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With this existing image I liked the look of it because its something that I have done before which is
rotoscoping but this is different because of the one colour and not face, the ones I usually do their skin
colour and then what they’re wearing. Where with this one it has a colour that no one has which I like the
look off as its unique so I would like to try this out. I also like the colour use that is used as it really stand out
which I wasn’t expecting but because its different type of rotoscope it really stood out to me and making me
really want to do something like that for my production work.
I wanted to get another image that was similar to the last one because I really like the look of them.
With this one it’s a little different because this one has kind of similar colours like the skin tone and then
red hair. The thing I liked about it though is the background colour is used in a few ways, what I mean
by that is the t-shirt is the same colour all they did was add lines of a shape of a top with some shadows
which created the look of the t-shirt without having to draw it all out. I also like that the smoke from the
cigarette is blue which goes well with the image as it has used the same tones of colour which is red
and blue.
This is going to continue in the next section with the front covers as I wanted to I keep it organised so it can help me when it comes to production.
Layout: The layout of this front cover magazine has quite a lot going on it but still has a clear format to
it. The background for the magazine has a lot of colour to it which makes the magazine look 100 times
more interesting than just having one solid colour for the background, so by having the different colour to
it makes it look interesting. I personally think id read this magazine if was walking in the shops and saw
this magazine cover compared to the rest of the magazines around it I would gravitate to this one because
of the design it has. I like how it also has shapes in the background too which makes it pop out even more
as it has triangles around the person. I like how the background has squares for the colours and then has
outlines of other shapes which really makes the magazine cover look interesting than just having one solid
colour and nothing else.
Image: The image like I have said its bright and eye catching because of theme features in the cover.
Little white lies is a well known magazine so people who see these type of magazines get excited because
if the theme they have as they’re all so different I will be finding some more of this magazine brand o
describe more later on. Most if all of the magazine covers from little white lies have famous people on the
front cover to so by having someone known on the cover will attract a lot of people if they’re a fan of
them. I personally wont have anyone famous but I want my cove to look like the ones that have famous
people on them to make it stand out like them ones.
Target audience: I think with this magazine the target audience is 12+ which is kind of similar to mine as anyone can read it but I am targeting a
little more to student aged between 17-22 so late teenagers to young adults. When it comes to production I can look back on this magazine to see
what they have used that I could possibly use for myself.
Colour theme: The front cover has pastel colours which gives a very aesthetic and vintage look as it also has browns in the background too. I like
the look of it but I'm not sure if id want to do pastels as my work I’m wanting to do is quite harsh looking with neon looks to it so I don’t think pastels
will go so well with it. With this cover as well because it has very light pastel colours for the background and a little brown to it having the harsh brown
sketch look to the person it goes well together because of it stands out well because they’re light colours being used.
Main focus: I think the main focus on this magazine is to capture the excitement of talking about
movies, which people get attracted to because like movies so when there’s a magazine talking about them
hey get interested in it. I’m personally not doing a movie magazine but I liked the look of the front cover
as its very interesting which is what I would like my magazine to be about is graphic design so having cool,
interesting designs will help me achieve that.
Layout: With this layout as you can see there’s a lot of colour going on which I like a lot as it really
caught my eye when I was searching for front covers. I like that there’s a solid coloured background
but then has some shapes with it with a different colour which makes the background look 100 times
better as its not just one solid colour. I then also like that there’s a smaller box in front of that with a
similar colour as the main background just lighter which slowly brings toy eyes towards the centre of
the page to the model. Which stands out a lot as its only her head and hair that are protonate. The
clothing that she is wearing has changed to the background colour which I really like the look off and
will defiantly try that in my work. The last thing they have is the glasses which id say is the main part to
the magazine cover. Then there’s a few text on there which is just in a black colour. With the glasses I
lie how it’s a simple image but then thought we could make the glasses have colour in them and make
it look like they’re melting like an ice cream cone.
Target audience: With target audience for this magazine I would say the age group is for young
teenagers and a little older to early adult age. I think this because of the colour use pinks and purples
represent more a young age personally to me but I feel that the other colours that have been
included with the magazine it makes it have an older feel to it as well.
Colour theme: The colours that have been used like I have mentioned they’re bright colours not
as pastel as the last slide they’re a little harsher but still subtle looking which I like. I also like how they
are all similar colours that have been used so purples, yellows and the they just went off with them
colours so went a little blue, orange and pink which are in a similar colour bound.
Main focus: I’m not really sure what this magazine is about but I feel it has to do something with graphic design because of the glasses. Im happy I
found this magazine because I feel its got to do with graphic design so I can come back to this to see what they have done to achieve what they have
done and to help me with my one to make it look like an existing magazine.
Layout: With this layout for this magazine it has a very simple looking background because of the
main person on the cover. So the background is a very plain pink colour with white text over it and a
little black text on the parts that have a lighter background behind it which is good as you wouldn’t be
able to se it if it was white. So the main person on the magazine she’s wearing a yellow jumper with a
few other colours which aren’t harsh which is good because of the main thing on the page. So the
main thing is one of the side of her face has been moved out, making it look like a puzzle piece with a
forest, greenery growing out of it, I think this is a really cool effect and adds a lot to the image as its
quite simple looking like I have mentioned. I’ve also noticed with this magazine that the title is at the
top of the magazine which is the most common way compared to the other two I have spoken about
that are wither on the side or on top of the models head where this one isn’t just at the top like a
normal magazine its also behind the model as it’s a very popular brand so you don’t have to have
Target audience: With the target audience I would say its targeted for older age as it’s a diesel
magazine about then the style is quite older teenager age which is quite confusing so I think id say age
17-27. when it comes to doing my production work I will focus on the colour theme as when I look at
these magazines I target them by what colours they use so like I said I feel that this magazine is for
teenagers because of the pinks and pastel colours but it could potentially be targeted for older.
Colour theme: The colour scheme like I have mentioned is very simple looking and pastels. The
pastels are good for this magazine as it has a very significant piece of graphic design on the page. So
the colours also compliment each other as its bright, it reminds me of summer which is happy and
bright so having that together really go well. Then the colours on the face are simple then with the
stuff coming out of her face is a nice green its nothing harsh it kind of links with the pastel colours
which is nice. I’ve also noticed that the models hair is blonde which goes well with the theme if her hair
was dark it might be too harsh for the image.
