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Fanzine Research
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Existing Product
Front cover
The colours aren't very
bright as the black stands
out the most which
makes the pink minimal
and not very vibrant.
The black looks a little like
waves the way they are on
the page as it looks like
they’re crashing into each
This side of the black
looks like a black cloud
or like smoke either one
which is different to the
other side where I said It
looks like waves.
The pink is a solid colour
behind the black which peaks
through some of the black
parts which makes the black
pattern stand out as the pink is
a lot brighter to make that
Has the cost of the book which is
helpful or people buying there
Has the Issue too and then other writing which I cant really read
very well but it has some writing on it which makes people read
the cover instead of going straight into the book.
Looks like all this has been
edited on nit really an image
or like its been taken by a
This book is promoting
itself as a irreverent blend
of fashion, art and critical
Existing Product
Colour scheme is still
black but instead of
pink its orange I like
how they have put that
colour theme on both
sides of the two pages.
The text is also
orange against the
black making it easy
to see, however you
cant see it in this
image but If you saw
it closer up you
might be able to.
The orange look is really cool and it’s vibrant and really makes
the image stand out which I like and think will look cool in my
piece of work Im wanting to do.
Make the image on he
this page stand out
even though its dark
you still focus on the
image also by the the
lights coming of the
I like that the only
two colours are
orange and black
when its orange the
text is black and
with the black side
the text is orange.
I like this effect as again its different to having a line
of text.
Founded in 2014 by editors Naomi Pallas and Phoebe Lindsley, with creative direction by Patience
Harding, Fruitlands' irreverent blend of engaging literary content and striking design has seen its
popularity grow and grow.
‘Fruitlands’ was a utopian commune that opened its doors in 1843 with the following aims: residents
ate no animal substances, banned artificial light, held property communally and used no animal
Contributors are asked to take on the radical DIY attitude of Fruitlands’s founding fathers & mothers,
responding to a theme with anything: poetry; writing; art; photography; sound. They are encouraged
to create ambitious content that pushes their brief to its furthest edges. We expect them to be
critically engaged, unpicking contemporary issues with an incisive eye.
This is promoting itself with variety of mediums such as art, poetry, photography and others,
Fruitlands tells a unique story in its own right from cover to cover. Each issue is tied under with a
theme, it’s third issue so we’ve been informed is the exploration of the theme Dark.
It’s slowly beginning to encourage the world to appreciate and recognise the DIY, un-photoshopped
and natural, stories images and written words.
It’s written style is sophisticated and clear, compiled with beautifully stark photographic editorials
that explore the refreshingly naturalness that is so lost in typical fashion magazines. Its effortlessly
sourcing content from across the globe giving their readers an exciting, challenging and very real
Existing ProductFront cover Double Page Spread
Existing Product
The person who created the Cashmere magazine is called Tadashi Matayoshi he has a professional
degree in Management and Graphic Design at Toulouse-Lautrec institute in Lima, Peru. He has
experienced in fashion retail and branding studios. With his projects he’s keen on maximizing their
own images, always taking a potential strategy behind.
Cashmere is a fashion magazine inspired by the classic and contemporary, maintains the classic
elements and give importance of white space for not doing so heavy, It is light and easy to read
which gives more importance to the impact of the images.
The colour scheme is very neutral looking as you can see there's grey’s, beige and black and white
colours nothing bright and colour in this magazine apart from the one with the flower which
makes it stand out in a good way it might make the magazine have more to it.
Its quite minimalistic to look at as its clean looking not a lot going on which makes it easy to read
and see the images clear.
There isn't a lot of text in this magazine its mainly images which is nice as you might just want to
look at the photos than the text as the magazine is focused on the fashion which is also given
away by the name of it too as it cashmere which is a type of clothing material.
It looks like it was all taken either in a studio by the clear images especially the ones at the top of
the page as its got the clear background with it and the lighting is bright and its just simple looking
which makes it look like its taken in a studio.
Existing ProductFront cover
Double page spread
Existing Product
Who they are:
They are a fashion revolution. They are people from all around the world who make the fashion industry work.
They are the people who wear clothes and they are the people who make them. they are designers, academics,
writers, business leader, policymakers, brands, retailers, marketers, producer, makers, workers and fashion lovers.
They are the industry and they are the public, they’re world citizens.
They believe in fashion industry that values people, the environment, creativity and profit in equal measures.
There mission is to unite people and organisations to work together towards radically changing the way their
clothes are sourced, produced and consumed, so that their clothing is made in a safe, clean and fair way. They
believe that collaborating the whole value chain – from farmer to consumer – is the only way to transform the
Carry Somers and Orsola de Castro are the ones who were inspired to act after the Rana Plaza factory collapsed in
Bangladesh in 2013 and founded Fashion Revolution.
The fourth in a series of bi-annual collectable fanzines which seek to uncover the stories behind the clothing we
wear. In this issue we focus on craft as culture. With thought pieces on cultural appropriation, intangible cultural
heritage and globalisation, we discover why it’s so important to honour and celebrate crafts and artisans whilst a
the same time, discussing their challenges in the 21st century and what the future of craft may look like.
