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Production Reflection
Andreas Mina
Process Week 1
In this week, we were introduced to the FMP project. I started off with planning my work, by creating three potential ideas
for my short film. I had an idea from the Easter holiday and put that in a separate graph, to see what I could come up with
on a different graph in college. I had an idea of having an action sequence film, but the plot of it would have been hard to fit
in a short amount of time, as I would have needed to explain the reason or the fight, how I got to where I am, and the
result. So I decided to make a mood board of two new ideas. One involving someone shooting an intruder, and the other
involves hitting someone over a baseball bat in a surprise party. They both have very similar plots. As they both end with
misunderstanding moments, and a mix of tense and comedic genres. I chose the baseball party one, as it seems more
realistic, and less forceful within the story, as someone with a gun doesn't seem to be realistic in the UK seen as they are
banned. From this, I figured out what I want to do for my final project. I learnt how to expand my ideas from the spider
graphs, by sectioning off the mise en scene. After this, I moved onto the initial plans. In my initial plans, I had reacted to the
unit explanation. In this, I had talked about what I want to do, and why I want to do that thing. In this I stated that I want to
do a Short film, and why I want to do it. From this, I learnt what I want to potentially make. It did help me, as it did give me a
wider range of idea of what I want to do. After the reaction, I had created mood boards, based from my final mind map. I
made five mood boards, based from the sections of mise en scene; camera shots, techniques, props and costume, location,
and a storyboard. In this, I would get screen shots of examples of what I want, then explain why I like it and how I will use it
in my short film. This gave me an idea of what I would include in my film, and where to set it. It will later on help me with
setting it. After I did my storyboard, I moved onto the research. With the research, I had researched into five existing
products that are fairly similar to mine. In this, I would explain the mise en scene and camera work used in the individual
films, and why it was used to fit in the films. I watched the clips and picked out points . This helped me understand how
other films would create meaning to meet their individual intentions. It helps me with adding filming technics to my short
film, as I've been given the inspiration to include new camera work within reason. After the Initial plans, I moved onto the
research. in the research, I looked at five existing products, and talked about the mise en scene involved in them. I would
then compare them all. this would help me realize what I could bring on board to my short film.
I would pick out the camera Techniques used in the individual short films, and look at how they
are used in the story, and how it fits in with the situation and mood of it. Jaws use a POV of the
shark, to see what its aiming at. From this, I learnt about how the films communicate the mood
through the camera work, for example, the dolly zoom is used in jaws to add a dramatic zoom to
a shocked face. for my for my future, I can use these camera effects in my short film, to add the
effects to fit with the suspense mood. In my opinion, I believed that this helped me develop my
understanding of the mise en scene, as the research gives me examples of how its used to fit
with the individual films. After the research, I moved onto making the questionnaire. For this, I
needed to ask 10 questions that will conclude my target audience. I mainly asked about how
they favor the comedy genre, and what are their favorite comedy films. this was so that I could
get an idea of the films they like, so that I could compare my film to the films the surveyors
suggested. from this, I learnt about the different types of films that my audience like, and how
they rate the genre as a whole. This gives me an idea of who my film is targeted at. I didn't
manage to get many reviews at college, so I promoted it on Instagram. this gave me roughly 14
more general public to answer my survey. The promotion was a good idea, as I'm getting
reviews from the general public (people who follow me), rather than just people from my class
who fully understand what I'm talking about.
Week 1
Three Elements:
Initial plans
The thing that went well with the survey would be the advertisement. Advertising it on Instagram brought in more than ten
surveyors to the survey. This gave me information on the general public of random interests age and gender; rather than
just students of the course, who are all similar age of me, and are interested in media. For the research, the strength would
be comparing all of the researched items. This helped me realise what pattern that i like and what common features i can
add in my film, it also shows me the theme I'm going for the film too, helping me create an environment for it. Lastly, the
initial plans. The strength involved with that would be the mind maps. I believe that it helped me web my ideas up, and it
also helped me organise my mise en scene list as its in its different sections. This helped me with creating the mood board,
as I could annotate from the points i listed from the mise en scene.
The thing that didn’t go as well with my survey would be linking two questions else, as it would mean me having to re
analyse all 26 surveyors choices for each question. With the research, my weakness was with finding existing products to
link with mine. I was attempting to research a product with a very similar story and meet a lot of my intentions, but I
couldn’t think of a film that did that which was leaving me having to look at films with specific bits that I want from separate
films. This make it hard to link to my FMP, as the film I'm researching uses the technic with different intentions. Lastly, The
initial plans. My weakness would be creating the Mood boards. Even though I explained Why I chose the image, I failed to
talk about how the intention fits in with my project. This made my work look quite basic, and will make me struggle when
coming for my experiments and pre production, as I don’t know why I would want that technique.
I would like to firstly improve on my Initial plans mood bard. I want to add more detail in the explanation side of the mood
board, by talking about why it fits with my film, and how it will benefit me with my FMP. This will help me for when I move
onto my pre production, as it will prepare me for planning on using the technics and why I'm using them I need to improve
on the questionnaire, as I've noticed some typing mistakes in the questions that I need to fix and I need to make it fit for the
wider audience, rather than the media students. For next time, I will hopefully have a wide range of people doing my
survey, and I will be able to close it and conclude it.
Process Week 2
In this week, we had started on our experiments. Before I moved onto that, I had finished off sections of my
research. I had got all of my information from my survey and analyzed each question. The majority of the
same or similar answers, would show me who my target audience is, and what they would like about my
Short film. From this, I had gotten a rough idea on who my Audience is based on. This will help me when
writing up my proposal, to conclude my target audience. I also looked at every question in the survey and
concluded what the results showed me. On some, I had o look at what the separate surveyors answered, so I
can see their activity and compare it to the other surveyors. from this, I had concluded based on what the
surveyors similarly chose for the other questions, and looked at their age, gender and personality. This was
successful, as it narrowed down the target audience for the specific questions that I had narrowed it down
on. After I sorted the research, I moved onto the experiments. In the experiments, I chose to look at three
separate technics for my short film. I decided to look at a dolly zoom, a POV, and a shaky camera technique.
These are the techniques I intend on using in my film. The experiment is half finished, as I haven’t looked at
the shaky camera. In the experiment, I had practiced doing these technics using different cameras. I used a
cannon camera from college and a go pro, which I brought from home. I wanted to see which cameras
worked for the different shots. In this week, I looked at two of my intentional techniques. I looked at the
POV shots, and a dolly zoom. I practiced doing both. With the POV shot, I used three different cameras and
walked down the corridor with THEM. I started with the cannon camera. I this was a better handling
compared to the others, as it needed two hands to be held. With the Go pro, I tried different handles for it. I
tried the body strap and the arm strap. The body strap was too low, and the arm strap didn’t show a head
POV, so I stuck to holding the camera high up on a small tri pod. This was effective, as it was looking strait
ahead, and bounced about, like it was moving like a POV. From this, I learnt how to improvise with the go
pro when you don’t have the right kit, by just using what you've got and by adjusting the settings on the go
pro to get a similar definition to the camera.
