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Harry Morton
Existing Products Research
• The Archers
– Analysis
The Archers is a British radio soap opera about stories that
happen in the countryside. The soap opera uses
environmental and ambient sounds to immerse the listener
and to help the listener imagine the setting for example
when one of the characters is outside you can hear faint
wind and bird sound effects. The audio drama also edits the
audio by putting effects in or changing the volume. The
volume is used to show that things are far away or close. The
show also muffles some audio to simulate someone talking
over the phone. The show also uses voice actor to play the
roles of the characters. The show also has a narrator at the
starts to tell you what episode it is and at the start there is
some intro music to set the scene for the listener. The audio
drama mainly uses dialogue to tell a story.
Existing Products Research
• Soundscapes
– Analysis
Soundscapes are a collections of sounds which are used
to immerse or set the scene of a location. Soundscapes
use ambient and environmental sounds to do this. For
example if someone was making a soundscape of a
beach, they will have the sound of the waves, seagulls
and some people playing on the beach. Soundscapes are
useful because the help the listener get immerse into
the product and makes it easier for the listener to
imagine the setting. Soundscapes don’t have any
dialogue because the focus is on a setting and not a
Existing Products Research
• Doctor who
– Analysis
The doctor who audio drama is about a timelord that
travels through time and goes on adventures. The audio
drama uses dialogue to tell the stories of the doctor. The
show also uses background music to build tension or to
convey a feelings. The show also uses sound effects like
footsteps and another noises to help the listener
imagine what is going on. The audio drama also has an
intro song to set the scene and mood.
Existing Products Research
• Short Cuts
– Analysis
Short cuts are short documentaries about a different
topic every episode. The show uses a narrator and intro
song to inform the listener what the episode is about.
The show has different sections. The first section
someone telling a story which is related to the subject of
that episode with added sound effects to relate to the
story. Another section is a person going on an adventure
outside with some facts and about the area they are in.
Another section is some poetry relate to the episode
with some music added to make more dramatic.
• The Archers (audio drama)
• Short Cuts (documentary/factual)
• Doctor Who (audio drama)
• Soundscapes
Initial Reaction
• My initial reaction to the set brief is that I have to
make short podcast/audio piece based on a short
ghost story which has to be in the time frame
between 3-8 minutes and for the ages 15-18 years
old. My first idea when I heard this brief was to make
short audio ghost story about someone moving into
an old house then being haunted. The short story will
also have music and sounded effects to build tension
and to immerse the listener.
Idea Generation
• Man moves into new home which used to be a Victorian hospital but has been
refurbished into a modern home and the house is in the countryside. The man is moving
all his stuff into the house and notice that some of his stuff have gone missing or have
been moved into some weird places. The man shrugs it off and forgets about it. The
man's first night is quiet, and he has normally day decorating his new house. The next
night he hears a faint knocking at his door which he checks but there is no one there so
he goes back to bed. The next night he hears louder knocking and his door creaking open.
He grabs his phone and runs downstairs to check if someone has broken into his home.
Has he stares down the corridor and his door close and looks like it hasn’t been open. He
quickly checks around his house and then goes back to bed. In the morning he calls the
business which sold him the house and says if they sent anyone over last night because
the boiler hasn’t been installed yet, but the business said that have haven't sent anyone
yet and they were going to do next week. The man hangs up and googles the history of
the house he finds out it used to be a hospital for hospitial in Victorian times. Then he
goes to work and then back to bed. Later in the night he is woken up by the same
knocking at the door, but the man just says to himself it's just all in my head and then he
hears another knock but says to himself again it's just in my head. Then he hears the door
open, but he says to himself again it just in my head. Then he hears the door slam shut
and then some footsteps coming up stays slowly. He then grabs his phone and calls the
police but just as he is about to say something the man see the thing that has been
knocking at his door. The next morning the police visits the man's house and see that the
door is wide open the search the house but can't find the man
Working Title:
A knock at the door
My target audience age is between 15-18 because this age group has a lot of free time and likes horror stories
more than other age groups. My product will appeal to the male gender more because males like horror
stories more than other genders. My product is aim at the working class because it is going to be free, so it
appeals more to them than the middle class. My product is for the psychographic socially conscious type A
because it's about how the past and influence the future.
