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Andreas Mina
Visual planning
Andreas Mina
Diegetic sound and Non Diegetic
For the non diegetic sounds I will be recording some of them. I will be getting a light switch
sound effect for the party scene. It will be easier to make what I want whilst tailoring it to my
needs rather than finding it. Im also doing the same for the grunt and the bat hit sound. The
grunts sound more naturalistic when its homemade, as the downloaded links will be the generic
scream sound. I will be downloading a whack sound if the home made one doesn't work. I will
download a notification sound for the first scene. I will also be recording sounds that will shush
and whisper and sound freaky for the door scene. Recording these sounds will create a freaky
environment for the door scene. I will also be recording walking sounds, in case the audio on the
film didn’t pick it up properly.
Link: = Notification
For the diegetic sounds, I will be creating it on garage band. My creations are more likely to fit
my intention, as I can alter sections on it that I don't like on the music. I will be making sound for
the dolly zoom and the tense scene. If it gets to the point where I cant find any music, I will
download some music from a royalty free website. _ I will also be creating a quick swoosh sound
for when someone moves behind the character.
Style sheet
For the colour scheme, I've taken scenes from films
which are in a dark setting. The top two are from
inception; whilst the bottom one is from the Bourne
identity. From these images, I've picked out colours
from them and lined them up together. I then picked
out some colours from the images pallets and placed
them together. You can see the colours are very bland
and plain, which is the intention that I'm trying to get
with the colours. I'm wanting to have the dull tone to
my film, to remove any colorful distractions that make
the film have a positive feel. The dull colours fit in with
the suspense and tension, as it blocks out bright
colours that add in a positive vibe, only leaving the
character. The picked out colours is an idea in what I'm
hoping to have in my short film, as they are dull, but
allow brownie colours to come through from the
character, to make him stand out from the background.
The character will be wearing blue Clothing, so I do
believe that there will be dull blue that will come
through the film, in which is why I've picked it out. The
colour blue is a good colour for the character to wear,
as it can both look drab whilst standing out from the
rest of the colours, as its an unusual looking colour on
clothing (especially on blazers).
Poster Plan
The poster will be a minimalist design. It will show the
window of the house with a shadow looking out of it
to reference the person the character is after. The
point of the poster is to show how the situation of
the film started. The shadow is suppose to look
creepy (which is why the shadow isn't a character), as
it isn’t reviling who or what is lurking behind the
window. The poster views will want to know what is
on the other side of the window and what issues it
will cause in the film. The films composition will be a
top to bottom image. I will have the main image at
the top with the film title at the bottom. This will
allow the reader to start from the top of the poster,
notice the eerie shadow, then look further down to
see the title of the film. This will give a revile effect, as
they will wonder what this scene represents, and
then sees this unsettling title that seems sinister for
the poster. They will want to know what happens in
the film.
Font and colour
The font that I'm going to be using for the the logo and name
of film is Poplar STD. The reason is because it doesn't look
too sinister( sharp, melt effect) or comedic (bouncy and
very curvy). Instead, it is neutral Looking font. It matches
both genres, as its boldness ads the strange in your face
look to it, which basically is trying to shout surprise to the
ones looking at the poster. Gray will be the colour scheme
for the logo. The colour adds to the negative vibe to the
logo. Its dull, and the colour adds no relevance to the
party side of the film, and relates to the tension of the
film, as it has no bright colours to calm the mood. I may
cut out a balloon shape in the ‘I’ of the word surprise. This
makes the logo look less generic, and makes the logo look
more eerie, as the single balloon doesn't fit in with the
mood and the lonely balloon makes you feel isolated.
I will be using the same colour scene for the movie. The
reason is because the bland scene block out any hope of
Optimism, as there is no bright colours in it. It fits in with
the violent image going on in the poster, as it adds more
dramatic tension to the image because there is no bright
colour to make it look positive and comedic.
Look and feel
The character will be wearing quite formal clothing. He will be wearing a polo Shirt. He isn’t over dressed, as he is only
going to work at a college, not a wedding. It will be the colour blue, in order to stand out from the drab background that
will be present the character will be wearing a dark blue polo shirt. This colour would blend him in the film well, but
wont fully make him a background character as he wont be wearing drab blue or any other drab colours. Colours like and
red/yellow looks unusual and silly. It also doesn’t work well with the sinister circumstances. He needs to stand out as he
is the main character, and he needs to stand out from the background to stop him from looking boring.
For camera work, I will be making the camera shaky in places in order to get that scared feel of shaking. This will add to
the suspense theme that I'm looking for in the tension scenes, as it will represent the anxiety from the character. I will
also be adding a Point of view shot for the character. This will help the audience get into the mind of the character so
that they see what he is seeing, and understands that he is anxious from his movement. It makes them feel more a part
of the film if I use a POV, as its like they are experiencing the situations for themselves. I will also be including a dolly
zoom to emesis the characters scared facial expression. This technique will show to the audience that the character may
possibly be doomed in some state. I will also have an extra long shot at the beginning showing the house that the
character lives in. This is so that the audience know where everything is before everything happens, so that the walking
sequence makes sense later on. There will also be some canted angles in the film. These shots is what makes a films
situation more uncomfortable to watch, as the angle is quite unusually looking. They will be used during the tension
scenes. As the majority of the film only consists of one character, there will be central shots. These shots makes the
character the centre of attention and will be used when he is reacting to something or doing something crucial.