This will come in useful hand if I don’t get the available kit that I've requested. I then moved
onto practicing the dolly zoom shot. I started by practiced doing it with the different equipment.
I used the slider to start of with. It managed to stay facing forwards, but moving it was jerky. I
also did another technique, where I shortened the leg of a tri- pod, and angled the camera to
stay in the same position. This didn’t work, as it made the footage look like it was jumping over a
hill. After I did this Dolly zoom, I tried doing it with the go pro. I had placed it close to me and I
move forward. The Go pro provided a fish eye effect, which gave a curve age for the editing. The
effect didn’t work, from the distance it was filmed and the speed it moved. I will retry it from a
slower speed, and a stable closer shot to the person. I also tried the walkthrough shots. I started
with using the slider for the shot. I got a student to walk sideways whilst I moved the camera on
the slider. I though that it was very jerky, as it kept getting stuck when moving it side ways. I
don’t believe that the slider was effective for the walkthrough, as its too short to track the
person movement, and it keeps getting stuck in position. This helped me realize that panning is
the better alternate, as its less stiff, has better movement and its more lighter to carry compared
to a tri pod and slider with it.
Three elements
Audience research
Process week 3
In this week, we carried on with the experiments. Before the experiments, I had finished my interviews with
two separate people. i recorded one of the interviews and I had another interview via outlook. I decided to
interview two people with different interests. One person was from the same course as me and the other
was my farther who is basically a part of the general public. This gave me opinions from someone who
understands what I'm doing, and one who is seeing it for the first time. This gave me opinions from two
different sides, which turned out to be similar__. I had started on my third experiment, which was the
walkthrough sequence. In this, I used My go pro again, and I used the shoulder mount and the cannon
camera. I also got a fellow student to do the actions for the camera. With the shoulder mount, I also did a re
try of the dolly zoom with the shoulder mount, after doing more research. I thought that it would be more
effective if I had filmed it from the waist up whilst keeping it as a forward direction. I Then edited it on
premier pro, by enlarging the image smaller, whilst zooming in. The new technic was a lot more effective
with the shoulder mount, as it was more stable and less shaky, which gave me the opportunity to have a
better edit of the video. With the walkthrough, I used different techniques and two cameras for it. I walked
backwards whilst filming someone walking towards the shot. I also decided to tilt the camera, to see if the
shot looked more distressing. With the cannon, I used a shoulder mount to have a stronger and still support
to the arm. It was stable and comfortable to hold, as it stood still from the support of my shoulder. It gave a
steady and smooth look when filming compared to the go pro which was too circular and shaky. This helped
me decide on what I would like to use when coming to the walkthrough scene. After I finished filming with
the cameras, I moved onto the look and sound experiments. The first look I sorted would be the color of the
film I edited the walkthrough to have a new tint of colour. I used the RGB curves tool to attempt to have the
bland colour effect I'm looking for.
I tone down each colour to make it darker in the frame. It made the scene have a lack of
brightness, which made the video look more sinister. The colour scheme worked well with my
intentions, as the removal of the light brings in a dark and eerie environment to the clip. I will
put the effect in my final film to create the eerie environment during the tension scenes. I lastly
played with the logo font. I Made a working title (someone's in my house). With the title I
downloaded some fonts from Da font and re wrote the same title with newer fonts. When I
found the font that I want, I played around with the shape tool and changed the shape of the H
to a house. This was to see what I could do to the logo to make it intend to change
one of the letters of the logo to relate to the title of the film. This effect will firstly, stop the logo
from looking generic, and secondly, to create meaning to the title. The edited letter will link to
something to the film, and will link to the theming of the title, to make it tease or hint about
something in the film. In this case, the balloon represents the surprise party later on.
Process Week 4In this week, we started on our proposals. In this, I state who my target audience is based on and what I will do in the
project. I look at the demographics of my survey and include the information on the target audience. For the age
and gender. I mainly based that on stereotype, as that’s more of an audience choice which would naturally fit with
a film. The thing that didn’t work would be the geodemographics for my audience. Its hard to find out who likes my
film based on region, as my film isn't set for any region. The class audience was based on the style of the character,
seen as he has a normal suburban house, I based that the higher class would be drawn into it more as they would
usually live in normal suburban houses. I believe that the Target audience was successful seen as it matches some
of my films intentions. After I did the target audience, I moved onto the rational. On this, I basically stated what I've
developed from past experience. I mainly state the camera techniques I gained from doing the short film project
which I want to bring again in this one. After the rationale, I state on what I'm making and what I need to research
into this project. It does state what I've been doing in the previous slides, and helps remind me that I've done that
work, so I don’t need to worry about it. I then state how I'm evaluating it. The thing that went well with the
proposal would be the audience, as it covers and concludes as a whole and easily narrows down on who my target
is based on. After the proposal, I moved onto the pre production. With the pre production, I firstly start on my style
sheet for the movie. In this, I got images of films involving a dull colour scenery and created a colour scene using
Photoshop. When making it, I just picked out some colours from the screen shotted image and made a palette with
it. I then mixed the pallets from the different screenshots to give me a potential idea of what I want. It showed me
what tone I should have on the film, and what effect it gives out. With the locations, I decided to get images of
Birdseye view of the house and plan some of the scenes. I had put shapes in the image to represent where
everything should go. I did it for every scene in the film. This will give me a rough idea of where everything should
be place in terms of equipment. This will come useful when i start filming. I also annotated the areas that I'm
filming in. I talk about what is useful about it and what will happen there. I also put an image of the location next
to the text to show what I'm talking about. This shows to me why my locations work and the reasons I'm filming
there. This will help me with filming so i know about the benefits of placing the camera in the certain area. For the
poster planning, i talk about what I want it to look like and why it will look like that. I talk about linking it to the
colour scene and the font used in it. For the font, i write the name of the film with it to show how it will
intentionally look. With the explanation of why i believe that its the right font will make the image show why the
name fit with the font. The poster planning shows the intentions that will be added into it and how it will all link
together. This helps me with adding the detail in my poster. Lastly, i move onto the sound. I talk about the diegetic
and non diegetic sound that will go into the film.
also put an image of the location next to the text to
show what I'm talking about. This shows to me why my
locations work and the reasons I'm filming there. This
will help me with filming so i know about the benefits
of placing the camera in the certain area. For the poster
planning, i talk about what I want it to look like and why
it will look like that. I talk about linking it to the colour
scene and the font used in it. For the font, i write the
name of the film with it to show how it will
intentionally look. With the explanation of why i believe
that its the right font will make the image show why the
name fit with the font. The poster planning shows the
intentions that will be added into it and how it will all
link together. This helps me with adding the detail in my
poster. Lastly, i move onto the sound. I talk about the
diegetic and non diegetic sound that will go into the
film. I extend onto it saying why I've decided to
get/make the sound that certain way and including links
to the sounds I've found. This shows the path I will take
and the plan B I have if anything goes wrong. It will
later help me with finding the sounds and the
alternative path to go down if anything goes wrong.