The colour scheme is very bright looking, makes it eye-catching to the audience which is good for the product. The
text is clear to read as the backgrounds are white making it easier to read however one is blue but I feel that its not
the best to see but can still manage to read it.
There’s more text on this one, one page for the text then the other side is an image, apart from the blue one is
does have images and text on both but its not a lot of either one its equal which is nice and different to the other
pages that are in the magazine.
Research summary
• Summarise what you have learned about fanzines.
What I have learnt about fanzine is that they are for pleasure for others who share
their interest in what they make, as they can make literally anything they are
interested in which attracts people who like the same things as there is a wide range
of fanzines around. They are mainly all self-published work of original or appropriate
text and images.
Initial Ideas
Idea 1
The reason to why I would like to do a rotoscoping piece of work is because I’m
wanting to do a fanzine about Frank Ocean. Im wanting to get images of Frank and
change it to a rotoscoping where it comes out a little cartoon but still being able to
see who it Is and write things about him like where he was born etc., which I have
written a whole slide about him further down which you will be able to see. I have
also collect some images of him that I would like to include of when he was young
to now. Also got his album covers on there too to include. What I also want to
include in the fanzine is who he has written songs for and what songs he’s featured
in and include them into my piece as well.
• Im getting all my images from goodie images and picking the ones I want to most which
still work with my fanzine. I make sure that when I go onto Google images to change the
tools to large so when I start to edit them in Photoshop they wont be blurry as that will
be annoying but it wont be a massive problem as I wont be using them images
completely as im making them into rotoscoping I will be colouring in every part of Frank
Oceans face/body so the image won’t matter afterwards. Im trying to get images of him
when he was younger and to now so when I talk about his childhood I have images of
him when he was younger and maybe images of his family, and then when it gets to
when he is older I can have pictures of him now like what he’s doing with his life now to
make it look like it’s a booklet about Frank. This is the link to the Google images of Frank
so its easier to see where im getting the images and im just scrolling down to see which
ones im wanting the most.
A record producer or music producer
oversees and manages the sound
recording and production of a band
or performer's music, which may
range from recording one song to
recording a lengthy concept album.
In music, ghostwriters are often used to write
songs, lyrics, and instrumental pieces. Also
occurs in other creative fields.
A songwriter is a professional that writes lyrics and
composes musical compositions for songs.
A photographer is a person who makes photographs.
Singer/rapper are musicians who write, compose, and
perform their own musical material, including lyrics and
melodies. Rapper is included as that is kind of the same as
singing but speaking is than singing it.
Occupation: singer, songwriter, rapper, record producer, photographer, ghostwriter
Add rotoscoping images of the instruments etc. that I have written about.
People he wrote songs for;
Brandy Norwood
Justin Bieber
John Legend
Bridget Kelly
Damienn Jones
Also sang together
Scared of Beautiful and
1st & Love
Thinking About
I Miss You
Cinderella and
Songs Frank Ocean is featured inCalvin Harris
- Slide
Tyler the creator
- She
- 911/Mr. Lonely
- Where this flower blooms
Kanye West
- Wolves
- No church in the wild
Earl Sweatshirt
- Sunday
ASAP Rocky
- Purity
- No church in the wild
- Caught their eyes
- Made in America
Instructions on how to do the rotoscoping before doing my
final piece would like to practice before hand.
How I did it;
First step I did was get an image of a artist, I chose Travis
Scott. I then started to colour in each part of his face. I
started off with outlining his face with the polygonal tool
sketching out his face and then double clicked on the
layer I just created which brought up layers style, I went
down to colour overlay and changed the colour to the
colour of his skin. I did this for each part of his face, hair
and clothing to create the effect of a real looking person. I
did the same thing when it came to making it look a little
more realistic so by adding shadows and highlighting I
just selected the part of his face that I wanted
highlighting and then did the same steps by going on
colour overlay and changed the colour to a lighter colour
to his face to create that highlighted look. I did the same
step as the highlighting one but for shadows instead of
going lighter I went darker to create that effect.
1. Matayoshi, T. (2016). Cashmere Magazine . Available: Last
accessed 10/12/19.
2. WEAVER,A. (2017). FRUITLANDS ZINE. Available: Last accessed
Idea Development
Mood Boards:
I can’t find anything similar to what I am wanting to do but I can explain
what my idea is. So with the bottom image of Frank Ocean im wanting to
make it into a rotoscoping image so you can still see who it is but as a
cartoon look which you can see by the top image of what it might look
like. I have also made an experiment of that im going for just cant find on
in the fanzine style. I have include a rotoscoping image so you can see
what effect it gives as you can see is a person but just made into a
character than actually using the real image.
I’m wanting to have a couple of images of Frank Ocean on the front cover
around each other so people know its about this singer then having his
name at the top. So by having different images of Frank on the cover with
the rotoscoping effect to it then it will hopefully look really cool and
different to other fanzines.
Mood Boards:
colour schemes
Im wanting with the background colour to match what the person is wearing or what
hair colour etc.
for example;
So with this one because he is wearing white I could go a grey colour
for the background or I could go with his hair colour and go either
lighter or darker.
So im going to say that any colour that will work with the images I’d choose.
