Spain."
Spanish Civil War. It       Ernest Hemingway
was not their war, but it
was their fight—to save
the world from fascism
and communism.
The Spanish Civil War 1936-37
                           •   In 1931 the Spanish king, King Alfonso XII, was forced to stand
                               down and retreat into exile, and a republic was established.
                               The next five years saw the balance of power swing between
                               the conservative reactionaries of the Spanish establishment
                               and the progressive working class movement.
                           •   The rulers of Spain could see their power (and property)
                               slipping away and on the 17th July 1936, a group of extreme
                               right-wing Nationalist generals made their move, starting with
                               a military rising in Morocco, led by Franco, a fascist, which
                               spread immediately to the mainland. Working class militants
                               armed themselves and the military coup was smashed in
                               Barcelona and Madrid, although the generals' troops did seize
                               large areas.
                           •   General Francisco Franco called upon Hitler and Mussolini to
                               help him gain military supremacy in Spain. This included the
                               infamous destruction of Guernica in April '37 by German
                           •   The Spanish Republican army unconditionally surrendered to
                               Franco's fascist forces on 1st April 1939.
                           •   Everyone seemed happy that the communists had not won,
Picasso, Guernica              and so Franco remained in power until his death in 1975.
8th - 23rd November 1936       Prince Juan Carlos became king upon Franco’s death.
Francisco Franco

Francisco Franco (1892-1975), was dictator of Spain from 1939 until
his death in 1975. He came to power at the end of the Spanish Civil
War. In that war, he led the rebel Nationalist Army to victory over
the Republican forces. After the war ended in 1939, Franco held
complete control of Spain. His regime was similar to a Fascist
dictatorship. He carried out the functions of chief of state, prime
minister, commander in chief, and leader of the Falange Espanola,
the only political party permitted. He adopted the title of El Caudillo
(The Leader). In the early years of his regime, Franco tried to
eliminate all opposition. He later eased restrictions.
Francisco Franco
• As dictator, Franco kept Spain officially neutral during World War II. But he sent
  "volunteers" to help Germany fight the Soviet Union. After the war, the victorious
  Allies would have little to do with Spain because of Franco's pro-Fascist policies.
• The Western powers became more friendly toward Franco during the Cold War
  with the Soviet Union, because he was against Communism. In 1953, Franco
  signed an agreement with the United States. He permitted the United States to
  build air and naval bases in Spain in exchange for economic and military aid. This
  aid helped bring about industrial expansion. Spain's living standard rose
  dramatically during the 1960's. By the mid-1970's, Spain had become a relatively
  modern, industrialized country.
• In the early 1960's, opposition to Franco became more outspoken. Miners and
  other workers went on strike, though strikes were illegal. Opposition groups
  organized in secret. Franco relaxed police controls and economic restriction
  somewhat. In 1966, strict press censorship was relaxed.
• Franco declared, in 1947, that Spain would be ruled by a king after he left office.
  In 1969, Franco named Prince Juan Carlos to be king and head of state after
  Franco's death or retirement. Juan Carlos is the grandson of King Alfonso XIII,
  who left Spain in 1931. Franco died on Nov. 20,1975, and Juan Carlos became
Update—Kim Jong Un,
youngest son and successor
to deceased North Korean
leader Kim Jong Il,
has taken over since 12/11,
and we
don’t know if
he’s a good ‘un
or a bad ‘un!

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Ch14.3 ch15

  • 1.
  • 3. Chapter 14: Revolution and Nationalism Chapter Objective Analyze the evolution of conflict between revolutionaries and nationalists before, during, and after World War I. • SECTION 3 Imperial China Collapses Summarize the collapse of Imperial China and the struggle between the Nationalists and Communists for control over China. • SECTION 4 Nationalism in India and Southwest Asia Trace the nationalist movement in India that resulted in limited self-rule and describe the independence movements in Southwest Asia.
  • 4. Chapter 15: Years of Crisis Chapter Objective Analyze the economic, political, social, and scientific changes that brought the world to the brink of a second world war. • SECTION 1 Postwar Uncertainty Identify the scientific, artistic, social, and technological changes that took place during the 1920s and the impact they had on the world. • SECTION 2 A Worldwide Depression Describe postwar Europe, the Weimar Republic, and the causes and effects of the Great Depression. • SECTION 3 Fascism Rises in Europe Trace the rise of fascism in Italy and Germany and describe its impact. • SECTION 4 Aggressors Invade Nations Compare the attempts by fascist nations to gain power with the efforts of democratic nations to preserve peace.
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 7. 4 What were the key challenges to the Chinese republic? What leaders emerged in the “new” China? How did invasion by Japan affect China? Chinese currency showing Jiang Jieshi, the next leader of Sun Yixian’s A family of refugees Guomindang party. flee a conflict between warlords in 1926.
  • 8.
  • 9.
  • 10.
  • 11.
  • 12.
  • 13.
  • 14. Challenges to the Chinese Republic • When Yuan Shikai tried to make himself emperor, the military objected, and opposition divided the nation. • In the provinces, warlords seized power. • During the upheaval, foreign powers were able to increase their influence over Chinese affairs. • Student protests set off a cultural and intellectual ferment known as the May Fourth Movement. • Some Chinese turned to the revolutionary ideas of Marx and Lenin.
