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Imogen Minto
• The story I listened to was a horror one with the picture of the haunted house played
through it all. It started with rain pouring down with footsteps of the person walking
towards the gate that creeks open with birds chirping in the background. Suddenly had a
loud noise of thunder as she walks towards the door, to then hear knocking which then
opens slowly making a creaking noise. As she walks into the house the door then slams
behind her which then makes her gasp with fear then for the rest of the video the music
then gets more dramatic with the music which gets louder and scarier. Then that you
don’t hear the girl for a while like she's disappeared. After it having dramatic music it
then started with the girl crying, hearing like a heartbeat getting more intense. To then
hearing things running in the background getting closer and closer. Hearing sounds like
knives scrapping on a surface and saws getting closer like its heading towards the girl. To
then someone breathing like they’re in pain to then hear two little girls to start to sing a
nursery song to then change to a demand voice. I feel that this story is good as it makes
you imagine a area of what it might look like and creates a story for you like when they
hear noises or hear door slams it makes you think of what it might feel like if you were in
that situation and what would you do.
Existing Products Research
• The beach
– With the beach one the sound that they used was a common sound you hear when
you go to the beach which is the sounds of the waves crashing together there’s also
children playing in the water so can hear them splashing the water at each other.
Hear birds chirping in the background with all the noise of people talking and
• The spaceship
– With the spaceship one it starts off with you hearing I flying off getting to the level
where it can stop travelling upwards. When it reaches that level you can hear the
technology making beeping noises along with the spaceship making a noise like
beeping like its working fine. Can hear buttons being touched and levers being
pulled to make it sound like someone is in the ship. As you keep watching you can
hear robots moving around, after that you can hear the ship to travel again which
makes the ship make beeping noises and sounds like bubbly sounds. Suddenly hear
it slowing down like its coming to a stop. Then switched back to hearing the robot
move around again to then hear like someone is texting on a phone. After that you
hear rain and thunder which makes me think that they are on land if you can hear
that as it doesn’t rain or thunder in space.
• Doctor Who
– With the doctor who one at first you hear people talking sounds like
two males and one female, sounds that the doctor is telling the son
that the mum does care about him he prefer her other son which then
makes the son set something off which sounds like a fire extinguisher
which makes the women to start screaming to the hear the doctor say
‘hurts doesn’t it’ can also hear laughing. While this is all happening
can hear dramatic, tensed music playing to tell people that it’s a
intense part.
Existing Products Research
1. . Marie. (2013). Beach Soundscape. Available: Last
accessed 2018.
2. ASMR Weekly. (2018). Millenium Falcon [ASMR] Star Wars
Ambience ⧱ Spaceship & Hyperspace Sounds. Available: Last
accessed 2018.
3. Who Girl Reviews. (2018). Doctor Who - The Seventh Doctor
is Scary AF. Available: Last
accessed 2018.
Idea Generation/Initial Reaction
I’m wanting it to either be located in a field or in a village, I want this because I feel that
if it was set in a village it will be more realistic as you hear more noises in theses areas
where its quiet and dark even if you don’t believe in scary things, where if it was in the
middle of no where it might be unrealistic as no one really walks in the middle of a field
on their own. However I’ve put them both down as I can choose what I might want to
do. I can do both if I couldn’t decided, like someone was walking through a field and saw
lights ahead to a village and that where they can start experiencing scary things. I also
want it to rain as that makes situations worse then they will if it wasn’t raining. I was also
thinking that I want my work to be all in music no voices as you can make it to your own
imagination so I’ll just add footsteps but I want them to start hearing footsteps and
voices in the background to make it have more spookiness to it.