Main focus: I think the main focus to this magazine is well when I google diesel magazine it comes ups with magazines about trucks and the
diesel cars so I’m not sure what this magazine is about as it hasn’t got to do anything with cars but looking at it I feel that its based for females
and either something to do with what girls are interested in so maybe makeup, clothes etc. but I’m leaning more towards graphic design because
of the details on the models face. When I googled graphic design photoshop tutorials I get tutorials like this so that’s why I’m leaning towards that
theme but I could be wrong.
With the images I have collected each one has a
neon effect which I really like the look off as it looks
cool and I think it’ll be fun to make, and to just look
at in general. I think it will look good with other
things going on with the rest of the page as im
wanting different effects and and patterns to make
it look different and unique and I feel that the neon
effects that I would like to do, will stand out the
most on the page which is what I’m wanting to
achieve. I also want it have models in it that are just
in a neon room or in a normal room and then add
some effects to it so its not all the same throughout
the magazine along with the front cover as you can
see with these images on the right. I liked these
styles for a cover as its still bright colours which fit
my theme and the other one is also neon effect. I
feel that this is good for a front cover as well
because im wanting the more exciting and
interesting work inside the the magazine and then
the front cover will obviously still be inspired to
what im wanting to do but I want it to be a lot more
fun inside and keep the front cover a little similar
With this image I really like the colours it has
with all the bright colours and then some are
glowing to create that neon effect. I also think
when I take picture of my models it will be cool
to change them into the image of where
they’re outlined with the neon colours will put a
picture, to see what I mean. I feel that it will
create a really cool effect plus it means I can
use the same model a little more than usual as
it won’t be too noticeable with effect on as I
will make them all different. This is similar to a
tutorial I have found which you will see further
down in my research so I can try it out to see if
it works out well. like the background colours
too as the outline is white do it goes with
everything so I know that wont be a problem if
I am going to proceed with this idea. I also like
the idea that my model can wear anything so
they could wear a hat and it will still look good
as its all outlines not coloured so it will look
good either way, so I like that it’s a wide rage
I have a neon lights in my room and my brother has
on it his house which I can attempt to make these
effect with which im happy about because I really
like he images I have found. I like the one on the
right because it looks natural with someone just
stood there not looking like the person hasn't
noticed that someone was taking a picture of them.
I can also the image on the left this with another
image where the light is on their face to create the
orange picture with maybe someone with glasses on
so it creates a reflection in a mirror or something
will probably practice this when I do experiments as
I like the thought of that. The last image is a little
similar to the red image one with the reflection of
the lights in their glasses and its just nice as its in
the street so I could try and find a shop that has
neon lights in the front. However im confident that I
could create something like the top two images as I
have the neon lights at home.
I like this effect because it reminds me of something I have done in
another project with rotoscoping but this is more drawn and coloured in
but I liked the look of it as its different to other front covers. So I feel like
I would get some pictures of models and do some in that kind of style
maybe rotoscoping as I prefer that to drawing, and then have the others
in normal form to create that contrast rather it being all the same. I think
it’ll make the magazine automatically look unique rather than finding
that out when you start looking inside. I like how the colours contrast
with each other which is good as it doesn’t look strange with the 3 faces.
I think with the colours that are used which is good as it doesn’t look
weird and and it fades into each one and another.
I think the text/font look good with the front page with the colours how
the red ‘vogue’ and the background go together and then the white text
at the bottom of the page goes well as its white but it goes well as it
would be a lot of it was red so the white separates it a little.
I also really like this style as its again different and will create a cool affect
to my magazine that I want create.
The colours sed in this is really nice with the one solid colour on the
background and then you can see the women who moved across with the
effect of her body still being where she was originally. I like this look
because you can see the colours of her clothing which creates that really
cool effect than it just being her with the background that effect makes the
image look 100 times better.
The colours used like I have mentioned before how you can still see the
colours from the clothes that the women is wearing but it goes well with
the background as well as the dress has a little purple in it so having that
colour for the background goes well with each other. If it was blue it might
be too much because her head scarf and her dress has more blue in it so
the colour use has worked a lot better so I know if whatever my models are
wearing then I could include that for the background which will help me as
well because I know it will go with what the model is wearing.
With these two pictures here I think that this really shows off what I’m wanting to do for my product, with the graphic design look. I like the effect this has on
both images because of the neon effect, and the rotoscoping look as well which I would like to include in some parts of my work. The colour scheme for the
first one so the blue one is nice because it has a dark background then made the person blue which make him stand out because of having that dark
background. It looks like its been sketched out which creating that cool look when looking out which is what I want to have on my product I want it to be eye
creating and different to other magazines that are all existing.
With the red image on the right again it’s a similar type of art that the blue one has it looks drawn, I like the effect a little more than the other one with the
red and blue, the red is a stronger point in this image I think but the blue calm it downs a little so its not too much red how its focused on one side and then
the blue is more focused on the other side. Another thing is the background its very different to what I have seen before as most of them have plain
backgrounds where this one has the women’s face on both sides as you can see from the eyes and the nose on either side of the women in the middle. And
this time the background is mainly blue which is different to the main image as that’s more red than blue but then the background also has red splatters over
it as well to keep to the theme.
I actually also like the title on these two as they’re from the same brand they are going to have the same style but I like it because it stands out as both
images are quiet bold and a lot going on especially the right one but the title still stands out as its simple looking and how its presented with a white circle.
I have collected some more images after I have written about the two main images. The reason because of this is I wanted to show more of what I was
meaning by the title that on everyone of these images the title stands out as its white, how they all have busy backgrounds. I find especially the one on the far
left and then the red one that I have before and then the one on the right they all have very busy backgrounds so I find with the title does stand out well
because of that.
I’m really liking the busy backgrounds and then a image of someone in the middle. I’m liking the one on the far right so Im happy I found that image when I
looked back at this brand ’Little white Lies’. I like the greens complimenting each other hoe the women is wearing a green top and then the background has a
darker green with a pattern.