  • 15. One Strong Leader Jiang Jieshi, Leader of the Guomindang, The most important point of fascism is absolute the Nationalist Party trust in a sagely able leader. Aside from complete trust in one person, there is no other leader or ism. Therefore, with the organization, although there are cadre, council members, and executives, there is no conflict among them, there is only the trust in the one leader. The leader has final decision in all matters. —Jiang Jieshi, 1933 Mao Zedong, Leader of the Communists Peasant Masses The broad peasant masses have risen to fulfill their historic mission . . . the democratic forces in the rural areas have risen to overthrow the rural feudal power. . . . To overthrow this feudal power is the real objective of the national revolution. What Dr. Sun Yat-sen [Yixian] wanted to do . . . but failed to accomplish, the peasants have accomplished in a few months. —Mao Zedong, 1927
  • 16. 4 Jiang Jieshi Mao Zedong Revolutionary of peasant Took over the Guomindang, or origins. Nationalist party, after Sun’s death. Believed the Communists Led the Guomindang in a series of should seek support among “extermination campaigns” the large peasant masses. against the Communists. Leaders for a New China
  • 17. 4 Civil War in China, 1925 – 1935
  • 18. 4 Japanese Invasion In 1931, Japan invaded Manchuria, adding it to the growing Japanese empire. In the face of Japanese aggression, Jiang was forced to form a united front with the Communists against Japan. In 1937, Japanese troops attacked again, overrunning eastern China, including Beijing and Guangzhou. Jiang retreated to the interior and set up his capital at Chongqing. Japanese troops marched into Nanjing. After the city’s surrender, the Japanese killed hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians in what came to be known as the “rape of Nanjing.”
  • 19. 4 Section 4 Assessment Who led a series of extermination marches against the Communists? a) Mao Zedong b) Jiang Jieshi c) Sun Yixian d) the Japanese During the 1930s, Japan invaded and overran all of the following except a) Beijing. b) Nanjing. c) Chongqing. d) Manchuria.
  • 20. 4 Section 4 Assessment Who led a series of extermination marches against the Communists? a) Mao Zedong b) Jiang Jieshi c) Sun Yixian d) the Japanese During the 1930s, Japan invaded and overran all of the following except a) Beijing. b) Nanjing. c) Chongqing. d) Manchuria.
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  • 22. Nationalism and Revolution Around the World (1910–1939) India Seeks Self-Rule Mohandas Gandhi and the Congress party led the drive for independence in India. Summary The postwar years from 1919 to 1939 saw a surge of hope around the world. They also brought great turmoil as a desire for democracy and self- determination sparked explosive struggles in many regions. In Africa, Latin America, and Asia, new leaders forged liberation movements that would change the face of the world.
  • 23.
  • 24. What Sparked the Indian Independence Movement After World War I? • The Amritsar massacre was a turning point for many Indians. It convinced them of the evils of British rule. In 1919, in Amritsar, India's holy city of the Sikh religion, British and Gurkha troops massacre at least 379 unarmed demonstrators meeting at the Jallianwala Bagh, a city park. Most of those killed were Indian nationalists meeting to protest the British government's forced conscription of Indian soldiers and the heavy war tax imposed against the Indian people. • The British had promised India greater self-rule in exchange for sending more than a million troops to fight in World War I. • However, after the war, Britain proposed only a few minor changes. • In the 1920s, a new leader, Mohandas Gandhi, emerged and united all Indians.
  • 25. 3 Mohandas Gandhi Gandhi adopted the weapon of nonviolent (passive) resistance and embraced Hindu traditions. During the 1920s and 1930s, Gandhi launched a series of nonviolent actions against British rule. • He called for boycotts of British goods, especially textiles. • He urged Indians to wear only cotton grown and woven in India. • He worked to restore pride in India’s traditional industries. • He inspired Indians to “get rid of helplessness.” •Satyagraha = Truth Force •He earned the title of Mahatma = Great Soul
  • 26. Gandhi’s ideas inspired Indians of all religious and ethnic backgrounds. His nonviolent protests caught the attention of the British government and the world. Gandhi’s theories embraced Hindu traditions. He preached the ancient doctrine of ahimsa, or nonviolence and reverence for all life. By using the power of love, he believed, people could convert even the worst wrongdoer to the right course of action. To fight against injustice, he advocated the use of nonviolent resistance. Gandhi’s philosophy reflected Western as well as Indian influences. He admired Christian teachings about love. He believed in the American philosopher Henry David Thoreau’s ideas about civil disobedience, the refusal to obey unjust laws. Gandhi was also influenced by Western ideas of democracy and nationalism. He urged equal rights for all Indians, women as well as men. He fought hard to end the harsh treatment of untouchables, who were members of the lowest caste, or class. Gandhi Sets an Example During the 1920s and 1930s, Gandhi launched a series of nonviolent actions against British rule. He called for Indians to boycott, or refuse to buy, British goods, especially cotton textiles. He worked to restore pride in India’s traditional industries, making the spinning wheel a symbol of the nationalist movement. Gandhi’s campaigns of civil disobedience attracted wide support.
