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Magazine ResearchMain Coursework TaskBy Jack Highfield2011954107The HENLEY College1/1/2011<br />4490720-219710-538480-219710<br />,[object Object]
Large Masthead, billboard, that stands out to the reader, with a sold sans serif type face in upper and lower case crossing from side to side in approximately size 40.Use of blue and green infill colour, which makes Billboard dominate the page.The singer Mary J Blige is standing in front of the billboard to signify importance, and that she is the main feature of the magazine.She is glamorized, and also under a strong key light. Her stance is seductive, and the position of her hands emphasise this. This could appeal to both men and women.The cel lines are in pink and blue, which are calming colours, as well as the majority of the text being in capitals, which makes the image of Mary on the front stand out even further. The colour of her dress also matches the typeface which adds to the sleek look of the front cover.The pink text used adds a feminine touch to the magazine, and could therefore mean that the magazine is targeting women. Furthermore, the use of the word “Exclusives” stands out to the reader. It gives off the connotation that if the member of the public purchases this magazine, they find out “exclusive information.” They are buzz words.Mary J Blidge portrays a positive representation of black women, her stance and the way her head is positioned signifies that she is control and is successful in the competitive music industry.Some cel lines standout such as “New Publishing Powerhouse” with further details featured below.The cel line of Mary J Blige stands out to the reader immediately, and bold bright pink text is then in-between explaining the” album poised to be bigger than breakthrough” which explains her success.Clear sections for the reader to identify what they want to read.<br />-8953501229995Bold Sans serif font, to create impact. Against a grey background. BACKGROUND.Colour Scheme matches the colours in the logo therefore making it memorable.House Style: Continues the blue theme throughout the contents Page. Bold Black Typeface“Typewriter” style to give the magazine a vintage look.Images are positioned next to each other in a square format to give it a CD effect.Medium shot of artists, placed in the background. We are drawn to them as soon as we open the contents page.Logo shown again.<br />,[object Object]
The “Mickey Mouse” hat that she is wearing has connotations of a child like theme, whereas the tank she is sat on symbolizes war. The overall house style uses Pink and black, to add a feminine touch to the articleOn the second page of the spread, the readers are yet again shown the vast successes of the global stars music.  Intertextuality: “Pon de Airplay” is a play on words, because it is similar to her song “Pon de Replay” and this makes it quite comical.  Pon de Airplay highlights the popularity of the music, and how her songs are always on the radio.The cover line is also in a hot Pink, and matches the tank, to continually highlight the theme of Rihanna’s album, and to also make it look professional and sleek in appearance. The use of pink is a distinct contrast to her last album, which mainly consisted of black and a rock theme.In this article we are also introduced to two medium close ups of Rihanna over the past year. The audience can relate more to the artist with the use of images, because we can see where she has been and who she has met in a visual form.The “Run this town” is also another play on words, because one of her recent songs is called “Run this town,” but it also signifies the dominative stance Rihanna has over the music market. Her music could almost “Run” the industry.1041026833718<br />23399757188835-115780035086472<br />Blender Analysis2344420-914400<br />,[object Object],Connotations of Vulnerability.-895350-825500<br />Bold lure for the readers. The cell lines “Must have” draws the attention of the reader.<br />Coverline. Sans Serif Font and the type face is in capitals, to create impact. “Bi curious” is a bold statement to make, and therefore is underlined in a bold effect. The T-Pain statement also provides lure for readers, who will want to find out more.Comical text, (Use of a Pun) makes the front cover more memorable to the reader.Main Cover headline Black and Pink. Feminine touch, appeals to women.Another example of a Blender magazine is featured here, and it follows many conventions of the music magazine genre. The large bold/black masthead is big and therefore grabs the attention of the audience, especially because it is against a white background. Katie Perry dominates the cover, and her picture is in the foreground of the shot. Too add to this, the strap line of “free downloads” in a black font highlights the generosity of the magazine, and also how buying this magazine will give the reader financial benefits.Katy Perry’s attire appeals to both male and female audiences. Her apparent lack of clothing appeals to men because it is seductive, whilst other women would aspire to have her figure.