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FMP Evaluation
Luke Ross
Production Process Evaluation
• Strengths
• The strengths of the research was that I got to look at existing products that are going to be similar to what I am going to make and look at the different features that they used and see how I can shape my
product around it and come to a good end product's am able to look at the post production in the previous. The first similar existing product that I looked into was justice league and to complete each of the
production experiments I needed to look into. lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts, Audience appeal/ studio/location, angle, effects, post-production the reason that I liked
into these for each similar existing product to the one that I was going to make was so that I could see and take ideas that they used to appeal to there audience by using these different things and then I could
determine which of these things I wanted to put into my final project. From the justice league poster I took the idea of using a scenery background to show a location of where something I set in the background
and would mean that it appeals to the audience because the background reveals the type of atmosphere the film would be set in and also where about the location of the film would be and if it was multiple
locations then there would be one image in the background of the poster which would reveal one of the locations it would be set in to the audience so that they know what to expect when they see the film.
Another idea from the poster that I liked was the idea of the characters at the front of the poster because it shows who the main characters are however this do not fit into the type of mysterious trailer that I
wanted to create op I decided to scrap the idea of using that and tweak it so that it would just be the background that was shone but for the quality of poster it gave me inspiration of what I wanted my poster to
be like. The second similar existing product that I looked at was the Spiderman home coming poster set of a 17th of July release the films massively hyped and I like the way that the poster keeps it simple. The two
similar existing products that I chose are similar to the one I wanted to create because for justice league although my film will be a horror my character will be a hero like character and will have the humour that
Spiderman has although that might be tweaked. Spiderman's poster yet again has the main character on the front and has the main setting/location in the background giving the audience a visual effect of what
they are going to see in the movie an this is an idea that I would like to have for my poster for my horror film trailer. Another similar existing product that I looked in to on research was the justice league trailer
and the main part of the justice league trailer which I take huge inspiration from is the company logos as when the logos come on at the start of the film I get excited and I wanted to add that into my trailer as a
key part and focus and I think that in the end it came out and worked really well. After this I looked at a pre 1990 trailer for the shining a classic horror film similar to my trailer as it is in the horror and thriller
genre and also contains gore and violence. As well as the creepy images that have been in this I like the idea of adding an eerie texture to my DVD cover so for my DVD cover I decided to take inspiration from the
audience appeal of this which was a strength as it helped me come to the conclusion of what I wanted in my. All together these similar existing products was a strength because after looking at the
lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts, Audience appeal/ studio/location, angle, effects, post-production it was clear as to what different things concepts and ideas I had to
include from what I saw in the posters to improve on my own. After I looked into these I created a survey on survey monkey a strength of this is that I got to create questions that could shape my product and see
what peoples responses where so that I would be able to appeal to my audience in the best way I could. I then interviewed two different people with the sae five questions to see the responses from my product
from two different prospective. After this I then completed audience profiling which was age range that I am aiming for which I chose 12+ as this way I can aim my product to a wider range of people. And also
gender to see which I would aim for. Psychographic which was the persona that the people I would aim it for would have. And also social status. These where all strengths because they helped me shape my
product in the end with my poster and DVD cover as well as trailer to make a more unique and interesting one with all the taken inspiration. The quantitative research is a strength because its in detailed and easy
to read and understand what each are saying and learn from it and this can help with the content I will include. Some of the qualitative was good from the survey as they said that “they like the idea of blood,
violence and gore” and that they “want it set in the present” and that they are interested in “the idea of having the age rating as a 12” this qualitative data although its not. An example of what I learnt from
audience is that there was 50% of people that liked the idea of found footage and there was a 50% of people that wanted standard footage this leaves a 50 to 50 audience appeal from the survey meaning that I
have to choose which of the audiences to appeal for or do both and appeal to both audiences, these things that I learnt from research such as percentages where a strength because it was qualitative useful data
that was in detail and figures and I could use. There was also 83.33% of people that wanted there to be jump scares and this showed me that I should of included them I the final project.
• Weakness
• A weakness of the research was the timing for it. I felt that there was not enough time to complete and this made it difficult to complete all of the similar existing products on time. I think that looking into four
similar existing products was very time consuming and is one of the reason I struggled to get it in on time so I would say that doing four of them is a weakness. I think that audience profiling is a weakness because
of what entails. I do not believe that a lot of the audience appeal perspectives are necessary and I would like to aim my products at strictly psychographic and not gender or age, I understand that age is there for
guidance and to aim at specific one so that if it includes things to mature for the viewer it needs to be taken to account however I do believe that it is not necessary to aim it at them I think the product should be
made then looked in to what age it classifies as rather then worrying if it will fit in to the right age group and I do believe that the phycographic is much more important than the other parts of audience profile as I
want to aim my film trailer at people that are interested in the film and not focus it around if they are right gender or not, as I do not think that’s important. Another weakness is the interviews and survey. The
reason that I think that these are weaknesses at parts is because it doesn’t seem right to have a questionnaire to get answers off people where they don’t explain but then also have an interview to determine
what I already would of known from the interview just in more detail. I would of preferred to of had more interviews because it would have given me more time to get responses off people in detail so that I had a
good understanding on how they think my trailer and products should look, I would also be more able to as a in detailed question so that I would be a able to get a answer very specific to what I asked ad also
continue to ask further in depth questions from different answers that I would receive. A weakness would be the qualitative data as it is difficult to be able to read the qualitative data and work out away around
appealing to the audience from the qualitative research.
• Strengths
• To start with I made a plan for an interactive I made a mind map on the concept of an interactive horror game that I could use as the idea for my final project and I looked in to the type of
game it would be which included characters would there be and what personality and prospects would they have and I found this to be a strength of planning because it gave me a board
of ideas that I could change and alter to different things that I liked , I thought of what background there wold be in the game as well as other possible maps and story prospects to be
included and made a mind map with a clear structure of how my game would work and this was just one idea for 3 potential for my planning. For the second idea I thought about doing a
magazine and in the mind map I came up with the different ideas that I could use for my magazine if I did it as a final product and decided to come up with ideas around that I could do a
movie magazine where I discussed the films or a magazine on films where I looked at critic reviews and decided weather or not they deserved the reviews that they got and look into
whether or not they are right and then there was an idea I had for a video game magazine where I would talk about the new types of games that are coming out and explore them to see
what they will be like and weather they would be worth buying. I think that this was a strength because it allowed me to explore all different ideas about the magazines that I could of
done for my final project. I then made a third potential idea which was the film trailer I came up with four potential ideas for the trailer and had a look into the story of each of them and
then finally decided to go for a horror thriller idea two story which I followed on to a new mind map so that I could explore the different parts of the story scenery and also the DVD cover
as well as poster and how long the trailer would be with a full story to the trailer and script to follow or revert back to as a plan for later if I need it for production which is a very good
strength for this as it shows that I am able to come back to this planning and use it usefully later on when I come back to it. I then created a mood board to look at the colour imagery and
to see what type of images I want to include in my actual projects trailer and decide the style that I want it to have. The final mind map was most certainly a strength as it gave me a basis
to go off on what I wanted my final products to look like and give me a chance to write down and note the ideas I had at the time so that I would be able to reflect on them when making
my final products and I think when making my final products the plan did come in very useful, I think that it was great to have a plan to look back on for all different parts of my trailer and
a very detailed plan. The mood board was useful because it allowed me to collect different colour imagery ideas and explore them and how I would use them in my trailer poster and DVD
cover and this meant that I was able to go other in detail an analysis of why I chose each of the colours that I chose and how each of the colours fit into the trailer and my other products
and what I intended for each of the colours in my future work and in the future when making my product it did come in handy as I was able to revert back to my work and look at what
colours I originally wanted on it and go from there on how it now look. Another strength in the planning was the informal proposal because it got me ready for the formal proposal and
the type of questions that I would have to answer it also gave me the chance to explain what I wanted from my products in a informal way and this is also something to revert back to
when answering my proposal and also on the production when I want to look at what ideas that I originally intended for my product. Another strength was the choices and discounted
ideas that I originally had and explain why I didn’t use them but also account for the ideas that I originally had because some of the ideas I might be able to look back on and when I was
making my final project this part was always there to look back to, although I didn’t it was good knowing that it was there.
