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FLAG                               EMBLEM

• Motto: "Satyameva jayate”
       Truth alone triumph
• Anthem: Jana Gana Mana
             (Thou art the ruler of the minds of all
• National Song: Vande Mataram
                I bow to thee, Mother
• India officially, Republic of India, is a country in South Asia. It
  is the seventh-largest country by geographical area, the
  second-most populous country, and the most populous
  democracy in the world. Bounded by the Indian Ocean on the
  south, the Arabian Sea on the west, and the Bay of
       Bengal on the east, India has a coastline of
  7,517 kilometers (4,671 mi) It is bordered by Pakistan to the
  west People's Republic of China (PRC), Nepal, and Bhutan to
  the north; and Bangladesh and Myanmar to the east. India is in
  the vicinity of Sri Lanka, the Maldives, and Indonesia covered
  with Indian Ocean at its feet.
• India's coast is
  7,517 kilometers (4,671 mi)
  long; of this
  distance, 5,423 kilometers
  (3,370 mi) belong to
  peninsular India, and
  2,094 kilometers (1,301 mi) to
  the Andaman, Nicobar, and
  Lakshadweep Islands. The
  mainland coast consists of
  the following: 43% sandy
  beaches, 11% rocky coast
  including cliffs, and 46%
  mudflats or marshy coasts.
• Four major world
  religions, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism
  originated there, while
  Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam
  arrived in the first millennium CE and shaped the
  region's diverse culture. Gradually annexed by the
  British East India Company from the early eighteenth
  century and colonized by the United Kingdom from
  the mid-nineteenth century, India became an
  independent nation in 1947 after a struggle for
  independence that was marked by widespread
  nonviolent resistance.

• India is a republic consisting of 28 states and seven
  union territories with a parliamentary system of
  democracy. It has the world's twelfth largest
  economy at market exchange rates and the fourth
  largest in purchasing power.

• India is a country of bewilderingly great diversities.
  We keep marveling at the incredibly harmonious co-
  existence of various religions & culture; its varied
  landscapes from Kashmir to Kannyakumari and from
  Gujarat to Arunachal Pradesh, the different
  cuisines, etc! India is also a place for
  Ayurveda, Yoga, learning, amazing arts &
  crafts, mountains, backwaters, nature, rivers, desert
  s, wildlife, etc. India is a jigsaw of people - of every
  faith and religion living together to create a unique
  and colorful mosaic. There is a festival for every
  reason and every season.
   • Traditional dresses of
     Indian garments are
     traditionally unstiched.
     Men use the Dhoti and the
     The Dhoti is draped over
     the legs and the
     Angavastra is thrown
     across the shoulders.
     except that a part of the
     saree is pulled across the
     Both Men and Women
     wear colourful garments


• From the 15th century onwards the first
  European colonists had started visiting the
  shores of India.
From the 15th century onwards
                          the first European colonists had
                          started visiting the shores of

• In the early 16th century, Portuguese rule was
  established on the West coast of India at Goa posts
  and later took advantage of internal conflicts to
  establish colonies in the country. But the
  Portuguese did not succeed in moving deep into the
  country, their domination remained confined to the
  coastal periphery. It was only the British who
  managed to take on the mantle of administering the
  country from the Mughals.
The interior of the Govind palace
                        at Datia. The opulence and
                        grandeur of the medieval palaces
                        was unparalleled. The reason for
                        this was that there manor was a
                        status symbol for the feudal lords.

• Though the Mughal Empire did survive till 1857, its
  heyday can be considered to have come to an end in
  1707, with the death of Aurangzeb.
Late 19th and early 20th century

1909            1909            Percentage     1909
Prevailing      Percentage of   of             Percentage
Religions, Ma   Muslims, Map    Hindus, Map    of
p of British    of British      of British     Buddhists, S
Indian          Indian          Indian         ikhs, and
Empire, 1909,   Empire, 1909,   Empire, 1909   Jains. Map
 showing the    showing         , showing      of British
prevailing      percentage of   percentage     Indian
majority        Muslims in      of Hindus in   Empire, 1909
religions of    different       different      , showing
the             districts.      districts.     percentages
population                                     in different
for different                                  districts.