<br />Large bold masthead, which gives off the connotation of a “candy like” theme of the magazine, which corresponds with Katy Perry’s latest album. Simplistic style: The layout of the magazine is aligned to the right and is quite regimented.  The font is stretched and easier to read. The use of a light background also emphasizes this.-107575-48491Quotation:Gives the reader extra information, and we can therefore relate to the artist more.Nothing particularly stands out at us, making the reader have to look around the page to see what they want to read about. It engages us.Surprised child like expression.Long shot of Katy Perry, to portray her slim figure. The colours of her dress match the colour scheme of the mushroom. House style continued, of Black and pink colours as well as the sans serif font being all in capitals and therefore easier to read and use.<br />Here Blender continues to use the large bold font, but as a background in this case.  Similar house style.The picture is in black and white, in order to give off the connotation of a vintage look.The image of Katy is a positive representation of women. Her stance shows that she is in a fighting position, giving the connotation that she is ready to fight and declare her status in the music industry. Furthermore, her raised eyebrow gives off the connotation that she is ready for anything. Her clenched fists show anger, and that we should not underestimate the power of Katy Perry’s music.In order to appeal to male audiences, she is wearing a swim suit with matching patterns to the outfit she wore on the front cover. The lighting is focused on her body, to show that she is the centre of attention and is dominating the spread. The traditional bow that she is wearing portrays a child like image, as adults would not usually wear this. It is a clever prop, as her music is strongly linked to her childhood and upbringing.The use of Katy Perry gives the magazine a minimalist and uncluttered appearance.-974090-833755<br />The text of the double page spread is colloquial and appeals to younger generation.The text “How do people hate Katy Perry? Let us count the ways” stands out to the reader, and therefore entices readers to read on.The text is also put into italics to emphasize the meaning, and to also point out any song titles and other artists that influenced Katy Perry.This magazine page also uses a stand first, to summarize how Katy Perry’s career has evolved. It summarizes the article.-755015-888365Katy Perry is underlined in Pink. This stands out across the whole of the page, because it is the only point on the double page spread where colour is featured.<br />Kerrang AnalysisThe bold masthead follows set codes and conventions of music magazines. The masthead covers the width of the page.Furthermore, the large bold white masthead grabs the attention of the audience, but the large image of the band members are the focus point of the cover, because they are in the foreground of the shot.Kerrang has a clear brand identity. The black lines through the masthead makes it look shattered, and therefore the masthead fits into the Rock and Roll theme.Kerrang uses an informal mode of address, with the use of words such as “Hot shots” or “Gigs” in order to appeal to a younger demographic.The mise en scene of this image follows the rock and roll conventions of the genre. The main band member Joel is standing with his fists clenched, with the cel line ”Pull no punches” emphasizing the frankness of the interview, and also how violence is one of the themes of rock and roll.  The other band members are also standing in a defensive stance to emphasize this. 694055-848995<br />The large headline “Good Charlotte” is the largest sans serif font on the page, and the graphics featured are the same as other issues of the magazine. A subtle rough and grungy effect is added, to give it a worn effect in my opinion.This magazine continues to use red yellow and white as the main theme. We can identify a clear brand identity. Certain words such as “Win” stand out at the audience, as well as the medium shot of the paramour singer because the image is considerably lighter than the main image and her orange hair stands out.The bar code with a price is another way in which Kerrang follows magazines set conventions.The magazine follows the rock magazine genre, by using a list of bands positioned along the bottom of the cover. The names stand out because they are against a black background.<br />.