Project Concept (approx. 200 words)
My concept is a horror story which is set in a house which use to be an old Victorian hospital.
The story follows a man who just moved into the house and strange things start happen at night.
During my research I learned about soundscape which are a compilation of sounds to immerse
the listener in the setting. I will use this in my product to help immerse the listener into my
setting. To do this I will have to use sound related to old houses and horror stories like lighting,
creaking and rain to immerse the listener. I will also need some eerie music to create a feeling of
discomfort and build tension up. Another thing I learned during my research was dialogue.
Dialogue is used tell the story and can be used to tell information to the listener. I will use it my
product to help the listener understand the story. My product Is also going to have sound effects
when something import happens like a door opening, someone walking up the stairs or when
someone is talking over the phone. My product is also going to have an opening were a narrator
says the name of the story and some music plays to set the scene.
What went well
One thing that went well was the recording of the sound effects
because we manage to get all the effects, we needed to create the clip
the only thing that we had to get off the internet was the music in the
shop. Another thing that went well was the editing because it the foley
sounds like the original clip. I did this by changing the sound if the
person or object was far away. I also muffled the music in the shop to
sound like it coming out of a speaker.
What could have gone better
One thing that could have gone better was audio quality because the
stuff we recorded outside had a lot of background noise and it was
very windy when we recorded so the audio is hard to listen to because
its loud. Another thing that could have gone better was the transition
between the outside to into the shop because I had to change the
footsteps and the outside footsteps sound different to the inside
Nursery rhyme
What went well
The recording of the sound went well because all the audio was clear,
and we manage to create some sound effects with what we had.
Another thing that went well was the editing of the audio in audition
because I got to learn a new skill because it was my first-time using
audition and I think the editing turn out good for my first time. The
new skills I learn were how to used audition, how to add effects and
presents to the audio, fading the audio in and out and putting all the
audio together in a multitrack.
What could have gone better
One thing that could have gone better was that some of the audio we
recorded didn’t transfer over, so we lost some audio. This meant that
we had to use two different voices for the rhyme which makes the
product not match and could confuse the listener. Another thing that
could have gone better that I had to get some sound effects off
freesound because we couldn’t record them at the location.
• We recorded in Mutiple places around the college. The first
place we recorded was the stair well because it was quiet
there, but the stair wells are big and not very soundproof, so
the audio is echo and didn’t sound very good. The next place
we recorded was the corridors because they are more
soundproof then the stair wells but there was people talking
in the background and you could hear them in the recording.
The last place we recorded was the green screen room which
was the best place to record in college because its soundproof
and the audio sounds decent. We used the audio we recorded
in the green screen room because it sounded the best and
didn’t have any background noise and didn’t have an echo.
Garage Band
What went well
One thing that went well was that I manage to create some
music which sounds good and learn how to use garage band
which I didn’t know how to use before. I learned how to
add instruments and how to record them, I also learn how
to reverb and different sound effects to the instruments.
What could have gone better
One thing that could have gone better was that I should
have spent more time in garage band learning more about it
and spending more time on the test to make it longer and
refine it so the test would off been more useful
Script Draft
Script Draft
Script Draft
Script Final
Script Final
Script Final
Script Final
Sound Effects
Sound Effect Needed How I Will Create the Sound
Door opening Record a door opening and closing
Different types of footsteps Record myself walking on different types
of materials
Wind Record the outside when windy
Knocking Record myself knocking on a door
shaking Record myself shaking some metal
screaming Record myself screaming
A phone ringing Record my phones ringtone
Unlocking and locking of a
Record myself unlocking and locking my
Thunder Get it from freesound
Actor Role Location for recording
Harry Narrator college
Bron The man college
Harry The company college
Harry The police college
Band Name Track Name Link
TheBoseDeity Dark ambient music (death
anf forever)
TheBoseDeity Dark ambient music (she's
Marc v/d Meulen A Calm But Suspenseful
Horror Soundtrack
Resource List
Resource Owned/Cost What sound effect will it be
used for?
