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Freddie Butler
Existing Products Research
• Doctor Who:
Doctor who is a tv show as well as an audio drama, They use dialogue
throughout the audio show as it is based around different characters and
them having interactions with different species and people across the
They have a lot of diegetic sound in this to keep the immersion between the
character ,in the clip above, you can hear a burning sound which is caused
by a character so they can also hear it. This helps set the scene in peoples
It also mixes in non-diegetic sound in parts to keep it from being boring and
can portray a change in location or pace. The sound can dictate whether the
scene is action, or slower paced, or emotional, it helps to add to the audio.
Doctor who has a soundtrack which has been running for a lot of years, this
constant throughout the show.
Existing Products Research
The Archers (audio drama)
This starts with its theme song which is a way for people to recognise what is
playing, with the use of the soundtrack
The Archers is an audio drama, They use dialogue throughout the audio
show as it is based around different characters, and they have lots of
interactions through the use of dialogue. They use different types of voices
for people to recognise who is speaking, for example they use an older
grainier, croaky voice for people to recognise that the granny is speaking.
They use diegetic sound throughout as it isnt being portrayed from a certain
person's perspective it just includes lots of character who will talk to each
One thing they do to the audio is they use a sort of filter on the voice to
make it sound like the person is speaking through a phone think they are on
the phone for parts of it.
Existing Products Research
• Short Cuts (documentary/factual)
These are done with the use of a voice over, as it is a documentary so the voice
over was used to introduce the topics and to provide links between the audio
played throughout.
They also use a narrator to play the perspective of the person talking in the
stories throughout the documentary.
They use different musical instruments in the background of the stories as the
soundtrack to show the pace of the story and to keep it fresh and more
immersive to listen to.
Short cuts is a documentry audio program where there is a narrator telling
different stories in little cuts.
It mostly just uses non-diegetic sound as it is a narrator speaking with music in
the background.
Existing Products Research
• Soundscapes
This soundscape is an ASMR of the millennium falcon from star wars.
They make it so if you are using headphones then the audio will travel
around from ear to ear and go louder and quieter to make you feel the
immersion of the place they are portraying.
If something is on the left side, it will play in your left ear, this is the same
for the right side.
This would be non-diegetic sound as there is no characters in this.
They used a soundtrack which is a very close replica to the noises that they
would use in star wars so that it adds to the immersion and realism.
There is no dialogue as it is a full audio experience where you are listening
to the different sounds.
They might have used foley to make sure that they get high quality sounds
for certain aspects of the audio.
1. .
2. .
Idea Generation/Initial Reaction
Lots of
on edge
Use of
throughout Ambient
Initial feelings…how do you feel about the
project currently?
• Pros:
• I have a solid idea for my story that I think will work
• I have a good idea of what sound effects to add throughout
• I have done good research and have a good idea how most audios are
• Cons:
• Inexperienced with audio
• Might not have the best voice acting/narrating
• Story might not be the best
• Include your work on foley and some writing
about what went well, what could be better
and what you have learned.
• You should include a link and a screen shot.
Don’t embed your work, it won’t work.
Shaun of the dead FOLEY
What went well:
I managed to get good audio on the most part.
The audio is synced up to the video so that it seems in time, for
example the footsteps are in time with the audio.
What could be better/what you have learned:
One part of the audio is very quiet because when recording it wasn’t
picked up by the audio recorder. I have now learned to make sure that
it is loud enough for each location as it needs to be different for each
area you are in
• Write about your experiences of recording in
different places.
• What effect did it have? How will this
influence your project?
• One thing I have learned in practicing recording is that I need
to make sure the area I am in provides a solid sound with no
background noise interfering, so there is no echo or other
audio getting in the way of the audio I am trying to record.
One place may be louder and be easier to pick up audio in
than another.
• This will help me in my project as I now know where it may be
best to record to have the best effect on my audio.
Garage Band
• Include your work with Garage Band, and
some writing about what went well, what
could be better and what you have learned.
• You should include a link and a screen shot.
Don’t embed your work, it won’t work.
What went well: I managed to create a good loop of
music which matched together. The different audio I
put together sounded good as one complete sound
with different audio playing at different parts.
