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James cooper-abel
Existing Products Research
• The Archers
– Analysis
– The soundtrack used in the beginning intro sounds very classic with an up
beat tone to it showing the tone of the audio drama.
– The dialog in the audio drama feels very natural as some character dialog
will over lap another just like what can happen in a usual conversation and
tones will also changes with pauses in between parts of dialog like the
character is trying to think of what to say next which help immerse the
listener into the audio drama.
– The digenic sounds allow for the listener to be able to tell where the audio
drama or a scene within it is set such as the country side thanks to the
sound effect of character feet squelching through the mud and how a
character reaches that scene as in the beginning of the audio drama we
hear the sound of a car driving along and coming the a stop.
Existing Products Research
• Short Cuts the archivist
– Analysis
– The audio documentary begins with a small and brief voice over by the narrator as we are told about how
throughout her life she would try to record every bit of her life in a journal such as memories or events for
later on in life so she would never forget and how now she is embarrassed by them now and try's to hide
them away but never destroys them in which she go’s on to talk about someone who she has met who
doesn’t need to do what she did when they were a child in which the audio documentary passes over to out
to the person who are first narrator was talking about and they themselves become out second narrator
telling us about there life and what conditions they have which allows them to remember so much, this
allows for the audio documentary to have a very organic sense of flow as we are given the basic of the topic
being discussed what our first narrator did that relates to that topic and telling us small bit about out second
narrator and how they relate to the topic before hand over the narration reigns over to them.
– The music or soundtrack used throughout the audio documentary has a very mysterious and techno feel to
it as it is play at certain points of the second narrators story as we are told about a condition our second
narrator has which allows them to remember nearly every day of their life in vivid detail so the mysterious
aspect of the music could be representative of the mystery behind the condition itself and the techno
aspect of the music could be a reference to an old saying about how the mind is considered to be the most
complex computer in existence.
– The sound effects used are able to convince the readers mind into being able to create a scene in there mind
such as our second narrator being on a bus or in a room being interview like you would find in footage
documentary's creating a connection to a separate medium
Existing Products Research
• halo the flood
– Analysis
– The narrator the in the audio product is very formal stating
every detail of where the event of the story are taking
place what date and time the story takes place and takes
on the role of every character and describe their
appearance to the point that the listener them selves can
create the scene that take place within the audio product.
– A flaw in this however is that sense it has a lack of audio
sound it restricts it self from full creating sense from the
book so an improvement that could be made would be to
add audio queue instead of relying on the narrator all the
time to create that scene.
• A story I have chosen to tell is an original story
but uses an existing theme as a base to tell
that story
Idea Generation/Initial Reaction
My intel thoughts to the set brief was concern as when I
was first told what we were doing I wasn’t quite sure
what kind of audio drama ghost story I could tell from
existing story or a completely original one but after doing
some research on existing audio documentary's and
dramas an idea came to me as I remembered that Lego
had released a theme that had a very heavy emphasis on
ghost. A positive about this project is that it will allow for
more creative freedom when creating a scene within the
story than being restricted with a preset scenes within
recorded footage, however a difficult aspect may be
trying to find the right object to make the sound needed
within the audio drama
Idea Generation/Initial Reaction
Audio drama idea
mind map
Theme/ existing
Hidden side
Sound track
and effectsLocation within
the story
Grave yardHaunted
light house
Spooky sound
Leaves blowing
in the wind
Tree branches
twisting and
Working Title: hidden side grave yard story
What is it called? This can change if you think of something better later
the audience my product is aimed towards is 18-30 year old men as my primary audience with the
secondary being 18-30 year old women and the reason my product relate to this audience is that one is
based on a theme from the Lego group which has a vast majority of male fan with a small majority of female
fans and the theme itself is based on ghost story's which are mainly read by a male audience so in theory if
my work is associated with another brand then it should be view by those loyal to that specific brand that
being Lego and their hidden side theme as the title of the audio drama is called hidden side graveyard story.
Project Concept (approx. 200 words)
The concept for my project is that the ghost story I will tell is set in the hidden side universe which was a recent released theme which has a heavy emphasis
on ghost and possessions so I thought it would be fitting to do and audio drama of one of the adventures the two main character of that theme go through as
story it self will have our two main character going to a grave yard to investigate the paranormal activities there but also find the a soul artefact which is a
object that contain high amounts of supernatural energy within them in which the basic plot synopses is we get and introduction by the narrator about the
place the story is set and it history and the characters, our character arrive at the grave yard, supernatural occurrences start to appear leading the grave yard
keeper being possessed by a ghost and attacking our characters, our character searching frantically for the soul artefact whilst surviving an onslaught of ghosts,
out character finding the soul artefact on a possessed skeleton and retrieving it. My research will help me with this project as to really help create the grave
yard scene I will need to apply sound effect or digenetic sounds that really help sell that the character are in a grave yard another aspect of my research I will
be applying to my audio drama is that of the sound track as a sound track can really help sell the tone of a story or scene.
What is the concept for your project and what are you going to make?
What did you learning during research that will help you?
When it come to the Foley of my interpretation of the oblivious to zombie scene, I feel I was quite close to
replicating the original Foley with the only things missing were the sound of a car alarm going off a phone
ringing Shawn himself coughing a radio playing in the store and the sound track that company's the scene
but other than dose missed sound effects it was pretty close to a full on recreation.
What I think went well in my Foley was how close the sound dubbing was to the action taking place on
screen as I feel the squeaking shoe sound effect to represent the sound of Shawn slipping was close to how
people think that kind of action would sound like, another sound effect I am quite proud of is when Shawn
go’s to get a can from the store freezer in which for this I went down to the ground floor cantina store and
rattle and picked up some cans to recreate the sound of Shawn getting a can of coke which I think work
pretty well, a final sound effect I am quite proud of is the background sound effects for the outside and the
inside of the store as I feel it added a sense of mystery with only the sound of the wind for the outside and
the buzzing of the light for the inside of the store.
What I think could have improved was the sound effect for the walking as it doesn’t sound right to the
material the character is walking on outside taking away the sense of immersion for the viewer. Another
sound effect I feel could have been improved was the running sound effect that play when a random person
is running past Shaun as the first part is fine when the person get closer but when going away it didn’t sound
right which again ruins the sense of immersion for the viewer.
When It came to my experience of recording in different places was difficult as when
we were trying to record footsteps outside side on concrete pavement however it was
impossible as it was too windy and we were near to a highway so every time we tried
to record footsteps the recorder only picked up the wind or the high ways noise
meaning we had to record our sound effect else where inside college we had to record
inside the hallway’s in which we had to record the footsteps on the plastic carpeting
this also was the same for when we were recording the sound effect of someone
running past however when it came to recording sound effects for the main character
slipping was easier a the hall we were recording in was more quitter so it was easier
meaning I was able to record the slipping sound effect easier this also go for the sound
effects of the store and the cans being rattled around, the cornetto being picked, and
the sound effect of a hand slamming on wood.
the effect that this had was that some of the sound effects I recorded and had to use
wasn't accurate to the scene these meaning it ruined the sense of immersion I was
trying to create for the viewer.
and the effect this will have on my project is that when I'm recording audio ill make
sure the environment I am recording in for a certain sound effects is not compromised
by other background sounds so I will be able to get more accurate sound effect for
scenes in my project.
