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Harry Morton
My proposal is where I started to create my FMP and generate ideas on
what it was going to be. I also identified research target which I would
use in research document. I also looked at the mood and tone my film
is going to be and I also look at camera techniques I would use and how
I would create my action scene. One thing I would improve on my
proposal I would add more section to it like what is my project target
audience. my proposal is good for generating ideas and thinking about
things to research before creating the product. My proposal did affect
my final product because my film still has the same story as what I said
in my proposal, and I also did make a practical effect in my film as well
which I also said I would do in my proposal.
Contextual Research
Contextual Research is document which I research film directors and film
theories. I look at Directors such as Quentin Tarantino, Edgar Wright, Chad
Stahelski and Christopher Nolan and I also look at Roger Deakins
Cinematography. These directors effected my film in any ways, I got my initials
idea for my film from Chad Stahelski because my film is heavily inspired by John
Wick, and he directed the action for those films. Edgar Wright inspired me to
time action to the beat of the music in my film and trailers and Christopher Nolan
inspired my twist in my film which is the start is actually the end. Quentin
Tarantino and Roger Deakins inspired my camera work for the film and also
Tarantino inspire me to do the practical blood effect. The film theory didn’t affect
my final product because I found it confusing to understand so I didn’t use in
making my film.
Contextual Research
This is the practical effect I made using fake blood and
was inspired by Quentin Tarantino use of blood in his
film. I created this effect by buying a bottle of fake blood
and then pouring it on wood beam and letting it flow
natural on the floor so that it looks realistic. I was
originally going to do I blood splatter against the wall but
on the day of shooting I thought it would be too messy,
so I decided to do this instead.
These screens are of me timing this scene to
the beat of the music like Edgar Wright does
in this films. The music used in this scene has
beat similar to a heartbeat and the scene is
in all one shot, so I what I did was cut up the
scene, so it was a lot of jump cuts and then
timed the jumps cuts to the heartbeat. I also
used this technique in my trailers.
My Research help a lot in producing the idea for my film and also looking at
existing products that my film will be inspired by. I look at a lot of the John Wick
based products like all the films and looking at my favourite action scenes within
those films especially the Night Club scene in the first John Wick film because is
my favourite scene in their franchise I based the music I used in my film on that
scene because the music they use fits so well with all the action, so I had to try
with my film. I also look at John Wick posters which one of my poster is kind off
inspired by a John Wick poster. I also looked at Die Hard and Extraction which
also good action films. My research document weakness is that I think I focus too
much on John Wick and should off branched off more looking at other products. I
should have also looked at trailers and have gone into more detail on all the
products I looked at.
My experiments document didn’t have very interesting
experiments in it because I had to do them at home, and I didn’t
have access to premiere pro at my house, so I had to just use my
camera and a free editing software that wasn’t very good. I also
didn’t use any of my experiments except from one in my film
because they were not very practical to my film. If I had more time
and could use premiere pro for my experiments I would try and
create more interesting experiments and experiments that fit
more with the theme of my film.
Problem Solving
My Problem-Solving Document look at problem that could happen
during production of my film. I created tables that looked at problems
and how they could happen and they how to solve them, I look at
problems that were covid-19 related, weather related and also
software and Hardware related. If I had more time to do this
document again, I would go into more detail on the problems and
solutions and maybe produce multiple solutions so that I would be
extra prepared if anything happen.
The planning document was helpful to my final product because I create a
story board and a shot list and location plan. The story board help me
visualize what my film ight look like and what camera angles I might need.
The shot list was helpful about learning how long each might be and how
long my film might be as a whole. The location scouting was helpful to see
if any problems would happen when filming there. My problem with my
plannign document is that I didn’t create a script and I think that would be
helpful in making my film. If I had more time, I would create a script with
muitple drafts.
Production Poster 1
My first Poster went through a lot of changes, my originally idea was to go over
everything except the sky with the pen tool which I did, and I also added my logo
to the bottom which is transparent texts and I play around with different things to
colour in the text. The first thing I tried was to just to leave the originally photos
grass as the text filler, but I don’t think it stands out and doesn’t brings grab
people's attention so then I tried more colorful texts like the red, white and the
multicoloured text filler, but I think only the red and the white work the
multicoloured one is too much colour and the simple red or white work the
Production Poster 1
After making the front of the poster I didn’t like the natural sky because I don’t
think it fit the rest of the poster, so I tried a blue gradient to fit the simple design of
the poster but it I think it's to plane so, and it doesn’t fit the red of the poster, so I
decide make a red background instead. First I used the red rectangle tool to make a
red background and its better than the gradient because of the it makes the poster
stand out because of its bright colour then I used the circle tool to add orange and
yellow circle to so that I don’t have too much red and makes it diverse and then I
liquefied the background so that it looks like a fire or a sunset and then a tried
rotating it but that didn’t look good so I kept it as it was and then tried added the
flame background to the texts do that didn’t look good either so I kept with the red
text and the fire background, I also added in silhouettes of people to the poster as
well which is a reference to a scene in the film and that how I made poster 1. I
think the first poster looks really good and I am happy how it turn out, I like the
colour scheme I used which is the red, black, orange and yellow which all worked
together, and I think if this was up in a wall, I think it would standout because of
the use of bright colours. One thing I would change on my poster is that the title
doesn’t really stand out at the bottom, and I should have moved to the top where
it would stand out more and then I would add actor's names to the bottom on the
posters and I think this would have made it better.