What could be better: I could have used more
instruments to create the sound myself instead of
using mostly music already on the software.
Working Title:
The operation
Who is your audience? Be very detailed; age, gender, social status, psychographic etc. Use the
Audience Classifications PowerPoint on Blackboard to help you develop this section.
Why would your project appeal to this person? Discuss each audience element in relation to
content (why would your product appeal to the age group? Why would your product appeal to
the gender? Etc.)
Project Concept (approx. 200 words)
What is the concept for your project and what are you going to make?
What did you learning during research that will help you?
Proposal – Target audience
The target audience for my story is 16–24-year-olds, male and female and of any
background, as I believe that my story is appealing to a broad area and should be for
everyone in this age gap. My product is a horror story and I think that this fill suit the
wants and needs of people of this age, as this is what they I believe they would like to
read about. My story is for any certain class specifically as it is aimed at all people from
the age of 16-24. It is aimed at people who are already familiar with horror short
stories, like creepypastas, as it has those sort of genre conventions.
Proposal – Project concept
The concept of my project is that my story is going to be narrated by me and the story
is going to be about an abandoned building at the end of the village, which is very
mysterious and seems that something from out of this dimension has taken over and
weird things can be heard from inside. The story will take you into the building and the
horrors that await inside. When I was researching, I looked into different types of
audio stories and ghost stories for inspiration when I was generating ideas for my own
story. I looked into how different audio stories add sound in the background for
certain actions to create the imagery for the audio and to add to the immersion. I also
looked into how they had music playing throughout of certain stories to add to the
effect, for example in a horror story they had some slow spooky music playing in the
background as the story is being told to add to the quality of the story and the
immersion of the listener to the audio story. The title of the audio story is going to be
the operation as that is what the short story focuses on in the later stages.
Story – The operation
On the furthest point of the village, the last part of land that counts as Howden, there sits a
tremendous, abandoned building. Protected by its own isolated location, there is also at any
given time two or three security guards circling around the building. However, if someone
approaches the iron gates on the night of Friday the 13th, you will see that on this night, even
those few security guards refuse to work.
The gates are left unlocked, and the wind will be utterly still, a nearly opaque fog filling the
surroundings, with a faint sound of screaming lungs coming from inside, trees swaying in the
background. Go directly to the main doors and step within, there will be a single long hallway, the
end concluded by that fog. If you look to either side upon entering, you will see a modern
operating room through a broken glass door. The further in you walk, the older the equipment
will get and the older fashioned the look of the doctors are.
When you can finally come upon the end of the hallway, the screams of the patients will be nearly
deafening. The hall will terminate in an open door leading to a single wooden table where a man
in woollen medical clothing, stained in blood, is bent over a corpse. The body's face will be
covered, and the man turns silently, screwing open the top onto a cloudy jar of liquid, filled to
the top. He hands you the heavy object before turning back to his work.
Instantly, you will be outside of those cast iron gates. You can still here screams coming from inside
the building, but you can feel that some spirit has taken over that building and that it is not from
this world. You leave with the constant fear of being taken back to that building and seeing and
hearing the horrors that you have just witnessed.
Script draft
• Slow creepy music playing in the background throughout the
• Person narrating throughout with occasional dialogue
• Sound effects to match what happens in story
– Wind blowing
– Door slamming
– Creaking floor
– scream
• Have different effects on voices at different times, for example an echo
Script Final
On the furthest point of the village, the last part of land that counts as Howden, there sits a tremendous, abandoned building. Protected
by its own isolated location, there is also at any given time two or three security guards circling around the building. However, if
someone approaches the iron gates on the night of Friday the 13th, you will see that on this night, even those few security guards refuse
to work.
The gates are left unlocked (creaking gate), and the wind will be utterly still, a nearly opaque fog filling the surroundings, with a faint
sound of screaming lungs coming from inside, trees swaying in the background. Go directly to the main doors (door opening) and step
within,(door slams behind you) there will be a single long hallway, the end concluded by that fog. If you look to either side upon
entering, you will see a modern operating room through a broken glass door. The further in you walk,(creaking floor) the older the
equipment will get and the older fashioned the look of the doctors are.