Nursery rhyme
Humpty dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty dumpty had a great fall
All the king's horses And all the king's men
couldn't put humpty back together again
Required sound effects
• Horses galloping.
• Knights armor moving
• Falling sound effect
• Egg splatting sound effect
• Person screaming
• Sitting down sound effect
• narrationWhen it came to recording sound effects, I was able to
create the sound of horses galloping by tapping my
shoes in a galloping motion on the floor, the sitting
down sound effect was me slapping my hands against
the floor and the falling sound was me whistling into the
mic and getting quitter as it went on, the egg splatting
sound effects and knight armor sound effects were
those I found online, and after those I went on to record
the narration and the screaming which I did in a studio
within college. After which I exported the sound I had
over to adobe audition to edit and create my Foley
nursery rhyme
Garage Band
I think what went well in my garage band project was the instrument used for the
song as the tone I was going for was sad to reflect the scene the song was taking place
in a guitar help quite a lot with especially the slow down of the song which really help
sell the tone of the song, however I think what could have been better is that of the
song itself as I was trying to recreate the halo 2 theme song in solo guitar form but I
feel like it wasn’t quite 100% recreated as some note seem very off so if I was to go
back I may change a few notes to help improve the accuracy of the recreation, what I
learnt from this is to test and review to see which note work best with each other
when it come to making a song so that it can have a continues and uninterrupted flow.
Script DraftNarrator - Our story begins in the town of Newbury a small quant fishing town as old as the first gravestone placed there a town of run-down buildings due to the economic problems of the town as shrimp industry barley keeping the town alive but could not allow for even the recent
amenity's of modern life with the only way the use the internet being old crocked an decayed radio towers to send to receive and send singles into and out of the town as even the local school was once a mansion until its previous inhabitants die mysteriously, but now there are forces that
seek to interrupt the quite piece of this small little town and take it for the own those who live among the hidden side who now seek to sow chaos and despair into the town, however there are those who seek to stop this the young and brave students jack and parker who hunt down these
specter tormenter and trap them within a specified app which allows them to capture and contain and see the hidden side of where these specter of past are, in which now their ghost hunting adventure take them to the Newbury grave yard and what they find may hold answers as to why
the ghost are appearing.
Jack and parker are driving a buggy over to the graveyard and come to a stop
Parker – alright jack we’re here.
Jack – finally I think butt was going to fall to sleep if we kept driving any longer.
Parker - just get your phone out and keep and eye out for anything a graveyard is the most likely place for ghost to be arou…
Graveyard keeper – hey you kids put those fangled machines away this is a place to pay respects not play on your social media so turn em off right now or ill make sure they’re turned off for good and old betsy pickaxe here will help.
Jack – hey screw you man your not our da…
parker – jack just leave it, get closer to jack and whispers , well turn our phones back on when he’s not looking.
Jack – fine
Both jack and parker turn their phones off.
Graveyard keeper – ill be keeping my eye on you two troublemakers.
Jack – whatever you jerk, so where to first parker.
Parker - we’ll go to that large tree over there “whispers to jack” and turn are phones back on and scan for this thing that scanners were picking up.
Jack and parker walk of whilst the graveyard keeper does his job
Graveyard keeper – darn kids these days always obsessed with their phones and social apps and media why if it were up to me, I have been that you could only use them to contact people to far away to talk to no six feet I front of each other.
Graveyard keeper – huh what's this a key.
Possessed skeleton – YOU BELONG TO US
Jack – huh hey parker did you hear something.
Parker – nope, alright we should be clear now let's get scanning jack keep and eye out for ghost for me.
Jack - yeah got it
The sounds of crows and the wind can be heard along side the loud sonar sound of the scanner with footsteps becoming more prevalent as the scanning continues
Jack - no ghost so far parker, strange you’d think for a graveyard we would have seen some ghooo……
The graveyard keeper swing his pickaxe into the nearby tree barely missing jack who ducks out of the way
Jack - alright your cray old coot well keep our phones off you don’t need to try and take people heads off for it.
Jack – wait, oh crud.
Jack - PARKER TELL ME YOU GOT SOMETHING we got incoming.
Parker - got it its just north of us.
Jack – then we grab and run.
Parker – yeah, we grab and run, come on let's go.
Jack – oh come on are you kidding me he’s on our trail now.
Parker – you blast him I’ll deal with them.
Jack – right. Got him
Graveyard keeper – huh where am I what's going on.
Jack – get out of here now its not safe go.
Graveyard keeper – uh yeah ahhhhhhhhh
Parker - there it is that’s the object we’re looking for.
Jack - but I don’t think Mr mc bone is in the mood to share.
Parker – then if he isn’t going to share then I say we let him have it.
Jack – alright he’s down but what do we do I don’t think it’s a good idea for either you or me to handle that key look what it did to the skeleton or even the graveyard keeper.
Parker – then take your jacket off and warp it around the key and let's go.
Jack - right
Parker - you got it.
Jack – yeah.
Parker – good let's take this back to parker and find out what's going on with this key.
Script Final
Narrator - Our story begins in the town of Newbury a small quant fishing town as old as the first gravestone placed there a town of run-down buildings due to the economic problems of the town as shrimp industry
barley keeping the town alive but could not allow for even the recent amenity's of modern life with the only way the use the internet being old crocked an decayed radio towers to send to receive and send singles into
and out of the town as even the local school was once a mansion until its previous inhabitants die mysteriously, but now there are forces that seek to interrupt the quite piece of this small little town and take it for the
own those who live among the hidden side who now seek to sow chaos and despair into the town, however there are those who seek to stop this the young and brave students jack and parker who hunt down these
specter tormenter and trap them within a specified app which allows them to capture and contain and see the hidden side of where these specter of past are, in which now their ghost hunting adventure take them to
the Newbury grave yard and what they find may hold answers as to why the ghost are appearing.
Jack and parker are driving a buggy over to the graveyard and come to a stop
Parker – alright jack we’re here.
Jack – finally I think butt was going to fall to sleep if we kept driving any longer.
Parker - just get your phone out and keep and eye out for anything a graveyard is the most likely place for ghost to be arou…
Graveyard keeper – hey you kids put those fangled machines away this is a place to pay respects not play on your social media so turn em off right now or ill make sure they’re turned off for good and old betsy pickaxe
here will help.
Narrator – the graveyard keeper a very old and cranky man with a destine for modern-day technology his entire family have been graveyard keeper seeing to making sure there are places to bury the recently deceased
and to keep the place in shape.
Jack – hey screw you man your not our da…
parker – jack just leave it, get closer to jack and whispers , well turn our phones back on when he’s not looking.
Jack – fine
Narrator - Both jack and parker turn their phones off as to avoid a pointless conflict
Graveyard keeper – ill be keeping my eye on you two troublemakers.
Jack – whatever you jerk, so where to first parker.
