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Analysing front covers, contents pages 
and double page spreads 
Charlotte Kelly
The masthead is behind the main 
image which shows that this 
music magazine is so well known 
that it does not need the whole 
headline to be on show for it to 
be recognized. 
Pink and blue pastel colour scheme 
highlights that this particular 
magazine is unisex. Pink 
stereotypically being seen as a 
feminine colour and blue a male 
Clothes she is wearing are 
quite plain, also she has 
natural hair and make-up, 
highlighting the fact she’s not 
trying as hard to portray 
herself as something she isn't. 
Also stereotypically female 
music artists objectify 
themselves for attention, she 
does not portray this. 
Subtle bling and leather to show a 
small side to her edgy and tough 
side. She is not completely plain 
yet not massively over the top. 
Bling also could represent wealth 
and a lavish lifestyle. 
It says ‘Likes to watch’ and the fact 
she is holding a camera shows a 
different side to Janet Jackson, 
maybe a more arty side trying to 
capture a different side to herself. 
Also it says first ever photo issue, 
the camera highlights this. ‘Limited 
edition cover’, could be saying that 
Janet Jackson is limited edition as 
unlike other generic female artists.
Using red, white and black as the 
scheme shows quite a flash and 
wealthy theme. Red, white and 
black makes you think of casinos/ 
the club scene and therefore wealth 
and the more lavish lifestyle. Also 
red represents desire adding to the 
fact Trey Songz, who is the main 
image, is topless and therefore 
desirable. The black background 
makes the text really bold. There is 
a good amount of both red and 
white, neither colour is to 
The facial expression he’s pulling, 
the fact he’s topless and wet all 
alludes to a provocative tone. Also 
the facial expression and stance 
could be seen as quite threatening. 
His tattoo’s highlight his rock 
star/fierce attitude. 
The taglines ‘living the dream’ and 
‘NO DICE Gambling in the NBA’ also 
links to this wealthy and gambling 
lifestyle. This highlights that the rapper 
lifestyle is quite lavish and threatening. 
Only what normal people could dream 
‘The hardest in R&B’ also linking 
to this threatening lifestyle of a 
rapper. The whole front cover is 
quite intimidating. Red could also 
be seen as the colour for anger.
The pink and girly colour scheme 
highlights that it is aimed at 
woman and that Billboard is a 
more feminine magazine. Also the 
fact Katy Perry is covered in 
flowers, pink flowers shows this. 
Flowers often are related with 
hippie music, or something quite 
The headline ‘Billboard’ is not fully 
visible which shows that it is a well 
known Magazine as they don’t 
need to show the whole headline to 
make it recognisable. 
‘Katy Perry’ ‘Inside the Court of 
the new Queen of Pop’ This shows 
that Katy Perry is quite a regal and 
therefore sophisticated character. 
Stereotypically female artists can 
come across as quite provocative 
but Katy Perry is full covered and 
looks innocent covered in flowers. 
Her Make-up is simple and elegant 
and not overpowering again 
highlighting this regal stance. 
Flowers also can link to 
coronations and celebrations, 
therefore celebrating the ‘queen.’ 
The black bold text against the 
pink background stands out and is 
very clear. It’s also quite simple 
and therefore portrays that this 
magazine is simple yet elegant. 
There are only hints of other 
colours, for example the orange 
and white titles however these are 
still feminine colours.
The black, white and red colour 
scheme really stands out and portrays 
this idea of danger. The colour red can 
also represent this idea of blood and is 
quite threatening. This links to Cheryl 
Cole’s pose, her facial expression is 
very hostile and aggressive and she’s 
licking her ring which is a spike 
showing she is not afraid. Also the 
setting and style of the background; the 
rain, dark lighting and make-up 
highlight this menacing atmosphere. 
The title ‘Q’ is very 
significant and bold. It’s 
different to the previous 
magazines as the title is in 
front of the main image or 
background. ‘Q’ is a very 
momentous title as it leaves 
the audience thinking of what 
it could stand for and 
therefore highlighting this 
menacing atmosphere. ‘Q’ 
stands out from the crowd as 
not many magazines have a 
singular letter title. Also it 
says ‘the UK’s biggest music 
magazine’ showing that its 
very well known. 
‘3 Words… Cheryl Cole ROCKS’ 
This is significant because it links 
to the main image. Cheryl is 
portraying herself as a threatening 
character which links to Rock 
which is loud and aggressive. Also 
‘3 words’ is quite ironic as Cheryl 
previously brought out a single 
called 3 words. 