<br />      <br />The contents page also uses phatic communication in order to engage audiences. It promotes audience engagement by asking them to call the  subscription number, and the word “just” gives off the connotation that by signing up for this will save you money.The medium long shot of Green day shows them all wearing black to portray a darker side to their personalities. They also have different facial expressions, which gives off distinctive personality traits. The cover lines are separated by a yellow bold sans serif font, against a dark background to clearly separate the sections in the magazine.The layout of this magazine is regimented and it uses stars to highlight what articles are cover issues.The magazine has also used band logos, and images of some band members and singers too separate the text and make it clearer for the audience to read. Kerrang follows music magazine conventions by the use of an editorial, this one is by David the deputy editor. The editorial is informal with the use of words such as “here people” and “kick off” to address the younger generation. We also see images of the double page in the contents. This is enigmatic to the audience because it promotes readers to read on in the magazine.1081454-1163271                                 <br />Buzz Word: Exclusive.  Reader feels privileged to be reading this article.On this double page spread we see a range of images interspersed with some text. We are introduced to the article with a cover line, a quotation in face from a band member.  “The audience” is larger than the rest to highlight that the magazine and the band classes the readers as important. Under the mise en scene, we see a medium shot of a chemical romance member holding a guitar, and then we continue to see a range of black and coloured shots to give the magazine a vintage and classic rock look. The majority of the shots are when the band members are on stage, and the stand first explains this. Each quote beneath each image summarizes each picture, which helps the readers understanding of what the article is about.The article begins with a drop capital, which we are drawn to as we look at the page. I like the fact that the chemical romance name is in bold, because it highlights its importance.At the end of the article the reader is given more information about where to find the latest events. This would promote further circulation of the Kerrang music magazine, because readers may buy more copies or go online to find out more. This also encourages cross media convergence. 3149112127757173271277571<br />Large Cover line “Madonna”: The attention is instantly drawn to the stars name.-742950-762000<br />-46715006797577 Medium Close up of Madonna, Imposed, slightly covering the masthead, she is glamorous, and is the main feature of the magazine.Madonna is also featured on a black background, so her face stands out.“All interview” is in italics, to emphasise to the reader that we can find out “all” the information about her.Pointy Serifs, “Madonna” which grabs the attention of the audience once more.     The red font stands out to us, and Madonna’s white face/ghostly appearance is emphasized. “Free Inside” is in a different font to highlight the “extras” that the readers may get from buying this magazine.Typeface bold, Cel lines in white because they are clearer to read.Also a number of celebrities are highlighted in bold to appeal to the United Kingdom’s “Celebrity Culture” Masthead: Large Q and emphasizes the brand of the product, it makes it memorable.The words “All” emphasized, to highlight the large range of interviews featured.”Free” is in a bold black font, against a lighter background which appeals to the British audience. Large Patriotic British Symbol, to show pride in the nation<br />151384068580Q follows magazine conventions in some ways, and not in others. The contents page does not contain an editorial, which most magazines do, however it follows set rock conventions because we can also see that it lists and discusses a broad range of artists.The red masthead of the contents page emphasizes Q’s brand identity. The black font stands out against the red background. To add to this, the cover line “Features” is also white and bold against the red background. I can see that the layout of Q is quite regimented, and there are clear sections to separate each topic. This makes it easier to find what page each article is on.The main image is a positive representation of Liam Gallagher. It is a close up, and the use of lighting accentuates his features. We can see that his appearance relates to the rock theme, especially with his long styled hair, and green army jacket.The white “46” is interspersed into the photo. This is the most dominant page number of the magazine because it is so much larger, and may therefore make the reader turn to that page first.The main feature article is introduced with a stand first in bright red, to make it stand out from the other articles featured. 36019158117400<br />Picture credits summarize what it’s about.House style continues to use Red and white and black as the main colours, once again showing a clear brand identity.This overall image is a positive representation of women, and this would appeal to the female target audience.  