Parker - we’ll go to that large tree over there “whispers to jack” and turn are phones back on and scan for this thing that scanners were picking up.
Narrator -jack and parker walk off whilst the graveyard keeper did his job digging a new grave for an upcoming funeral
Graveyard keeper – darn kids these days always obsessed with their phones and social apps and media why if it were up to me, I have been that you could only use them to contact people to far away to talk to no six
feet I front of each other.
Graveyard keeper – huh what's this a key.
Narrator the graveyard keeper reached down to grab the key when All of a sudden, a boney hand reached out and griped on to the old man’s arm like a vice its other arm digging up the rest of it until finally it now
stood above the very dirt it once lied in its eye holes aglow with a sickly glowing green with the only words to come from it being.
Possessed skeleton – YOU BELONG TO US
Jack – huh hey parker did you hear something.
Narrator – jack asked as he turned around to see where it came from but found nothing only to turn back to his partner.
Parker – nope, alright we should be clear now let's get scanning jack keep and eye out for ghost for me.
Jack - yeah got it
Narrator as jack and parker turned their phone back on parker pulled up a specific app Jb had made to detect certain singles with jack looking through his phone camera to see it any ghostly specters were near by with
the only sounds being The sounds of crows and the wind and the leaves they carried could be heard along side the loud sonar sound of the scanner.
Jack - no ghost so far parker, strange you’d think for a graveyard we would have seen some ghooo……
Narrator jack looked around and in a split second saw an object head straight for his head with him leaping out of the way as a pickaxe went into the nearby tree barely missing jack who looked back to see the
graveyard keeper with a face of anger and crimson red eyes
Jack - alright your cray old coot well keep our phones off you don’t need to try and take people heads off for it.
Jack – wait,
Narrator- jack then noticed the crimson eyes and lifted his phone to see not a normal looking old face but that of a face looking covered in slime
Jack - oh crud.
Narrator the graveyard keeper screeched out in anger causing even the crows that perched upon the tree to shake in fear as no hundreds of ghost came fourth
Jack - PARKER TELL ME YOU GOT SOMETHING we got incoming.
Parker - got it its just north of us.
Narrator – parker finally found what they were looking for.
Jack – then we grab and run.
Parker – yeah, we grab and run, come on let's go.
Narrator - As the two intrepid ghost hunters raced towards their prize, they where persuade by many spectral ghost all chanting the phrase
Ghosts – we are many you are few you can not hide nor can you fight for we are those who live among the hidden side.
Narrator – however the ghost chant was slightly wrong as parker and jack had a way to fight back through the use of the hidden side apps on their phones allowing them to send out sonic waves
to capture and entrap their ghastly pursuers however the ghost were not the only thing chasing our hunter as not long after the grave yard keeper appeared once more the take a second swing
of his pick axe at our hero
Jack – oh come on are you kidding me he’s on our trail now too.
Parker – you blast him I’ll deal with them.
Jack – right. Got him.
Narrator – jack fired multiple sonic blast until finally the ghost possessing the graveyard keep was sucked away from him and into jacks' phone releasing the old timer of his spectral possession.
Graveyard keeper – huh where am I what's going on.
Jack – get out of here now its not safe go.
Graveyard keeper – uh yeah ahhhhhhhhh
Narrator – the old man ran away fast, his old leg bones carrying him away faster than they had even in his youth.
Parker - there it is that’s the object we’re looking for.
Jack –yeah but I don’t think Mr mc bone is in the mood to share.
Parker – then if he isn’t going to share then I say we let him have it.
Narrator – the two blasted away at the dried-up bony corpse and as sonic blast flew and hit their marks the green eyes began to flicker away until no supernatural energy was left to hold
together the bony construct leaving it to collapse on the floor as a pile of dried up bones.
Jack – alright he’s down but what do we do I don’t think it’s a good idea for either you or me to handle that key look what it did to the skeleton or even the graveyard keeper.
Parker – then take your jacket off and warp it around the key and let's go.
Jack - right
Narrator – as jack took off his jacket, he started to rap it around the glowing key the energy emanating from it the same coloured glow as of those of the eyes within the skeleton's skull until
finally as jack made the last rap around the key the glow disappeared under the cover of the fabric of jacks jacket
Parker - you got it.
Jack – yeah.
Narrator – as the two hunter held onto their prize they ran as fast as the could back to the buggy they came in from with ghost still on their tails until they reached the buggy and speeded off back
to the safety of JB lab
Parker – let's take this back to JB and find out what's going on with this key and how it ties with all the other objects we’ve retrieved.
Jack - I hear that.
Narrator as the two sat back in their chairs relived that just maybe they may be able to find the answers as to why so many haunting are happening now and how they may be able to stop it.
Sound Effects
Sound Effect Needed How I Will Create the Sound
Footsteps on gravel or rock foot path To create this sound effect I will record myself stepping on pile of stone next to my house's
Wind blowing leaves in the wind To create this sound effect I will have to go into the nearby woods and record some audio
Crows flying away and squawking For this I may need to go onto YouTube and find a few sound effects of crows and download
Haunted screeching sound effect For this sound effect I plan on using the sound of an enemy from gears of war 4 a juvie and
the scream that it lets off.
Shovel hitting and embedding in a
For this sound effect I will have to get a shovel and a log and then hit the log as hard as I can
to create the effect of the shovel hitting and embedding in the tree
Sonar pulse For this sound effect I will need to go to a sound library to find this sound effect
Sonic sound wave blast For this sound effect it is as all that is needed for is a laser sound effect
Pulsating energy I will need to find this on a sound library
Buggy driving past and stopping My best option of getting this sound effect is looking on youtube
Actor Role Location for recording
myself Jack Hagg wood
Susannah Parker College recording studio
Teacher for audio
project rotation
Graveyard keeper Front driveway of my home
Fellow class mates ghosts College hallway
myself Skeleton ghost home
myself narrator
Band Name Track Name Link
the Fiechters Spooky Music Instrumental
- Ravensbrook
Martin o donal Halo Soundtrack - Flood
Resource List
Resource Owned/Cost
Adobe audition owned
Adobe premiere owned
Audio recorder For this I will need to book this
piece of equipment out
shovel Owned
Laptop extra editing time owned
Computer to run editing
For this I will be using the
computers at college
Daily Reflection Day 1
• Today I recorded my own narration of the story in the recording
studio after which I transferred the files over to adobe premiere
then I went online and found some music and sound effects I
wouldn’t be able to create then took them over the premiere as
well in which I first placed down the sound track then after wards
began placing down my narration parts and cutting out the
unneeded pauses and stops within the audio next I recorded the
myself doing the skeleton ghost voice in which I exported that over
to premiere as well and to make it sound more spooky I add a
delay in the audio to create and echo in the audio and so far I am
quite confident with were my project is going so far.
Daily Reflection Day 2
• Today I exported some sound effects I had found
online over to premier and cuted out the unneeded
bit of audio and placed the remaining audio at
certain points throughout my audio project for
certain events within the story with that I am happy
with how my project is going so far.