During the weekend, I start producing the film. I didn’t
film in chronological order. I started with the first
I managed to get someone to help film and I also managed to get a gather of people for the surprise scene. I
filmed the extra long shot and the character exiting the house scene. I decided to change the medium shot
to a pan shot of the character leaving the street, so the scenery will look more familiar.. The effect did work,
as it shows where everything was placed in the scene which helps for understanding the placing of the tense
and running scene later on in the film. I then moved onto the surprise sequence. I did this scene earlier, as it
has the most people involved in the film, and I wanted to dismiss them as soon as possible so they weren't
tired. With the scene, I used the go pro, as it gave a lighter look compared to the cannon. With the go pro, I
got the five people to say surprise, whilst the character was stood there with a bat and someone on the floor
unconscious. I had placed the camera in three places; one was on the stairs, to show everyone together; the
next on the surprisers to see their reactions; and the last on the character to see what he has done. The first
shot worked, as it shows a quick clip of the inside scene together. The second shot didn’t work, as it the shot
was too close to the characters. If I filmed it further, It would have made it more clearer for where the
characters were placed. This would have made the scene make more sense. The last shot did work, as it
made it more clearer for what the character has done, seen as they were both perfectly in the frame. after
the inside scene, I moved back into the outside routine. I started with the scene where the character walks
back home. I filmed with a long shot of the character walking back, to show where he entered the street
from. The scene did work, but I had some issues with filming it. Many cars kept entering and pulling into the
curve. This was an issue for time consuming, as I had to keep re shooting the shot, so there weren't cars in
the way.
After the walkthrough scene, I moved onto the dolly zoom. I used the shoulder mount, and got someone to
film from the waist high, so that it isn’t blurred when zooming into the shot. The shot took a few takes,
so that I could have a good reaction. The shoulder mount did help for the dolly zoom and the
walkthrough, as it provided a fair amount of stability of the camera to zoom in the face and follow a
character. After the dolly zoom, I did the running sequence. I managed to use a pan shot and some
medium shots of the beginning and end of the sequence. The issue with it was that it was too short of a
run, as I’m running from one sidewalk to the opposite one. I will try to fix it by adding cut shots of what
the character saw in the window, to make it more dramatic and tense, knowing that the character has
this stuck in his head. I then did the pov with the go pro. I had the headset and the go pro attached to it.
I then did the walking scene. The shot didn’t work, seen as the shot was too high, and barely showed
the character walking. I moved onto the last two scenes. I did the insert shot and the last scene of the
character entering the house. The insert shot managed to link well with the walkthrough, as it shows
what the character was looking at, and builds suspension, knowing that the character will use it as a
weapon. The last scene had to be quick, so the inside of the house isn't reviled. The character entering
quickly works, as it happens suddenly, which ends up breaking the tension to transition to the action.
Process week 5In this week, I started with Putting my film on premier pro. I put the clips in order and viewed it before I
edited it together. I discovered that the footage was too short and filled with shaky camera work. There are
some scenes in it which don’t match the next. From seeing what I've seed, I've decided to abolish the film I
filmed last week and re create it. I've decided to abolish it, as its hard to add on to it, seen as it was filmed in
Derby which is quite far from York. If I did film it in york, then I’d add onto it seen as it wouldn’t be hard work
to organize where to locate the scene. I've planned more scenes to include in the film which will take place
in the college and more footage in the house. I've decided to show the character going to college where his
friend tells him happy birthday there. This new scene will show the audience where the character is going,
and how its his birthday. I will also change the burglar realization scene. I will do it so that the character text
someone that he knows that he’s seen someone; the text will tell him to sort out the situation rather than
call the police. This will link to the surprise party inside his house, as the person texting the main character is
clearly in on it. I think these new changes will stop the film from looking rushed and will make it look more
understandable, as I'm adding these new scenes to link what is happening and why its occurring. I then
moved on to sorting out my logo for the film. I had written it down in the font that I wanted and coloured it
in gray. I believe that gray is a neutral colour that can blend in well with anything. Also, I didn’t use red, as its
hard to blend with the band poster and because it represents blood and gore which my film isn’t about. I
then changed the I into a balloon. This related to the theme of party's which links to the end of my film. I
also included the bat to reference the weapon used by the character whish is cut out of the letters in the
logo. The logo has a shining finishing look, which will make it look more bold when against an existing image.
The thing that worked with the logo would be the balloon. It Stops the text from looking boring and like
standard text; it makes it look mysterious to where the balloon comes into place with the film. After the text,
I moved onto the re done shot list. In this, I added in more shots compared to the last one. I've added onto
the scene where the character enters the house to have more tension and unexpected scenes to be involve
to build up to the surprise.
I've also added scenes to link to why certain situations are the way they are. One example would
be the bat scene. Before he picks it up from the front of the house. Instead, he goes into the
garage and gets it. The thing that worked would be the re arranging with scenes. Now, it
explains where the character is going, and why he acts the way he does. After the shot list, I
moved onto the re done storyboard. I decided sketch it out this time ,as its quicker, and I can
create what I want to make instead of putting images together. i then moved onto the locations
for the second film. Instead of doing a location plan for every scene like the previous planning i
did, i did one for every shot. Doing every scene required me to get images of a satilight image of
my house and for me to draw a map of the inside scenes This gave me a better idea of where to
place everything when it comes to filming and will show me where everything should
intentionally be placed when it comes to filming.