  • 27. 3 The Salt March While natural salt was available in the sea, Indians were forced by the British to buy salt sold by the British government. To Gandhi, the British salt monopoly was a symbol of British oppression. To mobilize mass support, Gandhi set out to end the British salt monopoly. During the Salt March, Gandhi picked up a lump of the forbidden salt and declared, “With this, I am shaking the foundations of the British empire.”
  • 28. The Salt March Gandhi’s march to the sea to collect forbidden salt started out with Gandhi and 78 followers, but gathered strength as it progressed. As he picked up the first lump of salt, he declared, “With this, I am shaking the foundations of the British empire.” How do you think people in other countries would have reacted to British authorities using violence against this group? Gandhi picking up salt at the coastal village of Dandi in India, April 6, 1930
  • 29. Since 1885, the Indian National Breaking the Law Congress party, called the Congress On March 12, 1930, Gandhi party, had pressed for self-rule within set out with 78 followers on a the British empire. After Amritsar, it 240-mile march to the sea. As began to call for full independence. the tiny band passed through But party members were mostly villages, crowds responded to Gandhi’s middle-class, Western-educated elite message. By the time they reached the sea, the who had little in common with the marchers numbered in the thousands. On April masses of Indian peasants. In the 6, Gandhi waded into the surf and picked up a 1920s, a new leader named Mohandas lump of sea salt. He was soon arrested and Gandhi emerged and united Indians jailed. Still, Indians followed his lead. Coastal across class lines. villages started collecting salt. Indians sold salt Gandhi came from a middle-class on city streets. As Gandhi’s campaign gained Hindu family. At age 19, he went to force, tens of thousands of Indians were England to study law. Then, like many imprisoned. Indians, Gandhi went to South Africa. Steps Toward Freedom For 20 years, Gandhi fought laws All around the world, newspapers criticized that discriminated against Indians in Britain’s harsh reaction to the protests. Stories South Africa. In 1914, Gandhi returned revealed how police brutally clubbed peaceful to India. Soon, he became the leader marchers who tried to occupy a government of the Congress party. saltworks. Slowly, Gandhi’s campaign forced Britain to hand over some power to Indians. Britain also agreed to meet other demands of Satyagraha the Congress party.
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  • 31. “The odd thing about assassins, Dr. King, is that they think they’ve killed you”
  • 32. 3 Section 3 Assessment Why was the Amritsar massacre a turning point? a) It gave the British more power in India. b) It convinced many Indians of the evil of British rule. c) It resulted in the expulsion of the British from India. d) It cemented good relations between Britain and India. What did the British salt monopoly symbolize to Gandhi? a) poor health b) British oppression c) big business d) Indian weakness
  • 33. 3 Section 3 Assessment Why was the Amritsar massacre a turning point? a) It gave the British more power in India. b) It convinced many Indians of the evil of British rule. c) It resulted in the expulsion of the British from India. d) It cemented good relations between Britain and India. What did the British salt monopoly symbolize to Gandhi? a) poor health b) British oppression c) big business d) Indian weakness
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  • 37. Modernization in Turkey and Iran TURKEY IRAN/PERSIA (Mustafa Kemal) Atatürk forced through an ambitious program of radical reforms. Shah Reza Khan rushed to modernize His goals were to modernize Turkey along Iran and make it fully independent. He: western lines and separate religion from built factories, roads, and railroads and government. strengthened the army He: adopted the western alphabet replaced Islamic law with a forced Iranians to wear western clothing European-style law code set up modern, secular schools. replaced the Muslim calendar with the western calendar replaced Islamic law with secular law forced people to wear western dress—no encouraged women to more fez take part in public life opened state schools encouraged industrial expansion outlawed polygamy and gave rights to women
  • 38. Atatürk (1881–1938) “Atatürk” is the name that Mustafa Kemal gave himself when he ordered all Turkish people to take on surnames, or last names. It means “Father of the Turks.” In 1920, he led Turkish nationalists in the fight against Greek forces trying to enforce the Treaty of Sèvres, establishing the borders of the modern Republic of Turkey. Once in power, he passed many reforms to modernize, Westernize, and secularize Turkey. Atatürk is still honored throughout Turkey today—his portrait appears on postage and all currency. Why is Atatürk considered the “Father of the Turks”? Atatürk’s Reforms in Turkey Replaced Islamic law with European model Replaced Muslim calendar with Western (Christian) calendar Moved day of rest from Friday to Sunday Closed religious schools and opened state schools Forced people to wear Western-style clothes Replaced Arabic alphabet with Latin alphabet Gave women the right to vote and to work outside the home.
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  • 41. 2 European Mandates and Arab Nationalism During World War I, Arabs had been promised independence in exchange for helping the Allies against the Central Powers. Instead, the Paris Peace Conference had set up mandates — territories administered by European nations, which outraged the Arabs. In 1917, the British issued the Balfour Declaration, which supported the idea of creating a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Palestine was already the home to many Arab communities. This set the stage for conflict between Arab and Jewish nationalists. Arabs felt betrayed by the West — a feeling that has endured to this day. During the 1920s and 1930s, their anger erupted in frequent protests and revolts against western imperialism.