             • The Mutiny of 1857 created
               the first stirrings of a national
               movement for securing
               Independence from the
               British. But in its essence, the
               Sepoy mutiny was a war
               fought by the Indian kings
               and princes to preserve their
               privileges and rights of
               succession, which were
               being threatened by the
               British policy of the "Doctrine
               of Lapse". The Sepoy Mutiny
               was a war of the feudal
               princes against a new
               incoming imperialist power of
               the British. The freedom
               movement that came later
               under Tilak and Gandhi was
               a mass struggle in its real
By 1856, most of India was under the control of the
British East India Company. A year later, a
nationwide insurrection of rebelling military units
and kingdoms, known as India's First War of
Independence or the Sepoy Mutiny, seriously
challenged the Company's control but eventually
failed. As a result of the instability, India was
brought under the direct rule of the British Crown.
     •    THE great Revolt of 1857 was a watershed in the
         history of modern India. It marked first national
         challenge to the English in India; it emboldened the
         growth of Indian nationalist politics; it presaged
         significant constitutional changes in British India. Today
         one hundred fifty years later as we commemorate the
         event, the rebellion provides us with a new source of
         inspiration to complete the nation-building project.

     •   The unique feature of the 1857 Revolt was the
         solidarity amongst the rebels cutting across religious
         and provincial lines. Leaders of the Revolt issued
         proclamations to stress the importance of communal
         amity amongst the rebels, emphasizing the need of
         Hindus and Muslims to join their hands to drive out the
         English and protect their own religious customs and
• The Revolt failed, because of
  the brutalities committed by the
  English on the rebels. But the
  Revolt generated new national
  ideas. Apart from laying stress
  on communal harmony the
  rebel leaders visualized a new
  national order. They sought to
  establish `a kind of elective
  military rule’, assured economic
  relief to the
  zamindars, peasants and
  artisans alike and promised
  better service conditions for the
  sepoys. The rebel leaders
  certainly deserve credit for
  nursing this national vision at a
  time when nationalism in the
  modern bourgeois sense was
  yet to develop.
Quit India Movement (Bharat Chhodo
Andolan or the August Movement) was a civil
disobedience movement launched in India in
August 1942 in response to Mohandas
Gandhi's call for immediate independence.
Gandhi hoped to bring the British government
to the negotiating table. Almost the entire
Congress leadership, and not merely at the
national level, was put into confinement less
than twenty-four hours after Gandhi's speech,
and the greater number of the Congress
leaders were to spend the rest of the war in

In the 20th century, a nationwide struggle for
independence was launched by the Indian
National Congress and other political
organisations. Indian leader Mahatma Gandhi
led millions of people in national campaigns of
non-violent civil disobedience.
Gandhi wanted self-government for India but he
believed that all Indians must work for it as one
hand. Trying to overcome the urban-rural divide, he
transformed the Indian National Congress, which
was confined on the upper and middle class to a
strong national organization thus joining large
sections of the -till then- excluded groups as
women, merchants, the peasantry and youth. Gandhi
also promoted among his countrymen national self-
respect and confidence in their ability to put an end
to British rule.
The independence movement also served
                  as a major catalyst for similar movements
                  in other parts of the world, leading to the
                  eventual disintegration and dismantling of
                  the British Empire Gandhi's philosophy of
                  nonviolent resistance inspired the
                  American Civil Rights Movement led by
                  Martin Luther King, Jr, the quest for
                  democracy in Myanmar led by Aung San
                  Suu Kyi and the African National
                  Congress's struggle against apartheid in
                  South Africa led by Nelson Mandela.
                  However not all these leaders adhered to
                  Gandhi's strict principle of nonviolence
                  and non-resistance.
                                        •   The Partition of India was the partition of
                                            British India that led to the creation, on
                                            August 14, 1947 and August
                                            15, 1947, respectively, of the sovereign
                                            states of the Dominion of Pakistan (later
                                            Islamic Republic of Pakistan and
                                            People‘s Republic of Bangladesh) and
                                            the Union of India (later Republic of
                                            India). The partition of India included the
                                            geographical division of the Bengal
                                            province of British India into East
                                            Pakistan and West Bengal (India), and
                                            the similar partition of the Punjab
                                            province into West Punjab (later Punjab
                                            (Pakistan) and Islamabad Capital
                                            Territory) and East Punjab (India), and
                                            also the division of other
                                            assets, including the British Indian
                                            Army, the Indian Civil Service and other
MAP OF INDIA AT THE TIME OF PARTITION       administrative services. The partition was
                                            promulgated in the Indian Independence
                                            Act 1947 and resulted in the dissolution
                                            of the British Indian Empire.
                         Two self governing countries legally came into
                          existence at the stroke of midnight on 15
                          August 1947. The ceremonies for the transfer
                          of power were held a day earlier in Karachi, at
                          the time the capital of the new state of
                          Pakistan, so that the last British Viceroy,
                          Louis Mountbatten, could attend both the
                          ceremony in Karachi as well as the ceremony
                          in Delhi.