• Weakness
• A major weakness on this was the amount of images needed for the mood board as I hade to put in 15 images I found this to be unnecessary given I had all of the images that I wanted to
include by 5 and those 5 images had all of the colours that I wanted but then I was needed to find 10 more of the same colours of image just a slightly different style and I do not believe
this to be a strength of the work but a weakness and also very time consuming. Given I needed to complete and look into different parts of my planning it did not help that this needed
doing as well especially since the other ten images do not support how my final product would turn out or why it would look like it does for colour and image styles and although I could
go and look for different types of image styles I had the ones I wanted for my trailer and also for the genre that my film is in and having to find ten more was a waste. The time I had in
total for the planning was also a weakness as I believe with more time on the research I would have been able to improve it and check through it more correcting mistakes and making it
much better quality of work than it currently is, but this is partly to do with my time management although I did get it done to a good standard on the deadline that it was supposed to be
in for. To improve the timing that I had to make my initials plans better I would start by creating a better and more detailed schedule and then follow it exactly to make sure that I stick to
every part of it and this way I don’t loose track of time and I stick to the schedule.
Time Management
• The time management for the planning was difficult to complete on time as by the time that I had gone in to in depth detail on the mind maps looking into the different parts and aspects
of the ideas that I had when making this and then I can put them into the final project. The reason that it took so long is because of the amount of detail I was looking into different
aspects of the ideas that I could use in this and create good mind maps that I could use and make better overtime but the later parts of the initial plans was rushed due to this which did
in turn put me behind on this and wasn’t very good time management for it. I believe that I could greatly improve my time management for time in initial plans and spread out the time
that I have on different things more which can greatly improve. On research it was different I spent lost of time looking at similar existing products and finding out different parts of
information on them that I could point it and take inspiration from to use on my final project this first part f the research took me two days to complete for the similar products and then I
moved onto the other half of research which was audience profiling for the day which I did not get behind on and completed on time. For the first part of research my time management
was perfect and I made the most out of the time that I had to complete it and I do not believe that I would need improving on my time management for the first part of research. I think
on the second half of research I started to slow don with my writing speed which heled me back and meant that I was not able to complete it to the best of my ability like the first of al I
got it done on time but I do not think that I wrote enough for the second half as I could of done which is holding me back a bit and this is the art of time management for research that I
would improve on. On production experiments I feel that I took to long making it and lost some of the work during the week that I had to complete for the production experiments got
lost and this is one if the things that set me behind on the production experiments and would have to be improved on I think it wasn’t really time management more a problem that I
need to make sure as to how and where I save my work as a solution but overall my time management for making the actual experiment took me longer than it should of done with
filming and then putting in music and messing around with titles for practise, this did not give me much time to answer the rest of the production experiments and explain the tools that I
used with it. If I had more time on production experiments I would include much more information about the different tools that I had used. After this I wrote up the proposal for my
product and felt that my time management for this was good and it worked well with what I was making to advertise and I think that I advertised my product well in the proposal and my
time management for it was well taken and it was in on time. I think that the reason proposal was good for time keeping was because I quickly went through it without many detail and
then went back when was done and added more detail and more information to it, this insured that I had finished it and completed it and then had time to go back and improve it. I
would keep better time management on all of my PowerPoints by making a schedule and making it detailed about every PowerPoint and every piece of work I did, I completed the work
but if I had of managed my time to a schedule then it would have been much more likely that I would have completed it better with more time on it and more work if I had of been able to
stick to the schedule on all of the slides.
Technical Qualities
The difference is between the two is that there is company logos at the start of the it trailer and in my trailer it has my company logos at the beginning of the trailer in order to stand out right
from the opening. This is very dark in both trailer but when the title scenes come up in the trailers it has a brighter atmosphere to it which makes it look professional and like it was properly
produced by a artist. A difference is that in the trailer of it, it shows the main characters to the film which my trailer does not and that is a difference between the trailers that does make a
difference as the it trailer reveals more and more where as my trailer is much more mysterious and not as revealing as the it trailer which is a big difference also in audience appeal so in that
perspective I could be appealing to a different type of audience. On technical quality that both of them have is the creepy music in it and I think that it is essential with a horror film to contain
this creepy style of music because it gives suspense and a dark tone to it which I believe is very important in the terms of these trailers because it adds more depth to the horror that’s to come
and gives a great build up to it. The difference is that in my work I made the music for the trailer to the best of my ability because I wanted it to be genuine and not royalty free where as the
existing products trailer has had music made for it by people that specialise famously with music and are renowned for creating a soundtrack for horrors and also a difference is the transition
slides my transition slides are blank between scenes because I did not wanted to space out the footage and change the location with it in an attempt to create a creepy atmosphere where as
the it trailer has transition slides to say its based on the novel by Stephen king as an example appealing to a certain audience of the people that are a fan of Stephen king either because they
have read the books he has written or because they are fans of the first it film and are looking forward to a more modern take on it, this explains the difference in audience appeal the existing
product has a basis to go off and appeal with which mine does not and it is done by warner bros which is a huge movie making company and my company logos is made up but I got
inspiration for company logos from warner bros because at the beginning of a film they usually keep all of the company logos at the beginning but for this trailer they have not done this and
decided to move them. The editing from my product to the existing product, the existing products editing is much smoother works better the camera is filmed with good cinematography with
the characters my trailer does not have this but my trailer does have a editing where I cut out lots of certain scenes which fit a part it makes it smooth but no where near as smooth as that on
the it trailer. I used lost of colour correction in my trailer on every peace of footage that isn’t a company logo so that the actual footage got a nice little specialty so that it stood out from other
forms of footage like it and the it trailer doesn’t have the same type of colour correction that my trailer has which is a big deference which sets it apart from my trailer in terms of colour
correction. My trailer would have a lot of jump cuts in it which it technically does because of the way that the blank transition slides jumps to a new part of footage it is a jump cut and the it
trailer also has jump cuts in it which is a similarity between them and I think that it stands out in both trailers as kind of the highlight of it when it jump cuts. There is another difference in the
company logos as in my trailer there are 3 company logos that I designed for it and each of them open up with graphics on my trailer that I added on adobe premier and then on the it trailer it
also has graphics at the begging on the company logos which is a similarity but the difference is that the it trailer only has 2 company logos which jump cut as transitions between the starting
footage which is telling a story and it is done to a very professional standard where as mine is one that I have tried to do in a professional way and taken lots of inspiration from warner bros
company and tried to duplicate the same type of idea that they do and all other films do by big company's such as Disney, and now even tv shows such as game of thrones on hbo opens up
with a hbo company logo. The locations is another difference, in my trailer I am in one location/ setting for the trailer where as on the it trailer it moves to different setting for example houses
sewers and roads etc… the iconography on the it trailer is different to mine for example the rain and the way it represents the darkness of the film and how could metaphorically stand for the