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  • 43. After 1900, the efforts of the Zionist movement, under pressure from the effects of anti-Semitism in Europe, increased Jewish emigration to Palestine. Despite great hardships, Jewish settlers set up factories, built new towns, and established farming communities. The Jewish population, which was less than 60,000 in 1919, grew to about 400,000 in 1936. Meanwhile, the Muslim population had almost doubled, from about 568,000 in 1919 to about 1 million in 1940. At first, some Arabs welcomed the money and modern technical skills that the newcomers brought with them. But as more Jews moved to Palestine, tensions between the two groups developed. Jewish organizations tried to purchase as much land as they could, while Arabs sought to slow down or stop Jewish immigration. Religious differences between Jews and Arabs heightened tensions. Arabs attacked Jewish settlements, hoping to discourage settlers. The Jewish settlers established their own military defense force. For the rest of the century, Arab and Jews fought over the land that Arabs called Palestine and Jews called Israel.
  • 44. Betrayal at the Peace Conference Arabs were outraged by the European-controlled mandates set up at the Paris Peace Conference. During World War I, Arabs had helped the Allies against the Central Powers, especially the Ottoman empire. In return for their help, the Allies led the Arabs to believe that they would gain independence after the war. Instead, the Allies carved up the Ottoman lands, giving France mandates in Syria and Lebanon and Britain mandates in Palestine and Iraq. Later, Trans-Jordan was added to the British mandate. Arabs felt betrayed by the West—a feeling that has endured to this day. During the 1920s and 1930s, their anger erupted in frequent protests and revolts against Western imperialism. A major center of turmoil was the British mandate of Palestine. There, Arab nationalists faced European Zionists, or Jewish nationalists, with dreams of a homeland of their own. During World War I, the Allies made two conflicting sets of promises. First, they promised Arabs their own kingdoms in former Ottoman lands, including Palestine. Then, in 1917, the British attempted to win the support of European Jews by issuing the Balfour Declaration. In it, the British advocated the idea of setting up “a national home for the Jewish people” in Palestine. The declaration noted, however, that “nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine.” Those communities were Arab. The stage was thus set for conflict between Arab and Jewish nationalists.
  • 45. Japanese soldiers occupying a Chinese city in 1938
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  • 47. Empire of the Rising Sun 5 The Nationalist Reaction In 1929, the Great Depression rippled across the Pacific, striking Japan with devastating force. • Economic disaster fed the discontent of the leading military officials and ultranationalists, or extreme nationalists. They condemned politicians for agreeing to western demands to stop overseas expansion. • Japanese nationalists were further outraged by racial policies in the United States, Canada, and Australia that shut out Japanese immigrants. • As the economic crisis worsened, nationalists demanded renewed expansion in search of raw resources. • In 1931, a group of Japanese army officers provoked an incident that would provide an excuse to seize Manchuria from China.
  • 48. 5 Liberal Changes of the 1920s During the 1920s, Japan moved toward greater democracy: • Political parties grew stronger. • Elected members of the Diet — the Japanese parliament — exerted their power. • All adult men won the right to vote. • Western ideas about women’s rights had brought few changes. • Japan signed agreement with western powers to limit the size of its navy. • The government reduced military spending.
  • 49. 5 Serious Problems Behind the seeming well-being, Japan faced some grave problems. • The economy grew more slowly in the 1920s than at any time since Japan modernized. • Rural peasants enjoyed none of the prosperity of city dwellers. • Factory workers earning low wages were attracted to the socialist ideas of Marx and Lenin. • Members of the younger generation were in revolt against tradition. • Tension between the government and the military simmered below the surface.
  • 50. A Combination of the Old and the New Japan on the Rise in the 1920s Hirohito reigned from 1926 to 1989—an astonishing 63 years. During those decades, Japan experienced remarkable successes and appalling tragedies. In this section, we will focus on the 1920s and 1930s, when the pressures of extreme nationalism and economic upheaval set Japan on a militaristic and expansionist path that would engulf all of Asia. Although the economy grew throughout the 1920s, it experienced many highs and lows. One low point occurred when a devastating earthquake, one of the most destructive quakes in history, struck the Tokyo area in 1923. The earthquake and the widespread fires it caused resulted in the deaths of over 100,000 people and damaged more than 650,000 buildings. As many as 45 percent of surviving workers lost their jobs because so many businesses were destroyed. With help from the government, the Tokyo area gradually recovered—just as Japan faced a worldwide economic crisis.
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  • 53. Biography: Hirohito Traditional Values Revived Civilian government survived, but the unrest forced the government to accept military domination in 1937. To please the ultranationalists, the government cracked down on socialists and suppressed most democratic freedoms. It revived ancient warrior values and built a cult around Emperor Hirohito, whom many believed was descended from the sun goddess. To spread its nationalist message, the government used schools to teach students absolute obedience to the emperor and service to the state. Hirohito (1901–1989) became emperor of Japan in 1926. As emperor, according to Japanese tradition, he was the nation’s supreme authority and a living god—no one could look at his face or even mention his name. In practice, however, he merely approved the policies that his ministers formulated. Hirohito was a private man who preferred marine biology to power politics. As a result, his role in Japan’s move toward aggression is unclear. Some historians believe that Hirohito did not encourage Japanese military leaders. Others assert that he was actively involved in expansionist policies. Why was Hirohito given great respect?