Sound recorder No cost To record the sound effects
Freesound No cost To get music and sound effects I
can't record
Soundcloud No cost To get music and sound effects I
can't record
Bensound No cost To get music and sound effects
I can't record
Green screen room No cost To record the audio in for the
Youtube No cost To find music which is royalty free
Audition No cost To edit the audio and sound effects
Daily Reflection Day 1
On the first day of production I recorded half of my
script with an audio recorder in the green screen room.
I also rename the audio and put it in an audition
timeline and add some background music. I think I
could have done more recording this day, but we had to
leave the room we were recording because someone
else has book it. The audio we record that day was
good and can be used in my product
Daily Reflection Day 2
• On the second day of production I recorded the
other half of my script and rename to something I
would remember and put them in audition. Then I
started changing the volume of the audio because it
was too loud. After that I put some sound effects in
which I got from freesound which were some
thunder and rain.
Daily Reflection Day 3
• On the third day of production I added the rest of the
sound effects and puts some effects on some of the
voices to sound like they were talking over the
phone. I also made some music in garage band to put
in the product. I made the music by using
a soundscape instrument and making the pitch low
and playing different chords.
The strengths of my research were that it gave me ideas on
what to do for my project and what I needed to create a
successful audio product for example sound effects and
dialogue are important to get the audience interested in the
product and engage with it. My research help my product
because I used as a guideline to see what I should put in my
audio product.
The weaknesses of my research is that I should of branch out
more and look at different audio product like podcasts. If did
look at more different types of audio products I would have
more knowledge on it and could refine my product more like
improving sound effects and voice acting.
• The strengths of my planning were that they help get an idea
what my product is going to be like before I have started making
it and it also help me know what sound effects I need and what
dialogue I need to record. This help my product because it save
time in production because I already knew what sound effects I
was going to use.
• The weaknesses of my planning was that plan I didn’t refine my
script that much and I should try to get rid more narrator lines
and add more dialogue to improve my product. Another
weaknesses of my planning was is that it didn’t try other story
idea and stayed with the first story I produced.
Time Management
I think I manage my time well because I manage to finish on
time, but I did miss the first week on this project, so I had to
catch up at home and in other lessons which effect my
product because I was trying to catch up. If I had more time, I
would improve my voice acting and edit the script to have
less narration in it. This would make the product better
because my voice acting is bad and having less narration
means the audience has to think about what happen and
makes them more engaged with the product
Technical Qualities
One technical quality I could improve is that half of the audio
sounds different to the other half because we recorded it
between two days with different audio recorders. This effects
my product because it can pull the listener out of the
experience. One thing that I thought went well was the effects I
added to sound like people are talking over the phone. This
improves my product because it immerses the listener in the
product. One thing that I could improve is that I got all my
sound effects of freesound. If I made my own sound effects, my
product would be a lot better because I own what sound I am
looking for so it would be easy to make. My audio is at a good
level and is clear to listen to which make it a good experience
for the audience.
Technical Qualities
My product compare to Doctor Who (audio drama)
The doctor who audio drama and my product sound clear and is
recorded well with no interferences from the background. The
doctor who audio drama has better sound effects then my
product because I got my from freesound and they made their
own sound effects. The music in both products are used well to
build tension and create an atmosphere and music fits well with
the story. The doctor who audio drama has better voice acting.
This is because they have hired professional voice actors, were
as I am not a professional voice actor.
Aural Qualities
I think my work sounds good except from some of my voice
acting which could be improve because in some of the line I
have left long pauses between the words and spoke in a
different tone. I think my work was creative because when the
character opens the door you can hear rain and when he closes
the door the rain fades away. One thing I would improve is the
sound effects because I didn’t make them and just got them off
freesound and I think my product would have been better if I
made some of the sounds. My favourite thing about the
product is the music I made for it in garage band because I
think it fits well with the story and audio.