Production Poster 1
Production Poster 1
Production Poster 2
How I made my second poster I took a screenshot of a scene from my film and
then create a title create new logo for this poster using a black and red colour
scheme. I made this logo using the text tool and rectangle tool. After that I used
the pen tool to draw out myself using the red and black colour scheme, then I
used the liquify tool to create the spikes that come down from the logo and from
the character. Then I put white circle around near the eyes but the first time I did it
I didn’t think they were big enough to I made the circles bigger and that’s how I
made logo and character, the next thing I did was to make the background.
Production Poster 2
I made the background by first using the paint tool and trying to create I graffiti effect,
but I don’t I don’t like how it turned out because it doesn’t really look like graffiti and to
make this effect better I should of look what spray paint looks like on a wall and try and
copy using the paint tool. For my second attempt of making a background I used the
the colour scheme I used to make the graffiti and then put rectangle behind the
character using the rectangle tool, then using the spiral tool which is in the liquify filter I
turned the three rectangles into a spiral and then added a black rectangle to cover up
the spaces left from the spiral tool. This background is a lot better than the first
because I like the look of it and it makes the poster stand out more and also tried
combing both the backgrounds, but I didn’t like the look for it, so I just removed the
graffiti from the poster. I like how this poster turn out and I think it's better than the
first one because I like the look and style of this of this poster more and I think this
poster has the better colour scheme. One problem I have with this poster is that it isn’t
really film accurate and doesn’t reflect what the film is and might give the audience the
different ideas on what the film is about.
Production Poster 2
• a
Production Poster 2 • a
Production Trailer Draft
The first trailer was made using footage I already edited from my film so to make
this trailer I copy and pasted the video clips from my film premiere file and then
made a new premiere file. The whole trailer is 57 seconds long which I think is good
for a trailer and everything longer than a minute would be giving way too much. I
used 8 piece a different footage and two pieces of the footage aren't actual used in
my film so that it I am not giving away too much of my film, but I also misdirected
the audience so that they can be surprised when they see my film
Production Trailer Draft
The first 6 video clips in my trailer use the leave colour effect. For all of the clips I
had the amount of decolour on 100% and the tolerance between 5% to 10%
depending on how strong the colour was in the footage. The colour I chose to
leave in most of the clips was blue with so exemption which I used grey or brown
because there was no blue in the scene. To pick the colour I just used the eye
dropper tool and then pick the colour on the screen. I also added a dip to black
transition to all of video clips so that it has a smooth transition. I also slowed
down the footage to 30% so that more dramatic if it's in slow motion. I also
added copyright free music to the trailer which has a good beat to it.
Production Trailer Draft
To create a transition to make the footage go from black and white to colour I used
an additive Dissolve transition effect which just fades the scene together, if I did
this again, I might have started with the loading the magazine into gun in black and
white but then used the additive dissolve turning it into colour by cutting up the
scene, I think that might of look better. I also added sound effects into the scenes
with colour which I also use for my film as well. If I had more time refining this
draft, I would have added more sounds effect to all the scenes and either to the
transition effect starting off with reloading scene or just have all the scene in black
and white. I think this trailer is good, but I think my final version is better because I
improved it with some of things, I have discussed in this slide, but I also did a new
editing technique.
Production Trailer Draft
I created the ending of my trailer by putting in logos one I used for my film and one I created just
for trailers, I created the logos in photoshop using the texts to write the letters, picking a big font
so that you can see more through it, and putting a rectangle behind it using the rectangle tool,
after that I pressed the command button and click on the text layer at the same which creates an
outline of the texts, then I went back on the rectangle layer and then pressing alt and clicking on
the masking button which creates the transparent texts. In the trailer I added a gunshot sound
effect when the logo appears on screen which is set up by the past scene on someone reloading
a gun. I also made a time-lapse to go behind the logos and did this by speeding up some footage
to 3000%. The best thing about this draft trailer is the ending because it fits well with the music
and the time-lapse behind the texts fits well with the texts. My only problem with this section is
that the fonts used for the two logos are different and I have I had more time I would change
them to the same font.
Production Trailer Draft
Overall, I think this trailer draft was a good started and after showing it to people
to get feedback it led to a better trailer. This trailer has the leave colour effect
which leave the colour blue which is the colour the main character wears telling
the audience that he is the amin character. I also picked a good song for the trailer
which matches the scene I picked out and the music tells the audience it's an
action film because of it beat and pace of the music. The trailer also has the time-
lapse with the transparent texts which I think makes an interesting effect to watch.