This is due to the fact that the men are lower than the female artist, with even one man on his knees, which signifies that the woman is more powerful and dominant. The positioning of the men’s hands also show that they look up to her. All three people featured are part of a band called “The Joy Formidable,” who are a welsh rock group.The mise en scene of Ritzy Bryan’s glamorous dress and hair gives off the connotation that she could be an angel due to the positioning of her arms, and the fact that she is higher up on the page. The double page spread follows conventions because the images are across both the pages, and the mode of address is informal with the use of words such as “thundering” and “big roar.”Layout for Q is simplistic, and nearly both pages are taken up by images.The stand first summarizes the article, which makes it easier to read. The drop capital is another technique that many magazines use to entice readers to continue to read the article.Logo shown again, we can identify the brand.31369001219200-1567961230923<br />Large red masthead, with the “U” in the italic font to directly address the reader. It also looks like a music note. Appeals to those who play an instrument.<br />The positioning on her left hand also looks as if she is about to play it.Cover Image: The mise en scene of the cover image is effective because it fits in with the classical music genre.  Sarah chang is holding a violin, which is a prop used to highlight her talent, and she is wearing a dress/pearl necklace which is formal and appeals to the upper classes, who are stereotypically most likely to listen to this music.By lines are in black and bold, to show the topics featuredThe use of smaller images separates the text to make the front cover seem clearer and easier to read.We see a range of plugs illustrated on the cover, as well as buzz words such as “Exclusive Interview”Freebies to entice readers to buying the magazine when it is on the shop shelve.Mode of address: The magazine uses fairly formal language to appeal to the niche market.Coverline is in a bold red font using sans serifs. Grabs attentionCorporate logo10623551343025<br />1557020494665<br />Star rating system allows readers to see what critics think, and therefore make there own judgement.Text is spaced out, and uses words such as “hell” to create impact.Authors name in bold, he is voicing an opinion.Graphic feature of a circle is a lure for the reader, if she is a good artist and it shows that she must be worth reading about. Choice is in yellow, which catches the reader’s eye against the red background.  Red is also a colour affiliated with urgency.In this double page spread we see another pianist Yuja Wang.  The image dominates the spread, and the medium shot portrays a positive representation of women in the classical music industry. The mise en scene uses intense lighting to focus on the women’s faceand upper half of her body. Her hands are also a key part to the shot, because it gives off the connotation that her hands are the most important thing for her career.6426204850765Certain images do not relate to the contents, and are therefore a lure to the reader. It makes you want to read on.Magazine logo featured in a large bold simple font. Follows magazine conventions by the use of page numbers and sections.More important by lines are against a red background in a white bold font, to create impact against the images.Background images feature artists and topics in the issue.  This appeals to the younger age group as it is quite animated.  Arranged in a collage layout.Informal mode of address.<br />-314325239395 Uses a bold white masthead outlined in grey, with a sans serif font. Font gives the connotation of movement, as if the masthead was “rolling” Imagery: Medium shot of Obama, as he looks into o the distance.  Denotation that he is the new president, with the connotation that he is looking into the future for America.  He is the dominant image of the cover, as there are no other images on this spread. Shows that for this issue, Rolling stone is not following magazine conventions.The cloud like white outline of his figure also gives off the connotation that he is an angel or “saviour” which coincides with the bold cover line “A New Hope” he is the new plan for the United States. The Blue background makes Barack Obama look as if he is in the sky. He is also wearing a suit to signify importance.The house style continues to use white and now yellow/gold for each cel line. The gold colour signifies royalty/fame which is what this issue signifies with the use of Barack.Follows Conventions: Use of Barcode.Political issue: A teaser:  Hillary Clinton’s name is in capitals to signify importance, and the use of superlatives such as “last” will impact the reader, and then they may go and purchase the magazine.This magazine will have large coverage and circulation because of the use of Obama.<br />The first image is enigmatic to the readerEach part of the magazine is divided up into sections to make it clearer for the reader.  