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Ben Brown
• The Archers
- Analysis
1. The show seems to be set in the 1980s in a rural area. This
family of farmers are preparing for a vow renewal. They’re also
coping with the loss of recently deceased elders in the family,
this gives a depressing atmosphere (but most of the time, it’s a
happy atmosphere).
The time period is shown by hearing an old tv playing music in
the background, it’s old because a family member trips over the
cables outside, causing the tv to briefly turn off (indicated by an
electrical effect). The family also have stereotypical farmer
accents showing that their in a rural location. The happy
atmosphere of the family getting up to hijinks becomes sad
when one of them brings up deceased family members, the
awkward silence rings a more sad atmosphere to the story.
All of this evidence show the 80s time period, the famers having
accents in their rural areas shows the more country side era of
Britain compared to today were most live in towns or cities. A tv
with cables outside shows the more older style of living,
nowadays we wouldn’t have cables sticking out of the house
unless it was early technology, we have wireless technology.
And the atmosphere conversations between family members
about a vow renewal doesn't have anything depressing about it,
but the silence of still grieving family members changes the
atmosphere from warm to cold.
Existing Products
• The Archer
- Analysis
2. The different sound elements show the famer
family having breakfast in the morning. The music on
the tv sounds like morning tunes the radio of today
plays, the family’s dialogue of leaving to do their
morning routine sets up the atmosphere. The clear
dialogue and background noise of the tv come
together well to make the morning setting, it being
based of our routine and seeming similar makes you
think you’re apart of the show.
The sound effects of the tv in the background makes
a more relaxing atmosphere, but when it sparces, it
makes the drama seem tense and, then out of place
making the moment of silence over the dead loved
ones have a more chilling side to the drama. There’s
only music in the start (unless you count the tv
music, but I’ve covered that too much already), but it
does make the show have more of a happy
• Haunted House Soundscape
– Analysis
1. A girl has gone into a haunted house that has many souls
of the dead in it, they are all former occupants of the
house that have gotten their lives claimed by it. It’s hard to
pin the time period, but it seems like the late 20th century
or the early 21st century, this is thanks to the girls gasps
and screams from never seeing a ghost before unlike the
past centuries were people still believed in ghosts, the
world has stopped believing in the super natural
nowadays. Obviously the setting is scary; the sounds of
little girls singing that transition into goblin noises,
distorted screaming, a long man scream, flute music,
twisted laughter, extreme wind and heavy rain.
2. The different sounds work together well, each ghost is
portrayed by sounds that overtake each other (perhaps
showing that each ghost is more stronger than the last), all
of this with the girls heart beat rising in the background.
The sound effects make a very scary atmosphere, each
distorted sound follow the rhythm of the rising heartbeat
and this rises the expense. The video is mostly made up of
sounds, but creepy rising distorted flute music can be
heard in the middle of the song which makes the video
scary and have rising expense.
Existing Products
• Doctor Who
– Analysis
1. Doctor Who has gone on a mission to stop a small balled man from
destroying the Timeverse or whatever. It’s hard to pin what place or
time the characters are in, however it seems like the distant future
because of the human dissolving gas door sounds along with the
menacing voice of the dwarf wanting to destroy the Timeverse (he
would know about the Timeverse thanks to technological
advancement). The dissolving and distorted voice of the
interdimensional door teenager made the tone quite creepy and
twisted given that Doctor Who covers stuff that’s beyond our
2. The different sound elements come together well, the future
technological and out of place music along with the convoluted
dialogue make what I’m listening to feel very otherworldly. The sound
effect of gas tearing the teenager to pieces in a dissolving voice
makes the drama very… disturbing. The music sounds both
inspirational and from a different planet, it makes you feel like your
on another planet.