The slow motion works well making the trailer more dramatic. The things I don’t
like about this trailer is the scenes in colour with the additive dissolve transitions
effect because I think pulls out of the trailer because of its sudden change. I also
don’t that only 3 scenes have sound effect, I think the sound effects work really
well the trailer adding emphasis onto action and this draft would be better if I
added more.
Production Trailer
My finished trailer ended up being 32 seconds long which think is a good length
for trailer for a film which is 3 minutes long because it's doesn’t spoil everything
from the film and give the audience a teaser of what the film is going to be like
and more might watch because its 32 seconds. My final trailer is definitely an
upgrade to my trailer draft because it has more sound effects and the music is
used more effetely in this trailer, and I also made all the footage black and white
so that it doesn’t disrupt the flow like the trailer draft.
Production Trailer
The final trailer is edited to the beat of the music, I did this to make the trailer more
interesting to watch and its better than the fade to black in my draft trailer. The problem I
faced when making this effect was that the music starts of good but then goes quite for
15 seconds and then the beat drops. To fix this I cut out the 15 seconds of build up and
just put together the start of the song and when the beat drops together and then added
constant power transition effect so that it fits together. I made the beat of the song fit
with an action in the footage like for example the clip of someone reloading a gun, I did
this make action more impactful and get the audience's attention and make the trailer
more stylized. I also added sound effects to these clips so that it reinforces the beat and
grabs the attention of audience and hopefully wanting more.
Production Trailer
For my final trailer I made an animation for the end title sequence with the logo I
made in photoshop. To create is animation I just cropped out the words and
replaced them with a black rectangle and then the title becomes less cropped out.
This animation is in time with the beat like the rest of the trailer and each word is
revealed with the beat of the music. I like this animation because I think it will
interest the viewer to keep watching because each word is revealed individually it
also fits with the theme of the trailer because it's in time with the beat. This
transparent texts has a time lapse behind it as well and I like the texture it makes
with the font. My only problem with the time lapse is that there is a jump cut
which kind pulls you out of the experience. If I had more time, I would make the
time lapse slower so that there isn't a jump cut.
Production Trailer
I think my final trailer is better than my draft because of all the
improvements I have made like adding in more sound effects and
making all the action in the trailer in time with the beat and adding in
an animation at the end which just makes trailer flow better. one thing
I would improve is that one of the shots is just out of sync with the
beat so if I had more time, I would try and resync it up with the beat.
Another thing I would improve is that I think the gun shot at the end of
the trailer is too loud and I would lower the decibels on that sound
effect. I think this trailer works well as being a trailer because it doesn’t
give too much away but it leaves the audience wanting more and it
short enough to keep the audience's attention.
Production Film Draft
My film draft is 5 minutes long which I think is too long for a short film especially
because most of that time is taken up from long opening credit scene and a long
ending scene. For my opening scene I made an opening title sequences using text I
made in photoshop and putting over a time lapse which is the same time lapse
from my trailer but this one is sped up to 350% not 3000% like my trailer. I also
added some slow-paced music and ambiences on wind blowing to set the scene. I
like this opening scene, but it's too long for the audience and they would probably
get bored halfway through this scene, so I cut it out for my final version. I also used
the bound for death logo in the opening scene with footage of the radio tower
behind it which I liked and kept in the finished version.
Production Film Draft
At the start of the film there is lots of close-up shots of someone reloading and
shooting a gun these scene were not film at the radio tower and were instead film
in my garden. I did this because I didn’t want to bring fake weapon into a public
area, but because I did this especially for one of the shots you can tell its film in a
different area which might confuse the audience when watching a film because
they can see a brick wall in the background when there wasn’t one in establishing
shot before. I think the first two shots work with the green behind them because
it kind of masked that its film in a different area but if I had more time to work on
this project I would try and film the last shot with a brick wall again.
Production Film Draft
After the close-up gun scene, it switches to a scene of main character walking
towards a door. I think this scene didn’t turned out well because you can see the
camera operator's head 3 or more different time which pulls you out of the film
because you it reminds you that it’s a film because you can see the camera
operator's head. If I had more time, I would reshoot this whole scene but in the
finished version I produced an okay solution to hide the head. The next scene
after is the table scene which is fine, and I will talk about later and then after is
the capture scene which is okay but the only probably is that you don’t see him
escape some the audience has to come up with how he escape on his own, but I
do a reshoot which I think fix this issue.
Production Film Draft
After the main character escapes there is a fight scene which is all in one
take which it looks good, but it can be improved. The whole fight scene
doesn’t have any sound effects and just has its originally audio, which
doesn't make a very exciting action scene because actors don’t look like they
are hitting each other. If I had more time, I would film multiple angles so
that it looks like actors are hitting each other or maybe speed up the footage
so that it look like they are hitting each, I think if I did these things, it would
be a better fight scene and more exciting to watch.