They are in a bold thick red font in capital letters against the white background, which makes the page look regimented. The page numbers match this to give the magazine a sleek and modern look in my opinion. Here we see pictures, with page numbers in a transparent white font against them. These numbers are large then the others, which make them, stand out more and promote readers to turn to these pages,Us e bold white sans serif font against a dark red background makes the cel line stand out.13017501651000<br />Transparent contrasted images to show the personality of Solange.   She also looks similar to the traditional “Barbie toy” in these photos.Imagery: Solange is in the foreground of the double page spread and she is the dominant image of the page. Her stance follows the stereotypical seductive ways that women stand in Rnb magazines.  The photo is the only one in colour, and her bright red dress stands out as you open the page. This appeals to the male target audience because she looks attractive, and may also appeal to the female target audience because women may like her outfit/style.In this shot Solange’s facial expression also shows a vulnerable side to her personality, she is vulnerable because she works in her sister Beyonce’s shadow.  Furthermore, her feet are together which give off the connotation of child like characteristics.Quote:  Audiences can relate more to the artist with a quote. The Vibe is currently following set magazine conventions as Solange voices her own opinion about her career.-2190752086610Solange name is in bright blue in a large font, to show she is important.House Style:  Use of blue and grey to make the vibe brand easily identifiable for this particular issue.<br />Strap line is simlar to Blender Magazine. Uses the word “free” to attract customers. As well as the bold red font. The strap line summarizes the advantages of purchasing the magazine.NME: Bold masthead, this stands out against the dark black background.  Does not follow magazine conventions as it doesn’t take up the width of the magazine. It has a large font size and is the focal point of the cover.The cross that Eminem is wearing shows his links to religion, and gives off the connotation that “God” guided his “recovery.”The bold read headline of “EMINEM” grabs the attention of the audience. It is enigmatic, as we would question as to why he is the main focus of the cover and would then read the article on the inside. The image of Eminem is a medium shot of him standing on a stage. His mouth his open in this shot, which is a reminder to the reader that he raps to make a living. The use of the words “stunned” emphasizes the rappers comeback.NME tries to appeal to a broader audience. The cel Lines and “+” image stands out.The magazine also features other artists from a range of music genres. Mass market sales are clearly essential.Barcode is at the bottom, which follows traditional magazine conventions. Most magazines have it there.The” T Park” logo is used. This is a recognisable logo that some readers could therefore relate to.<br />-640080-822960<br />The lighting used in this photo focuses on Eminem’s body, and emphasizes his facial expression and outfit. The lighting makes Eminem stand out even more, especially against the black background. The shadowing of Eminem gives him 2d dimensional effect.<br />The sans serif used on the front cover of the magazine is used again in the contents page. The bold red “NME” font stands out against the black background, and the use of the red gives off the connotation of danger, and therefore urgency to read the magazine.  The font of “NME” identifies a clear brand identity. We see images that grab the attention of the audience. They are enigmatic, and we question as to why they are the dominant images of the page.<br />The contents page is arranged in sections. The NME layout is grid like and regimented, in order to make it easier to read.  The text “Everyone got on board Africa Exprez” is a lure for the readers. They will want to find out more and will read on, eventually opening the magazine.<br />-819150114300<br />Certain words jump out at you such as “News” and “Reviews” because they are placed against a black background.The Subscription feature promotes more sales of the magazine, and the use of the word” Just” is example of superlatives. It is also in yellow which stands out because only red, white, and black fonts are used otherwise.The use of the arrow promotes readers to turn the page, just as the smaller arrows used such as this:       points to important “music” news. The further use of the drop capital “O” at the start of the text also attracts attention.We see colloquial language such as “bashed borrell”. Using informal expressions appeals to the younger target audience that NME is aimed at.