Week 6In this week, I re filmed my short film. I started off with shooting the home scenes. I had used my shot list
and the location diagrams to list out where everything should be and how the sequence should be like in the
film. The one thing that helped me with re shooting would be the shot list. this one helped me, as it was
directing in more detail how everything should being the scene, so it doesn't turn out wrong. When filming,
the first scene, I decided to pan the camera of the character leaving, so that the scenery made more sense
and looked more familiar to prepare for the up coming scenes. After I did the first scenes, I moved onto the
second. With the second scene, it shows the camera moving backwards whilst the character is moving. This
was added so that the character can look like he was walking home, whilst texting. The backwards moving
shots adds a medium shot for me to add the text notifications to it, as the character will be in the same spot
in the frame duration. The technique worked with the final cut, as it didn’t end up being too shaky, and did
manage to show that the character was walking to somewhere. I also did a dolly shot. With the dolly shot, I
made the camera go towards my face. As I couldn’t access a shoulder mount, I got my camera operator to
hold the camera steadily and walk towards me. The technique worked, as it had a steady and smooth move
in it which helped me with editing, as the dolly zoom presented a smooth finish which only moves towards
the character, unlike the last edit which moved up and down. I also did the window shot. As it was a bright
day, the sun shined a reflection I onto the window. This made it hard to show the character move by, as
there was a reflection in the window. I managed to get the shot, as I toned down the brightness of the
camera and made the camera closer to the window. The shot worked in the final take, as you can tell there is
someone moving from the inside. The reflection makes it more anonymous to who the person is, which
works, as it makes you want to know who this person is and what they are going to do. During the inside
scenes, I switched to the go pro or the walkthrough scenes. The cannon footage couldn’t shoot the whole of
the corridor, as the footage looked more closer up than I thought. I decided to use the go pro, which showed
more of the room and was easier to fit through the corridor. The walkthrough with the go pro shows the
camera moving towards the door. The shot builds up the tension, as it was slowly approaching the main
issue in the film. The camera also follows the characters movement. After four takes, I managed to show the
person walk past the character.
The final cut does break the tension to terror, as the person comes out of nowhere. The scene works, as it
stresses the audience, as they know that someone is in there, whilst the character doesn’t, teasing potential
danger. I lastly do the surprise scene. For this, I moved some furniture back to fit the camera, and placed
balloons everywhere to make it clear that it’s a birthday party. The scene gets a clear shot of the characters
reaction, and what he has done. After I do the scenes at home, I move onto the college scenes. With the
outside scenes, I managed to shoot the character walking in the building. It made it clear to where the
character was going. For the class room scene, I went with the original plan with making the character have
a friend say happy birthday, but I decided to change it, as I wanted the characters to have a conversation to
make the character share what he is doing. The new scene consisted of the characters facing each other
from two different seats. The camera shot showed a bit of the chair at the bottom of the shot, to show that
the character is talking to someone from far away. I want to re shoot it again though, as I need to make the
characters closer to the edge of the shot to make it even more clearer that they are talking to each other
from different sides as the existing shot made it look like they were facing different directions. I then put the
footage together on premier. Some of the shots were on an angle, for some reason, so I rotated it and
enlarged the image to make it fit the shot. I also added in my recordings and coloured in the footage. I
Darkened the white and blue in the RGB curves. The colour made it look more distressing and created a
negative vibe, as the light isn't coming through to add the positivity. I lastly experimented with Photoshop.
The images I took didn’t work with the poster as it was to bright and too much to cut out. The second idea
didn’t look like a typical poster as it was too bland and not exiting. I'm currently deciding on re designing the
poster to be simple but exiting, so it doesn’t go overboard with the detail. I also made a draft intro and my
credits. The credits will have the list pop up from a birthday card.
The credits worked, as it sticks to the theming of the film and also removes the negative vibe, as it shows
bright colours. for the draft, I decided to make the balloon fly up from the bottom of the page. The draft
worked well, as it had the eerie intention that I was looking for, as the balloon comes out from nowhere and
there is no colour on it to represent party or happy vibes. I also attempted to link text messages to the
phone conversation. The linking was a hard process, as the image came out all pixilated and zoomed in. I
scrapped the idea and went with pitting it on the corners of the frames. The shot was stayed in the position
during the text scenes, so it works out well with placing them in the corner, as it clearly shows it comes from
the phone, as the phone is always in the shot, and shows a full conversation without anything moving or
Week 7
In this week, I carried on with the production. I started with adding the second text sequence for the film. In
this, I created the text box in Photoshop and added the text in it. I then made the text into separate
layers so that I could make them appear separately. Yet again, I never linked it to the phone, as the
character doesn’t move from the centre so I can easily get away with leaving it on the side. I also added
the text sound effects to it after putting the text boxes in its space. The shot and sounds all worked well
together, as it has a right amount of seconds between them to appear, as they never came at once. This
made the texting sequence look natural. After the text sequence, I moved onto re shooting the
conversation scene. I Did two take of it on this day as I wasn’t happy with the first. My intention was to
use the rule of thirds to put the character on either side, eye to eye to look like that they were looking at
each other. The first take didn’t work, as the characters were on different angles, but were too far from
the rule of third, so it had wasted camera space and the footage was blurry as I didn’t focus it before
shooting. When re shooting, I managed to get a grid on the camera screen. This helped me with making
sire that the characters were between the lines. The final shot was the best one, as they were focused
and were in the rule of thirds which made it look like the characters are looking at each other. After I
filmed the retake shot, I moved onto creating music in garage band. In garage band, I decided to go for
one tune which was light. This makes the film seem more tense, as the lack of instrumental makes it
quiet, leaving the loudly noises to come unexpectedly. For the musical part for the house scene, I put in
a high note violin sound for when the door is reviled. This sound is a one note which is to make the door
look more freaky, as the high note is singular with no unexpected change to make the audience prepare
for a jump. When the character passes, there is a sharp ding. This ding is to make the audience jump.
The music works well with the film, as it adds to the tension to making you expect something at any
moment. I also continued with the poster. I scraped the plan with the card, as it wasn’t working for me
and changed it to a minimalist poster. I would prefer to do minimalist seen as I was good at it during my
print project. I Have made the window the main subject with a shadow in it.
. I placed bricks on the outside by tracing the bricks from the house and adding them to the poster. The
shadow is to make the audience think who is this and why is this shadow there, making them want there
answers to be said. The new poster works well together, as it looks effective and it was more easier to
create, as it didn’t consist of putting separate images together, which didn’t look right the last time. I later
created sound for the dolly zoom. For the sound, I made it on garage band, by playing different tones of
violins and building the tone up. As I couldn’t figure out how to have a smooth note going to low to high, I
made this unsettling tone to discomfort the audience. The sound eventually worked out with the video, as it
firstly went well with the background music, and it gave the movement of the camera a good rhythm to
show the dolly zoom. I also sorted out some of the sound effects for the tension scenes. I added the
footsteps to the video, to get some digestic sounds in the film to bring more of a real environment to the
film. I also added the hit and hit reaction sound effect to the silence scene. This reviled to why there is
someone on the floor, as it is giving assumption that the character hit the person. The effect works well with
the film, as its telling something in the film without any footage. Without the sound, it would just be a story
less black screen for 7 seconds leaving the final scene to not make sense.