1. BBC (2021) The Archers [online video]
Available at: The Archers - 21/11/2021
- BBC Sounds [Accessed 22/11/21]
2. Katie Whelan (2017) Haunted House
Soundscape [online video] Available at:
Haunted House soundscape – YouTube
[Accessed 22/11/21]
3. Who Girl Reviews (2018) Doctor Who
in Scary After Life [online video]
Available at: Doctor Who - The Seventh
Doctor is Scary AF – YouTube [Accessed
• We were making a Shaun of the Dead
foley, we went to various locations
and used various surfaces to get the
sounds we needed. To see the project
click here: Shaun of the Dead FOLEY –
• What that went well: We were able to
get a lot of audio that fit with the
video. Editing the foley was a bit
challenging but was eventually a
quick and easy process.
• What didn’t: The first time we tried to
record, the audio was low and didn’t
fit. What made the foley challenging
to edit was our amateur sound
effects, there weren’t many to use
• Recording in different places certainly
had an impact on the production.
• Effect: Filming inside proved more
troublesome than outside. More
noise that we didn’t want like talking
or machinery was constantly
interfering with our recording, but
some background noise was clearer
than outside. Outside was far more
successful; the sound was more quiet
and matched the video, lots of
outside stuff made convincing and
fitting sound… however, there was
some unwanted noise and surfaces
that didn’t make the right sounds for
the video.
• Influence on my project: I’ve
learned that the outside is far
better for recording than
inside. All the outside nature
can make good and convincing
sound effects while the outside
is quiet. I will record the audio
for my project outside, I won’t
have the same delays I had
while inside, I will go
immediately outside for
Garage Band
• I used Adobe instead of Garage Band,
listen to the audio from my project by
following the link on the foley slide.
• What went well: After I got the gist,
the editing was easy and I was able to
finish my project sooner than
expected. The audio was smooth and
fit with the footage. For my first audio
project, I learned quite fast.
• What could be better: For next time I
should use an audio editing format. It
will make the audio properly edited
and make the video less amateur. I
will also make the editing more clear
so it fits with the visual side of the
Garage Band
• What I’ve learned: I learned a
great deal of things; various
things and surfaces can be
used to make different sounds
besides their own, outside
makes a good recording studio,
audio is greatly important to
film, editing audio is easy and
quick when you get the hang of
it. I can use these skills for
future projects and not make
the same errors in the next
Story: The
A demon from Hell arrived in York on the 1st of
January 1991. He fused with a house outside
the minster and fed upon the souls of all who
entered it, this cycle went on for 40 years. A
man called Matt enters the house in search of
his sister, he only escapes with his life after
burning the house down, ending the
nightmare once and for all.
1. This ghost story has the Christian Lore
included in it.
2. This tale is based on the ghost story
called the ‘Roaming Wraith’.
Script Draft
Matt: My name is Matt and I’ve written this story as a warning, all I
say is true, this isn’t a joke!
Matt: My sister, Christine, disappeared a month ago, her last sighting
was by an old house behind the Minster.
Matt: The police gave up after a week into her disappearance,
making no progress.
Matt: I took matters into my own hands and went to the house to
find answers, but more importantly, find my sister!
Matt: The door slowly opened without me touching it.
Matt: I went through the door and entered a room, it contained a
spiral staircase and was full of dusty and decaying furniture.
Matt: The door quickly slammed shut behind me.
Matt: I ran to the door and tried to open it, the door didn’t budge.
Matt: With no way out, I tried to find another way out while on my
Script Draft
Matt: I began to hear a heart beat under the floor boards, the
heart beat rose so did dozens of voices.
Matt: A familiar voice overtook the rest, could it be, Christine?!
Christine: “Help me Matt! I’m trapped in the basement!” The
voice screamed to Matt.
Matt: “I’ll get you out Christine! J-Just hang on!” I said
desperately looking for a basement door.
Matt: Behind the spiral staircase was a giant birch door.
Matt: I ran to the door and pushed it open, I walked through it
and saw a long concreate staircase.
Matt: I went down the spiral staircase and, instead of finding my
sister in the basement, I saw something horrific!
Script Draft
Matt: A giant heart hung from the centre of the sealing and the rest of the
room was covered in flesh, human flesh!