<br />Layout:  The article is introduced with a drop capital and the font is loosely arranged, in order to make it easier to read and to appeal to the younger audience of teenagers/young adults.Lily Allen’s name is also highlighted in a bold red font, which matches her shirt, to create an overall sleek look of the magazine. Lily Allen is directly addressing the reader, as it looks as if she is looking at you and explaining her point.This image is dominant of the Double page spread. The cotton shirt highlights her young age at the time. She is under intense lighting with heavy eye make up on to make her look as glamorous, and appealing to the male target audienceThis font is unique to NME. It is sans serif and uses a mixture of capitals and lower case in order to emphasize what Lily Allen is saying. This is a quote in order to make readers read on about the interview.1480041986231<br />Bold by lines to attract the reader’s attention. These by lines are in black and white to portray a vintage look, because these articles are discussing the past.Barcode: Follows Magazine conventionsIntertextual device used, which is a clever technique, because this main issue is the “first ever photo issue”The famous Janet Jackson is dominating the cover of this issue.  The position of her left hand portrays a sexual image, whilst she holds a camera. Her facial expression gives off the connotation of confidence and happiness.Bold headline that is drop shadowed against the main image.By lines match the colour scheme of the masthead. We can identify a clear brand identity.Masthead uses iconic sans serif font,1352550890905<br />Animated Headline, we can identity a clear brand identity. Bold font makes it stand out against the main image.<br />1879605537200 Mise en scene: Use of jewellery: GlamourIntense lighting improves the image of the women.Imagery: The main image of the two women dominates the contents page.  Both women are standing with their hips on their shoulders, which gives off the connotation of seduction. A lot of skin is also shown; there is a large amount of cleavage and thigh. One of the women is blowing a kiss, which directly addresses the reader. This image could also show the unity between the women. Their legs are intertwining and both are of African or Carribean origin.   Image appeals to the male target audience because both the women are attractive.1247775309245Divided into sections, follows conventions.  The font is unique, and curly, which makes it look feminine which matches the look of the main image and the style of the green dress.Magazine follows codes and conventions because it does feature an editorial, even if it is on a different page.<br />Firstly, the layout and text of this double page spread is very simplistic and clear due to the use of the same colours throughout. We can identify a clear house style. The gold arrows highlight the start of the article, and in a way acts as a drop capital. The lack of bright colours makes the page look more unique and svelte and would appeal the older generation. The use of white text that is outlined in black is a clever way of making a quote stand out and it catches the reader’s eye. It makes sure that this information is read immediately.  Parts of the cover line are also highlighted in gold. “Will he” is in a different colour to emphasize that the article is focused on and his plans for the future, and whether this will involve the band.Imagery: All of the black eyed peas are dressed similarly in this shot, the colours also match the font colours and cover line. The use of colour helps the reader to identify the unity between the band members.  Will I am is in the foreground and we can see that he is the most dominant band member.  It creates a hierarchy of power. The use of transparency also helps us to identify the individual traits of each artist, and the way that each band member is standing gives off the denotation that this article could be fairly serious.The text is separated by a bolder black font which helps separate the text and makes it easier to read. I can also see that the text is aligned to the right, away from the image. This helps signify the images importance.We also see a stand first, which summarize the article. This shows that the magazine is following conventions.137160952500<br />Indian Music MagazineLarge bold sans serif font stands out, it is the headline and makes it the focal point of the cover. The gold around the outside makes it seem important.Under the mise en scene, the use of Fergie standing out of a cake gives off the connotation that she is the issues “surprise”The cel line “Ornette Coleman” is a lure for readers because Indian readers will appeal to finding out about a famous celebrity in New York.Use of Bar code follows magazine conventions.320040531495Use of Buzz words such as “exclusive” to make the magazine seem special.Coverline: Fergie is in capitals and a sans serif font. We can identify a brand identity.Targets the Indian audience, hand gesture is similar to a dance move.Positive representation of women.  Under the mise en scene, Fergie is wearing a glamorous but skimpy blue dress. This would appeal to men and women.Large bold blue masthead against a dark background. Sans serif font.