With this double page spread, I really like this effect on the left side, it
looks like the picture was taken in a street which was then made into
this with the pink effect to it and then made it also look like it’s been
drawn in a way because of the black but it could have been done on
photoshop as well because of that effect can be achieved on
photoshop. I think its good as you can have any colour for that
photo to fit you theme and all that I personally like the style because
it really pops, makes the double page look really nice looking just
because of one image.
I like that its only on one side of the page so you can have text on the
other side which I like the look off. I do also like the look of other
graphic design work that go over two pages and barely any text on it
so the image shows you what’s going on not the text.
I like the look of the style and layout for this I find that it looks
professional but still has a cool effect to it. I would personally like
more images than text on mine kind of like a fanzine instead of a
magazine but I think I am leading more towards a magazine right
now but if that changes at least its not a dramatic change to do if that
does happen. So I would lean more towards images than text as my
work is a lot more about graphic design there’s no actual reason to it
so I wouldn’t be sure on what to write about.
Again with this image this is a lot more simple looking but
I like the look of it with my style on it which I have
collecting images off and the photoshop tutorials I have
collected as well in the production slide. I think the plain
background with a cool effect on top or in the background
will make it look really unique and just fit in the whole
theme I’m wanting to do which is graphic design
magazine. I think it’ll look good because im not just doing
a one main thing there’s no actual theme to my work its
more on the side of graphic design so meaning there’s just
lots of different styles in the magazine/fanzine. I am
leaning more towards the neon side but there’s still no
actual theme. So by not having an actual theme I can do
anything to each page because its not restricted to one
thing so I could do something like the image on the right
and add more to it like add some neon light effects which I
have done in a previous product.
The colour scheme in this image is a really cool
pattern, I think creates a really cool effect to the
image instead of it just being the solid colour
which in this case is pink if the shapes weren’t
there it would a little boring. The shapes add a lot
to the image and just makes it stand out a lot
more. When I look at the picture I don’t just look
at one spot I look everywhere because of the
amount of colour is in the image. That is also
because of the model she’s wearing something
something dark which is drawing me away from
what she is wearing because of everything else
that is going on. The model is also wearing pink
lipstick and then purple eyeshadow it goes well
with the background because of the different
colours that have been used the model is also
wearing yellow nail polish which again pops more
colour to the picture.
These two double page spreads have kind of explained what I mean about having
the image over the two pages with a little of text to it so its not all text and not all
image. I feel that is creates a cool look than it just being one page of image and text.
The image on the right I think is a very unique look, I’ve never seen anything like that
before. I like how it’s in a weird shape this is mainly targeted at interior design
because of it showing furniture inside and the way it’s laid out, and just the shape it’s
in, it gives off that side of it but I think it looks really cool and just different. Also
because it has the different shapes on both double page spread its got a plain
background so its not too much on them pages which is different as well. I could
include that in my work where some pages can be coloured and then the other one
can be plain depending on what’s going on that specific page.
I have chosen this double page
spread because I like the effect of the
picture it has with the neon shapes
because it adds more to the page
instead of that just being a black and
white picture on its own adding them
shapes with them colours and that
the effect its giving it, it just adds
more to it. I also really like the colour
scheme as its bright and colourful
because its making the page stand
out especially with the black and
white photo. I also like the text how
there’s not a lot of it, it’s more
focused on the photos which I
personally like and is good for me as I
want my magazine to be focused on
my graphic design than text as there’s
no meaning really to what I am doing
The next double page spread is similar
to the last one I just spoke about, with
the black and white photo with
coloured shapes on top which draws
your eyes to that image instead of it
just being a black and white image. It
adds more to the page and its just
different which I think is good and
different makes things interesting than
it being the same which can get boring
and repetitive after a while. I like this
effect having the black and white
photo and then add coloured patterns
over it and behind it to add more to
the image and just look more exciting.
Im also wanting black and white
images and coloured images so I feel
having different styles of pictures and I
can do similar styles on them but will
still look different because of the
Again with this double page spread
it has the black behind the
coloured pattern to make the
image stand out, attract people
eyes. This has more text on it as
the image is focused on the right
side and then the left side has the
text which still look fun and
different than it just being a block
of text. The title really stands out
as its going across both pages
instead of just one and the font is
just fun to look at than it just being
the same as the text.
From researching I have noticed that a lot more people go digital than print so I will do something that
will let people see my work online as a lot more people use the internet than print. As you can see from
the results 400k people use digital and 120k use print so there’s a big gap.
The demographics are aimed more at interior designers at 33% where im doing graphic design which
isn’t mentioned but with what i am doing I liked the style of it and it was helpful with finding this
information out as it tells me that a lot more people use internet than print stuff now.
For the gender, more men are interested in this than women but not by a lot the men have 547 and them
women have 46% with the average age being 37 so its aimed at an older group where im targeting mine at
age 15-25 more on the higher age as im 19 so its easier to target people around that age as I know what
most age like.
He annual income where this is based which is in euros is €75k which in English money is
More people like I said use their phones more now than anything now as its easier than going out and
getting newspapers or magazines etc. so with the research I have done 310k people follow the social media
for this magazine called ‘Frame’ 140k are a monthly page viewer, 60k are monthly unique visitors and then
20k are newspaper subscribers which isn’t a lot compare to people who use social media like Instagram the
internet for their website, Facebook and more.
CEO breakdown are base mostly in the US with 10% and the lowest with 3% in china. The second highest is
the Netherlands with 9%, Germany with 8% the same for the UK. With 5% is Italy and France. Then with 3%
its Spain, South Korea and China like I’ve mentioned.
1000+ submissions from around the world, Frame launched the second edition of the Frame
Awards in February 2019. 28k+ online votes and 50 countries for the second Fame edition.
What craft is;
Crafts, the UK’s leading applied arts magazine, has built its reputation on ensuring its
discerning audience of practitioners, buyers and leading industry figures is kept up-to-
date with the latest developments in the contemporary craft world.
10,000 – 12,000 circulation.
47% of readers contacted the advertiser after reading crafts.
51% are avid readers – reading cover to cover.
3.4 hours is an average amount of time spend reading an issue.
5.3 average number of times an issue is picked up and read.
85% have attended an exhibition or course as a result of seeing an advert in crafts.