  • 54. 5 How Did Militarists Use Their Power? By the early 1930s, ultranationalists were winning popular support for foreign conquests and a tough stand against western powers. Civilian government survived, but by 1937 it had been forced to accept military domination. To please the ultranationalists, it: • cracked down on socialists • ended most democratic freedoms • revived ancient warrior values • built a cult around the emperor • focused on spreading the nationalist message in schools • renewed efforts at expansion
  • 55. 5 Assessment Which of the following did Japanese nationalists demand? a) increased rights for workers b) renewed expansion c) the return of Manchuria to China d) increased power for the zaibatsu By 1934, Japan had added all of the following territory to its empire except a) Taiwan. b) Korea. c) Manchuria. d) Mongolia.
  • 56. 5 Assessment Which of the following did Japanese nationalists demand? a) increased rights for workers b) renewed expansion c) the return of Manchuria to China d) increased power for the zaibatsu By 1934, Japan had added all of the following territory to its empire except a) Taiwan. b) Korea. c) Manchuria. d) Mongolia.
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  • 61. 1 Postwar Issues in Europe Postwar Europe faced grave problems: • Returning veterans needed jobs. • War-ravaged lands needed to be rebuilt. • Many nations owed huge debts because they had borrowed heavily to pay for the war. • Economic problems fed social unrest and made radical ideas more popular. • The peace settlements dissatisfied many Europeans, especially in Germany and Eastern Europe. • Europe lacked strong leaders just when they were most needed.
  • 62. The Great Depression 1 Long-Term Causes Immediate Causes Worldwide interrelationship of governments New York stock market crash and economies Farmers unable to repay loans Huge war debts Banks demand repayment of loans American loans to Europe American loans to other countries dry up Widespread use of credit Without capital, businesses and factories fail Overproduction of goods Industrial wages rise as farm earnings fall Immediate Effects Long-Term Effects Vast unemployment and misery Rise of fascism and Nazism Protective tariffs imposed Governments experiment with social Loss of faith in capitalism and democracy programs Authoritarian leaders emerge People blame scapegoats World War II begins
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  • 65. 1 Britain and France in the Postwar Era BRITAIN FRANCE The Great Depression intensified The French economy recovered existing economic problems. fairly quickly. Britain set up a coalition Many political parties competed for power and France was ruled by government made up of leaders a series of coalition governments. from all three major parties. France created the Maginot Line The government provided some to secure its borders against unemployment benefits. Germany. British leaders wanted to relax the The government strengthened the Versailles treaty’s harsh treatment military and sought alliances with of Germany. other countries, including the Soviet Union.
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  • 68. 1 The United States in the Postwar Era The country emerged from World War I in excellent shape. The United States stayed out of the League of Nations. However, the nation took a leading role in international diplomacy during the 1920s. During a “Red Scare” in 1919 and 1920, police rounded up suspected foreign-born radicals and expelled a number of them from the United States. Congress passed laws limiting immigration from Europe. The 1929 stock market crash shattered American prosperity. President Franklin Roosevelt introduced the New Deal, a massive package of economic and social programs, to help combat the Great Depression.
  • 69. 2 A Culture in Conflict • How did new views revolutionize modern science and thought? • What artistic and literary trends emerged in the 1920s? • How did western society change after World War I?
  • 70. New Views of the Universe 2 New ideas and scientific discoveries challenged long-held ideas about the nature of the world. RADIOACTIVITY RELATIVITY PSYCHOLOGY Enrico Fermi was an Italian Sigmund Freud Nobel Prize winning Albert Einstein advanced suggested that the physicist who is known as his theories of relativity: subconscious mind the Father of Nuclear Measurements of space drives much human Energy. He immigrated and time are not behavior. to the US and was absolute. Freud pioneered the first to produce psychoanalysis, a A nuclear reactor, method of studying how produced the first the mind works and controlled nuclear chain treating mental reaction, which is fission. disorders. Without him, the atomic bomb would not have been made in US.
  • 71. 2 Artistic and Literary Trends ART ARCHITECTURE LITERATURE In the early 1900s, many Architects rejected Writers exposed the grim horrors classical traditions and of modern warfare. western artists rejected To many postwar writers, the war traditional styles. developed new styles to symbolized the breakdown of match an industrial, western civilization. Instead of trying to urbanized world. Some writers experimented with reproduce the real world, The Bauhaus school stream of consciousness, they explored other which reveals the blended science and dimensions of color, line, character’s technology with design. innermost thought processes and shape. Frank Lloyd Wright’s work Cubism, abstract art, and reflected the belief that surrealism were some of the function of a building the styles that developed. should determine its form.
  • 73. 2 A Changing Society After World War I, many people yearned to return to life as it had been before 1914. But rapid social changes would make it hard to turn back the clock. New technologies helped create a mass culture shared by millions in the world’s developed countries. Affordable cars gave middle- The war changed social values and class people greater mobility. the class system itself. Rebellious young people rejected the moral values of the Victorian age and chased excitement. Labor-saving devices freed women from Radios brought news, music, and sports many time-consuming household chores. into homes throughout the western Women pursued careers in many arenas. world.
  • 75.