6. production reflection

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6. production reflection

  • 2. Process Week 1 In this week, we were introduced to the FMP project. I started off with planning my work, by creating three potential ideas for my short film. I had an idea from the Easter holiday and put that in a separate graph, to see what I could come up with on a different graph in college. I had an idea of having an action sequence film, but the plot of it would have been hard to fit in a short amount of time, as I would have needed to explain the reason or the fight, how I got to where I am, and the result. So I decided to make a mood board of two new ideas. One involving someone shooting an intruder, and the other involves hitting someone over a baseball bat in a surprise party. They both have very similar plots. As they both end with misunderstanding moments, and a mix of tense and comedic genres. I chose the baseball party one, as it seems more realistic, and less forceful within the story, as someone with a gun doesn't seem to be realistic in the UK seen as they are banned. From this, I figured out what I want to do for my final project. I learnt how to expand my ideas from the spider graphs, by sectioning off the mise en scene. After this, I moved onto the initial plans. In my initial plans, I had reacted to the unit explanation. In this, I had talked about what I want to do, and why I want to do that thing. In this I stated that I want to do a Short film, and why I want to do it. From this, I learnt what I want to potentially make. It did help me, as it did give me a wider range of idea of what I want to do. After the reaction, I had created mood boards, based from my final mind map. I made five mood boards, based from the sections of mise en scene; camera shots, techniques, props and costume, location, and a storyboard. In this, I would get screen shots of examples of what I want, then explain why I like it and how I will use it in my short film. This gave me an idea of what I would include in my film, and where to set it. It will later on help me with setting it. After I did my storyboard, I moved onto the research. With the research, I had researched into five existing products that are fairly similar to mine. In this, I would explain the mise en scene and camera work used in the individual films, and why it was used to fit in the films. I watched the clips and picked out points . This helped me understand how other films would create meaning to meet their individual intentions. It helps me with adding filming technics to my short film, as I've been given the inspiration to include new camera work within reason. After the Initial plans, I moved onto the research. in the research, I looked at five existing products, and talked about the mise en scene involved in them. I would then compare them all. this would help me realize what I could bring on board to my short film.
  • 3. I would pick out the camera Techniques used in the individual short films, and look at how they are used in the story, and how it fits in with the situation and mood of it. Jaws use a POV of the shark, to see what its aiming at. From this, I learnt about how the films communicate the mood through the camera work, for example, the dolly zoom is used in jaws to add a dramatic zoom to a shocked face. for my for my future, I can use these camera effects in my short film, to add the effects to fit with the suspense mood. In my opinion, I believed that this helped me develop my understanding of the mise en scene, as the research gives me examples of how its used to fit with the individual films. After the research, I moved onto making the questionnaire. For this, I needed to ask 10 questions that will conclude my target audience. I mainly asked about how they favor the comedy genre, and what are their favorite comedy films. this was so that I could get an idea of the films they like, so that I could compare my film to the films the surveyors suggested. from this, I learnt about the different types of films that my audience like, and how they rate the genre as a whole. This gives me an idea of who my film is targeted at. I didn't manage to get many reviews at college, so I promoted it on Instagram. this gave me roughly 14 more general public to answer my survey. The promotion was a good idea, as I'm getting reviews from the general public (people who follow me), rather than just people from my class who fully understand what I'm talking about.
  • 4. Week 1 Three Elements: Survey Research Initial plans Strengths: The thing that went well with the survey would be the advertisement. Advertising it on Instagram brought in more than ten surveyors to the survey. This gave me information on the general public of random interests age and gender; rather than just students of the course, who are all similar age of me, and are interested in media. For the research, the strength would be comparing all of the researched items. This helped me realise what pattern that i like and what common features i can add in my film, it also shows me the theme I'm going for the film too, helping me create an environment for it. Lastly, the initial plans. The strength involved with that would be the mind maps. I believe that it helped me web my ideas up, and it also helped me organise my mise en scene list as its in its different sections. This helped me with creating the mood board, as I could annotate from the points i listed from the mise en scene. Weakness: The thing that didn’t go as well with my survey would be linking two questions else, as it would mean me having to re analyse all 26 surveyors choices for each question. With the research, my weakness was with finding existing products to link with mine. I was attempting to research a product with a very similar story and meet a lot of my intentions, but I couldn’t think of a film that did that which was leaving me having to look at films with specific bits that I want from separate films. This make it hard to link to my FMP, as the film I'm researching uses the technic with different intentions. Lastly, The initial plans. My weakness would be creating the Mood boards. Even though I explained Why I chose the image, I failed to talk about how the intention fits in with my project. This made my work look quite basic, and will make me struggle when coming for my experiments and pre production, as I don’t know why I would want that technique. Improvements: I would like to firstly improve on my Initial plans mood bard. I want to add more detail in the explanation side of the mood board, by talking about why it fits with my film, and how it will benefit me with my FMP. This will help me for when I move onto my pre production, as it will prepare me for planning on using the technics and why I'm using them I need to improve on the questionnaire, as I've noticed some typing mistakes in the questions that I need to fix and I need to make it fit for the wider audience, rather than the media students. For next time, I will hopefully have a wide range of people doing my survey, and I will be able to close it and conclude it.
  • 5. Process Week 2 In this week, we had started on our experiments. Before I moved onto that, I had finished off sections of my research. I had got all of my information from my survey and analyzed each question. The majority of the same or similar answers, would show me who my target audience is, and what they would like about my Short film. From this, I had gotten a rough idea on who my Audience is based on. This will help me when writing up my proposal, to conclude my target audience. I also looked at every question in the survey and concluded what the results showed me. On some, I had o look at what the separate surveyors answered, so I can see their activity and compare it to the other surveyors. from this, I had concluded based on what the surveyors similarly chose for the other questions, and looked at their age, gender and personality. This was successful, as it narrowed down the target audience for the specific questions that I had narrowed it down on. After I sorted the research, I moved onto the experiments. In the experiments, I chose to look at three separate technics for my short film. I decided to look at a dolly zoom, a POV, and a shaky camera technique. These are the techniques I intend on using in my film. The experiment is half finished, as I haven’t looked at the shaky camera. In the experiment, I had practiced doing these technics using different cameras. I used a cannon camera from college and a go pro, which I brought from home. I wanted to see which cameras worked for the different shots. In this week, I looked at two of my intentional techniques. I looked at the POV shots, and a dolly zoom. I practiced doing both. With the POV shot, I used three different cameras and walked down the corridor with THEM. I started with the cannon camera. I this was a better handling compared to the others, as it needed two hands to be held. With the Go pro, I tried different handles for it. I tried the body strap and the arm strap. The body strap was too low, and the arm strap didn’t show a head POV, so I stuck to holding the camera high up on a small tri pod. This was effective, as it was looking strait ahead, and bounced about, like it was moving like a POV. From this, I learnt how to improvise with the go pro when you don’t have the right kit, by just using what you've got and by adjusting the settings on the go pro to get a similar definition to the camera.