bumps there will be in film when right as the begging the boy bumps his head in the rain so its dark toned like mine which is the similarity but its got much better iconography and
cinematography but it would do for such a high budget film compared to a college film trailer. For the trailer that I made I stuck to a mid shot throughout because I felt that this was a shot
that best covered the different types of scenery I was filming with and this shot type compares to the similar product because they switch from mid shots to long shots and change their
veriety of shot types used and when I was filming I didn’t really have the same idea for the type of trailer I was making and felt that medium shot types where best
Aesthetic Qualities
I think that my work does look good and stands out from the other similar existing products because its something different is is not the same as the other products. Another part of my final
peace's that stand out is the dark and gloominess of the poster and the trailer and the dvd cover because it sticks out that its gong to be a dark film, if I could improve on it I would probably make
the tone a little bit lighter in certain places but keep it dark in others. I think that putting the 5 star on the poster shows that it’s a popular film and helps advertise t but id id not include who it
was rated by for copyright reasons but I do think that this is a interesting idea of a poster to have this on to help show other people like the film and the viewer going to see it may like it to which
engages the viewer more and makes the poster more eye catching to the viewer that looks at it for a glance. I think that the trailer looks good because it stands out with the colour tone and the
company logos that I made for the trailer and I think that the design of them fits in well with a horror film and works well with the idea f the horror film. The trailer has music that is dark but also
action styled and can stand out well with different films and I think that the music is good for what I could make and stands out in the trailer but if I could improve on the trailer I would spend
more time filming and get some characters in the trailer. I think that my poster looks good and symbolizes the horror genre because of the iconography, the idea is that its dark black and white
mysterious and creepy this is supposed to symbolize and give away at first glance that this is horror film because of the way that it looks. I like the way that the company logos are black and
white on the poster because I feel like that stands out on it and all three are at the bottom which advertise the company's that would make it like an official. The idea of the single tree is linked to
the story of the trailer, its on man alone on a hike and he finds disturbing things that change his life and goes through challenges that also change his life and this is the idea that I have when I
think of the tree on its own, because its on its own in the woods like the man and it sees everything like the man and also like the man it can do nothing but stand there and take it which if the
trailer had gone how I had hoped and how I had planned it would of really been shown to symbolize that. I also like the iconography of the clouds in the background of the poster, they
symbolize the mystery of the film with grey and dark mist which is the most common thin used in horror films to portray the idea of mystery on the research that I had done into old horror film
mist has been used as a starting ground on mysterious horror films since the 1960s and before which is why I felt it important to stick to the tradition. The strengths of using photoshop to create
my poster and DVD cover is that I knew where every tool was to use and how to use it ensure that I was able to create a good poster that I was happy with and if I was to improve it I would
remove the 5 star rating and instead add on a coming soon to make it look better and also improve the way that the title looks because I am not happy with that and think that it could be so
much better in style and I could add more iconography to it to make it stand out more and symbolize different parts of the trailer and the story, I would do this by adding fog to the title to
symbolize the mystery in the film separate the words out more to symbolize the main characters distance from other people and then I would ensure that it was made clear with the symbolism
and that is how I would improve it and to do these improvements I would need more time to do some improvements time to go back and change it. The iconography behind the black and white
poster is that it is symbolism for the darkness that’s in the film but also gives the impression that it could be a classic and it is a different take on a film poster that I have not seen people take and
I thought that it would be interesting to go down this route and I think the iconography in the poster is stand points to why it fits the trailer. My DVD cover also has the black and white look like
the poster but I think that the posters black and white look uses iconography to symbolize the horror genre more and to a better standard. 83.33% of people wanted there to be jump scares in
the trailer and I was unable to do this but I feel like I did build up good suspense in the trailer.
Audience Appeal
I think that my final peace's of work appeals to the audience because it stands out because it has he imagery of darkness all around the trailer from the opening logos and thought-out the
trailer. From my surveys that I did in research I kept it mysterious which is what they wanted on one of the questions on the trailer. One thing that I did not to was that I did not include gore
and violent which is something that I would improve to appeal to my audience and the reason that I did not include the violence and gore as suggested by my survey is because of the time
and props that I had for filming the trailer and sine that I did not have many props it made it difficult to make violence and gore in the trailer and there was an issue wit the people that I
wanted in the trailer showing up on the day that meant that I was unable to get the filming of them on the day and was un able to include a character which does mean that like on the
survey where people wanted a main character I was unable to provide the character that they anted to see in the trailer however I thin that the dark tone of the trailer does appeal to the
audience and so does the company logos as well as the music that is included in it and the first person view of the film trailer also appeals I believe as it meets a lot of the survey
requirements as suggested by the audience and the reason that I was unable to appeal to the audiences where valid points not down to me however my time keeping on the product was
down to me and I would definitely improve on that and change it to fit an higher standard of work and improve on the logos music and the content of the trailer I would also look into
taking pictures that I could specifically use for my work for on poster and dvd cover to se later on and design it better. The different audience types that I was aiming at people that are
interested in mysterious horrors and a creepy soundtrack and this is what my trailer and poster provides. The audience appeal survey and interviews I did for research wanted violence and
I added this in on the DVVD cover so that I could appeal to them because it was not possible to include violence in the trailer or the poster I did originally put it in the poster with blood
stains but felt that it ruined the mystery for violence so I decided to focus the violence part on the DVD cover, I also appealed to my audience as they wanted the trailer to have creepy and
scary suspenful music and I feel that I have delivered this in my trailer appealing to my target audience and I also made sure that there was a narrator on the work on the final copy of the
trailer who speaks in a creepy voice about the story and provides context to the trailer rather than just music, while making the trailer I had to deal with apple mac computers constantly
corrupting my files, but in the end I was able to fit the trailer together. I have appealed to the phycographic as I have delivered a poster with iconography that delivers imagery about the
film from the poster and looks mysterious, I have also included the trailer with a dark tone setting and mysterious music which appeals to the phycographic. I have appealed to the age
rating that I had set in research because I have focused on getting it to a point where the trailers will be viewable to anyone of any age because it does not include any content that is
violent for people of young age and they will not need to take digression when watching it like I originally thought which is good because it means I am now able to appeal to a larger
audience. I have made a trailer and poster that appeals to both genders and mainly focuses on content for phycographic. I have also made it accessible for different people which means
that it can appeal to all social status’s and doesn’t seclude anyone out as long as they would have access to a electronic device which appeals to this audience. The phycographic I aimed for
was resigned and struggler however I was unable to add in content that could appeal to this audience but instead I feel that the mysteriousness in the trailer can appeal to all of the horror
film phycographic because they don’t know what to expect from the film and whether or not they will like it. The main trailer did not have a main character which eliminates the once
thought gender Icon in the trailer being aimed at males but because its now more mysterious I feel that it aims at both genders because of its mysterious retrospect and I think this works
because it gains me larger audience appeal as an end result. The social status was aimed at middle and lower class I believe that I have produced content to stick to that and aim for that
because what I produced did appeal to those two social statuses. My trailer will be disappointing to some of audience as 83.33% of them wanted there to be jump scares but sadly I was
unable to provide. And 50% of them wanted there to be standard footage which means I appealed to half of my audience from the survey slide.