I’ve picked neutrals and
bright colours just in case
of the image ill be
picking for my product.
Mood Boards:
font choices. Could include mock ups and evidence of existing design work which is inspiring you.
I've picked some fonts that I might include
for the front cover as I like the look of
them al as they look like they would be
seen on the font cover of products.
With the text inside the booklet im
wanting to have very subtle text kind of
like the one I am using now so its clear to
read with no crazy fonts. I will most likely
use one that is in Photoshop as I will be
able to find a normal looking font.
Im not sure which font from here I like the most I will have
to see which one I prefer or looks good when it comes
making my products. I think the one I like the most looking
at them altogether it might maybe be this one
A plan for the pages of your book. What will be the cover? What will be the running order? What will go in it? How many
pages for each item? This is important to get right if you want it to print correctly later on. It will also help you plan the space
you have.
The front cover – Pictures of Frank Ocean in rotoscoping effect covering the front cover with
his name at the top.
double page spread 1) – his name, why he changed his name
On the other side it’ll be his age and where he was born, how he was introduced into music
Double page spread 2) – occupation talking about what he does – has all of them written
out of what to write.
Double page spread 3) - songs he’s written for other artist
double page spread 4) – what songs he’s featured in, with pictures of them
Double page spread 5) – first album, his channel orange, first debut album (talking about
the male). what he has won and where he is at on spotify
Back cover – more images of Frank Ocean but more of them as there’s no text on the back.
Front cover Back cover
All these pages with the layouts are going to be in rotoscoping
More images of Frank ocean
all over this back page
(1) Double page spread
This one is about her early ages
Wrote in paragraphs – this is
on both pages will write more
for each age about him
Also pictures along with it.
(2) Double page spread
Include little briefs of each one
(3) Double page spread
Add each one of the artist he’s wrote a song for in a rotoscoping effect with what song they made
(4) Double page spread
Songs he's featured in, name of the artist and the name of the song with the artist photos in
(5) Double page spread
First album
Production schedule:
You have 2 weeks to generate content and 3 weeks to produce your book along with any improvements. You need to plan
this. What will you be doing each week? How long should you spend on each task? How will you know if you are head or
behind schedule?
What im going to do;
Week 1: I will defiantly be needing to start my production work straight away as I will be needing to
make a lot of rotoscoping images of Frank Ocean. I will hopefully be able to do at least two in an hour
and a half, so by having 3 weeks I will want to finish that at least 2 weeks in as that’s the main focus of
my fanzine piece of work. So I might have enough time to do what im wanting to do. Also doing the
layout getting this into place like the text.
Week 2: I will be continuing with the rotoscoping and also making the layout a little more like adding
the text in the right place and maybe start adding some of the pictures I have made to it to see it come
together and see what else I need to add to it.
Week 3: the last week of production I will be adding last minute touches like adding more text or
perfecting an image that I have made to make it fit better and just in general look at it all together to
see what I could improve or add to make it look its best.
I’m hoping that by the end of week 1 I will be nearly done or at least half way to finishing the rotoscoping
images as that is the main part to my product and im wanting that to look its best.
Potential Issue Solutions
Lose memory stick Make sure I back it up in different places not
just my memory stick.
Photoshop might crash Keep saving regularly so when it crashes at
least you don’t have to restart your entire
Computer might overheat Save as many times as possible to keep your
work updated as possible and take breaks to
let the computer cool down.
Contingency Planning
Potential Issue How will the issue be avoided
Back pain from the seat Adjust the chair to make sure you’re up right
and taking breaks to give your back a break.
Strain your eyes Take regular breaks from looking at screens
Develop hand strain from typing too much Takes breaks from typing so you hands don’t
hurt too much
Computer could overheat and create a fire by it Take regular breaks from the computer and
keep saving just in case.
3. Copy
You should document the process of getting your interview. You should produce a range of questions and also a list of
You should provide an unedited transcript of the interview as well as at least one draft of it.
Interviews can be written in whatever style you prefer.
All the other written elements of your fanzine are up to you but should be documented here. If you decide to write a
review, a polemic, an article or anything else, it needs to be documented here.
Drafts are good so it is worth writing a first draft then producing a second which not only checks for spelling and grammar
errors but also ensures that your work has a consistent style, quality and structure.
Recording your research, as and when it happens, is also a very strong idea. If you need to look up a fact or read an
article, record that.
1st double page spread
Page 1
When he was five years old, Ocean and his family relocated to New
Orleans, Louisiana
Ocean attempted to change his name to Christopher Francis Ocean through a legal website on his 23rd birthday. The
change was reportedly partly inspired by the 1960 film Ocean's 11. In March 2014 it was reported that he was legally
changing his name to Frank Ocean. In November 2014, it was revealed that the name change had not been legalised
due to multiple speeding offenses. On April 23, 2015, Ocean changed his legal name to Frank Ocean.
Ocean was first introduced to music through his mother, who would often play recordings by jazz
musicians in her car. Ocean was also frequented the towns local jazz bars and parlors which
encouraged him to begin recording his own music.