Canted angles
1 2 3 4 5
11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30 31 32 33
34 35 36 37 38
39 40
Location info
The street: The street will be use for the beginning and the start of the tension scene. There is a lot of space to
film outside and the house is at the end of the street, which is good for the character as he can walk strait to
the house without any awkward turning. The camera will face the house and the street exit, so that the scene
location can look familiar for the on coming scenes. It will show the character leaving the house to direct to the
audience that this character owns this house. It will show him walking away and back to the house, to show
that he is leaving, and to show he hasn’t been near his house for the surprise to be prepared.
The everyday room/ kitchen is where the surprise will take place. There is tonnes of space to have in this
room, leaving room for the unconscious person to be. The camera will be in the middle of the room, and the
character will be close to the door to show where I've entered from. The issue is the kitchen unit in the way. To
solve the problem, I will move closer towards the everyday room, so the camera can get both the character and
uncurious character in the frame.
the good thing about the entrance and exit scene is that there is an open space outside the main entrance of
the college to film at. This is useful for filming the long shot scene, as there is nothing that will be blocking the
pathway. The issue is that its a public area where people will be walking in and out at. Luckily, i will be filming it
during the lesson hours, so not many people will walk through the shot as they will be in lesson. I can place the
camera on the path bit next to the car park to get much of the character and the college in the shot.
The hallway is long and has a clear strait pathway all the way sown. This means that I can place the camera in
one place without moving it since the character will be in a clear shot anywhere in the hall. The camera will be
placed towards the end of the hall, whilst the character will walk towards it down the entrance.
The classroom is empty where the door is, which means that I will be filming there, so I get space when filming
a shot I will be doing it so that it will be facing opposite directions to get the shots of both of the character. The
space will have the camera in the middle of the scene which will be facing both sides to show both characters.
The home hall way is quite narrow, but long enough to fit the camera in the shot. The end of the hall has an
open space to fit the camera in. the character will be going down the hallway, whilst the camera will be moving
backwards whilst filming the character. The door will be open for the camera operator to move as far as they
want, so they aren't pushed to the door when the character reaches it.
Floor plan Character leaving =Characters
=Direction of character(s)
=camera position
Shot one character leaving house. Camera is a long
and medium shot. This is to have an introduction to
the character. The medium shot is to clearly show
the characters expression when texting. Centre shot
so there is space for the Text icons to appear
The character leaving the house . The camera
pans and follows the character as he walks. To
show that he is leaving the street and to get an
idea of what the street looks like for later
Floor plan College outside
=Direction of character(s)
=camera position
Entering college
leaving college:
Both shots will be long
shots as the audience
need to know where the
character is going to. It
isn't Medium as facial
emotions don’t matter in
this scene.
Floor plan Corridor
=Direction of character(s)
=camera position
Character will walk pass the camera
down the hall way. This effect will
transition to the character walking
towards something else
=Direction of character(s)
=camera position
This is a two way conversation which will follow the grid rule.
There will be a first shot both showing the characters facing each
other, so the audience know that they are facing each other. The
camera will also be facing opposite directions when facing the
characters, so that it looks like they are looking at each other.
Walk back sequence =Characters
=Direction of character(s)
=camera position
The camera follows the character walking forwards. This is so that the
reaction of the characters face is reviled when seeing his messages.
The character turns a corner. This shot
is placed so the audience can start to
recognise the street from the first
Shot of the window.
It will Show
someone run across
the window. The
footage will be
filmed from the
outside to show
how we are
observing that
there is potential
danger in the
Dolly zoom: centre shot to make
the reaction the centre of attention
=Direction of character(s)
=camera position
Shock sequencegarage
Insert shot to show
more clearer of the
items that the character
is picking up
<leaving garage: camera faces the characters
back, to show how the characters now directing
himself to the door of the house. Tilted angle to
make the situation seem more twisted than it
Walking towards house. This will be
tilted to distress the situation
Medium shot of the character texting. The
shot will have the character in the centre to
make him the main attention and to make
way for the text messages
Camera shows character walking into
the garage. This is shown because the
audience need to understand his route
=Direction of character(s)
=camera position
=Direction of character(s)
=camera position
This is the shot of the character walking towards the house. It
will be facing towards the corner, to show that the character
has come back from the garage he walked into earlier.
This is the shot of the character going up to the door. It will
show him creepily walking towards the door to build up the
tension that the character is now entering the danger zone.
The shot is A long shot so that the action and the location is
shown clearly.
The close up: The camera will show the characters face this is
to show his stress and anxiety in his eyes. The audience needs
a full and clear viewing of what the characters feeling
Insert shot: this also represents the shot
of the key unlock. This is to show the
characters hands trembling of fear, and to
slowly show how the character is nearly
going to be in potential harms way.
=Direction of character(s)
=camera position
The camera will
face the character
entering the house.
It shows him
breathing heavily to
show how scared
he is. It’s a beginner
reaction to entering
the house, knowing
its not over yet.
The camera will face the Door
that the character is looking at.
This makes it un easing to watch,
as there is now another strange
the character has to go through.