<br />-26809705433695House Style: The use of green font matches the dominant picture of Pink.The stand first summarizes what the article is about.We see a drop capita to introduce the text, the letter “P” is enigmatic, as it is an odd letter to start a sentence.I like the graphic feature that flows onto the second page. It matches the text with the image to create meaning.The text is aligned to the left, and this makes it clearer to read.Imagery: Positive representation of women: Pink is happy and successful.Under the mise en scene, her nose stud shows links to the rock genre, as does her short blond hair.The quote is enigmatic to the readers, because we will want to find out more information in the article.-151828519050This magazine follows conventions. It lists the bands and its articles talk about a broad range of artists.The coverline”Features” uses a bold sans serif font to make it stand out to the reader. Each section is divided up with a black bold font. The colour of the bold text matches 50 Cents outfit.There is a large “48” in the bottom left hand corner of the image in red/orange. The number is in the foreground of the shot, to show that 50 cents feature is important and should be read immediately.Under the mise en scene, 50 Cents outfit follows the stereotypical type of clothing that most hip hop stars would wear, and the rappers facial expression gives off the connotation of anger, as does his music.The orange page numbers and the cover line improve the overall image of the contents page.<br />The layout of this magazine is simplistic, with the main image covering all of one page and part of the second. The bold headline “Murder dolls” uses similar graphic features of Kerrang’s Masthead. Black pieces are in the cover line to give it a “rugged” look.There is a large quote which acts as a lure due to the language featured. It uses words such as “F***” in order to shock the audience, as well as encouraging them to read on. The red behind the text makes the article stand out even more, and gives off the connotation of the devil or danger, which fits into the overall image of the rock band. I like the fact that the white font makes it easier to read.There are also picture credits to summarize the meaning of the photo.Imagery: Here we see a two shot to show the unity of the band. They are both wearing black, which gives off the connotation of a gothic aspect to their music.  Their black and pale facial expressions also signify depression, and these colours could also be affiliated with death. 842645737870<br />Further images in a square format to separate the text.  Audience can find out more from these images.Graphic feature “+” to show that there is more content.Image dominates the page: to highlight the topic.Shows the date of the issue.Images interspersed around the contents page. They are enigmatic and make the reader want to find out more.Use of buzz words: ExclusiveProp used to reinforce the meaning of the masthead.Seperated by Black bold titles to make it clearer. Uses a sans serif font.Orange featured throughout page, to give the magazine a professional lookLarge Bold black Masthead: Brand identity.12382501600200<br />
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Magazine research jack highfield
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Analysing front covers, contents pages and double: Music Magazine
Magazine research
Magazine researchMagazine research
Magazine research
Music magazine analysis
Music magazine analysisMusic magazine analysis
Music magazine analysis
Double page spread analysis
Double page spread analysisDouble page spread analysis
Double page spread analysis
Analysis of my own music magazine
Analysis of my own music magazineAnalysis of my own music magazine
Analysis of my own music magazine
Analysis of double page spreads
Analysis of double page spreadsAnalysis of double page spreads
Analysis of double page spreads
Music magazine analysis
Music magazine analysisMusic magazine analysis
Music magazine analysis
Rick roazzy
Rick roazzyRick roazzy
Rick roazzy
555 media ting
555 media ting555 media ting
555 media ting
Analysis of my own music magazine
Analysis of my own music magazineAnalysis of my own music magazine
Analysis of my own music magazine
Contents page analysis
Contents page analysisContents page analysis
Contents page analysis
Analysis of front covers
Analysis of front coversAnalysis of front covers
Analysis of front covers
Task 5 – deciding which genre and style
Task 5 – deciding which genre and styleTask 5 – deciding which genre and style
Task 5 – deciding which genre and style
4 cover, 4 contents, 4 spreads
4 cover, 4 contents, 4 spreads4 cover, 4 contents, 4 spreads
4 cover, 4 contents, 4 spreads
Analysis of contents pages
Analysis of contents pagesAnalysis of contents pages
Analysis of contents pages

Similar to Magazine research jack highfield

Analysis of covers, contents, and double page spreads
Analysis of covers, contents, and double page spreadsAnalysis of covers, contents, and double page spreads