Birth name: Christopher Edwin Cooksey
Born: October 28, 1987. 32
Long beach, California, U.S
Page 2
2nd double page spread
1st and 2nd page
Write about Frank’s occupations singer/rapper/ghostwriter/photographer and
record producer
3rd double page spread
Page 1 and 2
This one is the songs he has written for artists. So I’m going to write the
names of the artists with rotoscoping images of them and the name of the
song he helped write for them.
4th double page spread
Page 1 and page 2
With this one as well its about the songs he’s now been featured in so I’m going to have the artist
faces in rotoscoping with the name of the song they have made together.
5th double page spread
Page 1
First mixtape; Nostalgia, Ultra (16 February 2011) – inspired to make the mixtape after
hurricane Katrina
Frank moved into his dorm at university new Orleans just a few days hurricane Katrina hit Oceans
hometown in august 2005. His recording studio was destroyed by the floodwaters.
First album ect…
Page 2
Channel orange
Channel Orange is franks first studio albums which was produced
mostly by himself. The record blends number of styles together to
create a fresh take on our be, drawing from the funk, jazz and
psychedelic styles. The lyrics discusses franks personal experiences
with romance, drugs and modern decadence.
As of February 2017, he won two Grammys, a Soul Train and UK Music
Final piece of writing
1st double page spread
Page 1
Ocean attempted to change his name to Christopher Francis Ocean through a legal
website on his 23rd birthday. The change is inspired by the 1960 film Ocean’s 11. in march
2014 it was reported that he was legally changing his name to Frank ocean. In November
2014, it was revealed that the name change has not been legalised due to multiple
speeding offenses. On April 23 2015, ocean changed his name legally to frank ocean.
Page 2
Frank Ocean was born on October the 28th in 1987, making him 32 years old.
He was born in Long beach, California U.S. when he was 5 years old, Ocean and his family
relocated to New Orleans, Louisiana.
Ocean was first introduced to music through his mother, who would often play recordings
by jazz musicians in her car. Ocean was also frequented the towns local jazz bars and
parlors which encouraged him to begin recording his own music.
2nd double page spread
Page 1
Frank’s occupations are singer/rapper, songwriter, record producer, photographer and a
Singer/rapper are musicians who write, compose and perform their own musical
materials which include lyrics and melodies. Rapper is similar to a singer just saying words
instead of singing them.
A songwriter is a professional that writes lyrics and composes musical compositions for
Page 2
A record producer or music producer oversees and manages the sound recording and
production of a band or performer's music, which may range from recording one song to
recording a lengthy concept album.
A photographer is a person who makes photographs and that’s what Ocean did at the Met
Gala he had one job to once again photograph all of the familiar faces inside.
In music a ghostwriter are often used to write songs, lyrics and instrumental pieces. Also
occurs in other creative fields. Ocean has written songs for famous artists without his fans
knowing about it or even the artist fans.
3rd double page spread
Page 1 and page 2
This one is the songs he has written for artists. So I’m going to write the names of the
artists with rotoscoping images of them and the name of the song he helped write for
4th double page spread
Page 1 and page 2
With this one as well its about the songs he’s now been featured in so I’m going to have
the artist faces in rotoscoping with the name of the song they have made together.
5th double page spread
Page 1
Frank Ocean first song he produced was Nostalgia, Ultra which released on the 16th of
February 2011 and was inspired to make the mixtape after hurricane Katrina. Frank moved
into his dorm at university New Orleans just a few days hurricane Katrina hit Oceans
hometown in August 2005. his recording studio was destroyed by the floodwaters.
Channel Orange is Franks first studio album which was produced mostly by himself. The
record blends number of styles together to create a fresh take on our be , drawing from the
funk, jazz and psychedelic styles. The lyrics discuses franks personal experiences with
romance, rugs and modern decadence. Ocean revealed in Channel Orange album that the
lyrics addresses a male object of love and deviated from the heterosexual perspective of his
past songs.
Page 2
Channel Orange debuted at number two on the billboard 200 and sold 131,000 copies in it’s
first week.
Channel Orange won a Grammy award for the best urban contemporary album in 2012.
On spotify the amount of monthly listener that listen to Frank Ocean is 12,514,991 and is
239th in the world to be played on spotify.

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Print Pro Forma

  • 2. Existing Product Front cover The colours aren't very bright as the black stands out the most which makes the pink minimal and not very vibrant. The black looks a little like waves the way they are on the page as it looks like they’re crashing into each other. This side of the black looks like a black cloud or like smoke either one which is different to the other side where I said It looks like waves. The pink is a solid colour behind the black which peaks through some of the black parts which makes the black pattern stand out as the pink is a lot brighter to make that effect. Has the cost of the book which is helpful or people buying there product. Has the Issue too and then other writing which I cant really read very well but it has some writing on it which makes people read the cover instead of going straight into the book. Looks like all this has been edited on nit really an image or like its been taken by a camera. This book is promoting itself as a irreverent blend of fashion, art and critical theory.