The door needs the most
attention in the scene, so I've
made sure its in the middle of the
=Direction of character(s)
=camera position
The character now
starts to walk down this
hallway. The camera
will start to move
backwards and follow
the character. This is so
that the tension
countdown starts, as
you aren't just watching
the character go
through misery, you are
now following him and
getting yourself
involved with the
The camera now starts
to move down the
corridor, sort of like a
POV. This stresses the
audience, as you are
seeing how you are
getting closer and
closer to the bad
=Direction of character(s)
=camera position
This is where the background
character walks across the hall. The
camera will leave some space for the
ain character, so the background is
clearly visible for the walker to be
clearly noticed.
This is where the camera is
going towards the door. It will
move towards it slowly so that
the shot isn't rushed and so it
doesn’t look like the character
is running towards the door.
=Direction of character(s)
=camera position
The character
walking with the
The camera
continues to
follow the door.
=Direction of character(s)
=camera position
Insert shot of the character
slowly opening the door. This
builds up the tension on what to
expect on the other side. The
camera will be placed behind
the characters hand to have a
clear shot of the handle.
This is where the
character finally
goes up to the door.
The door will be
open so that the
camera person can
move further back
to show the
character up close
to the door. This will
stop the camera
person from getting
crammed next to
the door.
=Direction of character(s)
=camera position
The camera shows the character
entering the room from the back. This
is so that the light from the room isn't
fully exposed in the shot, and to have
a clear shot of the final action he
does before the surprise.
=Direction of character(s)
=camera position
Blackout in this scene, to have a
more shock for when the lights
turn on. This will be more
shocking as you hear someone
being hit, thinking it’s a robber,
to see it’s a party member when
the lights turn on.
The character is placed near the
border between the kitchen and
the everyday room. This is so the
door he entered from is visible
to show the distance he walked.
There cant be too much space
exposed, so it looks like the
guests are behind the footage.
Organisational planning
Andreas Mina
Release form
Location Info
Barnfield way YO23 Copmanthorpe
Sim Balk Ln, Bishopthorpe, York YO23 2BB
What happen Time Notes (visual) Notes (Audio)
1 The character leaves his house to go to college. He walks
away from his house. The character is dressed up and is
quite happy.
21 seconds Extra long shot of the house exterior, to get an idea of where the
film is set. Medium and long shots of the character leaving the
house and walking away. The colour will be bland from this point
There is no audio, except from
notifications from a phone.
2 The character walks to college and then don the
corridor. He enters to se his friend greet him with
a happy birthday.
42 seconds Long shot of the college.
With the corridor, the character walks towards the
No audio except from the
existing filmed one.
3 *BLACKOUT* The character walks back to his home, after
work, and notices something odd in the window he looks,
to see that there is someone inside of his house. The
character has a shocked facial expression.
39 seconds The shot fades in from the blackout. It tarts off with a long shot of
the character walking back, then moves to a medium of the
character looking at the window. Then a short/ insert of the
window. The shocked face will be a dolly zoom shot.
There will be some music, after
the character sees the person.
It will be a tense doom sound
to go with the dolly shot.
4 The character then. goes on his phone, and texts a friend
telling him the situation. His friend tells him to not call the
police and sort it out himself. He then speed walks to the
house, then slows down
20 seconds Medium shot of the character moving, which transitions to a pan
long shot of the character speed walking to the house, then a
medium shot of the character slowing down
Tension music added to the
5 The character enters the garage. He chooses his weapon
from it which turns out to be a bat. He then leaves the
garage with his bat
15 seconds Insert shot for the weapon pick scene, and diagonal facing shots
of the character leaving the garage.
Tension music added to the
6 The character slowly moves closer to the house, and walks
with his bat.
11 seconds There will be a POV shot of the characters perspective walking to
the house, and a tilted angled follow shot of the character
walking. An insert shot will appear when the character picks up
the bat.
Tension music added to the
7 The character slowly moves towards the door, then
quickly opens it and enters.
7 seconds This will be a one medium shot. Tension music, and a re
recording of the door opening
8 The character has entered the home and starts to pant in
panic. He hears. strange noises coming from the door. He
walks towards the door. Someone sprints across the room,
which causes the character to look behind him. He carries
on to go through the door
25 seconds There will be a walkthrough for the door, to show where
the character is walking.
Mainly medium shots to catch the characters reaction.
Sharp tone
Tension music.
9 Pitch black, and the character whacks someone on the
floor. The lights turn on to people yelling surprise. The
character has a shocked look on his face, whilst there is
someone unconscious on the floor
13 seconds There will be audio from the scene, but its cut out till the lights
turn on. There will be a medium shot of the people who yell
surprise, and there will be a medium shot of the characters
shocked face
Music fades away
Whack sound is added to the
scene and also grunts light
switch sound too
Credits 10 seconds - - - - - - - -
Shot List
Equipment/ Props/
Costume needed
Locations needed
Cannon Camera: The camera will be needed for the indoor scene and some shots in the street eg. The
dolly zoom, and the slanted shot.
Tri pod: The tri pod will be placed in the street. It will be on the road and on the
side walk. It will also be used in the inside scene.
Baseball bat: This will be use outside and in the indoor scene. It will be used for
the insert shot next to the house.
Recorder: This will be used in the surprise scene to record the light click sound and
the door open.