Audience Appeal
My target audience was 15-18 years old working-class males. My
product appeals to this target audience because it is free to
listen too on YouTube. This appeals to my target audience
because they don’t have to pay for the product. Another way my
product appeals to my target audience is that the story is easy to
follow, and the audience can engage with the product because I
leave ghost to the audience imagination. My product appeals
to socially conscious type A because my product is about
something from the past affecting person in the future which
appeals to socially conscious type A because this group is
concerned about how their actions effect the world around
them and the future.

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Audio pro forma

  • 2. Existing Products Research • The Archers – Analysis The Archers is a British radio soap opera about stories that happen in the countryside. The soap opera uses environmental and ambient sounds to immerse the listener and to help the listener imagine the setting for example when one of the characters is outside you can hear faint wind and bird sound effects. The audio drama also edits the audio by putting effects in or changing the volume. The volume is used to show that things are far away or close. The show also muffles some audio to simulate someone talking over the phone. The show also uses voice actor to play the roles of the characters. The show also has a narrator at the starts to tell you what episode it is and at the start there is some intro music to set the scene for the listener. The audio drama mainly uses dialogue to tell a story.
  • 3. Existing Products Research • Soundscapes – Analysis Soundscapes are a collections of sounds which are used to immerse or set the scene of a location. Soundscapes use ambient and environmental sounds to do this. For example if someone was making a soundscape of a beach, they will have the sound of the waves, seagulls and some people playing on the beach. Soundscapes are useful because the help the listener get immerse into the product and makes it easier for the listener to imagine the setting. Soundscapes don’t have any dialogue because the focus is on a setting and not a story.
  • 4. Existing Products Research • Doctor who – Analysis The doctor who audio drama is about a timelord that travels through time and goes on adventures. The audio drama uses dialogue to tell the stories of the doctor. The show also uses background music to build tension or to convey a feelings. The show also uses sound effects like footsteps and another noises to help the listener imagine what is going on. The audio drama also has an intro song to set the scene and mood.
  • 5. Existing Products Research • Short Cuts – Analysis Short cuts are short documentaries about a different topic every episode. The show uses a narrator and intro song to inform the listener what the episode is about. The show has different sections. The first section someone telling a story which is related to the subject of that episode with added sound effects to relate to the story. Another section is a person going on an adventure outside with some facts and about the area they are in. Another section is some poetry relate to the episode with some music added to make more dramatic.
  • 6. • The Archers (audio drama) • • Short Cuts (documentary/factual) • • Doctor Who (audio drama) • • Soundscapes • • • Bibliography
  • 8. Initial Reaction • My initial reaction to the set brief is that I have to make short podcast/audio piece based on a short ghost story which has to be in the time frame between 3-8 minutes and for the ages 15-18 years old. My first idea when I heard this brief was to make short audio ghost story about someone moving into an old house then being haunted. The short story will also have music and sounded effects to build tension and to immerse the listener.
  • 10. Story • Man moves into new home which used to be a Victorian hospital but has been refurbished into a modern home and the house is in the countryside. The man is moving all his stuff into the house and notice that some of his stuff have gone missing or have been moved into some weird places. The man shrugs it off and forgets about it. The man's first night is quiet, and he has normally day decorating his new house. The next night he hears a faint knocking at his door which he checks but there is no one there so he goes back to bed. The next night he hears louder knocking and his door creaking open. He grabs his phone and runs downstairs to check if someone has broken into his home. Has he stares down the corridor and his door close and looks like it hasn’t been open. He quickly checks around his house and then goes back to bed. In the morning he calls the business which sold him the house and says if they sent anyone over last night because the boiler hasn’t been installed yet, but the business said that have haven't sent anyone yet and they were going to do next week. The man hangs up and googles the history of the house he finds out it used to be a hospital for hospitial in Victorian times. Then he goes to work and then back to bed. Later in the night he is woken up by the same knocking at the door, but the man just says to himself it's just all in my head and then he hears another knock but says to himself again it's just in my head. Then he hears the door open, but he says to himself again it just in my head. Then he hears the door slam shut and then some footsteps coming up stays slowly. He then grabs his phone and calls the police but just as he is about to say something the man see the thing that has been knocking at his door. The next morning the police visits the man's house and see that the door is wide open the search the house but can't find the man
  • 11. Proposal Working Title: A knock at the door Audience: My target audience age is between 15-18 because this age group has a lot of free time and likes horror stories more than other age groups. My product will appeal to the male gender more because males like horror stories more than other genders. My product is aim at the working class because it is going to be free, so it appeals more to them than the middle class. My product is for the psychographic socially conscious type A because it's about how the past and influence the future. Project Concept (approx. 200 words) My concept is a horror story which is set in a house which use to be an old Victorian hospital. The story follows a man who just moved into the house and strange things start happen at night. During my research I learned about soundscape which are a compilation of sounds to immerse the listener in the setting. I will use this in my product to help immerse the listener into my setting. To do this I will have to use sound related to old houses and horror stories like lighting, creaking and rain to immerse the listener. I will also need some eerie music to create a feeling of discomfort and build tension up. Another thing I learned during my research was dialogue. Dialogue is used tell the story and can be used to tell information to the listener. I will use it my product to help the listener understand the story. My product Is also going to have sound effects when something import happens like a door opening, someone walking up the stairs or when someone is talking over the phone. My product is also going to have an opening were a narrator says the name of the story and some music plays to set the scene.