Production Film Draft
After the basement fight scene, it goes onto the hallway fight scene which I
think is the best fight scene out of the two because this seems more realistic
them the basement one, but this scene has some problems like there is a
jump cut in the middle of the fight which pulls the audience away from the
action and also then the main character gun gets hit he just places it on the
floor which isn't very realistic. If I had more time, I would film multiple
angles to make the action look more realistic.
Production Film Draft
My favourite bit about my film draft is a transition a made which when a guy
with a crowbar hits someone but it cuts away last second and switches to
someone cutting an apple. I create this by putting the two clips together and
cutting out the music, so the only sound is the apple being cut then the
music comes back after it's been cut. This did this because it’s the
scene impactful and the silences gives the audience a second to think of
what happen to guy who got hit with a crowbar without showing he got hit
with a crowbar. I kept this scene in the finished version because I think it’s
the best scene in the whole film.
Production Film Draft
When I finished my draft, I thought it was perfect but after looking
back on it know I glad I improve it. My draft was a good foundation
to improve my film and had so good base ideas but some of the
scene need to be need shorter or just cut because it was drawn out
and it also need some reshoots to make some scene make more
sense and realistic. The draf t did have some good things as well
which would be kept in the final version like the corwbar and apple
cutting bit of the film is the best bit of the film for me and the music
and sound effects I picked would stay as well because they fit the
film really well and work well with all the footage.
Production Film
For the start of my final film, I have gotten rid of the 1-minute opening credits and
have replaced it just the bound for death logo with a footage behind it which creates a
better opening for the film because its quick so people don’t get bored but also it still
establishes the location but just in last time. I also added a muzzle flash effect to close
up gun scene which just makes that scene a little more realistic and impactful. My only
problem witht the muzzle flash is that you can't really see it, you can only see it if you
are looking in that direction but because it to the right of the scene no one would
really notice it. If I had more time, I would maybe reshoot the scene so tha the gun
has green behind it but also the end of the gun is closer to the centre of the screen so
you can see the muzzle flash more easiley or I could turn up the opacity on the muzzle
flash so that it's easy to see.
Production Film
For the scene where you can see the camera opertators head I editied the
footage to the beat of the music which is like a heartbeat, so every beat I
just skipped a frames and cut it out and then moved the footage together to
create this effect. This effect works for hiding the head, but it also makes the
film more stylized and interesting because it's in time with the music and it's
easy to do than reshooting the whole scene again. If I, could I would reshoot
the scene but my main character actor had a haircut which means that I did
reshoot I would have to try and not get his head in the shot which would be
hard so I think this effect was the best thing I could and I think it works.
Production Film
For the meeting scene I added a reshoot which is just a close up of the coins
hitting the table which seperates the scene a little bit and makes it not just all
one take which helps the flow of the film. I also did a new shoot of the main
character escaping from the chair which just make the film flow better but
also make sense, so now he just doesn’t magically escape. My only problem
with this new shoot is that is a little too dark to see anything so if I had more
time, I would increase the brightness on this scene so that the auidence can
see what is happening. For the basement fight scene also added sound
effects which makes the scene better and more convining but it still would be
better if the action was sped up or I had muitple shots, so it look more
Production Film
For the hallway fight scene, I did a reshoot to hide the jump cut in the
fight scene. The new shot is added in when the gun gets hit by the
crowbar to replace the bit were the main character just places the gun
on the floor, this reshoot makes the scene more realistic. My only
problem with this reshoot is that when the shot changes to one on the
stairs you can see the floor and you can see that isn't a gun there. I also
move the credits to the end of the film so that the audience can watch
them if they want, or they can just click off the video.
Production Film
My final film is definitely an improve of the draft and probably the best
film I have created so far. I think it has turned out how imagine it in my
head when we on the research stage, The only things I would change are
the close-up gun scene with the brick wall behind the gun because it pulls
the audience out of the film. I would just reshoot the scene to have more
green behind so that it blends in more. I would also added multiple shots
to both of the action scenes so that it looks more realistic and would play
around with the speed of the footage to see if it looks better sped up. The
last thing I would if I didn’t film it during lockdown because of covid-19 I
would try and add more actors because in the film I had to play two
character I that might be confusing to people who might notice it but I do
wear a mask so it is not too obvious.
Peer Feedback
1) In the trailer does the beat of the music fit with footage shown?
The music fits with footage, music choice perfect.
2) In the film does the action scenes look realistic?
More angles on the fight scene, speed up scenes, cut before actors pull back.
3) does the film's story as a whole make sense?
Yes, Story makes sense.
4) Do the sound effects I used work, or should I change them?
Sound effect worked well but look at the timing on sound effects because some
are not sync
5) what else would you improve?
Shorten fade to white.
Peer Feedback
The peer feedback was very helpful because they pointed out problems
that I didn’t notices but also resured me on things I didn’t think work,
but they thought it did. I agree with all the feedback I have gotten
except about my sound effects being out of sync I think my sound
effects are in sync, but I will have a look at them to make sure.