‘The Crooked Vultures’ and 
‘Vampire Weekend’ as taglines 
really fit into the theme of this 
magazine. The black, white and 
red could also be linked with 
horror and blood and therefore 
vultures and vampires are really 
The ‘Q’ is very significant and 
bold. It’s different to the previous 
magazines as the title is in front of 
the main image or background. ‘Q’ 
is a very momentous title as it 
leaves the audience thinking of 
what it could stand for and 
therefore highlighting this 
menacing atmosphere. ‘Q’ stands 
out from the crowd as not many 
magazines have a singular letter 
title. Also it says ‘the UK’s biggest 
music magazine’ showing that its 
very well known. By repeating the 
title of the magazine in the 
contents highlights it’s importance. 
‘Issue 279’- Q magazine is obviously a 
very popular and well known magazine 
as it has been running for so long. The 
longer it’s running it shows that people 
obviously still want to buy it. 
The colour scheme is consistent, in nearly 
all Q magazine cover’s Red, White and 
Black are used. They can also been seen as 
quite formal and elegant colours, as 
together as a scheme the colour scheme 
gives a wealthy feel. Red, white and black 
make you think of a casino and therefore a 
wealthier lifestyle. Also the font and layout 
of this contents is very professional. 
There are multiple images which are all 
very eye catching and elaborate. The layout 
of this contents page is quite clear and not 
over the top, the page numbers and their 
stories are clearly seen on the left hand side 
and main stories have images to make them 
more eye-catching. 
The names of the artists ‘Muse’ 
‘The Beatles' ‘Rock nutters’ all 
allude to the fact this magazine 
focuses on the classics and rock. 
The font of the magazine also links 
to this, it’s quite old fashioned yet 
classic. Also the clothing of what 
the people in the images are 
wearing is quite retro, and 
therefore highlights the unique feel 
to this magazine,
The word contents makes it clear what 
page the reader is on. By merging 232 
Contents and Nov05, the page gets this 
sort of industrial look which is supported 
by the sepia background of the page and 
quite plain colour scheme. Q magazine 
always uses this colour scheme of black, 
red and white showing it is quite 
The picture of James Blunt takes up nearly 
the whole page, however on the left part of 
the picture has been cut off by the text. This 
flat edge is very professional and doesn’t look 
very well thought out. However this could 
have been done to purpose to highlight the 
importance of the text over the picture. The 
image shows James Blunt very plain looking 
straight at the reader which gives a more 
personal feel to the magazine. 
Graphics of using the red arrow at the 
bottom makes it more clear to turn to 
page. It may seem pointless but works 
as an enticement to keep the audience 
The logo and name of the music 
magazine has been put in the corner of 
the contents page which is more subtle 
than the cover yet has still been kept 
there so the reader is aware of what 
they’re looking at. 
The article of James Blunt is placed 
second even though he is the main 
image. This again highlights that it 
isn’t particularly well thought out as 
this is quite odd giving him such a 
large image and then putting him 
second. However the main image on 
the cover could be the leading story, 
‘Every Month’ features, helps break the 
magazine up. Shows consistency in the 
magazine. The black banners for 
‘features’ and ‘every month’ highlight 
their importance.
‘ROCK SOUND’ there is no 
mention of the contents, Rock 
sound is the most significant 
writing in their approach and 
highlights the idea of the 
magazine. ‘No.141’, if it’s issue 
141 it shows it’s a popular 
magazine and therefore a well 
thought out and professional. 
The black, white and blue colour 
scheme is quite ‘electro’ and punkie 
which also adds to this idea of Rock 
sound. Also the man in the main 
image has black hair, glasses and 
tattoo’s which stereotypically gives off a 
very rock and punk image. His 
expression is quite eye catching and 
intriguing and makes you wonder why 
he is pulling it. 
The Margin and text is over the 
main image which shows that 
the text is most important. It 
looks very professional as the 
image is not cut off and 
therefore doesn’t leave any sharp 
lines, The text and colour 
scheme is consistent which again 
highlights the professional 
The artists on the left hand side ‘Papa 
Roach’ ‘Slip Knot’ etc. again allude to 
this ‘Rock sound’ which shows that the 
title is in fact relevant to the content of 
the magazine., Also the fact they’re 
numbered makes the magazine more 
clear and easier accessible,
The word “contents” is laid out uniquely 
with an eye catching effect, it could also 
be laid out like this to not take the focus 
of the main image. The magazine’s 
iconic style is established through out the 
magazine. What also adds to this abstract 
style is the way the V behind is 
The clothes Kanye are wearing are high fashion 
reflecting the established take to the magazine, it 
also highlights the message that music magazines 
don’t just focus on music. It also includes things 
like fashion, celebs, culture etc. This is shown by 
the separate title of fashion in the bottom right, 
The layout is clear and easy to read/ navigate. The 
text is clear and concise and the information given 
is just a taste of what’s actually in the magazine. 