                            However another reason for this
                          arrangement was to avoid the appearance
                          that Pakistan was seceding from a sovereign
                          India. Therefore Pakistan celebrates
                          Independence Day on August 14, while India
                          celebrates it on August 15.

                            Another reason for Pakistan celebrating
                          independence on August 14 is the adoption
PAKISTAN : HIGHLIGHTED    of new standard time in Pakistan after
                          partition. The new standard time of West
                          Pakistan (modern 'Pakistan') was behind
                          Indian standard time by 30 minutes and the
                          new standard time of East Pakistan (modern
                          'Bangladesh') was ahead of Indian standard
                          time by 30 minutes, so technically on the
                          stroke of midnight falling between August 14
                          and 15, when India "got independence", it
                          was still 11:30 PM on 14 August in West

The All India Muslim League (AIML) was formed in Dhaka in 1906 by
Muslims who were suspicious of the Hindu-majority Indian National
Congress. They complained that they were not given same rights as a
Muslim member compared to Hindu members. A number of different
scenarios were proposed at various times. Among the first to make the
demand for a separate state was the writer/philosopher Allama
Iqbal, who, in his presidential address to the 1930 convention of the
Muslim League said that he felt a separate nation for Muslims was
                                                                         MOHD. ALI JINNAH
essential in an otherwise Hindu-dominated subcontinent. The Sindh
Assembly passed a resolution making it a demand in 1935.
Iqbal, Jouhar and others then worked hard to draft Mohammad Ali
Jinnah, who had till then worked for Hindu-Muslim unity, to lead the
movement for this new nation. By 1930, Jinnah had begun to despair
of the fate of minority communities in a united India and had begun to
argue that mainstream parties such as the Congress, of which he was
once a member, were insensitive to Muslim interests. The 1932
communal award which seemed to threaten the position of Muslims in
Hindu-majority provinces catalysed the resurgence of the Muslim
League, with Jinnah as its leader. However, the League did not do well
in the 1937 provincial elections, demonstrating the hold of the
conservative and local forces at the time
In 1940, Jinnah made a statement at the Lahore conference, which seemed to be calling
for a separate Muslim 'nation'. However, the document was ambiguous and opaque, and
did not evoke a Muslim nation in a territorial sense. This idea, though, was taken up by
Muslims and particularly Hindus, and given a more territorial element. All Muslim
political parties opposed the partition of India.
Hindu organizations such as the Hindu Mahasabha, though against the division of the
country, was also insisting on the same chasm between Hindus and Muslims. In 1937 at
the 19th session of the Hindu Mahasabha held at Ahmedabad, Veer Savarkar in his
presidential address asserted:

“India cannot be assumed today to be Unitarian and homogeneous nation, but on
the contrary there are two nations in the main — the Hindus and the Muslims.”

 Gandhi opposed the partition, saying,

  “My whole soul rebels against the idea that Hinduism and Islam
  represent two antagonistic cultures and doctrines. To assent to such a
  doctrine is for me a denial of God.”
The Indian Political Parties were (alphabetically) All India
Muslim League, Communist Party of India, Hindu
Mahasabha, Indian National Congress Khaksar Tehrik, and the
Unionist Muslim League (mainly in the Punjab).

  The British Colonial Administration consisted of Secretary of
State for India, the India Office, the Governor-General of
India, and the Indian Civil Service.

  On July 18, 1947, the British Parliament passed the Indian
Independence Act that finalized the partition arrangement. The
Government of India Act 1935 was adapted to provide a legal
framework for the two new dominions. Following
partition, Pakistan was added as a new member of the United
Nations. The union formed from the combination of the Hindu
states assumed the name India which automatically granted it
the seat of British India (a UN member since 1945) as a
successor state

 On 15 August 1947, India gained independence from British
rule, but at the same time Muslim-majority areas were
partitioned to form a separate state of Pakistan.