Production information
Name Phone No. Role
Theodosia Mina 07941 540040 Back up camera woman
Dasos Mina 07941 416010 Camera Man
Andreas Mina 07421318246 Character/Director/Producer
William Cave 07445397953 Camera man
Call Sheet
Call Sheet Time table: Monday
Call Sheet Time table: Tuesday
Contingency Planning
Potential Issue Solution
I may not film in the coming weekend: Plan B, film in a different and relevant location on a different
Booked equipment may not be available leading me to not access
the right equipment to film:
Have a back up plan with the stuff you are able to access
Equipment failure leading to there to not be the working
equipment on the film, leaving the film to be postponed:
Make sure to check it as soon as booked, so that you can go back
and sort the issue if something was wrong
bad continuity ruining the shot of the film: Pre check the scenes back, and check the set for anything wrong
faulty tri pod leading to the camera to be unsteady: Pre check it before check out/ Use go pro
Program that I'm using could crash: save work every so often, or check for the solution for the crash
Dangerous location putting harm to the characters: Check for the dangers in the location, and stay away from the
dangers; or find a safer location.
Filmier doesn't’t fully understand What I'm directing him Try to explain it to them, and show them the planning work, so
that they have a better understanding
I may not have the right amount of characters Go with the flow and film with the people that you have, or try to
get in contact with someone to do it.
Go pro runs out of battery: Charge the spare one the day before, and take it with you
Recorder may be a bit faulty with the sound not working Pre check it before I take it out, or use the phone recorder
I End up becoming behind on my PowerPoint work. Leaving me
with less time to complete it
Finish off the remaining work at home
Corrupted memory card leaving no space to film more footage, Pre check it in a computer before using, and back up the video
Topics: Technical =
topics Potential Issue Solution
Classroom may not be available to film in Find an empty location in the college and film the scene
Recorder is unavailable Use the phone recorder and send the sound on outlook.
Camera runs out of battery Use the go pro and recorder, or just use my Phone camera.
Bad weather which is unsuitable for the next day filming, as it
wont fit with continuity, and delays time.
Carry on filming (if its tolerable) or go with plan B
Loosing bat leaving no prop Change the story, so that the person punches the character
instead of whacks
Time running out Start filming early, so that we have time to spare
Tired cast from working too long Take breaks in-between working time.
Filmer/cast member does the wrong thing Re watch scenes to see if it needs re shooting
Technical =
Production schedule
Monday This will be the day that I film my piece . I wont be filming the scenes in chronological order, as some scenes
require a far location. I will start of with the first two scenes, of the house and coming back from work. I will
then move on to the tension scenes with the go pro and the dolly zooms. Lastly, I will do the house scene
with the failed surprise.
Tuesday I will be filming the college scenes on this day in the first and second lesson of the day. After I've finished
filming, I will upload all of my footage to the computer and order them
Wednesday I will carry on ordering the footage and then I will start on editing the film .
Thursday I will be editing the video footage on premier pro, by transitioning them and linking the given sounds to
Friday On this day, I will be editing the dolly zoom through premier pro. The shot will just be zoomed in, in which I
will make the image go smaller, to give it the dolly effect.
Tuesday This day is used for the complicated parts of my film. I will be using this day to make the music for the tense
scenes, and to track the message notifications onto the phone. From this day on, I will be going with the
Friday week
I will be making the Posters on photo shop.
Health and Safety
Potential Issue How will the issue be avoided?
I will be be filming on a street with a road, and
cars may come into contact with me while
If you see a car in the distance, move the equipment and myself. Be where cars can see you
from a distance. Bright clothing may be worn to be noticed, and we are filming in daylight so we
are clear in sight.
I will be moving equipment around the
place. The risk is that I could end up
dropping it and damaging it or someone
could trip up onto it.
Walk carefully around with the equipment, take lifts instead of stairs. Tell everyone near
equipment to be careful so that they are aware.
Ill be walking a lot in my film, and there will
be side walks in which I may trip up on.
Even when filming, be aware of the curves to trip on by looking where you are going.
In the surprise scene, there are two people
involved in it. An issue is that the bat could
hit them.
To solve it, the bat wont be swung and won't show any real violence. When lifting the
bat, I will make sure there is nothing or no one near me when filming.
I may not finish in the ending time, and that
may leave people tired of the production.
To attempt prevention of this happening, I wont be messing around during the
production time, o that there is nothing left over. Complete it on the next day
There is a tool box in one scene with sharp
objects on them. If I go into contact with
them, I could cut myself.
Check if the sharp objects are near the tools, and grab the ones that arnt near the sharp
Blowing up the balloons for the scene,
could lead to exhaustion.
Get more than one person to do it, and take quick breathers when moving onto a new
Eyestrain when looking at the computer Wear glasses, when eyes start to feel tired.
There will be many balloons in the surprise
scene on the floor. If you trip up on one,
you will hurt yourself.
Keep the balloons away from the main area of the set and be cautious of where you are
Camera operator will be walking backwards
with the camera, and may trip up on
something behind them, and may end up
hurting themselves
Make sure there is a clear pathway in which the operator walks backwards before
shooting the scene.