When you can finally come upon the end of the hallway, the screams of the patients will be nearly deafening. The hall will terminate in
an open door leading to a single wooden table where a man in woollen medical clothing, stained in blood, is bent over a corpse. (he says
hello in creepy voice) The body's face will be covered, and the man turns silently, screwing open the top onto a cloudy jar of liquid
(screwing open jar noise), filled to the top. He hands you the heavy object before turning back to his work.
Instantly, you will be outside of those cast iron gates(swishing wind). You can still here screams coming from inside the building (faint
scream), but you can feel that some spirit has taken over that building and that it is not from this world. You leave with the constant fear
of being taken back to that building and seeing and hearing the horrors that you have just witnessed, still with the cloudy jar kept with
you, slowly defogging. (echo effect on voice and voice fades out).
Slow creepy music playing in background throughout
Sound effect:
Sound Effects
Sound Effect Needed How I Will Create the Sound
Wind blowing Record wind outside or online
Door slamming Record a slamming door or online
Scream(loud) Scream into mic or online
Scream(faint) Scream into mic(turn down at later date)
or online
Creaking floor Record audio for me walking over my
creaking floor or online
Creaking gate Record opening and closing a gate or
whistling I will whistle or online
Opening jar Open a jar or online
Actor Role Location for recording
me Narrator My home
Band Name Track Name Link
youtube channel –
royalty free
Dark ambience – royalty
Resource List
Resource Owned/Cost What sound effect will it be
used for?
door Owned/online Slamming door
floor owned/online Creaking floor
gate owned/online Creaking gate
jar owned/online Jar opening
Daily Reflection Day 1
• 12/12/21
• Today I did the audio recording for my
narration of my story and collected some
sound effects. I think it went quite well. I sat in
a car while recording the narration so that no
background noise was interfering, and my
phone only picked up my voice.
Daily Reflection Day 2
• 13/12/21
• Today I have done the majority of my editing
and putting together of my audio story. I have
used a mix of narration, music and sound
effects to create this, and I think they fit well
and sound good.
Daily Reflection Day 3
• 14/12/21
• Today I have finished off my audio story by
doing the last few touches needed. I added an
echo effect to certain parts to add more
The audio is ready to be
Onto the evaluation now.
Daily Reflection Day 4
• 15/12/21
• I have been completing my evaluation for my
audio project.
• The strengths of my research was that I looked into multiple different
audio stories and soundscapes, this helped my product as it helped me
understand how they get certain sounds across to the listener and to
create imagery, and when to have music playing. I looked into how a
narrator of a story would speak over the music and how a scene with
dialogue between people would go, this helped in the idea generation and
production of my audio as it helped me think about where I wanted my
audio to go.
• The weaknesses of my research was that I didn’t look enough into
specifically spooky story audio stories. This would have helped when it
came to idea generation and production as I would have known more of
the genre conventions that I could have used to improve the audio. It
would have also helped with what idea I wanted to do for my story as I
could have taken inspiration from different stories.
• One strength of my planning was that I managed to create a solid general
idea of a story. Planning helped my product as it made me think about
what sound effects would be good and could be used for the audio
project, as well as what story would work with the use of sound effects. It
helped me think about what direction I wanted to go with the story and
what genre of story I wanted to create, with the use of idea
generation. Having a good plan for my story meant when it came to
writing the script and the actual story it was a lot easier as I already had
the ideas, I just had to put them together.
• The weaknesses of my planning was that I didn’t put enough time into
making a story that I don’t think it was the best I could have done but I still
think it works quite well as a short story but it could have been better. I
could have made it, so it had speech not just narrating so that the listeners
had a character to follow.
Time Management
• I believe that throughout this production I have managed my time well. I
made sure that I had enough time to plan out a solid idea for my story but
still made sure I had plenty of time to record the audio, which I did in a car
for best effect, and then edit and put it together on audition. I completed
the project on time and the only thing that I think could have been
improved on the product with more time is either the story or voice
acting, as they are not the best as I believe they can be if I had more time
to invest into them. More time would have enabled me to have a longer
audio project with more depth and immersion. Overall, I think I managed
my time sufficiently to create a solid audio project which I am happy with.