90% of readers purchase craft.
Published six times a year for over 40 years, Crafts magazine has been reporting to its loyal readership on
the world of contemporary making, celebrating all craft forms from textiles to jewellery, architecture to
ceramics, furniture, glass, metal and more.
Photoshop CC Tutorial: How to create a textured Pop Art Photo Effect (Easy & Quick!)
Double Exposure Cinemagraph - Photoshop Tutorial
Easily Create Realistic Mockups & Templates! - Photoshop Tutorial
Glitch Effect on Portrait | Photoshop Tutorial
I have collected some photoshop tutorials that I like the look off and that I can either
experiment with and see how I feel with about them and then if I do like them then I
can do it for my own product. So with this one I like it because im liking the neon look
and I feel with this one I feel that its on that side but with a cool effect of the person
shaded in the image instead of just him its been changed to fir the theme of the photo
which I like so I will want to try this for experiments. I also really like the colour, I could
do a few with different colours so I can have a double page spread full of that then the
next double page spread will be something completely different.
With this photoshop tutorial I really liked this look because its really bringing your
eyes to that page, I also like how the colours compliment each other how its got
the same colours with the blue shirt then with the neon outline of the top then the
background is blue as well but because there’s that yellow outline it really goes
with it all. I do like how it’s also one page then you can do text on the other page
but I think it might be cool to have another one on the other side but another
image so it can be a male on one side then a female on the other in a rotoscoping
effect. With different colours so it really brings your eyes to that page which I
really like the thought off.
With this tutorial I liked it because again its different to the other tutorials that I
have found which I like as im wanting every page to be different. I personally not
sure if im obsessed with this one as much as the other two I have mentioned but
I have done a experiment in this a while ago and it was good but I sill wasn’t a
huge fan of that so this a maybe.
With this one as well I have done an experiment on and I liked the look off
it but not sure if im wanting to use it in my product as I can’t think of how it
would look with a lot of them together. I could do this with different
backgrounds can be a city then a woods so there’s trees in the background
Glow in the Dark Portrait Effect Photoshop Tutorial
Neon Light Effect - Colorful Glow Lines Photoshop Tutorial
Create Sick Duotone Effect | Photoshop Tutorial | Photo Effects
This is tutorial I find really cool and really want to try it to see what it
would look. Again it goes with the theme that I'm wanting to do
which is the neon look I like that it can be achieved with any image I
use. I also like how you can choose any colour to create that effect
and I think it would look cool with loads of them on the double page
spread. From going to the original image to the one that was edited I
think it looks really cool and really want to use it in my work.
I have done this one before for an experiment and have
kind of used this effect in a different way in shapes for
another product so I know that this looks like and I do like
this theme I don’t think I’d made a whole double page
spread I might include it in other work that I might want
more going on as it might be simple looking and this effect
might make it better.
With this effect I think again its quite similar to others that
I have spoken about. I do like this effect as I think it’ll look
good with different images over the two pages. It might
be a little boring after awhile so I might see if there's
something similar or I could add more things to it to make
it look better, a little more interesting.
How to Create INVISIBLE clothes using LINE ART | Photoshop Tutorial Clothless Effect
How to Create 3D instagram photo Frame Effect | Photoshop Tutorial
With this one I really like the look of this one as its reminding me off
rotoscoping how you trace the model and instead of choosing the
colour of what they’re wearing you just do it white so you can see
they’re wearing clothing etc., but still looks really unique and
interesting to look at which will look good on a double page spread.
This one is very different and not sure if im going to do it or not but I like the
one one the right how its very simple looking but a bit of her arm is out of the
picture and her head and then the butterflies look like they’re 3d which fits this
look. I think that I won’t do the Instagram style but I do like the look of it so I
could do it in a shape and put the image inside the shape and then bring some
body parts out to make it look like the models coming out the shape a little.
For the audience I would like the age group to be around my age so late teenager, early 20s, targeted at male and female. I
find that it’s better to be around my age as we have some similarities compared to anything older. Having an age group close
to mine I will hopefully be able to attract their attention with what I’m wanting to create. I also think because of what im doing
which is graphic design its not targeting any gender so I want both genders to be involved in my work as it will attract more
people as its not targeting one gender.
Another thing with this age group they know the social media a lot better than anyone older because we are always on our
phones. This is good because someone that goes on all the social media’s like Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter and Facebook I will
be able to promote my work on these social medias which my age group will see compared to anyone that doesn’t go on their
phones for that purpose.
I would personally say my main target for audience is closer to my actual age so 19 so I think maybe I will target a wider range
maybe like mid teenagers and then mid 20s as that age might still be interested in my work but I think late teenagers and early
20s might be a little bit more interested as that is even closer to my age group and might be able to attract their interests a lot
more than that wider range of age but I will still be targeting the wider range as people still might be interested in my work.
How my work will attract my audience, is by finding out what my age group are interested so I can include that into my work as
it will attract them instead of getting ideas from people not from my age group my audience won’t be interested and won’t
enjoy as it’s not targeted at them. I will find this information out by asking people what they like so I can find some tutorials or
existing products of them to see what I could make for my own.
I am going to as a few people that I know that are either friends or family members to see what they like about my ideas for
this project and see what they might want me to include as they are similar ages and little older so it will help me out a lot
because of them being around my age to see what interest them.
On the next slide I will show you then results I got from them.
Getting people’s opinions (conducted in February 2020)
Person 1: Age: 18 Gender: female
Like (what stands out to you the most when looking at this work?)
- Likes the colours that are used how they are all bright but warm feeling to them which feels welcoming to, not too harsh to look at.
- Likes the way the models are positioned and everything else behind them which makes it nicer to look at.
- Likes the images I have picked how they’re all different which makes it look better than it all being the same, (especially when im
graphic design so im wanting it to be different).
Dislike (what don’t you particularly like about it or what might look better?)
- The colours might be distracting to everything else on the page.
- Might need to keep the background neutral if having bright clothing for the model if doing that on the front cover.
Person 2: Age: 21 Gender: female
Like (what stands out to you the most when looking at this work?)
- The layout of the magazine is good which will be good when you make the magazine it will be good to get ideas from it as it will
professional and really nice to look at.