The titles highlight the conciseness of the 
The background is plain to keep 
the main focus on Kanye, by 
using a famous artist people will 
recognise him and therefore be 
more attracted to the magazine. 
Although its half hidden the 
background still shows the logo 
of the magazine and therefore 
represents it. 
The colour scheme of greyscale 
is used with the only real colour 
being the red of the heart. 
Keeping the rest grey and 
focusing the colour on the heart 
adds a uniqueness to the 
contents. The heart is being 
placed by a mysterious hand 
from behind Kanye’s back. The 
eyes are instantly drawn to this 
point. The connotation could be 
love, and by being ripped out 
therefore there could be issues 
with his love life.
The large ‘L’ covering the text again highlights Lady Gaga’s importance, it’s exciting and bold just like Lady Gaga herself. 
When flicking through the magazine something so bold would make you stop and read and therefore it’s an effective eye 
catching technique. It’s the only bit of colour on the page and therefore you are drawn to it. 
This double page spread uses a whole page just for Lady Gaga which highlights her importance. The image is unique and 
has a sort of ‘industrial feel’ with the sepia/black and white tone, and the chains hanging from her neck. This also adds to 
the colour scheme of the spread, red black and white frequently used in ‘Q’ magazine, again quite industrial yet retro. Lady 
gaga is known for being different and therefore the chains highpoint this. Her make up and hair is quite plain for Lady 
Gaga and therefore doesn’t take emphasis of the text or the message. 
The quite plain 
scheme is consistent 
throughout the whole 
magazine, this tells us 
that ‘Q’ magazine 
doesn’t particularly 
want to take the 
effect of the text with 
loads of bright bold 
pictures or text. It’s 
clear and concise 
which will attract 
The opening paragraph is larger than the rest of the text to 
bring focus to the text. It sets the subject for the piece and 
therefore brings them in to make them read on. 
The ‘S’ pulls the 
reader into the text. 
It stands out 
compared to the rest 
of the text because its 
so large. It’s the 
starter of the first 
sentence and 
therefore makes the 
reader want to read 
The opening paragraph is simply explaining how Lana Del Rey looked when the people 
writing saw her. Saying she pictures ‘like a model’ and her epic facial expressions. She chose 
the picture herself and decided to pick the one that highlights her flaws, she embraces them 
and is proud of them. This is reflected in her songs. 
The subtle red hint 
suggest danger and 
on the other side 
blue which is more 
of a calming and 
peaceful colour. 
This could suggest 
the contrast in her 
character, there are 
two sides to her. 
Both dangerous yet 
Expression is quite emotional and desperate. She looks like she is stroking 
her throat, representing the hurt. Her nails look like claws again 
highlighting that her pain is sharp and powerful. It says in the beginning 
she’s mourning someone which supports this pain.
Rappers 50 cent 
and Soulja boy 
are positioned in 
quite threatening 
positions. Soulja 
boy, his arms out 
wide, open to 
fights. 50 cent 
standing in the 
background with 
a very hostile 
facial expression. 
There clothing 
highlights the rap 
lifestyle, the long 
chains and 
snapbacks. By 
putting them on 
a plain 
background it 
highlights their 
importance, it 
also can say 
they’re quite 
arrogant and self 
obsessed as the 
focus is on them. 
The opening paragraph is also quite threatening and highlights the stereotypical rapper attitude. ‘‘Ya’ll better leave him the 
f**k alone before somebody get hurt’’, by 50 cent tweeting this it shows that he doesn’t care what people think and is loyal 
to his fellow rappers. Also by using quite harsh language highlights this abrupt attitude and shows he doesn’t care. 
The layout/ 
colour scheme 
of this double 
page spread is 
quite industrial 
and harsh. The 
white is an off 
white which 
shows lack of 
care, also by 
using only 
black and white 
and no colour 
creates quite a 
cold and hostile 
Also it allows 
the picture to 
stand out even 
The blue, black and white colour scheme links to ‘Mars’ the metallic blue gives a sort of space atmosphere and the way he’s 
positioned looks like he’s floating through space. It also links to the title ‘when mars attacks’ and reflects that Bruno Mars is a 
completely new and out there type of artist. 