  • 13. Foley What went well One thing that went well was the recording of the sound effects because we manage to get all the effects, we needed to create the clip the only thing that we had to get off the internet was the music in the shop. Another thing that went well was the editing because it the foley sounds like the original clip. I did this by changing the sound if the person or object was far away. I also muffled the music in the shop to sound like it coming out of a speaker. What could have gone better One thing that could have gone better was audio quality because the stuff we recorded outside had a lot of background noise and it was very windy when we recorded so the audio is hard to listen to because its loud. Another thing that could have gone better was the transition between the outside to into the shop because I had to change the footsteps and the outside footsteps sound different to the inside footsteps.
  • 14. Nursery rhyme What went well The recording of the sound went well because all the audio was clear, and we manage to create some sound effects with what we had. Another thing that went well was the editing of the audio in audition because I got to learn a new skill because it was my first-time using audition and I think the editing turn out good for my first time. The new skills I learn were how to used audition, how to add effects and presents to the audio, fading the audio in and out and putting all the audio together in a multitrack. What could have gone better One thing that could have gone better was that some of the audio we recorded didn’t transfer over, so we lost some audio. This meant that we had to use two different voices for the rhyme which makes the product not match and could confuse the listener. Another thing that could have gone better that I had to get some sound effects off freesound because we couldn’t record them at the location.
  • 15. Recording • We recorded in Mutiple places around the college. The first place we recorded was the stair well because it was quiet there, but the stair wells are big and not very soundproof, so the audio is echo and didn’t sound very good. The next place we recorded was the corridors because they are more soundproof then the stair wells but there was people talking in the background and you could hear them in the recording. The last place we recorded was the green screen room which was the best place to record in college because its soundproof and the audio sounds decent. We used the audio we recorded in the green screen room because it sounded the best and didn’t have any background noise and didn’t have an echo.
  • 16. Garage Band What went well One thing that went well was that I manage to create some music which sounds good and learn how to use garage band which I didn’t know how to use before. I learned how to add instruments and how to record them, I also learn how to reverb and different sound effects to the instruments. What could have gone better One thing that could have gone better was that I should have spent more time in garage band learning more about it and spending more time on the test to make it longer and refine it so the test would off been more useful
  • 25. Sound Effects Sound Effect Needed How I Will Create the Sound Door opening Record a door opening and closing Different types of footsteps Record myself walking on different types of materials Wind Record the outside when windy Knocking Record myself knocking on a door shaking Record myself shaking some metal screaming Record myself screaming A phone ringing Record my phones ringtone Unlocking and locking of a door Record myself unlocking and locking my door Thunder Get it from freesound
  • 26. Actors/Locations Actor Role Location for recording Harry Narrator college Bron The man college Harry The company college Harry The police college
  • 27. Music Band Name Track Name Link TheBoseDeity Dark ambient music (death anf forever) 95691/ TheBoseDeity Dark ambient music (she's dead) 95696/ Marc v/d Meulen A Calm But Suspenseful Horror Soundtrack
  • 28. Resource List Resource Owned/Cost What sound effect will it be used for? Sound recorder No cost To record the sound effects Freesound No cost To get music and sound effects I can't record Soundcloud No cost To get music and sound effects I can't record Bensound No cost To get music and sound effects I can't record Green screen room No cost To record the audio in for the product Youtube No cost To find music which is royalty free Audition No cost To edit the audio and sound effects together
  • 30. Daily Reflection Day 1 On the first day of production I recorded half of my script with an audio recorder in the green screen room. I also rename the audio and put it in an audition timeline and add some background music. I think I could have done more recording this day, but we had to leave the room we were recording because someone else has book it. The audio we record that day was good and can be used in my product
  • 31. Daily Reflection Day 2 • On the second day of production I recorded the other half of my script and rename to something I would remember and put them in audition. Then I started changing the volume of the audio because it was too loud. After that I put some sound effects in which I got from freesound which were some thunder and rain.