Technical Qualities
One Technique I used to have good sounding audio was that I recording all of
the narration in a car so that you could hear my voice clearly and so that there
was not interference in the background.
Comparing my work to some of these stories, I have gone for the same style of
having a narrator speaking with slow, creepy music playing in the background.
The differences is that they might have got someone more experienced in voice
acting so they know how to get a more compelling voice across that fits the
tone of the story, which I don’t know whether I did this well enough or not. I
added an echo effect at the end of the story so that the ending had dramatic
effect and didn’t sound flat. For some of the effects I got them online and for
others I went next to the point of sound and recorded the action, for example
recording a creaking floor.
Aural Qualities
The strengths of my audio is that it sounds good and mixes well together. One
good part is that the music is the right volume so that it adds to the experience
but it's not too loud to the point where you can't hear the narration clearly. I
think that the sound effects work well and they play at the perfect time to link
with that part of the story, for example a door opening sound plays when the
narrator says, 'go through the door'. I believe that my story and audio was
creative and has a good sound and style to it.
Some weaknesses of my audio are at certain points of the story. At the start of
the story the narration audio is a bit too quiet as I must have spoken this part
quieter than the rest as I had it turned up higher on audition, but it still wasn’t
loud enough. When the second paragraph starts though the narration sounds a
lot better.
If I were to improve my audio, I would have redone the first paragraph, speaking
a bit louder and clearer this time to get a better sounding overall audio. I would
have also maybe found a different scream sound effect as I don’t think the one I
picked was very good and I think I could have found one which better fit.
Audience Appeal
The target audience set for my story was 16–24-year-olds, I believe I have met this
target. I would say that this target would mostly be familiar with the genre
conventions of a horror story, so I have included a few of them, misty area, screaming,
creaking floors. I believe that the type of horror story I have used fits what most
people in this criteria would enjoy. As my target audience is of a broad range, male
and female, any background etc, this enables the highest possible range of people to
enjoy the audio, this is what I aimed for when creating it. I tried to make sure I
followed as many genre conventions for a horror story so that my audio would give
the same effect when listened to, as other ones do. They are the main bits that would
appeal to the target audience, and the type of story, with full narration describing
what is happening with the use of sound effects to create imagery.

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Audio pro forma

  • 2. Existing Products Research • Doctor Who: – Doctor who is a tv show as well as an audio drama, They use dialogue throughout the audio show as it is based around different characters and them having interactions with different species and people across the universe. They have a lot of diegetic sound in this to keep the immersion between the character ,in the clip above, you can hear a burning sound which is caused by a character so they can also hear it. This helps set the scene in peoples mind. It also mixes in non-diegetic sound in parts to keep it from being boring and can portray a change in location or pace. The sound can dictate whether the scene is action, or slower paced, or emotional, it helps to add to the audio. Doctor who has a soundtrack which has been running for a lot of years, this constant throughout the show.
  • 3. Existing Products Research The Archers (audio drama) This starts with its theme song which is a way for people to recognise what is playing, with the use of the soundtrack The Archers is an audio drama, They use dialogue throughout the audio show as it is based around different characters, and they have lots of interactions through the use of dialogue. They use different types of voices for people to recognise who is speaking, for example they use an older grainier, croaky voice for people to recognise that the granny is speaking. They use diegetic sound throughout as it isnt being portrayed from a certain person's perspective it just includes lots of character who will talk to each other. One thing they do to the audio is they use a sort of filter on the voice to make it sound like the person is speaking through a phone think they are on the phone for parts of it.
  • 4. Existing Products Research • Short Cuts (documentary/factual) – These are done with the use of a voice over, as it is a documentary so the voice over was used to introduce the topics and to provide links between the audio played throughout. They also use a narrator to play the perspective of the person talking in the stories throughout the documentary. They use different musical instruments in the background of the stories as the soundtrack to show the pace of the story and to keep it fresh and more immersive to listen to. Short cuts is a documentry audio program where there is a narrator telling different stories in little cuts. It mostly just uses non-diegetic sound as it is a narrator speaking with music in the background.