Working Title:
What is it called? This can change if you think of something better later
My audience is for ages 15-24 as I feel that that age usually finds things more scarier than an adult would also this age group will
enjoy it more as I feel that younger audience like to get scared. It will be available to heterosexuality, homosexuality and bisexual
as anyone can listen to it, it doesn’t matter who listens as it’s for everyone. The social status is A, B, C1, C2, D and E as anyone can
listen to it if they want to it’s not forced on them as no everyone might like scary things so by them knowing that it’s about horror
they know that from the start so they know if they want to watch it or not. The psychographic is Belonger Achiever,
Emulator/Wanna be, Socially conscious type A, Socially conscious type B, Balanced/Totally integrated, Needs driven is all of them
as everyone can listen if they want to as it might not be for everyone. For gratification I want it to entertain the audience and do
what its meant to be which is a horror story so I want hem to get scared as that’s the whole point of it being scary. My product
will appeal to this person because they will want to see it as that’s what they are interested in so it will bring them to watch
What is the concept for your project and what are you going to make?
The concept to my project is I want it to scare people by the sounds that I am going to put in so like door creaking and footsteps
around the person that is going to be going through it all. Also I want to try and make the audience who are going to listen to it
feel like they’re there in that specific situation to make it realistic as possible.
What research did you need to conduct and how will it help you make your project?
The research I conducted was mainly YouTube watching horror soundtracks to get an idea of what I would like mine to sound like
when I come to do it. It will help me make my project because I'm watching someone else's I can start to get an idea of how they
are made and start picturing the way I want my project to come out as.
• First thing that will happen will be hearing normal
footsteps of someone walking, to then hear other
footsteps (quieter) to make it sound like someone
else is there with the person walking through the
village. Hearing doors closing and opening to get
the creaking noises. I would like to get voices or
laughter but I might just get muttering instead of
actual voices as it might make it a little but more
spookier. I also wanted to get rain and wind but
that depends on the weather at the time when it
comes to recording.
Sound Effects
Sound Effect Needed How I Will Create the Sound
Storm- rain and wind Bush or water fountain
Doors slamming and squeaking in person recording a door slam
Footsteps of humans Footsteps by a person
Voices (whispering) and laughing Record voices and laughing or find them
on YouTube
Resource List
Resource Owned/Cost What sound effect will it be
used for?
Door Owned A creaking door opening and
Footsteps Owned Walking/running (normal)
Voices Owned A girls voice speaking quietly in the
Band Name Track Name Link
Travis Scott Malicious
J Cole Sacrilegious
Brockhampton Saturation
Daily Reflection Day 1
• Was ill so couldn’t do my audio project or
reflection as I wasn't here.
Daily Reflection Day 2
• On day 2 i didn’t do any audio on that day as I
was still sorting out what sound effects I
Daily Reflection Day 3
• On the third day I went to go and record my audio in the
studio room with the recorder and with people to get multiple
different sounds. After I got all the sounds I needed I started
to edit it to see if there is anything else I needed to record or
redo for it which I didn’t so I continued editing. When I got
half way of editing my work deleted itself so I had to redo it
again which was annoying as I was half way through it but I
was able to redo it to the bit where I was but by the time I got
back to where I was it was the end of the day so I had to do it
the next day.
The tools I mainly used where
the razor tool to remove the
parts I didn't’t want.
Daily Reflection Day 4
• On the fourth day I continued to edit it to make sure
it sounded okay as I did had redo it so was making
sure it was all still there and made sense when
listening to it which it did so I just added more sound
effects to make sure it sounds like they all fit
together. After I added more to it and listened
through it again, i liked the way it was so I decided to
post it on soundtrack and on blogger.
Again just used the
razor tool to remove
the parts that weren't
Sound Effects
Sound Effect Needed Link
A loud noise at the end to get a dramatic
Creaking door to make it more spooky
Male scream to react to the other sound
effect that happened before
Male breathing
• The strengths of the research were fairly easy as I watched the videos on YouTube. I
wanted to write things down so I went onto notes to get all the detail I needed to make
sure that the sound effects worked together as well as it telling a story it’s not just
sounds as the audience might not understand what is going on when listening.
• The weaknesses to the research are that when you listen to a lot of soundtracks they
get a bit repetitive. For example I listened to a few horror soundtracks as we were doing
a horror based ones so I wanted to get more inspiration. However I noticed that they
were similar in the noises that were chosen like the storms and the footsteps as well as
the doors creaking opening they had that in them so after awhile I knew what I had to
add to my project to make it sound like a horror soundtrack.