  • 6. This will come in useful hand if I don’t get the available kit that I've requested. I then moved onto practicing the dolly zoom shot. I started by practiced doing it with the different equipment. I used the slider to start of with. It managed to stay facing forwards, but moving it was jerky. I also did another technique, where I shortened the leg of a tri- pod, and angled the camera to stay in the same position. This didn’t work, as it made the footage look like it was jumping over a hill. After I did this Dolly zoom, I tried doing it with the go pro. I had placed it close to me and I move forward. The Go pro provided a fish eye effect, which gave a curve age for the editing. The effect didn’t work, from the distance it was filmed and the speed it moved. I will retry it from a slower speed, and a stable closer shot to the person. I also tried the walkthrough shots. I started with using the slider for the shot. I got a student to walk sideways whilst I moved the camera on the slider. I though that it was very jerky, as it kept getting stuck when moving it side ways. I don’t believe that the slider was effective for the walkthrough, as its too short to track the person movement, and it keeps getting stuck in position. This helped me realize that panning is the better alternate, as its less stiff, has better movement and its more lighter to carry compared to a tri pod and slider with it.
  • 8. Process week 3 In this week, we carried on with the experiments. Before the experiments, I had finished my interviews with two separate people. i recorded one of the interviews and I had another interview via outlook. I decided to interview two people with different interests. One person was from the same course as me and the other was my farther who is basically a part of the general public. This gave me opinions from someone who understands what I'm doing, and one who is seeing it for the first time. This gave me opinions from two different sides, which turned out to be similar__. I had started on my third experiment, which was the walkthrough sequence. In this, I used My go pro again, and I used the shoulder mount and the cannon camera. I also got a fellow student to do the actions for the camera. With the shoulder mount, I also did a re try of the dolly zoom with the shoulder mount, after doing more research. I thought that it would be more effective if I had filmed it from the waist up whilst keeping it as a forward direction. I Then edited it on premier pro, by enlarging the image smaller, whilst zooming in. The new technic was a lot more effective with the shoulder mount, as it was more stable and less shaky, which gave me the opportunity to have a better edit of the video. With the walkthrough, I used different techniques and two cameras for it. I walked backwards whilst filming someone walking towards the shot. I also decided to tilt the camera, to see if the shot looked more distressing. With the cannon, I used a shoulder mount to have a stronger and still support to the arm. It was stable and comfortable to hold, as it stood still from the support of my shoulder. It gave a steady and smooth look when filming compared to the go pro which was too circular and shaky. This helped me decide on what I would like to use when coming to the walkthrough scene. After I finished filming with the cameras, I moved onto the look and sound experiments. The first look I sorted would be the color of the film I edited the walkthrough to have a new tint of colour. I used the RGB curves tool to attempt to have the bland colour effect I'm looking for.
  • 9. I tone down each colour to make it darker in the frame. It made the scene have a lack of brightness, which made the video look more sinister. The colour scheme worked well with my intentions, as the removal of the light brings in a dark and eerie environment to the clip. I will put the effect in my final film to create the eerie environment during the tension scenes. I lastly played with the logo font. I Made a working title (someone's in my house). With the title I downloaded some fonts from Da font and re wrote the same title with newer fonts. When I found the font that I want, I played around with the shape tool and changed the shape of the H to a house. This was to see what I could do to the logo to make it intend to change one of the letters of the logo to relate to the title of the film. This effect will firstly, stop the logo from looking generic, and secondly, to create meaning to the title. The edited letter will link to something to the film, and will link to the theming of the title, to make it tease or hint about something in the film. In this case, the balloon represents the surprise party later on.
  • 10. Process Week 4In this week, we started on our proposals. In this, I state who my target audience is based on and what I will do in the project. I look at the demographics of my survey and include the information on the target audience. For the age and gender. I mainly based that on stereotype, as that’s more of an audience choice which would naturally fit with a film. The thing that didn’t work would be the geodemographics for my audience. Its hard to find out who likes my film based on region, as my film isn't set for any region. The class audience was based on the style of the character, seen as he has a normal suburban house, I based that the higher class would be drawn into it more as they would usually live in normal suburban houses. I believe that the Target audience was successful seen as it matches some of my films intentions. After I did the target audience, I moved onto the rational. On this, I basically stated what I've developed from past experience. I mainly state the camera techniques I gained from doing the short film project which I want to bring again in this one. After the rationale, I state on what I'm making and what I need to research into this project. It does state what I've been doing in the previous slides, and helps remind me that I've done that work, so I don’t need to worry about it. I then state how I'm evaluating it. The thing that went well with the proposal would be the audience, as it covers and concludes as a whole and easily narrows down on who my target is based on. After the proposal, I moved onto the pre production. With the pre production, I firstly start on my style sheet for the movie. In this, I got images of films involving a dull colour scenery and created a colour scene using Photoshop. When making it, I just picked out some colours from the screen shotted image and made a palette with it. I then mixed the pallets from the different screenshots to give me a potential idea of what I want. It showed me what tone I should have on the film, and what effect it gives out. With the locations, I decided to get images of Birdseye view of the house and plan some of the scenes. I had put shapes in the image to represent where everything should go. I did it for every scene in the film. This will give me a rough idea of where everything should be place in terms of equipment. This will come useful when i start filming. I also annotated the areas that I'm filming in. I talk about what is useful about it and what will happen there. I also put an image of the location next to the text to show what I'm talking about. This shows to me why my locations work and the reasons I'm filming there. This will help me with filming so i know about the benefits of placing the camera in the certain area. For the poster planning, i talk about what I want it to look like and why it will look like that. I talk about linking it to the colour scene and the font used in it. For the font, i write the name of the film with it to show how it will intentionally look. With the explanation of why i believe that its the right font will make the image show why the name fit with the font. The poster planning shows the intentions that will be added into it and how it will all link together. This helps me with adding the detail in my poster. Lastly, i move onto the sound. I talk about the diegetic and non diegetic sound that will go into the film.