- The colours are really nice how they’re all bright and colourful but they are in your face, they’re still nice to look at especially with
neon effect how it adds more to the colours.
Dislike (what don’t you particularly like about it or what might look better?)
- The image with the same head but there’s 3 of them is nice and like the idea of it but im not sure if that’s a good ideas for the front
cover as most magazines that you look at have one model facing the camera and having 3 looking all different ways might not inviting
look at.

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  • 3. EXISTING IMAGES With this existing image I liked the look of it because its something that I have done before which is rotoscoping but this is different because of the one colour and not face, the ones I usually do their skin colour and then what they’re wearing. Where with this one it has a colour that no one has which I like the look off as its unique so I would like to try this out. I also like the colour use that is used as it really stand out which I wasn’t expecting but because its different type of rotoscope it really stood out to me and making me really want to do something like that for my production work. I wanted to get another image that was similar to the last one because I really like the look of them. With this one it’s a little different because this one has kind of similar colours like the skin tone and then red hair. The thing I liked about it though is the background colour is used in a few ways, what I mean by that is the t-shirt is the same colour all they did was add lines of a shape of a top with some shadows which created the look of the t-shirt without having to draw it all out. I also like that the smoke from the cigarette is blue which goes well with the image as it has used the same tones of colour which is red and blue. This is going to continue in the next section with the front covers as I wanted to I keep it organised so it can help me when it comes to production.
  • 5. Layout: The layout of this front cover magazine has quite a lot going on it but still has a clear format to it. The background for the magazine has a lot of colour to it which makes the magazine look 100 times more interesting than just having one solid colour for the background, so by having the different colour to it makes it look interesting. I personally think id read this magazine if was walking in the shops and saw this magazine cover compared to the rest of the magazines around it I would gravitate to this one because of the design it has. I like how it also has shapes in the background too which makes it pop out even more as it has triangles around the person. I like how the background has squares for the colours and then has outlines of other shapes which really makes the magazine cover look interesting than just having one solid colour and nothing else. Image: The image like I have said its bright and eye catching because of theme features in the cover. Little white lies is a well known magazine so people who see these type of magazines get excited because if the theme they have as they’re all so different I will be finding some more of this magazine brand o describe more later on. Most if all of the magazine covers from little white lies have famous people on the front cover to so by having someone known on the cover will attract a lot of people if they’re a fan of them. I personally wont have anyone famous but I want my cove to look like the ones that have famous people on them to make it stand out like them ones. Target audience: I think with this magazine the target audience is 12+ which is kind of similar to mine as anyone can read it but I am targeting a little more to student aged between 17-22 so late teenagers to young adults. When it comes to production I can look back on this magazine to see what they have used that I could possibly use for myself. Colour theme: The front cover has pastel colours which gives a very aesthetic and vintage look as it also has browns in the background too. I like the look of it but I'm not sure if id want to do pastels as my work I’m wanting to do is quite harsh looking with neon looks to it so I don’t think pastels will go so well with it. With this cover as well because it has very light pastel colours for the background and a little brown to it having the harsh brown sketch look to the person it goes well together because of it stands out well because they’re light colours being used. Main focus: I think the main focus on this magazine is to capture the excitement of talking about movies, which people get attracted to because like movies so when there’s a magazine talking about them hey get interested in it. I’m personally not doing a movie magazine but I liked the look of the front cover as its very interesting which is what I would like my magazine to be about is graphic design so having cool, interesting designs will help me achieve that.
  • 6. Layout: With this layout as you can see there’s a lot of colour going on which I like a lot as it really caught my eye when I was searching for front covers. I like that there’s a solid coloured background but then has some shapes with it with a different colour which makes the background look 100 times better as its not just one solid colour. I then also like that there’s a smaller box in front of that with a similar colour as the main background just lighter which slowly brings toy eyes towards the centre of the page to the model. Which stands out a lot as its only her head and hair that are protonate. The clothing that she is wearing has changed to the background colour which I really like the look off and will defiantly try that in my work. The last thing they have is the glasses which id say is the main part to the magazine cover. Then there’s a few text on there which is just in a black colour. With the glasses I lie how it’s a simple image but then thought we could make the glasses have colour in them and make it look like they’re melting like an ice cream cone. Target audience: With target audience for this magazine I would say the age group is for young teenagers and a little older to early adult age. I think this because of the colour use pinks and purples represent more a young age personally to me but I feel that the other colours that have been included with the magazine it makes it have an older feel to it as well. Colour theme: The colours that have been used like I have mentioned they’re bright colours not as pastel as the last slide they’re a little harsher but still subtle looking which I like. I also like how they are all similar colours that have been used so purples, yellows and the they just went off with them colours so went a little blue, orange and pink which are in a similar colour bound. Main focus: I’m not really sure what this magazine is about but I feel it has to do something with graphic design because of the glasses. Im happy I found this magazine because I feel its got to do with graphic design so I can come back to this to see what they have done to achieve what they have done and to help me with my one to make it look like an existing magazine.
  • 7. Layout: With this layout for this magazine it has a very simple looking background because of the main person on the cover. So the background is a very plain pink colour with white text over it and a little black text on the parts that have a lighter background behind it which is good as you wouldn’t be able to se it if it was white. So the main person on the magazine she’s wearing a yellow jumper with a few other colours which aren’t harsh which is good because of the main thing on the page. So the main thing is one of the side of her face has been moved out, making it look like a puzzle piece with a forest, greenery growing out of it, I think this is a really cool effect and adds a lot to the image as its quite simple looking like I have mentioned. I’ve also noticed with this magazine that the title is at the top of the magazine which is the most common way compared to the other two I have spoken about that are wither on the side or on top of the models head where this one isn’t just at the top like a normal magazine its also behind the model as it’s a very popular brand so you don’t have to have shown. Target audience: With the target audience I would say its targeted for older age as it’s a diesel magazine about then the style is quite older teenager age which is quite confusing so I think id say age 17-27. when it comes to doing my production work I will focus on the colour theme as when I look at these magazines I target them by what colours they use so like I said I feel that this magazine is for teenagers because of the pinks and pastel colours but it could potentially be targeted for older. Colour theme: The colour scheme like I have mentioned is very simple looking and pastels. The pastels are good for this magazine as it has a very significant piece of graphic design on the page. So the colours also compliment each other as its bright, it reminds me of summer which is happy and bright so having that together really go well. Then the colours on the face are simple then with the stuff coming out of her face is a nice green its nothing harsh it kind of links with the pastel colours which is nice. I’ve also noticed that the models hair is blonde which goes well with the theme if her hair was dark it might be too harsh for the image. Main focus: I think the main focus to this magazine is well when I google diesel magazine it comes ups with magazines about trucks and the diesel cars so I’m not sure what this magazine is about as it hasn’t got to do anything with cars but looking at it I feel that its based for females and either something to do with what girls are interested in so maybe makeup, clothes etc. but I’m leaning more towards graphic design because of the details on the models face. When I googled graphic design photoshop tutorials I get tutorials like this so that’s why I’m leaning towards that theme but I could be wrong.