Daily Reflection Day 3
• For this day I recorded line for the graveyard keeper
and also the ghosts and once they were recorded, I
exported them over to adobe premier and did the
same as I did with other audio cutting out pauses
mistake and quite parts and then after that I
applied the same process I had used for the
skeleton ghost echoey voice.
Daily Reflection Day 4
• For this day I recorded myself doing lines for
jack and uploading them to my flash drive
Daily reflection day 5
• For this day I had my mum record line for
parkers in which I kept them on my computer
instead of my flash drive, so I knew which
character line were each instead of them
getting mixed up.
Daily reflection day 6
For today I took all the audio line I had recorded from days 4
and 5 and exported them over to premier and began cutting
and combining audio recordings and removing unneeded
pauses within the audio so the audio drama can run smoothly
as possible for the listener but also I downloaded audio sound
of lasers being fired, crows and sounds of bones snapping
which would help to add atmosphere and immerses the listener
even more into the story being told and keep adding more like
footsteps and running and a shovel being hit into a tree until
finally I had an audio drama I was happy with that completely
immersed the listener and told its own story instead of another.
• I feel a strength of my research was the varity of existing audio products as I
was able to get a better understanding of how each type of audio product
worked, what story's they tell, how they create the environments the story's
are set in and there strength and weakness. The way this helped my product
was that I took aspects from each existing audio product such as the narration
from the audio book the sound effect and voice acting from the audio drama
and the concept of music creating a certain tone for a scene to create a hybrid
of an audio product to help create a more unique audio product that stands
out among the rest.
• However a weakness of my research is that I only look at one of each types of
audio product meaning that I only got one perspective for each audio product
rather than looking at multiple types of each audio product and get different
perspectives and seeing if there are any differences, an improvement I could
have made would be to look at multiple versions of each type of audio
product, the way this would have effected my audio product is that there may
have been more types of audio aspect that could have been in my audio
product as I may have been able to use more ideas from each and apply it to
my own audio product.
• A strength of my planning was I already had I strong idea of what I wanted
to do for my audio project so it was just a matter of getting those ideas
down on paper and improving them with other ideas, how this helped my
product is that it allowed me to have a clear view of what I wanted to do
and put in my audio project making the process of making it genially quick.
• However a weakness of my planning was that I didn't have a back up plan
just in case the first plan fell through so if my plan had fallen through I
would have to start all over again from scratch, an improvement I could
make Is to have a back up plan just in case I can’t get the first one done
the effect this would have had on my product is that the final product may
have been completely different from the original idea.
Time Management
• I feel confident enough to say that during this project I have managed my
time well as I have been able to get each task done within the set time
limit and was able to finish my audio project in time however I do believe
my project would have been improved if I had more time, and what I
would have done to improve my project would be adding more sound
effects to it to create a greater sense of immersion for the reader.
Technical Qualities
• Both have a soundtrack to
• Both have voice acting in
• Both uses sound effect to
create a sense of where
the audio drama takes
• One difference my product
has compared to the
existing one is that the
soundtrack for mine plays
through out the audio
drama whilst the existing
one only place at the
beginning of the audio
• The setting of the existing
audio drama is that of
being set in the
countryside whilst mine is
set in a graveyard.
• My audio drama has
narration whilst the
existing one doesn't.
Is it complicated
I believe that my work is
technically complicated
enough as each sound effect is
on separate layers from one
another with the acting one
single layer and the same goes
for the soundtrack
The way I created some of my sound effects was for the
walking I step on a pathway of stone slowly to create the
illusion of some one walking on a gravel path with the
running sound effect being the same with me jogging on
the spot, for the digging sound effect I used a shovel to
dig up some dirt and for the shovel hitting the tree
sound effect I simply hit the branch of a large bush.
The way I recorded my audio was for the narration and
graveyard keeper I used the studio for the ghost and
skeleton ghost we had to recorded in a small hallway as
the studio wasn’t available and for jack and parker, I had
to record those character at home.
Aural Qualities
I feel confident enough to say that I believe that my work
sounded good with the voice acting and sound effects as I feel
they allow for a sense of immersion for the listener and the
soundtrack I feel adds some tension for the listener which I
needed when telling a ghost story as you need the listener to be
both immersed in the story but also a have a feeling of tension
when listening to the story.
I believe my work was very
creative as I feel the mixture
of a little bit of sci fi helps to
move the story along and
allowing it to stand out
more among other audio
An aspect of my
audio project I like
was the sound effect
such as feet walking
on stone and the
snapping bone
sound effect which I
feel really helps the
audience build a
mental image of
what is happening in
the scene.
• Powerful soundtrack
• Great voice acting
• Great usage of sound effects
• Mixture of ghost story and sci
fi allows it to stand out more
among other audio projects
• Certain lines sound off
• Some sound effect are quitter
than they should be
• Certain voice could be louder.
What I would improve in my audio project
would be rerecord certain line within the
audio drama and they way I would go doing
this is be rerecording the line making sure
they are clear, and the voice actors speak
loud enough, another improvement I would
make to my audio project is by adding more
sound effect and rerecord some sound
effects as well and the way I would go
about doing this is by going back to older
sound effect and rerecording them and
make sure they are also louder but and do
the same for newer sound effects and add
them to my audio project to improve the
sense of immersion for the listener.
Audience Appeal
A way I have appealed to my target audience through the tone of the
audio drama as the tone of the audio drama is serious enough that it
can be enjoyed by older fans but keep it not as dark that it can be
listen to by younger viewers as the concept of death in the audio
drama but never have a character die in the audio project as to not be
to dark for any younger audience listeners but always keep the
suspense of death to kept older viewers interested.

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Audio pro forma (1)

  • 2. Existing Products Research • The Archers – Analysis – The soundtrack used in the beginning intro sounds very classic with an up beat tone to it showing the tone of the audio drama. – The dialog in the audio drama feels very natural as some character dialog will over lap another just like what can happen in a usual conversation and tones will also changes with pauses in between parts of dialog like the character is trying to think of what to say next which help immerse the listener into the audio drama. – The digenic sounds allow for the listener to be able to tell where the audio drama or a scene within it is set such as the country side thanks to the sound effect of character feet squelching through the mud and how a character reaches that scene as in the beginning of the audio drama we hear the sound of a car driving along and coming the a stop.