• What I would do to improve my research would be maybe try and find some different
sound effects as I said before that they kind of got repetitive when I was listening to all
the sound tracks so maybe I would try and find more that were different like keep
searching for different ones to get more ideas than the ones that people automatically
think off. The effect this would have on my product would be unique than the other
horror soundtracks that are already made.
• The strengths for planning is helpful because I got to write down the ideas I wanted my
project to be like, for example I wanted to get a picture inspiration so I got some photos of a
village and storms located in a spooky area so people who see my plan understand the area
of what/where I wanted. I also wrote some notes of what I wanted to happen in bullet points
to help me as well to come up with more ideas when I came to writing more about it. Got to
write about a proposal which helped when it came to coming up with the audience that may
be interested in my project which were mainly teenagers also got to write about the social
status to give an overall of who can listen which is everyone. Another strength was writing a
script which again I just wrote what I kind of wanted to happen or to happen so when it came
to doing my audio I knew what wanted to happen, along with having the other information I
search for in the research bit and the planning it helped when it came to doing the recording
for the project. The planning also helped with the sound effects, resource list and the music I
wanted to add to my project I felt that it helped with what sounds I thought would go well
with it or not go with so it was like a learning project too, to see which went with what.
• The weaknesses to the planning, there wasn’t a lot as I find planning and research help a lot
when it comes to doing this. It makes you think of what you want to happen so I can’t really
think of anything that was a weakness.
• Also with the improvements I can’t really think of anything either. However maybe thought of
some more sound effects which might of made my product sound spookier. This would of
helped my product as it is made to scare people when listening so maybe by having some
more sound effects I might scare more of the audiences listening.
Time Management
I feel that I managed my time well to do this project, even though I was ill for one
those days which stepped me back a little as the day I was ill we were having to
record the audio and as it says in the slides refection I didn’t start my recording till
Thursday. However I feel that I managed my time good by missing a few lessons.
Obviously I have to do my evaluation which takes time as well as you talk through
the things you did, which I might not complete but if I don’t then I can do it at the
weekend which wont be a problem as I do feel that I will be able to complete it as
all the other work is done so I can now concentrate on doing the evaluation.
With the work I feel that because we only had two weeks to do it, it was a
struggle to try and fit everything in and to be at its best standards, but when you
start with doing all the research you get an idea of what you would like to do for
your project so it goes well because you know what you're doing. Where if you
didn’t have an idea of what you wanted to do it might of slowed you down as you
would have had to try and think of an idea of what to do and might of not had
time to do it all before the deadline.
Technical Qualities
My work compared to the other work is similar in a way of them having noises in
the background of things creaking also here footsteps and screams coming from a
male which is what I have in mine so there's similarity there however with the
differences is that it has background noise of crying babies and more sound effects
like wolves or dogs crawling, hear crickets and little girls voices, laughter and cows
mowing which I don’t have in my audio. I feel that there are more differences than
similarities which I feel is because my audio is very short and only has about 3
sounds in the background then footsteps and wind that’s I so that’s why I think
there are more differences. I feel that my work isn't very detailed with sound effects
I think there sound be more in the audio to make it spookier where there isn't a lot
so I think that’s why mine isn't the best but still okay for what it is. I created my
effects by using a bush to create the wind and rain to create a storm which I think
worked out well I learnt this by watching foley videos on YouTube, another effect is
made was the laughing to make it sound like there is a little girl laughing to create
tension like someone is there with him while walking. Also I created the footsteps to
make it sound that someone is walking so you know who it who as it wanted it to
be clear.
Aural Qualities
I feel that my work sounds okay I feel that it sounds like a horror soundtrack,
however I do feel that its quite sort and hasn’t got a lot of stuff going on for
example with it being short, its short because I founded it hard to think of more
sound effects also when it comes to making the sounds yourself its hard to thin of
objects that might make them sounds or find the item that actually makes the
sounds, especially when you're limited with equipment as I am in college so I was
limited to things we could of used where if i took the recorder away from college I
might of thought if more sound effects like at my house. I feel that its not the most
creative as I could of added more to it but like I said it was hard to make the sound
effects without having the objects or finding them around college. What I do like
about my audio is the bit where you can hear him heaving breathing from the door
opening up slowly I feel that went well as it sounded like something was going to
happen, which it did where there was a big bang and a scream. What I would do
do to improve my work if I could do it again or had more time would have been to
add more sound effects to make it longer and to make it spookier, I feel tat it would
make the audience listening more scared when listening.