Feedback 1
• What did you like about the product?
– “I like the unique to the table as this immerses the viewer as this into watching more, therefore resulting in the viewer being interested and
will want to know more.”
– “I like the special effects that have made the trailer more enjoyable/entertaining to watch. “
– “I like also like audio as its clear and relatively easy to understand”
• What improvements could have been made to the product?
– “The voice acting needs improvements as it sounds dull, uncreative and overall boring”
– “The picture quality was poor as I couldn’t distinguish the floor from the trees.”
– “The trailer was short and overall could be longer, roughly minute long”
Feedback 2
• What did you like about the product?
– “I thought that it was very well put together, the scenes that where used fit the genre very well and the theme of the trailer very well.”
– “the dialogue was very professional and the voice actor deserves an Oscar for that performance.”
– “the music also fits in very well with the trailer.”
– “I think that the graphics used in the trailer was very good and enjoyed watching them on the logos.”
• What improvements could have been made to the product?
– “the script needs altering slightly to fit the theme better.”
– “maybe could of been a character main or other in the trailer.”
Feedback 3
• What did you like about the product?
– “I like the dialogue as it gives information about the plot without giving away to much and is spoken in a dramatic voice.”
– “like the logo at the opening of the trailer as it makes the film look much more professional.”
– “the editing was good because of the filtering.”
• What improvements could have been made to the product?
– “I think there should be more footage of the story than the scenery although the scenery was good.”
– “I think the scenery should of been filmed in a different locations.”
– “the trailer should of been longer.”
Peer Feedback Summary
• What do you agree with from your peer feedback?
– I agree that the trailer could have been longer and I would of liked to make it longer but due to me not having that good of time management
I was un able to keep u with writing the processes and making the product at the same time and I also had a lack of people showing up ( the
characters that I cast in the trailer originally) to appear when I was filming so instead I decided to film scenery and get a voice in the trailer to
provide context about the trailer but not to be to revealing and stick to the story more. I think that there could of also been a different filming
location set but that was the best that I could find I the area that the people cast in the trailer could get to and when they didn’t show it
made it difficult for me to figure out what tot do and when they said that there was not another possible day to film it on I decided to capture
the scenery from around the area and I would agree if I wanted to capture just scenery I should of looked around for a better and different
area to film in that could of worked better to the standard of the film that I was trying to make. I think that the trailer could have been longer
but I do disagree with the idea of making it a minute long because as I did my research all of the big company's that make the first short
teaser for a film for example justice league, Spiderman homecoming, pirates of the Caribbean Salazar's revenge and star wars the last Jedi's
fits teasers where between 20 – 30 seconds long and after doing this I took inspiration, I know that I want to see more in trailers from films
such as these but from another perspective it’s the idea that I went with. I also liked the idea of having a character if any in it but I was unable
to get anyone at the time to feature in the film which was the problem. I also like the company logos that I have made and the graphics along
side them and I think that they have nice affects on them that I had lots of fun making and putting together.
• What do you disagree with from your peer feedback?
– I disagree with feedback one that the voice acting wasn’t very good because I believe that it worked as do the other people that was
interviewed agreed that the voice acting was good and stood out not revealing to much of the plot that I wanted to keep hidden and
mysterious. I disagree with the first interview that the structure of the editing of the scenery filming footage was poor because I intended it
to look confusing like that as part of the trailer, I believe that the person who was interviewed for the first miss understood the type of
imagery it was conveying and I believe that it was misunderstood but the other two interviewees liked the editing of the scenery and liked
the type which the first interviewer did not.
Peer Feedback Summary
• What changes would you make to your product based upon your peer feedback and why?
• I would go back and add a character of some sort into the actual trailer so that I could make sure its known who the people are in it or in the trailer give some character development
to the character that I bring into it and get some make up artists to try and help me set it up to look more like a horror. I would also nudge down on the colour corrections that I had
made to my product as I made it look to plastic, I know that it was my idea to do this and at the time it seemed like a good one to add my own unique touch and I still would do it
except this time I would tone down with it more and make it fit more of a trailer but it was also needed in order to turn down the brightness. I would also add violence to the trailer
it was a huge request from people back on research and I was unable to add it in to the trailer but if I could make changes I would gather much more footage and correct the style of
how it looked and add in violence and gore for more of a horror effect. I think that it is clearly a horror film trailer and I like that that sticks out but if I could go back and change it I
would actually try and film it at night somewhere originally there was complications with this idea but if I had more time to go and change it I think that I would be able to find a new
location to use for the filming and I would do it at night and a much more horror like affect to it. I would make a better soundtrack by improving on the one that’s already on it, I like
the one that I have currently but I think that making it a bit darker toned and more creepy could make a huge difference in the outcome. I would change the dialogue because I
didn't think that it fits after hearing the peer feedback originally I did but things have been pointed out in the dialogue that I would most certainly change if I had the chance. I would
change the setting and location based on peer feedback as well as the editing I think that a lot of the footage I filmed could of fit certain parts better but I ended up cutting it out at
the time because I didn’t think it fit but looking back on it I can see the difference that it could of made to the outcome. I would focus a lot f the trailer around iconography, mainly
looking at scenes that foreshadowed what's to come later in the film because nearly very film trailer does this in someway and we don’t realise till the film comes out and it think
that it would have been a really nice touch to get scenes like that on trailer but I didn’t end up being able to do that. Based on the feedback I would alter the scenery to fit the story
more and link to the title more like with signs saying the hike and the main character moving up and taking the road would have been a nicer touch and if I could go back I would add
this in improving it and making changes to the script as well to fit it more. I would also change the voice of the person in the trailer to be more creepy and dark toned or maybe if the
main character more manly and rough telling the story in a different way and tone. I would also make my trailer longer if I could change it like the feedback said but I wouldn’t make
it as long as they said I would make it just about 10 seconds longer so that I would be able to fit more story into it but I would do this without giving to much away.