The Partition of India was the partition of British India that led
to the creation, on August 14, 1947 and August
15, 1947, respectively, of the sovereign states of the Dominion
of Pakistan (later Islamic Republic of Pakistan and People's
Republic of Bangladesh) and the Union of India (later Republic
of India). The partition of India included the geographical
division of the Bengal province of British India into East
Pakistan and West Bengal (India).

On 26 January 1950, India became a republic and a new
constitution came into effect.
• Massive population exchanges occurred between the two newly-
  formed states in the months immediately following Partition. Once
  the lines were established, about 14.5 million people crossed the
  borders to what they hoped was the relative safety of religious
• Based on 1951 Census of displaced persons, 7,226,000 Muslims
  went to Pakistan from India while 7,249,000 Hindus and Sikhs
  moved to India from Pakistan immediately after partition. About 11.2
  million or 78% of the population transfer took place in the west, with
  Punjab accounting for most of it; 5.3 million Muslims moved from
  India to West Punjab in Pakistan, 3.4 million Hindus and Sikhs
  moved from Pakistan to East Punjab in India; elsewhere in the west
  1.2 million moved in each direction to and from Sind.
The Partition of British India in 1947, which created the two
independent states of India and Pakistan, was followed by one of the
cruelest and bloodiest migrations and ethnic cleansings in history. The
religious fury and violence that it unleashed caused the deaths of some
2 million Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs. An estimated 12 to 15 million
people were forcibly transferred between the two countries. At least
75,000 women were raped.
Over 10 million people were uprooted from their homeland and traveled on
foot, bullock carts and trains to their promised new home.
Nothing is Dearer than Her Service

There are times in a nation's history when Providence places before
it one work, one aim, to which everything else, however high and
noble in itself, has to be sacrificed. Such a time has now arrived for
our Motherland when nothing is dearer than her service, when
everything else is to be directed to that end. If you will study, study
for her sake; train yourselves body and mind and soul for her sake.
You will go abroad to foreign lands that you may bring back
knowledge with which you may do service to her. Work that she may
prosper. Suffer that she may rejoice. All is contained in that one
single advice.
At the STROKE of the midnight hour, when the
world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom. A
moment comes, which comes but rarely in
history, when we step out from the old to the
new, when an age ends, and when the soul of a
nation, long suppressed, finds utterance... We end
today a period of ill fortune, and India discovers
herself again.