  • 5. Existing Products Research • Soundscapes • This soundscape is an ASMR of the millennium falcon from star wars. They make it so if you are using headphones then the audio will travel around from ear to ear and go louder and quieter to make you feel the immersion of the place they are portraying. If something is on the left side, it will play in your left ear, this is the same for the right side. This would be non-diegetic sound as there is no characters in this. They used a soundtrack which is a very close replica to the noises that they would use in star wars so that it adds to the immersion and realism. There is no dialogue as it is a full audio experience where you are listening to the different sounds. They might have used foley to make sure that they get high quality sounds for certain aspects of the audio.
  • 6. Bibliography 1. . 2. . 3. 4:
  • 8. Idea Generation/Initial Reaction Ideas Drama Lots of 'eery' sound Keeping listener on edge Use of imagery throughout Ambient noise Abandoned building Filters/ voice effects
  • 9. Initial feelings…how do you feel about the project currently? • Pros: • I have a solid idea for my story that I think will work • I have a good idea of what sound effects to add throughout • I have done good research and have a good idea how most audios are • Cons: • Inexperienced with audio • Might not have the best voice acting/narrating • Story might not be the best
  • 11. Foley • Include your work on foley and some writing about what went well, what could be better and what you have learned. • You should include a link and a screen shot. Don’t embed your work, it won’t work.
  • 12. Shaun of the dead FOLEY What went well: I managed to get good audio on the most part. The audio is synced up to the video so that it seems in time, for example the footsteps are in time with the audio. What could be better/what you have learned: One part of the audio is very quiet because when recording it wasn’t picked up by the audio recorder. I have now learned to make sure that it is loud enough for each location as it needs to be different for each area you are in
  • 13. Recording • Write about your experiences of recording in different places. • What effect did it have? How will this influence your project?
  • 14. Recording • One thing I have learned in practicing recording is that I need to make sure the area I am in provides a solid sound with no background noise interfering, so there is no echo or other audio getting in the way of the audio I am trying to record. One place may be louder and be easier to pick up audio in than another. • This will help me in my project as I now know where it may be best to record to have the best effect on my audio.
  • 15. Garage Band • Include your work with Garage Band, and some writing about what went well, what could be better and what you have learned. • You should include a link and a screen shot. Don’t embed your work, it won’t work. https://yorkcollegeuk- ersonal/freddie- butler_student_yorkcollege _ac_uk/ERbwqaFfH0VIsbK nQzHwYjkB52v721EN48HG te6eYOgiuA?e=VHazQY What went well: I managed to create a good loop of music which matched together. The different audio I put together sounded good as one complete sound with different audio playing at different parts. What could be better: I could have used more instruments to create the sound myself instead of using mostly music already on the software.
  • 16. Proposal Working Title: The operation Audience: Who is your audience? Be very detailed; age, gender, social status, psychographic etc. Use the Audience Classifications PowerPoint on Blackboard to help you develop this section. Why would your project appeal to this person? Discuss each audience element in relation to content (why would your product appeal to the age group? Why would your product appeal to the gender? Etc.) Project Concept (approx. 200 words) What is the concept for your project and what are you going to make? What did you learning during research that will help you?
  • 17. Proposal – Target audience The target audience for my story is 16–24-year-olds, male and female and of any background, as I believe that my story is appealing to a broad area and should be for everyone in this age gap. My product is a horror story and I think that this fill suit the wants and needs of people of this age, as this is what they I believe they would like to read about. My story is for any certain class specifically as it is aimed at all people from the age of 16-24. It is aimed at people who are already familiar with horror short stories, like creepypastas, as it has those sort of genre conventions.
  • 18. Proposal – Project concept The concept of my project is that my story is going to be narrated by me and the story is going to be about an abandoned building at the end of the village, which is very mysterious and seems that something from out of this dimension has taken over and weird things can be heard from inside. The story will take you into the building and the horrors that await inside. When I was researching, I looked into different types of audio stories and ghost stories for inspiration when I was generating ideas for my own story. I looked into how different audio stories add sound in the background for certain actions to create the imagery for the audio and to add to the immersion. I also looked into how they had music playing throughout of certain stories to add to the effect, for example in a horror story they had some slow spooky music playing in the background as the story is being told to add to the quality of the story and the immersion of the listener to the audio story. The title of the audio story is going to be the operation as that is what the short story focuses on in the later stages.