The shortened the fade white in my film feedback was helpful and I
also thought went on too long as well. It is also resuring that they
understood the story of my film because I didn’t think they would get
the start of the film was the end, but they understood it which shows
tha tit works. I also agree with the fight scene feedback I think the
action would look better if there was multiple angles and if it was sped
up it might look more realistic.

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Evaluation FMP 2

  • 3. Proposal My proposal is where I started to create my FMP and generate ideas on what it was going to be. I also identified research target which I would use in research document. I also looked at the mood and tone my film is going to be and I also look at camera techniques I would use and how I would create my action scene. One thing I would improve on my proposal I would add more section to it like what is my project target audience. my proposal is good for generating ideas and thinking about things to research before creating the product. My proposal did affect my final product because my film still has the same story as what I said in my proposal, and I also did make a practical effect in my film as well which I also said I would do in my proposal.
  • 4. Contextual Research Contextual Research is document which I research film directors and film theories. I look at Directors such as Quentin Tarantino, Edgar Wright, Chad Stahelski and Christopher Nolan and I also look at Roger Deakins Cinematography. These directors effected my film in any ways, I got my initials idea for my film from Chad Stahelski because my film is heavily inspired by John Wick, and he directed the action for those films. Edgar Wright inspired me to time action to the beat of the music in my film and trailers and Christopher Nolan inspired my twist in my film which is the start is actually the end. Quentin Tarantino and Roger Deakins inspired my camera work for the film and also Tarantino inspire me to do the practical blood effect. The film theory didn’t affect my final product because I found it confusing to understand so I didn’t use in making my film.
  • 5. Contextual Research This is the practical effect I made using fake blood and was inspired by Quentin Tarantino use of blood in his film. I created this effect by buying a bottle of fake blood and then pouring it on wood beam and letting it flow natural on the floor so that it looks realistic. I was originally going to do I blood splatter against the wall but on the day of shooting I thought it would be too messy, so I decided to do this instead. These screens are of me timing this scene to the beat of the music like Edgar Wright does in this films. The music used in this scene has beat similar to a heartbeat and the scene is in all one shot, so I what I did was cut up the scene, so it was a lot of jump cuts and then timed the jumps cuts to the heartbeat. I also used this technique in my trailers.
  • 6. Research My Research help a lot in producing the idea for my film and also looking at existing products that my film will be inspired by. I look at a lot of the John Wick based products like all the films and looking at my favourite action scenes within those films especially the Night Club scene in the first John Wick film because is my favourite scene in their franchise I based the music I used in my film on that scene because the music they use fits so well with all the action, so I had to try with my film. I also look at John Wick posters which one of my poster is kind off inspired by a John Wick poster. I also looked at Die Hard and Extraction which also good action films. My research document weakness is that I think I focus too much on John Wick and should off branched off more looking at other products. I should have also looked at trailers and have gone into more detail on all the products I looked at.
  • 7. Experiments My experiments document didn’t have very interesting experiments in it because I had to do them at home, and I didn’t have access to premiere pro at my house, so I had to just use my camera and a free editing software that wasn’t very good. I also didn’t use any of my experiments except from one in my film because they were not very practical to my film. If I had more time and could use premiere pro for my experiments I would try and create more interesting experiments and experiments that fit more with the theme of my film.
  • 8. Problem Solving My Problem-Solving Document look at problem that could happen during production of my film. I created tables that looked at problems and how they could happen and they how to solve them, I look at problems that were covid-19 related, weather related and also software and Hardware related. If I had more time to do this document again, I would go into more detail on the problems and solutions and maybe produce multiple solutions so that I would be extra prepared if anything happen.
  • 9. Planning The planning document was helpful to my final product because I create a story board and a shot list and location plan. The story board help me visualize what my film ight look like and what camera angles I might need. The shot list was helpful about learning how long each might be and how long my film might be as a whole. The location scouting was helpful to see if any problems would happen when filming there. My problem with my plannign document is that I didn’t create a script and I think that would be helpful in making my film. If I had more time, I would create a script with muitple drafts.
  • 10. Production Poster 1 My first Poster went through a lot of changes, my originally idea was to go over everything except the sky with the pen tool which I did, and I also added my logo to the bottom which is transparent texts and I play around with different things to colour in the text. The first thing I tried was to just to leave the originally photos grass as the text filler, but I don’t think it stands out and doesn’t brings grab people's attention so then I tried more colorful texts like the red, white and the multicoloured text filler, but I think only the red and the white work the multicoloured one is too much colour and the simple red or white work the best.