  • 3. Existing Products Research • Short Cuts the archivist – Analysis – The audio documentary begins with a small and brief voice over by the narrator as we are told about how throughout her life she would try to record every bit of her life in a journal such as memories or events for later on in life so she would never forget and how now she is embarrassed by them now and try's to hide them away but never destroys them in which she go’s on to talk about someone who she has met who doesn’t need to do what she did when they were a child in which the audio documentary passes over to out to the person who are first narrator was talking about and they themselves become out second narrator telling us about there life and what conditions they have which allows them to remember so much, this allows for the audio documentary to have a very organic sense of flow as we are given the basic of the topic being discussed what our first narrator did that relates to that topic and telling us small bit about out second narrator and how they relate to the topic before hand over the narration reigns over to them. – The music or soundtrack used throughout the audio documentary has a very mysterious and techno feel to it as it is play at certain points of the second narrators story as we are told about a condition our second narrator has which allows them to remember nearly every day of their life in vivid detail so the mysterious aspect of the music could be representative of the mystery behind the condition itself and the techno aspect of the music could be a reference to an old saying about how the mind is considered to be the most complex computer in existence. – The sound effects used are able to convince the readers mind into being able to create a scene in there mind such as our second narrator being on a bus or in a room being interview like you would find in footage documentary's creating a connection to a separate medium
  • 4. Existing Products Research • halo the flood – Analysis – The narrator the in the audio product is very formal stating every detail of where the event of the story are taking place what date and time the story takes place and takes on the role of every character and describe their appearance to the point that the listener them selves can create the scene that take place within the audio product. – A flaw in this however is that sense it has a lack of audio sound it restricts it self from full creating sense from the book so an improvement that could be made would be to add audio queue instead of relying on the narrator all the time to create that scene.
  • 7. Story • A story I have chosen to tell is an original story but uses an existing theme as a base to tell that story
  • 8. Idea Generation/Initial Reaction My intel thoughts to the set brief was concern as when I was first told what we were doing I wasn’t quite sure what kind of audio drama ghost story I could tell from existing story or a completely original one but after doing some research on existing audio documentary's and dramas an idea came to me as I remembered that Lego had released a theme that had a very heavy emphasis on ghost. A positive about this project is that it will allow for more creative freedom when creating a scene within the story than being restricted with a preset scenes within recorded footage, however a difficult aspect may be trying to find the right object to make the sound needed within the audio drama
  • 9. Idea Generation/Initial Reaction Audio drama idea mind map Theme/ existing story Hidden side Sound track and effectsLocation within the story Grave yardHaunted mansion Haunted light house Spooky sound track Leaves blowing in the wind Tree branches twisting and contorting Crows squawking
  • 10. Proposal Working Title: hidden side grave yard story What is it called? This can change if you think of something better later Audience: the audience my product is aimed towards is 18-30 year old men as my primary audience with the secondary being 18-30 year old women and the reason my product relate to this audience is that one is based on a theme from the Lego group which has a vast majority of male fan with a small majority of female fans and the theme itself is based on ghost story's which are mainly read by a male audience so in theory if my work is associated with another brand then it should be view by those loyal to that specific brand that being Lego and their hidden side theme as the title of the audio drama is called hidden side graveyard story. Project Concept (approx. 200 words) The concept for my project is that the ghost story I will tell is set in the hidden side universe which was a recent released theme which has a heavy emphasis on ghost and possessions so I thought it would be fitting to do and audio drama of one of the adventures the two main character of that theme go through as story it self will have our two main character going to a grave yard to investigate the paranormal activities there but also find the a soul artefact which is a object that contain high amounts of supernatural energy within them in which the basic plot synopses is we get and introduction by the narrator about the place the story is set and it history and the characters, our character arrive at the grave yard, supernatural occurrences start to appear leading the grave yard keeper being possessed by a ghost and attacking our characters, our character searching frantically for the soul artefact whilst surviving an onslaught of ghosts, out character finding the soul artefact on a possessed skeleton and retrieving it. My research will help me with this project as to really help create the grave yard scene I will need to apply sound effect or digenetic sounds that really help sell that the character are in a grave yard another aspect of my research I will be applying to my audio drama is that of the sound track as a sound track can really help sell the tone of a story or scene. What is the concept for your project and what are you going to make? What did you learning during research that will help you?
  • 12. Foley When it come to the Foley of my interpretation of the oblivious to zombie scene, I feel I was quite close to replicating the original Foley with the only things missing were the sound of a car alarm going off a phone ringing Shawn himself coughing a radio playing in the store and the sound track that company's the scene but other than dose missed sound effects it was pretty close to a full on recreation. What I think went well in my Foley was how close the sound dubbing was to the action taking place on screen as I feel the squeaking shoe sound effect to represent the sound of Shawn slipping was close to how people think that kind of action would sound like, another sound effect I am quite proud of is when Shawn go’s to get a can from the store freezer in which for this I went down to the ground floor cantina store and rattle and picked up some cans to recreate the sound of Shawn getting a can of coke which I think work pretty well, a final sound effect I am quite proud of is the background sound effects for the outside and the inside of the store as I feel it added a sense of mystery with only the sound of the wind for the outside and the buzzing of the light for the inside of the store. What I think could have improved was the sound effect for the walking as it doesn’t sound right to the material the character is walking on outside taking away the sense of immersion for the viewer. Another sound effect I feel could have been improved was the running sound effect that play when a random person is running past Shaun as the first part is fine when the person get closer but when going away it didn’t sound right which again ruins the sense of immersion for the viewer.
  • 13. Recording When It came to my experience of recording in different places was difficult as when we were trying to record footsteps outside side on concrete pavement however it was impossible as it was too windy and we were near to a highway so every time we tried to record footsteps the recorder only picked up the wind or the high ways noise meaning we had to record our sound effect else where inside college we had to record inside the hallway’s in which we had to record the footsteps on the plastic carpeting this also was the same for when we were recording the sound effect of someone running past however when it came to recording sound effects for the main character slipping was easier a the hall we were recording in was more quitter so it was easier meaning I was able to record the slipping sound effect easier this also go for the sound effects of the store and the cans being rattled around, the cornetto being picked, and the sound effect of a hand slamming on wood. the effect that this had was that some of the sound effects I recorded and had to use wasn't accurate to the scene these meaning it ruined the sense of immersion I was trying to create for the viewer. and the effect this will have on my project is that when I'm recording audio ill make sure the environment I am recording in for a certain sound effects is not compromised by other background sounds so I will be able to get more accurate sound effect for scenes in my project.
  • 14. Nursery rhyme Humpty dumpty sat on a wall Humpty dumpty had a great fall All the king's horses And all the king's men couldn't put humpty back together again Required sound effects • Horses galloping. • Knights armor moving • Falling sound effect • Egg splatting sound effect • Person screaming • Sitting down sound effect • narrationWhen it came to recording sound effects, I was able to create the sound of horses galloping by tapping my shoes in a galloping motion on the floor, the sitting down sound effect was me slapping my hands against the floor and the falling sound was me whistling into the mic and getting quitter as it went on, the egg splatting sound effects and knight armor sound effects were those I found online, and after those I went on to record the narration and the screaming which I did in a studio within college. After which I exported the sound I had over to adobe audition to edit and create my Foley nursery rhyme
  • 15. Garage Band I think what went well in my garage band project was the instrument used for the song as the tone I was going for was sad to reflect the scene the song was taking place in a guitar help quite a lot with especially the slow down of the song which really help sell the tone of the song, however I think what could have been better is that of the song itself as I was trying to recreate the halo 2 theme song in solo guitar form but I feel like it wasn’t quite 100% recreated as some note seem very off so if I was to go back I may change a few notes to help improve the accuracy of the recreation, what I learnt from this is to test and review to see which note work best with each other when it come to making a song so that it can have a continues and uninterrupted flow.