  • 76. 2 Section 2 Assessment What scientist experimented with radioactivity? a) Albert Einstein b) Sigmund Freud c) Salvador Dali d) Enrico Fermi To many postwar writers, the war symbolized a) the inner strength of mankind. b) the breakdown of civilization. c) the power and strength of nations and individuals. d) hard work and dedication.
  • 77. 2 Section 2 Assessment What scientist experimented with radioactivity? a) Albert Einstein b) Sigmund Freud c) Salvador Dali d) Enrico Fermi To many postwar writers, the war symbolized a) the inner strength of mankind. b) the breakdown of civilization. c) the power and strength of nations and individuals. d) hard work and dedication.
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  • 95. 4 Hitler and the Rise of Nazi Germany • What problems did the Weimar Republic face? • How did Hitler come to power? • What political, social, economic, and cultural policies did Hitler pursue? • How did Hitler take action against German Jews?
  • 96. 4 Hitler fought in the German army in World War I. In 1919, he joined a small group of right-wing extremists. Adolf Within a year, he was the leader of the National Socialist German Workers, or Nazi, party. Hitler’s Rise In 1923, he made a failed attempt to seize power in to Power Munich. He was imprisoned for treason. In prison, Hitler wrote Mein Kampf (“My Struggle”). It would later become the basic book of Nazi goals and ideology. Nazi membership grew to almost a million. In 1933, Hitler was made chancellor of Germany. Within a year, Hitler was master of Germany. He made Germany a one-party state and purged his own party.
  • 97. 4 The Third Reich POLITICAL POLICIES ECONOMIC POLICIES Hitler repudiated, or rejected, the Hitler launched a large public works hated Treaty of Versailles. program. Hitler organized a system of terror, repression, and totalitarian rule. Hitler began to rearm Germany, in violation of the Versailles treaty. SOCIAL POLICIES CULTURAL POLICIES The Nazis indoctrinated young School courses and textbooks were people with their ideology. written to reflect Nazi racial views. The Nazis sought to purge, or purify, Hitler spread his message of racism. German culture. The Nazis sought to limit women’s Hitler sought to replace religion with roles. his racial creed.
  • 98. 4 Hitler’s Campaign Against the Jews Hitler set out to drive Jews from Germany. In 1935, the Nuremberg Laws placed severe restrictions on Jews. Many German Jews fled Germany and sought refuge in other countries. The Secret police or Gestapo ferreted out “enemies of the State”. In 1938, Nazi-led mobs attacked Jewish communities all over Germany in what came to be called Kristallnacht, or the “Night of Broken Glass.” Hitler sent tens of thousands of Jews to concentration camps, detention centers for civilians considered enemies of the state. Hitler planned the “final solution”—the extermination of all Jews.
  • 99. 4 Section 4 Assessment What was Hitler’s policy on religion? a) He tolerated all religions except Judaism. b) He sought to replace it with his racial creed. c) He believed religious piety strengthened the German nation. d) He banned all religions except Judaism. The Nuremberg laws a) called for Hitler to assume absolute power in Germany. b) authorized Hitler to rearm Germany. c) forced Germany to pay war reparations. d) placed severe restrictions on Jews.
  • 100. 4 Section 4 Assessment What was Hitler’s policy on religion? a) He tolerated all religions except Judaism. b) He sought to replace it with his racial creed. c) He believed religious piety strengthened the German nation. d) He banned all religions except Judaism. The Nuremberg laws a) called for Hitler to assume absolute power in Germany. b) authorized Hitler to rearm Germany. c) forced Germany to pay war reparations. d) placed severe restrictions on Jews.
  • 102. Revolution in Russia (1917–1939)
  • 103. 1 Two Revolutions in Russia • Why did revolution occur in Russia in March 1917? • Why did Lenin and the Bolsheviks launch the November revolution? • How did the Communists defeat their opponents in Russia’s civil war?
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  • 105. 2 The Communist State Under Lenin The Communists produced a new constitution that: • set up an elected legislature, later called the Supreme Soviet • gave all citizens over 18 the right to vote • placed all political power, resources, and means of production in the hands of the workers and peasants The new government united much of the old Russian empire in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), or Soviet Union. Lenin adopted the New Economic Policy, or NEP. • It allowed some capitalist ventures. • The state kept control of banks, foreign trade, and large industries. Small businesses were allowed to reopen for private profit.
  • 106. 2 From Lenin to Stalin • How did the Communist state develop under Lenin? • What were the effects of Stalin’s five-year plans? • How did Soviet foreign policy affect relations with the western powers?
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  • 109. In this propaganda image, children surround a On the occasion of Stalin’s gentle Stalin. sixtieth birthday, the Communist party newspaper, Pravda, or “Truth,” printed this praise of Stalin: “There is no similar name on the planet like the name of Stalin. It shines like a bright torch of freedom, it flies like a battle standard for millions of laborers around the world. . . . Stalin is today’s Lenin! Stalin is the brain and heart of the party! Stalin is the banner of millions of people in their fight for a better life.” Far from helping people fight for a better life, Stalin’s ruthless policies brought suffering and death to millions of Soviets.
  • 110. Food as a Weapon In 1932, when peasants failed to meet unrealistic crop quotas, Stalin retaliated by seizing all of their grain to sell on the market, leaving millions to starve. Below, a woman and her son search for food during the famine. Describe the effects of Stalin’s ruthless policies on the production of oats, wheat, & potatoes.