  • 11. Production Poster 1 After making the front of the poster I didn’t like the natural sky because I don’t think it fit the rest of the poster, so I tried a blue gradient to fit the simple design of the poster but it I think it's to plane so, and it doesn’t fit the red of the poster, so I decide make a red background instead. First I used the red rectangle tool to make a red background and its better than the gradient because of the it makes the poster stand out because of its bright colour then I used the circle tool to add orange and yellow circle to so that I don’t have too much red and makes it diverse and then I liquefied the background so that it looks like a fire or a sunset and then a tried rotating it but that didn’t look good so I kept it as it was and then tried added the flame background to the texts do that didn’t look good either so I kept with the red text and the fire background, I also added in silhouettes of people to the poster as well which is a reference to a scene in the film and that how I made poster 1. I think the first poster looks really good and I am happy how it turn out, I like the colour scheme I used which is the red, black, orange and yellow which all worked together, and I think if this was up in a wall, I think it would standout because of the use of bright colours. One thing I would change on my poster is that the title doesn’t really stand out at the bottom, and I should have moved to the top where it would stand out more and then I would add actor's names to the bottom on the posters and I think this would have made it better.
  • 14. Production Poster 2 How I made my second poster I took a screenshot of a scene from my film and then create a title create new logo for this poster using a black and red colour scheme. I made this logo using the text tool and rectangle tool. After that I used the pen tool to draw out myself using the red and black colour scheme, then I used the liquify tool to create the spikes that come down from the logo and from the character. Then I put white circle around near the eyes but the first time I did it I didn’t think they were big enough to I made the circles bigger and that’s how I made logo and character, the next thing I did was to make the background.
  • 15. Production Poster 2 I made the background by first using the paint tool and trying to create I graffiti effect, but I don’t I don’t like how it turned out because it doesn’t really look like graffiti and to make this effect better I should of look what spray paint looks like on a wall and try and copy using the paint tool. For my second attempt of making a background I used the the colour scheme I used to make the graffiti and then put rectangle behind the character using the rectangle tool, then using the spiral tool which is in the liquify filter I turned the three rectangles into a spiral and then added a black rectangle to cover up the spaces left from the spiral tool. This background is a lot better than the first because I like the look of it and it makes the poster stand out more and also tried combing both the backgrounds, but I didn’t like the look for it, so I just removed the graffiti from the poster. I like how this poster turn out and I think it's better than the first one because I like the look and style of this of this poster more and I think this poster has the better colour scheme. One problem I have with this poster is that it isn’t really film accurate and doesn’t reflect what the film is and might give the audience the different ideas on what the film is about.
  • 18. Production Trailer Draft The first trailer was made using footage I already edited from my film so to make this trailer I copy and pasted the video clips from my film premiere file and then made a new premiere file. The whole trailer is 57 seconds long which I think is good for a trailer and everything longer than a minute would be giving way too much. I used 8 piece a different footage and two pieces of the footage aren't actual used in my film so that it I am not giving away too much of my film, but I also misdirected the audience so that they can be surprised when they see my film
  • 19. Production Trailer Draft The first 6 video clips in my trailer use the leave colour effect. For all of the clips I had the amount of decolour on 100% and the tolerance between 5% to 10% depending on how strong the colour was in the footage. The colour I chose to leave in most of the clips was blue with so exemption which I used grey or brown because there was no blue in the scene. To pick the colour I just used the eye dropper tool and then pick the colour on the screen. I also added a dip to black transition to all of video clips so that it has a smooth transition. I also slowed down the footage to 30% so that more dramatic if it's in slow motion. I also added copyright free music to the trailer which has a good beat to it.
  • 20. Production Trailer Draft To create a transition to make the footage go from black and white to colour I used an additive Dissolve transition effect which just fades the scene together, if I did this again, I might have started with the loading the magazine into gun in black and white but then used the additive dissolve turning it into colour by cutting up the scene, I think that might of look better. I also added sound effects into the scenes with colour which I also use for my film as well. If I had more time refining this draft, I would have added more sounds effect to all the scenes and either to the transition effect starting off with reloading scene or just have all the scene in black and white. I think this trailer is good, but I think my final version is better because I improved it with some of things, I have discussed in this slide, but I also did a new editing technique.
  • 21. Production Trailer Draft I created the ending of my trailer by putting in logos one I used for my film and one I created just for trailers, I created the logos in photoshop using the texts to write the letters, picking a big font so that you can see more through it, and putting a rectangle behind it using the rectangle tool, after that I pressed the command button and click on the text layer at the same which creates an outline of the texts, then I went back on the rectangle layer and then pressing alt and clicking on the masking button which creates the transparent texts. In the trailer I added a gunshot sound effect when the logo appears on screen which is set up by the past scene on someone reloading a gun. I also made a time-lapse to go behind the logos and did this by speeding up some footage to 3000%. The best thing about this draft trailer is the ending because it fits well with the music and the time-lapse behind the texts fits well with the texts. My only problem with this section is that the fonts used for the two logos are different and I have I had more time I would change them to the same font.
  • 22. Production Trailer Draft Overall, I think this trailer draft was a good started and after showing it to people to get feedback it led to a better trailer. This trailer has the leave colour effect which leave the colour blue which is the colour the main character wears telling the audience that he is the amin character. I also picked a good song for the trailer which matches the scene I picked out and the music tells the audience it's an action film because of it beat and pace of the music. The trailer also has the time- lapse with the transparent texts which I think makes an interesting effect to watch. The slow motion works well making the trailer more dramatic. The things I don’t like about this trailer is the scenes in colour with the additive dissolve transitions effect because I think pulls out of the trailer because of its sudden change. I also don’t that only 3 scenes have sound effect, I think the sound effects work really well the trailer adding emphasis onto action and this draft would be better if I added more.