  • 17. Script DraftNarrator - Our story begins in the town of Newbury a small quant fishing town as old as the first gravestone placed there a town of run-down buildings due to the economic problems of the town as shrimp industry barley keeping the town alive but could not allow for even the recent amenity's of modern life with the only way the use the internet being old crocked an decayed radio towers to send to receive and send singles into and out of the town as even the local school was once a mansion until its previous inhabitants die mysteriously, but now there are forces that seek to interrupt the quite piece of this small little town and take it for the own those who live among the hidden side who now seek to sow chaos and despair into the town, however there are those who seek to stop this the young and brave students jack and parker who hunt down these specter tormenter and trap them within a specified app which allows them to capture and contain and see the hidden side of where these specter of past are, in which now their ghost hunting adventure take them to the Newbury grave yard and what they find may hold answers as to why the ghost are appearing. Jack and parker are driving a buggy over to the graveyard and come to a stop Parker – alright jack we’re here. Jack – finally I think butt was going to fall to sleep if we kept driving any longer. Parker - just get your phone out and keep and eye out for anything a graveyard is the most likely place for ghost to be arou… Graveyard keeper – hey you kids put those fangled machines away this is a place to pay respects not play on your social media so turn em off right now or ill make sure they’re turned off for good and old betsy pickaxe here will help. Jack – hey screw you man your not our da… parker – jack just leave it, get closer to jack and whispers , well turn our phones back on when he’s not looking. Jack – fine Both jack and parker turn their phones off. Graveyard keeper – ill be keeping my eye on you two troublemakers. Jack – whatever you jerk, so where to first parker. Parker - we’ll go to that large tree over there “whispers to jack” and turn are phones back on and scan for this thing that scanners were picking up. Jack and parker walk of whilst the graveyard keeper does his job Graveyard keeper – darn kids these days always obsessed with their phones and social apps and media why if it were up to me, I have been that you could only use them to contact people to far away to talk to no six feet I front of each other. Graveyard keeper – huh what's this a key. Possessed skeleton – YOU BELONG TO US Graveyard keeper – AH AH AH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Jack – huh hey parker did you hear something. Parker – nope, alright we should be clear now let's get scanning jack keep and eye out for ghost for me. Jack - yeah got it The sounds of crows and the wind can be heard along side the loud sonar sound of the scanner with footsteps becoming more prevalent as the scanning continues Jack - no ghost so far parker, strange you’d think for a graveyard we would have seen some ghooo…… The graveyard keeper swing his pickaxe into the nearby tree barely missing jack who ducks out of the way Jack - alright your cray old coot well keep our phones off you don’t need to try and take people heads off for it. Jack – wait, oh crud. Jack - PARKER TELL ME YOU GOT SOMETHING we got incoming. Parker - got it its just north of us. Jack – then we grab and run. Parker – yeah, we grab and run, come on let's go. Jack – oh come on are you kidding me he’s on our trail now. Parker – you blast him I’ll deal with them. Jack – right. Got him Graveyard keeper – huh where am I what's going on. Jack – get out of here now its not safe go. Graveyard keeper – uh yeah ahhhhhhhhh Parker - there it is that’s the object we’re looking for. Jack - but I don’t think Mr mc bone is in the mood to share. Parker – then if he isn’t going to share then I say we let him have it. Jack – alright he’s down but what do we do I don’t think it’s a good idea for either you or me to handle that key look what it did to the skeleton or even the graveyard keeper. Parker – then take your jacket off and warp it around the key and let's go. Jack - right Parker - you got it. Jack – yeah. Parker – good let's take this back to parker and find out what's going on with this key.
  • 18. Script Final Narrator - Our story begins in the town of Newbury a small quant fishing town as old as the first gravestone placed there a town of run-down buildings due to the economic problems of the town as shrimp industry barley keeping the town alive but could not allow for even the recent amenity's of modern life with the only way the use the internet being old crocked an decayed radio towers to send to receive and send singles into and out of the town as even the local school was once a mansion until its previous inhabitants die mysteriously, but now there are forces that seek to interrupt the quite piece of this small little town and take it for the own those who live among the hidden side who now seek to sow chaos and despair into the town, however there are those who seek to stop this the young and brave students jack and parker who hunt down these specter tormenter and trap them within a specified app which allows them to capture and contain and see the hidden side of where these specter of past are, in which now their ghost hunting adventure take them to the Newbury grave yard and what they find may hold answers as to why the ghost are appearing. Jack and parker are driving a buggy over to the graveyard and come to a stop Parker – alright jack we’re here. Jack – finally I think butt was going to fall to sleep if we kept driving any longer. Parker - just get your phone out and keep and eye out for anything a graveyard is the most likely place for ghost to be arou… Graveyard keeper – hey you kids put those fangled machines away this is a place to pay respects not play on your social media so turn em off right now or ill make sure they’re turned off for good and old betsy pickaxe here will help. Narrator – the graveyard keeper a very old and cranky man with a destine for modern-day technology his entire family have been graveyard keeper seeing to making sure there are places to bury the recently deceased and to keep the place in shape. Jack – hey screw you man your not our da… parker – jack just leave it, get closer to jack and whispers , well turn our phones back on when he’s not looking. Jack – fine Narrator - Both jack and parker turn their phones off as to avoid a pointless conflict Graveyard keeper – ill be keeping my eye on you two troublemakers. Jack – whatever you jerk, so where to first parker. Parker - we’ll go to that large tree over there “whispers to jack” and turn are phones back on and scan for this thing that scanners were picking up. Narrator -jack and parker walk off whilst the graveyard keeper did his job digging a new grave for an upcoming funeral Graveyard keeper – darn kids these days always obsessed with their phones and social apps and media why if it were up to me, I have been that you could only use them to contact people to far away to talk to no six feet I front of each other. Graveyard keeper – huh what's this a key. Narrator the graveyard keeper reached down to grab the key when All of a sudden, a boney hand reached out and griped on to the old man’s arm like a vice its other arm digging up the rest of it until finally it now stood above the very dirt it once lied in its eye holes aglow with a sickly glowing green with the only words to come from it being. Possessed skeleton – YOU BELONG TO US Graveyard keeper – AH AH AH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Jack – huh hey parker did you hear something. Narrator – jack asked as he turned around to see where it came from but found nothing only to turn back to his partner. Parker – nope, alright we should be clear now let's get scanning jack keep and eye out for ghost for me. Jack - yeah got it Narrator as jack and parker turned their phone back on parker pulled up a specific app Jb had made to detect certain singles with jack looking through his phone camera to see it any ghostly specters were near by with the only sounds being The sounds of crows and the wind and the leaves they carried could be heard along side the loud sonar sound of the scanner. Jack - no ghost so far parker, strange you’d think for a graveyard we would have seen some ghooo…… Narrator jack looked around and in a split second saw an object head straight for his head with him leaping out of the way as a pickaxe went into the nearby tree barely missing jack who looked back to see the graveyard keeper with a face of anger and crimson red eyes Jack - alright your cray old coot well keep our phones off you don’t need to try and take people heads off for it. Jack – wait,