  • 111. 2 Stalin’s Five-Year Plans Once in power, Stalin set out to make the Soviet Union a modern industrial power. He put into place several “five-year plans” aimed at building heavy industry, improving transportation, and increasing farm output. • Stalin brought all economic activity under government control. The Soviet Union developed a command economy, in which government officials made all basic economic decisions. • Stalin also brought agriculture under government control. He forced peasants to give up their land and live on either state-owned farms or collectives, large farms owned and operated by peasants as a group. • Overall, standards of living remained poor. Wages were low, and consumer goods were scarce.
  • 112. 2 The Great Purge Stalin harbored obsessive fears that rival party leaders were plotting against him. In 1934, he launched the Great Purge. • At least four million people were purged during the Stalin years. • The purges increased Stalin’s power. • The victims of the purges included most of the nation’s military leadership. This loss of military leadership would weigh heavily on Stalin in 1941, when Germany invaded the Soviet Union.
  • 113. Leon Trotsky was a close friend of Lenin and shared idealistic ideas about the Communist state. He can be seen with Lenin in both photos. But Trotsky was deported in1929 and declared “an enemy of the State”, as a threat to Stalin’s power, so Stalin had Trotsky airbrushed out of the pix. Many others will be “erased”. Some for real!
  • 114. The Case of the Vanishing Commissar Stalin’s enemies just seem to disappear! Nikolai Yezhov, chief of the Soviet secret police knew where too many bodies were buried, so he is made to vanish.
  • 115. 2 Soviet Foreign Policy Between 1917 and 1939, the Soviet Union pursued two very different goals in foreign policy. As Communists, both Lenin and Stalin wanted to bring about the worldwide revolution that Marx had predicted. • Lenin formed the Communist International, or Comintern, which aided revolutionary groups around the world. As Russians, they wanted to guarantee their nation’s security by winning the support of other countries. •The Soviet Union sought to join the League of Nations. The Comintern’s propaganda against capitalism made western powers highly suspicious of the Soviet Union.
  • 116. 3 A Totalitarian State Stalin turned the Soviet Union into a totalitarian state. In this form of government, a one-party dictatorship attempts to regulate every aspect of the lives of its citizens. • To ensure obedience, Stalin used secret police (the KGB), censorship, violent purges, and terror. • The party bombarded the public with relentless propaganda. • The Communists replaced religion with their own ideology.
  • 117. 3 Changes in Soviet Society, Comrade! The Communists transformed Russian life. • They created a society where a few elite groups emerged as a new ruling class. • The state provided free education, free medical care, day care for children, inexpensive housing, and public recreation. But quality of everything was poor and the average person had no choices. • Women were granted equality under the law. • There was no place for the Church in the regime.
  • 118. The Party Versus the Church To weaken the power of the Russian Orthodox Church, the party seized church property and converted churches into offices and museums. Here, Red Army soldiers carry off religious relics from a Russian church. How might the policy of destroying churches in such a public way have backfired on the party? Atheism—the belief that there is no God became an official State policy.
  • 119. 3 State Control and the Arts Stalin forced artists and writers to conform to a style called socialist realism. Its goal was to boost socialism by showing Soviet life in a positive light. Lots of statues of himself were evident. Government controlled what books were published, what music was heard, and which works of art were displayed. Censorship and propaganda were rampant and the State controlled all news, information, and media. Writers, artists, and composers faced government persecution. They were killed or sent to Siberia, or imprisoned in a gulag. Few people were allowed to emigrate and fewer people were allowed in.
  • 120. 3 Section 3 Assessment Stalin used all of the following to create a totalitarian state except a) secret police. b) propaganda. c) religion. d) censorship. In Soviet society, women were a) considered second-class citizens. b) stripped of all past freedoms. c) granted equality under the law. d) only allowed to hold certain jobs.
  • 121. 3 Section 3 Assessment Stalin used all of the following to create a totalitarian state except a) secret police. b) propaganda. c) religion. d) censorship. In Soviet society, women were a) considered second-class citizens. b) stripped of all past freedoms. c) granted equality under the law. d) only allowed to hold certain jobs.
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  • 127. The Second Italo–Abyssinian War/Second Italo-Ethiopian War was a brief colonial war that started in October 1935 and ended in May 1936. The war was fought between the armed forces of the Kingdom of Italy (Regno d'Italia) and the armed forces of the Ethiopian Empire (also known as Abyssinia). The war resulted in the military occupation of Ethiopia and its annexation into the newly created colony of Italian East Africa (AOI). However, Ethiopia never capitulated or surrendered. Politically, the war is best remembered for exposing the inherent weakness of the League of Nations. The Abyssinia Crisis in 1934 is often seen as a clear example of the ineffectiveness of the League. Both Italy and Ethiopia were member nations and yet the League was unable to control Italy or to protect Ethiopia when Italy clearly violated the League's own Article X. The war is also remembered for the illegal use of mustard gas and phosgene by the Italian armed forces. The positive outcome of the war for the Italians coincided with the zenith of the international popularity of dictator Benito Mussolini's Fascist regime, in a phase called "the age of consensus" during which foreign leaders, including Winston Churchill, praised him for his achievements, it must not be ignored that during the fascist period slavery was abolished in Ethiopia.