The opening 
paragraph summaries 
Mars as ‘music’s 
drama free 
international pop 
star.’ Unlike other 
stereotypical artists 
Mars is not arrogant 
at all and doesn’t 
actually realise how 
good he is. ‘When 
Mars Attacks’, this is 
a catchy headline and 
highlights that Bruno 
Mars is coming with 
a bang. 
The picture is a unique and interesting picture due to what he’s wearing and his body positioning. The 
glasses and hat are unique to him and therefore highlight his own image. Bruno Mars is more for the music 
rather than the celebrity lifestyle. The fact he’s wearing a suit and looks quite smart shows he does care how 
he represents himself yet he doesn’t want to come across arrogant.

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Analysing front covers, contents pages and double: Music Magazine

  • 1. Analysing front covers, contents pages and double page spreads Charlotte Kelly
  • 2. The masthead is behind the main image which shows that this music magazine is so well known that it does not need the whole headline to be on show for it to be recognized. Pink and blue pastel colour scheme highlights that this particular magazine is unisex. Pink stereotypically being seen as a feminine colour and blue a male colour. Clothes she is wearing are quite plain, also she has natural hair and make-up, highlighting the fact she’s not trying as hard to portray herself as something she isn't. Also stereotypically female music artists objectify themselves for attention, she does not portray this. Subtle bling and leather to show a small side to her edgy and tough side. She is not completely plain yet not massively over the top. Bling also could represent wealth and a lavish lifestyle. It says ‘Likes to watch’ and the fact she is holding a camera shows a different side to Janet Jackson, maybe a more arty side trying to capture a different side to herself. Also it says first ever photo issue, the camera highlights this. ‘Limited edition cover’, could be saying that Janet Jackson is limited edition as unlike other generic female artists.
  • 3. Using red, white and black as the scheme shows quite a flash and wealthy theme. Red, white and black makes you think of casinos/ the club scene and therefore wealth and the more lavish lifestyle. Also red represents desire adding to the fact Trey Songz, who is the main image, is topless and therefore desirable. The black background makes the text really bold. There is a good amount of both red and white, neither colour is to overpowering. The facial expression he’s pulling, the fact he’s topless and wet all alludes to a provocative tone. Also the facial expression and stance could be seen as quite threatening. His tattoo’s highlight his rock star/fierce attitude. The taglines ‘living the dream’ and ‘NO DICE Gambling in the NBA’ also links to this wealthy and gambling lifestyle. This highlights that the rapper lifestyle is quite lavish and threatening. Only what normal people could dream of. ‘The hardest in R&B’ also linking to this threatening lifestyle of a rapper. The whole front cover is quite intimidating. Red could also be seen as the colour for anger.
  • 4. The pink and girly colour scheme highlights that it is aimed at woman and that Billboard is a more feminine magazine. Also the fact Katy Perry is covered in flowers, pink flowers shows this. Flowers often are related with hippie music, or something quite alternative. The headline ‘Billboard’ is not fully visible which shows that it is a well known Magazine as they don’t need to show the whole headline to make it recognisable. ‘Katy Perry’ ‘Inside the Court of the new Queen of Pop’ This shows that Katy Perry is quite a regal and therefore sophisticated character. Stereotypically female artists can come across as quite provocative but Katy Perry is full covered and looks innocent covered in flowers. Her Make-up is simple and elegant and not overpowering again highlighting this regal stance. Flowers also can link to coronations and celebrations, therefore celebrating the ‘queen.’ The black bold text against the pink background stands out and is very clear. It’s also quite simple and therefore portrays that this magazine is simple yet elegant. There are only hints of other colours, for example the orange and white titles however these are still feminine colours.
  • 5. The black, white and red colour scheme really stands out and portrays this idea of danger. The colour red can also represent this idea of blood and is quite threatening. This links to Cheryl Cole’s pose, her facial expression is very hostile and aggressive and she’s licking her ring which is a spike showing she is not afraid. Also the setting and style of the background; the rain, dark lighting and make-up highlight this menacing atmosphere. The title ‘Q’ is very significant and bold. It’s different to the previous magazines as the title is in front of the main image or background. ‘Q’ is a very momentous title as it leaves the audience thinking of what it could stand for and therefore highlighting this menacing atmosphere. ‘Q’ stands out from the crowd as not many magazines have a singular letter title. Also it says ‘the UK’s biggest music magazine’ showing that its very well known. ‘3 Words… Cheryl Cole ROCKS’ This is significant because it links to the main image. Cheryl is portraying herself as a threatening character which links to Rock which is loud and aggressive. Also ‘3 words’ is quite ironic as Cheryl previously brought out a single called 3 words. ‘The Crooked Vultures’ and ‘Vampire Weekend’ as taglines really fit into the theme of this magazine. The black, white and red could also be linked with horror and blood and therefore vultures and vampires are really significant.