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introduction of india 1

  • 2. FLAG EMBLEM • Motto: "Satyameva jayate” Truth alone triumph • Anthem: Jana Gana Mana (Thou art the ruler of the minds of all people) • National Song: Vande Mataram I bow to thee, Mother
  • 3. • India officially, Republic of India, is a country in South Asia. It is the seventh-largest country by geographical area, the second-most populous country, and the most populous democracy in the world. Bounded by the Indian Ocean on the south, the Arabian Sea on the west, and the Bay of Bengal on the east, India has a coastline of 7,517 kilometers (4,671 mi) It is bordered by Pakistan to the west People's Republic of China (PRC), Nepal, and Bhutan to the north; and Bangladesh and Myanmar to the east. India is in the vicinity of Sri Lanka, the Maldives, and Indonesia covered with Indian Ocean at its feet.
  • 4. • India's coast is 7,517 kilometers (4,671 mi) long; of this distance, 5,423 kilometers (3,370 mi) belong to peninsular India, and 2,094 kilometers (1,301 mi) to the Andaman, Nicobar, and Lakshadweep Islands. The mainland coast consists of the following: 43% sandy beaches, 11% rocky coast including cliffs, and 46% mudflats or marshy coasts.
  • 5. • Four major world religions, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism originated there, while Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam arrived in the first millennium CE and shaped the region's diverse culture. Gradually annexed by the British East India Company from the early eighteenth century and colonized by the United Kingdom from the mid-nineteenth century, India became an independent nation in 1947 after a struggle for independence that was marked by widespread nonviolent resistance. • India is a republic consisting of 28 states and seven union territories with a parliamentary system of democracy. It has the world's twelfth largest economy at market exchange rates and the fourth largest in purchasing power.
  • 6. DIVERSITIES • India is a country of bewilderingly great diversities. We keep marveling at the incredibly harmonious co- existence of various religions & culture; its varied landscapes from Kashmir to Kannyakumari and from Gujarat to Arunachal Pradesh, the different cuisines, etc! India is also a place for Ayurveda, Yoga, learning, amazing arts & crafts, mountains, backwaters, nature, rivers, desert s, wildlife, etc. India is a jigsaw of people - of every faith and religion living together to create a unique and colorful mosaic. There is a festival for every reason and every season.
  • 7. DRESSES • Traditional dresses of India. Indian garments are traditionally unstiched. Men use the Dhoti and the Angavastra The Dhoti is draped over the legs and the Angavastra is thrown across the shoulders. except that a part of the saree is pulled across the shoulders. Both Men and Women wear colourful garments
  • 8. INDIA: A BRIEF HISTORY OF TIME THE COMING OF EUROPEAN COLONIALISM • From the 15th century onwards the first European colonists had started visiting the shores of India.
  • 9. From the 15th century onwards the first European colonists had started visiting the shores of India • In the early 16th century, Portuguese rule was established on the West coast of India at Goa posts and later took advantage of internal conflicts to establish colonies in the country. But the Portuguese did not succeed in moving deep into the country, their domination remained confined to the coastal periphery. It was only the British who managed to take on the mantle of administering the country from the Mughals.
  • 10. The interior of the Govind palace at Datia. The opulence and grandeur of the medieval palaces was unparalleled. The reason for this was that there manor was a status symbol for the feudal lords. • Though the Mughal Empire did survive till 1857, its heyday can be considered to have come to an end in 1707, with the death of Aurangzeb.
  • 11. Late 19th and early 20th century 1909 1909 1909 Percentage 1909 Prevailing Percentage of of Percentage Religions, Ma Muslims, Map Hindus, Map of p of British of British of British Buddhists, S Indian Indian Indian ikhs, and Empire, 1909, Empire, 1909, Empire, 1909 Jains. Map showing the showing , showing of British prevailing percentage of percentage Indian majority Muslims in of Hindus in Empire, 1909 religions of different different , showing the districts. districts. percentages population in different for different districts. districts.
  • 12. THE REVOLUTIONARY CHANGE • The Mutiny of 1857 created the first stirrings of a national movement for securing Independence from the British. But in its essence, the Sepoy mutiny was a war fought by the Indian kings and princes to preserve their privileges and rights of succession, which were being threatened by the British policy of the "Doctrine of Lapse". The Sepoy Mutiny was a war of the feudal princes against a new incoming imperialist power of the British. The freedom movement that came later under Tilak and Gandhi was a mass struggle in its real sense.
  • 13. By 1856, most of India was under the control of the British East India Company. A year later, a nationwide insurrection of rebelling military units and kingdoms, known as India's First War of Independence or the Sepoy Mutiny, seriously challenged the Company's control but eventually failed. As a result of the instability, India was brought under the direct rule of the British Crown.