Matt: The heart turned round to reveal a face, it had yellow cat like eyes and
sharp teeth with long horns above the eyes.
Matt: “Wh- What are you?” I anxiously said.
Demon: “We are Dagon.”
Matt: “We?” I anxiously said.
Dagon: “We are unified consciousnesses made up of souls. For 40 years, many
entered this home and were eaten by a demon. The soul and body gets
devoured, but the consciousness, the consciousness joins us!”
Matt: “What did you do with my sister?” I anxiously said.
Dagon: “Your sister came here after being led astray by her curiosity. Christine
quenched our hunger and now she is us, you will join her!”
Matt: Vines of flesh grabbed my body and began to pull me to the mouth of
the demon.
Matt: Out of desperation, I bit the closest vine.
Matt: The demon let out a giant scream of pain which shacked the room, the
vines gripped weakened enough for me to wriggle out.
Script Draft
Matt: I hit the floor and began to run up the stairs, I looked behind me and saw
the vines formed into a spikey tongue that darted towards me.
Matt: I made it to the door and began to pull with all my might.
Dagon: “You can’t leave Matthew! You must stay! You belong to us! We’re still
Hungry!” Dagon’s voice boomed from underneath the floor boards.
Matt: The tongue made it’s way up the stairs and darted towards me, I jumped
out of the way.
Matt: The tongue broke the door open, I ran outside to see the house
Matt: The outside had turned red, all the windows resembled the hearts eyes,
the door resembled a mouth and two chimneys now resembled horns.
Matt: The broken door left the wooden pieces burning. I picked up a piece and
threw it into the house.
Matt: The house went up in flames with a massive scream covering the street.
Matt: That’s the end of my story, but I beg you, stay away from the remains of
the house, IT still lives in the basement, and it’s still hungry!
Script Final
Matt: My sister, Christine, disappeared a month ago,
her last sighting was by an old house behind the
Minster. The police gave up searching for her after a
week. I took matters into my own hands and went to
the house to find my sister!
The night I went to investigate, the door was wide
open. I entered only for the door to slam shut behind
me. I ran to the door and tried to open it but it
wouldn’t budge. With no way out, I resumed my
Script Final
Everything was pitch black and silent, luckily I had my lighter to
help me see. From what I could make out, I was in a hallway
with a spiral staircase at the end. I could hear a faint beating
sound from somewhere in the house.
I followed the sound. It got louder the further I moved in to the
house. I could make out a door behind the staircase. When I got
close to the door, I heard not just beating, but voices. One voice
overtook the rest, it sounded so familiar… it sounded like
“Chr-Christine is that you?! I’ll get you out! J-Just hang on!
Christine: “Help me Matt! I’m trapped in the basement!”
I pushed through the door and looked down to see a long grey
staircase. I ran down to the basement, only to find something
Script Final
A giant heart hung from the centre of the ceiling and the rest of the room was
covered in human flesh!
The heart turned around to reveal a face… It had long red horns, yellow eyes
and sharp teeth.
“Wh- What are you?”
Dozens of voices spoke in unison when the heart opened it’s mouth.
Dagon: “We are Dagon.”
Matt: “We?”
Dagon: “We are a demon. An amalgamation of souls. The body gets devoured,
but the soul, the soul joins us!”
Matt: “What did you do with my sister?”
Dagon: “Curiosity lead her here. Christine quenched our hunger and now she is
us. You will join her!”
Vines of flesh grabbed my body and began to pull me to the mouth of the
demon. I reached in to my jacket pocket and pulled out my pen knife. I hacked
at the vines as best I could. The demon let out a scream of pain which shook
the room, the vines grip weakened enough for me to wriggle out.
Script Final
I hit the floor and ran up the stairs. I looked back and saw the
vines form into a giant tongue that darted towards me. I made it
to the front door and began to pull with all my might.
The tongue made it to the hallway, I jumped out of the way as it
launched itself in my direction. It shattered the door into pieces,
leaving a gaping hole in the door. I ran through it and saw the
tongue impaled with wooden splinters.