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Evaluation of Film OpeningEvaluation of Film Opening
Evaluation of Film Openingstuartholden1

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Pre production re done red

  • 3. Diegetic sound and Non Diegetic sound For the non diegetic sounds I will be recording some of them. I will be getting a light switch sound effect for the party scene. It will be easier to make what I want whilst tailoring it to my needs rather than finding it. Im also doing the same for the grunt and the bat hit sound. The grunts sound more naturalistic when its homemade, as the downloaded links will be the generic scream sound. I will be downloading a whack sound if the home made one doesn't work. I will download a notification sound for the first scene. I will also be recording sounds that will shush and whisper and sound freaky for the door scene. Recording these sounds will create a freaky environment for the door scene. I will also be recording walking sounds, in case the audio on the film didn’t pick it up properly. Link: = Notification For the diegetic sounds, I will be creating it on garage band. My creations are more likely to fit my intention, as I can alter sections on it that I don't like on the music. I will be making sound for the dolly zoom and the tense scene. If it gets to the point where I cant find any music, I will download some music from a royalty free website. _ I will also be creating a quick swoosh sound for when someone moves behind the character. Link:
  • 4. Style sheet For the colour scheme, I've taken scenes from films which are in a dark setting. The top two are from inception; whilst the bottom one is from the Bourne identity. From these images, I've picked out colours from them and lined them up together. I then picked out some colours from the images pallets and placed them together. You can see the colours are very bland and plain, which is the intention that I'm trying to get with the colours. I'm wanting to have the dull tone to my film, to remove any colorful distractions that make the film have a positive feel. The dull colours fit in with the suspense and tension, as it blocks out bright colours that add in a positive vibe, only leaving the character. The picked out colours is an idea in what I'm hoping to have in my short film, as they are dull, but allow brownie colours to come through from the character, to make him stand out from the background. The character will be wearing blue Clothing, so I do believe that there will be dull blue that will come through the film, in which is why I've picked it out. The colour blue is a good colour for the character to wear, as it can both look drab whilst standing out from the rest of the colours, as its an unusual looking colour on clothing (especially on blazers).
  • 5. Poster Plan Bricks Window The poster will be a minimalist design. It will show the window of the house with a shadow looking out of it to reference the person the character is after. The point of the poster is to show how the situation of the film started. The shadow is suppose to look creepy (which is why the shadow isn't a character), as it isn’t reviling who or what is lurking behind the window. The poster views will want to know what is on the other side of the window and what issues it will cause in the film. The films composition will be a top to bottom image. I will have the main image at the top with the film title at the bottom. This will allow the reader to start from the top of the poster, notice the eerie shadow, then look further down to see the title of the film. This will give a revile effect, as they will wonder what this scene represents, and then sees this unsettling title that seems sinister for the poster. They will want to know what happens in the film.
  • 6. Font and colour The font that I'm going to be using for the the logo and name of film is Poplar STD. The reason is because it doesn't look too sinister( sharp, melt effect) or comedic (bouncy and very curvy). Instead, it is neutral Looking font. It matches both genres, as its boldness ads the strange in your face look to it, which basically is trying to shout surprise to the ones looking at the poster. Gray will be the colour scheme for the logo. The colour adds to the negative vibe to the logo. Its dull, and the colour adds no relevance to the party side of the film, and relates to the tension of the film, as it has no bright colours to calm the mood. I may cut out a balloon shape in the ‘I’ of the word surprise. This makes the logo look less generic, and makes the logo look more eerie, as the single balloon doesn't fit in with the mood and the lonely balloon makes you feel isolated. I will be using the same colour scene for the movie. The reason is because the bland scene block out any hope of Optimism, as there is no bright colours in it. It fits in with the violent image going on in the poster, as it adds more dramatic tension to the image because there is no bright colour to make it look positive and comedic.
  • 7. Look and feel The character will be wearing quite formal clothing. He will be wearing a polo Shirt. He isn’t over dressed, as he is only going to work at a college, not a wedding. It will be the colour blue, in order to stand out from the drab background that will be present the character will be wearing a dark blue polo shirt. This colour would blend him in the film well, but wont fully make him a background character as he wont be wearing drab blue or any other drab colours. Colours like and red/yellow looks unusual and silly. It also doesn’t work well with the sinister circumstances. He needs to stand out as he is the main character, and he needs to stand out from the background to stop him from looking boring. For camera work, I will be making the camera shaky in places in order to get that scared feel of shaking. This will add to the suspense theme that I'm looking for in the tension scenes, as it will represent the anxiety from the character. I will also be adding a Point of view shot for the character. This will help the audience get into the mind of the character so that they see what he is seeing, and understands that he is anxious from his movement. It makes them feel more a part of the film if I use a POV, as its like they are experiencing the situations for themselves. I will also be including a dolly zoom to emesis the characters scared facial expression. This technique will show to the audience that the character may possibly be doomed in some state. I will also have an extra long shot at the beginning showing the house that the character lives in. This is so that the audience know where everything is before everything happens, so that the walking sequence makes sense later on. There will also be some canted angles in the film. These shots is what makes a films situation more uncomfortable to watch, as the angle is quite unusually looking. They will be used during the tension scenes. As the majority of the film only consists of one character, there will be central shots. These shots makes the character the centre of attention and will be used when he is reacting to something or doing something crucial. POV SHOT ELS Canted angles