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7. fmp evaluation

  • 3. Research • Strengths • The strengths of the research was that I got to look at existing products that are going to be similar to what I am going to make and look at the different features that they used and see how I can shape my product around it and come to a good end product's am able to look at the post production in the previous. The first similar existing product that I looked into was justice league and to complete each of the production experiments I needed to look into. lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts, Audience appeal/ studio/location, angle, effects, post-production the reason that I liked into these for each similar existing product to the one that I was going to make was so that I could see and take ideas that they used to appeal to there audience by using these different things and then I could determine which of these things I wanted to put into my final project. From the justice league poster I took the idea of using a scenery background to show a location of where something I set in the background and would mean that it appeals to the audience because the background reveals the type of atmosphere the film would be set in and also where about the location of the film would be and if it was multiple locations then there would be one image in the background of the poster which would reveal one of the locations it would be set in to the audience so that they know what to expect when they see the film. Another idea from the poster that I liked was the idea of the characters at the front of the poster because it shows who the main characters are however this do not fit into the type of mysterious trailer that I wanted to create op I decided to scrap the idea of using that and tweak it so that it would just be the background that was shone but for the quality of poster it gave me inspiration of what I wanted my poster to be like. The second similar existing product that I looked at was the Spiderman home coming poster set of a 17th of July release the films massively hyped and I like the way that the poster keeps it simple. The two similar existing products that I chose are similar to the one I wanted to create because for justice league although my film will be a horror my character will be a hero like character and will have the humour that Spiderman has although that might be tweaked. Spiderman's poster yet again has the main character on the front and has the main setting/location in the background giving the audience a visual effect of what they are going to see in the movie an this is an idea that I would like to have for my poster for my horror film trailer. Another similar existing product that I looked in to on research was the justice league trailer and the main part of the justice league trailer which I take huge inspiration from is the company logos as when the logos come on at the start of the film I get excited and I wanted to add that into my trailer as a key part and focus and I think that in the end it came out and worked really well. After this I looked at a pre 1990 trailer for the shining a classic horror film similar to my trailer as it is in the horror and thriller genre and also contains gore and violence. As well as the creepy images that have been in this I like the idea of adding an eerie texture to my DVD cover so for my DVD cover I decided to take inspiration from the audience appeal of this which was a strength as it helped me come to the conclusion of what I wanted in my. All together these similar existing products was a strength because after looking at the lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts, Audience appeal/ studio/location, angle, effects, post-production it was clear as to what different things concepts and ideas I had to include from what I saw in the posters to improve on my own. After I looked into these I created a survey on survey monkey a strength of this is that I got to create questions that could shape my product and see what peoples responses where so that I would be able to appeal to my audience in the best way I could. I then interviewed two different people with the sae five questions to see the responses from my product from two different prospective. After this I then completed audience profiling which was age range that I am aiming for which I chose 12+ as this way I can aim my product to a wider range of people. And also gender to see which I would aim for. Psychographic which was the persona that the people I would aim it for would have. And also social status. These where all strengths because they helped me shape my product in the end with my poster and DVD cover as well as trailer to make a more unique and interesting one with all the taken inspiration. The quantitative research is a strength because its in detailed and easy to read and understand what each are saying and learn from it and this can help with the content I will include. Some of the qualitative was good from the survey as they said that “they like the idea of blood, violence and gore” and that they “want it set in the present” and that they are interested in “the idea of having the age rating as a 12” this qualitative data although its not. An example of what I learnt from audience is that there was 50% of people that liked the idea of found footage and there was a 50% of people that wanted standard footage this leaves a 50 to 50 audience appeal from the survey meaning that I have to choose which of the audiences to appeal for or do both and appeal to both audiences, these things that I learnt from research such as percentages where a strength because it was qualitative useful data that was in detail and figures and I could use. There was also 83.33% of people that wanted there to be jump scares and this showed me that I should of included them I the final project. • Weakness • A weakness of the research was the timing for it. I felt that there was not enough time to complete and this made it difficult to complete all of the similar existing products on time. I think that looking into four similar existing products was very time consuming and is one of the reason I struggled to get it in on time so I would say that doing four of them is a weakness. I think that audience profiling is a weakness because of what entails. I do not believe that a lot of the audience appeal perspectives are necessary and I would like to aim my products at strictly psychographic and not gender or age, I understand that age is there for guidance and to aim at specific one so that if it includes things to mature for the viewer it needs to be taken to account however I do believe that it is not necessary to aim it at them I think the product should be made then looked in to what age it classifies as rather then worrying if it will fit in to the right age group and I do believe that the phycographic is much more important than the other parts of audience profile as I want to aim my film trailer at people that are interested in the film and not focus it around if they are right gender or not, as I do not think that’s important. Another weakness is the interviews and survey. The reason that I think that these are weaknesses at parts is because it doesn’t seem right to have a questionnaire to get answers off people where they don’t explain but then also have an interview to determine what I already would of known from the interview just in more detail. I would of preferred to of had more interviews because it would have given me more time to get responses off people in detail so that I had a good understanding on how they think my trailer and products should look, I would also be more able to as a in detailed question so that I would be a able to get a answer very specific to what I asked ad also continue to ask further in depth questions from different answers that I would receive. A weakness would be the qualitative data as it is difficult to be able to read the qualitative data and work out away around appealing to the audience from the qualitative research.
  • 4. Planning • Strengths • To start with I made a plan for an interactive I made a mind map on the concept of an interactive horror game that I could use as the idea for my final project and I looked in to the type of game it would be which included characters would there be and what personality and prospects would they have and I found this to be a strength of planning because it gave me a board of ideas that I could change and alter to different things that I liked , I thought of what background there wold be in the game as well as other possible maps and story prospects to be included and made a mind map with a clear structure of how my game would work and this was just one idea for 3 potential for my planning. For the second idea I thought about doing a magazine and in the mind map I came up with the different ideas that I could use for my magazine if I did it as a final product and decided to come up with ideas around that I could do a movie magazine where I discussed the films or a magazine on films where I looked at critic reviews and decided weather or not they deserved the reviews that they got and look into whether or not they are right and then there was an idea I had for a video game magazine where I would talk about the new types of games that are coming out and explore them to see what they will be like and weather they would be worth buying. I think that this was a strength because it allowed me to explore all different ideas about the magazines that I could of done for my final project. I then made a third potential idea which was the film trailer I came up with four potential ideas for the trailer and had a look into the story of each of them and then finally decided to go for a horror thriller idea two story which I followed on to a new mind map so that I could explore the different parts of the story scenery and also the DVD cover as well as poster and how long the trailer would be with a full story to the trailer and script to follow or revert back to as a plan for later if I need it for production which is a very good strength for this as it shows that I am able to come back to this planning and use it usefully later on when I come back to it. I then created a mood board to look at the colour imagery and to see what type of images I want to include in my actual projects trailer and decide the style that I want it to have. The final mind map was most certainly a strength as it gave me a basis to go off on what I wanted my final products to look like and give me a chance to write down and note the ideas I had at the time so that I would be able to reflect on them when making my final products and I think when making my final products the plan did come in very useful, I think that it was great to have a plan to look back on for all different parts of my trailer and a very detailed plan. The mood board was useful because it allowed me to collect different colour imagery ideas and explore them and how I would use them in my trailer poster and DVD cover and this meant that I was able to go other in detail an analysis of why I chose each of the colours that I chose and how each of the colours fit into the trailer and my other products and what I intended for each of the colours in my future work and in the future when making my product it did come in handy as I was able to revert back to my work and look at what colours I originally wanted on it and go from there on how it now look. Another strength in the planning was the informal proposal because it got me ready for the formal proposal and the type of questions that I would have to answer it also gave me the chance to explain what I wanted from my products in a informal way and this is also something to revert back to when answering my proposal and also on the production when I want to look at what ideas that I originally intended for my product. Another strength was the choices and discounted ideas that I originally had and explain why I didn’t use them but also account for the ideas that I originally had because some of the ideas I might be able to look back on and when I was making my final project this part was always there to look back to, although I didn’t it was good knowing that it was there. • Weakness • A major weakness on this was the amount of images needed for the mood board as I hade to put in 15 images I found this to be unnecessary given I had all of the images that I wanted to include by 5 and those 5 images had all of the colours that I wanted but then I was needed to find 10 more of the same colours of image just a slightly different style and I do not believe this to be a strength of the work but a weakness and also very time consuming. Given I needed to complete and look into different parts of my planning it did not help that this needed doing as well especially since the other ten images do not support how my final product would turn out or why it would look like it does for colour and image styles and although I could go and look for different types of image styles I had the ones I wanted for my trailer and also for the genre that my film is in and having to find ten more was a waste. The time I had in total for the planning was also a weakness as I believe with more time on the research I would have been able to improve it and check through it more correcting mistakes and making it much better quality of work than it currently is, but this is partly to do with my time management although I did get it done to a good standard on the deadline that it was supposed to be in for. To improve the timing that I had to make my initials plans better I would start by creating a better and more detailed schedule and then follow it exactly to make sure that I stick to every part of it and this way I don’t loose track of time and I stick to the schedule.