I looked at the house and saw it changed vastly; the outside had
turned red, all the windows were now yellow eyes, the door had
teeth and the chimneys were horns. The house was Dagon!
Dagon was preparing for another attack, as the first rays of light
fell upon the roof. Suddenly, the house changed itself to
resemble fear before reverting back to it’s normal form. I’ve
tried to move on with my life, but every time I pass the house, I
still hear the beating.
Sound Effects
Sound effects needed How I will create this sound
Doors: Shake, Open, Close, Brake Use the Staircase Door
Heart Beating Tapping that Resembles Heart Beat
Flesh being Stabbed Knife Hit Surface and Spit Noises
Walking and Running Hit the Ground with Shoes
Room Shaking Shake Tables
Light being made Lighter Flicking
Thud Hit the Ground
Actor Role Location for recording
Ben Brown Protagonist
Brody Gibson Primary Antagonist
James Brown Major Antagonist
Hanna Stockill Major Character/Antagonist
2F Staircase
2F Staircase
2F Staircase
2F Staircase
Resource List
Resources Owned/Cost What Sound effect it’ll be
used for?
Door Free Brake, Open, Close, Shake
Shoes Owned Walking and Running
Surfaces Free Thudding
Knife Owned Stab Flesh
Tables Free Shake Room
Lighter Owned Produce Light
Daily Reflection Day 1
Daily Reflection Day 2
Daily Reflection Day 3
Daily Reflection Day 4
Time Management
Technical Qualities
Aural Qualities
Audience Appeal

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Audio pro forma

  • 2. Existing Products Research • The Archers - Analysis 1. The show seems to be set in the 1980s in a rural area. This family of farmers are preparing for a vow renewal. They’re also coping with the loss of recently deceased elders in the family, this gives a depressing atmosphere (but most of the time, it’s a happy atmosphere). The time period is shown by hearing an old tv playing music in the background, it’s old because a family member trips over the cables outside, causing the tv to briefly turn off (indicated by an electrical effect). The family also have stereotypical farmer accents showing that their in a rural location. The happy atmosphere of the family getting up to hijinks becomes sad when one of them brings up deceased family members, the awkward silence rings a more sad atmosphere to the story. All of this evidence show the 80s time period, the famers having accents in their rural areas shows the more country side era of Britain compared to today were most live in towns or cities. A tv with cables outside shows the more older style of living, nowadays we wouldn’t have cables sticking out of the house unless it was early technology, we have wireless technology. And the atmosphere conversations between family members about a vow renewal doesn't have anything depressing about it, but the silence of still grieving family members changes the atmosphere from warm to cold.
  • 3. Existing Products Research • The Archer - Analysis 2. The different sound elements show the famer family having breakfast in the morning. The music on the tv sounds like morning tunes the radio of today plays, the family’s dialogue of leaving to do their morning routine sets up the atmosphere. The clear dialogue and background noise of the tv come together well to make the morning setting, it being based of our routine and seeming similar makes you think you’re apart of the show. The sound effects of the tv in the background makes a more relaxing atmosphere, but when it sparces, it makes the drama seem tense and, then out of place making the moment of silence over the dead loved ones have a more chilling side to the drama. There’s only music in the start (unless you count the tv music, but I’ve covered that too much already), but it does make the show have more of a happy atmosphere.
  • 4. Existing Products Research • Haunted House Soundscape – Analysis 1. A girl has gone into a haunted house that has many souls of the dead in it, they are all former occupants of the house that have gotten their lives claimed by it. It’s hard to pin the time period, but it seems like the late 20th century or the early 21st century, this is thanks to the girls gasps and screams from never seeing a ghost before unlike the past centuries were people still believed in ghosts, the world has stopped believing in the super natural nowadays. Obviously the setting is scary; the sounds of little girls singing that transition into goblin noises, distorted screaming, a long man scream, flute music, twisted laughter, extreme wind and heavy rain. 2. The different sounds work together well, each ghost is portrayed by sounds that overtake each other (perhaps showing that each ghost is more stronger than the last), all of this with the girls heart beat rising in the background. The sound effects make a very scary atmosphere, each distorted sound follow the rhythm of the rising heartbeat and this rises the expense. The video is mostly made up of sounds, but creepy rising distorted flute music can be heard in the middle of the song which makes the video scary and have rising expense.