  • 8. Storyboard ELS=EXTRA LONG SHOT LS=LONG SHOT MS=MEDIUM SHOT SS=SHORT SHOT CU=CLOSE UP 1 2 3 4 5 11 12 13 14 15 16 LS
  • 9. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
  • 10. 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
  • 11. Location info The street: The street will be use for the beginning and the start of the tension scene. There is a lot of space to film outside and the house is at the end of the street, which is good for the character as he can walk strait to the house without any awkward turning. The camera will face the house and the street exit, so that the scene location can look familiar for the on coming scenes. It will show the character leaving the house to direct to the audience that this character owns this house. It will show him walking away and back to the house, to show that he is leaving, and to show he hasn’t been near his house for the surprise to be prepared. The everyday room/ kitchen is where the surprise will take place. There is tonnes of space to have in this room, leaving room for the unconscious person to be. The camera will be in the middle of the room, and the character will be close to the door to show where I've entered from. The issue is the kitchen unit in the way. To solve the problem, I will move closer towards the everyday room, so the camera can get both the character and uncurious character in the frame. the good thing about the entrance and exit scene is that there is an open space outside the main entrance of the college to film at. This is useful for filming the long shot scene, as there is nothing that will be blocking the pathway. The issue is that its a public area where people will be walking in and out at. Luckily, i will be filming it during the lesson hours, so not many people will walk through the shot as they will be in lesson. I can place the camera on the path bit next to the car park to get much of the character and the college in the shot. The hallway is long and has a clear strait pathway all the way sown. This means that I can place the camera in one place without moving it since the character will be in a clear shot anywhere in the hall. The camera will be placed towards the end of the hall, whilst the character will walk towards it down the entrance. The classroom is empty where the door is, which means that I will be filming there, so I get space when filming a shot I will be doing it so that it will be facing opposite directions to get the shots of both of the character. The space will have the camera in the middle of the scene which will be facing both sides to show both characters. The home hall way is quite narrow, but long enough to fit the camera in the shot. The end of the hall has an open space to fit the camera in. the character will be going down the hallway, whilst the camera will be moving backwards whilst filming the character. The door will be open for the camera operator to move as far as they want, so they aren't pushed to the door when the character reaches it.
  • 12. Floor plan Character leaving =Characters =Direction of character(s) =camera position Shot one character leaving house. Camera is a long and medium shot. This is to have an introduction to the character. The medium shot is to clearly show the characters expression when texting. Centre shot so there is space for the Text icons to appear The character leaving the house . The camera pans and follows the character as he walks. To show that he is leaving the street and to get an idea of what the street looks like for later scenes.
  • 13. Floor plan College outside =Characters =Direction of character(s) =camera position Entering college leaving college: Both shots will be long shots as the audience need to know where the character is going to. It isn't Medium as facial emotions don’t matter in this scene.
  • 14. Floor plan Corridor =Characters =Direction of character(s) =camera position Character will walk pass the camera down the hall way. This effect will transition to the character walking towards something else
  • 15. Classroom =Characters =Direction of character(s) =camera position This is a two way conversation which will follow the grid rule. There will be a first shot both showing the characters facing each other, so the audience know that they are facing each other. The camera will also be facing opposite directions when facing the characters, so that it looks like they are looking at each other.
  • 16. Walk back sequence =Characters =Direction of character(s) =camera position The camera follows the character walking forwards. This is so that the reaction of the characters face is reviled when seeing his messages. The character turns a corner. This shot is placed so the audience can start to recognise the street from the first scene. Shot of the window. It will Show someone run across the window. The footage will be filmed from the outside to show how we are observing that there is potential danger in the house. Dolly zoom: centre shot to make the reaction the centre of attention
  • 17. =Characters =Direction of character(s) =camera position Shock sequencegarage GARAGE Insert shot to show more clearer of the items that the character is picking up <leaving garage: camera faces the characters back, to show how the characters now directing himself to the door of the house. Tilted angle to make the situation seem more twisted than it looks. Walking towards house. This will be tilted to distress the situation Medium shot of the character texting. The shot will have the character in the centre to make him the main attention and to make way for the text messages Camera shows character walking into the garage. This is shown because the audience need to understand his route
  • 18. DOOR ENTER *1 =Characters =Direction of character(s) =camera position
  • 19. DOOR ENTER *1 =Characters =Direction of character(s) =camera position This is the shot of the character walking towards the house. It will be facing towards the corner, to show that the character has come back from the garage he walked into earlier. This is the shot of the character going up to the door. It will show him creepily walking towards the door to build up the tension that the character is now entering the danger zone. The shot is A long shot so that the action and the location is shown clearly. The close up: The camera will show the characters face this is to show his stress and anxiety in his eyes. The audience needs a full and clear viewing of what the characters feeling Insert shot: this also represents the shot of the key unlock. This is to show the characters hands trembling of fear, and to slowly show how the character is nearly going to be in potential harms way.
  • 20. HALLWAY SCENE =Characters =Direction of character(s) =camera position The camera will face the character entering the house. It shows him breathing heavily to show how scared he is. It’s a beginner reaction to entering the house, knowing its not over yet. The camera will face the Door that the character is looking at. This makes it un easing to watch, as there is now another strange the character has to go through. The door needs the most attention in the scene, so I've made sure its in the middle of the frame.