  • 8. With the images I have collected each one has a neon effect which I really like the look off as it looks cool and I think it’ll be fun to make, and to just look at in general. I think it will look good with other things going on with the rest of the page as im wanting different effects and and patterns to make it look different and unique and I feel that the neon effects that I would like to do, will stand out the most on the page which is what I’m wanting to achieve. I also want it have models in it that are just in a neon room or in a normal room and then add some effects to it so its not all the same throughout the magazine along with the front cover as you can see with these images on the right. I liked these styles for a cover as its still bright colours which fit my theme and the other one is also neon effect. I feel that this is good for a front cover as well because im wanting the more exciting and interesting work inside the the magazine and then the front cover will obviously still be inspired to what im wanting to do but I want it to be a lot more fun inside and keep the front cover a little similar With this image I really like the colours it has with all the bright colours and then some are glowing to create that neon effect. I also think when I take picture of my models it will be cool to change them into the image of where they’re outlined with the neon colours will put a picture, to see what I mean. I feel that it will create a really cool effect plus it means I can use the same model a little more than usual as it won’t be too noticeable with effect on as I will make them all different. This is similar to a tutorial I have found which you will see further down in my research so I can try it out to see if it works out well. like the background colours too as the outline is white do it goes with everything so I know that wont be a problem if I am going to proceed with this idea. I also like the idea that my model can wear anything so they could wear a hat and it will still look good as its all outlines not coloured so it will look good either way, so I like that it’s a wide rage I have a neon lights in my room and my brother has on it his house which I can attempt to make these effect with which im happy about because I really like he images I have found. I like the one on the right because it looks natural with someone just stood there not looking like the person hasn't noticed that someone was taking a picture of them. I can also the image on the left this with another image where the light is on their face to create the orange picture with maybe someone with glasses on so it creates a reflection in a mirror or something will probably practice this when I do experiments as I like the thought of that. The last image is a little similar to the red image one with the reflection of the lights in their glasses and its just nice as its in the street so I could try and find a shop that has neon lights in the front. However im confident that I could create something like the top two images as I have the neon lights at home.
  • 9. I like this effect because it reminds me of something I have done in another project with rotoscoping but this is more drawn and coloured in but I liked the look of it as its different to other front covers. So I feel like I would get some pictures of models and do some in that kind of style maybe rotoscoping as I prefer that to drawing, and then have the others in normal form to create that contrast rather it being all the same. I think it’ll make the magazine automatically look unique rather than finding that out when you start looking inside. I like how the colours contrast with each other which is good as it doesn’t look strange with the 3 faces. I think with the colours that are used which is good as it doesn’t look weird and and it fades into each one and another. I think the text/font look good with the front page with the colours how the red ‘vogue’ and the background go together and then the white text at the bottom of the page goes well as its white but it goes well as it would be a lot of it was red so the white separates it a little. I also really like this style as its again different and will create a cool affect to my magazine that I want create. The colours sed in this is really nice with the one solid colour on the background and then you can see the women who moved across with the effect of her body still being where she was originally. I like this look because you can see the colours of her clothing which creates that really cool effect than it just being her with the background that effect makes the image look 100 times better. The colours used like I have mentioned before how you can still see the colours from the clothes that the women is wearing but it goes well with the background as well as the dress has a little purple in it so having that colour for the background goes well with each other. If it was blue it might be too much because her head scarf and her dress has more blue in it so the colour use has worked a lot better so I know if whatever my models are wearing then I could include that for the background which will help me as well because I know it will go with what the model is wearing.
  • 10. With these two pictures here I think that this really shows off what I’m wanting to do for my product, with the graphic design look. I like the effect this has on both images because of the neon effect, and the rotoscoping look as well which I would like to include in some parts of my work. The colour scheme for the first one so the blue one is nice because it has a dark background then made the person blue which make him stand out because of having that dark background. It looks like its been sketched out which creating that cool look when looking out which is what I want to have on my product I want it to be eye creating and different to other magazines that are all existing. With the red image on the right again it’s a similar type of art that the blue one has it looks drawn, I like the effect a little more than the other one with the red and blue, the red is a stronger point in this image I think but the blue calm it downs a little so its not too much red how its focused on one side and then the blue is more focused on the other side. Another thing is the background its very different to what I have seen before as most of them have plain backgrounds where this one has the women’s face on both sides as you can see from the eyes and the nose on either side of the women in the middle. And this time the background is mainly blue which is different to the main image as that’s more red than blue but then the background also has red splatters over it as well to keep to the theme. I actually also like the title on these two as they’re from the same brand they are going to have the same style but I like it because it stands out as both images are quiet bold and a lot going on especially the right one but the title still stands out as its simple looking and how its presented with a white circle. I have collected some more images after I have written about the two main images. The reason because of this is I wanted to show more of what I was meaning by the title that on everyone of these images the title stands out as its white, how they all have busy backgrounds. I find especially the one on the far left and then the red one that I have before and then the one on the right they all have very busy backgrounds so I find with the title does stand out well because of that. I’m really liking the busy backgrounds and then a image of someone in the middle. I’m liking the one on the far right so Im happy I found that image when I looked back at this brand ’Little white Lies’. I like the greens complimenting each other hoe the women is wearing a green top and then the background has a darker green with a pattern.