  • 6. The ‘Q’ is very significant and bold. It’s different to the previous magazines as the title is in front of the main image or background. ‘Q’ is a very momentous title as it leaves the audience thinking of what it could stand for and therefore highlighting this menacing atmosphere. ‘Q’ stands out from the crowd as not many magazines have a singular letter title. Also it says ‘the UK’s biggest music magazine’ showing that its very well known. By repeating the title of the magazine in the contents highlights it’s importance. ‘Issue 279’- Q magazine is obviously a very popular and well known magazine as it has been running for so long. The longer it’s running it shows that people obviously still want to buy it. The colour scheme is consistent, in nearly all Q magazine cover’s Red, White and Black are used. They can also been seen as quite formal and elegant colours, as together as a scheme the colour scheme gives a wealthy feel. Red, white and black make you think of a casino and therefore a wealthier lifestyle. Also the font and layout of this contents is very professional. There are multiple images which are all very eye catching and elaborate. The layout of this contents page is quite clear and not over the top, the page numbers and their stories are clearly seen on the left hand side and main stories have images to make them more eye-catching. The names of the artists ‘Muse’ ‘The Beatles' ‘Rock nutters’ all allude to the fact this magazine focuses on the classics and rock. The font of the magazine also links to this, it’s quite old fashioned yet classic. Also the clothing of what the people in the images are wearing is quite retro, and therefore highlights the unique feel to this magazine,
  • 7. The word contents makes it clear what page the reader is on. By merging 232 Contents and Nov05, the page gets this sort of industrial look which is supported by the sepia background of the page and quite plain colour scheme. Q magazine always uses this colour scheme of black, red and white showing it is quite consistent. The picture of James Blunt takes up nearly the whole page, however on the left part of the picture has been cut off by the text. This flat edge is very professional and doesn’t look very well thought out. However this could have been done to purpose to highlight the importance of the text over the picture. The image shows James Blunt very plain looking straight at the reader which gives a more personal feel to the magazine. Graphics of using the red arrow at the bottom makes it more clear to turn to page. It may seem pointless but works as an enticement to keep the audience reading. The logo and name of the music magazine has been put in the corner of the contents page which is more subtle than the cover yet has still been kept there so the reader is aware of what they’re looking at. The article of James Blunt is placed second even though he is the main image. This again highlights that it isn’t particularly well thought out as this is quite odd giving him such a large image and then putting him second. However the main image on the cover could be the leading story, ‘Every Month’ features, helps break the magazine up. Shows consistency in the magazine. The black banners for ‘features’ and ‘every month’ highlight their importance.
  • 8. ‘ROCK SOUND’ there is no mention of the contents, Rock sound is the most significant writing in their approach and highlights the idea of the magazine. ‘No.141’, if it’s issue 141 it shows it’s a popular magazine and therefore a well thought out and professional. The black, white and blue colour scheme is quite ‘electro’ and punkie which also adds to this idea of Rock sound. Also the man in the main image has black hair, glasses and tattoo’s which stereotypically gives off a very rock and punk image. His expression is quite eye catching and intriguing and makes you wonder why he is pulling it. The Margin and text is over the main image which shows that the text is most important. It looks very professional as the image is not cut off and therefore doesn’t leave any sharp lines, The text and colour scheme is consistent which again highlights the professional theme. The artists on the left hand side ‘Papa Roach’ ‘Slip Knot’ etc. again allude to this ‘Rock sound’ which shows that the title is in fact relevant to the content of the magazine., Also the fact they’re numbered makes the magazine more clear and easier accessible,
  • 9. The word “contents” is laid out uniquely with an eye catching effect, it could also be laid out like this to not take the focus of the main image. The magazine’s iconic style is established through out the magazine. What also adds to this abstract style is the way the V behind is positioned. The clothes Kanye are wearing are high fashion reflecting the established take to the magazine, it also highlights the message that music magazines don’t just focus on music. It also includes things like fashion, celebs, culture etc. This is shown by the separate title of fashion in the bottom right, The layout is clear and easy to read/ navigate. The text is clear and concise and the information given is just a taste of what’s actually in the magazine. The titles highlight the conciseness of the magazine. The background is plain to keep the main focus on Kanye, by using a famous artist people will recognise him and therefore be more attracted to the magazine. Although its half hidden the background still shows the logo of the magazine and therefore represents it. The colour scheme of greyscale is used with the only real colour being the red of the heart. Keeping the rest grey and focusing the colour on the heart adds a uniqueness to the contents. The heart is being placed by a mysterious hand from behind Kanye’s back. The eyes are instantly drawn to this point. The connotation could be love, and by being ripped out therefore there could be issues with his love life.