  • 5. Time Management • The time management for the planning was difficult to complete on time as by the time that I had gone in to in depth detail on the mind maps looking into the different parts and aspects of the ideas that I had when making this and then I can put them into the final project. The reason that it took so long is because of the amount of detail I was looking into different aspects of the ideas that I could use in this and create good mind maps that I could use and make better overtime but the later parts of the initial plans was rushed due to this which did in turn put me behind on this and wasn’t very good time management for it. I believe that I could greatly improve my time management for time in initial plans and spread out the time that I have on different things more which can greatly improve. On research it was different I spent lost of time looking at similar existing products and finding out different parts of information on them that I could point it and take inspiration from to use on my final project this first part f the research took me two days to complete for the similar products and then I moved onto the other half of research which was audience profiling for the day which I did not get behind on and completed on time. For the first part of research my time management was perfect and I made the most out of the time that I had to complete it and I do not believe that I would need improving on my time management for the first part of research. I think on the second half of research I started to slow don with my writing speed which heled me back and meant that I was not able to complete it to the best of my ability like the first of al I got it done on time but I do not think that I wrote enough for the second half as I could of done which is holding me back a bit and this is the art of time management for research that I would improve on. On production experiments I feel that I took to long making it and lost some of the work during the week that I had to complete for the production experiments got lost and this is one if the things that set me behind on the production experiments and would have to be improved on I think it wasn’t really time management more a problem that I need to make sure as to how and where I save my work as a solution but overall my time management for making the actual experiment took me longer than it should of done with filming and then putting in music and messing around with titles for practise, this did not give me much time to answer the rest of the production experiments and explain the tools that I used with it. If I had more time on production experiments I would include much more information about the different tools that I had used. After this I wrote up the proposal for my product and felt that my time management for this was good and it worked well with what I was making to advertise and I think that I advertised my product well in the proposal and my time management for it was well taken and it was in on time. I think that the reason proposal was good for time keeping was because I quickly went through it without many detail and then went back when was done and added more detail and more information to it, this insured that I had finished it and completed it and then had time to go back and improve it. I would keep better time management on all of my PowerPoints by making a schedule and making it detailed about every PowerPoint and every piece of work I did, I completed the work but if I had of managed my time to a schedule then it would have been much more likely that I would have completed it better with more time on it and more work if I had of been able to stick to the schedule on all of the slides.
  • 6. Technical Qualities ECD0 The difference is between the two is that there is company logos at the start of the it trailer and in my trailer it has my company logos at the beginning of the trailer in order to stand out right from the opening. This is very dark in both trailer but when the title scenes come up in the trailers it has a brighter atmosphere to it which makes it look professional and like it was properly produced by a artist. A difference is that in the trailer of it, it shows the main characters to the film which my trailer does not and that is a difference between the trailers that does make a difference as the it trailer reveals more and more where as my trailer is much more mysterious and not as revealing as the it trailer which is a big difference also in audience appeal so in that perspective I could be appealing to a different type of audience. On technical quality that both of them have is the creepy music in it and I think that it is essential with a horror film to contain this creepy style of music because it gives suspense and a dark tone to it which I believe is very important in the terms of these trailers because it adds more depth to the horror that’s to come and gives a great build up to it. The difference is that in my work I made the music for the trailer to the best of my ability because I wanted it to be genuine and not royalty free where as the existing products trailer has had music made for it by people that specialise famously with music and are renowned for creating a soundtrack for horrors and also a difference is the transition slides my transition slides are blank between scenes because I did not wanted to space out the footage and change the location with it in an attempt to create a creepy atmosphere where as the it trailer has transition slides to say its based on the novel by Stephen king as an example appealing to a certain audience of the people that are a fan of Stephen king either because they have read the books he has written or because they are fans of the first it film and are looking forward to a more modern take on it, this explains the difference in audience appeal the existing product has a basis to go off and appeal with which mine does not and it is done by warner bros which is a huge movie making company and my company logos is made up but I got inspiration for company logos from warner bros because at the beginning of a film they usually keep all of the company logos at the beginning but for this trailer they have not done this and decided to move them. The editing from my product to the existing product, the existing products editing is much smoother works better the camera is filmed with good cinematography with the characters my trailer does not have this but my trailer does have a editing where I cut out lots of certain scenes which fit a part it makes it smooth but no where near as smooth as that on the it trailer. I used lost of colour correction in my trailer on every peace of footage that isn’t a company logo so that the actual footage got a nice little specialty so that it stood out from other forms of footage like it and the it trailer doesn’t have the same type of colour correction that my trailer has which is a big deference which sets it apart from my trailer in terms of colour correction. My trailer would have a lot of jump cuts in it which it technically does because of the way that the blank transition slides jumps to a new part of footage it is a jump cut and the it trailer also has jump cuts in it which is a similarity between them and I think that it stands out in both trailers as kind of the highlight of it when it jump cuts. There is another difference in the company logos as in my trailer there are 3 company logos that I designed for it and each of them open up with graphics on my trailer that I added on adobe premier and then on the it trailer it also has graphics at the begging on the company logos which is a similarity but the difference is that the it trailer only has 2 company logos which jump cut as transitions between the starting footage which is telling a story and it is done to a very professional standard where as mine is one that I have tried to do in a professional way and taken lots of inspiration from warner bros company and tried to duplicate the same type of idea that they do and all other films do by big company's such as Disney, and now even tv shows such as game of thrones on hbo opens up with a hbo company logo. The locations is another difference, in my trailer I am in one location/ setting for the trailer where as on the it trailer it moves to different setting for example houses sewers and roads etc… the iconography on the it trailer is different to mine for example the rain and the way it represents the darkness of the film and how could metaphorically stand for the bumps there will be in film when right as the begging the boy bumps his head in the rain so its dark toned like mine which is the similarity but its got much better iconography and cinematography but it would do for such a high budget film compared to a college film trailer. For the trailer that I made I stuck to a mid shot throughout because I felt that this was a shot that best covered the different types of scenery I was filming with and this shot type compares to the similar product because they switch from mid shots to long shots and change their veriety of shot types used and when I was filming I didn’t really have the same idea for the type of trailer I was making and felt that medium shot types where best