  • 11. With this double page spread, I really like this effect on the left side, it looks like the picture was taken in a street which was then made into this with the pink effect to it and then made it also look like it’s been drawn in a way because of the black but it could have been done on photoshop as well because of that effect can be achieved on photoshop. I think its good as you can have any colour for that photo to fit you theme and all that I personally like the style because it really pops, makes the double page look really nice looking just because of one image. I like that its only on one side of the page so you can have text on the other side which I like the look off. I do also like the look of other graphic design work that go over two pages and barely any text on it so the image shows you what’s going on not the text. I like the look of the style and layout for this I find that it looks professional but still has a cool effect to it. I would personally like more images than text on mine kind of like a fanzine instead of a magazine but I think I am leading more towards a magazine right now but if that changes at least its not a dramatic change to do if that does happen. So I would lean more towards images than text as my work is a lot more about graphic design there’s no actual reason to it so I wouldn’t be sure on what to write about. Again with this image this is a lot more simple looking but I like the look of it with my style on it which I have collecting images off and the photoshop tutorials I have collected as well in the production slide. I think the plain background with a cool effect on top or in the background will make it look really unique and just fit in the whole theme I’m wanting to do which is graphic design magazine. I think it’ll look good because im not just doing a one main thing there’s no actual theme to my work its more on the side of graphic design so meaning there’s just lots of different styles in the magazine/fanzine. I am leaning more towards the neon side but there’s still no actual theme. So by not having an actual theme I can do anything to each page because its not restricted to one thing so I could do something like the image on the right and add more to it like add some neon light effects which I have done in a previous product.
  • 12. The colour scheme in this image is a really cool pattern, I think creates a really cool effect to the image instead of it just being the solid colour which in this case is pink if the shapes weren’t there it would a little boring. The shapes add a lot to the image and just makes it stand out a lot more. When I look at the picture I don’t just look at one spot I look everywhere because of the amount of colour is in the image. That is also because of the model she’s wearing something something dark which is drawing me away from what she is wearing because of everything else that is going on. The model is also wearing pink lipstick and then purple eyeshadow it goes well with the background because of the different colours that have been used the model is also wearing yellow nail polish which again pops more colour to the picture. These two double page spreads have kind of explained what I mean about having the image over the two pages with a little of text to it so its not all text and not all image. I feel that is creates a cool look than it just being one page of image and text. The image on the right I think is a very unique look, I’ve never seen anything like that before. I like how it’s in a weird shape this is mainly targeted at interior design because of it showing furniture inside and the way it’s laid out, and just the shape it’s in, it gives off that side of it but I think it looks really cool and just different. Also because it has the different shapes on both double page spread its got a plain background so its not too much on them pages which is different as well. I could include that in my work where some pages can be coloured and then the other one can be plain depending on what’s going on that specific page.
  • 13. I have chosen this double page spread because I like the effect of the picture it has with the neon shapes because it adds more to the page instead of that just being a black and white picture on its own adding them shapes with them colours and that the effect its giving it, it just adds more to it. I also really like the colour scheme as its bright and colourful because its making the page stand out especially with the black and white photo. I also like the text how there’s not a lot of it, it’s more focused on the photos which I personally like and is good for me as I want my magazine to be focused on my graphic design than text as there’s no meaning really to what I am doing The next double page spread is similar to the last one I just spoke about, with the black and white photo with coloured shapes on top which draws your eyes to that image instead of it just being a black and white image. It adds more to the page and its just different which I think is good and different makes things interesting than it being the same which can get boring and repetitive after a while. I like this effect having the black and white photo and then add coloured patterns over it and behind it to add more to the image and just look more exciting. Im also wanting black and white images and coloured images so I feel having different styles of pictures and I can do similar styles on them but will still look different because of the Again with this double page spread it has the black behind the coloured pattern to make the image stand out, attract people eyes. This has more text on it as the image is focused on the right side and then the left side has the text which still look fun and different than it just being a block of text. The title really stands out as its going across both pages instead of just one and the font is just fun to look at than it just being the same as the text.
  • 15. From researching I have noticed that a lot more people go digital than print so I will do something that will let people see my work online as a lot more people use the internet than print. As you can see from the results 400k people use digital and 120k use print so there’s a big gap. The demographics are aimed more at interior designers at 33% where im doing graphic design which isn’t mentioned but with what i am doing I liked the style of it and it was helpful with finding this information out as it tells me that a lot more people use internet than print stuff now. For the gender, more men are interested in this than women but not by a lot the men have 547 and them women have 46% with the average age being 37 so its aimed at an older group where im targeting mine at age 15-25 more on the higher age as im 19 so its easier to target people around that age as I know what most age like. He annual income where this is based which is in euros is €75k which in English money is £63 More people like I said use their phones more now than anything now as its easier than going out and getting newspapers or magazines etc. so with the research I have done 310k people follow the social media for this magazine called ‘Frame’ 140k are a monthly page viewer, 60k are monthly unique visitors and then 20k are newspaper subscribers which isn’t a lot compare to people who use social media like Instagram the internet for their website, Facebook and more. CEO breakdown are base mostly in the US with 10% and the lowest with 3% in china. The second highest is the Netherlands with 9%, Germany with 8% the same for the UK. With 5% is Italy and France. Then with 3% its Spain, South Korea and China like I’ve mentioned. 1000+ submissions from around the world, Frame launched the second edition of the Frame Awards in February 2019. 28k+ online votes and 50 countries for the second Fame edition.
  • 16. What craft is; Crafts, the UK’s leading applied arts magazine, has built its reputation on ensuring its discerning audience of practitioners, buyers and leading industry figures is kept up-to- date with the latest developments in the contemporary craft world. 10,000 – 12,000 circulation. 47% of readers contacted the advertiser after reading crafts. 51% are avid readers – reading cover to cover. 3.4 hours is an average amount of time spend reading an issue. 5.3 average number of times an issue is picked up and read. 85% have attended an exhibition or course as a result of seeing an advert in crafts. 90% of readers purchase craft. Published six times a year for over 40 years, Crafts magazine has been reporting to its loyal readership on the world of contemporary making, celebrating all craft forms from textiles to jewellery, architecture to ceramics, furniture, glass, metal and more.