  • 14. CANKERS OF A CALM WORLD: THE SEPOY REVOLT • THE great Revolt of 1857 was a watershed in the history of modern India. It marked first national challenge to the English in India; it emboldened the growth of Indian nationalist politics; it presaged significant constitutional changes in British India. Today one hundred fifty years later as we commemorate the event, the rebellion provides us with a new source of inspiration to complete the nation-building project. • The unique feature of the 1857 Revolt was the solidarity amongst the rebels cutting across religious and provincial lines. Leaders of the Revolt issued proclamations to stress the importance of communal amity amongst the rebels, emphasizing the need of Hindus and Muslims to join their hands to drive out the English and protect their own religious customs and rituals.
  • 15. • The Revolt failed, because of the brutalities committed by the English on the rebels. But the Revolt generated new national ideas. Apart from laying stress on communal harmony the rebel leaders visualized a new national order. They sought to establish `a kind of elective military rule’, assured economic relief to the zamindars, peasants and artisans alike and promised better service conditions for the sepoys. The rebel leaders certainly deserve credit for nursing this national vision at a time when nationalism in the modern bourgeois sense was yet to develop.
  • 17. Quit India Movement (Bharat Chhodo Andolan or the August Movement) was a civil disobedience movement launched in India in August 1942 in response to Mohandas Gandhi's call for immediate independence. Gandhi hoped to bring the British government to the negotiating table. Almost the entire Congress leadership, and not merely at the national level, was put into confinement less than twenty-four hours after Gandhi's speech, and the greater number of the Congress leaders were to spend the rest of the war in jail. In the 20th century, a nationwide struggle for independence was launched by the Indian National Congress and other political organisations. Indian leader Mahatma Gandhi led millions of people in national campaigns of non-violent civil disobedience.
  • 18. Gandhi wanted self-government for India but he believed that all Indians must work for it as one hand. Trying to overcome the urban-rural divide, he transformed the Indian National Congress, which was confined on the upper and middle class to a strong national organization thus joining large sections of the -till then- excluded groups as women, merchants, the peasantry and youth. Gandhi also promoted among his countrymen national self- respect and confidence in their ability to put an end to British rule.
  • 19. The independence movement also served as a major catalyst for similar movements in other parts of the world, leading to the eventual disintegration and dismantling of the British Empire Gandhi's philosophy of nonviolent resistance inspired the American Civil Rights Movement led by MAHATAMA GANDHI Martin Luther King, Jr, the quest for democracy in Myanmar led by Aung San Suu Kyi and the African National Congress's struggle against apartheid in South Africa led by Nelson Mandela. However not all these leaders adhered to Gandhi's strict principle of nonviolence and non-resistance.
  • 20. PARTITION OF INDIA • The Partition of India was the partition of British India that led to the creation, on August 14, 1947 and August 15, 1947, respectively, of the sovereign states of the Dominion of Pakistan (later Islamic Republic of Pakistan and People‘s Republic of Bangladesh) and the Union of India (later Republic of India). The partition of India included the geographical division of the Bengal province of British India into East Pakistan and West Bengal (India), and the similar partition of the Punjab province into West Punjab (later Punjab (Pakistan) and Islamabad Capital Territory) and East Punjab (India), and also the division of other assets, including the British Indian Army, the Indian Civil Service and other MAP OF INDIA AT THE TIME OF PARTITION administrative services. The partition was promulgated in the Indian Independence Act 1947 and resulted in the dissolution of the British Indian Empire.
  • 21. AT THE TIME OF PARTITION Two self governing countries legally came into existence at the stroke of midnight on 15 August 1947. The ceremonies for the transfer of power were held a day earlier in Karachi, at the time the capital of the new state of Pakistan, so that the last British Viceroy, Louis Mountbatten, could attend both the ceremony in Karachi as well as the ceremony in Delhi. However another reason for this arrangement was to avoid the appearance that Pakistan was seceding from a sovereign India. Therefore Pakistan celebrates Independence Day on August 14, while India celebrates it on August 15. Another reason for Pakistan celebrating independence on August 14 is the adoption PAKISTAN : HIGHLIGHTED of new standard time in Pakistan after partition. The new standard time of West Pakistan (modern 'Pakistan') was behind Indian standard time by 30 minutes and the new standard time of East Pakistan (modern 'Bangladesh') was ahead of Indian standard time by 30 minutes, so technically on the stroke of midnight falling between August 14 and 15, when India "got independence", it was still 11:30 PM on 14 August in West Pakistan.
  • 22. BEFORE PARTITON 1920-1932 THE EMERGENCE OF MUSLIM LEAGUE The All India Muslim League (AIML) was formed in Dhaka in 1906 by Muslims who were suspicious of the Hindu-majority Indian National Congress. They complained that they were not given same rights as a Muslim member compared to Hindu members. A number of different scenarios were proposed at various times. Among the first to make the demand for a separate state was the writer/philosopher Allama Iqbal, who, in his presidential address to the 1930 convention of the Muslim League said that he felt a separate nation for Muslims was MOHD. ALI JINNAH essential in an otherwise Hindu-dominated subcontinent. The Sindh Assembly passed a resolution making it a demand in 1935. Iqbal, Jouhar and others then worked hard to draft Mohammad Ali Jinnah, who had till then worked for Hindu-Muslim unity, to lead the movement for this new nation. By 1930, Jinnah had begun to despair of the fate of minority communities in a united India and had begun to argue that mainstream parties such as the Congress, of which he was once a member, were insensitive to Muslim interests. The 1932 communal award which seemed to threaten the position of Muslims in Hindu-majority provinces catalysed the resurgence of the Muslim League, with Jinnah as its leader. However, the League did not do well in the 1937 provincial elections, demonstrating the hold of the conservative and local forces at the time