Audience Appeal
With my target audience I felt that it targeted the age group well which was 15-24 as it
will scare that age group the most as it has spooky parts to it that might possibly scare
them as they’re young. I feel that the younger generation like to be scared even if it
scared them because they like that fear to either show other people that age that
they’re strong and don’t get scared or just like that genre.
I personally think that the bit where they hear the creaking door and the scream will
appeal to the audience the most as I guess that is the scariest part to my audio and
because most people like to get scared so they might enjoy that the most out all of it.

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INU_CAPSTONEDESIGN_비밀번호486_업로드용 발표자료.pdf
Mattingly "AI & Prompt Design: Limitations and Solutions with LLMs"
Mattingly "AI & Prompt Design: Limitations and Solutions with LLMs"Mattingly "AI & Prompt Design: Limitations and Solutions with LLMs"
Mattingly "AI & Prompt Design: Limitations and Solutions with LLMs"

Audio pro forma

  • 2. Story • The story I listened to was a horror one with the picture of the haunted house played through it all. It started with rain pouring down with footsteps of the person walking towards the gate that creeks open with birds chirping in the background. Suddenly had a loud noise of thunder as she walks towards the door, to then hear knocking which then opens slowly making a creaking noise. As she walks into the house the door then slams behind her which then makes her gasp with fear then for the rest of the video the music then gets more dramatic with the music which gets louder and scarier. Then that you don’t hear the girl for a while like she's disappeared. After it having dramatic music it then started with the girl crying, hearing like a heartbeat getting more intense. To then hearing things running in the background getting closer and closer. Hearing sounds like knives scrapping on a surface and saws getting closer like its heading towards the girl. To then someone breathing like they’re in pain to then hear two little girls to start to sing a nursery song to then change to a demand voice. I feel that this story is good as it makes you imagine a area of what it might look like and creates a story for you like when they hear noises or hear door slams it makes you think of what it might feel like if you were in that situation and what would you do.
  • 3. Existing Products Research • The beach – With the beach one the sound that they used was a common sound you hear when you go to the beach which is the sounds of the waves crashing together there’s also children playing in the water so can hear them splashing the water at each other. Hear birds chirping in the background with all the noise of people talking and laughing. • The spaceship – With the spaceship one it starts off with you hearing I flying off getting to the level where it can stop travelling upwards. When it reaches that level you can hear the technology making beeping noises along with the spaceship making a noise like beeping like its working fine. Can hear buttons being touched and levers being pulled to make it sound like someone is in the ship. As you keep watching you can hear robots moving around, after that you can hear the ship to travel again which makes the ship make beeping noises and sounds like bubbly sounds. Suddenly hear it slowing down like its coming to a stop. Then switched back to hearing the robot move around again to then hear like someone is texting on a phone. After that you hear rain and thunder which makes me think that they are on land if you can hear that as it doesn’t rain or thunder in space.
  • 4. • Doctor Who – With the doctor who one at first you hear people talking sounds like two males and one female, sounds that the doctor is telling the son that the mum does care about him he prefer her other son which then makes the son set something off which sounds like a fire extinguisher which makes the women to start screaming to the hear the doctor say ‘hurts doesn’t it’ can also hear laughing. While this is all happening can hear dramatic, tensed music playing to tell people that it’s a intense part. Existing Products Research
  • 5. Bibliography 1. . Marie. (2013). Beach Soundscape. Available: Last accessed 2018. 2. ASMR Weekly. (2018). Millenium Falcon [ASMR] Star Wars Ambience ⧱ Spaceship & Hyperspace Sounds. Available: Last accessed 2018. 3. Who Girl Reviews. (2018). Doctor Who - The Seventh Doctor is Scary AF. Available: Last accessed 2018.