  • 7. Aesthetic Qualities I think that my work does look good and stands out from the other similar existing products because its something different is is not the same as the other products. Another part of my final peace's that stand out is the dark and gloominess of the poster and the trailer and the dvd cover because it sticks out that its gong to be a dark film, if I could improve on it I would probably make the tone a little bit lighter in certain places but keep it dark in others. I think that putting the 5 star on the poster shows that it’s a popular film and helps advertise t but id id not include who it was rated by for copyright reasons but I do think that this is a interesting idea of a poster to have this on to help show other people like the film and the viewer going to see it may like it to which engages the viewer more and makes the poster more eye catching to the viewer that looks at it for a glance. I think that the trailer looks good because it stands out with the colour tone and the company logos that I made for the trailer and I think that the design of them fits in well with a horror film and works well with the idea f the horror film. The trailer has music that is dark but also action styled and can stand out well with different films and I think that the music is good for what I could make and stands out in the trailer but if I could improve on the trailer I would spend more time filming and get some characters in the trailer. I think that my poster looks good and symbolizes the horror genre because of the iconography, the idea is that its dark black and white mysterious and creepy this is supposed to symbolize and give away at first glance that this is horror film because of the way that it looks. I like the way that the company logos are black and white on the poster because I feel like that stands out on it and all three are at the bottom which advertise the company's that would make it like an official. The idea of the single tree is linked to the story of the trailer, its on man alone on a hike and he finds disturbing things that change his life and goes through challenges that also change his life and this is the idea that I have when I think of the tree on its own, because its on its own in the woods like the man and it sees everything like the man and also like the man it can do nothing but stand there and take it which if the trailer had gone how I had hoped and how I had planned it would of really been shown to symbolize that. I also like the iconography of the clouds in the background of the poster, they symbolize the mystery of the film with grey and dark mist which is the most common thin used in horror films to portray the idea of mystery on the research that I had done into old horror film mist has been used as a starting ground on mysterious horror films since the 1960s and before which is why I felt it important to stick to the tradition. The strengths of using photoshop to create my poster and DVD cover is that I knew where every tool was to use and how to use it ensure that I was able to create a good poster that I was happy with and if I was to improve it I would remove the 5 star rating and instead add on a coming soon to make it look better and also improve the way that the title looks because I am not happy with that and think that it could be so much better in style and I could add more iconography to it to make it stand out more and symbolize different parts of the trailer and the story, I would do this by adding fog to the title to symbolize the mystery in the film separate the words out more to symbolize the main characters distance from other people and then I would ensure that it was made clear with the symbolism and that is how I would improve it and to do these improvements I would need more time to do some improvements time to go back and change it. The iconography behind the black and white poster is that it is symbolism for the darkness that’s in the film but also gives the impression that it could be a classic and it is a different take on a film poster that I have not seen people take and I thought that it would be interesting to go down this route and I think the iconography in the poster is stand points to why it fits the trailer. My DVD cover also has the black and white look like the poster but I think that the posters black and white look uses iconography to symbolize the horror genre more and to a better standard. 83.33% of people wanted there to be jump scares in the trailer and I was unable to do this but I feel like I did build up good suspense in the trailer.
  • 8. Audience Appeal I think that my final peace's of work appeals to the audience because it stands out because it has he imagery of darkness all around the trailer from the opening logos and thought-out the trailer. From my surveys that I did in research I kept it mysterious which is what they wanted on one of the questions on the trailer. One thing that I did not to was that I did not include gore and violent which is something that I would improve to appeal to my audience and the reason that I did not include the violence and gore as suggested by my survey is because of the time and props that I had for filming the trailer and sine that I did not have many props it made it difficult to make violence and gore in the trailer and there was an issue wit the people that I wanted in the trailer showing up on the day that meant that I was unable to get the filming of them on the day and was un able to include a character which does mean that like on the survey where people wanted a main character I was unable to provide the character that they anted to see in the trailer however I thin that the dark tone of the trailer does appeal to the audience and so does the company logos as well as the music that is included in it and the first person view of the film trailer also appeals I believe as it meets a lot of the survey requirements as suggested by the audience and the reason that I was unable to appeal to the audiences where valid points not down to me however my time keeping on the product was down to me and I would definitely improve on that and change it to fit an higher standard of work and improve on the logos music and the content of the trailer I would also look into taking pictures that I could specifically use for my work for on poster and dvd cover to se later on and design it better. The different audience types that I was aiming at people that are interested in mysterious horrors and a creepy soundtrack and this is what my trailer and poster provides. The audience appeal survey and interviews I did for research wanted violence and I added this in on the DVVD cover so that I could appeal to them because it was not possible to include violence in the trailer or the poster I did originally put it in the poster with blood stains but felt that it ruined the mystery for violence so I decided to focus the violence part on the DVD cover, I also appealed to my audience as they wanted the trailer to have creepy and scary suspenful music and I feel that I have delivered this in my trailer appealing to my target audience and I also made sure that there was a narrator on the work on the final copy of the trailer who speaks in a creepy voice about the story and provides context to the trailer rather than just music, while making the trailer I had to deal with apple mac computers constantly corrupting my files, but in the end I was able to fit the trailer together. I have appealed to the phycographic as I have delivered a poster with iconography that delivers imagery about the film from the poster and looks mysterious, I have also included the trailer with a dark tone setting and mysterious music which appeals to the phycographic. I have appealed to the age rating that I had set in research because I have focused on getting it to a point where the trailers will be viewable to anyone of any age because it does not include any content that is violent for people of young age and they will not need to take digression when watching it like I originally thought which is good because it means I am now able to appeal to a larger audience. I have made a trailer and poster that appeals to both genders and mainly focuses on content for phycographic. I have also made it accessible for different people which means that it can appeal to all social status’s and doesn’t seclude anyone out as long as they would have access to a electronic device which appeals to this audience. The phycographic I aimed for was resigned and struggler however I was unable to add in content that could appeal to this audience but instead I feel that the mysteriousness in the trailer can appeal to all of the horror film phycographic because they don’t know what to expect from the film and whether or not they will like it. The main trailer did not have a main character which eliminates the once thought gender Icon in the trailer being aimed at males but because its now more mysterious I feel that it aims at both genders because of its mysterious retrospect and I think this works because it gains me larger audience appeal as an end result. The social status was aimed at middle and lower class I believe that I have produced content to stick to that and aim for that because what I produced did appeal to those two social statuses. My trailer will be disappointing to some of audience as 83.33% of them wanted there to be jump scares but sadly I was unable to provide. And 50% of them wanted there to be standard footage which means I appealed to half of my audience from the survey slide.