  • 23. 1932-1942 In 1940, Jinnah made a statement at the Lahore conference, which seemed to be calling for a separate Muslim 'nation'. However, the document was ambiguous and opaque, and did not evoke a Muslim nation in a territorial sense. This idea, though, was taken up by Muslims and particularly Hindus, and given a more territorial element. All Muslim political parties opposed the partition of India. Hindu organizations such as the Hindu Mahasabha, though against the division of the country, was also insisting on the same chasm between Hindus and Muslims. In 1937 at the 19th session of the Hindu Mahasabha held at Ahmedabad, Veer Savarkar in his presidential address asserted: “India cannot be assumed today to be Unitarian and homogeneous nation, but on the contrary there are two nations in the main — the Hindus and the Muslims.” Gandhi opposed the partition, saying, “My whole soul rebels against the idea that Hinduism and Islam represent two antagonistic cultures and doctrines. To assent to such a doctrine is for me a denial of God.”
  • 24. POLITICAL PARTIES AT THE TIME OF INDEPENDENCE The Indian Political Parties were (alphabetically) All India Muslim League, Communist Party of India, Hindu Mahasabha, Indian National Congress Khaksar Tehrik, and the Unionist Muslim League (mainly in the Punjab). The British Colonial Administration consisted of Secretary of State for India, the India Office, the Governor-General of India, and the Indian Civil Service. On July 18, 1947, the British Parliament passed the Indian Independence Act that finalized the partition arrangement. The Government of India Act 1935 was adapted to provide a legal framework for the two new dominions. Following partition, Pakistan was added as a new member of the United Nations. The union formed from the combination of the Hindu states assumed the name India which automatically granted it the seat of British India (a UN member since 1945) as a successor state
  • 25. ON THE DAY OF FREEDOM On 15 August 1947, India gained independence from British rule, but at the same time Muslim-majority areas were partitioned to form a separate state of Pakistan. The Partition of India was the partition of British India that led to the creation, on August 14, 1947 and August 15, 1947, respectively, of the sovereign states of the Dominion of Pakistan (later Islamic Republic of Pakistan and People's Republic of Bangladesh) and the Union of India (later Republic of India). The partition of India included the geographical division of the Bengal province of British India into East Pakistan and West Bengal (India). On 26 January 1950, India became a republic and a new constitution came into effect.
  • 26. AFTER PARTITION • Massive population exchanges occurred between the two newly- formed states in the months immediately following Partition. Once the lines were established, about 14.5 million people crossed the borders to what they hoped was the relative safety of religious majority.
  • 27. • Based on 1951 Census of displaced persons, 7,226,000 Muslims went to Pakistan from India while 7,249,000 Hindus and Sikhs moved to India from Pakistan immediately after partition. About 11.2 million or 78% of the population transfer took place in the west, with Punjab accounting for most of it; 5.3 million Muslims moved from India to West Punjab in Pakistan, 3.4 million Hindus and Sikhs moved from Pakistan to East Punjab in India; elsewhere in the west 1.2 million moved in each direction to and from Sind.
  • 28. The Partition of British India in 1947, which created the two independent states of India and Pakistan, was followed by one of the cruelest and bloodiest migrations and ethnic cleansings in history. The religious fury and violence that it unleashed caused the deaths of some 2 million Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs. An estimated 12 to 15 million people were forcibly transferred between the two countries. At least 75,000 women were raped. Over 10 million people were uprooted from their homeland and traveled on foot, bullock carts and trains to their promised new home.
  • 29. MESSAGES: Nothing is Dearer than Her Service There are times in a nation's history when Providence places before it one work, one aim, to which everything else, however high and noble in itself, has to be sacrificed. Such a time has now arrived for our Motherland when nothing is dearer than her service, when everything else is to be directed to that end. If you will study, study for her sake; train yourselves body and mind and soul for her sake. You will go abroad to foreign lands that you may bring back knowledge with which you may do service to her. Work that she may prosper. Suffer that she may rejoice. All is contained in that one single advice.
  • 30. At the STROKE of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom. A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the old to the new, when an age ends, and when the soul of a nation, long suppressed, finds utterance... We end today a period of ill fortune, and India discovers herself again. JAWARLAL NEHRU