  • 32. Daily Reflection Day 3 • On the third day of production I added the rest of the sound effects and puts some effects on some of the voices to sound like they were talking over the phone. I also made some music in garage band to put in the product. I made the music by using a soundscape instrument and making the pitch low and playing different chords.
  • 34. Research The strengths of my research were that it gave me ideas on what to do for my project and what I needed to create a successful audio product for example sound effects and dialogue are important to get the audience interested in the product and engage with it. My research help my product because I used as a guideline to see what I should put in my audio product. The weaknesses of my research is that I should of branch out more and look at different audio product like podcasts. If did look at more different types of audio products I would have more knowledge on it and could refine my product more like improving sound effects and voice acting.
  • 35. Planning • The strengths of my planning were that they help get an idea what my product is going to be like before I have started making it and it also help me know what sound effects I need and what dialogue I need to record. This help my product because it save time in production because I already knew what sound effects I was going to use. • The weaknesses of my planning was that plan I didn’t refine my script that much and I should try to get rid more narrator lines and add more dialogue to improve my product. Another weaknesses of my planning was is that it didn’t try other story idea and stayed with the first story I produced.
  • 36. Time Management I think I manage my time well because I manage to finish on time, but I did miss the first week on this project, so I had to catch up at home and in other lessons which effect my product because I was trying to catch up. If I had more time, I would improve my voice acting and edit the script to have less narration in it. This would make the product better because my voice acting is bad and having less narration means the audience has to think about what happen and makes them more engaged with the product
  • 37. Technical Qualities One technical quality I could improve is that half of the audio sounds different to the other half because we recorded it between two days with different audio recorders. This effects my product because it can pull the listener out of the experience. One thing that I thought went well was the effects I added to sound like people are talking over the phone. This improves my product because it immerses the listener in the product. One thing that I could improve is that I got all my sound effects of freesound. If I made my own sound effects, my product would be a lot better because I own what sound I am looking for so it would be easy to make. My audio is at a good level and is clear to listen to which make it a good experience for the audience.
  • 38. Technical Qualities My product compare to Doctor Who (audio drama) The doctor who audio drama and my product sound clear and is recorded well with no interferences from the background. The doctor who audio drama has better sound effects then my product because I got my from freesound and they made their own sound effects. The music in both products are used well to build tension and create an atmosphere and music fits well with the story. The doctor who audio drama has better voice acting. This is because they have hired professional voice actors, were as I am not a professional voice actor.
  • 39. Aural Qualities I think my work sounds good except from some of my voice acting which could be improve because in some of the line I have left long pauses between the words and spoke in a different tone. I think my work was creative because when the character opens the door you can hear rain and when he closes the door the rain fades away. One thing I would improve is the sound effects because I didn’t make them and just got them off freesound and I think my product would have been better if I made some of the sounds. My favourite thing about the product is the music I made for it in garage band because I think it fits well with the story and audio.