  • 21. HALLWAY SCENE =Characters =Direction of character(s) =camera position The character now starts to walk down this hallway. The camera will start to move backwards and follow the character. This is so that the tension countdown starts, as you aren't just watching the character go through misery, you are now following him and getting yourself involved with the anxiety. The camera now starts to move down the corridor, sort of like a POV. This stresses the audience, as you are seeing how you are getting closer and closer to the bad situation.
  • 22. HALLWAY SCENE =Characters =Direction of character(s) =camera position This is where the background character walks across the hall. The camera will leave some space for the ain character, so the background is clearly visible for the walker to be clearly noticed. This is where the camera is going towards the door. It will move towards it slowly so that the shot isn't rushed and so it doesn’t look like the character is running towards the door.
  • 23. HALLWAY SCENE =Characters =Direction of character(s) =camera position The character continues walking with the walkthrough shot. The camera continues to follow the door.
  • 24. HALLWAY SCENE =Characters =Direction of character(s) =camera position Insert shot of the character slowly opening the door. This builds up the tension on what to expect on the other side. The camera will be placed behind the characters hand to have a clear shot of the handle. This is where the character finally goes up to the door. The door will be open so that the camera person can move further back to show the character up close to the door. This will stop the camera person from getting crammed next to the door.
  • 25. HALLWAY SCENE =Characters =Direction of character(s) =camera position The camera shows the character entering the room from the back. This is so that the light from the room isn't fully exposed in the shot, and to have a clear shot of the final action he does before the surprise.
  • 26. =DOOR =Characters =Direction of character(s) =camera position =UNCONCIOUS X SURPRISE SCENE X Blackout in this scene, to have a more shock for when the lights turn on. This will be more shocking as you hear someone being hit, thinking it’s a robber, to see it’s a party member when the lights turn on. The character is placed near the border between the kitchen and the everyday room. This is so the door he entered from is visible to show the distance he walked. There cant be too much space exposed, so it looks like the guests are behind the footage.
  • 29. Location Info Barnfield way YO23 Copmanthorpe Sim Balk Ln, Bishopthorpe, York YO23 2BB
  • 30. Breakdown Sce ne No. What happen Time Notes (visual) Notes (Audio) 1 The character leaves his house to go to college. He walks away from his house. The character is dressed up and is quite happy. 21 seconds Extra long shot of the house exterior, to get an idea of where the film is set. Medium and long shots of the character leaving the house and walking away. The colour will be bland from this point There is no audio, except from notifications from a phone. 2 The character walks to college and then don the corridor. He enters to se his friend greet him with a happy birthday. 42 seconds Long shot of the college. With the corridor, the character walks towards the camera No audio except from the existing filmed one. 3 *BLACKOUT* The character walks back to his home, after work, and notices something odd in the window he looks, to see that there is someone inside of his house. The character has a shocked facial expression. 39 seconds The shot fades in from the blackout. It tarts off with a long shot of the character walking back, then moves to a medium of the character looking at the window. Then a short/ insert of the window. The shocked face will be a dolly zoom shot. There will be some music, after the character sees the person. It will be a tense doom sound to go with the dolly shot. 4 The character then. goes on his phone, and texts a friend telling him the situation. His friend tells him to not call the police and sort it out himself. He then speed walks to the house, then slows down 20 seconds Medium shot of the character moving, which transitions to a pan long shot of the character speed walking to the house, then a medium shot of the character slowing down Tension music added to the shot 5 The character enters the garage. He chooses his weapon from it which turns out to be a bat. He then leaves the garage with his bat 15 seconds Insert shot for the weapon pick scene, and diagonal facing shots of the character leaving the garage. Tension music added to the shot 6 The character slowly moves closer to the house, and walks with his bat. 11 seconds There will be a POV shot of the characters perspective walking to the house, and a tilted angled follow shot of the character walking. An insert shot will appear when the character picks up the bat. Tension music added to the shot 7 The character slowly moves towards the door, then quickly opens it and enters. 7 seconds This will be a one medium shot. Tension music, and a re recording of the door opening 8 The character has entered the home and starts to pant in panic. He hears. strange noises coming from the door. He walks towards the door. Someone sprints across the room, which causes the character to look behind him. He carries on to go through the door 25 seconds There will be a walkthrough for the door, to show where the character is walking. Mainly medium shots to catch the characters reaction. Sharp tone Tension music. 9 Pitch black, and the character whacks someone on the floor. The lights turn on to people yelling surprise. The character has a shocked look on his face, whilst there is someone unconscious on the floor 13 seconds There will be audio from the scene, but its cut out till the lights turn on. There will be a medium shot of the people who yell surprise, and there will be a medium shot of the characters shocked face Music fades away Whack sound is added to the scene and also grunts light switch sound too Credits 10 seconds - - - - - - - -
  • 32.
  • 33. Resources Equipment/ Props/ Costume needed Locations needed Cannon Camera: The camera will be needed for the indoor scene and some shots in the street eg. The dolly zoom, and the slanted shot. Tri pod: The tri pod will be placed in the street. It will be on the road and on the side walk. It will also be used in the inside scene. Shoulder mount: NOT AVAILABLE (DOING THE HAND HELD TECCHNIQUE) Baseball bat: This will be use outside and in the indoor scene. It will be used for the insert shot next to the house. Recorder: This will be used in the surprise scene to record the light click sound and the door open.