  • 20. Story – The operation On the furthest point of the village, the last part of land that counts as Howden, there sits a tremendous, abandoned building. Protected by its own isolated location, there is also at any given time two or three security guards circling around the building. However, if someone approaches the iron gates on the night of Friday the 13th, you will see that on this night, even those few security guards refuse to work. The gates are left unlocked, and the wind will be utterly still, a nearly opaque fog filling the surroundings, with a faint sound of screaming lungs coming from inside, trees swaying in the background. Go directly to the main doors and step within, there will be a single long hallway, the end concluded by that fog. If you look to either side upon entering, you will see a modern operating room through a broken glass door. The further in you walk, the older the equipment will get and the older fashioned the look of the doctors are. When you can finally come upon the end of the hallway, the screams of the patients will be nearly deafening. The hall will terminate in an open door leading to a single wooden table where a man in woollen medical clothing, stained in blood, is bent over a corpse. The body's face will be covered, and the man turns silently, screwing open the top onto a cloudy jar of liquid, filled to the top. He hands you the heavy object before turning back to his work. Instantly, you will be outside of those cast iron gates. You can still here screams coming from inside the building, but you can feel that some spirit has taken over that building and that it is not from this world. You leave with the constant fear of being taken back to that building and seeing and hearing the horrors that you have just witnessed.
  • 21. Script draft • Slow creepy music playing in the background throughout the audio • Person narrating throughout with occasional dialogue • Sound effects to match what happens in story – Wind blowing – Door slamming – Creaking floor – scream • Have different effects on voices at different times, for example an echo
  • 22. Script Final On the furthest point of the village, the last part of land that counts as Howden, there sits a tremendous, abandoned building. Protected by its own isolated location, there is also at any given time two or three security guards circling around the building. However, if someone approaches the iron gates on the night of Friday the 13th, you will see that on this night, even those few security guards refuse to work. The gates are left unlocked (creaking gate), and the wind will be utterly still, a nearly opaque fog filling the surroundings, with a faint sound of screaming lungs coming from inside, trees swaying in the background. Go directly to the main doors (door opening) and step within,(door slams behind you) there will be a single long hallway, the end concluded by that fog. If you look to either side upon entering, you will see a modern operating room through a broken glass door. The further in you walk,(creaking floor) the older the equipment will get and the older fashioned the look of the doctors are. When you can finally come upon the end of the hallway, the screams of the patients will be nearly deafening. The hall will terminate in an open door leading to a single wooden table where a man in woollen medical clothing, stained in blood, is bent over a corpse. (he says hello in creepy voice) The body's face will be covered, and the man turns silently, screwing open the top onto a cloudy jar of liquid (screwing open jar noise), filled to the top. He hands you the heavy object before turning back to his work. Instantly, you will be outside of those cast iron gates(swishing wind). You can still here screams coming from inside the building (faint scream), but you can feel that some spirit has taken over that building and that it is not from this world. You leave with the constant fear of being taken back to that building and seeing and hearing the horrors that you have just witnessed, still with the cloudy jar kept with you, slowly defogging. (echo effect on voice and voice fades out). Slow creepy music playing in background throughout Narrator: Dialogue: Sound effect:
  • 23. Sound Effects Sound Effect Needed How I Will Create the Sound Wind blowing Record wind outside or online Door slamming Record a slamming door or online Scream(loud) Scream into mic or online Scream(faint) Scream into mic(turn down at later date) or online Creaking floor Record audio for me walking over my creaking floor or online Creaking gate Record opening and closing a gate or online whistling I will whistle or online Opening jar Open a jar or online
  • 24. Actors/Locations Actor Role Location for recording me Narrator My home
  • 25. Music Band Name Track Name Link youtube channel – royalty free Dark ambience – royalty free
  • 26. Resource List Resource Owned/Cost What sound effect will it be used for? door Owned/online Slamming door floor owned/online Creaking floor gate owned/online Creaking gate jar owned/online Jar opening
  • 28. Daily Reflection Day 1 • 12/12/21 • Today I did the audio recording for my narration of my story and collected some sound effects. I think it went quite well. I sat in a car while recording the narration so that no background noise was interfering, and my phone only picked up my voice.