  • 7. Idea Generation/Initial Reaction I’m wanting it to either be located in a field or in a village, I want this because I feel that if it was set in a village it will be more realistic as you hear more noises in theses areas where its quiet and dark even if you don’t believe in scary things, where if it was in the middle of no where it might be unrealistic as no one really walks in the middle of a field on their own. However I’ve put them both down as I can choose what I might want to do. I can do both if I couldn’t decided, like someone was walking through a field and saw lights ahead to a village and that where they can start experiencing scary things. I also want it to rain as that makes situations worse then they will if it wasn’t raining. I was also thinking that I want my work to be all in music no voices as you can make it to your own imagination so I’ll just add footsteps but I want them to start hearing footsteps and voices in the background to make it have more spookiness to it.
  • 8. Proposal Working Title: Unknown! What is it called? This can change if you think of something better later Audience: My audience is for ages 15-24 as I feel that that age usually finds things more scarier than an adult would also this age group will enjoy it more as I feel that younger audience like to get scared. It will be available to heterosexuality, homosexuality and bisexual as anyone can listen to it, it doesn’t matter who listens as it’s for everyone. The social status is A, B, C1, C2, D and E as anyone can listen to it if they want to it’s not forced on them as no everyone might like scary things so by them knowing that it’s about horror they know that from the start so they know if they want to watch it or not. The psychographic is Belonger Achiever, Emulator/Wanna be, Socially conscious type A, Socially conscious type B, Balanced/Totally integrated, Needs driven is all of them as everyone can listen if they want to as it might not be for everyone. For gratification I want it to entertain the audience and do what its meant to be which is a horror story so I want hem to get scared as that’s the whole point of it being scary. My product will appeal to this person because they will want to see it as that’s what they are interested in so it will bring them to watch them. What is the concept for your project and what are you going to make? The concept to my project is I want it to scare people by the sounds that I am going to put in so like door creaking and footsteps around the person that is going to be going through it all. Also I want to try and make the audience who are going to listen to it feel like they’re there in that specific situation to make it realistic as possible. What research did you need to conduct and how will it help you make your project? The research I conducted was mainly YouTube watching horror soundtracks to get an idea of what I would like mine to sound like when I come to do it. It will help me make my project because I'm watching someone else's I can start to get an idea of how they are made and start picturing the way I want my project to come out as.
  • 9. Script • First thing that will happen will be hearing normal footsteps of someone walking, to then hear other footsteps (quieter) to make it sound like someone else is there with the person walking through the village. Hearing doors closing and opening to get the creaking noises. I would like to get voices or laughter but I might just get muttering instead of actual voices as it might make it a little but more spookier. I also wanted to get rain and wind but that depends on the weather at the time when it comes to recording.
  • 10. Sound Effects Sound Effect Needed How I Will Create the Sound Storm- rain and wind Bush or water fountain Doors slamming and squeaking in person recording a door slam Footsteps of humans Footsteps by a person Voices (whispering) and laughing Record voices and laughing or find them on YouTube
  • 11. Resource List Resource Owned/Cost What sound effect will it be used for? Door Owned A creaking door opening and closing Footsteps Owned Walking/running (normal) Voices Owned A girls voice speaking quietly in the background
  • 12. Music Band Name Track Name Link Travis Scott Malicious ?v=Pldtr5oOklY J Cole Sacrilegious ?v=2BSEufIl094 Brockhampton Saturation ?v=ci5trjBVRDc
  • 14. Daily Reflection Day 1 • Was ill so couldn’t do my audio project or reflection as I wasn't here.
  • 15. Daily Reflection Day 2 • On day 2 i didn’t do any audio on that day as I was still sorting out what sound effects I wanted.
  • 16. Daily Reflection Day 3 • On the third day I went to go and record my audio in the studio room with the recorder and with people to get multiple different sounds. After I got all the sounds I needed I started to edit it to see if there is anything else I needed to record or redo for it which I didn’t so I continued editing. When I got half way of editing my work deleted itself so I had to redo it again which was annoying as I was half way through it but I was able to redo it to the bit where I was but by the time I got back to where I was it was the end of the day so I had to do it the next day. The tools I mainly used where the razor tool to remove the parts I didn't’t want.