  • 10. Feedback 1 • What did you like about the product? – “I like the unique to the table as this immerses the viewer as this into watching more, therefore resulting in the viewer being interested and will want to know more.” – “I like the special effects that have made the trailer more enjoyable/entertaining to watch. “ – “I like also like audio as its clear and relatively easy to understand” • What improvements could have been made to the product? – “The voice acting needs improvements as it sounds dull, uncreative and overall boring” – “The picture quality was poor as I couldn’t distinguish the floor from the trees.” – “The trailer was short and overall could be longer, roughly minute long”
  • 11. Feedback 2 • What did you like about the product? – “I thought that it was very well put together, the scenes that where used fit the genre very well and the theme of the trailer very well.” – “the dialogue was very professional and the voice actor deserves an Oscar for that performance.” – “the music also fits in very well with the trailer.” – “I think that the graphics used in the trailer was very good and enjoyed watching them on the logos.” • What improvements could have been made to the product? – “the script needs altering slightly to fit the theme better.” – “maybe could of been a character main or other in the trailer.”
  • 12. Feedback 3 • What did you like about the product? – “I like the dialogue as it gives information about the plot without giving away to much and is spoken in a dramatic voice.” – “like the logo at the opening of the trailer as it makes the film look much more professional.” – “the editing was good because of the filtering.” • What improvements could have been made to the product? – “I think there should be more footage of the story than the scenery although the scenery was good.” – “I think the scenery should of been filmed in a different locations.” – “the trailer should of been longer.”
  • 13. Peer Feedback Summary • What do you agree with from your peer feedback? – I agree that the trailer could have been longer and I would of liked to make it longer but due to me not having that good of time management I was un able to keep u with writing the processes and making the product at the same time and I also had a lack of people showing up ( the characters that I cast in the trailer originally) to appear when I was filming so instead I decided to film scenery and get a voice in the trailer to provide context about the trailer but not to be to revealing and stick to the story more. I think that there could of also been a different filming location set but that was the best that I could find I the area that the people cast in the trailer could get to and when they didn’t show it made it difficult for me to figure out what tot do and when they said that there was not another possible day to film it on I decided to capture the scenery from around the area and I would agree if I wanted to capture just scenery I should of looked around for a better and different area to film in that could of worked better to the standard of the film that I was trying to make. I think that the trailer could have been longer but I do disagree with the idea of making it a minute long because as I did my research all of the big company's that make the first short teaser for a film for example justice league, Spiderman homecoming, pirates of the Caribbean Salazar's revenge and star wars the last Jedi's fits teasers where between 20 – 30 seconds long and after doing this I took inspiration, I know that I want to see more in trailers from films such as these but from another perspective it’s the idea that I went with. I also liked the idea of having a character if any in it but I was unable to get anyone at the time to feature in the film which was the problem. I also like the company logos that I have made and the graphics along side them and I think that they have nice affects on them that I had lots of fun making and putting together. • What do you disagree with from your peer feedback? – I disagree with feedback one that the voice acting wasn’t very good because I believe that it worked as do the other people that was interviewed agreed that the voice acting was good and stood out not revealing to much of the plot that I wanted to keep hidden and mysterious. I disagree with the first interview that the structure of the editing of the scenery filming footage was poor because I intended it to look confusing like that as part of the trailer, I believe that the person who was interviewed for the first miss understood the type of imagery it was conveying and I believe that it was misunderstood but the other two interviewees liked the editing of the scenery and liked the type which the first interviewer did not.
  • 14. Peer Feedback Summary • What changes would you make to your product based upon your peer feedback and why? • I would go back and add a character of some sort into the actual trailer so that I could make sure its known who the people are in it or in the trailer give some character development to the character that I bring into it and get some make up artists to try and help me set it up to look more like a horror. I would also nudge down on the colour corrections that I had made to my product as I made it look to plastic, I know that it was my idea to do this and at the time it seemed like a good one to add my own unique touch and I still would do it except this time I would tone down with it more and make it fit more of a trailer but it was also needed in order to turn down the brightness. I would also add violence to the trailer it was a huge request from people back on research and I was unable to add it in to the trailer but if I could make changes I would gather much more footage and correct the style of how it looked and add in violence and gore for more of a horror effect. I think that it is clearly a horror film trailer and I like that that sticks out but if I could go back and change it I would actually try and film it at night somewhere originally there was complications with this idea but if I had more time to go and change it I think that I would be able to find a new location to use for the filming and I would do it at night and a much more horror like affect to it. I would make a better soundtrack by improving on the one that’s already on it, I like the one that I have currently but I think that making it a bit darker toned and more creepy could make a huge difference in the outcome. I would change the dialogue because I didn't think that it fits after hearing the peer feedback originally I did but things have been pointed out in the dialogue that I would most certainly change if I had the chance. I would change the setting and location based on peer feedback as well as the editing I think that a lot of the footage I filmed could of fit certain parts better but I ended up cutting it out at the time because I didn’t think it fit but looking back on it I can see the difference that it could of made to the outcome. I would focus a lot f the trailer around iconography, mainly looking at scenes that foreshadowed what's to come later in the film because nearly very film trailer does this in someway and we don’t realise till the film comes out and it think that it would have been a really nice touch to get scenes like that on trailer but I didn’t end up being able to do that. Based on the feedback I would alter the scenery to fit the story more and link to the title more like with signs saying the hike and the main character moving up and taking the road would have been a nicer touch and if I could go back I would add this in improving it and making changes to the script as well to fit it more. I would also change the voice of the person in the trailer to be more creepy and dark toned or maybe if the main character more manly and rough telling the story in a different way and tone. I would also make my trailer longer if I could change it like the feedback said but I wouldn’t make it as long as they said I would make it just about 10 seconds longer so that I would be able to fit more story into it but I would do this without giving to much away.

Editor's Notes

  1. What were the strengths of your research? How did your research help your product? What were the weaknesses of your research? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product? lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts, Audience appeal/ studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Qualitative data is typically descriptive data and as such is harder to analyze than quantitative data.
  2. What were the strengths of your planning? How did your planning help your product? What were the weaknesses of your planning? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  3. Did you manage your time well? Did you complete your project on time or would your products have improved with additional time? What would you have done if you had more time to produce your work?
  4. Compare your work to similar existing products and discuss the similarities and differences Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page alongside an existing product Use text boxes and arrows Colour correction, jump cuts, transition slides, what's the sound like compared to existing product edit style and shot types, graphics.
  5. Does your work look good? Was it creative? What aspects of your game’s visuals do you like? What would you improve? How would you improve it? Discuss the strengths and weaknesses Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page and analyse them Use text boxes and arrows
  6. How have you appealed to your target audience? What specific bits of content would appeal to your target audience. Refer to your findings from your questionnaire. Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page and analyse them Use text boxes and arrows
  7. What changes would you make to your product based upon your peer feedback and why?