  • 19. Narrator- jack then noticed the crimson eyes and lifted his phone to see not a normal looking old face but that of a face looking covered in slime Jack - oh crud. Narrator the graveyard keeper screeched out in anger causing even the crows that perched upon the tree to shake in fear as no hundreds of ghost came fourth Jack - PARKER TELL ME YOU GOT SOMETHING we got incoming. Parker - got it its just north of us. Narrator – parker finally found what they were looking for. Jack – then we grab and run. Parker – yeah, we grab and run, come on let's go. Narrator - As the two intrepid ghost hunters raced towards their prize, they where persuade by many spectral ghost all chanting the phrase Ghosts – we are many you are few you can not hide nor can you fight for we are those who live among the hidden side. Narrator – however the ghost chant was slightly wrong as parker and jack had a way to fight back through the use of the hidden side apps on their phones allowing them to send out sonic waves to capture and entrap their ghastly pursuers however the ghost were not the only thing chasing our hunter as not long after the grave yard keeper appeared once more the take a second swing of his pick axe at our hero Jack – oh come on are you kidding me he’s on our trail now too. Parker – you blast him I’ll deal with them. Jack – right. Got him. Narrator – jack fired multiple sonic blast until finally the ghost possessing the graveyard keep was sucked away from him and into jacks' phone releasing the old timer of his spectral possession. Graveyard keeper – huh where am I what's going on. Jack – get out of here now its not safe go. Graveyard keeper – uh yeah ahhhhhhhhh Narrator – the old man ran away fast, his old leg bones carrying him away faster than they had even in his youth. Parker - there it is that’s the object we’re looking for. Jack –yeah but I don’t think Mr mc bone is in the mood to share. Parker – then if he isn’t going to share then I say we let him have it. Narrator – the two blasted away at the dried-up bony corpse and as sonic blast flew and hit their marks the green eyes began to flicker away until no supernatural energy was left to hold together the bony construct leaving it to collapse on the floor as a pile of dried up bones. Jack – alright he’s down but what do we do I don’t think it’s a good idea for either you or me to handle that key look what it did to the skeleton or even the graveyard keeper. Parker – then take your jacket off and warp it around the key and let's go. Jack - right Narrator – as jack took off his jacket, he started to rap it around the glowing key the energy emanating from it the same coloured glow as of those of the eyes within the skeleton's skull until finally as jack made the last rap around the key the glow disappeared under the cover of the fabric of jacks jacket Parker - you got it. Jack – yeah. Narrator – as the two hunter held onto their prize they ran as fast as the could back to the buggy they came in from with ghost still on their tails until they reached the buggy and speeded off back to the safety of JB lab Parker – let's take this back to JB and find out what's going on with this key and how it ties with all the other objects we’ve retrieved. Jack - I hear that. Narrator as the two sat back in their chairs relived that just maybe they may be able to find the answers as to why so many haunting are happening now and how they may be able to stop it.
  • 20. Sound Effects Sound Effect Needed How I Will Create the Sound Footsteps on gravel or rock foot path To create this sound effect I will record myself stepping on pile of stone next to my house's driveway. Wind blowing leaves in the wind To create this sound effect I will have to go into the nearby woods and record some audio there. Crows flying away and squawking For this I may need to go onto YouTube and find a few sound effects of crows and download them. Haunted screeching sound effect For this sound effect I plan on using the sound of an enemy from gears of war 4 a juvie and the scream that it lets off. Shovel hitting and embedding in a tree For this sound effect I will have to get a shovel and a log and then hit the log as hard as I can to create the effect of the shovel hitting and embedding in the tree Sonar pulse For this sound effect I will need to go to a sound library to find this sound effect Sonic sound wave blast For this sound effect it is as all that is needed for is a laser sound effect Pulsating energy I will need to find this on a sound library Buggy driving past and stopping My best option of getting this sound effect is looking on youtube
  • 21. Actors/Locations Actor Role Location for recording myself Jack Hagg wood Susannah Parker College recording studio Teacher for audio project rotation Graveyard keeper Front driveway of my home Fellow class mates ghosts College hallway myself Skeleton ghost home myself narrator
  • 22. Music Band Name Track Name Link the Fiechters Spooky Music Instrumental - Ravensbrook Martin o donal Halo Soundtrack - Flood theme
  • 23. Resource List Resource Owned/Cost Adobe audition owned Adobe premiere owned Audio recorder For this I will need to book this piece of equipment out shovel Owned Laptop extra editing time owned Computer to run editing software For this I will be using the computers at college
  • 25. Daily Reflection Day 1 • Today I recorded my own narration of the story in the recording studio after which I transferred the files over to adobe premiere then I went online and found some music and sound effects I wouldn’t be able to create then took them over the premiere as well in which I first placed down the sound track then after wards began placing down my narration parts and cutting out the unneeded pauses and stops within the audio next I recorded the myself doing the skeleton ghost voice in which I exported that over to premiere as well and to make it sound more spooky I add a delay in the audio to create and echo in the audio and so far I am quite confident with were my project is going so far.
  • 26. Daily Reflection Day 2 • Today I exported some sound effects I had found online over to premier and cuted out the unneeded bit of audio and placed the remaining audio at certain points throughout my audio project for certain events within the story with that I am happy with how my project is going so far.
  • 27. Daily Reflection Day 3 • For this day I recorded line for the graveyard keeper and also the ghosts and once they were recorded, I exported them over to adobe premier and did the same as I did with other audio cutting out pauses mistake and quite parts and then after that I applied the same process I had used for the skeleton ghost echoey voice.
  • 28. Daily Reflection Day 4 • For this day I recorded myself doing lines for jack and uploading them to my flash drive
  • 29. Daily reflection day 5 • For this day I had my mum record line for parkers in which I kept them on my computer instead of my flash drive, so I knew which character line were each instead of them getting mixed up.
  • 30. Daily reflection day 6 For today I took all the audio line I had recorded from days 4 and 5 and exported them over to premier and began cutting and combining audio recordings and removing unneeded pauses within the audio so the audio drama can run smoothly as possible for the listener but also I downloaded audio sound of lasers being fired, crows and sounds of bones snapping which would help to add atmosphere and immerses the listener even more into the story being told and keep adding more like footsteps and running and a shovel being hit into a tree until finally I had an audio drama I was happy with that completely immersed the listener and told its own story instead of another.
  • 32. Research • I feel a strength of my research was the varity of existing audio products as I was able to get a better understanding of how each type of audio product worked, what story's they tell, how they create the environments the story's are set in and there strength and weakness. The way this helped my product was that I took aspects from each existing audio product such as the narration from the audio book the sound effect and voice acting from the audio drama and the concept of music creating a certain tone for a scene to create a hybrid of an audio product to help create a more unique audio product that stands out among the rest. • However a weakness of my research is that I only look at one of each types of audio product meaning that I only got one perspective for each audio product rather than looking at multiple types of each audio product and get different perspectives and seeing if there are any differences, an improvement I could have made would be to look at multiple versions of each type of audio product, the way this would have effected my audio product is that there may have been more types of audio aspect that could have been in my audio product as I may have been able to use more ideas from each and apply it to my own audio product.