  • 34. Production information Name Phone No. Role Theodosia Mina 07941 540040 Back up camera woman Dasos Mina 07941 416010 Camera Man Andreas Mina 07421318246 Character/Director/Producer William Cave 07445397953 Camera man
  • 36. Call Sheet Time table: Monday
  • 37. Call Sheet Time table: Tuesday
  • 38. Contingency Planning Topics Potential Issue Solution I may not film in the coming weekend: Plan B, film in a different and relevant location on a different day/weekend Booked equipment may not be available leading me to not access the right equipment to film: Have a back up plan with the stuff you are able to access Equipment failure leading to there to not be the working equipment on the film, leaving the film to be postponed: Make sure to check it as soon as booked, so that you can go back and sort the issue if something was wrong bad continuity ruining the shot of the film: Pre check the scenes back, and check the set for anything wrong faulty tri pod leading to the camera to be unsteady: Pre check it before check out/ Use go pro Program that I'm using could crash: save work every so often, or check for the solution for the crash Dangerous location putting harm to the characters: Check for the dangers in the location, and stay away from the dangers; or find a safer location. Filmier doesn't’t fully understand What I'm directing him Try to explain it to them, and show them the planning work, so that they have a better understanding I may not have the right amount of characters Go with the flow and film with the people that you have, or try to get in contact with someone to do it. Go pro runs out of battery: Charge the spare one the day before, and take it with you Recorder may be a bit faulty with the sound not working Pre check it before I take it out, or use the phone recorder I End up becoming behind on my PowerPoint work. Leaving me with less time to complete it Finish off the remaining work at home Corrupted memory card leaving no space to film more footage, Pre check it in a computer before using, and back up the video files Topics: Technical = Organisational= Logistical= Personnel=
  • 39. topics Potential Issue Solution Classroom may not be available to film in Find an empty location in the college and film the scene there. Recorder is unavailable Use the phone recorder and send the sound on outlook. Camera runs out of battery Use the go pro and recorder, or just use my Phone camera. Bad weather which is unsuitable for the next day filming, as it wont fit with continuity, and delays time. Carry on filming (if its tolerable) or go with plan B Loosing bat leaving no prop Change the story, so that the person punches the character instead of whacks Time running out Start filming early, so that we have time to spare Tired cast from working too long Take breaks in-between working time. Filmer/cast member does the wrong thing Re watch scenes to see if it needs re shooting Technical = Organisational= Logistical= Personnel= Topics
  • 40. Production schedule Day Monday This will be the day that I film my piece . I wont be filming the scenes in chronological order, as some scenes require a far location. I will start of with the first two scenes, of the house and coming back from work. I will then move on to the tension scenes with the go pro and the dolly zooms. Lastly, I will do the house scene with the failed surprise. Tuesday I will be filming the college scenes on this day in the first and second lesson of the day. After I've finished filming, I will upload all of my footage to the computer and order them Wednesday I will carry on ordering the footage and then I will start on editing the film . Thursday I will be editing the video footage on premier pro, by transitioning them and linking the given sounds to them. Friday On this day, I will be editing the dolly zoom through premier pro. The shot will just be zoomed in, in which I will make the image go smaller, to give it the dolly effect. Tuesday This day is used for the complicated parts of my film. I will be using this day to make the music for the tense scenes, and to track the message notifications onto the phone. From this day on, I will be going with the flow. Friday week 2 I will be making the Posters on photo shop.
  • 41. Health and Safety Potential Issue How will the issue be avoided? I will be be filming on a street with a road, and cars may come into contact with me while filming. If you see a car in the distance, move the equipment and myself. Be where cars can see you from a distance. Bright clothing may be worn to be noticed, and we are filming in daylight so we are clear in sight. I will be moving equipment around the place. The risk is that I could end up dropping it and damaging it or someone could trip up onto it. Walk carefully around with the equipment, take lifts instead of stairs. Tell everyone near equipment to be careful so that they are aware. Ill be walking a lot in my film, and there will be side walks in which I may trip up on. Even when filming, be aware of the curves to trip on by looking where you are going. In the surprise scene, there are two people involved in it. An issue is that the bat could hit them. To solve it, the bat wont be swung and won't show any real violence. When lifting the bat, I will make sure there is nothing or no one near me when filming. I may not finish in the ending time, and that may leave people tired of the production. To attempt prevention of this happening, I wont be messing around during the production time, o that there is nothing left over. Complete it on the next day There is a tool box in one scene with sharp objects on them. If I go into contact with them, I could cut myself. Check if the sharp objects are near the tools, and grab the ones that arnt near the sharp object. Blowing up the balloons for the scene, could lead to exhaustion. Get more than one person to do it, and take quick breathers when moving onto a new balloon. Eyestrain when looking at the computer Wear glasses, when eyes start to feel tired. There will be many balloons in the surprise scene on the floor. If you trip up on one, you will hurt yourself. Keep the balloons away from the main area of the set and be cautious of where you are standing. Camera operator will be walking backwards with the camera, and may trip up on something behind them, and may end up hurting themselves Make sure there is a clear pathway in which the operator walks backwards before shooting the scene.

Editor's Notes

  1. Explore colours, fonts and image styles similar to what you want to produce. Discuss all three elements in relation to why you chose them and where you may use them in your project. Go over as many pages as you need to