Analysis of covers, contents, and double page spreads
Analysis of covers, contents, and double page spreads
Analysis of covers, contents, and double page spreadsAnalysis of covers, contents, and double page spreads
Analysis of covers, contents, and double page spreads
Front cover analysis (2)
Front cover analysis (2)Front cover analysis (2)
Front cover analysis (2)
Magazine analysis
Magazine analysisMagazine analysis
Magazine analysis
Jake Kemp
Analysis of magazines
Analysis of magazinesAnalysis of magazines
Analysis of magazines
Conventions of a magazine
Conventions of a magazineConventions of a magazine
Conventions of a magazine
Leanne Pyne
Music Magazine Analysis Research
Music Magazine Analysis ResearchMusic Magazine Analysis Research
Music Magazine Analysis Research
Analysis of Music Magazines
Analysis of Music MagazinesAnalysis of Music Magazines
Analysis of Music Magazines
3 Magazine front cover analysing
3 Magazine front cover analysing3 Magazine front cover analysing
3 Magazine front cover analysing
Front Cover Magazine Analysis
Front Cover Magazine AnalysisFront Cover Magazine Analysis
Front Cover Magazine Analysis
Q Magazine analysis
Q Magazine analysisQ Magazine analysis
Q Magazine analysis
Lauren Fowler
10 front covers research
10 front covers research10 front covers research
10 front covers research
Magazine Research and Analysis
Magazine Research and AnalysisMagazine Research and Analysis
Magazine Research and Analysis
Analysis of music magazines
Analysis of music magazinesAnalysis of music magazines
Analysis of music magazines
Louisa O'Connor
Analysing music magazines edit
Analysing music magazines editAnalysing music magazines edit
Analysing music magazines edit
Music mag analysed
Music mag analysedMusic mag analysed
Music mag analysed
Music mag analysed
Music mag analysedMusic mag analysed
Music mag analysed
AS Media Analysis
AS Media AnalysisAS Media Analysis
AS Media Analysis
Researching codes and conventions of music magazines double page spread
Researching codes and conventions of music magazines double page spreadResearching codes and conventions of music magazines double page spread
Researching codes and conventions of music magazines double page spread

Similar to Magazine research jack highfield (20)

Analysis of covers, contents, and double page spreads
Analysis of covers, contents, and double page spreadsAnalysis of covers, contents, and double page spreads
Analysis of covers, contents, and double page spreads
Analysis of covers, contents, and double page spreads
Analysis of covers, contents, and double page spreadsAnalysis of covers, contents, and double page spreads
Analysis of covers, contents, and double page spreads
Front cover analysis (2)
Front cover analysis (2)Front cover analysis (2)
Front cover analysis (2)
Magazine analysis
Magazine analysisMagazine analysis
Magazine analysis
Analysis of magazines
Analysis of magazinesAnalysis of magazines
Analysis of magazines
Conventions of a magazine
Conventions of a magazineConventions of a magazine
Conventions of a magazine
Music Magazine Analysis Research
Music Magazine Analysis ResearchMusic Magazine Analysis Research
Music Magazine Analysis Research
Analysis of Music Magazines
Analysis of Music MagazinesAnalysis of Music Magazines
Analysis of Music Magazines
3 Magazine front cover analysing
3 Magazine front cover analysing3 Magazine front cover analysing
3 Magazine front cover analysing
Front Cover Magazine Analysis
Front Cover Magazine AnalysisFront Cover Magazine Analysis
Front Cover Magazine Analysis
Q Magazine analysis
Q Magazine analysisQ Magazine analysis
Q Magazine analysis
10 front covers research
10 front covers research10 front covers research
10 front covers research
Magazine Research and Analysis
Magazine Research and AnalysisMagazine Research and Analysis
Magazine Research and Analysis
Analysis of music magazines
Analysis of music magazinesAnalysis of music magazines
Analysis of music magazines
Analysing music magazines edit
Analysing music magazines editAnalysing music magazines edit
Analysing music magazines edit
Music mag analysed
Music mag analysedMusic mag analysed
Music mag analysed
Music mag analysed
Music mag analysedMusic mag analysed
Music mag analysed
AS Media Analysis
AS Media AnalysisAS Media Analysis
AS Media Analysis
Researching codes and conventions of music magazines double page spread
Researching codes and conventions of music magazines double page spreadResearching codes and conventions of music magazines double page spread
Researching codes and conventions of music magazines double page spread

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Uses and gratifications theory
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Uses and gratifications theoryUses and gratifications theory
Uses and gratifications theory
Magazine Covers Preliminary Research
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Magazine research jack highfield

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