  • 3. Existing Product Colour scheme is still black but instead of pink its orange I like how they have put that colour theme on both sides of the two pages. The text is also orange against the black making it easy to see, however you cant see it in this image but If you saw it closer up you might be able to. The orange look is really cool and it’s vibrant and really makes the image stand out which I like and think will look cool in my piece of work Im wanting to do. Make the image on he this page stand out even though its dark you still focus on the image also by the the lights coming of the vehicle I like that the only two colours are orange and black when its orange the text is black and with the black side the text is orange. I like this effect as again its different to having a line of text.
  • 4. Founded in 2014 by editors Naomi Pallas and Phoebe Lindsley, with creative direction by Patience Harding, Fruitlands' irreverent blend of engaging literary content and striking design has seen its popularity grow and grow. ‘Fruitlands’ was a utopian commune that opened its doors in 1843 with the following aims: residents ate no animal substances, banned artificial light, held property communally and used no animal labour. Contributors are asked to take on the radical DIY attitude of Fruitlands’s founding fathers & mothers, responding to a theme with anything: poetry; writing; art; photography; sound. They are encouraged to create ambitious content that pushes their brief to its furthest edges. We expect them to be critically engaged, unpicking contemporary issues with an incisive eye. This is promoting itself with variety of mediums such as art, poetry, photography and others, Fruitlands tells a unique story in its own right from cover to cover. Each issue is tied under with a theme, it’s third issue so we’ve been informed is the exploration of the theme Dark. It’s slowly beginning to encourage the world to appreciate and recognise the DIY, un-photoshopped and natural, stories images and written words. It’s written style is sophisticated and clear, compiled with beautifully stark photographic editorials that explore the refreshingly naturalness that is so lost in typical fashion magazines. Its effortlessly sourcing content from across the globe giving their readers an exciting, challenging and very real read.
  • 5. Existing ProductFront cover Double Page Spread
  • 6. Existing Product About: The person who created the Cashmere magazine is called Tadashi Matayoshi he has a professional degree in Management and Graphic Design at Toulouse-Lautrec institute in Lima, Peru. He has experienced in fashion retail and branding studios. With his projects he’s keen on maximizing their own images, always taking a potential strategy behind. Cashmere is a fashion magazine inspired by the classic and contemporary, maintains the classic elements and give importance of white space for not doing so heavy, It is light and easy to read which gives more importance to the impact of the images. The colour scheme is very neutral looking as you can see there's grey’s, beige and black and white colours nothing bright and colour in this magazine apart from the one with the flower which makes it stand out in a good way it might make the magazine have more to it. Its quite minimalistic to look at as its clean looking not a lot going on which makes it easy to read and see the images clear. There isn't a lot of text in this magazine its mainly images which is nice as you might just want to look at the photos than the text as the magazine is focused on the fashion which is also given away by the name of it too as it cashmere which is a type of clothing material. It looks like it was all taken either in a studio by the clear images especially the ones at the top of the page as its got the clear background with it and the lighting is bright and its just simple looking which makes it look like its taken in a studio.
  • 8. Existing Product Who they are: They are a fashion revolution. They are people from all around the world who make the fashion industry work. They are the people who wear clothes and they are the people who make them. they are designers, academics, writers, business leader, policymakers, brands, retailers, marketers, producer, makers, workers and fashion lovers. They are the industry and they are the public, they’re world citizens. They believe in fashion industry that values people, the environment, creativity and profit in equal measures. There mission is to unite people and organisations to work together towards radically changing the way their clothes are sourced, produced and consumed, so that their clothing is made in a safe, clean and fair way. They believe that collaborating the whole value chain – from farmer to consumer – is the only way to transform the industry. Carry Somers and Orsola de Castro are the ones who were inspired to act after the Rana Plaza factory collapsed in Bangladesh in 2013 and founded Fashion Revolution. The fourth in a series of bi-annual collectable fanzines which seek to uncover the stories behind the clothing we wear. In this issue we focus on craft as culture. With thought pieces on cultural appropriation, intangible cultural heritage and globalisation, we discover why it’s so important to honour and celebrate crafts and artisans whilst a the same time, discussing their challenges in the 21st century and what the future of craft may look like. The colour scheme is very bright looking, makes it eye-catching to the audience which is good for the product. The text is clear to read as the backgrounds are white making it easier to read however one is blue but I feel that its not the best to see but can still manage to read it. There’s more text on this one, one page for the text then the other side is an image, apart from the blue one is does have images and text on both but its not a lot of either one its equal which is nice and different to the other pages that are in the magazine.
  • 9. Research summary • Summarise what you have learned about fanzines. What I have learnt about fanzine is that they are for pleasure for others who share their interest in what they make, as they can make literally anything they are interested in which attracts people who like the same things as there is a wide range of fanzines around. They are mainly all self-published work of original or appropriate text and images.
  • 11. Idea 1 The reason to why I would like to do a rotoscoping piece of work is because I’m wanting to do a fanzine about Frank Ocean. Im wanting to get images of Frank and change it to a rotoscoping where it comes out a little cartoon but still being able to see who it Is and write things about him like where he was born etc., which I have written a whole slide about him further down which you will be able to see. I have also collect some images of him that I would like to include of when he was young to now. Also got his album covers on there too to include. What I also want to include in the fanzine is who he has written songs for and what songs he’s featured in and include them into my piece as well.
  • 12.