  • 17. Daily Reflection Day 4 • On the fourth day I continued to edit it to make sure it sounded okay as I did had redo it so was making sure it was all still there and made sense when listening to it which it did so I just added more sound effects to make sure it sounds like they all fit together. After I added more to it and listened through it again, i liked the way it was so I decided to post it on soundtrack and on blogger. Again just used the razor tool to remove the parts that weren't needed.
  • 18. Sound Effects Sound Effect Needed Link A loud noise at the end to get a dramatic ending. _JmN2rUNM Creaking door to make it more spooky bdUrsDQ Male scream to react to the other sound effect that happened before jCYvwO0Q Male breathing QdGaJiY
  • 20. Research • The strengths of the research were fairly easy as I watched the videos on YouTube. I wanted to write things down so I went onto notes to get all the detail I needed to make sure that the sound effects worked together as well as it telling a story it’s not just sounds as the audience might not understand what is going on when listening. • The weaknesses to the research are that when you listen to a lot of soundtracks they get a bit repetitive. For example I listened to a few horror soundtracks as we were doing a horror based ones so I wanted to get more inspiration. However I noticed that they were similar in the noises that were chosen like the storms and the footsteps as well as the doors creaking opening they had that in them so after awhile I knew what I had to add to my project to make it sound like a horror soundtrack. • What I would do to improve my research would be maybe try and find some different sound effects as I said before that they kind of got repetitive when I was listening to all the sound tracks so maybe I would try and find more that were different like keep searching for different ones to get more ideas than the ones that people automatically think off. The effect this would have on my product would be unique than the other horror soundtracks that are already made.
  • 21. Planning • The strengths for planning is helpful because I got to write down the ideas I wanted my project to be like, for example I wanted to get a picture inspiration so I got some photos of a village and storms located in a spooky area so people who see my plan understand the area of what/where I wanted. I also wrote some notes of what I wanted to happen in bullet points to help me as well to come up with more ideas when I came to writing more about it. Got to write about a proposal which helped when it came to coming up with the audience that may be interested in my project which were mainly teenagers also got to write about the social status to give an overall of who can listen which is everyone. Another strength was writing a script which again I just wrote what I kind of wanted to happen or to happen so when it came to doing my audio I knew what wanted to happen, along with having the other information I search for in the research bit and the planning it helped when it came to doing the recording for the project. The planning also helped with the sound effects, resource list and the music I wanted to add to my project I felt that it helped with what sounds I thought would go well with it or not go with so it was like a learning project too, to see which went with what. • The weaknesses to the planning, there wasn’t a lot as I find planning and research help a lot when it comes to doing this. It makes you think of what you want to happen so I can’t really think of anything that was a weakness. • Also with the improvements I can’t really think of anything either. However maybe thought of some more sound effects which might of made my product sound spookier. This would of helped my product as it is made to scare people when listening so maybe by having some more sound effects I might scare more of the audiences listening.
  • 22. Time Management I feel that I managed my time well to do this project, even though I was ill for one those days which stepped me back a little as the day I was ill we were having to record the audio and as it says in the slides refection I didn’t start my recording till Thursday. However I feel that I managed my time good by missing a few lessons. Obviously I have to do my evaluation which takes time as well as you talk through the things you did, which I might not complete but if I don’t then I can do it at the weekend which wont be a problem as I do feel that I will be able to complete it as all the other work is done so I can now concentrate on doing the evaluation. With the work I feel that because we only had two weeks to do it, it was a struggle to try and fit everything in and to be at its best standards, but when you start with doing all the research you get an idea of what you would like to do for your project so it goes well because you know what you're doing. Where if you didn’t have an idea of what you wanted to do it might of slowed you down as you would have had to try and think of an idea of what to do and might of not had time to do it all before the deadline.