  • 33. Planning • A strength of my planning was I already had I strong idea of what I wanted to do for my audio project so it was just a matter of getting those ideas down on paper and improving them with other ideas, how this helped my product is that it allowed me to have a clear view of what I wanted to do and put in my audio project making the process of making it genially quick. • However a weakness of my planning was that I didn't have a back up plan just in case the first plan fell through so if my plan had fallen through I would have to start all over again from scratch, an improvement I could make Is to have a back up plan just in case I can’t get the first one done the effect this would have had on my product is that the final product may have been completely different from the original idea.
  • 34. Time Management • I feel confident enough to say that during this project I have managed my time well as I have been able to get each task done within the set time limit and was able to finish my audio project in time however I do believe my project would have been improved if I had more time, and what I would have done to improve my project would be adding more sound effects to it to create a greater sense of immersion for the reader.
  • 35. Technical Qualities ?v=YZA3MOjV1aE ay/m000bfhs SIMILARITYS • Both have a soundtrack to them. • Both have voice acting in them. • Both uses sound effect to create a sense of where the audio drama takes place. DIFFRENCES • One difference my product has compared to the existing one is that the soundtrack for mine plays through out the audio drama whilst the existing one only place at the beginning of the audio drama. • The setting of the existing audio drama is that of being set in the countryside whilst mine is set in a graveyard. • My audio drama has narration whilst the existing one doesn't. Is it complicated enough I believe that my work is technically complicated enough as each sound effect is on separate layers from one another with the acting one single layer and the same goes for the soundtrack The way I created some of my sound effects was for the walking I step on a pathway of stone slowly to create the illusion of some one walking on a gravel path with the running sound effect being the same with me jogging on the spot, for the digging sound effect I used a shovel to dig up some dirt and for the shovel hitting the tree sound effect I simply hit the branch of a large bush. The way I recorded my audio was for the narration and graveyard keeper I used the studio for the ghost and skeleton ghost we had to recorded in a small hallway as the studio wasn’t available and for jack and parker, I had to record those character at home.
  • 36. Aural Qualities I feel confident enough to say that I believe that my work sounded good with the voice acting and sound effects as I feel they allow for a sense of immersion for the listener and the soundtrack I feel adds some tension for the listener which I needed when telling a ghost story as you need the listener to be both immersed in the story but also a have a feeling of tension when listening to the story. I believe my work was very creative as I feel the mixture of a little bit of sci fi helps to move the story along and allowing it to stand out more among other audio projects. watch?v=YZA3MOjV1aE An aspect of my audio project I like was the sound effect such as feet walking on stone and the snapping bone sound effect which I feel really helps the audience build a mental image of what is happening in the scene. Strengths • Powerful soundtrack • Great voice acting • Great usage of sound effects • Mixture of ghost story and sci fi allows it to stand out more among other audio projects Weakness • Certain lines sound off • Some sound effect are quitter than they should be • Certain voice could be louder. What I would improve in my audio project would be rerecord certain line within the audio drama and they way I would go doing this is be rerecording the line making sure they are clear, and the voice actors speak loud enough, another improvement I would make to my audio project is by adding more sound effect and rerecord some sound effects as well and the way I would go about doing this is by going back to older sound effect and rerecording them and make sure they are also louder but and do the same for newer sound effects and add them to my audio project to improve the sense of immersion for the listener.
  • 37. Audience Appeal A way I have appealed to my target audience through the tone of the audio drama as the tone of the audio drama is serious enough that it can be enjoyed by older fans but keep it not as dark that it can be listen to by younger viewers as the concept of death in the audio drama but never have a character die in the audio project as to not be to dark for any younger audience listeners but always keep the suspense of death to kept older viewers interested.

Editor's Notes

  1. Go over as many slides as necessary. Research at least 3 products. Discuss the use of sound effects, music and performance. How have the producers suggested a location/time period and created a tone/feel Try to break down what you can hear. How do the different sound elements work together? How do sound effects add to the drama? What part does music play in the work? Try to listen to a variety of different types of radio programme. If you listen to drama and documentary, you will give yourself a better understanding of what exists and what is possible. It will also help guide your project.
  2. Go over as many slides as necessary. Research at least 3 products. Discuss the use of sound effects, music and performance. How have the producers suggested a location/time period and created a tone/feel Try to break down what you can hear. How do the different sound elements work together? How do sound effects add to the drama? What part does music play in the work? Try to listen to a variety of different types of radio programme. If you listen to drama and documentary, you will give yourself a better understanding of what exists and what is possible. It will also help guide your project.
  3. Go over as many slides as necessary. Research at least 3 products. Discuss the use of sound effects, music and performance. How have the producers suggested a location/time period and created a tone/feel Try to break down what you can hear. How do the different sound elements work together? How do sound effects add to the drama? What part does music play in the work? Try to listen to a variety of different types of radio programme. If you listen to drama and documentary, you will give yourself a better understanding of what exists and what is possible. It will also help guide your project.
  4. Using Neil’s Toolbox, log all the resources you have used
  5. Provide a brief summary of the story/stories you have chosen
  6. Log your initial thoughts regarding the set brief- What stories could you use? How do you feel about the different potential formats? What are the positives about this project? What could be some difficult aspects? Create a mind map of all the things you need to think about for your project.
  7. Log your initial thoughts regarding the set brief- What stories could you use? How do you feel about the different potential formats? What are the positives about this project? What could be some difficult aspects? Create a mind map of all the things you need to think about for your project.
  8. Initial draft of your script. This should then be refined.
  9. Final version of your script, ready to be used in production.
  10. What music could you use? This should be copyright free. Explore options online for copyright free/public domain music or make your own on Garage Band
  11. Log your thoughts and feeling related to what you have produced. Discuss methods and tools you have used. Reference everything you have done today. Use screenshots
  12. Log your thoughts and feeling related to what you have produced. Discuss methods and tools you have used. Reference everything you have done today. Use screenshots
  13. Log your thoughts and feeling related to what you have produced. Discuss methods and tools you have used. Reference everything you have done today. Use screenshots
  14. Log your thoughts and feeling related to what you have produced. Discuss methods and tools you have used. Reference everything you have done today. Use screenshots
  15. What were the strengths of your research? How did your research help your product? What were the weaknesses of your research? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product? Think about existing products as well as practical experiments
  16. What were the strengths of your planning? How did your planning help your product? What were the weaknesses of your planning? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  17. Did you manage your time well? Did you complete your project on time or would your products have improved with additional time? What would you have done if you had more time to produce your work?
  18. Compare your work to similar existing products and discuss the similarities and differences Is your work technically detailed/complicated enough? What effects and techniques have you used? How did you create your effects? How did you record your audio? Did you use any foley methods?
  19. Does your work sound good? Was it creative? What aspects of your audio do you like? What would you improve? How would you improve it? Discuss the strengths and weaknesses
  20. How have you appealed to your target audience? What specific bits of content would appeal to your target audience.