  • 128. On 3 October 1935, Italian soldiers commanded by General Emilio De Bono invaded Ethiopia from Eritrea and started the Second Italo-Abyssinian War. The war lasted seven months before Haile Selassie I went into exile and the Italians declared victory. The invasion was condemned by the League of Nations, Italy was named as the aggressor, and some sanctions were imposed. However, not much was ever done to end hostilities. In May 1936, Ethiopia became part of Italian East Africa and remained as part of the colony until World War II. In 1941, the Ethiopian Empire was liberated by a combination of Ethiopian partisans and British and Commonwealth forces. The major offensives launched against the Italian colonial forces came from the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan and from British East Africa. Haile Selassie re-entered Addis Ababa five years to the day from when he was forced into exile. After World War II, Eritrea was incorporated into the Ethiopian Empire. Eritrea remained a part of Ethiopia even after the dissolution of the monarchy. In 1993, Eritrea won its independence from Ethiopia. International Fascism: The Italian Empire in 1939.
  • 129. Haile Selassie, Ras Tafari • In 1936, with the Italian conquest of Ethiopia, Mussolini proclaimed Victor Emmanuel III to be the Emperor of Ethiopia - a title considered illegitimate by parts of the international community, and lasted only five years. • Haile Selassie returned to power with the British conquest of the Italian East Africa during WWII. • In January 1942 he was officially reinstated to power in Ethiopia by the British government.
  • 130. 1 The Spanish Civil War Although the Spanish Civil War was a local struggle, it drew other European powers into the fighting. • Hitler and Mussolini sent arms and forces to help Franco. Dress rehearsal! • Volunteers from Germany, Italy, the Soviet Union, and the western democracies joined the International Brigade and fought alongside the Loyalists against fascism. By 1939, Franco had triumphed. Once in power, he created a fascist dictatorship like those of Hitler and Mussolini, but remained “neutral” during WWII.
  • 131. The Abraham Lincoln Brigade The Abraham Lincoln "No man ever entered Brigade were a group of the earth more volunteers who went to honorably than those Spain to fight in the who died in Spain." Spanish Civil War. It Ernest Hemingway was not their war, but it was their fight—to save the world from fascism and communism.
  • 132.
  • 133. The Spanish Civil War 1936-37 • In 1931 the Spanish king, King Alfonso XII, was forced to stand down and retreat into exile, and a republic was established. The next five years saw the balance of power swing between the conservative reactionaries of the Spanish establishment and the progressive working class movement. • The rulers of Spain could see their power (and property) slipping away and on the 17th July 1936, a group of extreme right-wing Nationalist generals made their move, starting with a military rising in Morocco, led by Franco, a fascist, which spread immediately to the mainland. Working class militants armed themselves and the military coup was smashed in Barcelona and Madrid, although the generals' troops did seize large areas. • General Francisco Franco called upon Hitler and Mussolini to help him gain military supremacy in Spain. This included the infamous destruction of Guernica in April '37 by German planes. • The Spanish Republican army unconditionally surrendered to Franco's fascist forces on 1st April 1939. • Everyone seemed happy that the communists had not won, Picasso, Guernica and so Franco remained in power until his death in 1975. 8th - 23rd November 1936 Prince Juan Carlos became king upon Franco’s death.
  • 134. Francisco Franco Francisco Franco (1892-1975), was dictator of Spain from 1939 until his death in 1975. He came to power at the end of the Spanish Civil War. In that war, he led the rebel Nationalist Army to victory over the Republican forces. After the war ended in 1939, Franco held complete control of Spain. His regime was similar to a Fascist dictatorship. He carried out the functions of chief of state, prime minister, commander in chief, and leader of the Falange Espanola, the only political party permitted. He adopted the title of El Caudillo (The Leader). In the early years of his regime, Franco tried to eliminate all opposition. He later eased restrictions.
  • 135. Francisco Franco • As dictator, Franco kept Spain officially neutral during World War II. But he sent "volunteers" to help Germany fight the Soviet Union. After the war, the victorious Allies would have little to do with Spain because of Franco's pro-Fascist policies. • The Western powers became more friendly toward Franco during the Cold War with the Soviet Union, because he was against Communism. In 1953, Franco signed an agreement with the United States. He permitted the United States to build air and naval bases in Spain in exchange for economic and military aid. This aid helped bring about industrial expansion. Spain's living standard rose dramatically during the 1960's. By the mid-1970's, Spain had become a relatively modern, industrialized country. • In the early 1960's, opposition to Franco became more outspoken. Miners and other workers went on strike, though strikes were illegal. Opposition groups organized in secret. Franco relaxed police controls and economic restriction somewhat. In 1966, strict press censorship was relaxed. • Franco declared, in 1947, that Spain would be ruled by a king after he left office. In 1969, Franco named Prince Juan Carlos to be king and head of state after Franco's death or retirement. Juan Carlos is the grandson of King Alfonso XIII, who left Spain in 1931. Franco died on Nov. 20,1975, and Juan Carlos became king.
  • 136. Update—Kim Jong Un, youngest son and successor to deceased North Korean leader Kim Jong Il, has taken over since 12/11, and we don’t know if he’s a good ‘un or a bad ‘un!