  • 18. Photoshop CC Tutorial: How to create a textured Pop Art Photo Effect (Easy & Quick!) Double Exposure Cinemagraph - Photoshop Tutorial Easily Create Realistic Mockups & Templates! - Photoshop Tutorial Glitch Effect on Portrait | Photoshop Tutorial I have collected some photoshop tutorials that I like the look off and that I can either experiment with and see how I feel with about them and then if I do like them then I can do it for my own product. So with this one I like it because im liking the neon look and I feel with this one I feel that its on that side but with a cool effect of the person shaded in the image instead of just him its been changed to fir the theme of the photo which I like so I will want to try this for experiments. I also really like the colour, I could do a few with different colours so I can have a double page spread full of that then the next double page spread will be something completely different. With this photoshop tutorial I really liked this look because its really bringing your eyes to that page, I also like how the colours compliment each other how its got the same colours with the blue shirt then with the neon outline of the top then the background is blue as well but because there’s that yellow outline it really goes with it all. I do like how it’s also one page then you can do text on the other page but I think it might be cool to have another one on the other side but another image so it can be a male on one side then a female on the other in a rotoscoping effect. With different colours so it really brings your eyes to that page which I really like the thought off. With this tutorial I liked it because again its different to the other tutorials that I have found which I like as im wanting every page to be different. I personally not sure if im obsessed with this one as much as the other two I have mentioned but I have done a experiment in this a while ago and it was good but I sill wasn’t a huge fan of that so this a maybe. With this one as well I have done an experiment on and I liked the look off it but not sure if im wanting to use it in my product as I can’t think of how it would look with a lot of them together. I could do this with different backgrounds can be a city then a woods so there’s trees in the background etc.
  • 19. Glow in the Dark Portrait Effect Photoshop Tutorial Neon Light Effect - Colorful Glow Lines Photoshop Tutorial Create Sick Duotone Effect | Photoshop Tutorial | Photo Effects This is tutorial I find really cool and really want to try it to see what it would look. Again it goes with the theme that I'm wanting to do which is the neon look I like that it can be achieved with any image I use. I also like how you can choose any colour to create that effect and I think it would look cool with loads of them on the double page spread. From going to the original image to the one that was edited I think it looks really cool and really want to use it in my work. I have done this one before for an experiment and have kind of used this effect in a different way in shapes for another product so I know that this looks like and I do like this theme I don’t think I’d made a whole double page spread I might include it in other work that I might want more going on as it might be simple looking and this effect might make it better. With this effect I think again its quite similar to others that I have spoken about. I do like this effect as I think it’ll look good with different images over the two pages. It might be a little boring after awhile so I might see if there's something similar or I could add more things to it to make it look better, a little more interesting.
  • 20. How to Create INVISIBLE clothes using LINE ART | Photoshop Tutorial Clothless Effect How to Create 3D instagram photo Frame Effect | Photoshop Tutorial With this one I really like the look of this one as its reminding me off rotoscoping how you trace the model and instead of choosing the colour of what they’re wearing you just do it white so you can see they’re wearing clothing etc., but still looks really unique and interesting to look at which will look good on a double page spread. This one is very different and not sure if im going to do it or not but I like the one one the right how its very simple looking but a bit of her arm is out of the picture and her head and then the butterflies look like they’re 3d which fits this look. I think that I won’t do the Instagram style but I do like the look of it so I could do it in a shape and put the image inside the shape and then bring some body parts out to make it look like the models coming out the shape a little.
  • 22. Audience: For the audience I would like the age group to be around my age so late teenager, early 20s, targeted at male and female. I find that it’s better to be around my age as we have some similarities compared to anything older. Having an age group close to mine I will hopefully be able to attract their attention with what I’m wanting to create. I also think because of what im doing which is graphic design its not targeting any gender so I want both genders to be involved in my work as it will attract more people as its not targeting one gender. Another thing with this age group they know the social media a lot better than anyone older because we are always on our phones. This is good because someone that goes on all the social media’s like Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter and Facebook I will be able to promote my work on these social medias which my age group will see compared to anyone that doesn’t go on their phones for that purpose. I would personally say my main target for audience is closer to my actual age so 19 so I think maybe I will target a wider range maybe like mid teenagers and then mid 20s as that age might still be interested in my work but I think late teenagers and early 20s might be a little bit more interested as that is even closer to my age group and might be able to attract their interests a lot more than that wider range of age but I will still be targeting the wider range as people still might be interested in my work. How my work will attract my audience, is by finding out what my age group are interested so I can include that into my work as it will attract them instead of getting ideas from people not from my age group my audience won’t be interested and won’t enjoy as it’s not targeted at them. I will find this information out by asking people what they like so I can find some tutorials or existing products of them to see what I could make for my own. I am going to as a few people that I know that are either friends or family members to see what they like about my ideas for this project and see what they might want me to include as they are similar ages and little older so it will help me out a lot because of them being around my age to see what interest them. On the next slide I will show you then results I got from them.
  • 23. Getting people’s opinions (conducted in February 2020) Person 1: Age: 18 Gender: female Like (what stands out to you the most when looking at this work?) - Likes the colours that are used how they are all bright but warm feeling to them which feels welcoming to, not too harsh to look at. - Likes the way the models are positioned and everything else behind them which makes it nicer to look at. - Likes the images I have picked how they’re all different which makes it look better than it all being the same, (especially when im graphic design so im wanting it to be different). Dislike (what don’t you particularly like about it or what might look better?) - The colours might be distracting to everything else on the page. - Might need to keep the background neutral if having bright clothing for the model if doing that on the front cover. Person 2: Age: 21 Gender: female Like (what stands out to you the most when looking at this work?) - The layout of the magazine is good which will be good when you make the magazine it will be good to get ideas from it as it will professional and really nice to look at. - The colours are really nice how they’re all bright and colourful but they are in your face, they’re still nice to look at especially with neon effect how it adds more to the colours. Dislike (what don’t you particularly like about it or what might look better?) - The image with the same head but there’s 3 of them is nice and like the idea of it but im not sure if that’s a good ideas for the front cover as most magazines that you look at have one model facing the camera and having 3 looking all different ways might not inviting look at.