  • 13. Images • Im getting all my images from goodie images and picking the ones I want to most which still work with my fanzine. I make sure that when I go onto Google images to change the tools to large so when I start to edit them in Photoshop they wont be blurry as that will be annoying but it wont be a massive problem as I wont be using them images completely as im making them into rotoscoping I will be colouring in every part of Frank Oceans face/body so the image won’t matter afterwards. Im trying to get images of him when he was younger and to now so when I talk about his childhood I have images of him when he was younger and maybe images of his family, and then when it gets to when he is older I can have pictures of him now like what he’s doing with his life now to make it look like it’s a booklet about Frank. This is the link to the Google images of Frank so its easier to see where im getting the images and im just scrolling down to see which ones im wanting the most. sQ_AUoAXoECBEQAw&biw=1156&bih=810#imgrc=_
  • 14.
  • 15. A record producer or music producer oversees and manages the sound recording and production of a band or performer's music, which may range from recording one song to recording a lengthy concept album. In music, ghostwriters are often used to write songs, lyrics, and instrumental pieces. Also occurs in other creative fields. A songwriter is a professional that writes lyrics and composes musical compositions for songs. A photographer is a person who makes photographs. Singer/rapper are musicians who write, compose, and perform their own musical material, including lyrics and melodies. Rapper is included as that is kind of the same as singing but speaking is than singing it. Occupation: singer, songwriter, rapper, record producer, photographer, ghostwriter Add rotoscoping images of the instruments etc. that I have written about.
  • 16. People he wrote songs for; Brandy Norwood Justin Bieber John Legend Bridget Kelly Beyoncé Damienn Jones Also sang together Superpower Bigger Scared of Beautiful and 1st & Love Quickly Thinking About Forever I Miss You Cinderella and Summertime
  • 17. Songs Frank Ocean is featured inCalvin Harris - Slide Tyler the creator - She - 911/Mr. Lonely - Where this flower blooms Kanye West - Wolves - No church in the wild Earl Sweatshirt - Sunday ASAP Rocky - RAF - Purity Jay-Z - No church in the wild - Caught their eyes - Made in America
  • 19. Practice Instructions on how to do the rotoscoping before doing my final piece would like to practice before hand. How I did it; First step I did was get an image of a artist, I chose Travis Scott. I then started to colour in each part of his face. I started off with outlining his face with the polygonal tool sketching out his face and then double clicked on the layer I just created which brought up layers style, I went down to colour overlay and changed the colour to the colour of his skin. I did this for each part of his face, hair and clothing to create the effect of a real looking person. I did the same thing when it came to making it look a little more realistic so by adding shadows and highlighting I just selected the part of his face that I wanted highlighting and then did the same steps by going on colour overlay and changed the colour to a lighter colour to his face to create that highlighted look. I did the same step as the highlighting one but for shadows instead of going lighter I went darker to create that effect.
  • 21. Bibliography 1. Matayoshi, T. (2016). Cashmere Magazine . Available: Last accessed 10/12/19. 2. WEAVER,A. (2017). FRUITLANDS ZINE. Available: Last accessed 10/12/19.
  • 23. Mood Boards: images, I can’t find anything similar to what I am wanting to do but I can explain what my idea is. So with the bottom image of Frank Ocean im wanting to make it into a rotoscoping image so you can still see who it is but as a cartoon look which you can see by the top image of what it might look like. I have also made an experiment of that im going for just cant find on in the fanzine style. I have include a rotoscoping image so you can see what effect it gives as you can see is a person but just made into a character than actually using the real image. I’m wanting to have a couple of images of Frank Ocean on the front cover around each other so people know its about this singer then having his name at the top. So by having different images of Frank on the cover with the rotoscoping effect to it then it will hopefully look really cool and different to other fanzines.
  • 24. Mood Boards: colour schemes Im wanting with the background colour to match what the person is wearing or what hair colour etc. for example; So with this one because he is wearing white I could go a grey colour for the background or I could go with his hair colour and go either lighter or darker. So im going to say that any colour that will work with the images I’d choose. I’ve picked neutrals and bright colours just in case of the image ill be picking for my product.
  • 25. Mood Boards: font choices. Could include mock ups and evidence of existing design work which is inspiring you. Fonts I've picked some fonts that I might include for the front cover as I like the look of them al as they look like they would be seen on the font cover of products. With the text inside the booklet im wanting to have very subtle text kind of like the one I am using now so its clear to read with no crazy fonts. I will most likely use one that is in Photoshop as I will be able to find a normal looking font. Im not sure which font from here I like the most I will have to see which one I prefer or looks good when it comes making my products. I think the one I like the most looking at them altogether it might maybe be this one
  • 26. Pagination: A plan for the pages of your book. What will be the cover? What will be the running order? What will go in it? How many pages for each item? This is important to get right if you want it to print correctly later on. It will also help you plan the space you have. The front cover – Pictures of Frank Ocean in rotoscoping effect covering the front cover with his name at the top. double page spread 1) – his name, why he changed his name On the other side it’ll be his age and where he was born, how he was introduced into music Double page spread 2) – occupation talking about what he does – has all of them written out of what to write. Double page spread 3) - songs he’s written for other artist double page spread 4) – what songs he’s featured in, with pictures of them Double page spread 5) – first album, his channel orange, first debut album (talking about the male). what he has won and where he is at on spotify Back cover – more images of Frank Ocean but more of them as there’s no text on the back.