  • 40. Audience Appeal My target audience was 15-18 years old working-class males. My product appeals to this target audience because it is free to listen too on YouTube. This appeals to my target audience because they don’t have to pay for the product. Another way my product appeals to my target audience is that the story is easy to follow, and the audience can engage with the product because I leave ghost to the audience imagination. My product appeals to socially conscious type A because my product is about something from the past affecting person in the future which appeals to socially conscious type A because this group is concerned about how their actions effect the world around them and the future.

Editor's Notes

  1. Go over as many slides as necessary. Research at least 3 products. Discuss the use of sound effects, music and performance. How have the producers suggested a location/time period and created a tone/feel Try to break down what you can hear. How do the different sound elements work together? How do sound effects add to the drama? What part does music play in the work? Try to listen to a variety of different types of radio programme. If you listen to drama and documentary, you will give yourself a better understanding of what exists and what is possible. It will also help guide your project.
  2. Go over as many slides as necessary. Research at least 3 products. Discuss the use of sound effects, music and performance. How have the producers suggested a location/time period and created a tone/feel Try to break down what you can hear. How do the different sound elements work together? How do sound effects add to the drama? What part does music play in the work? Try to listen to a variety of different types of radio programme. If you listen to drama and documentary, you will give yourself a better understanding of what exists and what is possible. It will also help guide your project.
  3. Go over as many slides as necessary. Research at least 3 products. Discuss the use of sound effects, music and performance. How have the producers suggested a location/time period and created a tone/feel Try to break down what you can hear. How do the different sound elements work together? How do sound effects add to the drama? What part does music play in the work? Try to listen to a variety of different types of radio programme. If you listen to drama and documentary, you will give yourself a better understanding of what exists and what is possible. It will also help guide your project.
  4. Go over as many slides as necessary. Research at least 3 products. Discuss the use of sound effects, music and performance. How have the producers suggested a location/time period and created a tone/feel Try to break down what you can hear. How do the different sound elements work together? How do sound effects add to the drama? What part does music play in the work? Try to listen to a variety of different types of radio programme. If you listen to drama and documentary, you will give yourself a better understanding of what exists and what is possible. It will also help guide your project.
  5. Log your initial thoughts regarding the set brief- What stories could you use? How do you feel about the different potential formats? What are the positives about this project? What could be some difficult aspects? Create a mind map of all the things you need to think about for your project.
  6. Log your initial thoughts regarding the set brief- What stories could you use? How do you feel about the different potential formats? What are the positives about this project? What could be some difficult aspects? Create a mind map of all the things you need to think about for your project.
  7. Provide a brief summary of the story/stories you have chosen
  8. Include your work with Garage Band, and some writing about what went well, what could be better and what you have learned.  You should include a link and a screen shot. Don’t embed your work, it won’t work. 
  9. Initial draft of your script. This should then be refined.
  10. Final version of your script, ready to be used in production.
  11. Final version of your script, ready to be used in production.
  12. Final version of your script, ready to be used in production.
  13. What music could you use? This should be copyright free. Explore options online for copyright free/public domain music or make your own on Garage Band
  14. Log your thoughts and feeling related to what you have produced. Discuss methods and tools you have used. Reference everything you have done today. Use screenshots
  15. Log your thoughts and feeling related to what you have produced. Discuss methods and tools you have used. Reference everything you have done today. Use screenshots
  16. Log your thoughts and feeling related to what you have produced. Discuss methods and tools you have used. Reference everything you have done today. Use screenshots
  17. What were the strengths of your research? How did your research help your product? What were the weaknesses of your research? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product? Think about existing products as well as practical experiments
  18. What were the strengths of your planning? How did your planning help your product? What were the weaknesses of your planning? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  19. Did you manage your time well? Did you complete your project on time or would your products have improved with additional time? What would you have done if you had more time to produce your work?
  20. Compare your work to similar existing products and discuss the similarities and differences Is your work technically detailed/complicated enough? What effects and techniques have you used? How did you create your effects? How did you record your audio? Did you use any foley methods?
  21. Does your work sound good? Was it creative? What aspects of your audio do you like? What would you improve? How would you improve it? Discuss the strengths and weaknesses
  22. How have you appealed to your target audience? What specific bits of content would appeal to your target audience.