  • 23. Production Trailer My finished trailer ended up being 32 seconds long which think is a good length for trailer for a film which is 3 minutes long because it's doesn’t spoil everything from the film and give the audience a teaser of what the film is going to be like and more might watch because its 32 seconds. My final trailer is definitely an upgrade to my trailer draft because it has more sound effects and the music is used more effetely in this trailer, and I also made all the footage black and white so that it doesn’t disrupt the flow like the trailer draft.
  • 24. Production Trailer The final trailer is edited to the beat of the music, I did this to make the trailer more interesting to watch and its better than the fade to black in my draft trailer. The problem I faced when making this effect was that the music starts of good but then goes quite for 15 seconds and then the beat drops. To fix this I cut out the 15 seconds of build up and just put together the start of the song and when the beat drops together and then added constant power transition effect so that it fits together. I made the beat of the song fit with an action in the footage like for example the clip of someone reloading a gun, I did this make action more impactful and get the audience's attention and make the trailer more stylized. I also added sound effects to these clips so that it reinforces the beat and grabs the attention of audience and hopefully wanting more.
  • 25. Production Trailer For my final trailer I made an animation for the end title sequence with the logo I made in photoshop. To create is animation I just cropped out the words and replaced them with a black rectangle and then the title becomes less cropped out. This animation is in time with the beat like the rest of the trailer and each word is revealed with the beat of the music. I like this animation because I think it will interest the viewer to keep watching because each word is revealed individually it also fits with the theme of the trailer because it's in time with the beat. This transparent texts has a time lapse behind it as well and I like the texture it makes with the font. My only problem with the time lapse is that there is a jump cut which kind pulls you out of the experience. If I had more time, I would make the time lapse slower so that there isn't a jump cut.
  • 26. Production Trailer I think my final trailer is better than my draft because of all the improvements I have made like adding in more sound effects and making all the action in the trailer in time with the beat and adding in an animation at the end which just makes trailer flow better. one thing I would improve is that one of the shots is just out of sync with the beat so if I had more time, I would try and resync it up with the beat. Another thing I would improve is that I think the gun shot at the end of the trailer is too loud and I would lower the decibels on that sound effect. I think this trailer works well as being a trailer because it doesn’t give too much away but it leaves the audience wanting more and it short enough to keep the audience's attention.
  • 27. Production Film Draft My film draft is 5 minutes long which I think is too long for a short film especially because most of that time is taken up from long opening credit scene and a long ending scene. For my opening scene I made an opening title sequences using text I made in photoshop and putting over a time lapse which is the same time lapse from my trailer but this one is sped up to 350% not 3000% like my trailer. I also added some slow-paced music and ambiences on wind blowing to set the scene. I like this opening scene, but it's too long for the audience and they would probably get bored halfway through this scene, so I cut it out for my final version. I also used the bound for death logo in the opening scene with footage of the radio tower behind it which I liked and kept in the finished version.
  • 28. Production Film Draft At the start of the film there is lots of close-up shots of someone reloading and shooting a gun these scene were not film at the radio tower and were instead film in my garden. I did this because I didn’t want to bring fake weapon into a public area, but because I did this especially for one of the shots you can tell its film in a different area which might confuse the audience when watching a film because they can see a brick wall in the background when there wasn’t one in establishing shot before. I think the first two shots work with the green behind them because it kind of masked that its film in a different area but if I had more time to work on this project I would try and film the last shot with a brick wall again.
  • 29. Production Film Draft After the close-up gun scene, it switches to a scene of main character walking towards a door. I think this scene didn’t turned out well because you can see the camera operator's head 3 or more different time which pulls you out of the film because you it reminds you that it’s a film because you can see the camera operator's head. If I had more time, I would reshoot this whole scene but in the finished version I produced an okay solution to hide the head. The next scene after is the table scene which is fine, and I will talk about later and then after is the capture scene which is okay but the only probably is that you don’t see him escape some the audience has to come up with how he escape on his own, but I do a reshoot which I think fix this issue.
  • 30. Production Film Draft After the main character escapes there is a fight scene which is all in one take which it looks good, but it can be improved. The whole fight scene doesn’t have any sound effects and just has its originally audio, which doesn't make a very exciting action scene because actors don’t look like they are hitting each other. If I had more time, I would film multiple angles so that it looks like actors are hitting each other or maybe speed up the footage so that it look like they are hitting each, I think if I did these things, it would be a better fight scene and more exciting to watch.
  • 31. Production Film Draft After the basement fight scene, it goes onto the hallway fight scene which I think is the best fight scene out of the two because this seems more realistic them the basement one, but this scene has some problems like there is a jump cut in the middle of the fight which pulls the audience away from the action and also then the main character gun gets hit he just places it on the floor which isn't very realistic. If I had more time, I would film multiple angles to make the action look more realistic.