  • 27. Front cover Back cover title All these pages with the layouts are going to be in rotoscoping More images of Frank ocean all over this back page
  • 28. (1) Double page spread thus This one is about her early ages Wrote in paragraphs – this is on both pages will write more for each age about him Also pictures along with it. text
  • 29. (2) Double page spread Include little briefs of each one
  • 30. (3) Double page spread Add each one of the artist he’s wrote a song for in a rotoscoping effect with what song they made together.
  • 31. (4) Double page spread Songs he's featured in, name of the artist and the name of the song with the artist photos in rotoscoping
  • 32. (5) Double page spread First album text
  • 33. Production schedule: You have 2 weeks to generate content and 3 weeks to produce your book along with any improvements. You need to plan this. What will you be doing each week? How long should you spend on each task? How will you know if you are head or behind schedule? What im going to do; Week 1: I will defiantly be needing to start my production work straight away as I will be needing to make a lot of rotoscoping images of Frank Ocean. I will hopefully be able to do at least two in an hour and a half, so by having 3 weeks I will want to finish that at least 2 weeks in as that’s the main focus of my fanzine piece of work. So I might have enough time to do what im wanting to do. Also doing the layout getting this into place like the text. Week 2: I will be continuing with the rotoscoping and also making the layout a little more like adding the text in the right place and maybe start adding some of the pictures I have made to it to see it come together and see what else I need to add to it. Week 3: the last week of production I will be adding last minute touches like adding more text or perfecting an image that I have made to make it fit better and just in general look at it all together to see what I could improve or add to make it look its best. I’m hoping that by the end of week 1 I will be nearly done or at least half way to finishing the rotoscoping images as that is the main part to my product and im wanting that to look its best.
  • 34. Potential Issue Solutions Lose memory stick Make sure I back it up in different places not just my memory stick. Photoshop might crash Keep saving regularly so when it crashes at least you don’t have to restart your entire work. Computer might overheat Save as many times as possible to keep your work updated as possible and take breaks to let the computer cool down. Contingency Planning
  • 35. Potential Issue How will the issue be avoided Back pain from the seat Adjust the chair to make sure you’re up right and taking breaks to give your back a break. Strain your eyes Take regular breaks from looking at screens Develop hand strain from typing too much Takes breaks from typing so you hands don’t hurt too much Computer could overheat and create a fire by it Take regular breaks from the computer and keep saving just in case.
  • 37. Interview: You should document the process of getting your interview. You should produce a range of questions and also a list of interviewees. You should provide an unedited transcript of the interview as well as at least one draft of it. Interviews can be written in whatever style you prefer.
  • 41. Copy: All the other written elements of your fanzine are up to you but should be documented here. If you decide to write a review, a polemic, an article or anything else, it needs to be documented here. Drafts are good so it is worth writing a first draft then producing a second which not only checks for spelling and grammar errors but also ensures that your work has a consistent style, quality and structure. Recording your research, as and when it happens, is also a very strong idea. If you need to look up a fact or read an article, record that.
  • 42. 1st double page spread Page 1 When he was five years old, Ocean and his family relocated to New Orleans, Louisiana Ocean attempted to change his name to Christopher Francis Ocean through a legal website on his 23rd birthday. The change was reportedly partly inspired by the 1960 film Ocean's 11. In March 2014 it was reported that he was legally changing his name to Frank Ocean. In November 2014, it was revealed that the name change had not been legalised due to multiple speeding offenses. On April 23, 2015, Ocean changed his legal name to Frank Ocean. Ocean was first introduced to music through his mother, who would often play recordings by jazz musicians in her car. Ocean was also frequented the towns local jazz bars and parlors which encouraged him to begin recording his own music. Birth name: Christopher Edwin Cooksey Born: October 28, 1987. 32 Long beach, California, U.S Page 2 2nd double page spread 1st and 2nd page Write about Frank’s occupations singer/rapper/ghostwriter/photographer and record producer 3rd double page spread Page 1 and 2 This one is the songs he has written for artists. So I’m going to write the names of the artists with rotoscoping images of them and the name of the song he helped write for them.
  • 43. 4th double page spread Page 1 and page 2 With this one as well its about the songs he’s now been featured in so I’m going to have the artist faces in rotoscoping with the name of the song they have made together. 5th double page spread Page 1 First mixtape; Nostalgia, Ultra (16 February 2011) – inspired to make the mixtape after hurricane Katrina Frank moved into his dorm at university new Orleans just a few days hurricane Katrina hit Oceans hometown in august 2005. His recording studio was destroyed by the floodwaters. First album ect… Page 2 Channel orange Billboard Spotfiy Channel Orange is franks first studio albums which was produced mostly by himself. The record blends number of styles together to create a fresh take on our be, drawing from the funk, jazz and psychedelic styles. The lyrics discusses franks personal experiences with romance, drugs and modern decadence. As of February 2017, he won two Grammys, a Soul Train and UK Music Award.