  • 10. The large ‘L’ covering the text again highlights Lady Gaga’s importance, it’s exciting and bold just like Lady Gaga herself. When flicking through the magazine something so bold would make you stop and read and therefore it’s an effective eye catching technique. It’s the only bit of colour on the page and therefore you are drawn to it. This double page spread uses a whole page just for Lady Gaga which highlights her importance. The image is unique and has a sort of ‘industrial feel’ with the sepia/black and white tone, and the chains hanging from her neck. This also adds to the colour scheme of the spread, red black and white frequently used in ‘Q’ magazine, again quite industrial yet retro. Lady gaga is known for being different and therefore the chains highpoint this. Her make up and hair is quite plain for Lady Gaga and therefore doesn’t take emphasis of the text or the message. The quite plain scheme is consistent throughout the whole magazine, this tells us that ‘Q’ magazine doesn’t particularly want to take the effect of the text with loads of bright bold pictures or text. It’s clear and concise which will attract readers.
  • 11. The opening paragraph is larger than the rest of the text to bring focus to the text. It sets the subject for the piece and therefore brings them in to make them read on. The ‘S’ pulls the reader into the text. It stands out compared to the rest of the text because its so large. It’s the starter of the first sentence and therefore makes the reader want to read on. The opening paragraph is simply explaining how Lana Del Rey looked when the people writing saw her. Saying she pictures ‘like a model’ and her epic facial expressions. She chose the picture herself and decided to pick the one that highlights her flaws, she embraces them and is proud of them. This is reflected in her songs. The subtle red hint suggest danger and on the other side blue which is more of a calming and peaceful colour. This could suggest the contrast in her character, there are two sides to her. Both dangerous yet beautiful. Expression is quite emotional and desperate. She looks like she is stroking her throat, representing the hurt. Her nails look like claws again highlighting that her pain is sharp and powerful. It says in the beginning she’s mourning someone which supports this pain.
  • 12. Rappers 50 cent and Soulja boy are positioned in quite threatening positions. Soulja boy, his arms out wide, open to fights. 50 cent standing in the background with a very hostile facial expression. There clothing highlights the rap lifestyle, the long chains and snapbacks. By putting them on a plain background it highlights their importance, it also can say they’re quite arrogant and self obsessed as the focus is on them. The opening paragraph is also quite threatening and highlights the stereotypical rapper attitude. ‘‘Ya’ll better leave him the f**k alone before somebody get hurt’’, by 50 cent tweeting this it shows that he doesn’t care what people think and is loyal to his fellow rappers. Also by using quite harsh language highlights this abrupt attitude and shows he doesn’t care. The layout/ colour scheme of this double page spread is quite industrial and harsh. The white is an off white which shows lack of care, also by using only black and white and no colour creates quite a cold and hostile atmosphere. Also it allows the picture to stand out even more.
  • 13. The blue, black and white colour scheme links to ‘Mars’ the metallic blue gives a sort of space atmosphere and the way he’s positioned looks like he’s floating through space. It also links to the title ‘when mars attacks’ and reflects that Bruno Mars is a completely new and out there type of artist. The opening paragraph summaries Mars as ‘music’s drama free international pop star.’ Unlike other stereotypical artists Mars is not arrogant at all and doesn’t actually realise how good he is. ‘When Mars Attacks’, this is a catchy headline and highlights that Bruno Mars is coming with a bang. The picture is a unique and interesting picture due to what he’s wearing and his body positioning. The glasses and hat are unique to him and therefore highlight his own image. Bruno Mars is more for the music rather than the celebrity lifestyle. The fact he’s wearing a suit and looks quite smart shows he does care how he represents himself yet he doesn’t want to come across arrogant.