  • 11. also put an image of the location next to the text to show what I'm talking about. This shows to me why my locations work and the reasons I'm filming there. This will help me with filming so i know about the benefits of placing the camera in the certain area. For the poster planning, i talk about what I want it to look like and why it will look like that. I talk about linking it to the colour scene and the font used in it. For the font, i write the name of the film with it to show how it will intentionally look. With the explanation of why i believe that its the right font will make the image show why the name fit with the font. The poster planning shows the intentions that will be added into it and how it will all link together. This helps me with adding the detail in my poster. Lastly, i move onto the sound. I talk about the diegetic and non diegetic sound that will go into the film. I extend onto it saying why I've decided to get/make the sound that certain way and including links to the sounds I've found. This shows the path I will take and the plan B I have if anything goes wrong. It will later help me with finding the sounds and the alternative path to go down if anything goes wrong. During the weekend, I start producing the film. I didn’t film in chronological order. I started with the first scene.
  • 12. I managed to get someone to help film and I also managed to get a gather of people for the surprise scene. I filmed the extra long shot and the character exiting the house scene. I decided to change the medium shot to a pan shot of the character leaving the street, so the scenery will look more familiar.. The effect did work, as it shows where everything was placed in the scene which helps for understanding the placing of the tense and running scene later on in the film. I then moved onto the surprise sequence. I did this scene earlier, as it has the most people involved in the film, and I wanted to dismiss them as soon as possible so they weren't tired. With the scene, I used the go pro, as it gave a lighter look compared to the cannon. With the go pro, I got the five people to say surprise, whilst the character was stood there with a bat and someone on the floor unconscious. I had placed the camera in three places; one was on the stairs, to show everyone together; the next on the surprisers to see their reactions; and the last on the character to see what he has done. The first shot worked, as it shows a quick clip of the inside scene together. The second shot didn’t work, as it the shot was too close to the characters. If I filmed it further, It would have made it more clearer for where the characters were placed. This would have made the scene make more sense. The last shot did work, as it made it more clearer for what the character has done, seen as they were both perfectly in the frame. after the inside scene, I moved back into the outside routine. I started with the scene where the character walks back home. I filmed with a long shot of the character walking back, to show where he entered the street from. The scene did work, but I had some issues with filming it. Many cars kept entering and pulling into the curve. This was an issue for time consuming, as I had to keep re shooting the shot, so there weren't cars in the way.
  • 13. After the walkthrough scene, I moved onto the dolly zoom. I used the shoulder mount, and got someone to film from the waist high, so that it isn’t blurred when zooming into the shot. The shot took a few takes, so that I could have a good reaction. The shoulder mount did help for the dolly zoom and the walkthrough, as it provided a fair amount of stability of the camera to zoom in the face and follow a character. After the dolly zoom, I did the running sequence. I managed to use a pan shot and some medium shots of the beginning and end of the sequence. The issue with it was that it was too short of a run, as I’m running from one sidewalk to the opposite one. I will try to fix it by adding cut shots of what the character saw in the window, to make it more dramatic and tense, knowing that the character has this stuck in his head. I then did the pov with the go pro. I had the headset and the go pro attached to it. I then did the walking scene. The shot didn’t work, seen as the shot was too high, and barely showed the character walking. I moved onto the last two scenes. I did the insert shot and the last scene of the character entering the house. The insert shot managed to link well with the walkthrough, as it shows what the character was looking at, and builds suspension, knowing that the character will use it as a weapon. The last scene had to be quick, so the inside of the house isn't reviled. The character entering quickly works, as it happens suddenly, which ends up breaking the tension to transition to the action.
  • 14. Process week 5In this week, I started with Putting my film on premier pro. I put the clips in order and viewed it before I edited it together. I discovered that the footage was too short and filled with shaky camera work. There are some scenes in it which don’t match the next. From seeing what I've seed, I've decided to abolish the film I filmed last week and re create it. I've decided to abolish it, as its hard to add on to it, seen as it was filmed in Derby which is quite far from York. If I did film it in york, then I’d add onto it seen as it wouldn’t be hard work to organize where to locate the scene. I've planned more scenes to include in the film which will take place in the college and more footage in the house. I've decided to show the character going to college where his friend tells him happy birthday there. This new scene will show the audience where the character is going, and how its his birthday. I will also change the burglar realization scene. I will do it so that the character text someone that he knows that he’s seen someone; the text will tell him to sort out the situation rather than call the police. This will link to the surprise party inside his house, as the person texting the main character is clearly in on it. I think these new changes will stop the film from looking rushed and will make it look more understandable, as I'm adding these new scenes to link what is happening and why its occurring. I then moved on to sorting out my logo for the film. I had written it down in the font that I wanted and coloured it in gray. I believe that gray is a neutral colour that can blend in well with anything. Also, I didn’t use red, as its hard to blend with the band poster and because it represents blood and gore which my film isn’t about. I then changed the I into a balloon. This related to the theme of party's which links to the end of my film. I also included the bat to reference the weapon used by the character whish is cut out of the letters in the logo. The logo has a shining finishing look, which will make it look more bold when against an existing image. The thing that worked with the logo would be the balloon. It Stops the text from looking boring and like standard text; it makes it look mysterious to where the balloon comes into place with the film. After the text, I moved onto the re done shot list. In this, I added in more shots compared to the last one. I've added onto the scene where the character enters the house to have more tension and unexpected scenes to be involve to build up to the surprise.
  • 15. I've also added scenes to link to why certain situations are the way they are. One example would be the bat scene. Before he picks it up from the front of the house. Instead, he goes into the garage and gets it. The thing that worked would be the re arranging with scenes. Now, it explains where the character is going, and why he acts the way he does. After the shot list, I moved onto the re done storyboard. I decided sketch it out this time ,as its quicker, and I can create what I want to make instead of putting images together. i then moved onto the locations for the second film. Instead of doing a location plan for every scene like the previous planning i did, i did one for every shot. Doing every scene required me to get images of a satilight image of my house and for me to draw a map of the inside scenes This gave me a better idea of where to place everything when it comes to filming and will show me where everything should intentionally be placed when it comes to filming.