  • 29. Daily Reflection Day 2 • 13/12/21 • Today I have done the majority of my editing and putting together of my audio story. I have used a mix of narration, music and sound effects to create this, and I think they fit well and sound good.
  • 30. Daily Reflection Day 3 • 14/12/21 • Today I have finished off my audio story by doing the last few touches needed. I added an echo effect to certain parts to add more immersion. The audio is ready to be Exported. Onto the evaluation now.
  • 31. Daily Reflection Day 4 • 15/12/21 • I have been completing my evaluation for my audio project.
  • 33. Research • The strengths of my research was that I looked into multiple different audio stories and soundscapes, this helped my product as it helped me understand how they get certain sounds across to the listener and to create imagery, and when to have music playing. I looked into how a narrator of a story would speak over the music and how a scene with dialogue between people would go, this helped in the idea generation and production of my audio as it helped me think about where I wanted my audio to go. • The weaknesses of my research was that I didn’t look enough into specifically spooky story audio stories. This would have helped when it came to idea generation and production as I would have known more of the genre conventions that I could have used to improve the audio. It would have also helped with what idea I wanted to do for my story as I could have taken inspiration from different stories.
  • 34. Planning • One strength of my planning was that I managed to create a solid general idea of a story. Planning helped my product as it made me think about what sound effects would be good and could be used for the audio project, as well as what story would work with the use of sound effects. It helped me think about what direction I wanted to go with the story and what genre of story I wanted to create, with the use of idea generation. Having a good plan for my story meant when it came to writing the script and the actual story it was a lot easier as I already had the ideas, I just had to put them together. • The weaknesses of my planning was that I didn’t put enough time into making a story that I don’t think it was the best I could have done but I still think it works quite well as a short story but it could have been better. I could have made it, so it had speech not just narrating so that the listeners had a character to follow.
  • 35. Time Management • I believe that throughout this production I have managed my time well. I made sure that I had enough time to plan out a solid idea for my story but still made sure I had plenty of time to record the audio, which I did in a car for best effect, and then edit and put it together on audition. I completed the project on time and the only thing that I think could have been improved on the product with more time is either the story or voice acting, as they are not the best as I believe they can be if I had more time to invest into them. More time would have enabled me to have a longer audio project with more depth and immersion. Overall, I think I managed my time sufficiently to create a solid audio project which I am happy with.
  • 36. Technical Qualities One Technique I used to have good sounding audio was that I recording all of the narration in a car so that you could hear my voice clearly and so that there was not interference in the background. Comparing my work to some of these stories, I have gone for the same style of having a narrator speaking with slow, creepy music playing in the background. The differences is that they might have got someone more experienced in voice acting so they know how to get a more compelling voice across that fits the tone of the story, which I don’t know whether I did this well enough or not. I added an echo effect at the end of the story so that the ending had dramatic effect and didn’t sound flat. For some of the effects I got them online and for others I went next to the point of sound and recorded the action, for example recording a creaking floor.
  • 37. Aural Qualities The strengths of my audio is that it sounds good and mixes well together. One good part is that the music is the right volume so that it adds to the experience but it's not too loud to the point where you can't hear the narration clearly. I think that the sound effects work well and they play at the perfect time to link with that part of the story, for example a door opening sound plays when the narrator says, 'go through the door'. I believe that my story and audio was creative and has a good sound and style to it. Some weaknesses of my audio are at certain points of the story. At the start of the story the narration audio is a bit too quiet as I must have spoken this part quieter than the rest as I had it turned up higher on audition, but it still wasn’t loud enough. When the second paragraph starts though the narration sounds a lot better. If I were to improve my audio, I would have redone the first paragraph, speaking a bit louder and clearer this time to get a better sounding overall audio. I would have also maybe found a different scream sound effect as I don’t think the one I picked was very good and I think I could have found one which better fit.