  • 32. Production Film Draft My favourite bit about my film draft is a transition a made which when a guy with a crowbar hits someone but it cuts away last second and switches to someone cutting an apple. I create this by putting the two clips together and cutting out the music, so the only sound is the apple being cut then the music comes back after it's been cut. This did this because it’s the scene impactful and the silences gives the audience a second to think of what happen to guy who got hit with a crowbar without showing he got hit with a crowbar. I kept this scene in the finished version because I think it’s the best scene in the whole film.
  • 33. Production Film Draft When I finished my draft, I thought it was perfect but after looking back on it know I glad I improve it. My draft was a good foundation to improve my film and had so good base ideas but some of the scene need to be need shorter or just cut because it was drawn out and it also need some reshoots to make some scene make more sense and realistic. The draf t did have some good things as well which would be kept in the final version like the corwbar and apple cutting bit of the film is the best bit of the film for me and the music and sound effects I picked would stay as well because they fit the film really well and work well with all the footage.
  • 34. Production Film For the start of my final film, I have gotten rid of the 1-minute opening credits and have replaced it just the bound for death logo with a footage behind it which creates a better opening for the film because its quick so people don’t get bored but also it still establishes the location but just in last time. I also added a muzzle flash effect to close up gun scene which just makes that scene a little more realistic and impactful. My only problem witht the muzzle flash is that you can't really see it, you can only see it if you are looking in that direction but because it to the right of the scene no one would really notice it. If I had more time, I would maybe reshoot the scene so tha the gun has green behind it but also the end of the gun is closer to the centre of the screen so you can see the muzzle flash more easiley or I could turn up the opacity on the muzzle flash so that it's easy to see.
  • 35. Production Film For the scene where you can see the camera opertators head I editied the footage to the beat of the music which is like a heartbeat, so every beat I just skipped a frames and cut it out and then moved the footage together to create this effect. This effect works for hiding the head, but it also makes the film more stylized and interesting because it's in time with the music and it's easy to do than reshooting the whole scene again. If I, could I would reshoot the scene but my main character actor had a haircut which means that I did reshoot I would have to try and not get his head in the shot which would be hard so I think this effect was the best thing I could and I think it works.
  • 36. Production Film For the meeting scene I added a reshoot which is just a close up of the coins hitting the table which seperates the scene a little bit and makes it not just all one take which helps the flow of the film. I also did a new shoot of the main character escaping from the chair which just make the film flow better but also make sense, so now he just doesn’t magically escape. My only problem with this new shoot is that is a little too dark to see anything so if I had more time, I would increase the brightness on this scene so that the auidence can see what is happening. For the basement fight scene also added sound effects which makes the scene better and more convining but it still would be better if the action was sped up or I had muitple shots, so it look more realistic.
  • 37. Production Film For the hallway fight scene, I did a reshoot to hide the jump cut in the fight scene. The new shot is added in when the gun gets hit by the crowbar to replace the bit were the main character just places the gun on the floor, this reshoot makes the scene more realistic. My only problem with this reshoot is that when the shot changes to one on the stairs you can see the floor and you can see that isn't a gun there. I also move the credits to the end of the film so that the audience can watch them if they want, or they can just click off the video.
  • 38. Production Film My final film is definitely an improve of the draft and probably the best film I have created so far. I think it has turned out how imagine it in my head when we on the research stage, The only things I would change are the close-up gun scene with the brick wall behind the gun because it pulls the audience out of the film. I would just reshoot the scene to have more green behind so that it blends in more. I would also added multiple shots to both of the action scenes so that it looks more realistic and would play around with the speed of the footage to see if it looks better sped up. The last thing I would if I didn’t film it during lockdown because of covid-19 I would try and add more actors because in the film I had to play two character I that might be confusing to people who might notice it but I do wear a mask so it is not too obvious.
  • 39. Peer Feedback 1) In the trailer does the beat of the music fit with footage shown? The music fits with footage, music choice perfect. 2) In the film does the action scenes look realistic? More angles on the fight scene, speed up scenes, cut before actors pull back. 3) does the film's story as a whole make sense? Yes, Story makes sense. 4) Do the sound effects I used work, or should I change them? Sound effect worked well but look at the timing on sound effects because some are not sync 5) what else would you improve? Shorten fade to white.
  • 40. Peer Feedback The peer feedback was very helpful because they pointed out problems that I didn’t notices but also resured me on things I didn’t think work, but they thought it did. I agree with all the feedback I have gotten except about my sound effects being out of sync I think my sound effects are in sync, but I will have a look at them to make sure. The shortened the fade white in my film feedback was helpful and I also thought went on too long as well. It is also resuring that they understood the story of my film because I didn’t think they would get the start of the film was the end, but they understood it which shows tha tit works. I also agree with the fight scene feedback I think the action would look better if there was multiple angles and if it was sped up it might look more realistic.