  • 23. Technical Qualities My work compared to the other work is similar in a way of them having noises in the background of things creaking also here footsteps and screams coming from a male which is what I have in mine so there's similarity there however with the differences is that it has background noise of crying babies and more sound effects like wolves or dogs crawling, hear crickets and little girls voices, laughter and cows mowing which I don’t have in my audio. I feel that there are more differences than similarities which I feel is because my audio is very short and only has about 3 sounds in the background then footsteps and wind that’s I so that’s why I think there are more differences. I feel that my work isn't very detailed with sound effects I think there sound be more in the audio to make it spookier where there isn't a lot so I think that’s why mine isn't the best but still okay for what it is. I created my effects by using a bush to create the wind and rain to create a storm which I think worked out well I learnt this by watching foley videos on YouTube, another effect is made was the laughing to make it sound like there is a little girl laughing to create tension like someone is there with him while walking. Also I created the footsteps to make it sound that someone is walking so you know who it who as it wanted it to be clear.
  • 24. Aural Qualities I feel that my work sounds okay I feel that it sounds like a horror soundtrack, however I do feel that its quite sort and hasn’t got a lot of stuff going on for example with it being short, its short because I founded it hard to think of more sound effects also when it comes to making the sounds yourself its hard to thin of objects that might make them sounds or find the item that actually makes the sounds, especially when you're limited with equipment as I am in college so I was limited to things we could of used where if i took the recorder away from college I might of thought if more sound effects like at my house. I feel that its not the most creative as I could of added more to it but like I said it was hard to make the sound effects without having the objects or finding them around college. What I do like about my audio is the bit where you can hear him heaving breathing from the door opening up slowly I feel that went well as it sounded like something was going to happen, which it did where there was a big bang and a scream. What I would do do to improve my work if I could do it again or had more time would have been to add more sound effects to make it longer and to make it spookier, I feel tat it would make the audience listening more scared when listening.
  • 25. Audience Appeal With my target audience I felt that it targeted the age group well which was 15-24 as it will scare that age group the most as it has spooky parts to it that might possibly scare them as they’re young. I feel that the younger generation like to be scared even if it scared them because they like that fear to either show other people that age that they’re strong and don’t get scared or just like that genre. I personally think that the bit where they hear the creaking door and the scream will appeal to the audience the most as I guess that is the scariest part to my audio and because most people like to get scared so they might enjoy that the most out all of it.

Editor's Notes

  1. Provide a brief summary of the story/stories you have chosen
  2. Go over as many slides as necessary. Research at least 3 products. Discuss the use of sound effects, music and performance. How have the producers suggested a location/time period and created a tone/feel
  3. Using Neil’s Toolbox, log all the resources you have used
  4. Log your Thoughts and feelings for this project. Reference ideas for your concept and any aspects of construction. Consider mind maps, mood boards, lists, paragraphed text etc.
  5. Write out dialogue/sound effects/list of events as a script, detailing what will happen in chronological order
  6. What music could you use? This should be copyright free. Explore options online for copyright free/public domain music or make your own on Garage Band
  7. Log your thoughts and feeling related to what you have produced. Discuss methods and tools you have used. Reference everything you have done today. Use screenshots
  8. Log your thoughts and feeling related to what you have produced. Discuss methods and tools you have used. Reference everything you have done today. Use screenshots
  9. Log your thoughts and feeling related to what you have produced. Discuss methods and tools you have used. Reference everything you have done today. Use screenshots
  10. Log your thoughts and feeling related to what you have produced. Discuss methods and tools you have used. Reference everything you have done today. Use screenshots
  11. The majority of sound effects must be made by you. If you have had to use existing effects, log them here
  12. What were the strengths of your research? How did your research help your product? What were the weaknesses of your research? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  13. What were the strengths of your planning? How did your planning help your product? What were the weaknesses of your planning? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  14. Did you manage your time well? Did you complete your project on time or would your products have improved with additional time? What would you have done if you had more time to produce your work?
  15. Compare your work to similar existing products and discuss the similarities and differences Is your work technically detailed/complicated enough? What effects and techniques have you used? How did you create your effects? How did you record your audio? Did you use any foley methods?
  16. Does your work sound good? Was it creative? What aspects of your audio do you like? What would you improve? How would you improve it? Discuss the strengths and weaknesses
  17. How have you appealed to your target audience? What specific bits of content would appeal to your target audience. Refer to your findings from your questionnaire. Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page and analyse them Use text boxes and arrows