  • 5. Existing Products Research • Doctor Who – Analysis 1. Doctor Who has gone on a mission to stop a small balled man from destroying the Timeverse or whatever. It’s hard to pin what place or time the characters are in, however it seems like the distant future because of the human dissolving gas door sounds along with the menacing voice of the dwarf wanting to destroy the Timeverse (he would know about the Timeverse thanks to technological advancement). The dissolving and distorted voice of the interdimensional door teenager made the tone quite creepy and twisted given that Doctor Who covers stuff that’s beyond our understanding. 2. The different sound elements come together well, the future technological and out of place music along with the convoluted dialogue make what I’m listening to feel very otherworldly. The sound effect of gas tearing the teenager to pieces in a dissolving voice makes the drama very… disturbing. The music sounds both inspirational and from a different planet, it makes you feel like your on another planet.
  • 6. Bibliography 1. BBC (2021) The Archers [online video] Available at: The Archers - 21/11/2021 - BBC Sounds [Accessed 22/11/21] 2. Katie Whelan (2017) Haunted House Soundscape [online video] Available at: Haunted House soundscape – YouTube [Accessed 22/11/21] 3. Who Girl Reviews (2018) Doctor Who in Scary After Life [online video] Available at: Doctor Who - The Seventh Doctor is Scary AF – YouTube [Accessed 22/11/21]
  • 8. Foley • We were making a Shaun of the Dead foley, we went to various locations and used various surfaces to get the sounds we needed. To see the project click here: Shaun of the Dead FOLEY – YouTube • What that went well: We were able to get a lot of audio that fit with the video. Editing the foley was a bit challenging but was eventually a quick and easy process. • What didn’t: The first time we tried to record, the audio was low and didn’t fit. What made the foley challenging to edit was our amateur sound effects, there weren’t many to use either.
  • 9. Recording • Recording in different places certainly had an impact on the production. • Effect: Filming inside proved more troublesome than outside. More noise that we didn’t want like talking or machinery was constantly interfering with our recording, but some background noise was clearer than outside. Outside was far more successful; the sound was more quiet and matched the video, lots of outside stuff made convincing and fitting sound… however, there was some unwanted noise and surfaces that didn’t make the right sounds for the video.
  • 10. Recording • Influence on my project: I’ve learned that the outside is far better for recording than inside. All the outside nature can make good and convincing sound effects while the outside is quiet. I will record the audio for my project outside, I won’t have the same delays I had while inside, I will go immediately outside for recording.
  • 11. Garage Band • I used Adobe instead of Garage Band, listen to the audio from my project by following the link on the foley slide. • What went well: After I got the gist, the editing was easy and I was able to finish my project sooner than expected. The audio was smooth and fit with the footage. For my first audio project, I learned quite fast. • What could be better: For next time I should use an audio editing format. It will make the audio properly edited and make the video less amateur. I will also make the editing more clear so it fits with the visual side of the video.
  • 12. Garage Band • What I’ve learned: I learned a great deal of things; various things and surfaces can be used to make different sounds besides their own, outside makes a good recording studio, audio is greatly important to film, editing audio is easy and quick when you get the hang of it. I can use these skills for future projects and not make the same errors in the next project.
  • 14. Story: The Wraith Home A demon from Hell arrived in York on the 1st of January 1991. He fused with a house outside the minster and fed upon the souls of all who entered it, this cycle went on for 40 years. A man called Matt enters the house in search of his sister, he only escapes with his life after burning the house down, ending the nightmare once and for all. 1. This ghost story has the Christian Lore included in it. 2. This tale is based on the ghost story called the ‘Roaming Wraith’.