  • 44. Final piece of writing 1st double page spread Page 1 Ocean attempted to change his name to Christopher Francis Ocean through a legal website on his 23rd birthday. The change is inspired by the 1960 film Ocean’s 11. in march 2014 it was reported that he was legally changing his name to Frank ocean. In November 2014, it was revealed that the name change has not been legalised due to multiple speeding offenses. On April 23 2015, ocean changed his name legally to frank ocean. Page 2 Frank Ocean was born on October the 28th in 1987, making him 32 years old. He was born in Long beach, California U.S. when he was 5 years old, Ocean and his family relocated to New Orleans, Louisiana. Ocean was first introduced to music through his mother, who would often play recordings by jazz musicians in her car. Ocean was also frequented the towns local jazz bars and parlors which encouraged him to begin recording his own music. 2nd double page spread Page 1 Frank’s occupations are singer/rapper, songwriter, record producer, photographer and a ghostwriter. Singer/rapper are musicians who write, compose and perform their own musical materials which include lyrics and melodies. Rapper is similar to a singer just saying words instead of singing them.
  • 45. A songwriter is a professional that writes lyrics and composes musical compositions for songs. Page 2 A record producer or music producer oversees and manages the sound recording and production of a band or performer's music, which may range from recording one song to recording a lengthy concept album. A photographer is a person who makes photographs and that’s what Ocean did at the Met Gala he had one job to once again photograph all of the familiar faces inside. In music a ghostwriter are often used to write songs, lyrics and instrumental pieces. Also occurs in other creative fields. Ocean has written songs for famous artists without his fans knowing about it or even the artist fans. 3rd double page spread Page 1 and page 2 This one is the songs he has written for artists. So I’m going to write the names of the artists with rotoscoping images of them and the name of the song he helped write for them. 4th double page spread Page 1 and page 2 With this one as well its about the songs he’s now been featured in so I’m going to have the artist faces in rotoscoping with the name of the song they have made together.
  • 46. 5th double page spread Page 1 Frank Ocean first song he produced was Nostalgia, Ultra which released on the 16th of February 2011 and was inspired to make the mixtape after hurricane Katrina. Frank moved into his dorm at university New Orleans just a few days hurricane Katrina hit Oceans hometown in August 2005. his recording studio was destroyed by the floodwaters. Channel Orange is Franks first studio album which was produced mostly by himself. The record blends number of styles together to create a fresh take on our be , drawing from the funk, jazz and psychedelic styles. The lyrics discuses franks personal experiences with romance, rugs and modern decadence. Ocean revealed in Channel Orange album that the lyrics addresses a male object of love and deviated from the heterosexual perspective of his past songs. Page 2 Channel Orange debuted at number two on the billboard 200 and sold 131,000 copies in it’s first week. Channel Orange won a Grammy award for the best urban contemporary album in 2012. On spotify the amount of monthly listener that listen to Frank Ocean is 12,514,991 and is 239th in the world to be played on spotify.

Editor's Notes

  1. Look at different types of content, design elements, the subject and context. Type of content- studio/location photography, articles, reviews, adverts, sketches, drawings and other artwork Design – colour schemes, photography and images, text/picture ratio, font choices Subject and context – What subject(s) is the fanzine covering? What is the writing style? What is the mode of address? In what context was the fanzine produced? Context is the environment in which something was produced. Think about the time this was made.
  2. Look at different types of content, design elements, the subject and context. Type of content- studio/location photography, articles, reviews, adverts, sketches, drawings and other artwork Design – colour schemes, photography and images, text/picture ratio, font choices Subject and context – What subject(s) is the fanzine covering? What is the writing style? What is the mode of address? In what context was the fanzine produced? Context is the environment in which something was produced. Think about the time this was made.
  3. Look at different types of content, design elements, the subject and context. Type of content- studio/location photography, articles, reviews, adverts, sketches, drawings and other artwork Design – colour schemes, photography and images, text/picture ratio, font choices Subject and context – What subject(s) is the fanzine covering? What is the writing style? What is the mode of address? In what context was the fanzine produced? Context is the environment in which something was produced. Think about the time this was made.
  4. Look at different types of content, design elements, the subject and context. Type of content- studio/location photography, articles, reviews, adverts, sketches, drawings and other artwork Design – colour schemes, photography and images, text/picture ratio, font choices Subject and context – What subject(s) is the fanzine covering? What is the writing style? What is the mode of address? In what context was the fanzine produced? Context is the environment in which something was produced. Think about the time this was made.
  5. You don’t need to find links between different fanzines because, often there are not any.
  6. Think about a subject you could write about, a design style could work in and why you would want to do it. Think about content. What different visual and written elements would you include? Initial ideas can be documented in any way that you would like. Mind maps are ok, but they don’t work for everyone. If you prefer to simply write your idea, do that. If you want to combine text and images, do that. As long as you communicate a potential idea, the method is up to you. Present you idea and also some justification for your choices. You can link this back to your research.
  7. List all products researched in previous sections. Include anything additional you have watched/read in preparation for production. Alphabetise your list.