  • 38. Audience Appeal The target audience set for my story was 16–24-year-olds, I believe I have met this target. I would say that this target would mostly be familiar with the genre conventions of a horror story, so I have included a few of them, misty area, screaming, creaking floors. I believe that the type of horror story I have used fits what most people in this criteria would enjoy. As my target audience is of a broad range, male and female, any background etc, this enables the highest possible range of people to enjoy the audio, this is what I aimed for when creating it. I tried to make sure I followed as many genre conventions for a horror story so that my audio would give the same effect when listened to, as other ones do. They are the main bits that would appeal to the target audience, and the type of story, with full narration describing what is happening with the use of sound effects to create imagery.

Editor's Notes

  1. Go over as many slides as necessary. Research at least 3 products. Discuss the use of sound effects, music and performance. How have the producers suggested a location/time period and created a tone/feel Try to break down what you can hear. How do the different sound elements work together? How do sound effects add to the drama? What part does music play in the work? Try to listen to a variety of different types of radio programme. If you listen to drama and documentary, you will give yourself a better understanding of what exists and what is possible. It will also help guide your project.
  2. Go over as many slides as necessary. Research at least 3 products. Discuss the use of sound effects, music and performance. How have the producers suggested a location/time period and created a tone/feel Try to break down what you can hear. How do the different sound elements work together? How do sound effects add to the drama? What part does music play in the work? Try to listen to a variety of different types of radio programme. If you listen to drama and documentary, you will give yourself a better understanding of what exists and what is possible. It will also help guide your project.
  3. Go over as many slides as necessary. Research at least 3 products. Discuss the use of sound effects, music and performance. How have the producers suggested a location/time period and created a tone/feel Try to break down what you can hear. How do the different sound elements work together? How do sound effects add to the drama? What part does music play in the work? Try to listen to a variety of different types of radio programme. If you listen to drama and documentary, you will give yourself a better understanding of what exists and what is possible. It will also help guide your project.
  4. Go over as many slides as necessary. Research at least 3 products. Discuss the use of sound effects, music and performance. How have the producers suggested a location/time period and created a tone/feel Try to break down what you can hear. How do the different sound elements work together? How do sound effects add to the drama? What part does music play in the work? Try to listen to a variety of different types of radio programme. If you listen to drama and documentary, you will give yourself a better understanding of what exists and what is possible. It will also help guide your project.
  5. Using Neil’s Toolbox, log all the resources you have used
  6. Log your initial thoughts regarding the set brief- What stories could you use? How do you feel about the different potential formats? What are the positives about this project? What could be some difficult aspects? Create a mind map of all the things you need to think about for your project.
  7. Consider pros and cons here, what are you excited about, what is a worry…
  8. Final version of your script, ready to be used in production.
  9. Initial draft of your script. This should then be refined.
  10. What music could you use? This should be copyright free. Explore options online for copyright free/public domain music or make your own on Garage Band
  11. Log your thoughts and feeling related to what you have produced. Discuss methods and tools you have used. Reference everything you have done today. Use screenshots
  12. Log your thoughts and feeling related to what you have produced. Discuss methods and tools you have used. Reference everything you have done today. Use screenshots
  13. Log your thoughts and feeling related to what you have produced. Discuss methods and tools you have used. Reference everything you have done today. Use screenshots
  14. Log your thoughts and feeling related to what you have produced. Discuss methods and tools you have used. Reference everything you have done today. Use screenshots
  15. What were the strengths of your research? How did your research help your product? What were the weaknesses of your research? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product? Think about existing products as well as practical experiments
  16. What were the strengths of your planning? How did your planning help your product? What were the weaknesses of your planning? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  17. Did you manage your time well? Did you complete your project on time or would your products have improved with additional time? What would you have done if you had more time to produce your work?
  18. Compare your work to similar existing products and discuss the similarities and differences Is your work technically detailed/complicated enough? What effects and techniques have you used? How did you create your effects? How did you record your audio? Did you use any foley methods?
  19. Does your work sound good? Was it creative? What aspects of your audio do you like? What would you improve? How would you improve it? Discuss the strengths and weaknesses
  20. How have you appealed to your target audience? What specific bits of content would appeal to your target audience.