  • 16. Week 6In this week, I re filmed my short film. I started off with shooting the home scenes. I had used my shot list and the location diagrams to list out where everything should be and how the sequence should be like in the film. The one thing that helped me with re shooting would be the shot list. this one helped me, as it was directing in more detail how everything should being the scene, so it doesn't turn out wrong. When filming, the first scene, I decided to pan the camera of the character leaving, so that the scenery made more sense and looked more familiar to prepare for the up coming scenes. After I did the first scenes, I moved onto the second. With the second scene, it shows the camera moving backwards whilst the character is moving. This was added so that the character can look like he was walking home, whilst texting. The backwards moving shots adds a medium shot for me to add the text notifications to it, as the character will be in the same spot in the frame duration. The technique worked with the final cut, as it didn’t end up being too shaky, and did manage to show that the character was walking to somewhere. I also did a dolly shot. With the dolly shot, I made the camera go towards my face. As I couldn’t access a shoulder mount, I got my camera operator to hold the camera steadily and walk towards me. The technique worked, as it had a steady and smooth move in it which helped me with editing, as the dolly zoom presented a smooth finish which only moves towards the character, unlike the last edit which moved up and down. I also did the window shot. As it was a bright day, the sun shined a reflection I onto the window. This made it hard to show the character move by, as there was a reflection in the window. I managed to get the shot, as I toned down the brightness of the camera and made the camera closer to the window. The shot worked in the final take, as you can tell there is someone moving from the inside. The reflection makes it more anonymous to who the person is, which works, as it makes you want to know who this person is and what they are going to do. During the inside scenes, I switched to the go pro or the walkthrough scenes. The cannon footage couldn’t shoot the whole of the corridor, as the footage looked more closer up than I thought. I decided to use the go pro, which showed more of the room and was easier to fit through the corridor. The walkthrough with the go pro shows the camera moving towards the door. The shot builds up the tension, as it was slowly approaching the main issue in the film. The camera also follows the characters movement. After four takes, I managed to show the person walk past the character.
  • 17. The final cut does break the tension to terror, as the person comes out of nowhere. The scene works, as it stresses the audience, as they know that someone is in there, whilst the character doesn’t, teasing potential danger. I lastly do the surprise scene. For this, I moved some furniture back to fit the camera, and placed balloons everywhere to make it clear that it’s a birthday party. The scene gets a clear shot of the characters reaction, and what he has done. After I do the scenes at home, I move onto the college scenes. With the outside scenes, I managed to shoot the character walking in the building. It made it clear to where the character was going. For the class room scene, I went with the original plan with making the character have a friend say happy birthday, but I decided to change it, as I wanted the characters to have a conversation to make the character share what he is doing. The new scene consisted of the characters facing each other from two different seats. The camera shot showed a bit of the chair at the bottom of the shot, to show that the character is talking to someone from far away. I want to re shoot it again though, as I need to make the characters closer to the edge of the shot to make it even more clearer that they are talking to each other from different sides as the existing shot made it look like they were facing different directions. I then put the footage together on premier. Some of the shots were on an angle, for some reason, so I rotated it and enlarged the image to make it fit the shot. I also added in my recordings and coloured in the footage. I Darkened the white and blue in the RGB curves. The colour made it look more distressing and created a negative vibe, as the light isn't coming through to add the positivity. I lastly experimented with Photoshop. The images I took didn’t work with the poster as it was to bright and too much to cut out. The second idea didn’t look like a typical poster as it was too bland and not exiting. I'm currently deciding on re designing the poster to be simple but exiting, so it doesn’t go overboard with the detail. I also made a draft intro and my credits. The credits will have the list pop up from a birthday card.
  • 18. The credits worked, as it sticks to the theming of the film and also removes the negative vibe, as it shows bright colours. for the draft, I decided to make the balloon fly up from the bottom of the page. The draft worked well, as it had the eerie intention that I was looking for, as the balloon comes out from nowhere and there is no colour on it to represent party or happy vibes. I also attempted to link text messages to the phone conversation. The linking was a hard process, as the image came out all pixilated and zoomed in. I scrapped the idea and went with pitting it on the corners of the frames. The shot was stayed in the position during the text scenes, so it works out well with placing them in the corner, as it clearly shows it comes from the phone, as the phone is always in the shot, and shows a full conversation without anything moving or panning.
  • 19. Week 7 In this week, I carried on with the production. I started with adding the second text sequence for the film. In this, I created the text box in Photoshop and added the text in it. I then made the text into separate layers so that I could make them appear separately. Yet again, I never linked it to the phone, as the character doesn’t move from the centre so I can easily get away with leaving it on the side. I also added the text sound effects to it after putting the text boxes in its space. The shot and sounds all worked well together, as it has a right amount of seconds between them to appear, as they never came at once. This made the texting sequence look natural. After the text sequence, I moved onto re shooting the conversation scene. I Did two take of it on this day as I wasn’t happy with the first. My intention was to use the rule of thirds to put the character on either side, eye to eye to look like that they were looking at each other. The first take didn’t work, as the characters were on different angles, but were too far from the rule of third, so it had wasted camera space and the footage was blurry as I didn’t focus it before shooting. When re shooting, I managed to get a grid on the camera screen. This helped me with making sire that the characters were between the lines. The final shot was the best one, as they were focused and were in the rule of thirds which made it look like the characters are looking at each other. After I filmed the retake shot, I moved onto creating music in garage band. In garage band, I decided to go for one tune which was light. This makes the film seem more tense, as the lack of instrumental makes it quiet, leaving the loudly noises to come unexpectedly. For the musical part for the house scene, I put in a high note violin sound for when the door is reviled. This sound is a one note which is to make the door look more freaky, as the high note is singular with no unexpected change to make the audience prepare for a jump. When the character passes, there is a sharp ding. This ding is to make the audience jump. The music works well with the film, as it adds to the tension to making you expect something at any moment. I also continued with the poster. I scraped the plan with the card, as it wasn’t working for me and changed it to a minimalist poster. I would prefer to do minimalist seen as I was good at it during my print project. I Have made the window the main subject with a shadow in it.
  • 20. . I placed bricks on the outside by tracing the bricks from the house and adding them to the poster. The shadow is to make the audience think who is this and why is this shadow there, making them want there answers to be said. The new poster works well together, as it looks effective and it was more easier to create, as it didn’t consist of putting separate images together, which didn’t look right the last time. I later created sound for the dolly zoom. For the sound, I made it on garage band, by playing different tones of violins and building the tone up. As I couldn’t figure out how to have a smooth note going to low to high, I made this unsettling tone to discomfort the audience. The sound eventually worked out with the video, as it firstly went well with the background music, and it gave the movement of the camera a good rhythm to show the dolly zoom. I also sorted out some of the sound effects for the tension scenes. I added the footsteps to the video, to get some digestic sounds in the film to bring more of a real environment to the film. I also added the hit and hit reaction sound effect to the silence scene. This reviled to why there is someone on the floor, as it is giving assumption that the character hit the person. The effect works well with the film, as its telling something in the film without any footage. Without the sound, it would just be a story less black screen for 7 seconds leaving the final scene to not make sense.

Editor's Notes

  1. Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.
  2. Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.
  3. Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work. Experiments Shoulder mount Logo Colour Dolly zoom new
  4. Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work. Proposal Pre production Making the film video -
  5. Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work. PRE PRODUCTION
  6. week 6: Production -re filming X -new scenes X -re shooting scenes X -Editing -putting videos together x -adding in the effects x -Photoshop use (poster making and logo concept making and credits) x