  • 15. Script Draft Matt: My name is Matt and I’ve written this story as a warning, all I say is true, this isn’t a joke! Matt: My sister, Christine, disappeared a month ago, her last sighting was by an old house behind the Minster. Matt: The police gave up after a week into her disappearance, making no progress. Matt: I took matters into my own hands and went to the house to find answers, but more importantly, find my sister! Matt: The door slowly opened without me touching it. Matt: I went through the door and entered a room, it contained a spiral staircase and was full of dusty and decaying furniture. Matt: The door quickly slammed shut behind me. Matt: I ran to the door and tried to open it, the door didn’t budge. Matt: With no way out, I tried to find another way out while on my search.
  • 16. Script Draft Matt: I began to hear a heart beat under the floor boards, the heart beat rose so did dozens of voices. Matt: A familiar voice overtook the rest, could it be, Christine?! Christine: “Help me Matt! I’m trapped in the basement!” The voice screamed to Matt. Matt: “I’ll get you out Christine! J-Just hang on!” I said desperately looking for a basement door. Matt: Behind the spiral staircase was a giant birch door. Matt: I ran to the door and pushed it open, I walked through it and saw a long concreate staircase. Matt: I went down the spiral staircase and, instead of finding my sister in the basement, I saw something horrific!
  • 17. Script Draft Matt: A giant heart hung from the centre of the sealing and the rest of the room was covered in flesh, human flesh! Matt: The heart turned round to reveal a face, it had yellow cat like eyes and sharp teeth with long horns above the eyes. Matt: “Wh- What are you?” I anxiously said. Demon: “We are Dagon.” Matt: “We?” I anxiously said. Dagon: “We are unified consciousnesses made up of souls. For 40 years, many entered this home and were eaten by a demon. The soul and body gets devoured, but the consciousness, the consciousness joins us!” Matt: “What did you do with my sister?” I anxiously said. Dagon: “Your sister came here after being led astray by her curiosity. Christine quenched our hunger and now she is us, you will join her!” Matt: Vines of flesh grabbed my body and began to pull me to the mouth of the demon. Matt: Out of desperation, I bit the closest vine. Matt: The demon let out a giant scream of pain which shacked the room, the vines gripped weakened enough for me to wriggle out.
  • 18. Script Draft Matt: I hit the floor and began to run up the stairs, I looked behind me and saw the vines formed into a spikey tongue that darted towards me. Matt: I made it to the door and began to pull with all my might. Dagon: “You can’t leave Matthew! You must stay! You belong to us! We’re still Hungry!” Dagon’s voice boomed from underneath the floor boards. Matt: The tongue made it’s way up the stairs and darted towards me, I jumped out of the way. Matt: The tongue broke the door open, I ran outside to see the house changed! Matt: The outside had turned red, all the windows resembled the hearts eyes, the door resembled a mouth and two chimneys now resembled horns. Matt: The broken door left the wooden pieces burning. I picked up a piece and threw it into the house. Matt: The house went up in flames with a massive scream covering the street. Matt: That’s the end of my story, but I beg you, stay away from the remains of the house, IT still lives in the basement, and it’s still hungry!
  • 19. Script Final Matt: My sister, Christine, disappeared a month ago, her last sighting was by an old house behind the Minster. The police gave up searching for her after a week. I took matters into my own hands and went to the house to find my sister! The night I went to investigate, the door was wide open. I entered only for the door to slam shut behind me. I ran to the door and tried to open it but it wouldn’t budge. With no way out, I resumed my search.
  • 20. Script Final Everything was pitch black and silent, luckily I had my lighter to help me see. From what I could make out, I was in a hallway with a spiral staircase at the end. I could hear a faint beating sound from somewhere in the house. I followed the sound. It got louder the further I moved in to the house. I could make out a door behind the staircase. When I got close to the door, I heard not just beating, but voices. One voice overtook the rest, it sounded so familiar… it sounded like Christine! “Chr-Christine is that you?! I’ll get you out! J-Just hang on! Christine: “Help me Matt! I’m trapped in the basement!” I pushed through the door and looked down to see a long grey staircase. I ran down to the basement, only to find something horrific!
  • 21. Script Final A giant heart hung from the centre of the ceiling and the rest of the room was covered in human flesh! The heart turned around to reveal a face… It had long red horns, yellow eyes and sharp teeth. “Wh- What are you?” Dozens of voices spoke in unison when the heart opened it’s mouth. Dagon: “We are Dagon.” Matt: “We?” Dagon: “We are a demon. An amalgamation of souls. The body gets devoured, but the soul, the soul joins us!” Matt: “What did you do with my sister?” Dagon: “Curiosity lead her here. Christine quenched our hunger and now she is us. You will join her!” Vines of flesh grabbed my body and began to pull me to the mouth of the demon. I reached in to my jacket pocket and pulled out my pen knife. I hacked at the vines as best I could. The demon let out a scream of pain which shook the room, the vines grip weakened enough for me to wriggle out.
  • 22. Script Final I hit the floor and ran up the stairs. I looked back and saw the vines form into a giant tongue that darted towards me. I made it to the front door and began to pull with all my might. The tongue made it to the hallway, I jumped out of the way as it launched itself in my direction. It shattered the door into pieces, leaving a gaping hole in the door. I ran through it and saw the tongue impaled with wooden splinters. I looked at the house and saw it changed vastly; the outside had turned red, all the windows were now yellow eyes, the door had teeth and the chimneys were horns. The house was Dagon! Dagon was preparing for another attack, as the first rays of light fell upon the roof. Suddenly, the house changed itself to resemble fear before reverting back to it’s normal form. I’ve tried to move on with my life, but every time I pass the house, I still hear the beating.
  • 23. Sound Effects Sound effects needed How I will create this sound Doors: Shake, Open, Close, Brake Use the Staircase Door Heart Beating Tapping that Resembles Heart Beat Flesh being Stabbed Knife Hit Surface and Spit Noises Walking and Running Hit the Ground with Shoes Room Shaking Shake Tables Light being made Lighter Flicking Thud Hit the Ground
  • 24. Actors/Locations Actor Role Location for recording Ben Brown Protagonist Brody Gibson Primary Antagonist James Brown Major Antagonist Hanna Stockill Major Character/Antagonist 2F Staircase 2F Staircase 2F Staircase 2F Staircase
  • 25. Resource List Resources Owned/Cost What Sound effect it’ll be used for? Door Free Brake, Open, Close, Shake Shoes Owned Walking and Running Surfaces Free Thudding Knife Owned Stab Flesh Tables Free Shake Room Lighter Owned Produce Light

Editor's Notes

  1. Log your thoughts and feeling related to what you have produced. Discuss methods and tools you have used. Reference everything you have done today. Use screenshots
  2. Log your thoughts and feeling related to what you have produced. Discuss methods and tools you have used. Reference everything you have done today. Use screenshots
  3. Log your thoughts and feeling related to what you have produced. Discuss methods and tools you have used. Reference everything you have done today. Use screenshots
  4. Log your thoughts and feeling related to what you have produced. Discuss methods and tools you have used. Reference everything you have done today. Use screenshots
  5. What were the strengths of your research? How did your research help your product? What were the weaknesses of your research? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product? Think about existing products as well as practical experiments
  6. What were the strengths of your planning? How did your planning help your product? What were the weaknesses of your planning? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  7. Did you manage your time well? Did you complete your project on time or would your products have improved with additional time? What would you have done if you had more time to produce your work?
  8. Compare your work to similar existing products and discuss the similarities and differences Is your work technically detailed/complicated enough? What effects and techniques have you used? How did you create your effects? How did you record your audio? Did you use any foley methods?
  9. Does your work sound good? Was it creative? What aspects of your audio do you like? What would you improve? How would you improve it? Discuss the strengths and weaknesses
  10. How have you appealed to your target audience? What specific bits of content would appeal to your target audience.